#it's FineTM
blackestnight · 2 years
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dancing in the moonlight, everybody’s feeling warm and bright
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sheesh speaking of psychic damage, bro is trying to kill himself with his mind here
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butchniqabi · 9 months
working with kids is awesome and great but the amount of emotional labor involved...sheesh
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katierosefun · 2 years
My tears ricochet for jwds,,, when Dongsik,,, for when he ,,,, dies,,,,
I don't know what exactly went wrong with them to make them fucked up enough for the song to work but... If you squint it's them. Juwon attending his wake? Cursing and crying in regret?? Mental illness is hitting hard today
bestie , , , , , why
but also that makes me so sad because this gives me the mental image of a future in which joo won never comes back to dong sik . . . could you imagine just how awful that would be if like . . . joo won just never returned to dong sik but maybe he thought about it and then one day he gets a call from ji hwa or jae yi or ji hoon and it's just lee dong sik passed away. funeral is [insert random date].
like, the thought of . . . firstly, joo won absolutely shattered because what do you do and also how are you supposed to cope and also the thought of joo won thinking very numbly, but i haven't seen him yet is . . . but i haven't told him yet . . .
a ha . . . but the lyric about when you can't sleep at night, you hear my stolen lullabies and aha . . . joo won tossing and turning at night and dreaming at some point of seeing dong sik humming that when i go back to busan song . . . joo won waking up still reaching for dong sik's hand . . . aha </3
i hate this but i also love this but i hate this thank u very much </3
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psy-ay-ay · 5 months
i think my controversial therapy opinion as someone who has regular therapy sessions twice a month is that it's less hurtful to deal with someone who just doesn't believe that therapy works at all than someone who wholeheartedly supports you when you are seeking therapy but if you see them having trouble and suggest therapy they act like they don't need it at all
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bitbrumal · 1 year
Sprinting in here with positivi-tea! Cain, your writing is some of the most uniquely descriptive pieces I've read. You blow me away every time with how you evoke feeling and sensations in ways I wouldn't think to, but that I love on each reading. Plus!!! Your characterizations are. Gosh they are raw. Messy and living and human, full of people who aren't always good, or right, but who try in their own way. You are a delight Cain, and I am always so excited to talk about are muses and to you!
casually screenshots this idek what to say i'm so glad my writing Evokes things bc. fuck knows that's what i care abt- & my characters!! these 2 things are legit what i write for, so... melts into a puddle of uwus thamk u. gently links our pinkies also same i like chatting with u hehe c:
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dowagergreen · 2 years
@wolfell continued from here [x]
alicent gives no reaction to the raising of his voice. she's endured a lifetime of men and their passions. she sits still and resolute, back still straight in the chair even as it breaks, bloodied finger tracing shapes on the table. what's the point of it all, she wonders, explaining it to him now? he's taken his side and made his judgments and what he thinks of her holds little consequence. all of this is true, and yet there is still something sparking up in her chest. a desperate, vulnerable need to be understood just once. or at the very least, heard. history will paint her a monster, ambitions twisted into claws sprouting through her fingertips. but in her mind, the story is far more complex than a simple succession.
"do you have children, lord stark?" her mind is addled by lack of sleep, and an even deeper lack of rest. if she'd ever known the answer to this question, it's left her. she doesn't even really care to know it now, but it calls forward a point that must be made. "my son was born with a blade to his throat. from the moment he arrived, any peace i'd ever had was ripped away from me. my son, my first." -- and my last. the pain of it nearly causes her to curl forward but she just winces through the aftermath.
that's all this had ever been. despite what has surely been said, she never reached for power that was beyond her station. she would never have reached for it at all had it not been her children at risk. she turns it over and over in her head, spinning back into the past until she arrives at the beginning. a young, motherless girl caught in the current of a father's unyielding ambition. a child bride and mother left to the wolves by her own husband. the inevitability of it doesn't vindicate her, or inspire comfort. it suffocates. it always has.
"i have no doubt that the version of this tale you were told is convincing so you may hate me if you wish." she adjusts in her seat, smoothing her palms along her skirts. "but if you want to know the full truth of it, you should perhaps attempt to consider what you would have done if it was your son. would you have naively trusted the safety of your children to chance? to the goodwill of someone who had already proven to you that self-preservation was paramount to honor or decency?"
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moonshynecybin · 5 months
Marc not being with Vale in Austin is fine because Vale crashed anyway and it's been a week since Argentina and Vale is still processing what Marc said (and it's not like they picked each other 100% of the time when things were fineTM, so, anyway)
Marc not picking Vale in Sachsenring, though? After the moment they had in Barcelona? Definitely feels wrong and Vale burns with jealousy (which was Marc's plan all along) (Vale goes out that night and picks up someone and it's the least satisfying one night stand he's had in forever) (and he's fully the one to blame for it)
I think it also shows Vale that Marc is not as desperate as he might have thought (and let's face it, there was obviously something satisfying thinking he had the upper hand there) and it fucks him up a little too
context on this post!! go read it...
see in my brain im thinking marc is enough of an all-or-nothing dichotomous little guy that he DOES choose vale every time he can... idk how that would work out with the rules of podiums but i have been tortured by enough gifsets (wait a minute you made some of those. find them here friends) of his 21 year old self wallpapering his room with valentino merch (and his own merch like he WAS doodling mr marc marquez rossi <3 in all of his notebooks rip king) that i think the first time he chooses anybody else is post ARGENTINAAAAAA 2018. down horrendous. down catastrophic. down so bad we might have to send him to the medical center so they can declare him medically fit to ride anyways. and thats not as fun for jealousy stuff anyways bc by then vale has realllllllly entrenched some narratives in his brain and would simply repress that <3
so!!! this au hath been set in the 2016 season where marc is half agony half hope.... one word from you would silence me forever.... so marc is um. winning a lot, and choosing valentino every time like. please talk to me. and as youve said initially its like i have nothing to say to you!! you betrayed me!! and then as it goes on a gradual thawing and they are having like. intense tender fraught winners room sex the ENTIRE time like insane people. marc fully lowkey like once he unblocks me the wedding is back on... and then as youve said in catalunya vale picks marc and blows his back out and theyre both soooo kind of. tired. of pretending that they dont like this so i think there IS a moment where marc tells a dumb joke and vale laughs (SEX LAUGHERS TILL I DIE) and then his eyes get all soft and marc leans in and its a very sweet kiss and a very sweet moment and they both think. maybe..... marc's breath caught in his chest vale's thumb on his cheek....
but this is rosquez the GOATs of motorsport divorce (no one tell me the brocedes lore shhh) so i think vale makes an offhanded comment in front of marc about picking up or something. maybe talks to uccio and blocks marc's number after he tries to call him afterwards... SOMETHING happens that pisses marc off idk what. and the next time he wins in germany hes like fine. okay. i wont choose valentino he clearly doesnt want me to. so he chooses dovi and they dont fuck but they do let everyone THINK they fucked (dovi is lowkey sad about this. cal crutchlow known marc fucker and p2 this race is despondent that he didnt get chosen.) and vale feels LITERALLY INSANE... sitting at home thinking about marc with dovi... cant get it out of his head....
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son1c · 1 year
I think the only way for Prism to comprehend loss would only be through Nine since he's the only person he cares about (Maria flashbacks) if he were to see Nine, say, in the verge of death and he doesn't understand what 'This emotion' is but god knows he doesn't like it and he will do everything in his power and beyond to ensure it doesn't happen, but since he's so... Narrow minded, I guess that means tons of collateral damage but as long as Nine is fineTM I don't think he'll ever care, Damn, the character arcs are strong with this one XDDD
shadow lost maria because fate gave him no other choice, prism will literally destroy the universe before accepting that same fate 👍
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writer-ace · 2 months
I think one of the weirdest thing about find out that I'm chronically ill is the realization that I need to be less mean to my body. Like I might actually need accommodations for certain things? Or at least I might need to do those things that would make me potentially feel better, even if they're things that "normal" people wouldn't necessarily be recommended to do?
Also I was just reading a list of common symptoms and was like, oh I have 85% of these. And it makes it feel more real, maybe?
But also I still feel like I'm totally making it up because I'm Mostly FineTM (if you ignore all the symptoms).
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honestlyeddie-im-bi · 4 months
The Venue looked lovely? Pretty please? 💕
Hi!!! Thank you so much for your question! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Oh, The Venue looked lovely is my baby, and one of these days I will really sit down and get to it ❤️
The idea is based off a prompt I once saw here.
I started thinking about this in the middle of 5B so TW: Taylor Kelly.
Essentially, newly therapized Eddie realises he’s in love with Buck just in time for Buck and Taylor to get engaged and plan their wedding. And “the venue looked lovely” exactly because it all starts as Buck is getting married and Eddie is his best man. And during the reception Buck finds him and thanks him for helping becoming a man and Eddie holds tight until he can’t anymore and just… leaves.
And the thing is that while Eddie’s come out to lots of people he hasn’t come out to Buck. So while Buck is on his honeymoon - Buck is away for a month (I don’t know, movie magic and all that, Taylor works on TV, the honeymoon was a present from Channel 8, maybe she stays wherever they go for a while as foreign correspondent) - Eddie meets a man during one of their calls, who asks him out.
Eddie initially says no, Chimney insists he goes, and look at that! They go along great.
And then Buck comes back from the honeymoon and Eddie is gay and he has a boyfriend and Buck had never told Eddie he used to hook up with men all the time, and Buck is jealous and Eddie thinks he’s got no right to be jealous so they fight and don’t talk for a while.
And the reason why I can’t seem to go on is because I can’t find a way for them to talk it out (Eddie’s boyfriend is a sweetheart and I want him to be happy too ☹️)
And I realise it sounds a bit like “Unless you ask me to” with the whole “Eddie has a boyfriend and Buck is fineTM thing” but really I need the emotional infidelity from Buck like it’s nobody’s business . And also they really hurt each other at one point 👀
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king-of-wrath · 7 months
📂📂📂📂 dating related HCs?
The first two will be Satan, the rest for Eleven and Wretch
Date Satan and you will be spoiled. Money is no object and because he's the motherfucking Sin of Wrath, he can get whatever he feels like getting. He will ask if you want/need anything and he will give it to you. He is Hell's ultimate Sugar Daddy---a Sugar Sin, if you will...
Dating Satan means your wardrobe will be changed. It's non-negotiable. You will wear the badass black spiky leather, the sexy golden armor, the skulls of conquered kings and defeated rivals AND the jewelry with Satan's sigil emblazoned on it. Everyone will know you are his
Eleven's a cheap date in terms of what he gets for himself, but insists he can pay for your order Just FineTM. He'd have to save-up big time to get a nice gift, but he won't admit he's living on a budget, so it's likely he will make you a gift
When Wretch meets you for a date, he will always have a flower for you. You will accept his humble offering and you will love him for it. You will appreciate him by holding his face gently like the hamburger, rubbing his cheeks with your thumbs and giving his forehead kissies
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arofili · 2 years
Hi hello, this is your Tolkien Secret Santa here! Thank you so much for your wonderful prompts, they've sparkled a lot of ideas and writing sessions, and made me fall even more in love with Russingon ;)
I was wondering if you had any headcanons close to your heart rn you'd like to see featured, or any kind of AU Divergence you had a special hankering for? Hope you're having a lovely week and a lot of fun with the event!
P. S.: Thank you for being part of the moding team, you're all doing incredible work <3
Hello <3
My brain is pulling a blank right now regarding headcanons - I know I have them, but I can't seem to think of anything specific right now! As for canon divergence AUs, obviously I'd love Fingon Lives AU, or maybe an AU where they never left Valinor and things are FineTM, or an AU where they get to live together in Beleriand? Or even an AU where Aredhel and Maeglin escape to Fingon rather than going back to Turgon, and Maeglin gets some new uncles in Mae and Finno :) But I'm also happy to read anything about them during the Long Peace, AU or not!!
Thank you <333
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katierosefun · 2 years
1/5 Just thinking about what kind of daemons the characters of BE would have? Like my first input for Dongsik would have been a fox (laughing but careful, independent but can be in groups?) but then again Dongsik's daemon would have settled before yu-yeon's disappearance (her daemon was definitely some kind of bird - a songbird or a painted snipe?) and I just think his would be a bird too (a jay?)
which would make everything even more hurtful in the long run because his daemon would fly away from him for days (and I just now remember that birds are meant to be witches' daemons - a bad omen, of course things would go awry with the Lee twins although her songbird was so sweet and well-mannered)
(the fact that Dongsik's jay has a distinctly male voice does not go unnoticed either) (years later there is the matter of Jae-yi's Maine Coon with her suave voice telling rude customers off) (would also love for Jae-yi to have a red-crowned crane? Actually?) Most of the Manyang crew have wolves daemons or animals that strive in mountain settings.
Jihoon's daemon barely changes even before he is settled, a quiet pup turning into a mixed breed. And then comes Han Juwon, who for the longest time was followed by a dog or a fox as he run in dark English corridors but whose daemon settles as a snow leopard
(of course dongsik's jay must come and settle on Juwon's daemon even as they are barely acquainted. Of course he would start pecking his head). Sorry for the rambling but your input is always really interesting?? So
aaah, anon, i actually adore this idea! i actually haven't been familiar with the concept of daemons before (but i think i get the gist of them after doing a few quick google searches). although also, i love the idea of dong sik and yu yeon having somewhat matching daemons: birds especially, with yu yeon's songbird to dong sik's blue jay. i did some more research, though, and in the process learned that witches can survive a long time without their daemon close by--and a part of my heart breaks at yu yeon's little songbird twittering up a scared storm right before The Thing Happens. (and dong sik not being able to find yu yeon's songbird, repeatedly telling himself that it's fine, the bird's just with yu yeon, keeping her safe when, in actuality, the songbird's long gone.) (no idea if that's accurate to the daemon canon--i'm not quite as familiar with his dark materials, even though i've been meaning to watch the series!)
i also love the idea of jae yi having a crane as her daemon: elegant, just like her. (also always keeping a watchful eye on everything that happens in manyang.)
as for the rest of the manyang crew having wolves or another mountain animals also makes me so happy, because i think they're mostly pack animals, right? and that sort of suits the entirety of manyang, in that whole "we piss each other off but as soon as we see a greater danger, we band together to shove the enemy out" mentality.
also, i personally love the idea of joo won's daemon shifting into a dog and then turning into some kind of big cat. (threatening at first glance, but turning out to be rather soft.)
dong sik's jay settling on joo won's leopard is also such a sweet image? i think joo won would probably get annoyed about it for a moment, because from what i've found on the internet, sometimes people's daemons interacting with each other can be considered a violation--or trust. i think dong sik would be a little bit miffed too, especially in the beginning, but i think the jay and snow leopard would get along oddly well (and it's only a matter of time before dong sik and joo won start doing the same).
also, because the birds can usually be a little ways from their human companions, i raise you "dong sik's blue jay won't stop pecking at joo won's window at like 2 am to be like go help your partner" and joo won very grouchily driving back to manyang (but also worried), only to find that dong sik's actually FineTM, his daemon's just playful and sly.
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Something is gonna break me. I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown. I'm fineTM right now, but I feel like im teetering and something is gonna snap me in half
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blue-outta-my-jeans · 8 months
*emerges from the shadows to silently lie down in the inch-thick dust coating this blog and folds my hands primly across my stomach as my mind continues to utterly barrage me with feels for the singular incredibly-self-indulgent au/fic that clawed its way into existence over two years ago & had been promptly left to be forgotten on one of the many back-burners of my mind until Now* .............................................. this is fineTM
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