#it’s sooooo quiet i may be able to sleep with just a fan on or something
southislandwren · 2 years
I love my fucking apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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got7thekings · 7 years
Falling for you
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Word count: 9583 Genre: College au; Angst/Smut Warnings: Rough sex, slight domination, very slight choking, dirty talk, orgasm denial. Summary: He was so arrogant and confident and beautiful... you thought for sure you were never going to fall for him. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ To say you were nervous was an understatement, this was your first day of university, and because you lived far away you had no other choice but to stay at the dorms. Living at your new school wasn't ideal, but it was convenient. You chose to stay in co-ed dorms, they were much more fun and you never liked the whole same sex concept, plus it was cheaper, so if you end up having to share a dorm with a guy, you just hope he isn't some gross dickhead. You walked through the hallways, bags in hand as you tried to find your room as quickly as possible and escape the ruckus that all the new students were making. Everyone was so excited, already getting along with their new dorm partners, others were already sneaking in beer, playing with footies in the hallways, shouting, screaming, squealing etc and you couldn't wait to just find your room, set your bags down and enjoy some peace and quiet with your hopefully nice dorm mate, buuuuttt, you spoke to soon. You dorm was no less quieter then the hallways, you found yourself annoyed very quickly, you know you shouldn't have been so annoyed, it was the first day and everyone was having fun blah blah, but you were. As you walked up to your room you heard shouting and yelling on the inside from a bunch of guys and outside the door was a bunch of girls, squealing and whispering excitedly at each other. You managed to sticky nose into a little bit of their conversation and realised they were just fangirling about one of the guys inside, you found yourself rolling your eyes at them. "Excuse me" you say rather impolitely, pushing your way through them and into your, shockingly enough, decently sized dorm room. You find yourself already in the need of earplugs as you enter the loud dorm, the group of guys noticing you as soon as you walked in, their eyes fixated on you. "Can I help you?" you ask, getting impatient. "Oh I can think of a whole lot of things you can help me with" one of them replies and you immediately scoff at him. "Thanks, but I'd rather poke my eye out" you settle all your stuff down as you hear the guy getting mocked for his not so subtle rejection. You keep your backpack hanging loosely over your shoulder as you prepare to leave the room. "Hey where are you going so fast? No introduction?" Another one of the guys lifts himself of the bed, striding towards you and your eyes immediately locked on him, taken aback suddenly as his stunning features. He easily notices as you ogled at his chiselled features, a smirk forming on his lips as your dazzled expression. "I'm Jackson, your roommate" oh thank fuck, you say in your head. He reached his hand out for yours and you gazed at the veins in his gorgeous and muscly arms. You took his hand in yours, shaking it and looking in his big brown eyes. "y/n" you say, releasing his hand. You gave him a small smile and grabbed your phone, walking towards the door. You walked back out of the room staring back at him for a short moment as you walked out, and his eyes were still on you, watching you as you left. You figured that if you just go for a walk and familiarise yourself with the campus for a while, his annoying friends might be gone when you come back. You looked at your schedule, mumbling to yourself as you found the rooms your classes were designated in. You concentrated on the campus map they had given you, deeply confused by it and as you rounded the corner you didn't even notice the person that you immediately crashed into you, the both of you crashing to the floor along with your belongings. "Ow!" the girl shouts, rubbing her arm from the impact on the floor. "Shit I'm so sorry!" You scrambled to your feet, grabbing yours and her belongings off the floor and helping her back up. "I'm sooooo sorry, that was my fault I wasn't paying attention" you say again, but surprisingly, the girl was extremely sweet. "Hey thats ok! I wasn't looking either. My name is Ellie" Ellie brought you in for a hug and your eyes opened wide at the sudden embrace and kind energy of her. "My name is y/n" you chuckled at her. "I see you're looking for the art design class, I'm in that class too, I can take you there" she peered down at your schedule smiling at you. You figured you would need a few friends so you gladly took her offer. Creating small talk to fill the time on the way to the room. "So where is your dorm" you looked down at your hand, you wrote it on your hand earlier because you lost you sheet with the room number. "Uh, im in 4B, in the co-ed building" "Hey thats awesome! In in that building too, I'm in 4U" you were very quick to become friends with each other, spending the rest of the day, but time when fast and it was already dark out when you were walking back to the dorms together. "So who is you dorm partner" Ellie asked you. "A guy named Jackson" "Jackson!? As in Jackson Wang, absolutely stunning with a faced chiselled from the gods!?" "Yeah, I think that would be the one, how do you know him?" "I went to high school with him, I must warn you, he is quite the player and very self confident, it comes off as arrogance, but damn he is hot as hell" "Anything else I should know?" "Very popular, everyone knows him, they either love him, hate him, pawn over him or are jealous of him. Just don't be surprised if he brings countless girls back to the dorm" "Looks like I'm gonna have a lot to deal with then" "Lets see if you can resist his charms" You stared at her with this remark, eyebrow lifting at the comment. "I definitely won't be" "Don't be so sure, that's what they all say" "You want be saying that when you end up wrong" you laugh at her, going your separate ways to your dorms. You walk into your room in the late of night, glad to hear quiet as you opened the door, seeing Jackson sitting up on his phone. "Good to see your fan club is gone" you say to him, getting ready to bed. "Jealous?" A sly smirk adorned his face and you immediately scoffed at his over-confidence, walking away from him into your bathroom. "Nice to meet you too!!!" he shouted sarcastically from outside the bathroom. Putting his phone away and going to sleep in the late hours of the night. You soon followed suit, heading straight to bed not long after. __________________________________________________________________________________ You couldn't help but notice the sexual tension that built between you and Jackson, whether it was on purpose or not, you still hates him and his arrogant attitude, but you weren't blind, he is still hot as fuck. He would easily notice your stares at him, whether it was him coming out of the bathroom in just a towel, water dripping from his hair and his body glistening beautifully... or other times when it was hot in the room and he would wear a tank top showing off his figure and he would smirk at you every time you stared at him. But he stared at you too sometimes, you pretended not to notice, unwilling to be another girl trapped in his little games. You noticed how he couldn't help but stare sometimes when you wore you loose top and shorts to bed. You notice when he stared as water dripped down from you hair and staining your stop, making your bra visible when you came out of the shower. On another note, you two did get along sometimes, even if it was for only brief moments, but you liked those moments. The moments where you two would actually chat, where he wasn't being some sort of sex god player trying to en-rope you in his games, basically when he wasn't being his normal arrogant self. The next few weeks consisted of you getting more and more annoyed at your roommate, with you barely being able to ever do your homework from his selfishness. You would be drawing or concentrating on your folio for your art class which took up most of you time and you would have to do it in the library till late at night while Jackson had a naive girl in the shared room, giving her the night of her life then ridding her the next day. But one day you had just had enough of him and his sex craved attitude. You came back from the library, it was early in the morning, about 2am and you walked in you apartment, seeing Jackson getting it on with a girl and you've decided that you had enough of it. "Seriously!?!? OUT! GET OUT" you startled the girl, and she shot up off the bed in only her bra and panties. As she attempted to gather up her clothes you yelled at her again. "No! Leave, NOW!" "Im half naked!" the girl yelled back at you, her tone full of nervousness. "I don't care no one is out there go!" You opened the door for her, slamming it shut as she ran out trying to cover herself as best as she can. You threw your things on the bad in your fit of rage, sick of Jackson's antics. "Calm down princess" Jackson leaned up on the bed, propping himself on his elbows and you started at him enraged as he ruffled his hands through his hair, as chill as ever. "Fucking shut UP Jackson! Stop being a goddamn man whore and making me come back to you having SEX all the time! I'm so sick of having to come back to this!" "Well you could always join in on the party, I wont stop you" He winked at you and you knew if you rolled your eyes anymore they would pop out of your head. "Are you kidding? You think I would ever have sex with you, you're havin a laugh!" you laughed in his face and he rose off the bed, walking slyly towards you. You found yourself walking backwards as he came closer. "I think your words may come back to bite you princess" Fuck you hated when he called you that, he gave you the pet name like the second day of rooming together after you told him off for being messy, and not only did you love it, it fucking turned you on which you hated. "I think your ego is going to come back to bite you" You didn't realise how close to the door you actually were until you finally hit into it. You looked up at him, you couldn't help but be intimidated as his eyes pierced through your own, you were so entranced in his lustful eyes and his beautifully toned torso on display that you didn't even notice when he ran his hands up your body, resting on your his as he pushed you into the wall. Your eyes diverted to his hands, staring down at their grip on your waist before bringing your face back up to his and you were nervous, your heart pumped rapidly and you were sure he could hear it. "We'll see" You were so lost in him that it took a moment for you to register his hand gripping you tightly, very slowly moving up, his face inches from yours and you could feel his breath on you, you shook your head as you refocused yourself. "Get over yourself" you grab at his hands, pushing them off you and ripping yourself from his intense gaze, retreating out of the door, prepared to sleep in your friends room tonight. ________________________________________________________________________________ After your...heated encounter with Jackson a while ago you found that he has improved his habits, the occasion of girls being in your room occurring less and less, until it eventually seemed to stop. The sexual tension between you two increased a little bit but otherwise, much less Jackson encounters. You two still bantered like absolute crazy though, mostly about his always being so damn smug, and you hated when he gave you that fucking smirk he does, it drives you insane because its so hot but its so cocky and arrogant and you hate how it makes you love him yet hate him at the same time. "Y/n Hey!!" You heard Ellie yell at you from across the courtyard, running towards you. You were both headed off to the library to work on an assignment you had luckily been put on together. "Got all your stuff Ellie?" "Ready to go!" she said excitedly, you were both dying to get started on this assignment, it involved a canvas painting, but you had to do one half on the canvas each, both sides contrasting each other, yet connecting, you had to do research on it though, what you did and why, how it contrasts and what not. You both walked to the library, brainstorming some ideas on what the painting should be, what kind of paint and brushed to use, all these other things until you got distracted by a bunch of squealing girls. When you looked across to the opposite path you could see Jackson hanging out with his mates, you rolled your eyes at the girls but noticed Jackson was not so subtly looking directly at you, smirking as he watched you walk past and you eyes locked on his for moments, once again lost as his head tilted very slightly, shooting you a signature smirk. You could barely take your eyes off him and you didn't know why. "Y/nnnnn, helloooo!! Back to earth please!" "Sorry, what??" you looked back at your friend. "That was quite a stare he gave you, he has never looked at someone like that before... Is there something going on between you two?" "No!" you said rather abruptly, your friend taken aback by your defence, who shot her hands up in defeat. "Wow, I'm just saying, he doesn't give that look to just anyone, you must have something on him" "By something do you mean hatred? Sarcasm? Blind rage and disgust?" "Well, I'd say more like, need for one another? Banter to hide ones sexual feelings?? Denial of lust?? You were in another world staring back at him my little girlie. But! Whatever you sayyy" she taunted you, not believing that he wasn't having some effect on you and you couldn't blame her, because he was, you just didn't want to admit it. "I hate him" you say, not sure if you said it to assure her or to just reassure yourself. ________________________________________________________________________________"Fucccckkkk, its almost 3am, we should probably go to bed..." you look at your watch, Ellie nodding at you as she yawned and both of you packing up the research and other billion papers you have sprawled all over the desk. You gathered your things and headed off to your dorms. "See you in the morning Ellie" you hugged you friend goodbye and went off to your own room. You unlocked the door quietly, careful not to awake a hopefully sleeping Jackson, but disappointed to see his was fully away as you walked into the dorm. You gasped at him and he looked up at you. "Problem, princess?" "Are those...books?? Is that homework!??" "Yes, y/n, see, after I finish relieving myself of my, as you so kindly put it, man-whoring, I like to finish my work afterwards." "I'm just so shocked, proud of you really" "Thank you for the sarcastic moral support" He looked at the time on his phone, gathering his things and putting them on the table beside him, deciding it was enough for the night. You leaned against the bathroom door and he rose off the bed. You watched as he strode towards you, trying to get to the bathroom. "Move" "That's note the polite way to ask someone" "You want polite? Rather hypocritical"  You looked at your watch and sighed rather heavily, but he was having none of it. In one swift moment he grabbed your thighs, lifting you over his shoulders. You gasped at the impact and squealed even louder when he slapped your ass and squeezed hard on your thighs. "OW Jackson! For fuck sake! Put me down asshole!" "Ok" He plopped you on the floor with a loud thud and you looked at him and glared. "You asked me to put you down princess" "God you're so annoying" You lifted yourself up and jumped into your bed, your aura seething of annoyance as you slowly drifted off to sleep. ________________________________________________________________________________ When you woke up the next morning you were surprised to find Jackson had left before you. You got out of your bed, your eyes tired and you were still half asleep when you walked into the shower, relishing in the warm water hitting your skin. You washed your hair thoroughly and took your time in the water, enjoying the fact that for just 1 day, you had time off on your classes. The joy was soon to end though. You turned off the water, reaching out of the shower to grab a towel and when you started dabbing your face with it you realised it wasn't towel material, when you opened you eyes you found yourself patting your face dry with Jackson's boxers. "EW!" you screamed aloud, dropping them to the floor and searching in the bathroom for a towel, only to find more pairs of boxers in their place and a nice note on the mirror that read. Enjoy your shower princess... x Jackson "Fucking asshole!" you screamed in frustration, you couldn't even dry your hair cos he went and took the hair dryer too. You put you clothes back on, feeling your body and your hair soak through them. You t-shirt outlining your bra and wet spots all over it. In a fit of rage you found yourself storming down to Ellie's dorm, complaining non stop to her about Jackson and she could barely fathom the words from you talking so fast. "Slow DOWN y/n!" she grabbed at your shoulders, relaxing you and you groaned. "He is soooooo fucking annoying sometimes Ellie, the minute you think he is getting better he does something stupid again!" "Come on this is pretty funny" she laughed at you and your messy state, you hair soaking wet along with your shirt as she mocked you. "Ellieeeee!" you groaned trying to hide back a laugh. "I know you're hiding a smile, even you have to admit this is pretty funny" you sighed in defeat, it kinda was funny, but you were still angry. "He is lucky he is hot" you said as you released your laugh finally. "There she is!" "Come hug me" you said to her, running up to her with opened arms as she dodged you like no other. "Fuck no get away from me" you chased her around her dorm, shaking your hair at her until you were both out of breath and collapsed on the bed. "You're soaking my bed get off" she laughed, pushing you off as you rolled onto the floor. "Y/n, why can't you just admit you secretly like him, its inevitable sweetie" "Never!" you slapped her on the arm as you climbed back on the bed. "I can see it, you're in denial" "Godddd, enough!" you hit her with the pillow "Im gonna get back to my dorm, got some stuff to work on" "Alrighty, have fun!" You walked back to your dorm, opening the door to see Jackson back already. He turned around and started laughing at you, seeing your hair still mostly soaked and your top damp as fuck. "Aren't you looking good princess" He gave you his signature smile and although you started laughing with him, to your expense, your grabbed one of the closest things near you and threw it at him, he caught it immediately but you attacked him with more things, clothes, pillows, anything that wouldn't cause too much damage and he started shrieking at you. "I GIVE UP!" he yelled, hands shot up in defeat. You both crouched in laughter holding your stomachs and these were the moments you really loved with Jackson. "I wish you weren't an arrogant dick all the time cos this is quite nice" "Wheres the fun in that princess?" he looked at you winking and you smiled, rolling you eyes. One thing you didn't notice though was that he was slowly falling for you, slowly changing and as he stared you up and down, watching your chest rise and fall and admiring your bra through your wet t-shirt, you were completely oblivious to the mess that you were both to each other. "Anyway," He lifted himself up off the floor, grabbing your hand and pulling you up as well, "There's going to be a party in the co-ed dorms tonight, Ill see you there." "Maybe" you said. "Not maybe, definitely" He gave you a pat on the head and you shrugged his hand away as he exited the dorm, you fell onto your bed and groaned, already exhausted from however long the day has been going for, and already exhausted from the rest. You knew about the party, you weren't really planning on going but it would be a nice break for you and Ellie considering all the work you've done this term. ________________________________________________________________________________ "Damn girl!" Ellie looked at your outfit for the party, it was simple but still hot as you adorned black skinny ripped jeans and a tight blue velvet top that showed your figure quite nicely. "You too!" Ellie wore a tight, short yellow dress for the evening and you both looked hot as you entered the party on the floor below you. The music pumped through your chest, the party stretching out across the whole floor, drinks already spilled and rubbish and cups everywhere. So many people were already drunk, seeing as you arrived a bit late it wasn't shocking, but damn some people get wasted fast. If there was one thing about the co-ed dorms you had a love hate relationship with, it was the parties, there were much more fun then just girl parties would ever be, but some people acted like such fucking morons you thought they were the products of inbred human monkeys, some people were normal. You found comfort in between the two, drinking just enough to have a fun time but not enough to get you doing something stupid like prancing around naked in the streets. As soon as you walked in you grabbed a beer and downed it rather quickly, before already having a second...a third...fourth. You walked around quite tipsy, making a fool of yourself dancing horribly to the music. You wobbled to the beer crate, as you bent down to grab your fifth a hand grabbed your own bringing you back up. "Haven't you had enough princess" Jackson stared into your eyes, and by the look of his own eyes you could tell he was just as drunk as you. "Ew, you" "Thats no way to greet someone" he laughed at you. "It's ok, its just you" "Im hurt y/n, really" "Aw noooooo, i'm sooooo sorry Jackson, please forgive me" "Im gonna accept your apology, just for the effort you put into your half assed sarcasm" Being the mature person you are, you stuck your tongue at him, turning around to leave and squealed as you felt a slap on your ass as you walked away, you looked back at Jackson and glared at him as he winked at you. "Dickhead, you're lucky you're so fucking sexy" Drunk you has confidence, to say the least, sober you would have never admitted that to his egotistical brain, but its been said and you can't take it back. You wobbled on back to Ellie, trying your best to stay in your right mind as all the guys eyes you as you went past. When you arrived at your friend you immediately leaned on her shoulder for support. "Saw you and Jackson, ooooohh, I see sparks" "Nooooo, not this again please" "So you're telling me out of all the guys staring at you right now, including Mr.Wang himself, you wouldn't go for it?" "See that nerd over there sipping his beer like he is at some formal cocktail party?" "Yes" "I'd rather go for him" "Honey denial isn't good for anyone, and that look Jackson is giving you right now is lethal" You turned you head slightly, she wasn't wrong, you could see him staring deeply at you, and you pondered over what he was thinking. Your mind got lost as you started mentally undressing him and you took another chug of drink to clear yourself of all thoughts. "I need to pee" You walked back up to your floor, entering you dorm room, you had a thing about toilets and you would prefer to go to your own. "Fuuucck" relieving your bladder felt extra good when you were drunk. You finished your business and walked out the bathroom and as you went to exit the dorm you felt an arm on yours, pushing you back inside. You looked up to realise it was Jackson. "Oh its you again" you greeted him as you smiled up at him, his eyes piercing down at you as his arms still gripped tight on yours, pushing you further enough into the dorm to close the door behind him. "Hey there princess" "Can I help you. Mr.Wang?" you batted your eyelashes at him, faking innocence as you spoke, you intoxicated self allowing your confidence to shine more than usual. "Yes actually, you can stop looking so god damn fucking hot, it's making it hard for me to contain myself" "Sweetie that isn't my fault, just don't look!" you wriggled your arms out of his, booping his super cute nose as he rolled his eyes at you. "It's kind of hard when you make me go so damn crazy" "Hows that Jackson" you eyes longed for his, staring deeply as he thought up an answer. "Everything about you is just so fucking sexy and amazing, and beautiful" "Stop you're gonna make me blush" "You've made me change y/n, I really fucking like you" "Stop talking nonsense" you laugh at him, attempting to shuffle past but he sets his demeanor in front of you, not letting you go anywhere and you found yourself finding it incredibly hot, trying not to mentally undress him again, you were finding it hard to control your feelings as you felt more and more drawn to him each second, unsure of whether it was the alcohol making you feel this way or just the prolonged denial and sexual tension you have both shared. "It's not nonsense princess, and seeing all these guys staring at you tonight, fuck I couldn't stand it much longer. I want you so fucking bad and I don't want anyone else to have you" Him saying that turned you on like a bat out of hell, you wanted him to say it again. "What do you want Jackson" "I want to fuck you so bad, I want to have you to myself, to make you mine. I want to touch you until you're crying out in pleasure, I want to make you scream my name over and over again" He walked backwards with you as he spoke and you felt his words send a shiver down your spine and right to you core, and you knew you wanted him too, there was no use denying it in his moment, so you don't know what it was, whether it was the alcohol, or whether it was him towering over you with his lustful eyes as he pushed your back into the bathroom door, but he was just as surprised as you were with the next few words spilling from your mouth. "Fuck then do it" He looked at you, surprised and then a shit eating grin was plastered on his face and just turned you on more. "Fuck me Jackson, fuck me hard, make me scream out your name so loud the floor below us can hear me over the music, fuck me so hard until my body starts shaking and I can't walk tomorrow" In a rush he clashed his lips with yours, your hands immediately gripping around him shoulders, grabbing into his soft hair and tugging hard as your tongues battled with each other. The taste of alcohol was so strongly evident in this long overdue kiss. His tongue grazed along your bottom lip tugging each time he pulled away to take a breath, both of you already a panting messed as you rushed months and months of sexual tension into one night. You were needy and impatient, you longed for his lips on yours and you hated when he removed them. You tugged on his bottom lip as you crashed your lips back onto his, your hand fumbling over your bodies, Jackson gripped your thighs, your ass, you waist, whatever he could get his hands on. Your hands tugged on his hair harshly as you moaned into the kiss, your tongue licked his own and grazed against the roof of his mouth and you know he liked it when he let out a deep sigh in content. He pushed you back into the door roughly, the impact making you gasp and you loved the dominance he was showing. One hand grabbed on your waist while the other grabbed your jaw, pushing your face to the side as he ravished at your neck, biting down hard and you hissed as the pleasurable pain surged through your body. His hand gripped your jaw tight as he marked you all over your neck. "You're mine now princess" he whispers in your ear and his hot shaky breath sent shivers down your spine that made you close your eyes and moan, your reaction at such a simple gesture boosting his ego. He kissed and nibbled and bit at your neck, finding your sweet spot and you cried aloud at the feeling, he bit down on the skin, sucking harshly as he left another hickey on your skin, with no sympathy for how much effort you're going to have to go through to cover it up. He let go of your jaw and your head dropped slightly. He lowered down your body, trailing wet kisses down to your collarbone as he kissed it. As his mouth continued to attack you, your hand slowly slid down his body, you tugged at the waistband of his tight jeans, you grabbed softly at his crotch and he groaned against your neck, you slowly palmed him over the jeans, his breathing shaky as you slid your hand into his pants and into his boxers, feeling his length in your hand and as best as you could, you pumped him softly. You moaned slightly feeling his dick, the wideness and the length making you anticipate what was to come. "Fuck y/n" He removed his lips from your skin, his head resting in the crook of your neck as he rested both hands on the side of your head, letting you continue to pleasure him. The look on his face was pure ecstasy, his eyebrows furrowed, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip, sweat trickling down his forehead and his chest rising up and down and you could almost orgasm at the sight of him, cursing at yourself for not letting this happen sooner. You hand pumped his length softly, you teased him with small and tiny movements and you could hear the frustration whenever he slipped out a beautiful sounding moan. "You better stop teasing me or ill make you regret it princess" his jaw tensed and you could see he wasn't playing around, but it only spurred you further. "Maybe I want to regret it baby" you teased him further, attempting to see how far you could push him, giving him light feathery touches and he sighed under you touch, you smirked at him, sliding your hand further down his length and rubbing over his tip. He hissed at the feeling and his hands tensed against the wall, he couldn't take it any longer. He grabbed both your hands, pinning them above your head. "You're in for it now" "I'm all yours" you smirked at him and he groaned at your words. He let your hands drop free, his hands locked around your waist, gripping at the rim of you top and pulling it above your head, discarding the velvet material on the floor. He lowered down you body, trailing your curves with his hands and placing kisses along you torso until he was on his knees. He pulled your shoes off you feet and then tugged at your jeans, he undid the zipper slowly, looking up at you as he slid the jeans off your legs. He kissed your thighs, making his way back up to your face. He leaned his hips against yours and you could feel his erection against your throbbing wet core. "How did you know black was my favourite?" He admired the lingerie you so luckily chose to wear, the black lace bra and panties making his lick his lips in hunger as he looked at you. "Lucky guess" his hand slid around your back, undoing the clip of your bra in a swift movement and gliding the straps down your arms, the feeling tingling your body. "Whats this princess?" His eyes caught immediate attention to your nipple ring, his pupils dilating in lust. His hand tweaked your nipple and you moaned as he played with the ring. "You like it?" you ask smiling at him, knowing damn well the answer. "Love it, it's fucking sexy" He tugged at his bottom lips and kissing his way down to your breasts, you screamed his name when his mouth latched onto your nipple, biting down on the sensitive nub and your hands gripped at his hair. His other hand messaged your breast while his mouth continued his fun with the other. His teeth tugged on the nipple ring and you groaned at the feeling, the pain of it making you more aroused while you dug deeper into his hair. "Fuck! jackson- oH!" He flicked the ring up and down with his tongue, playing with it in his mouth and the feelings was heavenly. He would torture you with his moments, his teeth gripping on the ring and pulling, onto to release his teeth seconds after and he would repeat the action. He kissed all around your breast, leaving a circle of hickeys around your sensitive nipple and you hissed as he bit and sucked harshly on the sensitive skin. His other hand messaged your breast roughly, taking the time to pinch the nipple in between his two fingers and you cursed under your breath as he did so. He swapped around his movements, switching breasts as his fingers now played with the nipple ring and his mouth enclosed on your other nipple, making sure to give it the same treatment. His fingers tugged on the nipple ring, twisting it slightly making you moan, he pulled and tugged on the silver piece of jewellery as his teeth tugged down on your other nipple. You had become a panting mess, you nubs were peaked and sensitive and he pleasured both breasts equally as rough and you loved it, never wanting it to end, but wanting to feel him inside you already. "Fuck- please baby" "Tsk tsk, im taking my time with you tonight princess" He removed his lips from your perked breasts, which were red and wet and full of bruised. His hands grabbed at your ass cheeks, squeezing tightly before grabbing your hips and lifting you up, you gasped at the sudden gesture and your legs gripped around his waist as he moved you to the desk, in a messy haste you tugged at the bottom of he shirt, lifting it over his head and discarding it. With one hand holding you he used the other to push everything off the desk, sitting you down on it. You legs gripped tighter around him, pulling him closer as you admired his body, your fingers tracing his abdomen and he loved a you so carefully studied everything about his body, he stared deeply at you as you memorised every line, the way every muscle tenses, the way his chest heaved up and down and the way his biceps tensed as his arms leaned on the desk. "So fucking gorgeous you are" you say to him and he smirks at you. You grab his face, reconnecting his lips on yours while his hands trailed down your body to the hem of you lace panties, his fingers traced the hem teasing you. You moved your lips to his neck, biting down onto the skin and sucking harshly as he hissed, his hands gripping your thighs, digging in which was sure to leave bruises. "It's only fair right?" you say to him, leaving more marks on his body. Biting down on his neck and hearing him growl at the feeling. He lays his hands on your chest, pushing your back down onto the desk and you leaned up on your elbows. You watched him smirk at you as he traced the thin material off your panties. Slowly sliding them down your legs and you sighed as they tingled on the way down. He leaned down over you, his hot breath on your core making you desperate and needy and he chuckled at you as you tugged on his hair, urging him on. "Eager princess? That's too bad... I'm taking my time with you tonight" He licked along your thighs, kissing his way up to where you needed him most and you breathed heavy waiting for him, you hands in his hair as you leaned your back onto the desk. Jackson admired the view above him, he could see your perked breasts rising heavily up and down and the facial expression that read frustration and lust and it was so sexy. He kissed lightly at your folds and you moaned his name, finally getting a little friction out of him. His hands gripped at your thighs and he kissed your lobes, barely touching you as you ached for him. You screamed in delight, your back arching as his mouth finally latched onto your clit, sucking harshly and the sudden move sent waves through your body. "Fuck Jackson!" you moaned in pleasure, hands digging into his hair as he sucked harshly on your clit, his tongue doing wonders to make you a panting mess in front of him. His tongue flicked your clit, flicking up and down and curse words spilled from your plump red lips. His tongue lapped at your clit, moving up and down your folds and licking clean strip upwards, your hips reacting instantly, Jackson quick to hold you down. "So wet for me princess" He licked around your entrance, poking his tongue in and out of you before bringing it back to your clit and repeating the process. He tugged at you clit with his teeth and you cried out from the satisfaction. He nibbled lightly on your clit, sucking as he did so and you could hear the lewd sounds from his actions. You eyes tightened as he pleasured you. You grip on his hair making him groan, sending vibrations through your core that made you moan. He picked up his speed flat tonguing you up and down and sweat fell from your forehead, your eyes rolling and you hair sticking to your face. He ravished at you and you screamed his name over and over. He poked his tongue into your entrance, pushing himself in as he licked around you in a slow circle, your mouth open wide and your voice lost as you reacted to the new feeling. His tongue licked inside you, tasting you all over before pulling back out and licking up your whole vagina until your clit, spreading your juices all over your folds. His fingers traced up your thigh as he nibbled and sucked your hungrily. He brought his fingers up to your core, rubbing up and down your folds as he left kitten licks on your clit. You groaned as he slipped a finger into you, pumping in and out and around slowly, matching the movements of his tongue. He pumped slowly, teasing you with the unbearable pace and you needed him to go faster. "Please Jackson- Fuck!" your swore as he added another finger into you. Quickening his pace, pumping in and out of you and curling his fingers making your scream in pleasure. The room filling up with the sounds of sex as he fastened the pace of his fingers to a brutally fast pace and you could feel the knot in your stomach as he fingered and licked you. The pleasure from both actions becoming too much and you couldn't take it much longer. He pulled his tongue away from you, removing his fingers for only seconds to rub you roughly and spread your juices all over you. He pinched you clit between two fingers and your back arched off the table as he rubbed at your clit ruthlessly before inserting his fingers back into you. He thrusted them in and out of you, reaching as deep as he could as he brought his tongue back down do you. He felt around inside you, twisted his fingers around you curling them and you mewled as he reached your sweet spot, which he now paid all his attention too. The know in your stomach was getting tighter and he hit your sweet spot over and over again, his name falling from your lips in repeat and your breath was catching in your throat. He brought his face back up, leaning over you as he continued his ministrations. You gripped the edged of the table and he watched you as he thrusted his fingers roughly. He watched as your face tilted, your features scrunched up and distorted in pleasure, he watched as you chest heaved up and down rapidly, almost allowing him to hear your heartbeat and he watched as your knuckles whitened from your grip on the table, and he was reveling in the fact that it was all because of him. "Fuck Jackson im gonna come" your words came out in a choke and you bucked against him as his fingers continued their magic, but as soon as you were about to let your orgasm soar through you he stopped all his movements, pulling his fingers out of you and you cried in frustration and anger, your orgasm slipping away and giving you an uncomfortable feeling from being ripped from you. "What the fuck Jackson!" you yell, panting heavily as you tried to regain yourself, and with any strength left you leaned yourself up to sit on the edge of the desk, anger evident on your face. He leaned over you on the table, a smug expression evident as he brought his face closer to yours, tilting his head and whispering in your ear. "Told you that you were going to regret it princess" You huffed in defeat, angry with him but undeniably turned on from his dominance. "Asshole" you didn't think he was serious, but he was right, you regretted it, and didn't at the same time. His hands came round to the small of your back, dragging you off the table before grabbing you and lifting you up, dropping you onto his bed and climbing on top of you. You grabbed his shoulders, flipping him over and straddling him. "How about we get rid of these now?" you say, sick of seeing his jeans. Your hands grabbed eagerly at the zipper. Pulling it down and locking your eyes with Jackson's as you pulled them down his legs, throwing them onto the floor. "Come here baby" you crawled back up his legs, sitting your legs between his thigh and you couldn't help but moan when your core slid along his thigh, the friction on your core already sensitive and you cursed under your breath. You don't know where you found this confidence from but you did it again. "Oh fuck" you whispered, your voice shaky. "Fuck that's sexy princess, keep doing it" he encouraged you, loving watching you get off on his thigh. You were hesitant to keep going, but when you looked into his eyes and only saw hunger and lust you knew he wanted this too. You leaned your hands on his chest, your fingers digging in and you glided you core forwards and backwards on his muscly thighs, the thighs that you have adorned since you first met him, his gorgeous thick thighs that you would always find yourself staring at, and now you were riding them. "god---fuck" you rid his thighs back and forth, your fingers digging into his chest and he hissed as your nails dug into him. You head rolled back as you quickened your pace, the friction coming back to your core. "Thats it baby" He grabbed your love handles, guiding your hips and matching your rhythm. You grind harder on his thighs, putting more pressure on your throbbing core, soft whimpers and moans falling from your lips. He tensed his thigh muscles and you mewled from delight from the feeling, he kept doing it as you rid his thighs into oblivion. He tightened his grip on your hips, rocking your hips back and forth faster encouraging you to up your pace and so you. He pushed your hips down, lifting his thigh up at the same time and adding an immense amount of pressure to your clit and you cried out in delight, you quickened your pace, your body sweating from riding him so hard but you weren't tiring out. He continued to flex his muscles and push his thigh up into your core and you could feel your overdue orgasm forming in your stomach and you weren't going to last much longer. "Fuck Jackson I--" "I know princess" He pushed your hips back and forth at full speed, taking away half the effort and you dragged you nails across his chest, your orgasm finally exploding through you and you came onto his beautiful thighs. The feeling of your orgasm being taken away from you before highlighting this one and Jackson's name spilled from your mouth along with curse words repeatedly as you rode out your orgasm, continuing to ride his thighs as his muscles tensed for you. Your head rolled back as you saw stars, sweat dripping down your forehead, your chest rising up and down rapidly and your voice lost as you began to calm down from your high, your clit starting to become sensitive as Jackson was still riding you on his thigh and you hissed from the sensitivity. "Jackson-- ah!" You grabbed his arms and suddenly he was flipping you over, you fell onto your back, tired and limp but all you wanted now was to feel him inside of you. "You ready for me y/n?" he looked deeply into your eyes and you wanted to look away from his intense gaze, but you nodded at him. "You bet I am..." you say to him. He slid his underwear off his legs and his erection sprang free and you started in excitement, his member extremely impressive, his tip red and bulging from your previous teasing on him. You licked you lips in hunger, wrapping your legs around him and pulling him towards you. "Liking what you see?" he smirked at you, you bit down on your lower lip, smiling back up at him. "Please Jackson just fuck me" he moaned at your words, hearing you beg was so fucking sexy. He brought his length closer to your entrance, rubbing his dick up and down your core and you moaned, still a little sensitive but it felt amazing, he spread your wetness all over you and all over his length before aligning his length with your entrance, slowly pushing in and you moaned loudly, you hands gripping onto his biceps hard. You felt him stretch you out inch by inch and you writhed beneath him, fingers digging into his biceps as he filled you up to the brim. "Fuck you're so tight, ugh!" he moaned above you and he was finally all the way in, stopping for the smallest moment to let you adjust to his size, but him not moving inside you was unbearable and you just needed him to move. He read your mind as he started slowly pulling back out of you, all the way to his tip and then all the way back in, he continued to do this at a slow pace and it was starting to become too much. "Please Jackson" you moaned your legs gripping him tighter. "Patience princess" he says to you, continuing his slow pace just to torture you. He leaned down, his lips coming to yours, kissing you passionately as he finally started to speed up. You moaned as he filled up your walls perfectly. He thrusted in and out of you as his tongue roamed you lips. You both pulled away from the kiss to take a breather. Your breaths both shaky and you hearts both pounding in your chest. His hands both rested on either side of your head as he starts slamming back hard into you, your back arched off the bed at his powerful thrusts, he was still not going fast enough, but he slammed so hard and deep into you every single time ad you felt like pure ecstasy. You hands grabbed around his back for support, your legs pulling him closer as he pounded into you ruthlessly, balls deep with every thrust and you could barely moan from the pure satisfaction of him filling you up the way he was.   "Fuck i've been waiting so long to do this" he said in between thrusts, but you could barely concentrate on his words, you could only concentrate on the pleasure he was giving you, you could only concentrate on finding some relief by digging you nails in his back and seeing his face scrunch up from the pain it sent through him. You could only concentrate on the fact that he was finally going full speed inside of you and your back arched into him, you breasts arching into his chest. As he thrust into you full speed and full power your back slid up and down the bed with each thrust and you screamed aloud, moans falling from your lips each second. He grabbed the headboard with one hand, supporting himself as he plunged into you mercilessly. Sweat trickled down his forehead and his beautiful soft locks stuck to his face. His whole body glistened with beads of sweat and although you could barely opened you eyes, you managed to take in the sight of him for seconds at a time, watching his chest rise up and down and his eyebrows furrow as he concentrated on pleasuring you and himself. Watching the muscles all over his body tense as he pounded into you, the veins in his neck popping out as he rolled his head back each time he groaned, the beautiful sounds falling from his lips almost breaking you and making you come undone then and there. He relished in you body, his free hand running over all of you, your breasts, your curves and everywhere he could touch before he found your hand, holding it in his own. He pressed your hands into the blanket as he rammed into you continuously, your breasts bouncing up and down from the intensity. He let go of you hand, grabbing your thigh and lifting it over your shoulder, you cried out in pleasure as he hit your g-spot from the new angle. "FUCK! Right there Jackson!" you screamed, he hit your g-spot over and over and you could feel the knot once again forming in your stomach as he pounded you, the feeling of him hitting you spot each time overwhelming you and bringing you to the edge. "Fuck Jackson i'm going to cum-oH!" He brought his thumb down to you clit, rubbing in rough circles to match the pace of his thrusts and you thrived beneath him, nails dragging along his back roughly as you took in the overwhelming feeling if his thumb and his length all at once. You mouth opened wide and you couldn't let our a voice from all the sensations. He pounded into you mercilessly and you walls clenched around him making him groan above you, with a few more of his powerful thrusts you came undone once again. His mouth spilled from your lips as your juices came around him and you walls clenched hard around his length. He continued to thrust into you and he continued to rub you clit with him thumb as you arched yourself off the bed, making sure to ride out your high for as long as possible. You breath hitched in your throat and you lost your voice from cursing and screaming his name so much. You chest rose up and down as you breathed heavy, you slowly started to come down from your high but Jackson's efforts didn't waver as he chased his own high. He removed his hand from your clit, resting it beside your head, his other hand still gripping the headboard, his knuckled turning white from gripping so hard. With whatever effort you had left you grabbed at his face, dragging it down to yours as you left kisses on his lips down to his neck, you clenched around his dick continuously trying to bring his closer to his brink and you could feel his length throbbing inside you ready for release. "Let go baby" you whispered into his ear, kissing him as best you could wile he thrusted into you, your teeth tugged on his earlobe, you brought your lips down to his neck and sucked harshly on the skin as your hand traced his biceps. You clenched around him tight one last time and with a few last thrusts he shouted your name as he shot his seed inside of you, his arm fell off the headboard and both rest on the sides of your head, he leaned down on his elbows, his head resting in the crook of you neck and he thrusted himself into you, riding out his high. His muscles tensed and his face scrunched up in pleasure as his orgasm tore through his body. His heartbeat rapid and he panted heavily as he thrusts started to become sloppy. Your leg fell off his shoulder and his muscles started to relax, his thrusts coming to a stop and he laid on top of you, his weight on you and your fingers running through his soft hair as he regained his breath. You both laid there for moments regaining yourselves, allowing yourselves to relax. Eventually he pulled out of you, lifting himself off of you and walking to the bathroom, giving you a nice glance at his ass as he walked away. You rested on the bed, pondering over what just happened and you couldn't believe it as you smiled to yourself. You heard him come back into the room, a towel in hand as he wiped both of your spilled juices off of you, discarding the towel and climbing back onto the bed with you. You cuddled up against him, your bodies intertwined as you fell asleep, both of you tired and your bodies exhausted. ________________________________________________________________________________ "Ugh god" your voice was groggy and you yawned as the morning greeted you, you were still in Jackson's bed and you held the cover over you, but Jackson was not beside you. You sat there for a moment, waking yourself up, trying to keep your eyes open. What caught your attention next was Jackson re-entering the dorm room, topless with pants on. "Good morning princess, I brought you coffee!" You groaned as you stretched, taking the coffee from his hand as he walked up to you. You held the blanket against your naked body, grinning at Jacksons lovable energy and smile as you sipped the coffee, you couldn't believe how much you've fallen from him. "Good morning" you say, your voice sleepy and he smiled at your cuteness. Jackson's passed you your underwear and one of his shirts and you slid on the garments, admiring the smell of him on the shirt, and him admiring how it looked on you. You got yourself out of the bed, trying to stand up and immediately falling back down onto the mattress from your sore body, which made both of you laugh. "Fuck you took me seriously didn't you" you laughed at him. "Well you did say to fuck you until you can't walk" He teased you, rubbing his arm and laughing out loud as you hit him, hiding your face in your hands. He grabbed your hands in his, keeping them in his as he lowered them, bringing his face back to yours, kissing you softly on the lips. "I did mean what I said y/n, I really like you, you're mine now" "I'm all yours, remember?" you quoted yourself from last night, you both giggled softly at each other, needing nothing more then each others lips as you continued kissing. Ellie was right, you did, undeniably fall for his charms, but he also fell for you, and you were loving it, you didn't regret one thing as he embraced you in his arms and you didn't need to be anywhere else but there, together. Masterlist <3
Other Jackson: Fashionably Late (Fluff/Smut)
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klowee · 7 years
Filled in this questionnaire for a Tumblr friend (if you do the same, reply or dm so I can read yours)
1.Kissed a girl?
excuse you, think this gaysian has been living under a rock?
2.Kissed a boy?
sure have. sadly, a shameful amount. I was sexually confused as a teen, okay.
3.Had sex in public?
sure have! bathrooms, change rooms, high tops at restaurants, parks, cabs, on the island in Toronto — whoa, my twenties were fun, eh?
4.What’s your religion?
I am without one. I believe in myself?
5.What does your URL mean?
it’s my name spelled out phonetically.
6.Reason you joined tumblr?
cousin signed me up because she thought I’d love it back in 2010 — and love it, I did.
7.Do you have any nicknames?
gaysian, klow, crowy, clover, chole, the chole, DJ chole, etc.
8.Do you like bubble bath?
not especially. it makes my eczema flare up (insert sad face here)
9.Kissed in the rain?
pfffft who hasn’t tried to reenact that notebook scene.
10.Dyed your hair?
a few times when i was an angsty teenager.
11.Soup or salad?
12.Vegetable or meat?
I am an omnivore but like to have a lil meat with most meals.
13.Go out drinking?
not nearly as much as I used to.
14.Smoke cigarettes?
so I traded in my one semi-serious heterosexual relationship in at 24 for cigarettes and haven’t been able to kick the habit since.
15.Smoke weed?
almost er’ry day
16.Do any hard drugs?
not regularly
17.Have you had sex today?
like, it’s wednesday at 2:47pm and all I’ve done today is walk my dog, fuel myself with cups and cups of coffee and like work at my desk.
18.Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
like, accidentally. and whenever I’ve woken up from these sleep situations my neck always hurts. always. my arms fall asleep. my back gets awkwardly tight. like, no gracias señor. sleep on your own side.
19.The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
serena and i were talking about grammar errors — and fraggle love. we’ve best best buds for going on 12 years.
20.Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
it’s a line and I’ve for sure heard it. 
21.Skipped doing homework to play a video game?
back in university, I didn’t study for my exams and played guitar hero instead. on expert. and destroyed anyone who challenged me. so, like, worth it? (also, still got my degree and work in my field now — so — winning.)
22.Tried to commit suicide?
there were some dark times. have you ever spent 72 hours in a crisis stabilization unit? it was a bad time in my life. who wants coffee?
23.The last time you felt broken?
more like this year has felt very uncertain and my heart feels numb and my brain feels fried but i’m not one to feel too broken. just gently destroyed.
24.Had to lie to EVERYONE about how you felt?
every day I come to work with a good attitude and pretend I’m loving life. do you know anyone who loves their life every day? but I’ll do anything to keep morale up.
25.Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
Do you have a flawless, perfect beagle with a golden ratio face?
26.Do you have Long hair OR short hair?
sooooo I kind of just haven’t cut it and the longest bits touch my bum...
27.First thing you notice to a guy/girl?
e n e r g y
28.Do you sing in the shower?
I kind of just sing everywhere? not necessarily well. in fact, probably terribly. I sing terribly everywhere.
29.Do you dance in the car?
30.Where were you yesterday?
the office #DigitalEditorLife and book club (love my clever friends)
31.Ever used a bow and arrow?
sure have. just call me choleness everdeen.
32.Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
did headshots in the spring.
33.Do you think musicals are cheesy?
excuse you, I live for andrew lloyd webber. also, I can shamefully admit I was a big fan of glee.
34. Is Christmas stressful?
...but it’s significantly less magical as a grown up with no babies?
35.Favorite type of fruit pie?
coconut cream or apple?
36.Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
I wanted to be a writer. I also wanted to be an actress, I considered being a lawyer (ally mcbeal), thought about being a therapist (I thought it’d be a fun way to get people to tell me their secrets) — then I realized people accidentally do that when you’re a journalist so...here I am
37. Do you believe in ghosts?
obviously. and aliens. they believe in ghosts so hard in china that they build ghost doors in temples and art galleries and shit. for real. google it.
38.Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
often. hey! I was just saying how these are my favourite cause it makes me feel like I’m on track with things (like I was supposed to be here)
39.Take a vitamin daily?
no, but I’m into taking my vitamin ds whenever I remember. welcome to canada — the SAD is real here.
40.Wear slippers?
sometimes. and I shuffle like my late nin-nin in them too.
41.Wear a bath robe?
sometimes. like, I have a couple. and sometimes I wear them. but it’s not like a thing.
42.What do you wear to bed?
fresh pair of panties and i’m like, niiiiiiight.
43.Do you want to get married?
I sure do want my big fat chinese lesbian wedding. heck yeah, I do.
44.Can you curl your tongue?
I am an excellent lesbian.
Relationship preference:
45.How many relationships have you had?
let’s count some of those boyfriends beards when I was younger
a few affairs
many girlfriends
many lovers
a few serious partners
a painful number of mistakes (lol)
I have lots of friends and family and they make up for the terrible romantic relationships I struggle with maintaining 
46.How can I win your heart?
it’s there or it isn’t. if we feel it, we’ll feel it. i don't believe in forcing anything.
47.what makes a great relationship?
loyalty, respect, trust, solid communication, honesty (reasonably so), mutual goals and like, same dietary goals (read: a love for cheeseburgers) 
48.Shy OR open?
I gravitate towards introverts as I am super open.
50.Religious OR non-religious?
like, I want to say I don’t care — but I guess I have no intention on raising my offspring with a religion (so, if they want to like splash my child with some water — maybe — but if they want to enrol them in sunday school...like, hard to say...)
51.Caring OR non-restricting of you?
like, care. but don’t be a controlling dick — trust me. then, i’ll be like same. and we’d be cool.
52.Straight edge OR non-straight edge?
like, I don’t want to go out of my way and find a heroine addict (we’ve all seen how GIA ends) and anyone too pure would find me filthy so I’m really hoping for a middle-of-the-road unicorn.
53.Piercings OR no piercings?
I don’t care? but maybe like less facial piercings? a single nose ring — nbd — but like bringing home someone with many holes in their face may make family dinners a tad awkward. my family is pretty conservative
54.Tattoos OR no tattoos?
into tattoos. all the tattoos. love tattoos.
55.Quiet stay-at-home type OR party type?
order in a healthy balance? heavier on the netflix and chill side?
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