#it's also kinda funny attending an event you helped prep
essegigi · 2 years
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Got to go to a cool party for being with a certain company for a whole decade (!).
Fun to be on the other side for once!
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
The Flags in Highschool
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♡ characters: Pianoman, Albatross, Doc, Lippmann, Iceman
♡ synopsis: What type of student would each of the Flags be in highschool?
♡ cw: Swearing, Lippmann is nonbinary cry about it, mentions of vapes
note: I have no idea where this came from. I guess my need for Flags content is taking over my brain lmao (I promise I won't only write Stormbringer content from now on I pinky swear) and I know I have tons of stuff still in my inbox from ages ago that you guys requested. I HAVE seen them and I do plan on writing them. At this point in time I'm just sapped dry of any inspiration, so sometimes I just need to get whatever I can. This time around it was flag shit. I apologise for the wait and I love all of you. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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Pianoman (the prep)
Definitely the leader of whatever student council is at the school he attends (unanimous vote)
He is always on top of his shit. He never gets detention, never turns in any late assignments, never gets into any fights
Has extra supplies for people who've forgotten theirs, from spare pens and pencils to spare tampons for the period-havers
Is the kid that your parents compare you to and say 'why can't you be more like him' (if your parents are anything like mine, anyway)
Helps people study and write notes for exams- he has a collaborative doc that nobody ever needs to edit because the notes are always perfect
Is the one that has to show the new kids around because he makes the student body look really good lmao
Hosts every single event, fundraiser, volunteers a lot
Though he looks like he knows what he's doing he definitely doesn't get enough sleep
So he has a very concerning coffee dependence- probably drugs himself up on caffeine to get through exam weeks (please someone tell him to stop)
He might be generally nice and an academic but he also has blackmail on basically anyone who's ever crossed him so...don't get on his bad side I guess
Albatross (the goofball)
The class clown that everybody loves even though he's a little piece of shit
Definitely bounces from clique to clique, cus he's friends with literally everyone lmao. Even the kids who don't even like him are willing to have him around
Is the reason why Pianoman began bringing spare supplies to school (he fully gets by by just borrowing other people's things)
Never wears his uniform correctly, and is always getting in trouble for it with his teachers, but he never changes anything
He skips classes ALL THE TIME and doesn't bother to hide it. If you have a free period and decide to go to the store for something you'll more than likely find him vaping out the front lol
(Sorry yall he just seems like the type of guy who vapes- I do not endorse the use of e-cigarettes. There now you can't sue me)
Spreads insane rumours about himself because he thinks it's funny, and then acts shocked when people ask him about said rumors
Always has food/snacks in class and teachers are far past trying to stop him from eating while in class
He's so good at P.E. it's kinda scary. He can throw, run, swim, kick...everyone wants him on their team
If there was ever a Matilda-style student uprising...we all know who's leading it lmao
Doc (the weird kid)
Okay when I say weird kid I don't mean 'kid who crosses your name off the list when you're nice to him'
I mean 'kid who sniffs glue and knows too much about WW2'
Doc is absolutely the type to get straight As without putting in even a LICK of effort. He just never studies, and he never helps anyone else study either
A bit of a wallflower, but he's by no means a bad guy. He's just kinda offputting at first
A little bit too enthusiastic about the science classes where he gets to dissect small animal corpses (he's really good at it it's frightening)
Brings his own lunch from home
Always in the nurse's office, he keeps other sick students company (he's exempt from P.E.)
He's like reverse gifted kid burnout- when he was younger he was a late bloomer but now he's one of the smartest kids in the grade
Even though people don't spend time with him they don't wanna get on his bad side because they know he's gonna become some world-renowned doctor after school and they don't wanna deal with that karma. Plus he's a little bit creepy
Nobody knows ANYTHING about his home life
Lippmann (the popular/theatre kid)
You might be thinking that 'popular kid' and 'theatre kid' contradict one another but you'd be surprised. Everyone LOVES this guy
The lead in every single school play regardless of what type of character they are (gender and body type mean nothing to him)
Also lowkey kind of a whore. He's probably dated most of his peers and yet they're all still enamoured with him
Probably has a super high follower count on Instagram (why are highschoolers so obsessed with Insta)
Kinda friends with all the teachers and so people call him a teacher's pet/tryhard (i'm TOOOOTALLY not projecting here)
One of the first kids to come out as queer (nonbinary) so he supports other kids and helps them with their own sexuality/identity
Though he mediates when his classmates fight, he secretly LOVES the drama and lowkey wants to be an enabler (but that would ruin his reputation)
Definitely comes from a rich family and probably helps fund the school- gets a lot of awards for nepotism reasons
Has tons of potential with his academics but never utilises it- he's more comfortable not studying and getting 80% than studying and getting 90%
Gets voted most likely to be famous in the yearbook
Iceman (the scary dog)
He's actually really good at school and gets pretty good grades. How does he do this? You'll never know
Always sits in the back of the class, but he's not bothering anyone back there so teachers don't care. In fact they'd probably rather have him back there because even they're kinda scared of him
Also knows a concerning amount about WW2, but it's less the gory gore stuff and more the war-y war stuff
Surprisingly good at humanities subjects. Never try to get into a political argument with him because he has his sources CITED
Though he's really scary and not many people would willingly approach him, he's actually really nice and gentle
Stands up for kids who get bullied and checks in on them sometimes
Scholarship kid
Likes loitering in the library and reads a lot in his spare time (he has tons of overdue library books to return)
If a bird or a bug or something flies into the classroom he's the one who's always designated to pick it up and gently guide it back outside
Always argues with teachers if they say homophobic/sexist/racist things and gets in trouble for it but doesn't care (a king)
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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send me an "🖊️" for me to talk about my ocs
OKAY SO TEEHEE. doing three topics since u sent three pens :3c
Klara looooooves picnics or brunches, especially if it's with her close friends. Most of them use a digital calendar that can be shared w others (one where u can write where you probably are at that point, and events stay private and only visible to you, but it will show the others that you aren't free at that moment), and tries to plan a brunch/picnic meetup at least once in two months hehe <3 She also loved to take charge of all the food prep and shopping for different events they hosted in their sustainability student organization thing. Klara's also often taking care of the food side of events at her work, too. Her "must haves" at events like these r fruits and vegetables (she's a fan of apples, oranges and grapes but also loves to have cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes. also allows others to bring their own), different kinds of bread, some candy, crackers and hummus. If it's a work event, she'll also add some kind of fancy cake thing. If it's a friend event she'll also have cereal, cinnamon rolls or french toast and pierogi. I think being good at brunches kinda creates balance w the fact that she can't cook very well skfkkfkfkxkxkfkfkkfk
Toby sucks at hugging anyone who's not Klara bc he allows someone to hug him v rarely (for example, after not seeing his friends for a very long time or if someone's feeling sad) and it just looks somewhat clumsy? Like he doesn't notice the person's position on time so he enfs up on the "wrong side", doesn't really ever squeeze during a hug & honestly looks a bit uncomfortable. But he does enjoy them a lot!!
Continuing with these both bc they're in my head most of the time NFNNFBXKFXKXK I think it's funny how back when they met, Tobias basically was invited by their mutual friend Leon to come help out with this one event thing and maybe stay as an admin in that student organization/club bc he seems to have skills for that. So Leon basically takes Toby to their meeting where they're talking about things, and then Klara comes a bit late bc of her work, sees Toby and goes "who tf is this", which is funny bc she Did know who it is, clearly meaning to ask what he's doing here. How did she know him already? There was this one skincare startup she loved very much bc their products were sensitive skin friendly and didn't have any strong scents. (A bit miserable and "doing this bc i'm a people pleaser") co-founder of that start up? Toby. Back when he was finishing his bachelors (when he was 17) he and his friends were attending this specific skincare chemistry workshop course and got an idea for different products. Fast forward four and a half years later, his friends r inviting him to join their start up idea centering around these products. He had a quite miserable time there let's be honest and left after 6 months, paying off his university debt and donating tons of money to charity, and also saving for the master's degree he was going to finally get. Klara didn't mention this to anyone though, and two days later when she accidentally met him in a cafe she's like "Hey were you that..." and at that moment Toby basically freezes and goes "yes i am that figure skater no i don't want to talk about it, to which Klara's like "The What. No I meant a co founder of that skincare thing," which made Toby relax a bit and he says "oh yeah that's me, you're like the first one who noticed. how cool". They didn't really talk that much for the first weeks of knowing each other tho, until Klara got this one job task and after asking Leon to help with this one thing he's like, "well idk about this but i heard that's toby's speciality" so she kinda had to go and ask him for help. And then something happens and now they're both helping each other out. yay. i need to plan out that part more teehee.
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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A spooky midnight feast
What a long night - and I mean that in a good way! First the theatre, now it's the Spooky Moon Festival. We just enjoyed a spooky midnight feast hosted by Jack to kick off the festivities.
A couple days ago we visited Peace Coast Island to see Marlo and Don. Marlo’s an old friend from Rosevine who left home about six years ago to become an actress in New York City. Not too long after moving there, Marlo met Don, a journalist for News Times, and as of last year they became engaged.
Marlo is who some would consider a starving artist. While she has appeared in numerous commercials, soap operas, and stage shows, Marlo hasn't gotten her big break yet. She has always managed to get by with odd jobs in between sporadic gigs but it sometimes seems like she gets the short end of the stick. It's a shame because she really is a talented and versatile actress.
But it looks like Marlo's finally gonna get her big break with Sugar and Spice, a brand new musical comedy drama that just made its debut at Starlight Theatre. The show played for two weeks there and the next stop will be Port Beacon, followed by Etienne Falls, Glassenwick, Cabot Bridge, and Petunia. This isn't the first time Marlo's gone on tour for a brand new show, but in past experiences, the show turns out to be a bomb and the tour closes early. Though based on the reviews for Sugar and Spice so far - as well as my own thoughts on it - we have high hopes!
Tagging along with Marlo for the first leg of the tour is Don. Since Marlo went off on her first tour, Don has been tagging along to write a review for the show, so he gets work done and gets to spend some time with Marlo - a win-win situation for both. However, if the tour goes on for the full twelve weeks - or more if things go really well - that's gonna be the longest time the two have been apart from each other.
Instead of heading back to New York, Don's gonna be staying at the camp for a while. He's gonna write an article about the Spooky Moon Festival, which he plans to finish tomorrow to get that out of the way. Marlo was the one who suggested that he take some extra days off by visiting the camp to get his mind off things. It's so sweet how much they're gonna miss each other while Marlo's away.
I've met Don a handful of times since he and Marlo started dating. They're a sweet couple, like a comedic duo with Marlo being the funny one while Don's the straight one - they play off each other super well. Anyone who can keep up with Marlo's antics while having a great sense of humor is a winner. I can't wait for the day when they finally get married!
Considering how long they've been together, it was hard to believe that they almost broke up last year. Don spoke about the near breakup when he and Marlo appeared as guests on Garden Chats, a podcast about mental health, a couple months back. It's a really good episode that not only brings up interesting points about the stigma behind depression but also the strong bond Marlo and Don share. Don said that he was hesitant to do the podcast at first but in the end he was glad he did it.
How the two got together is a cute and funny story. Marlo had her first acting gig for an ad for a security system where she played a damsel in distress during a break in. Don was nearby and thought Marlo was in danger so he swooped in to save the day, only to be humiliated after getting yelled at by her and the crew. The poor guy was so caught up in helping someone in need that he failed to notice the cameras and other equipment that were clearly visible. After getting over the embarrassment, Marlo decided to take him out to dinner as she found him kinda cute and didn’t want to be responsible for him crawling under a rock and never ever seeing the light of day again.
For the next four years Marlo and Don hardly left each other’s side. Marlo’s dad often complains that every time he comes over to visit his daughter, her boyfriend’s always there - though over the years he’s warmed up to him. Likewise whenever Marlo comes home, Don usually tags along with her. I think it was Luciana or maybe Emmaline who said that sometimes they forget that Don’s not from Rosevine nor has he ever lived there.
In a way it’s kinda like an opposites attract sort of relationship. Don’s more serious and levelheaded while Marlo is more lighthearted and playful. She’s confident and ambitious, always jumping from one thing to another. He’s more of a go with the flow type, the one who picks and chooses his battles with consideration. He may come across as a no nonsense kind of guy sometimes, but he’s also a sensitive one. She may have a tendency to ramble on and attract trouble, but you have to admit her heart’s in the right place. Marlo gets in over her head while Don gets taken in for the ride. They compliment and contrast each other - sometimes even picking up each other’s traits over the years.
So imagine what was going through everyone’s heads when rumors started going around about the engagement being broken. Since there was never really a confirmation or a denial, no one really knew what was going on. At least for me and my circle of friends, while we were concerned, we knew it wasn’t our place to get involved in any way. Now that we know what really happened thanks to the podcast, I’m glad that the whole thing never really made the gossip mill.
The podcast that Don and Marlo did was hosted by Lessa, probably making it the first time I’ve ever listened to a podcast where I know the host and the guests on a personal level. Don spoke about how he was recently diagnosed with clinical depression and how he had suspected that something was wrong with him for a long time before that. Pressure from work and his engagement along with a bunch of other personal issues led to him getting cold feet and abruptly breaking things off with Marlo. With everything going on he suddenly found himself unable to cope so he ended up almost sabotaging the best thing to ever happen to him. Looking back, he felt that it was his way of punishing himself for not being happy enough despite having everything he could have ever wanted (and more) from someone he loved.
Marlo also spoke about the near breakup and how she began doubting herself when Don started pushing her away. When he told her that he couldn’t marry her, she couldn’t believe it. So she fought back, demanding an explanation and blaming herself. But because she loved him, Marlo knew that she couldn’t just stand there and watch Don slip into a downward spiral.
The “breakup” lasted for about a month, which was the longest Marlo and Don went without talking to each other. By then their friends had noticed a change in Don’s behavior as he was isolating himself from everyone and acting erratically. Marlo felt helpless but persisted and once Don realized that he wasn't all right, he turned to Marlo and her family for help. Since then their relationship has grown stronger.
It was interesting to hear them be so open and vulnerable about their struggles. If the whole conversation isn't proof of how much they care about each other, I don't know what is. I'm glad that Don's getting the help he needs and that Marlo's luck is finally changing.
As for the wedding, there's no set date yet but it's definitely happening. Though at this point they're pretty much like an old married couple, which is super cute. With everything going on in their personal and professional lives, they want to wait until things settle down before tying the knot. Daisy Jane, Andrea, Almie, and I are betting that the wedding's happening sooner rather than later - as in this year. Based on these past few days, it looks like we're not too far off the mark!
Marlo was absolutely fantastic in Sugar and Spice! From the catchy songs to the witty dialogue and relatable characters, it's no wonder that the play has been getting glowing reviews! Marlo stole the show, easily one of the highlights of the play. Unlike previous shows Marlo toured for, she's not stuck being the saving grace of a poorly executed script, something that she has been the victim of far too many times.
The show's about a group of friends who work at a bakery called Sugar and Spice. Marlo is Gingie, a newcomer who had just left home and rediscovers her love for baking through the bakery. There's a funny running gag of Gingie coming up with the most ridiculous cookie recipes that turn out good and leaving the kitchen in such a state of disaster in the process. It's a cute and funny show about a bunch of friends who like to bake.
In between shows, Marlo joined us at the camp. Most of the nights were sold out or didn't have enough seats for the camp, which was why we were unable to attend the first week. Once things got settled down with rehearsals and such, Marlo and Don were able to have some time for themselves at the camp. The two enjoyed picnics on various hangout spots, sightseeing near the mountains, and chilling at the beach.
We also helped Jack set up for the Spooky Moon Festival. Marlo was bummed that she's gonna miss it so Don promised to take a lot of pics for her. It's been great catching up with them and seeing them have fun together. They plan to return in the near future so that's something to look forward to!
The Spooky Moon Festival comes once every few years to celebrate the Spooky Moon. While helping out with the festival, I've learned a lot about the event. Basically there's a spooky looking moon that looks like it's covered in cobwebs that comes into view every four years. It looks super cool, like something out of a vintage spooky picture you see in old books. Everything about the festival gives off Halloween vibes and I'm really digging the aesthetic!
After seeing Marlo off, we got to prepping for the midnight feast. Don's been a great deal of help and it's nice getting to know him on a one on one basis. I think this is the first time I've hung out with him without Marlo. He's been enjoying the camp, which is great as Marlo didn't want him to worry about her too much. Like I said, it's sweet how much they watch out for each other.
At midnight, the festivities began! Making the food was a lot of fun, especially making everything look spooky and cool for the occasion. Decorating cookies was my favorite part as well as cutting out dough into fun shapes for the pies. It took a lot of prep time but the effort was so worth it - everything came out great!
Along with the food, we enjoyed listening to spooky stories, playing fun games, and looking at the moon through the astronomer's telescope. The Spooky Moon's a lovely view to see, made even better with good company to share it with!
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