#it’s not about anything being ‘ooc’ for him all his freak behavior is perfectly in character I just wish it was given it’s due
adanseydivorce · 1 month
me: I’m fine
me, 10 seconds later: the Greywaren mind meld was sooo stupid and the worst part of it is that device Could have been implemented without it feeling like a total cop out if it was say, characters having an actual argument/conflict in some type of dream space, alternate version of reality each others memories etc. if we were actually tracking them through all that and not just “they were wanted…” as the resolution … the actuality of it was just lazy.
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bonyarishitafuan · 3 years
A lot of people probably are gonna hate me for this, and if you disagree with what I’m about to say, please don't bother to respond, just ignore me completely and move on, go make yourself happy.
It’s just that I honestly don't see how this:
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can be the same as this:
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Personally, I don't care for Dick-lite Pre-Crisis Jason at all, because he’s never seemed to me a real character with any real personality of his own, and I just really don’t buy the idea of a teenager, with still very recently murdered parents that might as well be every bit as the same kind of loving parents and positive influences to their kid as the Flying Graysons, getting over the loss of their old parents’ and accepting someone they’ve only just met around the time their parents died as his true new parent in practically no time at all...especially when it’s happened in a world where a preteen could end up spending the rest of his adulthood fighting crimes in a bat suit after witnessing his parents being gunned down by a mugger.
The only thing Pre-Crisis/Earth 1 Jason Robin seemed to have going on was being a son to Batman/Bruce (and a son to Nocturna, because clearly if he could’ve gotten over his real dad so easily, why wouldn’t he have also gotten over his real mom and come to think of this mysterious criminal lady as his true new mom when she had wanted so much for him to be her son and they had lived together for like a week)--and I feel that if the executives at the time had really wanted Bruce to become a dad, they'd probably just let him settle down and give him a biological child as in the Golden Age, but instead they gave him a second Robin; and the way they laid themselves out to make the relationship between him and this second Robin to be exactly father-and-son despite the fact that Bruce would’ve had to be real stupid to actively endangering a young person whom he consider his own little boy by bringing him to fight crimes just never sits right with me.
It always seems to me like they’re just trying to retcon the original Batman and Robin relationship without actually retconning Bruce and Dick, who hadn’t really been Bruce’s adopted kid just then and had often regarded his mentor Bruce as more of his older brother/closest friend rather than just plain old “dad”--It’s like they’re just trying to remove every implication that there's ever anything gay/creepy in the original Batman and Robin dynamic, simply by bringing in another Robin character, one with the exact same backstory as Dick and nothing that could actually differentiate him from Dick (except him being originally blond-haired and himself outright telling people that he’s “not Dick” in one of his few featurings in the New Titans where he’s portrayed as every bit as much as a smart, decent, capable young person equipped to be a successful young hero just as Dick Robin or Tim Robin would’ve easily been portrayed), and making his relationship with Batman to be plainly, unequivocally father-and-son, then with there being no actual difference between Robin II and Robin I and the two Robins being virtually the same, sure the viewers would see that the relationship between Batman and Robin II and the relationship between Batman and Robin I are very much the same too, and no one could say if there’s any resemblance of a gay couple with a creepy age difference in the original Batman and Robin’s dynamic ever again since they’ve always been father and son.
It just feels so manipulative to me and I hate it, but that’s just how I feel and I’m not saying that it’s truly the case. I’m sorry if this offends anyone who loves Earth 1 Jason. If you love him, that’s great. There’s nothing wrong to love a wholesome Robin and his altogether wholesome relationship with Batman, nor there’s anything wrong to love Red Hood Jason but prefer his softer New52 version which would’ve certainly seemed to be a less drastic change from his Pre52 version if he’s more like his Earth 1 counterpart to begin with.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong to prefer one version of a character to another, to just say fuck canon and recreate a character you love into the way you could enjoy them most and have all the fun you want with them.
What gets to me and drives me bonkers, is when people couldn’t just be happy with their headcanon, but have to go out of their way to tell other people that it’s fact that Pre-Crsis/Earth 1 Jason and Post-Crisis/New Earth Jason are the same character, while in actuality, they weren’t even meant to be the same in the first place.
If DC had ever wanted to just keep using Pre-Crisis Jason but give him a new backstory, they would just follow up on whatever he had been doing with Bruce as his pre-crisis self while casually throwing in his new backstory at some point, just as they did with a lot of other characters such as Donna post-crisis, not give him a full reintroduction in Batman #408 and rewrite his relationship with Bruce from the ground up.
It just makes me want to scream, when people, who never seems to have a lot of problems with Under the Hood and maybe also Lost Days, have to go out and call every portrayal of Pre-52 Jason and some of the more recent Red Hood Jason that shares a resemblance to him wrong for not portraying Jason as that sweet little bookworm he really truly was, and that an entire different life experience just cannot change a character in any substantial way, and Jason being an angry kid with aggressive and violent tendencies is just something that had never been established until the more recent retcon/the OOC work of Jim Starlin, while in truth Pre-Crisis Jason with the exact same backstory as Dick just simply cannot be the same as Crime Alley Kid Jason, who doesn’t even have the same biological parents as Pre-Crisis Jason to provide him with the same gene that the Flying Todds, which were Joe and Trina Todd, had created their son with. 
If Pre-Crisis Jason and Post-Crisis Jason are one and the same, then it’d mean Dick is also very much the same as Jason is the same as Tim is the same as Damian is the same as Bruce and no one character is truly unique and special because every character ever made is just an alternate version of another character.
It had been shown most clearly since his first appearance that Post-Crisis/New Earth Jason, other than literally being a different kid with the same name, was nothing like his pre-crisis counterpart, but rather a bold, outspoken, confrontational, fully independent and proactive ghetto kid, who had got some serious stones to rob Batman’s gear, actually succeed in taking the tire off the freaking Batmobile and getting away originally, and had only run into Batman when he had come back to steal more, and called Batman a “big boob” after he had given him a good hit right in his Bat stomach.
This precious cupcake here↓
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↑...that was often used as a proof that the NE Angry Robin Jason is a later retcon/ mere misconception had actually only ever existed in Detective Comics #569-573 during the earlier part of the writer Mike Barr’s run. These 5 issues from Barr are all notably 60s-ish, and while they’re published after CoIE and Batman Year one, it’s clear that they’re Earth 1 stories, seeing that they’re written with characters such as Earth 1 Catwoman. It was only in #574 that Jason’s New Earth origin was first introduced in Detective Comics, right before Batman Year Two; and although the issue was still written by Mike Barr and it did seem to have followed directly after #573, the previous issue was ended with the caption of “The New Origin of Batman”, and the tone of #574 as well as the writer’s latter issues and his portrayal of Jason Robin were no longer the same.
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↑Detective Comics #574↑
It was stated by Bruce repeatedly, in both his own title and Detective Comics, that the reason he had taken in NE Jason as his new Robin was to save him from walking down the wrong path and to provide an outlet for his rage.
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While no doubt Jim Starlin’s NE Jason Robin (that everyone hates) was the most aggressive and violent, it had never contradicted how the character was initially written by Max Allen Collins, the writer of Batman #408.
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↑Batman #410 by Collins↑
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↑ Batman #411 by Collins, after Jason had found out that Willis was murdered by Two-Face and Bruce had been hiding the information from him ↑
Although in the end of Batman #411, Jason did seem to have gotten over his anger and saved Two-Face’s life, judging by the way he’d talked about his dad Willis in his first introduction and the fact that he’d never before bothered to find out what had happened to the man the whole time while he’s in the manor where he had all the resources to acquire the information, it was doubtful that he and Willis had had a good relationship, and what he’d felt for his crook dad then could hardly be the same as what he felt later in “The Diplomat’s Son” story.
NE Jason had always been consistent in being a fearless, proactive, feisty individual with a hot temper, even in the hand of a writer with a much mellower sense of writing like Mike Barr.
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↑ Jason and Bruce encountered Two-Face again in Detective Comics #580-581 by Barrs ↑
It had been established from the get-go that NE Jason Robin was the type of kid who would challenge Batman and go out handling a criminal on his own without consulting him or anyone else first, and was morally questionable with tendencies to aggression and violence, which was perfectly understandable for someone with his background--Only at the beginning it’s easy to brush these things off, because there's never any real consequence to his behavior and so Bruce was okay when he’d behaved this way at the beginning, and since Jason’d still got a lot to learn and was eager to learn from Bruce at the beginning, it would only be right that he’s more agreeable and willing to obey Bruce, but once he had completed his training and been allowed on the field, it would also only be right for him to feel like he had learnt enough and gotten the hang of the business already, and so just easily slipped into his old habit of handling things on his own, just as he had always been while he had been surviving in the Crime Alley on his own before Bruce came along.
NE Jason Robin wasn’t suddenly turned from 0-100 in The Diplomat’s Son story (though I really doubt that it’d be impossible for someone, especially someone around Jason’s age, to go from 0-100 if they have to deal with what Jason had dealt with in the story)--
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↓ This didn’t happen until after the diplomat’s son was let go by the police due to his status, and on his way out of the police station where he’d been initially brought in by Jason and Bruce for raping and kidnapping an innocent woman, the mofo called his victim right in front of Jason and Bruce and threatened her on the phone, which led the woman to immediately commit suicide. 
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I’ve always thought it’s a good story and a lot more tasteful than it’s usually given credit for. It wouldn’t even have been the first time a “teenage superhero” has killed in the DCU (whether it was accidental or intentional); it’s certainly not something so dark and controversial that DC wouldn’t go for it, they could’ve easily just gone for it and had Jason Robin murder a criminal then, except they never really showed that he did. The audience just naturally assumed that he did because the whole scene was shown through Bruce’s view, and Bruce could see that even if Jason didn’t really kill the rapist then, he might very well be capable of it, and it makes the whole Under the Hood storyline as well as the continuation of Red Hood Jason possible.
The concept of Under the Hood and the continuing existence of Red Hood Jason works, instead of just being a complete character assassination like One-Year-Later Cass, only with Jason being his post-crisis version with all of his very established traits and his very established problems with Bruce.
If Under the Hood Jason is indeed Earth 1 Jason or similar to him, he would really need to be under some outside influence for him to do the things he had done, for there’s just no other justification for his action.
He would really have to be driven mad by the effect of the Lazarus Pit (which has only ever been showed to exist momentarily on other characters), he would have to be incapacitated the whole time, unable to control his own action or even form any conscious decision--and it would only make it extremely possible for him to do something truly awful such as killing some innocent or other heroes or even someone in the Batfam, since he wouldn’t be able to stop himself even if he wanted to, or be able to tell if that’s wrong; that’s what being incapacitated means, that’s why people who’s committed crimes, even as bad as murders, cannot be held legally accountable when they’re proven to be mentally ill--and if that’s truly the case, then Bruce as well as Dick (who had a pretty amicable relationship with Earth 1 Jason) and everybody else who has any knowledge about the matter would all have to be some real awful persons to not lift a finger to help him, by making it a point to stop him from committing any more murder that he wouldn’t have committed if he could help it, and figuring out a way to relieve him from the influence by means of the various science and magic overflowing in their world, like they’ve repeatedly done for many others who’ve been in the similar position, and eventually getting him the hell out of this altogether traumatic crime-fighting life, so he could finally begin to heal from his extensive traumas, including being forced to kill which has always been a very common cause of PTSD for soldiers at war; and even if Jason doesn’t leave the crime-fighting life forever, he could no longer continue operating as the Red Hood; it’d just make no sense for him to keep up the identity previously belonged to his murderer, and have it constantly remind him of how he didn’t just get brutally murdered, he was also forced into becoming a murderer himself, which.he never would’ve become if he wasn’t literally out of his mind.
Moreover, there could never have been a Tim Robin (even if Tim didn’t go by Robin but something else), if the Jason who died in A Death in the Family had the same disposition as Earth 1 Jason and none of his NE traits which was the one and only justification Bruce had for taking in Tim as his third teenage partner, seeing that Tim is patient and careful and cooperative with all the qualities to become the same kind of hero like Dick, and not at all “reckless” and “rebellious” like NE Jason, and so he’s likely to turn out like Dick and not get himself killed like Jason (that’s the only true significant retcon Pre52 Jason had. Although NE Jason Robin could be rather reckless and rebellious, that’s certainly not why he had gotten killed. They just made Bruce and everyone pretend that that’s what killed him, so it wouldn’t seem so utterly horrible for Bruce to endanger another teenage kid with no superpower or any previous fighting training by bringing them in the business that had already gotten one kid killed, and also for Dick and everyone else to just let him).
It’s a complete disregard of facts and logic to call Earth 1 Jason and Red Hood Jason the same character, which doesn’t really matter as long as it’s only headcanon; but when people push it as a fact, it really just sound to me like they’re saying that it’s wrong to like Pre 52 Jason/Post-Crisis Jason Robin, which I very much do because I actually think he’s an interesting character with an interesting and more coherent story than a lot of other DC characters.
It’s like they’re saying that it’s just plain wrong and unnatural for a person to have aggressive and violent tendencies and be inclined to criminal behavior simply because they had grown up in a most crime-infested place and had to rely on themselves and learned to do what it takes to survive since before twelve, or become more and more violent simply because they’ve been made to work in an extremely violent environment and have never been provided with any kind of actual aid for their mental health the entire time.
It’s like that if a person, after being brutally murdered and then coming back to find that their mentor/guardian who was the closest thing they had to a family and was also responsible for their death in a major way just didn’t seem to be giving any shit about that at all, is filled with such murderous rage that they could very well just go out and kill a bunch of criminals, but they aren’t actually a smol whump baby with no absolutely agency of their own that must be protected at all times all along, then they’re just no good at all and don’t deserve any love or respect or understanding.
...I don’t like myself for ranting about this. I hope I could just not give any shit about this dumb thing, but it’d been driving me crazy and I’d just got to let it out.
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lycanomancy · 4 years
Mama Amara hcs
check out this ask for context/background
Because I’m obsessed with Amara being a typical stern, tough-love, but supportive mom-figure to the garbage boy Troy.
Warning: This is purely indulgent and will probably be OOC to some/most people. 
When Troy first comes under her wing (unbeknownst to him), it’s more ‘drill sergeant’ than anything outright friendly or parental. There is no coddling or slack, Amara’s on a mission to take this rude, greasy, moody E-boy and civilize him. She will domesticate and tame this oversized rat if it’s the last thing she does. 
First order of business: if the ship jerks or a vent blows on him, he’s gone. The skin will wilt off his bones, he will melt into a puddle. How is he even walking? Where is his flesh? Does he have organs? She asks around to see what his diet is, what kind of junk/poison he’s putting in his body. 
He’s been living off of ramen since he got there. Amara kicks in his door at 6 in the morning with a plate piled with protein breakfast burritos. 
“Eat some actual food, before you slip down a godd*mned grate!”
Troy is convinced it’s poisoned. Amara flashs her many arms, perfectly able of force-feeding a string bean. He, smartly, takes the hint.
This becomes the normal. He takes it as an insult and really doesn’t want it, but Amara knows every single one of his hiding places, and it’s eat or get beat. She makes a lot of Partali cuisine, which he hasn’t had since Mom, so that’s another reason for him to get his hackles up
Amara could not care less about his hackles; she’s Buff Personified, this child looks like a straw. It’s the first time in years that someone wasn’t threatened, intimidated, and more importantly, afraid with his displays of “I’m a God, and you’re about to be sacrificed.”
It’s kind of refreshing.
After she ensures he’s actually getting nutrients and calories, Amara moves on to Phase 2: Domestication. 
Troy has more complexs than a neighborhood on Promethea. He’s rude, he’s callous and defensive, he’s cruel and selfish and egoistical. He’s also shy. He stutters, and hides in dark corners with mechanical projects while humming to the music in his headphones. Amara starts noticing the split between Troy, a young man with issues, and the issues taking shape in the God-King. 
She knows she can’t just yank him around and make him socialize with everyone - baby steps, little by little, start small. Just like a workout. 
Troy’s first real social interaction with another person is Amara dragging him to her room for training.
She starts him out with some basic yoga to get a feel for just how unhealthy he is. He complains the entire time, and gets even more annoyed when Amara doesn’t care. 
Troy thinks it’s punishment, or she’s supposed to watch him like a parole officer. Amara’s just trying to A: get him in better shape, and B: socialize him, like a feral dog that’s been kicked too many times. It takes a month of daily workouts, slowly getting more challenging then the last, and Troy complaining more and more each day, before he starts getting used to it. Hackles come down, shell opens a bit. Amara takes the opportunity to ask him about how he got so good with engineering, and the shell opens a little more. 
She’s the only one who talks to him without a glare or sneer, so she’s the only who he’ll talk to. Troy asks her about what Partali was like, she tells him stories about stopping crime lords and saving villages. Amara inquires as to how he managed to keep the CoV functional and not a total dumpster fire and he regales to her horrors of working with bandit warlords and corporate trust-fund children like Katagawa. 
Amara now has proof that there’s a regular human being in there, albiet a damaged one. But, Amara is the queen of working with what’s she’s got and coming out on top - damaged or not, she can work with him if there’s some mortality in there. 
Once he’s comfortable enough around her, it’s like Troy Calypso and the kid she’s taken under her wing were never the same people. Amara learns that his stuttering is an indicator of him being relaxed, and him speaking neatly and even is the opposite. She can see a human under there, but the God-King, as much of a defensive shell as it may be, is still part of that human, and the blood still stains that human’s hands. 
When she starts trying to make Troy socialize with the others, she gets a good look at just how bad his “Me vs Them” mindset is. Everything that comes out his mouth is dismissive, rude, callous, condescending, overly-defensive, or a combination of the five. That human she got a glimpse off hides away, behind the skin of the bloodthirsty psychopath that she, that they all, tried to take down. 
He snaps at Zane’s attempts of conversation, Tannis’ inquiries about his tattoos. Ellie gets off a little easier, but that’s because Troy mostly ignores her. And good god, Lilith and Ava don’t make it easy. One of them will bring up his time in the CoV, his relationship with Tyreen or Typhon, or imply him a fake siren, a freak, and hell decides to blow over the Sanctuary. 
How Troy knew about Roland, Amara doesn’t know. She does know that he barely escaped with his life, and that blaming the Crimson Raider’s death on Lilith was not a smart thing to do.
Amara talks to anyone who has the capacity to be civil, tells them her goal, and politely asks that they not try to make it nigh impossible with snide remarks about every sore spot Troy has, Ava. 
Only Zane and Ellie really support her, but once she gets the crew on-board with Operation: Make This Man Tolerable, things start going smoother. 
When Troy doesn’t use basic manners like please, thank you, or doesn’t hold the door open for someone, the air gets static-y while Amara counts down to 1 in her head. She doesn’t need to out-loud, Troy knows his timer to rectify his behavior by her stern gaze and the flashing of her tattoos. After a while, manners become normal habit - for a select few. Ellie stops being ‘Car Chick’ and has her name following a ‘Ms’. Moze gets an enthusiastic ‘Thanks!’ when she lets him poke around Iron Bear. Tannis is thrilled by his use of ‘Dr.’ and that he’s no longer threatening to kill her every time she sneaks up on him to look at his tattoos. 
Amara notices that he’s much worse with men, and it takes him twice as long to be...well, not friendly, but to stop being aggressive to the same gender. He met Brick and it was like a chihuahua snarling at a mastiff, shaking in every limb. Luckily, Brick about as friendly as someone can get and doesn’t have anything out for Troy, so that one-sided rivalry eases off once Troy stops seeing the berserker as threat. 
She’s honestly kind of proud of him. A few months ago, he was hiding in corners and his room, starving and isolated. Troy’s actually managed to get on Ellie’s good side. Fl4k’s pets like him now. He’s eating properly now, his skin doesn’t look so grey and thin. He looks healthy.
Until he doesn’t.
She goes around the ship trying to find him for more training, but no one has seen him. The ship goes on lockdown. Progress or not, he’s still Troy Calypso, and they still can’t trust him.
Mr. Chew finds him behind some machinery in the back, unconscious with his tattoos flickering. Tannis is checking him over, but she doesn’t find any source. His heartbeat is irregular, his blood circulation is all wrong, he stops breathing for far too many seconds at a time. He looks pale and he’s cold to the touch. Lilith thinks he might have taken a bad hit of narcotics when Amara figures it out.
No one has been giving Troy energy. 
He’s been away from Tyreen for the better part of a year, and he hasn’t gotten a boost since he was in the CoV. One of the sirens needs to give him some energy, but they can’t - he has to take it, and after Maya, no one feels inclined to. 
Amara volunteers when he wakes up, but he refuses. Says he’s ‘done being a parasite’. 
Amara flips her lid. 
Everyone is shoved out of the clinic, and for a solid 47 minutes and 31 seconds, Amara goes over every single insecurity Troy has about his body, powers, and relationship with his sister, and tears them down one by one like they were bandits. 
Troy’s still emotionally constipated, so he agrees to take some energy just so Amara stops talking about his issues. 
When she lets him take her arm and sap power from her, she makes him take more than the bare minimum he needs. The entire time, she berates him for not saying anything, and tells him to come to her before he’s suffering. 
Judging from his reaction, Tyreen had different feelings. 
Amara drags him to her room for training and an entire blender of a protein shake once he can stand again. 
She makes a joke about Maliwan brand kitchenware, and it’s the first time she hears him genuinely laugh.
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lilxmcrtes · 4 years
My URL, The URL Meme
Send Me A URL and I’ll Respond With My Opinions... | @thornstocutyouwith | Mun
My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why
Gosh dang it. You’re really gonna make me pick? Alright... for now I’m gonna go with Lief because he’s a Good Boy (tm). So sweet and caring to Oliver. Their relationship is so nice when Lief isn’t bringing / cooking wild animals in his home x’D Also I just enjoy his view on things. So simple, and amusing at times
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs
Again. Pick?! Hm... That food fight in the IMs was pretty funny x3 Aeron and Jace making play bites their Thing (tm) was also good. Or that thing with them as kids playing with dino toys together. It wasn’t a thread but it was so freaking cute
My thoughts on their unique characterization/interpretation of their muse(s)
Anyone that gets to see such content should feel blessed. You have SO MANY muses and they’re all so unique and real. Also seriously love how they connect in this relationship web that I’ve only seen part of
My thoughts on their writing style as a whole
Good shit bro. Sometimes a little overwhelming but good
Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in
ALL OF THEM??!?! But to be more specific, H.unger G.ames or T.he G.ood P.lace plot would be cool. Ooo A.merican H.orror S.tory? C.oven or A.pocolypse? Omg humor me with a C.ells At W.ork AU. ( Eira and Tancred can be the white and red blood cell!!! ) Or another anime, P.arasyte? U.mbrella A.cademy?! D.etective P.ikachu / P.okemon?!?! All the plots Thorn.
Someone else I love seeing them interact with
I honestly don’t read a lot of threads n stuff outside of what I’m doing. Sometimes things will catch my eye but otherwise... heh... I do be seein u with ofwondersandhares a lot tho. So there’s that?
Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying
I really don’t get why people don’t write with you more. There’s a lot of opportunity right there for people. :/
And did I mention content?! You know so much about your muses. I aspire to be that in tune with these guys one day
If We Know Each Other
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities
Honesty. I mean sometimes it can be pretty blunt but I don’t really have to be guessing what you might not be saying. I figure if you have a problem with me you’ll tell me. Which is kinda relieving to me. Helps when I overthink.
Also ridiculously imaginative. I mean do I really need to elaborate on this one?
What I Think Are Their Strengths
Besides the answer to the above question, you don’t take things to heart too much, which I admire since I do that all the time. It’s great you can brush things off and move on to other good things without getting too caught up in being upset
A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours
First game night. Absolutely one of the best nights I’ve ever had. Hilarious. Can’t wait to do it again. The fact that we named the killer Asher was AMAZING
Why Others Should RP With Them
Hello if it’s not clear from what I’ve been saying then idk how to help you. The sheer vastness of content for all the rp you could ever want is right there man. So much opportunity! All the little details and plots too!! Bonus, you get a friend that will give you head pats- no, wait. those are mine. But still, good fren! *pats their head* A lot of friENDSHIP can fit in here
How Others Should Approach Them
You could toss them some memes. Pretty sure they crave them lol ( Not like they don’t post about it ). And as a multi I am well aware of the specifying muse deal but I don’t think they mind so much that they won’t answer. You’ll just get whatever they roll lol BUT definitely specify muse if you can bc like I said, as a multi, it’s just better that way especially with the number of muses they have. OR you could do the big brain move and IM them “Hey I wanna write with you but I have no idea where to start with your muses. Do you have a preference?” and you guys can talk about who would mesh well together and then you can send memes or write a starter or even get a starter! Pretty sure it’s the same for anyone.
Funny note on that one tho. I think they approached me ooc by just sending my a post in IMs. I don’t even remember what it was or why they sent it. I was wildly confused but ya know. Gotta start somewhere lol Point is, you’ll be fine approaching them however you do. Just don’t ghost.
Other Roleplayers I’d Recommend To Them
You could write with the Teares’ siblings ( in the verse where they are related at least. Haven’t talked about if that’ll be a main thing or not ), baby sis @the-wonderland-jinx and Aeron’s twin @faultycode. The other muses on there are also great.
@klavz​ is a great Klaus imo. The dialogue is so on point. Like I could actually hear Klaus saying those things. Whether you feel the same is up to you but... definitely give ‘em a chance.
There are others but it’s more of a general ‘I like them’ rather than having specific reasons you’d mesh well with / be interested in them.
Anything else I want to say about them
I think I’ve said quite a lot already lol Anything more is pretty much a repeat
I like writing with them. I like talking to them. I think they’re pretty cool and I think other people ought to check them out. A summary by me
If We Have/Plan To Interact Together
A plot I’d like to write with them
Ooo. Um. I know a lot of plots probably got lost bc I’ll come up with an idea and then get distracted with something else. But if I remember any of those definitely lol Also now that I’m on a fresh new blog I will heckin put that shit in a post so I don’t lose it.
That thing where Aeron drops into Wonderland and runs into Soulless!Asher is still in my drafts if you still want that to be a thing. So not all things were lost! lol
But getting back to the question, outside of those sort of things, and being more specific than just everything... T.he G.ood P.lace plot seems good. Pretending these people got into ‘heaven’ when they’re actually in a special hell that tortures them psychologically by picking a set of people that would eternally torture each other bc their personalities and behaviors clash perfectly. Asher ( or all your deadly sin demons really ) would definitely get a kick out of that I bet. Especially on Aeron. Ooo and Oliver.
A muse I want to introduce to them
Max. He’s a muse that’s gonna be on my other multi. He’s a soft boi like Oliver but not as fragile. Very friendly, and actually not human! He’s a changeling that ended up being raised human. Still working on him but I feel like he is basically the peak of my creativity lmao
A ship/broship I’d like to propose to them
I mean I know we mentioned it but Post!Oliver and Tancred would be cool. And I say Post! bc I’m pretty sure Tancred would stay the heck away from him otherwise lol
Also! Lorelei should meet Killian sometime. I’ve never really figured out her and Oliver’s relationship soo... It’s bound to be interesting whatever I do on the fly lol
A thread with them I’m excited about
Every time I see you in my notifications I get excited. But I suppose I am pretty excited for that band ask to turn into a thread 👀
Anything else I want to say
At this point, you might as well follow them if you follow me. Spice up your dash with whatever they’re into for the moment. Find new interests. Learn how to develop your muse
Please read that with the same energy as ‘fuck around and find out’
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dragon-ball-meta · 6 years
Okay, my Chichi ask is about the post-Saiyan arc stuff. She doesn't even notice Goku when she arrives at the fighting ground - it's all Gohan. It felt ooc to me that she didn't even show any worry. She nags Goku, but never actively neglects him. Not before or after this scene. She nags him, but ultimately always cares and it was never addressed or anything. I feel like that was too much on Toriyama's part - I know he doesn't really like her character, but really felt too much.
Goku’s been dead for a year, she’s rather come to terms with that. He’s also gotten banged up before. Hell, the day they married he almost died fighting Piccolo. She’s adjusted to that life for the most part.Gohan, however, her baby, her little boy, was kidnapped and missing for a year. He was in the company of the same monster that almost killed her husband before (and technically succeeded this time) and when she FINALLY gets to see him again, he’s smashed up, naked in the middle of nowhere, with several serious injuries, and she’s also quite under the impression that Goku pulled him into and encouraged him in this fight. Her behavior there is, frankly, perfectly normal and in-line for a mother, and for her. After she’s calmed down, however, she’s still by his side in the hospital and has been for the entire 30 days that passed for the others to get to Namek. It’s not that she doesn’t care, quite the opposite. She’s just a young mother reacting to her baby boy being hurt, no different than when she freaked out at the idea of Goten being killed by Black.Wouldn’t say Toriyama necessarily “dislikes” her character either.
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