#it’s the tiniest most insubstantial fraction of a miracle
goatbeard-goatbeard · 8 months
Sure, Aziraphale lives in Soho and is THE southern pansy. But I’ve met multiple people in my own neighborhood who match Crowley’s exact description:
older trans/gnc person
military vet
living in their car
I cannot stress enough what a common combo that is, particularly for older trans folks. In my area, you can see the split between people who transitioned 10+ years ago vs. now, what kinds of experiences they had. There’s still a ways to go, but things have gotten dramatically better.
If you want to make things better even faster, vote in local elections.*
(that’s right, you’ve been tricked into reading a ✨🗳️ Voting Post 🗳️✨! Discover your civic obligations, fool!)
But seriously though, local politicians have TONS of influence on housing policy, and they really don’t hide their opinions. Even if their housing plans are awful, they’ll be easy to find on their campaign website.
They actually want to advertise those shitty plans, because those shitty plans are aimed at homeowners. Homeowners (1) have a stable address and (2) often worry about their home value. Both those factors make them super reliable voters.
Unfortunately, the “but my home value” folks always get riled up by low/no-cost housing. They’ll say it’s about “the character of the neighborhood”, but really, any increase in housing supply impacts the demand for their home investment. They also don’t want people visibly sleeping outside, so the combined effect is a neighborhood that blocks housing and harasses people for the crime of… peacefully sleeping in their car.
Whatever housing makes it through will often be too far away from necessary amenities or too busy/loud for folks with multiple overlapping traumas, whether from family or the jobs they took to get away from family (e.g. military).
But again, this is all very local politics, so you can outvote the Home Values crowd with a little bit of organizing!
For example: after voting, share your notes with your friends.** You have to research the candidates anyway, so why not pass around a little voter guide when you’re done?
List who you’re voting for in each position, and what info you saw that made you pick/avoid each person (this will also make your life easier the next time that person’s up for election). Even a very basic, bullet-point list can be the difference between someone forgetting the election date and filling out their entire ballot.*** Now instead of 1 vote, you’re moving a small handful of votes, which can have a big impact in local elections.
Also, creating a voter guide is surprisingly fun. There are some real characters in local politics, and you get to dunk on all their wacky policy ideas in your notes. An official voter guide will never say “<candidate name>: wtffffffffff”. But yours can!
*remember that local elections may happen more often than big-ticket elections. Search “<city name> election dates” and put reminders in your phone for a couple weeks before important deadlines, so you have time to research stuff.
**especially younger friends who may be less confident about voting their whole ballot, or unaware of different deadlines.
***this is one of the reasons why Christian conservatives are overrepresented in politics — they’re inherently organized because they already meet weekly (or more). It’s very easy for them to remind each other to vote. But we can steal this strategy! Don’t have a megachurch? That’s ok, remind your discord server to vote. Don’t have a Bible study? That’s ok, remind your D&D group, your boardgame group, or your knitting circle to vote.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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Crowley: We need to make this the tiniest, most insubstantial, fractional half a miracle we have ever performed. No traces of anything miraculous left behind. No alarm bells ringing in Heaven.
Aziraphale: Right. Count of three.
Crowley: One, two, three, now.
*Crowley jumps on the chair and checks an orangey-flowy-something with a tip of his finger*
Crowley: I think it took. That was a class-A surreptitious half a miracle. No one will have noticed a thing.
*happy Aziraphale*
*unamused Michael sighs as alarms are blaring in Heaven*
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indigovigilance · 10 months
Miraculous Energy
Guys, I think I found a hole in the plot. We should probably walk through it together and see what we find.
inspo citation by @ritz-writes
Originally this post had to do with holding hands.
The 25 Lazari Plume
In S2E1 they hold hand through the conduit of Gabriel and perform "the tiniest, most insubstantial, fractional half a miracle we have ever performed. No traces of anything miraculous left behind. No- no- no alarm bells ringing in Heaven" miracle.
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Even though they were trying to be surreptitious, they failed drastically. Common fanon is that their combined angelic and demonic energy, or the power of love, creates a holistic power greater than the sum of its parts. The result:
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A miracle of more energy than anyone knows what do with: per Shax, "a miracle of enormous power... the kind of miracle only the mightiest of Archangels could've performed."
This isn't the first time they've combined their powers to perform a miracle.
Two quotes from Gail Neiman:
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The instance in question:
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There are at first glance two solutions to this paradox. Either
a) They did create a burst of energy but everyone above and below Earth was so freaked out by them having just survived hellfire and holy water (respectively) that they were like "yeah that tracks and we're not touching it with a 10 foot pole," or
b) They did not create a burst of energy in the body swap, and therefore the plume of power didn't have to do with the boys combining powers but instead has something to do with either (b1) Gabriel or (b2) the nature of the miracle being performed.
I don't like (a) because Saraqael is so dismissive of the idea that Aziraphale could have performed such a miracle. It creates a narrative inconsistency.
We are left with (b), and since purple is the color of Gabriel's divinity this would be narratively consistent. (b2) doesn't track because the nature of the miracle being performed is fundamentally the same: in S1E6 they were (what in other fantasy fiction is frequently called) glamouring to hide their identities, and they did the exact same thing to Gabriel in S2E1, obfuscating his angel identity with a made-up human one.
So, yeah. It perhaps doesn't lean into our preferred conceptualization of the super-powerful duo, but it does fit the evidence.
It looks like @ineffable-suffering already put forth this theory, I just missed it. You can read it here: What if it wasn't Aziraphale and Crowley who performed the 25 Lazarii miracle?
special shout-out to @flameraven for the scripts, you make my life much easier now that I can copy-paste quotes instead of transcribing.
If you liked this, you can find my meta index here.
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sad-chaos-goblin · 1 year
About WHY the Metatron made the job offer
I have been thinking about what the Metatron's motivations could be for promoting Aziraphale. Since I am currently quite convinced by the Lie Theory (here is the meta that converted me) I am certain the true purpose of the "promotion" was to separate Aziraphale and Crowley.
But why?
Many reasons. Here's what I've thought of so far:
- "Makes it look like there's an institutional problem." The Metatron may have actually been quite disinterested in A/C up until the Beelzebub & Gabriel incident. But, now that it's happened once, he can't allow it to happen a second time. (Specially as Beelzebub & Gabriel defect and run off together. Their happy ending is a direct challenge to both the concept of "hereditary enemies" and the unrelenting loyalty Heaven and Hell demand).
- The Metatron canonically knows all about Crowley and the questions that caused his fall. Aziraphale has already shown that he is much more of an independent thinker than the other angels. It's easy to infer that this is partly due to Crowley's influence leading him to question Heaven's actions. Metatron would want to stop this before it gets any further and get him back in line (although I think we all know our angel is well past the point of no-return).
- They are EXTREMELY powerful together. Their "tiniest, most insubstantial, fractional half a miracle" was anything but. Imagine how powerful their combined miracles would be if they performed them without holding back. The Metatron is afraid of this, it is too huge a power to be wielded by two beings that are proving to be very defiant of the status quo. (I realise the huge miracle thing could just have been caused by Gabriel being connected to them when performing it, but I am not convinced by that theory. I strongly believe that them being incredibly powerful together is going to be a Thing in S3).
- Getting Aziraphale to return to Heaven as Supreme Archangel means the Metatron is once again his Superior. It restores his control over the rebellious, demon-fraternising angel. It's a show of Heaven's power and dominance.
- And one more reason: the Metatron is an absolute DICK.
If anyone has any additional input or comments about this theory I'd love to hear it.
Additional thoughts:
Yes, Crowley is a huge influence on Aziraphale but the only reason he can be of such influence is due to the angel's pure innate goodness + his willingness to break the rules when necessary (going as far back as when he gave away his flaming sword). It's a goodness that pushes him to accept Crowley challenging his beliefs, to not follow Heaven's mandates blindly, a goodness more complex and nuanced than the intransigent and unforgiving concept of "goodness" espoused by Heaven. A goodness that understands the importance of shades of grey.
The Metatron may have got Aziraphale to go back to Heaven but he has absolutely not regained "control". He may have the upper hand right now but the angel is not being submissive, he is being strategic. He knows this is the only possible course of action right now in order to eventually have a safe future with Crowley. I'm unsure if he has realised yet that the system needs to be completely brought down, or if he still thinks he can fix it. But he's definitely going to eventually fuck some shit up and it's going to be so satisfying to watch.
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The tiniest, most insubstantial, fractional half a miracle we have ever performed. Class A surreptitious half a miracle.
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Let there be matter, let there be gravity, let there be everything from pages 11 to 3,000,602 inclusive.
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✨Let there be light✨
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How many Lazarii does that kind of miracle take?
To be continued
(part 1), (part 2), (part 3)
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honeybeejohn · 8 months
“we need to make this the tiniest, most insubstantial fractional half a miracle we have ever performed”
… resulting in a 27 lazari miracle setting off all alarms in heaven and blasting a massive beam of energy from earth
imagine them doing this again, intentionally, in do-or-die circumstances in S3. working together to overcome whatever is being thrown at them. the power in their union and love… whatever happens afterwards, heaven and hell would have to leave them alone. forever free to make out in their south downs cottage
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So, I've been thinking about "the tiniest, most insubstantial, fractional, half-a-miracle we ever performed".
The wording implies they did such a thing before. And they worry about setting off alarm bells in Heaven or Hell.
And as we see, the miracle is so strong they do set off alarms in Heaven. But... they don't set off alarms in Hell. And by the wording they've done half-miracles together before without setting off alarms.
So, I noticed something...
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They perform the miracle right on top of the Heaven sigil thingy in Aziraphale's shop. Maybe that is why only Heaven notices the miracle. Because I highly doubt Hell doesn't have a similar miracle detection system in place. Especially for miracles of that magnitude.
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mametupa · 1 year
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"We need to make this the tiniest, most insubstantial, fractional half a miracle we have ever performed. No traces of anything miraculous left behind. No alarm bells ringing in Heaven."
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simplemente-myself · 1 year
La culpa es del Metatrón
Después de ver de nuevo la segunda temporada de Good Omens, y darle varias vueltas, quiero compartir mi análisis, especialmente del último capítulo y la relevancia del Metatrón, pero esta vez en español. Desde ya pido disculpas porque cuando haga referencia a frases dichas en la serie lo haré en inglés o con mi propia traducción que puede diferir a los subtítulos oficiales de Amazon Prime (porque vi la serie en inglés).
Mi teoría apunta a que el Metatrón bajó a la Tierra con la exclusiva misión de separar a Aziraphale de Crowley. Su intención nunca fue encontrar el reemplazo óptimo del supremo arcángel que se acababa de revelar y menos aún restablecer a Crowley a su condición de ángel. El Metatrón primero aparece en el café de Nina comentando que las personas son muy predecibles porque siempre piden café y nunca muerte haciendo alusión al nombre del café “Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death”. Luego aparece en la librería, donde los arcángeles presentes no lo reconocen y hace que sea Crowley quien dé las pistas para que Aziraphale se dé cuenta de quién es.
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Una vez que despacha a los arcángeles de vuelta al Cielo, dejando a Muriel (a quien llama “the dim one”) en la Tierra porque puede serle de utilidad, le ofrece el café que había comprado a Aziraphale y se lo lleva fuera de la librería y más importante, lejos de Crowley, para conversar. El Metatrón usa varios recursos para convencer a Aziraphale de volver al Cielo, ahora como supremo arcángel, primero alabando sus talentos, su conocimiento del comportamiento humano y después, cuando Aziraphale verbaliza que no quiere volver al Cielo porque “¿dónde va a comprar su café?” el Metatrón usa artillería pesada y lo que para mí es una clara amenaza, diciendo que él sabe de todas las veces que ha colaborado con el demonio y que esto puede ser considerado irregular (dando a entender que ya no podrá hacerlo más) pero que estaría dentro de sus facultades como supremo arcángel restituir a Crowley a su condición de ángel nuevamente. Él sabe que esta oferta es imposible de rechazar para Aziraphale, que no puede decir que no a algo así, porque el ángel sabe que Crowley nunca quiso ni mereció realmente caer, y que de esta forma al fin podrá ser perdonado por Dios. Pero la “voz de Dios” también sabe que el demonio jamás aceptará la oferta porque ya entendió que el Cielo y el Infierno son tóxicos (y no tan diferentes uno del otro finalmente).
¿Pero por qué es tan importante separar al ángel del demonio? En mi opinión esto tiene bastante que ver con el milagro que realizaron en conjunto Aziraphale y Crowley para ocultar a Gabriel del Cielo y el Infierno. Este (25 Lazarii) milagro fue tan poderoso que encendió las alarmas en el Cielo, literalmente, donde pensaron que había sido realizado por el mismo supremo arcángel. Entonces si queriendo hacer “the tiniest, most insubstantial, fractional half a miracle we have ever performed” (el más pequeño, insustancial, fraccional medio milagro que hemos realizado alguna vez) fueron capaces de desplegar ese nivel de poder, sumado a todas las veces anteriores que trabajando juntos habían logrado doblarle la mano a Dios y torcer sus planes, especialmente con la cancelación del Armagedón, son una amenaza para los planes divinos mientras estén en la Tierra defendiendo los intereses de los humanos. Y cuando los nuevos planes son la “Segunda Venida”, entonces no se pueden permitir volver a fallar debido a la intervención de los ex delegados del Cielo e Infierno en la Tierra. ¿Qué hubiese pasado si Aziraphale decía que no a la propuesta del Metatrón? Probablemente estaría muerto, porque el Metatrón estaba literalmente ofreciéndole café o muerte.
Lo que vino después es historia, por supuesto Crowley se negó a la idea de volver en calidad de ángel al cielo y por supuesto Aziraphale no tuvo más opción que aceptar la propuesta del Metatrón, quien ya le había cerrado todas las posibles vías de escape, acorralándolo en su trampa, incluso dándole una solución para que la librería no quedara descuidada poniendo a Muriel a cargo. A pesar de que el Metatrón le había dicho a Aziraphale que no tenía que responder de inmediato, reaparece en la librería en cuanto Crowley sale del lugar para preguntar “cómo lo había tomado” (la propuesta de ser ángel de nuevo) y hace unos comentarios en su contra criticando su tendencia a hacer preguntas tontas y querer seguir su propio camino. Era predecible que todo sucedería tal como sucedió. Excepto que probablemente el Metatrón no esperaba que Crowley hiciera su confesión de amor, incluso después de haber escuchado de boca de Aziraphale los planes que el Cielo tenía para ellos, y esto tuvo un gran efecto emocional en el ángel, quien ya estaba enormemente confundido y asustado con la propuesta del Metatrón, porque profundamente en su corazón él tampoco cree ya que el Cielo sea el lado de luz, bondad y verdad que debería ser, no quiere dejar la Tierra y sabe que Crowley no aceptará la oferta. Pero el ángel no podía dejar de al menos intentar salvar al amor de su vida, y ¿por qué no? hacer una diferencia trabajando juntos en el Cielo. ¡Podemos estar juntos, ángeles, haciendo el bien! ¡Te necesito!
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Todo pasa muy rápido, Crowley no tiene tiempo de contarle al ángel lo que averiguó en el Cielo acerca de Armagedón 2.0 y las intenciones de borrar la memoria del arcángel Gabriel; Nina y Maggie no pudieron hablar con ambos al mismo tiempo porque Aziraphale ya estaba fuera de la librería; y Aziraphale no tiene tiempo suficiente para procesar que Crowley está diciéndole que quiere pasar la eternidad con él. El Metatrón interviene para que no haya tiempo para tomar las decisiones correctas, ese es su juego, esa es su apuesta.
Aziraphale no tiene más opción que aceptar la oferta y volver al Cielo, con el corazón destruido y entendiendo que cayó en una trampa, pero esa última sonrisa que nos regala cuando va en el ascensor (justo antes de los créditos) nos da esperanzas de que ya pensó en un plan para volver a la Tierra, volver a Crowley, o al menos defenderlos desde su nueva posición. La tercera temporada promete ser épica, llena de acción y emoción, eso es seguro, sólo me cuesta mucho imaginar cómo Neil Gaiman desarrollará la historia con sus protagonistas separados. Michael Sheen y David Tennant nos han deleitado con brillantes actuaciones en la serie, con gran atención a los detalles y realismo (dentro de la fantasía) y gracias a su innegable química y amor a los personajes nos han arrastrado a muchos a ser cómplices de la lucha de estos dos seres supernaturales para estar juntos a pesar de todo y todos.
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