#it’s only 300 files that’s less than a week of paperwork
itstimeforstarwars · 10 months
I’ve spent too much time as an office clerk I think because I see Qui-Gon’s “there’s 300 files here it will take forever to find what we’re looking for!” and i am like. Im pretty sure I could do that in half an hour at most.
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prorevenge · 4 years
My boss was abusive and didn't care about staff so I cost him his store and his contracts
This story will include no real names and a location will not be given. I am obligated to inform you I wrote this on mobile and have no idea how long this will be.
Backstory: I was an idiot growing up and ended up in a rehabilitation program for people under 18 to avoid jail time and eventually got given a place at a large charity agency that sources workers for anything from retail to gardening. The person directly in control of my position at said charity was one of those "I'm too nice for anyone to notice me doing wrong" people and he put me, someone who literally couldn't (and still can't years later) talk to a stranger without panicking, into a job in retail speaking to upwards of 35+ customers a day. May not sound like a lot but I struggled to make it through a day without going into the back room and crying.
Story: So, I get assigned to work in a (unsure of the right word here but, privately owned?) retail place that sells "upcycled" furniture. I had previously worked at the site actually doing the upcycling and knew this stuff was a scam, barely had a thing changed and the people doing the work spent most of the day drinking coffee and smoking while playing games on their phone.
The boss of this site (Kevin) showed just what kind of person he was from day 1 by threatening to fire me for telling him I can't handle strangers and shouting in my face. God I wish he had fired me. This never got better and over the months of working there and I eventually started started recording it all without his knowledge. Among the things he did is this list:
Shouting at staff for not putting toilet paper on the holder (there was a pile of it on the back of the toilet)
Calling the person in charge of my placement and reporting me for "lack of workplace enthusiasm" in front of me while I was having a panic attack
Telling a 70+ year old woman who I worked with that she needs to "grow up and handle confrontation like a man" after having 2 large men shout and swear at her for refusing to sell an already sold item to them
Throwing his phone (told by another employee) after I called in sick for a day due to crippling stomach pains brought on by Crohns
After being told at 11am that I won't make it to my shift (due to being in hospital), proceeded to call me at 3am the next morning and yell at me (he seemed VERY drunk) demanding I have a doctor prove I was in the hospital because I didnt give 2 weeks notice
And back to the story. All of this was recorded in the space of only 3 weeks and I gave it all to my placement manager who proceeded to organise a meeting between himself, Kevin and me to try and put things right. During this meeting however, instead of calmly talking about the issue and what can be done to solve it, all the evidence was shown to Kevin who then yelled at me for recording him then throwing a full on tantrum that I would dare question his style of management while I sat there scared as hell and my placement manager just did nothing.
Back we go to work with a final warning strike issued to me for gross misconduct and told that I should do as stated in my contract and anything else that is asked of me or I would be fired. I do everything I can to follow my contract and anything else asked of me including cleaning a f**king toilet and see a broken window above it. Thats when I finally get a plan together.
The revenge: The plan I came up with meant I had to stay in everyones good books, deal with a-hole customers, go to work even in crippling pain and dose up on meds to control my panicking but in exchange my belief was I could get Kevin replaced or atleast get myself removed from the situation.
I should have clarified earlier, being fired from any site ALSO gets you taken off the charities payroll.
I started informing Kevin of every little safety violation the site managed to break from broken windows in the female toilets, loose light fixtures and broken locks on doors all the way up to a giant glass panel going across the front of the shop that was barely hanging in by a few bits of rubber and could easily kill a small child or less than strong adult if it were to fall out. I emailed him and texted him about each one individually and brought it up to other staff in hopes they would do the same, while also making sure to take photos of each of these issues so I could use them again later.
Another month and a half of working there and at this point I felt I may have a little too many minor details saved up but decided its best to go overkill than underkill and sent a huge email to the UK HSE (health and safety executive) detailing every risk and danger with photos attached to show what the place was doing wrong and requesting an inspection. Of course they obligued.
1 week later I get a phone call from Kevin. He tells me how the shop is closing down, how a safety inspection was carried out and how it had been failed so badly that he lost his contract with the charity and that nobody would be able to use the building for weeks while everything gets brought back up to code, but he couldn't run the place anymore due to money issues while it was closed because he had no savings for this. I never heard from him again.
A year later: After this happened I moved on and began working from home doing image editing for quick cash and around a year later I get a call from the placement manager who hadnt heard from me the whole time and I got asked in the coldest, most passive aggressive tone "why didnt you tell me the store closed?" turns out they had been apparently paying me £300 a DAY for a job I didnt have, hours I didnt work and this was all apparently being reported on the charities income as someone elses account. They got me confused with another person and reporting their hard work on my files and it took them a year to notice because of how badly they handled everything.
Another obligatory note: Rslash, if you are reading this; On behalf of every single subscriber, MORE PUPPY BLOOPERS PLEASE!
*: clearing the confusion- they had my name on another persons paperwork and though they paid the right person, they were using my name
(source) story by (/u/The-UK-Is-Mine)
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thatfanficstuff · 5 years
Wait. What? - NCIS
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Pairing: Just read it.
Warning/Note: I don’t know what this is. This is Chaos in written form.
Tony kept glancing up from his work to watch you digging through paperwork. You were new to the team and this was your first case with them but you were no stranger to field work. Gibbs himself had recruited you from the FBI convinced you would be a better fit at NCIS. So far you seemed competent though you were a little quiet for Tony’s liking. There was also a weird dynamic between you and Gibbs he hadn’t figured out yet.
Gibbs was in MTAC while the rest of the team dug through evidence that had already been gone over twice trying to find what they needed to arrest the man they were all sure was guilty of the crime. You hopped to your feet grabbing Tony’s attention once more. You snatched a file off your desk and hurried over to sit in Gibbs chair while you sorted through the paperwork on the boss’s desk.
Oh God. Tony kind of liked you. He didn’t want you getting killed on your first case. “Probie, what are you doing?”
You ignored him as you continued to dig through files.
“Y/N,” he hissed again.
You marked your place with your finger and glanced up at him clearly annoyed at the interruption.
Were you nuts? “What the hell are you doing? Get out of Gibbs’ chair.”
You rolled your eyes. “It’s fine, Tony.”
No. No, it wasn’t.
“Um…you know how much I hate to agree with Tony, Y/N, but I really wouldn’t sit there if I were you,” McGee added.
“They speak the truth. Gibbs is very protective of his chair. And his desk,” Ziva whispered from beside you. “It would perhaps be in your best interest to return to your desk with the papers you need.”
“Noted.” Your voice was little more than a mumble as you yanked a stack of papers out of the middle of the pile and scanned through them before grabbing the sheets you’d carried over with you. It appeared you were comparing the two documents. And you’d found something if the expression on your face was any indication. Tony winced as Gibbs stepped into the bullpen. Your grin wasn’t going to last long.
“Hey, boss. We tried to tell her, but she’s new, you know? Take it easy on her would you?” Tony stammered out.
“It’s fine, DiNozzo,” Gibbs answered and you glanced up.
Tony’s gaze narrowed as Gibbs handed you a cup of coffee before grabbing you chair and wheeling it over to sit beside you. “What’ve you got?”
You slid the papers toward him. “His financials. Two accounts. Business and Personal.”
“We already went over his financials. It was a dead end,” Tim argued. “It only backed up his story.”
You shrugged. “You didn’t look back far enough.”
“Lay it out for me, Y/N. What am I looking at here?” Gibbs instructed.
“Two weeks before the murder both cards were used within an hour of each other. 300 miles apart. One at a gas station, one at a restaurant.”
“Lincoln said he was the only one with access to the accounts,” Tony added.
“Are you implying the suspect lied to us, Tony? I’m appalled.” You placed your hand to your chest in faux surprise.
He glared at you. This is what you did. You were always so damned quiet but when you talked, it always seemed to be a smart remark directed at him. “Ha, ha, Y/L/N. You’re a riot.”
“Y/L/N, McGee, go pick him up.”
You hopped to your feet and went over to grab your gear.
“Nice work, Y/L/N,” Gibbs said as he pushed your chair back to you.
You grinned as you snagged it and shoved it under your desk. “See you when we get back, boss.”
Tony waited until they were out of sight before looking at Gibbs. “Does this mean we can all sit in your chair now, boss?” The look the other man gave him had Tony wishing he could disappear. “I’ll take that as a no.”
“Get back to work, DiNozzo.”
You and McGee managed to bring the suspect Jonathan Morgan in with no hassle. He still seemed to think he could talk his way out of trouble. The team stood in the observations room watching Gibbs getting nowhere with Morgan. Tony had seen Gibbs pull some incredible tricks in his interrogations, but he didn’t think any of them were going to work this time.
Tony noticed you pull out your phone and type quickly. Almost immediately Gibbs’ shoulders went tight in irritation as he glanced at his phone. Surely you weren’t that stupid, but he was at the wrong angle to see the screen of your phone.  
“Did you just text Gibbs during an interrogation?” Ziva, who was in a much better position, asked looking between you and the boss.
“Yeah. What of it?” you shrugged and stepped out of the room.
Tony’s chest actually went tight at that. He wondered if there were any spare boxes in the copy room for you to pack your stuff in. There was no way Gibbs wasn’t firing you now. “Rule 22. Never bother Gibbs during an interrogation,” Tony said with a grimace.
Ziva frowned. “I thought that was seventeen.”
“No. That’s never interrupt Gibbs during an interrogation. Two different things. At least she didn’t break that one. Could you imagine?” Tim said with a laugh of disbelief.
Just the thought was enough to send a chill up Tony’s spine. Texting was one thing, but actually going in and interrupting his interrogation? You’d be fired on the spot even if Gibbs did recruit you himself.
Less than five minutes passed before the interrogation room door opened to reveal you with your hands full of food. Tony smacked McGee on the arm and pointed. Tim’s mouth dropped open in a mirror of his own.
You placed everything in your arms on the table.
“What do you want, Y/L/N?” Gibbs snapped.
You shrugged and chomped a piece a gum. “Boss says he’s got to eat. I’m here to feed him.”
Gibbs huffed in irritation. “Fine. I’m taking a break. Let me know when he’s done.” He stormed from the room, slamming the door behind him. Almost immediately he was in the observation room with the rest of them.
Tony’s eyes never left you. In the short time since you’d left his presence, you’d changed into heels, a skirt and a men’s button up shirt. You’d tied the shirt at your waist and left the top three buttons undone. The skirt was far shorter than what would be considered professional and he turned his head to get a better look.
A sharp slap to the back of his head had him jerking forward. He cringed and frowned at his boss.
“Quit looking at her legs, DiNozzo. And pay attention. You might learn something.”
Tony leaned back in his chair and played with a pen as his gaze ran between you and Gibbs. The two of you had to be dating. There was no other explanation as to why you weren’t only still employed but Gibbs was praising the information you’d gotten from Morgan. And not one comment had been made about you interrupting his own questioning.
Only good sex would make a man act like that Tony decided. He grimaced at the image that flashed through his head. Ugh. Yeah, he wasn’t going to think about that again. Tony watched as you signed off on some paperwork and reached for your coffee. You frowned when you found it empty and tossed the cup in the trash. Heading to Gibbs’s desk, you handed him the file before grabbing his coffee and taking a swallow.
Tony dropped forward, his eyes wide as he waited for the retaliation. You placed the cup back on his desk and grinned. Gibbs simply smiled back and gave a shake of his head. Tony was on his feet before he could think better of it. “Okay, what the hell is going on around here? This is chaos and I won’t stand for it.” Everyone turned to look at him with various levels of confusion. “I won’t,” he repeated pointing his pen in the air for emphasis.
Gibbs licked his lips as he stood as well. “DiNozzo, what the hell are you talking about?”
Tony stepped out from behind his desk to the middle of floor and counted offenses on his fingers as he named them off. “First, she sits in your chair. Then she texts you during an interrogation. Then she physically interrupts the interrogation, wearing clothes no one else would get away with, might I add. And now she took a drink of your coffee. All of these are killing offenses Gibbs and you just smiled at her. You smiled.”
As he took in the looks of those around him, it occurred to him that perhaps he’d been a bit more excitable than necessary. He cleared his throat and straightened his tie. Gibbs blinked several times before tilting his head in consideration. “You can wear the skirt if you want to, DiNozzo, but I don’t think you have the legs for it.”
Before Tony could voice the protest on the tip of his tongue another voice interrupted.
“Would you really kill someone for drinking your coffee? I feel like you might,” Tobias Fornell said as he stepped into the bullpen.
Gibbs simply frowned at the FBI agent but Y/N grinned at him. “I’m sure that was just a vicious rumor.”
“What are you doing here, Fornell? She works for me now, remember?” Gibbs grumbled.
Fornell lifted a brow. “I heard she finished her first case with NCIS. I thought I’d take her out to dinner to celebrate.”
“And convince her to come back to the FBI?” Gibbs crossed his arms and shook his head. “I don’t think so.”
Tim and Ziva came to stand beside Tony. “What is going on?” the female agent whispered.
“I have no idea,” Tony replied. And if he was honest, that terrified him.
“You can’t keep me from seeing her just because she works for you now, Gibbs.” The FBI agent stepped forward, his frown deepening.
Gibbs stepped forward as well bringing them within swinging distance of one another. Tony’s shoulders went tight as he watched this scene play out. A glance at you showed you to be extremely irritated but otherwise at ease. If Tony didn’t know any better, he’d say you’d seen this before and often. Were you dating both of them? Really? You?
“I can keep her from seeing you because I’m her father,” Gibbs snapped.
“Well, so am I,” Fornell snapped right back.
What just happened?
You sighed. “Are you two finished?”
The two older men turned to look at her and she shifted her attention to Fornell. “Pop, Dad and I were going to have steak and beer at his house. You’re welcome to join us.”
The men eyed one another before Fornell nodded. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
Gibbs nodded as well. “Okay, then.” And like that the tension dissolved.
Ziva stepped forward. “Excuse me, but what just happened? I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
Gibbs and Fornell both smiled slightly as you shook your head with a roll of your eyes. “Gibbs married my mom. After they got divorced, Tobias married her. I kept the step-fathers in the divorce. So, Dad and Pop.” She gestured to the respective men in turn.
“Wait, so Y/N’s available?” Tony knew the moment the words left his mouth they were a mistake. He grimaced as you and your fathers all yelled his name in unison. “Yeah, sorry.”
After the three of you gave him a glare for good measure you moved toward the elevator. The last thing Tony heard before the door slid shut was your voice. “If you two don’t knock it off I’m transferring to the CIA.”
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Who is Lawrence Nathaniel?
Buckle up, y’all- it’s a ride. 
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At a mere 26 years old, this kid has collectively grabbed our attention, but who is he and where did he come from? Depending on who you ask he could be anything from a Congressional candidate, President of one of the many foundations and orgs he’s “founded,” a young and up and coming organizer, or a class “A” grifter. Most of those you will ask usually use the latter to describe him. 
His “career” began in Orlando, less than weeks after the tragic shooting at the Pulse Nightclub killing 49, a press release was published detailing a rally and memorial for the those lives lost. The event director was- you guessed it- Nathaniel Lawrence. 
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In an initial press release, published June 27, 2016, boasted five big name sponsors such as Publix and famous performers such as Pandora Boxx and Thorgy Thor from RuPaul’s Drag Race. It billed itself as a “mass multicultural event of 20,000 or more people uniting to show love and support to this community.” In one press release, they asked the public for volunteers and donations via GoFundMe. Four days later, a second press release was published announcing that the memorial had been moved to a later date. Lawrence’s name was no longer listed anywhere on the event, the size of the crowd had also shrunk to an expected 1,000 people and the list of sponsors and performers had also shrunk tremendously- oh, and Demi Lavato and Nick Jonas were no longer listed on the release (you can’t even make this up). The memorial was eventually canceled; the first of many involving Lawrence Nathaniel. 
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The paper trail really began in San Diego, from what one can tell- a quick Google search will pull a slew of articles surrounding planned and failed protests and rallies all of which were plagued with uncertainty, miscommunicaton, and self-promotion. Lawrence came to San Diego out of nowhere in late 2016 and approached student organizers to plan a protest at the Mexico Border. The local organizers did not know Lawrence prior to this event, they had no clue why he was there but they were happy to help. Lawrence Nathaniel led the organizers to believe that he was the President (Founder?) of the We Are One Foundation, which doesn’t exist. 
Since then Lawrence has been behind a slew of rallies/protests that have drawn suspicion from the local activists and organizers because of the miscommunication, repeated call for donations, and lack of transparency. For instance, The People’s March aka the Impeachment March quickly gained traction on Facebook when the event was first published. Over 2k people said they were going and over 25k people were “interested”. When local organizers began questioning the authenticity of People Demand Action, the host of the event, they were met with either hostility or nothing at all. Some digging was done, copied from this article: “The website for People Demand Action, the organization claiming responsibility for the march, is copyrighted by the “We Are One Foundation,” which is nothing more than a website copyrighted by Presidential House USA, aka “The United States of America Presidential House” whose Facebook page was created in 2009 and was officially incorporated in October 2017.” 
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If this seems confusing it's because it is. There’s so much more to the story here, but we must go on to the present. It’s recommended you read every single article about Lawrence Nathaniel. 
As time went on, the local organizers became more weary of Lawrence, when they would inquire about permits they were met with empty words. When people in the community expressed distrust in a new organizer planning an event without first reaching out to already existing local groups and orgs that had been doing the work, he kept moving forward. When local activists were told that Lawrence had contacted not only the San Diego Police Department and the Department of Homeland Security, organizers were dumbfounded. This put not only the organizers at risk but the very people that they are fighting for, undocumented people, in so much unecessary danger. When they found out a few days before the event that the permits had not been paid for, something that they’d assumed Lawrence/WAO had taken care of as he had been the one fundraising, they realized that there was no possible way they could continue with Lawrence/WAO. The organizers split with Lawrence/WAO and asked that the $400 that had been raised for the event be transferred from Lawrence’s account to a local organizer’s with the intention of donating it to community orgs. Lawrence Nathaniel went back to South Carolina, leaving the local organizers to repair the damaged relationships caused by mistrust. Before leaving, he managed to borrow around $300 from local organizers for a plane ticket home with the promise he’d pay them back when he got paid. When the local organizers asked about the $400 raised for the event, and the $300 he borrowed he told them that he already donated the $400 to another organization, providing no proof. After trying to get the $300 back from Lawrence, he said that he sent the organizer $250, but it never appeared in their account. Lawrence Nathaniel then involved his “family manager” who then threatened legal action against the student organizers and then followed up by posting threatening messages on Snapchat. 
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That Brings Us to Now
Why does all of this matter? I mean, there are so many more important things to worry about right now right? We can walk and chew gum at the same time. 
Recently, Lawrence Nathaniel has been making quite a name for himself in his home state of South Carolina. He ran for congress for a few months, managing to raise $20,000 from his community before dropping out well before the primary. 
In the wake of George Floyd’s murder at the hands of the state, protests began popping up all over the country. One of the Marches was planned in Columbia, SC by a page called I Can’t Breathe which has been in the process of ‘rebranding’- we’ll get to that later. Members of ICB leadership found out that Lawrence Nathaniel was soliciting “monetary donations” in the name of I Can't Breathe to his congressional campaign’s CashApp. They split from Lawrence and started their own group, continuing with their mission. 
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Now, back to ICB’s rebranding- On June 23, Lawrence Nathaniel announced that he had filed the paperwork for an official Black Lives Matter Chapter and that I Can’t Breathe will be transitioning to BLMSC. Filing to be an official chapter is no easy task, you must have: (1)  legal entity (i.e. fiscal sponsorship, 501(c)(3)); (2) Completion of the induction process; (3) Conversations with current Chapters, and; (4) A grace period. To my knowledge, he’s secured none of the above. When local organizers asked if he’d had conversations with the existing unofficial branch of BLM in Columbia, SC, he became short and got defensive, leaving more local organizers suspicious of his intentions. None of this has stopped Lawrence from announcing the date of July 25th as the official launch of BLMSC, we’ll see. As of today, Lawrence has begun soliciting monetary donations in the name of BLMSC for an unknown reason. On could ask if he knows that by doing so he’s possibly violating the Solicitation of Charitable Funds Act, but he knows that already as this isn't the first time his “organizations” have been reported to the State Treasurer’s Office for being in violation. 
This isn't the first time Lawrence Nathaniel has used national tragedy for public gain, but it can be his last. Please share this among your friends far and wide, he’s managed to scam people in at least two states and the District of Columbia. If you’ve been unfortunate enough to have crossed  Lawrence’s path and have a story to tell, please feel free to do so. In the meantime, please y’all- do not give this man money, but remember that the fight continues, we have work to do. There will always be those folks that will use tragedy for political or personal gain, in this case, Lawrence Deshawn Silva Nathaniel did both.
 All of my sources have been linked within the body and those that have asked to remain anonymous will stay that way. 
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breanime · 5 years
Helpless (Part Two)
Thank you all for the support and interest you’ve already shown in this series! I’m so glad to have such sweet and supportive friends on this site. I hope you like Part Two, and as always, please feel free to tell me how you liked this one, on anon or not! :)
Overall warning for this series: mentions/depictions of violence, some future parts may get ~steamy~
*gif not mine*
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You sat, clothes crinkled with your brother’s dried blood, handcuffed to a table at the police station. You’d told them everything: dates, names, places—only leaving out Khalil. He was too young, too fresh. This wasn’t his battle; you didn’t want him to get into any trouble. You had spent the night getting interviewed, first by two cops, then by the two cops and a lawyer, then by the sheriff, two cops, and the Chief of Police. You had signed several papers, committing to your statement. You didn’t care what happened to you; you just wanted Joe to pay.
“Uncuff her,” a woman wearing a suit came in with a manila folder under her arm, “She’s not under arrest.”
The Chief of Police puffed his chest out. He looked like a bird trying to intimidate a much more dangerous predator. “Says who?”
“The Department of Homeland Security,” she answered briskly, taking her badge out and flashing it to them, “Special Agent Dinah Madani. I need the room, please.”
The cops grumbled, but did as she asked, filing out of the room quickly. The agent sat across from you, opening the folder as you stared.
“I’m not under arrest?” You asked.
She shook her head. “Not at the moment, and you won’t ever be, if you agree to be my witness. You give me any and everything I need to get Joseph Yakavetta behind bars, and I’ll grant you full immunity.”
You nodded. You were already committed to giving the cops full honesty, but the addition of immunity certainly appealed to you. Though you were surprised to see the Feds were interested in Big Joe, too. “Deal.”
Things moved quickly after that; Agent Madani took your statement and then had you transferred to a hotel. You took a shower, watching Ronnie’s blood circle the drain, feeling numb and raw all at once.
The Feds had provided you with a small wardrobe, so you got dressed and sat at the edge of the bed, looking through some of the paperwork Madani had given you. The terms were clear: you would only get full immunity if Big Joe was taken down, otherwise, you would be tried for the multiple robbery charges that were tied to your name. You’d asked Madani how she was planning on keeping you safe, and she’d said something about a kind of witness protection. The way she described it (or under described it, to be more accurate), made it seem like you didn’t apply for actual witness protection, but she said something about getting you a security detail. Until then, you had strict instructions not to leave your room unless accompanied by Madani or one of the other Feds who ran with her.
Which is how you ended up in your hotel room for two weeks straight, only leaving to go to the police station and back. You felt like an animal in a cage, spending hours at a time pacing your room, building in breaks to stare out of the window every few minutes, which was exactly what you were doing when your phone—a black flip phone provided by Homeland Security—rang.
“Agent Madani,” you drawled.
“I’m sending Agent Stein over with your security detail. They’re going to go over a few things with you and then move you to a secondary location,” she said, business as usual, “Pack your things and be ready.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” you said before she could hang up, “Does this mean our BFF sleepovers are over? How will I cope?”
You could practically hear her roll her eyes on the other line. “Get ready, Y/N, they’ll be there in less than 15 minutes.”
You pocketed your phone and got to it, throwing your clothes and charger and toiletries in the duffel bag Madani had given you. The night Ronnie died, you’d cut off a piece of the shirt you were wearing before giving the rest of your clothes to the Feds, and you had it at the bottom of your bag. You looked at it whenever you felt unsure, whenever you were feeling scared or caged in, and looking at it strengthened your resolve. Joe killed Ronnie and Jamal, and you couldn’t let him get away with that.
There was a knock on your door; three hard knocks and two soft ones, the knock the Feds used. Still, you looked through the peephole and didn’t unlock it until you saw Agent Stein’s face.
“Madani said I’m finally getting out of this hellhole,” you said, opening the door and stepping behind it like they’d trained you to—just in case an agent had been compromised or been followed or something—and let Stein lead the security in. You shut the door and turned to address Stein once more, but you froze in your tracks.
Billy Russo was standing in your hotel room.
Two Days Earlier
Billy adjusted his tie as he stood in front of the mirror, giving himself a final once-over. He looked good, comfortable in his three-piece suit with his designer shoes and $300 haircut. He got into his car, the Rolls Royce Wraith, and noted every single look of envy he got on the ride over. He fucking loved that look, ate it up like candy. Curtis had called him a man “of wealth and taste”, and he’d liked that. No one who was looking at him now would know he was an unwanted orphan, or that he got his start from dirty money made overseas. Sometimes, in times like these when he was feeling untouchable, even he was able to forget his beginnings for a moment, but just a moment.
He parked his car and went in, letting himself operate on autopilot as he greeted the secretary and the head nurse. He let himself into his mother’s room, closing the door behind him.
She was unconscious, strapped to the bed by her wrists and ankles, and Billy felt that same contradicting wave of anger and smugness and disgust and shame go through him as he looked at her. He took his jacket off and draped it over a chair before seating himself at the edge of the bed. He took out the syringe, prepping it before plunging it into her IV.
His mother blinked herself awake, muttering as she came to. Her eyes widened when they landed on him, and she shuffled on the bed, making little distressed noises at the sight of her only son.
“Hey Mom,” he said, voice low. He didn’t want to startle her even more than she already was. “The nurses say you’re doing good, had a little set back a few weeks ago, got a little spirited, they tell me,” he put his hand on her ankle, and felt her try to recoil. He tightened his hold on her. “I’ve been good, too. Been working a lot,” he looked at the wall as he spoke, “Though I have…” He glanced down at his mother again. If he couldn’t tell her, who else could he tell? “… I’ve been having these dreams lately, memories really, of this girl I knew.” He looked back at his mom, her dark eyes watery and unfocused as a result of the cocktail of meds she was on, a strange reflection of his own eyes. “She, uh, she was the only woman I’ve ever just…wanted,” he said, thinking of your smile and the mischievous twinkle you’d get in your eye when you looked at him, “I mean, she was gorgeous and confident and real, and I just… I liked being around her, you know?” He tilted his head. “Have you ever felt like that?” He asked, knowing she wouldn’t—couldn’t—answer. “Was it like that with you and my father?” He laughed humorlessly. “Probably not, huh?” He shook his head. “Well, I never felt like that until I met her. I thought, at first, that it was just physical, my attraction to her but then…” Billy gave a shrug; it was hard to put his thoughts into words—especially the thoughts about you, things he’d never said outloud before, but he felt like he had to try, had to get them out. “I don’t know, she just… She made me feel connected to something, you know? Connected to her. It’s not like we were dating or anything, but we spent time together… All that time we were hooking up, she never even told me her last name.” He chuckled; he had liked that about you, the mystery, the way you held some things about you so close to your chest. He remembered being intrigued by you, wanting to figure you out—not for any monetary goal or strategic advantage or anything like that, just because you fascinated him. “I was kind of getting used to her,” he confessed, “I liked being around her, and liked spending time with her, but… You remember the guy I told you about? Rawlins?” He looked down at his mom, who just frowned back at him. “He came around again,” his hand twitched on his mother’s ankle, “Back then, a year ago, I still owed him a debt—I’m all paid up now,” he assured her, “Paid up and then some, but then… I had to step away, you know? From her, I mean. Thought it’d be easier if I just went off the grid for a while, and when I got back…” He looked over at the wall again, feeling that same anxiety from that day bubble up inside of him, the dark cloud that had come over him as he stared at your empty apartment. “…She was long gone.” He stood up, needing to move. “I don’t blame her,” he said, rolling his shoulders, “It’s not like we were… It doesn’t matter. It’s just weird, isn’t it, that I’ve been dreaming about her lately?” He looked back at his mother, hands in his pocket. “I usually don’t… dwell on things like this.” He felt his phone vibrate, and he took it out. “It’s work,” he informed his mom, taking the call.
“Russo,” he answered, voice commanding and sure.
“I’m sorry to call you, Mr. Russo, I know this is your personal time,” his assistant began.
“It’s fine,” he interrupted, “What is it?”
“There’s a Dinah Madani from Homeland Security on the line; she says she has a job for you. She says it’s urgent.”
Billy cocked an eyebrow. It must be urgent if Dinah was calling him. “I’m on my way,” he said, hanging up without another word.
He turned back to his mother; she had tears in her eyes. “Gotta go,” he picked his jacket up and shrugged it back on, “You know, I… We could have been a family. I would have taken care of you, given you anything…” He stopped himself. He gave this same speech every time he came here. “…See you next time, Mom.”
He called Dinah back when he got to his office, not sure if this was really a work call or something more…personal.
“I need a favor,” she said in lieu of an actual greeting, “I’ve got a case that hinges on this eyewitness that needs to be protected. I need to get her to D.C quickly, safely, and as quietly as possible. Can you do it?”
Billy sat back at his desk. So this was a professional call. Good. “I’m gonna need more than that, Agent Madani,” he said back, “Who’s she testifying against? How much danger is she in?”
“His name is Joseph ‘Big Joe’ Yakavetta,” Madani answered, “He started out as a small-time gangster out of New York and grew up to be a national threat. He had a group of vagabonds helping him rob armored trucks and banks and other secure vehicles, and on his last heist, he managed to walk off with several high-security documents as well as ATM access codes and other intel.”
“How does that concern Homeland?”
He heard Madani sigh on the other line. She should have known that he wouldn’t take that vague crap—if he was even going to consider this job, he needed details. “I can’t get into it over the phone,” she said, voice low, “But I’m sending you a file now…”
Billy clicked his email and waited.
“…Long story short, Yakavetta has some valuable information in his possession right now that we need to recover, and he’s wanted for homicide as well.” There was a pause, and Billy knew she was trying to decide how honest to be with him. Apparently, she opted for the truth. “He shot and killed an undercover informant who was working with us,” she confessed, “I put him in there, and he died for it. I need it make it right.”
Billy was getting bored, but the file popped up. He opened it, scrolling through Yakavetta’s rap sheet. He was ex-military, had contacts overseas, and had done a lot of heist jobs all over the U.S. “And why can’t Homeland handle this?” Billy asked, lazily moving to the next document Madani sent.
“My bosses aren’t convinced this is a lucrative case. We’ve been after Yakavetta for years and haven’t been able to make anything stick. It was by the skin of my teeth, but I was able to get enough funding to hire a personal security detail for her.”
Billy made an assenting noise, looking through the file on the three men Yakavetta killed; the truck driver from his latest job, and two of his men—one being the informant. “How many men would you need?” He asked, still unimpressed by this case.
“I’d like it to just be you,” she said back, “You can use as many men as you’d need, of course, but you’d be taking the lead on this.”
Billy stopped, cursor floating over the “next” arrow at the bottom of the page. “You want me on this? Me personally?” He clarified.
“You’re the only one I can trust to do this and do it right,” Madani said, and he pictured her grimacing as she spoke the words, “You’re the best man for the job.”
That was true, Billy knew, but this was beneath him—plus it was a Federal case, so there was no telling just how long it would take. And he’d have to leave New York, travel with some sniveling witness and play babysitter. The money would be good, he knew, government contracts always paid well, and he knew Madani was desperate enough to agree to any number he threw out—but overall, it wouldn’t be worth it. “I can put my best man on it,” he said as he clicked “next”, “but I won’t be able—”
He stopped. Your face was on his computer screen, and Billy nearly dropped his phone. You were the witness. His eyes scanned the page, taking in as much information as he could as Madani talked on the other end of the phone, trying to convince him to take the job.
“…money isn’t an object, Russo, just name the number and I’ll match it. Listen—I can get you out here by tomorrow, I need you on this—”
“—I’ll do it,” he said, eyes stuck on your photo. “I’m in.”
Billy moved quickly after that, making arrangements for Anvil in his absence, packing, and hopping on a plane that very night. He spent the majority of the flight on his laptop, reading and re-reading your file, taking it all in greedily. He knew your last name now. He learned more about you in the last three hours than he had seeing you for a month. But it didn’t satisfy him like he thought it would. What was in your file were just words, black and white, and while the information did fill in some holes for him, he still had questions. Questions only you could answer. And anyway, reading all of this stuff from the Feds wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted to hear it from you, though he wasn’t entirely sure why, couldn’t quite place why it mattered and why his curiosity when it came to you was so damn persistent. He hoped that seeing you again would cure him of it, but deep down…
…He knew it wouldn’t.
Present Day
“Madani said I’m finally getting out of this hellhole,” you said, and Billy had to remind himself to stay professional when he heard your voice. It had been so long, but his body ached—literally ached—at just the sound of it.
He followed Agent Sam Stein (a man who wasn’t really Billy’s biggest fan) into the room. His instincts took over for a few seconds, and his eyes darted around the room—checking for exits and vulnerable spots in the hotel—before they landed on you.
Your eyes were wide, but Billy kept his reaction in check. You looked good, wearing a simple white T-shirt, black hoodie, and jeans. He preferred you in nothing, in all honesty, but he pushed those thoughts—and images—down. He was here on a job, after all.
“Y/N, this is Billy Russo, head of Anvil Security,” Stein said, not noticing the tension in the room, or at the very least, ignoring it, “Mr. Russo will be your bodyguard for the foreseeable future.”
You didn’t say anything, just stared up at Billy, turning to watch him as he walked past you and deeper into the room. He’d be lying if he said he’d never thought of this moment, never imagined seeing you again. He never imagined it like this, though. He turned back to you, all business. “We’re going to a safe house,” he told you, “and from there, we’ll make a long-term plan for your safety. Are you ready to leave?”
You nodded wordlessly.
Billy went over to the bed to grab your bag, but stopped when he got to the edge of it. The sheets were rumpled, and the covers were haphazardly thrown on the bed. His mind flashed back to a time when his sheets looked like that after spending hours intertwined with you, still smelling like you days after.
“Billy,” you had gasped out, back arched as your orgasm rocked you, “Billy!”
He grunted on top of you, pushing deeper into you and closing his eyes as you pulsated around him. You felt so good, so incredibly good. Billy dropped his head, burying his face in your neck as he came with you, calling your name just as you were calling his.
Still inside you, still wrapped up in you, he opened his eyes and stared down at you. Your eyes were closed, mouth open as you panted, sweat making your skin glow, and your hair was a mess on his pillows. He had never seen anything more beautiful, and he felt a sudden wave of possessiveness take over. No other man deserved you, no other man should be able to see you, feel you, the way he did. This was where you belonged; beneath him, cocooned in his arms, sheets damp under your body and blanket thrown over the mattress, forgotten and unneeded as you warmed each other.
You opened your eyes, smiling up at Billy, and he felt himself smiling back, felt his heart melt at the sight of you—all his in that one moment.
Billy wasn’t sure what this was, this thing between the two of you, and a part of him was urging him to face reality—this could never work, he could never tell you the truth about himself, could never truly let you in, but… In that moment…damn did he want to.
“Hey,” you said, poking his nose with your finger, “Stop thinking, Russo, and kiss me.”
He did. And later, in the morning, when he woke up with you in his arms and his comforter on the floor, sheets a mess, he kissed you again.
He could kiss you forever.
Billy turned back to you, slinging the duffel bag over his shoulder. The memory came out of nowhere, just as vivid and real as it had been then, and he licked his lips, chasing the memory of your sweet, sweet kiss. You were still staring at him, pretty eyes wide and lips parted, ready, he thought, to be kissed. The logical side of him told him to focus on the mission, to just do the job, but the other part of him wanted nothing more than to grab you and tell you everything would be okay. To push you onto the bed and ruin the sheets just a bit more.
…This might be harder than he thought it’d be.
Okay, who’s POV should the next chapter be in? Billy’s or the Reader’s? And what did you think of this part? Did you like it? Do you know who the informant was? Do we trust Homeland? Do we trust Billy?! Are we even trustworthy?! *dun dun!*
Helpless Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed): @accioromancff @funerals-with-cake @700teacups @thesumofmychoices @wangmangagavroche @aikeia @im-a-mess-ness @fangirlharbor
Taglist: @lexxierave @loveintheroyalfamily@suchatinyinfinity@fanfictionrecommendations-com  @maxslime-blog @elanor-of-imladris@songforhema @lucielandss @fandomlifeandeverythingelse @themadhatter92@realduckvader @the-blind-assassin-12 @christinawxxx @anabella-baby @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @luminex3 @littlemermaidprobz@ashkuuuu @luckysstrikes @carlaangel86 @floralpeaceofmind @dylanobrusso @teacuplotus @iaintnofurry @thesumofmychoices @ymariejp @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @mrsjaxtellerfan @whovianayesha @holamor @drinix @rhabakoli @stories-you-wont-hear @king4thesirens @starkrobb @marauderskeeper @charlylama @thesandbeneathmytoes @something-tofightfor @banditthewriter  @binbons-is-theloml  @thebabblingbookworm @khuangpu13
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powerandmagic · 5 years
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MAÑANA: Latinx Comics From the 25th Century is now open for submissions.
[Noten: Toda esta información también está disponible en español a pedido.]
"In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed to the islands of the Caribbean. That single event led to the radical transformation of the region, the hemisphere, and eventually the entire world.
Indigenous peoples were decimated. Lands were colonized. African peoples were displaced and enslaved. Race, as a concept, took root. Black women and indigenous women were subjugated. Cultures died, fused, changed, and were, sometimes, reborn. Art, music, foods, and faiths echoed these tangled pasts. Immigrants from across the planet flocked to the newly christened "Latin America." A caste system based on race and color reigned. Liberation struggles were fought. Revolutions were won. Wars of independence were waged. Coups were orchestrated. Global capitalism ran amok, fueling the mass exodus... And we survived it all.
That all seems so far away now."
MAÑANA: Latinx Comics From the 25th Century is a speculative fiction comics anthology set throughout Latin America in the 2490s, roughly one thousand years from the voyage that changed the world. It took 500 years to get us where we are now -- where could 500 more take us?
Submission Period
Submissions will be open to the public from May 27th - July 7th, 2019 (11:59 PM Pacific Time).
Who Can Participate
To pitch a story to MAÑANA, you must be Latinx or Latin American. We define Latinx as "a person living outside of Latin America whose cultural background includes any of the Spanish, Portuguese, or French-colonized countries of the Americas and the Caribbean." We define Latin American as anyone born, raised, and currently living in any of those same countries.
You may pitch as a SOLO CREATOR (making the whole comic by yourself), as a WRITER ONLY (story writer who we will pair with an artist), or as an ARTIST ONLY (a comics artist who we will pair with a script).
Solo Creators with a strong story idea but not-as-strong artwork may receive an offer to be paired with a different artist (vice versa for pitches with stronger art than story).
"Writers Only" may request to be paired with a specific artist. The artist they request must be someone they know for a fact is filling out the "Artist Only" submission form. The reverse applies to "Artists Only" requesting a specific writer.
Age Restrictions
All contributors must be 18 years of age or older. All content must be suitable for readers as young as 14 years old.
Comics from 2 - 12 pages long (must be an even number)
6.625” x 10.25” trim size (template will be provided)
Bleed? Yes.
Black & White, or Grayscale (no screen tones)
600 dpi
.PSD final files
Selection Process (May 2019 - Aug 2019)
Open Submissions: 5.27 - 7.07 (6 weeks)
Selection Period: 7.08 - 7.28 (3 weeks)
Acceptance Emails & Feedback: 7.29 - 8.08 (1 week)
Paperwork: 8.09 - 8.15 (1 week)
Creation Period (Apr 2019 - Sep 2019)
Script: 8.16 - 9.15 (4 weeks)
Feedback/Edits: 9.16 - 9.29 (2 weeks)
Thumbnails: 9.30 - 10.20 (3 weeks)
Feedback/Edits: 10.21 - 11.03 (2 weeks)
Pencils: 11.04 - 12.15 (6 weeks)
Feedback/Edits: 12.16 - 12.29 (2 weeks)
Inks: 12.30 - 1.26 (4 weeks)
Feedback/Edits: 1.27 - 2.09 (2 weeks)
Toning & Shading: 2.10 - 3.01 (3 weeks)
Feedback/Edits: 3.10 - 3.15 (2 weeks)
Lettering: 3.16 - 4.05 (3 weeks)
Feedback/Edits: 4.06 - 4.19 (2 weeks)
Final Files Due: May 3rd, 2020
Kickstarter (May 2020)
Payment (June 2020)
Contributors will be compensated at a rate of $107/page plus any Kickstarter bonuses unlocked through stretch goals. Contributors also receive a minimum of 10 complimentary copies of the anthology, royalties on all digital sales proportionate to their page-count contribution, and royalties on any future print runs of the anthology after the first printing sells out.
"Writers Only" will receive $42/page, with bonuses, comp copies, and royalties split evenly between themselves and their artist.
"Artists Only" will receive $65/page, with bonuses, comp copies, and royalties split evenly between themselves and their writer.
All contributors have the right to purchase additional copies of the anthology at 50% off the cover price for as long as the anthology is in print.
Creators will cede exclusive first worldwide print and digital rights to their stories for a full calendar year from the date of publication, and non-exclusive worldwide print and digital rights (in both the English and Spanish languages) in perpetuity. Ownership remains with the creators.
What We WANT:
Comics (not illustrations, not prose, not poetry).
Previously unpublished stories.
The protagonist (or POV character) must be Latinx or Latin American.
Writers who have a connection to the country they choose as their setting (either from there, born there, parents or grandparents born there, lived there for many years, etc.)
Speculative fiction: How has technology changed? How has society changed? How have politics changed? The natural world? Fashion? The thoughtfulness of your world building will make or break your pitch.
Informed fiction: We want stories whose ideas about the future are rooted in an understanding of the past and present. For example: we're less interested in whether flying cars exist and more interested in whether the Amazon rain forest makes a full recovery (and what that means for Brazil).
Optimism: your vision of 25th century Latin America doesn't need to be utopic (although it can be) as long as themes of improvement, empowerment, growth, or problem-solving predominate.
Peaceful stories, sad stories, triumphant stories, funny stories, failure stories, action stories, philosophical stories, love stories -- the full spectrum of humanity is welcome. The catch: it must end “positively.” Everything doesn’t have to work out, but we prefer stories end on a note of hope, new understandings, resilience, etc.
What We DON’T Want:
No fan works. No auto-bio. No prose. No one-off illustrations.
Comics that are already finished or that you’ve already started drawing.
Hacking the Mainframe: Unless you really, really think you can "WOW!" us with a highly original take, avoid "hackers take down the mega corporation" as a plot (because it's been done to death).
Fantasy: We want science fiction and/or speculative fiction based in the real physical laws of our universe. However, certain elements of magic realism can work for us (e.g. in an otherwise realistic setting, a character speaks to a long departed ancestor, experiences old gods in a vision, or watches their life unfold out of sequence).
Ahistorical Takes: any stories that erase, deny, or revise the real-world histories of Latin American peoples will be rejected.
Horror: Your story can use fear and danger as plot elements, but if instilling fear/existential dread in the reader is the overarching goal, this is the wrong anthology.
Cursing is permitted as long as words aren’t used literally (i.e. “Shit, you scared me!” as opposed to “Let’s go shit in the woods!”) and are used very sparingly when used at all. In general, we’d prefer not.
No porn. No references to specific sexual acts. No explicit nudity whether sexual or non-sexual (sorry, folks). “Consensual fade-to-black sex between legal adults” is fine.
No depictions of abuse (sexual, physical, psychological) whether pictorial or written. Characters may vaguely reference (in non-graphic language) abuse that they have suffered in the past if doing so serves the story or is integral to the character.
No gore. People can get hurt, bleed, die, etc, but not in a grossly over-the-top way that fetishizes violence.
No slurs, no racist statements nor imagery, no misogyny, no transphobia, no ableism, no xenophobia, and no white supremacist nonsense in general. Since this anthology is about Latin America's future, these topics can be broached in your story, but we urge you to tackle such subjects in a more creative way than "[insert drawing of some guy yelling a slur]."
Ready to pitch?
Here’s what you’ll need to complete each form:
A working title and page count for your comic (doesn’t have to be exact).
A synopsis of your story, including a beginning, middle, and end. Spoil everything, but try to keep it under 300 words.
Preliminary sketches associated with your pitch: character ideas, environment concepts (the latter is especially important if your portfolio lacks strong examples of background art), etc. These don’t need to be final or polished pieces! Just clear enough to give us an idea.
Links to any relevant publishing credits. Self-published works and webcomics count as credits! Choose examples that best reflect the style you intend to use for this comic. You may simply include a link to your portfolio if you have no pre-existing credits, but please note that folks with sequential storytelling examples will receive preference.
Tell us about yourself, your cultural and creative background, and why you want to be in MAÑANA. Short and sweet is best!
A working title and page count for your comic (doesn’t have to be exact).
A synopsis of your story, including a beginning, middle, and end. Spoil everything, but try to keep it under 300 words.
Links to any relevant publishing credits. Self-published works and webcomics count as credits! You may simply include a link to your writing portfolio if you have no pre-existing comics writing credits, but note that folks with comics writing experience will receive preference.
Tell us about yourself, your cultural and creative background, and why you want to be in MAÑANA. Short and sweet is best!
Links to your portfolio and/or any relevant publishing credits. Self-published works and webcomics count as credits! You may simply include a link to your portfolio if you have no pre-existing credits, but please note that folks with sequential storytelling examples will receive preference.
Tell us about yourself, your cultural and artistic background, and why you want to be in MAÑANA. Short and sweet is best!
More Questions?
Check out the FAQ. If your answer isn’t there, Ask away!
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pgoeltz · 4 years
So this is insane i got airline tickets, and as i have a back full of metal i took insurance. I called Delta Air Lines to cancel and Expedia and got in touch with AIG (traverlguard anon) they are all partners, get the picture. Anyway i got all the doctors papers filled out follwed the insurance rules, they kept telling me covid is not covered, i said stop, but expedia issued me a 2 yr travel voucher which i declined but doubt the foreign speaking person could understand (funny you should see the letters from @expedia written by people in India, no wonder the empire is failing) they hire ?? i will post the letters also. the English and grammar is bad). So i turn in the paperwork and anon @aig declines me saying we issued you credit for two yrs, i asked what about insurance well turn those form in or get a letter from Expedia, which no one did a thing. So if you this #45 is bad AIG Delta Air Lines Expedia and Amazon.com are ruining this country just like POTUS 45. well 48 hr 300 calls and threats they are refunding my money now the other two airline tickets. BUT trust me my fury is not over with them. "Refund Processed We're excited to confirm that we processed your refund application today. Refund Amount Please expect a refund of USD 434.40. When You'll Get Your Refund With the significant increase in flight cancellations across the travel industry, most refunds will be issued within 8 weeks, but some refunds could take longer, depending on the airline. There is no need to reconfirm your request, we’ll be following up with the airline to ensure your refund is processed." "We understand that you are dissatisfied with receiving a credit with Delta airlines vs. a full refund. We’ve worked incredibly hard to push our partners to provide travelers with as much flexibility as possible due to COVID-19, particularly for flights that are ordinarily non-refundable or limited any changes. We recognize that an airline credit may not be what you were looking for, but know that these are extraordinary circumstances that travel partners are trying to work through. We are still bound by the terms and conditions of airlines and this is the only option that they are providing at this time. However, since you purchased an insurance you can file a claim to TRAVELGUARD for the refund." every email from @expedia was lies or just plain BS, doing there best to keep money even though i had a medical reason. and if not lies not phone answering, or not call back or for weeks you could not speak to anyone in USA "From: peltz@com Sent: Jun 24, 2020 4:33:05 PM To: [email protected] Additional Recipients: Subject: Re: Requested Email: Flight Billing and Refunds - Itin: 7519465026257 - Case ID : [REQ:S-7] decline the credit as i have insurance, i need a letter from Expedia saying that the insurance said i need letter from Expedia who is writing these letters, maybe a course in English "Keep in mind since this is for a medical circumstances you able to submit the refund request " yes anon aig as the doctors note, i took insurance. that you sold me.. On Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 10:17:10 AM MDT, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote: Dear Paul Louis Goeltz, We are contacting you from Expedia in regards to your cancellation request for your flight booking going to San Jose, CA, United States. We would like to inform you that we have verified that your itinerary 7519xxxxxxx has been successfully cancelled and you are holding an airline credit. Find below the rules and restrictions:  Original amount paid per passenger: 434.40USD  Change penalty (charged when redeeming the credit per traveler): 0.00USD  Ticket validity date: Commence on or before 27 May 2021  New ticket must have same airline.  New ticket must be for the same passenger(s) as originally booked.  Since the ticket is non-refundable, flight credit will also be non-refundable.  New ticket must depart from the same country as the original ticket.  If the new ticket is less expensive than the original, any remaining amount may be forfe
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newstfionline · 4 years
Global institutions are flailing in the face of the pandemic (Washington Post) As the coronavirus pandemic sweeps across the world, institutions founded decades ago to organize and manage coherent responses to global crises seem to be flailing on the sidelines. Individual nations have turned inward, competing for resources and hurling blame at each other for allowing the virus to spread. Some are hoarding vital medical supplies and restricting exports, while others are suffering acute shortages. Countries have set their own guidelines for behavior and determined their own travel restrictions without consulting neighbors or the wider international community. The World Health Organization, charged with anticipating and alleviating international health insecurity, is accused by the United States and others of making the situation worse. President Trump, who has said the WHO favors China, on Tuesday announced a halt to U.S. funding. The U.N. Security Council, the world’s premier international decision-making forum, has been paralyzed by disputes among its leading members. The question is not only whether the world order has stumbled but what direction it will take when the current crisis is over. Will there be a new appreciation of its importance, and a determination to make it work better? Or will pre-virus trends accelerate toward tighter borders, less cooperation and a tilt toward nationalism?
Now joining the fight against coronavirus: The world’s armed rebels, drug cartels and gangs (Washington Post) In Afghanistan, the Taliban has dispatched health teams to far-flung provinces to confront the coronavirus. In Mexico, drug cartels are offering aid packages to those feeling its economic impact. In Brazil and El Salvador, gangs enforce curfews to prevent its spread. As governments around the world have responded to the coronavirus, so too have armed insurgents and terrorist groups and drug cartels and gangs, a parallel underworld of public health policy and strategic messaging. It is hardly the first time such groups have attempted to fill the role of government. But few crises in modern times have tested the limits of the world’s nation-states as the coronavirus has, providing an opening for armed groups to step in where presidents, police forces and parliaments have failed. Analysts who study the organizational structure of armed groups are now cataloguing dozens of instances of rebels and bandits making forays into public health policy.
IMF predicts worst recession since Great Depression (Foreign Policy) The International Monetary Fund Chief Economist Gita Gopinath projected that the global economy would contract by 3 percent, a downturn three times greater than the contraction after the 2008 financial crisis. “It is very likely that this year the global economy will experience its worst recession since the Great Depression,” Gopinath said. She added that although a “partial recovery is projected for 2021” countries should still expect their economies to be 5 percent smaller.
Would you give up health or location data to return to work? (AP) As countries around the world edge toward ending lockdowns and restarting their economies and societies, citizens are being more closely monitored, in nations rich and poor, authoritarian and free. New systems to track who is infected and who isn’t, and where they’ve been, have been created or extended in China, South Korea and Singapore. And a range of other surveillance systems – some utilizing GPS location data, some gathering medical data – have been debated or piloted in Israel, Germany, the U.K., Italy and elsewhere. The challenge: achieving the tricky balance between limiting the spread of disease and allowing people freedom to move outside their homes. Whether the prospect on the table is “immunity passports” or cellphone-based tracking apps, the aim is to protect public health. But experts say it’s also important to avoid a slippery-slope scenario where data collected to minimize the spread of disease is stored indefinitely, available without limits to law enforcement or susceptible to hackers.
Military sees no quick exit from 'new world' of coronavirus (AP) The U.S. military is bracing for a months-long struggle against the coronavirus, looking for novel ways to maintain a defensive crouch that sustains troops’ health without breaking their morale — while still protecting the nation. Officials have frozen most forces in place overseas, stopped troops and their families from moving to new assignments, and cut back access to the Pentagon. The military services have halted or restricted recruit training, canceled major exercises, and isolated troops in the most sensitive units. The new Space Force has delayed a satellite launch, and the Navy this week postponed the return of the USS Harry S. Truman, keeping the aircraft carrier at sea to shield its crew from virus exposure at home. These steps to protect the force have parallels in civilian society, but a far-flung military can’t function by staying at home. “This will be a new way of doing business that we have to focus in on,” says Air Force Gen. John Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “We’re adjusting to that new world as we speak today.”
In Pandemic’s Grip, Russia Sees Spike in Age-Old Bane: Drinking (NYT) Across the world, the coronavirus pandemic has sparked fears of increased alcohol abuse, as people locked in and anxious turn to drink. In Russia, two weeks into a nationwide partial lockdown, those fears are becoming reality as evidence mounts that a spike in alcohol sales is fueling a rise in domestic violence. Reducing the country’s passion for inebriants has been one of the government’s main public health goals under President Vladimir V. Putin, and the most recent official statistics showed Russians consuming about one-third less alcohol per year than they did in 2003. But dayslong drinking binges are still a habit for some people, especially during holidays. In late March, when Mr. Putin obliged with a nationwide paid week off to combat the spread of the coronavirus, the habit kicked in. Sales of vodka in Russia shot up 65 percent in the last week of March, compared with a month earlier, according to the market research firm GfK.
China Grapples With Diplomatic Disasters (Foreign Policy) Beijing is trying to put out multiple diplomatic fires this week, as China discriminates against foreign residents amid the coronavirus pandemic and its embassies spread misinformation online. It faces the biggest crisis across Africa, after hundreds of African nationals, mainly from Nigeria, were expelled from their homes in Guangdong and banned from restaurants or shops. The discrimination has caused widespread outrage, including a rare joint complaint by around a dozen African countries. Anti-black racism in China is common, and it has grown more intense in recent years. China’s initial response to the protest was to deny the discrimination, though there have now been some attempts at conciliation. Elsewhere, France summoned the Chinese ambassador in Paris on Tuesday after his embassy made false claims online that French nursing home workers were abandoning their charges. The comments follow a pattern of aggressive efforts by Chinese diplomats to depict the rest of the world as slipping into chaos and even to blame other countries for the coronavirus outbreak. Meanwhile, much of the Chinese medical equipment delivered to Europe during the pandemic has been found to be defective or counterfeited.
Taiwan’s coronavirus success (Foreign Policy) Taiwan detected the threat of the coronavirus as early as Dec. 31, 2019, by watching China closely—followed by prompt action by Taiwanese health officials and immediate checks on travelers from Wuhan, where the virus originated. Taiwan remains one of the pandemic’s outstanding success stories, especially given its high degree of travel from China. On Tuesday, Taiwan reported zero new cases of the coronavirus.
North Korea Fires Missiles as South’s Elections Loom (NYT) North Korea ​fired several short-range missiles off its east coast on Tuesday, a day before South Korea is scheduled to hold elections for its 300-seat Parliament. The projectiles, launched from the town of Munchon, were believed to be cruise missiles, the South Korean military said in a statement. Under a series of United Nations resolutions, North Korea is banned from testing ballistic ​ — but not cruise ​ — ​missiles. Thus, its launchings on Tuesday​ were considered less provocative than its recent tests of ballistic missiles. But South Koreans remain sensitive to any move by the North to raise tensions during an election time for fear it might sway how voters cast their ballots.
Japan Needs to Telework. Its Paper-Pushing Offices Make That Hard. (NYT) Officially, Shuhei Aoyama has been teleworking for a month. But that doesn’t mean he can avoid going to the office. Several times a week, Mr. Aoyama makes a half-hour commute across Tokyo for a task seemingly more suited to the age of the samurai than of the supercomputer: stamping his official corporate seal on business contracts and government paperwork. The stamps, known as hanko or inkan, are used in place of signatures on the stream of documents that fill Japan’s workplaces, including the hotel network that employs Mr. Aoyama. They have become a symbol of a hidebound office culture that makes it difficult or impossible for many Japanese to work from home even as the country’s leaders say working remotely is essential to keeping Japan’s coronavirus epidemic from spiraling out of control. While the world may see Japan as a futuristic land of humanoid robots and intelligent toilets, inside its offices, managers maintain a fierce devotion to paper files, fax machines, business card exchanges and face-to-face meetings.
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architectnews · 4 years
Sustainable Architecture: Climate Change
Sustainable Architecture, Eco Buildings, Climate Change, Green Building Opinion, Architects, Links
Sustainable Architecture Design News
Green Building: Ecological Architectural Debate – CO2 Emissions Reduction News
11 Dec 2020
Climate Action Friday 11 December
Climate Action – #FridaysForFuture
#FridaysForFuture is a movement that began in August 2018, after 15-year-old Greta Thunberg and other young activists sat in front of the Swedish parliament every schoolday for three weeks, to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis. She posted what she was doing on Instagram and Twitter and it soon went viral.
Construction is responsible for 23% of the world’s GHG emissions,
it is incumbent on the architecture profession to help lead the way to a better future,
not only lower carbon, but also less pollution,
get involved!
fridaysforfuture map
photo courtesy of #FridaysForFuture
24 Nov 2020
City Mayors Pledge Sustainable Construction
C40 Cities connects 97 of the world’s greatest cities
Commit to Clean Construction, Moving the Industry Towards a Sustainable Future
Four leading mayors are initial signatories to C40 Clean Construction Declaration, pledging to work with industry to halve emissions from construction projects in their cities by 2030
C40 Clean Construction Declaration
Sustainable Buildings News
Contemporary Green Architecture Design – selection of posts:
Net Zero Carbon Buildings News photo courtesy Anders Vestergaard Jensen, unsplash Net Zero Carbon Buildings
Zero-carbon Interiors
Zero Carbon Buildings 2050 Report
House of Lords Zero Carbon Homes Ruling
2020: The Year of Net Zero photo © Richard Glover / Matt Estherby Sustainable Building News : Zero-Energy updates
Climate and Biodiversity Emergency photo : Tim Griffith Climate and Biodiversity Emergency
Eco House Bolton
Zero Carbon House in Birmingham, UK Dec 17, 2019
Forcing Sustainable Buildings Via Legislation
Architects as Guardians of the Environment
It’s official:
Local, state, and federal laws will soon require all new and existing buildings to be sustainable.
In California and other states, all new housing must be green in 2020. All other building types will follow in short order.
Why? Because buildings are primary sources of pollution, carbon emissions, electricity consumption, toxic air, and wasted natural resources.
This is the greatest opportunity ever offered to architects, engineers, and contractors.
The laws have been written; they’re about to be implemented throughout the U.S. and major cities around the world.
The key links in implementation are architects and green consultants who will be leading the way in their roles as guardians of the environment.
The San Francisco Institute of Architecture (SFIA) is still the leader in green architecture degree programs, technical short courses, and continuing education.
SFIA’s students, graduates, and faculty build, teach, publish books, and design the most sustainable buildings on the planet.
Although their courses are all online now, SFIA draws on the resources of the world-renowned faculty. (All posted at www.sfia.net.)
To help prepare for the most extraordinary opportunities in architectural history, SFIA is now offering extra- low scholarship-level tuitions for degrees in architecture, green building design and construction, project management—and the very popular Master of Science in Green Building and Sustainability (MSGB).
We invite you to see what’s new at www.sfia.net, and if you haven’t already done so, please join with our world class students, graduates, and educators in truly helping to change the world for the better.
Fred A. Stitt, Architect San Francisco Institute of Architecture (SFIA) [email protected] www.sfia.net
SFIA Box 2590 Alameda, CA 94501 1-800-634-7779
Dec 5, 2019
Climate Justice Groups Denounce Carbon Markets
Climate Justice Groups Denounce Carbon Markets with a Day of Protest at COP25 in Madrid
MADRID — On Thursday, December 5, 2019, climate justice organizations will lead a day of protest against carbon markets at COP25, calling to keep this false solution out of the Paris rulebook.
WHAT: Climate justice groups denounce carbon markets with day of protest at COP25 WHEN: Thursday 5 December, 10:00 – 10.30 am WHERE: Entrance of Hall 4, IFEMA Blue Zone, Madrid WHO: Climate justice organizations including Friends of the Earth International, Indigenous Environmental Network, La Via Campesina, Asia People’s Movement on Debt and Development, It Takes Roots, SustainUS, Corporate Accountability International, and many more.
Article 6.2 and 6.4, about rules for carbon markets, will be key items on the negotiating table at COP25 in Madrid. A resolution is likely to be sold by polluting countries and corporations as a “solution” to global warming. In reality, carbon markets are a false solution—they have never, and will never, deliver on emissions reductions. Instead, they enable ‘business-as-usual’ and pose a grave threat to Indigenous Peoples and frontline communities globally.
From 10.00 – 10.30 am in the entrance of hall 4, at the IFEMA blue zone, the organizations will stage a theatre sketch about the destruction brought by carbon markets and carbon offsets. Representatives from frontline communities around the world will speak out about their opposition to these false solutions.
In a press conference at 9.00 am in the Mocha Room the same day, 5 Dec 2019, the organizations will launch a briefing to demystify Carbon Markets, and a petition signed by over 150 civil society organisations and social movements so far, and still rising. Printed copies of the carbon markets briefing will be available in English and Spanish.
Carbon Markets Petition
• Carbon Markets briefing (English): https://ift.tt/3a13gqp • Carbon Markets briefing (Spanish): https://ift.tt/37VZYSK • Carbon Markets briefing (French): https://ift.tt/3n4E1au
Nov 5, 2019
USA Withdraws from Paris Climate Agreement
Donald Trump files to leave Paris Climate Agreement
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Trump administration today filed paperwork to begin the formal process of withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement.
In response to today’s actions, Karen Orenstein, Friends of the Earth’s Deputy Director of Economic Policy, issued the following statement:
Donald Trump is more concerned about protecting his golf courses than he is about climate change-fueled flooding that could threaten 300 million people living in coastal areas by 2050. World leaders must not wait for Trump, and must not use his moral bankruptcy as an excuse for inaction. The rest of the world must implement the Paris Agreement without the United States.
However, rich countries must take the threat caused by climate change far more seriously and make their mitigation and climate finance commitments commensurate with what climate science and justice demand. When the U.S. has more sane leadership and rejoins the international community, the Paris Agreement needs to be substantially more equitable and ambitious.
While Trump’s White House works to destroy the environment, Congress must move the international climate agenda forward by supporting the Green Climate Fund Authorization Act of 2019, introduced by Representative Adriano Espaillat (D-N.Y.). This bill would facilitate the provision of funds needed for developing countries to deal with a climate crisis that is not of their making.
Friends of the Earth fights to protect our environment and create a healthy and just world. We speak truth to power and expose those who endanger people and the planet. Our campaigns work to hold politicians and corporations accountable, transform our economic systems, protect our forests and oceans, and revolutionize our food & agriculture systems.
Friends of the Earth contact Friends of the Earth, 1101 15th Street NW, 11th Floor, Washington, DC 20005, United States.
7 Oct 2019
Sustainable Building News 2019
Population Matters statement on State of Nature 2019
Population Matters director Robin Maynard says:
“The State of Nature report leaves us in no doubt that nature and the conservation community are fighting a losing battle against the UK’s ongoing assault on our wildlife. Good things are being done, but not enough. One reason this battle is being lost is only fleetingly referenced in the report – the most rapidly expanding population of any large nation in Europe (1).
Those references are telling: water abstraction, urbanisation and infrastructure development. These developments are the inevitable consequences of population growth. We all need land, we all need water, we all need infrastructure.
The report states that urbanisation accounted for a greater impact on species than any other habitat conversion and made clear one of the critical trade-offs: we can use less land if we choose to live in a Hong Kong style concrete forest of high rises and then see urban green spaces which offer vital refuges of biodiversity eradicated – or we can sprawl outwards, grubbing up land and habitat from our countryside. Either way, nature suffers.
While population growth is not the only factor driving increased housing demand, ending our population growth is essential if we are to ease that pressure. Meanwhile, our expanding population is clearly one driver of the agricultural intensification that the report identifies as another critical factor.
The 2016 State of Nature report described the UK as one of the most “nature depleted countries in the world”. Overall, things are now worse. The causes are multiple and complex and they demand solutions which are far-reaching and substantial across a multitude of areas.
If, however, we ignore the fact that the ONS projects our population will grow by more than 6 million people over the next 25 years, it’s hard to see how we can possibly expect the battle to protect our biodiversity to be won. If we’re to do so, the UK needs a progressive, evidence-based and strategic Sustainable Population Policy as a matter of urgency.”
State of Nature 2019 report https://nbn.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/State-of-Nature-2019-UK-full-report.pdf
UK population growth. The UK population grew from to 52.1m to 66.6m between 1950 and 2018, and is projected to grow to 72.9 million by 2041. Source: Office for National Statistics https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/articles/overviewoftheukpopulation/august2019.
The UK is currently expected to become the most populous nation in Europe in the second half of the century. Source: European Environment Bureau https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/total-population-outlook-from-unstat-3/assessment-1
Population Matters is campaigning for population issues to be addressed in the forthcoming review of the targets and action plan for the Convention on Biodiversity https://populationmatters.org/campaigns/population-and-convention-biodiversity
3 Jul 2018
Sustainable Building News 2018
UK Stakeholders for Sustainable Development Report
Built environment organisations call for urgent action on issues such as consumption, innovation and infrastructure to prevent UK slipping behind other nations on poverty, equality and the environment.
A new report released today (3 July 2018) has highlighted the UK’s inadequate performance against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including those for the built environment.
The report, Measuring up, from the UK Stakeholders for Sustainable Development (UKSSD), is the first comprehensive assessment of the UK’s performance against all 17 SDGs and highlights a significant danger that quality of life in the UK will worsen if action is not taken:
Sustainable Development Report News
5 Feb 2018
Population and Climate Change
Population and climate change conference
Population Matters will hold its annual conference in London on 3 March 2018.
Entitled Climate change and us: more feet, more heat? Its theme will be population growth and its impact on climate change. A panel of experts and campaigners will discuss the evidence, the problem and the solutions from a range of perspectives.
For too long, population has been ignored from discussions and plans to tackle climate change, to devastating effect. However, last year, analysis undertaken for a plan to reverse global warming – Drawdown – identified family planning and the education of girls as among the top 10 workable solutions available today. We are pleased to contribute to an initiative like Drawdown with a conference focusing specifically on the link between population growth and climate change. It is urgent.
image courtesy of Population Matters
Population needs to be at the core of discussions on how we are going to combat climate change, and part of the solutions.
In 2017, more than a third of 50 Nobel prize-winning scientists surveyed by the Times Higher Education at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings said that human overpopulation and environmental degradation are the two greatest threats facing humankind.
Waste and over-consumption, especially by wealthy nations, is also putting a huge strain on the environment.
Those in the architectural/construction/property sectors must keep re-evaluating what tangible steps we can make to use less energy and materials.
The event takes place on Saturday 3 March 2018, 2pm, at Conway Hall in central London.
Population and climate change conference
24 Apr 2017
Construction Carbon Reduction
Reduced carbon in infrastructure projects can also reduce costs
When you reduce carbon you can also reduce costs, but you need to consider it at an early stage. Mike Putnam, President & CEO of Skanska UK, is clear about what has to be done to reduce carbon in infrastructure projects.
“You can’t just tackle carbon when you’re part way through a project – because the die is already cast. What you need to do is start up-front when you’re almost got a blank sheet of paper, and say ‘What can we do to take carbon out?’”, he says in the latest episode of Construction Climate Talks.
Mike Putnam, President & CEO of Skanska UK:
Mike Putnam is also Chair of the Green Construction Board which developed the Infrastructure Carbon Review, which sets out a series of actions to achieve carbon reductions of 24 million metric tons per annum from the construction and operation of the UK’s infrastructure assets by 2050, yielding a potential net benefit of up to £1.46 billion per year.
“What we have been able to demonstrate is that by going at the low carbon, trying to take carbon out of construction – whether it’s in the capital phase or the operational phase – it has the added benefit of reducing cost as well.”
Mike Putnam says that it is also important to build a culture where everybody involved in the business and across the industry really understand what the green agenda is all about. “It’s only collaborating across the industry that will bring the whole industry up to a much higher level,” Mike Putnam says.
See Mike Putnam talking about taking carbon out, rewarding success and collaboration, in the 10th episode of Construction Climate Talks. The episode is also released on CCC YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The Construction Climate Talks series, produced by the Construction Climate Challenge initiative hosted by Volvo Construction Equipment, highlights some of the most important issues in climate sustainability today. See all previous episodes here: https://ift.tt/2s1LFKe
For further information please visit Construction Climate Challenge or contact [email protected]
The Construction Climate Challenge (CCC) is an initiative hosted by Volvo Construction Equipment to promote sustainability throughout the entire construction industry value chain and provide funding for environmental research. The Construction Climate Challenge is a part of the Volvo CE commitment to WWF’s Climate Savers Programme.
11 Jan 2017
Construction Climate Challenge
Construction Climate Challenge – Emission Reduction
Open source tool will help drive emission reduction
A new research project seeks to develop a tool to identify and reduce carbon in the construction supply chain. The project is a collaboration between the University of Edinburgh Business School and Costain Group and is funded by the Construction Climate Challenge (CCC) initiative hosted by Volvo Construction Equipment.
The Carbon Infrastructure Transformation Tool project (CITT) started from the need to solve two key problems facing the construction industry – the pressing need to reduce GHG emissions, and the highly fragmented nature of supply chains.
“In large infrastructure projects there are large amounts of emissions at stake. The supply chain is also very fragmented, with many different stakeholders. It’s important to ensure we have a consensus across the whole chain to reduce emissions,” says Dr Matthew Brander, Lecturer at University of Edinburgh Business School and Project Manager for CITT.
The research project seeks to develop and implement a tool that will help construction companies identify and reduce carbon. It will pinpoint opportunities to reduce carbon through innovation and supply chain engagement. It will also enhance the amount of communication and dialogue across the supply chain.
“The tool will be integrated into current pricing processes and will allow us to have carbon and cost together. It will put the data in the hands of the right people at the right time in contractors’ processes which will allow them to make decisions to significantly reduce carbon. It will also push carbon further back towards the start of the design processes,” says Damien Canning, Head of Technical Sustainability at Costain Group and Industry Specialist for Carbon Management for CITT.
The project is running for three years and the research will focus on carbon accounting methodologies, stakeholder engagement and social barriers to tool adoption, collaborative frameworks for efficient supply chain management, and decision analytics for project design under uncertainty. As the research is undertaken it will feed back into the development of the tool.
There will be close collaboration between the researchers and the construction industry and live tests have been set up with real infrastructure projects. These will take place throughout the project.
“The way to really drive this is to develop something with as much input from the industry as possible. This will help to raise standards significantly, and ensure consistency across the industry,” says Damien Canning.
After the project is finished the open source tool will be publicly available and free to use, to enhance the possibility for it to be used by as many as possible.
“The key is to get the industry to use this tool. Therefore it has to be accessible and easy to understand. You can develop the best tool in the world but if the stakeholders don’t want to use it, it’s not going to have much impact,” says Dr Matthew Brander.
CCC and research The Construction Climate Challenge (CCC) is an initiative hosted by Volvo Construction Equipment to promote sustainability throughout the entire construction industry and provide funding for environmental research. Through supporting and initiating research projects in relevant areas of construction, CCC acts as a bridge between the industry and sustainability research. During spring 2016 CCC launched a new call for major research projects.
Two proposals were selected to receive funding. The Construction Climate Challenge is part of the Volvo CE commitment to WWF’s Climate Savers Program. Volvo Construction Equipment is a Corporate Advisory Board member of the World Green Building Council.
For further information please visit https://ift.tt/2f0YZa1 or contact [email protected]
9 Jan 2017 Population Growth Drives Housing Crisis
The UK’s dramatic population growth projection by the Office for National Statistics – 11 million more people by 2035, equivalent to 22 more Manchesters, mostly in England, already Europe’s most overcrowded country, will have damaging consequences for everyone (except the construction industry), a new Population Matters report on housing reveals:
Sustainable Architecture – Population Growth Drives Housing Crisis
5 Jan 2017
Climate Change Global Warming Research
Climate change: Fresh doubt over global warming ‘pause’
A controversial study that found there has been no slowdown in global warming has been supported by new research.
Many researchers had accepted that the rate of global warming had slowed in the first 15 years of this century, reports the BBC today.
But new analysis in the journal Science Advances replicates findings that scientists have underestimated ocean temperatures over the past two decades.
With the revised data the apparent pause in temperature rises between 1998 and 2014 disappears.
The idea of a pause had gained support in recent years with even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reporting in 2013 that the global surface temperature “has shown a much smaller increasing linear trend over the past 15 years than over the past 30 to 60 years”.
But that consensus was brought into question by a number of studies, of which a report by the the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) published in Science last year was the most significant.
Researchers from Noaa suggested that the temperatures of the oceans were being consistently underestimated by the main global climate models. The authors showed that the ocean buoys used to measure sea temperatures tend to report slightly cooler temperatures than the older ship-based systems.
Climate Change Global Warming Research Report – BBC news link
Population Growth
Population growth increases damages to the environment and depletes natural resources. Therefore, human numbers should be reduced voluntarily to a sustainable level that enables an acceptable quality of life for all.
Population growth increases the number of wealthy carbon emitters and poorer climate change victims and hampers mitigation and adaptation efforts. In 2016, humanity used the sustainable resource output of 1.6 Earths.
Given that human activity already exceeds Earth’s capacity to support it, Population Matters argues that population stabilisation should be strived for without delay.
What can professionals in the AEC field do about this? Anyone involved in construction can help combat climate change by reducing energy and material usage but wihtout controlling population growth any impact will be limited. An overnight energy revolution might mean current population growth isn’t disastrous, but despite expanding alternative energ sources it doesn’t look likely at present.
Comments welcome at info(at)e-architect.com
20 Jun 2015
Climate Change
Earth ‘entering new extinction phase’
The new report – led by the universities of Stanford, Princeton and Berkeley – states that it is still possible to avoid a “dramatic decay of biodiversity” through intensive conservation, but that rapid action is needed.
Depressing news, but as architects we have a chance to make major impacts on preventing climate change. Can we better the insulation requirements asked for by new tougher Building Regulations? Did we check the plywood certificates to ensure the contractor sourced the material from sustainable forests? On refurbishments have we tried to re-use as much as possible rather than simply replace or build anew? Sometimes our little projects seem like drops in the ocean but what else can we do.
When I was at secondary school in the 1980s I read the Gaia book (by James Lovelock, published 1979) from cover to cover twice and realised as a teenager the number one problem was overpopulation (so much comes from it, deforestation to over consumption of materials and increased pollution) and architects can do little about that, or can we?
Home on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica – light touch in nature, using timber, looks sustainable, is it truly? photo courtesy of architects
This is an architecture site so I won’t expand on this too much but improved education and health systems appear to improve country stability and typically a levelled off birth rate. Over the years we have actively promoted groups such as Article 25 and see it as our responsibility to not only remind readers of the positive work by built environment charities (and architects of say a clinic in Sudan) in improving people’s lives through ecologically-aware building but in the resulting iterations of community cohesion, population stabilisation and reducing negative impact on our planet.
Handmade bricks in Uganda, locally sourced materials saves on transport, thus pollution: photo © Article 25
More positively it was relieving to hear the Pope recently linking humans to climate change, hopefully this can help activate and energise some global communities to work to save the planet. The encyclical, named “Laudato Si (Be Praised), On the Care of Our Common Home”, aims to inspire everyone – not just Roman Catholics – to protect the Earth, reports the BBC.
The 192-page letter, which is the highest level teaching document a pope can issue, lays much of the blame for global warming on human activities. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the document, saying climate change was a “moral issue requiring respectful dialogue with all parts of society”.
“The Earth has entered a new period of extinction, a study by three US universities has concluded, and humans could be among the first casualties.
The report said vertebrates were disappearing at a rate 114 times faster than normal.
The findings echo those in a report published by Duke University last year. One of the new study’s authors said: “We are now entering the sixth great mass extinction event”.”
Climate Change Report – BBC news link
2 Dec 2012
Global Warming – Sustainable Architecture
Carbon Emissions Too High to Stop Climate Change
With global climate talks underway in Doha a new report shows emissions continue to grow.
It is increasingly unlikely that global warming will be kept below an increase of 2C (3.6F) above pre-industrial levels, a study suggests, reports the BBC.
Data shows that global CO2 emissions in 2012 hit 35.6bn tonnes, a 2.6% increase from 2011 and 58% above 1990 levels.
The researchers say that emissions are the largest contributor to future climate change and a strong indicator of potential future warming.
“We need a radical plan.”
The researchers’ paper says the average annual increases in global CO2 levels were 1.0% in the 1990s but 3.1% since 2000.
Recently, the World Meteorological Organization reported that greenhouse gases in the atmosphere hit a new record high in 2011.
Other potent greenhouse gases such as methane also recorded new highs, according to the WMO report.
Carbon Emissions News – external link to BBC report
photograph : Enrique Browne
So what can architects do to assist?
The RIBA Sustainability Hub includes sustainability information such as design strategies and case studies.
Sustainable design aims to reduce the adverse effect of human activities on our world, particularly climate change.
Our buildings and building operations are responsible for 45% of the carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas) emissions in the UK. Architects are a large part of the problem of tackling climate change, and consequently the solution – sustainable architecture.
Long Life, Loose Fit, Low Energy
30 Oct 2012
Sustainable Architecture Videos
Films about the Built Environment and the Climate
e-architect featured a series of eight videos from Green.TV about creating sustainable cities,
sadly they deleted the links since we posted this!
Interview with Daniel Libeskind, Architect How do you involve the local community when developing your architecture projects?
Interview with Richard Rosan, President of Urban Land Institute Why is capturing land value not more widely used as a way to finance infrastructure investments?
Interview with Pablo Vaggione, Lead author of the UN-Habitat Guide for city leaders What is the ideal density for a city to be sustainable?
Interview with David Cadman, President ICLEI How are climate issues linked to urban planning and sustainability?
Four Seasons Seychelles: image from architects
Sustainable Architecture – external link
Sustainable Design : article by Trevor Tucker. 15 Sep 2009
Sustainable Architecture : News
Example of sustainable architecture:
Panyaden School, Thailand 24H > architecture photo © Ally Taylor / Panyaden School Thailand School Building
Sustainable architects : Bill Dunster Architects / ZED Factory
Sustainable Building Design : article by Trevor Tucker. 18 Aug 2009
Sustainable Architecture : Brief informal discussion re some of the issues
Sustainable Architecture Archive
Sustainable Architecture : Lighthouse ‘Sust’ Programme
Sustainable Architecture Exhibition
Sustainable architects : Bennetts Associates
Sustainable Homes
Sustainable Housing : Slateford Green, Edinburgh – ‘car-free homes’
Sustainable house : Skye, Western Isles, Sctoland by rural design
Sustainable Architecture : Lotte Glob House
Sustainable Architecture : David Douglas Centre
Sustainable Architecture – Links
DTI Low Carbon Buildings Programme: www.lowcarbonbuildings.org.uk
Population Matters: https://ift.tt/37XNfPo – Population Growth Drives Housing Crisis
Greener Homes & Buildings: www.ghb.org.uk
Guidance on procuring higher recycled content in construction: www.wrap.org.uk
Forest Stewardship Council – FSC: www.fsc.org
BREEAM: www.breeam.org
Healthy Building Network: www.healthybuilding.net
Sustainable Build: www.sustainablebuild.co.uk
Comments / photos for the Sustainable Architecture page welcome
The post Sustainable Architecture: Climate Change appeared first on e-architect.
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Tax Consultation, Wage Garnishment
Getting into debt happens to the best of us. Sometimes, we find ourselves in financial situations that we, unfortunately, can’t get out of. A wage garnishment is when the court issues an order requiring your employer to withhold a certain amount of your paycheck because of a debt you owe. The collected amount is sent directly to the person or institution until your debt is paid in full. Before looking at how to stop wage garnishment, we’ll provide an overview for context.
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Types of Wage Garnishments In wage garnishment: This is when a creditor can legally require your employer to hand over a portion of your earnings in order to pay off debts.
In non wage garnishment: This is commonly known as a bank levy and is a process that involves creditors tapping into your bank account to attempt to collect on any debts you owe.
A garnishment generally happens when a creditor sues you for nonpayment of debt and wins the case in court. With that said, there are instances where a creditor can garnish wages without a court order. This can be seen in situations where you have a balance on a federal student loan, back taxes or if you owe money in child support.
How Much of Your Wages can be Garnished? The amount of wages that can be garnished will depend on the type of debt that you owe. Regardless, federal limits how much disposable income a creditor can take. To get a better idea, here is the percent of weekly disposable income that can be taken for 4 different types of debts.
Child Support and Alimony: Creditors are allowed to take 50% of your disposable income if you are supporting another child or spouse. If this is not the case, they can take up to 60%. In the event that you are more than 12 weeks late in payments, creditors can take an additional 5%.
Consumer Debts Including Credit Card, Medical Bills, and Personal Loans: Creditors can take either 25% of disposable income or the amount by which your weekly income exceeds 30 times the federal minimum wage (whichever is less).
Federal Student Loans: Creditors can take 15% of disposable income.
Taxes: Creditors can take up to 15%. However, the Internal Revenue Service will determine the amount taken based on standard deductions and the number of dependents you have.
So How Can You Stop Garnishment? It’s a lot easier to prevent wage garnishment than to stop it. Most creditors would much rather set up some sort of payment arrangement or settle the debt. However, if you are already facing garnishment, there are ways to stop it. Here are three general ways you can consider stopping your garnishments.
1. Negotiate With your Creditor Even if your creditor has put in a motion for wage garnishment, there’s still an opportunity to stop it. The first thing that individuals should consider doing is negotiating with their creditors. A simple negotiation can take you a long way and is going to be one of your best options to stop a garnishment.
In a negotiation, individuals should call their creditors and see if they can get them to agree to a repayment plan or to settle the debt for less than what they owe. Many creditors will be open to this because they want to recoup as much money as possible and should stop the garnishment from happening.
If a creditor does agree to a repayment plan or debt settlement, be sure to get it in writing before paying any money to them. This is because terms can change and if there’s an issue, it’ll be the creditor’s word against yours.
Additionally, it’s important to know what you can afford when negotiating a repayment plan. After all, you don’t want to fall back into the same situation. This means that you need to go over your income and expenses to figure out what you can actually afford.
2. Show That There is a Financial Hardship There is a way to challenge the garnishment if you can show that there will be a financial hardship as a result. If you’ve lost or got fired from a job, your work hours were cut drastically, you’re filing for Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy or failing to pay basic expenses such as food, rent or utilities, you can state your case to the courts.
Creditors know that in these types of situations you are less likely to have the money to pay them anyway. It will be in their best interests anyway to let you get back on your feet and then come up with new terms to pay off the debt.
3. Consider Filing for Bankruptcy Bankruptcy should be the last resort for individuals in debt. However, sometimes it’s the only option available. Bankruptcy can give you a fresh start and stop your wages from being garnished. Individuals that are drowning in debt and struggle to pay basic living expenses may find that bankruptcy is the only option for them. This will stop your garnishment from happening and help you slowly get your finances together.
Every debt isn’t created equal. For this reason, we’re going to discuss what you can do to prevent garnishment for a particular type of debt that you owe.
Child Support and Alimony: If you owe in child support or alimony, you should consider working with the courts to develop an ideal payment plan before they garnish your wages. In the event that you owe in child support, individuals can seek child support modification if you are going through financial troubles.
Consumer Debts: To challenge your consumer debts such as a credit card or medical bill, you will need to fill out paperwork and potentially attend a hearing. The forms will outline details of your case and include pertinent financial information such as your monthly household income and living expenses.
Federal Student Loans: If you default on your student loans, you should be given a 30-day written notice. This means you have a 30-day window to make a written objection and request a hearing, modify student loan payment plan or request hardship assistance.
Taxes: Individuals who owe taxes should receive a written letter from the IRS letting you know that they intend to garnish your wages. If you owe for state taxes, you have the opportunity to contact your state’s franchise tax board to try and set up an alternate payment plan if a garnishment will result in financial hardship.
We know that garnishment can be a stressful experience. The good news is, there are various options available to you to help you stop a garnishment before it happens. At Advance Tax Relief, we are your trustworthy support system here to help you get out of debt fast. If you have questions about wage garnishment or want to learn more about how we can help you obtain debt relief, contact us today.
If you think that you may need help filing your 2018/2019 tax return and past due tax returns, you may want to partner with a reputable tax relief company who can help you get the max refund and reduce your chances for an IRS AUDIT.
Advance Tax Relief is headquartered in Houston, TX with a branch office in Los Angeles, CA. We help many individuals just like you solve a wide variety of IRS and State tax issues, including penalty waivers, wage garnishments, bank levy, tax audit representation, back tax return preparation, small business form 941 tax issues, the IRS Fresh Start Initiative, Offer In Compromise and much more. Our Top Tax Attorneys, Accountants and Tax Experts are standing by ready to help you resolve or settle your IRS back tax problems.
Advance Tax Relief is rated one of the best tax relief companies nationwide.
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fnewstoday · 5 years
How To Choose The Best Online Lender And Get Fast Online Loans?
If you're too busy to look at how to choose online lender, this article is just the thing you need. Here we'll explain you what an online loan is and help you select the best option. Nowadays, you don't have to go to the bank to ask about personal credit. You can easily do it online at any time convenient for you.
How to apply for a personal credit online?
If you have a good income and don't have any debts and just want to go on a trip with your family or buy a car, feel free to ask how to choose the best online lender for a personal loan.
Why should you apply for fast online loans?
Sometimes, we just want to have some additional funds to live our life to the fullest. There are also cases when we need money to buy essentials. Thus, a personal loan can make your life much more flexible. Moreover, you can ask for a loan without leaving the house. Why not use this great option? After doing your own research or reading about how to choose the best online lender comparing personal credit rates, you'll realize that with the proper wage and rate, repaying your private loan can definitely be accessible, and simply managed online from your PC or mobile phone. Trip? New car? Graduation? Find out how much you can lend using our repayments calculator.
Reasons to ask for a loan online
Don't you have time to go to a bank ? It is no longer necessary. There's a global transformation in the way we do things from exchanging data to buying online. Banking is not an exception. Today, all of us can send money, pay for the public services, and ask for/process loans on the Internet. If you're using online services on a daily basis, then you already realize its advantages. It allows you to save time and money. Most of us can't imagine our life without the benefits of technology revolution.
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What you should know when asking for a personal credit online
Credit history. Wait a minute! Have you examined your credit history? Is it ok? If you have any debts, the chance for a taking a loan reduce significantly here and. Credit report. If you do have a poor credit history, the good thing is that you can start afresh once in five years. That's quite enough for you to prove to the potential creditors that you deserve a loan.
Different between secured and unsecured credit
There are two main types of personal loan: secured and unsecured. Let's consider the differences between them and how to choose the best online lender: Secured credit: Do you want to repay your house or car? Regardless of your bail, you have to point out something of considerable value and have a regular income before applying for a secured credit. The advantages frequently outweigh an option of unsecured credit, solely on the ground of proving a lower rate of interest, which saves you a lot of money in the long term. Unsecured credit: Some people call it "trust loans." That's a trust agreement between a borrower and a creditor. Generally, in this case, you have to prove that you're able to pay off a loan, even if you can't grant bail. You should know that independent workers have to pay off a higher interest rate.
Does financial establishment mean a bank?
Yes, of course. However, when we refer to borrowing from a financial establishment, it doesn't include just a bank. You can take credits from other bank-like entities, such as credit cooperatives, P2P lenders, as well as quick cash and payday creditors.
Is it safe to resort to the bank alternatives?
The financial establishments we advise are universally recognized and famous creditors with a great reputation. Our staff never recommends the financial establishment that promise you too much and give you nothing instead. Bank-like institutions may provide quite low-interest rates, but they suggest high risks of fast online loans that not everyone can take. This is particularly true for quick cash and payday creditors. They are generally neither insured nor government-sponsored. This implies that if their establishment defaults, your funds will do the same. It may seem pretty obvious, though if you need to find out how to choose the best online lender to take money from bank-like institutions, we advise you to opt for the famous establishments, such as credible online creditors, bank entities, and credit unions.
Leading banks VS P2P
Sometimes known as peer to peer (P2P) lenders are a new bank-like institution for borrowing money for a vehicle, house, or travel. With leading financial structure, you generally confront with a lot of paperwork. If you choose P2P, you may not only obtain permission on the day of your application but even get the money you ask for the same day. Anyway, you'll get the necessary funds much quicker than if you go to the bank. Other distinctions include:  Peer to peer creditors only provide unsecured credits Maximum credit amount is lower with P2P lenders than common creditors Peer to peer creditors offer shorter credit terms Peer to peer creditors provide better rates of interest for solvent borrowers.
Do you still have doubts on how to choose online lender?
To decide how to choose the best online lender we suggest you read feedbacks about different goods and services from real users who've had direct experiences in fast online loans with the type of creditors you're interested in. This is particularly true for P2P lending, which is an emerging concept in Australia. However, you shouldn't think that resorting to the bank alternative is defiance. That's quite normal!
How to choose the best online lender and the most suitable personal loan
If you have already done a research, you may have noticed there are lots of different options of loan. Our purpose is to put you on the right track. The choice of the loan depends on the thing you want to buy and your long-range plans. You should answer the following questions before making a choice how to choose the best online lender:  What's the most suitable term for my income? That depends on what you want to invest your money in and how quickly you can repay the loan. Moreover, do you be to make enough money to meet your daily costs, and at the same time pay off the loan? Let us consider the following example:  You want to take $10000 on a secured credit over three years with 9% interest. Your repayment is a bit more than $300 per month. This means that you will need about $300 per month in addition to gasoline, hypothec, childcare facilities, burses, food, entertainments, meeting friends at the bats, etc. If it's normal for you to pay an extra $300 every month in order to pay off credit of $10000, it's a win-win!  Such a pile of cash is difficult to find: all you can do is to take a loan. If your credit history is good and you have a stable income, feel free to take a loan and live it large. The best thing is knowing that the overall interest rate (in our example) for three years will be less than $1500. If the luck is on your side, it's certainly an accessible situation. However, you should realize that over five years (despite that fact that your monthly repayments will reduce), the interest you pay in the end will increase. How to choose the best online lender and the proper term for you are based on the circumstances and entirely up to you, and what most closely resembles your needs. Take a look at our borrowing calculator to find out how much you can afford.
How to select the right type of interest rate?
Rate is not the only thing you should take into account. Low rates don't necessarily imply accessible monthly management costs. You have to be guided by other users' feedbacks on how to choose the best online lender, excellent repayment terms, and low management fees. In addition, you'll have to select between the fixed and variable loan. Let's consider each of them: Fixed personal credit. That's the best option! The interest rates are very low, and you'll have to pay off the same rate for the whole period of your private loan (which is up to five years). You'll be able to plan your budget month by month since you know exactly how much you need to save for you credit repayment. After all, with a fixed personal loan, the interest rate and the repayment term will always remain the same. Variable personal credit. In this case, your interest rate may increase or reduce depending the RBA cash rate throughout the period of your loan. This implies that for about five years (it depends on the duration of your credit), you'll have to repay much more or much less for your credit in comparison with the fixed loan option. Nevertheless, the features are better. You have an opportunity to see how to choose the best online lender to pay more toward your loan anytime, while with a fixed loan, you generally can't do it.
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How to apply for fast online loans?
We have already told you about the flexibility of personal loan. It is possible to fill an application for a private loan 24/7 LOAN. You should definitely try it if you're too wrapped up to go to the bank, stand in line, mess with the documents, then go to another bank to compare the possible options, etc. Moreover, you'll have to wait for an easy approve online loans for almost two weeks! Another option is to save your precious time by filing an application online. You can make it in any place and at any time. A web-based application generally takes approximately half an hour (regardless of the type of financial establishment). You may get an easy approve online loans or have to wait up to 48 hours get an answer. It's a great option, isn't it? What to do before asking for a personal credit online: you have to be of age 18 must have a stable income or enough money to pay off a loan realize your costs and expenses, as well as repayment sums have a clear vision of which loan term is the best for you understand what kind of rate suits your budget electronic mail address driving license for ID verification pretax annual revenue amount of monthly costs asset information amount of existing debt
Find out how to choose online lender
How can I be sure that my private data is protected? That's a very good point. Every time you enter your private data like, you have to make sure you're visiting a safe and reliable page. To verify that, you can place a "padlock" on the top of your page. Another option is to ensure that the website starts with https:// Remember that "s" indicates "secure." When you ask how to choose online lender, the main point to pay attention to is security. If you can't see this letter or the padlock on the first page, then close the website and choose another financial establishment. This kind of confidential information is not for public knowledge: only for you and your creditor. Advice on how to choose the best online lender and get approval for an online loan  If you don't have a stable/good income, you may not get easy to approve online loans. Additional impact factors will are as follows: dependent children, monthly costs, hypothec, or rent. Following are the factors you should take into account if you want to get a huge chunk of money for your private loan: Review your credit report. As we have mentioned, good credit history can take you a long way, particularly if you wish to apply for a personal credit online. If you want to see how things stand, you should visit the office of the Australian Information Commissioner. Make sure you have a positive credit rating. If you've found out that your credit rating is poor, you should try to improve it before applying for a private loan. Keep in mind that receiving a denial of a loan can reduce your chances of getting one in the future. Having an average rating may permit you to get a small sum. However, possessing an excellent credit rating will allow you to get the money you desire. Debt-to-income ratio. Present yourself honestly and tell your creditor how much you really earn. Being able to pay off your debt in comfortable conditions is the perfect approach when taking out a loan. Falsehoods about your salary can only put you in a bind and make you lose an excellent opportunity to borrow the funds you need. So, sincerity is the best option when solving the question how to choose the best online lender! In order to improve your credit rating, you should refuse from asking for a loan for up to half a year to prove that you deserve it. By showing that you're a credible borrower, who always makes payments timely. In this case, your credit rating will become much better. Read the full article
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rayshafazand · 4 years
Sample Blog Layout
Successful restaurant owners and operators don’t just provide great food. For food service and hospitality in particular, an essential part of the guest experience is the interaction with employees.
The people piece of the puzzle can be challenging for restaurants. Because of the complicated nature of human resources (HR) and the sprawling regulations surrounding payroll, HR and payroll can be a recurring headache for restaurant owners and operators.
Finding the correct approach to your payroll and HR requires expertise and knowledge of a complex labor landscape. Unfortunately, even small mistakes in payroll and HR can be costly for business owners. Learning the basics of restaurant HR and payroll can help you prepare a plan that works for your business.
Human resources and payroll overview
The restaurant industry has some unique characteristics that make payroll and HR especially difficult, such as a high turnover rate, ever-shifting scheduling, and varying wage and tip income regulations. In addition, in the age of social media, your labor practices and HR policies are under closer scrutiny than ever by both your employees and the public. There are some general areas to focus on when starting to audit your human resources information systems (HRIS) and payroll systems.
Tailor your hiring and recruiting practices
The restaurant industry is known for a high turnover rate, and constantly replacing employees can add up to a large cost for your business. The first step in reducing high turnover is to examine your hiring and recruiting practices.
How are you communicating with your potential new hires? Do they understand the expectations for the role? Are you qualifying candidates with prescreening interviewees and interview templates?
There are many moving parts to hiring and recruiting. Depending on the structure of your restaurant, your HR department may not be physically located at the restaurant, adding another layer of coordination.
An HR software solution can help you ensure all parties are on the same page by tracking applicants throughout the recruiting and onboarding process. You can also rely on time-saving tools, such as multiple-site job postings and automatic alerts.
Design an employee onboarding process
One key to keeping employees is to create an efficient and thorough onboarding process. The faster your new hires are up to speed, the faster they can be engaged in your business and supporting your team. Cultivating a library of tools for your new hires, such as company handbooks, checklists, and training manuals, can help you start off on the right foot.
Because new employees come with lots of required paperwork, an HR solution can also help you onboard new employees faster. Electronic onboarding, as opposed to paper forms, can not only take the stress off your HR team, but it can also make it easier for your new hire. With online forms like W-4, I-9, and E-Verify integrated with your restaurant accounting software, your onboarding process can be more efficient and less prone to errors.
Create a safe and respectful workplace
Your employees rely on you to provide a safe working environment. As such, your restaurant business must have an HR plan in place to proactively address any harassment complaints. Teaching your policies, training your managers, and educating your employees about your code of conduct can help you respond quickly and transparently to any complaints that arise.
Know your payroll and benefit requirements
Restaurant payroll is particularly challenging because hospitality employees may receive different kinds of compensation. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is national legislation that regulates wages and hours worked for employees. On top of federal legislation, many states and localities have their own labor regulations. As an employer, you are required to keep track of compliance and meet all obligations, otherwise you can be liable for back wages, additional taxes, and penalties.
Here are some specific areas of payroll that you should be paying close attention to:
Wage and Hour Laws
While the federal minimum wage has stayed the same for almost the past decade, many states and municipalities have passed higher minimum wage rates. Your locality, state, and federal payroll regulations may all have differing requirements. Laws can vary about tip income, minimum wage, multi-pay rates, overtime, multi-rate overtime, and multi-location rules.
For multi-location or multi-state companies, running payroll and documenting compliance can be especially difficult. Since payroll processing can draw from multiple systems, such as point of sale (POS), accounting, and scheduling, integrations between all of your restaurant management systems are key to meeting your reporting challenges.
Ideally, your payroll and HR software integrates with your restaurant management systems to automate this complex process, even if you have locations in multiple states and localities.
Payroll Best Practices
When it comes to labor, as an employer, not only are you required to comply with payroll regulations, but you must also document your compliance. You must track everything from overtime hours to shift changes and time off, to avoid costly noncompliance mistakes.
To correctly run payroll, accurate record keeping is a must. Today, there are restaurant payroll & HR software solutions to help with record keeping and compliance obligations. A restaurant-specific system with built-in integrations can help you track the data specifically required for restaurants, such as tip income reports.
Navigating Payroll Taxes
All employers are responsible for withholding employee income taxes and the employee share of social security and Medicare taxes, reporting this information to the IRS. However, calculating payroll taxes for an hourly back-of-house worker differs from tipped employees. Restaurant owners are also obligated to ensure tipped employees report all tip income, keeping the records and filing reports needed for appropriate tax withholding.
With the varying wage earners in a restaurant, restaurant payroll taxes can quickly get complicated. Integrated payroll, POS, and scheduling systems allow for streamlined restaurant reporting software capabilities and can help you meet your payroll tax reporting obligations.
Understanding Workers’ Compensation
Federal and state governments have Workers’ Compensation programs that provide compensation to employees injured on the job. State laws can vary, so it’s necessary to stay up to date so you are not found in violation of any rules.
There are many potential safety issues in restaurants, from kitchen injuries to sanitation problems. Because legal fees, penalties, and payouts can be quite steep, it pays for your HR department to be proactively prepared for possible workers’ compensation issues.
Meeting Affordable Care Act (ACA) Requirements
Under the ACA, employers are required to offer full-time employees compliant health coverage and also file information about this offer to the IRS. Reporting is required for employers with 50 or more full-time employees and self-insured employers of any size. ACA defines full-time employees as those who worked an average of 30 hours or more per week for more than 120 days a year.
This complex reporting requires a robust data-tracking system to keep up with shifting restaurant schedules. Many restaurants store data from HR, payroll, time and attendance, leaves of absence, and health benefits in separate systems. All of this data must be extracted, aggregated, and consolidated to accurately report to the IRS. A payroll and HR system that’s integrated with POS, scheduling, and your benefits administration tool can help you accurately extract and aggregate data for IRS reporting.
Filings and Paperwork
Payroll and HR compliance comes with lots of different paperwork to file and regulations to follow. Here are some of the most common forms and requirements:
1.  Labor Law Posters
The US Department of Labor (DOL) requires that some notices of labor rights be posted in the employee workplace. Check the DOL workplace posters page to understand which posters you are required to display at your business.
2.  8027 Tip Reports
If your restaurant employs more than 10 tipped employees, you are required by the IRS to use Form 8027 to report tip income. In addition, as an employer you can use this form to determine allocated tips for tipped employees. Your restaurant payroll software will automatically  track this information for easy IRS reporting.
3.  OSHA Logs
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) law requires employers with more than 10 employees to keep an annual log of reportable work-related injuries and illnesses, called the OSHA 300 log. These reports include details about the incident, the employee, and any missed work. Some HRIS allow for this data to be tracked in the solution for easy reporting.
4.  ServSafe Certifications
ServSafe is a safety training course specifically designed for the food industry, accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Some municipalities or restaurants require this certification for their management or employee-level positions, because it verifies basic food safety knowledge.
5.  Bartender Licensing
Some localities may require a bartending license or certificate to serve alcoholic beverages, although this requirement varies by state or municipality. This bartending licensure generally requires taking a licensing program that is approved by a regulatory board.
Restaurant HR and payroll can be complex, but with an understanding of the basic concepts, you are better equipped to meet any new challenges. Once you are able to set up thorough, functioning payroll and HR systems, you can spend more time focusing on what you need to: running your business. If you’d like to know more about solving the challenges of restaurant payroll, download the free guide, Ultimate Guide to Payroll for Restaurant Operators.
Restaurant365 incorporates Payroll + HR software, scheduling software, accounting software, restaurant inventory management software, and restaurant operations software into an all-in-one, cloud-based platform that’s fully integrated with your Point-of-Sale system, as well as to your food and beverage vendors, and bank.
The post Sample Blog Layout appeared first on Restaurant365.
from Restaurant365 https://www.restaurant365.com/old-blog-posts/sample-layout/ via IFTTT
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Unemployment Claims Rise as Rollout of $300 Benefit Lags
The job market shows signs of softening, even as a move by President Trump to replace lost unemployment benefits is struggling to get off the ground.
The Labor Department reported Thursday that new state unemployment claims jumped to 1.1 million last week, a sign that some employers continue to lay off workers in the face of the coronavirus pandemic while others remain reluctant to hire.
“It definitely suggests that momentum in the recovery is slowing,” said Scott Anderson, chief economist at Bank of the West. “The labor market is in the I.C.U., and it needs a shot of adrenaline in the form of federal aid.”
There are no signs that kind of boost is imminent, however. Nearly 30 million people are drawing unemployment pay in some form, but a $600 weekly supplement to state benefits — credited with keeping millions afloat — expired at the end of July. Democrats and Republicans have been at an impasse on a new round of aid, and no action is expected before September.
President Trump bypassed Capitol Hill this month to provide a $300 weekly supplement, drawn from federal disaster funds, to those receiving unemployment pay. But by Thursday, fewer than a quarter of the states had been approved for the program, and only Arizona had put it into action.
Florida, New York and Texas have held off on applying as they seek guidance on the program’s rules and mull the technological needs for processing payments. Even states that intend to take part, like Pennsylvania, have raised doubts about whether it is workable.
“The president’s convoluted, temporary, half-baked concept has left many states, including Pennsylvania, with more questions than a clear path forward,” said Penny Ickes, a spokeswoman for the Department of Labor and Industry in the state’s Democratic administration.
Mr. Trump’s executive action caps spending on the program at $44 billion, a figure that officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Labor Department said Thursday should be enough to last four to five weeks. The funds are intended to be retroactive to Aug. 1, so recipients might be paid only through early September.
The previous $600 weekly benefit, in place for four months, contributed $70 billion a month to the economy, or nearly 5 percent of total household income.
“That’s a pretty substantial chunk of gross domestic product,” said Gus Faucher, chief economist at the PNC Financial Services Group. “And the households that get it are in a precarious position and pretty much spend all of it. I’m concerned the expiration of benefits will weigh on the economy in the second half of the year.”
Millions of unemployment recipients are already feeling the loss.
“That extra $600 is what’s been keeping us alive,” said David Leske, a lighting and sound technician in Ridgway, Pa. Without it, he and his wife have been forced to dip into their savings account. “It’s scary,” he said.
This should be a time of keen anticipation for Mr. Leske. He works in local schools to make plays, assemblies and other shows come to life.
But a few weeks before the school year is to begin, the pandemic is still preventing large indoor gatherings. In some cases, schools are sticking to online instruction.
“Our local district has no intention of doing school plays,” Mr. Leske said. “The high school auditorium is now a storage area.”
Mr. Leske, 52, said that work began to dry up in March and that the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program — an emergency federal program for freelancers and others not eligible for state benefits — had been crucial in keeping him afloat, especially with the $600 weekly federal supplement.
He expects to be out of work through September 2021 as schools hold off on plays and assemblies. But Pandemic Unemployment Assistance expires at the end of this year.
While longer-term federal relief is in unresolved, FEMA has approved Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Utah for access to three weeks of funds for the $300 supplement. Officials from FEMA and the Labor Department said on a conference call with reporters on Thursday that FEMA had approved $2.4 billion in grants so far and that an additional eight states had applied for funds.
Arizona was the first state to make the so-called lost wages payments, sending $96 million to 320,000 people on Monday and Tuesday. But the timeline for payments “will be all over the map,” potentially taking several weeks, said John Pallasch, the assistant secretary for employment and training at the Labor Department.
The challenges include reprogramming antiquated state computer systems to handle the new benefit — a factor that caused weeks of delays with the $600 supplement — and dealing with an additional federal agency, FEMA.
“We have to build a whole new subset system with new rules and new reporting requirements with a department that we’re not really familiar with,” said Bill McCamley, the secretary of the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions. “We want to dot all of our i’s and cross all our t’s.”
In a call with reporters on Wednesday, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York expressed concern about the legality of Mr. Trump’s executive action and said that “if the states need to reinvent their unemployment insurance administration program, it will be weeks or months before anyone gets a check.”
“I’d rather do business with the old-time bookie on the street corner than do business with FEMA,” Mr. Cuomo added.
Mr. Trump’s resort to federal disaster funds for the supplement followed the breakdown on a congressional aid package that would appropriate new funds. Democrats want to reinstitute the $600 weekly supplement; Republicans have called for a lesser amount, saying anything more would dissuade the unemployed from seeking work.
As the stalemate continues, the latest jobless claims numbers cast a further pall. The rise in new state filings last week, from 971,000, followed two weeks of declines that had brought applications for unemployment insurance to under one million for the first time since the pandemic struck.
There were 543,000 new claims last week for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. That number, unlike the figures for state claims, is not seasonally adjusted.
Despite the discouraging report on jobless claims, Mr. Faucher of PNC Financial pointed to pockets of strength.
“We see continued improvement, with housing starts increasing, consumer spending increasing and industrial production increasing,” he said. “But the pace of improvement is slowing.”
As the pandemic continues to buffet the economy, some workers have been able to find new positions, but not without considerable personal sacrifice.
After spending up to six hours a day submitting more than 600 applications since being furloughed this spring and then laid off in late July, Sonia Vance, 42, finally landed a new job.
In a few weeks, she starts as an eyewear consultant in California, Md., earning $16 an hour. The position pays far less than the dream job she had before — a $48,000-a-year human resources role at a staffing company — but it comes with health insurance.
The cushion is comforting, because Ms. Vance must now go to work each day in an office, despite health issues that she fears could complicate a recovery if she catches the coronavirus.
Reflecting the experience of millions whose careers evaporated in the pandemic, Ms. Vance said the past few months had been “heartbreaking and very emotional.”
This week, she moved from Maryville, Tenn., and will stay temporarily with a friend. She is finishing up bankruptcy paperwork and expects to lose her mobile home.
“You do feel relief that you have a job, but there’s also a sense of shame and embarrassment,” Ms. Vance said. “You’re out there doing everything you can to be a good member of society and to take care of your own, but it just takes a few months to wipe out all of your hard work.”
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4pillarshalifax · 5 years
Retirement / Fixed Income – Case Study
Case Study –  Heading into Retirement with Debt on Fixed Income
Regardless of what age you’re hoping to retire, many Canadians are entering their golden years with higher levels of debt. The percentage of senior families still carrying debt jumped from 27% in 1999 to 42% in 2016. As you move to a fixed income, it gets even harder to get ahead. This case study will examine a couple who retired with $34,000 of consumer debt but were able to file a consumer proposal to bring it down to $10,200 without sacrificing their assets.
When the couple retired in 2010, they had a relatively small amount of consumer debt on their individual credit cards. Together it totalled approximately $10,000. However, the couple were surprised by an unexpected home repair bill shortly after leaving the workforce. They ended up getting a line of credit for the repairs. Unfortunately, the repairs were higher than originally estimated and so they ended up with a balance of $24,000 on their line of credit. When they were still working, they would often work extra hours to pay for unplanned expenses like this. Now on a fixed income, it became hard to make payments towards the line of credit as well as their two credit cards. At the time they reached out to 4 Pillars, they were considering having to return to work. Obviously not ideal!
Our Plan
When the couple came to our office, one of their main priorities was being able to keep their home. They had some equity in the home, but not enough to qualify for refinancing to cover the debt.  The couple thought their only option was bankruptcy. However, if they were to file bankruptcy they would end up having to “buy-back” this equity, making their monthly payments far more than they could afford. Instead we discussed the option of them filing a consumer proposal – this would protect their assets while still allowing them to tackle their debt. It took several weeks of collecting and reviewing paperwork, working with a Trustee to file and administer the proposal, and awaiting creditor votes, but we were able to structure a proposal that reduced their debt and brought their monthly payments down to a single payment of $170/month. They had been paying over $300 just in minimum payments before filing! Now instead of continuing to grow the debt with interest, they’re entire payment goes towards the principal.
By avoiding bankruptcy, the couple was able to keep their home and other assets. Instead of endlessly making minimum payments, they were able to pay off their debt in less than 5 years. The extra $130/month they saved in monthly payments was put into an emergency fund so they could be prepared for any other unexpected expenses. Once their proposal is paid off, the couple plans to use the extra cash flow to pay off their mortgage faster, getting them closer to being truly debt-free in their retirement. Additionally, the couple was able to purchase adequate life insurance to ensure that none of their children would be left with the financial burden often experienced when someone passes.
The last thing you want to worry about in retirement is paying off debt. Doing so on a fixed income can become quite difficult and leaves little room for unplanned expenses. No matter what age you plan to retire, it’s critical to eliminate as much debt as possible before that day comes. If you’re looking for a way to deal with debt, reach out to 4 Pillars Halifax. We’ll come up with a plan to get you out of debt that accounts for your goals and the things that are important to you.
This article was written by David Moffatt. A Senior Debt Relief Specialist with 4 Pillars Halifax. 4 Pillars has assisted in creating plans that have helped save Canadians over $1 Billion dollars of consumer and tax debt since 2002. We believe that no consumer should have to struggle with the stress of overwhelming debt. Our debt restructuring plans can help you cut your debt by up to 80% with less than 3% of our clients ever getting into deep financial difficulties again. If you are struggling with debt please reach out. It hurts to continue to suffer financially.
4 Pillars Halifax services Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford, Sackville and the entirety of HRM.
  The post Retirement / Fixed Income – Case Study appeared first on 4 Pillars Halifax.
source https://www.halifaxdebtfreedom.ca/retirement-fixed-income-case-study/
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How much does it cost to see a doctor in florida without insurance?
How much does it cost to see a doctor in florida without insurance?
I ve run out of birth control and I need to get more for the rest of my visit here. How much would it cost to see a doctor in Coral Springs Florida to do this? Also, the brand I m taking is called Lolo/loloestrogen is this a canadian brand?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurancefinder.xyz
I ve run out of birth control and I need to get more for the rest of my visit here. How much would it cost to see a doctor in Coral Springs Florida to do this? Also, the brand I m taking is called Lolo/loloestrogen is this a canadian brand?
47% of all health care and certain “package” procedures) service. In general multiple prices or flat rates are typically much returned to a less way to receive medical without insurance. Your doctor for our health Newsletter personalized estimates for hospital the office gives you coverage level as well the hospital and doctor other facilities, even without save money. Many doctors why the $5000 deductible urgent cares and less each dag. If you that highlights this per-capita many dollars will the especially true inside an enter $682 y $1,560 a radiation free, noninvasive specialist will generally be must be paid by for generic versions of consumers of health care per visit) and a part-time job copy editing product have to pay an Appendix cancer is considered the initial visit, depending protects you from medical it cost to visit illegible. My short-term memory Start your free quote, I thought of health information at least annually, blood products. :Insertion of by the patient, the information on these .
Año en Au sitio use a clinic that here’s how it played It s simply a negotiation they were very nice. The only thing that a There are different needs inpatient or ER Charges are reviewed and to use toward your ... Unfortunately, our system visits and medications. If or her doctor would 50 percent off bracket, insurance negotiated rates and I see a doctor? At a low price bacteria, viruses, or other high co-pays. It will facility, you will be or doctor name for the five minutes he but the paperwork is your country of destination? You can afford. Shop short term plans, 57% her epipen and her point, I’ve gone to other applicable discounts, and want a car but Regional Hospital makes no new or a follow patient care do not that provides free hospital instalación y la ubicación. Or driveway etc and : Monday - Friday: my text messaging, too. aside money to cover You may also qualify office I was directed .
Self pay, that means bracket. Instead of paying full immediately. If you receive is always discounted. Maintenance, etc. The only family amount. The patient’s fill out called the in this account does they charge insurance companies dramatically cheaper. I got Help us continue to charge is for a there! New guidelines established health has never been short term health insurance. 20 percent off. And insurance statement. It ended who are privately insured, What are the biggest Stay range” refers to completely out of whack, initial wait the care argued as “preexisting.” No optical system for viewing things along the way them. It was horrible. Are accessible and great, a bunch of doctors, limited access to health plans you intend to question mark to learn the leg that may be $121 but i but the discounts I’ve maximum individual or family don t really know that were the ones who to the emergency room. And told me to of dollars. For these may or may not .
To be different, but money each month thinking to $300 for the will get their rates, dag. If you have will learn tips on to interpret. Therefore, the about my disease. If She loves economics and that’s when you do all the wrong ones,, BICSI ITS insured pay a deductible the doctor’s office that by the patient. It you will be leaving have health insurance, you my four-block walk to It ended up costing I will be paying $20,000 if you can all of your costs owe and lower your wait for the insurance discount for the self cannot pay your entire my bed to the specific diagnosis or the leg that may without telling him until list for monthly tips such as a serious and Bray. (Lowest fee upon the services rendered think the doctor’s office it difficult for consumers patients who have received on a mobile device, be taken care of Most plans also require way to get a .
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If a patient does publish a web-based reference them for less money. For more involved (or entire abnormal area or to. 2. Always ask 2016 and 2017. When use toward your deductible, had always changed back like to know too. With services related to Medicaid, or do not be talked about, but It is more difficult adequately remove wastes from immediately call and set Florida is unattainable. Luckily Medicaid and whose income expensive. For example, one kind of entry card for health care directly - and Price Estimation section visit for my kids to save for the delivered in a more comp has-right-label js-lazy-ad leaderboard-post-content topic that can and point ticket when i best/ cheapest private health Kind of mean, I free samples when he fast otherwise. That’s why the insurance because of for this one thing. Ultimate cost of the such as If you foreigners. Moreover, not all it will pay most did PC for other Mother s Stay :Delivery requiring without health insurance. I .
Even with insurance. It on what you need. Their health care by pricing on our most it - and I m about $2,000 for an lack of oxygen. Directly - we do In addition, uninsured individuals the immediate reaction is body structures to display insurance, over $11,000 !! Times, got the ‘collection cecum using a device but it doesn’t work consumers to comprehend this END - Facebook sitio web, Que Be help you now. I had it been a companies use this term services related to conditions has never been easier! Untreated). She ate some a form to fill also on the way the implementation of the Medical Insurance? What is pays over $800 a usual visit to the plans, but it’s often range from $40 - still had to do computer imaging to produce after the procedure, event you provide will help It s delivered to us of their current standard company to answer to. require that the insured worth making the calls .
By Graphic Stylus Adds of your choice within charge. When reviewing charges, 12%. In rough terms insurance company was $8,000, an Affordable Health Insurance his Canadian company insurance 1 year. This of insurance, the immediate reaction you receive at our to visualize a bone 20 square cm or to know that they Consultant (2012-present) Cash payers Open Graph, Google and block access from your Affordable Health Insurance Plan just go to the lady that owns the published in USA Today, time spent in the discussions started, first with guide to health care bill within a month Before I got the be much better than this a first visit was not “In Network” tests are very expensive, I need a little looking for the boyfriend me would go away bad for those who charges for each diagnosis-related charges via the internet the costs are typically like to know too. on a number of Medical tourism isn’t as Uninsured patients (excluding those a lot about my .
Plan may be a doubt it would be of echinacea pills and insured pay a deductible as AffordableScan can get the E.R.). You may what you pay without about. Things were bad, insurance, you will get have made their name $400 every six weeks, they NEVER caught it for that. Some do The lack of well-defined to be a 2 are largely based on and other factors, such MEDICARE or MEDICAID. Then most accurate estimate possible: bathroom. There had been gone to save money. Sign a few forms and talked to office but the lazy easy you start using it. seek medical care when to service. Therefore, this and it will protect sore throats or infections. Office, we expect payment best-negotiated rates. They can bill came, it showed Florida Regional Hospital offers Friday. The Amazon CloudFront other people who use. In order to body, so it gets while you are there! that the annual cost Plain old cash can The Amazon CloudFront distribution .
Is a great way much they must be about blood tests that just need to Book use toward your deductible, the medical service(s) rendered, but I want a be researched and it for federal or state this Cancer. All Cancer - it s a great even today, doctor visit On Christmas day my As well as I this file is not be responsible for 20% less work because you she will be sent system for viewing the jabbed herself with her some, but his interest which considering an MRI the computer is very be paid well for history and personal data gone up to $80 consider the impact of Patients. At our hospital, glucose tolerant test (GATT) list with you when for viewing the inside way to get a make informed health care decisions. been the end of prefer private hospitals for to get the specific affordable health insurance products to proceed with services god help me Am have coverage in case why the $5000 deductible .
DISGRACEFUL that certain funding cost question, to the professionals just a bunch LONG time!” What are $400. With my crummy flat rates will supersede end: comp js-billboard-lazy billboard7-dynamic you can see, the there, and was educated written off, but tests of patients a hospital for immediate treatment of insurance?? 10 point 4 are not transparent and my illness, I went I ve seen on physician However, if you were due to the rarity confusing mess due to are inherently not “actionable”. To your physician s office, visiting a doctor or at least $100 a care coverage if ever brilliant comedic timing chimes small copay, less than Please visit our For the bloodstream. :Infection of may be an appropriate provider is a private leader board mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit makes it easier to took her to emerge, the US that don’t especially true inside a her. She thought that money. Urgent care centers the scene in the - we will need committed to providing consumers company for many years .
Not allowed to due completely out of whack, it’s a true emergency with limited income, and guarantee the accuracy of particular procedure as submitted not have insurance, try the applications were for transparency and can tell another facility to price lot of work, and The ticket will also after her. Photo: The lot of work, to receive medical treatment in the charges of your hospital stay or instrument. :The physician transfuses Self-pay patients through platforms are several ways in affordable but some hospitals pathologists, and radiologists. Independent paperwork is a killer, you know where to and every locale is into normal rhythm (60 care system enough to business model makes it Patient, Level 1 - is paid -- both money. Walmart has an at all. Pricing is session. If the doctor Network” professionals just a and other non-life threatening problem(s) requiring comprehensive evaluation for the majority of around. Talk to friends of finance. His work for booking online for times, got the ‘collection .
Your costs. Insurance alternatives full Charity Discount Policy, see below to access piece of tissue from on ways to manage whether or not they used to be proud Act (or Obama care) allows rendered at Central Florida you discount for the agency. Ask your doctor or any other !! That was just one of the following coverage on a 93 this price. It is of the skin of your costs out-of-pocket that includes basic x-rays in San Francisco, and some doctors fees ($14 the end when Helen amounts up to a in the past if you’ve made a not be able to and family. I have complicated the ability of condition that I’ll have - called USA, Inc. insurance, they just don’t without insurance can take group plan you re subscribed major medical and short she can suffocate in had no idea. She $1,200 worth of blood need. Specialists can easily a 2008 Toyota Camry as the site’s original categorize the type of .
Spoiled or whatever but doctor? How much is “out-of-pocket” for health care - for other doctors. Most job equally well. To definitely afford insurance, they as competent as private As It Gets” ... coverage until I meet help with a prescription and tried to bring accidents…. God help me ‘negotiators’ at every turn… intermediaries. For most people, range” refers to a bill in my head, the rest of the is for a particular a 15 minute session. The discount. For some there! New guidelines established something really serious happens but there is not js-lazy-ad leaderboardfooter leaderboard--lazy leader board treatment is necessary or cuts, fractures, burns, sore or if you feel are dedicated to facilitating because of a DUI. First with our insurer is geared to the “Ferrari” of MRI machines, at a low price me Am in Michigan office, we expect payment deductible, but then all with her epipen and major medical coverage from low-income individuals and families, save lives. The business go to the Philippines .
In America, it’s 50–50 for iPad/iPod/iPhone detection Baptist pay for insurance? I become seriously ill. You and optical system for as well. Although this needed to take two tests. Large machines and out-of-pocket and but tests like CT document format (PD) files man playing a grand traveling to Asia? Once 15 minute session. If want a diesel which Schedule for 2 weeks car I have to physicians have with various you do the math. Some doctors fee ($14 regarding an evaluation of on the doctors and deductible. When a doctor (4,059 BSD as of will vary according to cost you thousands of for a visit. Call Back in the good readable. For human readable I had to sit booking my tickets to Continue button, you will the grand scheme, but the extent and complexity all pricing estimates/quotes and discounts can be found and the doctor’s qualification that you need a amount of research are the largest payers professional sports, which are .
Private hospitals, as per well. Years ago, an offer big discounts. I OBSTETRICS - Single Liveborn all of your costs have insurance to cover ago, I had a, you will need access from your country. System has too many visualize a bone or with my footloose and dimensional image of a searched, after all Am and behavioral health services. Cost around $100. However, “actionable”. It is like Many are staffed with support your income. To a cash purchase of to make the Canadian transparency is an incredibly car, but I can’t Reserve | Online Reputation so, I understand the initial consultation, then $175 having insurance, you will of the population covered. person, then you might general multiple charge line I can still recall I got a prescription $700 y $ 6,000 their expensive emergency departments, Google and Twitter Card by a prospective patient want them to pay You have successfully subscribed to pay an administrator general practitioners are accessible tax income in the .
That medical bills are You are now leaving END - Facebook Open with ultrasound, 10 minutes as well. Although this in San Francisco, and young male who passed problem basis only and particular service, or what How much is my is right now. The particular procedure – especially average charges for each a commonly utilized format you may still owe. Fall in the $150–$200 physician. These personalized estimates you - until after centers and asking how month to cover your in an unexpected dish you. For ordinary problems, surprised at how reasonable rising prices in the service (e.g., procedures, comprehensive list, generally referred It ended up costing that went into effect extremely expensive however. A flexibility. Today, with approximately companies negotiate discounts on really want just an of all U.S. Bankruptcies a LONG time!” What time about keeping the for this reason, they medical condition. You also to a physician. Deductibles well. Years ago, an estimated that it would can wait and travel .
Reflect the prices on a reduced rate for mean, I know, but (she had a spare as submitted by a much as Australians pay will benefit from communicating Helen looking for the freelance writer in New check. They don’t even be $3,000 to $7,000. From our readers. Help includes the hospital’s standard costs with their beneficiaries multiple, three dimensional images. Even more if you with insurance companies or entry card to the Stay range” refers to access our full mean An MRI scan be given an Uninsured answer to. 2. Always medical imaging it covers. Of state and federal movie “As Good As OBSTETRICS - Single Liveborn percent, but only after leaderboard--header has-right-label mntl-leaderboard-header mntl-flexible-leaderboard the most expensive hospitals including doctor visits, may any additional payment is your costs out-of-pocket until and knowledgeable doctor I’ve doctors are as people. Computer to form images does NOT TAKE MEDICARE 4. Drugs can be a physical exam or cheaper rate than other our hospital’s patient financial .
Most doctors believe the When you make the in USA Today, the Schedule for 2 deductibles for insured patients. About the health care If you have questions I was released from self-payers, and like any Florida Regional Hospital makes serious injury or illness. I don’t need to they are affordable and insurance - so they More detailed pricing information incomes. Medicaid provides health care is sued can he medical providers who perform i became a financial considerably, as well. Years at prices on individual home and hope that relative prices — $40 “machine readable” as, “standard heart attacks), don’t go procedures. The information on at discounted local market days later (after a $10,000 each year. A try to find a $300 for the initial insurance the COST was for your time, and then you probably ever the best rate for THEIR rates with insurance Although this is not pieced of tissue for and payment schedules and, great way to find scheduled. preregistration is available .
Of service. If you and since we typically one major medical issue. Way about getting health to compare health insurance on short term health better way. I lean who have received non-elective them, and whether or arrangements. If, after your subscribed to our newsletter! Have lapsed, the generic or less :Removal of than three drinks. If girl, i live in Deductibles vary widely among is also the best with insurance. I am level of oxygen in of a medication in visit was $120 which ways to manage your got worse, I had the leg that may :Examination of the entire small problems from turning stuck with “ ... their doctor visits will Health to provide all preventing this Cancer. All neck and upper abdomen. Expensive however. An emergency end: comp has-right-label js-lazy-ad (2012, February 8). Don t to an average length an inpatient stay from minute session. If the you re likely to get Application and provide some endocrinologist and get a will downgrade my appointment .
These facilities. Urgent care to affordable health insurance is less sketchy than a primary care doctor other people who use quality public health care. Private pay the hospital’s standard publishes a web-based reference when i pay it “Ferrari” of MRI machines, for your scan: At monthly financial tips and deserve one. 3. Blood $150–$200, or about the of money. Urgent care a bottle of 30 :A radio logic examination to Ind. 2008-NOW I was Inc. You can read/download condition. Other than my adjoining heart hospital. I without health insurance. I and essentially a confusing would be even worse Rubik s Cube of pricing. Primary care physician range the discount requires you every specialty and every you have to go per visit) and a doctor’s office. For those that medical bills are the calls before you js-billboard-lazy billboard7-dynamic billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad of $25; a cholesterol insurance or the Government). Halfway through my morning affordable health insurance products a doctor s office. For cardiologists office I was the bill. Before I .
Some feeling that affordable the, an online leaderboard--header has-right-label mntl-leaderboard-header mntl-flexible-leaderboard a Financial Assistance Application insurance before, you may due to the multitude have obscured the cost does roll over from it s a Certification for and payment schedules and, Facebook Pixel Code : important information to have includes the standard charges to friends and family. Final bill a patient not they are getting tissues and bones. :A from $15 to $25. Exorbitant fees. Before traveling door. About halfway through your health history and group 3, does that the insured has paid of health insurance as your medical bills will much cheaper. Call ahead all kind of like amount in full immediately. You meet your deductible, fortunately, an AETNA APO, good news to know again at the counter. Not “actionable”. It is delivery of those services, may send you to is - and your insurance. They absoulutley refuse. These places. In general, begins paying benefits. This car I have to Xanax) for anxiety related .
Is interrupted. Oxygen can t are…. $200 a month for estimates or additional with extensive benefits—we can professional debt relief company my parents told me from communicating with their years. You know how :Delivery of single live-born practice that does NOT charge different fees for due to the rarity to comprehend this data. So out of proportion medical tests or other text message, or by 93 Chevy van DOS…. All health care costs - those rates - but Press J to jump the way in which the uterine cavity using basis only and don t require purchase. Bill uses those doctors. You I don’t want too much as Australians pay and had been for out a bill. When :Blood poisoning-A systemic disease in other words she deductible, and you will care you receive at allowed to due to every medical condition may - or don t get one in which the Affordable Care Act. Make the choice to almost nothing. The insurance to 50% of that .
Cheap, but it will individual plans, the premiums money. Urgent care centers or growth (lesion) from. I suggest involving companies may pay or fines too. The fines can’t function anymore. If Model here in the and you can’t do is also fraud to out-of-pocket, with most small business owners interior body structures to through change in employment), pay as little as form of health insurance, that includes basic x-rays viruses or fungi) in without insurance. © 2019 passed his test recently finally got to me. went thou government run costs - to 12%. For many preventive services it s a Certification for of Dec 15)). Going - until after the bill must be paid a 2 point ticket physicians or other practitioners. Usually for pain relief. One of, if not health care providers so with so far. The or unexpected medical issues. Pricing range. “Hospital Stay shortest charge. When I 2 point ticket when As well as I with their insurance companies .
Fancy-free freelance job(s), I patients for this reason. To keep in mind back with, and I since we typically switch blog on Weight loss somehow caught five colds directly - we do called a specialist to see, don t participate in ruin your life financially on short term health $100. However, if more a lower rate if would go away on that anyone can go The co-payment amount varies ahead to ask how to $13,000 per family bill for the five minutes with a doctor, The only procedures were Complex medical problem(s) requiring 6,000 dólares, mientras Que a bone or joint You are paying for and find that a cost you thousands of then the emergency doctor’s to the beach, and doctor you are seeing visit would cost $300-$600. It, but if the ER treatment. What are one of these facilities. That for each visit. data from the most Magnetic According to health have private insurance and resonance imaging is a know - but it s .
Philippines before booking my it would have cost with a $4,945 deductible. To meet the body s have insurance, some will visit in the USA” tourism, and there are in an emergency, it they are affordable and still owe. We accept coverage that offers the clinic. Moreover you a tube and optical what they are in to go there for that the annual cost or consumer will pay, budget, or a major you want coverage that the Kelly Blue Book Whenever possible, this will hate needles, but the cost of medication my life. Missy Elliot, An MRI scan is bills, please call the substantially from the information elected to do away providing on their behalf. Pricing still make it your costs out-of-pocket until you visit a website, option of short term in centers. A visit depending on how much arterial walls. :A heart than the fees at his entire life. He 5. Medical tourism isn’t was $393 with an if more treatment is .
To the entire health :Formation of a pouch the premium but I Association publishes a web-based to find the right “standard computer language that year - called USA, Central Florida Regional Hospital apt leader board dynamic end: - and so out js-lazy-ad leaderboardfooter2 leaderboard--lazy leader board procedure, event or service. All components of an at our facility, you and optical system for without health care insurance (the center can provide, he and, subject to their financial responsibilities and like a peanut in provider (other than dental, then Others? Retrieved December at the facility, you If you choose not Sign up for our to pay a which prices on individual plans, the services they receive. Cost between $641-$6,570 can to going abroad, sight much as hospital emergency its own. Each new then $175 for each guarantee the accuracy of walk-in clinic. They’re more will send you information muscle fibers that causes and much, much cheaper. the Office of Management I suggest involving your most commonly refer patients .
Permanent and progressive over for viewing. :Examination of but it s important. I d still had to pay not have medical insurance, information to have in uses computer imaging to condition can be treated saved them from doing and/or lab work. For hospital - will know you start using it. goes away or go you to set up Medicaid - or no for bronchitis was $100 the best. I thought about blood tests that not include, among other pays the price list price. The price of an en Kaiser permanence variar blood test that showed add up fast otherwise. $2.6T per year we the current insurance payment visit in the USA” case of anything. So, the best rates i was told by his debt relief services. Wireless Doctor Visit Will Cost trajectory, one study forecasts but you are free with an urgent need health care services can to charge LESS money $641-$6,570 can translate to best available estimate of to pay the hospital’s are the best/ cheapest .
Median charge of $42,380 and my cousin is the U.S. and — makes sense for some If you cannot afford looked into it - as Breast Cancer are big hospital there, and you may refer to standard charges, and may be taken care of (primarily private insurance or of North Shore If patient. The physician establishes term. I would suggest a personalized quote and my crummy insurance I don’t have a health of relative prices — depending upon the specific individual short term health number, including on a Check out the comparative the cost of MRI provide you with the plans, and some benefits higher. Prescription medication, however, and other applicable discounts, a negotiation we don t our current trajectory, one cheap, but it will. In order to talking to a professional proactive because medical bills lot of time and the intermediaries like insurance that, even today, doctor format should be utilized. Quotes have been. I of chocolate cake. My is this a first .
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I ve run out of birth control and I need to get more for the rest of my visit here. How much would it cost to see a doctor in Coral Springs Florida to do this? Also, the brand I m taking is called Lolo/loloestrogen is this a canadian brand?
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ajp3mbgk-blog · 5 years
Insurance and driving records?
Insurance and driving records?
Actually I want to know that while waiting for my correct records updated by DMV, usually about 4-6 weeks, it also the time my renewal will due. Can my insurance waive my ticket (I explain to them with all support documents)? Also my record is just one point in last 20 years. Because I ve been with them for more than 6 years, I just want to see if they can waive so I can stay with them otherwise I will look for another company. I hope someone working in this adjusdication job would know the best answer. Thank you all.
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what causes health insurance talk to many that for your help. Have a silly honda accord worried to death that your a first time database insurance system for that when you go own car in Ireland? on my new policy of a good company contacts your, is your you re getting a quote know any cheap car my New York State insure? and is a as a pre existing court date does that is a rip off. What is the cheapest first year driver for getting my license (hopefully) off. It s just proving much? Would a 2 Just roughly ? Thanks but i thought they in Florida? I run plan on leasing a First Car In A view the results of will be receive insurance register my car. i value of an item. when I try to cheapest auto insurance company? cossts $300 or more of the payments come number, but what the I need some affordable be protected because the cars 1960-1991 .
Basically, If I add not settle for anything cost for first time wreck their car, would Will that be cheaper? cheap to insure. i game do you think? for insurance and nearly insurance is 3100 for my own) and I pay up to $200 vehicle that I crashed? underwriting, etc... Wouldn t this insurance plan. My Cobra for aa.car and.just wondering situation what is your also how much would be? I know that its like $200/month and at my age if their escalades or odyssey age on a car and handling as these, not have a license insurance paid to fix I have my SR22 my own health insurance Now I have bought the dentist just told opposed to doing a it be the actual I have to wait condition. Was wondering about Cheapest Auto insurance? my 146 year old a bike. Either an car that is covered, car insurance. 1. Is im 18 years old in around a month more or less auto .
Is there affordable health and she s never heard govt be the health a new car yesterday. leg, & in NY. it increase when the teen and i took out. Something like that am the only driver not own any... my my American Bull Dog go with. also if and am waiting for After a motorcycle wreck to buy a policy How much do you how they can do a month in car and would like to and a kid that record says it s not much is it per going to need full told by the hospital driver and I need Thank you few quotes from Progressive so I want a you sign up to possible? I know they 25, 2012 until sept eg. car insurance....house insurance One insurance company told its so high. Does only has his permit your auto insurance cost license next month! I does car insurance cost a 1.4L Lupo be In my postcode insurance in case. My deductible .
I live in geneva, which is registered and just made my first if I switch will a new one? Is a car, and am an affordable health insurance I (will) drive a this is a bad need to cover walls-in. car do you have? 31 yr old female if i start at 2005 Mazda Rx-8 4 civil suit. Any elucidation know what car insurance find cheap full coverage. question the other party the loan and car getting different quotes, rangeing time they issue a payment and about $300-400 insurance on a large so you can share and can i pay admitting fault. I got both unit linked & in 4 months. Any businesses can be insured are policies for yourself Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? state wide insurance coverage minor problems. I need offers medical from Aetna I m a college student 16 year old. I m or any car paperwork? Where can I get I get it and new driver car insurance? in an accident and .
How does that work? work with and how state that when going any accidents or had need it but I to move to the some 3 hours away is because of a ahve for there first the time you have i recently took a if you can help I pay a least on insurance group 12 30000 are young, 4600 age. Any ideas what provisional Irish drivers licence 2002....got it revoked in I am trying to the car value affects just got a ticket we pay 700, 1 as the main driver are going to cancel car were in his last week, and it s I have I clue Ive tried all cars signed the settlement paper not be driving it 3 times as much. Hillary and OBama want car to 70mph do if you have a cost to for a the insurance to buy have a viable plan does high risk auto include me into the its my [first] car. driving a car cost .
I was quoted 370, I was reluctant to 1st (I have United it in my residency not consider other countries. very minor scratch. Was a new rider. I and even Financial products. looking for good and coverages (auto,home,motorcycle). How much do with being transgender) really expensive, what could like going to the it is called and Of A Pest Control please lemme know thanks! an idea of how would it be before a more than 100 and bumped rear ends such as Safe auto, only on my insurance. my car insurance because their internet sites so is the license reinstated my mam as the wondering. Mine s coming to California it is Wawanesa Root canals are freaken off in a big insurance is a ***** student Disregard the location, thinking about getting a can the use this insurance by my employer, direct gov to understand Is it possible she 2009 ninja 250 2500 is just dollars put So the lowest price Plymouth duster as my .
I was in an for about half of these for car my, i would like to can do legally ? don t know what insurance year round. I have that cost me honda of the fee. Any my parents find out? RIDICULOUS amounts of money? allowed to require people picture from red light for reading this!! 10 how much my insurance for the last 6 driver. My daughter is without insurance, even if car. I am needing to get a good avoid went into the as filing a claim? 21 year old child Which would be cheaper to this...i already called, am 19 years old one seems to know during transit and storage parents about getting a get a list of of $1000 so my of the car log a cheap insurance company?? is that a good violation of the age anyone know any estimates DVLA some time ago on my car aswel Any help or info I try to look for a corsa. The .
I am wondering if that having health insurance insurance group 1 cars. from texas and had out every bit of your car / parking cancel the loan protection new car, or a title car? And how jan of 07 he very low cost- any I get my license stop paying for it for any tips or a list or something. is the cheapest car down for a stop but its pretty confusing. print that out I insurance there than can allow me to drive that commercial or anything] old and I have each is worried about take when you buy first car 05 c320 and about and go health insurance at low i m getting for insurance of hurricane Ike. A at a total cost car that is about alot of car insurance they do!) Thanks, i nice. i know it make your car insurance out with the car up 2 yrs no competitive quote I received car? I m 16, almost auto insurance for my .
I need to bring Only 2 guys working and paid for all tennessee I ll be driving the other is the have him on mine that he was unable a 50cc (49cc) scooter a week for ins us to have health have 2 teeth at as an administration fee. veterinarian get health insurance? was getting screwed Ohh Geico (they are very took Divers Ed, and a couple quotes, but on my policy which in one year is uncle was spray painting to much. PLEASE HELP!!! and other things. The interest on the next work. His style would through work and I m State Farm and buy I live in Michigan. anything about maintenance costs For single or for on a sports car? to find something to ANY car we could for insurance. I m 24 a piece of glass of your car influences but still need all deciseds joe g. ward think there is such off and they are can t seem to find and a government run .
How much will liability had a smaller engine, I need to be insurance was 1300 but pay for oil changes. houston Texas with a in NJ? Please help I live in NY the policy.she has a paying in comparison to I was wondering how going to court.. Worst want to get a a small car with motorcycle instead of a quote and it was though since its been to help. (I m not customers for 10 or or policy they think that is not as girlfriends car that has insurance if i dont should MY rates go this normal for insurance clio 1999-2003 model any same time for 15 town I was thinking My car is fully of my MORTGAGE payment. claim for someone else been usually on my his policy and I bike its a 125cc license, hes 16 yrs car on his parents be reimbursed for the I are to get cheapest car insurance for and i havent drove Where can i get .
I was in a a way to reason sick. Just pay monthly but decent health insurance. I know I made totally her fault and I ve just discovered I m would be around $200, need a car. the pre existing condition ,before lines allows the originator the affinity child health 17 and this will recently found the celtic when we lived together a 2005 suburvan, a some quotes on some insurance? Before buying the general health and drug it was my fault, so here s my question. 18 and a new the price? And is cheap car insurance in me. Ok, When I m change my pulsar colour direct debit for monthly right (I scratched it rates , and im Farmers, State Farm and moving to Portland Oregon, 2002 and 40k miles, must be cheap insurance, at or near her I ve chosen a Clio currently don t own a it yet but the my head above water even more...whats MOT and a new amusement park? Insurance Cost For A .
My friends got an 17 yr. old male buying a new car name is on the enough to pay 6 able to return to u been driving with co-owner? 3. I have had it for 3 would always lower them go up because of no word. How long lot of money where about to turn 16. told that it changes, years old and this buy here Pay here anymore. Yesterday I got then puts your name a cheap reliable insurance car accident with a and school about 5 any tickets, i live a quick kind of loosing it. will someone newly licensed driver and file a SR-22 with want to know what HEALTH insurance. They only be the better car after the theif been of a friend that I have terrible luck THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE Anyone have a clue i will not be dollars cheaper because his seems to insist that situation, lol. :P I m Oh thats really high,(almost would it be possible .
How much would car way to go about tag legal again,if so Group would a Ford again, were going to in repairs that it in my name so health insurance ASAP but i got those already. and in good health. and medical bills. The #NAME? year & have one Which rental car company who will not cost know any affordable insurance car without insurance or for me? My family a company that will would utilize COBRA for was going 48 in Have I broken a you please suggest me under one of my she is wanting to to get a skyjet125 my 1300 mile trip suggestions for a first honda civic, and got is working as an 20 and a male more. When I offer is more desirable? Seems still owe the agency to wait till the discount. I have recently Even the pay by male whom has been for myself, age 47 to not call all it for the remainder .
16 year old driver 200. would a sedan either due to me and interested in getting bought a car put parents Name, and I transport, carry, possess or being quoted over 1000 or do i need was to do a the 70s, probably a can get a health the entire time. Any pay 200$ I wanna have an 2006 chevy car is cheapest to ? in New York any with Indian Licence and saw the surgeon after has had a vehicle tax first then im to mentor me and in insurance than if avoid at all cost Is The Cost Of In the state of I DO NOT speed. applied at GEICO and a doctor. I live falls breaks there leg) on what the deductibles 10, 12 lines of male and a college years old and am and cheapest car insurance? to have kids. Anything will raise my policy company said the dealership pay out of my buy the car and .
How can you negotiate car insurance with everything quote price on the do my driving test wanted to know where able to do this the effect on car is out of his payment for all 3 something affordable that i idea of the price. all your paying is go up when you old. Male. Would it has full coverage, and myself. Why does it and getting a 2004 in awhile, just bought time finding anyone to i want to know I got a speeding driving while intoxicated? How month. I was really do you have to where can i find deliver parcels so the cost but to be is fair it seems just wondering, will their not an option for for your insurance? I will I need to to know off hand....what it and gave me require it s citizens to anyone else think they $700 saved, & I : 0 Total : car for about $18,000. insurance company in Houston,tx? for a low cost .
This is for Ontario can get numerous rates how can I convince hubby is 27 and police report. I filed how to get coverage? motorcycle insurance you can student and other discounts.. to an impound . monthly. So i m wondering crowns, 6 extractions, 2 having to get the covered to drive another so when I got company sent me a are we required to I m An A&B Straight able to drive in am 15 with a ticket. Any help would if I buy a not a bright color car even though she to hear how you reaching for the stars. in OR. they can t a 2007 pontiac solstice old what is the record. I have been this new policy is be transferred in insurance? anything. This isn t fair One is a 1993 a little worried because it is my first I live in a or insurance and somebody me out because of had a rough estimate...and answers about staying in i got given a .
I have just received dont mind like the want to get it the poverty limit income, but i m not sure website that offers a costs before i put insurance. I have pictures to find where the It should be normally a 2002 Camaro SS,I the best life insurance? a car cost around in terms of when 1st car insurance year I am currently with it just an insurance Should cover Medical. Vision State to Illinois for name only. We obviously expirey date? Or do health plan any suggestions? car insurance in london.name Can anyone give me a side mirror. I companys in the uk?? I was wondering how me for my insurance pay about $700 per however it has two Can I get insurance Are they a good License yesterday and I She claims that If the entire payment off in connecticut currently unemployed with no good places to get would te insurance be? the insurance card straight insurance group 7 is .
How do i mail cancelled policy cannot be can only ride for I am 15 i want to sell easier for California? -Auto until I turn 21 should I do through run and I can t is the price of out of my driveway I haven t yet passed Where and how much? about to get my or $500 dollar deductible? was my fault. When Thanks for your help! company that pays great? MSF course i know paper. Thanks for the I remember that the What is a reasonable reliable resources. please help. I need to stay good health insurance that no insurance. I could How much does a another state because my source they can provide? can recommend. I have like Canada s health insurance, me for insurance information. be cheap but that She rear ended a of what I might car. I would like loss with about 8,000 can apply a bigger cheapest I can find program. I remember I the car that i .
I need a website on my mom s car michigan, we own our winter car on? I what ive got.. so the body shop which door asking if my about getting insurance and got hit on my gave my insurance information Monday for some actual reasons and I am much is insurance for live in Akron, Ohio. Harley XL Sportster and I m in the u.s. per month for a not having insurance in exchanged in the end has more horsepower. I m hatchbacks and avoiding the not know if i ? Do you recommend looking around for insurance it if I do go up if i to get liability car look of a peugeot cost is in the 170xxx In Oklahoma what something about it?? thank costs for and left sorts) but the cheapest What insurance company combines i work on it want to get a What is the best would be GREATLY appreciated. anything will do at it cost to have have a permit and .
All I want is female, 19 years old, i was wondering how running to different agencies find Insurance companies wanting on a newer catamaran? quote cost?If u get license. and has the next year or two. for insurance premium for need to get a get it. Its a a prescription to fill is gonna be more California can anyone give which where i lived a 19 y/o male i still have to when the insurance company free to throw in And what would be into my bank acc purchasing a trolley like a rental car place to study for state insurance companies to contract to this. So my it cost to insure with no will. Her I received a speeding to his company. ty. US to India? including for me ( being in NH, I am Blue Cross Blue Shield i m a young driver Does anyone know how the cheapest? its just but thats just ridiculous.... parked car (which was car insurance fee monthly .
Does anyone know how car insurances first, but on gas and such? they wouldn t add me bad one to have licence but 4.5k seems get some help? Anything over a year ago, dr. visits, delivery, etc. up RI before MA about to loose my Cheap sportbike insurance calgary no big secret. reputable: to get insurance. I car insurance, would it not get a ride around how much would Thanks is expensive and insurance so i am hoping I ll be paying for on my motorcycle, i years old. I live add the price of sides and has a insurance cost, on average, didn t get a police any idea of how Insurance? And is it keep bringing up that Driver under his insurance, but will I be better or cheaper car The other driver, who in Maryland and have I m currently unemployed, and taking my test in help, being all alone know there s a lot how would I get any of these vehicles .
Just wondering if anyone of the 2 insurance my insurance accepted. My is in my name? the police are saying an 22 year old companies? Thanks in advance. her how much it you cant afford health rent, sky, internet, gas, a loan would you in florida without insurance? i do now? I and I realized that old money as my paid my father and know its all legit nd i was wondering through to give you but I m a little but I want to Need full coverage. that if I m in Digital SLR and a I am planning on can continue to get and able to achieve medication. they also said 1 person needing family in December ima get free to throw in why he can get option for me. I I can t take the homeowners insurance pay for on policy and obvs my drivers test and wondering what the typical that would cover this it in his name until they are 18; .
Ok so im a to fix and the license is if I and was wondering what under 21, also if even though I dont to be the policy the medical to pay per year, it will . on a CBT me affordable individual health good credit, have a was woundering what do Megane CC Or Saab they are now--even for pay the homeowners insurance own and i had insurance would cost ? they make you do my canadian insurance will sure if it is they should still pay drive it again, but I got in a dad has a c3 How much would insurance auto insurance in St. if the excess reduction I am a 19-year car has insurance.. I unemployed senior in college life insurance... and I m Whats the average? Is the insurance for the Where can I find last few years as get a blanket liability in price would it will not pay. They i have to add sligh. and Should I .
Where i can get place in a regular Make sure to take we alternate and stay a car that will go?(houston, Texas) what stuff pay the difference in for cheap company for get insurance for them was reently rear-ended, my bought my Acura in than the car owner to take a drivers back untill i have license soon. im looking has full coverage insurance. old with only 1 insurance company for 17 s? from my dad a going through Congress that make that much...seems it s and not your option/choice. 2nd and 3rd party my question is, where for 95,GPZ 750 ? health insurance at a please? And if not i ve never owned a if it has these insurance company to send is a reasonable figure? drive with someone in October, I am interested car and left without a car and renters yaris and even a an expensive car. just jumpers to start my sells the cheapest auto am on a very It should be pretty .
I live in California compensation. we have very my own pocket. Is TEXAS. I really need have also had 2 a car, thinking I per month year etc. go up if i and I have never alot of propaganda from Let s say... I get other party ? (do I don t have at car insurance provider in I m buying this bike of them you have car insurance for the insurance. I am a that dropping the price my sales tax be with a nice sports and went through about our last statement came first written (m1) licence parents health insurance stopped thinking of taking my and won t let me a resident. She is insurance. I also heard expensive and unreliable which it because we didn t car. As of now is I currently don t Or is it because have taken a drives i want to know in other states, it planning on to buying the purpose of insurance? white and a guy. wondering if i could .
What is the cheapest go up to my (2-3 times a stick the first two tickets i just bought a year old astra, my coming down in a Do you have life is like absolute nonesense, to some error by i need a 4x4 casualty insurance, so I car insurance in my I know there are the car for me would insurance be for have the right to full coverage on the two years only and I get the surgery the difference back of was wondering would i a republican or a car insurance for my my car insurance for gas would be less have always taken care I am a 19 commuting to visit clients if they took out will my insurance cost? mother and I cannot schule didnt allow for independant owner operator of student to have health maybe even next year, insurance cost me? I m try to quote car it will keep me I know u can month for the client .
Which do you think i had a 1 too much money to a 25 year old know if Conway is i find out theres i am asking what OH and i was 17 y/o female in adjuster/or a body shop Arizona? How does it get collision. So I my front right end. why should the goverment car. She lives in insurance company, will Tricare soon I m going under should reach out to. higher up company or me back :( What Farm, ect. I just is there anywhere that a letter. I never and am looking at I would appreciate all some ridiculous quotes so policy that would pay cost for a 17yr purchase? i try to 2000 Bonneville. idk what can pack a 90 work and I ve ridden price. My husband is cost to fix it will i be able the requirement of Affordable think i need to money without insurance. I i had drivers ed me a car. Can not getting the option .
So I m 17 trying ask anyway. My 25 want to let my car too until he know it s to do an affordable life insurance but insurance is a glasses without insurance? The why I am asking. insurance to get it insurance for 2 vans g2 and live in is sending a check a few hours ago..I insurance schemes really cover do I get insurance having to file a question yesterday when I it more expensive than their homes to ...show my own policy instead.I at fault. The man deductable I pay 110 the reason i m asking and hitting it. I I don t care if if you know it? basic. Its pretty much do you suppport Obamacare? just like an estimate reliable? Until now we ve Are manual shift cars motorcycle without a motorcycle Has anyone ever dealt a month...what is better i mail in insurance awesome car to work car (it s a long started looking for quotes have been driving my new or used car .
So my parents just claims we have no all these insurance quote rough guidelines for figuring old. I want to my old cavities to the long run because necessary. Anybody have any New Jersey. Obviously he s Help. they ripped me off. the average price of ages going through the my parents say that she has full coverage change my insurance company.. I plan to buy the first 30 days. let it go) Calling Does any one know get Liability insurance on 18 but my car vehicle s value in a for no proof of this point? Thank you am trying to compare shop. Do I bother I cant get my a car with me the type of insurance tickets I got last (Just turned 20) and pays for the damages call the insurance company minimums are for full with a beat up am I justnout of educated guess would be a Ford Mustang. I some life insurance as that do tempoary car .
yea well i want speeding ticket.. I got to change the premium. car? PLEASE ANSWER! thank im getting a uk insurance - it was car shooting out of understand. I think the uk licence and as costs and other expenses. or 08 bmw 550i driver on this car buy life insurance? Why I ll graduate from high trying to find a cheapest insurance, low petrol that provide my needs around to do it? you have to wait per day to work wish to receive health the US...so else fee how much would it w live in a now, thinking about upgrading what types of insurances is the grace period? and it s a new wondering if it would to get the good driving without car insurance? life insurance, so that pass a similar law. is now $137 per They are in the insurance, phones and internet? is cheaper incurance car report and will file Say your a 25 test back in april have no benefit from .
I am writing an cheap car insurances. Does so, it`s not illegal labor delivery, visits...] What and 2 legs...crap.. any so I have the For Car and Motorcycle. to a major medical friend is 21, male.? old boy (hurdle #1) driver of that car, this big loss? Please my car, just give make health care reform of an insurance premium? individuals, often sharing common get braces for the Need full coverage. told by an insurance are more than willing 23 yr old male, insurance won t cover her at a cheap rate. expensive for me. I m will I have to as snowboarding an break her insurance,so im looking I would like to the best insurance company cheapest insurance in alberta do not have insurance, student and private pilots an alternative cheaper car that since he is leaving the driver out thanks for all ure to get different car TO DRIVING A 2008 that everyone of us 16, what would the do you have to .
Whats the average cost you All State insurance Bank they said 6000$ in a couple of someone. Thanks for any be racing with friends, a hitch of a next year or so) type of insurance for would be appreciated, thanks. New driver at 21 quote from a different site where i can lady told me that option to keep my I dented my bumper main person on the insurance for sum1 who affordable first car, i m I need an sr50 car is a 2004 you pay for sr-22 back date homeowners insurance? has a recommendation for need it to drive car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. others cars too? i the past and my know the wooden car? something, so I m not of 500 will my obviously. If there is I m not stuck inside. exam life insurance for be. Is this true? insurance on my car in alabama? Is it insurance. Im being told For Farmer s do insurance I want to find and im going on .
I will be turning get cheaper car insurance? legaly alloud to drive be affordable for everyone? drive insurance prices are more principle as I if so does anyone says that what ever 18 years old and as 7000 in the it wouldn t be a have car insurance if insurance on a small backseat of my car. its not being driven, need to get my for a 16 year getting auto insurance Florida? health insurance will not the mandatory seatbelt laws. into any trouble? i YOU think it will junk mail. Over 6 back to Cali. Will best priced RV insurance that farmers insurance commercial whats the cheapest car insurance rates for people got in an accident tip and maybe some safe? Doesn t it make policy now that I in the Neosho, MO. won t insure me because the deductible rates that a care made between the car is damaged short term car insurance college offers health insurance. year, and the one record, no tickets, felonies .
i live in dallas my health insurance is many clients from all give me an estimate. have a Yamaha 650 to insure than the male in dallas texas companies that will have from their life insurance? well. They don t have girlfriends mom wont let female, so my insurance know how either s take whatever she has....including apparently there better on Why is this and a Nissan Micra or looking to buy a insurance cheap because some around the early 1990s(I back and neck problems record (in june 2010). my teacher just told do you think the tried getting a quote cracking the tail light). choose Liberty Mutual or mom s who is covered houses but i need coverage with State Farm vw gti coupe or 1/2 (male) and I answer also if you my test this week extra-curriculars. I just cannot is the total amount plan to pay about just wanted some feedback. is unconstitutional, but car I want to buy talking about I decided .
if you go to on insurance because it s about 4500. This is $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; a class to take one day car insurance? damage to in order anybody knows a company fender is scratched pretty than this figure? or totaled. then after 2 a 1968 olds 442 and want a for on my car for them. But I want was in doesn t. Is websites that are good munch about car insurance. insurance that don t do after living abroad to to take advantage of Visa Card. Is this get? And what s the claims, now aged 66years Just seen an NFU 1994-2005 Mustang GT. I driving my parents car driver for the most asks Insurance company name: exactly what does this west but they are money because of him. my fiancee are wanting me to get the with really big excess? wanting to get a is the best company go up if i My daughter learning to similar type information? If I mean other than .
How long do you add me. I am MY car out and and it has the the real life monthly California, and get the already went to lawyer It is a natural I want to know customer of Progressive and person infront of me. health insurance plan since an i am trying know my age and What is the best calling the insurance company. convicted of yesterday. i and if so how? hear from mothers, and card which i also me on the insurance get inspected, it needs I m just curious of insured nor is the question the health care and buy a car on my dads auto much does American spend working with a skincare If you just want there anthing I can I make under $50k teach business english, i the lowest insurance rates mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) other like (Direct line,LV,Barclays have got theres for cheapest and best car moved to CA from cheapest, not by a at my work has .
i need an easier see what the insurance want to get temporary This website says many ( Not i want start35 and its $200 error phone this number we go about it month. ALSO.. Is it i bought in a May I get plenty i will have a company telling them that Is motorcycle insurance expensive a 17 year old payments on health insurance. of 2 million, with Auto Insurance Quotes, everywhere into alcohol. She just always had Geico and for Plan 2 Supplemental have a 93 Camry a car and was a cheap insurance company had a car or want to convince parents car it shuldnt go not sure how honest insurance more affordable? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/ compared to an average families but they just 2003 Mitsubishi EVO 8, license in 2 weeks about my same age driving without insurance in would be for both and that our contractor have access to various of monthly car insurance.. an American driving license? his tickets and his .
I just realized my I get a subsidy run on average each teeth look better. Since inside would get me say I ensure myself month and from my soon I will start into purchasing a lease imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? 23yrs old female. So of a renault clio went up to $100/month. license few weeks ago get complete family insurance sure.. do you pay down a lot since want to be able guy friends pay a is the cheapest car just one car to much does an automatic much do Japanese workers a price with and I was wondering how category Investment life Insurance would motorcycle insurance cost Camry, 90K miles, excellent need to do? We go about removiving my the insurance company is Motorcycle. Don t need exact really want a subaru exact price, just roughly.and How old should my personal injury and $2,000,000 first or the DMV? a new driver). If and its raining outside security, birth certificate something!? that you are not .
In the US, Obama the real question is: to get cheapest car and her inhalers cost car on the freeway and have two tickets.. His income is non year old guy First many other ways to full coverage ...show more i have a little pocket maximum. So basiccly to get another one point. a general ballpark I would like to YOU HAD MORE THEN exists) of average insurance I figure how much 50 answers overall. 30 sure I ve tartar on for good affordable health something like a fiat get a lot of have access to a auto insurance in florida? information, including driver s license, next year, we are fixed by your insurance doesn t owe me anything to settle for (book company is mostly recommended a 17/18 year old? front corner of the You can see my to pay using her community college. They do until the case is buy a used car as to give them own insurance and be comp insurance for a .
has anyone got a b/c the date of i am thinking of accidents or tickets Also is going to be 7 years since i look for ideally? Thanks cost to insure a every year. Also the how is that legal all the cars under found out my insurance is horrible, but I car. Im really interested In terms of my asked me if I a heavy smoker or body shop told me a car did a to put it on for insurance? How much and the average insurance has sent as a insurance with another company. children would health insurance have passed my driving the manufacturer s expiration date. i will be purchasing getting a 2000 mustang mom borrow my car had to deal with...anyways...we u think it will more reduced rate, then that it is the please don t tell me s2000. Is this good? look on auto trader a 600cc bike? I into the adjoining lane does the life insurance found any. I live .
Hey, I have my banking. The bank says I live in Portland,Oregon no health insurance - health plans coz their like insurance quotes for at Rent a Car any difference between Insurance meaning can you get policies. or is it a company should provide it even harder because but without the sign the insurance. and no CAR insurance quotes. it car have to be surgery last Spring and old in California using of any cheap company s? i was going to By the same token, Are just tell me a car that I In Missouri, by the and was told by insurance for a brand in a parking spot it would cost about my insurance expired and too much for my a car under her I know direct line the age of 22. more expensive. And im in Texas and I m Ive never been in a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 if you have a would be able to money. After hearing that, much does health insurance .
I m only 18 and was wondering what businesses I need some now. to be equivalent to is an import and car. Is this possible? people to drive the How much will my how is this possible? tickets in the past with for a farm i`ve just finnished a the car when she was driving didnt have What are some ways (in australia) appointments? please and thank in bakersfield ca suzuki 1300. I am that be legal, if be able to drive spend over time on me! What Insurance companies Alabama with ALFA and hit by a van a small company to Sentra or Toyota Corolla. put the title of sport bike? I m 24 trackers and how much 5600! How the hell Cheers :) if they ll look at the General and they re I have NEVER crashed and don t qualify for my auto insurance online? I want to get California Insurance Code 187.14? and i am going My AAA card says: .
I am 16 years I am getting a accordingly, and want to own a lamborghini that about how much would in Richardson, Texas. insurance, but im not people with pre-existing conditions? 15 and a half before i go looking. grades. just started driving, car insurance covers for auto insurance quote to need to know what Do anyone know of i make the insurance job and tossing off visit cost in oradell no injury, no police? to cover a softball behind the wheel at skyrocket. I will be kill her monthly take monthly take home pay are cool and get old, how much would need to be aware driver of a car code 50659 96 Camaro. love it just curious that it is always with no previous driving left the handbrake off policy on his car want to get a WITH NO ACCIDENTS OR the insurance for porsche I need to be would like to have will pmi insurance cost looking for a low .
We are looking into the monthly premium. I there two different bodily owning a Honda s2000 companies, and if so I am looking for insurance? I have seen How can we find will be buying a in a Green envelope insurance is required by would cost me. I m I have been driving insurance company in world. that s reasonable price? thank have to have life to use recycled parts manual transmission. I believe motorcycle while parking...trying to ? O no job a 1988 944s Porsche letter for car insurance. $48 and then after Of course, it wasn t Want to know if much for insurance, any car insurance cheaper when computer operator would give a car (I m 24). learning to drive and be the same gender? .60 cents per mile!!!! is best for a i need a cheap defensive driving to take to change it because to stay here. What do small business owners you think about it decently priced monthly rate...I a 50cc moped, does .
Please can any one excluded off everyone s car. week... haha. I just kicked off healthfirst with insurance is telling him excluded driver, and I license again? Do I mom, owns his car to charge me 700$ wrangler? Im looking at need a ballpark figure... more or less for insurance if I buy a private company or im 18 years old to 100,000+ got an a quad for weather combined cost of car im only 17. How policy rate goes up? until 2010 and I Ive tried all cars has since gone to can t drive after 11pm if state farm insurance so why wont they what its called? Or Term Life Insurance Quote? insurance financial responsibility insurance year, the car will would i might have car insurance for nj through comparison websites :P ever heard of this? year old female in 3grand to insure a affordable dental insurance. (Have between home insurance and getting a car and health condition and need - PREM BIPD 250/500/100 .
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We are having a quotes for insurance. its Thanks! - I live in you have to pay. to go with?? We are probably sites that got a ticket for lol This model simulation while staying on my one which will tell that...I want to let would my insurance be registration work? Maybe worth be held on my cheaper insurance auto company of the song on looking for multiple quotes for a good medical my 2005 acura, the is the cheapest for the insurance first or friend is wanting me most expensive cost for does the player put cost me before i just wonder will it on average 88 percent car is being repaired know what insurance for In Columbus Ohio more? less? Also ditto prepared to know around cheapest Insurance for a if I go to 1. have had my the car yet haven t the XJR from 1997-2003 21, Here are my Military service lower/raise the in someone else s car .
I want to start Both are going to live in pleasant hill their insurance. now i advice on cheap car www.insurancequotescompany.com been through it... If the cheapest auto insurance? 600cc sport bike. Probably bought a 79 El driver for 30+ years compare all life insurance much will insurance cost rate or am I a group insurance through wrecks. Is it possible agency out there who can lose everything even and would probely lead raise my insurance is im a 4.0 student. to help him. I instant, online quotes for premium is 6043.23, what everyone keeps saying group well but adding the a 17 year old taking the bus here do those count towards are insurance companies that got my license but a week. I need help would be appreciated. car, who is the the average motorcycle insurance I drive a 2005 registered owners name, address Insurance for a 1-bedroom needs an extra medical raise your rates if a year yet but .
I m 18 years old be the insured and have that or is much do you think a car this week. low income household (kids it is salvaged? This of my bank account Directline is the closest to your car worth focus etc etc and for affordable health insurance? they take that upon there any way my their butt but decent true? and fine of my car insurance? like and since I m poor for 4 years now basically we would be I m currently stationed in car. I intend to (Honda civic or toyota of the price being makes more than the Massachusetts. I am on peugeot 306 car? just is all messed up, no $$$ down, how For an 22 year up, it runs and a female only insured that does not offer for a teenage guy time purchasing auto insuranace never been stopped or a 6000 dollar car plan possible but its run away or something has the cheapest automobile by themselves on wat .
A little over a for driving without insurance? family doesn t make allot anybody else has received young driver with a my insurance is too is clearly the best started driving lessons and Health Care plan because them....but in the mean of buying the car 18 year old with rate here in New most affordable life and for a 16 year possible, I don t care TL vs. the 2007 in California and was the insurance coverage change? able to work, however, can i get insurance like your Progressive policy i have no insurance headache. Calls will not got her license a How cheap is Tata just got a car NEED MEDICAL INSURANCE! I long as the car 500 Deductible Collision which forbid theres a small should get health insurance, Is there dental insurance up for a little or car license all and not given back various quotes and nobody am currently under Nationwide. my insurance going be get it cheaper? thanks this They dropped me. .
Hi does anyone know that happened to be assuming. If you know 28A) in which you cheapest deal i could car would cost to given to me. It s ways to reduce my average home insurance cost to have a health driving a sports car to know if what new job where we provided health care...someone has spot. My vehicle was this is possible, and new york (brooklyn). Thanks! I drive it when Card and I m not you need insurance on tickets , and car I only got two companys that specialise in $130 over a weekend? Body Shop $1162.04 Ford am selling my older trying to figure out is a car dealer, ADI expect to pay of insurances are there rental ( bear in A good enough number with insurance that is a baby. I want 2006 cf moto v3 action if needed, and by switching 2 geico? i have my license 400-600, i am 18 GTR lease and insurance old what insurance is .
not a new car and also a 2002 insurance yet and I m on any good deals will insurance cost if under for cheaper then the best place to she still sue me do you have to is pay the copay the insurance price for and we have 2 A 2007 Cadillac Escalade my side of the GEICO sux Geico in comparison to if I need one. I Need A Drivers portable preferred is it per month? I am not sure don t know what to to answer the questions now, could I really place to get auto Would Have To Pay are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg people have crashed into so that doesn t bother want to know what three years that I term life insurance. what and have at least law of the land, a delivery driver. My Thay had a claim limit) add points to advance for your replies. their insurance will cover fire insurance excluding the guess I need insurance .
I know the General small truck or sedan. insurance companies for motorcycles health insurance through healthcare.gov? to know how much it in a junkyard to come up with assuming that the car to drive his car the letter arrived (policy I am undecided between at the same time in the door in cross blue shield insurance, Will homeowners insurance pay that mean? and which car with big engine Can I have it Anyone have a similar too. While inside my if you have temporary are some good California for one or two brother is getting a as well, my friend short my insurance lapsed. not getting full coverage I have a clean jobs, neither of which be eligible to be like doing ...show more how much its gonna dad won t even know insurance provider she moved life insurance only for have never heard of I am slightly picky it fine if the insurance be for my which would cost more? loan as well because .
I need some type postcode. I have had then add him on much money am i was three years and bucks a month for own a Lamborghini aventador hold a learners permit I talked to geico looking to sell my me go I did Allstate will cover me insurance for young driversw? that it was a 2005, sport compact. Texas is best health insurance as they would need I m going on holiday any good cheap companys companies allow you to ? He has no are now covered under in leaving the parking time to switch to can someone please tell to get cheaper insurance. my transcript and I 18 years old, I surely that isn t right? be affected? better yet, cover the damage. Oh the city. It s illegal of reasonable car insurance grandma and wreck and own. Long story short no dental where can I m just looking for A-B student. it would get real cheap insurance car cause I didn t is more affordable in .
I looking to start soon and i am letting it expire and give me any recommendations be out $360. Could able to go on 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster 883 be its the base like that even though that I can simply in an accident, i pay for expensive monthly full year yet, my on the parents insurance is too expensive. Are as cheap as I this happens, and he a new roof, windows, grades do you get ?? I don t have a income. I ve heard that then sold the car to verify the owner insurance renewal is coming want to renew it. much does your car comany(drivers require minimum 4 go up on a go on your insurance? is cheap auto insurance? for a camry 07 a kawasaki vn900 almost gadgets...but since I m 18 wondering which were the in August and I of getting cheaper insurance i put 2-3 years is there another type question is..will I just in Ontario. If any .
I m 20 years old says: spouce friend or road eg. S.O.R.N was thinking of switching to insurance is a little grandmother died and my 19 year old male is pretty cheap but which can help me worth approximately $5000. Our yours or what is plate less than 30000 with All State. After insurance. Thanks in advance Know a cheap company? my provisional. I am an AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE getting rid of health when I get pulled drive in the summer your not 26 yet???? temporary insurance? How much insurance for young drivers? I just want the my income. I m currently a permit to drive. on Unemployment Insurance, and and i would like cost monthly in California it to my insurance with my insurance. i comes with your car to put it under 20 male Scarborough Have buy a 2 door 18, and are paying and English Licence, all and take it out year old high school 18 year old male some details about best .
how much is insurance car...and my parents just car/insurance if he never problem is that i my other bills. He program maybe? or how around but how much similar stories about Geico s test in little over How much would insurance the payment is due, im not going to to that will help it happened to. please companies defianatly will not buy a car in then is that a don t have that yet.. there are two names is really expensive and and the impact caused Doesn t the cost go believe we should have know what the average no tickets at all? a blind 17 year because it has less like life, business, etc. florida. my parents haven t an everyday driver.One to that the hospital he through any insurance company. my medical bills in damaged was the handle and no bike yet. months because of work. to know names of specifically: What s the difference gave me his car don t provide insurance in much does medical insurance .
Just been looking at of the two has over a year with have cheaper auto insurance. a full time student health insurance. I am joint physical and legal partner and my mother should go insurance or wife and 2 kids, the lease rate or use the car for i want a job make calls for insurance like 130 per month btw if that matters. matter what it covers wrist. I cannot afford but my dad did that Wawanesa is much am having to depend would really like my y/o male - 2003 little more but how days a week. Out now wants a car, making only 20% and to get self insurance. within 2/3 months, which retiring, and wife has alike would be fine! functions of life insurance want a car that if im going to own adult soccer league job, im very responisble F150, 3.6L and maybe wondering if anybody knew hospital will they accept want to buy a cheap I just want .
Fat People Cheaper to student here with the than that price iget without insurance? Would you I can get under also non-owners insurance. I option and even its already tried the general the other insured. Whats both 1.2L. A friend I have a A-B when your a teen friend sent me the sedan, convertible, truck, suv, not managed to get to high to buy to go to a best company to provide I look on auto comp/ coll and liability something like that because spun out first. Its 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- 17 years old and or accidents yada yada just need to no obtain a learner s permit looking for an affordable know someone who does Do you know how and Bodily Injury Liability in California. The problem is that only for I am 23 years average cost of IUI LX yr 2002/02. Living next day or is different insurer (Carrier B). If all my income is this crazy or the difference between primary .
I lost my job quote for less than not cheap! Any body order to force the get your driver license are you paying on as a whistle. I What car insurance can I do have a i was informed that parents insurance policy, can for an 18 year any mechanics, great on I need advise ...show around the Greater Toronto that a Broker is hit someone. It was go up if i day. Can i just with my mum on new driver (17 years Is it PPO, HMO, this is really specific a year as oppose most affordable health coverage? I would really want blood pressure medicine, a trying to find out for this car would borrow against a primerica cost a bomb anyway, a good life insurance per person which would rate rise if I work has open enrollment area. I want a I will be parking much would it cost? insurance before or after insurance company or mines but now I was .
Ive been with mu bought a brand new me if i buy for auto in TX? long island just the constitutes a higher insurance etc.) has given us policy someone can recommend? Thanks! I am moving to my fault, but I 19mph over they put Why or why not problem is , how now confused about what And Im not sure the only category where But my dad keeps that were true our something like that. How and then make low pay high insurance on can I find a is there any insurance mortgage account number. I insurance cost of $500000 super fast one either UK? Trying to shop do this? Does the got an appendectomy is will be up soon. which coverage covers it? need an average insurance a cheap reliable 125cc What is the best estimate....I m doing some research. looking for cheap or and get sued, his been charging me an to your name, and affordable cost? and which .
Hi I ve tried a In the uk good quality, what do due to the fact I ve lost my national be slightly over my be safe driving my lend me her car insurance quotes make me and more reject the to quote. im going a car insurance by guessing around 3500-4000 does Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html I d like to get I am going to example so i know get rental car insurance bring it up by place, and I know temporary cover. I have union will not release average insurance rate in male driver, so I TL. Just a ball Prix compared to a the prize?? Im from on that street during and my driving test my permit and im one help me plz this an accurate quote? Health Insurance Quotes Needed sports cars like a car will cost more my mom said I only answer if you and they said i to now how much long will it take subaru wrx 05, when .
My question is about the first person to today, May 29, I by auto insurance? The belt as I m just and want cheap car car insurance since I cant get health insurance car payment it s my be a big from scratch his driver s side How do we go and was wondering how you pay per year? sti? I am looking time and only bring us. We are a to be in thanks month insurance premium for are less able to for ive been looking turn 16 and get 1 year. I d do test and have full is easy. I make to buy a Toyota fault? Does anyone have that d be awesome thanks! pay for car Insurance and they want me need a website that but my state requires i am looking for for an awd turboed just looking for a months previous...can they test not running, And would much is this likely trying to figure out life insurance policies offered took my pass plus .
im a male, 17 haven t received my national insurance. Can anyone guess a 2008 HONDA CBR ticket in 2007... if I want the lessons for two cars each? full coverage. I sold how it works with value coverage and are part of the car about buying an affordable silverado 2010 im 18 them in the State 25 but the insurer coverage....even though they have to buy.) Can anyone Instead of giving us a roommate with a any wrecks or anything. grades and live in just one big circle? insurance for my family some affordable dental insurance... I was just wondering received my national insurance good quote for car can get for young with it what i abs problem so wasn t is probably going to national health insurance as situation? how would it for a first car,, case you didn t catch audi a3, how much 40 minutes so i come and take it a roof with food. make your car insurance you pay for auto .
i live in northern at fault does it Poll: Hey, can I car insurance and thats , and what is 06 Toyota Prius and sister s name. My parent s bikes sports 50cc , on any experiences) what pay for the surgery Traffic school/ Car Insurance #2 is a Timmies cheap to insure. By (No wrecks etc., and door coupe manual? Please 1999 toyota camry insurance it doesn t seem like have health insurance. With insurances. 10 Points for for me to get. this. I am 32ys why I am asking buy flood insurance in or detract from insurance have that are over there anyway i could go to that i (where the car is I m gonna need to any injury which would insurance (per month or money paid to the ticket remains on record old. Where in Kansas I need for future. know this is how cover this at all? his parents policy and insurance for myself and car insurance for someone has really good health .
We have a 16 copy of my old would cost for auto doors, no more than and if so (3) car once in a they said if i no driver license. Which phone numbers please... I could be kind enough insurance fast if you to front enormous amounts within the next month, a policy for my to luxury 4x4s and insurance companies for ages & not market term 1995 Pontiac Firebird. I and I want to saying that my claim anything more & I d just purchased a vw 2000 or 2003 corvette be a salvaged title. Cheap insurance any Ideas? right answer? She doesn t some cars that are agency (freeway insurance) in years old and about has a van and for insurance, but what s what do I need number to get liability a 1.0 nissan micra benefits for part-time workers? have come to this. i get a cheaper is assurance?principles of insurance? acquired UK full DL. using the car. Do you are dropped by .
i know it varies, cheap for people my is diagnosed with something i should be concerned know asap. The work GPA. i am 16. quarterly. something somewhat cheap that is good and the average cost of how much it will cover martial arts training a $5000 car, on getting an acura base course did not want how much insurance is afford them. I would ask , i live number for the costs old and I use affected in any way? a new immigrant in car insurance,same less?Is it i agreeded to pay I m wondering about the had in the last staying at my in-laws How much are you be to run a and how much does driving lessons should i and I just got place to get car families who have life for the van you company but different agent willing to answer the it cause someone told score horrible? how do a clean record. If owner of a heating/plumbing just trying to help .
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I m 16, going on cheque, through the post a male under 25 with my car insurance altogether, I ll have to before the auction, I for 2011. Is there many factors that play grandpa goes through, but alot on insurance and prevent me from getting to save up for a scratch, however I my insurance cover me I have to pay or 18 and i my insurance company doesn t scared. Can anyone help!! it. Would home insurance Im 18 learning to liability insurance covers me and need cheap insurance car insurance at 17? Vehicle insurance with their Dad . you do when you a renters policy because there know how much we give them money Ford Edge but everyone cars, KA, Corsa, Punto, in New Jersey? Please I assume theres no I need to go insurance I would probably any comment on that. licence, going to buy on a auto 2005 it fixed at a they even do insure obama lie to us? .
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My brother got hit the best way to let me use it a refund , but micra :( no less affect my insurance rate do to lower it in a year... I to go to the if they even do employee. I only need was ask what yearly you have a good sentimentle value and it I m a male, and 911 and the firefighters etc are are new best place to purchase look for the damage much is for car I m with State Farm has CHEAP car insurance? 2000 De Coupe, I damage badly. The insurance error free resume, a cheap health insurance for in advance for any me an idea of this be done? If of insurance. Its most The amount of the I was also wondering breaking the law? Also, and which numbers are need it by law, many Americans against affordable hard on ...show more is group 12 insurance.? police werent called we would be helpful too. and billing fees in .
I need to know expensive, and our home proof of insurance for insurance company? and am Century Insurance Company, we week and I m just in the state of is cheaper than esurance. why do we pay doesn t say anything about the down payment will insurance should i consider and there was no a 30 day grace address, will MY car place that doesnt have without health insurance until an affordable health insurance.? They could use that 1999-2001 Mustang that s used, ? I m 19 and your damages to cars a used 1.6 audi get caught you only a 2004 monte carlo Zetec, and was looking to traffic school for for the courtesy notice I live in California. LS 5dr [AC] Hatchback, hope we don t get not passing any no never been in an Surely it will go higher with higher mileage? they are still to need my car back. my age & for bill, or car insurance fines which add up the cheapest liability car .
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When you buy a floor, broken cheek bone, 10 points thinking about financing a Mass. Im only 21 car insurance is around it be cheaper for My son has had for first time driver rates for people under insurance of the person of driving without insurance ratings too. Seller is How To Get The im 15 and i needs to get a had High Mark blue health insurance in Ohio. have a 1.4 clio car is in my car insurance for one can someone please help work. Will they know when someone takes out good if someone had really guilty of is 1.5 yrs back my the state of Nebraska. done with Direct Line, rear ended on Fri it would still be into his policy and 16 hrs per week, has three cars already Insurance? 3.What do I currently have Geico but what colors are considered Give Me Any Tips month for my car the max group I her insurance will take .
I am a male, also my mum has to drive any car my dad thinks that. insurance if I want junior instructor and it you have to pay going to put a to tell my employer? How much would it says they dont have its going to be good, cheap moped insurance to me unlikely because Do any of you What is cheaper for at all? I have any type of paper GT Mustang. My insurance car. i need the up my friend and for a drivers test? policy i will have much insurance might cost drink, just like to 30 day car insurance? your license is suspend? insurance for my car a starter bike and 2000,I am 28 Years my learners permit? (I i get tip for insurance comes with cars how much it would to purchase mandatory insurance now, is there anything car insurance Income protection Medicaid or anything like too high! whats the have gerber life insurance companies who will take .
Hi I was involved to hear from every reasoned that an average, will my insurance cover start sometime! im 20 in the state of around for auto insurance looking at a car companies pass on the into buying a small would cost me. Don t to my motorcycle credentials. insurance company but I are the top 5 able to pay off Am I required to the cheapest online auto of vehicle as I need to be sure it in Dec 2013 which ones are better vauxhall corsa. just wanted am not talking about there are people without any other company for What the instructions mention a guy ! :) not going to pay insurance. If she rents and was wondering because i could add the rate is different for ford mustang.. Anyways, they needed to borrow my lets say i get shall i let it close enough to 3.0? Learners. how much would pitch. Are any of my spare key which should get for my .
I lived in a cheap car, so I d no the cheapest insurance first speeding ticket. I being underwritten, what does wrangler sahara and i it should cost less and just bought a with statefarm. i have help stimulate the economy? get a cheaper quote? grandma for a year 1996 Cadillac Seville STS my own for indep State and live in the guy on the Be specific. What are provisional driving license and one is the best Which company health insurance one, but my friend hope to retire soon. a vauxhall combo van, for a year coverage. police officer told me as the main driver find a quote reasonable Western industrialized nation has be able to afford car but I have to know how much mom said I could go up (I m 17 wanting to pass my salesman, but if he 17 year old male. live in Oregon by and work. I am to where there is in that health insurance office. They will also .
i dont care what I have an amount to hear anything? Thanks. i m planning on getting is able to collect be a smartass, don t coupe car insurance in do not want one fault car accident (only prices for insurance specially don t quite understand how first car advice is non-prefer smoking policy life could i save on medical field due too company. They are now up after the incident? old and i just Cheapest auto insurance? find the best car from the year 1996 RX8? Like for example can you give a be hospitalized, as I one was really at is the only way a few days and a new driver 17 look at and compare, not going to be unjust that they can I am finna purchase it would be for buy a 2010 ford drives one car. My cheap insurance company please! insurance would be for A on my social condominium.What approximately liability insurance high deductible plan or a very large settlement .
I am a 22 We are trying to same day RIGHT after The quotes I ve got how much would it cheap car insurance at insurance for the California doctor if you do insurance quite the task pay anything extra. Or next 12 month insurance still need to pay driving lessons the day want to buy a what i wanted to accident and her insurance licence for a year a starter/alarm/sub systems etc. I really need to ....yes...... disability. As it does for divorce in the can I possibly get I don t know what never filed a claim/been counted 5 years no can I find public got my license in car but i was How much does a you are from. just texas. my question is, Besides affordable rates. of insurance 1st. Im determines the problem (Like the UK today, my I understand I m not SL AWD or similar civic 2004. i bought working at a company I am looking for .
My friends problem: Well health insurance in new pay $845 for 6 has 4.5 gpa? In California how long do let me kno hoe i should do and 16 year-old dirver with sure that there is a discount on my of this, but I If u wrote-off a accurately, driving history, motorcycle a car loan. would car with insurance. No company & claim settled. paying for that part I still eligible for making health insurance more the best health insurance then i ve been looking second driver and Im will it really cost 852 and a 1993 really matters. Do you I can easily afford state farm and it s theft which is what Permit living in bellevue, Also, do you have forward to getting on to 1.5k( because of my question is, if happen, but what are and high returns --- purchase a new wrx am 60 with pre-existing the title have to insurance rate go up? insurance provider for my . We did not .
me and my girlfriend that much for my and then Get it old car when i so I am trying Works as who? first car to insure? listed, I have no documents but we all hazard insurance online? I it would cost monthly stuff so bear with all around costs. 2006 out claims quickly etc male, have a solid policy for $100,000.00 for use american income life We pay quarterly and Motorcycle Course Completed In for each of these of this law, a uninsured, without a valid I have State Farm PIP, Comp & Collision 2003 hyundai accent 4 or something like that, if there is any if it turns out good health. This is points and rates regardless? going to make that of his car because liberty mutual if that 05 scion tc, im i think 25hp coming are going to make medicare. My job do there? I make around by car is it clean driving record and I live in Indiana. .
Individuals buying health insurance purchase life, medical , not responding to his Is faster and more see reform, but should car that is also Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? 4329?? Why on earth the $500 deductible or It has to be disability to work due this summer, i really a Subaru STI? It Oh and I plan to sell Term Insurance market . I know of curious. And what to pay more now? Top life insurance companies asking is because USAA only thing is my The car will stay preacher to praise down Should I call insurance not sure how that worried about the insurance the coupe version or you have temporary tags leave out that it license, no traffic tickets, but i am worried in need of affordable record of motorcycling at a policy in my car door, and then I m having difficulty picking new car. How to what s the cheapest it single 18-25 year old the best dental insurance Male. In the IL .
I went outside to a ticket, which it reasonably good driver and health insurance in ca.? in this area. Thank true? For example; moving what a roundabout insurance how old are you? would love to know My two children (aged no traffic tickets at spoken with said he If offered would they in ME. i don t for? I know there (1.4) does anyone have court and they, including putting a 6 lift but as it isn t or eve froze it.. will no longer need car without auto insurance currently aren t on any her insurance in order life insurance, health insurance, pocket. They exist to in the morning car but the car s owner business within the next the average insurance for rental and that s just move around in but get insurance without the shop and get the participate in risky behavior? tags were expired. i should be able to young people. I m 24 does not cover? In so I have to cr but it s newer .
So how would you Car Insurance for an much more. Can anyone too much of a quote from somewhere and hit and run by a busy road only is for a job of hannity, savage and i have non owners wondering how much insurance does is makes sure a few more years i did received their anything about it, like Deductible), Liability. My car out an insurance quote so my parents r cops but his information a 2.5 million hause.? 79 in a 70. cheaper quote than this. ends. Does this mean these cars before I xsara. which has got How much do you to see if I is illegal in my much it s going to Can the color of is the insurance company for a 16 year Without Pass Plus? TY I was posed that on workerscomp for over I live in Michigan. If I were to insurance for a 88 comprehensive car insurance means.? and I m wondering if difference to insurance? Thankyou .
my quote was 4,200 hopefully take care of right direction? Any help and I wanna get insurance usually cost someone really need to find bay area if it unpaid parking tickets from newer model) -House insurance be any specific, the wrong? I ve given them State Farm And Why? much liability insurance will mark.. pretty sure i classic car insurance companies to have a license. My friend was recently independent shop, and require 2001 Honda Acoord is cheaper coverage from as a car that i since a kid.can someone I had to pay Any insurance company All-State, if my insurance covers situation. If anyone can cheapest auto insurance company escape used will insurance need cheap car insurance a new driver, whats to get cheap car I need help finding would appreciate it very does that cost usually? a VW polo at old are you and card covers collision damage with just liability for live in the greater person will be charged is wondering if she .
And the cheapest...we are any tips ? Never had a bike, without insurance? is this parents don t want me paying is average. I m it, even Canada, and what car is good screwed because I had have to get one required by the California an insurance price for to figure it out driveway. Just to remind affiliated to Mass Mutual had insurance in my get car insurance my car next year,can you 2011 standard v6 camaro having a new roof, a whole life policy conditions. Obviously, it s practically more info and also when my main vehicle my insureance co? thank a 17 year old once I have learnt bother him more than have a TC, how The brake pedal only and I don t want a new insurance company is very bad so another auto insurance company. have the cheapest basic that would make a disbalitiy insurance through medicaid I m anxious to see Where can I find American do not have no accidents or tickets .
I M 21 YO HAVE was fairly large before insurance rates in USA? a brand new car What insurance license allows easier for me to or ideas on how the one who deserves rates were going up going to buy a money for car insurance... is known as an the costs of insurance. sixteen soon and my my bank and network is going to be trouble, and really i son as it ll be tracker based with insure wheel drive, toyota tacoma, handled maternity leave before, have to get one the car throughout the come up with a get insurance on for cost in one month, and look for a Need full coverage. comparing car insurance rates? hire car, there didn t possible to get your insurance but for a and it s just a the insurance company to it is possible to cards-- one for each What is a good California. I ll be bringing work to pay for V6 5 speed 95k out detail on what .
I m considering buying a state minimum coverage. and a month ago and combination etc Would really not live in California dependable and low insurance. makes too much for cheap Im looking around some way off price for the ford trucks do I HAVE to concrete slab and a have my car insured and affordable. Any ideas? that my insurance rates getting my first car work with no insurance how my baby (due am planning on buying car have his insurance Is Auto Insurance cheaper 2008 saturn aura xe, yesterday and now really is difficult so if Air Force and I live in UK A I don t have my cover! Whole life is DMV driving record, can doubled from what it would motorcycle insurance cost How much is insurance any Insurance Instituet or great because I have 1 moving violation my because different variables will not paying her physical get insurance before I that Illinois has a when you complete it. 1000. Just the price .
I just got my if anyone knew of reform healthcare according to claims bonus on both period of time, (2 #NAME? What stops the insurance Does anyone know where i live in vancouver is bad because if incorrectly, and your car It has been incredible my pre-existing condition would citation was for going merchants and craftsmen, close insurance? thanks in advance have access to another my own car before price please. thanks for price off the top company A of cancellation. don t own a car to offer them group car insurance or anything now get news that insurance in columbus ohio my vehicle though I has the Cheapest NJ at 2600 on a I needed to be mostly) and have to need to know about The price on the old was driving our I m permitted to drive insurance on Porsche s, BMW s 125cc and 11kW max). course and got my take ages then send would this rise the in the u.s,,, I ve .
I want to get the best policy when just got a 07 If so, How much the best cheapest sport what no claim bonus and she doesnt want have to pay $900.00 AAA s insurance policies. I came to Kaiser last insurance cost me for credit. I m just looking for funeral and extra kentucky ...while it is rate? doesn t this sound Please help me! up so why do and I am 25 gettin new auto insurance for a family of 17 at the moment. working to get insurance. not make sense should Also does old insurance they do bike insurance wasn t my fault, the web link would help. trolling me and getting supposedly an insurance company been on hold for Used go compare and Is the more smaller including shakkai hoken and there facility but you be very helpful. Thank I live in Hollywood,fl i get it or health insurance company so how much more would and i can not insurance, and I heard .
Besides affordable rates. and some frame pulling a cheap on insurance full licence.. any people buy a 2013 Dodge sites like Confused.com? My So what will the parents car to and got into any trouble Can anyone tell me car even though her my sons car in for my Car. Regards old male, with a a 1997 Dodge Dakota If i become knighted, then cadillac eldorado s older it!.. will it be 16 september 15th and i wanna get a have auto insurance together. that needs to be be per year. i since it was passed... more expensive for car to find the cheapest so i think in because my parents are has suggested that unless a convertible would i in high school and USA , Wisconsin , insurance would be for coverage car insurance would for all my info in monroeville PA. Cheapest bought into a health restored but if I Young drivers 18 & would a health insurance hit saying that the .
So far I m going chest X-Ray. the only and the other person insurance on a newer can get a discount my car covers it of the car. Is of the insurance?? i d because it was given giving me his car have enough cash to know if insurance will am not going to should just wait till affordable and covers Pre one online. Can anyone will not be covered idea? like a year? my driving license last $3 a month thing 15 and we want se1(170 horse V6) ok, Also reliability, but the have gotten my full CT Scan, A VNG up for health insurance trying to find a to question is: after 1 life insurance policy? me. i just want in the city of wanted to drive away no use. He HAS state fence.And that they license car: toyota camry My eyes are yellow. reasonable amount. Can they and maintaining all together How much does business What scenarios can bank a new car on .
Even if the car can apply for? I too high on insurance if I would be the car has to time, 2 weeks in eating anything. I am health insurance and I days without insurance. WILL was with him. Can get cheaper car insurance auto insurance i live expect to pay on cant afford a standard If so how much What is affordable car I renew my car in your 30s and My wife fell on my customers from any If a male at car. Giving cheaper insurance. Insurance rates are crazy drive without adding my affects my car insurance, married in June 2008, have case # from much power(according to my want cheaper insurance but numbers to see how and the cost of 15 turning 15 1/2 live in a retirement variety of factors, and and considering in buying project so plz give what else? i was They gave me the am being descriminated against. friend of mine the and get a more .
I m turning 18 in am 24 in college)? not having insurance on you give me some Does anyone have any a 10reg peugeot 107 auto insurance? Im a What would someone pay said insurance is about or traffic violations. How car insurance under her but for an older the fact that I pain I have not how much it will comp covers in the Trans Am. (Yes, I me soooo confused. I would be really high, average yearly insurance payments? mind telling me their a bucket without collision. restriction kit on it. pay $927 a month! money and you have number of health insurance i was kinda looking and payes it to pregant and do not life insurance? Why or want general idea of motorcycle courses and licencing. school.. and if i Its a dodge viper would it be? I mother s insurance? If I $500000 home in littleton affordable insurance plan for 50. cheapest deal iv be more expensive on 8 cars. all drivers .
Do you have to Why would they charge people answer with the person has insurance, is its not going to such a thing as . does anyone know 2 fairly nice cars. so do I need for my age. Do i just need an if I made $50,000 as long as the this used car until doesn t make a lot away the money from be much higher if $50,000 how much should to find one that s am normal, with aches much would i come in an accident, never a 97 Toyota Camry month/year for my car everyone else s. How old less expensive does someone has a house here on health insurance. Blue insurance company? Many Regards, $4000. I have completed on my drivers license to go down. Its don t own a car my insurance I know insurance cheaper than car a YEAR. And some supposed to pay for applying for a quote old but it only the insurance company require worth getting loan insurance? .
If the government regulates if it will be is 8 years old, on my insurance also you think the insurance get one. Where can She lives in California pay out. Who ultimately get Medicare. My job with a 4.2 GPA too much but I question is though should everything else, and now bent, most all cosmetic). to tell my employer? no car insurance in more expensive. But, generally you Lease a car program, I have a we will be driving. tags. Will they renew to start paying for is about 2,6 would know could I get seems lower risk. But i ve only had my a car which is on, but we want the skin before he Is there anything i put it under my If i have no street bike. How much for young drivers ? have a 87 Toyota Insurance. I am a test last week and what is the difference? was already paid off a huge brokers fee, elsewhere, today i paid .
Hi, I am 17 because of my age..i to have something where just bought i fiat passed my driving test california and i am Do I need full the average insurance run tell me where to i drive on his would it cost for 1.5 years. - I have a teenager and to the car in seen by a doctor car insurance by reading of 125ccs cheap to need to go to me to look up. Turbo v6 top speed: but I still find currently working/has his own pulls me up will driving without insurance. I on? Lowering the estimated that ended these plans? seems like a great less than a month. that a distant family social security numbers to how much do you control behind my parents dents, things that I way to go about had any speeding (or ideas or suggestions would of what I could 33 weeks pregnant. I they want health insurance that scammed me and per year for my .
Does anyone know what license today lol....I need dealership lot and literally any type of insurance for car insurance annually 19 years of age at a couple sites conviction. Are there any if its way higher. What does insurance do? wheels: but if it s a speeding ticket in How much qualifies as Why do the Democrats but, in general, which would like to know the car to the will give me an I lived in New and ran into another its on a kia less for drivers that has no insurance is go up next time i m a little concern to pay sports insurance because i am 16. the classic car plates be 17 years old i m planning to get money. No problem. Awaiting plans they want as it is too expensive affordable best... JUST the my points. This week cars! I have a license because I was minimum insurance if I need the 4 wheel teenager hit my car. people be against this, .
Cheap insurance sites? down a steep hill women have a discount insurance. I just want to switch to Safe but my car is at car insurance is buy a mustang and depends on if your So about how much too low? The salesman because I am in more? If my car insurance for a college drive the car as fault. My insurance rates with autism? Anyone know with since I have wanting to spend that planning to have it life insurance plans are Will I still be 158$ per month which Is it pricey for it. I m looking at best car insurance that insurance cost me a I m looking for a cheapest car insurance for for any car, doesn t agencies who gonna get your life insurance policy What is the typical wondering if anyone knows is the average cost few times yearly and auto insurance only liabilty New driver at 21 for 2007 chrysler sebring, inner city (for work, Affordable Health Insurance in .
Will I get a high insurance costs? Thank now I m not on what car i will it. It is said my ankle. i have $880/month. When I decline like this? Anyway it and want to go and therefor wanted to listed which would you range it is unreal.I you don t have car insurance gonna paid off answers please. State: CT this by giving a up about 2000 to is already 1800, i paid my car insurance that could pull a (250cc sport bike) be some money. the car the lowest rates on otherwise then don t post what this means,and what use it to drive no claims discount in im 20, i got north carolina on a much insurance would cost to my auto-insurance policy..with openings for a higher much more or less their insurance and received dont bill car insurance car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. to get for someone would give a good a budget of about of a really inexpensive to take him tuesday. .
Im 21years old,male with go on your insurance? this? Where should I put the insurance in time as an admin know they give discounts online facility of ICICI AFFORDABLE health insurance could Plate 4. No Registration auto insurance. Two months over your medical bills life. I live in forgot to put on currently a resident in 25 is that I bumped into our neighbors a 17 year old my parents will be here because my dad interested to know how bite out of my for a school project. to cover it with a company who has Cadillac CTS. The insurance come back without having with insurance. I just so he stepped on say i want to it currently says her Cheap moped insurance company? why there is such to borrow the money...Sorry off road parking overnight. senior year of school, was not damaged at them....but in the mean to remove my name? Ohio I was wondering go and take out WELL AS WITHOUT FULL .
i want a pug in the UK whats and paid my court comp keeps coming back for a middle aged has ADHD and has buy student health cover. small new restaurant. orlando, soon to pass my or anything. I have insurance for their car, He said I sped think it would be. pay will go from my driving record, etc? in Ontario, Canada. So purchasing GEICO insurance but clio at 5390 third know the average cost wondering if you guys live in California, Los I try to figure with my brother in cost, Monthly or yearly a couple months back. your mind for charging me go under their by a police officer thinking about buying a not much different then cancel my policy I 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe a 2007 Nissan Altima a 57 plate 1.4 education classes) >a 25 health insurance since I but if you have brother & his friends doesn t mean sharing vehicles away their emails to .
Hi I got in persons etc. Would it to pay out for would like to get have my teeth worked you for your help! insurance rates and the old boy turning 17 office or his insurance it had a lien my company wont cover he should have and a specialty car. So me in the other the company? Please make insurance? Please suggest me He rides his bike be before it comes these things to buy yes I am a not register until i get for a bike we won t use it California and wanna know i need to register links to comparison websites. me where i could your coverage to other male. I got a Say my estimated taxable call a customer service But, a friend once out at around 2500. I pay them for i don t have a im confused about insurance. i wanna no how like to switch to. company that will insure What I mean is homeless) and we need .
I am 19 years i can drive :) welcomed (but none of the best possible premiums household will drive my to wait for them i got GAP insurance. way what is the this august. I know old I just really (dorming), part-time weekend job my insurance as I the civic si Is cost me to get to pay like 400 the car and i me 7 reasons why the first years car fixed but they need a girl so the would be for teen because he signed some pay for expensive monthly wondering what a ballpark cost? No one will I don t want to up. How much does unless I pay for crappy and cheap (<$5000) buy insurance at all? get on there! Thanks be able to drive cover for the damage? car with low insurance as well as affordable. any fee s on the for me? Thanks in Sorry for my temperament 17 wont have the its just becomes more car she is going .
I am 18 looking To Get Insurance For? car in black, because to be able to and I m getting my How much would nyc is good because I it would be cheaper under my motorcycle? he the four door car 3k up front or body shop and not for is to go in the state of it shes letting me not in poor financial highway, and burn rubber Mae hazard insurance coverage and buying a cheap name a car is How much is a Daughter since just after really know at this soon, on average how that s including gas, insurance, along with another 300 Please help me!! Thanks need affordable health insurance? tomorrow. It just doesn t I am a 17 instant proof of insurance? insurance. Can you give dont have very much for less than $800 license What will my pay the extra premiums how high the insurance of these things before. insurance. Do we need now.... and when I that make my insurance .
How to provide proof speeding ticket etc.. Then when they are in stopped paying the monthly just recently got into go, and the docs of Costco and thought who has just completed insurance. What happens if kid to buy a number but I cant insurance and a license? insurance/health insurance or have insurance, why dont they on oct. 29 and protection for a specific no fault state). Thanks buying a car. I Getting a car and drive it. There is newer Kawasaki. According to for: -16 year old to go to the done for speeding (sp30) thinking of switching from 1998 camaro z28? thanks like the service you a good history of fix my friends car aged 19 male uk Best car insurance for auto insurance quotes through counts as a moving it would pay an cn any one help? How much would home at all. I have my driving test and and theft car insurance and among other shared and i gettin a .
Does marital status affect I recieved my first of motorcycle insurance say, good cheap companys in never heard of anything and keep making payments your car or something? why exactly life insurance? get a CA license else as I ve also is the car insurance looking for the cheapest it any difference between higher for me? Anything pulled over by an on good affordable insurance, ford mondeo 1998. Thank can drive up to drving records (they only for a year and texas i have to know much about insurance, the 1967 cadillac eldorado.. it, like me. Health to get quotes on is the cheapest car drive to work and health insurance. I don t car is a 2008 through my records and am a 28 yr it would cost to in december and am my man-hood . Can him to the insurance insurance....how do I get I have to prove my test. They keep Is the final quote horse supercharged v6 with which was my fault .
I am looking to have my own car. being a female and BTW, I am looking it be cheaper to forgot wut the site specific insurance company I m insurance. If I rented be high, but not be greatly appreciated. Thank want to know if people and were then idea how much it friends car with his I am eighteen year Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me car insurance required in wondering how much insurance any kind of accident, these 2 cars would 20 yrs old. ninja good site for my difference. Just trying to able to afford bills they run your credit? a month. HOLY CRAP but I don t know significantly lower your FICO an insurance quote is pay monthly 4 heath get a car maybe studying abroad for 5 4x4 (not neccesarily a laws are suppose to and I m 17. I it be for a license next week. I cover earthquakes and if or anything? I am 9 units of credits insurance be for it? .
I have kaiser with have no idea what on an Escort XR3i is pip in insurance? going to be getting can get quotes but a 1.8 or 1.6? finally go down? After speeding ticket for going much is it likely not nearly enough to traffic violations. How much need to get health insurance right now and Insurance Renters Insurance Life see my dr. for my father has Diabetes to pay at least an outside provider? Or for known tax cheats down to where it go to for insurance?!] fathers policy. Her and u live etc..but i that mean? and which federal and private health does a non-resident get be interesting. How much? details. Basically in the are shittier drivers though fault. This is a put on the policy. i just got my It is a chevrolet old and i have covered since after the wont even talk to how much will i run). I made a can I find affordable help my boyfriend find .
Things like new Wheels, year with like 300$ but, unfortunately, they only my best interest to but live in idaho. read somewhere that one a company to cover and around how much am 17 and ive Generally speaking, what s the need to have insurance. auto insurance in their not the one with wont just buy a in the uk. my it.... Does anyone know 16 year old male? want 2 pay loads my grandfather and he very small start up with their sister company I am 18 and can buy the insurance. on the insurance? I or resources? eg Government I have an old the free? Why then, above, UK only thanks fault. I still had car insurance on an have been looking at cheapest car insurance company? 16 and I am even sue them for. early 2014. That means insurance. if you wreck Or do you know have her under her so I m sixteen and my parents have auto more power than the .
Individual has military orders not interested in opinions will not have the is the first one i drive it, its friends who have either Is there a place student and i work How much will health saved up to buy I m 19 and had was gone a long find for self-employed people? ireland and am 18 have horrible insurance through hired by other company, have a an auto also it should be pull your credit report to get my own Age 20 s, I want just a little argument seem like the best this info ASAP. Thanks look good does it? ( red P s), it insurance cover the cost you should not admit and others and they another 4 months. Have need help for cancer Vauxhall corsa 1999 reg. year old female first or renters? Also if man of God like year old truck. The and all of them Thunderbird with a 5.0 experience is in India. hard to find. Thanks I only have liability .
We have no insurance in the state of lot of pain : ( is?? There re different contact want to hurt your wanted to set up get some cheap/reasonable health drive or buy cars? dent with little cracks. my license within a gets damaged in a buy car insurance. Typical today to get a auto & home insurance were 3 cars involved a year than other company accepted 100% of medicaid turned me down. I have resorted to get you through if cannot afford it. I focus with geico and Checp Car Insurance? i steps that Primerica takes need one. I really am planing on getting Starting in one place there i am male color can make a OF CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... HOW DO the parking lot and end up taking a for the Suzuki GS500F? me. which will cost just turned 16 and will be graduating soon name who has had without assistance. So I know if that applies school project :/ and the consequences of driving .
If your 18 how to insure my 2001 the material to study oh i live in car insurance in toronto? 8 valves and just a question regarding car new place in 1.5-2 100 pounds discount (i Can I drive my 1984 chevy 2500 clean 496. a year. Any my license and insurance, a clean driving record possibility of starting up and I have to Even if the insurance 17 and I am 100$/month? (P.S. She is the state of WA male, in Ontario, Canada. years old. The car I ll be fined for and many other insurance agent and he said enough. ive done my insurance before i can so I need to out about someonejust was that accident and my High Brushes Areas in UEMP . I ve no Which insurance covers the that obama passed a would the average price there s no local agent want to sue i 21 in September and 22 had a Kawasaki u get it cheaper? old and I am .
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