#it's an artistic rendition okay? 😂
a-s-levynn · 1 year
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resinixupi · 6 months
My process of creating a BJD for the first time
I sculpted my own BJD-inspired little doll for the first time! Including sewing his outfit, I worked on the project over the course of December til March.
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He's based on my artistic fan-rendition of dr. Nitrus Brio from the Crash Bandicoot video game series, and I'm planning to make a few of his colleagues as well! 😊 Here's some reference pics for context, for those who don't know the character.
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Read on if you want to see the process of his creation!
(Heads-up; Contains censored doll nudity and loose body parts and all that~)
He's only 19cm tall (which is uncommon for adult-type BJDs (they'd usually be 40-70 cm, that's 1/4 or 1/3 scale)) and his technical design is a little crude/simplified compared to the beautiful mechanics of the BJDs I used to own, but I'm really happy with how he came out. It was quite the magical experience, because I haven't sculpted much before, nor have I sewn on this level of detail.
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I figured the smaller scale would make him more easy to handle and less intimidating for a first project, but it made it a little difficult to work with at times as well!
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My very first attempt was fun but had a lot of issues, I decided to start over before painting. The (extremely cheap) clay had shrunk massively, he was nowhere near hollow enough, he was a disproportional mess xD
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And since he needs to be to scale with his friends later on, I decided it would be a valuable prototype. UvU
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So all that happened during my Christmas break! From then on, I continued working on him little bits at a time. Quite surprisingly I managed to stay engaged and dedicated XD
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This time I got actual doll-grade paperclay, which made so much difference. Amazing stuff. It was again very satisfying to see his shape forming. And this time he made it to the paint stage!
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After drying out properly, I coated him first to set the clay, then used acrylic paint to give him his base skintone all over. The first layer, applied with a brush, was a blotchy mess. :x
Then I thought of sponge-dabbing it on instead, which worked wonderfully! I only realized while doing it, that it reminded me of how I applied my own bodypaint with a sponge for a blue-skinned cosplay 😊 Must've subconsciously gotten the inspiration from there lol
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After his base coat, I could no longer resist and strung him😂💖
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I realized it might get messy later on if I'd refuse to unstring and restring him for further painting/blushing and coating. But I figured it'd be good enough and I was having too much fun having him in his strung form XDD <33
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It turned out okay, even after spray coating him strung. ^^
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Painted his face, cleaned the paint off his bolts, glued eyelashes on 💕
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And finally, gave him bodyblush for a little more life to him, love it!
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Then I spent many nights sewing his lab coat, undies, pants, gloves and boots! 😊😊😊
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I now consider him finished, and ready for cool shoots! All of this really made me relive my love for BJDs and all the crafting around it. Looking forward to make him some friends, but for now it's kinda nice to have time for other projects again as well 😂
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Okay but now I'm just imagining telltale riddler being like sure u can Dom me so relaxed knowing five minutes in ur gonna be on ur knees begging him to take the reins 😂✨
LITERALLY talk a big game, but i got nothing to back it up lmao, an artistic rendition:
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mareenavee · 1 year
Another ask for you. Share something weird/quirky/funny about your creative process (could be writing, could be art, could be anything else) that you recently discovered and went "huh!"
HI :D This is actually a great question! I'm going to talk about art first for just a short funny anecdote because I don't normally get a chance to share! It'll circle back to writing though, promise!
Okay :D
So for art, I only just started relearning toward the end of 2019 after a decade-long break. I am not the world's greatest artist. I don't know or remember the RULES (tm). But with social media as it is, I do know there's this heavy pressure to make your sketchbooks pretty and shareable. Mine has NEVER been that way. Not ever once, not even when I was actively drawing and painting daily before I got into art school. (I didn't go, btw -- I went to college for writing instead.)
So something that I do that I didn't realize others didn't do at first because, again, most people are sharing their "finished pieces" pretty sketchbooks, is when I draw something very obviously wrong, warped, or even downright scarily messed up, I'll write "omg I'm so sorry" or something in the margins lol and then I just move on. And when I review my sketchbook when it's done, it never fails to make me laugh. Even the messed up sketches are practice, at the end of the day.
When it comes to writing, there's not really a sketchbook per se but I do leave myself similar notes lol. I have documents with ideas in them and I also mostly carry around a small notebook that I jot ideas down in when I'm not home or can't be bothered messing with the google docs app on my phone. Every once in a while when I'm feeling particularly stuck, I'll go back through my ideas docs and notebooks.
The other day I opened one of my docs that just said "idea" for the title and inside it said: "You had a thought, which is rare enough, but then they actually managed to call your number for once in this godforsaken dmv office and now the idea is gone. Sorry about that." Apparently that was one of the times I didn't have my notebook on me LOL 😂
So yes, vague apology notes for ideas that have disappeared or gone sideways are very much a part of my creative process. I keep them anyway, and I'm not ashamed of "bad ideas" or "horrible sketches." Each piece is a part of the journey. And looking back is incredibly funny, most of the time, and even still somewhat inspiring. Especially with my art, if I drew something wrong months ago, it's kind of gratifying if I can manage to draw a better rendition of it today. And with writing, even confusing ideas that make no sense when I return to them later can still be refined and used for something else. Otherwise, it's good to just laugh it off and try again.
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onyxinking · 3 years
Okay so I may have been under the influence of a “family tolerance” edible when I drew this. I thought- this is absolutely hilarious, how has no one already thought of this???
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Well, surprise, someone else did it before me 😂. A sober google of Doge Vulpes revealed a post on Reddit where someone was looking for the original artist’s post. Unfortunately, I also couldn’t find it anywhere. I want to give them credit but I can only find remnants of it in profile pics. So, there is a wonderful Doge Vulpes already floating around the internet somewhere. While I’m jealous I didn’t think of it first, here’s my rendition of Doge Vulpes.
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papakhan · 3 years
okay totally random but i was thinking about this falling asleep last night so like do you think that the great khans sleep on their jeans? or do they change out of their clothes into jammies or sleep naked. i imagine regis would sleep naked and papa khan would wear like an old fashion nightgown with a sleep cap on like geppetto from pinocchio
ASDHASGDKHAGSDKJ Regis sleeping ass naked for no real reason is now canon to me thank you so much. I think hes the only one who's like like and does it purely for powermove reasons and maybe he sleeps on furs gets too hot. He's definitely chased down NCR troopers minutes after waking up like that and won because they were just so confused
As for the rest of the Khans I'd say its more down to personal preference. For people going out on jobs/raids/scouts/whatever I imagine they'd probably keep their jeans and jacket on for protection reasons, since you never know if you might need to wake up and defend yourselves, but probably remove their excess armour like the thigh pads and boots. I think in Red Rock people mostly feel safe enough to wear something more comfortable because there's always other Khans on watch, either snipers in the cliffs or warriors on the ground or both. part of me would even say most Khans who aren't warriors don't even wear the jeans a lot of the time.
My hc that doesn't exactly coincide with the game is that the Khans generally function mostly at night and sleep through the hottest parts of the day, so they stay up until the early morning and sleep through midday. For that reason I'd think their jammies would be something loose and light, so maybe Regis has the right idea sleeping naked 😂
As for Papa Khan I agree completely. Here is my artistic rendition
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POV: You just woke up your dad to tell him that you threw up on the longhouse carpet
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