#it'll be interesting to see how canon deals w this
the-s1lly-corner · 15 days
I have a cool idea for you if you're interested. Can I request how reader would deal with people finding out they're in the company of Slenderman? Like. Someone has managed to take photos of the two of them together and now the reader has to explain and dodge questions.
The Reader after getting caught w/ Slenderman
Long ass title hissssss
I need to wash the dishes but I'm so... blugh
Notes: reader is GN, post mainly focuses on the reader
CWs: mentions of canon typical violence but it's like "proposed but not acted upon"
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easily the best excuse you can come up with is saying that its edited or even AI- I mean that's such a weird image, whats the point in showing you this? clearly its not real!
internally though youre a little impressed that the person even managed to snap a picture, given slendermans ability to tamper with cameras... its also... very weird seeing how he looks compared to you
was he really that tall compared to you? insane
thankfully many may side with you with the claim that the image is fake
on the chance that there are those who arent as easily convinced, they begin to pry- since when did you start wandering in the woods, anyway? even worse if that wasnt a normal behavior from you before
youre stuck in a hard position.. if slenderman decides to kill them to keep things under wraps it'll just draw attention... after all what would be the chances of these people dying after accusing you of hanging around an urban legend?
slenderman is actually... pretty normal about the situation- hes had his picture taken before from someone whos managed to escape him, so this isnt anything new
the internet will spread it around, but most will believe its another work of fiction
the internet popularity of slendermam works in your favor... oh? is this fanart? a new ARG? oooo a little treat for those who're fans of horror but dont realize the picture is real
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reginarubie · 2 years
Now that Sansa has foiled Rhaenys's escape thus delaying the reach of the news of Viserys's death to Rhaenyra, I'm assuming that the canon will deviate substantially from here. It'll be interesting to see how Sansa navigates the court without her knowledge of history guiding her and giving her the upper hand. I love Sansa as much as the next person, but she had her own set of flaws (too idealistic, overthinker, shallow knowledge of the battlefield) that I'd love to see her deal with in this fic
Ciao nonny,
Are you a Sansa-but, because it honestly feels a bit like you are. Anyway, assuming you are well-intended and not a Sansa-but let's go on with the reply.
Canon will delay, if not as substantially as you think, after all I doubt Rhaenyra' only eyes on the capital was Rhaenys otherwise she's even less clever about it all than I at first assumed.
I think Sansa has already started to change the court, the very fact that the Tullys are now bonded with the Greens is already a big step away from how things went last time around, and Sansa has been anticipating the Dance for three years now, and if she survived the War of Five Kings as an unprotected hostage under the thumb of a mad boy-king, a creepy and pedophile mentor and managed to return home (in the show) and become the De Facto Lady of the Eyrie in the books, assembling a lordsguard for her cousin and starting to subtly maneuvering to get free of LF (whom she'd escape if she had somewhere to go — don't worry sweet one, you're building your own new place) all the while posing as the bastard daughter of a lord most lords hate in the Vale tells us that she will have little trouble doing the same here. She knows the broad strokes, she just has to play around and hope for the best.
She has her own set of flaws, but on one thing we disagree, those set of flaws are what has kept her alive, and what has enable her to overcome it all to a degree (she still has a long way to go in some aspects, like romanticizing to get away from trauma)
idealism —› Sansa is as idealist as Ned, and whilst that got Ned killed, it got Sansa out of KL. She spoke out against Joffrey when he wanted to kill Dontos, and saved his life, which is exchange made easier for LF to use him to try and get her out of KL; Sansa-idealist-Stark engineered her own escape from KL and it wouldn't be possible for LF to reach her so easily if Sansa had not saved Dontos and Dontos did not feel any degree of gratitude (and more, ew) for Sansa to have saved his life. Being idealist meant that Sansa is still clinging to Ned and Catelyn teachings and morals even as she poses as LF's daughter. It will be what ultimately will get her the support of the Knights of the Vale, beyond her marriage and her claim, but because they'll respect her.
overthinking —› being an over thinker made so that Sansa was able to navigate an hostile court as the world around her collapsed and all she had been taught apparently flew out of the window. She's prone to overthinking because she's not safe. It keeps her alive, and it doesn't paralyze her, it makes her go on.
shallow knowledge of the battlefield —› Sansa knows better than all her siblings to write and read, and maybe, even if she may have a shallow knowledge of the battlefield she has something much more important. She can read a room, she can recognize who's competent and use that knowledge. She knows LF is not morally good, but she also knows he is competent at surviving. The first very chapter by her POV Sansa is shown being perfectly able to recognize Selmy and Renly by their coat of arms and age only and did so in a polite, clever way that meant that they found her lovely and charming. In that moment it served little, but in the future with her new knowledge of how to move into a court?, it means she can recognize those compotent and ask for their help and the fact that she can read a room means that she knows how to charm them and ensure (also thanks to her idealism and morals) that what she doesn't know she has someone trustworthy and competent beside her. The show showed it the same way as the book is showing it, Royce became her chief advisor, she listened to the lords complaints — which brought them to admit they might have done better if they had chosen her to rule them — and faced them, the North held around Jon because Sansa ensured it did, and when faced with something she was not the most competent in the room about she trusted her advisors' word. She trusted Brienne with Jaime's and Jon about the Great War and the need of every man.
So, whilst we may agree, and she does have some flaws, I think they are some of the traits that enables her overcome what happens around her and grow from it.
Still, Sansa sat in Jon's war council, saying her own (and she was proved right), she was the one who brought along the Knights of the Vale — who came for her, and not for LF — LF's greatest mistake in the books will be believing Sansa cannot charm all of his allies away from him and use his own methods against him, thinking he has isolated her and can move her as he pleases. And being an idealist, an over thinker and capable of recognizing her own incompetences means Sansa can surround herself of people who know best than she does where she has a shallow knowledge and learn and win.
A person cannot know everything of everything, but for sure if they know about their lacunas and they are modest and humble enough to recognize it and choose people around them who know about that matter, they are several steps ahead of everyone else.
Just my two cents really!
Still, just as in the books and show, Sansa will find herself to face difficult situation and her resilience and ability to learn will come in handy as it has in the books and the show.
Hope you keep enjoying the fic and as always thank you for dropping by and sending all my love ~G.
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helloyesitstwig · 2 years
Death note oneshot: Intuition (Lawlight)
Warning:::: contains allusions/references to pregnancy, pregnant trans character, slightly OOC Light (for the better) Some language and a blatant disregard for canon.
Plot: Ryuk has a special talent that he's never told Light about.
((This oneshot is a part of a series. All context regarding said plot will start coming in as bits and pieces. For now, enjoy this and hold your questions until later on.))
"Boy, things sure were tense in there today, huh Ryuk?" 
Light laid back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling as he released an elongated sigh. Ryuk stood in the corner of his room, calmly munching on an apple. 
"Certainly seemed like something had gotten into L today, I'll say. Or maybe I should say..  Someone. Hehehe." 
"Gross, Ryuk. I told you to stop talking about that. We were both just… we were very tense that night and… Look, the bottom line is that it didn't mean anything."
"If sleeping with L that night was such an impulsive endeavour, then you'd think that you would have been a bit more careful." Ryuk smugly replied. 
"What do you mean? No one would have ever thought to have found us there. It was the perfect hiding spot."
"I wasn't talking about that." Ryuk hissed "I was referring to the fact that you didn't wear a condom." 
Light froze a bit, balling his hands into fists. 
"I… it'll be fine. I'm sure of it. A-after all, surely L is on birth control!" 
"That's not a wise assumption to make." Ryuk chuckled. "Say…Would you like to learn a little shinigami fun fact?"
Light scoffed at his words. "If it'll cheer me up." 
"Oh you'll find this one really interesting. See, one of the benefits of having the shinigami eyes is that we are able to look at someone and sense certain little things about them: If they are very sick, if they've had surgery done, and most interestingly… We can see if somebody's pregnant." 
"How's that possible?"
"It's a mystery to me. Personally I don't see what good it does for us. Pregnancy is the exact opposite of what we deal with and we can't detect a lifespan until the baby is born into the world. We use it for fun, mainly." 
Light just took in Ryuk's words, nodding his head. 
"Is this going anywhere, Ryuk?"
"Oh alright, I'll just get to the point." Ryuk sulked. "Your dear friend L… I can sense that he is with child." 
Light nearly choked as he shot upright from his bed. 
"W- Are you saying that I'm the father?!"
"Well I can't think of anyone else that could be responsible for getting him pregnant. Except maybe your father. Hehehe." 
"Don't talk about my dad that way." 
"What are you gonna do? Hit me?" Ryuk chuckled.
"I can stop giving you apples." 
"H… I'll be good." 
Light sighed and put his head in his hands. "Damn it…Now what am I supposed to do? What if he wants to keep it?!"
"I don't make suggestions like these often, but last I checked, there's no explicit rule in the death note that states that you can't write a person's name while they're pregnant. Of course… it's been a while since I checked." Ryuk offered.
Light just shook his head, leaning his forehead against the desk. "No… I..  I can't kill L." 
"Well that's a surprising claim coming from you. I guess that little night of passion in the abandoned warehouse really did mean something." 
"Shut up." The young man mumbled. "So… Now what? I can't necessarily confront L about this without telling him how I know. I guess I'll just have to wait for him to tell me himself."
"That should be really… Interesting. Hehehe." 
The next day, Light made his way down to headquarters, sucking in a deep breath as he stood at the door.
"Alright, I just gotta be calm about this." Light sighed. "There's no way I can predict how this is going to map out. I just gotta nod my head and act like everything's fine.
He had spent the previous night working out every possible scenario in his head: Whether or not L would want to keep it, if he was going to be angry/emotional about it; he even tried to work through the possibility of L not even telling him anything. Maybe Ryuk was just messing with him? Guy was really not all that reliable when it came to certain things.
All thoughts in Light's head were abruptly cut off by the sound of Misa's loud delighted squealing. She was standing in front of him with L sheepishly lingering behind her. It was as if she had been anticipating him this whole time. 
"Light, welcome back! Ryuzaki has something very special he'd like to tell you!" 
Oh fuck. Here it was. 
"Misa, I'm still not sure I even know how to inform him of this." L sulked, lazily rubbing at his eye.
"Oh relax, Ryuzaki." Misa tutted. "I'm sure it won't be that hard to tell him." 
"Tell me what, exactly?" Light played along, although his heart was absolutely pounding in his chest.
"Light, I… We… I'm going to have your baby." 
Misa was squealing and doing her little happy dance. Ryuk was losing his shit. 
"Hehhehe! Well I guess he didn't waste any time letting you know the news." The shinigami guffawed. "Now then… Aren't you going to implement your plan now, Light?... Light?" 
It was at that exact moment that Light Yagami collapsed to the floor. Misa screamed and L lunged forward to reach for Light. 
"L-Light? Are you alright?!" The detective stammered.
Meanwhile Ryuk just stood there and watched, snorting a bit.
"Hm. Interesting strategy. You know, you humans really never fail to amuse me." 
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paarthursass · 1 year
2, 6 (someone from their past? Maybe companions you happen to like together? :O) 10, 20 & 28 for Aurel x Wyll :3
heheheeee thank you ♥
Any sleep habits either had to get used to?
Any sleeping arrangements between an elf and a human is already going to be interesting, simply because elves go into a meditative trance instead of sleeping. I take this to mean that Aurel is semi-aware of his surroundings while he goes into that sleep-like trance, so he's a much lighter "sleeper" than Wyll is. And because elves really only need to fall into this trance for 4 hours a day, this usually means that Aurel is both the last to fall asleep and the first to wake up. Which is probably for the best. Aurel is also a dhampir, and dhampirs do not need to breathe, and I am sure Wyll has woken up, half aware of his surroundings, and found Aurel lying next to him cold and not breathing and nearly had a heart attack because of it.
BUT on days when Wyll doesn't wake up early and momentarily forget that Aurel not breathing is okay, I like to think this means that Aurel wakes up early to surprise Wyll with breakfast quite often. Or sometimes snuggles.
I also headcanon that, due to his dhampir nature, Aurel runs a bit cooler than Wyll - especially post devil transformation, being dragged through the Hells probably made that man a humanoid furnace rivaled only by Karlach - so the blanket situation is probably a small point of contention. It usually ends with Aurel absolutely COCOONED in blankets while Wyll's still lying there completely warm. But then on hotter nights Wyll cuddles with Aurel to keep cool, and then on colder nights Aurel can cuddle with Wyll to keep warm. <3
Double Date? Thoughts? Who?
Ok. I don't really have any "canon" pairings between the other companions in Aurel's worldstate (I have a hard time picking favorite pairings w the origin companions bcs i think they all work so well together. i have too much fun smushing them together like barbies), but I think the absolute FUNNIEST option for a double date here is with Lae'zel/Shadowheart. Wyll earnestly thinks this is a good idea. Aurel is fairly certain this is a bad idea but Wyll wants to so he's agreeing. Shadowheart KNOWS this is a bad idea but thinks it'll be funny. Lae'zel begrudgingly goes along. She is endlessly annoyed by Aurel and Wyll spouting poetic nonsense and making puppydog eyes at each other across the table because she and Shadowheart primarily flirt by getting into knife fights. I am sure a fight will eventually break out somehow by the end of this - not between the two couples, but just because violence follows this group.
2nd funniest option is Aurel and Wyll with Lae'zel and Gale. Because now you've got a THIRD poetry nerd there and Lae'zel is simmering there half in annoyance half with fondness she DOESN'T want to admit but these are in fact her nerds. 🙄 Also you know Gale starts to rattle off some theorem and Lae'zel goes "well now i can't not fuck him" and yanks him off somewhere leaving Aurel and Wyll by themselves.
either way. double date failed i'm pretty sure.
How do they deal with the other’s family?
Aurel was SO TORN when he first met Ulder Ravengard. He had a fairly low opinion of the man from Wyll's stories, but held back his opinion for the sake of Wyll. After the rescue from the Iron Throne and Ulder continued to treat Wyll with disdain, Aurel was still extremely displeased with the man, but - knowing how important his own relationship with his father was - put all that aside to try and mend their relationship.
Even after Wyll and Ulder reconciled, Aurel - though he was happy to see Wyll on good terms with his father - was still fairly distant and cold with Ulder. He didn't know what to make of the man, except he was certain that, if pressed again, Ulder would again choose Baldur's Gate over Wyll. It wasn't until after Wyll proposed that Aurel went "oh....oh that's going to be my father-in-law" that he softened in opinion, and then began to earnestly try to make a connection with him. And because Aurel is a well-mannered young man of noble bearing who also had a GREAT many good deeds under his belt by this point, I think Ulder approved of Aurel as a match for his son.
But then, of course, there is Aurel's father.
(assuming this happens in a universe where Aurel DOESN'T become an illithid bcs that would add a whole other layer to this complication)
Aurel would be ecstatic to introduce Wyll to Dragomir - he knows his dad would love him, and he REPEATEDLY assures Wyll of this fact. "Oh he can look quite intimidating but I assure you he's such a softie on the inside!"
Wyll probably has some reservations about meeting this ancient true vampire - especially after their encounter with Cazador - but he trusts Aurel would never bring him somewhere if he thought he would come to harm. He's most concerned about how Dragomir will react to his status as a monster hunter, but once they do meet, Wyll is very quickly assuaged of all concerns. Dragomir - though quite reserved - is delighted Aurel has found someone, and he very quickly decides he likes Wyll. He can tell Wyll care for Aurel just as much as Aurel does for him, and the monster hunter thing barely phases him. "Are you planning on killing me or my son?" "No, of course not!" "Then there is no issue." Also Dragomir has absolutely had his own romantic encounters with monster hunters in the past, which he casually brings up at one point during a dinner with Aurel and Wyll and Aurel immediately goes "Papa please stop telling us about your romantic exploits." Wyll thinks it's hilarious.
I think the biggest potential hiccup would be how Ulder Ravengard and Dragomir react to each other. With how chaotic everything is with the Netherbrain, Aurel and Wyll don't have time to really bring Ulder up to speed on the fact that Wyll has engaged himself to a dhampir, and one whose vampire father is still alive and also very much involved in Aurel's life. Though I like to think Ulder would not be so quick to judge - considering the last time he did so, he became estranged from his son for 7 years - I do think he would look on at a dhampir (and possibly a true vampire) getting close to his son with suspicion. Aurel has proved himself to be trustworthy, but his father...? I think Ulder would have quite a few reservations about Dragomir.
Most cuddly?
Aurel, by far. Zero contest here actually. He gets SOOO clingy. He wants to hold Wyll's hand, he wants to snuggle up against him by the campfire. He will hug him from behind and then smooch him in the middle of a crowd. I mentioned how he only needs 4 hours of sleep and yet he will happily lay in bed for another 4 hours just because it means he gets to snuggle Wyll. He gets a little too tipsy at camp one night and then he just plops himself down on Wyll's lap in front of EVERYONE and you know the others teased him relentlessly about that the next day.
Wyll is slightly more reserved with physical affection, but that's mostly because Aurel initiates it 95% of the time anyways. He loves it, and he finds it so so endearing how touchy Aurel is. And on the rare occasion where Aurel doesn't beat him to the hand-holding or the cheek smooch, Wyll likes to sneak in with a hug or a kiss and Aurel absolutely melts.
Who takes the longest getting ready to leave?
Aurel and Wyll both take very good care of their appearances but Aurel has quite a few more steps in his usual morning routine. That eyeliner requires precision.
But when it comes to formal events? Oh they both take AGES. Because they're not just taking care of themselves, they're also helping each other. Aurel asking Wyll for his opinion on whether to wear the cravat or to show a tasteful amount of collarbone, Wyll asking Aurel for what accessories to put on his horns (and probably requiring some assistance with that as well), fixing each other's overcoats and getting distracted over and over again by saying "Oh you look so dashing my dear, I'll have to fight off swarms of admirers if I want to dance with you" "Please, no one will be looking at me while I have the most dazzling star from the heavens on my arm" etc etc.
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survivial-a · 5 years
i Do think theres smth to be said about like... raven’s leaving resulting from a need to take care of herself / do what she wants to do with her life ? she wanted to be back home. obviously she shouldnt have just up n left but i rlly cannot fathom what that woman was goin through when she was pregnant and trying to raise a baby with a man who she knows she isn’t supposed to care about. i think crwby will probably make raven out to be a villain in strq backstory ( given what tai said about her tearing the team apart ) but i also think fandom gives raven a Ton of shit without actually knowing like... what was going through her mind, if she was mentally / emotionally stable, or if she just figured taiyang would give yang a better life without her than with her? + raven wanted to go home. even if she ultimately ended up caring about tai + summer, she missed the tribe and the place she came from and the thought of the tribe being essentially defenseless vs huntsmen made her sick to her stomach. even though she loves yang, she genuinely just realizes that. motherhood isn’t for her and living a domestic life in the woods with tai and yang just... isn’t what she wants for herself. she definitely considers taking yang with her but ultimately knows that being raised by tai will give yang a better chance at life so. she leaves,,, again i’m not trying to excuse her actions but i think this would be a good explanation of it, especially given that we’ve seen raven DOES canonically care about yang in a weird, twisted way.
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