#she was just born in a generation that didn’t teach her not to think those things about herself
sallyswife3435 · 8 months
You know what hurts?
When you were little, your mom used to say really awful things about her body to herself and really degrading things to herself in front of you. This would happen often, and through most of your developing years.
Now that you’re older, and you’ve gone through puberty and are mostly fully developed, you can tell that your genes came from your mom and you have very similar bodies. You’re young and really skinny though, so they don’t look all that similar, except their shape in essence, and such and such. She’s never said a single negative thing about your body; It’s probably what she considers to be the best version of her own body anyway.
And then, one struggling year, you gain a significant amount of weight. And slowly, you start to see more and more resemblances between your body and your mom’s; except that she lost a lot of weight that same year, so now, the resemblances you draw aren’t between your body and the body of what you consider to be your beautiful mother, but between your body and memory of the body that your mother used to insult and degrade, and that she put all her energy and might into running away from.
And deep down (and maybe not even that deep down) you know, even though she’s never mentioned it, you’re not the only person who doesn’t like your body.
0 notes
ofthehands · 3 months
Talk To Me
Disability Fan Week, Day 1- Alternate Communication
A short, roughly 4,000 word genfic about the Sawyers learning the different way the youngest member of their clan gets things across. And the difficulties along the way. Warnings for general Sawyer-isms, and some fairly canon-typical/ time-period typical ableism.
Ever since he was born, everybody knew little brother was going to be somethin’ different. He was the forth Sawyer boy, and the only one to be born a normal-looking weight, despite arriving a week or two early. Apparently, the new boy was just absolutely huge. Drayton thought that meant he would be healthy- maybe he got good, strong genes from whoever the hell his daddy was. 
But only three months after he was born, Mama up and left, blaming it on her boys, and especially little brother, and how damn sick they were. 
Showed Drayton how little he knew. 
And so, he was left alone, with three little boys to look after. A grown man, sure, but a grown man with no idea how to take care of a baby or raise up a child. Especially not three damn children, who needed as much help as he quickly realized his little brothers did. But soon he would find he was even less prepared to help the littlest one along. That boy was somethin’ else indeed. 
Drayton wasn’t sure how long it was supposed to take a baby to talk, but five damn years was way too long, and it was obvious. Little brother- or Bubba, as the boys had taken to calling him- had never spoke a word in all that time. He would babble, and make sounds, and point at things, and Drayton could tell he understood. But he just wouldn’t speak. Drayton tried every damn thing- he talked to him all the time and let the twins talk his little ears off too. He read to them- as well as he could- each night. It was usually the same book over and over, or a receipt book from that day, or an instruction manual of some kind, but he didn’t think being unable to afford new books should make it impossible to teach him to talk- all the damn twins ever did was talk, and they didn’t even get to hear the instruction manual. Bubba should be able to talk. 
So Drayton figured maybe he just wasn’t willing. Maybe he was just being hard headed. So he tried punishing him, and threatening him, but that didn’t work a lick. The boy babbled then- tried his damndest to make some noise, just to keep Drayton from givin’ him the belt. But he never spoke a single damn coherent word. Drayton tried bribery. Which felt stupid, but he was desperate for it to work. Even got the twins in on it, promising the three of them a little reward for just one word. 
But he still didn’t talk. 
It frustrated the hell out of Drayton. He worried, of course, that there was something wrong with his little brother, and worried he was doing something wrong himself. That the twins could talk because Mama was still around then- because she did it right, and he was too damn stupid to figure it out.
Like she always used to say he was. 
Bubba turned six wordlessly. And Drayton stopped trying. Decided either the boy was too stupid to learn or he was too stupid to teach him. And either damn way that he had more important things to do.  
Little Bubba didn’t talk. But Nubbins didn’t really care. He still thought his littlest brother was fun to play with, even if he didn’t ever say nothing. Their old man though, he didn’t like none of that. And Nubbins could tell. Usually he didn’t care about what that old man did and didn’t like. But he could tell this was upsetting Bubba too. And for some reason he couldn’t quite explain, he didn’t want baby brother upset. So even when Cook stopped messing with baby brother, gived up on him, Nubbins kept trying. Usually, most days, he got Bobby in on it too- the both of them talkin’ and talkin’ to little Bubba, teachin’ him all sorts of words- even the fun ones like swear words, though Nubbins always whispered those ones real quiet. But Bubba didn’t seem to pick up on ‘em. The only words he really said was his name, but it still weren’t quite the way everybody else said it. Sort of “Buh-Buh.” But it was close. They had almost gotten him to say Bobby’s name- Bubba was good at sayin’ B’s. But he never quite got it all the way. It just didn’t sound quite right. But Nubbins was determined. He was going to get his little brother to say just one undeniable word. So Cook would stop bein’ all mad at little Bubba. So maybe things could be more nice-like again. 
That particular mornin’, Cook had gone off to work, and Nubbins and Bobby were left to look after Bubba again. Bobby was feelin’ bad- sick in his own way- and curled up in bed and wouldn’t get out, even when Nubbins poked him and prodded him and caught a scorpion to put in bed with him. Eventually, though he was frustrated by his twin’s laziness, he gave up with a huff, and went downstairs to mess with Bubba alone. 
“H-hey Bubba!” Nubbins said, falling in a heap next to where his little brother was playing with some bones and bird feathers. “W-what are you up to?” Bubba looked up, and around. He seemed confused for a moment. He made his noises again for a second, then one that almost sounded right- 
“Bah? Bah-Buh?” 
“Yeah. Bubba. That’s your name,” Nubbins said with a sigh. Bubba clenched his little fists and shook them all around, his whole body with them, like he was angry. Nubbins just didn’t get it. Clearly he knew words. So why didn’t he say ‘em? Bubba then unclenched one of his little fists, and did something odd. He stuck out two of his little fingers, and pressed them into his cheek, on the left side. Then he brought them together, and down his face, ending in a little fist to the side of his chin. Nubbins thought it was just one of those fun hand things he did, and he flapped his hands a little too. Then, with a furrowed little brow, Bubba did it again, just the same. Nubbins figured it had to mean something. He watched Bubba do it a third time, then he mimicked the motion on himself. Which was when he realized the pattern Bubba made matched Bobby’s birthmark. Bah-Buh. 
“B-bobby!?” Nubbins exclaimed. He repeated the motion. “That means Bobby?” Bubba jumped up a little and wiggled excitedly. It did! It wasn’t a coincidence! It really did! “Bubba- can- can you do me? What’s me? Nubbins?” Bubba took the pointer finger of his right hand this time, and put it just under his right eye, before folding it, holding the ball of his fist at the side of his face, where Nubbins’ birthmark ended. Nubbins and Bubba both jumped up and down with joy. “Whu-what about Grandpa! Do Grandpa!” Bubba traced the lines of his face- like the deep wrinkles Grandpa had around his mouth. “Oh uh- uh- What about Cook?” Bubba made a sweeping gesture with his hand, like Cook did when he hit one of them upside the head. Nubbins laughed at that. “Oh- Oh- W-wait a minute! I gotta get Bobby! I gotta go show Bobby! I- I come right back!” Nubbins ran up the stairs to harass his twin with glee. Bubba could talk! Bubba was talking! He was just talking with his hands. Which meant Cook was wrong- Bubba wasn’t stupid. He was smart! Really, really smart. Nubbins never woulda thought of talkin’ with his hands like that. “Bobby! Bobby! Get up! Get up!” 
“I-I don’t wanna,” he muttered. “I-I feel like shit-” 
“Bubba’s talkin’!” 
“Whu- really? He’s talkin’?” Bobby looked like that word he said they weren’t supposed to say, as he sat up, black hair in a mess and snot dripping down his face.
“Yuh-huh! Come lookit!” Bobby valiantly dragged himself out of bed, and downstairs to see little Bubba talk. It took him a minute to understand the hand-words too, but once he did he was just as excited as Nubbins, only a little sleepier. They spent the whole day trying to understand Bubba’s new words, and talking with him, in a mixture of the way they spoke and he did, their excitement only building. Nubbins couldn’t wait to show big brother what he’d learned. 
Drayton got home dead tired. He hadn’t had time for lunch that day, hadn’t had time for any damn thing. His whole body hurt. Which was why he was pissed off before he even stepped through the door. And why he quickly got more pissed off as he heard his little brothers giggling, undoubtedly up to no good. Then-
“Cook’s home! Cook’s home!” Drayton grimaced. They never got that excited when he came home. Something had to be wrong. The twins ran at him quick, Bobby following along a little slow, wrapped up in a blanket. 
“What the hell has gotten into you-” 
“Cook! Cook! Lookit! Come Lookit! Bubba’s talkin’!” Nubbins said. Drayton felt a bolt of energy go through him- energy he really didn’t think he had. 
“Talkin’? What’d he say? What happened?”
“I- I came downstairs, tryin’ to talk with him, but Bobby was sick in bed- and- and Bubba said his name! He asked about Bobby! Then he said m-my name, and- and Grandpa- and yours! He says all kinds of things!” Drayton felt a surge of relief, so overwhelming he could’ve cried. He didn’t, of course, the boys needed a strong role model, not some damn sissy, but the feeling was certainly there. “Come lookit!”
“Okay, okay,” Drayton said, letting the twins tug him by his shirt sleeves. They took him to the living room, where Bubba was sitting on the floor, a big grin on his face. Drayton went quickly to his little brother. Bubba reached for him when he came in, and he hefted the large six-year-old up, and into his lap as he sat on the couch. “Your brothers told me you been sayin’ a lot today, Bubba.” Bubba nodded. That gave Drayton even more hope- he had seen Bubba sort of nod, or at least he thought he had, but this time it was clear. Confident. “S-show me, Bubba,” Drayton said. “Say- say anything. Talk to me.” Bubba paused a moment, thinking. That was alright. Drayton had waited six years already- another few seconds wouldn’t hurt. Then, Bubba pointed, with his little right hand, touching Drayton’s chest, before curling it to a fist and pressing it to his own chest, holding it there just a second. Then he didn’t say anything. “What… What was that?” 
“Bubba talks with his hands!” 
Drayton gave both the twins a spanking for being little rat-faced liars. Bubba cried and hollered during it, but didn’t say anything. He flinched up when Drayton came towards him, but Drayton didn’t punish him any. It wasn’t Bubba’s fault the twins were stupid. Drayton all but accepted at that point his little brother wasn’t ever gonna talk, and he had might as well just give up. Accept that he ruined it. Or that Bubba was ruined to begin with. 
He couldn’t help but wonder if somehow Mama knew. 
If maybe that was why she left.
The next day the twins were sulking and Bubba was too scared to even let Drayton look at him. Drayton did his best to go to work and ignore the sludge-like guilt that poured over his every waking thought looking at those boys. He had to be tough on them. Nobody else would ever look out for them. 
The day at the old gas station was hard. His manager was a pain in the ass. One of these days, he was going to kill that old dickhead and skin him and eat him. But it was not yet that day. So Drayton stood around in the hot sun, dealing with the flow of stupid customers and their various car problems and personality problems, pointedly not thinking about his little brothers. 
Until something really strange happened. 
It was a woman and her baby. Well, not quite a baby- a child maybe Bubba’s age, five or six- though the little girl was much more confident walking than Bubba was. The husband went in for some barbeque, and the lady and the little girl got out of the car to stretch their legs while Drayton cleaned the windshield and gassed it up. He glanced over at them, mostly just to assess them as meat, when he noticed it. 
The little girl paused at the soda machine, and made some kind of gesture- quick, oddly precise movements with her hands. Then the woman spoke back- 
“Well I don’t know about that. We’ll have to ask Daddy when he gets back.” Drayton cleaned their windshield off quick and a little sloppy before loping over towards them. 
“Uh- Miss- ma’am-” The woman turned. 
“Oh uh, is there a problem?” 
“No- I- I just uh- what was that you were doin’ there?” he asked. “I- I’m sorry if this is sudden or uh-”
“What I’m doin’? How do you mean?” she looked more confused than fearful, which was always good. 
“Your- your little girl, she made- she made those gestures and-” 
“Oh! That’s just- sorry, that’s just sign language. Maggie can talk she just- my sister is deaf, and she’s been practicing so she can speak with Auntie Ruth-” 
“What’s- What’s ‘sign language’?” Drayton asked. “I- I’m sorry to be botherin’ you with all these questions I just-” He paused. He hated giving people any information, but this time the truth would probably comfort her and get him his answers. “I’ve… I’ve got a boy at home who’s mute. He… He’s never spoke a word and… I don’t think he’s liable to.” 
“Oh!” The woman’s eyes lit up. “I’m- I’m sort of surprised you never heard anything about sign language before.” 
“Well we’re uh.. Kind of cut off, out here,” Drayton said. “My boy- he- he just started doin’ somethin’ like that on his own, though, somehow.” 
“Oh! Home signs,” she said. “That’s- that’s pretty common. I mean, I only ever really heard about that with deaf kids- my sister Ruth did it when she was little, before our parents figured out what what goin’ on and started teachin’ her American Sign Language. I guess it makes sense a kid who don’t talk could do that sort of thing too.” She paused for a moment, glancing down with a look of pure adoration at her own little girl. “It’s crazy what all kids can teach you if you just listen,” she said softly. Drayton chuckled, a hollow, guilty little noise. 
“Yeah. ‘Spose so.” 
Cook ruined it. Nubbins was certain that Cook ruined it. The rest of that whole entire day Bubba never said not even one word. He barely even babbled, or grunted, or cooed at them. He just sort of sat around, looking sad. Bobby, after his spanking and with his sickness, just ended up back in bed. So it was up to Nubbins to big-brother him all alone. Which wasn’t easy. Nubbins didn’t think quick like Bobby did sometimes. So he didn’t always know how to help. This time was one of those times. 
Nubbins slinked up to Bubba, who was messing with feathers and sittin’ on the floor. He tried to figure out how to get Bubba talkin’ again- how to make him understand that Cook was gone and he didn’t have to be scared without sayin’ all that and admittin’ that Cook kind of made him scared too. He watched his brother pick at the feathers and bones for a minute, lining them up in a row, before something clicked in his brain. 
“Hey Bubba! You- You wanna do somethin’ fun?” Bubba just looked at him with those big sad baby-cow eyes of his. “Here- lookit!” Nubbins dumped out some string in front of him, and took up some bones, and feathers, and started weaving them together, best he could, till he made a skinny, sort of crooked little dolly. “See! We- we can make little dollies! You like dollies, yeah?” Bubba stretched out his hand and Nubbins passed it over with a smile. Bubba played a minute with it, then Nubbins started making another. Bubba babbled a little, and pointed at the pile of string. “You want me to show you to make one?” Nubbins asked. Bubba nodded, and the both of them smiled. 
Nubbins tried to show Bubba how to do it real good, and how to make the little dollies stay together right, and how to make ‘em real pretty, but it was hard to do that and watch Bubba’s hands incase he said anything too, so Bubba’s little dollies weren’t turning out right. They were real pretty, but he had thick little fingers that weren’t so good for the delicate stuff and the weaving like Nubbins’ skinny ones were. Nubbins kept trying to tell him what to do, the same way over and over and maybe a bit fast, and Bubba just couldn’t keep up. 
“You got to do it this way!” Nubbins said, showing him again how to weave the arms into the torso. “It ain’t gonna be no good if you don’t do it right!” Bubba snapped at him- making a loud noise and throwing his little dolly down. “Wh- th-that ain’t gonna make it any more good!” Bubba shook his arms, hard, and fussed. 
Then the front door was slammed open. 
Only one person ever slammed that door. Bubba darted under the couch as quick as he could. It wasn’t a very good hiding spot, since he could barely get under there, but it was better than Nubbins’ spot, which was nowhere. 
“Nubbins? Bobby?” Cook called. That was bad. He came into the feather room. “There you are-” He reached down to snatch Nubbins up and he tried to bolt like a wild cat, but Cook seemed ready for him to do just that. “Damnit Nubbins- Come here!” Nubbins thrashed and snapped his teeth at Cook as best he could, but the old man was getting used to picking up the twins when they were trying to scratch and bite him. “Calm down, boy, you ain’t in trouble.” 
“I-I-I don’t believe you! You’s just sayin’ that so I won’t wiggle so you can take me somewhere-” Cook hefted Nubbins over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Normally Nubbins thought that was funny, but he knew he was in some kind of trouble. 
“C’mon, boy. Up you go.” He carried Nubbins off, up the stairs, and into his and Bobby’s room. He chucked him up and onto Bobby’s bed, wakin’ his poor sick twin up. 
“W-whu did I do?” Bobby moaned. Cook shut the door and Nubbins knew this was gonna be bad. 
“You two learnt that hand-talkin’ thing with Bubba, right?” Cook said, sitting down on Nubbins’ bed and looking at them- his face so plain he didn’t even look mad somehow. 
“Well uh- m-maybe. What’s it to ya?” 
“I want you to teach me.” 
“I want you to teach me Bubba’s words. So I can understand him.” 
“B-but you said that it was stupid!” 
“Well now I’m sayin’ it ain’t!” Cook snapped. “Show ‘em to me, damnit!” 
“W-we won’t get in trouble if we do?” Bobby asked, speaking up for the first time in a while. 
“No. You won’t.” 
“Show him, Nubs.” Nubbins hesitated, still not wanting to do anything for that mean old man right then. “C’mon, or he’s gonna make me do it,” Bobby moaned. Nubbins sighed. 
“Oh… Okay,” he said. “T-this one-” he touched the start of his birthmark, then traced down it and made a fist, resting it at the bottom of his birthmark. “M-means me.” Cook mimicked it. 
“Alright. Easy enough.” 
“This one is Bobby.” Similar, on the opposite side, starting with two fingers. Cook did that too. 
“Makes sense.” 
“This is Grandpa.” 
“Oh. They’re all just… About how we look?” Cook asked. He cringed a little, hand going up over his mouth, almost instinctively. “God, mine’s about my teeth, ain’t it?” 
“Oh uh- t-this one is you,” Nubbins said, miming the backhand swiftly. For some reason Cook seemed more disturbed by that than a jab at his teeth. 
“Oh… Is it… Is it that… Mean? When he does it?” Cook asked. “Or just-” he made a sweeping motion, a little too slow and a little too soft. 
“N-no- it’s like-” Nubbins flicked his hand like he was swatting at a fly. Or, more likely, since it meant Cook, a brother in the way. “Like that!” Cook mimed it right and Nubbins flinched a little, reflexively. “Y-yeah! That’s right.” Cook looked sadly down at his hand. Weird old man. 
“Alright,” he said, softly. “Oh, and uh, what’s this mean? I saw him do this-” Cook poked Nubbins in the chest, then balled his fist and placed it over his heart. The thing he told Cook before he got mad. “What’s that?” Nubbins hesitated. He didn’t want Cook mad at him again. But he couldn’t think of another way out. He tried to be wishy-washy, so at least maybe Cook wouldn’t get so mad. 
“I uh- I-I don’t know for sure, but we think it means.. Uh..  ‘I love you’.” Cook hesitated then. 
“‘I love you’,” Nubbins repeated. Cook’s hand slowly fell to his lap. “Wh-what? Are you gettin’ mad?” Nubbins asked, curling up a little. 
“No,” Cook said, standing up all of a sudden. “I ain’t mad.” 
Drayton left the twins to whatever the hell they were doing and went downstairs. He saw Bubba dive under the couch- he was too damn big to get his ass under and always got stuck. He needed to make this right. He had to fix it- somehow- someway. He approached as quietly as he could, trying not to spook Bubba into wedging himself further under the couch. 
“Bubba?” he said softly. The boy tried to wiggle further under the couch. Goddamnit.  “Come on out from there.” He did not. “C’mon, Bubba. Are you stuck?” He put his hands on his brother’s hips, trying to give him a little tug, but that made the boy skitter further- lodging himself as deep as he could. “Dammit, boy!” Drayton was losing the little patience he had quick. He yanked his little brother out from under the couch while Bubba squealed like a piglet. “Don’t do all that! I didn’t hurt you- you’re fine,” he hissed. He pulled Bubba up, and then onto the couch, before sitting down next to him. Bubba curled up like an armadillo for a minute, then slowly but surely uncurled. “Bubba I-” I’m sorry. “I… I get it now.” Bubba perked up just a little. “I… You…” For once Drayton was the one without words. “You…” He tried not to sound too somber as he said it. “You’re different, Bubba. You… You always have been. You ain’t like me and.. You ain’t like your brothers. You’re… Really somethin’ else kid… And that.. That’s alright. You don’t talk like me and the twins do. And you probably ain’t ever gonna. And that’s alright. You don’t have to. I’m… I’m listenin’ now, kid.” Bubba looked up at him, with those big ol’ eyes, curious, maybe hopeful. But Drayton wasn’t sure he believed it yet. He sighed, a little. Then  Drayton, stiffly and with a slightly shaky hand, poked Bubba in the chest, before balling up his fist, and pressing it to his own. Bubba squealed again- a happy little noise this time, and burrowed against him. Drayton petted his hair softly, letting the boy rub his face on him like a cat. Drayton tried to just seem happy, in that moment. But deep down he knew he was still woefully underprepared. He didn’t know how the hell he was gonna raise a boy like Bubba, when he had to pick up the most basic of concepts from a stranger at the gas station.
 But the Sawyers had always been resourceful. So he guessed he’d just figure it out. 
As the years went on, Bubba slowly felt more and more understood.  And his older brothers realized Bubba was quite the chatterbox. He talked to them all the time, about a lot of different things, in a lot of different ways. They learned a handful of his home signs and enough about his body language, expressions, and sounds to understand him- even if those outside the family probably never would. 
But, Bubba didn’t worry too much about the outside at first. He didn’t need it. The Sawyer property and his family were his whole world. And in his world, he was listened to. 
But Bubba also listened. To his brother’s exploits, at work, or causing havoc in Newt. To complaints and curiosities about the neighbors, apparently so very close to them. And to the radio, and the hundreds of lovely voices that poured through it, talking about far away places and interesting people that Bubba sometimes imagined himself meeting. 
But for the time being, at least, Bubba didn’t have too strong of an urge to go there and be with them. He was happy on his little farm house, with his family, and his chicken, and his routines. It was a good life. He didn’t yet want more. 
But those voices on the radio had him curious about more. About seeing the sights. About meeting those people. Drayton told him often that they wouldn’t like him. Wouldn’t understand him the way other Sawyers did. But Bubba remembered it took his family a long time to understand him too. So he let himself be curious, at least. He wondered about those strange and beautiful cities. He wondered about the people with their strange and beautiful faces. And, of course, as he watched his brothers bicker at the door, heading out into that strange and beautiful world, he wondered if he ever asked for more, if anybody would listen.
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blue-sophia · 1 year
Winx Club: Season 1 Rewrite (Snippet)
So as I've said before, I'm working on a rewrite of the Winx Club series and as I'm writing, I thought it'd be fun to share an extract of chapter 1:
“I can’t believe we’re letting him go back to that school.”
Standing beside her, on the threshold of Eraklyon’s royal palace, King Erendor sighed as his wife repeated the same accusation she had been firing at him for weeks. “He has many enemies, Samara, and will grow up to have even more. Sending him to Red Fountain is the best thing we can do to prepare him.”
Samara didn’t bother addressing her husband, her eyes fixed on the ship that was currently being prepared for takeoff in the direction of Magix’s capital city. Palace servants were loading suitcases and bags into the cargo compartment of the ship, while the pilot and guards were discussing the route most likely to let them go undetected. “His enemies are exactly the reason we should keep him here,” She said. “Sky is the future King of Eraklyon, he should be learning how to rule a kingdom, not how to swing a sword or shoot an arrow.” 
“You think our army will take commands from a king who hasn’t known a day of battle?” As the Magic Dimension’s Realm of the Warrior, Eraklyon was well known for its strong military force. Other planets and kingdoms would trade their own products and services for Eraklyan knights to fight their battles. So for Sky to command such a strong and proud army and its generals, it was vital he earned their respect as a swordsman first. “Those men aren’t the type to listen to spoiled brats.” 
“Then have master Lowine teach him.” 
“He has been,” Erendor said. “But having one swordmaster train you is not nearly the same as getting Red Fountain’s level of military education. Besides, royals and lords all over the magic dimension are sending their sons to Red Fountain, not to mention the high-born girls at Alfea. Sky should get to know them; form alliances and gather information for when he needs it.”
“And just how is he supposed to do that when everybody takes him for that Allard boy?” Samara rebutted, her attention now having shifted to the brunette standing beside her son. “Those other kids don’t even know who ‘Sky’ really is.”
“That’s a temporary safety measurement. Once Yoshinoiya’s threats settle down we will rectify that situation.” Erenor said, his eyes too having been redirected to the young squire. “Besides, it’s not a bad thing for Sky to be friends with someone from the Southern Isles.”
“I don’t trust that boy. He’s corrupting Sky’s brain with that southern liberalism. You know his father, he’s-”
“The south’s strongest military leader, one we should keep on our side.” Erendor interjected. “And if we do that by sending Brandon to Red Fountain with Sky, then he is letting us off easy,” he said. “Christian is many things, but he’s not a traitor.”
“Well let’s hope the same thing can be said about his children then. His oldest just recently got betrothed to Lord Khai’s daughter. Quite the match I’ve heard.” Samara said, clearly unimpressed by the marriage between the two southern families. “Speaking of engagements, I was just informed that Lady Disapro will be joining us for dinner tonight?” 
Erendor wasn’t unaware of the sneer laced with the queen’s polished vocabulary. “Sky is leaving a day sooner than planned, but that doesn’t mean we should deny Diaspro a meal with her future in-laws.” He said. “Her parents will not be joining us, however, but the girl is very well informed of House Grandare’s politics.” 
“Oh I have no doubts about the girl’s devotion to her father’s lordship. I simply wonder whether we have found the best suitor Sky could be taking to marriage.” Samara said, revisiting the topic of her son’s potential fiancée once more. “Doesn’t Princess Stella of Solaria go to Alfea? I thought Sky was quite fond of her?” 
“He is, but she’s Solaria’s crowned princess, their only one at that, she’d never leave Solaria for another kingdom.” Erendor shook his head. “Besides, Radius denies anybody’s request for his daughter's hand. His pending divorce from Luna has him all sentimental about the princess’s future marriage, which he will not be arranging under any circumstances.”
Samara scoffed. “I’ve always told him that he’s way too lenient with that girl.” she said, making a mental note to have her staff reach out to the King of Solaria. “I will be attending dinner tonight, but not before reevaluating our options. I do think that an international coupling is within our best interest.” 
“Whatever you wish, darling.” The sarcasm was nearly dripping off his words. “But we will want to think about the consequences of cutting off this agreement at this stage, Lord Grandare won’t take kindly to a disruption of his plans to get his daughter married to Sky.”
“His plans to get his daughter on the throne, you mean.” Samara rolled her eyes. Lord Grandare was a good ally of the royal family, but the queen wasn’t unaware of his motives to get his daughter married off to the prince as soon as possible. Diaspro was a nice girl, pretty too, so Sky shouldn’t have too much to complain about, but Samara wasn’t too keen on the idea of the Grandares taking over the palace at her expense. “I will see what we can do about him, should this marriage be the best option available.” 
Erendor stayed silent for a moment, watching his son get ready to board and giving him a silent nod when the prince looked up at him expectantly. In the corner of his eye, he could see his wife offering her son a static wave. “Seems like they’ll be taking off soon.” He said, readjusting his cape and making his way down the steps of the palace. 
“I’ll arrange travel plans to Solaria and Lynphea for the next week. I don’t think a suitor for princess Krystal has been named yet.” Turning on one heel, Samara signalled for her handmaiden to fetch her phone. “I will have Gaston prepare duck for tonight’s dinner, don’t you think? Diaspro’s from the North, so I think she could appreciate-” 
Inhaling sharply at the interruption, Samara slowly turned her head to look at her husband. “Yes?” 
Erendor sighed as he let his eyes slide back and forth between his wife and his son. “They’re about to leave for an entire school year.” He tried to hint. However, Samara merely raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking him for further elaboration. “Don’t you think we should say goodbye?
A moment of silence fell between the two of them as Samara followed his gaze. “I have more pressing matters to attend to than sentiment,” She then stated, her eyes momentarily locking with those of her son, before stoically averting them. “Like preparing to tell Diaspro she won’t be seeing her fiancé for a year.”
That's it! Please let me know what you think!
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athenagrantnash · 9 months
What do you think about girl dad Bobby because it makes my heart melt 🥺
Omg girl dad Bobby has my ENTIRE heart!!! I mean dad Bobby in general has my entire heart, but GIRL DAD BOBBY!!!
He’s been preparing to be a girl dad literally from the second that his 15-years-his-junior sister who is totally canon and I absolutely did not make up was born. He took one look at that squawling red-faced little baby and decided that she was is. His parents already got to raise him and his older brother… this one was HIS!!
He insisted on teaching her all the most important things that his parents taught him. He’s the one who taught her to cook, and by the time she was 4 she was good enough to make (slightly singed) cookies all by herself! And Bobby had never been more proud. He also was the one who taught her to ride a bike, and who kissed her scraped knees better when she fell. Mama Nash and Dad Nash insisted that he at least sometimes be a normal teenager, but Bobby was just too enamored with his tiny sister to want to be a normal teen. More than once, Mama Nash or Dad Nash would walk to the nursery in the middle of the night to soothe the crying baby only to find Bobby had beaten them to it, gently rocking his sister to sleep while singing under his breath.
When little Brook was born, his sister gave him the warmest, gentlest hug and told him that she knew he was gonna be the greatest girl dad in the world, because she gave him all the practice he needed. So really, he should be thanking her.
And before his injury and the subsequent dependency on pain killers and alcohol, Bobby’s greatest joy was in spending time with his kids. He dusted off the skills he learned as a teenager, and no little girl had prettier braids than Brook did (when her hair was long enough). When she got a little bit older she started to be a bit of a tomboy, so Bobby (a little sadly) put away the ribbons and bows and instead bought her a whittling knife. Marcy was concerned about giving a 6-and-a-half-year-old a knife, but Bobby and Bobby Jr were busy arguing over who was gonna get to teach Brook. “You already taught me, dad! It’s my turn!”
(As a side note, if Bobby Jr had survived, he would have also had the biggest dad energy).
At Brook’s funeral, Bobby pulled the tiny little bow that he always carried around in his pocket (even during the worst of his addiction)… the very first bow he had ever put into her hair… and tucked it carefully into her hands. He didn’t deserve even that little reminder of the joyous times he had spent with her. He had lost his wife… lost his son… lost his daughter… and it was all his fault. He didn’t deserve joy anymore.
His entire family tried to help him, and his sister… the one who made him decide from the time he was a teenager that he would someday have kids of his own… was the closest to being able to get through to him. But he was too caught up in his guilt and his grief. He didn’t deserve the unwavering love and forgiveness she offered him. She was the last one to get a text from him, a fleeting “I’m sorry” before the Nash family lost track of him and eventually had to assume that he had drunk himself into an early, and unmarked, grave.
He truly believed his time of being a dad should have ended there, but then he met Athena and her beautiful family. And he would never presume to claim May and Harry as his kids… not out loud. But they were his. May was his daughter just as much as if he had been there from the start, braiding ribbons into her hair like he had done for Brook. But he would never never presume.
“I have two dads, and you’re one of them”.
And with those words, another part of Bobby’s heart… a part he didn’t even realize was still aching… healed just a little bit more. Because May saw herself as his daughter just as much as he did. Because that was the first time anybody had called him dad since that horrible night where he lost his family.
And maybe… maybe after his much needed vacation cruise with Athena… maybe he’ll reach back out to his sister again. Maybe he’ll say to her “Sis, I want you to meet my daughter, May.” And maybe his sister will smile, eyes shining with unshed tears, hugging him tighter than she ever has before. “I knew you could find yourself again, Bobby”
Because being a girl dad? That’s as much a part of who Bobby Nash is as being a firefighter.
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bvrningseas · 2 months
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the last witness before the wave hits marvelling at god, before he feels alone one final time and marries the sea— imagine being loved by me.
full name: theodore griswold
nicknames: teddy, teds, tj, teej, grizz, theodore junior (if you want to be mean)
faceclaim: oliver stark
birthdate: july 22nd
species: siren
gender: cis man
pronouns: he/him
occupation: firefighter at the crestle cove fire department (volunteer lifeguard & swimming coach)
hometown: crestle cove
sexual orientation: bisexual disaster
relationship status: single
height: 6'4"
crestle cove born and raised, teddy is the third eldest of many kids. full of sunshine from the moment he appeared and at his most happy when surrounded by other people. 
when he turned ten his then eighteen year old brother, luke, died in a quad biking accident while on vacation with his friend from high school. his eldest brother went off the rails, leaving the house and town soon after. [wanted connect tba]
once luke died the family slowly started to fall apart at the seams. his ma went to bed one day and didn’t get up again for the next eight years, like a zombie when she could peel open her eyes.
teddy shouldered the burden. he showered his younger siblings every morning, made them breakfast, got them to doctors appointments and ran the house though they hated him for acting like a parent when he wasn’t. though he always showed up for the younger twins [wanted connect tba], he wouldn’t do the same for himself and nearly got kicked out of high school a few times for his acting out and ditching. 
didn't work out he had dyslexia until his final year of high school. works fucking hard.
when teddy turned nineteen, their ma lost her battle with addiction and teddy started working full time to cover everything.
as far as he knows he's human and fully blood related to his siblings: so what if he could taste the discord brimming in a roomful of kids, how they felt steaming off them in waves before they ever opened their mouths? so what if he gets 200 miles inland from the coast he starts to feel queasy, like something is hooked deep in his gut there? he likes it in town, thank you. so what if people are drawn into him as if by magnets but don't stick around long? he'll deal. he has no idea he is a siren. that information died with his parents.
theo is used to being completely reliant on himself and appreciates but isn’t the best at accepting help. has come to terms with the fact that passing on his scholarship at eighteen was one of the worst things he ever did and that he’ll probably never make it out of crestle cove. 
tj hates being alone more than anything and doesn’t really know who he is when he’s by himself. teddy tends to just mirror what he thinks people want from him and is easily taken advantage of because he’s always giving and giving. 
genuinely good at what he does, has an excellent bedside manner. (offers under the table triage/medical care to those without insurance/in dangerous situations)
takes too many shifts because he can’t stand the sound of an empty house, can’t stand having no one left to take care of, even though getting the others to college was all he ever wanted. 
talented swimmer who could have turned pro a long time ago, misses it every single day of his life and spends a lot of time lifeguarding or teaching at the local pool.
plays the bass and used to have a band in high school that inevitably wound up going nowhere. 
seeming happy-go-lucky to those around him and able to “i’m fine.” his way out of answering questions or by deflecting back to the other person, teddy is viewed generally as a good time and pretty untroubled to the reams of acquaintances that would slap him on the shoulder after a game in high school. 
has a rescue dog, a bull terrier mutt with three legs named spud who he loves more than anything. always wears a daisy yellow neckerchief. 
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friedchickenluver · 11 months
I feel like it takes a while for the general populous to warm up to Zuko as Firelord and that’s mainly because of the last 100 years + his fathers reign didn’t really do anything to help the situation but he later becomes the people’s firelord and that’s with the help of his wife he drags him to charity events and with the backing of team avatar.
Now, Zuko was raised around politics but there’s a period about 5-10 years within his rule where he staunchly disagrees with his advisors mainly because they’re still brainwashed and under the spell that Ozai started with “restoring the fire nation to its former glory.” He later ends up just starting over and picking a new cabinet making sure to have at least one representative from each nation to chime in for rebuilding efforts.
Let me tell you though Zuko hates celebrations for himself and his achievements but when it’s his wife’s birthday and don’t get me started on their children. It’s like a national holiday the parties for them are magnificent.
As far as how powerful he is? Behind every great man is a far greater woman. A lot of his plans he runs by his wife before taking it to the advisors because she just knows that they’ll peddle him bullshit and depending on the day Zuko will agree so he can leave but she’s here to shut that shit down.
Now I know we joke that Izumi, the twins, and baby boy are spoiled. But I’d like to think that Zuko does take the time to bring them up as humble as possible and that’s thanks to Iroh having a big part of raising him and when they were settled in the earth kingdom for a bit. -🧚🏽‍♀️
HEAVY ON THE STARTING NEW PART . he got fed tf up with those old dudes who cared not about the country, but power and Zuko was like “fuck this shit, these mfs are UNFIXABLE.” (😂) he fired everyone after the first years of his reign because they actually began to like piss him off . Except two, which are my OCs Midjair and Indy, who were both apart of Ozai’s secretary and Zuko ranked them both up to major advisors . At first they were so traumatized from Ozai’s serving time and had some of his ideologies engraved in their head . but eventually they both showed that they were fixable and so Zuko kept them .
He’s so hellbent on making sure everyone has a say in how things run between countries and within the Fire Nation itself . I feel like he would also renovate a good portion of the castle just to make it look less depressing and intimidating .
He absolutely despises his own birthdays, like everyone including his wife will like beg him to allow them to throw a party or something for him . she’s trying to loosen him up some because he’s such a hard ass it’s basically impossible to gesture him into having some type of fun . BUT FOR THEM, oh the whole nation is going to hear about it, you should’ve seen Izumi’s sweet 16, they had to plan it a year in advance because she’s so extra like her mom . Their birthdays or him and his wife’s anniversary will be like week long events the whole country is celebrating, including endless amounts of gifts and cards, etc .
And of course Zuko would have to run down over major decisions he makes with the advisors, because as politics is mainly still a male predominant occupation, he needs an intelligent women’s opinion to make sure all side sound fair and just . And if those men ever try to convince her that her opinion is wrong in any type of way , oh she WILL shut they ass down before they can utter another word . Zuko knows it’s best if you never try his wife like that . LMAO
The kids are definitely spoiled like they just so happened to born in the right family because they get almost any and everything they can ask for . But zuko will always be quick to teach them that life is beyond anything more than material possessions and wants and needs, he will take them on visits to hang out with iroh just so they can get a slice of his wisdom . Because it’s important that they learn all factors of life before they have to guide themselves on their own journey . (🥹)
At the end of the day, Zuko will always be regarded as one of the best looking Firelord history has seen for a while . And even in times of doubt his family will always be quick to reassure him that he’s doing great and they all love him .
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little headcanon brainstorming
Question, do y’all think Joyce’s parents are from Latin America/Spain/Portugal or are they from the US too and it’s her grandparents that are from Latin America/Spain/Portugal? And do y’all think both (grand) parents are from there or just one? The (grand)dad in that case.
And do y’all think it’s one of those cases where the parents didn’t teach their children the language? Cause I know the omission of showing Joyce speak spanish/portuguese doesn’t mean she can’t but I personally feel like she actually can’t, let alone Will and Jonathan. Because (just for this scenario assuming that the family comes from a country where they speak Spanish) I think if any of the Byers knew how to speak Spanish I’m pretty sure the scenes with Argyle would’ve gone real different lmaoo
So maybe Portuguese?? If Joyce even knows another language.
And idk maybe that’s just me but I’m pretty certain that Will and Jonathan definitely don’t know how to speak another language (only maybe a little bit of Spanish but because of school). Like, even if Joyce’s parents taught her I don’t think she taught her sons. And do you think that if Joyce knows how to speak Spanish/Portuguese it was her decision to not teach her sons or did Lonnie have something to do with that?? Because I can definitely see how that could be the case.
I think I’m gonna make polls about this…. maybe? Idk, I’m just trying to come up with headcanons that fit with canon yk? And I think the case in which Joyce’s parents didn’t teach her the language makes the most sense tbh. I know that that’s not particularly common but it does happen, for example my parents didn’t teach me their native language either which was pretty fucking stupid of them if I might say so lmao. But in Joyce’s case, especially if it’s just one parent or her grandparents/one grandparent it’s not that big of a deal if she doesn’t know the language so it’s also more likely that she actually doesn’t. And Joyce doesn’t seem to be particularly attached to the culture either so I can imagine that the close familiarity with the culture stopped a few generations back which is why I can see how it might be her grandparents or only one of them who was the last to be born in Latin America/Spain/Portugal.
Anyway, I’d like to hear your thoughts on this and also maybe your thoughts on my opinion here because I’m making sense to me but maybe I’m not making sense to any of you guys hahhaha.
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hime-memes · 2 years
                              • Reign Sentence Starters • 
It’s my 9,000th time watching ‘ Reign ‘ the historical - drama set during Mary Stuart’s lifetime. These lines of dialogue have been selected from the first episode of the series. Depending on my schedule and if anyone wants more of these - there could be more parts to this in the future.     As always: Feel free to change anything within these that you see fit to make it work for the receiver’s muse ! Recommended For: Royal or Historical Muses/Plots/Timlines.
Trigger Warnings For: Infidelity, misogyny, attempted S.A. mention, violence
“ You must leave immediately, this was an assassination attempt - you were nearly poisoned ! “  “ Every meal you’ve eaten has been taste tested for poison since you arrived here. “  “ I don’t know if I’m ready. “ “ I’d hoped I’d get to go back to [ place ] one more time. “  “ You have returned to the court at your own queen’s bidding. “ “ You will wed [ name ] one day soon ... for your faith, for your people, for the kingdom. “ “ They say the halls are filled with them; tortured souls ... “ “ I was at court before when I was your age, and I didn’t see any ghosts. “ “ How’s the mood; Father’s ? ... or in general ? “ “ No, only royals and their attendants are allowed. “ “ Your mother is in fine form. God save you. “ “ [ Name ] needed to be protected and hidden ! “  “ You also claimed she needed to be kept at convent for her education, when we both know that she simply irritated you. “ “ Let him talk like a king. “  “ Is that what bothers you ? Her power ? -- or the fact she’s young and pretty ? “ “ [ Name ]’s arrival now upstages our daughter’s wedding ! “ “ It’s a perfect to showcase our alliance with [ Kingdom / Royal Bloodline ] ! “ “ Half the continent’s royalty will be feeding at our trough. “  “ There are those who say too many alliances make a king look weak. “  “ To be a bladesmith ? Is that a requirement for future kings, now ? “ “ Make no mistake, we’re here now to get our young queen in the game. “  “ You’ve chosen my wife; have you set the date too ? “ “ Here’s the date; when I say so ... or when [ Kingdom ] turns their sword in our direction. “ “ I’ve just had a vision: I see you, beheaded, at my command. “  “ The opinions you can ignore. Isn’t that right, [ Name of person being insulted ] ? “  “ I quite like the way mud feels underfoot. “ ” He looked so surprised that I would fight back ... that I would even wake. “  “ At least your bride has a country and an army should you need it. “ “ I can’t help thinking that every man, even a king, should have some kind of skill. “  “ I mean a real skill, one I didn’t inherit ... that wasn’t given to me, and can’t be taken away. “  ” HE played a role in the plot to destroy your engagement. “  “ They don’t worry about him dying so much that they don’t let him live. “  ” The wine. I was told not to drink the wine. I was warned ! “  “ Her ladies - in - waiting are on their way as well. Three titled, one ridiculously rich -- just your type. “  “ Alliances shift, before they do -- you need to win the prince’s heart. “ “ These were my old rooms, don’t you remember ? ” “ I may not have been born with a crown, but this country relies on my money. “  ” You must know, if he’d been successful in his assault, you’d be unfit to marry any royal ... much less rule. “ “ Where she puts it, he won’t smell it ... unless he’s a very good husband. “ “ How do I control a daughter - in - law who is a queen in her own right ? “ “ Oh, [ Name ], your hair ! Didn’t the nuns teach you anything ? “ “ I’m making up in volume what I lack in station, I suppose. “ “ So, the rumors are true ? [ Name ] is the king’s mistress ? “ “ The castle seems bigger -- is that possible ? ” “ Um, I’ve brought you something to decorate your swords with ... ? “ “ Now’s not a good time. Next time, you should be announced. My page is there for a reason -- you shouldn’t be here. “ “ Why do you sound so ... ? Are you alone ? ... Are you with someone ?! “ “ If you are ever going to be Queen of [ Kingdom ], you need to understand something; kings do not answer to their wives. “ “ We’re the only ones who matter here. “ “ Young girls -- royals ... queens: do not leave the castle alone. “ “ There’s food and warmth -- who wouldn’t want to be at the castle, except for maybe you ? “ “ Maybe you’ll be sent back to the nuns for misbehaving ? “ ” You don’t want to marry me. “ “ You should ask your brother why he’s such a moody, arrogant ass. “  ” Love is irrelevant to people like us. “ ” It’s not you. You’re beautiful and clever, and unpredictable ... but it doesn’t matter. “  “ Nothing in common but our father, really. “  “ I want you to stay, but we’ll be found out. “  ” You may have behaved foolishly, but you are not responsible for your countryman’s actions. “ “ Your grace was generous, he granted my father large holdings, but - we’re no relation. “  “ He has a terrible reputation with women, he knows no bounds. “  “ Taste of love and sorrow, but don’t drink the wine ! “  “ Your grace ? Beautiful evening -- is it not ? “ ” It can poison a young Queen’s reputation, her heirs’ to the throne, an entire kingdom. “  ” You are not the only one with a country to think of ... “ “ She’s his queen. He’s just paying his respects. “ ” [ Name ] is my subject, I am his Queen, and I demand to speak with him ! “  “ We’re overrun by them. “  “ It’s time for the consummation, the ritual, the ceremony, the mystery ... aren’t you curious ? “ “ When you came to my room; I shouldn’t have said what I did. There were other way of handling things. ” ” My dear, this was not an act of passion; this was treason. “ “ You do realize we’re going to be married someday, don’t you ? “ ” I thank you for your protection last night, but I need to speak with [ Name ]. “ “ I know you had a life before I got here. It’s not about that. “ ” [ Name ]’s been executed. He was beheaded this morning. “ “ How awful must you find me to do this ?! “ “ All engagements really do is hold alliances. “  “ ... But you won’t love me. You won’t let yourself. “ “ How could this happen ? Where were the guards ?! “ “ If she’s not a virgin, then she’ll never be the Queen  ... then our chances at court are over ! “ “ He said there are people, powerful people, behind this and he had no choice ! “ “ Gossip poisons too. “ “ Take care child, if anyone even knew you were asking this ... “ “ I don’t know who to believe or who to trust, I’m sorry [ Name ] ... ! “ “ A stupid, dead boy. All to protect his family form you ... “ “ You’re the reason he’s dead. Anyone close to you lives in constant danger. We’re disposable, all of us ! “  “ You are my queen & we are your subjects. We’re here in service to you, whatever that means, whatever it costs us. “  “ You can’t even protect yourself ! “ “ One glass of wine, and she’d wake with her virtue destroyed, this engagement over ! “  “ I think you’re impulsive and prideful. “  “ It’s been so hard. So much harder than I thought it would be. “  “ I meant - I want you to be well, your grace. “ “ Take care, my brave son, or you will bleed for a girl who will never be yours. “  “ Tell me you didn’t defend a boy they found in your bed ? What was he doing there ? “ “ You think I was with him to get back at you ? He’s dead. Leave it be ... I beg of you. “ “ What ? Because we’re engaged ? That’s funny, because you have no intentions of marrying me. What if I told them that ? ... Then, this would be over. “ “ It’s not true - I might marry you. “ “ The boy would have implicated me & you. “  “ I was thinking about myself, my friends, my safety ... “ “ You could have ruined your reputation, so that I couldn’t marry you, even if things go the way we want them too ! “  “ If you were not the future King of [ Kingdom ], and I was just a girl; not the Queen of anything ... would you want this ? “ “ You said the potion would make her sleep like the dead ! “ “ You must continue to sacrifice. “   “ I don’t know who you are, or why you hide, but your warning saved me. “  “ Danger surrounds me here, and I am in your debt. “ “ Are you in danger too ? ”
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theslytherinskin · 1 year
The notification charm(name change from Letters of Love, pt.3)
Glad that someone had finally found her parchment, Lily rushed to the common room to tell her friends. But what she saw shocked her. Instead of her friends chatting merrily around the fireplace, she saw Marlene in the centre of a huddle of Gryffindors, sobbing.
She rushed to check in on her friend, and what she learnt was horrible. Marlene’s sister, Evangeline, had been reported missing, with the Dark Mark above her flat. All that Marlene knew was an active member of the resistance was captured by Death Eaters, but the future of her sister was easy to guess. 
After comforting her friend, Lily rushed to the dormitories, but on her way, bumped into Black. The once lively and mischievous prankster that she had known was somehow, shrunken. The sparkle in his eye had been replaced with despair. A month ago, Potter’s family had died, shocking everyone, who had thought that they had the best protection that the resistance had to offer. They had adopted Black as their son without any second thoughts. 
After offering her condolences(for the twentieth time), she ran up to her dormitory, and flung herself onto her bed, trying to sleep after the horrible news. 
But she couldn’t sleep. Dreams of her dead friends haunted her. Lily was generally prone to nightmares, and with news of the Dark Lord rising, she couldn’t sleep. Especially with the death of Elaine Wood, who had welcomed Lily  into Hogwarts when she was a first year, confused about the new world around her. Recently, even the death of Michael brown bothered her, even though she didn’t even know him. The sorrow experienced by the siblings of those who were lost could be felt  by everyone.
It wasn’t safe anymore. The wizarding world that had once been so beautiful and serene was now a place of sadness and despair. News of torture and death among wizards she she had known had left its mark. She had thrown herself into her studies, as an awful coping mechanism, but even academics could not bring back the innocent piece that she had had before. 
And it wasn’t just her. Even Potter, who used to be so arrogant and mischievous, shrunk to half his original self. The news of his parents death was old, yet he hadn’t been able to move on. Neither had Black, who was almost Potter’s brother. Without their pranks and stunts, the castle seemed emptier than usual. 
In the beginning, her friends were a source of support for her, but soon she had realised that she was support for them. With the news of the death of Mary’s parents, and the disappearance of Marlene’s sister, from the news of the Potters’ deaths to the new laws in the rising about limiting the reachof the muggle-borns, Lily was filled with nothing but despair. As much as muggle medicine provided a distraction, nobody could fully sympathise with her worries and fear, nor did they have the capacity. Between worrying about their family to mourning their dead, everyone’s emotions were stretched thin. It was common to see fellow students crying in the bathroom. Even the teachers understood the difficult times, giving less homework and spending more time on defensive strategies, with Flitwick teaching the patrons charm instead of the OWL curriculum, and McGonagall teaching them how to animate figures to block hexes. 
Amongst this tumult, the only person Lily could think of was green script she had just met, so she grabbed her parchment, ink, and quill, and began to write. 
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h-awke-a · 6 months
malcolm was an educated man—moving between circles (read:escaping from) for most of his younger and adult life had afforded him that at least, and when theo was young and an only child his father would teach him to read and write, give him occasional little lessons when they had time, and theo was awed by him, by the way their neighbours would come to ask him questions, seemed to respect him as an educated person, would pay him for lessons, but soon those paid lessons and the mutual attempt between father and son to make money for the family meant that theo’s lessons fell to the wayside—malcolm could see that theo didn’t have a focus or particular talent academically, he was certainly no mage, so he thought to let the boy just learn the basics and not bother him with all the rest
then, when the twins were born, malcolm was convinced that one of them, at least, would manifest magick—and from the time they could toddle he was passionate about educating them in all he knew (much of his advanced education was of course magickal scholarship), eventually his focus shifted to bethany because he correctly sensed her aptitude, and he spent almost all of his free time educating his daughter one on one, giving her almost all of his attention
carver developed a deep resentment over this—theo i don’t think ever resented it so much as it fucked up his sense of self worth further, he just internalized the idea that he hadn’t been intelligent enough to really warrant his fathers focus the same way, of course it would have been a waste to pass all that onto him, it also gave him this inherent idea that mages are, in general, more intelligent than him, more educated, of a higher strata in a class-based way, the hawkes grew up in extreme poverty and theo only attended a few years of the paltry free schooling the chantry offered before leaving to take work to make money—carver attended for much longer, and attached himself to the chantry much for the reason that the sisters there seemed willing to show him the special attention that his father reserved for their sister in their little private school at home
of course, the root of all malcolm’s focus on bethany wasn’t favoritism—it was fear, he was desperately trying to equip her with the knowledge she would need to keep herself safe and secret from the templars, always living with the crushing fear that if anything happened to him she would be utterly alone and unprepared to deal with her own magicks unless he could teach her everything he knew while there was still time, it was loving for bethany, the special focus of her father, but it was also suffocating, and terrifying, and a constant reminder of how frightening her future was going to be
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Now that you’re finished Owl House: what are your thoughts?! How would you fix it if you wrote it? Do you have anything to fix?!
Oh man. I loved the entire thing and I loved all the subtle slaps to the face they gave Disney. You can just TELL they had a lot planned and couldn’t get to it. Very sad.
One thing I actually completely 1000000000% adore is that in the end, Luz beats Belos with Eda and King. The two people who looked at this weird ass human and decided “Yeah we like her. Weirdos stick together.’ These three started the show and they were there at the end, fighting the good fight. Freaking AWESOME. Also the ‘well we ain’t’ line before SMASH.
Honestly, if I had to say what I’d fix is really based on pacing and the introduction of characters. I’m still convinced they didn’t have Hunter in the first season because Disney would have jumped on him and tried to force him to be with Luz as the main pairing. However if they had still kept him in season 2 but had longer to do the show I think they could have had a really good redemption arc with him, bordering on Zuko level. Yet in a world where we didn’t have to worry about that: Hunter being in the first season and having his rivalry with both Lilith and Kikimora would be awesome. It would have also allowed for the development of HuntLow better. (I like it but it’s kind of a shallow ship for me sadly. Very little meat compared to the other ships)
I would have had Raine show up season 1 as well, to show that not everyone in the covens buy the pretty lies. But also cause they’re there that final moment of Belos and I think having them around, connecting to Luz, for a longer period would be really good.
More lore would have been epic. I wish they’d done way more build up for the King is a Titan reveal. I wish we had more info on the titans in general and maybe we could have had more hints of the Titan connecting to Luz (she has those brief moments in season 3 I’d love to expand on. Maybe the portal she made kick started it?)
I’d love to also have more drama with Vee. I have THOUGHTS on how Vee accuses Luz is being ungrateful. I wanted Luz to toss back that Vee doesn’t know her. That sure she might have liked the camp for teaching her how to be human, the other kids apparently hated it and called it prison. “How do you think I would have liked being sent away?”
“She loves you!”
“She wanted to CHANGE WHO I AM!”
I just want this anger. Because yes, Luz loves her mom. But I think that the anger is needed here, that we need to see Luz be angry that her mom decided she had to change. We already saw that it was born out of worry for her daughter but like… that’s still not okay. I want the anger. I want Luz to throw it in Vee’s face and then I want Luz to be pissed at her mother.
“What you’re going to make me give up what makes me happy again?! Were you happy I came back changed?! Did you ignore the glaring signs I was different because I was finally what you wanted?!”
I want the rage. I want it. Because I love how kind and generous Luz is.
And she deserves to get mad.
I just… there’s so much there. I wanted to see th development of Lumity over a longer period. It was great, my fav ship, but god there was so much potential of a good slow burn and character development. I wanted to see how Alador slowly became more invovled with his kids. I wanted to see him realize how his wife treats them all is horrific. I wanted to see Darius’s bitterness towards Hunter followed by a realization that this was a KID he was bullying.
There’s so much unseen I wish I could have had more of. I still rank the show 9/10 because of how good it is. But if I wasn’t ignoring how rushed it was, it would only be 5/10 because there’s so much there we could have had.
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starmage-constellar · 2 years
add fans please i have the sacred texts
bro half of this is gonna be nonsense but i need to spread my truths
okay, elstumblr. add grenore right. what a dude.
he’s been through a lot, but GOD is that all so misrepresented and practically ignored
im here to give a rundown on add as a character, from his childhood all the way to when he joins the main cast (& in general, his relationship with eve)
of course, since its.. add.. there’s TW for the following:
- death
- abuse
- enslavement
of course, we start off with add being born. right off the bat, asker (his dad) didn’t even attend his birth. he was informed by one of his manor’s servants that he now had a child. and rather than be there to not only celebrate his new son’s existence but also support his own wife, he stayed at his desk and occupied him with the things that concerned him the most (which are. clearly not the people who are meant to be his family).
when add was just a child, his father pushed him through rigorous teachings. anything out of turn resulted in not only physical but verbal abuse. asker most definitely had a temper and took it out on his son during lessons. he was so frustrated with every small mistake that add made―whether it was his intention to make it or not―that add started to see it as “normal” and “understandable” just because nasods were endangered. he excused his father’s actions and temper because that’s what he was made to do. 
and, it’s not like he had anyone to tell him otherwise until much later. he was completely sheltered his whole life. even if there’s nothing that tells us he didn’t talk to anyone outside of his home, i think it’s a correct assumption. do you honestly think that someone as controlling and abusive as asker would: A) allow add to do anything but put his time and energy towards nasods? & B) nourish the sort of mindset within add that would allow him to comfortably communicate with anyone outside the house? no. add would already struggle with a majority of the symptoms of c-ptsd (self-worth issues, ignoring red flags/excusing abusive behaviours, relationship difficulties, etc). 
however, “excusing abusive behaviours” isn’t to say that those affected by c-ptsd arent afraid of their abusers. when add finds out about his father’s plan, he’s terrified of what asker will end up doing to him. he’s still just a kid! it’s not like he totally understands whats going on, no matter how smart he might be for his age. also, he willingly listens in on the conversation between his parents, only fleeing once he thinks he’ll get caught (though it was grace who peeked out the door). he can infer already that what he was doing wasn’t something he should’ve been doing/something asker would be displeased with. he’s never been afraid of his mother, he’s afraid of the consequences of his actions as they pertain to his father because of how much control asker has had over add’s life to that point. he’s afraid of disappointing his father again.
then, we get to the day when nasod ruler caught up with his family. they killed his family and destroyed his home. i think a part of him felt like he upset his father, but it wouldn’tve mattered then. above all else, he was utterly distraught that someone had taken away his mother. grace was the only person that, given the narrow scope of people he knew up until then, he ever cared about genuinely. he checked into her lab every day after lessons to see if she was around because he loved her. grace was his comfort, and that makes sense! she was an incredibly loving and caring mother. she was the only support system add ever had in his life. 
im certain that when he was captured, it was in the midst of his panic and distress, so he would’ve been trying to get away from them as much as he could. he wanted his mother back. im not even sure if he understood she wasn’t going to come back, but i also don’t think he would care much if she was alive or dead. i have a feeling that even if he understood she was dead, he would rather stay by her corpse than be anywhere else because it was still his mother. it was still his comfort and his support, even if she wasn’t breathing. 
to the actual slavery part, though. initially, add would be very uncertain about being in the situation. he wasn’t given the time to process his mother’s death, so he would be undoubtedly shaken up about it for a while. he would have so many mixed emotions and wouldn’t be given the time to process them. and this is SO important to know about his character.
throughout every traumatic situation he’s had to go through, there has been nobody that he is able to speak on these matters with. he’s had no time to question anything or understand anything from a different view. he is left to keep dealing with these things in an unhealthy manner, if dealing with them at all.
it is for this reason that his reaction to the new world when he wakes up in the library infuriates me. yes, he is fascinated by the library, and that’s understandable. it’s a vast collection of knowledge. knowledge that could help him. knowledge that could make him stop disappointing people around him. however, his reaction to dynamo sort of irritates me. in a way, i understand his abrasiveness. he wants to do things on his own. escaping from slavery was already a way of proving to himself he was capable of something. however, i don’t think he should be as annoyed with it as he is. it’s clear, by the point he entered the library, he was inquisitive enough to understand things pretty quickly. like, he was smart enough to make use of dynamo once he got outside. i don’t get why he tried to ignore dynamo so vehemently when he could’ve clearly seen it wouldn’t leave him alone lmao...
but oh god.. we get to him interacting with echo.....................
we’re going back to him having bad people skills. i doubt he would have ever gotten comfortable speaking to anyone, given what happened to him. i also think he could’ve been a little more hesitant entering elder, but that’s just my thought (he does mention that he’s never seen cities around him before, so). 
i understand he knows a lot about the nasodian race, but it seems a little weird to have him come out of two incredibly-emotionally-damaging situations being able to communicate with a stranger so quickly.
however, i appreciate him being intrigued by a request. he’s only ever known how to do things for people, for the most part. to be offered a request―a chance for him to prove himself again―and possibly earn a reward in exchange is something he would be willing to do. im also thankful that he’s confused by echo’s hospitality. (still quite pissed off about his “tsundere” attitude, though...)
adding to what they’ve done right, though, i think quantum leap vol. 3 is my favourite volume. it’s a little flawed, but i think it’s a great explanation of add as a character. his driving force is to become stronger and to get rid of his weaknesses. weakness = vulnerability = suffering.
uhh.. moving past some other shit because it’s already 1:30 am
keeping this brief: add only helped wally because he thought it would be a good way to prove himself again to somebody, but ultimately betrayed him when he noticed small similarities in their relationship compared to his previous situations. 
add also never let himself process anything he really went through, even when he isolated himself inside the library. again, the whole not wanting to be weak thing. any sort of vulnerability would just make him weaker, which would make him more susceptible to getting hurt again. thus, to protect himself, he refused to let himself look back on and deal with his issues when he was finally in a safe environment. to him, they’re just intrusive thoughts that he thinks he’s been able to deal with. (plus, he was down there to study. he’s not gonna waste his time with that!)
oh right i almost forgot. Eve.
god. okay. getting it out up front: i am not an add/eve shipper. i have never shipped it, and my stance is that add is simply infatuated with eve from a technological standpoint. hell, she’s the queen of the nasod race. if anyone has the answers on how the guy can get back to his time period, certainly it’s the queen of nasods! this is even reflected in 2nd path, where he’s solely focused on eve to take advantage of her coding to his own benefit (of course, 2nd path is also very arrogant and such). i understand that the main story allows for add to get closer with eve, but even in elSYION NOT ELRIANODE SORRY, he’s still acting obsessive and abnormal in terms of how he conducts himself around her compared to everyone else.
uhh i dont think i have any more to say,, if you made it this far, hi! thank you for reading my autism paper
also its 1:40 am im so fucking sleepy i cant go on with summarizing this essay
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thatcharmingjerk · 1 year
15 questions/15 people
got tagged by @angry-velociraptor , cheers!! I love these things! :D I’m just horrible at remembering to actually do them!! x’’’’3 
1. are you named after anyone?
HMM I guess?? Like my given name was after a granma of mom or something I think but my real (second) name is after dads dad! 
2. when was the last time you cried?
I really can’t say???? I don’t really cry because of sadness these days but i do tear up because of dumbest shit!!! Its wild how easily I can get happy/emotional tears!!!
3. do you have kids?
oHOHHAHAHAAAHA nope. No thank you. At least I have that going on for me for being trans!!!
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
I don’t know ;;w;; Sometimes yes but I think people sometimes depict stuff I just say as sarcasm idk!!!! I used to be sarcastic me thinks?? These days not that much tho??
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
HMMM like- the aura??? The presence??? Style, what you’re wearing, what accesories there is, piercings, tattoos, or lack of them! Height too, kinda at least like I just noticed last time I met a friend how short she is????? And I’ve known her for like 5 years!!?!?!?!? I’m also very bad with faces! 
6. what’s your eye color?
Greyish blue! 
7. scary movie or happy endings?
As a greedy bisexual; BOTH!!!! Seriously tho both have their charm, and they don’t really even exclude each other. I don’t really have preference for either, if the movie is good then its good!!!
8. any special talents?
Well, art?? And I can move my ears at will!! 
9. where were you born?
In hopsital öhöhöhhehehvfgdjfs but yea Finland
10. what are your hobbies?
Arts and crafts, as you can guess, drawing/painting/sculpting/needle felting, but I hike/take walks with the dogy, I love watching birds and other creatures and nature in general on walks..! Moss is life!!! I keep plants and aquarium, i’d love to get second tank only for shrimps!! And paleontology and mythology nerding, i do play them cursed videogames bit too, oh yeah I read too, like actual books of paper!! Tryna teach myself to read more again!! That’s some of it! 
11. do you have any pets?
Dogy and fish!! Aamu the dog and Peetu the kala!!! also shrimps! 
12. what sports do you play/have you played?
Not really anything?? Haha, like I used to really like football and uhh salibandy?? sähly??? as kid (idk floor ball??? ground hickey!?!?!?) and participated on class teams (badly cause I was astmathic fat kid) for those and also randomly in basket ball too??  I wasn’t really athletic but I wish I had been!! I did some horse riding too, nothing proper though cause we were poor but yeahh..! 
13. how tall are you?
166cm, i’mma short king ! 
14. favorite subject in school?
As kid I liked almost everything, I used to love math, but hmm, lets say art and biology!! 
15. dream job?
Oughhhhh idk............. Part time something???? I wish I could do more ceramics?? But idk, maybe concept artist or character designer?? Maybe paleoartist??? idk, tbh I been thinking about applying for retirement and just do whatever dabbling |’’’3 I think I really need to get my mental health in order properly before I can really think career??? I really wish I had some sorta handler or secretary or manager anyways !!!!!! Oh right if i didn’t have allergies I’d probably be some sorta animal dude, like horse trainer or something!! 
tagging: HMM LETS SEE @lil-bear-femme @kuoringankalmo @theonlygayinoulu @niborniac @chundertale 
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bowtiesnmusicals · 2 years
Here is my recap of the Just Like A Prayer with Ryan Murphy episode of the podcast.
Madonna was a passion episode for Ryan.
Ryan Murphy was given the Carol Burnett Lifetime Achievement Award.
Ryan said he is his relatively young to get a lifetime achievement award.
He had to fight to get so much of his stuff to air. At some point it got easier.
He had taken a Claritin D and was worried he wouldn’t be able to speak right when he accepted the honor but he got through it.
Ryan went into the 2010 Golden Globes not really caring. He was just happy about his outfit. He wasn’t surprised this time but he was surprised the next year when they won again.
They were shooting the Madonna episode around the time of the Golden Globes.
Dana Walden fought for the show. Modern Family is also one of her shows.
Winning made Ryan realize the show could go on for several more seasons.
Everyone was apparently drunk. He thanked Barbra Streisand.
Someone behind Ryan tickled him making him smile at just the right time for the picture they took of everyone grabbing for the Golden Globe award. Ryan was tricked into smiling for the picture.
Ryan pushed for the first episode to be aired after American Idol.
When Glee started to air Ryan was out of the country working on Eat, Pray, Love.
By the time Ryan was in India he found out the back 9 had been picked up. That meant they would have to start writing those episodes.
The Madonna episode changed the show in a huge way.
Ryan was shocked that no one seemed to ever understand that the show was a satire.
They tried to make it work writing the episodes separately but eventually Ian, Ryan, and Brad came together in Bali. Julia Robert’s would drop off snacks for them. Ryan had to teach Ian and Brad about Madonna. It was a learning curve.
Ryan told a story of a college party and he put on a Madonna cassette he had in his car and the energy completely changed. After an hour some guy took the cassette out of the player and ripped it. He liked that Madonna could bring together a group of outcasts.
This episode was when Ryan and the show changed. It was when the audience’s perception of the show changed. Looking back Ryan probably would not have done something so big. He probably would have kept it small and more about ordinary kids in ordinary circumstances.
There was a generational divide between Ryan and the cast. The cast were the reason for Theatricality and wanting Lady Gaga songs.
The tribute episodes had a life of their own.
Ryan loves moments where he gets to say thank you to people he loves like Madonna, Stevie Nicks, Barbara Streisand.
Ryan said Madonna felt impossible.
Ryan had worked with Madonna before early in his career.
Ryan got offered a job to fly to New York and interview Madonna once a week about her life to help write a script for a movie. He lied about when he was born because he was told that she doesn’t like Scorpios. He was fired after a draft because Rupert Everett didn’t like that it was all about Madonna and possibly because of who he suggested as a director for the movie. Madonna was kind and wonderful.
Ryan reached out to her manager to get permission for the episode.
Since this was the first tribute episode the person was going to have to just take a leap of faith. It was a huge ask to get the rights to an entire catalog of music, record an album, and let Ryan interpret the music in the way they want to. Basically you are asking them to be allowed to have free reign.
Ryan thinks that when it was explained to Madonna it touched a nerve because she had grown up in that world. She was a dancer.
Because of Madonna’s generosity and kindness they were able to do many more tribute episodes.
Ryan doesn’t remember how he picked the songs for the Madonna episode.
He loves that Sue Sylvester is the biggest Madonna fan. It just made sense and felt so right.
They talked about who would direct and Brad said you’ve got to be kidding. No one else would understand what to do with this episode.
Ryan knows the hallway scene with all the different Madonnas made no sense. Ryan loves that Madonna never got pigeonholed and changed with the times. He wanted to pay tribute to this quality. He spent hours with Lou going over ideas for costumes for this scene.
Vogue was the most fun thing Ryan has ever done.
Jane won an Emmy for this episode.
Looking back Ryan is glad he did it but should he have done it probably not.
They had to get permission from the studio to do a black and white segment.
Madonna had to approve the lyric changes in Vogue.
Everyone dropped by to watch Vogue being shot.
A lot of the props David Fincher used in the original Vogue music video were found and used in the glee version.
They had to figure out how some things were done in the original music video like when Sue looked like she was floating over some fabric.
The cast. would come into the editing trailer sometimes to watch the rough cuts. Ryan would give them snacks.
Express Yourself was really fun. Jenna was the only one that could do the monocle correctly. The boys were directed to be bored but between takes they would go crazy. This was also the start of people from around the studio lot coming to watch performances be shot.
Jenna’s favorite number is. Like A Prayer.
Ryan only chose songs for that episode that meant something to him.
They only caveat was that if she didn’t like something she would like to have a discussion about it.
Madonna put out a press release the day the episode aired to say she supported it.
During Bad they had no idea time to rehearse in the parking garage. They were using an actual parking garage on the Paramount Lot and had to wait for people to leave. They would just map out the dance and just shoots it in bits and parts. They were behind shooting that day. They were shooting two episodes at time. That is why Jenna isn’t in pat of Michael.
Ryan was very in Glee for the first 2 season. He then had American Horror Story and he also had a baby.
It is insane that they did 22 episodes a year of a musical. Now you would do maybe 12.
So many nights RIB would be at the Chateau Mormont trying to figure out how to fill out 22 episodes.
Ryan’s favorite word is yes. From yes comes many joys He felt like he might never get the chance again so he just kept saying yes.
Glee was a learning curve in so many ways.
In the beginning Ryan didn’t feel like their boss. He felt like their peer. He was so involved in the beginning and felt so much pressure. Who knew that glee would blow up the way it did.
Naya introduced Ryan to social media. She helped him set up his Twitter account.
Ryan learned that you should never service relationships based on what fans want.
They were encouraged to have tweet parties and engage with the fans.
In the second year of the show Ryan had death threats. He had to get security. He had people showing up at his door.
Glee was written in a place of love.
After season 2 Ryan was pulled in too many directions.
Ryan said that coming on the podcast is like a therapy session.
Ryan got a call once about doing a Glee haunted house. He says looking back he should have done it.
Ryan had so much fun doing the pilot and Madonna episode.
As a director Ryan is so good. The choir room scene between Artie and Tina in Madonna is a great example. Ryan completely rewrote the scene. It was a learning moment for Kevin.
Ryan has kind of retired from directing. He loved it when he was doing it.
When you direct you only need to know how you get into the scene, how you eat out of the scene and the tone of scene.
In the scene with Tina and Artie they nailed down a feeling and reworked it around that.
The day they shot that scene it was raining so hard they had to do one take over. He was smoking cigarettes break. If he got something right he would take a smoke break. It was crazy that he was able to just redo the scene and not call the studio or check in with anyone.
Just as the cast was showing people what they could do Ryan was also doing this with his directing and writing.
The cast knew when Ryan was there the episode was going to be cohesive and streamlined.
It feels good to walk away from something and feel good about your work.
Ryan wanted everyone to show what they could do. He didn’t want them to feel constricted. People were allowed to be their best.
After a couple of episodes Ryan came in saying he was over the nerdy thing with Artie.
Ryan loved the camaraderie of making the Madonna episode.
The thing that Ryan treasured were the moments of after doing something nutty just sitting and talking and eating together. Everyone would just hang out and laugh.
He would tell them to do more of the thing that makes them a sparkly person.
He had a lot of fun with Amber teaching him runs. They taught him about all the up and coming artists.
Madonna is not someone who looks towards the past.
Ryan is going to see Madonna, Beyoncé, and Taylor Swift on tour.
Kevin wants to go see Beyoncé with Ryan. Ryan said he would pay for the tickets.
Kevin was with Jay-z during a Beyoncé concert. He stood in the corner not saying anything because he was so scared. He felt like he wasn’t supposed to be there in Beyoncé’s family’s suite.
Beyoncé was so supportive and sweet.
Ryan ran into her at a doctors office. He was getting a vitamin shot or something. He opened a door and there was Beyoncé getting an iv drip of vitamins.
Jenna said she would go see Taylor Swift with Ryan.
Ryan asked Jenna and Kevin how they felt about a reboot.
Kevin said what does that look like to Ryan.
Ryan is of two minds one is that you can’t say anything worse then what has already been said but there is also a new generation watching the show.
Wouldn’t it be great to do another run of the show and do new songs?
Kevin said they would have done Hamilton or Dear Evan Hanson. Jenna said they would do a Beyoncé tribute and a Taylor Swift Tribute.
The Justin Bieber experience was not the original idea. It was supposed to be the Taylor Swift experience and when that fell through it was the John Mayer experience. They couldn’t get the rights for that either.
Ryan said they definitely would have done a Taylor Swift Tribute. Tina would have sang Lavender Haze. For Kevin he would have had to do a Beyoncé episode.
In the original show they did culture things connected to Ryan.
Ryan was told not to do Don’t Stop Believing. It had just been done on the Sopranos.
Ryan said if it did a reboot he would want to take it back to the feeling of the first season.
Ryan said if he did a reboot he would just pretend the final episode was just a fever dream.
Tina is a business woman tycoon that does crazy TikTok’s. She has a line of non alcoholic drinks.
Artie is in the music business. Kevin said is an executive in the music or film business and lives in Miami. He is connected to Bad Bunny and Ricky Martin.
Ryan wants to come back for the Gaga episode and Rocky Horror.
Ryan loves Blame it On The Alcohol.
They said he could come back for Rumors and Born This Way.
They asked Ryan some fan questions.
Sue was the hardest to write but that was Ian Brennan’s problem. Ryan didn’t want to touch it. Mr. Schue was also hard to write.
Jesse St. James was named that just so Cory could sing Jesse’s Girl.
Ryan wouldn’t change any storylines.
There was at least one actor that didn’t like a storyline and wanted Ryan to change it. He changed it for them.
Ryan doesn’t know if Fondue For Two was a fan idea. You’d have to ask Ian.
If an actor was sick and couldn’t record they would either change things around or the actor would just do it anyways.
Jenna said she wishes they could have Ryan every week. He is like the third host.
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doodlebeeberry · 2 years
bee , could you talk about your stella / hansen family in general head canons... i saw it in your tags once on ao3 and now im curious
It’s like 3 am so apologies if this isn’t coherent or is just a scattered mess. Also most of these are not very happy sorry
- Stella n Bryce’s relationship with their mom was. Rocky for a long while. She was kinda one of those folks who just wasn’t really cut out to be a parent. She didn’t dislike em, not by a long shot, but it took her a long time to deal w her issues enough to really be a proper parent to them, in a meaningful way.
- the three of them did eventually reach an ok place though. There was still a definitive distance, but when bryce was like a sophomore in high school or so they started reconciling a bit
- I maintain my old headcannons that the extended hansen family is Big. He has like a billion cousins but he hasn’t seen the majority of them in years. I do think he tries to reconnect with some of them at least like wayyy after one is over tho.
- bradley is like. A family friend on stellas side. She was closest with him but eventually he grew into almost a second sibling to bryce after a while
- they lived in the suburbs outside hartford. Can’t be bothered to look up where specifically so just pick the absolute most middle ground neighborhood possible
- stella absolutely taught him how to drive and she did so approximately fifteen minutes before his drivers test
- at some point bryce became the one in the house who cooked, mostly cause he was the only one who was particularly good at it. For a brief period of time, probably when he was like a senior, the three of them would sorta bond over it as he tried to teach stella n his mom how to not suck at it.
- at one point in that process, not long before stella died, his mom gave him a couple of old family recipes, scribbled on napkins and receipt backs and the like. This was the most solid ground they’d ever had up to that point. He still has them. He refuses to make any of them.
- stella died like three days after he graduated high school, give or take. If I wanna get really specific, and also kinda mean, she died durning a graduation party someone was throwing for him and a couple other kids on the block who’d also graduated. Total freak accident
- To say it put a damper on his relationship with his mom is putting it mildly. About a week after stellas death, Bryce and his mom has a really really nasty fight, both about her death and just about eachother. Lot of poorly-aired grievances and not-so-nice things were said, resulting in both bryce storming out of his own volition and his mom in effect kicking him out. He went south to crash with Bradley for a while, who was (and still is) living around bridgeport. He and his mom haven’t spoken since.
- he was thinking of going to community college. That didn’t happen.
- probably should’ve mentioned this up too but there’s no dad in the picture really. He vanished for one reason or another before bryce was even born rip
- his mom. Is aware of what happen on the smokestack. And she feels. Some sorta way about it I’m sure.
#these are most of the ones that are relevant to losing and finding I think? which is the only fic where I mentioned having hcs about this#I think#skimmed over stellas exact cause of death but it was a car accident. as is the popular interpretation#some guy was going a bit too fast and had to swerve not to hit a critter or somethin. lost control and there you go#maybe it’s just because of how I tend to approach bryces family dynamic but I don’t think his mom was like. an intentionally shitty person#when he was growing up. in the sense that like. she did care about them both genuinely but she wasn’t a caretaker by nature and wasn’t good#with her own limits.#combined with very suddenly becoming a single mother and falling back on a few old vices and things went a bit topsy turvey#I don’t know if that’s how you write out that expression but still#it took time for her to learn how to really. be there. how to be a proper parent to them. and when she did she never really owned up to the#mess so much as she just tried to build over it. she kinda denied it for a while (which is at least in part where bryce gets his denialism#from)#and while eventually she got a bit better at owning up to being a bad parent and such it was never really enough. it was never gonna be#enough#I don’t know if any of that made sense. I’m very sleepy and in my head their relationship is Very Complicated#to say nothing of his moms relationship with stella oh man#we know this woman Exists and that’s it but I’ll be dammed if I don’t hammer together some sorta messy character out of her#I have hyper-specific family headcannons for the whole scentdapack trio#and also charlotte n taylor tho I’d have to think about those a bit more lmao#ask#ask to tag
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spiritualfun · 2 years
What zodiac signs are the characters from Black•ish?
I have been watching the series Black•ish on Disney+ and as I’m almost coming to the end of the series 🥲, I feel like I’ve connected to the characters in such an intimate way that I can now make generalizations about their zodiac signs. Lol.
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So, here’s my take on: What zodiac signs are the characters from Black•ish ?
André Johnson - Leo with Taurus rising (or vice versa?)
It couldn’t be more obvious that André is a Leo. In his shadow side he has a big ego, a lot of pride, can be arrogant, needs and expects a lot of admiration, and is mainly driven by said need for getting admired. On his light side, he’s very loyal, especially to his family. I also see Taurus in him because his other drive is success, being successful, having a lot of status, and he has expensive taste. I also think the way he dresses is probably more of a Taurus expression than Leo. He’s a sneakerhead. Wears designer brands etc.
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Rainbow ‘Bow’ Johnson - Sagittarius with Capricorn placements
Ok, so, this one was me just totally projecting my friend on the character of Bow Johnson. In one of the last episodes, Bow was sitting in her kitchen with an all white outfit, red lips, and big golden earrings. She was just giving me alllllll the vibes of my friend who is a Sagittarius. Bow is also free spirited, she usually has well-thought out opinions about most things. Although I’m not sure if those opinions are very philosophical. She also enjoys teaching other people, and Sagittarius after all is the teacher of the zodiac. But, on the other hand, to me, she’s a little too competitive and career oriented. That’s why I think she must have important Capricorn placements as well. She’s very ambitious and hard-working. I mean, she is a doctor.
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Zoe Johnson - Libra
I didn’t get to know Zoe as much as the other characters. And I haven’t watched Grown*ish yet, so maybe my opinion will change after I do. But, she gives me strong Libra vibes. She was very popular in school. That’s it. That’s the basis of this guess, lol.
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André ‘Junior’ Johnson - Cancer with Virgo placements, possibly rising
When we get to know Junior as a child, he’s very smart and nerdy. As children, we emulate our rising sign more than our sun sign. As he matures in the show, he starts being the caretaker of the family. Junior is practically raising his baby brother Devante. He’s also always concerned about how other people are feeling emotionally. He dropped out of college because he didn’t want to leave his home. And, he’s a mama’s boy.
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The twins Jack and Diane Johnson - Scorpio with Aquarius moon
Ok, so here’s where it gets hard. Because Jack and Diane are very different as well as kind of the same. Jack is super light hearted, maybe giving me aquarius vibes. While Diane is just straight up evil, lol. She’s also very secretive and loves to be the one in power, so that’s where I’m thinking Scorpio. Jack on the other hand kind of gives his power away to Diane, but that’s still a Scorpio theme. Either wanting to be in power or giving away your power. Jack doesn’t come across as very secretive. They could just have aquarius moons or something as both aren’t very emotional beings. They can act kind of detached plus they have a lot of friends. And they literally call each other friend, it doesn’t get more Aqua than that lol.
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Devante Johnson - ?
I literally have no idea about Devante. We barely got to see him. Does anyone remember when he was born? I don’t.
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So, what do you think? Also, I’m still not sure about Ruby and Pops. And Charlie??? He also has to have some Aquarius placements, right? Given how eccentric he is. Full of surprises. I think the other characters are a little bit too one-dimensional though to analyze them.
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