#my tinfoil theory
He is not what he says he is
A. k. a. My tinfoil theory, part 2
(prologue), (part 1), (part 3)
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Admittedly, this is translated from Polish Wikipedia page, but still
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Well, we don't... do we?
To be continued
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lilisette · 8 months
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this game- you cant just put my type in front of me and then take him away!!!!!!
heres to hoping that his corpse is not found and the game is like "haha hes actually not dead!! he was just severely wounded and was kidnapped by the sus group that mc encountered beforehand! and now that group is holding him against his will and you have to save him!!!"
no for real i hope that happens because my god. that childhood friends trope is really hitting now. (i know we have zayne but caleb??? the banter??? the potential for a love triangle?? HELLO???) it would make sense right? no way the game is just gonna spring a death this early on us for no reason right??? plus hes in deepsace aviation, a top secret supee dangerous organization, it would make sense for that sus group, whatever their intentions are, to kidnap a member of that group to extract info and make him work for them...
also!!! maybe i am hallucinating and reading too much but did anyone else think that caleb has somewhat of a crush on mc because that line... "you wouldnt understand even if i told you" and his sadness when mc wont trust him and wont let him protect her... gdi game.
yes i am coping hard. please game dont do this....
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raayllum · 8 months
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—Tales of Xadia: Lasair the Insidious / Flowers of Elarion (remake)
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personwithatophat · 1 month
Correction Theory
i have met my quota of at least ~ 1 ~ interested party
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so lets talk about the hair thing.
Correction Theory is the idea that showfall controls their cast not just in showy ways with flashing lights and wires but also in subtle ways that the actors (mostly ranboo) try to tell us about. when studying this theory and incorporating the hundreds of tiny potential cues I implore you to read this and then rewatch even the first 20 minutes of genloss TSE with this new perspective. Even if you don't believe me, its very interesting to notice. anyway I noticed this a bit ago but nearly every time that ranboo goes to do something that progresses the plot, it is followed or proceeded by him wiping his hair out of his eyes. ok? so what? its a tick it was a live show he was nervous? just stick wth me Showfall media's main goal is to have this show go smoothly, to keep the script breaks scripted and to keep the actors where they're supposed to be. due to the promotional material we know that the initial TSE live stream wasn't the first replay of the show so they've already gone through the process of things to adjust by the time were seeing it for the first time. Notably, headaches. the control items that showfall uses on the cast gives them headaches. ranboo shows us this a few times when he comments on his head hurting in TSE, as well as any time he wakes up in the show he tries to clutch his forehead. but he doesnt. its stopped halfway like he forgets that he has a headache and he instead runs his hand through his hair in replacement. now we have a base to work off. that when he touches his head its a potential headache indicator. a headache indicator that flares up specifically when showfall gives a command or correction to their protagonist. so
with this base in mind, as a sane and logical conclusion, i noted every time this happens to try and line it up with whats happening on screen. and 8/10 times it works. Corrections. small insignificant things that showfall wants to control so that the show goes smoothly but isn't worth drawing attention to it with blinking lights or plot. normally proceeded or followed by a headache indicator. - when chat chooses where ranboo should go - when ranboo looks into the camera and instantly looks away - if showfall feeds ranboo lines "I guess I better find these keys" - before or after every action during evil snag fight - when directed to/not to touch something (ep 2 detonator, ep 1 bolt cutters) these are only a few examples of when the action can align to certain commands and corrections relating to the show each correction is small enough that attention isn't drawn to it, but its also giving him a headache and its why we see him brush his hair out of his face instead of clutch his forehead. if ranboo were to act in distress or pain during the show when its uncalled for it takes away from the immersion or the script. pain isnt permitted. instead its redirected.
the theory sounds insane in shorthand but I do genuinely believe it, and you can immagine the written commands or corrections if you watch close enough. please ask me if you need clarification or more proof, I will happily provide. :) -Tophat
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paul-marrane · 1 year
Okay no but I need you to hear me out
*grabs tinfoil hat*
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thornswoggled · 2 months
on chises family, “a storm brewing in the east,” and future arcs
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[ive written this post before, but its due for a refresh. now that jasper has been introduced, the whole last half of that post is moot, and i have additional thoughts on chika as well as more context on my thoughts on yori.]
now that fumiki is back in the picture, id like to theorize that yuuki hatori will soon follow. [see post: yori is fumiki and heres why.] more attention being paid to chises life in japan [ch 50, 75], chise wondering why her father “abandoned his role" [ch 57], and elias expressing curiosity over the circumstances that led her to meet seth [ch 74] are all hints towards yuukis story coming to light
one thing TAMB does that i love is how tertiary characters are facsimiles meant to help us understand our main characters. for example, all the dysfunctional pairs we see in the first arc that we are meant to compare and contrast elias and chise to, all in various ways that help us understand the ways their relationship might evolve. these minor characters may seem unimportant, but are preparing us to accept developments in the main cast. i believe there are two characters in the college arc that are prepping us for yuuki hatoris story - seth noel and adam sargent
lets first address fumiki, who ill just call yori. yori seems to have mastery over his eyes, which “have the power to bind [fae]” according to gabriella [ch 51]. this is a power both he and yuuki have, which protects chise and chika for a time. however, chika implies that he didnt always have this ability, or perhaps didnt have the sight at all until he became involved with her. which is strange, considering yori has a “family business” important enough to require he study abroad to train for:
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[sources: ch 19, ch 98]
(id like to note that this line about training is almost certainly a result of his "reeducation" in italy, as we already know that his true purpose was to audit and replace simon. but i think theres at least a kernel of truth to it)
lets run with the idea that yuuki started off with weak or nonexistent powers. have any other men in this series been booted from their families because they lacked the skill?
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[source: ch 63]
its possible that this “family business,” assuming it exists in truth and is not a fabrication of yoris brainwashing (which i dont think it is, considering he seems specialized in exorcism), eventually learned that yuuki acquired his binding powers, as well as a child with the same ability. again, are there are other men who are forcibly dragged back to their family, to the detriment of their young daughters?
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[source: ch 83]
theres a few reasons why i think such care and time was put into the backstory of philomelas family. chise has done much of the character growth thats possible for her at this time, and attempts to “fix” philomela as a way of fixing herself. she projects on her, and for good reason too, since we are meant to compare them almost 1:1. i believe that the amount of time sunk into adam sargents story is meant to warm us up to understanding yuukis situation, regardless of whether we are meant to forgive him for his abandonment. seths story, too, introduces us to the idea of magical families booting their unworthy kin. which leads us to:
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[source: ch 42]
going back to the screencap for the beginning, lets give yuuki the benefit of the doubt and assume hes being truthful when he promises hell be back one day. this phrasing is really interesting, and i feel like it implies yuuki knows the place hes going is dangerous. if hes returning to his family, or to some sort of organization (which i say because yori is part of the church), perhaps hes afraid that theyll be taken advantage of. or… maybe he was just lying! there is very little we understand about the church, so there are all manner of reasons why yuuki and yori may have ended up involved with them
regardless of reason, i dont believe that yuuki left because he wanted to. rather, i think he was being summoned. lets look at this little fae that appears twice, just pages apart:
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[source: ch 42]
this weasel-like creature appears as soon as yuuki gets home in the first instance, and appears again immediately before yuuki packs up to leave. it looks distinctly different from the abstract, blight-like monsters that trail this family day to day, and id like to theorize that it is specifically keeping tabs on yuuki. in my theory post about yori, i wrote that the fox yori keeps in a tube [ch 51] is a kuda-kitsune, a sort of familiar kept by soothsayers. another word for this type of creature is 飯綱, or izuna, which is read in modern japanese as... the least weasel! yamazaki has solidified her reputation as someone who doesnt shirk on research, and i think this linguistic connection is enough to suppose whether the weasel that summons yuuki home came from the same source as yoris familiar
now, to discuss something i neglected to mention in the first version of this post. the ways in which we can compare philomelas and chises families doesnt end with yuuki. not only is alcyone a sort of elias, but iris is a sort of chika. id like to start with noting that iris' backstory of having been sold by her parents is a reflection of the original backstory yamazaki wrote for chise in the first drafts of TAMB. the dregs of chises old backstory finally gets used when iris' story is revealed:
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[sources: merkmal, ch 83]
iris and chika are two mothers who deeply love their children, but are doubtful that they will be able to protect them when it counts:
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[sources: ch 83, ch 42]
this next part might be a little controversial, but id like to take a look at the scene when chika snaps. specifically, the way her inner voice is framed:
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[source: ch 42]
the black mist that we see in the apartment is similar to other depictions of malevolent magical energy weve seen before, such as the blight elias creates just one chapter before in ch 41 when he languishes over chise leaving him. it also seems to be pouring in from the same window where we've seen the weasel hanging out. the way chikas intrusive thoughts are depicted as a separate, shadowy figure is also remarkably similar to chises inner voice that tells her to kill the nucke-lavee:
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[source: ch 61]
its possible that the voice that urges chika to kill chise is coming from somebody else entirely. like how chises curse[s] urge her to violence, i think theres a chance that someone wanted chise and chika to die, but didnt want to get their hands dirty. after all, if the family yuuki left behind died, he would stop trying to leave to reunite with them or retrieve them. being able to frame their deaths as a result of his abandonment would also be great manipulation fodder if he was summoned to wherever he went against his will
to be a naysayer of my own theory, i think it would cheapen chikas death if it turned out that she was not wholly responsible for her own actions. it would also make chises refusal to forgive her less impactful if it... literally wasnt her fault. but the way her attempt to kill chise is visually depicted makes me think theres a nonzero chance she truly didnt want to do it
lets take a look at the way iris' and chikas deaths are depicted:
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[sources: ch 83, ch 42]
the visual of billowing curtains was often used in early chapters when it wasnt yet clear what happened to chises mother, and it gets used again when iris dies. and just as chika throws herself off the balcony, alcyone leaps through the window with philomela. im also stuck on the line of "we messed up and let his daughter escape." i dont mean to imply that i think we should hold up philomela and chises respective backstories as 100% 1:1, but they are remarkably similar in terms of broad plot points. if the same force that compelled yuuki to leave also compelled chika to get rid of the remains of yuukis old life, i wonder why it is that no one ever directly tried to kill chise again. did they lose track of her when she began moving from home to home?
speaking of... do we know whether chika took yuukis surname when they married, or the other way around? japanese law requires spouses to have the same last name, but husbands will sometimes take their wifes name. as far as i know, theres no explicit confirmation that the hatori family chise stays with in the OVA are related to yuuki or chika. just as seth changed his name when he was driven from the webster family, it could be that yuuki distanced himself from his past by taking chikas name. after all, if the hatoris who care for chise are truly so fed up with her, why would they not attempt to track down yuuki and "return" her if hes their relative?
(by the way, what yuuki did in taking fumiki was legal. japan is only just now going to start allowing joint custody in 2026, "parental child abduction" was not illegal at the time we're to suppose TAMB takes place, and yuukis disappearance can be considered an instance of jōhatsu. i just think its important for cultural context, because as a western reader i know i tripped up on "wait, WHY was yuuki allowed to do that without consequence?")
do i think that yuuki will ever physically appear in the story again now that fumiki has? i would love him to, but i dont know that chise will ever be allowed the closure of seeing his point of view:
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[source: ch 42]
theres such a sense of finality to this line. just as philomela was only able to speak to her father in the form of a curse taking his shape, i dont know that chise will have the luxury of meeting yuuki again. theres a strong possibility that hes already dead, especially if he persisted in attempting to reunite with the rest of his family. frankly, i always thought he looked unhappy with his life in the scenes from ch 42, but his instinct in wanting to bring chise with him makes me believe that only death would ensure he never tried to see or support her again. though, if this is a safe space for me to express a little self-indulgence:
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[source: ch 51]
we still dont know who sent yori to audit simon. the church is such a large organization ("a loose collection of private armies," as gabriella puts it in this same chapter) that yori being taken to be reeducated by another branch of the same organization that sent him to audit simon in the first place is not unusual or contradictory. let me first state that i dont think yori has ever been aware that he has a sister, or that he knows chise is in any way related to him (again, this post supposes that yori is fumiki). but in my heart of hearts, in my very soul, i do think it would be just so wonderfully dramatic for yuuki - or any member of his family, for that matter - to send yori off to ensure that elias, and chise by association, are under the watchful eye of someone they can more reliably control. if chise was not worth anything to them when chika died, perhaps their interest in her is piqued now that shes a mage-in-training under the apprenticeship of a vastly powerful creature. even if its not yuuki trying to figure out what the deal is with the mage who bought his daughter, perhaps his family is interested in how she can contribute to them
again, to be a naysayer to my own theories before someone else can be, i doubt that yoris reeducation and months-long stay with simon would be overlooked if a member of yuukis family sent him for the initial auditing. though theres a chance alonza had a hand in making sure his stay with simon continues. we just have to wait and see
under what context might we meet the rest of chises family? i have some ideas, but this soon into the arc everything is too subject to change. im also not convinced any of this will be addressed in the fiendbane arc. after all, yori was first introduced at the beginning of the college arc, and is only now becoming relevant. so all of this may only be laying the groundwork for yuuki to return in another arc, if not this one, which already has a lot cooking with the dragon, the new mage, etc. but then again, we get oberons little prophecy:
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[source: ch 99]
it doesnt seem that oberons phrasing in the JP text matches what the great wall of china is called in japanese, but i dont think we are meant to interpret "a distant land" in any way other than japan. yamazaki has a quirky tendency to refer to japan in her works as a faraway land in the east, which extends to spinoffs like wizards blue
with the growing interest elias has expressed in chises life before she met him, and with the appearance of yori, perhaps we will learn more about yuukis story and circumstances when the brewing storm finally breaks. her family may even have something to do with it! but i doubt that any of this will come to fruition during the current arc. so until we get the next arc several years from now... ill leave you with this theory!
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thedreadblog · 1 month
Crazy.solas.lady on TikTok (whose content I really enjoy and highly recommend following) did the Myers-Briggs test for Solas which has interesting results!
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visenyaism · 2 years
harrenhal is:
1. made of blood.
2. made from fire.
3. cursed
4. haunted, not by the past or the future, but by the present which it flattens everything into, all gray and static and frozen in time.
5. a pit
6. an old god, something made from blood which demands still more.
7. feudalism in microcosm (a castle made from peasant blood that eats people whole and stacked high with their ghosts, a machine that kills those striving to be lords as well, a neverending cycle of violence where nothing ever changes)
8. Where everything starts, and where everything ends, and where everything keeps coming back to
9. made from blood like the wall is made from blood but the wall is the wound of a border and harrenhal is the wound of feudal violence
10. house that traps and eats targaryens in the narrative
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genericpuff · 1 year
every time i try to go easier on rachel and give her the benefit of the doubt, i find shit like this
i was literally just trying to wrap up the hades x thanatos conversation text edit that i've been posting over on my IG and felt like adding a couple extra panels so i went back to this episode (ep 215) to try and find panels of hades and hecate talking that i could segue out of the end part of the hades x thanatos conversation
and i found this
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and i was like "oh yeah they visualize the doorbell ringing with a literal bell, i guess that works-"
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that bell isn't rendered in rachel's usual style, it's very cell shady with zero texture
but no, no, don't do this puff, you're just being paranoid, it's just a silly little bell, are you really jumping to the conclusion that rachel and her team didn't draw this just because it looks a little off???
just throw it in google reverse image search so you can put this to rest and prove to yourself that it is, in fact, just a drawing of a bell, i don't need to be reading too much into it-
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fallen-knight · 3 months
My sci-fi nerd ass trying to make sense of the Zonai and extrapolate their history from the crumbs of lore we were given:
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Yeah, I believe the Zonai came from outer space, fight me. >:)
I'm currently working on a TotK rewrite fic (working title: The Dragons Ascent) that incorporates this idea, and if I don't share my thoughts in the meantime I will literally explode, so here's a (very rough) timeline of events, and many worldbuilding headcanons and theories of varying degrees of canon compliance.
In the Beginning - The Zonai are a magically and technologically advanced civilization living among the stars, their origins shrouded in mystery. All is well for their species, until a group of artificers create the first secret stones, relics channeling immense power, in an effort to unlock their species' full potential. Unfortunately, the Zonai are playing with powers they don't fully understand, and horrors of cosmic proportions ensue…
The Secret Stones - When it's discovered that consuming a secret stone will transform one into an immortal dragon, a being that constantly sheds magical energy while mindlessly pursuing their last conscious thought without regard for lesser beings, and there's no known way to reverse the process, draconification is forbidden and knowledge of it suppressed. The secret stones are seized by the Zonai rulers and worn by their trusted allies as a display of power, with further official research shifted to focus on their less drastic amplification properties when worn outside the body.
The Draconification War - Inevitably, war breaks out over the power of the stones. Hundreds are draconified in a mad scramble for power and enlightenment, as many believe the dragons to be their species' ultimate form, not caring that they sacrifice their minds in the process. Others sacrifice themselves purposefully, their dragon forms guided by the last sole thought to destroy their enemies, an eternal kamikaze. The world is devastated by warring dragons and empowered Zonai alike, the mindless conflict leading to near-global extinction.
The Zonai Refugees - Their homeworld now a barren wasteland haunted by draconic husks and polluted by magical fallout, the surviving Zonai escape in a fleet of ships fueled by soul energy from their dead. They mark their faces with tears in remembrance, using the remaining secret stones as engine power, in collective agreement after the horrors they've witnessed that no more dragons will be born. Ages pass as they wander the void, adapting to their new way of life as self-sufficient nomads. Inevitably, though, they run low on soul energy fuel, their technology begins to fail, and they are forced to descend on the nearest world.
The Descent - The Zonai come down from the heavens (aka crash from outer space) onto Hyrule in three great ships, paralleling the Golden Goddesses of myth. This event leads the native Hyruleans to worship them as descendants of their gods, and the Zonai use this to their advantage as they regain their footing and explore the newly discovered land. From the ships, the last of their fleet, come the warrior tribe of Boars, the scholar tribe of Owls, and the royal tribe of Dragons, who each travel to central Hyrule to regroup.
The (Re)Founding of Hyrule - The native Hyrulians have been recovering from an apocalypse of their own that left their societies in a primitive state (AKA a timeline crash… but that's a theory post for another time). Seeing these apparent demigods as powerful potential allies for the future, Sonia's ancestor, a priestess and queen of the Hylian people, allies with the Zonai rulers, exchanging protection and knowledge for the Zonai's offerings in kind.
Into the Sky - Despite the Hyrulians' welcome, the Zonai aren't content to be bound to the strange, primitive land, and seek to return to their spacefaring existence. As they scout the sky above the Great Plateau aboard their flying machines, they discover a cloud barrier, hiding the middle and upper atmosphere of Hyrule from the lower - and above it, the remains of an ancient island group, spoken of in the oldest Hylian legends as the birthplace of their people. The islands once known as Skyloft are abandoned and eroded, no longer stable, but they offer a platform for those who seek to return to the stars - and once enhanced by antigravity tech, they become the Great Sky Island. The Zonai quickly branch out, finding other abandoned islands raised by Hylia in an era long past, and raising even more of their own. Storehouses, forges, and observatories alike are lifted into the sky by their own godlike powers.
Into the Depths - Seeking to replenish their energy and rebuild their ships, the Zonai first turn to luminous stones found on the surface of Hyrule, but the soul energy they contain is too weak for their needs. While exploring around the crashed ships that have sunk into the Depths, however, they discover a metamorphic ore that has distilled the essence of Luminous Stone into a powerful energy source. Going further into the Depths, they enlist the help of their new allies among the people of Hyrule to mine and process the ore they discover, and share the wonders they can create with it in return. To them, stripping these resources bare and disturbing the dead are but a small price to pay for progress…
The Labyrinths - As the Hylian civilization experiences exponential growth thanks to the new technology, the Zonai assign top-secret construction crews to build concealing structures - labyrinths, or Lomei - over the crash sites of their three ships, to hide the bulk of their knowledge. The top sections of the Lomei are lifted into the sky once the remaining usable tech has been brought into them from the Depths, and a low-gravity field is created around these skybound platforms to facilitate rebuilding - and launching - the ships from atop them. Evil Spirit armor, discovered in the Depths, is stored in the lower part of the labyrinths, and the old ships' construct intelligences - the so-called rulers of Boars, Owls, and Dragons - are assigned to keep the true purpose of the Lomei a secret from any unauthorized beings, using the armor as a red herring if need be.
The First King of Hyrule - To strengthen the alliance between their people, Zonai prince Rauru marries Sonia, heir to the Hylian throne. Previous male rulers of Hyrule in this era were regarded as prince consorts, due to their lack of divine powers compared to their queens, but Rauru's light powers and demigod status elevate him to the official position of first king of Hyrule. Alongside Sonia, he works tirelessly to create Shrines of Light, sealing demons and protecting the land.
The Three Dragons - The Springs of Power, Wisdom, and Courage have traditionally been protected by oracles named after the half-forgotten gods of old. Three Zonai are elevated to the roles after their elemental powers manifest at the springs. Taking the titles of Dinraal, Naydra, and Farosh, they swear to protect the land as long as they live. When they learn that the Zonai plan to return to the stars, they refuse to leave their new land and gods, and commit the forbidden act of draconification, their last thoughts to watch over and guard Hyrule forever.
The Return to the Stars - Using the low-gravity sky Lomei as launch platforms, the remaining Zonai - all but Rauru and Mineru, the chosen guardians of their legacy - take off for space in secret. Their sudden disappearance and Rauru's reluctance to speak on the subject fuel heavy speculation, with the spiritually inclined claiming they returned to the Sacred Realm, and the more cynical Hyruleans believing they must have gone to their deaths.
The Imprisoning War - Not all Hyruleans are happy about the Zonai's sudden appearance and far-reaching meddling. The independent Gerudo are wary of the Hylian-Zonai expansion and attempted assimilation of their territory, and their king Ganondorf uses their concerns to his advantage. Lured by the whispers of an ancient evil, he leads dissenters in secret attacks on Hyrule, his eyes on the power of the Secret Stones. When he finally acquires one, the power consumes him, and the noble ambitions he once held are lost in the destruction that ensues. The majority of the Gerudo distance themselves from their mad king - some holding out in desert strongholds, while others see an alliance with Hyrule as the only way to stop him. With the new Gerudo chief joining the other peoples of Hyrule, the Sages are formed, and fight the Demon King and his army until Rauru manages to imprison him.
The Aftermath - With Rauru locked in an imprisoning seal, Mineru reduced to a spirit, and Zelda having undergone draconification, the remaining Sages draw on the power of their secret stones to send the Zonai Temple of Time skyward, and aid the hero to come. In the place where it once stood, a new Hylian Temple of Time will later be constructed, resembling its predecessor from the Era of Myth. Hylian survivors create glyphs around the Light Dragon's tears and leave records of their history in the back of the Forgotten Temple, then move the Mother Goddess statue to conceal the entrance.
The Ancient Hero - After Rauru and Mineru are gone, one Zonai still lives in Hyrule, their existence a secret to everybody. A warrior of the Tribe of Boars, they sleep in a hidden stasis chamber for thousands of years, until Sheikah researchers investigating the ruins discover and awaken them. This last Zonai will go on to wield the Master Sword alongside Sonia and Rauru's heir, four champions, and the mechanical Sheikah army, and help defeat the Calamity born of Ganondorf's seeping hatred. Their deeds will be immortalized in a legendary tapestry, while their aspect lingers on, even after death...
And that's the gist of it! I have so many thoughts about this game and its lore, trying to get them organized has taken a lot out of me. But I'd love to engage in any and all discussion, and hey, if you've read this far, hear your own thoughts on the Zonai mystery too.
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theriverbeyond · 2 years
I would love to hear about your theory that John moved the solar system!? I’m so curious about the potential evidence!
THANK YOU FOR ASKING this is my pet theory. my baby. my lovingly crafted tinfoil hat. also pinging in @liesmyth for insight/if i forgot anything
the theory is, John moved the solar system to Elsehwere, and the Mithraeum sits in the Milky Way galaxy, where our solar system used to be.
BoE was searching for the Nine Houses for thousands of years. until proven otherwise, they are canonically the descendants of the FTL ships John let escape. so: they know where Earth is! they know where the solar system is! they had 5,000 or more years to look, AND they had spacefaring tech! why couldnt they find it?
The Mithraeum is described so lovingly it makes my brain itch. the way John calls it "home"? listen. idk it is vibes
it is "set in the midst of a circumstellar disc", "an ancient jewel within so much dead gravel". what else is a "circumstellar disc"? the Milky Way galaxy. vibes
as we learn in HtN chapter 14, the Mithraeum is "lit by thanergetic starlight". not thanergy starlight. thanergETIC. the only other thanergetic star system we know of is..... Dominicus. our sun, killed and reborn. when the cohort/lyctors flip planets, they aren't capable of turning them thanergetic. and yet!!!! the Mithraeum is surrounded by thanergetic starlight. (like yes John said that they "nuked the stars with thanergy and now they'll shine forever" but he's a lying liar who lies, and we KNOW that killing a planet with thanergy doesn't turn it thanergetic. so like..... what is up with that)
John CAN TERAFORM. in NtN, John 19:18, he is described as "rais[ing] up parts of the earth that had been covered by sea". we know he can control the human body but this is a WHOLE new dimension and level to his powers and its implications are wholly unexplored. i can believe that he has (or had, at the time) the power to move a solar system.
The Mistborn Connection. John & Rashek parallels are just really strong and i can't ignore that. Rashek moved the planets around and therefore I think it is not impossible that John might have as well
so the question next is: why? why would john do this? and i think there are 2, potentially overlapping options:
fear and guilt, like a child hiding the cup they broke. John did not do this out of malice. he was scared and overwhelmed and fucked things up because of it, and maybe he hid our solar system because he couldn't bear to face the consequences or awknowledge the true extent of what he had done
it was an accident. John ate everything, killed everything, and he was absolutely not in his right mind when trying to put everything back. and not only that, he went to medical school, which as i (someone going to clinical science school) can tell you, means you know jack fucking shit about astrophysics and planetary science. he's only human, even if he became a god. he was unqualified and very stressed.... anyway let me tell you. if that was me we would all be soup
like i KNOW this is kind of ridiculous and weird. and it is tinfoil hat enough that i wouldn't be pressed at all if it turns out to be totally nothing. but like. it COULD be something, ya know?
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He is not who he says he is
A. k. a. My tinfoil theory, part 3
(prologue), (part 1), (part 2)
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<Insert any situation, where Crowley uses information he has in the most effective way possible, there's too many to list>
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On a side note, have you noticed, how Jophiel is canonically non-binary?
Might be continued
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carabas · 3 months
still thinking about the DA4 gameplay reveal, now with wild speculation about the Evanuris:
So, i think thedinanshiral's breakdown of which Evanuris is which is probably right, based on everything we've seen so far. The circle-shaped headpiece almost certainly belongs to Elgar'nan and the bow-shaped headpiece is very possibly Andruil. (Also this means Elgar'nan's statue is the one that fell on Solas.)
And Andruil and Elgar'nan aren't exactly an intuitive pair, they don't have much in the way of myths linking them together - if you (the game devs) want to unleash two and only two elven gods, why them? Wouldn't the lovers Andruil and Ghilan'nain be a more natural pair? Or the twins Falon'din and Dirthamen?
But. Assuming there's a link between the seven Old God archdemons and the seven trapped Evanuris.
I tend to believe that Elgar'nan corresponds to Dumat, and that Andruil who hunted in the Void and went mad and "howled things meant to be forgotten" corresponds to Zazikel the Dragon of Chaos.
In other words, the archdemons of the very first and second Blights. The very first two archdemons to die, in order.
Which makes sense if, as previously suspected, the archdemons were part of Solas's method of keeping the evanuris sealed, and that's why he was so upset about the wardens killing them. There are a whole lot of ifs piled on top of ifs here, but. If the order the archdemons were killed in is the same order the elven gods are breaking free, then Elgar'nan and Andruil are exactly the first two gods you'd expect to see.
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tiressian · 1 year
Still on my reread and is my hat tinfoil or
Chapter 61
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Sukuna, king of poisons
Chapter 76
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17/18 yo Gojo working on blocking poisons
Bonus, chapter 63:
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Shoko curing poisons
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drugsforaddicts · 1 month
It can’t be easy being in a (potential) relationship with Jere or Bojan, when there is bojere sized cloud on top of you. When somebody is writing lovesongs about your so? When they can’t stop yapping about one another with dreamy look on. I know we know nothing about their private lives, but even with platonic love that kind of soulmatey shit must be a lot to deal with
Sorry for my stupid rambles, there is no negative thought behind my writing. Just jealousy of that kind of connection perhaps, me and who next?
I totally get what you mean and I’ve actually thought about this a lot anon. I’m not a jealous type of person but honestly, I don’t think I could even handle watching something like that happen right before my eyes. Like... it’s the kind of connection that’s so rare and intense it would be tough not to feel a bit overshadowed, right?
And this brings me to some recent events… Him playing Siitä viis & Tuuliviiri, hmm? What's that about? I'm actually recruiting new members for my tinfoil hat club so if you're into wild theories, deep dives, and questioning everything, come join the fun!
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roakkaliha · 7 months
for those who dont know, ive had at least 2 instances of an anon going around the blogs of ppl who reblog from me n sending the same copy pasted message 'warning' them of me obviously having a piss kink that im trying to hide. and now theyre doing the same thing again except with animal abuse bc of the wolfstar bowling pic bhhbg
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