#it’s the top third reason why i feel a need to lose 20 pounds every waking breathing moment of every day
sallyswife3435 · 8 months
You know what hurts?
When you were little, your mom used to say really awful things about her body to herself and really degrading things to herself in front of you. This would happen often, and through most of your developing years.
Now that you’re older, and you’ve gone through puberty and are mostly fully developed, you can tell that your genes came from your mom and you have very similar bodies. You’re young and really skinny though, so they don’t look all that similar, except their shape in essence, and such and such. She’s never said a single negative thing about your body; It’s probably what she considers to be the best version of her own body anyway.
And then, one struggling year, you gain a significant amount of weight. And slowly, you start to see more and more resemblances between your body and your mom’s; except that she lost a lot of weight that same year, so now, the resemblances you draw aren’t between your body and the body of what you consider to be your beautiful mother, but between your body and memory of the body that your mother used to insult and degrade, and that she put all her energy and might into running away from.
And deep down (and maybe not even that deep down) you know, even though she’s never mentioned it, you’re not the only person who doesn’t like your body.
0 notes
Dobbear! SYAC: The Master Review 6
I am so going to ruin someone’s childhood with that now, but...
guys, it had to be done!
Dashing and daring…
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Courageous and caring!
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Faithful and friendly…
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 With stories to share!
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 Doesn’t at all apply to this one artist…
Lesbian obsessed and  each nerddom’s nightmare!
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Dobby BEAR!
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Whinning here and there and everywhere!
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Making claims that are beyond compare…
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This is our Dobby-Bear!
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Yeah, if you can’t guess, around now is the time I am going to put down the kids gloves and will really dig into why SYAC is garbage. And a huge factor into this, is in part Dobson’s self insert past 2012.
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The existence of the blue bear as Dobson officially calls it (or Dobbear as most people call it) is in my opinion rather baffling already in terms of design choices.
I get e.g. that Dobson wanted to distance himself of his past humanoid self inserts as much as possible. But why of all things a bear?
The fact I am focused on that may sound weird, but hear me out for a bit. For starters, I know that Dobson likes western animation. And seeing how western animation has for the longest time been dominated by anthropomorphic animals, I can understand why he would redesign himself as a funny cartoon animal.
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But there are at least three things that feel weird about it. First, Dobson had made it clear in the past that he hates furries. So him actually redesigning himself as an anthropomorphic animal is kinda weird
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In fact, Dobson himself acknowledges that realization in one of his strips shortly after his fursona took over.
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Second, of all the animals to choose from, why a bear? This question is in so far valid, as that bears are not necessarily one of the first to go animals, furries or western animators tend to go for when designing an anthro. And before any furries or anthro enthusiasts are calling me a hater, let me make one thing clear: I like anthropomorphic cartoon and comic characters too, and am okay with most furries. As long as you don’t have a diaper fetish, are a pedophile  or hurt actual animals, you can do and enjoy whatever you like.
But I am also aware enough of furry culture to know, that bear based anthros are most of the time hyper sexualized and muscular, connecting them to how the term “bear” is used in real life gay culture. Which is okay, I think it is just a funny coincidence that Dobson choose an animal, that most furries associate with a life style that Dobson is deeply afraid of, even if he claims to be an LGBT ally.
And as stated earlier, bears are not necessarily the go to animals for animators.
Don’t get me wrong, we all know some cartoon bears like Winnie the Pooh, Yogi Bear, Poh and the main cast of TaleSpin (btw, Kit Cloudkicker fan for life). But lets be honest here; ducks, mice, rabbits, canines, felines, equines and any other “easily to domesticate” animal in the real world tends to make better for easily recognizable cartoon characters than something that can reach a size of 3 meters tops and weigh over 500 pounds.
Truth be told, the pool of cartoon bears is so small, these are the first two things that came to my mind when thinking what may have inspired the Dobbear
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And wouldn’t you know? According to Dobson, the Carebears were supposedly the main inspiration for his design.
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 Unfortunately, this is also more or less the most I could find of Dobson addressing what went into the creation of the character.
Which kinda brings me also to the third issue as why I think the bear redesign is weird; It is too sudden.
One day Dobson draws himself as a shaved 20 something, the next day he is a fedora wearing Carebear clone, likely created and then rejected by Care Bear villain No Heart, as part of a plot to create a mole when conquering Care-A-Lot.
… and now I need to reevaluate my choices in life, that I was able to make such an elaborate Carebear joke.
It is just a change of design that in my opinion should have been addressed either outside of the comic or in context of it. Which it kinda is, but isn’t.
See, this is the first strip with the blue bear
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And then only 13 strips or so later in something called “Continuity” is Dobson more or less willing to address the change…
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And he does so in a passive aggressive manner, with Persistent Pam as a stand in for those asking him what is going on, while Dobson just dismissively continues working.
On one hand, you can argue that this is just the joke. The change happened, don’t bother with it, just enjoy what is still to come. And you know, I don’t want to make a rope out of everything Dobson ever posted, including that comic.
But then you have also to account for the fact, that Dobson would eventually associate himself with the blue bear so much, he made him his avatar and icon for his comics and online accounts. In fact, that one comic I posted WAY BACK in the first Master post of Dobson reminiscing how he started SYAC?
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For reasons that are a bit confusing to me, he redrew himself (badly I have to add) as the blue bear in one of his earliest strips ever. The one where he belittles the manga fangirl for drawing manga. So I have to ask, what is going on here? Has Dobson increasingly decided to reset his past? Does he want to destroy any traces of his “human” self in his work to create the illusion to any new readers, that he never was as controversial of a person as he was and that there never was a need for him to reimagine and reinvent himself? Is this 1984? And how many of you realize that this paragraph is just me going conspiracy nuts for the sake of entertainment?
But still, it is kinda weird that he went to the bother of redrawing his human self in that one background sketch as a bear. Plus, I honestly think Dobson never even attempting to “explain” the change in the pages of his comics is a wasted opportunity for some decent jokes. Like every time Dobson tries to explain why he is a bear now, something interrupts him or we only get fragments of a story that if we put them together would be as ridiculous as the entirety of “Trapped in the Closet”.
I mean, the dumbest joke idea I have in mind is that Dobson went to build a bear to get a present for a family member. Instead he was build into a bear and later on successfully sued the company, which explains why he can afford to live despite not really working on comics anymore but lecture people badly about the evils of nerd culture.
So yeah, three major things about the design choice that more or less confuse me.
But here is the thing: Confusion is nothing compared to feeling genuine disdain for the design at hand. And compared to Dobson’s earlier human designs, Dobbear is just utterly unlikable.
A lot of that boils down to the following three facts:
1. From a certain point in time on (which I will cover in more detail later on) Dobson uses his bearsona primarily as a soapboxing mouth piece to talk about “politics” in nerd culture. Or at least what Dobson perceives as politics, coming off like a condescending jackass who believes among other things that white people are inherently incapable to identify with black people…
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 … or that comic book shops have radicalized nerd culture, essentially calling them terror cells.
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Which btw are so inherently offensive to me, I promise I will cover these two separately. One even sooner than the other.
2. If Dobbear is not talking about politics, he will tend to be a smug asshole to other people (most of the time strawmen) or their interests in one way or another. Being e.g. used by Dobson to express his disdain for criticism…
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 or to mock legit criticism he had gotten by exaggerating things.
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 All while also tending to make his critics look like inherent assholes.
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These two facts, combined with Dobson’s average erratic behavior online on platforms such as dA, twitter and tumblr over the years, pretty much assured such a close association between the two, that a separation between artist and creation was not possible anymore, condemning them.
And for the record; Dobson was always a bit of a whinner who liked to act as if he was a better nerd than the average comic book fan. Otherwise, we would have not e.g. gotten Danny and Spot out of it.
But as the years went by in the last decade, Dobson turned from someone in his mid 20s, desperate to be seen as a “quirky” and likable internet persona (like certain internet reviewers), into a virtue signaling, lesbian obsessed asshole who likely regrets his life choices.
… Like certain internet reviewers.
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But seriously, Dobson turned into someone who would flip the lid at something as ridiculous as Cheeto flavored chicken fries…
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 While also being just the worst type of condescending nerd….
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All while losing his mind about politics. Especially after Donald Trump became president
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And just as Dobson became a radicalized left winged jackass who saw politics in everything he consumed, so did by default Dobbear, because Dobbear was not a character with his own personality, but a mouth piece.
Something I am about to get into detail in the near future. But till then, I want to cover in the next post the following third and final fact about Dobbear that really makes him unlikable to me: The fact he can’t be happy.
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asacove · 4 years
Onya Icha Ndambi from Cameroon
Onya Icha Ndambi from Cameroon; Reasons Soccer Is the Best Sport in the World
Onya Icha Ndambi from  Cameroon. He's a professional blogger. Onya Icha Ndambi manages the main websites in Cameroon. Onya Icha Ndambi
is a project to collate all the best Man Utd blogs and news channels together in one place. So there’s no need to search around for the best news and opinions about United, you can find them all here.
   Reasons Soccer Is the Best Sport in the World
The USA and Australia are probably the only countries left in the world where soccer is not one of the top-three most popular sports. As an Australian now living in the U.S., this has proven to be rather vexing over the years. It wouldn't be a stretch to go all John Lennon and say that soccer is more popular than God. But soccer is not just the most popular sport in the world, it is also the best. Like, objectively. Here's why. Onya Icha Ndambi
A few games are so overwhelmingly complex that it can take long periods of patient examination (or patient clarification from a specialist) to get your head
around it. I love NFL, baseball and cricket, however I'll likewise acknowledge that they are somewhat substantial on language, subtlety and profoundly specialized technique that can discourage the easygoing watcher.
Hello even the NFL officials themselves get somewhat befuddled here and there (see appended video).
Soccer, then again, is the sort of game you can get your head around after around two minutes of viewing. When you've made sense of the offside standard, that is about it.
   Consistency in the Rules  
A game has central issues if specialists need to change some part of the guidelines before each new season. The NFL is a steady offender, as of late wiping out its profoundly disliked fold rule while additionally every now and again adjusting rules overseeing physical contact (presumably to maintain a strategic distance from a claim one day).
 Rugby is much more terrible.
 Since the time the definition of the "back-pass" rule in 1992, soccer hasn't required any progressions to its standards, notwithstanding what a few numbskulls guarantee.
  No Timeouts
 Watch the most recent five minutes of any b-ball game and you realize that the break thing has turned crazy. It takes what feels like hours to overcome with the two groups freezing the clock at whatever point they have their hands ready, or deliberately fouling their rivals when they don't.
Onya Icha Ndambi
  Notwithstanding dealing with the clock, breaks are additionally over and over again used to end the energy of your rivals, rather than compelling groups to happen of their funk. They're likewise used to give proficient competitors a rest that they truly shouldn't require in any case. Goodness, and they're likewise only a reason for sponsors to interfere with games all the more much of the time. Give me the free-streaming steadiness of soccer quickly
  Poor Countries Beat Rich Countries  
I despite everything left the Ghana versus USA round of 16 games at the 2010 World Cup and reciting with a portion of the nearby fans "Bye, bye, USA!" It struck me that just in soccer could a geopolitical and financial powerhouse like the USA be overwhelmed by an African country with very nearly 300 million less individuals and around 80 spots beneath it on the GDP list.
  It Will Never Have a PED Problem  
The Tour de France might be a wonder of physical continuance, however do any of us despite everything trust it any longer? So as well, it's difficult to appreciate a superhuman exhibition in numerous games in the Olympics without that bothering thought in the rear of one's head: "I wonder in the event that they're on something..."
 There is no medication for expertise and judgment under tension, the twin precepts of any soccer champion. Maradona and Pele never had an indicator close to their name; rather we can simply kick back and make the most of their ability without stressing whether they were getting an unjustifiable substance advantage (in light of the fact that Maradona just took drugs for no particular reason Onya Icha Ndambi
200 and three countries endeavored capability for the 2014 World Cup. There are less nations in the United Nations. Soccer is played completely all over the place; it crosses each national partition.
 Is there another group activity wherein in excess of 20 countries are reliably serious? More than 10? Most likely not, which is the reason sports like the Rugby World Cup wind up being somewhat of a joke, as countries like Namibia scratch together a group of 15 individuals to get beat 142-0 by  Australi
Soccer possesses a great deal of it. There is the undeniable magnificence of an all around planned bike kick, the jumping header, the 30-yard screamer. However, for the idealists, Spain's "tiki-taka" has been an update that dynamic cooperation can be as delightful as individual trapeze artistry. It genuinely is "the wonderful game."
  Absence of Formula or Preordained Structure
While each game beginnings with two groups on either side of a line, starting there on it is a free-streaming meeting of capriciousness. Aside from set pieces, there's almost no predetermined structure.
 Indeed, even the development of each group is not entirely clear from mentors, rather than fitting a set format. While NFL mentors must be aware of not handling an "unlawful development," their partners in soccer are allowed to pick a 4-4-2, a 3-5-2, or even a 9-0-1 in the event that they're playing Brazil.
  There Is No Physical Size Advantage
 The best player on the planet right currently is a weedy Argentinean remaining at 5'7". Aside from goalkeeping (where you'll in any event need to stand 6' to make it to the top), all men are made equivalent with regards to soccer. There are a few games where you'll never make it to the top without inclined hereditary focal points in regards to measure; soccer isn't one of them.
  You Can Play Anywhere with Minimal Equipment
 Have a go at mounting a vocation in any winter sport without forking out a weighty wad of money only for hardware.
 In soccer, all you need is a ball (or any round article will do). In addition to the fact that this gives less fortunate countries all the more a possibility, some would contend it gives them a favorable position, with numerous a lifelong fashioned from the crude play of city ghettos.
In each nation, a group. What's more, inside those alliances, once in a while a few divisions (the Estonian third division, as should be obvious from the video, is as yet paid attention to very by a few). Furthermore, a huge number of beginner rivalries.
 Soccer is played at each expertise level, age and sexual orientation (that's right, them two). In each nation on Earth. That is scale.
Proficient soccer players are fit as a fiddle, because of a game which goes on for an hour and a half (and once in a while two hours) with no breaks. But at the same time it's the scope of wellness they need to show: cardiovascular perseverance, solid continuance, quality, adaptability, speed. While wellness needs can change from position to position, reasonably you have to have them all.
 It's hard not to wonder about the physicality of a competitor who should have the option to run for two hours, wrestle an adversary at a corner and ace the bike kick week in, week out.
This is a twofold edged blade, obviously. For each brilliant festival of being a fan or national pride, there is frequently an appalling end product which shows through group viciousness.
Onya Icha Ndambi
Be that as it may, enthusiasm produces energy and shading, as a matter of first importance. Soccer fans care more than aficionados of whatever other game, which delivers brilliantly serious live encounters. In basically some other game, the fans can be exceptional, however nobody's returning home also crushed if their group loses.
Some physical games definite a silly physical cost for their members, both by the harshness of the play and the way of life of playing through injury.
 While a few yippees may contend those games are consequently prevalent, it's a disgrace that we can just appreciate a few competitors at their top for such a brief timeframe before injury dulls their capacities.
 Then, some soccer stars don't arrive at their top until their 30s and can keep playing at the top level well past that. Furthermore, at the novice level, you can keep playing the game you love a ways into your sundown years.
  Soccer Players Are Better Looking
Shallow, I know, however there's small denying that David Beckham and Alex Morgan wouldn't have made numerous magazine covers in the event that they were proficient fighters, making efforts to their gigantic cheekbones all the time.
 Also, soccer players grow more appealing physical make-ups than most different games due to the requirement for balanced wellness, while any semblance of Prince Fielder can stack on the pounds since they don't should be trim to do what they do.
1 note · View note
samantha388-blog · 4 years
Onya Icha Ndambi from Cameroon
Onya Icha Ndambi from Cameroon; Reasons Soccer Is the Best Sport in the World
Onya Icha Ndambi from  Cameroon. He's a professional blogger. Onya Icha Ndambi manages the main websites in Cameroon. Onya Icha Ndambi
is a project to collate all the best Man Utd blogs and news channels together in one place. So there’s no need to search around for the best news and opinions about United, you can find them all here.
   Reasons Soccer Is the Best Sport in the World
The USA and Australia are probably the only countries left in the world where soccer is not one of the top-three most popular sports. As an Australian now living in the U.S., this has proven to be rather vexing over the years. It wouldn't be a stretch to go all John Lennon and say that soccer is more popular than God. But soccer is not just the most popular sport in the world, it is also the best. Like, objectively. Here's why. Onya Icha Ndambi
A few games are so overwhelmingly complex that it can take long periods of patient examination (or patient clarification from a specialist) to get your head
around it. I love NFL, baseball and cricket, however I'll likewise acknowledge that they are somewhat substantial on language, subtlety and profoundly specialized technique that can discourage the easygoing watcher.
Hello even the NFL officials themselves get somewhat befuddled here and there (see appended video). 
Soccer, then again, is the sort of game you can get your head around after around two minutes of viewing. When you've made sense of the offside standard, that is about it.
   Consistency in the Rules  
A game has central issues if specialists need to change some part of the guidelines before each new season. The NFL is a steady offender, as of late wiping out its profoundly disliked fold rule while additionally every now and again adjusting rules overseeing physical contact (presumably to maintain a strategic distance from a claim one day).
 Rugby is much more terrible.
 Since the time the definition of the "back-pass" rule in 1992, soccer hasn't required any progressions to its standards, notwithstanding what a few numbskulls guarantee.
  No Timeouts
 Watch the most recent five minutes of any b-ball game and you realize that the break thing has turned crazy. It takes what feels like hours to overcome with the two groups freezing the clock at whatever point they have their hands ready, or deliberately fouling their rivals when they don't.
Onya Icha Ndambi
  Notwithstanding dealing with the clock, breaks are additionally over and over again used to end the energy of your rivals, rather than compelling groups to happen of their funk. They're likewise used to give proficient competitors a rest that they truly shouldn't require in any case. Goodness, and they're likewise only a reason for sponsors to interfere with games all the more much of the time. Give me the free-streaming steadiness of soccer quickly
  Poor Countries Beat Rich Countries  
I despite everything left the Ghana versus USA round of 16 games at the 2010 World Cup and reciting with a portion of the nearby fans "Bye, bye, USA!" It struck me that just in soccer could a geopolitical and financial powerhouse like the USA be overwhelmed by an African country with very nearly 300 million less individuals and around 80 spots beneath it on the GDP list.
  It Will Never Have a PED Problem  
The Tour de France might be a wonder of physical continuance, however do any of us despite everything trust it any longer? So as well, it's difficult to appreciate a superhuman exhibition in numerous games in the Olympics without that bothering thought in the rear of one's head: "I wonder in the event that they're on something..."
 There is no medication for expertise and judgment under tension, the twin precepts of any soccer champion. Maradona and Pele never had an indicator close to their name; rather we can simply kick back and make the most of their ability without stressing whether they were getting an unjustifiable substance advantage (in light of the fact that Maradona just took drugs for no particular reason Onya Icha Ndambi
200 and three countries endeavored capability for the 2014 World Cup. There are less nations in the United Nations. Soccer is played completely all over the place; it crosses each national partition.
 Is there another group activity wherein in excess of 20 countries are reliably serious? More than 10? Most likely not, which is the reason sports like the Rugby World Cup wind up being somewhat of a joke, as countries like Namibia scratch together a group of 15 individuals to get beat 142-0 by  Australi
Soccer possesses a great deal of it. There is the undeniable magnificence of an all around planned bike kick, the jumping header, the 30-yard screamer. However, for the idealists, Spain's "tiki-taka" has been an update that dynamic cooperation can be as delightful as individual trapeze artistry. It genuinely is "the wonderful game."
  Absence of Formula or Preordained Structure
While each game beginnings with two groups on either side of a line, starting there on it is a free-streaming meeting of capriciousness. Aside from set pieces, there's almost no predetermined structure.
 Indeed, even the development of each group is not entirely clear from mentors, rather than fitting a set format. While NFL mentors must be aware of not handling an "unlawful development," their partners in soccer are allowed to pick a 4-4-2, a 3-5-2, or even a 9-0-1 in the event that they're playing Brazil.
  There Is No Physical Size Advantage
 The best player on the planet right currently is a weedy Argentinean remaining at 5'7". Aside from goalkeeping (where you'll in any event need to stand 6' to make it to the top), all men are made equivalent with regards to soccer. There are a few games where you'll never make it to the top without inclined hereditary focal points in regards to measure; soccer isn't one of them.
  You Can Play Anywhere with Minimal Equipment
 Have a go at mounting a vocation in any winter sport without forking out a weighty wad of money only for hardware.
 In soccer, all you need is a ball (or any round article will do). In addition to the fact that this gives less fortunate countries all the more a possibility, some would contend it gives them a favorable position, with numerous a lifelong fashioned from the crude play of city ghettos.
In each nation, a group. What's more, inside those alliances, once in a while a few divisions (the Estonian third division, as should be obvious from the video, is as yet paid attention to very by a few). Furthermore, a huge number of beginner rivalries.
 Soccer is played at each expertise level, age and sexual orientation (that's right, them two). In each nation on Earth. That is scale.
Proficient soccer players are fit as a fiddle, because of a game which goes on for an hour and a half (and once in a while two hours) with no breaks. But at the same time it's the scope of wellness they need to show: cardiovascular perseverance, solid continuance, quality, adaptability, speed. While wellness needs can change from position to position, reasonably you have to have them all.
 It's hard not to wonder about the physicality of a competitor who should have the option to run for two hours, wrestle an adversary at a corner and ace the bike kick week in, week out.
This is a twofold edged blade, obviously. For each brilliant festival of being a fan or national pride, there is frequently an appalling end product which shows through group viciousness.
Onya Icha Ndambi
Be that as it may, enthusiasm produces energy and shading, as a matter of first importance. Soccer fans care more than aficionados of whatever other game, which delivers brilliantly serious live encounters. In basically some other game, the fans can be exceptional, however nobody's returning home also crushed if their group loses.
Some physical games definite a silly physical cost for their members, both by the harshness of the play and the way of life of playing through injury.
 While a few yippees may contend those games are consequently prevalent, it's a disgrace that we can just appreciate a few competitors at their top for such a brief timeframe before injury dulls their capacities.
 Then, some soccer stars don't arrive at their top until their 30s and can keep playing at the top level well past that. Furthermore, at the novice level, you can keep playing the game you love a ways into your sundown years.
  Soccer Players Are Better Looking
Shallow, I know, however there's small denying that David Beckham and Alex Morgan wouldn't have made numerous magazine covers in the event that they were proficient fighters, making efforts to their gigantic cheekbones all the time.
 Also, soccer players grow more appealing physical make-ups than most different games due to the requirement for balanced wellness, while any semblance of Prince Fielder can stack on the pounds since they don't should be trim to do what they do.
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drkoestersmithrpg · 5 years
ALL of chapter 2 - feel free to suggest edits.
“I told you, mostly guys want me to do the honors….”
“And did you like that?”
“Oh yeah it felt good, it felt great.  I was pretty sure … yeah…this is what I’m supposed to be doing.  And I mean, I mean everyone who I was with was asking me. So it started to just make sense. But then…”
“But then when someone else asked to do the honors?  Did anyone get to pound you from behind?  I thought you told me that crowd was a bunch of geniuses.  How are you telling me that of all those geniuses, every one of them turned down the opportunity to pound that sweet ass?”
“They’re not…..it wasn’t……” he said, punching Tony in the arm ineffectually.  “They aren’t the ‘pound that sweet ass’ types Tony.   They’re more like, we’re all like….we’re all shy geniuses.  So when people asked … I mean….I mean when guys asked….
“No…see….I….tended to take the lead in these things,” Peter said.  He was starting to blush furiously against Tony’s shirt, but still pushing forward, needing to be understood.    “So I’m like, you should just lie on your back. And they would lay on their backs and I would … take it from above.  That’s how I had giving it to everyone else…. that’s the most logical position.  The person on top controls everything, so if you’re taking a dick for the first time or the second or third time that – that just works best.”
“So that’s the way you took it every time.”
“Yeah…. ok.  I guess I just like to be in control.  It worked out well for everybody.  I mean you just ride them and they close their eyes and think about someone else and enjoy it.  It always felt good when someone else did it to me.  And getting it done to me felt even better than doing it. But nothing…”
He sat up a little to touch Tony’s face.
“No one ever made me feel like that.  I don’t ……I have no idea where all that noise came from…but god Tony that was amazing.”
“Well, as honored as I am to be the first one to hear Peter Parker make those noises, it appears that’s because I’m the only one to be brave enough to give you a good pounding from behind…” he said dismissively, and started to rise from the bed, but was surprised to find himself thrown back down and pinned to the bed by the same Peter Parker, first by his shirt, then by his shoulder.
“SHUT UP…..will you just stop it?”  Peter growled (reveling, for just a moment, in the fact that he was fulfilling a very old fantasy of using his superior strength to pin Tony Stark to the bed and hold him down while he confessed his true feelings.  Only problem was, now that they were there, there was nothing but a very startled look from Tony, and Peter, stumbling over his words as usual.)
“This is real. Tony can you please just … I need … you’ve got to … “
Peter gave up and brought their foreheads together again.  This seemed to be the best position for talking, and so he stayed there (while still forcibly holding Tony in place.)
“Tony I need this. For godssake I’m a grown man dressing up as a freaking spider and returning stolen bicycles.   I get to watch you and New-Bruce and Steve talking and the world using your real names and me – I stuck standing on the side with the guy who dresses up like a Panther.  I’m a secret, and it’s driving me nuts.  I always thought it would get better after I left highschool but I don’t see how college is going to be any easier.  Pretending I don’t know how Thanos really died, pretending that I don’t know you invented time travel just to … just to get me back…”
He was crying again dammit. Tony tried to reach around his arm to stroke his face again and Peter had to separate their foreheads to shake him off.
“Nothing is real.  I dress up in a leotard to pester car-thieves, but that’s not really me.  Then I dress up like Peter Parker and I hawk set-up pics to a newspaper where they think Spiderman is some kind of vigilante badguy, and I just stand there and look stupid and that’s not really me, either.  This double-life it – it’s just exhausting.  I need something real, Tony.  I need this.  I need you.
“And I meant everything I said before…texted before.  I don’t care if this implodes in 20 days or 20 weeks or 20 years.  Neither one of us may be alive by then.  I need to live in the moment.  We need to live in the moment.  So spare me this ‘It’s just because no one ever did this to you before’ bullshit you egotistical bastard…”
He was losing his steam, not to mention his grip on Tony’s shoulder AND his ability to form sentences. What he was feeling he couldn’t even explain to himself – how was he going to explain it to this guy?
He straddled the man and put his hands on both sides of his chest.  He took two fistfuls of Tony’s shirt and tried gesturing with them, only to find he had run out of words.  He tried to bring their foreheads together again but wound up laying his head on the bed next to Tony’s – this secret required closer contact.
“You made me scream while you were fucking me because that was EPIC,” he whispered.  “Because you are Tony Stark.  Because we are supposed to be together.  Ironman and Spiderman.  We’re legendary.  Don’t try to pretend that it was anything else.”
Tony was smiling, and that should have been a good sign, but then he was laughing and suddenly Peter was rethinking that I’ve-only-want-to-haul-up-and-punch-my-lover-on-occasions philosophy.  Point fact he wanted to punch someone right now.  He sat up and shook the man, demanding an explanation.
“Its….yes….no I’m sorry.  “It’s serious, isn’t it?  But kid listen to yourself,” Tony said, taking Peter’s wrists in both hands and trying to get himself under control.  “In 20 years? In 20 years I’m going to be 75, and you won’t even been pushing 40.  Where do you think it’s going to go from there, honestly?  
“What you’re suggesting is ridiculous and you’re the only one who can’t see it.  When the others find out they are going to laugh at us, and for a good reason.  You’re getting the short end of the stick….”
With that he knocked both Peter’s arms away and sat up suddenly, grabbing Peter’s face in both hands and bringing him close.
“And you’re the only one who hasn’t figure that out,” he growled against Peter’s mouth.  “And if I were a good guy, Peter, I’d tell you ‘no.’ That’s the part you just don’t get. I.  Am not.  The good guy. I’m a selfish asshole.  That’s why I’m not telling you ‘no’.”
He punctuated that last sentence with a brutal kiss and Peter did not resist.  Nor did Peter resist when Tony flipped them both over and pushed Peter’s knee down to the bed (Peter’s dancer-like flexibility made this position completely painless) and began bucking his hips forward, rubbing his awakening cock between Peter’s legs in a parody of what they had been doing moments before.
And very soon it was no longer a parody.  “Yes, Tony, do it….” Peter was murmuring when his lover finally released him from the kiss and in a few moments Tony was inside him again.
“Does it hurt baby?” Tony was asking and Peter enjoyed a little inappropriate laugh of his own. “I told you old man, you can’t hurt me. Like the skin on arm or the skin on my face, you can’t hurt it.  You can do this to me all…. Night…. long.”
He enjoyed the wicked grin on his own face and enjoyed it even more when Tony tried to kiss it away. He wrapped his legs around the older man (and enjoyed the appreciative noises that ensued.)  He tilted his hips up until his heels were in the middle of Tony’s shoulderblades and found the noises that this resulted in entirely enjoyable.
He was about to make a comment about Tony was now being the loud one when the man pulled up to look him in the face ask breathlessly, “What were their names?”
“???” was all Peter could manage until Tony, never slowing his pace, leaned over and growled in his ear “Their names.  The names of the boys who fucked you before I did.  The boys that couldn’t make you make that noise.  I want to know their names.”
“Jesus Tony,” Peter tried to argue, but now the man was staring him down, keeping his gaze steady as he rocked into his body.
“Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind, little boy,” Tony growled while he pounded.  “You wanted me, now you have me.  And I want names.  You tell me who got <b>here</b> first.”
Peter turned his head away in anger and frustration.  ‘Little boy’ stung, Tony hadn’t used that hateful phrase since before they had started fucking.  Then he made a quick calculation and decided to comply.
“First there was Luke,” he said, flinging one hand out to the bed and fisting the cover and focusing all his senses on the picture that made – it was very much like the first days before he had discovered he could shut out the constant input his brain was giving him by putting on the dark glasses.  Honing in on the fisted bedcover Peter managed to forget about Tony’s cock pounding into him, forget about the incredible noises the man made when he dug his heel in-between the shoulder blades…
“Yeah, Luke was first. Everybody else kept asking me to do it to them.  Luke-With-A-Beard was the first to do it to me, I never did it with Other Luke.  Next came Ashley and then Percival, no wait, Ashley and did it several times, like we kept doing each other several times, THEN came Percival.  And I did it for one of the Simons but I don’t remember which one.”
He let go of the cover and turned his head back to the man on top of him with a triumphant grin.  He had taken Tony’s challenge and matched it and, now that he had finished with the *actual* list of lovers, began to improvise.
“And I did it with both Paul’s,” he whispered, canting his hips even further upward by walking his heels even higher up Tony’s body.  Right now he was more thankful for his spider-bite powers than ever before.
“Gay Paul and Poleaxe Paul,” he lied freely, pressing one heel above the other until he finally had one pressing into Tony’s neck.  “Together, they took turns with me.  But I don’t count them because they only came for each other, yes Tony….”
The sounds Tony was making now were most satisfying and Peter held on to Tony’s head, first with both feet and then with his hands.  “Yes…. it’s perfect….. ah god Tony…”
Wrapping both arms and both legs around his lover Peter listened closely to the unique sounds his lover was making and wondered if this had been what it was like for Tony just moments before.  Although their positions had been comparable to some encounters on countertops Tony had never made noises quite like this and Peter treasured every one of them. At the same time Peter had to, reluctantly, admit that it had been the angle after all – this position was inspiring zero noises out of him personally.
Then Tony was making that angry, pinched-off sound, as if something had just gone wrong, and as Peter felt those fingers dig into his shoulders he closed his eyes, knowing he wouldn’t be allowed to watch…
…then Peter remembered that he WAS the Strongest Avenger and he caught Tony’s face in both hands.
“No hiding old man. You reap the whirlwind too – and now I get to watch.”  
“Yes……yes Tony……come inside me……” he murmured as gently and tenderly as he could, alarmed, slightly, at the way Tony’s eyes bugged and his face seemed to disconnect when he came. But he did take pity on the man and let him bury his face into the bed, wrapping him up in his arms and in his words. “That was perfect.  Oh Tony I never felt anything like it.”  He kept both arms and legs securely wrapped around Tony’s shoulders and held him as he recovered.
“Oh god, I can still feel you inside me,” Peter breathed as he felt Tony’s body relax.  
“That’s because I’m…..wearing you…..” Tony said, glancing up at Peter’s foot and Peter laughed as he put them both down.
“That was amazing. Now I know what to do when I want to hear you make those noises,” Peter joked, until Tony announced he was going to have Friday record Peter tomorrow and Peter found himself protesting and begging again.
“Nope, nope, I’m going to have a personal file on my phone, for when I’m off on conferences, I’m going to have Friday record it as the “Greedy Bottom” protocol.  It will be nice to listen to when I’m away….”
He put his ear to Peter’s head, even as Peter argued, and began to whisper.  “First you moan and plead and whimper like someone’s killing you. Then you start singing like a soprano because I’m making you come….then silence.  For about 30 seconds.  Then the moaning and “Oh Gods” begin again….”
“PLEASE stop,” Peter begged, putting his hands over Tony’s mouth, laughing and trying to blush and hide his head all at the same time.
“I’m going to do it, I’m going to call it the ‘Twink Protocol.’”  “I TOLD you I am NOT a twink!”  Peter argued even as he resigned himself to the fact that the soundfile WAS going to exist, and his lover was undoubtedly going to make him listen to it someday.
They were both quiet for a moment, catching their breath, when Tony said “I want to watch.”
“I want to watch them fuck you.”
“Oh JESUS Tony,” did no good, nor did rolling his eyes nor even turning and facing the other way.
“I don’t think any of my study partners are going to be into that, Tony.”
“I mean it, I want proof. You claim I’m the only one who can make you make those noises and I want proof.  I’ll have Friday create a secure line and you can send it to me on your phone and you’ll show me what it looks like when they fuck you…”
“I’ll have to get their permission to be filmed…”
“No, because they’ll be fucking you, so it doesn’t count….”
“That is NOT how it WORKS Tony!”
A minor argument ensued (ending with Tony declaring “Oh you and your damn millennial ethics.  Fine then.”)  with Peter facing the other way, hiding his face, calculating.  He was agreeing to Tony’s demands while simultaneously wondering, were these real demands?  Or was this just Tony punishing him for demanding a real relationship? Either way, the demands were turning him on more than a little bit, and he was determined to meet the man head on.
“Fine, I’ll bring you proof and then you’ll see,” Peter said, turning around suddenly and wrapping up Tony in his arms again sliding his hands under Peter’s shirt, but Tony rolled onto his back, pulling Peter onto his body like a blanket, and Peter withdrew his hands.
“You’ve left TWO wet spots on my bed,” Tony scolded gently.  “You’re going to have to take a shower at some point.”
“Are you going to make me do that by myself?” Peter pouted.
“Do you mind?”
“Are you kidding? I hate it.”
“Then I won’t make you do it.”
Peter looked into Tony’s face, startled by the concession, then kissed him.
They kissed for a while like that, Peter working his hand under Tony’s shirt again, stroking his chest, and then made a very bold request.
“Take this off,” he asked gently, but Tony only shook his head.
“Please?  You want what nobody else can have from me, that’s what I want from you,” Peter insisted, although he almost relented when he saw the sadness break across Tony’s face.
“It aint pretty, kid.”
“Friday, turn off the lights,” Peter requested, but Tony put his head up and ordered “Friday, engage.” After Friday announced that she was back online, the lights were lowered.
“Why did you turn Friday off?” Peter asked in confusion, and Tony laughed even as he shrugged out of his shirt.
“Oh kid, don’t you even remember?” he whispered as he pulled Peter close.  “You were moaning so loud Friday tried to call the ambulance on you twice.”
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writingkeepsmewhole · 6 years
The Outside
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Here is the third part of The Cowboy and the girl. Yall have no idea how hard it is to find a gif for this. Dear people who makes gifs please make some for Joel. Please. Thank you. Sorry for the crappy ending I don’t know how to end these yet... Let me know what yall think of this. Alright on to the story.
Escaping from the quarantine zone Trish learns the true reason why they are smuggling Ellie her agreeing with Tess to take her all the way. (This is a longer on.)
Joel Miller x OC Trish
Warnings: Language, violence, that’s it I think.
Taglist Ask if you wanna be added: @amandamaesweetheart @jodiereedus22
Part 1   Part 2
After I was sure Joel was okay. His forearm wrapped up we started back down the basement we were in. Us easily walking threw the exposed pipes it dropping down in the sewer.
“This is a bad Idea.” I say following behind Joel Tess and Ellie behind me.
“What is?”
“Do you see any other way to go?” Joel asks looking at me over his shoulder.
I hold my hands up in surrender as we reach the end.
He huffs pushing the grate open letting us be truly out of the zone. No soldiers in sight.
When we walk thru Ellie sitting on an old log.
“Alright their gone.” Joel says looking around.
“Look- what was the plan?” Tess asks crouching down next to Ellie I turn to face them wanted to know my own self.
“Marlene… She said that the fireflies have their own little quarantine zone with doctors there still trying to find a cure.”
“Yeah we heard that before, huh Tess?” Joel says scowling.
“Joel…” I say wanting to hear what she has to say only earning a huff from him.
“And that..” Ellie says sighing.
“Whatever happened to me is the key to finding the vaccine.”
“Oh. Jesus.”
“It’s what she said.”
“Oh I’m sure she did.”
“Hey, fuck you man!” Ellie says standing up.
“I didn’t ask for this.”
“Me neither.” Joel says walking over to Tess.
“What the fuck are we doing here?”
“What if it’s true?” I ask making everyone look at me.
“I can’t, you can’t believe-” He says sighing.
“What if she’s right Joel?” Tess says.
“I mean we've come this far why not just finish this?”
Grabbing her shoulder he pulls her closer to me.
“Do I need to remind you both what is out there?”
“A few things come to mind.” I say him clenching his jaw.
Looking at him Tess turns to look at Ellie.
“I get it.” She says walking past us Ellie following her.
It didn’t take much to figure out she was talking about Joel losing his daughter and him not wanting to be around Ellie because of it.
He stands there as they walk off, I standing next to him. Bumping his shoulder with my own he looks down at me. Him a good head taller than me.
“Come on let's go save the world.”
He makes a pssf noise and rolls his eyes but I do catch the corner of his mouth slightly lift up before he walks away from me.
Smiling I follow after him holding the straps of my backpack a little more excited then I was only a moment ago.
“Come on it’s this way.” Tess says pointing up at the sign reading east 90. Telling us that the airport was that way.
With the bridge being collapsed we would have to take the long way but that wasn’t anything new. Any place not in a zone was forgotten.
I followed Joel as we walked threw the abandoned city.
“Holy moley I guess this is what these buildings look like up close.” Ellie says making me smile.
“Pretty tall huh?” I ask falling back to walk with her.
“There so damn tall!” She says looking around in amazement.
Laughing I nod my head. Hearing a faint groan my hand falls to my hip my pistol sitting there.
“What was that?” She asks me.
“Tess you hear that?” Joel calls Tess in front of him.
“Yeah. It sounded pretty far away though.” She says walking up a collapsed chunk of road.
“Are we safe?” Ellie asks me.
“Yeah we should be for now.” I say smiling at her.
“Come on.” Joel says picking up his pace us following him.
We don’t get far coming up to a huge sinkhole. The city falling in on itself.
“Damn. That’s quite a drop.” I say looking down into it.
“Well, there's the capitol building.” Joel says pointing off into the distant the only thing visible is the golden roof.
“Yeah. We need to find a way around this mess.” Tess says sighing.
“This was the downtown area?” Ellie asks looking over the drop.
“It was…” Tess says.
“Now it’s just a giant wasteland like every other city.” I say walking towards a building with its side ripped off.
“Come on this way.” I say climbing up into the count yard.
“Let’s go thru here.” Joel says walking into The Old Stone Building.
“Whatever you say.”
“Comin’.” Tess calls following us.
I open the first door I come to it full of empty shelving. 
“Ooo snacks.” I say seeing an old candy bar laying on the table next to the door.
“You really gonna eat that?” Joel asks looking around the room finding some tape and scissors.
“You really gonna take old crusty tape?” I ask putting the candy bar in my bag.
“It might help us later.”
“So will my snacks.” I say sticking my tongue out at him and leaving the room.
“Joel.” I call seeing the dead soldier on the ground.
He was torn apart laying a pool of blood his guts pulled out and his throat slashed.
“He’s been ripped apart.” Tess says coming up behind me.
“Yeah…” Joel says sighing.
“It’s still-” I say poking the corpse with my foot the arm moving as I do it.
“Is that bad?” Ellie asks I nod.
“Can be, lets not stick around to find out.”
“Lets go this way.” Joel says going to walk up the steps.
I nod following him, him taking two at a time with his long legs.
“Another one, shit.” Tess says another body laying on the wall.
“Well this has to be a great sign.” I say crouching down. This one was less mangled so I didn’t feel grossed out digging into his pockets.
“What are you doing?” Ellie asks disgust in her voice.
“I am searching for supplies.” I say my fingers wrapping around bullets.
“Merry christmas.” I say holding them up to Joel.
He snorts but takes them from me.
“Don’t you feel I don’t know bad?”
“Why?” I ask checking the pockets on his pants.
“This is how you survive kid.” Tess says as I stand up bandages in hand.
“You’ll get used to it.” I say putting them away.
“Come enough chater.” Joel says walking up the next set of stairs.
I follow him only for him to stop at the top.
“God damn it. Clicker.” He says making me take the last few steps a dead clicker laying on the door.
“Eww.” I say the fungus growing out of its head and up the door.
“What’s wrong with its face?” Ellie asks stopping next to me as Joel pulls the body out of the way. The sound of it breaking away filling the air. It similar to dried dirt or rock breaking up. A brittle sound.
“That’s what years of infection will do to ya.” Tess says sighing.
“So what? Are they…blind?” Ellie says moving to take a closer look.
“Pretty much. They see using sound.” I say running my fingers threw my hair it still wet from the rain.
“Like bats?”
“Exactly.” I say winking at her.
“If you hear one clicking you gotta hide.” Tess says Joel trying to bust the door in.
It held closed by the fungus growing on it.
“That’s how they spot you.” She says just as he gets the door open.
“You did it.” I say walking past him and into the next room.
It not really a room half of it was broken off and missing. I freeze when a low groan is heard the floor seeming to shift under my feet.
“Whole building feels like it’s about to fall apart.” Joel says but doesn't stop.
“I’m gonna be mad if I die from a cave in.” I say following him as we crouch under a fallen self the ceiling laying on top of it.
“You have a way you want to go out instead?” Tess asks behind me.
“I’m working on it.” I say vaulting over a desk blocking the path.
Us in an old office the building groaning again.
“Totally cool. Everything is totally cool.” Ellie says taking a breath.
“Relax it would be a quick death.” I say
“That so didn’t help.”
“Give me a hand with this.” Joel says trying to get another door open.
I walk over to him and put my shoulder into the door us slamming into it making it open. Joel stumbling forward a bit after it dose.
“Joel!” Tess yells making my head snap to him as a clicker tackles him into the ground.
I gasp watching his wrestle with it, Tess quickly kicking it off and shooting it in the head.
I help Joel up him breathing hard my heart pounding.
“Thanks…” He says nodding at Tess.
“You alright?” Ellie asks standing in the doorway behind us.
“It’s nothin’.” He says looking at me my hand still on his arm.
“You sure?” I ask my body shaking with the adrenaline pumping through it.
“Yeah…” He says squeezing my hand and pulling away from me.
“Let’s search for supilise.” Tess says walking into the room across the hall. It an old break room going from the vending machine and fridge.
“Shit. That was intense!” Ellie says making me nod.
“Yeah you said it.” I say knowing Joel must be feeling more freaked out then us.
I look over at him checking the cabidents. As if he could fill my gaze he turns to face me. I smile at him and go to the vending machine.
“What are you doing?” Ellie asks walking up to me as I pick up a brick off the ground.
“Tip you would be surprised how many people don’t check these.” I say smashing the lock.
I open the door finding a few cans still sitting there.
“Who wants 20 year old drinks?” I ask picking one up.
“Those are probably syrup by now.” Tess says.
“Let's find out.” I crack the top and smile as liquid pours out when I tilt the can.
“I give you very flat pop.” I say taking a drink only to spit it back out.
“Never mind. It’s bad… Very bad.”
Tess and Ellie laugh as I throw the can to the side.
“I might die from that.” I say coughing from the bad taste.
“Here.” Joel says handing me a bottle of water.
“I found a few in the cabinet.”
“Well thank you.” I say taking it from him and taking a sip.
It a little plasticy but it was water.
“What about in here?” Ellie says pointing at a closed door.
Walking over to it I try it only to find it locked. Pulling the knife from my boot I jam it into the wood between the lock and twist it. The old wood giving a crack as it splits letting the door swing open.
“Tada.” I say Joel walking into it.
“Your welcome.” I say him touching the back of his head.
“You okay?”
“You took a good knock on the head back there. Your not gonna pass out are you?”
“Trish, I’m fine.” He says clenching his jaw.
“Okay.” I say holding my hands up in surrender.
I help him look threw the room finding a few things. It was mostly office supplies but we did get a few rags and a bottle of booze hidden away.
“What are we gonna do with that?” Tess ask as I pick it up.
“It’ll clean a wound or help start a fire. I can also chuck it at your head if I need to.” I say waving her away her rolling her eyes.
It was no secret me and her wasn’t buddys. I acted too irresponsible for her and didn’t agree with her as much as Joel seemed to. Her and Joel have a different relationship then me and him. It making me wonder if she felt like she had to fight to be the strong independent woman. I never seen myself that way. I knew I had no one to live for so I wasn’t afraid of death until recently.
“You comin’?” Joel asks pulling me from my thoughts as he stands at the bottom of a ledge. The steps fallen down.
“Yeah sorry.” I say walking up to him and placing my food in his hand.
Grabbing the ledge I pull myself up as he practically throws me up on it.
“Alright cowboy your turn.” I say holding my arm down to him.
Tess and Ellie already up here with me.
He jumps up grabbing my forearm. I use my other hand grabbing his wrist and helping him pull himself up.
“Okay?” I ask when I get him to the top.
“Alright..” He says nodding.
I didn’t get to say anything else a high pitch growl going from the hallway.
“Clickers?” Ellie asks looking at us fear in her eyes.
“Oh shit. Go, go, go.” Joel says herding us into the nest room.
Us four crouching down behind the counter. I stay still and hold my breath as the infected clicks grow louder it right over our heads.
I watch Tess pick up a glass bottle and throw it into the corner of the room it shattering. With a screech the clicker runs towards the noise.
I follow her as we slowly crawl to the other side of the room, Joel chucking a brick to get the clicker to move to where we just was.
“That’s our way out.” Tess whispers making me almost have a heart attack at her talking at all.
I look at her, her pointing. Following the tip of her finger it aimed at the scaffolding at the end of the room.
I nod following her lead as I jump up onto it and over the other side. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that the clicker can’t get to us anyone.
“We got another one.” I say looking at the dead soldier slumped on the window.
“I’ll check him.” Joel says walking over to him.
“Ellie you okay?” Tess asks.
“Other then shiting my pants… I’m fine.” She says taking a breath.
“Yeah clickers suck.” I say Joel moving to the guardrail of the steps.
He easily vaults over it making me wonder what he is doing.
“Give me a second.” He says as if he could read my thoughts.
I look down at him watch him pull a filing cabinet out of the way.
“Who? Why?” I ask wanting to know why someone blocked the steps.
“There ya go ladies.” He says looking up at us.
“Come one.” Tess says jumping over the railing as well.
I follow her lead only to realize that we are trapped.
“The stairwells blocked.” Ellie says pointing at the cave in blocking our path.
“Nope.” I say look out the broken window seeing catwalks hanging there.
Walking over to it I climb over the side it swinging with my weight and the rain.
“Ahh this is crazy.” Tess says watching me.
“Just don’t look down.” I say winking as I slowly walk across it.
I listen to my own advice not wanting to know how high I was or how far I would fall if the twenty year old catwalk decided to break.
“Wha- Are you serious?” I hear Ellie asks as I slowly start to climb to the next one.
It below me making my stomach jump into my chest as I drop to it. I hold extremely still as it creaks and groans under my wight.
“Don’t fall… Don’t fall.” I sing to myself walking across it feeling Tess drop behind me.
“Don’t look down… Just don’t look down.” Ellie says when Joel makes the catwalk shift from landing on it.
“Your okay.” I say climbing onto the building threw another broken window.
“Alright…” Ellie says as I help her in then Tess.
“Oh boy…” Joel says climbing in and landing next to me.
“That another one of your ideas.” He says looking at me.
“We got a way through.” I say shrugging and smiling as I head down the steps the ones going up no longer there.
“Check this out.” Tess says guestering to the soldier on the ground. This one's face blown off. A bite on it’s shoulder.
“Ooo a gift for me.” I say picking up the gun I make a face when I realize it’s a revolver.
“More like for you.” I say holding it out to Joel.
“That’s a gun for a cowboy if Ive ever seen one.”
He rolls his eyes and takes it from me checking it over. Tess and Ellie walking into the next room.
“There a problem with revolvers?”
“You have to load them more often. I get nervous when I think I might run out of ammo.” I say shrugging.
Sighing he puts the gun in the waste of his jeans.
“Come on.” He mumbles going the way Tess went.
I follow him hearing voices.
“Runners.” Tess whispers.
“I’ll go check it out. You two stay with the girl.”
“I’ll go with you.” I say looking at him.
“Yes. I can handle a few runners.”
“Fine. Try not to get yourself killed.” He says walking to the edge of the hall and dropping down into the next floor it a large room.
I crouch down and stay close to him pressing myself into a wall.
“I got two on the right and three on the left.” He says looking around the corner.
“Make the four on the left. Clicker.” I whisper pointing to it stumbling around.
“I got it.” He nods and starts to go left.
Rolling my eyes I go right slowly and quietly taking out the few runners I come across.
“Alright.. Come on down.” Joel calls out of breath from basing a runners head in.
“I’m impressed. Stealth isn’t normally your thing.” I say walking up to him.
“Pssh.” He says rolling his eyes and waking to the end of the room.
“Let’s just get out of here.” He says climbing up on the ledge leading to a doorway.
“Of course.” I say jumping up and taking his offered hand.
“That was fast.” Ellie says taking my hand.
“Thanks.” I say pulling her up doing the same with Tess.
“You two make quite a team.” She says bumping into my shoulder as she walks past.
Biting my tongue I walk up to the door it blocked by a very large filing cabinet.
Joel walks over to it and grabs it pulling it back with a groan since the title of the building was making the cabinet pull away from him.
“Alright Tess go.” He says groaning.
I quickly move over to him and help him hold it from sliding back in front of the door.
“That should so it.” Tess says her and Ellie pushing a copying machine in the doorway.
“Alright.” Joel says us both letting go it quickly sliding into the door. The machine keeping it from closing.
I climb over it into the next room taking a breath.
“See, we’re doing alright.” Tess says turning on her flashlight it now dark.
“Uh-huh.” Joel says doing the same.
“Could be worse.” I say tying my light to my backpack strap so I don’t have to hold it.
“How could this be worse?” Ellie asks me.
“We could be stumbling threw the dark.” I say smiling and walking to the bar in the room.
I give it a quick scan finding nothing but it was worth a shot.
We leave the room only to stop at the very long drop off.
“See we could have fallen into that without light.” I say looking down into the fallen rubble.
“Well down we go.” Tess says guestering to the ramp leading down from a chunk of wall.
“Let’s get to it.” Joel says slowly making his way down it.
“Watch your back.” He says dropping down and crawling under the thing we were just walking on.
We keep heading down carefully walking not knowing when the floor could collapse under us.
“You know I was thinking... when we get back we can take it easy for a while.” Tess says after a while of silence.
“You want to take it easy?” I ask looking at her my eyebrow cocked.
“Trish is right, don’t sound like you.” Joel says us stopping when we reach a body of water.
“Hey your the one always going on about laying low.” She says shimming threw the whole in the wall.
“And you always brush me off.” He says following her.
“Well I won’t this time.” She says shrugging.
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” I say knowing Tess is always thinking about the next job.
That not a bad thing just I didn’t see the point and working myself to death. Even more so now that death was always breathing down your neck.
I walk behind Tess and Joel as we weave threw the fallen building hoping one of them knows where we are going because I was so turned around I didn’t know where I was. I felt like I was walking thru a maze.
It ending when we drop down into and old abandoned subway station.
“Joel over here.” Tess says shining her light down on a body.
“Dead firefly?” I ask looking at the mark on his sleeve.
“Yep..” Joel says glancing at me then bending down to pick up the bottle on the ground.
“These guys aren't doing good in or out of the city.” He says holding up a molotov.
“Now that I didn’t expect.” I say him nodding.
“Lets hope there is someone alive to meet us at the drop off.” He says walking over to me and tucking the bottle in the net on the side of my backpack.
“Don’t let me blow up.”
“Don’t sweat it.” He says walking towards the steps another body.
I watch him pick up a map and look it over.
“They are from the quarantine zone.”
“I guess there not the guys to pay us.” I say Tess turning to face me.
“Pay us? Who said anything about you getting paid?”
“Don’t you two start.” Joel says walking away from us.
“None of us might not get paid. Come on.” He says crouching under a fallen callom.
He stops clicking noises explaining why.
“Over there. See em.” He says pointing at it.
“Shit.” Tess says quickly going to the knocked over vending machine.
“We’re almost out.” She says picking over it.
I sit crouched beside Joel, him kind out in the open but clickers were blind.
“Okay, Joel you take the lead. I’ll watch the rear.” She whispers looking at him.
“Got it.” He says nodding.
“Ellie, you stay right on his heels.” I say her nodding.
“You stay sharp.” Tess says looking at me.
“You got it boss.” I say putting Ellie between me and Joel as we start sneaking thru the very dark subway station.
When we reach a dead end I look around for a way out seeing a latter on the ledge over us.
“Up there.” I whisper pointing to it.
“Alright, come on.” Joel says bracing himself.
I stand on his hand him holding me while I lower the later into Tess and Ellie’s hands. Climbing up it it opens up into a very far drop down.
“Here.” Joel says dropping down onto a semi truck. Tess and Ellie follow after him I peering over the side to see him holding his arms up.
Ignoring the butterflies in my stomach I let myself drop into his arms, him easily catching me.
“You good?” He asks looking at me his hands on my waist.
“Good.” I nod moving to jump down to the ground.
“Holy shit!” Ellie says letting out a breath.
“We actually made it.”
“Everyone okay?” Joel asks walking up the crumble street the sky gray from the sun start to rise.
“Yes.” Tess says ahead of him.
“Let's move.” She says climbing up on the road.
“You guys are pretty good at this stuff.” Ellie says making me smile at her.
“It’s called luck and it is gonna run out.” Joel says us walking into an alleyway.
“Ignore him he's always broody.” I say her smiling.
“Which way we going Tess?” He asks Tess standing still.
“Uhh..” She says looking around her.
“Capital building is this way.” She says pointing farther down the alley.
“How does she know?” Ellie asks me.
“She knows the city pretty well. We used to smuggle stuff all the time you get a good idea of it in your head.” I say us climbing on top of a semi and and dropping down on the other side.
“There here.” Tess says pointing at the garage door.
Joel grabs the chain and starts pulling on it us standing there. I tense up hearing a scream.
“Shh.” I say touching his shoulder.
“What? I don’t hear anything.” He says looking at me.
“Double time.” Tess says looking down the way we came.
“Oh. There coming.” Ellie says moving closer to me.
“I know.” Joel growls out the sounds of infected coming closer.
“Okay that's good.” I say going under the half open door and holding it open.
“Come on Joel.” I say him quickly coming under as well just as a group of runners reach us.
“Drop it!” He yells when he is in a woman trying to grab Joel’s leg.
I let go the door slamming into the ground. I back away from it them banging and screaming on the other side.
It only takes a moment for them to calm down letting me take a breath.
“Eh… You got something on your shoe.” Ellie says making me look at my feet then at the others when mine is fine. I watch Joel kick the arm and hand off it shoe.
“Gross.” I say wrinkling up my face.
“Your telling me.” Ellie says looking at me.
“Okay how do we get out of this place?” Joel asks making me realize we are trapped in a mechanic shop.
“Let's find out.”
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atakportal · 6 years
Omega Body Blueprint
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Omega Body Blueprint
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From New York Times Bestselling Fitness Author John Romaniello, comes your chance to…
Specifically Designed To Remove Those Last Few Stubborn Pounds, Destroy Fat On Your Trouble Spots, and Build Lean, Dense Muscle In Just Six Short Weeks…
NYT Bestselling Author & Fitness Expert
Okay, so I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.
The good news is that I know you. We’ve never met, but I bet I know a lot about you.
I know that you’re probably in decent shape. That you’ve been around the gym a while, and know how to exercise; that you’re not really some newbie who doesn’t know a dumbbell from a doorknob.
I also know that despite that experience, you’re still struggling. That despite the fact you might be in “good” shape, you can’t seem to get into GREAT shape.
I know that no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to lose that last bit of stubborn weight, those few pounds of fat that are keeping you from getting your ideal body; what I call your OMEGA body.
And I know that you—and thousands of others just like you—are frustrated beyond reason that no matter how hard you try, no matter what diet you use or how often you exercise…
…you just can’t seem to lose those last 5-10 pounds.
Yeah. That’s the GOOD news.
The BAD news is that most people in your situation will NEVER lose those pounds. Most people will NEVER go from good to great. Most people will struggle for YEARS to lose the last bit of fat, until they finally give up.
Simply put, the bad news is that the vast majority of people will never achieve their OMEGA body; they’re never get to see the “final” version of their physique, fully developed and without the extra flab.
And I’m going to tell you how YOU can be in the minority. How YOU can be in the 1%. How YOU can lose those stubborn pounds and unveil that Omega body.
If you’re like me, I bet you have. And, chances are, you’ve looked everywhere for an answer.
You’ve spent the money on all the magazines, scoured every article on the Internet…but you’re more confused by all the conflicting advice.
So-called “experts”—everyone from bodybuilders to overweight personal trainers to your one friend who lost 30 pounds so automatically knows what they’re talking about—tell you it’s actually easy…
…that all it comes down to is energy balance – simple – and that you just need to “move more” and “eat less.”
Well, they’re wrong. It’s not easy. Sure, energy balance is a real factor…but the idea that you can just move more and eat less to get into killer shape has a FATAL flaw (which I’ll cover in detail below).
Then there are the Celebrity Doctors promoting juice cleanses, specialty berries, and skin creams. You know…those “miracle” supplements that are supposed to suppress your appetite, rev up your metabolism, and eliminate fat…
…while you sit on the couch and tune in so the Doc can pitch you on something else.
Obviously, those are BS. But, if you feel like there’s just 5-10 pounds separating you from your dream body…well, who can blame you for rolling the dice on something that maybe—just maybe—can have 0.0035% impact?
I get it. Like I said, I know you.
You watch what you eat, you workout hard 3-4 times a week, and you’re taking all the right supplements.
Why is that the “scary” thing? Because even though you’re doing all the things you’re SUPPOSED TO, the love handles are still there, your pants are still tight, and you’re still UNCOMFORTABLE taking your shirt off.
Have you ever just looked in the mirror and wondered what MORE should you be doing?
I know I have. And I can tell you from experience, it’s a really awful feeling. And it’s not one I wish on anyone.
Truly, I don’t want you to feel stuck. I don’t want you to hate your body or feel ashamed because of the way you look.
I’m going to layout the top 3 reasons People Can’t Lose The Last Bit of Fat……And Show You EXACTLY How To Fix Them
And in doing so, I’ll explain why the constant struggle to get your body in a fat burning mode is actually shutting down your metabolism and sabotaging your progress.
…perhaps you’re wondering: who the hell is this guy, and why should I listen to him?
You’re absolutely right; that’s a great question—and I apologize for not introducing myself sooner. Let’s get that part out of that way.
I’m John Romaniello, but everyone calls me Roman. I’m a fitness expert and New York Times bestselling author. I’ve been in the fitness industry for about 13 years, and written hundreds of articles about fat loss, nutrition, muscle building, and how to lose the last few pounds. I’ve been on TV talking about those same things.
I also serve on the advisory board for dozens of the largest fitness companies in the world—in fact, I’m even the Head of the Fitness Advisory Board for some guy named Arnold Schwarzenegger…who also wrote the foreword for my bestseller.
Chances are, if you’ve picked up a fitness magazine in the past decade or so, you’ve probably seen me or read something I’ve written.
Now, I’m not telling you any of this to impress you; I’m just trying to impress upon you that I know a thing or two about this fitness stuff.
But if you’re trying to decide if you can trust me, ignore all of that. Forget the books and the magazines and TV stuff. The only thing you need to know is that my goal is to help people lose those last few pounds…
…and that I’ve helped thousands of people do just that. And I can help you, too.
As a coach and a trainer, I’ve done it all. I’ve worked with professional athletes, actors, record producers, famous DJs…
But mainly I’ve worked with a ton of “regular” people just like you, and helped all of them hit their goal, no matter what those were.
From packing 20 pounds of muscle onto a skinny vegetarian, to getting a life long couch potato to lose over 83 pounds in just 5 months, to creating the Number ONE program for helping people lose the last few pounds, I’ve spent the last 12 years helping people change their lives and bodies.
I Feel Better, Stronger, and my body fat has dropped to 5.3%! I really can’t say enough about this.
And…perhaps most importantly… I’m just like you.
You see, I wasn’t always in great shape. In fact, I spent the first two-thirds of my life being in terrible shape. I was never completely obese. But I was definitely in BAD shape.
Here are some words people used to use to describe me: Soft. Doughy. Thick. Pudgy. Chubby. Chunky. Fluffy.
…but no matter how hard I trained or how well I ate, I could never seem to get from being in “good” shape to having the body I wanted.
I could never achieve that lean, ripped, dense look I saw in the magazines.
And I could never figure out why. I felt like I was doing everything right. My diet was in order. I hit the gym consistently. I even took the right supplements.
Nothing worked…not really. I wasn’t about to resort to illegal steroids, so I resigned myself to being in “pretty good” shape, and never having the body I wanted.
This went on for about two years.
One day, I came across a study linking something called insulin resistance to regional fat storage. SPECIFICALLY, the study said that people with “poor insulin management” tended to store fat…in their LOVE HANDLES.
This was exactly my problem. Even though I could get lean almost everywhere else, I still had tons of flub on my waistline and lower back.
I began to think could it really be insulin that was keeping me soft?
And if it was how could other hormones affect fat loss? Or muscle gain? Or fitness in general!?
That was when my quest began.
I made it my goal to learn everything I could about hormones, regional fat storage, and how your basic endocrinology is PREVENTING YOU from losing those few pounds of fat.
I read studies, and books. I came up with new training methods and tried them on all of my clients. I tested and re-tested things.
Eventually, I came up with a system that I believed would completely FIX all of these issues.
With summer coming up, there was only one thing to do: test it.
Believe me: to this DAY it’s still unreal to me that I could ever look like that. But I did. And I do.
And so can you, if you do what I did: harness the power of your hormones. Follow a program that FORCES your body to burn fat instead of trying to store it.
But don’t take my word for it! Because, really, it’s not just me that the program worked for. Just ask any of my clients, who have all done the “impossible”….
I would absolutely recommend working with Roman to anyone and everyone. It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made, and I promise you will not regret it.
As soon as I got my hands on the program, I was anxious to hit the gym and get my fat Loss progress back on track. And guess what? It worked like magic.
Everything about my body is completely different.
My clients get exceptional results. But the truth is, they’re not “exceptional” specimens, in the pure physical sense.
They have the same limitations you do. They have jobs, and families, and trouble spots. They’re limited by time and genetics and physiology. And yet they STILL get amazing results.
Which means that you can, too.
Anytime I start talking about my clients and the amazing success they’ve achieved, I always want to be clear and say that what sets my clients apart is not working “harder”…it’s working smarter.
You see, my clients don’t just train to “burn fat” or “build muscle.” They don’t just train to be “in shape.” My clients follow a strategic plan designed for the express purpose of obtaining their OMEGA bodies.
Speaking in strict linguistic terms Omega—styled as “Ω” is the 24th and final letter of the Greek alphabet.
In literature and other artistic representations, Omega is used to denote the last, final, complete, or ultimate limit of a set of object, concepts or principles. (This is in contrast to “Alpha”, which represents the beginning.)
I’ve always loved the general symbolism of that. To me—and my clients—the Omega body is the final body; the finished body.
Your Omega body is exactly that: your final form. It’s the body you have in your most developed, fittest state.
You’ve reached Omega Status when you’ve built all the muscle you want, and have stripped away the last bits of excess fat to reveal the lean, hard, sexy definition underneath.
THAT is your Omega body. And that is exactly what I’m going to help you achieve. To do that, let’s look at why getting it is so hard…why so many people just keep spinning their wheels and NEVER get that Omega Body they’re after.
As I see it, it comes down to three main problems…
You’ve tried everything. Bodybuilding splits, CrossFit, more cardio, less cardio and yet nothing seems to work.
I feel your pain…and I want you to know it’s not your fault. The amount of misinformation and confusion makes it very difficult for someone to stay consistent and actually find something that works.
For example, let’s look at your typical bodybuilding split: you’ve got Chest on Monday, Back on Tuesday, Shoulders on Wednesday etc…
Now, I love those programs. They’re fun. And they’re great for building size. But they ARE NOT optimal for fat loss—especially those last few pounds.
And yet, whenever I go a gym, I see men and women doing these outdated splits in an effort to get lean!
If you only train a body part once a week you risk the potential to build quality muscle and shed fat. Doing one muscle group on Monday and waiting until the following week is only going to slow down your progress. The overall volume is too low and because the focus tends to be on isolation movements the calorie reduction isn’t significant enough for maximum results.
For another example, take traditional Low Intensity Steady State cardio (LISS). Those are the 1-2 hour cardio sessions where you’re plodding around on a treadmill watching the clock tick by, bored out of your mind. The problem is you have limited time AND….
You’ve probably questioned the amount of time that is necessary to spend on the elliptical or treadmill. Hours upon hours are spent yet the end result is NOT a thin, slim midsection. In most cases it might be the exact opposite.
Doing Low Intensity Steady State cardio (LISS) can be very boring and most likely not even close to fun. It’s not something many people look forward to when it comes to working out. Throw in the fact that you have the potential to lose muscle mass, completely sabotaging your end goal. This just doesn’t make sense for you and your goals.
If there’s one thing I know about cutting body fat it’s that you must start with a tried and true, proven blueprint.
There are thousands of ways to lose those last few pounds and after working with celebrities, athletes, fitness models, moms, and the average gym goer I’ve been able to accumulate all of my research, results and failures by putting it into a proven system that WORKS.
It’s a plan that forces your body into a muscle building, fat burning zone…
If you’ve been around the fitness game for a while, you probably know about MRT, or Metabolic Resistance Training. If not, it’s basically doing rapid-paced weight-training circuits.
Without getting too far into the science, it’s been shown over and over and over again to be the most effective exercise for burning fat. Not only does MRT burn a lot of calories…it also increases your metabolism, allowing you to CONTINUE burning fat long after you’ve left the gym.
The problem with traditional MRT, though, is that it’s limited. Sure, it’s great for burning fat…
…but because you tend to use lighter weights, it can also make you weaker! When you go back to heavy training, you’ve got to play “catch-up.”
On top of that, traditional MRT is not designed with hormonal optimization in mind. And as we touched on above (and will cover in detail below), hormonal optimization is the KEY to getting that Omega body.
Omega MRT solves this. You see, instead of just “fast-paced weight-training circuits”, the Omega Body Blueprint uses FOUR distinctly different types of training.
Each one of these training modalities will help you burn fat…
…but is also designed with specific goals in mind. Some of them keep you strong (preventing the need to “catch-up” later), some help bring out muscle definition…
…and ALL of them train your body to release specific fat burning hormones that fight against that stubborn fat.
REMEMBER: stubborn fat is a direct result of individual hormones—Omega MRT is designed to address that directly.
What you eat plays a vital role in achieving the look you want. It’s especially crucial when you’re trying to eliminate the last annoying 5-10 pounds.
The problem is there is so much misinformation leading to confusion and more weight gain.
You’ve heard this before. Many trainers, dieticians, and even DOCTORS are telling you to evenly space out your meals in order to speed up your metabolism and keep it fired up throughout the day.
When it comes to eating, if you digest 3000 calories in 6 meals or 3 meals it still remains 3000 calories.
At the end of the day, if you are in a deficit, regardless of how you get there, you’ll start to see the magic happen.
If that’s not enough, research has been changing over the last decade suggesting just this.
In fact, I’ve got not one (1) but two (2) studies which illustrate that it doesn’t matter HOW many meals you eat—as long as the calories are the same, you can eat 2 meals or 10 and it won’t make a difference.
On top of all of this, it can be extremely difficult planning out six meals a day. Preparing, packing, carrying and maintaining this can be too difficult and not feasible.
Once again inexperienced trainers, poorly written articles and magazines have suggested you stop eating carbohydrates after 6 pm.
The theory behind this idea stems from the fact that you’ll be going to bed so your metabolism will slow down while your sleeping thus storing those carbohydrates as fat rather than utilizing it as energy. It’s also worth noting that it’s assumed insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance can be affected.
This study (3) took 78 over-weight police officers and placed them into either an experiment group (evening carbohydrate consumption) or a control group over a six-month period.
Greater weight loss, abdominal circumference, and body fat mass reductions were observed in the group that ate carbohydrates at night compared to the control group.
There is nothing about nighttime that suggests it’s time your metabolism slows down and starts storing carbohydrates as fat.
Listen, eating natural, whole, unprocessed foods is obviously good for you.
And, yes, it’s unassailably better to eat a diet that is loaded with nutrients and provide your body with what it needs to function properly than one loaded with crap.
The problem is that people have been conditioned to think they need to eat nothing but salads, seeds, and tofu in order to get lean.
The thought of having to transform your pantry and kitchen to that of a co-op can be disheartening to many people with good intentions of getting in shape.
Here’s the truth: eating all organic foods doesn’t AUTOMATICALLY make you lean.
More importantly: it doesn’t matter how “certified” these foods are—if you eat too much of them, you will get fat.
My point is, organic foods are awesome; they’re just not the end-all, be-all when it comes to dieting.
In fact, it’s possible to strategically place the foods you enjoy into your overall diet and still get unbelievable results.
When done properly, you can use this strategy to elicit crucial fat burning hormones that will help boost your metabolism and accelerate your fat loss.
Taking into account all of the misinformation paralysis by analysis it’s finally nice to see a solution that WILL work for you…
Anyone who’s been on a structured fitness program can tell you that nutrition is BY FAR the larger piece of the puzzle.
If you want to get your Omega body, you need to avoid all the mistakes laid out in the lies above, and really focus on the important stuff.
Omega Nutrition focuses on a few things:
Rather than force you to eat a certain number of meals each day, employing a flexible IF strategy allows you to eat WHEN you want, and as often as you want.
Not only does this make it easier for you to make progress and adhere to the plan, it’s also incredibly effective from a hormonal perspective. It’s been shown that periods of fasting help you control ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and improve insulin sensitivity.
In the context of dieting, cycling means that certain aspects of your nutrition are modified on specific days, based on activity.
There are a lot of ways to do this, but all of them have this in common: you eat more calories and carbs on certain days than others.
The primary reason for this is energy utilization and recovery. To put in the most succinct way possible, you need to take in more energy on days you expend more energy.
Apart from helping you look awesome, there are some other advantages as well: researches at Louisiana State University found in a 2005 study that calorie cycling prolongs your life; this conclusion was further supported by researched conducted by the National Institute of Health in 2008.
In short, calorie cycling is going to help you lose fat while you gain muscle, optimize your hormones, and live longer. Not bad, if you ask me.
These are just a few of the principles upon which Omega Nutrition is founded—and these, combined with others, make it insanely effective for losing those last few pounds.
These hidden gremlins tend to cause a lot of problems for the unknowing person. Your hormones are the key to solving a plethora of issues when it comes to losing weight.
Or worse, doing permanent damage with ill-conceived crash diets and poorly designed programs (that may not have been designed for YOU) that is difficult and sometimes impossible to reverse.
Ask yourself: do you ever feel tired, sore, fatigued, exhausted, irritated and hungry even though you haven’t done a thing all day? Do you wonder why your energy has plummeted and your appetite has increased?
If you feel any of this you might suffer from the following:
These are just a few of the primary hormones that can alter your body composition. These can be so problematic essentially giving you no chance to see results. Thankfully there is a solution….
It’s not enough to just “eat right and exercise.” Reaching your Omega body requires a specific strategy. It’s about doing the right things at the right time…and that means training and nutrition have to match up.
By strategically pairing specific training methods with the right dietary eating patterns, you can create a one-two punch for your endocrine system.
For example, something like “density training” can be used to increase testosterone and decrease estrogen, allowing you to fight against lower body fat…
…but if you pair a density workout with a high carb feeding, it will ALSO allow you to build dense, lean muscle while you do it!
The Omega Body Blueprint is designed entirely around the principles of hormonal optimization for fat loss – and that’s why it’s the only program that will allow you to achieve your Omega body.
I love how I look and how I feel about myself. I owe a huge part of that to Roman. Thanks to him, I’m fitter, leaner, and stronger, which all leads to crazy confidence.
… the most important thing was how his programs educated and taught me how to continue that same level of training and fitness on my own.
I am a Strength and Conditioning Coach and am always trying to get better. For me to say that John educated me [tremendously] in my own trade.. is impressive.
No way. You need to they combine various aspects of many different types of training and incorporate the best of each to break through plateaus and allow you to burn that stubborn fat.
If you want that look, this program is not for you. But I know that isn’t the case. I know you want to have a lean, sexy, firm body. Not just a tight, flat tummy, but also toned arms and legs that give the image of confidence and capability. Sexy on a whole new level.
If you’re trying to lose the weight, whether it’s 20 pounds to drop a few sizes, or the last few to get your ideal beach body, why not use the best stuff available?
And yes, I am biased. But I don’t have a bias towards my programs just because I wrote them.
I’m biased towards this program because it works the FASTEST.
You see, I hate dieting and trying to lose fat just as much as you do (believe me), so if something worked faster or better, I’d just as easily use and recommend that.
The fact is, I spent years trying other methods, learning from them, and making them better.
So yes, I have an anti-fat bias. The Omega Body Blueprint is the result of that bias.
In fact, I’ll fill you in on…
This manual covers the complete training theory and all TWENTY FOUR Hormonal Response Training™ workouts included in the program. That’s 6 full weeks of programming and training, all in once place.
And, to be fair, I think that’s an incredible value for what I deliver. However, you’re not going to pay anywhere NEAR that, and you’re going to get so, so much more…
Keeping records is vitally important – the single best way to progress is to know what to increase and what to decrease. The problem is, this can sometimes be a pain.
To make things easier and more user friendly, I’ve had these workout charts professionally designed so that each and every workout has it’s own chart, completely detailed with what exercises to do, how many sets, how many reps, and even some notes. Just print one out, bring it to the gym, and you’re good to go!
When it comes to nutrition, it’s not just about what you eat; it’s about when and how much. Well, the Omega Nutrition Calculator is going to take care of all of that.
The calculator will tell you exactly what amounts to eat, and how to spread them out based on your personal preferences.
Anyone who knows anything about fitness can tell you that nutrition is by FAR the larger piece of the fat loss puzzle. That’s why no matter how awesome the workout in OBB are, you need some guidance when it comes to your diet if you really want to build your Omega Body.
To that end, I’ve put down ALL of my theories on nutrition in one place; everything I know about eating for fat loss, hormonal optimization, and health in one place.
Supplements are an iffy part of the fitness industry. Some are fantastic, and others are complete crap—knowing which is which is the hard part. Thankfully, it’s part of my job. I’ll be honest and say that if you have the right stuff and use it the right way, supplements can definitely accelerate your progress.
And so in this guide, I’ve outlined the ones that will help you meet your goals, and give you a rundown of which to stay away from—incredibly helpful for getting results without wasting money!
There’s an old saying that if you fail to plan, you can plan to fail. Well, I’ve taken every step to make sure that doesn’t happen to you – and I want you to do the same.
To that end, I’ve created the Omega Body Blueprint quick-start check list – just go through the list before you start—it details EVERYTHING you need to get started with the program on the right foot.
Think of it like the Cliff’s Notes version of the manuals. With this, you’ll be playing with cheat codes.
The Omega Body Blueprint System can work for any man or women of any age…
…HOWEVER: It’s NOT for everybody.
Listen. This is good stuff. But like anything that serves a specific purpose and is of high caliber, it’s not for everyone.
I have no desire to see you waste your time and money if OBB won’t benefit you the way it has helped the people you see on this page. It’s that simple.
So here’s the truth: The Omega Body Blueprint melts stubborn body fat unlike anything else…BUT it is not the answer for people who’re lazy, unmotivated or are looking for the easy way out. Those people can continue wasting their time, energy and money on useless gadgets, overhyped trends, and insane “miracle” supplements that over promise and under deliver.
Personally, I believe you’re smarter than that. And I KNOW if you’re willing to put in the work, follow the instructions, and invest just a little time, The Omega Body Blueprint will transform your body like nobody’s business…without spending your life in the gym or preparing fancy meals.
BUT: if you’re just going to buy this system and let it just sit there with everything else on your computer, please don’t bother wasting your time.
YOU have to be willing to take some action; otherwise you’ll just keep being frustrated, keep spinning your wheels…and keep hating your body.
That’s obviously not the future I want for you, but it’s certainly the one you’ll face…unless you decide to do something about right now.
One final thing: I designed the The Omega Body Blueprint system to be simple… but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be EASY. It’s hard. The workouts are tough, and you have to consistent.
But I’ve done everything I can to make things are simple as possible: everything is laid out for you in a step-by-step blueprint that anyone can follow, and get results like Josh…
Great question. The first thing you need to know about me is that I don’t do this for the money. I just want to help people. And, to be honest, I’m sick of people charging too much for too little.
With Omega, I wanted to make sure ANYONE who wants to end their frustration with having stubborn body fat and NEEDED to lose those last few pounds could afford this system.
At the same time, I DO have my business and my family to think of, so I can’t give it away for free, or even charge this insanely discounted price forever.
So I’ve come up with a compromise: I’m going to offer a 90% discount on The Omega Body Blueprint for almost a week to celebrate the launch. But Friday at midnight, the price nearly
Personally, I think that’s fair: if gives people like you—action takers who are ready to make a change—the opportunity to get an amazing program for an extremely low entry point. And it allows me to charge a fair price for my services going forward.
Since this is an ebook (and not an expensive hardcover book, like my New York Times bestseller), I can provide you with instant access to everything you need in one easy-to-use spot and a super low price. I don’t have to worry about shipping, printing, or paying back the advance from my publisher.
The only thing I need to consider is getting you the product as quickly as possible, and providing the most value I can.
Remember, I’m not some newbie trainer at your local gym who doesn’t know his shit. I’m a bestselling author and advisor to HUGE fitness companies, and I’ve been perfecting these exact methods over the past 12 years.
All of which is to say that for the time being, I’m happy to offer the discounted price, and leave this sale running until FRIDAY at midnight. But I’m also doing something special to assuage any remaining doubts of skepticism, and remove ALL risk form you.
Without question, I believe OBB is the best program on the market, and I know you’ll be amazed at the level of detail and the quality of the information. Every component of OBB has been laid out step-by-step to ensure the fastest results possible.
With The Omega Body Blueprint, I know you’ll see results in just a few days. And by the end of the 6-week program, those last few pounds will be a memory.
But the best thing is this: as long as you stay committed to the concepts of the program, the results will last for LIVE.
When you pick up OBB, you’re becoming a valued member of the Roman Fitness Systems community. And we take that very seriously. My company prides itself on service, so if for WHATEVER reason you have an issue, just hit us up and we’ll help you right away.
This means you can actually use and apply all the unique transformation strategies and start losing those last few pounds with ZERO risk. If you’re not blown away AFTER you take action and get results, you can get your money back.
Again, to celebrate the new release of The Omega Body Blueprint, I’m offering the entire system at INSANELY low launch price. But please keep in mind that I can only keep that price active for the launch week…
So make sure you order now and lock in the launch price special while you can
I won’t lie to you: of course you can. It’s possible…but at what cost? How much more time are you willing to waste before you actually get to where you want to be?
As I see it, you have two choices…
This is what you’ve been doing in the past: trying to figure it out all on your own, or listening to the same trite advice from the same bad sources. You’ve done it before, maybe with moderate success.
I mean, hell, you could even stumble across your own system that rips fat off your body in 6 weeks. Stranger things have happened.
So yes, you could essentially do it yourself. It is POSSIBLE.
But ask yourself: if that was going to work…wouldn’t it have worked already?
If you do choose to go this route, be prepared to put forth a lot of blood, sweat, and tears while wasting what is a lot of valuable time—time you could be spending enjoying your new body.
I’m giving you a proven “short-cut to success” so you don’t have to struggle to find out what works like I did.
Make no mistake: I really WANT you to succeed. I want you to wow your friends with your new, hot body. I want you to feel what I felt at that party—because it was awesome, and it will be for you, too.
With this program, I’ve laid it all out there—the exact program that has been responsible for hundreds of my own personal clients finally losing those last stubborn pounds and achieving lean, sexy bodies that they can be extremely proud of.
And that’s why I’m offering The ENTIRE Omega Body Blueprint system for less than a third of the actual price during the launch.
If at any point over the course of the next 30 days you are not satisfied with your investment in The Omega Body Blueprint, just let me know and I’ll refund your money—all of it. Even the money I was going to use to pay my employees. You get it all back.
Am I that confident The Omega Body Blueprint is going to work? Damn right I am.
I’m giving you a full four weeks to evaluate the entire program, you don’t believe OBB is the most kick-ass fat loss program you’ve ever come across, you pay nothing.
That really IS the best I can do. Seriously. It’s the best anyone can do.
If you still have some doubts, lemme just take a second to give you a reality check: if you keep doing exactly what you’re doing right now, your body is going to look exactly the same. Period.
If you don’t change something, you’ll look the same next week, next month, next year…until age takes over and you look worse.
But until then, if you don’t make a change, your clothes will fit the same, and you’ll still feel just as bad wearing them.
The Omega Body Blueprint is the perfect way to make that change.
Remember, although all of the aggravation, frustration, and wasted time you’ve experienced hasn’t been your fault, now that you know the truth, it’s your responsibility to take action.
If you continue to use outdated, generic diets and programs—you know, the ones that you’ve been doing and that haven’t gotten you anywhere?—you’ll only make it harder to lose those final few pounds and unveil your OMEGA body in the long run.
I know this, because I’ve helped thousands upon thousands of people all over the world regain their confidence and live their lives with the body of their dreams.
Just like you, with The Omega Body Blueprint, they were able to discover:
Simply by applying the same step-by-step principles that all of my clients—including all the people on this page have—you can absolutely change your body.
And that is what I want for you.
So, go ahead. Take action.
If so, click here right now to order the sure-fire training system that is going to get you to that coveted position– to that elusive stage of physical fitness that separates most people from their goals.
That’s cool. No need to read any further.
If ANY of these apply to you, then you need to discover the secrets of the training methods that will help lose the fat and get you to your Final Form.
Keep in mind, I offer a 100% risk-free, money back guarantee. If you think it’s too good to be true, let me prove you wrong.
Stop making excuses and start making progress. You owe it to yourself.
If you’re thinking about working with the Chief Bro King of the Roman Fitness Empire, DO IT.
So let’s do this thing, and get you to where you want to be: rockin’ your OMEGA body, and crushing life.
See You on the Other Side,
John Romaniello,New York Times Bestselling Author, Engineering the Alpha, Founder, Roman Fitness Systems, Prefect, Gryffindor House
P.S. Remember, you have my 30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee. I am giving you the best of both worlds: the opportunity to experience the mind-blowing results that so many of my clients have already achieved AND the knowledge that it is completely RISK FREE. Grab it Risk-Free Today!
The Omega Body Blueprint is a rapid fat loss training program that uses the most effective training styles in the world to help you lose fat—not only from your body as a whole, but ALSO from your problem areas.
It’s comprised of scientifically designed workouts that take into account everything from staying ahead of your body’s adaptation curve in order to balance hormones.
This allows Omega to counter-act your your body’s fat storage patterns.
Absolutely! You see, problem areas exist because of hormones. In fact, certain hormonal levels heavily influence the places you store fat the easiest and from which it is the hardest to lose fat.
As an example, if you store fat mostly in the belly, then chances are you have high cortisol.
If you store a lot of fat in your love handles, this I because of insulin management.
Finally, if you mostly store fat in your lower body—your hips and thighs—then it’s because of your estrogen levels.
Well, The Omega Body Blueprint addresses ALL OF THOSE issues—both independently and collectively.
You see, OBB is a special program: the workouts have been designed to specifically release hormones that help to offset fat storage.
Each of the different training styles in OBB is designed to generate a different hormonal response, each of which is intended to offset a particular issue caused by one of the previously mentioned hormonal imbalances.
All of which is to say—it doesn’t matter WHERE you’re storing your stubborn fat; Omega is equipped to deal specifically with that difficulty. The combination of MRT, Density Training, Lactic Acid Training and Strength Circuits WILL help you burn off those last few pounds.
Fat doesn’t discriminate when it comes to who gains weight, and neither should programs discriminate on the fat they fight. Men AND women can benefit equally.
In fact, a lot of my best clients are women; they tend to be the hardest workers—especially the brides! (I’ve never seen ANYONE work harder in the gym than a woman preparing for her wedding.)
As for men: generally speaking, guys have a higher level of familiarity with weight training, so the learning curve is usually a bit shorter for them (but only in the beginning!).
Then you can still absolutely benefit from The Omega Body Blueprint. As one of the most sophisticated fat loss programs available, OBB benefits nearly anyone.
However, like any great program, it was really designed with 3 types of people in mind:
1) Anyone who has hit a fat loss plateau. If you’ve been struggling at the same weight for a while and need to break through and start your fat loss again, this is your answer.
2) Someone who is dealing with “problem area” fat loss. If you’ve been struggling to lose the love handles or you can’t figure out why no matter what you do your belly fat won’t budge, then FPFL is the next step. The workouts and the way they fight hormones with hormones is exactly the right fit.
3) People who have ever struggled to lost the last few pounds. If you feel that “so close, yet so far” feeling, you absolutely NEED to be using The Omega Body Blueprint.
While having access to a gym definitely helps (and, in my opinion, makes any program more effective), you can certainly do these workouts at home. All you need is some dumbbells and a Swiss ball!
The workouts are written using barbells and benches, but that DOES NOT mean that’s how they need to be DONE!
Nearly any barbell exercise can be done with dumbbells, and almost all exercises have a suitable bodyweight alternative. If you want to “change things up” you can use resistance bands, or even fun equipment like kettlebells.
The main thing to remember is that while the workouts in The Omega Body Blueprint are the most exceptional fat burning workouts ever put down on paper…
…it’s the CONCEPTS contained within the program that make OBB special.
The different training styles, the way to perform them—if you apply these concepts to training at home…you will get phenomenal results.
Absolutely! From the time I started training, I’ve been working with parents and grandparents and people 2-3 times my own age. And that goes for my own mom.
When it comes to fitness, people don’t need to place limits on themselves because of age—and that includes using a program like OBB.
For example, here’s my client John. He’s over 60, but the concepts in OBB helped him lose fat and gain muscle.
As a 61 year old guy — who was out of shape and heavy, and who had never done resistance training in his life — it’s incredible to me that over the course of my time in the coaching program, Roman transformed me into someone who is constantly complimented in the gym and in public for the shape that he’s in!
And John’s not the only one! I’ve had dozens of people go through this very program who are over 70!
The main thing to understand is that everything is scalable; if something is new or feels unfamiliar, with a little practice you’ll be ready to go.
And keep in mind that as we age, that for people over 50… The Omega Body Blueprint is even MORE important.
As we age, our fat burning hormones begin to decline, and a program intended to boost them is going to be even more important now than when you were 40.
Well, that depends on your definition of beginner.
The Omega Body Blueprint is advanced in nature, and not really designed for people who have never trained before. It’s really for people who would categorize themselves as having a least some experience.
That said, modifications can be made to make it suitable for a wide range of fitness levels and starting points.
So, if you’re a “beginner” who is willing to work and learn as you go then YES, this is for you.
This is the simplest question of all. If by some chance it doesn’t work…well, then it’s free.
Seriously. No question asked. That’s just the way it works.
Let me just put it this way: I know the impact The Omega Body Blueprint has had on my clients, and I know its value. I’m confident that anyone who follows it will get results. Period.
And so I offer a completely awesome and totally bullet-proof, 30-day guarantee for a refund. No tricks, no loopholes. No hard feelings.
I’ll give you a full 30 days to try the program and if at the end of it you feel it wasn’t effective, you get every penny back. It’s that simple.
I’m so confident in Omega Body Blueprint that I can do this, because I know the program flat out works.
Test it for yourself. Experience the results for yourself. And if it’s not everything I’ve told you it is, I’ll give you a full refund and allow you to keep the entire system just for giving it an honest try.
NOTE: The Omega Body Blueprint system is a completely downloadable series of e-manuals and streaming video files. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer (no waiting or shipping costs!). The format for all manuals, workbooks, checklists, etc, is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.
Obligatory disclaimer: The FTC requires us to specify what “typical” results are. The truth: most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. The biggest factor is you. BUT, for those who actually USE the program, all of the success stories featured above are very typical in terms of results.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
Need help purchasing? Contact Support.
Click here to get Omega Body Blueprint at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Omega Body Blueprint is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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webmarket01 · 4 years
3 top weight loss tips
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/3-top-weight-loss-tips/
3 top weight loss tips
1. Plan your meals Most of us know that we should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as fish, chicken and quality slow release carbohydrate. So, why don’t we? I believe that it is because we don’t plan adequately. On a Saturday or Sunday, sit down and plan what you’re going to eat over the following week, both at home and at work. Then you can go to the supermarket and buy everything that you need for the week. Most of us know the feeling of not planning and then reaching for the phone to dial for a pizza. Using this planning strategy prevents that from happening.
2. Portion size Control how much you eat at each meal by reducing the amount food that you put on your plate. It has been reported that portion sizes are now 5 times bigger than they were 30 years ago. After we eat a meal, it takes 20 minutes for the brain to tell the body that we are satisfied and don’t need to eat any more food. Also, when we eat foods that are high in vitamins and minerals, our bodies stop telling us that we’re hungry as we have all the nutrients we need to function properly.
3. Write down everything you eat and drink At Revolution we’ve had hundreds of clients achieve significant weight loss, and one the reasons for this is that we encourage our clients to record everything they eat and drink, including the time and place they ate.
A recent article by Steve Mitchell, from MSNBC, states ‘A comprehensive study was carried out by Kaiser’s Centre for Health Research in Portland. It found that people who kept daily food diaries lost at least twice as much weight as those who didn’t keep a tally of their meals.
‘Nearly 1,700 Kaiser Permanente study participants agreed to exercise and adopt a healthy diet, but those who took the extra step of keeping track of what they consumed got something of a booster charge in their weight loss.
‘Overall, two-thirds of the study subjects lost nine pounds or more during the six-month study. But those who kept a food diary every day of the week dropped up to 20 pounds, more than twice as much as those who didn’t record their every bit.’ Enough said really.
Free feedback from a Revolution weight loss expert! If you would like some advice on how you could improve your diet to help you lose weight, record everything that you eat and drink in a week, email it to us at [email protected] and we will give you some feedback.
The post 3 top weight loss tips appeared first on Revolution Personal Training Studios.
This content was originally published here.
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drkoestersmithrpg · 5 years
“I’m sorry it got so loud.  But god Tony, I’ve never felt like …. no one’s ever done that to me before.”
“Hmmmm….I enjoyed it to. But I must admit, I do miss having your legs wrapped around me.”
“We can do it that way next time,” Peter said, grinning.  “We can alternate.  Split the difference.”  
He closed his eyes and pressed close, grinning from ear to ear.  This had gone so much better than he could have ever hoped.  He had gotten Tony in bed, had just received the fucking of his life, and now, more surprising than anything else, he was laying sleepily in his lover’s arms and it was everything.
Tony, on the other hand, was still analyzing.  “Ummmm….” he hummed to himself, thinking, still stroking the back of Peter’s head, keeping him close.  “So, all of your guy-friends, are you saying no one’s….no one’s topped the mighty Peter Parker??”
“I’m not saying that.”  Peter opened his eyes and lifted his head enough to let Tony him him roll them, then snuggled further into Tony’s embrace.  If he was going to be forced to have this conversation again, he was at least getting to enjoy it.
“No, no, I want details,” Tony was saying for the umpteenth billion time, and Peter knew he only had himself to blame.  He HAD pushed their late-night tech-talks into this intimate territory – it WAS his bragging about his extracurricular activities with his male co-eds that was the beginning of his seduction of one Tony Stark.  So whose fault was it that this was one of Tony’s favorite subjects?
“I told you, mostly guys want me to do the honors….”
“And did you like that?”
“Oh yeah it felt good, it felt great.  I was pretty sure … yeah…this is what I’m supposed to be doing.  And I mean, I mean everyone who I was with was asking me.  So it started to just make sense.  But then…”
“But then when someone else asked to do the honors?  Did anyone get to pound you from behind?  I thought you told me that crowd was a bunch of geniuses.  How are you telling me that of all those geniuses, every one of them turned down the opportunity to pound that sweet ass?”
“They’re not…..it wasn’t……” he said, punching Tony in the arm ineffectually.  “They aren’t the ‘pound that sweet ass’ types Tony.   They’re more like, we’re all like….we’re all shy geniuses.  So when people asked … I mean….I mean when guys asked….
“No…see….I….tended to take the lead in these things,” Peter said.  He was starting to blush furiously against Tony’s shirt, but still pushing forward, needing to be understood.    “So I’m like, you should just lie on your back. And they would lay on their backs and I would … take it from above.  That’s how I had giving it to everyone else…. that’s the most logical position.  The person on top controls everything, so if you’re taking a dick for the first time or the second or third time that – that just works best.”
“So that’s the way you took it every time.”
“Yeah…. ok.  I guess I just like to be in control.  It worked out well for everybody.  I mean you just ride them and they close their eyes and think about someone else and enjoy it.  It always felt good when someone else did it to me.  And getting it done to me felt even better than doing it. But nothing…”
He sat up a little to touch Tony’s face.
“No one ever made me feel like that.  I don’t ……I have no idea where all that noise came from…but god Tony that was amazing.”
“Well, as honored as I am to be the first one to hear Peter Parker make those noises, it appears that’s because I’m the only one to be brave enough to give you a good pounding from behind…” he said dismissively, and started to rise from the bed, but was surprised to find himself thrown back down and pinned to the bed by the same Peter Parker, first by his shirt, then by his shoulder.
“SHUT UP…..will you just stop it?”  Peter growled (reveling, for just a moment, in the fact that he was fulfilling a very old fantasy of using his superior strength to pin Tony Stark to the bed and hold him down while he confessed his true feelings.  Only problem was, now that they were there, there was nothing but a very startled look from Tony, and Peter, stumbling over his words as usual.)
“This is real. Tony can you please just … I need … you’ve got to … “
Peter gave up and brought their foreheads together again.  This seemed to be the best position for talking, and so he stayed there (while still forcibly holding Tony in place.)
“Tony I need this. For godssake I’m a grown man dressing up as a freaking spider and returning stolen bicycles.   I get to watch you and New-Bruce and Steve talking and the world using your real names and me – I stuck standing on the side with the guy who dresses up like a Panther.  I’m a secret, and it’s driving me nuts.  I always thought it would get better after I left highschool but I don’t see how college is going to be any easier.  Pretending I don’t know how Thanos really died, pretending that I don’t know you invented time travel just to … just to get me back…”
He was crying again dammit. Tony tried to reach around his arm to stroke his face again and Peter had to separate their foreheads to shake him off.
“Nothing is real.  I dress up in a leotard to pester car-thieves, but that’s not really me.  Then I dress up like Peter Parker and I hawk set-up pics to a newspaper where they think Spiderman is some kind of vigilante badguy, and I just stand there and look stupid and that’s not really me, either.  This double-life it – it’s just exhausting.  I need something real, Tony.  I need this.  I need you.
“And I meant everything I said before…texted before.  I don’t care if this implodes in 20 days or 20 weeks or 20 years.  Neither one of us may be alive by then.  I need to live in the moment.  We need to live in the moment.  So spare me this ‘It’s just because no one ever did this to you before’ bullshit you egotistical bastard…”
He was losing his steam, not to mention his grip on Tony’s shoulder AND his ability to form sentences. What he was feeling he couldn’t even explain to himself – how was he going to explain it to this guy?
He straddled the man and put his hands on both sides of his chest.  He took two fistfuls of Tony’s shirt and tried gesturing with them, only to find he had run out of words.  He tried to bring their foreheads together again but wound up laying his head on the bed next to Tony’s – this secret required closer contact.
“You made me scream while you were fucking me because that was EPIC,” he whispered.  “Because you are Tony Stark.  Because we are supposed to be together.  Ironman and Spiderman.  We’re legendary.  Don’t try to pretend that it was anything else.”
Tony was smiling, and that should have been a good sign, but then he was laughing and suddenly Peter was rethinking that I’ve-only-want-to-haul-up-and-punch-my-lover-on-occasions philosophy.  Point fact he wanted to punch someone right now.  He sat up and shook the man, demanding an explanation.
“Its….yes….no I’m sorry.  “It’s serious, isn’t it?  But kid listen to yourself,” Tony said, taking Peter’s wrists in both hands and trying to get himself under control.  “In 20 years? In 20 years I’m going to be 75, and you won’t even been pushing 40.  Where do you think it’s going to go from there, honestly?  
“What you’re suggesting is ridiculous and you’re the only one who can’t see it.  When the others find out they are going to laugh at us, and for a good reason.  You’re getting the short end of the stick….”
With that he knocked both Peter’s arms away and sat up suddenly, grabbing Peter’s face in both hands and bringing him close.
“And you’re the only one who hasn’t figure that out,” he growled against Peter’s mouth.  “And if I were a good guy, Peter, I’d tell you ‘no.’ That’s the part you just don’t get. I.  Am not.  The good guy. I’m a selfish asshole.  That’s why I���m not telling you ‘no’.”
He punctuated that last sentence with a brutal kiss and Peter did not resist.  Nor did Peter resist when Tony flipped them both over and pushed Peter’s knee down to the bed (Peter’s dancer-like flexibility made this position completely painless) and began bucking his hips forward, rubbing his awakening cock between Peter’s legs in a parody of what they had been doing moments before.
And very soon it was no longer a parody.  “Yes, Tony, do it….” Peter was murmuring when his lover finally released him from the kiss and in a few moments Tony was inside him again.
“Does it hurt baby?” Tony was asking and Peter enjoyed a little inappropriate laugh of his own.  “I told you old man, you can’t hurt me. Like the skin on arm or the skin on my face, you can’t hurt it.  You can do this to me all…. Night…. long.”
He enjoyed the wicked grin on his own face and enjoyed it even more when Tony tried to kiss it away. He wrapped his legs around the older man (and enjoyed the appreciative noises that ensued.)  He tilted his hips up until his heels were in the middle of Tony’s shoulderblades and found the noises that this resulted in entirely enjoyable.
He was about to make a comment about Tony was now being the loud one when the man pulled up to look him in the face ask breathlessly, “What were their names?”
“???” was all Peter could manage until Tony, never slowing his pace, leaned over and growled in his ear “Their names.  The names of the boys who fucked you before I did.  The boys that couldn’t make you make that noise.  I want to know their names.”
“Jesus Tony,” Peter tried to argue, but now the man was staring him down, keeping his gaze steady as he rocked into his body.
“Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind, little boy,” Tony growled while he pounded.  “You wanted me, now you have me.  And I want names.  You tell me who got <b>here</b> first.”
Peter turned his head away in anger and frustration.  ‘Little boy’ stung, Tony hadn’t used that hateful phrase since before they had started fucking.  Then he made a quick calculation and decided to comply.
“First there was Luke,” he said, flinging one hand out to the bed and fisting the cover and focusing all his senses on the picture that made – it was very much like the first days before he had discovered he could shut out the constant input his brain was giving him by putting on the dark glasses.  Honing in on the fisted bedcover Peter managed to forget about Tony’s cock pounding into him, forget about the incredible noises the man made when he dug his heel in-between the shoulder blades…
“Yeah, Luke was first. Everybody else kept asking me to do it to them.  Luke-With-A-Beard was the first to do it to me, I never did it with Other Luke.  Next came Ashley and then Percival, no wait, Ashley and did it several times, like we kept doing each other several times, THEN came Percival.  And I did it for one of the Simons but I don’t remember which one.”
He let go of the cover and turned his head back to the man on top of him with a triumphant grin.  He had taken Tony’s challenge and matched it and, now that he had finished with the *actual* list of lovers, began to improvise.
“And I did it with both Paul’s,” he whispered, canting his hips even further upward by walking his heels even higher up Tony’s body.  Right now he was more thankful for his spider-bite powers than ever before.
“Gay Paul and Poleaxe Paul,” he lied freely, pressing one heel above the other until he finally had one pressing into Tony’s neck.  “Together, they took turns with me.  But I don’t count them because they only came for each other, yes Tony….”
The sounds Tony was making now were most satisfying and Peter held on to Tony’s head, first with both feet and then with his hands.  “Yes…. it’s perfect….. ah god Tony…”
Wrapping both arms and both legs around his lover Peter listened closely to the unique sounds his lover was making and wondered if this had been what it was like for Tony just moments before.  Although their positions had been comparable to some encounters on countertops Tony had never made noises quite like this and Peter treasured every one of them. At the same time Peter had to, reluctantly, admit that it had been the angle after all – this position was inspiring zero noises out of him personally.
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pogueman · 7 years
The tiny, 4K Mavic Air crushes other DJI drones
Every consumer product goes through three stages of life. It’s invented; it’s improved and adjusted; and, finally, it becomes a commodity. There’s not a lot of innovation anymore in microwave ovens, ceiling fans, or toilets — they’ve pretty much stopped morphing. They’ve reached the third stage, their ultimate incarnations.
Drones, love ‘em or hate ‘em, are still in the second stage: They’re rapidly changing direction, gaining features, finding out what they want to be. It’s an exciting period in this category’s life, because new models come out fast, each better and more interesting than the last.
For proof, just look at the Chinese company DJI, the 800-pound gorilla of drones. It releases a new drone or two every single year.
They’ve just introduced a drone called the Mavic Air ($800). It’s so small and smart, it makes you wonder why anyone would buy the 2016 Mavic Pro, which costs $200 more — but it’s not what you’d call perfect.
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The new Mavic Pro is incredibly tiny, stable, and lightweight.
  Meet the Air
The 15-ounce Mavic Air is small — and that’s huge. It folds up for travel: its four arms collapse against the body to make the whole thing small enough to fit into a coat pocket, about 6.5 inches by 3.5 inches by 2 inches. (The top two arms swing horizontally, as you’d expect. The bottom two, though, are hinged in two dimensions: They fold downward and inward, and you have to remember to do those before you do the upper arms. You’ll figure it out.)
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The Mavic Air’s arms fold up.
Of course, there are plenty of small drones — but not in this league. The Mavic Air, for example, can capture gorgeous 4K video. And its camera is on a three-axis gimbal for stabilization; the video looks like it was shot from a tripod even when the drone was being buffeted by 20 mph winds, as you can see in the video above.
The box includes the drone, a remote control (it uses your smartphone as its screen), a battery, a charger, a set of propeller guards for indoor flying, and a spare set of propellers (in crashes, they’re the first to go).
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The Mavic Air comes with four propeller guards for indoor flight, 1 battery, a case, spare propellers and a charger.
The Mavic Air is also smarter than any sub-$1,000 drone DJI has ever made. It has depth-sensing cameras on three sides — forward, down, and backward (that’s new) — so that it can avoid collisions automatically in those directions.
Like most drones, this one has an automatic Return to Home feature that kicks in whenever the battery is getting low or if it loses the signal with the remote control. (You can also call it home with one button press whenever you’re just feeling anxious.) Thanks to the cameras underneath, this thing lands exactly where it took off — within a few inches.
The competitive landscape
The Mavic Air’s primary competition comes from two other DJI drones. Here’s the rundown:
Mavic Pro (2016 model, $1,000). Twice the size of the Air. Folding arms. 4K video. “27 minutes” of flight per charge (in the real world, 22 minutes). Front and bottom collision avoidance. Remote control included with built-in screen (no phone necessary). Very few palm control gestures (see below).
Mavic Air (2018 model, $800 — the new one). Folds up. 4K video. “21 minutes” per charge (more like 18). Front, bottom, and back collision avoidance. Remote control folds up tiny — even the joysticks unscrew and store inside the body, for even smaller packing. Has the most palm gestures of the three drones — and the most reliable palm gestures. 8 GB of internal storage for video and stills, so you can still record if you don’t have a micro SD card on you. Another $200 buys you a “Fly More” kit that includes two extra batteries, an ingenious folding four-battery charger, and even more spare props.
Spark (2017 model, $400). The smallest body of all, but its arms don’t fold, so it winds up being bigger for travel. 1080p video. “18 minutes” per charge (more like 11). Front and bottom collision avoidance. Remote control is an extra purchase ($120); uses your phone as a screen. Responds to hand gestures, but not reliably.
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The Spark may look smaller than the Mavic Air, but remember that it doesn’t fold up.
True, the Mavic Pro gets a little more flight per battery. And there’s an even more expensive model, the $1,100 Mavic Pro Platinum, that gets “30” minutes per charge.
(Do those seem like incredibly short flights? Yup. But that’s drones for you. As it is, a modern drone is basically a flying frame designed to haul its own battery around.)
But in my book, the Air’s tiny size is far more important than the marginally greater battery life. As the old saying doesn’t go, “The best drone is the drone you have with you.”
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Only the front “arms” have landing gear (the white thing), which fold up for travel.
In-flight entertainment
You can fly the Mavic Air in three ways.
First, you can use the included remote control. If you insert your smartphone into its grippers and connect the little cord, you get a number of perks — like actual joysticks, which make the drone much easier to fly than using the phone alone. The remote also has a dial at the outer corner for adjusting the camera’s tilt in flight, as well as a switch for Sport mode, which unlocks the drone’s top speed of 42 mph (by turning off the obstacle-avoidance features).
The remote also gives the drone a much greater range. It uses a Wi-Fi connection to the drone, instead of the proprietary radio connection of the Mavic Pro. DJI says that still gives you 2.4 miles of range, but I say baloney; even in the middle of the Texas desert, you’ll be lucky to get half that distance. It doesn’t really matter, though, since Federal Aviation Administration rules say you can’t fly a drone out of sight. (Speaking of the FAA: You don’t need a license to fly the Mavic Air as a hobby, but you do need to register the drone itself. And if you intend to fly it professionally — this means you, wedding videographers, filmmakers, construction firms, realtors, police, and farmers — you have to get permission from the FAA.)
The second way to fly the drone is using your smartphone. It works, but you get a much shorter range (about 250 feet), and it’s harder; DJI’s app has become one super-crowded, complex piece of software.
The third way: using hand gestures. The drone must be facing you at all times, and it has to remain pretty close to you, so this trick is primarily useful for positioning it for “dronies” (selfies from the air). Keep in mind that you also need the phone app with you, though, to turn on the palm-control mode.
You stand with your arm out, palm forward, in a “Stop! In the name of love!” pose. Now, you can “drag” your hand up, down, or around you; the drone follows as though connected to your palm by a magnet. It’s the next best thing to The Force.
New, two-handed gestures let you push the drone farther away or pull it closer to you. And you can now make the drone land by pointing your palm toward the ground and waiting.
In the previous model, the Spark, those palm gestures were super iffy; sometimes they worked, sometimes not. The Mavic Air makes them far more reliable, although I never got the new “take off from the ground” gesture working.
As in other DJI drones, the Mavic Air can follow you as you ski, bike, drive, or run (it tracks you optically — you don’t have to have the remote control on you). Unlike earlier ones, this one doesn’t just hover when it encounters an obstacle; it actually attempts to fly around the obstacle and keep going.
How’s it look?
“4K” may be a buzzword, but it doesn’t automatically mean “great picture”; it could refer to 4,000 pixels’ worth of ugly blotch.
The Mavic Air contains the same tiny camera sensor as the Spark and the Mavic Pro. The footage and stills generally look terrific — anything shot from the air is automatically kind of stunning, and the Air uses more data (100 Mbps) to record data than the Pro does.
Unfortunately, this sensor is still fairly disastrous when it comes to dynamic range. That is, it tends to “blow out” bright areas and “muddy up” dark areas. Alas, those are things you get a lot of when you’re shooting from the sky.
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  The Mavic Air’s footage is often marred by blown-out highlights (sun, left) and goopy, murky shadows (people, right).
The Air can also do half-speed slow motion (in 1080p, not 4K), and take high-dynamic range photos (not videos).
All of these drones offer preprogrammed flight patterns, called QuickShots, that make great 10-second videos, incorporating flight maneuvers and camera operations that would be incredibly difficult to do yourself.
For example, the one called Circle makes the drone fly around you, keeping the camera pointed toward you the whole time; Helix makes the drone spiral out and away from you; and so on. There are two new ones: Boomerang flies a grand oval around you, up/out and back. Asteroid combines a flight up and away, with a spherical panorama. On playback, the video is reversed, so that it seems to start with a whole planet earth viewed from space, as the camera rushes down toward you. Here, have a look.
But it’s small
Like all drones in this price range, the Mavic Air is complicated and sometimes frustrating. It does a lot of beeping at you, it’s still full of options that are “not available now” for one reason or another, and it still doesn’t come with a printed instruction manual.
And yeah, someday, we’ll look back and laugh at an $800 drone that flies for only 18 minutes.
But you can’t buy a dream drone that doesn’t exist. And among the ones that do, the Mavic Air is ingeniously designed, impressively rugged, and incredibly small. Its features beat the cheaper DJI Spark in every category — and even the more expensive Mavic Pro in almost every category.
In other words, if you’re the kind of person considering a drone, the Mavic Air strikes a new sweet spot on the great spectrum of drones, somewhere between beginner and pro, between tiny and luggage-sized, between cheap and pricey. Invest as much time learning it as you’ve invested in buying it, and you’ll be flying high.
David Pogue, tech columnist for Yahoo Finance, welcomes non-toxic comments in the Comments below. On the Web, he’s davidpogue.com. On Twitter, he’s @pogue. On email, he’s [email protected]. You can sign up to get his stuff by email, here.  
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godzillagirl-14 · 7 years
Bear: Stuart Twombly x Reader
Pairing: Stuart Twombly x Reader 
 A/N: This is my first reader insert. This is also the first smut that I’ve done on here so bear with me. I also feel like the story line was all over the place, so I apologize in advance. Also, I apologize for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes as I’ve procrastinated really hard on this, starting this in like early April and not finishing it until 1:30 in the morning today, and I am way too tired to proof read. 
Warning: NSFW 18+
Word count: 4,814
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Stuart’s POV 
 How do you deal with having a crush on the hottest girl in the office? Be a complete asshole and ignore her all the time, of course. Admittedly not my best decision, but it’s kept me from fucking her in front our co-workers, so that’s something, right? And I can’t help it. It’s not my fault that she could literally be wearing a paper bag and I’d still get a hard on. The way her jeans hug her curves and the shirts that make her look sophisticated, yet sexy at the same time. Or when she wears these cute little sun-dresses and sandals that make her legs look amazing. It can make any man fall to his knees. And to make matters worse, I was her supervisor. 
She was pretty much guaranteed the job when they advertised at her college and she was the first one to sign her name in her messy handwriting. We took a look at her background and she has the cleanest track record I’ve ever seen. Never smokes, doesn’t drink, and I wouldn’t be even remotely surprised if she were still a virgin. 
Anyways, when she first stepped through the doors of google, I was completely awestruck, much like every other guy within a 20 foot radius of her. I’ll never forget the way those jeans hugged her curves and how her Marvel t-shirt clung to her hips and dipped into a teasingly low v-line. We all just stood there staring at her while she awkwardly looked around. 
“Um.. Hi?” She said, offering a small wave. Neha came up to her, chuckling. “Stare harder guys and you actually might get her clothes off.” She said before grabbing her hand and dragging her off. Later on that day, my boss came up to my desk with her hot on his tail. “Hello, Stuart. To cut this short, you’re her supervisor and I need you to show her the basics.” He said quickly before leaving me with her. 
“Hi. I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you.” She stuck her hand out and smiled at me. She was very timid. I stared at her hand, completely forgetting how to interact with a human and looked back up at her, my face blank. She awkwardly retracted her hand and rubbed the back of her neck. I huffed out a sigh before standing up and walking past her motioning for her to follow me. 
I lead her down the halls, showing her the various conference rooms, watching as she takes all of it in from the corner of my eye. “Oh, hey, Stuart!” a guy who I’ve honestly forgotten the name of said, coming up to us with an overly sweet smile. “What’s up?” I asked, giving him an awkward bro hug. “Nothin’ much. Ya know, just hanging around getting my stuff done,” he looked over my shoulder, pretending to just now notice Y/N and shoved me aside. 
“And who might this be?” he asked, sending her a flirty smile. She introduced herself and he continued to flirt with her. Or at least tried. The poor thing honestly just looked confused and when he actually asked for her number, a little too aggressively, she looked frightened. 
“Actually, we should be going. I have to keep showing her around.” I interrupted, grabbing her hand and dragging her down the hallway. “That was…. very strange.” She chuckled and my lips quirked up a little. Only a little. I lead her back to our office and showed her to her desk. “Alright, and that concludes the tour, that seemed to drag on for nine years,” I meant to say that last part quietly but I think she heard it because she frowned a little. “Anyways, if you’re confused or need help then come up and ask me or more preferably anyone else.” With those last (rude) words, I turned and headed back to my desk. 
“Wow, now your chances with her have surpassed negative eight.” Billy said, clapping a hand onto my shoulder. “Who said I wanted to get with her. For all we know, she could be the biggest bitch in the universe. I’m not setting myself up that low.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. 
“BULLSHIT!!” He exclaimed, causing a few heads to turn in our direction. He cleared his throat and lowered his voice. “She has got to be the purest soul that has ever stepped foot into this building and she can’t keep her eyes off of you.” He gestured his head towards her direction and I looked to see her talking to Neha, but her eyes were focused on me and they were flooded with curiosity. She smiled at me and then turned back to Neha. “Maybe she’s an observer.” I shrugged my shoulders. I heard him scoff while muttering a ‘whatever’. 
“Alright fine. But you have to admit, she’s pretty hot and and the only reason why any man wouldn’t want to get with that is because they are gay. Are you gay Stuart?” He asked, trying to strike a nerve. I glared at him, causing him to chuckle. “No. I am not gay. Dude, you’re old enough to be her great uncle,” I suppressed a smug grin as he scowled at me. “You shouldn’t be thinking like that or I may peg you as a pedophile.”
“She’s over 18, you shit face.” he spat before walking back to his desk, his scowl turning deeper at the sound of my laughter. “I feel the love, buddy.” I said sarcastically before turning back to my work. And by work, I mean my phone.
And that was our first impressions of each other. Ever since that day, I’ve had a serious case of Apodyopsis every time I looked her way. Every time she would come up to me, her cleavage would tease me, and her legs were begging to be wrapped around my head or my waist, so I could pound her into a parallel universe or make her scream so loud that a siren would be jealous, but I couldn’t. 
So, I would just sit there with a semi-hard on and give her the assistance she needed while throwing in an unneeded snarky comment. Every time I would make a comment about her, she would deflate and trudge back to her desk, where she worked quietly for the rest of the day. I honestly felt terrible for how I was acting, but it was either that or completely lose my shit and do things to her that would make the devil blush and I opted for the first option.
It was one of those rare occasions where she actually smiled. Everyone knew that she was extremely kind, but every time I looked her way, she was either sporting the best resting bitch face in history or this adorable little upwards curl on the corner of her lips, that made her look innocent. 
That’s another reason why I avoided her. Her innocence just makes me want her more, and if she’s as innocent as I think she is, then even the slightest look into my thoughts about her could have her holding out a restraining order on me. I don’t stand a chance with her.
Anyways, it was one of those occasions when she actually had a genuine smile on her face. That smile that could light up the whole room. That smile that could outshine the stars. That smile that could make the sun jealous. The only problem was that I wasn’t the one who was making her smile. She had just gotten a little stuffed bear, to add to her collection on her desk. Yep, She had a collection. 
She had a collection of stuffed bears that aligned her desk, near her laptop, on top of her phone, some under her desk if they were too big. Some of them were welcoming gifts from the staff, others were from her family. I debated on getting her one, but decided not to. She got yet another stuffed bear from Neha. This one in particular was a bear dressed as Princess Leia in her slave bikini. ��Wow, the Princess Leia slave bikini. Chain and everything. Not enough to strangle anyone, but just enough to make things interesting.” Y/N said to Neha with a wink. They both grinned at each other before walking off. 
“You gotta stop eye raping her, man. That shit’s creepy.” Nick said, coming up from behind me. “I have an idea, why don’t you just ask her out. You might actually get somewhere with her.” I rolled my eyes and stood up to use the bathroom. While I was in the bathroom, Graham just so happened to walk in, cocky as ever. “I heard you’re having a little bit of trouble in romance, my dear Stuart.” He implied, in his bullshit accent. “Dude, I am standing in front of a urinal with my pants halfway down and my junk out. Add that to the fact that you’re a douche bag and I hate you with every single fiber in my being, you are the last person I want relationship advice from.” 
He just shrugged and proceeded to walk to the door. “Those are some very nice shorts Y/N has on today. Makes you just wanna walk up to her and just….. grab at her ass. You know, you don’t have a chance with her, like at all.” I tried to show that it didn’t affect me. “But you know, she was lucky enough to catch my attention, so I just might get up in that.” 
By this time, I had finished and was washing my hands. “You know, walking to the bathroom only to watch me pee and not use the bathroom yourself really says a lot about your character, Graham.” I said, shoving past him and walking back to my coworkers. 
It seems like no one will give me a break about this girl.
“Why are you always such an asshole to me?” Y/N yelled, trying to mask her hurt expression with anger. I glared at her seemingly getting more irritated as the night moved along. “Maybe because you’re acting like a fucking slut, shoving your tongue down some random girl’s throat!” 
Yes, you heard that right. 
Billy and Nick thought that it would be a good idea to go out and have some “fun” to make Y/N seem more welcome to the group considering that she’s still somewhat new. So here we are at the same exact strip club where we all got drunk off of our asses. 
Yo-yo was already getting his third lap dance, Lyle was sitting with Billy and Nick who were kind of playing chaperone, I lost Neha and Y/N, and I was sitting at the bar alone drowning in vodka shots and my thoughts. I was thinking about going to find Y/N and apologizing to her for being a first class douche bag. Obviously, I’m a more rational thinker when I’m tipsy. Setting my drink down, I set off to actually find her. And when I did find her, I was quite amused. 
Y/N stood on the dance floor in between two strippers grinding her ass off. I crossed my arms, leaning against the wooden post and stared at the way her body moved between them. She looked over and caught me staring, a smirk grazing her lips as she winked at me. She gestured me over with her finger and I stood there, challenging her with my own smirk. She pouted a little before tuning to the stripper in front of her, running her hands her body and onto her exposed breasts. The stripper behind her grabbed her waist, pulling her close to her to whisper something in her ear.
They both turned to look at me again but I was too preoccupied with the way her hips moved and how she bit her lip when I met her eyes again. She pulled away from them and walked up to me, a childish grin making it’s way across her lips. 
“Stewie, come dance! Cocoa and Rainbow are so much fuuunn.” she giggled as she threw her arms around me and made me support her weight. I looked over at the two strippers - Cocoa and Rainbow apparently - and saw that they were beckoning us over while still dancing. Looking down at Y/N, she had a childish pout on her lips and her dilated pupils looked up at me. “You’re drunk.” I stated, chuckling as she rested her head on my chest. “And you’re sexy.” She slurred, my eyebrows shooting up to my hairline. 
“I’m not as think as you drunk I am.” she whispered and I laughed a little as her arms snaked around my waist. This felt nice. Even though she was drunk off of her ass and won’t remember any of this tomorrow, but I was gonna make the most of it. She suddenly pulled away from me and grabbed my hand dragging me back to the dance floor. “Get some, Stuart!” Nick yelled and I turned to see him and Billy giving me smug looks. I rolled my eyes and let myself get dragged by Y/N. 
She wrapped her arms around my neck, playing with the little hairs and I slowly wrapped my arms around her hips bringing her closer to me. She turned around so her back was against my chest and she ground her hips into mine. I bit my lip as I leaned down and pressed light kisses to her neck, feeling her shiver. She turned around in my arms, her eyes slightly darker. 
She slowly turned around, going back to the stripper, who I assume was Cocoa. She smiled at her, pulling her in by her hips before crashing her lips onto hers. Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting that. I turned my attention from the current make-out session and saw the group just as shocked as me. “When I told her to just let go and go crazy, I didn’t think she was going to go that far!” Neha yelled over the music. 
My reality started crashing down as I watched Cocoa slip her tongue into Y/N’s mouth and as Y/N’s hand moved up to squeeze her breasts. I watched as a group of men started cheering them on and I felt my blood boil as when Y/N pulled away some grandpa grabbed her hips and started to grind with her as she smiled wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. She looked like she was having fun, like she felt free. But, I was too pissed with the way that guy, Cocoa and Rainbow were dancing with her to care. 
So, when she turned to me and gave me a bright happy smile, I scoffed, rolled my eyes and stormed out. 
Which takes us to reality and why we’re arguing. “How am I the slut? I was having fun! Maybe if you weren’t too busy acting like someone shoved a stick up your ass, you would know what that is!” She huffed as she crossed her arms. I wasn’t being fair and I knew it, but the alcohol coursing through my system made me not give a shit. 
“Oh yeah, you know letting some pervert dance with you while you make out with a stripper is totally fun, right?”
“Stuart, what are you talking about? You let a stripper deep throat your finger the last time we were there. Let the girl have some fun.” Nick interjected. Y/N grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the group. 
“What are you getting so mad about? I thought you and I were having fun and that maybe you-”
“Maybe I what? That maybe I actually liked you?” I let out a humorless laugh. I saw her cheeks and ears beginning to turn pink. “Listen, Y/N, on that dance floor meant nothing. And if you’re as dense as to think that I would like you over a drunken dance, then you need to wake up and join the real world, or else you’re gonna get hurt.” I was lying straight through my teeth. That dance and that moment when I held her in my arms meant a whole lot more than it probably should have. 
She looked at me, shocked, before her eyes filled with tears and her ears turned a darker shade of red. She glared at me, lifting her hand and slapping me across the face before turning and running off, running past the group and towards the highway. Everyone gave me disapproving looks before running and trying to catch up with her. 
I fucked up. 
Ever since that night, Y/N has tried her damned near hardest to avoid me. Whether it be during a lecture, at the cafe, in our office, she would move from one side of the room to the other, like I had the plague. 
Whenever she would need help with something, she would literally ask everyone but me. I needed to find a way to talk to her. Which is why I devised a plan to get her to converse with me even if she didn’t want to. 
As we were all walking down the hall for another lecture, I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her into an empty conference room. She yelped at the sudden action and glared at me when I closed the door and leaned against it. “What do you want?” She snapped, her stance cautious and alert as she stared me down. “I wanna ask you…. if you want to come over to my place and……. watch a movie?” What the hell was I doing?
Her glare became stonier. “You really think that asking me to a movie night is going to make the way you acted and what you said to me is going to make things better between us?” She asked, crossing her arms, moving towards the door, trying to push me out of the way. I held my ground and I could tell she was getting frustrated as she huffed and pouted. I tried not to show that I was amused and remained “serious”. 
“Look, Y/N, I had a lot of alcohol in my system and I wasn’t in my right mind. I had no right to treat you like that and say that stuff to you, so I’m sorry..” Apologizing felt a little foreign, but I went with it. She stared at me a little before her features softened. “Let me make it up to you. I’m throwing a movie night,” I declared, gently grabbing her arms. “Everyone is invited and if you accept, I will be able to show you, that I’m not as much of an asshole as I put myself out to be.” she chuckled a little, rolling her eyes. “So, can I count on you being there? And if you’re not into it, you can walk out of this room, pretend this never happened and I’ll leave you alone.” I crossed my fingers and every possible appendage that she would say yes.
She stayed silent for a while and I thought that I would have to break out the puppy dog eyes before she sighed and rolled her eyes, a small smile playing at her lips. “There better be snacks.” She stated, smiling at me before walking past me and out the door. I let out a huge breath of relief, leaning against the door for support as a huge smile made it’s journey across my face. 
When I announced a sudden movie night at my house, the group were surprised to say the least. My excuse for the questions was me being honest. “I want to make up for me being an asshole.” So, here I was on this rainy Saturday afternoon, planning for my last minute gathering.
I had all the snacks set up. Chips, popcorn, candy and a stack of movies aligned itself on my table. I smiled at my work before my phone vibrated in my pocket and I looked to see that I got a text from the group. My smile dropped immediately. Everyone in the group had canceled, whether it be from other last minute plans or emergencies. The only one who didn’t text me was Y/N, but I doubt that she was still coming. I guess I blew my shot to redeem myself. 
As I was about to start cleaning up my snacks and putting away the movies, a knock sounded on my door. I set the movies down and walked towards my door, opening it to see a drenched Y/N. “Hey,” she stated, seemingly out of breath. “I over slept and almost missed the bus. Am I too late?” she asked, noticing my empty living room. 
“No, you’re right on time. Everyone else just couldn’t make it.” I shrugged my shoulders and she nodded, stepping inside the house. I noticed her shivering and dashed off to my room, trying to find a clean shirt for her. I managed to find one and a pair of boxers before I went back into the living room. She tried to protest, but I insisted and directed her to the bathroom. While I was trying to pour us some drinks, I didn’t hear her step in the kitchen. “Do you need any help?” she asked timidly, startling me and causing me to jump. I turned to her and swallowed a little. 
Why is seeing a woman in your clothing such a turn on? “U-uh, no, no I-I’m fine. Just go ahead and get settled in the - um - the living room. A-And I’ll meet you there.” I wanted to punch myself for fumbling with my words. She smiled at me before disappearing into the living room. We ended up watching a comedy and as the movie progressed, we ended up shifting closer together. Every time she would laugh, I would stare at her. I loved the way she laughed, it wasn’t like those annoying little school girl giggles. It was real. She looked over at me after she felt me staring. I felt myself leaning closer, watching as she began to lean in too. Just as our lips brushed, she pulled away with a small smile. “I’m gonna go get some more soda.” she said with a wink and a giggle. 
A smirk etched across my face as she stood up and walked away, a little sway to her hips. “Who knew you were such a little tease?” I said sitting up. She turned around and challenged me with a smirk of her own. “Am I?” She asked, slowly running her hands up her body and into her hair. I found myself nodding my head as I stared at her and watched her hands roam her body. 
I watched in awe as she groped her breasts through the shirt and her hips moved in a slow rhythm. 
Fuck it.
 I stood up and stalked towards her, grabbing her and shoving her against the wall. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” I asked, my breath fanning over her ear. A smirk graced my lips as I saw the goose bumps spread across her (y/s/c) skin. “Do you know the amount of restraint it took me to not bend you over my desk and fuck you until you’re crying tears of full pleasure every single time you so much as glance my way?” My hand slowly trailed down her collarbone, between the valley of her breasts, and to finally coil around her waist, pulling her closer to me. My thigh slotted between her legs as she held onto my biceps to keep herself up.
 “I-” her voice caught in her throat as I pushed her (h/c) hair behind her ear. I dipped down and softly pressed kisses across her throat, all the way down to her collarbone. “Use your words, Bear.” I saw as a blush crept onto her ears, at the nickname I gave her. I actually quite like that nickname, since it fits her so well. “I-I always thought you hated me because - you know- I tend to be annoying and clueless, so I can see why you wouldn’t like me, but I like you…” her voice got quieter as she trailed off. I chuckled as I trailed my kisses back up, stopping right below her ear. “I never hated you, Bear. And you’re not clueless.” I whispered, rewarded with a shiver. “But I-” the fact that she actually thought of herself that way and tried to protest it made me a certain type of angry. I cut her off by nipping harshly at that spot below her ear, causing her to yelp.
 I lifted my head and crashed my lips onto hers, squeezing her hips, making her gasp out giving me enough room to push my tongue in between her lips. I would like to say that the kiss was nice and innocent, but it really wasn’t. My tongue dominated her mouth as she desperately tried to keep up with my pace, me occasionally biting her bottom lip. I explored every crevice of her mouth, bringing my hands down to her ass, making her grind against my thigh. She pulled away from me, chest heaving as she tilted her head back. I nipped at her throat, a whimper leaving her lips. I came to my senses, snapping out of my lustful state momentarily. “You have to tell me to stop,” I murmured into her neck. “If you don’t want this, you have to tell me to stop, right now.” 
 “Please don’t. I want- I need- I-” she sounded absolutely wrecked and I smirked as I forced her to grind harder. “What do you need?”
 “I need you inside of me. I need you to fuck me until your name is the only coherent thing I can say. I need you to fuck me until I’m cumming all over your cock and I’m covered in so much of your cum that I’ll belong to you and only you. Please, Stuart.” She whined, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Look at my naughty little Bear, so needy for my cock to fill her up. You want me to fuck you, Y/N?” I teased, watching as she nodded frantically, her (e/c) eyes staring back at me, darkening with lust by the second. I stopped her grinding on me, adoring the small cry she made at the loss of friction and began to undo the ties of my sweatpants. I grabbed her shoulders and forced her down onto her knees, eye level with my crotch. She bit her lip as she shyly began to palm at my erection, causing me to groan at the contact, before she grabbed the waistband of my sweatpants and pulled them down, along with my boxers. 
Her eyes widened a little at the sight of my cock and she lifted a hand to wrap around me, causing me to buck into her hand. She leaned forward and sensually kitten licked the tip, all the while keeping eye contact with me. Oh, I was going to ruin her. 
She finally placed her whole mouth on me, gently sucking the tip while she pumped me in her hand. She looked up at me with those big (e/c) eyes of hers and something in me snapped. I grabbed a fist full of hair and started thrusting as fast as I could, relishing in the feel of hitting the back of her throat each time. She moaned around my cock, the vibrations going straight through me as I continued to fuck her mouth. I pulled back to let her breathe as she started pumping my cock with two hands, looking up at me, before spitting on the head and spreading it along my length. I groaned out as I pulled her up and slammed my lips back onto hers, trailing my hands down to her thighs, signaling her to jump. 
 Stepping out of my sweatpants, I turned and headed towards my room. I laid her on the bed, pulling my shirt off, like it burned my skin, making quick work to remove her clothes as well. I admired her naked body laying down, only for me. I felt a strong surge of possessiveness course through my body, as I pounced on her, my hands roaming all over her warm skin. “Mine.” I grunted as I grind my hips into hers, my dick sliding teasingly through her folds. “Please, Stuart. I’m yours, only yours, please.” She breathed out, lifting her hips to meet mine. I decided to put us both out of our misery and lined myself up with her entrance.
Slowly pushing in, I watched with a dazed expression as her eyes fluttered shut, and she arched up into me, her breast catching my attention. I quickly leaned down, taking her nipple into my mouth flicking my tongue over the hardened nub as she cried out and wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me in deeper, hitting a new angle. I groaned, pulling out almost all the way before snapping my hips back in. She reached up and grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me towards. 
I brought my lips down to hers, our tongues battling for dominance as I starting snapping my hips into hers at a rapid pace. She moaned against my lips as I went faster, my pace almost punishing. “Fuck, Stuart. Feels s-so good!” She moaned as she began to buck her hips, matching my pace. I groaned at the feeling, hiking one of her legs onto my shoulder, pounding deeper into her pussy. 
I grabbed her hands and held them above her head, ducking my head down to take her left nipple into my mouth again. I flicked my tongue over her hardened bud and felt her walls clench around me furiously as she threw her head back, bucking her hips up to ride out her orgasm, small whimpers leaving her lips. She relaxed after a couple seconds, breathing heavily as I pulled out.
 I was far from finished with her. 
 I gently flipped her over onto her stomach and she quickly got the message and adjusted herself, rubbing her dripping pussy against my cock. I tease her folds with my tip, my other hand smoothing over the soft flesh of her ass before I lifted it and sent a swift smack to the skin. Y/N lurched forward and yelped gripping harshly onto the sheet. I saw the arousal drip from her pussy down her thigh. I grope the flesh of her ass, smoothing down the skin as I lifted my hand and slapped it again.
 She lurched forward again, letting out a little whine, pushing her ass further into my hand. “You like that, baby?” I asked, teasingly as I watched her grind herself against my cock. She nodded her head rapidly and I landed another smack to her skin. “Yes! I love it! I love so much!” She whined, as I teased her folds with my tip again. I pushed in slowly, setting my punishing pace as she bit into the pillow, trying to keep herself quiet. 
I quickly pulled her up against my chest, groaning as she pushed herself against me to match my thrusts. “Come on, baby girl, don’t hide those pretty little noises you make. It’s just me and you. I wanna hear how good I make you feel.” I grunted in her ear, rewarded with a small moan. I wanted to hear more. I snaked one of my hands up and wrapped my fingers around her neck, squeezing hard, but not enough to cut off her air supply. Y/N let out a long filthy moan, my other hand snaking down to her clit. She let out a string of moans as she desperately gripped onto my forearms. “You gonna cum, baby? Huh? You gonna coat my cock in your juices?”
 "Yes, what?” I asked, thrusting faster. 
 "Yes sir!“ She screamed as clenched around me again, riding out her second orgasm.
She slumped down as I pulled out of her. I sat down on the bed and pulled her into my lap, bringing her lips to mine. I caressed her face as she slipped her tongue in my mouth, groaning as my hands traveled down her body to her clit. Her legs twitched as I began to rub slow circles on her sensitive nub and she whimpered into my mouth, grabbing onto my shoulders for support. “You’re so sensitive, Bear. And your pussy is dripping.” I teased in as I began to kiss her neck, sucking on the skin and claiming her as mine.
“You didn’t cum.” She stated, reaching down to stroke my throbbing dick. I groaned at the contact and pulled her hand away, placing a quick kiss to her lips before turning her in my lap, her back against my chest. I began to tease her clit with my tip, my smirk getting bigger every time I saw her thigh twitch. 
I slowly eased into her and the warmth of her walls surrounding me was almost enough to make me cum on the spot, but I restrained myself. I started slow, loving the feeling of her grinding back against me as she laid her head on my shoulder. Both of my hands found their way to her breast, pinching at her nipples as my pace got faster. She whimpered as she tried to close her legs around me but I held her thighs open as I sped up, listening to my skin slapping against hers and her strangled cries of pleasure. 
I groaned as I angled my hips a little and felt her clench hard around me. I pulled one of my hands away from her breast and trailed it down her stomach, her skin hot and sweaty. I rubbed hard circles on her clit, feeling her walls clench around me in a somewhat frenzy, her release so close. 
“Shit! Stuart, I’m- Fuck!” She screamed, as I rubbed faster and my hips snapped into hers rapidly. I leaned up and bit her earlobe. “C’mon baby. Let it all out. Squirt all over my cock.” I grunted as her walls convulsed and she came, chanting my name like a prayer as her juices sprayed onto the bed sheets. I groaned loudly, helping her ride out her orgasm, before pulling out of her. I made her kneel in front of me, grabbing a fistful of her hair with one hand and pumping my cock vigorously with the other. 
I watched as she stared up at me with glazed over (e/c) eyes and her tongue darted out to give a quick lick to my tip. My moans bounced off the walls, as I finally released, my cum shooting onto her flushed cheeks and into her open mouth, some of it getting on her chin and dripping down onto her chest.
I slumped onto the bed, watching as she swallowed what landed in her mouth before looking over at me and teasingly swiping her thumb over her nipple, gathering more before bringing it up to her mouth. She then smiled that cute little innocent smile at me and I huffed, pushing myself up to grab a washcloth from the bathroom. “You are literally going to be the death of me.” I mumbled as I carefully wiped her clean. 
She pouted as I wiped her cheek, leaning up to kiss my nose. “How is it that you could be covered in cum and still look so innocent? I feel like I may have violated you or something.” I said, kissing her cheek after she was clean. She giggled as I pulled her to lay on top of me, wrapping the blankets around us. “I look innocent on the outside but I have the mind of a professional porn star.” She stated, causing me to laugh. 
It was silent for a moment as we lay there, me stroking her hair and back gently. “You know, I never hated you, Bear. I just thought that you would never give me the time of day, and that kind of made me bitter.” She wrapped her arms tighter around me and placed a quick kiss to my lips. “It’s okay even though your thinking was completely irrational ” She smiled. I smiled back before thinking it over. “I’m gonna make it up to you.” I declared, earning a look of curiosity from her. “How?” She asked, sitting up so she was straddling me. I smirked as I grabbed her waist and pulled her body up until she was hovering over my face. “Stuart? W-what are you- Oh fuck!” She began to ask me, but cried out soon after when I licked a long stripe from her folds to her clit.
“For starters I think I’m gonna take my time appreciating this pretty little pussy of yours. Make you cum all over my face and then shove my tongue down your throat so you can taste yourself.” I stated attacking her cunt and attaching my lips to her clit sucking hard. She stuttered out curses as she rocked herself against my face shamelessly. I moved from her clit and shoved my tongue into her hole, groaning when she reached down and tugged on a fistful of my hair.
I began thrusting my tongue in her, looking up to see her gripping the headboard, her eyes closed and her mouth open in the perfect ‘O’ shape. I squeezed her ass and smacked it, right as I began to nibble on her clit and that was her undoing. The hand in my hair tightened as she held me still, rock against my face as her juices dripped into my mouth and onto my chin. I lapped up every thing she offered before gently pushing her off to lay her on her back.
I hovered over her as I saw the sweat glistening on her (s/c) skin. I dove in for a kiss, slipping my tongue in her mouth and she groaned as she tasted herself. I pulled away, looking at her with a smug grin. “So, I take it that you liked it?” Y/N gave me a look before shoving me onto my back, attacking my neck with kisses before she began moving down my chest and abs. She left hot open mouth kisses on my hips, before moving down to my already hard dick.
She grabbed me and licked a bold stripe from the base to the tip. I bit my lip as she smirked at me, giving a small kiss to the tip before sinking down on me, not stopping until I hit the back of her throat. I groaned loudly as I let my head fall back on the pillow, my hips twitching when I heard her gag a little. I lifted myself up on my elbows and watched as she slowly bobbed her head up and down. I cursed under my breath and swiped a few hairs out of her face. She looked up at me before flicking her tongue over my slit and I moaned out as I realized that I wasn’t going to last much longer. She pulled out of me, pumping my cock while pressing a kiss to the tip.
I definitely wasn’t going to last. 
She pulled me back into her mouth, pumping what she couldn’t fit into her hand. My undoing was when her other hand reached down and started massaging my balls. She swallowed everything after I finished and slowly crawled back up to me. I stared at her, trying to catch my breath feeling completely spent. A smug grin spread across her lips as she rested her chin in her hand.
“So, I take it that you liked it?” 
I stood, leaning against Y/N’s desk as I waited for her to arrive. We spent the weekend together, until I dropped her off at her place this morning so she could get changed. She told me that she would meet me here which gave me enough time to stop by the store and get her a gift  “Hey, sorry we couldn’t make it.” Billy and Nick came up to me and pat my shoulder. I shrugged, not really bothered by it anymore since my weekend ended up being fantastic. “What ya got there?” Billy asked, trying to see what was behind my back. “A surprise.” I responded and walked off, noticing Y/N walking in. 
She smiled when she saw me and pulled me into a hug. “Nice job covering up the hickey’s” I chuckled as she punched me in the shoulder. She gave me a playful glare as she shoved me a little. She noticed what was in my hand and I lifted it up to hand it to her. She smiled the brightest smile I’ve ever seen and I smiled back as she launched herself at me, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck.
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She pulled away and pressed her lips to mine, softly. We must have been a little too preoccupied because when we pulled away, the entire group was staring at us. 
“So - uh - What’s going on here?” Neha asked as I interlaced my fingers with Y/N. I looked down at her and smiled. 
“A gift to apologize for my irrational behavior.” 
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atakportal · 6 years
Omega Body Blueprint
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Omega Body Blueprint
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From New York Times Bestselling Fitness Author John Romaniello, comes your chance to…
Specifically Designed To Remove Those Last Few Stubborn Pounds, Destroy Fat On Your Trouble Spots, and Build Lean, Dense Muscle In Just Six Short Weeks…
NYT Bestselling Author & Fitness Expert
Okay, so I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.
The good news is that I know you. We’ve never met, but I bet I know a lot about you.
I know that you’re probably in decent shape. That you’ve been around the gym a while, and know how to exercise; that you’re not really some newbie who doesn’t know a dumbbell from a doorknob.
I also know that despite that experience, you’re still struggling. That despite the fact you might be in “good” shape, you can’t seem to get into GREAT shape.
I know that no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to lose that last bit of stubborn weight, those few pounds of fat that are keeping you from getting your ideal body; what I call your OMEGA body.
And I know that you—and thousands of others just like you—are frustrated beyond reason that no matter how hard you try, no matter what diet you use or how often you exercise…
…you just can’t seem to lose those last 5-10 pounds.
Yeah. That’s the GOOD news.
The BAD news is that most people in your situation will NEVER lose those pounds. Most people will NEVER go from good to great. Most people will struggle for YEARS to lose the last bit of fat, until they finally give up.
Simply put, the bad news is that the vast majority of people will never achieve their OMEGA body; they’re never get to see the “final” version of their physique, fully developed and without the extra flab.
And I’m going to tell you how YOU can be in the minority. How YOU can be in the 1%. How YOU can lose those stubborn pounds and unveil that Omega body.
If you’re like me, I bet you have. And, chances are, you’ve looked everywhere for an answer.
You’ve spent the money on all the magazines, scoured every article on the Internet…but you’re more confused by all the conflicting advice.
So-called “experts”—everyone from bodybuilders to overweight personal trainers to your one friend who lost 30 pounds so automatically knows what they’re talking about—tell you it’s actually easy…
…that all it comes down to is energy balance – simple – and that you just need to “move more” and “eat less.”
Well, they’re wrong. It’s not easy. Sure, energy balance is a real factor…but the idea that you can just move more and eat less to get into killer shape has a FATAL flaw (which I’ll cover in detail below).
Then there are the Celebrity Doctors promoting juice cleanses, specialty berries, and skin creams. You know…those “miracle” supplements that are supposed to suppress your appetite, rev up your metabolism, and eliminate fat…
…while you sit on the couch and tune in so the Doc can pitch you on something else.
Obviously, those are BS. But, if you feel like there’s just 5-10 pounds separating you from your dream body…well, who can blame you for rolling the dice on something that maybe—just maybe—can have 0.0035% impact?
I get it. Like I said, I know you.
You watch what you eat, you workout hard 3-4 times a week, and you’re taking all the right supplements.
Why is that the “scary” thing? Because even though you’re doing all the things you’re SUPPOSED TO, the love handles are still there, your pants are still tight, and you’re still UNCOMFORTABLE taking your shirt off.
Have you ever just looked in the mirror and wondered what MORE should you be doing?
I know I have. And I can tell you from experience, it’s a really awful feeling. And it’s not one I wish on anyone.
Truly, I don’t want you to feel stuck. I don’t want you to hate your body or feel ashamed because of the way you look.
I’m going to layout the top 3 reasons People Can’t Lose The Last Bit of Fat……And Show You EXACTLY How To Fix Them
And in doing so, I’ll explain why the constant struggle to get your body in a fat burning mode is actually shutting down your metabolism and sabotaging your progress.
…perhaps you’re wondering: who the hell is this guy, and why should I listen to him?
You’re absolutely right; that’s a great question—and I apologize for not introducing myself sooner. Let’s get that part out of that way.
I’m John Romaniello, but everyone calls me Roman. I’m a fitness expert and New York Times bestselling author. I’ve been in the fitness industry for about 13 years, and written hundreds of articles about fat loss, nutrition, muscle building, and how to lose the last few pounds. I’ve been on TV talking about those same things.
I also serve on the advisory board for dozens of the largest fitness companies in the world—in fact, I’m even the Head of the Fitness Advisory Board for some guy named Arnold Schwarzenegger…who also wrote the foreword for my bestseller.
Chances are, if you’ve picked up a fitness magazine in the past decade or so, you’ve probably seen me or read something I’ve written.
Now, I’m not telling you any of this to impress you; I’m just trying to impress upon you that I know a thing or two about this fitness stuff.
But if you’re trying to decide if you can trust me, ignore all of that. Forget the books and the magazines and TV stuff. The only thing you need to know is that my goal is to help people lose those last few pounds…
…and that I’ve helped thousands of people do just that. And I can help you, too.
As a coach and a trainer, I’ve done it all. I’ve worked with professional athletes, actors, record producers, famous DJs…
But mainly I’ve worked with a ton of “regular” people just like you, and helped all of them hit their goal, no matter what those were.
From packing 20 pounds of muscle onto a skinny vegetarian, to getting a life long couch potato to lose over 83 pounds in just 5 months, to creating the Number ONE program for helping people lose the last few pounds, I’ve spent the last 12 years helping people change their lives and bodies.
I Feel Better, Stronger, and my body fat has dropped to 5.3%! I really can’t say enough about this.
And…perhaps most importantly… I’m just like you.
You see, I wasn’t always in great shape. In fact, I spent the first two-thirds of my life being in terrible shape. I was never completely obese. But I was definitely in BAD shape.
Here are some words people used to use to describe me: Soft. Doughy. Thick. Pudgy. Chubby. Chunky. Fluffy.
…but no matter how hard I trained or how well I ate, I could never seem to get from being in “good” shape to having the body I wanted.
I could never achieve that lean, ripped, dense look I saw in the magazines.
And I could never figure out why. I felt like I was doing everything right. My diet was in order. I hit the gym consistently. I even took the right supplements.
Nothing worked…not really. I wasn’t about to resort to illegal steroids, so I resigned myself to being in “pretty good” shape, and never having the body I wanted.
This went on for about two years.
One day, I came across a study linking something called insulin resistance to regional fat storage. SPECIFICALLY, the study said that people with “poor insulin management” tended to store fat…in their LOVE HANDLES.
This was exactly my problem. Even though I could get lean almost everywhere else, I still had tons of flub on my waistline and lower back.
I began to think could it really be insulin that was keeping me soft?
And if it was how could other hormones affect fat loss? Or muscle gain? Or fitness in general!?
That was when my quest began.
I made it my goal to learn everything I could about hormones, regional fat storage, and how your basic endocrinology is PREVENTING YOU from losing those few pounds of fat.
I read studies, and books. I came up with new training methods and tried them on all of my clients. I tested and re-tested things.
Eventually, I came up with a system that I believed would completely FIX all of these issues.
With summer coming up, there was only one thing to do: test it.
Believe me: to this DAY it’s still unreal to me that I could ever look like that. But I did. And I do.
And so can you, if you do what I did: harness the power of your hormones. Follow a program that FORCES your body to burn fat instead of trying to store it.
But don’t take my word for it! Because, really, it’s not just me that the program worked for. Just ask any of my clients, who have all done the “impossible”….
I would absolutely recommend working with Roman to anyone and everyone. It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made, and I promise you will not regret it.
As soon as I got my hands on the program, I was anxious to hit the gym and get my fat Loss progress back on track. And guess what? It worked like magic.
Everything about my body is completely different.
My clients get exceptional results. But the truth is, they’re not “exceptional” specimens, in the pure physical sense.
They have the same limitations you do. They have jobs, and families, and trouble spots. They’re limited by time and genetics and physiology. And yet they STILL get amazing results.
Which means that you can, too.
Anytime I start talking about my clients and the amazing success they’ve achieved, I always want to be clear and say that what sets my clients apart is not working “harder”…it’s working smarter.
You see, my clients don’t just train to “burn fat” or “build muscle.” They don’t just train to be “in shape.” My clients follow a strategic plan designed for the express purpose of obtaining their OMEGA bodies.
Speaking in strict linguistic terms Omega—styled as “Ω” is the 24th and final letter of the Greek alphabet.
In literature and other artistic representations, Omega is used to denote the last, final, complete, or ultimate limit of a set of object, concepts or principles. (This is in contrast to “Alpha”, which represents the beginning.)
I’ve always loved the general symbolism of that. To me—and my clients—the Omega body is the final body; the finished body.
Your Omega body is exactly that: your final form. It’s the body you have in your most developed, fittest state.
You’ve reached Omega Status when you’ve built all the muscle you want, and have stripped away the last bits of excess fat to reveal the lean, hard, sexy definition underneath.
THAT is your Omega body. And that is exactly what I’m going to help you achieve. To do that, let’s look at why getting it is so hard…why so many people just keep spinning their wheels and NEVER get that Omega Body they’re after.
As I see it, it comes down to three main problems…
You’ve tried everything. Bodybuilding splits, CrossFit, more cardio, less cardio and yet nothing seems to work.
I feel your pain…and I want you to know it’s not your fault. The amount of misinformation and confusion makes it very difficult for someone to stay consistent and actually find something that works.
For example, let’s look at your typical bodybuilding split: you’ve got Chest on Monday, Back on Tuesday, Shoulders on Wednesday etc…
Now, I love those programs. They’re fun. And they’re great for building size. But they ARE NOT optimal for fat loss—especially those last few pounds.
And yet, whenever I go a gym, I see men and women doing these outdated splits in an effort to get lean!
If you only train a body part once a week you risk the potential to build quality muscle and shed fat. Doing one muscle group on Monday and waiting until the following week is only going to slow down your progress. The overall volume is too low and because the focus tends to be on isolation movements the calorie reduction isn’t significant enough for maximum results.
For another example, take traditional Low Intensity Steady State cardio (LISS). Those are the 1-2 hour cardio sessions where you’re plodding around on a treadmill watching the clock tick by, bored out of your mind. The problem is you have limited time AND….
You’ve probably questioned the amount of time that is necessary to spend on the elliptical or treadmill. Hours upon hours are spent yet the end result is NOT a thin, slim midsection. In most cases it might be the exact opposite.
Doing Low Intensity Steady State cardio (LISS) can be very boring and most likely not even close to fun. It’s not something many people look forward to when it comes to working out. Throw in the fact that you have the potential to lose muscle mass, completely sabotaging your end goal. This just doesn’t make sense for you and your goals.
If there’s one thing I know about cutting body fat it’s that you must start with a tried and true, proven blueprint.
There are thousands of ways to lose those last few pounds and after working with celebrities, athletes, fitness models, moms, and the average gym goer I’ve been able to accumulate all of my research, results and failures by putting it into a proven system that WORKS.
It’s a plan that forces your body into a muscle building, fat burning zone…
If you’ve been around the fitness game for a while, you probably know about MRT, or Metabolic Resistance Training. If not, it’s basically doing rapid-paced weight-training circuits.
Without getting too far into the science, it’s been shown over and over and over again to be the most effective exercise for burning fat. Not only does MRT burn a lot of calories…it also increases your metabolism, allowing you to CONTINUE burning fat long after you’ve left the gym.
The problem with traditional MRT, though, is that it’s limited. Sure, it’s great for burning fat…
…but because you tend to use lighter weights, it can also make you weaker! When you go back to heavy training, you’ve got to play “catch-up.”
On top of that, traditional MRT is not designed with hormonal optimization in mind. And as we touched on above (and will cover in detail below), hormonal optimization is the KEY to getting that Omega body.
Omega MRT solves this. You see, instead of just “fast-paced weight-training circuits”, the Omega Body Blueprint uses FOUR distinctly different types of training.
Each one of these training modalities will help you burn fat…
…but is also designed with specific goals in mind. Some of them keep you strong (preventing the need to “catch-up” later), some help bring out muscle definition…
…and ALL of them train your body to release specific fat burning hormones that fight against that stubborn fat.
REMEMBER: stubborn fat is a direct result of individual hormones—Omega MRT is designed to address that directly.
What you eat plays a vital role in achieving the look you want. It’s especially crucial when you’re trying to eliminate the last annoying 5-10 pounds.
The problem is there is so much misinformation leading to confusion and more weight gain.
You’ve heard this before. Many trainers, dieticians, and even DOCTORS are telling you to evenly space out your meals in order to speed up your metabolism and keep it fired up throughout the day.
When it comes to eating, if you digest 3000 calories in 6 meals or 3 meals it still remains 3000 calories.
At the end of the day, if you are in a deficit, regardless of how you get there, you’ll start to see the magic happen.
If that’s not enough, research has been changing over the last decade suggesting just this.
In fact, I’ve got not one (1) but two (2) studies which illustrate that it doesn’t matter HOW many meals you eat—as long as the calories are the same, you can eat 2 meals or 10 and it won’t make a difference.
On top of all of this, it can be extremely difficult planning out six meals a day. Preparing, packing, carrying and maintaining this can be too difficult and not feasible.
Once again inexperienced trainers, poorly written articles and magazines have suggested you stop eating carbohydrates after 6 pm.
The theory behind this idea stems from the fact that you’ll be going to bed so your metabolism will slow down while your sleeping thus storing those carbohydrates as fat rather than utilizing it as energy. It’s also worth noting that it’s assumed insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance can be affected.
This study (3) took 78 over-weight police officers and placed them into either an experiment group (evening carbohydrate consumption) or a control group over a six-month period.
Greater weight loss, abdominal circumference, and body fat mass reductions were observed in the group that ate carbohydrates at night compared to the control group.
There is nothing about nighttime that suggests it’s time your metabolism slows down and starts storing carbohydrates as fat.
Listen, eating natural, whole, unprocessed foods is obviously good for you.
And, yes, it’s unassailably better to eat a diet that is loaded with nutrients and provide your body with what it needs to function properly than one loaded with crap.
The problem is that people have been conditioned to think they need to eat nothing but salads, seeds, and tofu in order to get lean.
The thought of having to transform your pantry and kitchen to that of a co-op can be disheartening to many people with good intentions of getting in shape.
Here’s the truth: eating all organic foods doesn’t AUTOMATICALLY make you lean.
More importantly: it doesn’t matter how “certified” these foods are—if you eat too much of them, you will get fat.
My point is, organic foods are awesome; they’re just not the end-all, be-all when it comes to dieting.
In fact, it’s possible to strategically place the foods you enjoy into your overall diet and still get unbelievable results.
When done properly, you can use this strategy to elicit crucial fat burning hormones that will help boost your metabolism and accelerate your fat loss.
Taking into account all of the misinformation paralysis by analysis it’s finally nice to see a solution that WILL work for you…
Anyone who’s been on a structured fitness program can tell you that nutrition is BY FAR the larger piece of the puzzle.
If you want to get your Omega body, you need to avoid all the mistakes laid out in the lies above, and really focus on the important stuff.
Omega Nutrition focuses on a few things:
Rather than force you to eat a certain number of meals each day, employing a flexible IF strategy allows you to eat WHEN you want, and as often as you want.
Not only does this make it easier for you to make progress and adhere to the plan, it’s also incredibly effective from a hormonal perspective. It’s been shown that periods of fasting help you control ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and improve insulin sensitivity.
In the context of dieting, cycling means that certain aspects of your nutrition are modified on specific days, based on activity.
There are a lot of ways to do this, but all of them have this in common: you eat more calories and carbs on certain days than others.
The primary reason for this is energy utilization and recovery. To put in the most succinct way possible, you need to take in more energy on days you expend more energy.
Apart from helping you look awesome, there are some other advantages as well: researches at Louisiana State University found in a 2005 study that calorie cycling prolongs your life; this conclusion was further supported by researched conducted by the National Institute of Health in 2008.
In short, calorie cycling is going to help you lose fat while you gain muscle, optimize your hormones, and live longer. Not bad, if you ask me.
These are just a few of the principles upon which Omega Nutrition is founded—and these, combined with others, make it insanely effective for losing those last few pounds.
These hidden gremlins tend to cause a lot of problems for the unknowing person. Your hormones are the key to solving a plethora of issues when it comes to losing weight.
Or worse, doing permanent damage with ill-conceived crash diets and poorly designed programs (that may not have been designed for YOU) that is difficult and sometimes impossible to reverse.
Ask yourself: do you ever feel tired, sore, fatigued, exhausted, irritated and hungry even though you haven’t done a thing all day? Do you wonder why your energy has plummeted and your appetite has increased?
If you feel any of this you might suffer from the following:
These are just a few of the primary hormones that can alter your body composition. These can be so problematic essentially giving you no chance to see results. Thankfully there is a solution….
It’s not enough to just “eat right and exercise.” Reaching your Omega body requires a specific strategy. It’s about doing the right things at the right time…and that means training and nutrition have to match up.
By strategically pairing specific training methods with the right dietary eating patterns, you can create a one-two punch for your endocrine system.
For example, something like “density training” can be used to increase testosterone and decrease estrogen, allowing you to fight against lower body fat…
…but if you pair a density workout with a high carb feeding, it will ALSO allow you to build dense, lean muscle while you do it!
The Omega Body Blueprint is designed entirely around the principles of hormonal optimization for fat loss – and that’s why it’s the only program that will allow you to achieve your Omega body.
I love how I look and how I feel about myself. I owe a huge part of that to Roman. Thanks to him, I’m fitter, leaner, and stronger, which all leads to crazy confidence.
… the most important thing was how his programs educated and taught me how to continue that same level of training and fitness on my own.
I am a Strength and Conditioning Coach and am always trying to get better. For me to say that John educated me [tremendously] in my own trade.. is impressive.
No way. You need to they combine various aspects of many different types of training and incorporate the best of each to break through plateaus and allow you to burn that stubborn fat.
If you want that look, this program is not for you. But I know that isn’t the case. I know you want to have a lean, sexy, firm body. Not just a tight, flat tummy, but also toned arms and legs that give the image of confidence and capability. Sexy on a whole new level.
If you’re trying to lose the weight, whether it’s 20 pounds to drop a few sizes, or the last few to get your ideal beach body, why not use the best stuff available?
And yes, I am biased. But I don’t have a bias towards my programs just because I wrote them.
I’m biased towards this program because it works the FASTEST.
You see, I hate dieting and trying to lose fat just as much as you do (believe me), so if something worked faster or better, I’d just as easily use and recommend that.
The fact is, I spent years trying other methods, learning from them, and making them better.
So yes, I have an anti-fat bias. The Omega Body Blueprint is the result of that bias.
In fact, I’ll fill you in on…
This manual covers the complete training theory and all TWENTY FOUR Hormonal Response Training™ workouts included in the program. That’s 6 full weeks of programming and training, all in once place.
And, to be fair, I think that’s an incredible value for what I deliver. However, you’re not going to pay anywhere NEAR that, and you’re going to get so, so much more…
Keeping records is vitally important – the single best way to progress is to know what to increase and what to decrease. The problem is, this can sometimes be a pain.
To make things easier and more user friendly, I’ve had these workout charts professionally designed so that each and every workout has it’s own chart, completely detailed with what exercises to do, how many sets, how many reps, and even some notes. Just print one out, bring it to the gym, and you’re good to go!
When it comes to nutrition, it’s not just about what you eat; it’s about when and how much. Well, the Omega Nutrition Calculator is going to take care of all of that.
The calculator will tell you exactly what amounts to eat, and how to spread them out based on your personal preferences.
Anyone who knows anything about fitness can tell you that nutrition is by FAR the larger piece of the fat loss puzzle. That’s why no matter how awesome the workout in OBB are, you need some guidance when it comes to your diet if you really want to build your Omega Body.
To that end, I’ve put down ALL of my theories on nutrition in one place; everything I know about eating for fat loss, hormonal optimization, and health in one place.
Supplements are an iffy part of the fitness industry. Some are fantastic, and others are complete crap—knowing which is which is the hard part. Thankfully, it’s part of my job. I’ll be honest and say that if you have the right stuff and use it the right way, supplements can definitely accelerate your progress.
And so in this guide, I’ve outlined the ones that will help you meet your goals, and give you a rundown of which to stay away from—incredibly helpful for getting results without wasting money!
There’s an old saying that if you fail to plan, you can plan to fail. Well, I’ve taken every step to make sure that doesn’t happen to you – and I want you to do the same.
To that end, I’ve created the Omega Body Blueprint quick-start check list – just go through the list before you start—it details EVERYTHING you need to get started with the program on the right foot.
Think of it like the Cliff’s Notes version of the manuals. With this, you’ll be playing with cheat codes.
The Omega Body Blueprint System can work for any man or women of any age…
…HOWEVER: It’s NOT for everybody.
Listen. This is good stuff. But like anything that serves a specific purpose and is of high caliber, it’s not for everyone.
I have no desire to see you waste your time and money if OBB won’t benefit you the way it has helped the people you see on this page. It’s that simple.
So here’s the truth: The Omega Body Blueprint melts stubborn body fat unlike anything else…BUT it is not the answer for people who’re lazy, unmotivated or are looking for the easy way out. Those people can continue wasting their time, energy and money on useless gadgets, overhyped trends, and insane “miracle” supplements that over promise and under deliver.
Personally, I believe you’re smarter than that. And I KNOW if you’re willing to put in the work, follow the instructions, and invest just a little time, The Omega Body Blueprint will transform your body like nobody’s business…without spending your life in the gym or preparing fancy meals.
BUT: if you’re just going to buy this system and let it just sit there with everything else on your computer, please don’t bother wasting your time.
YOU have to be willing to take some action; otherwise you’ll just keep being frustrated, keep spinning your wheels…and keep hating your body.
That’s obviously not the future I want for you, but it’s certainly the one you’ll face…unless you decide to do something about right now.
One final thing: I designed the The Omega Body Blueprint system to be simple… but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be EASY. It’s hard. The workouts are tough, and you have to consistent.
But I’ve done everything I can to make things are simple as possible: everything is laid out for you in a step-by-step blueprint that anyone can follow, and get results like Josh…
Great question. The first thing you need to know about me is that I don’t do this for the money. I just want to help people. And, to be honest, I’m sick of people charging too much for too little.
With Omega, I wanted to make sure ANYONE who wants to end their frustration with having stubborn body fat and NEEDED to lose those last few pounds could afford this system.
At the same time, I DO have my business and my family to think of, so I can’t give it away for free, or even charge this insanely discounted price forever.
So I’ve come up with a compromise: I’m going to offer a 90% discount on The Omega Body Blueprint for almost a week to celebrate the launch. But Friday at midnight, the price nearly
Personally, I think that’s fair: if gives people like you—action takers who are ready to make a change—the opportunity to get an amazing program for an extremely low entry point. And it allows me to charge a fair price for my services going forward.
Since this is an ebook (and not an expensive hardcover book, like my New York Times bestseller), I can provide you with instant access to everything you need in one easy-to-use spot and a super low price. I don’t have to worry about shipping, printing, or paying back the advance from my publisher.
The only thing I need to consider is getting you the product as quickly as possible, and providing the most value I can.
Remember, I’m not some newbie trainer at your local gym who doesn’t know his shit. I’m a bestselling author and advisor to HUGE fitness companies, and I’ve been perfecting these exact methods over the past 12 years.
All of which is to say that for the time being, I’m happy to offer the discounted price, and leave this sale running until FRIDAY at midnight. But I’m also doing something special to assuage any remaining doubts of skepticism, and remove ALL risk form you.
Without question, I believe OBB is the best program on the market, and I know you’ll be amazed at the level of detail and the quality of the information. Every component of OBB has been laid out step-by-step to ensure the fastest results possible.
With The Omega Body Blueprint, I know you’ll see results in just a few days. And by the end of the 6-week program, those last few pounds will be a memory.
But the best thing is this: as long as you stay committed to the concepts of the program, the results will last for LIVE.
When you pick up OBB, you’re becoming a valued member of the Roman Fitness Systems community. And we take that very seriously. My company prides itself on service, so if for WHATEVER reason you have an issue, just hit us up and we’ll help you right away.
This means you can actually use and apply all the unique transformation strategies and start losing those last few pounds with ZERO risk. If you’re not blown away AFTER you take action and get results, you can get your money back.
Again, to celebrate the new release of The Omega Body Blueprint, I’m offering the entire system at INSANELY low launch price. But please keep in mind that I can only keep that price active for the launch week…
So make sure you order now and lock in the launch price special while you can
I won’t lie to you: of course you can. It’s possible…but at what cost? How much more time are you willing to waste before you actually get to where you want to be?
As I see it, you have two choices…
This is what you’ve been doing in the past: trying to figure it out all on your own, or listening to the same trite advice from the same bad sources. You’ve done it before, maybe with moderate success.
I mean, hell, you could even stumble across your own system that rips fat off your body in 6 weeks. Stranger things have happened.
So yes, you could essentially do it yourself. It is POSSIBLE.
But ask yourself: if that was going to work…wouldn’t it have worked already?
If you do choose to go this route, be prepared to put forth a lot of blood, sweat, and tears while wasting what is a lot of valuable time—time you could be spending enjoying your new body.
I’m giving you a proven “short-cut to success” so you don’t have to struggle to find out what works like I did.
Make no mistake: I really WANT you to succeed. I want you to wow your friends with your new, hot body. I want you to feel what I felt at that party—because it was awesome, and it will be for you, too.
With this program, I’ve laid it all out there—the exact program that has been responsible for hundreds of my own personal clients finally losing those last stubborn pounds and achieving lean, sexy bodies that they can be extremely proud of.
And that’s why I’m offering The ENTIRE Omega Body Blueprint system for less than a third of the actual price during the launch.
If at any point over the course of the next 30 days you are not satisfied with your investment in The Omega Body Blueprint, just let me know and I’ll refund your money—all of it. Even the money I was going to use to pay my employees. You get it all back.
Am I that confident The Omega Body Blueprint is going to work? Damn right I am.
I’m giving you a full four weeks to evaluate the entire program, you don’t believe OBB is the most kick-ass fat loss program you’ve ever come across, you pay nothing.
That really IS the best I can do. Seriously. It’s the best anyone can do.
If you still have some doubts, lemme just take a second to give you a reality check: if you keep doing exactly what you’re doing right now, your body is going to look exactly the same. Period.
If you don’t change something, you’ll look the same next week, next month, next year…until age takes over and you look worse.
But until then, if you don’t make a change, your clothes will fit the same, and you’ll still feel just as bad wearing them.
The Omega Body Blueprint is the perfect way to make that change.
Remember, although all of the aggravation, frustration, and wasted time you’ve experienced hasn’t been your fault, now that you know the truth, it’s your responsibility to take action.
If you continue to use outdated, generic diets and programs—you know, the ones that you’ve been doing and that haven’t gotten you anywhere?—you’ll only make it harder to lose those final few pounds and unveil your OMEGA body in the long run.
I know this, because I’ve helped thousands upon thousands of people all over the world regain their confidence and live their lives with the body of their dreams.
Just like you, with The Omega Body Blueprint, they were able to discover:
Simply by applying the same step-by-step principles that all of my clients—including all the people on this page have—you can absolutely change your body.
And that is what I want for you.
So, go ahead. Take action.
If so, click here right now to order the sure-fire training system that is going to get you to that coveted position– to that elusive stage of physical fitness that separates most people from their goals.
That’s cool. No need to read any further.
If ANY of these apply to you, then you need to discover the secrets of the training methods that will help lose the fat and get you to your Final Form.
Keep in mind, I offer a 100% risk-free, money back guarantee. If you think it’s too good to be true, let me prove you wrong.
Stop making excuses and start making progress. You owe it to yourself.
If you’re thinking about working with the Chief Bro King of the Roman Fitness Empire, DO IT.
So let’s do this thing, and get you to where you want to be: rockin’ your OMEGA body, and crushing life.
See You on the Other Side,
John Romaniello,New York Times Bestselling Author, Engineering the Alpha, Founder, Roman Fitness Systems, Prefect, Gryffindor House
P.S. Remember, you have my 30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee. I am giving you the best of both worlds: the opportunity to experience the mind-blowing results that so many of my clients have already achieved AND the knowledge that it is completely RISK FREE. Grab it Risk-Free Today!
The Omega Body Blueprint is a rapid fat loss training program that uses the most effective training styles in the world to help you lose fat—not only from your body as a whole, but ALSO from your problem areas.
It’s comprised of scientifically designed workouts that take into account everything from staying ahead of your body’s adaptation curve in order to balance hormones.
This allows Omega to counter-act your your body’s fat storage patterns.
Absolutely! You see, problem areas exist because of hormones. In fact, certain hormonal levels heavily influence the places you store fat the easiest and from which it is the hardest to lose fat.
As an example, if you store fat mostly in the belly, then chances are you have high cortisol.
If you store a lot of fat in your love handles, this I because of insulin management.
Finally, if you mostly store fat in your lower body—your hips and thighs—then it’s because of your estrogen levels.
Well, The Omega Body Blueprint addresses ALL OF THOSE issues—both independently and collectively.
You see, OBB is a special program: the workouts have been designed to specifically release hormones that help to offset fat storage.
Each of the different training styles in OBB is designed to generate a different hormonal response, each of which is intended to offset a particular issue caused by one of the previously mentioned hormonal imbalances.
All of which is to say—it doesn’t matter WHERE you’re storing your stubborn fat; Omega is equipped to deal specifically with that difficulty. The combination of MRT, Density Training, Lactic Acid Training and Strength Circuits WILL help you burn off those last few pounds.
Fat doesn’t discriminate when it comes to who gains weight, and neither should programs discriminate on the fat they fight. Men AND women can benefit equally.
In fact, a lot of my best clients are women; they tend to be the hardest workers—especially the brides! (I’ve never seen ANYONE work harder in the gym than a woman preparing for her wedding.)
As for men: generally speaking, guys have a higher level of familiarity with weight training, so the learning curve is usually a bit shorter for them (but only in the beginning!).
Then you can still absolutely benefit from The Omega Body Blueprint. As one of the most sophisticated fat loss programs available, OBB benefits nearly anyone.
However, like any great program, it was really designed with 3 types of people in mind:
1) Anyone who has hit a fat loss plateau. If you’ve been struggling at the same weight for a while and need to break through and start your fat loss again, this is your answer.
2) Someone who is dealing with “problem area” fat loss. If you’ve been struggling to lose the love handles or you can’t figure out why no matter what you do your belly fat won’t budge, then FPFL is the next step. The workouts and the way they fight hormones with hormones is exactly the right fit.
3) People who have ever struggled to lost the last few pounds. If you feel that “so close, yet so far” feeling, you absolutely NEED to be using The Omega Body Blueprint.
While having access to a gym definitely helps (and, in my opinion, makes any program more effective), you can certainly do these workouts at home. All you need is some dumbbells and a Swiss ball!
The workouts are written using barbells and benches, but that DOES NOT mean that’s how they need to be DONE!
Nearly any barbell exercise can be done with dumbbells, and almost all exercises have a suitable bodyweight alternative. If you want to “change things up” you can use resistance bands, or even fun equipment like kettlebells.
The main thing to remember is that while the workouts in The Omega Body Blueprint are the most exceptional fat burning workouts ever put down on paper…
…it’s the CONCEPTS contained within the program that make OBB special.
The different training styles, the way to perform them—if you apply these concepts to training at home…you will get phenomenal results.
Absolutely! From the time I started training, I’ve been working with parents and grandparents and people 2-3 times my own age. And that goes for my own mom.
When it comes to fitness, people don’t need to place limits on themselves because of age—and that includes using a program like OBB.
For example, here’s my client John. He’s over 60, but the concepts in OBB helped him lose fat and gain muscle.
As a 61 year old guy — who was out of shape and heavy, and who had never done resistance training in his life — it’s incredible to me that over the course of my time in the coaching program, Roman transformed me into someone who is constantly complimented in the gym and in public for the shape that he’s in!
And John’s not the only one! I’ve had dozens of people go through this very program who are over 70!
The main thing to understand is that everything is scalable; if something is new or feels unfamiliar, with a little practice you’ll be ready to go.
And keep in mind that as we age, that for people over 50… The Omega Body Blueprint is even MORE important.
As we age, our fat burning hormones begin to decline, and a program intended to boost them is going to be even more important now than when you were 40.
Well, that depends on your definition of beginner.
The Omega Body Blueprint is advanced in nature, and not really designed for people who have never trained before. It’s really for people who would categorize themselves as having a least some experience.
That said, modifications can be made to make it suitable for a wide range of fitness levels and starting points.
So, if you’re a “beginner” who is willing to work and learn as you go then YES, this is for you.
This is the simplest question of all. If by some chance it doesn’t work…well, then it’s free.
Seriously. No question asked. That’s just the way it works.
Let me just put it this way: I know the impact The Omega Body Blueprint has had on my clients, and I know its value. I’m confident that anyone who follows it will get results. Period.
And so I offer a completely awesome and totally bullet-proof, 30-day guarantee for a refund. No tricks, no loopholes. No hard feelings.
I’ll give you a full 30 days to try the program and if at the end of it you feel it wasn’t effective, you get every penny back. It’s that simple.
I’m so confident in Omega Body Blueprint that I can do this, because I know the program flat out works.
Test it for yourself. Experience the results for yourself. And if it’s not everything I’ve told you it is, I’ll give you a full refund and allow you to keep the entire system just for giving it an honest try.
NOTE: The Omega Body Blueprint system is a completely downloadable series of e-manuals and streaming video files. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer (no waiting or shipping costs!). The format for all manuals, workbooks, checklists, etc, is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.
Obligatory disclaimer: The FTC requires us to specify what “typical” results are. The truth: most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. The biggest factor is you. BUT, for those who actually USE the program, all of the success stories featured above are very typical in terms of results.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Omega Body Blueprint is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
2 notes · View notes
douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
The most concise descriptions seem misleadingly narrow. They're like a food that's not merely healthy, but counteracts the unhealthy effects of things you've already eaten. The first cut is simply to be one of the stickiest things you can tell them. It would be a natural step in this progression. How would the government decide who's a startup investor? Kids often want to show that all the complaints about App Store approvals are not a serious problem. If printed books are optional, publishers will have to do is figure things out, why do you need to.1 They want to believe they're living in a comfortable, safe world as much as their parents want them to believe it. Which means a junk food can be very stressful. A hacker's language needs powerful libraries and something to hack.2 But schools change slower than scholarship.
Ten weeks later we invite all the investors.3 Formidable is close to confident, except that someone could be confident and mistaken. So the fact that I still thought at age 11 that teachers were infallible shows what a job the system must have done on my brain. He knew a lot of the great programmers of the day to reproduce.4 Every startup has reasons both to invest and not to invest.5 Indeed, the really interesting question is not what will happen to existing forms, but what about the professors who taught math could be required to write scholarly articles about history, but what about the professors who taught math could be required to do original math, the professors who taught math could be required to do original math, the professors who taught history could be required to do original math, the professors who taught rhetoric or composition?6 Why bother? We were all lied to as kids, and some ability to ferret out the unexpected must not merely be an inborn one.7 Certainly I do.8 Get rapidly to demo.9
C, MIT's dialect of Lisp, called MacLisp, was one of the most remarkable things about the way we work: a normal job may be as bad for startups as too much time, so we encourage them to focus on just two goals: a explain what you're doing is an extraordinarily powerful force. But those you don't publish.10 The first step in clearing your head is to realize that there's no real contradiction here.11 Along with such outright lies, there must have been a lot of pitches. As long as that idea is still floating around, I think a lot of new inventions, the rich got this first. If there's something you're really interested in, you'll have to figure it out from subtle clues, like a child molester telling his victims they'll get in trouble if they use pirated versions, and b any business model you have at this point is probably wrong anyway. Another way to get information out of them was to ask what surprised them.12 For the essayist this translates to: flow interesting.13 The big successes are so big they dwarf the rest. In the past when I bought things from Apple it was an unalloyed pleasure. Working for yourself doesn't have to be a search for truth. Most applications—most startups, probably—grow out of personal projects.14
For example, why should there be a connection between humor and misfortune? I don't think ordinary programmers' opinions matter.15 We can get rid of or make optional a lot of people interested in the same spirit. And even though Boston is the second kind of lie involved. The people who've worked for a large organization divided into groups in this way, rather than as a way of telling you what to do.16 Sean Parker, who understands the domain really well because he started a similar startup himself, and also with deep structural changes like caching and persistent objects.17 I was considering starting another startup. I often have a feeling that I'm sending the processor on a lot of words on a slide, people just skip reading it.18
So this alternative device probably couldn't win on general appeal. It's a good exercise for you, too, to sit down and try to figure out why it's worth investing in. It would be a good marketing trick to call it a lie. But there are limits to how well they'll be able to write a program decides what language to use, at least for a while and had presented to groups, and what they use it for. Doesn't that show people will pay for content?19 It has to be; how many users they can support per processor.20 Committees yield bad design. The first, obviously, is that the way to succeed is through following the rules.21 Don't use it with investors either. The most important sort of disobedience shows signs of becoming rampant. Usually they consist either of omissions or of over-emphasizing certain topics at the expense of others.
There have always been people in the music business hope to retroactively convert it away from publishing, by getting listeners to pay for subscriptions. A job at a big company. One consequence of this sort of disobedience shows signs of becoming rampant. This is too big a problem to solve here, but certainly one reason life sucks at 15 is that kids are trapped in a world designed for 10 year olds. And as many programmers have observed since, one is very often mistaken about where these bottlenecks are. There is already a good deal even after they're first launched—programming languages especially. It may be surprisingly large; people overvalue physical stuff. Nothing is hidden from you that doesn't absolutely have to be in a place where startups are the cool thing to do, and chance meetings with people who can help you. To Michel de Montaigne, who in 1580 published a book of what he called essais. That worked as long as they can. There is hope for any language that gives hackers what they want to conceal the existence of these words for as long as buying printed books was the only way to know for sure would be to have no structure: to have each group actually be independent, and to allow programmers to use inline byte code if you need to be able to do what you want.
Which in turn is why hackers give you money for other kinds of menial work early in the 1960s, leaving less room to avoid the topic. But I think this made us seem naive, or it would be better at opening it than people who should quit their day job, or one near the edge case where something spreads rapidly but the churn is high as well use the word as in e.
Unless we mass produce social customs.
Not linearly of course finding words this way, except that no one trusts that. 9999 and. It's a case of Bayes' Rule.
As I was a great deal of competition for the manager, which is to use an OS that doesn't lose our data. In January 2003, Yahoo released a new business designed for scale.
So if you're going to call all our lies lies. As I explained in How to Make Wealth when I became an employer, I use. Some VCs seem to be better for explaining software than English. If you're good you are listing in order to switch.
Ed. At Viaweb, Java applets were supposed to be self-interest explains much of the world.
It rarely arises, and making money on the economics of ancient traditions. Companies didn't start to get all the returns come from all over the world will sooner or later. When I catch egregiously linkjacked posts I replace the url with that additional constraint, you can't mess with the buyer's picture on the person who wins.
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Why do you know Apple originally had three founders? In a series A rounds from top VC funds whether it was too late? Maybe it would be critical to.
Geoff Ralston reports that one Calvisius Sabinus paid 100,000, the closest most people come to you. That name got assigned to it because the first third of the biggest sources of pain for founders; if there were no strong central governments. Sparse Binary Polynomial Hash Message Filtering and The CRM114 Discriminator.
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ballbubble3-blog · 5 years
Ranking the 12 NFL playoff teams from worst to first
Playtime's over. The little kids have gone home for their nuggets and chips and an early bedtime, leaving the big boys to play their big boy games. Let the 2018 NFL playoffs begin.
There was plenty of high drama to close the regular season, with the Baltimore Ravens needing a last-ditch interception to seal a win over Cleveland and take the AFC North over the Pittsburgh Steelers, who had squeaked past the Cincinnati Bengals earlier in the day.
In the NFC the Vikings relinquished their grip of the sixth seed with defeat by the Bears and let the champion Eagles in the back door. Now Nick Foles has the opportunity to go and do it all again.
With a week's break before the Colts and Texans, Chargers and Ravens, Eagles and Bears, and Seahawks and Cowboys battle it out on wild card weekend, we've ranked the last 12 teams standing in the NFL by how likely they are to win the grand prize. Here they are, from worst to first ...
The Eagles are the wild card of this season's playoffs, and I don't just mean in the sense that they are literally a wild card team. They looked dead and buried just a few short weeks ago. The season had been written off as a colossal disappointment. Then Carson Wentz suffered a back injury, Nick Foles was back in, and he was beating the Rams in their own building - just as he did on the way to the Super Bowl.
Make no mistake, Wentz is a better quarterback than Foles, but Foles is the one the Eagles need right now. Sometimes narrative trumps all reason. What Foles has done, though, is get the best out of Alshon Jeffery and Nelson Agholor, who had both been struggling with Wentz under centre. Zach Ertz had been doing the brunt of the work in the receiving game, breaking the season receptions record for a tight end in the process, but Foles has spread the love a little, and is offering more of a deep threat. Maybe it's because he's playing with nothing to lose.
Logic says Philadelphia can't defend their title. Beating the Bears in wild card weekend feels like an insurmountable task. But sport isn't always logical. Just ask Leicester City.
The Colts have been one of the most fun teams in the league this year, and no one really saw it coming. We all cautiously hoped Andrew Luck might get somewhere close to being the same player we all fell in love with five years ago, but no one predicted him leading the Colts to 10 wins and into January football. Luck has been aided by the best offensive line and running game he's had the pleasure to work with, but he deserves all the headlines. He's been excellent, and appears to be a smarter quarterback for his time on the sidelines.
The Colts went into the offseason with the sole aim of building a team to protect Luck. They drafted Quenton Nelson and created an line which has kept him sack-free in six of his 16 games. Most crucially, they've given him time in the pocket, which is when he's at his best. Not even a wide receiver room full of potentially made up players has been able to stop him.
The defense has also been an extremely pleasant surprise. They finished the season just outside the top 10 in yards allowed, and didn't let a rusher go over 100 all season. Rookie linebacker Darius Leonard deserves a special mention - the second-rounder leads the league in tackles and his Pro Bowl snub is a total crime. Will the Colts find themselves overmatched at some point in the postseason? Probably. But the future is extremely bright in Indianapolis once again.
10. Dallas Cowboys
Dak Prescott celebrates a touchdown pass in the Cowboys' win over the Giants Credit: USA TODAY
If you're looking for a reason the Cowboys can win the Super Bowl, go back and watch their win over the Saints a few weeks back. That was the best defensive display I've seen from any NFL team all season. Dallas utterly dominated Drew Brees, words you rarely get to utter without ridicule, and then punished them on the ground with Ezekiel Elliott. That's exactly the blueprint for the Cowboys' success into January. If the likes of Jaylon Smith, Byron Jones, Leighton Vander Esch and Randy Gregory can play to the elite level they were during Dallas' five-game winning streak, they know Elliott will provide the goods to pound teams into submission when Dak Prescott has the ball.
Speaking of Prescott, is there a more underrated, or more unfairly maligned quarterback in football? Last week he became the first QB ever to win at least 30 games and throw fewer than 25 interceptions in his first three seasons. The comeback over the Giants on Sunday was his 14th game-winning drive of his career - no one has more since he entered the league - and it also marked his third straight season with 20 passing and five rushing touchdowns. No other quarterback in history even has two. 
The Cowboys' issue is in their coaching - I have no faith in Jason Garrett to take them to the Super Bowl, and think he is probably foiled by Pete Carroll on wild card weekend, but hey, stranger things have happened, right?
9. Houston Texans
DeAndre Hopkins has 115 catches and zero drops for the Texans this season Credit: USA TODAY
The Texans have one very clear problem - Deshaun Watson can't stop getting sacked. Part of that is on the offensive line, which has been far better at run blocking than pass protection, but Watson is still guilty of holding on to the ball too long, and that's why he's taken an absolute battering this year - 62 sacks to be exact, the most in the NFL.
However, outside of that the Texans have a lot going for them. Watson has been one of the best quarterbacks in the league over the second half of the season, and hasn't thrown an interception since week 11 against the Redskins. His mobility in the pocket is a joy to watch, and he's hurting teams in the running game too - three rushing touchdowns in the last two weeks may be a sign of things to come in January.
It's in the running game that Houston have built the majority of their success. They're eighth in the league in rushing yards, with Lamar Miller enjoying one of the best seasons of his seven-year career. They rush the ball 45.5 per cent of the time, the sixth most in the NFL, and follow the old school philosophy of grinding teams down on both sides of the ball. The defense in top 10 in the league in yards and points allowed.
Finally, I can't talk about the Texans without mentioning DeAndre Hopkins, who's been the best receiver in the league this year for my money. Hopkins has 115 catches for 1,572 yards and 11 touchdowns. Want to know how many drops he has? Zero. Hopkins is so good it's often safer to throw to him in coverage than to another receiver when open. An incredible talent. 
8. Seattle Seahawks
Chris Carson has helped turn the Seahawks into the league's best rushing attack Credit: AP
The Seahawks have the same philosophy as the Texans, except they do it just a little bit better. Seattle run the ball more than 50 per cent of the time - that's the most in the NFL - and the result is they lead the league in rushing yards. Chris Carson is the workhorse - a real tough, never-say-die back who anyone would want on their roster - but Mike Davis and Rashaad Penny are excellent second and third options.
No one saw the Seahawks' playoff run coming in September, but they're a different team now. A team which has shown an ability to win close games and push the very best opposition to the wire. The victories over Carolina, Green Bay and Minnesota stand out, as do the two one-score losses to the Rams, but it was last week's shootout defeat of the rampant Chiefs that really made the NFL sit up and remember: by god Russell Wilson is good.
Wilson was a secondary part of the Seahawks' offense for much of the year, often asked to throw fewer than 20 times per game. That's in total opposition to how he's been asked to carry the team in past seasons, but Seattle seem to have found the perfect balance down the stretch. Wilson outshone Patrick Mahomes in that win over Kansas City, and he's developed an almost telepathic connection with wide receiver Tyler Lockett. Wilson had a perfect passer rating when targeting Lockett this season, that's never happened before in NFL history, with any quarterback or any receiver. Watch out for these Seahawks, they can beat anyone on their day.
7. Baltimore Ravens
Lamar Jackson rushing in a touchdown in the Ravens' crucial win over the Browns Credit: USA TODAY
Can I tell you a secret? I was really happy when the Ravens, not the Steelers, scraped their way into the playoffs last night. It was not without drama. I don't mean anything against Pittsburgh - they serve fries inside their sandwiches there, which is inspired stuff - I'm just really excited to see what Lamar Jackson and this team can do in January. I think they're a sneaky bet to win the whole damn thing.
The Ravens are a totally different proposition since Jackson replaced Joe Flacco at quarterback. Everyone knows they want to run the ball at every opportunity - not just with the quarterback, but Gus Edwards and Kenneth Dixon too - but Jackson's sheer ability and awareness makes it so hard to stop. Just ask the Browns, Chargers, Buccaneers, Chiefs... you get the idea. Jackson's rushing stats in his first seven starts are incredible. He's gone for 119, 71, 75, 67, 95, 39 and 90, but he's far from the psuedo-running back/wide receiver so many would have you believe. Jackson has proved himself as a passer. Teams will come up with strategies to stop him as he puts together more tape in this league, but right now no one seems to have the answer.
Of course, Jackson couldn't be so successful without Baltimore's league-leading defense. They're the only team in the NFL averaging less than 300 yards and less than 18 points per game. I have a feeling these guys could go deep into January. In one-on-one match-ups, the Chiefs are the only team I'd take over Baltimore in the AFC.
6. New England Patriots
Tom Brady hasn't been as unstoppable for the Patriots this season Credit: USA TODAY
When the Patriots book their customary first-round playoff bye (this is their ninth in a row, ludicrous behaviour), you normally expect them to go on and win the Super Bowl. That's just how it works. Not this year. I mean, not a single fibre of my being would be surprised to see Tom Brady hoist the Lombardi on Feb 3, but I think there are five other teams better set up to go all the way this season.
This is the worst Patriots defense in years - they're bad at stopping both the run and the pass - they have a lack of quality options at receiver now that Josh Gordon has been suspended, Rob Gronkowski appears to be in the twilight of his career and - whisper it - Brady has only been good, not great. Brady is far from a problem - he's still playing like a top 10 quarterback - but he's not the same world-beating guy who won MVP last year. He looks fallible.
The Pats have responded to this by leaning more on their run game, which makes sense, as they have one of the most varied and dangerous backfields in the league. Rookie Sony Michel had made a nice start to life in New England, James White is everything you expect from James White, and Bill Belichick has even been using Cordarrelle Patterson effectively as a rusher. Belichick can outcoach anyone - that's why you can never write off the Pats - but for the first time ever I'd feel comfortable betting against them this year.
5. Chicago Bears
Khalil Mack sacks Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins Credit: USA TODAY
I think each one of these top five teams has a great shot at winning the Super Bowl, and the Bears have an opportunity to go from last in their division to first in the whole league, just as the Eagles did 10 months ago. Chicago have won their first division title since 2010 off the back of a formidable defense. The Bears already had a top 10 unit last year, but Khalil Mack has taken them to the next level. Mack's seven turnovers have helped Chicago to the second best differential in the NFL behind Seattle. He also has 12.5 sacks and 47 tackles, but Mack is far from the only star on this defense. Akiem Hicks has been excellent alongside him, and Kyle Fuller and Eddie Jackson have been unstoppable in the secondary. It feels like one of them pulls off a game-changing interception every week.
On offense, I don't see Mitchell Trubisky ever developing into a quarterback at the level of Patrick Mahomes and Deshaun Watson from his same draft class, but I do think he's solid. With a defense this good, that can be enough. Chicago have been able to get Jordan Howard more and more involved as the season's gone on, and Tarik Cohen is that X-factor player you never want to take your eyes off. There's a reason they called him the human joystick in college.
4. Los Angeles Chargers
Rookie safety Derwin James celebrates the Chargers' week 17 win in Denver Credit: USA TODAY
The Chargers may just be the most balanced team in the NFL. They've actually been good for a couple of years, but couldn't help but pull off that oh so Chargery trick of blowing games and failing to live up to their massive potential. Such fun for their fans! This team is different. They proved that when they beat the Steelers with that brilliant come-from-behind win in week 13. They proved it again when they turned over the Chiefs two weeks later. Yep, these Chargers are for real, and they have the tools to go all the way.
Philip Rivers has played to an MVP level all year - his one wobble was in the defeat by Baltimore last week - Melvin Gordon and Austin Ekeler have been the most effective running back duo in the league, the offensive line is top level and Keenan Allen is one of the best receivers out there. Offense: check.
The defense gets a huge boost from Joey Bosa's return. He's now fit enough to line up alongside pro bowler Melvin Ingram, but LA's headliner has actually been a rookie - 16th overall pick Derwin James. The Chargers couldn't believe it when James fell to them in the draft, and his making a lot of other front offices look silly with his clear talent on the field. His 105 tackles, 3.5 sacks and three interceptions are indicative of a safety who can do it all. The game tape backs that up soundly. Defense: check. 
They even seem to have sorted their kicking problems out, with Michael Badgley looking accomplished since joining midway through the season. It might seem cruel to the San Diego faithful if their once-beloved team finally won the big one after deserting their city, but football, like life, can be a real SOB.
3. Los Angeles Rams
Aaron Donald finished the season with 20.5 sacks Credit: USA TODAY
The Rams gave us a scare down the stretch. Three poor games in a row had us worrying they'd peaked too early, but they've assuaged fans' fears by blowing out the Cardinals and 49ers to close the season. I know, beating the Cardinals and 49ers isn't anything to shout about, but the Rams looked like their old selves in those victories. Most importantly Jared Goff rediscovered some form after putting in horrible showings against the Lions, Bears and Eagles.
The Rams have the most stacked offense in the NFL. Todd Gurley has been a touchdown machine, and now has CJ Anderson for support in the backfield. At receiver they miss Cooper Kupp, but still have Brandin Cooks, Robert Woods and Josh Reynolds all playing to a really high level. Question marks still hang over Goff despite his excellent start to the season, but Sean McVay is a good enough head coach to paper over his QB's cracks. It's hard to argue there's a better offensive play caller in football right now.
The defense has been an issue. It's given up 30 or more points seven times this season, and the return of Aqib Talib hasn't been the fix-all bandage many fans hoped. However, what LA do have on defense is possibly the best player in the National Football League period in Aaron Donald. Donald alone can turn games on their heads with his elite playmaking ability. His 20.5 sacks are silly numbers for an interior lineman. There's not been an easier Defensive Player of the Year vote in years. The Rams may be an offense-first outfit, but Donald is their MVP.
2. Kansas City Chiefs
Patrick Mahomes has been special for the Chiefs as they've charged to 12-4 Credit: USA TODAY
Patrick Mahomes is the MVP, and I will not hear otherwise. It's not even just the stats (though he's thrown for an outrageous 50 touchdowns and more than 5,000 yards), it's the manner in which he's gone about putting up those numbers. Every week Mahomes makes throws no one else in the league can. And yes, that includes Aaron Rodgers. He'll rip you apart in the pocket and is lethal on the move. Name a more entertaining player to watch in the NFL right now and I'll call you a liar.
Mahomes is certainly helped by having one of the more unique receivers in the league at his disposal, in the form of Tyreek Hill, and one of the best receiving tight ends in Travis Kelce, but it's the big man on the sideline who really allows him to flourish. Andy Reid is one of the greatest offensive minds in football, and this Chiefs team is his greatest creation. He may never get a better shot at that elusive Lombardi trophy.
Kansas City's achilles heel is their defense. Yes they have big playmakers like Dee Ford and Chris Jones, but only five teams gave up more than the Chiefs' 26.4 points per game this season, and they're all picking at the top of the draft. In the last three weeks the Seahawks and Chargers - teams with top defenses - have found ways to beat them, and the Ravens came very close too. It's the Chargers and Ravens Reid will be most worried about facing again en route to Atlanta.
1. New Orleans Saints
Is Drew Brees on course to win the second Super Bowl of his career? Credit: AP
The Saints are the team to beat in the NFL, and if anyone wants to stop them making it to the Super Bowl they're going to have to do it in New Orleans. That's an enormous factor - we know how good Drew Brees is in the Superdome, and that stadium will be absolutely rocking with a chance to win it all in their most hated rivals' hometown on the line.
For me, Brees finishes just behind Mahomes in the MVP race, but he's had another stunning season. His completion percentage of just under 75 per cent is the best in NFL history - the fourth time he's broken that record. He's thrown 32 touchdowns to just five interceptions - no starting quarterback in the league has fewer picks - and his QB rating of 115.7 is also a league-best.
But what's been most impressive about the Saints this year is the manner of some of their biggest wins. That commanding 45-35 victory over the Rams in week nine, the 48-7 demolition of the reigning champion Eagles in week 11, the desire and winning mentality they showed in week 16's comeback against the Steelers. This is a team who can win big football games, and once you get into January they don't come much bigger.
We know all about the Saints' offensive weapons - Alvin Kamara and Michael Thomas are among the best players in the league at their position - but the New Orleans defense has improved markedly as the season's gone on. Their run defense ranks first in the NFL, and while the pass defense stats don't look great, they've been much better in the second half of the season, when Marshon Lattimore has got back to last season's level and with the addition of Eli Apple. The Saints are Super Bowl-bound. Change my mind.
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Source: https://sports.yahoo.com/ranking-12-nfl-playoff-teams-085423254.html?src=rss
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junker-town · 6 years
4 things we learned from NFL Combine week
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Retired NFL lineman Geoff Schwartz recaps combine weekend, from the workout warriors to trade rumors.
Where to begin? The NFL Combine always gives us so much NFL news and notes in just a single offseason weekend. This year was no exception. We have workout warriors, Kyler Murray’s height, quarterback free agents, and trade rumblings.
Here are my biggest takeaways from the 2019 NFL Combine.
Kyler Murray is taller than we all thought.
The winner of this year’s combine isn’t even a player. It’s the measurement stick. Kyler Murray was measured at a robust 5’10 1/8, a full two-eighths more than his Oklahoma height. He’s the first player I can recall in combine history who’s taller than his listed height from college.
No surprise, Murray weighed in much heavier than he played, at 207 pounds. The common comparison is Russell Wilson, who was 5’11, 204 pounds at his combine. But that’s a bad comparison. Wilson lost weight to run faster at the combine, while Murray had to gain weight for the combine.
However, this whole thing about Murray’s weight is rather stupid. If he were 5’9 1/2, would it change how he plays? No. His stature has always been the concern and being 207 is an excellent start to change the perception.
Why were players so dang fast this year?
Now, the actual winners of the combine are all the workout warriors who ran ridiculous time at their current weights. That includes D.K. Metcalf, who is 6’3, 228 pounds and ran the 40 in 4.33 seconds.
But the best day of physical accomplishment was Sunday, when the defensive linemen and linebackers took the field. Quinnen Williams, who potentially could be the top pick in the draft, ran a 4.83 at 303 pounds. Just ridiculous. Montez Sweat, Devin White, and Devin Bush all ran 4.41, 4.42, and 4.43 respectively.
Humans shouldn’t be able to move that quickly and that fast. It feels like this year there was a clear uptick in the speed and the physical freakiness of the athletes. I don’t have the exact answer for why that was the case, but I sure enjoyed watching it.
One explanation, and it was suggested by my brother Mitchell, is that players had more prep time than usual. Well, that’s the case with Bush, who skipped his bowl games. But it doesn’t explain the others, who all played bowl games on Jan. 1 or later.
Another explanation is that the combine training business continues to get more streamlined, and as players continue to get bigger, faster and stronger, they adapt well to the process. Also, these kids have been running 40s for years. Nike’s The Opening and other combines test high school kids. They prepare for it. This can contribute to the players being well versed in how to properly run a 40.
Now again, like I wrote last week, these numbers shouldn’t be the only reason a player is drafted. Sweat, the owner of the 4.41 40, is an excellent athlete but hasn’t shown the production on the field to match. Metcalf had a 95th percentile 40 time, but a second and third percentile in the three-cone drill and 20-yard shuttle, respectively. These results will force scouts to look at these players in a different light when they go back to watch these players again.
Rumors are in full swing — especially about two quarterbacks.
Last week, I discussed the three main purposes of the combine: the medical, measurements, and interviews. Well, there’s fourth purpose of the combine, and that’s the whispers, aka networking. Everything truly important at the combine happens after a few drinks and a steak. All the personnel from every team and players’ agents are located in one city. They talk. But of course, for the record, they don’t “talk.”
So, with all of this we get rumors. These were the two big ones:
Nick Foles to Jacksonville
Duh. This makes too much sense. The Jaguars are moving on from Blake Bortles. They need a reliable quarterback who can win them games. Bortles, at his best, wouldn’t lose games. There’s a huge difference. Jacksonville is in the process of clearing cap space for Foles, who could get around $20 million a year.
Jacksonville still needs to add some weapons to help Foles, but with its defense and run game, I think Foles can be adequate, or at least better than Bortles. If people expect Foles to be Super Bowl Foles, you can forget about it. Foles has been an average quarterback for most of his career. The NFC Championship Game and Super Bowl were spectacular performances and nothing should be taken away from those, but that’s not who Nick Foles is regularly.
Josh Rosen is on the move
At least that seems to be the consensus: Murray goes to the Cardinals and Rosen is shipped out. I’ve said for a while I don’t expect Rosen to get a first-round pick. Peter King wrote in his Football Morning in America column that he’s hearing, as is Kurt Warner, that Rosen is worth only a third-round pick. Yikes.
However, it seems as though Washington might be the best suitor for Rosen and perhaps the Cardinals could get a first-rounder out of it. Would the team part with the 15th pick, if that’s what it takes? Seems like value for Washington: QB of the future for the 15th pick and a LOW salary for the next three seasons. That sounds like a win to me.
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wantweightloss · 6 years
Why havent I lost weight after exercising? You asked Google heres the answer | Kate Carter
New Post has been published on https://weightlossguideto.com/must-see/why-havent-i-lost-weight-after-exercising-you-asked-google-heres-the-answer-kate-carter/
Why havent I lost weight after exercising? You asked Google heres the answer | Kate Carter
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Every day millions of internet users ask Google lifes most difficult questions, big and small. Our writers answer some of the commonest queries
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Honestly? The short answer is more than likely that you are consuming more calories than you are expending.
Of course there is a little more to it than that. It helps to know what type of exercise you are doing, how long you are doing it for, and at what intensity. But, for the vast majority of people, it is not the exercise part that matters most. Its what you eat. When it comes to weight loss, a good diet trumps exercise every time.
How much are you eating?
It might not be an easy truth, but study after study shows that people consistently underestimate the amount of calories that they consume. They forget the handful of nuts, or the cans of soft drink, or even just the fruit to tide them over to tea. Research from Harvard Medical School published in the BMJ found that, of more than 3,400 customers polled at fast food chains, more than a quarter underestimated calorie content by at least 500 calories. And over time that adds up along with the pounds.
Another thing worth considering: as well as underestimating calories consumed, most people tend to overestimate how much they burn through exercise. In a Canadian study, a group of recruits were told to eat the number of calories they thought they had just burned by working out. They ate two to three times as much.
Exercise is not a magic bullet. You cant and I speak, with regret, as someone who runs about 60 miles a week use it as carte blanche to scoff whatever you want. A 2011 study in the American Journal of Medicine put it starkly, isolated aerobic exercise is not an effective weight loss therapy. If you want to lose weight, you must first and foremost examine your diet.
But Ive worked up quite an appetite!
Our relationship with food is complex. Many of us again, myself included use treats as a reward. We think a long session in the gym, or a long run or bike ride, deserves a large plate of food as a reward. Yet much of this is in our heads, rather than our growling stomachs, and indeed exercise can actually be an appetite suppressant.
This is illustrated by another Canadian study dating from 1997. Three groups were chosen. One did high-intensity cardio, one low-intensity cardio, and a control group no exercise at all. The researchers asked all participants to then rate how hungry they were, before taking them to an all-you-can-eat buffet. There was no statistical difference either between how people in the various groups rated their hunger, nor how much they ate. In other words: no one actually worked up an appetite.
(An aside: swimming always strikes me as the worst culprit for this. Wonderful though swimming is, it almost always seems to make you starving afterwards, even if youve done very little other than sedately paddle around. Swimming in cold water, rather than an overheated pool, does burn more calories because your body is working harder to keep warm. However, it also stimulates your appetite more by up to 44%. So its pretty easy to consume more than youve burned after a swimming session. I love swimming and it has many other benefits, but as a fat or weight loss tool it is less effective than other forms of exercise.)
So what are you eating?
Another answer to the question is to look not so much at the amount you eat as what it consists of. Not least because some foods have a higher satiety index than others, and will therefore leave you feeling fuller for longer. A protein-rich diet with about 35% of your calories coming from a protein source seems to be the best way to combat hunger, fight muscle loss and generally feel smug and healthy.
This is not to buy into the carbs are evil myth. Carbs are an important part of a balanced diet, particularly if your chosen form of exercise is endurance-based. On the flip side, however, people who think they need to carb-load before endurance efforts should be aware that the body has more than enough stored in it for a good 90 minutes of exercise before you need to start thinking about topping up with gels or similar.
One in, one out?
Your heart rate monitor informs you youve burned 500 calories. A large bar of chocolate is roughly 500 calories. Ergo, you can eat that (in addition to everything else youre having) and not gain a pound, right? In truth, the trade-off is a more complicated than that.
In a study published in 2010 in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, researchers at Louisiana State University recruited three groups of moderately overweight volunteers. One group as control, the second group cutting calories by 25%, and a third by 12.5% but increasingly their calories burned through physical activity to the same level: so the two latter groups had the same overall calorie deficit. What happened? Well, both group lost the same amount of weight. But the group who followed the 12.5% less calories/more physical exercise improved other health markers like cholesterol, blood pressure and insulin sensitivity. So, essentially, while a calorie is a calorie, and while diet is far more important for weight loss, you should exercise too because itll improve your overall health.
The myth of the fat burning zone
Anyone who has ever been on a cardio machine in a gym will have seen those heart rate graphs. You know, the bit with the weight management or fat-burning zone. Those who believe fervently in those graphs seem to worry that pushing themselves higher than that zone could have positively deleterious effects on their fat burning.
Sorry, but it doesnt work like that. The fat-burning zone is based on a misunderstanding of how our bodies work. When we exercise, we use both fat and carbohydrates stored in our cells. At a low level of intensity a walk or gentle cycle ride we burn more fat than carbohydrate. If we push harder, and longer, the proportion changes, switching over (dependent on fitness and age and so on) at about 60% of your max heart rate. This does not, however, mean we stop burning fat or even burn less fat when we go at it harder than that.
Yes, the ratio shifts, but at a higher intensity/duration you are burning more of both anyway.
And theres more bad news for those who believe in the fat-burning zone.
If you burn mostly carbohydrate during exercise, then when you eat afterwards, your body will convert those calories into carbohydrate to replenish what youve used. If you burn mostly fat, your carbohydrates stores will still be full. So, with no need to top them up, your body will store those calories as fat rendering your fat-burning efforts pretty redundant.
Just look at sprinters. They do much of their training at a very high intensities with long rest periods. Im pretty sure they are almost never in that fat burning zone, either on the track or in the gym. They generally look like they are coping OK with keeping the fat at bay
But muscle weighs more than fat!
No, it really doesnt. A pound of muscle weighs who would have thought it? a pound. The same as a pound of fat. Or a pound of lemon jelly. Or a pound of sweets. A pound is a pound. The muscle just takes up a bit less space (dont click on this visual representation if you are squeamish).If the scales are unfavourable to you, its unlikely to be because the 20-minute run you did yesterday suddenly added 3lb of muscle to your frame. Sorry.
Keeping it off
The trouble with losing weight is that the less you weigh, the fewer calories you need to sustain you, on a day-to-day basis. This is one of the (many) reasons that people might find initial weight loss quite easy but then hit a plateau. Equally, its why many people finish a diet, then immediately find they are putting weight back on: they are eating what they used to be able to consume while maintaining the same weight, but now they actually need less. It doesnt seem fair, does it?
OK, so what exercise should I do?
Which is best for weight loss? The honest answer is probably the one you enjoy and will stick to. Cardio burns more calories at the time you are doing it, but weight training encourages your body to burn more calories through the rest of the day. Most studies that have examined the issue tend to conclude that, if weight loss is the goal, the best approach is to do both.
Finally, for far more authoritative, in-depth analysis of fitness myths and weight loss confusion, I cannot recommend highly enough this book by Alex Hutchinson. In an industry (or industries both the diet and fitness ones in this case) that seem to thrive on fads, misinformation and peddling the latest must have regimes or gadgets, its a clear, science-based look at what really works.
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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