#it’s probably his tshot
stoobmatic · 4 months
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woe! herbert west be upon ye!
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toonbly · 1 year
coping with my nervousness about doing my first t-shot tonight by thinking abt when nathan started his hrt. this is why all the ferrymen characters are trans btw it brings me joy and im dead serious
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boytraining · 7 months
is it wrong of me a cis girl wanting to forcemasc some guy out there and wanting him to take more tshots day by day
of course not. it’s your job as a cis ally to support the ones who don’t fully get it yet. too many guys are hindering their progress because they don’t have the support they need. thankfully, we have allies like you.
so, how do you spot a guy who needs your allyship in order to reach his full potential?
when you ask him his name, he’ll hesitate. you can tell he’s not sure what to say. “you can call me whatever,” he’ll tell you. okay. call him your dog.
he still uses his girl voice. you know, that customer service one. sounds a bit stupid now, with how deep his voice has gotten. he probably doesn’t even realize how fake it sounds to everyone else. put your hand on his adam’s apple and remind him to speak properly. his real voice is handsome just the way it is!
he slouches his shoulders, trying to be as small and unassuming as possible. he’ll sit with his knees together, despite how much pressure it puts on his already sensitive tdick. force his thighs apart and tell him you don’t care if he manspreads. guys need a little extra room!
he slacks on his t shots, missing them by a couple days here and there, and then a week. maybe even an entire month. “i just don’t like needles,” he’ll say. he’s lying. pick up the syringe and do it for him. he might struggle a bit at first, but you’re just trying to help. it hurts you to see him self-sabotage his progress. you want him to love himself for who he is. remind him how valid he is while he’s pinned under you. he might be a little bruised afterwards, but hey, no ally is perfect! you’re still learning! you’re doing this for the trans community. any gratification you feel is just a bonus.
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c4n1d43cup1d · 8 months
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Some hogcanons. notes (me rambling) under the cut
So silver was the reason i wanted to make this in the first place despite him looking the most on model (not entirely obviously, but i don't have many hcs for him). Mostly i wanted to draw his height compared to the other hedgehogs since him being freakishly tall despite being younger than sonic and shadow is funny. I saw someone say hes probably the most conventionally attractive hedgehog and i think that's true, hes a pretty boy and his fur/quills are really sleek and well maintained. The fluff on his chest is less spikey and more fluffy looking plus i put some fluff in his ears as well. I think his paws and nails are black and he doesn't wear eyeliner his lashes are just really long and hes got black markings on his eyes. Coming back to this after writing Amy's desc but i think hes genderqueer in some way idk maybe bigender i need to study him under a microscope some more every character i touch becomes transgender
Sonic has a few more added details, i like giving him a little nick in his ear and top surgery scars because that hog is trans. I haven't really seen many people give him stylized top surgery scars surprisingly, i tried to make his look kind of lightning bolty because uh something about him being fast. idk man. i think i imagined its similar to what itd look like for him to run in a zigzag? whatever i think it looks cool. I think his claws are kind of uneven and he doesn't really care too much about how they look especially since he just has them under gloves most of the time
Amy is fat because i said so, also i gave her wavier quills and heart markings everywhere. Her ears might look a little strange since it like implies her skin is making that heart shape but i imagine thats her fur spiking into the point. Her nails are painted the same red that shadows markings and stuff are mostly because i think them being besties is cute like. i see shadamy as a queer platonic relationship. Theyve always been my favorites im going to to make them as close as i want. Anyway, i think she and sonic are tied for having the shortest ears, and hers are the rounest (might make them even rounder the next time i draw her) also not entirely related to her design but i think shes transfem and genderfluid.
Shadow my son. im taking custody from black doom and gerald. anyway, i have the most headcanons for him because he is my absolute favorite guy ever he rots my brain. I think he and Amy are the same height, his rocket shoes are like platform/heels and so when he has them on he looks like Sonic's height or maybe a teeny tiny bit taller. I give his quills extra little spikes for no reason other than i think its cute, i could bullshit that its a black arms thing but idrc. What are black arms things though are his eyes and claws, his scelera is a more yellow compared to everyone elses (jaundiced as my friend put it. thanks endy) and i didn't draw it but his pupils are slits. Claws are long but are even longer when all the way out (retractable) his gloves are thick enough that he doesn't pierce them but he probably has a few spare pairs. Also not pictured but black arms related: his teeth are fucking razors, larger than the other hedgehogs and also serrated because i think thats cool. his tail is the longest out of all of them though i think it used to be longer but was lopped off in the name of science and never properly grew back. also his inhibitor rings are connected to a sort of device that does the task of being a proper gateway between his internal energy and the rings themselves, i didn't draw them but essentially its like a smaller ring that is embedded into his wrists i think. also hes trans but in a sort of alien way, i think the black arms can do the clownfish genderswap thing and shadow has it to a somewhat lesser degree its like an internal tshot i guess idfk
ok yeah thats all if u made it to the end thanks for reading the ramblings of a mad man
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butchybats · 1 year
!!! OKAY SO. This started because months ago I saw a post asking if you’d let your icon do your hrt for you which no I wouldn’t <3 but it got me thinking and I think that he absolutely would for Daniel, even if he doesn’t really understand it at first. Armand’s also trans in this because I say so but hrt came out centuries after he was turned, and I don’t think he would even know about it (let alone consider it an option) until he met Daniel, or if we’re going off of amc verse, until he and Louis started bar hopping in the 70s (which, coincidentally, is when they meet Daniel.)
I think that when the interview takes place Daniel hasn’t began to medically transition, maybe he’s not even sure if he wants to, but he’s socially transitioned. Moving to sf for college was the perfect opportunity to present as himself without anyone knowing otherwise. Then when he’s doing the cat and mouse game with Armand, he doesn’t really have the time to think about it more until after pompeii (which also gives an additional layer of meaning to “you are mine, beautiful boy.) Once things have settled down a bit is when he decides that he wants to go on testosterone and is also when he officially comes out to Armand.
Which brings me back to my silly little fic idea; five times that Armand assists Daniel with his t shot, and the time that Daniel helps him with his. (This is amc verse but if I ever get the idea/motivation for a t4t vc fic...)
So, idea #1: It's Daniel's first time doing his t shot and he's really nervous so Armand offers to do it for him which he agrees to, and it'd just be a very intimate moment for both of them
#2: Daniel has been stressed out of his mind and forgets to take it and just as he’s about to fall asleep Armand reminds him that he should probably do it and Daniel says he doesn’t have the energy or patience to do it so Armand does it for him
#3: Because I absolutely love Armand tormenting old maniel: “You're scheduled to have your testosterone injection tomorrow." Aka Daniel’s like. You mean the shot I’ve been giving myself every week for the past 45 years? Why are you making it seem like such a big deal?” and Armand role playing as Rashid goes “what? Don’t be silly. I’ll give it to you :)” and Daniel has to pretend like he isn’t short circuiting. While the first two are more serious this one's really funny to me because realistically there's no way that Daniel would let "Rashid" do that but he looks to Louis for help and he just smiles and gives him a thumbs up HGHG
#4: So people on t produce more blood. Armand's a vampire. Enough said. (but because I can't shut up:) Daniel bleeds a bit from the needle which gets Armand excited and they fuck nasty about it <3 (initially I was picturing dm era but it could also be in dubai??)
#5: I haven't gotten this far yet but if anyone has any ideas please tell me!!
+1: Armand decides that he wants to try t, and together they experiment to come up with something that works (again, this could be dm era or dubai, there's too many decisions)
I know that #3 is more detailed than the other ones, initially I was writing down what was essentially an outline and then decided that I needed to be way more vague but I was struggling to condense that one hghg
If you've read this far ily, let me know how we're feeling about this!!
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