#it’s so overwhelming 🥹🥹🥹🥹
accio-victuuri · 9 months
marie claire cpns by xiao zhan 🤍
let’s start with this one first, i will definitely do a separate cpn analysis of wyb’s songs and the MV, god i hope there’s a music video and we’re not just hoping for nothing. lol. anyway, i started with pointing out the jewelry which turned out to not be that big of a deal as i thought it was. but that’s the reality of clowning. this post is about the shoot itself and the interview.
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as usual, all of these are speculations/interpretations of someone with a bxg lens on. 😎
starting off with the photo i used for this post. i’m sure most of us noticed the similarities between the shoot. tho the b&w were very few and that tank top! the long hair! can you believe, after all the hair disasters we’ve been through with this two— that we will get them in magazine covers with long luscious hair? in the year 2023? we are so blessed! i hope this trend doesn’t get banned or something cause i love it. here’s one more! they look so good! 💦💦💦
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we have also caught on the art director for their shoots is the same person. you can say that marie claire is not as personal as working on yibo’s single but the this is not the first time that this happened. and it’s one of those cpns that we think they recommend stuff to each other and that includes people and companies they can use for certain projects. ✌🏼
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there are elements of the plane and dreams, which are cpns we hade before but i won’t say much cause i think that’s really more of the magazine’s concept. i don’t think xz will have that much say on that and he only showed up their to shoot and interpret the concept the best way he can.
the meat 🥩 is truly in the interview. it’s a long one that talked about his career and personal life so let’s see what he said. 💭
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Xiao Zhan held up a handheld fan to dry the sweat from the filming. When the photographer signaled the start, he stepped forward, stepped back, walked again, and continued to retreat.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Is this the 380 yuan fan wyb gave you? It’s just too funny that it’s the first thing the interviewer wrote about.
What he shares is only his sincere daily feelings.
"Don't you think that the emotions between people have never changed? Old movies will always be read and watched, and old songs will always be listened to over and over again, because the emotions sung by truly classic works remain unchanged through the ages. Only sincerity can move people."
This really stood out to me, the message of sincerity. It’s something that both of them has talked about and especially WYB. Bobo was big on sincerity during Hidden Blade’s run and it’s nice to see the same thoughts come up in XZ’s interview. They really have the same view in life and it’s why they are loved by many. Also thinking about emotions that don’t change is so them. After so many years, their love remains strong.
Old songs? My mind immediately went to Wuji. Lol. because personally, that song will always make me feel the love!
Almost every time he shoots a movie, he has a routine: dreaming. I dreamed about memorizing lines, dreaming about acting against a director, or even dreaming about taking a math test, but couldn’t solve any of the questions on the paper, and then I woke up with a start.
Dreaming! The lyrics for Everything is Lovely 🎶 has the same thought as this. WYB saying he loves to dream.
Deep down in his heart, he does not regard himself as a qualified actor, but always puts himself in the position of a newcomer, with an attitude of learning and exploration. Therefore, every time he goes to a crew, he has the experience of starting all over again.
Another same outlook as WYB. They never see themselves as the best in the room, there will always be something new to learn. They are not afraid to look at things with fresh eyes and like a child.
As for what role he most wants to play, Xiao Zhan said: "I have been mentioning it for many years, a cute and charming villain, if I get the chance."
I’m adding it here cause at this point someone should cast him as this type of villain already 😂 WYB sort of got this with Mister Ye but I hope XZ gets his dream role!
Xiao Zhan seems to have a special sense of time. He is nostalgic. Whether singing in variety shows and evening parties, or listening to them in private, he always has a preference for old songs. They are memorable, rich in meaning, and give him space to think.
I have always seen this with XZ, how his taste leans towards the older stuff. It’s so interesting cause WYB has recently been into old rock songs. I wonder if they share songs and what their updated playlist is. WYB can now related to XZ’s old songs! Maybe this is an indirect influence.
During his spare time, he just works out and watches movies. He never regards watching movies as a task. He watches everything regardless of genre, whether it is popular movies such as popcorn movies or niche movies such as art films.
Yes. Yes. ZZ & WYB are not the only people in the world who loves to watch movies. But this little tidbit coming out when we just had that info about WYB watching a shit ton of movie. They don’t even have to be together, we had fake rumors before that they watch movies together even if they are apart. Whether that’s them on the phone/video while the movie plays or recommending movies then discussing it later. 🎬
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satanicdollx · 2 months
@ people I see regularly in my notes, even if we're not moots I see you and I appreciate you so fucking much
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myokk · 3 months
Thank you all so much !!!!!!!!
I woke up today to see I just reached 200 followers🥹💓
When I started posting my art on here about a month and a half ago I didn’t expect THIS !! I’m so happy you all like my little sketches so much, I’m really enjoying talking to all of you and seeing your characters, art, fanfics, headcanons etc etc💓💓
I was never expecting it!!!!! 🥹🥹🥹LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH 🥹💓🥹💓
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millenniumscreampuff · 8 months
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snapbackslide · 22 days
Some familiar names supporting the GoFundMe for Madeline Gaudreau and baby Tripp 🥺
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inga-don-studio · 15 days
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It wouldn't be a FNAF cosplay day at Comic Con if I didn't get my traditional pizza :)
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ropasart · 11 months
Your sfms are so lifelike, I’m obsessed
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↑ 4 years old wip gif hahahah
Hi! I'm happy you like them, they are sort of.. my children. My goal was making the characters' movements plausible so that's such a big complement. Thank you for the message! 😊
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nicoscheer · 2 months
A bit of shirt shopping with Ellis
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I can’t properly deal with the way he went from I to [] like he got BROAD
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crystallakec · 1 year
unfollow me right now because invincible season 2 teaser trailer just dropped and I'm afraid of the person I'm going to be for the. next 3 weeks
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800db-cloud · 1 year
Hello hihi!! Lately I've gotten into Pizza Tower and every time I search up Pizza Tower fanart for some inspo, your art always seems to pop up! Just wanted to say your PT art is a big inspo for me and I love your art It's very cool and nice to look at!!:D Soory for rambling sdksjkkjs
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that is so so sweet and aauuhg… tysm that really does mean a lot to me 🥹
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nikkotinamide · 11 months
Kiseki: Dear To Me OP Translation
拥有你的明天 has been looping in my brain after watching the OP multiple times and I’m convinced of the editors’ intentionality in picking each scene/CP/character to match each line. So before I forget and to help me process the feels™️, this is my translation/interpretation of the lyrics.
*Disclaimer: There is no 1-1 translation from mandarin to english and direct translations don’t always make sense so each person’s interpretation can be different!
偶尔自我 莫名失落 你能理解
Occasionally alone I’m inexplicably lost, you understand
你掩饰的 痛和快乐 我能感觉
The pain and happiness you hide, I feel it
有一种度日如年的 思念
Missing you for a day feels like a year
在你我之间 悄然地蔓延 该怎么收敛
This silence creeping between the two of us, how do we stop it
不管此刻的我们 多么遥远
No matter how far apart we are in this moment
我要去 一个拥有你的明天 [1]
I only want a tomorrow that has you
就像是 被乌云遮住的光线
Just like a light ray blocked by dark clouds
不会因为谁的阻挡 而改变
We won’t change just because of anyone’s objection
Even if all the voices around cause us to part
为了你愿意对抗 全世界
For you I’m willing to stand against this world
时间不曾让我忘掉 炙热的爱恋
Time has never once let me forget this passionate love
伤口还流著血 誓言绝不改变
The wound still bleeds, our promise will never change
In this immense isolation and loneliness, yelling [2]
暴雨狂风 找寻微弱讯号
In the violent storm, desperately searching for a sign [3]
等待奇迹出现的 那一秒
Waiting for the second that a miracle appears
不绝望 不伪装 只绽放
No more despairing, no more pretence, only blossoming
[1] It directly translates into “I want to go to a tomorrow that has you” but I think the feeling it’s trying to convey is as above
[2] It translates into “On this boundless lonely island, yelling” but it’s a metaphor so I took some liberties
[3] It directly translates into “In the violent storm, searching for a weak signal”, tying in with the metaphor in [2]; so again, liberties (ties in better with following lines anyway)
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legendarydante · 4 months
// i’ve been inactive for a couple days I’M SORRY being really busy + not sleeping well is not a good combination 😭
i’m gonna be traveling all weekend but i’ll get to my notifications before and after that i promise 🥲🫶
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(Screams internally because I love this man very much. I happy stim every time I see him-)
Heya Chenya,
Whatever are you up to as of late hm~?
(Shout-out to Mod for making this blog. it's amazing)
I’m still looking for my right stripes! 😩
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My left stripes are all right but my right stripes are all wrong! 😿
I don’t know where they wandered off to… I’m hunting for them. So far I have not found them. 😭
Pspspspspsps here stripey stripey stripesssss~~!
BUT I have caused a delightful amount of chaos on my search and, as they say: it’s really the fae crown princes you make question the paradox of LEGO gargoyles versus grotesques along the way that matters! 💜💜💜🥰
Or something like that I think… 🤔
AR: Poor @the-lord-of-malevolence…. *winces*
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nicoscheer · 9 months
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I’m not crying you are crying yes I’m crying
How is he not freezing to death
His fucking eyes 🫠
Come on Barbie let’s go party
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Love the leadmill for posting this story like half an hour before Miles went on 🤣 like for a millisecond I was like huh Alex what you doing
Love love that SETLIST (and the little commentary about the transition songs and especially “commentary”) (also damn sure it ain’t correct cause there are videos of cry on my guitar and never taking me alive so …)
Okay but like why he looking so pretty in that BeReal like he’s performing live and still it looks like he’s posing fucking model
I am living for all them Maxie pics
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She has also uploaded a bunch of videos to her Miles Kane highlight
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Miles slowly waking back up at around 1pm 🫶🏽🤣
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juicedbeetle · 2 years
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beej caressing the mait's heads (fav moments 3/?)
made with @bikinibottomdayz 's permission
please don't repost outside tumblr
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weirdfishy · 1 year
oh, my. mcmuthaeffingawd.
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unknown caller ID—
it hit. IT HIT A THOUSAND KUDOS????? wwwwwhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
thanks y’all for reading 🥹💚
(and i’m not done with it, i just haven’t posted anything new yet 😅 kala mai /sorry)
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