#it's a sibling thing and pkmn trainer thing
chipsncookies · 2 years
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"Show me what you've learned in that 'Hisui' wild you're talking about!"
"Let's see if our Subway was in good hands during my absence!"
Quote from here)
I like to imagine after they wiped their tears and caught up with each other, they immediately have a battle 😁👊💥
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winsdayink · 7 months
Let me preface this by saying I believe in the "Volo is a faller" theory and the "he's immortal cause he fucked around n found out w Giratina" theory to the point if I'm proven wrong no I'm not*shot*
With that said, meet Eichi Karashina, a 17yo boy from Hearthome City, Sinnoh. He was named after Lake Acuity; his younger sister Shinji (14) being named after Lake Verity. The two fully expected a third sibling at any minute to get the name of the remaining lake.
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He's Shirona's (Cynthia) older cousin by 11 years and taught her a few things like playin the piano. He lived a normal comfortable life with its usual hardships like any other person until one day he disappeared.
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His sister searched endlessly for him, traveling the world and becoming a feared trainer, strong unlike any other. She had no ambitions when it came to battling however, the strength she and her pokemon had was simply in service of getting obstacles out of the way during her search.
25 years later, in the middle of her search she just happened to look up at the screen televising Unova's PWT-
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There he was. Hardly any older than the last time she saw him before he left the house. She quickly calls out her pkmn to fly to Unova but, well aware that it would still take her hours to arrive, she calls her cousin to go see for herself.
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Cynthia quickly arrives to the dome from Undella Town, but rumor had spread that the contestant WAS Cynthia herself, and so she's hounded by reporters for explanations on the situation.
Hours pass and Volo quickly advances up the ranks of the PWT, but is bored by the apparent lack of skill of the trainers in the event.
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Cynthia eventually caught up. Needless to say Volo drops out of the competition, finally giving other trainers a chance.
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shinymega-gengar · 10 months
Idk if you dislike getting asks abt RAD so sorry in advance if you do, but do you ever plan to release the details pertaining what ended up not being written out/portrayed? Who were Del's friends? Why does Rodney hate humans? I have a lot of questions and I feel like I'd never be able to sleep at night not knowing answers haha /lh
I will answer this one time, and one time only, so cherish it and then leave me to rot lmao
Rodney hates humans because his parents were poached right in front of him. And not the cute and happy "wowee I found a trainer that I want to follow" kind of way. They were not killed, but it wasn't a pleasant thing and he never saw them again.
Del's friend is Britty Skitty because he is, in fact, that guy. He was whitewashed by ninetales as a backhanded favor after vanishing from Pkmn Square, both helping to obscure his identity and also making him stick out like a sore thumb so he'd have to try very hard to be sneaky again.
Britty Skitty and Squirtle were kidnapped because Britty is a human. She was not the only human to be abducted, but she was the only one that had a previous track record of preventing two apocalypses.
Avis lost her memories because she died driving home from a high school dance when she rolled her car over a cliff and cracked her head open. VoL stumbled across the scene while searching for a hero and made an impulse decision to help her out. She only knows Kanto pokemon because she lived in Kanto at a period of time when there wasn't a lot of cross travel of species between land masses.
Kyurem was being manipulated by Veda's siblings, who he was in hiding from because he was a threat to their scheme. They wrecked his face before he left the trinity.
That dusknoir that appeared once is not That dusknoir.
Stacha and Kroll are not evil, they're neutral. They were never made aware of why they needed to get the humans, it was their means to survival.
The ultimate ending is that Rodney and Del become actual friends. Del saves Britt and Squirtle. Rodney comes to terms with the fact that some monsters are humans, but not all humans are monsters. Once the threat of the world was dealt with, Avis' axew bod would give out because it wasn't meant to sustain a human soul forever and she permadies. Team Jello and Team RAD join forces to be a force for good in Avis' memory. And because they are protagonists.
Rodney x Avis never becomes canon. I believe in normalizing platonic Boy/Girl with chemistry friendships. Not everything that meshes has to end in romance.
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jax-and-winstrate · 7 months
alright, it's been about one year since I joined Rotumblr, time for a new pinned post.
hello everyone, I am Jax, an ultra recon squad intern, a student at the Blueberry Academy, the current champion of the Trading Card Game Islands and a Mew hybrid. also a Meloetta chosen I guess. I used to be an aqua grunt and the leader of Operation: Clean Seas, but some things happened and I'm no longer an aqua grunt (I wasn't fired, I quit for safety reasons) and Operation: Clean Seas failed.
Hey, I'm Tommy! I'm a Rotom, and I occasionally post on this blog!
Berry growing guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/198X-ZPGrf6LsArPp0vBrciI_yzlBMMDB_uiWFQ66Ywc/edit?usp=drivesdk
List of all of my Pokémon: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I3KtAMCryYxhtbj9cUFUgTXHzdOesPy0Ujy0eYIjp78/edit?usp=drivesdk
I have a lot of cool siblings and a bunch of Phantump children that I adopted! my current siblings are Julie (@julie-winstrate-and-star-no-mi), Felix, Nowaki, and Tsumi (@fabas-failed-science-projects, you can also find me and one of my very cool friends on this blog)! my ma also has a blog (@vivian-winstrate)! also one of my Pokémon has a blog (@miss-cool-hat it used to be Coffee's but Hattie took over)
My current stats: level 10�, Psychic/Normal, known moves are Psychic, Drain Punch, Relic Song, and Explosion.
also all mail stuff and anon stuff are allowed. just don't mail me a billion eggs
here's my trainer card
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//ooc stuff below
hello everyone, it's me, @half-or-nothing! I decided to rewrite the pinned post for this blog since it's been on here for one whole year, and a lot of things have changed!
first let's start with the rules
1. No NSFW! this character is a minor and this is run by a minor!
2. Don't send ooc hate to me or anyone I interact with! the people running the other blogs are really nice and cool!
3. be respectful! no homophobia or transphobia or any of that shit here! none of it!
second, this blog is not a sideblog, so it can like and follow blogs. however, I do have sideblogs for this blog. those blogs are:
@julie-winstrate-and-star-no-mi (Prisma Ranger and Jax's sister)
@miss-cool-hat (Jax's Hatterene, Hattie. used to be Coffee's blog)
@chef-yujin (Jax and Julie's uncle-in-law, he's a chef and is friends with a Raikou)
@winstrate-family (the actual Winstrate family from RSE and ORAS, also Vito isn't on here)
@wyatt-and-elliott (a gym leader and gym trainer/evil team grunt from the Salen region)
@james-and-skitty (Jax's boyfriend! he was also kinda a PMD oc at first)
@fabas-failed-science-projects (a blog that's managed by @cooperblr @phantom-freak and me! Jax is on here, along with the four other hybrids that Faba created)
@bird-of-all-trades (another Prisma Ranger!)
@tcg-league-and-sanctuary (another blog for a group of canon characters! this time it's the league for the tcg islands)
@vivian-winstrate (Jax and Julie's biological mother! she's cool :3)
@kuniku-island-league (a league for a fan-made region! it is currently being ran with @phantom-freak , but more if more people join the discord and create ocs!)
third, a description of the blog. this blog is pretty high-stakes at times, and there will be a lot of wacky shit. y'know, for funsies. Jax is a Mew hybrid (specifically melanistic), so he can do some weird stuff like learn every tm. he is also missing his left leg and left eye. he's also a criminal probably, so you can do some fun stuff with that if you want. also Winstrate is a Porygon 2 now thanks to Jax's coding abilities
here's the link to where Jax's pfp is from!
also, I made a discord server for promoting pkmn irl discord servers, like chat servers and event servers. join if you want
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cheemken · 1 year
not prev but now I'm hooked with your Diantha/Sycamore are siblings headcanons, please share more🥺
You got it anon the Carnet/Sycamore siblings are my fave to write stuff for hahaha
•Augustine definitely used the "my sister is the champion and she can beat your ass!" card during his teen years lets be real (tho there are times where he actually still uses that on the present day)
-in my aus Dia became champion when she was 16, so when she got custody of Sycamore no one really questioned her bc ofc, she's strong enough to be Champion, she can take care of her brother
-she honestly struggled raising him but she never showed it when he's around
•Augustine's partner pokemon in my aus is Garchomp
-Diantha is actually the one who gave him Gible just as he started his journey
-Augustine was kinda late since he started his journey around 14
-so before his 14th birthday, Diantha went above and beyond, getting him a Pokedex, buying a badge case, a new backpack, some pokeballs, potions, etc, the usual things that trainers get at the start of their journey
-she did work extra hard to get the money to get him those things tho, but for her it was worth it
-and yeah the only other thing missing was his starter pokemon
-at first she wanted to give him a Ralts, maybe he'd raise it to be a Gallade, but she decided against it, saying that it feels like she's trying to make him a mini version of herself and she'd rather not want that for her brother
-so she looked around Kalos, trying to find the perfect pokemon to be his starter
-no luck tho, it's almost six and she still hasn't found the perfect one, until this Gible went to her and Gardevoir, running around them and playing w Garde
-it was all fun and games, and Dia decided to ask it if he wants to come home w her, and meet someone that would really love playing with him, that would help him become stronger
-ofc, the Gible was ecstatic, and happily went to the pokeball
-and yeah, on the day of his birthday, Augustine unwrapped his presents and was so happy to see all the new gear he has, but then looked at her going "this is great and all, Dia, but.. I don't have a pokemon yet ó-ò"
And Diantha smiles at him and softly hands him a PokeBall and just "of course you do, love"
He opens the pokeball and out comes Gible, jumping up and down, running around their table, and Augustine caught him when he jumped towards him, both laughing and was so happy to be w each other
Augustine was tearing up all "a Gible! My own pokemon! My very first pokemon!"
"that's right, and now you can finally go on the journey you dreamt of. You can find out more about the pokemon of our world, isn't that what you always wanted?"
"yeah! It's everything I ever dream about! And thanks to you I can finally start my journey! Thank you so much, Dia!"
And Augustine runs up to her and gives her the biggest hug he could w Gible still in his arms, and Diantha is there just smiling softly at him, kissing the top of his head, saying "show them just how bright you shine, my darling"
Augustine pulls away looking at her w a teary smile, but he nodded, pulling Gible close, "of course, I will! I'll make you proud!" And yeah he gathered all his stuff and finally started his journey, bidding her farewell as he and Gible went on their way
And hey, Dia's there, watching as he starts to go further and further away from her, finally off to live his dreams and discover more abt pkmn, and she smiles to herself, whispering "I'm already so proud of you"
And yeah that's all for now hahaha
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rosecorspe · 2 years
Another PKMN and TWST Crossover
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Zom Fowl, The champion of the Alola region. Originally from the Sinnoh region, starting his journey at the age of Ten. Though they’re known and loved by many not much is known of him personally, not even his real name. They’ve beat the champion of each region, but only uses the title “Champion of Alola”. He’s just on the move and can seemingly be in two places at once.
However, he is known to have a strong connection to Pokémon. His only answer to this “I wasn’t born with a connection”. He basically has full conversations with Pokémon, like how people talk face to face. In his free time he actually tries to help trainers and Pokémon have stronger bonds, he’ll even train with them to help them understand each other.
He’s also very close with Champion Cynthia and Champion Steven, a sibling like bond if you will. They tend to keep an eye on him and have been since he started his journey in their respective region. None of them comment on it but it’s obvious.
Overall he’s just as surprising as he’s mysterious. Then gets pulled into Twisted Wonderland and gets more than he bargained for.
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Name: Zom (A nickname)
He/They Pronouns
Age: 19
Height- 6’1” or 188 cm
Hair/ Eye Color: Black Hair, Dark Brown Eyes (almost black)
General Personality- Honest but Blunt, Motherly/Fatherly, Socially Awkward, Helpful prefers to let said person to figure things out themselves
Traveled Regions: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh/ Hisui, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, Paldea
Badges: 72 
Kanto- Gmax Eevee ♂
Johto- Gmax Lapras ♀
Hoenn- Mega Swampert ♀
Sinnoh- Roserade ♂
Unova- Volcarona ♀
Kalos- Mega Mawile ♂
Alola- Primarina ♂
Galar - Gmax Inteleon ♂
Paldea- Tera Meowscarada ♂
Pokémon- We’re gonna be here a while
Random Facts-
Caught at least one of every Pokémon he saw
Has a “Champion Aura” basically you can tell he’s strong and important 
In their free time trains youngsters and helps them bond with their Pokémon 
No mercy towards people who harm Pokémon
Owns Drampa who he takes everywhere
Secretly fanboys over his PKMN
Battle style that emulates PKMN Contest, he use’s that experience as an advantage
Runs on 2 hours of sleep
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I’ll explain more information later, so look out for that
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kokorowoutsu · 7 months
-- RP: @pkmn-spira
"Interesting... Very interesting." That tone again, yet said tone was more... Suppressed this time, for lack of a better term. This woman isn't quite normal, it seem. Human eyes don't narrow into cat-like slits, after all. "Happening upon Fae Deepwoods, of all places without knowing why? Perhaps this was the work of yet another anomalous occurrence?" Or perhaps the work of the Jinn of the old Spiran tale? Unlikely. The bulk of its powers have been sealed; still is, as far as she's concerned. Otherwise, either the League, or Team Celestial would have caught wind of its whereabouts by now.
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"A game?" That got Morgan to chuckle. "Whatever game you're thinking, I believe it would be unrelated to the Spira Region, really. Though the region does get its name from Mt. Spira, due to its spire-like shape."
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"Your former conjecture would be... Apt. And I was right about you being interesting." She spoke. "I specialize in utilizing Fairy Types. After all, they sing to me. Their magic and mysticism calls to me; draws me in, like a moth to a flame." Cue her staring at Ashe's Sylveon, Lucky now. Though said gaze only lasted but a few moments before her gaze returned to his Trainer. "Who am I to resist their call?" Of course, there are more to this due to her experience in Cryptid Isle, but... That'll be for another time. "Now... Where are my manners?" She let out a sigh. "I go by Morgan. Morgan Pennywort. Fairy Type specialist of the Spiran Elite Four. Though don't let my position make you treat me differently compared to any other folk." Thus, she'd extend a hand out toward the woman before her, offering a handshake. "And you are?"
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Oh that was hilarious in coincidence as Ashe reaches out a hand to shake not her hand, but Morgan's arm firmly in a greeting. A tradition she learned from her father. Grasping it for a bit and testing her energy, Ashe felt almost spot on, but there were some variations to this woman's fae aura. Pulling back, she calms herself in unison with her partner Sylveon's. "Most can't, if i'm honest... and also funny you should say your name's Morgan. That's my mom's name." A snort comes from the woman, a grin appearing. "You can call me Ashe, and you can call this one Lucky." The Sylveon is still cautious of Morgan Pennywort, but his fur lies flat, instead his eyes remain unblinking at her.
"I'm not necessarily a type specialist so much as i'm a trainer from Unova. I've got Champion Ranks in several other regions but those aren't my priority at the moment." That being said, she felt uneasy being away from what was important. She wasn't sure if her husband or daughter or siblings for that matter had been transported here -- but somehow she deeply hoped not. Something didn't feel right about this place.
"And yeah, there's actually a video game place named Spira. Check it." Her RotomPhone floats out of nowhere, pink in color and tapping a few things, the video game Final Fantasy X shows up, and low and behold yes, its set in a place called 'Spira' as it turns to show Morgan at hand. "Funny coincidence at best." She shrugs. "Annnnyway... you seem like you got sharp senses. My senses are dull at the moment due to the different fae energy in the air. Can you do me a solid and check to see if there's anyone else here? I... got a large family, but i'm more afraid for my kid. She's about to turn six. If she got swept up here..." She wasn't sure if this woman would care enough about a kid, but she hoped she'd do her a kindness to at least check. "Besides, this is your region, I don't want to impose."
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zip-toonz · 1 year
talk abt pkmn characters? YESSSS OF COURSE OF COURSE !!!! id like to hear anything u have to say abt the kalos rivals.....OR the lumiose siblings i care them too...
I have a lot of thoughts about Kalos as a whole all the time!! Heres a little something for everyone
Shauna: OK LETS TALK ABOUT SHAUNA!!!! I don't think I paid much attention to her as a kid but now adays I love picking apart her character. She's by far the most flexible of the the Rivals. In the game she's Sweet but doesn't seem to have a whole lot going on besides being really supportive and upbeat and I may have missed something while replaying the story of X but I don't think she really had a unique goal? Besides being the Rival who has the starter weak to yours. Which SUCKS cause she's such a charming character for what she is in the games. I know she states she's enjoys making memories with you and her friends and honestly I wish they did more with that. Shauna could have been the Rival who was in it for the adventure! maybe have a scrap book of all the things she saw and enamored with exploring the region. In the Anime (my personal favorite version of her due to nostalgia) She's energetic and social and has a established dream a goal! She wants to be a performer, she wants to be Kalos queen and knowing she succeeds brought me a lot of joy! I love that she's not above snarky remarks, I LOVE IT! She's a teen girl and Im glad she acts like one. To this day the playful "You're so slow" directed at Trevor in the summer camp arc lives rent free in my head. You can FEEL that they've know each other since for as long as she can remember. Or her "wow you don't know anything!" when talking to Serena and Bonnie about Pokémon showcases like YES I LOVE THAT! It doesn't really feel mean but rather like she's being playful. In the manga (I love her so much in the manga) the bluntness is bumped up to a 10, I lost my mind when she calls Trevor a wimp. She makes a snide remark about X or Y and again it doesn't feel mean spirited rather that's she's really comfortable with them and calling it as she sees it. And honestly I love that. She's down to earth. She's not afraid to call bullshit and make a scene if she has too. AND despite all that she's still a 12? (based on X's wiki age being listed at 12) year old girl who's still sensitive and has moments of vulnerability. She cried over her furfrou she cried when she hurt Viola while under the influence of Honedge. Then cried harder when Y scolded her before Y ALSO burst into tears. She cried over Pokemon getting hurt. like SHE STILL CARES DEEPLY SHE JUST ACTS TOUGH. (Also furfro groomer Shauna was so neat too! I'm just bias to Performer Shauna because pokemon performances blew my mind as a kid and still do)
Tierno: I often feel bad that when I was younger I didn't really like Tierno all that much as a character because when I got back into XY I was like WOW HES SUCH A COOL CHARACTER. ESPECIALLY IN THE MANGA. In the games he's a sweet kid who loves dancing and is self admittedly not that great at battling. He often gets distracted by the moves the Pokémon are using rather than the battle itself and that's really sweet. In the anime he's a skilled battler that integrated his love of dancing into battling and going so far as to use that to deflect opponents. He has a rhythm with his Pokémon and it strengthens their bond in a way that isn't as traditional as most other trainers and its COOL. And in the Manga he's sweet but not a pushover. He loves his friends, cares deeply for those around him, and went so far as to take care of X's Pokémon while X locked himself away. He wants just as much as the others for X to come back out of his shell but when X blows up on him early on he stands his ground while remaining civil about it. I was in awe of his sheer strength. He can do a flip on skates while carrying Shauna and Trevor like!? THATS SO BADASS ACTUALLY. and while he doesn't battle a whole lot in the manga he can handle himself pretty well. I love that his weight is not used as a joke. He's a fat kid who loves dancing and never he's a fat kid isn't that soooo funny like no its not funny I'm glad he's just allowed to exist as he is and love dancing. I love that the manga made his strong and sweet. I'm sad that he like the Kalos rivals as a whole tend to be ranked really low on tier lists or are just blatantly forgotten due to the time constraints and the in Game story suffering because of it. (READ THE XY MANGA PLEASE I BEG YOU IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE)
Trevor: I've talked about Trevor a ton because I constantly put him through the horrors. But It's wild to know that of all the kids Trevor has this vague hidden lore just chucked into an interaction with his sister if you just happen to talk to every npc and end up in the right house in Jaune Plaza. Its just sitting there. It really makes me think he was intended to be a bigger character in the games. I felt like I interreacted with him the most while replaying the games so maybe he was. He's your Dex rival. he wants to fill the pokedex and its not until you happen to talk to his sister that you find out why he's so fixated on doing it. Its like he's coping with the fact his parent's left him to train Pokémon. Trevor is also not the best at battling in the group so maybe filling the Dex is the next best thing to him. And the lack of parents is never touched upon in the manga or the anime as far as I'm aware so its just this little piece of trivia sitting abandoned in the game. I love that Trevor despite being shy is kind of snooty in the anime. He can be full of himself or a bit of a smartass at times and I like that. Makes him feel less like "oh he's just the shy kid" and more like he's a teen boy who can be a bit full of himself its a welcomed change of pace. I love that the anime makes him a photographer. Its a neat idea. Making a Photo Dex is so unique and the fact he's determined to photograph every Pokémon and hopefully discover a new one is sick! The scene where he's geeking out about Spewpa (I think?) is cute. Like of course he as a photographer and a huge nerd is gonna notice the little things. And in the manga they just commit to him being a huge Pokémon buff by making him a Professor. His dynamic with Sycamore is just Adoptive father and son to me because of the manga and the one in game interaction. Trevor clearly looks up to sycamore but even better is in the manga Sycamore RESPECTS HIM. And of all people Sycamore is (by game lore) the only known positive adult figure in his life. I like to think sycamore has been helping his sister and him for years and honestly the thought that Trevor probably has slipped up and called sycamore dad and then died inside is so funny to me. (Unrelated tangent but I love that they keep giving Trevor scary dog privileges with huge Pokémon twice his size being on his team like why do you have an Aerodactyl and a Tyrantrum Trevor!? and I love that he specializes in Fairy egg and Fossil Pokémon exclusively in the games like what a weird restriction but also a fun one)
X/Calem: WHY ISNT HE IN THE ANIME WHY WHYYYY. I love X a lot. I like the concept of his character I like his dynamic with his friend group and the fact that he clearly has a favorite (Trevor)/j. But more than anything I love that X is a burned out gifted junior trainer. One who locked himself in his room to avoid the fame. Its such a neat angle to go with for a Rival. He never deserved to have his privacy invaded so consistently. He never deserved for people, grown adults even, to disrespect his boundaries. And the fact of the matter is that it traumatized him. Enough to give up what he loved. it's so upsetting and yet so real. His whole arc is one I really enjoy. His trauma feels real. His depression and anger breathe a lot of credibility to it. Child stardom does tend to do a lot of harm. He felt so unsafe to the point he chose to shut himself away to avoid it. And it wasn't even just him it was his Pokémon too. He didn't want them involved with what he saw as his problem. its just GOD!! I know he doesnt have an anime counterpart but personally I think an anime Calem could have worked. They made a rival for ash in the series and I get that they tend to avoid making anime rivals based on the male player character cause that's what Ash is meant to represent but like DUDE. In my mind an anime verse Calem (as opposed to X and game Calem) is a really lax dude who loves being a trainer (And just happend to be really good at it). He like the rest of the rivals in the anime could have been traveling separately (Maybe even returning from traveling abroad for training) and been introduced in the Summer camp set of episodes along side the other rivals. How funny would it have been if he recognized serena as his neighbor. I have more thoughts on an anime Calem but I feel like at some point ill just make him real and properly flesh him out.
Y/Serena: Honestly I've always played as the female player character and since Cal and Serena are the same as far as I'm aware in the games I'm gonna jump to the anime. UNPOPULAR (?) TAKE BUT I HATED ANIME SERENA FOR A LONG TIME. I know why of course. I was mad because of how much they pushed the crush on Ash. It really pushed me away from her character. I never liked how it ended up reducing her character at times to "she likes Ash" when there was so much they could have done with her. I've since come to accept that its not her as a character I hate but how she was handled that I hated. I like her dynamic with Bonnie in the anime. They act like sisters and its fun to watch them hang out. I liked her in the first 2 episodes when we see her interacting with her mom. I like her being bitter about her mom pushing her to train as a Rhyhorn racer. I like her making snide remarks about it. I like the episode where she teaches ash how to Race. I like episodes where the focus is on her and not on her Crush. I just wish she had of been more than what they made her at times. In the games your rival is a skilled trainer. Why couldn't Serena have been? I never really saw the chemistry between them and it really hurt Serenas character. I like parts of her but I feel like there was more that could have been done. IN COMPARISON Y IS SO WELL DONE. Shes pissed her mom kept putting her in the spotlight and being expected to follow in her footsteps so instead she becomes a sky trainer!? BAD ASS AND REALLY FUNNY. Shes the groups glue and holding them together!? INTERESTING! Shes stubborn but well meaning?! COOL. Shes a strong trainer and a force to be reckoned with!? SICK! Despite her strained relationship with her mom she still worries about and misses her!? NICE! Y is what I wished Anime serena could have been. I don't mean that to down play Anime Serena I've come to like her but Y is so strong of a character while Serena was just beginning to get there. I wouldn't say I want A!Serena to be Y I just think if she had at least one of Ys characteristics she would have been stronger. If I was given the chance to change Serena in the anime Id keep the Performer aspect and the lack of serious interest in battling those are fine but I'd think adding naturals leadership skills or hell having her develop an enjoyment for racing would have given her a little more grip. at the end of the day I want her to be better because I do care about her character
Clemont: Anime Clemont my beloved. Watching this kid fail time and time again only to keep trying is everything. I like his dynamic with Bonnie in the anime he's a good older brother stern with her but not mean to her. Keeping dedenne for her until shes old enough to be a trainer. Protecting her when theres danger. Correcting her behavior. You can tell he cares about her and it never feels like he hates or resents her. I like his dynamic with Ash in the anime they really admire each other. His whole deal being that Ash gives him the confidence to venture out of his comfort zone is sweet and fun to watch. I love seeing his wacky invention of the day. And I LOVE CLEMBOT BAYBE!!! Anime Clemont is really fun to watch in general. Hes sweet yet very awkward but doing his best to better himself. I like how much he cares for his Pokémon and his friends. I find the running gag that hes a terrible runner funny. I think about how much that backpack must weigh too given his inventions. I love his team in the anime straying from that of the games with Bunnelby and Chespin being my favorites. Overall I understand why I liked him so much when I was younger because hes just enjoyable to watch (Talking about the anime cause my memory of Manga and Game Clem is basically sticker residue)
Bonnie: I ADORE BONNIE. Usually I have the hardest time enjoying little kid characters in a show because they tend to be written for the sake of annoyance or just poorly developed but Bonnie is a delight. She's a kid yeah she does childish things but its never pushed to the point where its actually grating to me. She gets upset, sometimes irrationally so but she's a child. That makes sense for her character. Like her puffing her cheeks and arguing that she wanted to hug Pikachu because it was cute only for Clemont to ask if Pikachu liked it is Kid behavior. and she apologizes when corrected that good! her finding every Pokémon super cute or getting sleepy because it past her usual bedtime its like YEAH she's like 6 -8 ish if I had to guess. She loves taking care of pokemon and I kind of wished we got to see her as a trainer starting her own journey. I love the bit of her trying to find clemont a wife because like SHES A KID SHE DOESNT FULLY GRASP THE WEIGHT OF THAT SHE JUST WANTS SOMEONE TO KEEP AN EYE ON HER BROTHER CAUSE SHE CARES ABOUT HIM. I love bonnie focused episodes. She's very well done for a little sibling character
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skylardoesthings · 2 years
Hello! I would love to hear about your AUs, so please can you tell me somethung about your, or one of your favourite AUs?
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you have an ask-sideblog once? For a Hc x Undertale Crossover?
have lots of aus in my brain lmao mostly its just combinations of my brainrots.
Hm, i dont really have a favourite, but some aus im thinking about rn is my Pokemon trainer hermits au that sets in Kalos (which you can find here!),
but also i have a apocalypse mcyt au which ive been doodling and making little drabbles in the sidelines. and i think at one point i had a jrwi riptide idea that involves cleo at one point and its just there at the back of my mind? just chilling out?? yeah.
in general my pkmn au is probably my fully fleshed one. Its similar to the storyline in the anime, but none of the zits doesn't have the bond thing that ash and his greninja has
also for shits and giggles gem and pearl are only a couple years older than when they became trainers when they took over their respective gyms
YEAHH AND HERMITTALE!! MY BELOVED!! i still think about that au from time to time, and my younger sibling keeps on annoying me about it as well (they helped me with designs and ideas lol)
i really wanna go back to it, maybe written instead of a comic.
shit really hit the fan with life then lol, with covid and me being in the middle of my tests back in my Junior High and needing to prepare for getting into my Vocational High School sorta made me overwhelemed and stressed and stuff.
i was really excited for that blog ngl, its sorta like the shared control au ppl have for DR/UT. The askers would act as like the player while xB is, well the character, and the past fallen are just there to be like guides (aka as the creators insert) and also an enabler lmao
also had lots of mcyts as side characters or side quest givers for ✨l o r e✨ or items and shit. me and my younger sibling had the designs and plot lines and stuff, our favourite one is Onion~san being iBillisticsquid, we just drew him (and the Shady Oaks SMP members too) a lot lmao
I really want to draw n write some more stuff for hermittale lol would still love to ramble abt it if anyone want to hear it
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sky-fortress · 6 years
oc masterpost
uhh so with the oc question thing i reposted i realized i’ve never actually made a masterpost of my characters, so here it is! it’s going to be a long one, so everything of importance is under the keep reading. 
each character will have their own little info blurb (length depends on how developed they are and how much i have to say about them)
this post will also be linked in the bio of this blog and on my art blog (( @sazand0ra )) so if i reblog an oc question post and you want to ask something, you can just pop back and look! ❤
Phika “Phoenix” Artemovich 
Phika is an Interpol agent, rank Superintendent, who lives in Jubilife City. She started on her Pokémon journey around Sinnoh when she was 10, traveling for about six-seven years and visiting Johto and Kanto in the process. She joined Interpol when she was 17 and has been working there for 12 years (she’s 29 as of right now). 
She’s not the most mentally strong (she cries very easily), as work leaves her stressed and sleep-deprived, though she always tries to perform her best. On top of that, she also believes that she was cursed by Darkrai when she was 19 -- though she doesn’t dare let anyone in Sinnoh know because of how superstitious people are. Phika is very kind and gentle, earning her the codename “Agent Mother,” and is very protective of her friends, family, and Pokémon. 
PKMN Team: Infernape (starter), Luxray, Gengar, Milotic, Togekiss, Steelix
Bella Émilie
Bella is a Pokémon trainer from Courmarine City in the Kalos region. She ran away from home at age 14 after receiving a Froakie from Professor Sycamore (he made a special visit to Courmarine City to talk to her about being a trainer w/o her mom’s knowledge). As a result, Bella is fiercely independent and almost unbearably stubborn -- she’s also carrying along quite the superiority complex with her, hiding deep-seated feelings of inferiority with a cold and aggressive exterior. 
She ended up taking on Team Flare as per the plot of X/Y, though she never really got along with the main friend group (Calem, Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor). Her and Calem also had their own rivalry, though she never thought of it as one because of how easily she beat him down every time they battled (her superiority complex shone through whenever they interacted). However, as of now, nine years later (she’s 23), she’s mellowed out some, though those feelings of inferiority haven’t quite gone away. Bella’s also close friends with Phika and may or may not have a small crush on her (she does), though she does tend to worry about how little Phika takes care of herself.
PKMN Team: Greninja (starter), Talonflame, Sylveon, Haxorus, Lucario, Meowstic 
Lyssa Ahreiz-Ridecki
Lyssa is a mechanic from Goldenrod City in the Johto region. She wasn’t really that interested in Pokémon battling when she was growing up, and preferred to spend time in her dad’s workshop, helping him to tinker with and fix machines, and go around the city with him fixing appliances and other things for people. As a result, she became a mechanic herself, establishing a name for herself in Goldenrod City and the surrounding area (her father is very proud of her for that). 
However, her talent unintentionally got her caught up in organized crime. Lyssa was recruited by the Pokémon Pinchers to work as a mechanic for them, fixing their Control Gauntlets and Z. Z. Flyers. Though she wasn’t told at first everything about the devices she was fixing, Lyssa eventually figured out what was going on and tried her best to throw a wrench in the works (figuratively) whenever she could. Eventually, as the leadership of the Pinchers began to break down, she left -- and ended up getting a little more into Pokémon battling, after realizing that she might need to be able to defend herself better in the future. Right now, she’s caught up with an android named Robyn and Silph Co, but that’s still developing. 
PKMN Team: Pidgeot (starter), Ambipom, Drowzee, Honchkrow
Robyn is an android created by Silph Co. that currently resides in an apartment in Goldenrod City. Her main purpose is to spy on residents in the city and steal their info, then transmit it back to Silph Co for their own purposes. She also goes out and gambles with the money she steals from people -- while no one has figured out yet that she’s actually a robot, there are some regulars at the Game Corner who are starting to get suspicious of this short, white-haired girl who’s apparently some sort of gambling genius. 
Her apartment room was discovered accidentally by Lyssa, who followed her home after seeing her in the Game Corner, and soon figured out that she was in fact, some sort of robot. She tried to mess around with Robyn’s circuitry, not knowing who made Robyn, and now has a target painted on her back by Silph Co. 
PKMN Team (for defense): Porygon-Z, Meowth, Espeon
Nicky Griffin
Nicky is from a large, large, large performing family in Castelia City, Unova. She grew up playing the violin and learning to dance, taught by her grandmother and two older sisters. She’s the fourth out of eleven siblings, and has too many cousins, aunts, and uncles for her to keep straight. Because she’s not the oldest, or the youngest, or the best performer, Nicky turned to street art to try and distinguish herself -- her alias is Nee-Coletti -- and while her family doesn’t know about her “other hobby”, at least not totally, they probably wouldn’t mind (at least she hopes so). She also does a lot of street performance, playing her violin while her Pokémon dance -- something they’ll also do in battle. 
She left on her journey initially to return a Pokédex that Bianca lost when she was visiting Castelia City, and went to Aspertia City, since she’d heard that’s where Bianca was heading. By the time she got to Aspertia City, Bianca had left, though she was able to get some mentoring from Cheren, and ended up getting her first Gym Badge from him. They’re still friends, and will call on the X-Tranceiver when they have the time. Nicky’s also friends with Bianca, who she met after finally returning the Pokédex -- they get along great! 
PKMN Team: Lopunny (starter), Mienshao, Scrafty, Emolga, Roserade, Floatzel
Alexandra “Alex” Rye
Alex is a Pokémon Trainer from Lentimas Town in Unova and is the third oldest out of five kids (she’s the exact middle child and she’s not super happy about that). She grew up putting on puppet shows for her younger siblings and other kids in town with dolls she made herself, and eventually started making her own clothing as well. She was hurt in a landslide when she was about 13, delaying the start of her journey for a year, and now walks with a slight limp as a result. 
She loves ghost and dark pokemon (her team is made up of conventionally “scary” pokemon), from time she’d spend in the Strange House outside of Lentimas Town. In fact, that’s where she met her first Pokémon, Banette, who just followed her home one day. They’ve been friends ever since. However, to other people, she’s not as nice -- Alex is perpetually bored with her life, and will usually mess with other people (stealing their things, scamming them with magic tricks, etc) with the help of her Pokémon for a little bit of excitement. 
PKMN Team: Banette (starter), Mismagius, Hydreigon, Galvantula, Drapion, Zoroark
Nova Roscoe
Nova’s a coordinator from Slateport City, in the Hoenn region. She’s still a little inexperienced, since she’s young, but more than makes up for it with enthusiasm! She also loves coordinating her Pokémon’s outfits with hers when they perform -- sometimes she’ll buy plain dresses and sparkle them up a bit just for fun. (i don’t have that much for Nova,,, she’s one of my least developed characters so there’s that) 
PKMN Team: Dustox (starter), Froslass, Skitty, Natu 
Juno Xe
Juno is a florist who took over running her parents’ flower shop in Konikoni City. She’s not much of a fan of battling, but did take on the island challenge with her twin brother, Yarrow, at the urging of their parents -- it’s tradition, after all, so they should at least do it (they couldn’t stay in the shop forever)! For the most part, Juno’s very good with handling customers, though her phony-sweet “customer service” voice will start slipping out when she gets annoyed -- with customers or her brother. 
She has a huge fear of losing people/saying goodbye after her older sister was caught in an accident involving Team Skull. Her parents never told her the entire truth of what happened (that her sister was actually part of Team Skull), though regardless, the incident left her terrified of losing people close to her. As a result, she can be unintentionally controlling and toxic -- something that Yarrow experienced first hand while he was still back at the family’s flower shop. 
PKMN Team: Dartrix (starter), Stoutland, Oricorio, Espeon, Liligant, Alomamola
Yarrow Xe
Unlike his twin sister, Yarrow abandoned the family’s flower shop in favor of wandering aimlessly through the various regions in the Pokémon world. He enjoyed taking on the island challenge and relished the freedom that he was given while traveling -- making coming back to the flower shop incredibly difficult. The expectation of their parents is that the two of them would complete the island challenge and then come back to manage the shop, and while Juno was fine with that, Yarrow was completely opposed to it. 
However, he was easily taken advantage of and manipulated by Juno when he tried to leave. Yarrow had (and still has) emotional trauma left over from when their sister died that he never worked through properly, or even acknowledged, leaving him emotionally unavailable and unable to express himself properly (though that last part goes back to when he was a child). He eventually broke away after the two of them had a huge fight, and never looked back -- he doesn’t even like going back to Alola, if he can help it. He’s stubbornly independent and tries his best to keep people away from him (emotionally and physically), and is a fierce competitor in battle. Yarrow’s noticeably gentler around his Pokémon, and sometimes opens up to them -- though this is only because they can’t actually say anything back to him that he would understand. 
PKMN Team: Decidueye (starter), Tsareena, Umbreon, Alolan Raichu, Bewear, Komala
MYSTERY DUNGEON (they’re all gijinkas btw)
also spoilers for all of the mystery dungeon games below 
Merrie (Psyduck)
Merrie is the hero of Pokémon Blue/Red Rescue Team (i’ve only ever played blue but i’d assume the two are the same) and the co-leader of Rescue Team Feathers! She’s a a bit of a glutton, and will sometimes snack on apples while she and Chica are exploring dungeons together. Because she’s a Psyduck, she’s prone to getting bad headaches, especially if she doesn’t use the move Confusion a lot in battle. She’s also incredibly clumsy and forgetful -- she sometimes forgets that she used to be a human in the first place. 
Moveset: Water Gun, Scratch, Ice Beam, Confusion
Chica (Combusken)
Chica is the sidekick of B/R Rescue Team, though because of Merrie’s forgetfulness, she manages a lot of the team stuff and job requests. It was her idea to form a rescue team, though sometimes she wonders if joining forces with Merrie was such a good idea. She can come of as very brusque and guarded if you catch her at a bad time, but she is very protective of Merrie (though this usually shows through her rolling her eyes and scolding Merrie for getting into whatever trouble’s going on this time). 
Moveset: Flamethrower, Attract, Brick Break, Peck
Siobhán // Soren (Charmander)
Soren is the hero of Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky, and the co-leader of Team Chikomander. She carries around a bat with a few odds and ends stuck in it as a weapon, and is usually very quick to anger, especially if those she’s close to are threatened. For the most part, she’s sweet and helpful, and genuinely enjoys her job as a member of Wigglytuff’s Guild -- though she does argue with Chatot about the whole money thing from time to time. 
The reason she has two different names is because when she was in the future, her name was Siobhán -- she also wasn’t a human, but a weird mash of Darkrai after the Dimensional Hole he was traveling in was attacked by Palkia (this video is where this whole thing comes from and since i personally really like this theory, it’s now soren’s backstory). When she arrived in the past and met Rita, she didn’t want to give her name to a complete stranger, so she said her name was Soren. This caused some confusion when Grovyle was introduced to the mix, and it was revealed that the two of them used to work together in the future. 
Moveset: Flamethrower, Slash, Shadow Claw, Sunny Day
Rita (Chikorita)
Rita is the partner of EOTDS and the other co-leader of Team Chikomander. She’s a big bookworm, and likes to keep books in their bedroom at the guild (though she sometimes worries that Soren will set them on fire by accident). Her weapon of choice is a green tome that she uses to summon grass attacks -- she doesn’t really need it, but it makes her more confident in battle. Rita can be a bit of a coward sometimes, and is known for being bossy, but she does try her best as an explorer (and to keep Soren out of trouble). 
Moveset: Solar Beam, Magical Leaf, Light Screen, Synthesis 
Úrsula (Dewott)
Úrsula is the hero of Gates to Infinity, and the co-leader of The Hydroclaw, handling most of the jobs and other requests (her weapon of choice is a naginata). She came to the Pokémon world from Venice, Italy, though at this point she doesn’t remember much about her life in the human world. Soon after she came to the Pokémon world, she convinced Axel to go and talk to Quagsire about buying the land he wanted even though his money had been stolen a hours ago (this is all a different au where Quagsire is still part of the underground so some things are a little different). She’s stubborn and incredibly loyal to her friends, almost to a fault -- she’d do anything for them, so she can be easy to take advantage of if you get close enough to her. One of her favorite pastimes is cooking, and she’ll sometimes get up early in the morning to cook breakfast for everyone, just to show she cares. She expresses a lot of emotions through cooking and food. 
Moveset: Water Pulse, Razor Shell, Pursuit, Fury Cutter
Axel (Fraxure)
Axel is the partner of GTI, and the other co-leader of The Hydroclaw, handling the development and building of Paradise. He comes off as intimidating to many -- partly because he’s a dragon type, partly because he carries around an axe with him. However, as a surprise to some, he’s actually gentle and kindhearted for the most part, though he still does have some lessons to learn in terms of friendships and other emotional connections (and Quagsire’s going to make sure he learns those lessons at some point). He also really likes Úrsula. Like, really, really likes her. The two of them are practically joined at the hip. 
Moveset: Dragon Dance, Dual Chop, Pursuit, Dragon Claw
Ramona “Rara” (Treecko)
Ramona is the hero of Super Mystery Dungeon, and the co-leader of The Ash-Roses. She’s mute and communicates through her own form of sign language, as well as written notes. Between her and Cinders, she handles a lot of the logistics of the team, including packing travel bags and planning their explorations. She still struggles with the aftermath of the Dark Matter incident, and blames herself for not seeing what was going on with Nuzleaf sooner. 
dark matter au ramona: in this au, ramona ends up falling under the control of dark matter along with nuzleaf. dark matter is able to take advantage of her insecurities about her place in serene village and feelings of resentment towards some of the other villagers. it’s found out she’s being controlled by dark matter on the top of revelation mountain, and instead of going to the voidlands with cinders, she works with nuzleaf, yveltal, and the beheyeem going around and turning Pokémon to stone. 
Moveset: Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Dragon Breath, Pursuit
Cinders (Cyndaquil)
Cinders is the partner of PSMD, and the other co-leader of The Ash-Roses. He’s cheerful, chatty, and has a tendency to get himself and Ramona into trouble very often. Cinders is also really passionate about exploration -- like really, really passionate, to the point of near obsession -- and will sometimes get ahead of himself when it comes to exploring new places. Since he’s also the reincarnation of Mew (or whatever that whole thing was it was a blur for me tbh), he also has the ability to read people’s minds, though this happens sporadically. He’ll usually say the thoughts he hears from others out loud, or respond to them as if it was part of the conversation. This usually freaks people out quite a bit. 
dark matter au cinders: cinders is pretty much the same throughout this au until it’s revealed that ramona is under the control of dark matter. from that point on, he’s more frightened and desperate than normal cinders, and becomes much more subdued after the whole dark matter incident blows over. he and ramona don’t really have the same kind of friendship that they had before, either. 
Moveset: Flame Wheel, Double Kick, Quick Attack, Ember
these two are from a world that i was working on with a friend a while back. we aren’t doing anything with said world anymore, but i decided to keep these two around and develop them (and hopefully their world) a little bit more, because i was already attached to them by the time we stopped working. 
for some basic background info: polaris and gabriel are from a nomadic tribe up in the north of the world called eira-taith. one of the traditions of the tribe is that, to be considered an adult, you have to travel on your own for one year and then return. when polaris went out on his journey, he came back to find everyone dead. gabriel was technically the only survivor because he had ran away in search of polaris before everyone else was wiped out. as of right now, they just wander around the world together -- they don’t really have a place to go. 
Polaris Eider
Polaris is the oldest out of six in his family. Because he was the oldest, he was treated as a “third parent,” and given the responsibility of looking after his younger siblings before he left on his year-long travel. He would force down his own feelings and problems to properly be able to take care of everyone else, and as a result, isn’t the most emotionally expressive. He’s not very talkative, and usually has a stern expression on his face. Polaris is also a skilled archer -- however, that’s about all he can do in terms of weaponry. 
Gabriel Eider
Gabriel is the second oldest out of six -- meaning that after Polaris left, he would be the one in charge of taking care of all of their younger siblings, at the age 14. He ended up cracking under the pressure and anxiety of Polaris not surviving on his own, and ran away, fortunately right before their tribe was wiped out. At some point, he was attacked by a group of bandits and was blinded, losing both of his eyes. His anxieties only worsened afterwards, though he tries his best to hide that and his blindness through being combative, stubborn, and overly-dramatic at some times, much to Polaris’ chagrin. Before losing his sight, he could use both a bow and arrow and daggers, though he’s not able to do all that much now. 
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Tag: 🎶 │ ( pkmn verse ) the crossing fate wears the wind ❞
Status: Single Ship (tentative, depending on muse)
Open for Interactions
All right to start things off. This verse isn’t entirely fleshed out in concern to each characters individual background. A majority of this verse reflects the main verse with the characters being famous idols from both Daikoku Production and Brave Entertainment along with their respective groups ( Kitakore, MooNs, KiLLER KiNG, and THRIVE the collective group being called B-Project ).
Verse Notes
Daikoku Production and Brave Entertainment are based out of the Kalos region. Atsushi Daikoku is the President of Daikoku Production where as Shuuji Daikoku is the President of Brave Entertainment. 
Both agencies share/own a Training School together that produces their idols. 
Sakutaro Yashamaru, is the director of the Training School as well as the Manager for B-Project and its respective units: Kitakore, MooNs, KiLLER KiNG, and THRIVE. His character is a rather suspicious as not many know what’s on his mind.
Tsubasa Sumisora is the A&R of B-Project and its respective units. She new to the game, but she learns and adapts quickly to things thrown at her.
B-Project has had an increasing popularity since their debut in the Kalos Region. With a year of ups and down behind them Atsushi and Shuuji want B-Project and their music to reach others outside of their home region.
Muses involved in Verse
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Ryuji and Tomohisa are both part of the unit called Kitakore. Kitakore is a idol Prince type unit of two sweet and cute princess. The two charms is as mysterious as the elegant atmosphere they give. They wish to express their feelings in their songs.
Hometown: Castelia City, Unova
Korekuni, Ryuji: Ryuji isn’t much of a battler and prefers Pokemon Contests to them. Finding it to be more of his area of interest. If he forced into a situation where he has to fight, Ryuji will have no problem with leaving claw marks in his opponent. Pokemon: Purrloin, Absol, Nidorino, Litwick, and Venmoth NOTES: Ryuji is the youngest and only son of the Korekuni family. He has two older sisters before him that along with his mom enjoyed dressing him up as a girl when he was child. Often he was mistaken as a girl because of this. Tomohisa and Ryuji are childhood friends who had enter the training school for idols in Kalos together. The two know each other inside and out, though Tomohisa tend to know more about Ryuji than the cat does about himself.  He best friend with THRIVE’s Ashu Yuta who he pulls pranks together with as well. Ryuji trades skin health care tips with THRIVE’s leader Aizome Kento.
Kitakado, Tomohisa: Tomohisa is either or having no preference to Pokemon Battles or Contests. Merely enjoying the presence and company of his Pokemon. Though, it a bit of a lie as he does prefer battles over contests. He doesn’t want to upset Ryuji with this, so Tomohisa has been keeping it to himself. Pokemon: Alolan Ninetales, Persian, Rapidash, Empoleon, and Salamence
NOTES: Tomohisa is the son of a well known doctor and actress. When his father eventually steps down as director he’ll be taking his place. Though, Tomohisa is rather conflicted by this as he enjoys being an idol. He childhood friends with both Ryuji and Kazuna,but somehow neither have met the other despite them constantly coming over.
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Kazuna, Momotaro, Hikaru, Mikado, and Tatsuhiro together form the unit known as MooNs. The group’s name being made up of the first letter in each members last names. MooNs is a lively type unit made up of five individuals each with their unique talent and personalities. They sing more of pop songs during their lives, appear on variety shows, and are bright, impressionable idols.
Home Town: Castelia, Unova
Masunaga, Kazuna Kazuna is also a childhood friend of Tomohisa, but for some reason had not once met Ryuji once the entire time he known Tomohisa. Kazuna is more of a battler than a coordinator. He could never quite grasp the categories and everything else that went with it. More so that it changed to include more in the future. His mom had gone missing from his life months before he went to the Training School in the Kalos region to become an idol to find her. Pokemon Team: Vaporeon, Altaria, Dewgong, Persian, and Arcanine
Home Town: Ecruteak City, Johto
Onzai, Momotaro Momotaro comes from a long line of mediums. He is able to see and communicate with the spirits of the decease and help them move on if they so chose to. His team mostly consist of ghost and psychic type Pokemon as they’re the most helpful to him and his abilities. Somehow he had befriended one Sekimura Mikado when he had gone to the Training School. Though, he not complaining. Pokemon: Mismagius, Mega Sableye, Espeon, Drifblum, and Starmie
Home Town: Iki Town, Alola
Osari, Hikaru Hikaru grew up surrounded by family and friends in the Alola Region. Being a major pillar of support for his mom and siblings after his dad walked out on them at a young age. He had somehow befriended an Aipom that had escaped captured from some questionable people. Eventually they became trainer and partner. He is childhood friends with Nome Tatsuhiro. Pokemon: Aipom, Swellow, Chansey, and Maractus
Nome, Tatsuhiro Tatsuhiro grew up in the house next door to Hikaru’s and somehow quickly bonded with the energetic elder Osari. He a passionate boy with a pure heart and cares deeply about his friends. Tatsuhiro is one to chase after his dreams no matter what. One such dream is to become an idol. Pokemon: Mienshao, Golduck, Crobat, Bisharp, and Kangaskhan
Home Town: Lumiose City, Kalos
Sekimura, Mikado One of the few members of B-Project who originally from Kalos than from another region. Mikado grew up in a household strict on studying. When he aspired to become an idol his parents weren’t exactly thrilled with the idea. Eventually relenting and allowing him to attend the Training School when he scored top marks in all his classes. He an intellectual idol overflowing with knowledge. As an idol he is quite versatile and good at caster jobs due to his intellect. Pokemon: Delcatty, Gardevoir, Dragonair, Quilava, and Slowking
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Kento, Goushi, and Yuta all form the unit THRIVE. THRIVE is a Wild type unit who intend to become great artists. Though, their clashing personalities (mainly Kento and Goushi) can often lead them into arguments. Despite this their awareness as as artists is strong and won’t allow them to lose to anyone. THRIVE’s unit name is inspired by the number three and means ‘to prosper as a prisoner of love’. 
Home Town: Sunyshore City, Sinnoh → Lumiose City, Kalos
Aizome, Kento Kento is the result of a love affair his mother had with another when she was still married to his father. His mother had subjected him to a lot of mental abuse and blamed him for her failing marriage to her previous husband. Once a family member heard about the abuse they immediately took him out of that environment and took him with them when they moved to Lumiose City in the Kalos region. Kento managed to recover but has formed insecurities from it. Wanting to be desired and needed by others he had strive to become an idol enrolling in the Training School in Lumoise City. Pokemon Team: Altaria, Dewgong, Alolan Ninetales, Wartortle, and Primarina NOTE(S): When Kento isn’t attending to business pertaining to being an idol he participates in Pokemon Contests. Finding a certain thrill to them. He trades skin health care tips with Kitakore’s Korekuni Ryuji.
Home Town: Cherrygrove City, Johto
Kaneshiro, Goushi Goushi grew up next door to the Teramitsu twins: Yuzuki and Haruhi. He pretty closed to the twins and most of the time can’t be found without the two of them close by. He can be temperamental at times and tend to clash with Kento when it comes to THRIVE’s music as he tend to let his like of rock influence some of their songs. Despite not liking some aspects of being an idol he does take his job seriously. Pokemon Team: Houndoom, Misdreavus, Murkrow, Liepard, Pangoro, and Bisharp NOTE(S): Goushi has a fear of Ghost Pokemon, though it primarily aimed towards Ghastly evolutionary line than anything else. As he had a traumatizing experience with them as a kid. So, it doesn’t help at all that Daikoku Shuuji has a Gengar on his team.
Home Town: Lilycove City, Hoenn
Ashu, Yuta Yuta grew up being around Pokemon Contests for a good portion of his life before he went to the Training School in Kalos. He has a natural talent for contests as well as being an idol. Before becoming an idol he had somehow amass a small following of fans in Lilycove. Though, he not entirely aware of this for some reason as he tend to be oblivious to some things. Pokemon Team: Togepi, Pachirisu, Ambipom, Growlithe, and Pidgeout NOTE(S): Yuta is able to get along with just about anyone. Which can explain him somehow being able to friend Goushi with how temperamental the rocker tends to be. Yuta competes in Pokemon Contests with Ryuji when the two of them don’t have duties as idols to fulfill. Yuta is also and unfortunately has no sense of direction and will easily get lost.
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Akane, Miroku, Haruhi, and Yuzuki together form the unit KiLLER KiNG. KiLLER KiNG debuted a year after their senpais in THRIVE and were later added to B-Project some time later. Yuzuki and Haruhi are twins with Akane and Miroku being childhood friends. This give their group their atmosphere feel of boys high school. Their objective is ‘to become your only one’.
Home Town: Dewford Town, Hoenn
Fuda, Akane Akane may be small but he an impressive young man as powerful as anyone else. He grew up being childhood friends with Miroku. Akane was often seen with Miroku around Dewford Town whether it was just goofing off, training, or practicing martial arts together. His first Pokemon is Spoink he had received the Bounce Pokemon as a present from his parents. Akane is the type of a person that once he has his mind set on something it hard to sway him. Pokemon Team: Grumpig, Flareon, Pom-Pom Oricorio, Wigglytuff, and Lanturn NOTE(S): Akane knows Karate. His likes consist of Karaage and Hamburg Steak. Do not allow Akane to get a hold of spray paint or silly string. It will not end well. Do not leave him alone with either Yuta, Ryuji, or both. Dooming yourself to an endless line of pranks.  Akane and Miroku auditioned at the Training School together and both got in.
Shingari, Miroku Miroku is the serious half of his and Akane’s friendship growing up. He the one who would setup their time for any additional training outside their karate lessons. Though, half the time it usually Miroku having to chase Akane and his Spoink around Dewford’s sandy shore with his Meditite than actual training. Never the less it has always proven fun to Miroku. He enjoys getting back at Akane for this. He a low-key sadist when it come to training and Akane has yet to learn this. Pokemon Team: Medicham, Passimian, Persian, Mightyena, and Pa’u Oricorio NOTE(S): Despite being the most mature of KiLLER KiNG (along with Yuzuki) he Miroku is often mistaken as being the oldest in the group. In reality he is actually the youngest in the group being a year younger than Akane, Yuzuki, and Haruhi. He has a muscle fetish.
Home Town: Cherrygrove City, Johto
Teramitsu, Yuzuki and Haruhi Yuzuki and Haruhi are fraternal twins and would have been identical if it weren’t for their hair color. The twins are exact opposites of each other and it really shows with how they act. They grew up as childhood friends with Kaneshiro Goushi and were normally seen with him or close nearby. Both at one point had shown an interest in participating in Pokemon Contests, but have never truly pursued it in the end. The twins have a great relationship to each other. Even if Haruhi has a tendency of dragging Yuzuki out when the latter just wants to stay home with a good book. Yuzuki’s Pokemon Team: Lunatone, Espeon, Sensu Oricorio, and Female Meowstic Haruhi’s Pokemon Team: Solrock, Monferno, Baile Oricorio, and Arcanine NOTE(S): Yuzuki and Haruhi have different atmospheres to them. Yuzuki is mysterious and elegant where as Yuzuki is energetic and rambunctious. Haruhi has a butt fetish and a brother complex when it come to Yuzuki. 
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Hometown: Celadon City, Kanto → Lumiose City, Kalos
Daikoku, Atsushi Atsushi is the eldest of the Daikoku children and a pain in his younger brother, Shuuji’s, side. He was once an idol in his prime coming out of the Kanto Region and extended his popularity beyond his home region. Atsushi didn’t specialize in any specific genre more or less dabbling in each one. Some time after he retired from the idol life he had established Daikoku Production in Lumiose City along with Shuuji establishing Brave Entertainment at the same time. Pokemon Team: Hypno, Arcanine, Crobat, Scizor, and Empoleon NOTE(S): Atsushi and Shuuji had purposely planned to establish both their respective agencies at the same time. The Training School that would produce their idols, actors, actresses, etc. would be under both their agencies name. Atsushi is a sadist when it come to Shuuji. Dragging his younger brother to events he would rather not be caught dead at. Thus, becoming a pain in the ass to the younger even when he is trying to help him. Atsushi and Shuuji had moved from Celadon City to Luminose City when they were teenagers due to their father getting a job transfer to another branch of a company he worked at in that region.
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Home Town:  Celadon City, Kanto → Lumiose City, Kalos
Daikoku, Shuuji The youngest of the Daikoku children and the one with the most attitude to him. Which probably stems from the torture he has to endure from having Atsushi as an older brother (asshole). Regardless Shuuji does know how to lighten up a little from his normal serious and blunt personality. Shuuji had debuted before Shuuji did and his popularity soured not just because of his music but his persona as well. He specialized in rock and metal more than anything else. There are a few popish songs he done, but he really doesn’t talk about them at all. When he went into retirement he established Brave Entertainment in Luminose City at the same time Atsushi had established Daikoku Production. Pokemon Team: Gengar, Nidoking, Honchkrow, Houndoom, and Weavile NOTE(S): Atsushi and Shuuji had it planned from the start that they would established their own respective agencies and a Training School would be shared between them. Shuuji has a real strong aversion to Pokemon Contests thanks to another idol from a different agency. Thus, he plans Atsushi’s death on a regular basis each and every time Atsushi drags him to one. He a battler through and through, but he does hold a healthy respect for coordinators. Being as he friends with a couple of them. In particular to the one who caused his strong aversion to contests. Though, he not so keen with listening to Kento and Yuuta talk about them. Normally having to kick both of them out of his office. It a common sight to see Shuuji having Atsushi in a headlock when you come into his office. As much as he appreciates his older brother’s help he wish he didn’t. Most time it just to be a pain. Since Goushi has never mentioned nor brought it up, Shuuji is unaware of Goushi’s strong fear of Ghastly and its evolutionary line. His Gengar tend to be out and about in his office when he out. Shuuji was the one who had recruited Tsubasa as B-Project’s (and it respective units) A&R. He had done so upon a recommendation from a mysterious source. He has a slight suspicion on who it was, but hasn’t pursued it.
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Home Town: Ultra Megapolis, ???
Yashamaru, Sakutaro His origins at best have always been questioned even by those who have known him for a long time. Sakutaro comes from Ultra Megapolis residing within the alternate dimension called Ultra Space. Ten years prior to Daikoku Production and Brave Entertainment being established in the Kalos region. Sakutaro had emerged from a rift in space appearing in an isolated area in the Alola Region. Not else is known about Sakutaro aside from an untold vendetta against Tsubasa’s dad and a need for revenge against him. Pokemon Team: Ariados, Mismagius, Zoroark, and Medicham NOTE(S): Yashamaru does not blame Tsubasa for the actions her father had taken against his family. So he does not seek revenge through her to get to him. The only ones who know of Yashamaru’s origins best are his Pokemon and the family he had while living in the Alola Reigion. Somewhere along the line he had become the Director of the shared Training School between Daikoku Production and Brave Entertainment. Soon after he had become the manager of B-Project and its respective units. He cares about the boys’ success more than anything else and is willing to step on others to make it possible.
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Home Town: Floaroma Town, Sinnoh
Sumisora, Tsubasa Even though her parents are from a big city they had decided to rise their daughter in the small town of Floaroma. Thanks to this Tsubasa has a sixth sense when it comes to sensing change in the environment. Tsubasa has a love for music that come from both her parents and could be found singing and dancing in the flower fields of the town. She is able to recognize the differences in music, when asked how she able to do so Tsubasa immediately changes the topic. It had to do with her father, the man that had disappeared from her and her mother’s life before she became a teenager. Talking about him just brings down her mood dramatically. Pokemon Team: Sylveon, Nidorina, Rapidash, Lapras, Mega Pidgeot, and Meloetta NOTE(S): Tsubasa didn’t technically catch Meloetta as she had befriended the Legendary Pokemon when she was young. Every now and then Meloetta will join her party and travel with her. Most often times Meloetta can be seen following Tsubasa around when it isn’t part of her party. Tsubasa always has an open spot reserved for the Melody Pokemon. Tsubasa didn’t come to the Kalos Region until she was sixteen when her mother decided to move them from the Sinnoh Region. She is completely unaware of her father’s whereabouts and situation as she had lost complete contact with him when she was fourteen. Since then she hasn’t tried to contact him. Unaware of who the man was at the time Tsubasa was ‘scouted’ as B-Project’s A&R when she was mere worker at a music store. Later she found out the one who had recruited her was Daikoku Shuuji. The vendetta Yashamaru has against her father is something Tsubasa is aware of and chooses to acknowledge. Though, she is unaware of what her father was doing at the time and what his exact involvement with Yashamaru is. She glad he isn’t taking his revenge out on her just to get to him.
This now brings you to the end of on the information of B-Project’s Pokemon Verse.
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kinships · 4 years
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1. OTP(s) for your muse?  2. NOTP(s) for your muse? 3. Which canon muse(s) do you currently ship with? 
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1. I ship Kira with Hop, Bede and even Marnie. ‘Cause they’re all wholesome and I’m a freakin’ sucker for rivalmances, or childhood friends --> couple romances. Hilda, who I took off the list because uh...her muse died, I had shipped with N for the most part. There was a dark timeline back when facebook rping was a thing I shipped her with Cress of all people, and Ingo. Yeah. Fun days.
2. For Kira it has to be Leon, Bede when he’s in his jerkface mode, uhhh any of the older trainers really. It’s weird to seriously ship a 16/17 year old with an older muse. Hilda it’s Hubert, I see them acting more like siblings than a couple and that’s always weird.
3. NONE :”D Like Absolutely none I only have ONE (1) ship going on and that’s not even with PKMN muses.
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cheemken · 1 year
Ey bro, I’ve been brainstorming all day on how Iris could get away from Drayden and the others and make her way to Kalos, but I’ve got nothing coming up in my head
You got any ideas? I’d love to hear them and expand on em
Also just something else I want to say. I picked Abra because Hau does have a key stone, just not a mega stone for any Pokémon. And Diantha did say she’d give Hau and Geeta a mega stone once they train a Pokémon that can mega evolve. Plus you actually CAN catch an Abra in the spot I described, if you didn’t already know. So imagine his surprise when Diantha finally gifts him a mega stone once he gets to Kalos
Ghm,, one thing I had in mind is her lying to Drayden saying that she just wants to visit Hau too, to see how he's doing bc ofc, they're like siblings at this point and she really is worried abt him, and hey, Alola is pretty close to Unova, so at least w that Drayden knows she's just close. But Iris ended up going to Kalos instead, her Hydreigon flying her there, just leaving a message to Hau that she's gonna go and find Diantha (like maybe this is set before that concept of Hau finding Abra, and it's enough of a prompt for him to do the same). But maybe Drayden found out and got so pissed and so worried that he ended up having every gym leader and elite four to always trail behind Iris so she won't head to Kalos
Another thing I had in mind that maybe she really just left with no letters or anything left behind for Drayden, she just wants to see Diantha again.
Or maybe she just gave up, thinking that Diantha really is dead and Lance is just lying to her and Hau that she's still alive. Cause if Diantha's still alive then.. shouldn't she show herself by now?? Iris just misses her ig, but everyday she's starting to doubt if Diantha really is still out there or not
Take ur pick hahaha
And ohh yeah I actually didn't know abt that considering that I haven't played anything past gen five, I only recently started playing Pkmn X hahaha but that's cool tho!
And yeah Diantha would be proud Hau found a Mon that he can mega evolve, god imagine how impressed she'd be tho, cause he trained that Mon only for a week and already it's strong af, it could teleport to another region, and for Diantha maybe her lessons w the kids are paying off seeing as Hau got to Kalos just by himself and no one even caught him
But like imagine this lil training thing tho and it's Dia just being really soft and encouraging and she's really guiding Hau how to handle Alakazam's strong psychic surges too, how to handle the strain mega evolution does to both trainer and pokemon, how she's there for him every step of the way. And more and more the thought of Diantha being remotely evil leaves Hau's mind, bc hey,, how could this sweet angel that gave him a home in Kalos, that really feels like home, could ever do anything wrong? What she did to the others.. well.. she's just showing them that they're not right, what they're doing isn't right, and Hau finally saw that. Leon was wrong. Steven and Wallace should see that. Cynthia should see that. They should believe Diantha too. After all.. Diantha just wanted the world to be a better place, and that world in Hau's mind is a world where he gets to be w Diantha and Iris and the rest of the champions and their pkmn all together.
In that world, he'd finally have the family that he always wanted. A family that will always there for him no matter what.
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