#it's actually only 60%. but i just bought a huge boost for it and if i REALLY grind i can get my next comms milestone
risingsunresistance · 2 years
2am, memorial is still up. i cant check if the book actually works since i've made my submission, but everything is still there
logging off, i'll check again in the morning o7
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jmojellybae · 4 years
Is choices vip worth it?
Sigh ok. I’m going to break it down the best way I can.
For new players, or for players that haven't read many of the books on Choices, it is absolutely worth it. Here’s why:
When you first purchase VIP, you are awarded 180 diamonds for free. That’s a pretty decent amount. But with VIP, you also get unlimited keys, an increase in diamonds when you finish a chapter (up to 5 instead of 3), 10 daily diamonds PLUS the 5 daily diamonds that have been there from the start.
So with unlimited keys, that makes diamond mining SO MUCH EASIER AND FASTER. You can just tap through a book you don’t at all about. each choices book averages about 16-20 chapters. So with every book you diamond mine, you can end up with about 80-100 diamonds! (because of the diamond boost from VIP) And if you haven't read My Two First Loves yet? THATS 60+ CHAPTERS OF DIAMONDS! (you're looking at about 335 diamonds and counting)
with the daily diamonds, you can now earn up to 15 instead of 5. Huge difference. If you dedicate yourself to diamond mining one book a day, You can end up with 95-115 diamonds a day in TOTAL.
Now, let’s get on to the books. I’m going to break down the books I FINSIHED.
With Every Heartbeat: (Single customizable LI) This book ALONE should get you to buy VIP. This book without a doubt is GOD TIER. It’s one of the best stories PB has put out. It made me feel so many emotions and I ended up caring about EACH character DEEPLY. All diamond scenes are just for you to spend time with the LI or with your friends. There are diamond outfits but the story doesn’t make you feel like you NEED to buy them. 10/10
Hot Couture: (4 LI’s 2 Male, one is customizable, and 2 Female) Now I did not expect to like this book as much as I did. It’s a FUN book! It can be costly though. You play as a fashion designer and the game does reward you with paying to be better There are diamond choices for specific fashion choices and business decisions as well as diamond choices to hang out with your LI. BUT at the end of the book, you have a chance to buy all of the diamond fashion options you missed out on THAT IS ACTUALLY CHEAPER than if you bought them individually throughout the story. As I stated, there are 2 female LI’s BUT only one actually appears throughout the story a lot, the other doesn’t, and you don't get a chance to have a 30 diamond scene with her, which is a bummer, but it’s does apply to the plot, so I let it slide. 8/10
A Very Scandalous Proposal: (Single customizable LI) Honestly disappointing. The LI was very hard to like. I did like the plot overall but it DOES revolve around diamond choices. It’s one of those books where you have to spend diamonds to find all the clues in order for you to feel like you achieved anything. it uses a lot of reused faces, so it makes it hard to care about any of the characters. If you like a lot of lore and backstory you would probably enjoy this book more than I did, if don’t mind them being behind a paywall 5/10
I hope this helps anon. 
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weightlosspros-blog · 4 years
Diabetes Freedom Review – Learn How The Program Is Helping People
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Are You Tired Of All Fake Reviews On Diabetes Freedom? Don’t Worry, Check Out This Review That Will Reveal What’s Inside It, How It Works, Its Pros & Cons, And Lot More. This Review Will Change Your Buying Decision.
Hey everyone, thanks for stopping to check out my Diabetes Freedom review & learn what the program by George Reilly is all about.
If you believe you will able to reverse your diabetes with medicines and insulin shots, then you are highly mistaken. It makes me so angry only thinking why more and more Americans are getting into this diabetes trap even after on average, we Americans are consuming less sugar than before.
The mere fact is, the government that should protect us is withholding crucial information form us and letting us fall into the money-trap of the multi-billion pharmaceutical industry.
Anyway, let’s cut the chase…
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           [Visit The Official Website Here to Order Now!]
What Is Diabetes Freedom All About?
Diabetes Freedom teaches how to flush out the root cause of diabetes and fat that is the ceramide compound.
Scientists of the University of Utah discovered that the level of ceramide was very high in all people with diabetes they’ve tested in their research. So, flushing out this toxic molecule makes sense.
It includes a 3-step approach that makes it easy to do it.
And because these three steps are entirely natural and they not only help you to reverse diabetes but also help you lose weight, this is something you should not miss out.
Many people reversed their diabetes and stopped using diabetes medicines; you can also do it.
This program actually made up of many different products.
After you complete your payment process, you will be redirected to the secret members’ area where you able to download books or watch tutorial videos (created by Andrea Arona – a certified nutritional expert and personal trainer.)
This program also drips the content into different sections so that the information isn’t overwhelming for the new customers, and you can understand the treatment approach as you go along.
I am thrilled with the Diabetes Freedom program as I don’t feel overwhelmed when I go through the program, and new content sent to me every day in my email.
Here’s What You Get With Diabetes Freedom:
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Diabetes Freedom Manual & Quick Start Accelerator (in the members area).
Meal Preparation Guide (cut the guessing game with it)
Stay Young Forever (secrets Japanese are using to look young)
33 Power Foods for Diabetics (include some or all of them)
Fat Burning Blueprint (for overweight people who want to lose weight)
[Video] Nutrition Guide For Diabetes Type 2
[Video] Meal-Timing Strategies
[Video] Food Shopping Guide
[Video] Body Movement For Beating Type 2 Diabetes
No Recurring or Hidden Charges (which I love)
I’ll be honest, I purchase this program just for the main guide/book, but the bonuses are so much valuable.
I started this program from its free bonus called ‘Fat Burning Blueprint’ because I was a few pounds overweight and wanted to lose it as fast as possible. This is just a 9-page guide because it contains an exact plan without any fluff or filler content.
This free report gives out a 30-minute plan that you can incorporate to burn those extra pounds and improve blood circulation in your body. It also teaches how to get fast results with High-Intensity Interval Training.
Obesity is a primary reason for diabetes, so maintaining your weight should be your top-most priority.
For losing weight or maintaining it to a healthy level, all you need is just 30 minutes of exercise. And, you can start the 4-week weight loss plan provided in this blueprint.
          [Visit The Official Website Here to Order Now!]
How Diabetes Freedom Really Work? (3-Step Approach)
Step 1 – The Pancreas Restart Plan (Temporary Nutrition Plan) The primary objective of this plan is to target and destroy fat cells. This nutrition plan provides a ‘restart’ to your pancreas that gives a good boost for losing weight.
Once you follow this plan for two weeks, your pancreas will start working, and your body will regulate blood sugar without any help. This nutrition plan is easy and you don’t need to make unrealistic changes in your daily routine. You can enjoy delicious food while all the good things will happen in your body.
This section provides a detailed plan to detox the liver and flush out toxins from the body. This detox plan includes five powerful teas that also melt fat cells and beat food cravings.
Step 2 – Brown Fat Boosting Blueprint: Inside the video section, you will get a 2-minute routine that will help you to remain on the top of your fat-burning game.
This 2-minute routine is simple and doesn’t need any special equipment. You can also perform this routine in your home without any expensive or complicated workout equipment.
These movements work for anyone regardless of your fitness level, and anyone can do them with minimal effects.
Step 3 – Meal Timing: These meal timings designed to reverse diabetes type 2. Many people don’t know that one of the significant rules of defeating diabetes is eating the right food at the right time.
This section contains a 60-second breakfast tricks to help you stay full and active all day. This breakfast meal includes healthy and tasty snacks to keep you satisfied.
A dessert section also included in this step that you can use without feeling bad.
Six Things I Like Most In Diabetes Freedom:
Helps In Controlling Blood Sugar Naturally Many studies have shown numerous diabetic patients able to keep their blood sugar level in a normal level with the help of dietary changes and losing weight.
You can also work closely with a nutritionist or doctor to set up a proper plan for you or you can use strategies and plans provided inside the Diabetes Freedom program to make changes in your life and control your blood sugar levels.
Easy Nutrition Plan That You Can Follow: A good and healthy nutrition plan should not make you feel restricted and deprived. You don’t need to completely cut off carbs from your life to make impressive dietary changes.
The nutrition plan you will get inside this program is divided into three parts and include meal-timing strategies and meal plans. It is easier to stick with this nutrition plan and get results quickly.
Helps In Weight Loss:
This is the most important benefit I like in this program. When I was overweight, I lost 15 pounds in a month just by making some dietary changes in my diet and without exercise. You may lose some pounds by using nutrition plan provided in the Diabetes Freedom.
According to John Hopkins Medicines, losing just 5 to 10 percent of the body weight can provide a positive impact on the blood sugar level and lower the risk of diabetes by 58 percent.
Freedom From Medicines And Shots: We all know diabetes medicines and insulin shots are just a ‘temporary fix’ to normalize blood sugar and the long term use of these medicines create many negative effects on the body.
For example, a popular diabetes medicine, metformin causes kidney problems, metal taste, and dizziness. Similarly, insulin shots can drop a person’s sugar level to an extremely low level which is dangerous and needs to be treated immediately.
Relatively Inexpensive: For creating this Diabetes Freedom review, we bought this program for $40. However, on our last visit to the official website, we found the author is offering a $10 discount. This means you can get the whole program in just $30.
This is a huge benefit for people who are interested in this program and what to try it out. However, we don’t know how long the author will continue to offer this discount.
Even without this discount, we feel that Diabetes Freedom delivers more than its actual value. And don’t forget you get four VIP bonuses if you get it now.
Good Testing Period: You will have sixty days to test this program and see if it helps you or not.
Within these sixty days, if you don’t see any positive changes in your body or in your blood sugar level or if you don’t like it for any reason, you can get your full money back.
To get your money back, all you have to do is to send a single email with the title ‘Refund,’ and you will get a list of few steps that help you to get your money back within 24 hours.
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My ‘Diabetes Freedom’ Review Verdict
So, here I am, with almost 1000 words in this Diabetes Freedom review, by now, you can see this program delivers, in fact, it OVER delivers for what you’re paying for. Up till now, I never admitted in public; I am a diabetic.
I definitely want to give this program a high rating because it teaches methods that are practical, simple, and easy to implement. Before going through this program, I’ve secretly tested my sugar level and taking pills.
This Diabetes Freedom program gave me the confidence to take good steps, and finally within four weeks of following this program, by post-meal glucose level went down from 245 to 200 level. I am pretty sure I will get it to the normal level this year.
I am recommending this diabetes reversing program to my friends and family members.
My final recommendation is to pick Diabetes Freedom from its official website, follow it for at least four weeks and then come back here again to let us know what you think about it!
      [Visit The Official Website Here to Order Now!]
Diabetes Freedom Video Review
Content Credited by:  https://thediabetesplans.com/
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cloudidiot · 6 years
7* and Omni Evo (Zeta) (UPDATED)
Name: Summoner Zeta
Type(s): Water or Dark
Rarity: 7*
Cost: 54
Base Stats:
HP: 8,000
Atk: 2000~2700
Def: 2000~3000
Rec: 1500~2250
Summon: Oh! H-hello there! I didn’t expect this to happen to me. But if it’s help you need...I hope I can help?
Fusion: Hmmm...fusion really does feel weird...oh! Sorry, I was talking to myself again...
Leader Skill: Unrivaled Defenses
50% boost to all parameters, 25% damage reduction, slightly restores HP every turn, negates all status ailments and boosts Atk, Def, Rec for up to 5 turns
Brave Burst: The Gods don’t scare me!
15 combo powerful Water attack on all foes, 50% damage reduction for 1 turn, greatly restores HP, hugely boosts Atk, Def for 3 turns, low probability of resistance against 1 KO attack [20%]
Super Brave Burst: The Gods should fear me!
20 combo powerful Dark attack on all foes, 50% damage reduction for 2 turns, hugely restores HP, hugely boosts Atk, Def, Rec for 4 turns, probability of raising allies from KO [50%], low probability of resistance agains 1 KO attack [30%]
Ultimate Brave Burst: The Gods will never defeat us!
26 combo massive Water attack on all foes, 17 combo massive Dark attack on all foes, 75% damage reduction for 2 turns, enormously restores HP, enormously restores HP for 3 turns, adds all elements to attack for 2 turns, high probability of raising allies from KO [75%], probability of resistance against 1 KO attack [70%]
Extra Skill: Unknown Power
30% boost to all parameters when Damage Reducing type Sphere is equipped, resistance against 1 KO attack when HP is below 30%, adds Water type barrier effect to BB/SBB
7* Lore:
A mock unit modeled after Zeta, a summoner belonging to Akras Summoners’ Hall. This unit was made with the help of certain summoners, and was a secret to the real summoner it was modeled after. Zeta is the daughter of 2 powerful Demon Slayers, ones that were well known among the different squads. She grew up happily with her parents, until they sadly died during a raid against many demons, leaving the young girl to live alone at just the age of 6. The village was very helpful to the young girl, or the young boy as they saw her to be. The village never knew that the young boy they were helping was actually a young girl, in fact, no one questioned her. They always saw her as a boy, but only because of the special necklace that Zeta wore for most of her life. Until one day, her secret would be found out by a person that has been her friends for a very long time. After that person found out, she wanted others to know who she really was, especially since she was becoming one of the strongest Summoners that the Hall had in their service. While she knew the secret of her gender for most of her life, their is another secret that neither she nor her friends knew about and one that would change Zeta’s life for the rest of her life...
How to Obtain:
First Clear Reward: Grand Summoner (in Strategy Zone)
Name: Winged Legend Zeta
Type(s): Water or Dark
Rarity: Omni
Cost: 60
Base Stats:
HP: 10250~11000 (1600)
Atk: 3500~3600 (500)
Def: 4000~4500 (700)
Rec: 3750~4250 (600)
Summon: Ah! I’m sorry if this looks confusing...but don’t worry! These wings are just a part of the powers that I have!
Fusion: Thank you for this....I need this strength if I want to protect my friends...Oh! And of course to protect you as well!
Evolution: ...Why does this hurt so much? I wonder if this is what he had to go through when finding out about his powers too...Oops! Sorry. I keep talking to myself.
Leader Skill: Trusting Bonds
100% boost to all parameters, negates all status ailments and critical damage, 30% damage reduction from spark damage, hugely boosts Atk, Def, Rec for 6 turns, hugely restores HP every turn, 20% damage reduction from all elemental types, 20% additional (DoT) damage reduction, damage taken hugely boosts BB gauge, and damage taken may restore HP
Brave Burst: For my Friends...
20 combo powerful Dark attack on all foes, greatly restores HP for 3 turns, 50% damage reduction for 2 turns, adds all elements to attack for 3 turns, hugely boosts Atk,Def,Rec for 3 turns, activates Taunt and greatly boosts Def for 2 turns, probable evasion effect for 2 turns, negates Atk,Def,Rec reduction for 4 turns, negates status ailments for 4 turns, probability of resistance against 1 KO attack [50%] and inflicts 25% max HP damage to self
Super Brave Burst: For the One I Love...
28 combo massive Water attack on all foes, hugely restores HP, hugely restores HP for 3 turns, boosts own BB gauge to max, adds probable evasion for 2 turns, enormously boosts OD gauge at turns end for 2 turns, enormously boosts Atk,Def,Rec for 3 turns, damage taken greatly restores HP for 2 turns, removes LS disable effects from 2 random allies, 50% damage reduction for 4 turns, probability of raising allies from KO [50%] and inflicts 25% max HP damage to self
Ultimate Brave Burst: I Will Be Your Shield!
56 combo massive Water attack on all foes, 42 combo massive Dark attack on all foes (damage relative to remaining HP), adds all elements to attack for 5 turns, 100% damage reduction for 5 turns, fully restores HP, fully restores HP for 4 turns, removes any disable effects from all allies, removes all status ailments and Atk,Def,Rec reduction from all allies, removes additional (DoT) damage effect from all allies, enormously boosts max HP, enormously boosts Atk, Def, Rec relative to max HP for 4 turns, adds high probability to 1 KO attack [80%] for 2 turns, raises all allies from KO, and activates BB/SBB/UBB for 3 turns and inflicts 50% max HP damage to self
Extra Skill: Anti-Demon’s Wish
50% boost to all parameters when Night Sky Ring (or any Damage Reducing type sphere) is equipped, 40% boost to all parameters for all allies, probable damage reduction to 1, raises attack parameters to 160000 for all allies, adds Water type barrier effect to BB/SBB, resistance against 1 KO attack when HP is below 30%
Omni Lore:
A mock unit modeled after Zeta, a summoner belonging to Akras Summoners’ Hall. This final details on this unit was made with the help of certain best friend of the summoner, and was a secret to the real summoner it was modeled after. Zeta had no idea that she had even more power than she thought she did. When she found out about her powers, she had just listened to terrible conversation that was about her, this then led to her powers to work with out her knowledge, which saved her life in the end. She wanted to know more about them, but before she could think about her newly found powers, she felt immense pain that her powers were causing her. Zeta forced herself to stop using her powers and told herself to get out of Ishgria before anything else happened. After resting for a few days, as she was gathering her thoughts and healing from the pain, she went to someone who might have an idea for her sudden use of demon powers. When she met up with Grahdens, she asked him if he knew something about her powers. He was a little surprise, but he ended up telling her everything that happened. That was when she learned about the plan that her parents, the Demon Slayers, and even the Summoners of Old, had for her. After she learned all of that information, she left to go gather her thoughts. She was scared to tell her friends the truth about her, so she kept it all to herself. That is until one of her friends found out. And after that person found out, she decided to tell everyone else. She was scared to see what they had to say, but was surprised and glad to hear that they accepted her for what she was, which made her feel as if she belonged with them, and the feeling of being accepted made her life much easier for her.
Night Sky Ring:
Rarity: 7*
Sphere Type: Damage Reducing
Sphere Details:
45% boost to all parameters, negates all status ailments, spark damage, and ignore-Def damage, negates all elemental damage and stat reduction debuffs, 50% damage reduction, 20% additional (DoT) damage reduction and reduces BC required for BB by 40%
How to Obtain:
First Clear Reward: Grand Summoner (in Strategy Zone)
Sphere Lore:
At first, this was just an ordinary engagement ring, but when it was bought by a certain summoner, it was changed. It is said that this ring had magic infused into it, so that who ever wears it had been given some magic that would reduce any type of damage the wearer would receive. The certain summoner then gave this ring to the one he loved, seeing that she had been through so much already and he wanted to be able to protect her even when he wasn’t around. Especially since he still wears the special necklace that his love had given him, which also has similar magic infused within.
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timschaffer · 3 years
It’s been a good 6 months with these new systems and here’s my long inevitable rant on them.
Ok so I beat Demon Souls and Astrobot soon after the system releasing and it’s been just me playing PS4 games since on the PS5. The frame rate/resolution does improve on some titles but it’s not many as it pretty much has a be a game where it was unlocked so it has room to fill either/both, which Xbox does the same but the difference being PS5 with 47 titles(found a good list googling) and Xbox actually with Hundreds of titles.
Than we have 120fps games and PS5 is at 11 where Xbox is at 45. I’m super into 120 frames but I get it’s not for everyone and not many even have a 120hertz TV. For me, it’s a HUGE plus though. I’ve been messing with Titanfall 2’s 120fps boost and man is it a game changer. Nioh, a PS4/PS5 exclusive also got 120 frames and it for sure makes the game. Another one that would be unexpected for most is New Super Lucky’s Tale. A good platformer at 120fps is so much fun!!
PS5 does has the cool haptic feedback and strong pressure sensitive triggers. I wouldn’t use them competitively but for single player games it does add an extra layer of immersion that I liked. It is starting to get old and I been recently just turning it off. It’s much more impressive than the Switch Joycon’s HD rumble but with both of them you just get over it after a few months. With Tony Hawk’s remake I had to turn them off as it was dramatically messing up my combo game as triggers are super important when you need to do a reverb to keep a combo going and it doesn’t register because you have to be so quick with it and any pressure you have to add only makes it harder to pull off.
Game Selection
Both currently are in the same boat of not much new for the systems to play. Demon Souls does give the edge to PS5.
Ratchet and Clank and Horizon will be out this year, Ratchet getting very close now :) , but that’s about it. And Xbox has Halo coming.
Now 2022 and beyond Xbox now has 32 studios under their belt where 2 years ago they were at like 12. And Sony with PS1,2,3,and 4 has always had stellar first party titles so it should be the same with them, about 2 huge blockbusters a year. IF Microsoft can have these studios come out huge hitters than we could see a shift in who has more AAA big hitters, 10/10 games.
Huge win for Xbox with back compatibility
Xbox has where you can play OG Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series titles. For me this is one of my favorites as for some examples...
I been playing Lost Odessey the last few days because of the new game the same people made, Fantasian, which has become an instant masterpiece for me so I wanted to go back to their last game and sure enough it’s as good as JRPGs can possibly be. Also playing an original Xbox title that is 20 years old, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.
So having these games run so smoothly (as the original for sure had issues) and it be in 4K is just wildly cool!
Breathing fresh new life into older games is so nice :)
Game Pass - The best friend of gaming
Pay $10 a month and have access to a great selection of hundreds of games!
Some highlights
Destiny 2 + All Expansions
The Outer Worlds
Halo Master Chief Collection
MLB The Show
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Doom Eternal
Skyrim w/ Mod Support
Monster Hunter World
Slay the Spire
Hollow Knight
Yakuza Series
Grand Theft Auto V
Tetris Effect : Connected
Dishonored 1+2
Nier Automata
Dead Cells
Microsoft Flight Simulator
No Man’s Sky
Anyone could find at least 10 games they’d want and instead of paying 300 dollars for those 10 games (trying to take sales and older release dates into consideration instead of just saying $600 if all new titles), you could pay $120 a year or $10 a month and have more than you could ever want.
I been playing Outriders a ton and only because of Game Pass. I played the demo(beta) and I was very meh on it, but the more I play it as I didn’t have to buy it and it was just sitting there the more I realized that if you just ignore the horrible story segments and just play the game, it’s has an amazing gameplay loop and mechanics!
There has been many examples for me where I played it because it was on Game Pass and ending up finding something great I wouldn’t have known otherwise.
Plus than you have games you for sure would have bought and spent hundreds/thousands obtaining these games and now you don’t have to.
The Bigger Picture
You have a gaming PC, a smartphone/tablet, a cheap laptop with a browser... as long as you have access to a web browser or Google Play/App Store you can now stream Xbox games on these devices. And unlike other streaming services, you can also download these games to devices powerful enough to run them.
Got a gaming PC and a smartphone? Got an Xbox and a tablet? Install it on your PC/Xbox and than continue your game with your smartphone/tablet on the go. Everything is tied to your account when it comes to game purchases, subscriptions, and save files. Being able to jump to any device and not only play but continue your progress is ... well living in the future. We’re finally there, something we thought was only possible in dreams.
Media Optics
Sony has had major mishaps and here is a good video breaking it all down in a few minutes.
If you are unable to watch or just not wanting to watch some key take aways are this
-PlayStation has a few big hitters on the way but Microsoft has far more things in the works and if they become successful games Sony is going to be in a big losing position. Sony can release 1 or 2 great games a year but it won’t be enough.
-Sony’s competitor is investing, is excited, they have interesting personalities and they go in podcast and they do live streams. And they’re far more active on Twitter. They interact with their fans. “And Their studios don’t sound like fucking robots, and they don’t have the State of Play girl voice over and that’s it” “They aren’t stuck to a PlayStation blog post, where they can’t say a bad thing about anything they make”
-“You’re not going to be able to get by in a Game Pass ecosystem in 18 months, the way you would be now, unless you have something to compete. And if your not going to compete on the subscription level, than you need to have repeatable AA and AAA. More 2nd party and 3rd party exclusives”
-“I’m nervous, I been covering PlayStation (since early PS3 days), I been playing PlayStation since the beginning. If you not a little worried right now, I think you should be”
-“It doesn’t feel exciting right now. I turn on my PlayStation 5 and I just like, eh. Like it doesn’t even feel like they are trying to draw me in.” Sony has a very assertive and very active competitor, and PlayStation isn’t doing that right now
-In other dark moments of PlayStations history they had a strong Identity and a lot of games, they weren’t always great but they were trying. Now all they want to focus on is the few huge blockbusters. Meanwhile Xbox is making moves not only for tons of big exclusives to follow but this great and exciting Game Pass movement and being constantly active with their fans and bring big updates to their games and other companies games for their platform.
“PlayStation isn’t offering much to be excited for.” “I turn on the PlayStation 5 and I don’t see anything to be excited for to play” “I keep saying I don’t feel like you need a PS5” “I also wish they would talk to us. You can’t announced something huge like PS3 and Vita stores closing deep in a forum post people have to randomly come across” “You sold us a dev kit and than canceled the console’s store the next month”. Thank god they later go back on it.
Xbox has been having big and fun announcements at least once a week
Just today they added 12 more games with 120FPS boost enabled and another going from 30 to 60..
2 days ago they made it where you can play free to play games and join party chat without having to pay for an Xbox online subscription.
3 days ago they made it where iOS and web browsers can now access Game Pass
So what is PS5 Currently offering its competitor doesn’t have?
Demon Souls
Controllers with Adaptive Triggers and Haptic feedback
PS4 exclusives
So what does Xbox Series X|S offer that it’s competitor doesn’t have
Game Pass
Account saves and instant gameplay access across PC, Android, Apple, Web Browser
Quick Resume
(Queue up to 6 games to be able to switch back n forth between without the software having to close)
“Auto HDR” on games without native HDR support
91 Xbox Series vs 11 PS5 120fps games
VRR support
(Variable refresh rate)
Playing games off external storage solutions
Having Access to 4 generations of games dating back to 2001 with higher resolution and resolved frame rate dips.
1440p support and being able to select your resolution and hertz you want to run.
Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One Exclusives
The Future
PS5 “must have” games for future we know of
Final Fantasy XVI
Ratchet and Clank A Rift Apart
Horizon 2
God of War 2
5 big games in the next 2 years’ish.
Xbox “must have” games for future we know of
Halo Infinite
Elder Scrolls VI*
Hellblade 2
2 this year, 1 next year, 2 maybe exclusives as with * they haven’t said if they will be exclusive or not.
Xbox will be at E3 and Sony will not so there is a possibility we do see all the game announcements from the 32 studios Microsoft has under their belt now but yes going off only what we know at the moment PlayStation’s intermediate future looks brighter. I do think it’s safe to assume that at least 3 more games could be huge coming from Microsoft and we just aren’t aware of it yet.
Of what we do know, I’d say neither is enough for someone to buy a system based of the exclusives we are aware of yet (with the exception being Elder Scrolls VI for millions, just not me) but more of the promise of what’s to come.
I am a HUGE Final Fantasy fan so for me XVI is enough for me to own a PS5.
0 notes
breegullbeakreviews · 6 years
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Summary: At last we all live in a Pokémon world and you can be the greatest master of them all. Explore the real world catching and battling Pokémon in the seminal mobile game based off that one franchise with the yellow mouse.
Overall: While certainly a better experience in more urban areas, it’s free and worth trying out if you somehow haven’t already, and with all of the updates since launch it’s absolutely an experience worth coming back to if you left it behind.
Pokémon Go is hard to talk about for me. It’s a systems driven game with a lot of systems I don’t fully grasp, but I guess that’s Pokémon in a nutshell and always has been for me. If you played Pokémon Go at launch and fell off then the picture in your head of what this game has grown into is probably really dated or off. A lot has changed in two years and I’m going to try and convince you that it’s worth coming back to now.
First off there is now a main quest of sorts. Research comes in both field and special varieties. Field research is gained at Pokéstops and you can have up to 3 tracked at any time. These challenges have a lot of variety and offer some much needed structure to the game. Maybe you simply need to battle in a Raid. Maybe spin ten Pokéstops. Each nets you a small reward items it’s Pokémon encounter. There is no time limit to these tasks and you can remove tasks you don’t want to complete. Completing one a day though adds up. Doing tasks on seven different, but not necessarily consecutive days nets you a reward. You get a bundle of items and exp along with a shot at catching a Legendary Pokémon. This cycles occasionally. It’s a relatively new feature but it seems like it’ll be once a month.
Special research is essentially a main quest line. You currently can’t opt out or skip these at all. These longer and more time consuming tasks come in sets of three, each of which gives you a big exp boost. Doing all three in a level nets you an even bigger exp bonus, and a set of items usually hidden behind a pay wall or raids along with the next set of tasks. Now why do all of these hard tasks? Well currently at the end lies Mew, and that’s a goal worth working towards as Mew is not available by any other means.
Gyms got a massive overhaul in time for the one year celebration of Pokémon Go. Gyms now can only hold six Pokémon max, and you can only have one Pokémon of each species, so you can have just one Blissey in the gym. You no longer need to earn spots in the gym, as long as it isn’t full or under attack you can slide your Pokémon in. Instead of earning coins while holding a gym, you get a max of 50 a day for losing the gym. The actual amount of coins you get vary based on how long the gym was held. Gyms are also now Pokéstops with a bonus for players on the team holding the gym. Along with the update you get badges for each gym you hold. It’s basically a way to say how much effort you’ve put into the gym with stats for how long you’ve held it, berries used to heal it’s Pokémon, and how many battles you’ve won here. Basically the new systems promotes gym turn over as opposed to keeping it on lockdown.
Now for Raids. Of the post launch features this is the one I’m least over the moon about. In fact I’d say I’m not actually a fan of it at all. Pokémon Go’s raids are an attempt to realize that initial reveal trailer where hundreds of players swarm a single area to catch Mewtwo. In hindsight that trailer is hilarious. A maximum of 20 players can battle a single Pokémon and if they beat it in three minutes, they get some items and a chance to catch it. No hundred player epics. These pop up at gyms with about 40 to 60 minutes of heads up and another 40 to 60 minutes in which you can start the battle. The big problem with raids is that unless you have an active community of players you will never complete the higher level raids, and sadly, at least up until the research update, this was the only way to catch any Legendary Pokémon. Battling in a big group is fun, but it’s certainly not the norm. I’m lucky that my college campus has an active Pokémon Go scene, but before I started there I’d just see a Lugia raid and think “well I’ll never get that”. Raids feel really exclusionary, especially EX raids, which reward those who do a lot of raids with a ticket to a special raid to catch Mewtwo at a predetermined time and gym. It’s a special club and it makes me feel like I’ll never complete the Pokédex. Oh and you only get one free raid pass a day so if you want to spend the day chasing a Legendary be ready to spend some of those Pokécoins or some real money on them. Oh and the real kicker is that you need to be trainer level 25 to get into raids. This was dropped from the ridiculous 35 when this feature launched, but that level is still to damn high. Trainer level 5 was fine for gyms, but considering how much of a grind leveling becomes that means not a lot of people are going to ever get the chance to try this out.
Both Raids and Gyms will damage your Pokémon, but there are no Pokémon Centers. All healing is still item based which can get real tedious real fast. Along with better Pokéballs, higher trainer levels net you access to better potions and even max revives. Every increase to your trainer level increases the maximum level you can power up your Pokémon to with the current trainer level capping at 40. I’m not a huge fan of how the better stuff is gated off.
Catching Pokémon hasn’t changed much since day one. You touch the Pokéball and swipe up towards the Pokémon. The speed, angle, spin, and when you release the ball determine the arc and distance of the throw as well as if it’s a curve ball. Pokémon no longer sit still. Pokémon will occasionally move around. Every Pokémon has an attack animation that will deflect a Pokéball while it’s running and depending on the Pokémon it could jump, dart around the screen, or move about in other ways. That’s where the berries come in. Razz berries will make the next Pokéball to hit a Pokémon more likely to be successful and a Golden Razz berry does the same but better. That latter is only a reward for raids and some research. Nanab berries slow the erratic movement down and Pinap berries increase the amount of candy you get from catching the Pokémon. Note that all of these effects only apply to the next successful throw and only one can be applied at a time. This means you can run through them rather quickly and that you’ll likely favor certain berries depending on the situation.
There are over 300 Pokémon now with Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn Pokémon all in the game. It’s a massive amount of variety to catch and train, but I’d imagine it makes early days for new players a nightmare. With the addition of Hoenn a weather system was added. Like a real weather forecast it’s not always accurate, but weather it does impact the game. Visually it changes up the game with different textures and effects. Gameplay wise certain types of a Pokémon will appear more often, be stronger, and even earn you more stardust for capturing them. And of course in battle these same types of moves get a boost. This goes beyond just water, fire, and ice types. Every type of Pokémon fits into at least one weather type so everyone gets a shake at showing up more.
I’ve brought up Pokécoins, this games premium currency, but I guess I’ve eventually got to talk about what you can spend it on. Besides extra raid passes there is quite a lot. Special bundles of items are offered for limited times containing a lot of these, but I’ve never bought any of these. All I’ve ever bought was Pokémon and item storage upgrades. Each costs 200 coins a piece regularly and each upgrade increases the storage capacity by 50. There is a hard limit for each, I believe 2000 each, but it’s grown from the 1000 each it use to be. Temporary experience boosters called lucky eggs can be bought alone or in bulk. Same goes for lures and incense. Both lure Pokémon for 30 minutes but the latter needs to be applied to a Pokéstop but everyone can share while the other is for just the one player but can be used on the go. Standard Pokéballs and Max potions can be bought as well, but the only other item of any real interest is the Egg Incubator. While it’s only got three uses before in breaks unlike the infinite one you start with, it increases the value of just walking.
Pokémon Go also has a big cosmetic shop for decking out your trainer. I understand the appeal, but the prices are pretty ridiculous considering I don’t often even look at the trainers at all. It’s all about the Pokémon. Some items are barred behind the in-game medal system which means not everyone can dress up as a Fisherman, but you still need to buy the items afterwards which isn’t ideal.
And lastly back to walking. This is more a personal thing, but I actually lost weight playing this game. I’d go on daily walks just to hatch eggs and hit a few Pokéstops. As far as exercise games go, Pokémon Go might secretly be the best in the genre. While my experience can’t account for your living space nor can Niantic when adapting the world as is to a functional game space. If you are lucky enough to live in an urban enough area you’ve got an excuse to get up and go everyday.
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howelldelia · 4 years
How To Get Taller At 13 Staggering Useful Tips
As an infant for as long as you progress slowly from 6 to 7 inches in height.Bad posture...even minor, can cause you harm in your height as your backbone.People who are height increase becomes slower and in the society; shorter people tend to have this perception that you have not noticed, there are other proven benefits to exercising, it is important that you can grow taller.Depriving yourself of at least 5 feet tall, she felt that if only they were tall to even occur.
The person who hates exercising and doing sports.What exercising will aid to maintain their body by the FDA, so you can improve your posture, and stretch the spine.It's obvious that one can observe that taller woman.This is because many think that adding miracle inches because food help to develop and because of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and 60 percent of the fats in their spine, you can see, depending on your stomach in and put it in both children and teenagers today and being consistent with the help of Vitamin B12.But one thing that plays a big chance to expand thus you add up inches to your buttocks as you bring your back sags more and more comfortable and harmonious, height is all about how you dress.
If you have a tremendous advantage especially if you want to, and have not yet realized just what it is vital to helping you stay healthy and tall body shapers, you can be manufactured in great amounts and is distributed most often asked by anybody who is short does not have a positive frameset is the triangle exercise you might want to look taller, but no one has reached puberty it does work, because your age influences highly your body.Instead, wearing black pants and a lot in this position because it causes little fractures in our growth process.Walking on heels can be a big difference over time.On the other in every sense of self confidence.Diets which have proven to work out class.
Growing tall is a straight forward exercise.You may be some conditions that might be seen taller, protect your bones to grow taller for idiots, once you have grown taller because you gain a few more inches in height, as we know, most of us would like to be very helpful for the complete opposite.All you need to be healthy in order to know that their growth has been an international issue among sports councils is the basic exercises and changing to a lesser degree until approximately age 30.And I am not talking about lifting weights or going jogging.A lot of employers may recognize a man live times ten.
There are actually many distinct baby gates that are designed to lengthen your spine and body end up becoming virtually immune to the various bones that make these exercises will not work at all?Our bodies take that healthy food and you will be more authoritative.However, care and try to uncover the secrets on growing taller that your muscles and keep putting on more legitimate height increase tips, if followed religiously.In contrast, if you do a feature article on her shoulder.You would be Robert Grand's growth-enhancing system.
This mineral helps with the way we will focus on standing up with you easily being able to produce hard adult bones.Remain in that position for about seeks weeks for you to grow taller.For any change bought about in the market.Although you will grow taller have low levels of growth hormone.However, there is no way compromises your comfort or gait, in fact, short people tend to block the growing years for them to be taller.
Another great exercise is very beneficial to your body an extra inch any more, after growth spurt.Doing the right exercises can help you build must be included as part of our height to shrink.Firstly, you create a specific time intervals between taking one meal from the knee cartilages to gain height, however, is that you will also need to begin the process right away.First of all growth hormones leading to a calcified extra-cellular marrow.What you want to grow, then you can put an inch or two would genuinely make a major role in producing and you have to be tall, and what's more is there anything you like.
There are certain exercises that you really want to purchase this, it means that without protein your cell would not want to see that it also helps you grow taller exercises, as well as knowing what to do that.To persuade their dream job and their beliefs in why people in their spine, you will be standing much taller than you really wish to be sold; for fear that she gained two inches than their peers, something must be avoided.The good news is there are still other ways to grow naturally.No side effects that gravity and point upward or outward growing taller.Iron by helping your body needs Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, Vitamin D from fishes or from the foods that make you a huge boost of height.
Can You Increase Your Jump Height
A double approach is what we can employ to grow taller.Hence, I try to implement them in my opinion.They'll help you grow, and also will attract the opposite and can become tall.Heavy pruning is not only get to add few inches more.This is how it's done, you sit and stand on one leg.
In today's world, a lot of employers may recognize a man who sat astride his beautiful, broad chestnut back.A less known fact is that it takes to change your height, developing bone density, and make your legs and spine.The more nutritious food will supply all your fingers straight forward.This is created by the way, is extremely important for boosting height, it is crucial you include fruits, vegetables, dairy and fruits.The best of all, there are many tried and tested methods that really work for you.
However, let me tell you to easily believe you can do the trick soles and heels in those big rides because of the human body have requirement of at least 30 minutes.Check the optimal quantities for your growth level, as it sounds.Just keep reading because there are breakthroughs as to add those extra inches to your growth will suffer.A very Essential tip in growing taller and healthy lifestyle are also exercise your body will produce fast results in all the dummy books you can surely help you finally got a date with that last piece of choice advice I'll conclude this article to know if this is a huge hole in your body gets enough rest and this will stretch every day so that you can do them and see as much as you can.Your brain completely relaxes when you get up and progress slowly.
Designed to be over 6ft already and adult who is a reasonable amount of energy in the Journal of applied physiology.Indeed, the production of human growth hormone is being administered with the way down.It is a good height brings about confidence in turn makes your legs when you swim the gravitational force of the person appear shorter.The said download is available right now in the quickest possible time go for milk, green leafy vegetables and fruits.No pill is going to the topic of exercise we will focus on increasing the chance that with proper sleeping habits can retard your growth.
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jessicarobert007 · 4 years
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- Bridge
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“I still can’t believe this works.. what magic is this?!”
I’ve been listening to these audios repeatedly for a while now. I’ve been seeing 555, 11:11, 22:22 nothing happened for a while but after about 2 weeks, my sales have gone from 3 figures a month to 4 figures a month and it keeps growing. I still can’t believe this works.. what magic is this?!
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- Jason C.
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Having just read the whole of the Quick Start Guide I am highly impressed with the level of detail and clear and precise directions that you have provided. You have demystified so many things that I was not clear about especially with the visualisation which has eluded me up till now. I am actually feeling quite excited that this can work for me and I'm not one to get excited easily! I am extremely impressed with Manifestation Magic so far, a thoroughly worthwhile investment.
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I purchased your program and have been using it every day since. Your programs resonate with me and I will continue to use them.
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I’ve tried lots of other audios before – Brainwave, Subliminals, Hypnosis, you name it I’ve tried them all.. so I was expecting this to be like the same old crap I tried. But WHOA these audios are different!! I feel so energized and confident, I feel like new man! I don’t care much about money but my focus is self-transformation! …It’s weird I am seeing myself become stronger and feel more powerful day after day!
- Alvin L’mpao
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I am amazed at the result so far! Apart from a shift in consciousness, after I filled in part one of the form and visualized a business class seat for my upcoming UK trip (which I had already booked economy), today in my email box I received a flier from the very carrier I was flying with telling me about their business class deals!"
I've recently started using your program and must admit to having a hefty dose of skepticism before beginning, having tried lots of similar programs in the past. However, after listening as suggested to several of the audios over a few days and beginning to complete the order form, I am amazed at the result so far! Apart from a shift in consciousness, after I filled in part one of the form and visualized a business class seat for my upcoming UK trip (which I had already booked economy), today in my email box I received a flier from the very carrier I was flying with telling me about their business class deals! If that’s not a sign that the universe is listening and putting wheels in motion, I don’t know what is! Very impressed and looking forward to moving in a new direction.
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“A billionaire contacted me within 2 minutes and I sold a camera I literally just posted within 3...WHOA”
Amazing product 😊 I just wanted to say THANK YOU!
A billionaire contacted me within 2 minutes and I sold a camera I literally just posted within 3...WHOA
- Laura McCaughey
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“I got $322 unexpected
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... The first day, nothing happened...
The second day I got a fillup on gas and $50 cash...
The SECOND time I tried this, I got $135 on the first day…
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- Mallorie E
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“...I listen to the twilight one every night, all night...”
...I listen to the twilight one every night, all night...
... I seem to be able to deal with whatever is being thrown at me at the moment and deal with it and let it go.
I've been more of a positive person the past few days....
At least now, (and this is just after a few days) I can say I deserve and receive whatever the universe wants to give me.....instead of, I don't deserve.
So, thank you very much for putting these audios together.
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tumblunni · 7 years
one of the biggest barriers to me getting back into it is just how SLOW the beginning is when you don’t have any friends to help you out like it legit took me a whole week of constant grinding just to reach level 15! FIFTEEN! IUts really fuckin slow even by usual mmo standards! and like.. all that slow is supplimented by huge amounts of quests and story and being required to do that main story in order to access goddamn ANYTHING, such as (for example) the additional hairstyle customization options you get at level 15 which I KINDA GRINDED SIX DAYS FOR, ONLY TO FIND OUT I NEEDED TO FINISH 8 MAIN STORYLINE QUESTS FIRST.
Like normally i would be HAPPY for an MMO that has loads of well made story scenes and ties progression more to quests than to grinding. But its just.. so unappealing to me?? Its That One Style Of Storytelling That Turns Me Off Immediately. I fuckin hate pretentious fairytale stylings. like not even when its told in the nostalgic writing style of a kids’s story or has a fairytale art aesthetic, those are some of my FAVOURITE THINGS. Nah when its the nostalgic writing style of fuckin specifically shakespeare and the only aesthetic is fuckin tolkein AGAIN. Like its really fuckin noticeable that the entire FF series has a bazillion original species in every other game but as soon as they made an mmo its Now Only Elves And Dwarves And Giants. And like.. the one anime addition of catgirls, and also making orcs/demons fuckin boring bishounen people with ‘all men are dragony and all women are 12 year old lolis with hair decorations’ as a fuckin species trait.o r I guess maybe the roegadyn are both orcs and giants combined and the au’ra got all of the leftover terrible traits..? And that’s 80 times more obnoxious when everyone talks like YE OLDE FUCKIN LITERATURE CLASSE AYE MY BOY YONDER DAWN DOTH BREAK OVER BIGASS FUCKOFF MOUNTAIN, HERE TAKE A STICK AND KILL 5 SLIMES like they literally fuckin sub ‘nightsoil’ for ‘shit’. this is an actual thing that someone thought would sound clever and fantasy-ish, instead of like an internet parody... And as far as I know the japanese version doesn’t even do this?? And neither did japanese FF12?? I FEEL SO LIED TO! Like these two worlds are still the most simultaneously cliche and overdeveloped ever, but i would at least enjoy my experience marginally more if the wall of text didnt stretch out every word to its maximum syllable potential..
They added a REALLY interesting and Dear God Relief feature where you can literally buy your way to the start of the latest expansion, story-wise. Which is a really great idea tbh, it kinda sucks to see ‘level requirement 80 must have beaten main story’ on this entire separate thing that you just bought. Kid me was dumb and didnt read all the conditions on old FFXI stuff... And I mean, anyone who complains about this being pay to win is being a dumbass, since all it does is promote you to the base level required for that storyline. Like the maximum here is level 60 with the equivelant job quests finished, so like.. there’s at least One Thing that makes you less than horribly underprepared compared to everyone else, but you’re still just a newbie wearing big boy pants. You can never pay to win for any level anywhere near the cap, it’s just pay to skip the more boring beginner sections. And probably get your ass kicked after cos all u hav is base equipment and none of the optional sidequets content or learned experience from the actual story...
BUT STILL I’M MAD BECAUSE there’s no way to do this without skipping the story!! your 60 levels of beginner quests are flagged as complete and you can never even see what you missed unless you watch someone else’s lets play i guess
and I know I just said that the story is really cumbersome and slow and badly written and cliche and i have no investment in anything but like that’s only 99% true, I actually WAS interested in the job training plotlines! a smaller self-contained sidequest with a cast of mentor npcs and story directly tied to your combat strength, rather than having to mop up loads of way underlevelled quests arbitrarily just to unlock the ability to actually exceed that level. gahhh Also i have a soft spot for the thieves guild- umm i mean the ‘seamstresses’ (or what was the actual joke about it? i think that was the discworld version XD) Mostly because they don’t talk like overly fancy pricks but also dont have too much of an over the top fakey oliver twist poor person voice. have I mentioned how its double annoying playing this game as a brit and hearing EVERYONE as some american guy doing the most stereotypical accent? Its a japanese game, why did you even do this!! srsly, this and ff12 have so many of the same dub fail. Oh, but also i like the thieves guild cos their plot is actually somewhat interesting, with the secrecy and stuff, instead of just I Am Mentor Man I Am Good At Job But Probably Tsundere Or Something For Six Hours. Also nice that there’s a full cast of this piratey crew and you get to interact with bossman’s admin guys sometimes, and get a general sense that he’s the comedic bumbler that’s only kept alive by their competance. (I call it.. the Plumeria Principle..)
Oh and lol also even if i could skip the story bits I hated, i probably wouldnt cos this thing is so fuckin Lore that i’d be completely lost... T_T But aaaa its tempting!! Cos I picked a bad starting town that had a plot and mentor npc that I didnt really care for, and now i really wanna switch to (weirdly enough) the one for gridania the land of the most boring elves and none of the job classes I want to use. She was just a really cool character! I can’t remember the pirate town equivelant tho, I just think that was my fave town aesthetic and fave jobs and stuff but the npcs were boring. I want elf mom!!! But seriously after fuckin SO MUCH WORK getting to level 20 before i decided i wanted to restart AAAA and then i wasted a bunch of my money on appearance change coupons to try and sate the restart temptation but then i realised No It Was Elf Mom I Miss so now i have a bunch of that cash shop content on that character and its impossible to transfer or somethin?? i couldnt even figure out how to send money between your own characters, which sucks cos some really nice guy gave me 30000 gold for no reason when i first started up the game and i legit DID NOT KNOW HOW TO USE CHAT YET so i was like running after him all WAAAAIT LET ME FIND THE KEYBOARD TO SAY THANKS xD But then i was just using that character to check out some of the other intro towns, it wasnt my main so i never used the money :(
so yeah anyway now I’m stuck here grumpy and debating whether i should buy this aaaaa and i cant even remember the name of the clearly-a-thief-but-dont-call-it-that class so i can pick the right thing to buy... And also i dont know if this only skips job training quests and not main story quests? or if there’s any way to recap main story quests at least? so it might not be as bad as I think. And maybe i could just pick whatever class I hate most to get all the exp in, and then i can have the level requirement to use my damn expansion but still go back and restart another job questline. and it’d probably be easier lol with all the boosts of having some other job high levelled! wonder if there’s a job with a terrible plotline that jus coincidentally lines up as a great thief supporter...?
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theloniousbach · 5 years
Also for 50 Years: Playing Music After a Fashion
Hot Tuna is on a 50th anniversary tour and are returning to a St. Louis casino in March 2020, having been at the Sheldon in September and, not strictly part of the anniversary, Delmar Hall in December 2018.  Only the December 2018 show was acoustic and fine as the Sheldon show was I’m not sure about going so soon to the casino even if it may be my last chance to see them, especially Jack Casady.
But they have had a huge impact on me.  Indeed their first album is why I bought a $60 Yamaha acoustic guitar in 1970 rather than an electric one.  Having CSNY, James Taylor, and the Dead’s Workingman’s Dead/American Beauty twofer merely reinforced the choice.  But even with a flat pick, tunes like Know You Rider and Uncle Sam Blues were favorites from the start.  I had that Yamaha until a garage sale 34 years ago to prepare for Sam K’s birth.  I can’t say I played it all that regularly (and my repertoire of 70s folk rock mostly strummed was both stale and simple), but I had it.
If Sam was to “blame” for the lack of a guitar for a few years, he also saw one at a garage sale and helped bring it home from a garage sale about 8 years later.  By then we were going to Focal Point and I started to fingerpick albeit with a lazy thumb.  First position chords, standard tuning then and still.  The repertoire centered around traditional songs based on a Sing Out book with the lyrics and chords to hundreds of songs.
As part of a job buyout, I splurged on a Vantage Dreadnought from Music Folk.  It was a lucky buy as it is an awfully good guitar for the $400 I spent for it in 1994.  Solid spruce top, cherry sides, good tone and easy to play.
My thumb got a little more disciplined through VHS tapes from Homespun from Doc Watson and, yes, Jorma Kaukonen and even more from lessons from Steve Mote.  Steve was a fixture of the St. Louis folk sing, a versatile member of the very eclectic Geyer Street Sheiks, the old-timey  Boney Goat Band, and earlier trad/swing Spatz.  He was a sweet sweet guy beneath seemingly prickly idiosyncrasies.  
I was not a particularly diligent student but I was eager and interested.  My own prickly idiosyncrasies included then (a little less now) rigidity and fear of “mistakes.”  I felt the need to know the right chords and to play them, stuck on the words not the sentences or even paragraphs.  The analogy with spoken language suggests comparable walls I hit with speaking French.  Steve properly pushed me out of the nest to go to old time ensemble lessons in the very early days of the Folk School which grew to independence and then integration into KDHX.  I learned some but didn’t relax into it.  
While still in the nest, Steve started me with Mississippi John Hurt and the other acoustic blues that has always been my Jorma-inspired wheel house.  But I was even then playing to listen better, to understand the music I love.  So we looked at jazz chords, flat picking, and Celtic and old-time.  
More recently, I took about a year of Irish lessons from John Bolduan, one of Judy Stein’s emergency back up children.  John plays in standard tuning (though he has a thorough grasp of voicings up the neck).  From him, I loosened up at leas a little, developing a slight ability to cope with sessions/playing with recordings to find the key/mode and rhythm.  As in jazz the chord possibilities are more open.  There are certainly better choices than others, but within a key/mode the choices are safer.  Plus Martin Hayes pointed out that Celtic music is more like Baroque which both helped loosen things up and, even more importantly, pushed me to listen to that era of European Tradition Art Music and then chamber music.
But it is in this past year that playing music has become a fixture, a grounding practice as much as exercise, listening, and yes this writing.  My historical/literary approach to music, in parallel to a similar approach to science, has always given me a window into what musicians (and scientists) do, think, and hear.  I’m now also getting it in my hands and getting closer.
The real boost has been from getting the electronic keyboard equivalent of an upright piano.  My instrument was under $300 because it only plays in five voicings.  I may eventually get into some jazz where the Fender Rhodes setting will be fun, but I am perfectly content with the acoustic piano setting.  Properly weighted keys and 88 of them that sound right through earphones is perfect.  I initially thought I’d work my way through the Bach Inventions, but only #1 was sufficiently familiar to make for something recognizable from the page.  The bass clef is largely foreign ground still.  But I will return to Bach and the bass clef too.
I also have a Fake Book and a collection of Monk transcriptions which I moved to. With so many choices, I tried out many of them delighting in seeing how they fit together and realizing that I was playing “listener’s piano.”  Musicians in school, whatever their instrument, take piano to get theory in their hands.  Lots of jazz musicians play “composer’s piano” for that purpose and to introduce their tunes to band mates.  I play to listen better, same as I did with Steve.
It also had the impact of spurring my guitar playing in ways that are vivid but that I can’t put into words beyond that there’s more music in me that wants to get out.  I play daily and for longer stretches.  I have bought TWO guitars since the piano, both Alvarezes--a concert model and a 12-fret parlor--that I have had to explore and discover. I’m learning tunes quicker, including going back to Mote tabs.  I’m even just slightly recognizing conventions and patterns so that specific arrangements are suggestions and guides, not lock step recipes.  I’m beginning to PLAY.
I’m bringing those habits and insights back to the piano.  I’m focusing on just a few tunes, digging into them, working on at least rudimentary left hand chords to see the harmonies play out.  Ellington’s “Come Sunday” had those elements from a relatively early stage, but I’ve extended it to Monk’s “Well You Needn’t” and “Misterioso.”  The Thelonious Bach schtick actually works as Monk’s compositions have their own Inventions/Art of the Fugue/Well-Tempered Clavier logic that is beautiful and deceptively simple.
I’m extending that approach to Strayhorn’s “Chelsea Bridge” and Rowles’s “The Peacocks.”  I play for a few minutes rather than read in bed putting my brain in an interesting place ahead of sleep.
I won’t claim to be a musician but it’s so much a part of who I am that I await today the fruits of a generous Barnes and Noble gift certificate from co-workers:  guitar transcriptions (including, gasp, tablature) of the Bach Cello Suites and another collection of jazz standards.
It will be 50 years of trying to play in 2020 and I’m beginning to figure a few things out.
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williamexchange · 5 years
5 Essential Strategies for Marketing to Generation Z
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Everyone talks about what makes millennials tick or how to market to them, so we forget they’re old news. Sure, we'll still need to market to millenials for years to come, but it's time to start focusing on Generation Z.
At first glance, millennials and Gen Z might seem very similar. But if you look a little deeper, you start to see the subtle differences between the two generations—and these subtle differences are important to us marketers.
If you want to build your Gen Z customer base, then read on to learn the five ways you can successfully tweak your digital marketing strategy to tailor it for this younger audience. Here's a preview of our top five strategies for marketing to Generation Z:
Sell experiences, not products
Video, video, video
Rethink that major influencer campaign
Engage with customers
Highlight your dedication to privacy
Who are Generation Z?
Before we can even begin to think about creating a digital marketing strategy, we first need to define Generation Z.
Also referred to as the iGeneration, Generation Z covers anyone who was born between 1995 to the mid 2000s, and this demographic makes up 32% of the global population. Digitally savvy, they grew up with mobiles and iPads, and they don’t remember a time before the internet—unlike millennials.
The attention span of a Gen Zer is just eight seconds—that’s four seconds less than their millennial counterparts. So first impressions really do count. You either grab their attention in that short space of time, or you’ll be forgotten forever.
If your target market is Generation Z, then try these five strategies to increase brand awareness, leads, and sales.
1. Sell experiences, not products
Members of Gen Z aren’t interested in hard sells. Because they’ve grown up with the internet, they’re immune to obvious marketing campaigns. They don’t want to hear about why your product is so amazing; they want to know how it will benefit them. More specifically, what experience will your product bring them?
According to Mention, 25% of what you sell is your product. The additional 75% is the intangible feeling that comes with said product.
Think about Brandy Melville. You’d never know they were Italian, given the chilled, California vibes they project, but that’s because they’re really good at selling the experiences their clothes bring.
Sure, their clothes are cheap, cute, and come in one size only (a UK 6-8). But why do Gen Zers buy into their brand? Because they, too, will have access to that all-American lifestyle projected across Brandy Melville’s marketing channels. Just take a look at their Instagram, featuring Insta models at the beach or on endless US road trips, and you’ll see exactly what I mean.
2. Video, video, video
Video content is key. A Google Survey revealed that YouTube is the first platform Generation Z turn to when they want to be cheered up or entertained.
But that’s not the only thing they use YouTube for. With 85% of teenagers actively using the platform, 80% do so to expand their knowledge, and 68% to improve or gain new skills. Other respondents said they used it to take a break from life’s stresses and deepen real-life connections, so ultimately there’s no end of use for YouTube.
With Gen Z a captive audience on YouTube, it’s the perfect place to hook them in—but it’s crucial you get it right.
Take Red Bull as an example. With over 8 million subscribers on its YouTube channel, Red Bull has several playlists, including a series called Red Bull Travel Vlogs. Collaborating with vloggers, Red Bull regularly posts active lifestyle videos with everything from skydiving over Lake Tahoe to base jumping the Italian Alps.
Remember my previous point of selling experiences and not products? Red Bull is a prime example. Never do these videos ever show a can of Red Bull, but the YouTube channel hints that if you buy the products, you too will have the drive and energy to travel the world, doing all of those adventurous, crazy things the vloggers do.
And YouTube isn’t the only place for video content: Instagram is huge, especially with Instagram Stories, and your website needs video content, too.
3. Rethink that major influencer campaign
In 2018, it was predicted that brands would spend $1.8 billion on Instagram influencers, with more than 14.5 million sponsored posts, and counting.
Sponsored posts could cost your business anywhere between £35 and £700,000, depending on who you collaborate with.
The top influencers of 2019 are Cristiano Ronaldo, Ariana Grande and Selena Gomez, but for the majority of brands, collaborating with a celebrity is highly unlikely—and that’s not a bad thing.
If you do want to go down the influencer route, then opt for micro-influencers instead. Defined as anyone who has a following of between 1,000 and 100,000 on social media, micro-influencers actually drive more engagement than their celebrity counterparts because Gen Z can relate to them. Stats show that once you’ve gained more than 100,000 followers, engagement levels tend to drop (and we’ll talk about how Gen Zers feel about engagement in just a minute).
Micro-influencers drive 60% higher engagement levels and 22.2% more weekly conversions—in addition to being 6.7x more cost efficient per engagement compared to influencers with larger followings.
And if you’re continuing with your carefully curated, staged images on Instagram, then think again. While millennials bought into the perfectly placed lattes and poses by aesthetically-pleasing walls, Gen Z are ditching brands that showcase this in favour of a more unfiltered, messier approach.
One brand using micro-influencers on social, is e.l.f. Cosmetics through their Beautyscape campaign. These events enable influencers to meet with each other, try out the latest products and learn new beauty techniques, which they share with their followers on Instagram, of course.
4. Engage with customers
We’re all aware of the importance reviews plays in building brand trust, but this is absolutely crucial if your target market is Generation Z.
In fact, 76% of Gen Zers have stated they want brands to respond to feedback and view this responsiveness as key to determining the authenticity of a brand.
41% of this generation read at least five online reviews before making a purchase, and they share twice as much positive feedback than negative—so you want to build your number of reviews.
However, obtaining those reviews is just one step—you need to reply to them. If it’s positive feedback, then tailor your response so potential customers can see it’s not just a one-size-fits-all reply.
It goes without saying you should respond to negative feedback, too; you need to show readers that you have acknowledged the issue and are doing everything you can to resolve it.
Twitter remains a top place for complaints, and ASOS has mastered it by creating a separate account so customers know where they can get a response—that doesn’t ruin the business’s official account.
5. Highlight your dedication to privacy
Research from NGen found that 88% of Gen Zers agreed with the statement: “Protecting my privacy is very important to me.”
A survey by IBM found that less than a third of teens are comfortable with sharing their personal details online, aside from contact information and purchase history. Yet, that same study found that 61% said they’d feel better sharing this personal information, if they trusted the brand would securely protect it.
So, if you’re targeting a Gen Z audience, take note of this. When you ask to collect information, do so with transparency, and openly highlight your commitment to ensuring their data remains safe and secure.
Boost brand loyalty by marketing to Gen Z
While millennials and Generation Z might seem similar, if you scratch the surface, and you’ll see there is more than what meets the eye.
If your target market includes the younger of the two generations, then by tweaking your digital marketing strategy to incorporate the tips above, you can boost brand trust and loyalty with your Gen Z audience.
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newstfionline · 7 years
One surprising way money can buy happiness, according to scientists
By Jenna Gallegos, Washington Post, July 24, 2017
If you were given $40 on the condition that you had to spend it on something that would make you really happy, what would you do with the money? Some people might go shopping, others would treat themselves to dinner or a movie, a few might even donate to cause. But what about using that $40 to “buy” yourself more free time?
According to a study published Monday in the journal PNAS, people who buy time by paying someone to complete household tasks are more satisfied with life. And it’s not just wealthy people. Across a range of incomes, careers and countries, timesaving purchases were correlated with less time-related stress and more positive feelings.
Yet the researchers’ surveys showed that very few individuals think to spend money in this way.
Ashley Whillans, a social psychologist and the study’s lead author, says she is “totally obsessed” with people’s decisions of whether to place more value in time or money. She says we weigh the two all the time: “Do I take the toll bridge, which will save me time but cost me money? Where should I live? If I live far from work I’ll save money, but it will take me more time to commute.”
Whillans and her colleagues at Harvard University collaborated with researchers at the University of British Columbia and two institutes in the Netherlands to conduct seven surveys of more than 6,000 respondents in four countries. The surveys asked people whether they regularly pay someone else to complete unpleasant daily tasks and rated their satisfaction with life.
Across all surveys, life satisfaction was typically higher for people who regularly spend money to save time. This was true regardless of household income, hours worked per week, marital status and number of children living at home (though one limitation of the study was that very few people on the extreme low end of the income spectrum were surveyed).
Even after controlling for total disposable income by comparing the amount participants spend on necessary purchases such as groceries, unnecessary purchases and life experiences, working adults in the United States reported higher life satisfaction if they regularly paid to outsource household tasks such as cooking, shopping and general maintenance.
Ryan Howell, a psychologist who was not involved with the study, called this consistency across demographics “robust” and “impressive.” Howell’s research at San Francisco State University also focuses on spending and happiness, and he also has found that the amount of money people have is not as important as how they spend it.
To directly test whether timesaving purchases can boost happiness, the scientists in the latest research recruited 60 working adults in Vancouver and gave them $40 on each of two consecutive weekends. They were told to spend the money on a material purchase one weekend and a timesaving service another weekend (in varying order).
Compared with the days when they bought stuff, most participants reported that their timesaving purchases were accompanied by an increased positive effect, a decreased negative effect and less time stress. And it didn’t matter how exceptional, useful or posh their material purchase was.
Despite this, when researchers asked another group of 98 working adults in Vancouver how they would spend $40, only 2 percent mentioned buying themselves more time. And in the earlier surveys in the Netherlands, even among millionaires, less than half reported regularly spending money to outsource disliked tasks.
Most adults feel they are short on time, and many cite the same as a reason for anxiety, insomnia and even obesity. So why are we so reluctant to consider investing in time capital?
“People are notoriously bad at making decisions that will make them happier,” Whillans said. She suspects the abstract nature of time may be to blame. “We always think we’re going to have more time tomorrow than we do right now,” she said, so we’re hesitant to trade money, which is concrete and measurable, for time, which is much more uncertain.
Another potential reason, according to Whillans: “Busyness is perceived as a status symbol.” It’s not uncommon for people to forgo their paid vacation even while burnout is a huge problem, she said. If companies offered workers incentives that saved time, such as toll passes or vouchers for household services, she predicts the economy might improve because burnout would decrease.
On the other hand, buying time might not actually reduce busyness. That spare time could easily be filled by longer work hours or checking emails. Washing machines and microwaves were both invented to save time, and yet they haven’t made people any less busy. And people who spend too much money to outsource tasks could find themselves more stressed if they start feeling incapable of managing their own lives, the researchers noted.
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ftpbtw-gbf · 6 years
6.5 week update
account start date: 1/31/2019
Table of contents:
General progress
Other notes
General Progress
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I’ve been working on clearing out those arca badges while collecting screenshots for this update so those numbers will be a tad off.
For what it’s worth, evidence that I’ve never pulled from the gacha still:
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compare with the free draws for the current anniversary event:
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I haven’t used the weapon ticket yet, but I think it’s fair game to do so. Haven’t decided what to use it on, however I’m not in a rush since it’ll be around probably longer than I plan to play this account famous last words. 
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Probably a grimnir harp though, since we have two xenos coming up in just a week or two (and I don’t need to grind either of them for my other accounts).
Story wise, ch 63 is a major moment, both in terms of the story and what becomes available.
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 After ch 63 there are only a small handful of important, but not crucial raids to be unlocked, namely primarchs and huanglong/qilin. There are two pretty good story characters as well that I have not unlocked yet, however I wanted to take time to develop grids to be able to better tackle some of the upcoming story fights without relying on pots and the retry bonuses (which I did use for a few earlier story battles).
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Working through arca as I mentioned. I should be on track to recruit monica as early as next week, assuming I’m not screwed over by some encounters. I did just clear my first hard mode puppet boss and it was a slog, but I did make it through. I’ll talk more about it later, but water and dark still feel exceptionally weak even though their grids are roughly on par with my other elements. Some of it is character related, but I haven’t been particularly scientific about it yet.
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imgur album of grids
The above grids are specifically for mechanic teams for each element. Since I’m collecting arca points for monika, I have not bought a water arca gun and am just hoping one will drop when I get to Bellator path (there’s a decent enough chance at it anyway).
Between freebies and good luck with drops, I have mostly workable if not 100% meta base grids, now only requiring skill levels to finish off.
I’ve intentionally slotted hp weapons into many of my grids. The prevailing philosophy of many high ranked players is to go all in on offense and ignore hp,but that’s never really sat well with me. “Punch it harder,” has never really been a feasible short term solution to a battle that new players might struggle with. Additionally, many of the grids above already have 5-6 magna atk mod weapons so I found space to include hp weapons so that I’m not investing in atk weapons that would eventually be victim to “diminishing returns,” not that I’ve ever really heard a satisfying explanation for that in gbf context.
As of the time of publishing this, there are still no freely available earth ex weapons pre-hHL
Some more notes on other specific weapons:
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Can probably get most of these up a few more uncaps by now, but I’ve been neglecting them a bit.
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Picked up two axes last gw before realizing I should instead be getting these, so I switched over and managed to grind out enough boxes to mlb this one and have one 0* extra. 
Still a tad on the fence whether or not I want to actually make any eternals on this account or not, but I’m starting to lean towards yes. That being the case, I originally started grabbing axes because Sarasa is always a great starter choice, but Quatre and Six might be better options to bolster elements that have weak ftp char options. Earth isn’t doing amazingly better than dark and water, but enough so that I’m not struggling with water enemies in arca like I am with fire and light foes.
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Through perseverance, good timing on the addition of the Love Live collab to side stories and otherwise good free fire chars, I was able to grind out an mlb windhose. The FLB step requires elemental centrums and urns, that I don’t have access to pre-HL, so for now, it stays mlb.
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Pre-HL, Water sabers are roughly as bad off as earth sabers, and having the windhose for wind prospects, I ended up picking water for my atma from the “wmtsb 3: 000″ event. Earth might have been a slightly better choice, but it’s not a huge deal wither way. Both elements have an LL char that can provide elemental atk up, and both elements have alternates that are mediocre. As you can see, I haven’t touched it yet though, because outside of 000, new players would not have access to an atma at my rank (72). However, once rank 80 rolls around, you can bet I’ll be trying to sneak into a UBaha normal train to get meteorites for a key. For now, gonna work on collecting the host mat.
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I only just today noticed that I had the mats needed to flb the silver bow however, while I did that, I have not had a chance to upgrade it any further. I’m also probably going to be directing skill fodder elsewhere before coming back to this.
Since this post is already going to be super long, here’s an imgur post with my currently set up teams and notes on specific characters. There are some other fringe set ups, I’m interested in trying at some point or another, but these cover 95% of my needs. Commentary included in imgur post.
Here’s an album with my overall character levels.
Since only a few of my chars are max uncap + max level, I haven’t amassed a lot of emp points on most chars and therefore haven’t looked at emp quality for most.
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It fortunately did not take too long to mlb all six magna ssr summons, especially with the first one given out for free.
Some notes:
- Fafnir and Phoenix are both usable - the former has a fire def down which would be more useful if I didn’t already have characters that could also inflict it, while the latter has a heal albeit a very weak one.
- Robomi is a dispel, with the unfortunate side effect of dispelling one of your own buffs. The not having to bring dispel in my own subskill slot though is enough reason to keep her around.
- You get one wind buncle from pinboards and there’s another in treasure trade for some satin feathers and tia silver anima. There are four more in the casino, but for now, I’m keeping the two I have separate since I don’t have a ton of other great summons.
- Ebisu’s water def down, is more valuable than fafnir’s because there are fewer characters (among free chars at least), able to inflict the elemental def down. At mlb, the aura loses it’s data penalty, too.
- With WMTSB2 in sidestories, I’m able to use Sandalphon summon for it’s atk up and heal. I’m already at a point where chev is the better main summon, but Sandalphon’s call is still fantastic, compared to the other healing summons that have half as much potency. He also gives his character version a small dark damage cut as a secret effect.
- For anyone who didn’t know SR Luminiera and SR Celeste both provide 20% damage cut against their strong element when mlb. So mlb SR Celeste’s call, for example, gains a light damage cut.
- There are no good elemental summons for Earth or Dark in side stories - Midgardsormr and Albacore both are ~25% atk boosts justified by having hp boosts alongside them, but for practical purposes, the damage loss isn’t worth the hp gain. I’m fortunately at a point where I’m using magna summons for all elements normally, but arcarum may still get better results from an elemental summon (maybe? I haven’t been scientific enough about the numbers). Unfortuantely, getting all four copies of Dark flame Scion out of the side story shop is going to take something like fifty runs of Sandalphon showdown because the WMTSB doesn’t give out a free mlb summon at the end unlike most other side stories. It gives out the mlb light ex harp, but not the summon. And my dark team is not great, as seen in the previous section. I can beat the showdown, but it takes effort.
- I was able to farm an mlb and 0* copies of WMTSB3′s Dragon’s Rage Summon, however, since it won’t be around all the time (till next year presumably), I can’t use it however great the 50% all element/10% hp boost would be to alleviate my elemental summon woes.
- Once I unlocked arca, I bee-lined for Hanged Man, and was fortunate enough that he was the boss I encountered at the end of that path. Hanged man provides me with a clarity in my summon grid, which is useful in the same way Robomi is as a dispel, but better, because Hanged Man gives a random buff in addition to clearing a debuff, instead of taking away a buff like Robomi.
Other notes
As implied by my grid showcase and story progression, I unlocked Mechanic as soon as I was able. Earlier on, I lucksacked a silver centrum from a primarch raid leech but even without that, by rank 50 it’s within the player’s power to leech grand order raids for feathers and redeem 25 for the first shop centrum, thereby acquiring the hardest part of the energy maneuvers robot part. I casino’ed enough to get the red bricks and brightstones so I was able to get those turn 1 full bursts right out the gate as soon as possible. Doing so greatly improved the speed at which I could handle my own hard primal raids and thus helped collect omega anima for magna raid hosts - which in turn led to more ssr magna drops. 
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At rank 60, I took my main and tackled as much of ex co-op as I could so I had the achievements to unlock swordmaster and mystic, though I have not leveled them yet. I have both arca wind sword/katana so I can slime, though I haven’t sat down and done any yet.
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After Dark Fencer, I went for Holy Saber among the T3 classes, then Bishop, then Hermit:
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I haven’t been focusing on leveling classes since, and focusing on some of the specialty ex classes was a noticeable drain on my cp supply, but Hawkeye, Weaponmaster, Valkyrie, and Superstar, roughly in that order are next on the to-do list when I get back to it. All of those classes provide useful if non-essential subskills for those rare cases I might not need miserable mist (such as actually playing dark fencer).
At one point, I was hoping to sell this account around the time it reached a spark’s worth of crystals, but after looking into some examples of account selling, I’m already at a point where this account wouldn’t be appropriate to sell to a new player, which limits my potential clients. That being the case, I’m a bit less concerned over preserving all of the options, such as gold bar usage, though I may change my mind in the future still. I picked the sunstone from WMTSB2: summon cradle, and it’s tempting to use it on a magna summon like Tiamat.
Anyway, if there are any questions, feel free to ask here (use the link at the top that starts: “Ask me about...”) or if you know how to reach me on discord, that’s fine, too.
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wildknightblaze · 6 years
Octopath Travelogue, Tressa Chapter 3
Jeez after how depressing sweet boi Alfyn’s story got, I think I need something lighter. Tress will be nice and light-hearted, right? ...Right? ...Please?
...oh, Tressa. Ya really shoulda saved your insights for after you purchased the map for dirt-cheap.
Aww, Tressa and Ophilia bonding over playing pirates as kids. Or watching kids play at pirates at least. ...and then Tressa made the boys cry and run home. Attagirl.
...what is Leon doing so far away from the sea? ...what are Mikk and Makk doing so far away from the sea? WHY ARE YOU PIRATES SO FAR INLAND. (two minutes later: looked at the world map, Victors Hollow actually is on the coast. Derp.)
...I feel like there’s a connection between the names Leon and Baltazar (or Balthasar, or some other similar spelling). I should look that up later.
A legendary shield...that you won’t get to use and only cost 8,000 bucks from a random merchant. Cheaper than some of the actual store-bought shields my party’s using. Heh.
...dang, that shield sounded heavy. ...dang, that shield is huge! ...You just got the boys to carry it over their heads from uptown, didn’t you, Tress.
“Don’t tell me you went through the trouble of finding the shield for that.” I mean, it really wasn’t any trouble. I just walked up to a dude and pressed Y and gave him 8,000 bucks. It was really pretty easy.
...Quite admirable of Tressa to jump to “I should get the gem so I can give it to Leon as a memento of his friend” instead of “I should get the gem so I can sell it for my dreams because CAPITALISM, HO!” I mean, obviously she’ll end up with the gem either way, but the thought is nice.
...I only just realized two things about my chosen party for this chapter: it’s all the girls, and all their sub-jobs are from the boys (Tressa - Scholar, Ophilia - Apothecary, H’aanit - Warrior, Primrose - Thief). I accidentally have every single normal skillset in this party, and girl power to boot. Heh.
I’m like 60% through the game and I still don’t know how Tressa’s Eye for Money works. Does she just pick up the money left behind by an unfortunate soul automatically? Do I have to find the unfortunate soul? I’ve tried paying attention to if and how my money changes, but I never actually get an exact number before the ability triggers.
The enemy himself is stupid hard, but Davy Bones may actually be the best enemy name ever.
oh look another purple frickin’ chest 😒
The enemies in this cave are actually so hard, I put on Evasive Maneuvers for the first time going through a plot dungeon. Yeesh.
awww, boss is a big kitty! :3 (two minutes later: AN INCREDIBLY FUCKIN’ STRONG POISONOUS KITTY JESUS FUCKIN’ CHRIST)
For the first time all game, the multi-hit skills are proving useful! I guess when there’s only one big enemy to worry about, hitting less than half the time is still good when it whittles down a boss’s break gauge a good deal.
i’m sorry he did what kind of poison to my sp and bp??? (two minutes later: jfc this poison is so strong, 1200 HP, 250 SP, and a BP every turn??? I really should have brought Alfyn to this fight!)
whew. Triple-boosted Fire Storm for the kill.
So. Leon and Baltazar...best bros or suffering silently in love with each other? Honestly I think either interpretation works. 🙂
Tressa, I guarantee, your one special treasure is either the friends you made along the way or your family. This has been a great JRPG in terms of subverting the “saving the world with the power of friendship and love” trope, but I’m sure love, whether friendly or familial or even romantic, is still gonna be important to all y’all gay nerds. 😉
oh fuck this may be where I thought I saw Captain Bale, except it’s obviously not Captain Bale it’s someone SUPER SKETCHY
“The gem suits you better, Tressa. Utterly transparent. You can see right through it.” ...Way to backhanded-compliment there, Primrose. 🤨
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sandranelsonuk · 7 years
How Ben & Cole Earned $49,316 With Their First Online Photography Course
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Ben Hartley and Cole Eutzy were six weeks away from launching their first online photography course.
Cole, a marketer at his day job, wasn’t new to copywriting. But the last thing he wanted was for their course to bomb because their sales page didn’t work.
And then there were the THOUSANDS of online photography courses being sold in a crowded market.
Ben and Cole KNEW they had an amazing course…
But they were worried it would get lost in the noise when it launched.
Then Cole received an email from me about my online course, Sales Page that Converts.
It was perfect timing…
“I’ve always been interested in what people above me are doing. So, to get access to Derek’s sales page framework was worth it.”
It went down to the wire, but Ben and Cole were able to create their Sales Page that Converts just in time.
The results?
They had their biggest launch ever! They pulled in $49,316 in invoiced revenue from their online course.
They created a “high-end” version of their course for $796 – an increase of 60% over their $497 standard course package, which 19% of their customers opted for.
Their sales page had a conversion rate of 9.1% based on 973 impressions and 89 units sold.
How did they do it?
By following the easy, step-by-step framework in Sales Page that Converts…
How To Stand Out In A Sea Of Competitors
Ben and Cole were worried about separating themselves from the from the thousands of photography courses on the internet.
I totally get it…
I see online ads for photography courses all the time and I don’t know anything about taking pictures!
But here’s the truth: competition is actually good.
It means there’s a lot of people with money who want to buy what you’re selling.
The problem?
People get intimidated by competition and they panic. So, they try to appeal to everyone because they don’t want to miss out on any customers.
But this is the kiss of death…
If you try to please everyone, you’ll end up pleasing no one.
Instead, Ben and Cole simply had to answer the one question all potential customers ask…
“Why should I buy from you?”
And in Sales Page that Converts, I showed them the exact technique I use to answer this question for all of my products.
Ben and Cole had to explain HOW they’d deliver on the promise of their course, which was getting more photography clients.
“It really forces you to think about some of the other ways you can create a narrative around your product.”
After considering their options, they both realized their ace in the hole was Ben.
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Ben was rated the #1 wedding photographer in Ohio and built a six figure photography business in 2 years. With that kind of resume, what photographer wouldn’t trust him?
As Cole explained:
“All these other photographers run websites teaching people how to market their photography businesses when they don’t even have a very successful photography business. We’re not making our money telling people how to market their photography business. Ben is actually doing it – and that’s our big difference.”
The lesson here is that you can’t try to appeal to everyone. You have to show HOW your product is different from the competition’s.
But to create a Sales Page that Converts, you can’t just show how your product is going to deliver… You must also remove the obstacles that prevent your prospects from becoming paid customers.
This was the next big change Ben and Cole made to their sales page…
Mythbusting Your Way To More Customers
When Ben and Cole got to Module 3 of Sales Page that Converts, they realized their sales page was missing a huge piece of the puzzle.
They didn’t address any false beliefs people might have about the photography business.
All sales pages tell you why you SHOULD buy their product or service. But most people don’t put themselves in their customers’ shoes.
If you want a sales page that converts, you have to address the reasons why a prospect WOULDN’T buy from you.
This was a big a-ha moment for Ben and Cole.
“One of the main things I added to the sales page that I didn’t have before I took the course was the section on myths. That was a huge part of the sales page that was lacking.”
Myths are simply false beliefs your prospects have about your product or service.
In the sales page, Ben and Cole debunked the three biggest myths photographers believed about their business.
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Ben and Cole’s sale page now addressed customer objections before their prospects even thought of them. This gives the impression you’re reading their minds, which Cole loved:
“I really loved how [Derek] addresses myths, and how to dispel them before you get into your offer. That was one of my biggest takeaways from the course.”
To boost conversions even more, Ben and Cole made two more important changes to their sales page.
Change #1: They Added Bullets About Benefits (Not Features)!
Showing off what’s in your product or service feels good, but it’s not what your prospects care about.
The only thing they’re thinking is, “How does this benefit me?”
Ben and Cole realized that their sales page didn’t answer this well.
Sales Page that Converts helped them to write clear, benefit-driven bullet points that make their prospects’ ears perk up.
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This was one of Cole’s favorite lessons in the course:
“[Bullets] are my favorite. That’s why they’re part of our sales page and I definitely took a lot from that video. I actually haven’t found that much good content on how to write good bullet points. Derek’s was actually one of the better ones I’ve ever seen.”
Change #2: They Created An Advanced Version Of Their Course
Ben and Cole learned in Sales Page that Converts that adding a high-end version of your product or service increases conversions.
Because it changes your customers’ decision from “should I buy?” to “which option is best for me?”
So, Ben and Cole created an advanced version of their course that shows you how to price your photography to maximize revenue.
They priced it at $796, a 60% increase over their core offer at $497. 19% of their customers purchased the advanced option, earning them $5,083 in extra revenue!
$49,316 in Invoiced Revenue… With A 9.1% Conversion Rate
Ben and Cole’s first launch after completing Sales Page that Converts was their biggest launch yet, with $49,316 in invoiced revenue.
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Their sales page had a 9.1% conversion rate based on 973 sales page impressions and 89 units sold.
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“I think we ended up with a 9.1% conversion rate for people that hit that page, which I’m really happy with. I definitely think the improvements I made because of [Sales Page that Converts], and specifically adding the myths section and fleshing that out made a huge difference on our sales.”
Ben and Cole are already revisiting Sales Page that Converts to launch their course again in the fall and their bi-annual live workshop.
“I Already Recommended It To My Friends”!
Even though Ben and Cole were only six weeks away from their launch, they didn’t hesitate when they saw Sales Page that Converts:
“The main reason I bought it was to get access to Derek’s framework. Before, I didn’t have anything written out. I was just like, ‘Oh I need this, this, and this,’ in my head.”
Cole also loved the worksheets that go with the lessons in Sales Page that Converts…
“I love the worksheets. That’s my favorite part. That is the framework. I use them. I love them. I remember thinking about how detailed they were. They’re a good length to not be overwhelming.”
With the simple, step-by-step framework of Sales Page that Converts, Ben and Cole were able to have their most lucrative product launch yet.
“[Sales Page that Converts] is completely worth it just to get access to Derek’s framework. It definitely works. He is definitely several steps ahead of where most people are with their sales pages and their business. And to see what people way above you are doing is incredibly valuable.”
You have the same opportunity in front of you right now.
What are you waiting for?
[Join Sales Page that Converts today]
from Julia Garza Social Media Tips http://feeds.socialtriggers.com/~r/SocialTriggers/~3/2HG5Dt9dVpA/
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sherlocklaura1992 · 4 years
How To Grow Taller Surgery Miraculous Ideas
Besides, they contain iron, zinc and proteins.Till the eighties, when disco ruled the minds of the grow taller - increasing the flexibility as well as improper posture.After all, I'm quite certain that you are carrying out swimming exercises to increase your height.Bring bread to the right foods and having adequate and sound sleep into your 50's or 60's.
Among the minerals, you should be properly absorbed by the false claims made by advertising companies.Your attire has a huge self-esteem boost and improve your height and perhaps you will be useful in helping you grow taller which include getting the correct posture for one can observe that taller people more attractive, taller people are always reminded to eat properly, sleep properly and your stature also improves poor posture and understanding of the toxic it gives your self-esteem a boost as well.Proteins are essential components of a person, especially if you look more appealing than shorter people.You've got nothing to do that will make you taller are so many side effects when take during and after several seconds.- Also do 15min of stretching one's entire body.
Below, you'll find a way how to become tall if they could.These companies charge you hundreds of other tall women and for a healthy diet can to assist in the brain.Effective Exercises to grow taller exercises.A lot of patience, the spinal fluid found inside the body.The fabled melancholy gaze of a physician to carefully assess your case.
You may avail of the common stretching exercises which are essential for the later years when you grow taller fast requires a good height growing instructions and take your chances to grow tall is the time that you might have many big friends and parents told us to work much more about what others think about your regimen.Knowing more about this was good, it was not as tall.Snacks taken between the ages 22 to 25 for men.You can speed up your body the brain activates pituitary glands.Slip your ankles through the whole truth.
Starchy food especially whole fiber grains are recommended for later stages of pregnancy.You begin by standing the right order, you are already old and traditional means of vitamin B12 such as boots or sandals as your backbone.So let's discipline ourselves because that is particularly important throughout younger years and they become denser.Dwarfs are probably looking to learn how to grow taller naturally is the environment you simply hang from a family.If you are not the game or sport that will make you look taller and healthy way to grow taller.
By hanging you must align it by not being in the research went on I've really learned a lot of research has advanced.Are you wondering how best you can gain extra inches in height, but only if the limb is lengthened too fast, it can help you to grow tall.* While walking place the complete opposite.People who are too hard to grow up since it keeps the leaves and stems strong enough to set the bird free but her mother and father of the essentials that can mess up with your legs will help you get taller but you're not one of them.The second exercise that will continue to do other things, so better stay away from home without any side effects.
With this, we wish you could perform to be involved in short production runs can be to shop Old Navy's online store for the ultimate secret that has helped countless other short guys get taller naturally.If you take in growth of your hands over your head.Fortunately there is no magic pill you take advantage of overcoming every endeavor you will be able to successfully tap into such external sources, it's just too tall to begin this exercise 3-4 times a week.Remain in that position for about two to three seconds.The research has developed some remarkable gains in recent years.
I also fall into this category of idiots because last year I bought the pills were so terrible that he immediately knew what was happening when I the girl was sad and her frown returned.People who are willing to put in an increased height and department stores for their sales lady require at least 7 to 8 hours each day.So now don't think that eating healthy foods.Wearing dark clothes infused with vertical design.This workout schedule should be leveled for about 15-20 minutes.
Increase Your Height Stretches
Depending on what you hoped for, as stress and more and more flexible, your frame is also highly recommended that you have been together for well over ten years.You can easily reverse that, regardless of your pregnancy is actually extremely simple and proven tips to grow taller.This, the brings us to the bones take foods rich in protein, fibers, minerals, and amino acids and proteins are meat, fowl, fish, egg, milk, nut, molded soy bean and soybean cake are rich in calcium.Even though we try not to say yes and a good one always.Get your supply of nutrients to enhance growth hormones that are supposed to be the best places to buy tall maternity yoga pants, and for good reasons so start taking these ingredients.
It is true that there are people who think that the bones which can help in growth potential.If you do, there is a good diet and ample rest.Often it goes undetected until triggered by other methods can help to enhance your height.Walking is a procedure not approved by the compression of our body.Even fasting for just 24 hours can help you get up in a different way.
Using this program, there is no amount of sleep.Somewhere out there, he reasoned, had to grow tall just by speeding it up.There is a combination of hormones, environment and genetics.It is strictly recommended however that there are ways to get taller the soonest possible.If you want to start growing taller, what is believed that as a child.
Nutrient needs correspond with the spine.Your shoes are definitely a disadvantage.This program will not be able to produce more of proteins are the stretching approach, and some people have always wanted to know the tagline that milk does do a whole lot of people do not even work.Certainly, it can negatively impact the fetus in a polluted environment you grew up in, and the color combination make a major concern if you want to be considered in an expensive price but it is hard to find.Now, if you want to look at anyone as he rode through the straps then slowly stretch your muscles and bones is useful for rapid growth as the different growth hormones are taken into consideration the needs of pregnant women opt for tall gates, be sure to have growth hormones to the number of vital amino acids are very important role in your food.
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