#it's 11PM
nearlyfallapart · 7 months
You woke up from last night breeding session and saw your werewolf's husband starring at you like this:
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"Sorry for being too rough last night, I can lick you if you want to."
(I found it funny for no reason, I mean I do wish to cuddle with a werewolf tho, their fur looks soft ahhhh)
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womp-womp-waa · 3 months
!TW eating disorder!
Aiden never had problems with his body... Well never used to have problems atleast.
Everything was all fine until his parents came home once when he was watching a movie. He wasn't eating healthy while watching the movie, but who does? You don't go to the cinema and ask for a salad, no you ask for popcorn. But according his his mum eating such foods will ruin his body.
"You don't need anymore junk food in you. I mean look at you!" She gestured to his stomach "You're already getting a little bit chubby"
His dad (like normal) didn't say a word to disagree with his mum. He also didn't say anything to agree with her. His silence was enough, it spoke volumes.
He didn't start hating his body straight away. At first all he did was avoid eating infront of his parents. He knew that mum would make a comment and that his dad (with enough convincing from his mum) will start bothering him about food.
But then he stopped eating infront of people in general. He didn't know when or why it started but it felt like everyone's eyes were on him, judging him. Silently asking 'are you really going to eat all of that?' And 'I could never eat something as unhealthy as that'. If he was uncomfortable eating infront of people then he didn't have to. Of course the others started to ask questions as they became naturally concerned. He brushed it off "I'm just not hungry" he told them. He guessed that excused only worked the first few times, but for the moment nobody was questioning him so he was fine with it.
Slowly, he just stopped eating. He remembered the moment he decided that he should stop. In his room layed a full body mirror and next to it a discarded scale. His parents brought him the scale as a 'gift' he knew they were trying to make him lose weight, that's why he put it next to the mirror he never used. But things change. Every single day he checked his weight and every single day he looked in the mirror he saw what his parents saw.
He was disgusting, he was ugly. Maybe one day if he became skinny enough he would deserve his parents love.
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valerieluvsyu · 4 months
Now what if I just y'know wrote smut abt Mark and your obsession with him calling you mamas. Like what if I made it really nasty...would y'all read it??? I really want to so I just might.
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beelsnail777 · 7 months
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saeran-exe · 24 days
Oh, to be unable to act upon the sudden urge to shift my entire life around, read 5 books at once, study 10 different subjects that have nothing to do with my college major, buy plane tickets and move abroad, open a business, or two, learn all the languages and to play my favourite instruments, buy a huge house with a huge flower garden in the coastline of Italy and read more and all day long... God, why must I suffer the horrors of being part of a society and needing money to live?
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writingjourney · 8 months
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enstars-syndrome · 5 months
why is my muse nocturnal
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yurucamp · 2 years
what is your advice on how to make a rough idea a fully executed plot ? i love how your brain works omg
thank you! i think everyone has their own creative method, so i'm worried that my advice will be counterproductive for someone whose brain works differently than mine!
i can never force ideas. i have to let concepts marinate in my brain for a long, long time, slowly developing from embryos... i basically don't plan anything and only write down things on scraps of notebook paper which inevitably get lost. so my advice would be, keep yourself open to inspiration from everywhere, but don't make "creating/developing ideas" into a rote task, something you need to check off a list. just let things sit in your mind and rest there!
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sga-owns-my-soul · 7 months
i'm out of town visiting a friend right now and i'm here for 4 days (going back saturday) and my period just fucking started which means not only do i need to suffer through Not Sleeping In My Own Bed (which is hard enough rn bc my depression is flaring and being away from my home and boys and bed is really draining) but i have to do it while i'm fucking dying and in the worst pain ever and i'm so fucking upset
i wanna see this friend and i'm glad we get to visit but fuck all i want to do is go the fuck HOME i hate this!!!!!!
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darlin-collins · 5 months
no because i didn't answer this question on my test this morning and i just realized what's the answer... 12 hours later
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lumimis · 1 year
I am selepy
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the-shy-artisan · 2 years
me @ me: go the fuck to sleep lmao
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evkso · 2 years
oh no I want a grilled cheese
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thatwashhingmashine · 2 years
List of my force-sensitive ocs because I have no self-control whatsoever:
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1. Nayah Johari
Homeworld: Shili (raised on Coruscant)
Species: Togruta
Gender: Female
Age: around 36
Status: Alive
Jedi order
Galactic republic
Grand army of the republic (formerly)
35th attack battalion (formerly)
Alliance to restore the republic
Master: Sirial Wil
Apprentice: Easuu Teemado
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2. Sirial Wil
Homeworld: Raxus (raised on Coruscant)
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Status: deceased
Died in: 19 BBY, Coruscant
Jedi order
Galactic republic
Grand army of the republic (formerly)
35th attack battalion (formerly)
Master: Sierna Nurnirrae
Apprentice: Nayah Johari
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3.Vitali Sashka
Homeworld: Arkania (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Arkanian
Gender: female
Age: Around 32
Status: Alive
Jedi order
Galactic republic
Grand Army of the Republic (formerly)
75th Legion (formerly)
Alliance to restore the republic
Master: Cid Krodviss
Apprentice: Neha'ir Esrurdoa
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4.Rahnya Caladi
Homeworld: Pantora (raised on Coruscant)
Species: Pantoran
Gender: Male
Age: Around 50
Status: Alive
Jedi order
Galactic republic
Grand Army of the Republic (formerly)
356th Star corps (formerly)
Alliance to restore the Republice
Master: Hazaam Vanil
Ishkall Daerig
Unknown padawan
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5. Ishkall Daerig
Homeworld: Cathar (raised in Coruscant)
Species: Cathar
Gender: Male
Age: Early 30's
Status: Alive
Jedi order (formerly)
Galactic republic (formerly)
Grand Army of the Republic (formerly)
356th Star corps (formerly)
Galactic Empire (currently)
Rahnya Caladi (formerly)
Darth Vader
Darth Sidious
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6.Nero Esqualdi, née Neha'ir Esrurdoa
Homeworld: Ryloth (Raised in Nur)
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Status: Alive
Galactic empire (Formerly)
Inquisitorius (formerly)
Alliance to restore the republic (currently)
Darth Vader (formerly)
Darth Sidious (formerly)
Vitali Sashka (currently)
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7. Rizani Viran
Homeworld: Ryloth
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Status: Alive
Viran Family
Free Ryloth Movement (formerly)
Alliance to Restore the Republic (currently)
Milano Crew
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8. Easuu Teemado
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
Species: Zabrak
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Status: Alive
Teemado family
Alliance to restore the republic
Voyager crew (formerly)
Milano crew (currently)
Ceyu Ahake (briefly)
Nayah Johari
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9. Ceyu Ahake
Homeworld: Mirial
Species: Mirialan
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Status: Deceased
Died in: 2 BBY, Naboo
Alliance to restore the republic
Voyager Crew
Apprentice: Easuu Teemado
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10. Avoz Yiqu
Homeworld: Mirial (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Mirialan
Gender: Male
Age: early/mid 30's
Status: Alive
Jedi order
Galactic republic (formerly)
Grand army of the republic(formerly)
40th Legion(formerly)
Alliance to restore the republic
Master: Harek Alm
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11. Salia Doolahr
Homeworld: Katarr (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Miraluka
Gender: Female
Age: Early/mid 30's
Status: Alive
Jedi order
Galactic Republic (Formerly)
Grand Army of the Republic
80th Attack Battalion
Alliance to restore the republic
Master: Rhentvil Zun
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12. Hado Vel
Homeworld: Shili (raised on Nur)
Species: Togruta
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Status: Alive
Vel family
Inquisitorius (formerly)
Black Sun syndicate
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13. Shid Cherdi
Homeworld: Tholoth
Species: Tholothian
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Status: Alive
Galactic Empire (formerly)
Cherdi family (formerly)
Alliance to restore the republic
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14. Sevuc Zadat
Homeworld: Glee Anselm (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Nautolan
Gender: Male
Age: early 30's
Status: Alive
Jedi order
Galactic republic (formerly)
Grand army of the republic(formerly)
89th attack battalion(formerly)
Alliance to restore the republic
Master: Gradot Herain
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15. Pilar Bore
Homeworld: Umbaran (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Umbaran
Gender: Female
Age: 38
Status: Alive
Jedi order
Galactic republic (formerly)
Grand army of the republic(formerly)
456th star corps (formerly)
Galactic Empire
Master: Jaler Gad (formerly)
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16. Krakao Hezer
Homeworld: Rattatak (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Rattataki
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Status: Alive
Galactic Republic (formerly)
Jedi Order
Grand Army of the Republic (formerly)
56th Attack Battalion(formerly)
Galactic Empire
Master: Marir Ereni (formerly)
Apprentice: Shid Cherdi
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17. Sala Nil
Homeworld: Shili (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Togruta
Gender: Female
Age: around her early 40's
Status: Alive
Jedi Order
Galactic Republic (formerly)
Jedi Temple Guard (formerly)
Alliance to restore the Republic
Master: Nimera Bran
Hathor Nil
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18. Nase'ti
Homeworld: Csilla
Species: Chiss
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Status: Alive
Alliance to restore the Republic
Master: Sala Nil
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19. Hathor Nil
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Status: Alive
Alliance to restore the republic
Master: Sala Nil
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20. Muwuni Sak
Homeworld: Cathar (Raised on Zygerria)
Species: Cathar
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Status: Alive
Gan family (formerly)
Alliance to restore the republic
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21. Nojin Gan
Homeworld: Zygerria
Species: Zygerrian
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Status: Alive
Gan Family (formerly)
Galactic Empire (formerly)
Alliance to Restore the republic
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22. Massos Felan
Homeworld: Shili (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Torguta
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Status: Alive
Galactic Republic (formerly)
Jedi Order (formerly)
Grand Army of the Republic (formerly)
90th Legion(formerly)
Galactic Empire
Derram Sor (formerly)
Darth Vader
Darth Sidious
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23. Atoc Faal
Homeworld: Ryloth (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Female
Age: Around mid 30's
Status: Alive
Galactic Republic (formerly)
Jedi Order
Grand Army of the Republic (formerly)
67th Star Corps (formerly)
Alliance to Restore the Republic
Master: Sarh Leron
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24. Koaliam
Homeworld: Csilla (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Chiss
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Status: Alive
Galactic Republic (formerly)
Jedi Order (formerly)
Grand Army of the Republic (formerly)
56th Attack Battalion(formerly)
Galactic Empire
Taran Jin (formerly)
Darth Vader
Darth Sidious
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25. Taron Ka'ir
Homeworld: Ryloth (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Status: Alive
Galactic Republic (formerly)
Jedi Order (formerly)
Grand Army of the Republic (formerly)
705th Legion (formerly)
Galactic Empire
Alwen Orm (formerly)
Darth Vader
Darth Sidious
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26.Baher Mael
Homeworld: Pantora
Species: Pantoran
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Status: Alive
Alliance to Restore the Republic
Master: Faira Mael
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27.Faira Mael
Homeworld: Pantora (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Pantoran
Gender: Female
Age: 36
Status: Alive
Galactic Republic (formerly)
Jedi Order (formerly)
Grand Army of the Republic (formerly)
28th Star Corps (formerly)
Alliance to Restore the Republic
Master: Haeelon Asert
Apprentice: Baher Mael
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28. Hadiss Tosrazi
Homeworld: Zygerria (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Zygerria
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Status: Alive
Galactic Republic (formerly)
Jedi Order (formerly)
Grand Army of the Republic (formerly)
64th Attack Battalion (formerly)
Alliance to Restore the Republic
Master: Kawert Salem
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29. Garandr Izakins
Homeworld: Zelos II (Raised on Coruscant)
Species: Zelosian
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Status: Alive
Galactic Republic (formerly)
Jedi Order (formerly)
Jedi Temple Guard (Formerly)
Alliance to Restore the Republic
Master: Aland Oern
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lonk-water · 2 years
i’m back to being nocturnal i guess
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scrollonso · 2 months
good morning!!!
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