#Keisuke sanan
memendoemori · 28 days
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Friends you'll never guess what guy I'm doing the route for in Hakuoki
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otobabe · 10 months
What are thoughts on Hakuouki boys and praise? 🤔
(to) heisuke: would *melt* at a well-timed praise, and also probably a poorly timed one. extremely embarrassed about it, but in a safe space and with a safe person (like you and y'all's sex life), would preen and blush at hearing "you feel incredible" and "you're doing so good" while engaging in illicit activities~
(from) heisuke: heisuke is REALLY good at soft and intimate praising in bed. he wants desperately to make you feel good so right up until the moment he's stuck stuttering your name as he cums, he's brushing your hair out of your face describing how beautiful you are to him, how much he loves you, and "you're doing so good love, just like that" and "hold my hand and keep going, you're perfect, everything's perfect", and especially: "we can take all night, i'm all yours, i'll always be yours, i'll give my everything to you"
(from) ryouma: ryouma is a SLEEZE (affectionate). he knows how to slime you up and get you ready for penetration with his praise (i'm sorry lol). even disregarding his one liners though, he's all about a partner who can take charge and rough him up a bit (step on him). his praises are very much along the line of genuinely praising his partner bc he thinks they are his god/goddess. think: "damn the way you do it really gets me going" or "you really know how to tease me" in honest awe.
(from) kondou: gurrrrrllllll (gender neutral) i know we sit on this man bc he's kind of dad and he's maybe got a wife if you don't ignore that part of canon, but i believe he has a Very Experienced Tongue in all manners. In a modern time, he's the kind of guy who's got it (mostly) together and will confidently text you that he's thinking about you and he "can't stop thinking about your ass" and somehow you're into it? around the canon period though, he's very busy with his whole samurai thing, so when he does come home to you he's on his hands and knees ready to make it up to you in the best ways he knows how. He's mature enough to praise "I love the way you taste" and young enough to call him commander and "lord/daimyo" in bed and use his position in your more ~playful~ sessions ("You do so well serving your lord, I should reward you well").
(from) souma: the king of baby to daddy himself! you can't imagine the things he's heard in prison! and after his years of repression, he's ready to take back control of his life and please you the way you need. He's promising "you can take it" while he brings you to your third orgasm of the night, calling you "my perfect little princess/prince/majesty", and encouraging every moan and sigh you let slip.
(to) nomura: he's almost to completion already if he hears the words "my pretty boy" come out of your mouth. he loves to hear you tell him how "sweet it is that he's so desperate for you". number 1 ready-to-please sub in hakuouki, he wants you to tell him what to do and then praise him for it when he does it.
(from) iba: he's a praised and a body worshipper 100%. this man knows All of your moles, curves, expressions, everything, and he loves you for all of it. As soon as he enters/touches you he's all about how "you're so tight/hard". His panting breaths at your ear are the only warning you get before he's biting and licking them, murmuring that "you have no idea what you're doing to me, you're making me feel so good, no one else makes me feel this fucking good". hell, before you even get to the main meal he's asking you to "wait a second, i want to savor this view".
(from) hajime: saito hajime is a man of few words, but when those words come out in bed, they HIT. a soft "come for me, you can do it" here and a sigh of a "you listen so well" there is all he needs to have his partner feeling thoroughly praised.
special mention (from)s souji & sanan: their praises are like sour patch kids. they look delicious, sound a little like you shouldn't be letting them explode in your mouth, but the sweet taste underneath is the real gem and their unique flavor is always intriguing. think praises with a bite; "I know that's not all you've got", "You can do better than that, there it is, good job", "You can handle it", "Your pout is beautiful, but I know your lips would look gorgeous somewhere else", "Show me that you're my good girl/boy/slut", "Keep going, yeah just like that darling, now faster".
there's definitely more i could say here so if there's anyone specific anyone wants to ask abt feel free!! these are just who came to mind off the top of my head, but i'm even still thinking about more from's (harada, amagiri, kimigiku, yamazaki, kosuzu) and more to's (souji in special circumstances, motoyama, yamazaki, miki)
ty for letting my lil hakuouki brain work w this ask!!!!
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yuushiiblog · 11 months
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okay, I really laugh with his phrase
meanwhile Sanan, who looks like this 90% of the plot:
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but I'm also temped by his alluring appearance so I can't judge Chizuru
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pumpkin-patch-cat · 2 years
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neptangel · 1 year
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kurayami-no-ko · 1 year
Bought a ticket for Hakumyu
Unrelated to The Second Reproduction but I just bought a ticket to the new musical for Sannan from the otome game Hakuoki! I am so hyped up for it. Sannan is my favorite character in Hakuoki and one of my favorite otome game husbandos so I would really love to see an actor playing him on the stage. Can’t wait for the day to come!
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 10 months
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Hakuoki Shinkai: Manyou no Shou All Official Other CGs
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hakubunii · 8 months
Can you do hc on the hakuouki boys when you are pregnant with their child and maybe if possible add kazama as well Thank you
Heyyyy! This is fun so I’m happy to do it! These will be taking place after the events of any given Hakuouki route. I ended up making something a bit softer for you Kazama fans.
Hijikata: Oh….well, that was to be expected. The two of you had been married for hire a while now so of course you’d fall pregnant. His first instinct is to worry about the future of said child. However, he’s sure that you would be an excellent parent. You always took care of those around you and cared deeply for he and his men back in the day- that was pretty good experience. While he is nervous, he’d end up a pretty good dad- albeit a little bit of a tough one. If you have a daughter, he’s notably softer with her. However, he’s very protective of any children he has. Sometimes, they get a little loud and it’s a bit too much for him so he retreats for a moment to compose himself. He’s a bit better when he comes back. His kids will race to cuddle with him and effectively butter him up a bit so he really doesn’t mind them in the long run. He’s wrapped around their little fingers.
Okita: Huh? He’s taken by surprise for a moment but, then, a huge smirk spreads across his face. So, you wanted his baby that bad? He’s glad he could finally give it to you. I kind of think you’d have to be a bit patient with Souji haha. He’d really like to have a cute, little daughter at some point. He strikes me as a girl dad. Like, Hijikata, he’s fiercely protective of any kids he has and of his lover, the parent of them. If someone dares to criticize them to any capacity, they better start running because Souji is going to make them regret it. He definitely would name his son after Kondou, the person he admires the most. He’d want to raise his kid to be a lot like Kondou-San, only for them to end up a lot like Souji in temperament and naughtiness- the universe’s way of getting payback for the many times he’s teased or bullied someone.
Saitou: His face grows so so red. He understands how it happened but he was not prepared for this. His heart beats rapidly in his chest at the mere thought of having a child. He doesn’t outwardly say much about it but he’s incredibly worried that he wouldn’t make a good father. You figure this out, and make sure to reassure him that he’s so fine. Admittedly, you might have to show him the ropes when it comes to caring for a baby’s needs, but he gets the hang of it. He likes to spend alone time with his baby, softly talking to it when he thinks you don’t notice.
Heisuke is absolutely flabbergasted. He is taken completely by surprise despite his particularly high libido. You remind him what exactly the two of you do when your alone and how he’s not exactly the best at pacing himself- often resulting in….a mess. He goes to protest but then recalls some particularly intimate moments between you too and starts blushing madly. He sheepishly grins and mutters a “congratulations”. Heisuke would be a super hands on dad! He’d probably end up with a good amount of kids- maybe even twins that he proudly keeps strapped to his chest and back when he’s out and about. He’s totally the type to be like “what’s cuter than one baby?” only to spin around and reveal his second one. “TWO babies!” He says excitedly. The guy has a ton of energy and stamina so he can keep up really well with his brood of children. He loves coming home and playing with them, swinging them around in his arms and tossing them into the air.
Harada: This guy was trying to get you pregnant haha. It was something the two of you agreed on after things settled down for you after the war. He definitely was happy to hear that he’s finally be a father, his wish to marry and start a family finally becoming a reality. Sano is a girl dad for sure. I imagine he has a lot of daughters, all of which he’s spoiled rotten. They’re all just so cute and so is his beautiful spouse! He can’t tell them no- that is unless what they want to do is particularly dangerous or bad. He’s very good at getting them to stop crying when they are sad and is always doting on them when he’s home. This doesn’t mean he up and forgets about you, he still sets aside time for you and makes sure to spend time with you whenever he has a moment, much to his daughters disgust. He doesn’t like when boys take notice in his girls- it pisses him off. He doesn’t go out of his way to be scary, just makes it known that he’s watching and that if anything happened to a hair on their head, he’d lose it. He trusts his girls so he tries to let them handle things but in the same vain, it takes a lot of restraint on his part to remain calm when they’re finally being romantically pursued.
Shinpachi: He’d probably have one. He’s definitely surprised and it takes him a second to put two and two together. I think he’d be calmer than expected about it. If anything, you might be more nervous than him. He’s like a big, giant kid himself. He really loves playing with them and carrying the kid around, showing his glorious physique off to you and his offspring. Dude is a total show off to you and his kid- he does everything he can to make them think he’s cool. His kid DOES think he’s cool. He’s the kind of dad that is called “Papa”. He’s a very proud and affectionate Papa. The guy’s a teddy bear and can NOT handle when his kid cries or is hurt. It breaks Shinpachi’s heart into a million pieces and it takes everything in him to not cry right along with them. You tease him about this, softly kissing his cheek and apologizing when he protests. He’s always down to put the kid to sleep, often napping right along with them. His kids (and maybe you) are the only people he’d ever share food with, making sure that they are fed enough to grow big and strong like him.
Sannan: I kind of don’t think he’d have a kid. He isn’t exactly against them but he’s also not too interested in having one. This doesn’t mean he wouldn’t take responsibility for one and also like the one he has. It’s just that he didn’t plan for one. I think though that he’d be okay with like one kid. His kid would probably be very well behaved actually. He doesn’t spoil them but I think he’s spend quality time with them by teaching them things like swordsmanship, calligraphy, and other scholarly things. His kid would be very smart and he’d be very proud of that. He’s kind of scary when he’s reprimanding his kid- especially if they’re being particularly naughty to you, his spouse. He would want many opportunities for his kid.
Yamazaki: He probably knew you were with child before you did. He’s sit you down and explain his suspicions to you and would arrange for a doctor to have a look at you for a secondary opinion. Although, he is certain that you are going to be having his baby. He’s actually not too worried about it. He doesn’t know much about being a father but he does understand the basics about what a person needs to survive a long and happy life so he applies that knowledge to his kids. I’m bringing back the ninja thing and I think he has this game where he pretends to be a ninja yet again and will pretend to slay his children, encouraging them to be active. It’s really funny to watch him chase them around the house and flip the tatami mats from under their feet. At first, you think they’re hurt when they fall on their behinds but you find that your child/children is/are surprisingly resilient. You suspect that it’s because he makes sure they are in peak health. Yamazaki’s main concern is that you and his child are happy and healthy. Other than that, he doesn’t have a lot of harsh expectations for them. Just that they take care of themselves, are kind, and work hard.
Iba: He’s excited. Very excited! Iba (who’s name keeps autocorrecting as IBS, just so you know) He spoils them rotten, a big fan of dressing them up. He also can’t help but pick up toys for them when he’s in town, much to your dismay because they already have too many. Still, he has a lot of fun watching them play as you sit beside him, running his fingers through your hair. He likes holding them in his lap and they almost always fall fast asleep there. It’s like a magic trick he can do. If you’re having trouble settling them down for the night, he intervened and gets them too sleep with no trouble. His kids can somewhat manipulate him in to doing things or sneaking them extra treats. You have to get on him for spoiling them so much but you can’t help but appreciate how much he adores his kids.
Sakamoto: You probably have like one kid with him….and it’s a rowdy little boy. The kid is super wild and is all over the place. He likes to burn ants with a magnifying glass and Sakamoto is supposed to reprimand him for it but he usually ends up doing it right along with his son, finding the kids maniacal laughter amusing. He likes this spicy side of his kid, thinks it gives him character. That being said, the little guy is exhausting to keep up with. He’s always having to chase him down and grab him up from incoming wheelbarrows being pushed by. If it were modern times, you might wanna invest in a leash. He thinks his kid is really funny and just likes to listen to him babble about whatever nonsense his son is interested in at the time. He also entertains his tall tales. However, he will crack down if the kid has driven you a bit too nuts during a day and will send you off to get some much needed rest. You come back to find him scrubbing your kid down after he had somehow became covered in mud. He doesn’t explain how your son got like that, looking rather disheveled. He definitely had a lot of respect for you for raising him.
Souma: He’s over the moon but also Kazue can’t help but feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. He does his absolute best to follow along with your instructions when it comes to raising them. He messes up a lot at first but eventually gets the hang of it. The entire time, he’s in awe of you and your ability to do the things you do. He tries really hard to provide for your family and will take whatever work he can to bring food to the table. He loves coming home to the both of you and kisses all over your faces. He really enjoys being a dad actually and takes pride in how well his child is growing up. He couldn’t care less about the kids interests or dreams, just happy that they have them. Really supportive of everything his kid does.
Kazama: He’s definitely pleased. He doesn’t always act it, but he admires you greatly- especially after truly getting to know you. He smirks and insists that this is just the first of many children. Any worries you might express about becoming a parent are brushed away as he insists that you would be a perfectly suitable mother to his children. He actually doesn’t know a lot about babies and it is eye opening to say the least about all of the things babies need in order to grow. He’s kind of in awe with your ability to keep up with so many things, your oni and motherly instincts really shining as you always seem to know when something is up with your kids. He’s very proud of his children and shows them off all the time, often insisting that they are better than other people’s kids and saying that their parents haven’t the slightest bit of an understanding on parenting. You kind of do most of the work as he believes it’s your place but he will step in to lay down the law if they are being bad. His voice is surprisingly soothing to his children so he will talk to them until they fall asleep. This also can help calm them when they are crying. In front of others, he isn’t too affectionate to them or you but that is a whole other story when you are alone. He likes for you or his children to nap on his lap as he gazes out the window at night. He likes having you all nearby where he knows that you are safe. If someone even thinks about hurting or badmouthing his precious oni wife and children, they’re as good as dead. He actually talks a lot with his kids, something that surprises you. He checks in with them and bluntly asks about their feelings or plans for the future. He’d ask about whatever game they were playing and how it works and he will also intently listen to whatever story they are coming up with. He thinks that this would help build confidence, something that they’ll need as they grow. When they’re older, he’ll probably teach them about their heritage and how to utilize their abilities as oni.
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asagitori-blog · 10 months
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Introducing my Touken Ranbu OC Sekishin Okimitsu, Sannan/Yamanami Keisuke's Sword 💕
The hair was supposed to be black but a green tint would show when light hits it. I wanted the hair color to complement the color of the clothes. I'm not sure if I should change the green tint since people might think I'm copying Nikkari. (I might change it to a different color later)
I wanted him to have a red, black, white, and silver color palette. (I might change the colors a bit later since I'm not 100% happy with it) Fun Fact, Okimitsu has the kanji for red (赤) and heart (心) in his name. I wanted to incorporate this into his design.
I wanted him to look really pretty but also fragile. Since he's an Osaka sword like Saito's Kijinmaru. Swords made in Osaka were said to have been very beautiful but break very easily. Kondo even wrote in a letter saying that they were no good.
Also, I don't know if you can see it in the images above but I'm really proud of how the subtle coloring in the lips came out 💕
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also, I just realized I forgot the hood on his haori arrgh
I had this idea that Sanan raised Okimitsu as a young sword spirit and thought of him like a son. Then he broke/died and this devastated Sanan 💔
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h20milk · 2 years
why have ONE warrior boyfriend when you can have ELEVEN (+ a demon)
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sannan-apologist · 2 months
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I’m going to Japan again!!!! Since they recast Sannan for Hakumyu Shinkai Hijikata-hen, I had to go see him in person. The official twitter posted the countdown video with him in it and he’s the genkiest Sannan I’ve ever seen haha!! I’m really excited to see how he plays him in the myu~~~
I’m reorganizing my itabags and picking out my outfits right now, and I also did my own Sannan themed nails. Last years from Venus Rico was so nice but I don’t have enough time this trip to get them done again but they turned out pretty well I think.
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barako-and-tea · 11 months
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“It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it.”
- Kreia (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2)
Sannan at the end of Heisuke’s route
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pumpkin-patch-cat · 2 years
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Hakuouki: Stories of the Shinsengumi is now playable through the Playstation+ Premium tier. (subscription necessary)
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neptangel · 2 years
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kurayami-no-ko · 1 year
Translation: Sannan’s food request
I got a set of secondhand Sannan goods on the internet and there are four bromides of Sannan talking about what he likes to eat so I thought I should translate and share it here. I have no idea about where this came from as I got this secondhand. However, it might come from a cafe because most of the things in my secondhand goods set are coasters and the seller might have decided to put all the cafe-related stuffs into a set to sell. But honestly, I am not sure. 
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If you ask him about his food request -In the case of Sannan Keisuke-
You ask about food?
Luckily, my preference or palate from when I was a human did not change so I think I am able to say things that are palatable to a human. Even though some say one soup and three side dishes are good, personally, I prefer one soup and one side dish. In addition, it will be great if there are pickled vegetables. Since we have wages, it seems like everyone has become used to luxurious food but please don’t distribute them to other people.
For food, frugality is the most… no, I think love from the person making the food is the most important flavouring.
By all means, please make me that kind of food.
Notes: I at first did not understand what the term “一汁三菜” so I have to search google for this and read from these two sites:
So basically, the term is read as ichi juu san sai and it refers to a meal with one soup and three side dishes. The three side dishes comprise of one main dish and two vegetable side dishes. So, the meal will have rice, soup, a main dish of either fish or meat and two vegetable side dishes. 
However, as Sannan said he preferred one soup and one side dish and liked to have pickled vegetables in his meals, his favourite meal will probably have rice, soup and one side dish of pickled vegetables. I think I read somewhere that his favourite food is actually umeboshi, which is pickled dried plum. So, Sannan’s favourite meal is cheap, heavily flavoured with salt and preferably with love, too. Culinary wise, he is probably an easy man to please. 
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Sannan-hen cast with character visuals
Character visuals for Sannan-hen have been posted on the official Hakumyu Twitter account!
Keisuke Sannan - Teruma  (輝馬)  
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Chizuru Yukimura - Shion Aoki (青木志穏)
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Toshizo Hijikata  -  Hidetoshi Kubota (久保田秀敏)
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Souji Okita  - Kento Kitamura (北村健人)
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Hajime Saito -  Shoichiro Oomi (大海将一郎)
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Heisuke Todou -  Yuta Higuchi (樋口裕太)
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Shinpachi Nagakura - Ryosuke Koike (小池亮介)
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Sanosuke Harada  -  Shouta Kawakami (川上将大)
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Susumu Yamazaki - Tsukasa Taguchi (田口司)
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Isami Kondou  - Taira Imata (井俣太良)
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Chikage Kazama  - Yoshihide Sasaki   (佐々木喜英) 
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Kyuju Amagiri - Masafumi Yokoyama (横山真史)
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Kyo Shiranui   - Takuma Sueno (末野卓磨)
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Kodo Yukimura -  Hiroyuki Kawamoto  (川本裕之)
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Kaoru Nagumo - Yuzuki Hoshimoto (星元裕月)
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