#it's cas' duty to help his brother but he and dean meet by chance first and they click!
profoundbondfanfic · 11 months
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A Ghost Story by emmbrancsxx0 [Explicit, 257k words]
Castiel Novak has haunted his family's estate for 150 years, awaiting the return of his lost love. Upon their reunion, Dean Winchester learns of his past reincarnation. After the night of Castiel's resurrection, the two try to find out why they've been given a second chance. The answers may be hidden in the forgotten memories of Dean's former life - but sometimes the truth is better left buried.
A Lonely Vigil by saltnhalo [Mature, 34k words]
Castiel Novak is twenty-six years old when he's killed in the Civil War. The first soul to be laid to rest in the grounds of the new Lawrence Memorial Cemetery, his spirit remains in a liminal space—not in the living world, but not passing on, forever tasked with helping other spirits to go where he cannot. His vigil over the grounds of his cemetery is a long and lonely one, unable to interact with anyone who still remains in the land of the living. Until he meets Dean Winchester.
A Million Ways to Go by ChasingRabbits [Explicit, 91k words]
Castiel Novak is a preacher's son living in a world of black and white. Pragmatic and dutiful, he doesn't understand why anybody would want to make waves. Then the Winchesters move in down the street. Soon many of the skeletons in the Novak family's closet are exposed, and as the family faces them, Castiel begins to understand that there are many ways to see the world and so many more ways to live than what he's been told.
Bumper Cars by mansikka [Explicit, 111k words]
Two teenagers are missing from an abandoned carnival, and there’s enough to raise suspicion that their disappearance involves a ghost. Dean, Sam, and Cas arrive in town to investigate, though what they find leads them away from those teenagers, and on the trail of a ghost story that churns up things from their past. Can newly-human Cas, and Dean, with the help of shipper!Sam, work out the mystery behind the abandoned carnival and its ghost, and along the way, figure out the riddle that is them?
Dean Winchester is Not Afraid of Ghosts by Desirae [Explicit, 48k words]
When photographer Dean Winchester is not capturing momentous occasions like weddings and graduations with his Nikon, he is moonlighting as the cameraman for the South Shore Paranormal; a ghost hunting series on YouTube, headed by his brother Sam, and Sam's best friend Gabriel. Despite his brother's adamance, Dean Winchester does not believe in ghosts. And no one is going to change his mind. Certainly not a scam artist like Castiel Novak. Castiel is a self-proclaimed medium... and Gabriel's brother. When a member of the SSP team has to leave the crew, Castiel is the replacement, much to Dean's dismay. But the more they work together, the more Dean is drawn to Castiel, the man stirring up protective instincts usually only reserved for family. What happens when Dean realizes that Castiel is not the fake he always thought he was, but instead, a generous soul that Dean is rapidly falling in love with?
ghosts that we knew by dothraki_shieldmaiden [Explicit, 89k words]
Dean can’t help it. Castiel’s laugh is infectious, washing over him and sweeping him up in its tide. His throat and stomach ache with the feel of it, unfamiliar muscles worked past their endurance. He hasn’t laughed like this in weeks, maybe years. Cas doesn’t stop laughing, and Dean relishes it. It’s such a good sound, deep and throaty. It rumbles over him the same way that Baby’s engine purrs, to where he can almost feel it in his gut. Dean’s giddy, the kind of happy that hunters don’t get to feel, and if it weren’t for the ceiling, he thinks he might float away. Cas’ eyes crinkle when he laughs, and his smile goes wide and gummy. He’s so brilliant, so alive— But you’re dead, Dean thinks helplessly. But you’re dead.
Heart by Speary [Mature, 90k words]
The heart is a funny thing. Some say it loves, and others say that it is just a muscle, keeping you alive for some minuscule amount of time. For Cas Shurley, the heart was a defective reminder that each day was maybe going to be his last. For years he had been in and out of hospitals. For years he had viewed time as something trickling down the drain. Then Sam Winchester died. He died, and Cas got to live. And in what universe was that fair? But he accepted the gift, and told himself that he would live. Each beat of Sam’s heart in his chest was an anthem, a siren song beckoning him back to life. This new heart though, wanted him to do more than just live. This heart had a story to tell. It would wake him up in the night, and visit him with cold drafts and a sense of purpose that would propel him out of bed. But before he could truly live and act on the demands of his new heart, he would have to get out of the hospital, and he would have to meet the Winchester family. And though he didn’t know it, he would especially have to meet Dean, Sam’s brother. And meeting him would remind him of just how much more there was to life than just the living.
Hope and Clay by tabulaxrasa [Explicit, 20k words]
The museum is haunted, the security guard is dead, the ghost has an alibi, and Dean is… worried about his relationship status with Cas (currently: It’s Complicated). A Winchester family hunting trip threatens to go awry from the weight of too many secrets– and an unstoppable killer from the dawn of time.
Rest in Pieces by xylodemon [Explicit, 22k words]
"Goddamned ghosts," Dean snaps, stabbing his shovel into the dirt. "Goddamned Heaven." (or: the one with the Ghost Apocalypse)
Under Construction by thestarsarefalling [General Audiences, 42k words]
Castiel's been quietly haunting the house in which he's met his untimely demise for a long time. Up until this moment, he's only had to deal with squatters and adventurous teenagers, who were easy to drive out with some spooky moans and creepy words scratched into walls. But when his building is slated to become a construction site, Castiel encounters Dean, the contractor and new owner of the home, someone who doesn't scare easy.
Winchester's Haunted House by deansmultitudes, Kitmistry [Teen and Up, 3k words]
For the Halloween evening, Dean turns his new home into a haunted house for neighboring kids. But once all the guests are gone, is when the real haunting begins.
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vegancas · 2 years
helloooo destiel kathony au where dean is looking for a partner and cas is trying to help his brother michael find someone to marry but cas and dean fall in love instead despite everyone saying how perfect dean and michael would be for each other
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deancaspinefest · 3 years
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The Prince and the Guardian
Author: lily_winterwood | Artist: Alina Posting on Monday March 21
This was his final year of training. His practicum year, so to speak. The Guardians were not officially recognised by the Queen, so it was imperative he kept such affiliations to himself. Nevertheless, Claire was right — he would only be here for a couple of months, practicing his hunting techniques in the Great Forest or wherever else his daytime duties might take him, preparing himself for his first Mid-Autumn Harvest. It would be the initial three-night sojourn in the heart of the Wild that would make or break his initiation as a full-fledged Guardian. Guardian-in-training Dean Winchester is posted undercover to the Duchy of Edlund, hunting monsters to prepare himself for the initiation. However, as he gets closer to the Duke's youngest son, Castiel, he can't help but wonder if there are more dangerous monsters lying closer to his heart. (A Regency Fantasy AU)
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
With a sigh, Dean steps back from the desk to stretch his legs. The fire has long since died back into embers, but the room is surprisingly warm. It may be late, but maybe he could use the letter-opener he’d been planning to steal anyway to pick the study lock so he could get back to his room and grab some sleep. “Dean,” a voice whispers, and that’s when Dean realises that the study door had been unlocked. He takes the letter-opener, clutching it defensively as he creeps out of the study. Now that he knows there’s a werewolf on the loose, he doesn’t want to be caught wandering around at night during the full moon without any protection. Still, what are the odds this whispering voice is the beast he’s looking for? The corridor here is dark and empty, and the air here is significantly cooler. Dean takes in a huge breath, glad to be free of that stuffy prison of a study. No wonder Lord Michael and Adam don’t get anything done in there. He distinctly remembers how, sometime before midnight, he started questioning if it was really a werewolf he was chasing down, and not a ghost. Surely there’d been more unhappy deaths than just Kate’s in these ancient halls… “Dean,” the voice whispers again, almost as if on cue. But this time, Dean recognises it. “Cas?” he ventures. Who knows what Lord Castiel would have to say to such an informal manner of address. Though, judging by how he’d argued with his own brother over Dean using the Garrison library, maybe he’d be into it. “Where are you?” Once again, his feet take him up the grand staircase, up to the doors leading to the library. Lord Castiel had been there before; surely now that everyone else in the house seems to have gone to sleep, he’ll take the chance to show himself at last. (Dean snorts a little at the melodrama of it all.) When he opens the doors to the library, the first thing he notices is just how bright the moonlight is. Through the mullioned windows it throws squares of silver light across the library floor, broken only by dark bars of shadow. Within these bars stands a dark figure with their back turned to Dean, gazing out the windows. The breath in Dean’s lungs hitch as he steps closer to the figure, his hand reaching out for him. At last, this is his chance to meet the reclusive Lord Castiel, and ask him what he knows— His hand passes through the figure’s shoulder, and then Dean jerks awake back in the study just as the clock chimes midnight once again.
[continue reading on Ao3 on Monday March 21]
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itsthestutterforme · 4 years
Redeemed (Supernatural)
Redeemed Circuit 1/4
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Y/N was previously tortured by Dean while he had the mark of cain. They thought she was a demon that worked for Abbadon. Turns out, she was just a human with an allergy to oil. A year later, Y/N was actually a prophet and the Winchester need her to find a way to trap Michael from the other world
Characters: Dean Winchester x POC!reader, Sam x reader, Castiel x reader
"Please, I'm telling you that truth!" Y/N begs as Dean scraped his ugly blade against her clavicle. Sharp stings littering her body and extends to every cut that he made. They speak of Abbadon and demons. At first she called them psychos and high off their asses if they wanted her to believe that demons were real. It wasn't until she saw Dean's eyes flicker black that fear struck her silent.
These cuts and oil burning have been going on for days, and at this point, she wanted to beg for death. "You're going to tell me where Abbadon is," "I don't know where or who Abbadon is, I swear."
Her throat scratches against itself of soreness from her long screams. She was barely able to keep her eyes opened. He grabs her face and pulls her inches away from his.
"You disgust me," he insults before leaving the room. She winced as he slams the door shut and tears pricked her eyes for the hundredth time. The door creaks up but she doesn't bother lifting her head.
Footsteps near her and hand touches her arm. She pulls away from his rough, calloused hands. "Wait a minute, these are- Dean!" "No, please, don't bring him back here." She pleads. "It's alright, honey, I'm so sorry I didn't catch this sooner."
"I'm starting to think she doesn't know anything, we should just kill her." Dean says, making her whimper lightly. "No, look. She's breaking out into hives. She's have an allergic reaction, she's not a demon." Sam says.
She looked up at Sam through swollen eyes as he pulls her wrists and ankles from their restraints. "I'll get the first aid kit," Dean says before leaving the room again. "I am so sorry." "No, let me.. leave me at the hospital." "At the severity of your wounds, you won't make it to the hospital," Sam explains. "I'll take my chances,"
"Listen, I'll.. how about I help you. He doesn't have to touch you." She shakes her head and pushes him away. "Take me to the hospital or let me die." That was the last thing she said before blacking out completely.
A constant beep of a monitor is the only thing she hears. Her eyes slowly peel open to see her brother, Y/B/N holding his face in his hands. He must of heard her sit up because his head shot up and met her eyes with his red, puffy ones. "Y/N? Oh my God," he stands from his chair and takes one of her hands into his.
"We've been looking for you everywhere. And everyone thought that you were.. I'm just glad you're okay." He wipes away his tears with the cuff of his sleeve. No words came to mind to say.
Ironic, really because her mind is blank but her body has plenty to say. Between the stitches, the IV and Dean's punches, getting ran over sounds like a dream right now.
Sam and Dean were tired of standing around waiting to find out when Castiel will find the new prophet that was called forth. They just came back from a hunt and settled down after taking their showers.
They need the prophet to translate the angel tablet they found in the other world.The world where Mary and Jack resided. Hopefully it will help defeat Michael who is definitely coming over here into this world. Castiel just came back from Heaven in search of the next prophet, and what do you know, it's Y/N.
Castiel sets the file down on the table in front of the Winchesters and they opened to see Y/N's picture. "Oh you've got to be kidding me," Dean says, running a hand over his face. "Wait, you know her?" "Yeah, she hates us." Sam says. "It doesn't matter, she has a duty as a prophet to provide what the Lord set out,"
"Believe me, she would rather jump off a bridge than help us." "I'll bring her here," "No!" Sam says, making Cas stop his movements. "Let me just. I'll pick her up. Just tell me where she is." "The last I sensed her, she was in Boise, Idaho," "Do you need any help?" "She won't go if you're there, Dean."
"I know, I just.." Dean trails off and his gazs falls to the floor. "Nevermind," he adds before walking off. "What happened between them?" Cas asks. Sam shakes his head and says, "You don't want to know,".
Sam packs a go bag and takes the Impala to get Y/N. He drives around bars and shops and finally found me walking out of the grocery store with brown, paper bags in my hand.
"Y/N," Sam says as he approaches her. She pulls her head out from under the car. When she sees Sam, her eyes widen and she pulls out her gun. She aims it at him and takes off the safety. "Whoa, whoa! I-I'm not here to hurt. I just need your help." She slightly lower her gun and look to the Impala for Dean.
"He's not here," he says and she puts the safety on before tucking it under her belt. "You okay?" Sam asks. She raised her index finger before reaching back into the car for a writing pad.
"Help for what?" She writes and showed him. "Did something happen to your voice?" "I made a vow," she writes. "Because of Dean?" he asks.
She didn't say anything but she pulls the writing pad closer to her chest. "Listen, there is something coming. Something bigger than all of us, an archangel. And he's coming here to lay waste to our world. We may have something to stop it but we can't read it without a prophet.
"I know. I've been having visions." She writes. He nods and she looks at him for a moment. Almost as if he read her mind, he says, "I will make sure that he leaves you alone." "He's your brother,"
"What we did was wrong, but this isn't about us. It's about the world." "I know," "So you'll help us?" She nods before writing, "I need to get my computer first,"
It's been weeks since she went to the bunker for the first time. Seeing Dean for the first time in years sent chills down her body. Everything that happened, everything that he did to her was still fresh in her mind.
She has nightmares every night and wake up. It took her months to make sure she didn't scream herself awake.
"I don't know, Dean." "Oh come on, I'm not going to do anything," Dean says. They think she plays music while have earphones on when she is translating the tablet on her computer. Well sometimes, she does.
Other times she just put it on to listen in their conversations. "You know how she acts when you even look at her too long," "We have to learn to work together, especially with Michael coming here,"
"What do you think she's doing? She didn't have to help us. She could have said screw you and left us to die. But she's pushing past things," "Sam, you're just going for a milk run. It's not that big of a deal. She'll be fine." Dean says.
The sound of the door opening and closing echoes through out the bunker. She hears Dean walks behind her and she could feel the hairs on her neck stand up.
"I know you can't hear me but, I have to say it. Words can't even begin to express how much guilt I have weighing on my chest. It's so heavy that I can't even breathe. I--" she stands up from the table and take off my earphones.
She locks eyes with him for the first time she got there. She shake her head and closed her computer before rushing into her room to lock the door behind her.
Why the hell do I feel bad for him? He's the one that made my life hell! He doesn't deserve my forgivness. She thinks to herself. She collapses on the bed and sigh when she heard her phone chiming.
She reaches over the bed and into the nightstand to look at who was it was. She clicked on her Y/B/N contact and opened a new message from him.
It was a man with glowing blue eyes mainly in the frame but in the very left top corner, she saw her brother beaten to a bloody pulp. The background seemed oddly familiar Fear shudders through her body and she could feel it starting to freeze over.
"DEAN!" She yells. That was the first time she spoke in two years. Heavy footsteps run towards her room and before she could stand to open the door, he kicks the door in.
She showed him the phone and his jaw clenches. "He has my brother," "He's already here. Did you find anything important on the tablet?" "Yeah, I'm practically finished. There's a scepter like weapon with angel grace in it. That's the only thing that kill him."
"Do you have no idea where it is?" "Not me, but your angel friend can," "Alright, pack a go bag and meet me in the garage in 10," She nods and pull open the drawers when Dean says, "And Y/N?"
"Yeah?" "We'll get him back." She doesn't say anything and continued to pack. They packed clothes and weapons before texting Sam her address to meet.
Within a couple hours, they arrived at her house and there was an eerie vibe about it. Dean wanted her to wait in the car until Sam got there but she couldn't wait while that son of a bitch was hurting her brother.
She ran inside and Dean followed her into went to the house. Blood was smeared all over the walls and windows. The house stenched of metal and rotting flesh. She found my brother with his skull cracked open in the kitchen.
She heart was barely able to take seeing him like that but when she saw her niece with bruises littering her neck, she lost it.
That son of a bitch strangled her to death. She must have been so scared. Y/N cradled her cold, limp body in her arms and smooth out her soft, curly hair. "I'm so sorry, honey." She stand up but her eyes don't leave the corpse. "I need a minute," "Whatever you need," he says before leaving the room.
Anger boils her blood and yells erupted from her chest. She rushed out of the room and kicked the couch forwards. She grabbed the lamp and throw it against the wall.
She picked up the nightstand and slamed it on the ground with a satisfying crack. She kicked the nightstand and into the corner and standing in front of the family portrait.
Her fist finds its way through the picture and she just kept punching and punching. She didn't care if the glass was piercing through the flesh of my hands.
Sam finally arrives at Y/N's house with Cas. "I'll check around the perimeter of the house," Cas says. Sam nods and asks, "Where's Y/N?" Right on cue, she yells out in anger.
"Y/N," Sam tries to walk into the house but Dean holds him back. "Give her a minute. She found the bodies of her brother and niece," Dean explains. Sam sighs deeply and runs a hand through his hair. "It's our fault," Sam says.
"I know. They would still be alive if she didn't help us," Dean says. "She's already been through enough," "He's gone. There's no trace of Michael." Cas says to them as he walks up the steps. "Damn it," Dean says.
Y/N is huddled in the corner with her bleeding hands. "Alright, Y/N, enough of this. There's only one thing left to do now." She stands up and walks out of the house. Their eyes fall to her hands and she noticed. "It's alright, don't worry about it." "We should at least cover it so it doesn't get infected." "I need to get this cleaned up," she says, motioning to the house.
"You don't have to do this alone, Y/N." "I'm used to it," she says, walking passed them and opening the garage. She pulls out a shovel and Sam gets in the way. "Y/N, please. Let us help," he explains.
"I know you feel guilty, but it's best if you leave. I'm not angry at you, I'm just tired of the people around me getting hurt." She looked from Sam to Dean and Dean steps closer to her.
"Well you're stuck with us. And we're all in." "Once I'm done here, I'm making sure Michael's head is on a pike. And I'm not taking no for an answer."
"Like I said, all in." Dean says. "Then start digging a pit at least a foot deep. We have to burn everything in that house." She says, handing them both a shovel.
"You've done this before?" Sam asks. "My brother did, and he told me in case something happened to him.." she trails off. "I'll get your hands cleaned up," Cas says, motioning to her hands. "Fine,"
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yourfinalbow · 3 years
Ack anon I'm sorry. Tumblr ate your ask and I'm 🔪 But I saved your ask to put on the Google Doc so don't fret! I have it!
“Hi Ghastie Ghast, I wanted to share a prompt with you lol. I decided to go more holiday theme’d because it’s never too early to get into the holiday spirit.
“Your favorite winter drink was back on the menu, so I decided to surprise you with it.”
Please enjoy this prompt lmao”
The nickname made me -_- but hi Little Gray Circle Dude With Sunglasses! Thank you for sending me this! I had fun writing it. I'm assuming you wanted a Destiel fic, so that's what I wrote! (Also bonus points for Saileen as a background ship?) I sort of strayed a little from the prompt and the tone gets heavier as it goes on… 👀 I also accidentally wrote more than intended, so you can read it on Ao3 if that's easier. (And maybe give it a kudos because you’re the best?)
Title: Black Coffee Derangement Syndrome
Ship(s): Dean Winchester/Castiel, Sam Winchester/Eileen Leahy.
(Basic) Tags: Fluff, Slight Angst, Domesticity in the Men of Letters Bunker, Established Dean/Cas, Established Sam/Eileen, Using black coffee as a metaphor for hypermasculinity, With a whip cream style topping of internalized homophobia. *Finger guns.*
Warnings: Coffee gatekeeping and small sections of fluff that are as sweet as Cas’s Starbucks order. Also I’ve been to Starbucks once. Maybe twice? (Also a single mention of a drug that's commonly found as white powder, the non-descriptive comparison of Sam’s stupid health stuff with emesis, and use of the name that the figurehead for Germany in WW2 bore, just to be safe.)
Rating: T? Maybe? For language?
Word Count: 9k+
Quick thanks to my awesome beta @walksinstarllight! They are a poet and a writing sorcerer (wizard without a hat), and the only reason this fic even makes sense so please go shower them in kudos. (You can find their work here.)
Another thanks to @internetintroverts, who described a peppermint mocha to me in like 300 words because I drink black coffee and know nothing of anything ever. You can find their work here! (There's an Easter egg of one of their fics in this one hehe.)
The first thing Dean did when Cas got back from the Empty was give him coffee.
Okay no.
The first thing he did was fall into Cas’s arms and grip that stupid trenchcoat until his knuckles turned white. Shaking and laughing with hot tears streaming out of his eyes, he told him he was an asshole for leaving him like that. And to never, ever do it again. With blurry eyes and all other thoughts hazy, he told Cas he could have it, he could have what he wanted. Whatever he wanted. He told Cas he loved him too.
But then the next thing was coffee.
Caffeine is a hunter’s number one best friend, and since Cas was human again, Dean knew Sam was going to come at him with his stupid green health drinks and herbal tea. As Cas’s knight in shining armour, (a title used by Dean and Dean only), it was his duty to protect him from the disgustingly liquified rabbit food.
Now he expected Cas to like black coffee, you know, like a normal person.
But no, oh no. Apparently, he was dating a heathen.
Dean had to actually rub his eyes the first time he watched Cas fix his own coffee. He stood in the doorway of the kitchen, mouth agape.
Cas was leaning on the counter, humming some song that Dean could neither recognize, nor would he approve of, thank-you-very-much.
(Ok it was Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift and it's entirely possible he's listened to it once or twice but he still doesn't approve of it, thank-you-very-much.)
He held his yellow and black striped, bee-themed ceramic mug Eileen had bought him in one hand, and the entire five-pound bag of cane sugar in the other. And there he stood, happy as can be, pouring it directly into his mug.
Dean rubbed his eyes again.
And not even like, a normal amount either.
He just kept pouring, and pouring, and Oh my god he’s still pouring. Dean thought. It would honestly be more believable if it wasn’t sugar at all, and instead was in fact Cas’s secret stash of cocaine.
Dean might actually have to put sugar on the grocery list after he was finished.
His thoughts traveled back to Ishim doing the same thing with his coffee, in the tiny little diner Cas had set up as a meeting place. Dean had barged in that day, not thinking of his brother mocking him, or the possibility of danger inside. His vision was as tunneled as his thoughts  focused only on Cas, not caring about anything else.
By that time the following day, Dean thought they were both going to die. The bloody and uneven sigil on the wall, Cas no more than ten feet away. Not quite within a comforting reach. The room was spinning from the blow to his head, and he could barely make out the words being spat from Ishim’s mouth.
“You blast me away, you’ll blast away every angel in the room. I’ll survive. Castiel, on the other hand, he’s hurt. He might live, or he might just end up a bloody smear on the wall.”
He almost lost Cas that day.
The blood rushed to his ears as his instincts sought out the mark on the wall. Ishim had told him to roll the dice, but in his head he couldn’t look past the chance of rolling a one. Watching the acrylic cube bounce until it decided Cas’s fate. There was no dilemma, there wasn’t even a decision to be made. He would always choose Cas over himself. Silent acts of care he could never vocalize.
An inability to speak formed from fear and cowardice. Like a lion in his stomach scratching at the words until they fell back down his throat.
And it was that inability to speak that led Cas to think he was nothing more than a tool for the Winchester’s to use.
He almost let Cas believe he meant nothing to him.
Dean cleared his throat. “Mornin’ Sunshine.”
Cas set down the bag of sugar and picked up the pot, the glass making a small clink as it hit the top of the coffee maker. “Goodmorning Dean. Would you like any coffee?” He greeted cheerfully, turning around like he hadn't just put enough sugar to make a pound cake in his coffee.
“Uh.” Dean was still caught off-guard by Willie Wonka over there. “Sure Cas.” He took the coffee pot from his hand and muttered a thank you.
“So,” Cas started while Dean reached into the cabinet for his own mug. “What ingredient do you suggest I put in my coffee this morning?”
“Uh...I don't know man. I drink my coffee black.”
“Yes I know you’re boring Dean, but you can still help me not be.”
“Black coffee isn't boring it's-”
“Dean, if you say ‘manly,’ I will sit you down and make you eat only spinach and kale for a week.” Sam said, walking into the kitchen, hair still spiked up from sleep. He used one hand to sign the words, his other one occupied by Eileen, who was sleepily shuffling closely behind.
Dean looked aghast. “I would starve.” He attempted to sign his indignant response, hands moving sloppily while holding both his mug and the coffee pot.
“I think that's the point.” Eileen said, laughing. She looked at Cas. “Is Dean gatekeeping your coffee aspirations again?”
“Yes.” He answered, ignoring Sam’s laugh and Dean’s huff of exaggerated outrage.
“Have you tried cinnamon?” Sam suggested. “You like Dean’s apple pie, and that has cinnamon in it.”
“I’m not so sure about that, Sam. Dean told me not to ever take cooking advice from you.“
“And I stand by that.” Dean interjected suddenly.
“I can cook!”
“Ehhh…” Eileen’s comment bought her a look of betrayal. “Though Sam may be right on this one, you might like it.” She shrugged.
Cas pondered the thought for a moment. “Perhaps I will then.”
“Do we have nutmeg?” Eileen said, breaking away from Sam’s grip to check one of the cabinets. He walked to the other side of the kitchen, intending to look through the spice rack, knowing exactly what his girlfriend was getting at.
“You better not mess up my damn kitchen.” He said quickly. “Or you're organising them all next time.”
Sam rolled his eyes, knowing full well Dean would never let him organise the kitchen. Eileen looked through them, carefully turning the bottles around until the labels faced her. She pulled out the cinnamon and clove while she was looking for the nutmeg.
“Found it.” Sam called from the other side of the kitchen, walking over and putting a hand on Eileen’s shoulder.
“Thank you.” She said with a smile, grabbing the plastic spice jars.
She individually tossed each one to Cas. “Use these, it will taste like a pumpkin spice latte.”
“And don't forget the milk.” Sam added.
Cas scrambled to catch the spices, successfully grabbing two of them out of the air, the third one intercepted by Dean.
“What’s a pumpkin spice latte?” He looked at Eileen before snatching the bottle of cinnamon from Dean.
“It's a famous drink you can get at Starbucks.” Sam answered.
Cas tilted his head to the side and squinted at him. “What's a Starbucks?”
“You know, the coffee shop Alex and Patience drag Jody to all the time.” Dean said.
“I’m pretty sure Donna drags her there too.” Sam added. “Something about girl’s date night out.”
“The one Claire says is for ‘basic bitches’?” He lifted his hands, forming air quotes as he spoke.
“Yeah.” Dean answered, quietly laughing. “That's the one. She’s probably right, too.”
Cas carefully put the different spices in his coffee, eyeing the mug warily. His light brown coffee now had specs of...stuff in it.
(And unbeknownst to him, there was also a small pile of sugar at the bottom, the coffee so saturated it wouldn't dissolve any more.)
Eileen laughed at the look on his face. “It's good, I promise.”
Sam turned to look at her. “How would you know? Most of the time you get hot chocolate and spike it with bourbon.”
“You’re the one who gets a Pink Drink.”
Dean choked on his coffee. “What?”
“It's strawberry and coconut milk, and it's delicious.”
“Sure it is Sam.” Eileen jabbed.
“So what I'm getting here is that not only have you two been to Starbucks often enough to have a regular order, but Sam gets something called a ‘Pink Drink’?”
“No…” Sam started, trying to find a way to defend them. “Sometimes we…”
“...Make our own drinks.” Eileen snapped her fingers as she finished for him, attempting to save them from the endless stream of good-natured insults Dean would throw at them otherwise.
“Well you two are a real Martha Stewart, aren't you?”
“Yeah, except she's a convicted criminal.” Sam attempted to snark back.
“So are you!”
Before either of them could respond, Cas shoved his mug into Dean's face. “You have to try this, Dean. It tastes like pumpkin pie.”
Dean carefully grabbed the hot mug from Cas and took a sip. He was right, it did taste kinda like pumpkin pie. He took another sip, letting the pleasant flavor sit on his tongue. The different spices mixed perfectly together.
“I mean it's… okay.” He lied.
Dean contemplated his pumpkin themed food options. “Though I would rather just have pumpkin pie.”
Cas took his mug back. “Fine. More for me.” He said with a smirk, mimicking the look Dean gives him every time Cas says he doesn't want anymore bacon, before taking another sip of the makeshift pumpkin spice coffee.
Dean smiled at him, setting his own mug down and moving Cas’s out of the way to pull him into a kiss. He could smell the nutmeg almost as much as he could taste the cinnamon on his lips.
“Mmm we should bake pumpkin pie tonight.” He said, pulling away just enough so he could talk.
“I would like that.” Cas answered. “All four of us could make pie. According to the 'mom blogs', as you call them, it would be a good family bonding exercise.”
“That’s right. And if they want any pie, they gotta help make it. That means more for us if they refuse.” He grinned.
“A win-win situation, really.” Cas smiled before tugging Dean close so their lips met again.
“I love you.” Dean muttered.
“I love you too.” Cas said softly.
Behind their backs Sam and Eileen were fake-gagging at their sickly sweet interaction, but secretly just glad the two of them had finally gotten over their stubborn (and oblivious) selves.
Sam was honestly overjoyed to see his brother finally happy. He would even go as far as saying finally willing to be himself, too. (Not that he would ever say this outloud. Sam can practically see Dean’s eyes roll farther back into his head than should be possible at the words.) All four of them had gone through more shit in the last few months than any normal person would in their entire life. They were all just lucky to be alive, and with that, learning how to savour the little moments of overly sweet normalcy.
(And the pumpkin spice-life Dean had secretly been longing for since they were little kids.)
So of course they were going to help bake pie.
“I want to try Starbucks.” Cas said the next morning, both of them still in bed.
Dean groaned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “Can I ask why, or is this one of those, 'I'll tell you later’ disasters like with the slime ingredients?”
“I want to try all the human things that I didn't get to try last time.” He said offhandedly.
Dean pictured Cas’s hurt face when he had told him he couldn’t stay, smile broken as Dean’s own heart shattered from the look the newly-human angel was giving him.
He wanted to tell him it was going to be okay, that Cas himself wasn’t the reason, but the lion in his stomach clawed the words down faster than even the thought of ruining Sam’s chances at survival could.
With a pang of guilt from the memory, Dean pulled himself closer to Cas and rested his head on the other man’s chest. He wrapped his arms around him, trying to preserve as much warmth and comfort as he could until they had to inevitably get out of bed. “Only if you let me sleep like this for thirty more minutes.”
Cas smiled. “Oh, are we making deals now?”
“I’d sell my soul for you.” Dean said cheekily, which earned a glare from Cas. “Believe me, I know.”
After a beat he went on. “Fine, you have a deal.” Before Dean could celebrate by tugging the covers over their bodies, Cas added another clause to their agreement. “But... in true Crowley fashion, you have to seal the deal with a kiss.”
Dean lazily threw his arms into the air. “Victory.”
He turned over, pulling himself upwards until he was just inches from Cas. Cradling the angel-turned-Winchester’s head in his hands, Dean placed his lips on Cas’s, melting into the touch as he felt the other man’s arms wrap around his torso.
When he broke away from the kiss, Dean found himself face to face with the most beautiful smile he had ever laid eyes on, one born from adoration and love. Cas’s eyebrows were slightly scrunched up, but for once it wasn’t a sign of confusion when met with some obscure eighties rock reference. It was a tiny expression of care, and it was one that was truly Cas. Not Jimmy’s, not even one Cas had picked up from him or Sam. It was completely and wholly Cas, and a completely and wholly human thing to do.
He realized Cas had been doing that long before the Empty stole his grace.
Dean smiled back at him, relaxed. Like taking in a deep breath after being under murky water for forty years. He brushed a loose strand of soft, brown hair into its place, before falling back into his spot and closing his eyes. “Crowley would be proud.” He whispered with a soft laugh, smile deepening as Cas joined him.
When their quiet laughter died out, there was a pause, air stagnant and in its own sleepy haze
“Oh and Dean?”
“Hm?” Dean turned his head to look at him, eyes not failing to glow with their unusually bright, green pigment. He took a deep breath, the lids of his eyes already started to slowly fall back down again.
“The slime wasn't a disaster. You enjoyed it.”
“I did.” He muttered sleepily, a loose smile forming on his lips as he drifted off to sleep. Cas laid there, running his fingers through the other man’s hair, contentment and admiration showing itself in every feature on his face.
This was more than he could have ever wanted.
“Dean. Dean wake up.” Cas was excitedly whisper-shouting in his ear like a kid on Christmas morning. It was exactly thirty minutes later, (he had counted), and Cas was ready to get moving.
“No.” He answered back, mimicking Cas’s tone.
“But you’re like a cat.” He teased. “You're on me and I can't get up.”
Dean sighed. “I can't believe I let you talk me into this.”
“It didn't take much convincing.”
Dean rolled over to give Cas a playful glare, but was met with the saddest puppy dog eyes he had ever seen, completely throwing him off his guard.
“I'm going to kill Sam for teaching you that.”
Cas just continued to give him that look.
“Fine.” Dean relented, sitting up with a yawn and thinking about how he will now never be able to win another argument.
“Get dressed.” Cas said excitedly. “We're going to Starbucks.”
“Hooray.” He gave a sarcastic laugh, but a smile creeped on his lips.
They walked out of their room together, heading towards the bunker’s library. Dean slid in one of the chairs, turning Sam’s still-open laptop around and waking it up.
Cas, meanwhile, turned to a random page of the lore book resting on the table and started reading in an attempt to pass the time.
The sound of Dean typing filled the air. “So, I just looked it up, and do we have to go to Starbucks?”
“Yes.” Cas said simply, not looking up from the book.
Dean groaned. “Cas there isn't one in the county, let alone Lebanon. That's probably why Sam and Eileen make their own.”
“Where's the closest one?” Cas asked, his blinding, blue eyes glaring at the back of Sam’s computer like he was trying to will the coffee shop to be near.
“I thought it was across state lines and in Nebraska at first, but it looks like there's a small one in a town called Washington. It's about 80 miles from here.”
“Let's go!” Cas excitedly straightened his trenchcoat and headed towards the door.
“Or, we could leave Starbucks to the fourteen year old girls.”
Cas turned back around and rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m sure their entire demographic is fourteen year old girls, staff included.”
Alright, smartass. Dean thought, struggling to hide a smile.
Cas walked out the door, expecting Dean to follow.
“It takes an hour to get there, our coffee’s going to be cold by the time we get home, and it's freezing outside.” Dean muttered under his breath, but he grabbed his keys off the table and stood up, willing to follow Cas to the ends of the earth if it meant he would stay with him.
Not that he was going to enjoy this trip. In fact, he was currently doing the opposite of enjoying, and they hadn’t even gotten into the car yet. Starbucks. Starbucks. Really, Cas? Of all the places he wanted to go, it had to be Starbucks. He couldn’t want to explore humanity through Target or something?
Even Claire wouldn’t be caught dead in that place, with all the frou-frou toppings, elaborate drink mixes, and colourful, drizzled syrup. The people who go to Starbucks are the kind of people who like coffee that doesn’t taste like coffee. Teenage girls who might as well just be drinking whip cream, and that was without considering the seasonal drinks they fawn over.
Seasonal drinks that shouldn’t legally be allowed to be referred to as coffee.
Dean couldn’t believe he ever agreed to this, but still, he begrudgingly followed.
Using the GPS on Cas’s phone, (Dean said his insane directional skills helped out too), they found the Starbucks relatively easily once they were in the little town.
They parked the Impala, and Dean looked at the modern building. The green lettering contrasted with the tan plaster walls, spelling “Starbucks.”
He heard Cas get out, his feet making a crunching noise as they hit the gravel, and watched from across the top of the car as he started towards the coffee shop. Dean looked at the building warily, reluctance painted on his face.
Cas was telling him some random fact about a bird he saw, but Dean could only think about his reputation that was about to shatter like a vase dropping on tile floor.
Reputation with who? He didn't know.
Well, he had a vague idea, but chose not to let his thoughts wander that far.
It was okay. This was fine. He could swallow his pride and-
“Ooh. The peppermint mocha looks good.” Cas was reading the limited edition drinks on the drive-thru menu as they traveled across the parking lot.
Dean was going to barf.
They walked into the building, immediately hit with the overwhelming smell of excessive amounts of flavoured syrup indoused coffee. Dean glanced around the well-lit building, taking note of the many different people there.
(He wasn’t about to have any black-eyed minions reporting his Starbucks order to a very judgmental Queen of Hell.)
Cas pushed Dean’s protesting body into the line, looking pleased with the many different options written on the menu overhead.
He enjoyed the small touch of Cas’s hands on his back, moving him forwards to the line, but was grateful Cas was careful not to let them linger there too long.
He was still wary about doing… this, in public.
He knew Cas was patiently waiting for him to be ready, so he didn't know how to tell him that he might never be.
The teenager working the cash register interrupted his train of thought. “What will it be for ya?”
“I would like a peppermint mocha please.”
“Alrighty. And you?”
“I'll take just a black coffee.”
The barista looked unimpressed. “And your names?”
Dean grinned. “John and John.”
“No relation.” Cas added.
The barista just sighed. “How do you want me to differentiate the two of ‘em then?”
“Oh you can put ‘John Bonham’ on mine.” Dean replied.
“Comin’ right up.” Their tone didn't change, still just full of apathy that could only be perfected by the work of a burnt-out teenager.
Dean and Cas walked down to the end of the counter and towards the pickup section. “Now tell me, Castiel.” He stressed his partner’s name. “Who’s John Bonham?”
Cas sighed, but the corner of his mouth upturned in a grin. “John Henry Bohnham, affectionately referred to as ‘Bonzo’, born in 1948 and was most well known for being the drummer of the rock band ‘Led Zeppelin’.”
“Mmm very close, but unfortunately you forgot the word ‘best’ in front of ‘rock band.’” Dean smirked before leaning in for a chaste kiss.
“You should have said I was ‘John Bon Jovi.’” Cas said, smiling.
“Why? Because you’re only good at this sometimes?” Dean closed the gap between them.
As soon as their lips met, Dean pulled away instinctively, realization hitting him like a hunter with a bat as his eyes widened in terror. “I-I'm sorry, I didn’t...” His words faltered as he looked around at the people sitting in the coffee shop, all of which were paying no mind to them.
He felt sick, guilt gnawing at him from a pit in his stomach.
“Hey, it's okay Dean. You know I'm perfectly fine with public displays of affection, and no one else even saw us. There's no need to apologize.”
“Yeah-h.” He said shakily. Before he could figure out who he was apologizing to, a voice from behind the counter called.
“I have an order for a mister ‘John’ and ‘John Bonham’.”
“That's us.” Dean spat the words out quickly, turning around to take them from the barista’s hand. He rushed out of the door, the small tinkling sound of the welcome bell and the blood rushing to his ears drowning out the sound of Cas’s call from behind.
He sat in the front seat of Baby, knowing he was being childish. Dean took a shaky breath and tried not to think about it.
About what the hell he was thinking, kissing Cas out in public like that. The judgemental eyes- black or not- that were watching. He thought about what his father would say, mind instantly going back to a moment in his childhood he has tried to forget since it happened, wondering where he went wrong.
About the time John had caught him and Lee, ignoring the weak excuses Dean was stuttering out. Skipping town faster than they had done in years.
About how the left side of his face had been a yellow-ish purple for weeks following, and the sore spot on his arm from where he caught the pavement as he flew towards it.
About how he had told Sam he just fell on a hunt. “Don't worry kid, you should have seen the vamp when I was done with him.” He swung his fist around in slow motion, pretending to punch an invisible enemy as his little brother giggled in childish bliss.
About how John never looked at him the same. The disgust in his eyes, harsh words on his lips.
About how he vowed to never disappoint his father like that again, and their joint hatred for that part of him. Sometimes it felt like the only thing they could agree on.
About how somewhere, somehow, he had decided Cas was different. That he somehow didn’t count, and that losing him hurt so much, was such an egregious pain, he wanted as much of Cas as he was allowed to have. And how that was something insurmountable stronger than the twisted, sick feeling John had placed in his gut.
He remembered something Cas had told him once: “Hatred isn’t a natural trait, Dean, it’s a learned one. A baby isn’t born with the ability to hate, it’s passed on from one broken soul to another. Love, love however. That’s something different altogether.”
Cas’s hand on his shoulder pulled Dean out of his thoughts. “Hey.” He said softly.
“Hey Cas.”
“I love you.” He got in the passenger's seat, taking his coffee from Dean’s still frozen hand.
“I love you too.” He whispered absentmindedly, staring straight ahead and seeing nothing but thoughts from the past. His mind fighting an internal battle, logic telling him that what he had with Cas wasn’t wrong, and even though everything from fate to God had tried to wedge itself between them, it was still the most right thing he had. And he knew that, but his dad’s drunken, booming voice echoed throughout his head, telling him that he was dirty. Telling him the Winchester men had no place for someone like him.
“You better stop that now, boy. Bad things happen to you when you’re weak.”
At the time he had taken that as a warning, rather than a threat. But now Dean wasn’t so sure.
It’s not even that his Dad was particularly religious. He wasn’t told that it was a sin, or that he was going to Hell. Though it’s not like that particular statement would have been wrong. He thought with a bitter laugh.
While the thoughts in his head were screaming mercilessly, the drive home was in a simple silence. The only noise being Cas’s occasional sip, and the sound of soft fabric rubbing against skin as Cas moved his hand in small, comforting motions against Dean's back.
When they got to the bunker, Cas, who was genuinely impressed that Dean managed to drive them home without crashing into a tree, pulled Dean out of the car and gently shook him out of his self-imposed stupor.
“Your coffee's cold.” Cas said with a laugh.
Dean blinked a couple times, clearing the fog from his mind, before laughing along with him. “And who’s fault is that? You were the one who insisted on traveling across the state to get it.”
“Do you want some of mine?” Cas asked. “There's a little bit left, and I held it next to the heater. It should still be lukewarm.”
“No thanks, Cas. I can go make some in the kitchen.”
“But what if I want you to try it?” Dean glared at him. “Don't make me do Sam’s ‘puppy dog eyes’ again.”
“Okay, okay. You win.” He put his hands up, mimicking a surrender. “I'll try some of your stupid, Christmas cookie, candy-cane flavoured coffee thing or whatever.” They started walking towards the entrance to the bunker.
“Peppermint mocha?”
“That's the one.”
Cas laughed at him.
“Oh just, give it here.” Dean said. He took a long sip from the disposable cup. He could taste a vague hint of whipped cream mixed in with the coffee, its light fluffy texture sticking to the last swallow of smooth liquid in the bottom of the cup. The chocolate and espresso rested on his tongue, and the peppermint was strong and refreshing. He took another sip.
“Does that face mean you like it?”
Dean looked at him guiltily. “No.” He opened the bunker’s door and started walking down the metal stairs.
“Yes you do.”
“No, I don't.”
“You took a second sip.”
Dean reached the bottom of the stairs first, and walked over to the War Room table to set both coffee cups and his keys down.
“So? I was trying to make sure I properly understood the flavour. Since when is that a crime?”
“You wanted to properly understand a flavour you didn't like?” Cas walked up to Dean and pulled the nearest chair out to sit down.
“What are you two arguing about this time?” Eileen asked from the library.
Cas clenched both of his hands into fists, putting the right one on top of the other. He made small, circular, stirring motions with his right hand. “Coffee.” He signed swiftly, movements fluid.
“Ah. That makes sense.” She spoke the words.
“What makes sense?” Sam asked, walking in from one of the hallways, making sure Eileen could see his lips before speaking.
“They're arguing over coffee again.”
Sam glanced at both of them, before his eyes reached the two cups on the War Room table.
“Wait a second… Dean?” He looked at his brother, before turning to face his best friend. “Cas?”
“Yes, Sam?” Cas answered.
“Did you two go to Starbucks?”
“I don't want to talk about it.” Dean grumbled.
“Yes, we did!” Cas sounded way too excited to be referring to coffee. “I got a peppermint mocha, and Dean tried some and liked it.”
“I did not.”
“I don't care what coffee you like, Dean. What I do care about is that you went all the way to Starbucks, and didn't bother to ask if we wanted to come.”
“Not cool Dean.” Eileen walked in, shaking her head and hiding a smile.
“I might have thought about buying you two drinks, but there was no way I was ordering yours with a straight face.” He looked at Sam. “And it's an hour away, they wouldn't have been hot or cold or whatever they're supposed to be by the time we got here.”
“Well then we'll just have to go back, all four of us.” Eileen put simply.
“It's an hour away.”
“We know.” Sam added.
“Let me say that again, in case you weren’t listening. It's an hour away. For coffee. That isn't even that good.”
“I beg to differ, Dean.” Cas said.
“Yeah I'm definitely with Cas on this one.” Eileen agreed while Sam nodded along.
“No. There's no way I'm getting back in Baby to drive all the way to Starbucks again.”
“Fine. We’ll go get our own.”
“With what car?” Dean said, very sure of himself.
Sam snatched Baby’s keys off the war room table, which in hindsight was probably something Dean should have expected.
“Let's hope Sam doesn't have too many shots of espresso.” Eileen said, faking concern. “I would hate for your baby to pay the price.”
“Fine. I'll drive you.” Dean grumbled while Eileen double fist-pumped her win.
Cas looked very pleased with the thought of getting to try more coffee.
They left shortly after, the drive over painful for everyone except Dean, who listened to the same four songs on repeat the entire hour.
(It’s their own fault, really.)
“Can we please listen to something other than Bob Seger on the trip home?” Sam complained as he slammed shut the door to Baby’s backseat.
“You’re just mad you didn’t get shotgun.” Dean said, closing his own door. “Besides, driver picks the music, everyone else shuts their cakehole.” Sam mouthed the words along with Dean, having heard the speech a million times before.
Eileen and Cas got out, neither one of them had any desire to input on their squabble, and were instead engaged in their own, quieter discussion.
Both brothers continued to argue until they walked into the Starbucks.
“Ah. There's the scent of overpriced coffee I missed.” Eileen joked as she took her first breath inside the building, using her hand to waft the smell towards her.
“What are you getting?” Cas asked Sam.
“I want my usual, and Eileen, what are you having?”
“Hot chocolate with espresso shots please. This place doesn't sell liquor.” She shook her head sadly and Sam laughed. “Good thing I brought my own.” She winked at them, opening her jacket just enough so they could see the inside pocket and showing off her flask.
“Oh, now that would be a Starbucks I would go to.” Dean said.
“You two wait in line.” Sam pointed to Cas and Dean. “We’ll save a table.”
Dean looked like he wanted to protest, but they walked away before he had the chance. Cas leaned over towards him. “Don't worry. I'll order Sam’s.” He very conspicuously winked.
Dean smiled at his attempts of regular human interaction, before over-the-top winking himself.
“Can you order for us? I need to talk to Sam about something.”
“Sure thing…” Cas had to think before finishing his sentence. “...buckaroo.”
Dean outwardly cringed. “Keep trying, you'll get there eventually.” He patted Cas on the back, which was slightly moving in a chuckle.
It was good to see Cas filled with so much simple joy. Face creased from laughter rather than stress, he seemed so much lighter. Happier. It was only a small sliver of what he deserved, but it was something. Maybe he could live with driving an hour to get what he assumed was half-decent coffee.
“What would you like?” Cas asked him, eyes still filled with a sparkle that only comes from gaining something you thought you lost.
“Uh.” He thought about it for a moment, almost considering branching out into the unexplored terrain that was the dark green menu with small, white text, before shuddering at the thought.
“I think I'll take that expensive black coffee I didn't get earlier.”
Dean was not going to turn into one of those people, if he had any say about it.
Cas walked into the line, leaving Dean to scan the room, furiously waving Sam over when his eyes found their booth.
“Sam.” He sounded like he was trying to whisper, but his volume raised far higher than that. The patron closest to Dean gave him a look before turning back to their work.
“Sam, come here, it's urgent.” His brother turned to look at him, rolling his eyes before getting out of the booth.
“What do you want?” He said once he reached Dean.
“Sam. Help. What do I do?”
“About what?”
“About what kind of coffee Cas is having.”
“Oh god, Dean let it go. He's not going to only ever drink black coffee. Contrary to popular belief, former angels do actually have souls.”
Dean ignored the implications that he didn't have a soul, too distracted by Cas. “But look.” He motioned his head towards where Cas was standing, next in line to order. “He’s eyeing the weird fruity drinks.”
“Dean. It's Cas. The man’s favorite food is PB&J. What did you expect him to have, taste?”
“Alright that's rich coming from mister Pinkity Drinkity or whatever the fuck.”
“You walked into a Starbucks and ordered black coffee, I don't think I'm the wrong one here.”
“Wait, wait. Shut up. Quiet.” He hit Sam on the shoulder in a childish attempt at getting him to stop talking so he could listen.
“Ow. That hurt.” Sam muttered, before turning to watch Cas, which Dean was already doing.
“I would like to try a…” Cas methodically scanned the menu again. “A ‘Passion Tango Iced Tea,’ please.” The barista took no mind to the excessive air quotes.
“It's not even coffee.” Dean said to Sam, clearly distraught. He turned to look back at Cas.
“And your name sir?”
Dean threw his arms up into the air. “I can't believe this is the man I love.” His voice cracked like he was holding in tears of anguish from listening to Cas order.
Sam just rolled his eyes at the theatrics. Right, and he’s the dramatic one.
“Aw. You're in love.” Sam held his hands up, forming a heart and mocking his brother.
“Oh shut up. What are you, seven?”
“Is Cas your gay thing?”
“You shut your mo-”
“What are we gossiping about?” Eileen whispered, cutting Dean off and causing them both to jump.
“We're not gossiping.” Sam said indignantly.
“Sam started it.”
“This is where I call you two ‘asshats’, right?”
“It's ‘assbutt.’” Cas said, walking up to them and catching the tail end of their conversation. “And that's my line.”
Cas handed them each their drinks, before excitedly trying his own. He put the plastic cup up to his mouth, almost missing the straw. When he swallowed the cranberry-colored liquid, his face relaxed in pleasure.
“I know this one isn't coffee, but it's really good.”
“We didn't get coffee either.” Eileen said. “So don't worry, Dean's the odd man out here.”
Dean glared at her before trying his own coffee, and well, it was coffee. The point of buying expensive caffeine still went straight over his head.
The four of them went over to their thankfully-still-available booth and sat down. Dean and Cas sat on one side, both instinctively choosing the side that faced the door, with Sam and Eileen sliding into the seats directly across from them. They sat there, talking about nothing in particular, and certainly nothing of importance, before falling into the natural art of storytelling.
Aside from killing monsters, that’s what hunters did best. Sitting around and sharing stories. As tiring and dangerous as their lives were, some hunts were worth sharing exaggerated and hyperbolic versions of, especially over drinks.
Sam’s favourite story to tell changed every time, and one would almost be inclined to believe that most of it wasn't real, but the wildest parts also caused the most merriment. (Dean pretended he hadn’t witnessed the whole thing, sparing Sam by not telling the other two how it actually went down.)
Eileen shared of her time in Ireland. “Foreign country, foreign monsters.” She said with a wink, telling of creatures neither Sam nor Dean had even read about.
Dean’s favourite story to tell, aside from the fact that he killed Hitler, was the time he got to solve a mystery with everyone’s favorite talking dog. And yeah, all three of the people that sat at the table had heard both many times before, but that didn't matter, it was still enrapturing to hear them again.
Cas had millenniums to choose from, but always found the most interesting hunts to be the ones with the Winchesters. He also had many hilarious stories about his adventures with Crowley, but he was less fond of those.
“I remember once, Dean went on a hunt with Dad.” Sam started. “Nasty vampire, it got a hit or two on Dean. I think you guys went with another hunter. Young. About your age, actually. Uh…”
He snapped his fingers, trying to recall the name. “Lee. That's it.” Dean looked up from the coffee right as Sam said it. “Do you remember him?”
Something flashed in Dean’s eyes, but his brother didn't seem to notice.
Cas, who was used to admiring every minute detail of Dean's expression and posture, didn't miss the ever so slight, yet sharp, inhale. Or the way he swallowed before speaking, trying to clear the small lump from his throat.
Dean noticed too, internally rolling his eyes at his own reaction.
“Yeah it's been a while, but I remember him.” Dean was blatantly ignoring Cas’s burning stare from beside him, and the fact that he had stabbed Lee through the chest just last year.
Cas made sure no one was watching before gently placing a hand on Dean’s thigh. Knowing it would comfort him from both intuition and experience. Dean stiffened under the touch, but after realizing no one could see where Cas’s hand was, he visibly relaxed.
“What happened to him?” Eileen asked innocently.
“Oh uh, a hunt I think. Most of us go that way, I assume he was no different.” Technically Dean dealt the final blow, but it was the entrancing call of the monster, greed, and the life Lee and Dean had both secretly wanted, that caused his former-friend’s downfall in the end.
“Yeah.” Sam said solemnly, suddenly lost in his own thoughts, most of which were riddled with grief.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, letting the weight of their many losses wash over them like a tidal wave.
One made of espresso and milk rather than the rough waters of the sea.
The ride back was more manageable, Dean allowing them one song choice each, complete with a warning to pick wisely.
(They all very cheekily chose the songs they knew would bother Dean the most.)
Full on coffee, cookies Dean bought for them at Starbucks, and brimming with contentment, (as well as the fact that they spent half the day in the car), Cas suggested to Dean that they “hit the hay” as they stepped back into the bunker.
They laid there in silence, breathing in scents of comfort, coffee, and each other, until Cas eventually drifted off to sleep.
Dean, however, continued to lay there. Thinking.
He remembered the first solo case John sent him on.
Something curled inside his gut.
They had been two nuns, their fate a product of hate crime. Put to death for simply being themselves.
Dean didn't blame them for coming back as ghosts.
He remembered the words - ones he would soon learn were slurs - that John would spit out like acid.
Or offhandedly toss like they didn't bear enough weight to shatter the window of a person's self-image.
It had taken him almost forty years to realize that very same window inside of him was in sharp, jagged pieces. Cutting anyone and everyone who came near.
It had taken Cas dying to start picking them up again.
He turned to look at the man next to him, relaxed and blissfully sleeping. His chest moved up and down rhythmically, and Dean slowed his breath to match until he fell into a surprisingly peaceful slumber.
When Dean woke up, the other side of his bed was cold.
He didn't panic, knowing full well that Cas probably ran to the bathroom, or was pouring another mountain of sugar in his coffee.
Losing Cas again to the Empty had ripped him apart, but months of spending every night with his partner left him with less nightmares and waking in cold sweats then he had since before Hell.
Dean also learned that his own presence was enough to fight off the demons of solid, black goo that plagued Cas’s head at night.
He was finally starting to understand why life seemed to lose all meaning when Cas was gone, and from there he could slowly start to rebuild both of them.
Dean heard soft padding noises as socked feet walked down the hall, and there was a knock on the bedroom door. "S'your room too, Cas. You don't have to knock." He laughed, words slightly slurred from just waking up
Cas walked in, wielding two mugs of coffee and a proud look shining in his eyes. “I made us coffee.” He said triumphantly, handing one of the mugs to Dean.
“I put chocolate and peppermint in your coffee.”
Dean fake-gasped. “You monster. Ruining the integrity of my drink like that.”
“I'm a human, you ass.” Cas responded, a smile tugging at his lips. “Besides, I know you liked mine yesterday.”
“I did not.” He said, discontentedly crossing his arms. “I only drink coffee that's as black as my soul. Darker than the night sky. Hotter than the bunker’s computer when it overheats. As manly as-”
“Oh, just drink your damn coffee.”
“Fine.” He groused. “But I'm not enjoying it.”
Cas raised an eyebrow at him, before setting his mug on the bedside table and sitting down behind Dean. The bed creaked underneath him as he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Dean’s waist. “Is this why you and Sam never use umbrellas?” He joked.
Dean laughed.
Cas rested his head on the crook of Dean’s neck and whispered. “You know you don't have to pretend.”
“Pretend what?” Dean asked softly.
“You know.”
“That I don’t like flavoured coffee?” He said with a snort.
“Sort of.” Cas hugged him tighter. “No one’s going to think any less of you Dean. You’re allowed to like the things you like.”
“I know.” He resigned.
“John isn't here anymore.”
“I know.”
“I love you.”
“I know.” The words barely came out as a whisper, hot tears betraying Dean’s eyes as they silently leaked out and ran down his cheeks.
He tried to wipe the tears away, hearing his Dad’s voice in his head and knowing he was being stupid.
Dean couldn't help but think of himself as a small, living-room window, from an old, dilapidated house. Stained yellow with age. Cracking from wear.
He let the drumming of his Dad’s words in his head be drowned out by Cas’s voice.
He couldn't unwrap the fuzz from around him, so he didn't know what Cas was saying, ears seemingly filled with cotton. It was just the knowledge alone that he was there. That he was holding him and whispering comforting words into his ear. That even as a human he could heal Dean at his lowest points, and still see him as the brightest, strongest, soul.
You don't really know what a picture is going to be until it's done.
Maybe that window is a beautiful stained-glass portrait.
“Uh.” Dean cleared his throat. “What-what do you have?” He indicated Cas’s coffee by angling his head towards where it sat on the nightstand.
“I made iced coffee.”
Dean just looked at him, astounded, eyes widening. “You mean it’s not hot?”
“Yes, that's where the ‘iced’ in ‘iced coffee’ comes from.” He said very seriously.
They both sat in silence for the next hour, peacefully drinking their coffee and enjoying the presence of one another.
When they got out of bed and ventured into the rest of the bunker, they found Sam and Eileen in the library.
They were sitting in adjacent chairs, with Eileen laying her head on Sam’s shoulder and reaching for her water bottle on the table. They were reading a book together, but Eileen shook Sam indicating she had seen them walk in.
“Goodmorning.” She greeted cheerfully.
“Mornin’.” Dean pulled up a chair across from them, and watched as Cas did the same.
“What are you two reading?” Cas asked.
“The Men of Letters’s Bestiary.” Sam said.
Dean snorted. “Ah. Doing a little light reading are we?”
“We're thinking about filling in some of the pages.” Eileen added.
“Yeah, for all of the stuff they have here, it's surprisingly empty.” Sam continued flipping through some of the pages, most of which were blank.
“Heh. I should put you in that thing, Cas.”
Cas let out a laugh. “Right. Because I’m a good example of an angel.” The sarcasm was masking something else in his voice.
“If it makes you feel any better, you’ve always been my favourite angel.” Dean only realised how sappy he sounded after it came out of his mouth.
“Yeah, I’ve heard the rest of them are dicks.” Eileen added.
Cas smiled at that, seemingly back to normal.
“Right, well you three can do that, I'm off to the Dean Cave.”
“Or…” Sam started.
“We could go back to Starbucks.” Cas finished, nodding his head enthusiastically.
“Yeah... that's not where I was going with that, but I like where your head’s at, Cas. We should definitely go back.”
“Eileen?” He asked.
“Hell yeah.”
Dean pressed his mouth into a thin line and glared at him. “Yes, sure, fine. But we're not making this a daily thing.”
“That's fair.” Cas agreed. “It's probably not very healthy.”
He went to grab his wallet and keys before Sam could start his speech on the nutritional value of green things, and Eileen snatched her water bottle off the library table as they all got up to leave.
Dean gave up on letting them choose the music after snickering and requesting “Friday” by Rebecca Black for the third time in a row.
(It wasn't even Friday?)
Dean stepped out and closed Baby’s door in the parking lot of Starbucks an hour later, kicking the loose pieces of gravel on the asphalt for the third time in two days.
“We might as well just live here.” He said, tone dripping with sarcasm.
“I wouldn't make that offer if I were you, Cas looks like he’d be totally on board.” Sam laughed.
Cas went and stood beside Dean as they started walking towards the building, smiling.
“What?” Dean asked, question genuine and free of all malice.
“Nothing.” Cas answered, smile not faltering.
His eyes revealed nothing but pure devotion for the man he was staring at. A silent promise, one without pressure, that he would be standing there, and Dean could take the leap anytime he wanted.
Dean was slowly inching towards the end of the diving board.
“I think I'll just drink my water.”
“Oh that's exciting.” Sam joked. “If I got you a lemon to go with it, would you be able to handle that?”
“Don't talk to me about my drink, when yours is a vivid green puke colour.”
“Hey, at least it actually has a colour. And a flavour at that.”
Dean couldn’t believe those words were coming from the same man who drinks exactly a hundred and one ounces of water a day. (Which, according to Sam, is the recommended amount for males, as stated by the Institute of Medicine.)
(Dean didn’t care.)
“Fine then.” She turned to look at Dean. “Get me the strongest thing on the menu.”
Dean laughed before turning to Cas. “Let's just go get in line before we suffer at the hands of the Leahy like Sam.”
Sam and Eileen went to look for a place where they could all sit again, playfully bickering the entire way.
While he was standing in line with Cas, Dean looked over at his brother, and found him and Eileen sitting at a small table in the corner.
Cas was still helping him learn ASL, so he caught parts of their conversation.
“If Jack is in every drop of rain, do you think he's in your water?” Sam signed, trying to contain his laughter.
Eileen pushed her water away with a look of disgust. “You’re lucky I love you.” She answered back.
“I know I am.”
He watched her silently laugh before turning back to look at Cas.
They really did have it good, didn't they?
“What are you ordering, Dean?”
Dean stood there silently, contemplating. He internally weighed his pros and cons, mind leaving the menu entirely. While there was still a lot of shit he had to work through, (shit he had been actively not working out his entire life), there wasn’t much of a decision to be made.
He would always choose Cas.
“You know what?” He reached out and grasped Cas’s hand firmly. “I was thinking about being less boring. What ingredients do you suggest I try?”
Cas smiled warmly, reaching the crinkled corners of his eyes. “They have a cinnamon flavoured one. That’ll be almost like apple pie.”
“Will it really?” Dean’s tone was dismissive, but there was a smile on his face.
“Yes, Sam told me.“
“Not that I trust Sam’s judgment, but okay, I think I’ll take one of those.”
“I'm going to have a real pumpkin spice latte this time.” Cas seemed very pleased with the aspect of buying something they could make it home, but Dean wasn't going to fault him for it.
The patron in front of them finished ordering, clearing the way for Cas and Dean. The barista from the first time they went caught sight of them and made a face. “Wait a minute. I think I know you two.”
“Yes, we came here yesterday.” Cas helped. “Well, we actually visited twice, but you weren't working the second time.”
“Right... John and John, how could I forget?”
“This time we're ordering for four though.”
“I would like a…” Dean squinted at the menu, looking for the cinnamon flavoured coffee. “‘Cinnamon Dolce Latte.’ And my devilishly handsome friend here will take the pumpkin spice version.”
“And what are the other two drinks and names?”
Dean whispered something in Cas’s ear. “I'll drink the coffee, but I won't budge on this one.”
“That's okay Dean, you’ll get there eventually.” He whispered back.
The barista looked unimpressed with them. Again.
Dean cleared his throat. “Ahem, sorry. The tall one with the stupidly long hair,” he pointed towards Sam, “is getting…” he trailed off before looking to Cas for help.
“I don't know, man. It was something sickly looking. Cold? Green? Possibly tea?”
“And Iced Green Tea Latte?” The barista suggested.
“That's the one. His name is Jimmy.”
“And the lovely lady sitting next to him would like the strongest drink you have. Her name is Robert.”
“Her name is Robert…?” He slowly pointed towards Eileen, sounding unsure of himself.
Or them.
“Yup.” Cas said.
Eileen gave a little wave from across the room.
He gritted his teeth in a very clearly fake smile. “Coming right up.”
They paid for their coffee and picked it up, taking the travel cups across the room and towards Sam and Eileen.
Cas took a sip from his pumpkin spice latte, gleefully smiling. “As much as I like trying different drinks, I think I might start just getting this one. It's my favourite.”
Sam leaned over to Dean, neither one taking their eyes off of Cas. “Should we tell him the drink is seasonal?” He glanced at Sam, before staring back at his partner, whose face was beaming like a literal ray of sunshine.
Dean’s face softened. “Nah. Let’s not ruin his moment.” He took a sip of his cinnamon coffee and damn, it was delicious.
Nothing at all like apple pie, but still delicious.
Cas walked over to him, making eye contact in a silent question. Dean nodded with a small smile, and Cas took his hand.
“I love you.” Cas whispered.
“I love you too.” He whispered back.
They didn’t whisper to hide, and it wasn't because he was ashamed. It was because that exchange was just for them.
Dean leaned in and softly kissed Cas.
Now that was to tell everyone in the shop that his devilishly handsome friend was spoken for.
Slowly, the sun would come out and shine through the stained-glass window, shadow portraying the picture of an angel.
And alright, fine, Dean could admit that he enjoyed the peppermint mocha.
He thought about it for a moment, before giving a light chuckle, realising something.
“What?” Cas asked, turning to look at him with a soft smile resting on his face.
“Nothing.” Dean whispered, squeezing Cas’s hand in his. He took a sip from his coffee, relishing in the warm and cozy flavour enrapturing his tongue.
He was only thinking that maybe, just maybe,
Cas had changed him too.
Bonus Epilogue:
Dean held the glass door open for the other three, and they all walked out onto the asphalt, laughing, and making their way towards Baby.
The street lamp overhead flickered, and all four of them froze.
“Did anyone happen to get the salted caramel macchiato?” Dean whispered.
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quillquiver · 5 years
DeanCas Coda 15x07: Last Call
Cas is back.
When Dean first saw him blowing through the bunker he was half-convinced he was out of his goddamn mind. Like killing his—Leo—was making him hallucinate about the only other guy he’s ever had serious feelings for. Hell, after driving for however many hours hungover and grieving and sick with worry, it’s a miracle he didn’t crash the fucking car. So when Dean called out, he was prepared to be ignored.
He pretty much felt his heart record scratch when Cas turned around.
That was three hours ago.
Dean is now showered, fed, and very deliberately giving Sam and Eileen space while he chews on the idea that his brother has a super fun horcrux-adjacent connection to the Almighty Christian God. He’s also standing outside Castiel’s closed bedroom door for reasons totally unknown to him, wanting to knock.
He’s going to knock.
He is.
But then Cas opens the damn thing and almost bowls him over, and Dean has to step back and he doesn’t know what to say or do but this really isn’t his fault because the whole Cas-coming-out-first thing has just totally thrown him off and he’s woefully unprepared and Cas’s eyes are big and wide and he’s clearly shocked and—
“Uh, hey.” Dean blurts out, giving a weak smile. “Hi.”
Good. Simple, to the point.
Cas’s gaze flicks down to his shoes. The dude seems more than a little rattled, looking around like he can’t stand to meet Dean’s eyes, shifting like he can’t stay still. Dean’s losing him before the conversation’s even started and he doesn’t know what the hell to say to make it better.
Fuck. Why is this so hard?
He says ‘hi’ again because it feels like that’s the only word his mouth can make, his own eyes widening when Cas takes a deep, shaking breath in response and then tries to shoulder right fucking past him.
“Cas, wait—”
Cas rolls his eyes and dodges between his shoulder and the doorjamb.
“Cas stop—”
It’s a stupid, desperate bid to fix things between them that has Dean’s hand shooting out to grab him, but the second his fingers wrap around Castiel’s bony wrist he wrenches himself from Dean’s grip. “Do not touch me,” he hisses, whirling around. Their eyes meet for a terrifying few seconds before Cas’s glare slides to settle permanently at Dean’s shoulder, his jaw clenched, hands in white fists at his sides. Dean can see his shoulders creep up to his ears, and his back is ramrod straight in some kind of fucked up echo of what he was before Apocalypse #1. It’s wrong. It’s all fucking wrong and Dean just made it worse.
“Cas,” he says, trying to keep still. Trying to ignore the way his voice is fraying and his heart is beating and how he’s sweating. He’s exhausted and aching and going to come undone right here on this floor. He… he found out his brother was in danger then saved then attached to an all-powerful deity in the same breath. He killed someone he knew a lifetime ago. Someone he fuckin’—to this day, Leo’s the only boy Dean’s ever had in Baby’s backseat. He’d been half in love with him.
How the hell is Dean supposed to live without Cas, too?
“Cas,” he begs. “C’mon just—”
But when Dean steps forward, Castiel takes a neat step back.
“Would you look at me, at least?”
Cas’s face is hard with defiance when he does it; his brow ever-so-slightly furrowed like he’s thinking about smiting something but ain’t quite sure about it yet. “Happy?” he spits.
No. Dean just needs to say it. Once he says it everything’ll be okay. Once Cas knows he wants to talk, once he knows he’s sorry, they can fix this. “Look,” he says, desperate now. “We need to talk—”
But it all goes catastrophically wrong.
“Really?” Cas demands.
Dean frowns. “Yeah man—”
“I said no,” Cas says more strongly. “I don’t want to talk to you right now. I don’t know if I ever want to talk to you again.”
The blind panic that grips him is something Dean hasn’t felt in years. This is not attached to duty or family. This is not attached to death. This is… a choice. This is Cas’s choice. He chooses to walk away without even trying to reconcile. He chooses to leave again. Though Dean knows—he knows—this choice is justified, it really fucking grates. Dean’s reaching out, isn’t he? He’s trying. Where’s the goddamn reciprocation?
“You’re part of this family—” Dean starts, only to be cut off by Cas’s humourless, ugly laugh. It’s forced in a way that makes his skin crawl; punched out of him and plenty poignant. Cas starts walking, and Dean follows like some sort of lovesick, desperate idiot.
He tries again. “Look, I’m sorry okay—”
“Sorry,” Castiel says dangerously, rounding on him until they’re practically nose-to-nose. He looks ready to fight, now, and Dean’s glad; maybe if Cas throws a punch, they’ll kick the shit out of each other and be square by the end of it. “Sorry,” he repeats. “You’re sorry. What are you sorry for, Dean? Do you even know? Or is this another empty apology—”
“Hey, I never—”
“Really?” Castiel challenges. “What are you apologizing for?”
Dean’s heart is caught in his throat. Too much too much too much. “I… I was a dick okay? I said things I didn’t mean—”
“No,” Cas interrupts. “I’m sorry.” He bites his lip then, mouth twisting up in a kind of incredulous smile, looking up like that’ll help his glassy eyes. When he speaks again, his voice is rough: “I’m sorry I didn’t understand what this was from the very beginning; that I fell from the highest of heights without a thought of protecting myself, too blinded by you to put myself first. I’m sorry that I made mistakes because I didn’t know any better. I’m sorry that you’ve blamed me for the things I did and didn’t do. I’m sorry I was ever so naïve as to consider us kin because—because while your family might not end in blood, it surely only comprises people like you and not things like me.”
“I’m sorry,” Cas continues. “That you don’t understand what you need to apologize for. Because I feel like all I ever do is apologize to you.”
There’s no waiting, after that; there’s no last chance; Cas walks away like the whole world isn’t wrapped up in that trenchcoat of his and for one insane second, Dean wants to run after him and kiss him. Hold him. Open up his own chest and hand him his miserable goddamn heart still beating. He doesn’t. He doesn’t know what the fuck he’d say.
Maybe, I did this.
Maybe, I broke us.
Maybe, Forgive me.
But Cas doesn’t look back, so Dean doesn’t dwell on maybes. He stands in the hallway and frowns at his toes and tries to stop the weird hitching in his chest. He thinks he might be having a heart attack. He thinks the thing’s finally giving out.
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Dean and Sam's adventures
Dean and his little brother, in age only, Sam had been talking about closing the Gates of Hell and then trying to figure out if there is anything on the angel tablet to close the doors to heaven as well. The angels just caused too much trouble when they came down and caused too much harm. The boys were leaning back against their, well when I say their, I mean Dean’s beloved 1967 Black Chevy Impala. She has been through everything with them. She was their home when they didn’t have one. She is the only companion they have had all their lives when everyone else leaves them. Whether anyone means to leave or not, She has been through their heartbreak and sorrow. She has been through the pain of losing each other and the ecstasy of finding each other again.She has seen them in the soft joy of falling in love with others without meaning to and finding the other to hope they can always meet here again after a hard time hunting or fighting the other angels. She was a part of the family whether she is inanimate or not. She has been rebuilt from almost scratch with the loving care of the eldest brother she carries with her.
This hunt they were taking on was a particular easy one that Dean didn’t like one bit. He of course thought it was too easy to just sit here watching the doors for activity and hope no one sees them. As if they were the boogeyman to all the monsters they have to fight to save people. They did have some easy cases in the past but this was suspiciously too easy. Sam didn’t think so. He just wanted to get it over with and keep going with the newest project he was working on. One of the vampire case’s that was easy was that one time with Benny and when Dean had the Mark of Cain but that was a whole other story. What usually happens in these scenarios is they get caught and ruffed up before they inevitably escape and kill the nest but no one has come or gone from the building yet.
Just when Dean was gonna give up and go bursting in he heard some shouting and the sounds of a fight breaking out inside the building. Just then a couple burst through the barn door of the abandoned building and into the night around them. Dean was quietly watching and slowly opening the car door so as to not cause attention to turn to them as the two were starting to get rougher with each other. It seemed like one was starting to get fed up when her fangs could be vaguely seen gleaming in the moonlight from being bared at the other. The boys quickly got out with their weapons and made to run over to help when Dean felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. As he whirled around to attack, he got a fist full of brass knuckles to the face. He heard Sam cry out through the ringing in his head and as he turned to look over he saw Sam say his name. As he was fighting to keep his eyes open, he saw the couple weren’t fighting anymore and saw them looking over with smug smiles through his blurry vision.
“Damn, this was a setup.” was Dean’s last thought as he finally lost the battle with the darkness encroaching on his vision. When Dean was finally coming to he could feel himself sitting down with some rough ropes tying him to a pole. He could feel his arms starting to cramp from being tied in this position for so long. He tried to wiggle around to see what weapons he still had on him when he could see Sam sitting to the right of him with his head still falling against his chest. “Sam!” Dean exclaimed to see if he would answer.
He didn’t and the only thing Dean got was the attention of the Vampire’s who were on guard duty apparently. The man who was fighting earlier turned to see what he heard and noticed that Dean was awake again. “Hey! He’s up. We can’t have that. It’s not time yet.” He slowly, arrogantly, walked over with a swing in his hips. He crouched and smiled cockily and whispered “Nighty night Winchester.” He used to butt of the machete that Dean had brought to hit his temple and knock him out again. When he woke again he could feel the headache and possible concussion he had. He could hear some mumbling in the background as he was trying to gain his bearings again. When he could finally lift his head without feeling the room spinning nauseatingly he looked over to see Sam looking at him full of concern and with some fury mixed in.
He looked around the room to see if he could find his weapons stashed anywhere. He could see they were all piled in the hammock a few paces from him. He felt the slow simmering anger from all his things being carelessly tossed away. He felt around to see if the hidden pocket knife he had made from a melted angel blade was still in his sleeve's hidden pocket. He sent a small smug smile to Sam that his idea worked out and was actually useful. Sam exasperatedly rolled his eyes and started to work it out of his sleeve as well. “Ha! Beat that Sam.” Dean thought as he started to cut his ropes as quietly as he could as to not draw attention like he did last time. When Dean was almost finished he signaled Sam knowing he would understand the unspoken cues they have between them. Sam started to yell and make a nuisance of himself so Dean could finish and they could finally leave. Sam knowing how this would end started to brace himself for the punches and Dean tried and failed to concentrate on his part to get them out.
“I am gonna kill that vampire and make it hurt.” Dean quietly vowed to himself as he slunk over to the hammock with their weapons. He grabbed the machete he always kept in his car stash and started his swinging and beheading his way to his brother. With the other vampire’s were occupied with his brother, he could see the others starting to cheer and turn their attention to the empty pole he was supposed to be tied to. The brief surprise and panicked horror he saw in their eyes didn’t make up for what happened but it satisfied that dark part in the back of his heart. It wanted him to keep going to make them realize just exactly how they were messing with. That there was a reason that the Winchesters were considered terrifying to the monster realm and why if you heard they were near you could only run or get caught. Some called them psychopaths and they were right but only for the monsters of the night that hurt humans.
They finally turned to try and find him and that is the last that some of them saw but for others they saw a very pissed off overprotective brother coming straight for them. No one was allowed to mess with Sam but him. Before he could stop him, one of the vampires that was in the back of the pack took out a gun and shot Sam in the leg. Sam let out a wail of anguish and the vampire started cackling thinking he would make it out with Dean being distracted by Sam. Either he was having too much fun or he just wasn’t that great of a vampire to miss his nest mates heads hitting the ground with a dull ‘thud’ behind him. Dean saw him start to turn around and before he decided to do the whole evil villain monologue he swiftly chopped his head from his shoulders.
“SAM! Hey, you’re gonna be okay. Got it?” Dean worriedly exclaimed as he tried to finish what Sam started earlier before he got injured by the vampire. “Yea. Peachy keen Dean. Just you know, the pain is a lot at the moment.” Sam hissed through clenched teeth and a pinched face trying to jostle the wound too much. His eyelids were starting to battle him trying to close and sleep to preserve energy for healing but he stubbornly tried to keep them so as to not worry Dean too much. He knew Dean would become a mother hen over him more than he already was. “Hey! Come one Sam, don't close your eyes. You know how rude that is?” Dean worriedly scolded him. “You fall asleep on me and I'm gonna mess your computer! Put porn all over it and change your background to some blue waffles if you don’t stay awake.” He taunted using Sam’s precious computer as a threat against him. He started to get desperate with Sam not answering him.
He quickly and carefully as he could picked Sam up and kicked open the barn door from earlier to get back to the car. He knew he wouldn’t be able to open the door with Sam in his arms so he could only lay him out on the hood and hope that didn’t hurt too much. He ran around the side and collected the limited first aid kit he kept in his car. As much as he wanted to whine that they kept his car doors open for a couple hours he guiltily thanked them because it allowed him to get the supplies he needed. He wrapped Sam’s leg with what bandages he had before he went to open the car doors to put Sam in the backseat. Once he successfully got Sam in he stumbled into the front and peeled out as if he had hellhounds on his ass.
Thankfully or not, depending on the perspective, the nest they were hunting wasn’t that far from their bunker. Without taking his eyes off the round, Dean squirmed around to get his phone out of his pocket and called up Cas, who was busy sorting some books in the library. Dean sighed waiting for the ringing to stop when he heard “Hello? Dean? What is it?” cooking over the phone. “Cas. Sam’s hurt. Be ready for us. We’re almost there.” Dean hung up as soon as he was done talking, meanwhile Cas was in a bit of a stupor before he jolted and turned back and forth unable to decide what to get first or where to go.
While Dean was counting on Cas being his Calm warrior of heaven, he was in actuality running around like a headless chicken both dreading and apprehensive of Dean's arrival. Cas was no longer an angel but he hasn't had a chance to tell Dean yet. He won’t be able to heal Sam like he knew Dean would demand of him like he has so many times in the past. The battle between the Angels of heaven and the Hunters of earth was where the deed happened. He gave up being an angel. He didn’t want to be just this destructive force of God. He didn’t just want to be a Warrior when he felt he could be more than that. He knew the Brothers kept him around for his friendship and because they considered him family. That was enough for him. He knew it would have to be enough because he didn’t know what he would do if it wasn’t. He didn’t want to lose Dean but this might finally be the weight that breaks the camel's back and have everything come crumbling down around him.
While the battle had raged on he quickly grew tired. These were his brothers and sisters he was having to kill. They didn’t have the same relationship with him like Dean had with Sam but he still couldn’t help but feel distressed. He didn’t want to die an angel and not be able to see the brothers again. He wanted, yearned, to be human and live out his life with them. With Dean. If he would have him, but he knew it couldn’t be so he settled for what they have now. He wanted to grow old, cranky and gruff like how Bobby had been. He wanted to inform other hunters who called on potential nearby hunts or help with the distribution of information. He wanted to research monsters, to let others know how and with what they need to kill said monsters. That’s all he wants. He is so tired of killing family no matter how distant they are because they don’t understand his need to live amongst the humans. The blood that has collected on Castiel’s hands is too much for him anymore.
‘BANG BANG’ Cas heard from the warded door of the entrance to the bunker. He shook his head to dispel his thoughts. He didn’t have time for that now he chastised himself. He rushed up the metal staircase to get to the door and open it for Dean. “Cas gonna need your help here. Sam is too much for me. I can’t hold him for much longer.” Dean forced out under the strain of holding Sam. Cas quickly takes Sam as to relieve Dean of the weight and takes him carefully back to lay him down on the war room table. He rushes back to the kitchen and grabs the first aid kit all the while hoping Dean doesn’t ask him to heal Sam. As he comes back through the door he could tell that his fears were correct since Dean was looking calmer than he should with Sam injured as he is. Dean goes around the table to take the kit form Cas and gives voice to the very thing Cas was hoping he wouldn’t say. “Alright Cas! Why did you get this? Just go work your mojo on Sammy.” Dean started confusedly before clapping his hands in a manner that suggests he has to hurry up.
Cas could feel the distress and guilt that is showing on his face because Dean’s face is starting to show a dawning sense of comprehension that only he could understand about Cas. “I’m sorry Dean. I am, truly. But I no longer can anymore. I'm no longer an angel. I’m sorry I didn't tell you before but I..” Cas trailed off as he could feel the shame burning on his face as he tried to continue. “Cas.” Dean chokes out through gritted teeth and a scowling face. “Why didn't you tell me this before? Do you just not trust me anymore? Were you ever going to say anything? You know what never mind. We don’t have time for this. I have to help Sam.” Dean brusquely replied, moving around Cas to get to Sam. Cas tilted his head down at the dismissal and quietly helped Dean with what he needed when there was a ringing noise and white light coming from the end of the table almost under the stairs.
They could both see a figures silhouette in the light becoming clearer with every step they take. A hand comes through followed by a foot with leg coming through after. They can clearly see a person coming through, though not who, it becomes increasingly obvious as the light and noise begins to dim again and disappear. Chuck strides through the last of the dying portal light and strolls up to Sam to lay a hand on him when Dean, the ever overprotective brother that he is, whips out his gun and aims it at the intruder with a steady hand. “Put a hand on him and you can say goodbye to your meat suit.” Grits out and looks over to Cas to see why he hasn’t moved to defend Sam. Only to see Castiel look like he was about to cry and was just barely holding back from falling to his knees. “Father?” Cas croaked out from where he was standing.
Chuck slowly raised his hands when Dean turned his gun on him but he slowly turned to look at Cas with the small smile he has on his face as he faces his favorite son. “Castiel, My Son.” Chuck warmly counters to Cas’s words. “What- God?” Dean shrewdly mumbles at the exchange that just happened in front of him. Chuck looks to Dean and then pointedly at the gun still pointed at him though it has lowered slightly in Dean's surprise. Chuck slowly lowers his hands again and brings them to rest delicately on the slowly growing bloodstain on his pant leg. He closed his eyes but that did nothing to hide the light that visibly shines from beneath them. His palms glows with restrained power that illuminates Sam’s injury and shows it slowly closing, by what it seems like, itself. Sam groans as his face is quickly gaining the color it had lost since the injury was first inflicted upon him. “Don’t mess with my computer Dean.” Sam coughs out as he slowly sits up from the table.
Castiel slowly, unsteadily, walks over to the man he claims is his Father and cautiously puts his hand out to push lightly at the shoulder. Chuck watches with a warmth to his eyes in the face of his son’s caution. “Castiel. I need to speak with you.” He says slowly watching the emotions flit across the face of his son. Feeling the imminent emotional overload from his son he casually stops time with a wave of his hand, not unlike how Gabriel and his signature snaps, and watches as Castiel falls to his knees. “Father.” Castiel chokes out to caught up in the emotions caught in his throat to speak properly. “I’m sorry for the destruction I have wreaked across heaven. For the blood I spilt on earth trying to be a God when I wasn't one. I was just an Angel to hopped up on soul power to see how I was hurting others.” Castiel managed to choke out before the hitch in his breathing was too much and he could feel the hitching in his breath coming out fast.
“My Son. It is okay. You feel the regret and you know what you did wasn’t okay. I healed Sam and I came with a question for you. I plan to close the gates of heaven so you boys won’t have to. I am bringing the angels who want to come back and letting anyone else stay if that is what they choose. But I am giving them the choice despite them not quite understanding that yet.” He said slowly, shaking his head looking exasperated with the other angels. Chuck takes Castiel's arms in his and they slowly rise as Castiel gets his breathing back under control again. When he sees that Castiel is more or less okay, he waved his hand and restarted time again to allow the brothers to hear this part of the conversation.
Castiel slowly looks back at the brothers who are looking at the father son duo with twin looks of concern on their face. Castiel looks back at Chuck with a look of deep concentration on his face before they could all see the determination push through the other emotions and he opens his mouth to respond “No father. I don’t want to go back to heaven unless it's after the death of my human life. I want to live here with Dean, and Sam. I want to be a Winchester and hunt with the Winchesters. They have helped me understand humanity better than I ever could just by watching from afar in heaven. I can make choices for myself whether it be good or bad. I can choose to love or I could choose to dislike things and not be punished for it. I don’t have to be a warrior unless I choose to. I could be a healer or informant. I can be whatever I want and to be with who I want if they would have me.” Castiel was exclaiming and excited gesturing with his whole body even though he didn’t move very much.
“Alright My Son. If that is what you want.” Chuck said with a small fond smile playing at the edge of his lips. He hoped Dean would hurry up and get a move on and claim his son already. He vanished in a blink of light and reappeared in heaven where he recalled all his wayward children. He closed the doors of heaven to all but the souls allowed in the gates and sat back on his throne to wait for his human son to live here with him again with his new family. He smiled when he felt them join his domain and made sure they could share a heaven with the rest of their family that has beaten them here to his warm embrace.
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
The Hunter’s Princess- Chapter 2: The Princes’ Challenge
Pairing: Dean x OFC Kira (eventual), Prince!Dean x OFC Lady Kira. Other Characters: Sam Winchester, Prince!Sam Winchester, Castiel, Rowena, Gabriel, King!John, Queen!Mary, Lucifer and assorted minor characters.
Chapter 2 Word Count: 2550+
Warnings: Kira’s self-doubt, Dean angst, mostly fluff though. Each chapter will have individual warnings as needed.
A/N: This is from some material that’s been rattling around in my head from another project that changed direction. Couldn’t let all this content go to waste, though, so here it is. It’s a work-in-progress, and I will try and update as regularly as I can. If you want to be tagged in this series, send me a message!
Thank you and happy reading!
Castiel bowed and left the room, knowing his friends, Prince Dean and Prince Samuel would explain everything to him later. "As we have gotten older, we have decided it's time for one of you to take over as king. However, you will also need a queen to rule by your side," Queen Mary remarked.
"So, to choose your queen, we suggest a tournament of sorts. Something to help you find the woman most likely to fulfill her duties as your queen. There will be challenges to demonstrate each candidate's strengths in archery and the equestrian arts. Your mother and I will also conduct an interview with each woman," King John explained.
"Each province will send their best competitor. At the end, there will be a ball, where you will each announce your final choices. If you do not find a suitable wife by that time, we will choose for you. This is an important decision, one you will have to live with your entire life, so please choose wisely," Queen Mary warned. "For now, I suggest we ALL get some sleep, so we can do some planning in the morning," she advised.
Each of the princes came over to kiss their mother's cheek and say goodnight. Then they went to their separate rooms, changed into sleeping attire and went to sleep. Castiel would have to wait until morning for his explanation of the conversation between the princes and their parents.
The next morning, a proclamation was issued. A search was being held to determine who would be the next queen after marrying either Prince Dean or Prince Samuel. A tournament would take place, featuring events in archery and the equestrian arts. An interview with the current king and queen was also part of the competition. On the final evening, a ball would be held to announce the winner.
Word of the tournament spread quickly throughout the land. When it reached Kira's ears, she began to wonder how it fit in with the reason she was sent here. She got ready for the day and checked across the hall to see if Rowena was awake yet. Her door was open, but she was not inside, so Kira went downstairs for breakfast.
"Good morning, everyone," she announced. Alfred and Rowena were discussing the matter and looked up to greet Kira in return. Stefan offered his good morning wishes when he brought the coffee and tea pots to the table for refills. He also placed a tray of his decadent cinnamon rolls on the table, making her mouth water. Business first, though, she thought.
"I assume you've all heard of the Princes' Challenge?" Kira asked.
"We were just discussing the matter, Lady Kira. Lady Rowena has mentioned that you stand an excellent chance of winning and becoming the next queen. I happen to agree with her assessment," Alfred stated, nodding in solidarity with Rowena.
"You definitely meet all the criteria, dearie," Rowena affirmed.
"So what are the criteria for this 'Challenge'?" Kira asked.
Rowena listed the following requirements to compete in the Princes' Challenge.
One: The candidate must be of noble birth.
Two: Only one candidate may be chosen from each province.
Three: Events will include Archery and the Equestrian Arts. These events will be followed by a private interview with King John and Queen Mary. On the last night, a ball will be held, where a decision will be announced.
The Princes' Challenge will begin in two weeks. Candidates must report to Winchester Castle upon arrival.
"You really think I can pull this off? I mean, I have the athletic stuff covered, no problem, but a private interview with the king and queen? 'Soft-spoken' and 'demure' are not exactly in my vocabulary, you know. If I'm going to screw up anywhere, it'll be there. That and....I can't dance," Kira replied, mumbling the last part about dancing.
"Och, not to worry, Kira, I'm working on a solution to get you some help in those areas. Even the dancing part, dearie," Rowena smirked. Kira stuck out her tongue at her in response.
"See? I'm acting like a child. I'll just mess everything up, so I might as well not even go! Besides, who will run the pub, make sure the townspeople are taken care of?" Kira added.
"Lady Kira," Alfred began. "I have worked for this family since before you were born. Well, the you that was born in this dimension," he smiled wryly.
"Wait a minute, Alfred. You've known all this time?" she asked.
"As I said, I've worked for this family for a very long time. I know you are not the Lady Kira native to this dimension. You are very much alike, don't get me wrong, but there are some subtle differences. But I also know that you are our best hope of restoring each Lady Kira to her rightful dimension. I believe the only way you can do that is to compete in and win the Princes' Challenge," Alfred finished.
"Beggin' your pardon, Lady Kira, but Alfred and I can look after the townsfolk in your absence," chimed in Coraline. "And you know Ella can run that pub of yours inside and out, backwards and forwards. Besides, you may find true love when you least expect it!" she exclaimed.
"All right, all right, I'll go! Rowena, I'll need you with me. No telling when I'll need the services of a witch, especially since it was magic that sent me here," Kira muttered.
After a breakfast of coffee and one of Stefan's cinnamon rolls, Kira and Rowena went upstairs to pack. Kira made sure to bring practical outfits, due to the nature of the competition. She also took her best gown for the ball on the final night. It was made of a dusty rose-colored satin, off the shoulder, corseted bodice and a long flowing skirt with tulle overlay. Kira threw in a few pairs of leggings, her boots and some tunics for the competition days. She included some "day dresses" for wearing when not in competition.
When Kira walked downstairs, Rowena was ready to go and Kira bid farewell to her house staff. The carriage was packed with their luggage, and as they pulled away, Kira waved goodbye to everyone. She knew she was leaving her tiny estate in capable hands. The staff was more than that, though, they were family. Kira knew they would do everything possible to take care of their home.
The princes met up with Castiel so that they could fill him in on what's going on. He seemed a bit skeptical that their parents' plan would work to decide the next queen.
"You have to find your true love through this competition, and decide before the ball? I don't know, my friends," Cas remarked.
"I'm not so sure either, Cas. But what choice do we have? If we don't choose, they'll choose for us. Besides, they still have the chance to interview the candidates, so that should alert us to potential red flags, right? Dean?" Prince Samuel replied.
Prince Dean was lost in thought when his brother's voice jolted him back to reality. "Hmm? What? Absolutely, brother, whatever you say," he stammered.
"Dude, where is your mind? You've been like this ever since we left that pub. Now, what's going on?" Prince Samuel demanded.
"Sorry, I can't help thinking about that woman, Kira. I wish we could meet up with her again. She was....different. But in a good way," Prince Dean hastily added. "I asked around about her. Collins said she inherited her land from her father, since there were no male heirs and she had no husband.
"When he died, he left her with a mountain of debt, so she's had to sell off pieces of her land to keep things afloat. Even so, she struggles with making ends meet, but she makes sure to take care of the townfolk, like her family. He said everyone adores her, and they're fiercely loyal to her," he finished.
"Sounds like someone's a little smitten," Castiel snickered.
"So what if I am? From what I've seen, she's kind, caring, has a great sense of humor. And as loyal as the townfolk are to her, she's just as protective of them. Remember how I teased her about being 'Lady Kira'? She quietly let me know how things work around there and how she doesn't do it for the recognition. She does it because she cares," Prince Dean retorted.
Prince Samuel held up his hands in surrender. "She sounds great, almost too good to be true. But, I hope she does show up, so that I can get to know her a little better as well. I wasn't too focused on that the first time we met."
Prince Dean hadn't thought of that. Since she does hold a title, she's eligible for his parents' little "tournament". That would give him the chance to find out even more about her. He really didn't like to admit when his brother is right, but in this case he is: Prince Dean is a little smitten with Lady Kira.
"Rowena? Are you sure I should be doing this? I mean, it seems like there's so much more I could or should be doing at home. I'm not 'queen material', and probably never will be, because I know myself too well. I'm not the uptight, 'genuflect when you say that' type. The kingdom is much larger than our little space in the world, so much more to have control of. It'll take a bit of a strong hand to keep order, and I don't know if I can do that," Kira finished.
"Och, darlin', don't you worry about that. Just be yourself, and they will love you. Besides, I think a member of the royal family is already a bit smitten with ye," she added mysteriously.
"What are you talking about?" Kira demanded.
"I was talking to Alfred before you came down for breakfast, and I happened to tell him about last night in the pub. He said that the two men that came in late for drinks were none other than Prince Dean and Prince Samuel!" she announced.
Kira gasped in complete surprise. "No.....I'm completely doomed! I was such an idiot last night! Prince Dean called me by my title, and I got a little upset with him. I explained how things work in our neck of the woods and kind of slammed his beer down on the bar. I should go back. Driver? Please take me home," she commanded.
"Driver, you'll do no such thing, keep on course," Rowena declared. To Kira she said, "He is under strict orders to deliver you to Winchester Castle, even if you give him a direct order to do otherwise."
Kira crossed her arms over her chest and slouched in her seat, pouting in her corner of the carriage. She knew Rowena was right to keep on their course to Winchester Castle. She still had her doubts, though, about whether she was fit to be queen. Rowena must have sensed that, because she came over to sit beside Kira. "Don't worry, dearie. I've arranged for some assistance--" she broke off, and as there was a whooshing of wings, Gabriel appeared where Rowena had been sitting.
Kira sat up straighter in utter surprise. "Gabriel?? How did you know where I was?" she asked incredulously.
"Uh hello? Archangel?" he said sarcastically. "I can go anywhere I want, and Sweetcheeks, I'm particularly tuned to where you are. Besides, Thing One and Thing Two explained to me what happened. I suppose I'll be nice and let them know you're all right, but that you have work to do in this dimension."
Tears sprang to Kira's eyes as she thought about how worried her Sam and especially her Dean were about her disappearance. She wiped the tears away and looked at Gabriel. "Will you please do me a favor, Gabe? Will you please tell Sam and Dean that I love them, that I'm sorry to be away from them but that I'll be home as soon as I can?"
Kira knew Sam and Dean weren't Gabe's favorite humans, and the feeling was kind of mutual. But, she thought if he saw how upset she was, that he'd do as she asked. Gabriel rolled his eyes and said, "Fine, I'll tell them. You're lucky I love ya, kid. But I'm not kissing either one of them for you, no matter how many tears you cry," he declared.
Kira smiled through her tears and reached for his outstretched hand. "Thank you," she whispered. She turned her attention back to the rolling hills and trees that dotted the landscape. It had been awhile since Kira got to sit back and relax. Soon her eyelids became heavy and kept drifting closed. Before she knew it, she was snoozing away in her corner of the carriage, dreaming of a certain green-eyed prince that she was hoping to see again.
Back at the bunker, Sam had pulled some lore books to try and figure out how to return Kira to their dimension. On the other hand, Dean paced the floor, running over every detail of what had occurred in Room #17.
Rowena said that Kira's locket was a powerful charmed object that had been passed from mother to daughter for generations. With it, the wearer could move between worlds, which could be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands. Dean only hoped that Kira would be found quickly and returned home before too much time had passed. Rowena was a powerful witch, but Dean didn't know if even she had enough juice to bring them both back.
As he paced the floor in the library, he heard the flapping of wings. At first, he thought it was Castiel, but before him stood none other than Gabriel. "Give me one good reason why you're here," Dean growled.
The archangel rolled his eyes. "Dude, I bring you news of your girlfriend, and this is the greeting I get?" Gabriel retorted.
"She's not my girlfriend," Dean shot back. Not yet anyway, he thought.
"Uh-huh, yeah. Right. Keep tellin' yourself that, bucko. Anyway, I'm supposed to tell you and Samsquatch that Kira loves you and she's sorry to be away from you. Also that she'll be home as soon as she can," Gabe finished.
"If you've seen her, where she is in that other world, then you can bring her back, right?" Dean asked hopefully.
"Um, no. It has to do with that locket around her neck that's blocking me from doing that. Relax, Dean-o, she's in good hands. I'm on her wavelength, so if anything goes wrong, I'll be there for her," Gabriel assured Dean.
"How the hell can I relax, when the woman I love is stuck in another dimension? Plus, no one has any real plan of how to bring her home!!" Dean roared.
"Well, at least you finally admitted your feelings for her. I'll see what I can do. Meantime, you two flannel-jockeys keep researching," Gabe snarled as he zapped out of the bunker.
Sam came over and laid his hand on Dean's shoulder. "He's right, Dean. We'll get Kira back. Then you can tell her how you feel," Sam remarked.
"I hope so, Sammy. I sure hope so," Dean replied softly.
Part 3 here!
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the-trashy-phoenix · 4 years
Supernatural season 4 review (part 1)
Link to part 2:
Carly and I have been waiting for this season since we started watching Supernatural. She had been sending me Destiel posts and pictures and telling me about them even before we watched the very first episode, so I had a lot of expectations on this particular season, and on one particular character.
Castiel appears from the very beginning (I thought he wouldn’t come out so early) to explain Dean’s inexplicable resurrection. In fact, Dean died at the end of the third season and at the end of his last year on earth due to the deal to save Sam, but we already knew he would survive because the authors would never let him die at the third season and we are no more surprised by the fact that in Supernatural being dead permanently is more unusual than coming back to life after a while.
The first episode is happy and tragic at the same time: Dean wakes up in his coffin (that was pretty disquieting if you ask me) and he manages to come out and reach Bobby. At first he cannot believe he’s really Dean, but Dean convinces him even without knowing how he was saved from hell. Bobby’s pain for Dean’s death is comprehensible, as he considers him as his son, and so it is the confusion he feels seeing him again, but that’s nothing compared to Sam’s reaction. He’s been deeply broken by Dean’s death and, as it was predictable, tried in every way to take him back, and failed (as most of the fans have noticed, this total impossibility of the brothers to live without each other is quite toxic, but from some point of view their entire life is…). In fact he’s so surprised by Dean coming back from hell he can’t hide the fact that Ruby kind of took his brother’s place. She is an interesting character who emerges properly only in this season and develops through it in a quite complex way: I was never able to tell if she really wanted to help the Winchesters, as it seems in the first place, or if she was only following a mysterious path. By the way, thanks to her help and especially her blood, Sam, without Dean in his life to stop him, persuaded himself that the best way to keep hunting was by enhancing his demonic powers in order to kill demons. I’m quite sure he thinks it’s a good compromise between his two sides, good and evil, but I also think that something happens inside him the exact moment he sees his brother again. He’s so afraid of Dean’s judgement he tries to hide his relationship (also romantic, which is quite creepy) with Ruby, also because deep inside he knows what he’s doing is somehow wrong, even if he’s actually saving people. Of course when Dean finds out he gets mad at him, and that’s understandable considering how suspicious he’s always been about Ruby. However, he himself is never really sincere with Sam about what happened in hell, both because he doesn’t want to remember and somehow feel again all that pain and because he feels deeply guilty for having accepted to torture some souls, even after a long period of resistance. Also, Dean’s pain doesn’t end as he’s back in earth, because he meets again several times Alastair, the powerful demon who tortured him in hell and forced him to torture other souls (and I was quite happy when Dean had the chance to get a little revenge and torture him). Of course these big secrets lead to fights and misunderstandings to which we are used, but those issues could have been solved easily, if only they had spoken to each other from the beginning. After a while they finally do clarify their positions, and that’s a relief for us all. Sam tells Dean what Ruby has done saving him on a lot of occasions and partly persuades him to rely on this good demon, but even after this clarification, the problem is not completely solved because Dean can’t but think Sam has replaced him with Ruby and prefers following her advice rather than keep hunting with him. Deep inside Sam has always the same feeling towards his brother: he doesn’t want Dean to treat him like a child, and his biggest struggle is being considered as the little brother who needs protection. That’s why he wants so bad to break free from Dean. Although, he doesn’t understand that also Ruby is patronizing him and, as he acknowledges at the very end, she’s not doing it because she loves and cares about him, but because she needs him.
I’ll jump quickly to the final episode, as we’re talking about Ruby. The main villain of the previous season, Lilith, was not defeated at all: in the last episode we just get to know Sam can resist her, so she has to find another way to take over him. During all the fourth season we see Lilith breaking the so-called “seals”, which will allow her to free Lucifer from his cage down in hell. The boys struggle with that all the time and they don’t know how to stop her, apart from killing her. At the end, Sam decides to do that all by himself, helped by Ruby and by the demon blood he can’t stop drinking at this point, without knowing that’s exactly what he has to do to bring Lucifer back and Ruby has been cheating on him all the time. I do have to admit it was quite a shock, because I had started to like and trust Ruby and to think Dean was a little too paranoiac, and jealous, about her. Maybe it’s just that I liked to think that someone who’s destined to be a monster, like a demon, can actually have a choice and do the good thing. Also Sam always seems to hope that, because he himself has demon blood in his veins and tries to use his evil powers for the good. He mirrors himself in monsters all the time, as in episode 4, when he tries to convince Dean that a bad creature can really control itself if it wants to, but everything, even in this episode, seems to prove him wrong. Even his blood thirst is insatiable and, although he thinks he can control himself and choose the good side (as he thinks he’s doing when he accidentally frees the Devil), at some point in episode 21 Dean and Bobby feel the need to close him into the panic room to detoxify him from demon blood (and they would have succeeded, if he hadn’t managed to escape).
As I mentioned Bobby, I’d like to point out the fact that the boys seem to consider him only when they’re both alive, while, when one of them is (temporarily) dead, the other one is so lost he cuts every link with other human beings, especially Bobby, who in the contrary is always there for them. I just think he deserves a little more consideration and gratitude, because he loves the boys just as they love him and they don’t seem to realise he suffers so much when one of them dies or if he doesn’t know what’s happening to them.
To go back to the final episode, you may wonder what Dean was doing while Sam was freeing Lucifer and starting the apocalypse… To answer this question we have to go back to the beginning and Castiel.
As I said before, this mysterious character appears as Dean’s saver and presents himself as an “angel of the Lord”. Of course we’re as surprised as Dean is hearing that, because we’ve learnt to think the world is full of evil and there’s no such thing as a good supernatural creature, so we wonder what’s the truth. Well, there’s no contradiction: we soon also learn angels aren’t as good as the Bible teaches us (at least the ones in Supernatural). They do exist, so Castiel is not lying, but they just want to do their own good and they don’t care at all about humans (that’s quite paradoxical, that Sam and Dean care more about protecting humanity than angels, and as far as I know God himself, do). But that’s another thing we get to know as the show goes on and that reaches its apex in the last episode.
Of course I already knew something about Castiel (and his “special relationship” with Dean) as Carly told me a lot about him, but still I found his appearance and the whole angel thing quite interesting, especially because at first Cas tries to be solemn and focused on his duty, which is at first even a bit scary, then quite funny considering how his relationship with the brothers will evolve through the season and through the entire series. His character changes a lot not only in his behaviour towards the Winchesters, but also in his faith in God’s and angels’ plans, as he decides to actually do the right thing against all the odds and against his own father, which must’ve been really hard for him, knowing how blindly faithful he was at first. He decides to put himself into the hands of those two guys without knowing anything but they’re fighting to save as many people as possible, and that’s why we love him and consider him the only angel worth the name. The more the show goes on, the more we see the continuous contrast between Castiel’s attitude (at first just a little uncertain) and the other angels’. I’ll mention just two of them for now, Anna and Zacharia. Anna is a girl who’s perceived as crazy because she says she can hear angels speaking, and of course demons hunt her as a means to find out the angels’ plan. When Sam, Dean and Bobby find her and try to help her, they call Pamela, an old friend of Bobby’s who always helps the boys as best as she can (I think she’s one of the characters that help Sam and Dean more and that they never thank enough, considering she finally sacrifices her life to allow them to conclude a hunt successfully). Pamela makes Anna realise she’s a fallen angel, and that explains why she’s able to hear angels’ voices, and after some time, she can go back to heaven, the place she belongs to (only after having randomly had sex with Dean because why not…). Anna’s story is quite unusual compared to the other angels we met: most of them are just sort of powerful and incorporeal spirits, who, just like demons, need a human body to fit in. We see it in detail in episode 20, in the narration of Castiel’s story. I think this mechanism of appropriation of innocent human beings contributes to Supernatural’s evil connotation of angels, who seem to be even more sneaky than demons, because they take advantage of people’s faith to convince them to hold them in their bodies and do whatever they want once they’re into them. Of course this vision of both angels and demons as villains is clearly made to make us sympathise even more with Castiel, who rebelled, and with the brothers, who seem to be the only ones really caring about mankind.
Angels’ wickedness emerges in all its power in the final episode and in the character of Zacharia. That’s the time when the entire plot is solved: Zacharia, an important angel in heaven hierarchy, keeps Deans locked in a sumptuous room to prevent him from stopping Sam from breaking the last seal. Just as Sam doesn’t know what he’s doing while he thinks he’s saving the world from apocalypse, Dean didn’t know angels actually wanted the apocalypse to happen to purify the world and finally defeat demons and Lucifer. It’s quite shocking for him (and also for us) and, even though he had never liked and trusted angels, he’s led to hate them completely. He thought he was brought back from hell because angels wanted him to help saving the world, but he understands it’s exactly the opposite. In addition, I also think the worst feeling for Dean is feeling useless and not being able to protect someone he loves, especially Sam; that makes his situation even more painful, and Zacharia seems to know it well. At the end, he manages to escape, but he can’t stop Sam from killing Lilith and the brothers can do nothing but acknowledge together the beginning of the apocalypse, which will be the main theme of the following season.
I’ll go rapidly through the single episodes as usual, to highlight some I particularly liked.
I found the fifth episode, the one in which a monster fakes itself into Dracula, quite original and I appreciated the mixture of colored and black-and-white scenes, aimed to mark the difference between “reality” and the movie set up by our Dracula. In the sixth episode we are shown a hidden side of Dean, an uncontrolled fear which is of course aroused by something the brothers are hunting, but which is also credible imagine is actually an emotion Dean constantly feels in his dangerous life but can’t allow himself to show. One of my favourites of the season is episode 8, where all people’s wishes come true, because the scene of the little girl wishing for a giant teddy bear and actually getting it was so funny and scary at the same time. Episode 13 gives us another piece of the puzzle to reconstruct Sam and Dean’s childhood and youth, as they work a case in a school they had attended: apart from blaming John for making his sons change home and school so often they can’t even make friends or built a sort of life, these highlights from the boy’s past provide us even more information to understand how they became the men we see in the present and how they were, and still are, deeply different from one another.
I feel I have to mention a new character, who is quite important for the Winchesters and also recurrent in the show, Adam. He randomly comes out as Sam and Dean’s half-brother, son of John and a local woman he met during a hunt; of course at first the Winchesters don’t believe him, but at some point they have to face the truth and kind of feel sympathetic with him for John’s absence during his growth, because they’ve been through the same issues even if in theory their father lived with them. Moreover, Adam’s appearance testify once again Sam and Dean’s biggest weakness: even if they don’t know Adam at all, they can’t help but try to save him and give him love (especially Sam, I have to say) welcoming him into the family. That’s so cute, but that’s also what keeps bringing them troubles.
I’ll end my review with episode 14: the hunted monster is a siren, which, as you all probably already know, shapes itself as a male federal agent to seduce Dean. “Big hint of Dean’s bisexuality!!”, I can hear some of you scream. What I think is that the explanation the episode gives for it (the siren takes the shape of a man similar to Dean, in other words the type of brother Dean has always wanted) is quite convincing, and is not the strongest element to sustain Dean’s queerness. I’ll impatiently wait for other clues in the next seasons…
- Irene 💕
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wincestbigbang · 5 years
2019 Master Post
​Title: Invisible Touch Author: ellerkay Artist: blindswandive Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Sibling incest, first time, mind control, mind control aftermath and recovery, mind rape, blow jobs, anal sex, kissing, making out, hand jobs, telepathy, guilt, shame, emotional hurt/comfort, barebacking Summary: A witch with mind control powers makes Sam and Dean have sex with each other for the first time, forcing them to confront their desire for one other. Afterwards, they find their way back to intimacy and to healing. Art: Live Journal Story: Live Journal | Ao3 Title: Undertow Author: laughablelament Artist: Nisaki (a.k.a. swan_song21) Rating: NC-17 Warning/Spoilers: non-graphic suicide attempt Summary: A not-so-brotherly riff on The Little Mermaid. “And the Broken Hearts, men without country, without family, are transfixed and transformed by the Song. But all is not lost. For the Love of a Mortal can melt the Mer Heart, and thus restore the Human Form.” -the lore Art: Live Journal | Tumblr Story: Ao3 Title: Suits Author: twoboys2love Artist: leaf_zelindor Rating: PG-13 Warnings/Spoilers: important spoilers from season 1 to season 10 (If you haven't watched) Summary: Suits the boys have worn over the years... and the feelings they inspired. Art: Live Journal Story: Live Journal | Ao3 Title: Kale or Nada Author: smalltrolven Artist: tx_devilorangel Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for episode 14.13. Summary: A coda to episode 14.13 “Lebanon” set in the AU from the epic 300th episode. Sam is an ultra-rich internet-famous tech corporate lawyer that sends the best criminal defense lawyer in the country to get Dean out of his jam with the FBI. Within a few days of being released from FBI custody (with an apology!), Dean is sitting in the living room of Sam’s Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Live Journal | Ao3 Title: Slipping Through the Minutes Author: sci_fis Artist: emmatheslayer Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: N/A Summary: Omega Sam (16) and Alpha Dean have been in a relationship for a couple of years, but Dean refuses to mate with Sam until he turns 18, insisting that Sam should be old enough to give informed consent first. But when young unmated omegas start going missing, things may change. Art: Live Journal Story: Ao3 Title: Playtime Author: jdl71 Artist: cherie_morte Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Dark Fiction, Blood, Sibling Incest, Murder, Violence, Kidnapping, Torture, Bottom Sam, Top Dean. Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester have embraced their dark desires for each other and for killing not just the supernatural. They travel, looking for a new toy for Sam to play with and something for Dean to hunt. They enjoy hearing the screams of those they hunt; Sam loves to see their blood drip from his knife while Dean enjoys the thrill of the hunt. Art: Live Journal Story: Ao3 Title: After the End of Everything Author: amypond45 Artist: amberdreams Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: None Summary: Michael won. He took the world down, then opened a portal to another universe and moved on, leaving Sam and Dean to pick up the pieces. After his possession, Dean is a burned-out shell with no conscious memory of anything that happened during his time as Michael’s vessel. Sam takes his broken brother on the road, and together they make their way home, hoping to find others who made it through the End of Days, hoping to find a way back to each other. Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Live Journal | Ao3 Title: All My Loves Author: ncdover/ncdover1285 Artist: sandy79 Other Pairing(if applicable): Dean/Cas, Sam/Eileen, Dean/Lisa, Sam/Jess (mostly mentioned) Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Major Character Death, Underage Summary: They say that we fall in love with three people over our lifetime, each one for a specific reason. Each person that we fall in love with is something that we are seeking at that particular time in our lives. Dean has been falling for Sammy in many different ways over the years, for as long as he can remember. How could he possibly have three loves? So he sits down to think it through and decides that while he may have had three loves in his life, he has never stopped loving his Sammy, and never will. Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Ao3 Title: Love, Lies, & Lap Dances Author: wicked-wincest-writer / cleighwrites Artist: bluefire986 Other Pairing (if applicable): Sam/Jess, Dean & clients (mentioned/background) Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Angst, hypothermia, mentions of prostitution, frottage, anal sex, incest (duh!), slowest of burns Summary: Sam was a freshman at Stanford who had no idea how his big brother was paying for him to live off-campus. Dean was a part-time escort and a full-time liar. How will Sam react when he finds out exactly how Dean has been paying for everything since they left their dad behind? Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Tumblr | Ao3 Title: Dead Hearts Author: raving_liberal Artist: kuwlshadow Rating: R Warnings/Spoilers: Body/Medical Horror, Blood and Gore, Blood Kind (Kinda), Canon-Typical Violence, spoilers for Season 02 Summary: A gory vision sends Sam and Dean to New York to investigate a series of bizarre murder-suicides among organ transplant recipients. They soon find themselves racing the clock to save a kidnapped girl before she becomes the next victim. Nightmares and the memory of Dean’s heartsblood on his lips haunt Sam through an investigation that puts the brothers on the trail of an ancient Norse legend. Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Ao3 Title: Catch the Wind Author: sarasaurusrex Artist: bluefire986 Other Pairing(if applicable): Castiel/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Mostly Wincest, Wincestiel at the end, teencest, Flashbacks, Time Travel, Action/Adventure, Angst, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Young Sam Winchester, Young Dean Winchester, John Winchester Being an Asshole, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Butterfly Effect, Choices, Changing the past, OC Villains, Guilt, Castiel Does What Castiel Wants (Supernatural), Threesome - M/M/M, wound care, Making Out, Don't Wake Dad, Healing Sex Summary: When a rogue angel Castiel once spared begins murdering angels on the West Coast, Sam and Dean help Castiel hunt the angel down once and for all. Along the way they find themselves in a place they stayed in as teenagers. It brings back memories of Sam’s 16th birthday, when he was being hunted by a delusional friend of John's who was determined to stop the next King of Hell. Unbeknownst to Sam, Dean, or Castiel, the past and present are inexplicably intertwined, and sparing the angel in the past has unfathomable consequences for Sam and Dean's future. Fate, chance, and redemption must all be confronted for the trio to move on. Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Ao3 Title: There Goes the Neighborhood Author: amusawale Artist: tx_devilorangel Other Pairing(if applicable): Sam/Jessica Rating: PG-13 Warnings/Spoilers: Slow burn, canon compliant wincest, pre-series AU Summary: Dean didn't get to collect Sam from Stanford. They never took to the road together. Sam went on to be a lawyer and Dean did his hunting thing. But now Sam wants to run for mayor and he needs to scrub his record of this annoying brother who is a stain on his impeccable record. He meets with Dean, and asks him to "kill himself" so that Sam can be free of him. Dean agrees. Sam is dissatisfied now. Why does his brother find it so easy to let him go? (which, really, hypocrite much?" - the author says as an aside) Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Ao3 Title: Love the Sinner: Embrace the Sin Author: paperann Artist: 2blueshoes Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Explicit Sexual Content, Dark Themes Summary: While Sam and Dean were raised as hunters, it was their choice to continue the fight against evil—their duty to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. Time and time again, they’d save the world, fight the monsters, but in truth: Destiny doomed the Winchesters from the start. Why else was Sam born as Lucifer’s true vessel, spiraling into a demon blood addiction so easily and spectacularly—unless an inherent darkness resided inside him all along? How could Dean wield the Mark of Cain, only passed down through biblical blood and honed by those few deemed ‘worthy'—unless he wasn’t a natural-born sadistic killer? In a sad twist of irony, the Winchesters were always fated to be monsters, no matter how they tried to even the scales. Aboard a sinking ship, they chose insanity—Dean scraping together broken parts to stay afloat while Sam kept thinking love conquers all—maybe it was time to let go, to drown. Giving in didn’t necessarily mean giving up. Even if it hurt, there could be another life waiting for them. Together. Anything was better than being trapped in this cycle—whether it was cowardice or courage it didn’t matter—someone had to break it, before it broke them. Art: Ao3 Story: Ao3 Title: For The Love Of Chuck (Or Not) Author: runedgirl Artist: a_biting_smile Rating: NC-17 Summary: After Chuck’s revelation, Sam becomes hopeless enough to want to give up on life itself, so Dean knows he has to take drastic action. What can they do that Chuck would hate enough to give up on his “favorite show” and let the Winchesters make their own choices again? Warning/Spoilers: Takes place directly after the Season 14 finale. Castiel appears as a side character, no romantic undertones. Art: Live Journal Story: Live Journal Title: A Map Without Landmarks is Useless Author: Zee487 Artist: An Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Major Character Death, Suicide Attempt, Violence Summary: When Sam is born, John props Dean’s elbow up on a pillow, carefully places the tiny wrinkled bundle into Dean’s arms, and tells Dean, “This is Sam. He’s your brother. You gotta watch out for him.” Dean looks at his brother’s big, clear eyes looking back at him and feels Sam’s tiny hand wrap around his finger and falls head over heels in love. Art: Tumblr Story: Ao3
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Destiel Trope Collection 2019 Day 12: Enemies To Lovers
Mine | @dean-cas-in-the-impala Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5095 Main Tags and Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Romance, First time, Demon Dean, Angel Cas, Enemies to Lovers Summary: With his grace bound and wings injured, Castiel stumbles into a bar full of demons. Someone saves him from inevitable death, but at what cost?
Coffee Spills and Subway Sandwiches | @asexualcas Rating: General Word Count: 2710 Main Tags and Warnings: No Warnings Apply, College AU Summary: Castiel hates the cold. But not as much as he hates Dean Winchester. When Dean spills scalding coffee on Cas’s new bee shirt, that does nothing to help his dislike for the man. Spending an afternoon hellbent on inconveniencing him? That just might.
Scars | @lemonsorbae Rating: Explicit Word Count: 147565 Main Tags and Warnings: Hate at First Sight, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Domestic, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, From Sex to Love, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Drinking, Underage Drinking, Drug Use Summary: Dean Winchester doesn’t answer to anybody about anything. Not about his ever changing hair color or tattoos, not his music, and definitely not about all the fucks he definitely doesn’t give. Of course, then he meets pretentious, skinny jean wearing, ugly sweater buying Castiel Edlund who’s hardest lot in life is probably alphabetizing inventory at his uncle’s record store, and suddenly Dean has to answer for everything. Castiel, on the other hand, had long since accepted his fate as an anti-social, directionless, and misunderstood soul, with his cat, Meg, and a bottle of whiskey being the only company he needed. But then fate threw him Dean, the abrasive, infuriating punk who wears guyliner, and walks around like the chip on his shoulder is something to be proud of, and Castiel’s carefully constructed life was turned ass over teakettle. After a heated exchange upon first meeting, a mutual loathing afterwards, and the glaring opposites in their lives, neither of them sees the point of mixing oil and water. Which would be all good and well, except neither of them seems to be able to stay away from the other.
The Difference Between a Pirate and a Gentleman | @pimentogirl Rating: Explicit Word Count: 67739 Main Tags and Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, mentions of slavery, pining, slowburn Summary: The Righteous Man, feared pirate captain of The Black Impala, scourge of the Caribbean, is rapidly climbing the chart of The Royal Navy’s Most Wanted list. Although, it’s hard to get the message out: Woodcut wanted posters mysteriously disappear from the noticeboards as fast as they are posted, to be secreted in diaries and scrapbooks, and tales of his daring do are so popular in the taverns and brothels throughout the region, he’s rapidly becoming a folk hero. Lieutenant Castiel James Milton on the other hand is relatively unknown, but well-regarded by the crew of HMS Swallow. They should be sworn enemies, of course, but then being an anglo-french aristocrat born in Tortuga to parents who should never have been together in the first place, Castiel has never been very good at ‘should’, despite his best efforts to do his ‘duty’ to his domineering grandfather, the Earl of Northumberland. By the time his real enemy catches up with Dean, it’s pretty obvious to everyone that there’s very little difference between a pirate and a gentleman…
don’t go breaking my heart | @breathingdestiel Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2485 Main Tags and Warnings: au, past friends with benefits, misunderstandings Summary: Dean absolutely hates Castiel Novak. He’ll do whatever it takes to stop that asshole from getting the promotion.
The Galaxy’s Most Wanted | @saltnhalo Rating: Explicit Word Count: 10160 Main Tags and Warnings: Space pirates, enemies to lovers, sci-fi Summary: Dean had been the one always up to mischief, running around with his father’s broken laser pistol and constantly getting into places he shouldn’t have been. Sam, in comparison, always seemed to be the smart, studious one – until he reprogrammed the AI in their neighbours’ house to play ‘Happy Birthday’ at the loudest possible volume while keeping all the doors and windows firmly locked. It had taken two experts seven hours to undo the coding that Sam had managed to integrate into the house’s programming. So, yes. They had been exceptional even from the beginning. And when John Winchester crossed one too many people, his sons inherited his beloved ship, and took to the cosmos doing what they knew best: stealing. And they were damn good at it too. Almost unrivalled, across their own galaxy and even those neighbouring. Almost.
Shot Through The Heart | @peanutbutterjelly-pie Rating: Explicit Word Count: 156327 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, UST, Slow Build Summary: As a hunter Dean finds himself more often than not relying on the help of the Men of Letters. Most of the time that’s not much of a problem - if it wasn’t for Castiel, the smartass bookworm with the piercing blue eyes, the messy hair and the rude attitude. Yeah, he’s been an annoying thorn in Dean’s side since day one - and nothing will ever change that! Seriously NOTHING!!
Dean Winchester is Not Afraid of Ghosts | @DesiraeLovesDestiel Rating: Explicit Word Count: 481000 Main Tags and Warnings: photographer Dean/Medium Castiel, paranormal AU, enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, smut, fluff, angst, humor Summary: When photographer Dean Winchester is not capturing momentous occasions like weddings and graduations with his Nikon, he is moonlighting as the cameraman for the South Shore Paranormal; a ghost hunting series on YouTube, headed by his brother Sam, and Sam’s best friend Gabriel. Despite his brother’s adamance, Dean Winchester does not believe in ghosts. And no one is going to change his mind. Certainly not a scam artist like Castiel Novak. Castiel is a self-proclaimed medium… and Gabriel’s brother. When a member of the SSP team has to leave the crew, Castiel is the replacement, much to Dean’s dismay. But the more they work together, the more Dean is drawn to Castiel, the man stirring up protective instincts usually only reserved for family. What happens when Dean realizes that Castiel is not the fake he always thought he was, but instead, a generous soul that Dean is rapidly falling in love with?
Just A Gigolo | @sheinthatfandom Rating: No Rating Word Count: 1658 Main Tags and Warnings: escort au, escort service, escort dean, escort cas, mentioned clients, switch Dean, implied sex acts Summary: Dean Winchester is the one of the top escorts of his company and uses his charms and personality to steal clients from his friendly rival. Castiel is the top escort of his company and is known for being high class and able to network with politicians and many powerful men. So stealing Dean’s clients is just a bit of fun for him, especially when he gets to rub it in. But what will happen when Castiel decides to see for himself what the draw is to being with Dean?
Classroom Conflict | @galaxystiel Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 5616 Main Tags and Warnings: AU, Human!Castiel, Professor!Castiel, Professor!Dean, university, enemies to lovers, 5+1, Summary: Five times Literature Professor Castiel Novak and Physics Professor Dean Winchester clashed, and one time they didn’t.
You Shook Me | @braezenkitty Rating: Mature Word Count: 12317 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Dean Plays Guitar, Singer Castiel, Singer Dean, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Frottage, Implied/Referenced Homophobia Summary: The Salty Demons are set to compete in a battle of the bands, but when their lead singer drops out at the last minute, they need someone to fill in. Bass guitarist Meg brings in her friend Cas to audition and Sam thinks he’s a good fit, but Dean is worried he’s too punk. With the competition looming though, they don’t have much choice, and Castiel is the best option they have. Dean has to come to terms with the new lead singer and the attraction he feels towards him before he ends up sabotaging the band’s chance at winning the competition.
For This Night and All Nights to Come | @thursdays-fallen-angel Rating: Explicit Word Count: 14554 Main Tags and Warnings: Game of Thrones Fusion Summary: Back in the southern castle Castiel once called home, cold was used to describe a bath that had sat too long and was no longer steaming, or a room with a draft. It was cold if one had to put on a tunic with sleeves to go riding. North of the Wall, cold takes on a whole new meaning. Here, cold means frozen rations and endless snow, frostbitten limbs and stolen breaths. Cold is steel biting at your throat in a wordless threat. Cold is when the dead rise again.
The Age-long Rivalry Between Pilots and Engineers | @cas-lost-grace Rating: Mature Word Count: 7786 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Roommates, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Aliens, Spaceships, Engineer Castiel, Pilot Dean Winchester, First Kiss, Space Battles, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD Summary: Living on a space station isn’t easy. Especially when you share your quarters with someone like Castiel Novak.
Hot Men, Unmasked | @castielrisingabove Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 43195 Main Tags and Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, DC Comics, Nightwing, Red Hood, AU, implied past Meg/Cas Summary: Castiel’s a superhero who just wants to make his big break. When he stumbles upon an attractive anti-hero, he’s left with a choice: turn him in, or work together to solve a crime bigger than both of them.
It’s Affection | @funnywings Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 7711 Main Tags and Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Angst with a Happy Ending, AU, Enemies to Lovers Summary: After getting catfished by a federal agent, Dean is angry at the world and the world is angry right back at him. When one of Sam’s friends from Oxford comes to stay at Mary’s house, he’s determined to be as unpleasant as possible to the newcomer. However, being pissed at the world can only get you so far, and Dean finds in Castiel someone he can confide in truths he rarely likes to admit to himself.
Enemies Closer | @almaasi Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 5291 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - Teachers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Teacher Castiel, Openly Gay Castiel, Student Counsellor Dean Winchester, Openly Bisexual Dean, Nerd Dean Winchester, Middle School, Vandalism, A.V. Club | Audio-Visual Club, Children, Doctor Who References, First Dates, One Shot Summary: A “You caught me keying the wrong car in our middle-school parking lot, but when you found out my motivation you wanted to help me… except now we’re both complicit in the same crime, and we have the power to end each other’s teaching careers – and as they say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer – sooooo is a nerdy date at your after-school A.V. club close enough for you?” AU
Drop Anchor | @almaasi Rating: Explicit Word Count: 42124 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe, Historical, Romance, Fluff, No Angst, Pirate Castiel, Sailor Dean, Domestic, Settling Down, Desert Island, Hate to Love, Grumpy Castiel, Dominant Castiel, Gardener Castiel, Bi-Curious Dean, Bottom Dean, Shipwreck, Storms, Sharing a Bed, Masturbation, Touch-Starved, Hammock Sex, Cuddling, Tickling, Rimming, Virgin Dean, Epistolary Summary: AU. A sailor and an enemy pirate are marooned on an island together, and while awaiting rescue they accidentally achieve domestic bliss. Or: Dean Winchester is lieutenant of the Royal Trading Ship Echelon. On a pleasantly sunny but particularly catastrophic day, he is marooned on an island somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with only one man for company. That man is Castiel, captain of the black-sailed Leviathan: a pirate, no less. Given the circumstances under which they are stranded, rescue seems unlikely, and it could be aeons before a ship even comes by. The two of them may as well make the most of their own private island, personal differences be damned.
We’re the New Romantics | @almaasi Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 8138 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternative Universe - High School, Summer Camp, Hate to Love, Bullying, Dean Has a Crush on Castiel, Charlie Bradbury & Dean Winchester Friendship, Smart Dean, Fanboy Dean, Smart Castiel, Hipster Castiel, Punk Castiel, Pierced Castiel, Fanboy Castiel, Aromantic Castiel, Smart Charlie, Star Trek References, Holding Hands, Cuddling, First Kiss, Long-Distance Relationship Summary: “He’s so pretentious.” “Who is?” “Castiel.” Dean sneered as he said the name. “Look at him. He only brought one bag, and it’s tiny. And orange.” “Maybe he doesn’t like carrying a lot of stuff,” Charlie said, shouldering her own rainbow-coloured weekender bag, leading Dean out of the crowd and towards the picnic benches. “Gifted-and-Talented Summer Camp is only four days. A change of clothes and a toothbrush, that’s all most people need.” “What about when he sleeps? Doesn’t he at least need a pair of jammies? And that freaking nose ring. Seriously, he looks like a bull. I wonder if anyone’s ever told him.”
The Law of Fire (WIP) | @katekarnage7 Rating: Explicit Word Count: 42624 Main Tags and Warnings: Western AU, Mentions of Child Abuse, Torture, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Main Character Death. Summary: When Castiel was young there was a fire, a fire which caused much pain and grief for many, however, there was one shining light, one good thing that came from it; Castiel’s adopted little sister, Anna, who had been orphaned by the very same mysterious fire. A year went by, it was relatively happy for the Novaks, but just like all good things, it had to end… It ended when Castiel’s mother died, sending his father into a downward spiral, which left Castiel alone to take care of Anna. Eventually, they were found and raised by the Sheriff of a small town in Kansas. Years later Anna and Castiel would learn that the fire that took so much from both of them wasn’t an accident, it was arson, and that the man who had done it has a bounty on his head, a man by the name of Dean Winchester. They start their mission to track down this man who ruined their lives and the lives of many others, however, when they finally catch up to him, they learn that when it comes to Dean Winchester, there may be more than meets the eye.
Close Up and Personal | @sternchencas Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 19358 Main Tags and Warnings: paparazzi!Dean, celebrity!Cas, Cas with cats Summary: To help his brother Sam to pay for law school, Dean Winchester works as a paparazzi. His current target, award-winning author Jimmy Novak, is so camera shy that most people don’t even know what he looks like, unlike Dean, who finds out when he literally runs into the man. When Jimmy confronts him about ruining his life, Dean tries to change his ways, and in a sudden turn of events, he gets to unravel the secret that is Jimmy Novak, or better, Castiel.
one thousand and ninety-four days ‘verse (Series) | @envydean  Rating: Explicit Word Count: 8096 Main Tags and Warnings: Prison AU, inmate!dean, Inmate!castiel, Rough Sex, Mild Pain Kink, Come Marking, dubcon but mostly con, bottom!dean, top!cas, sassy!cas Summary: In which Dean and Cas are in prison. “Get in your bed.” “Make me.” He teases. Dean smirks, standing up and facing the man. Before Dean can even blink, the man is out of his bed and shoving Dean up against the wall with a deadly quietness.
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lesbiansastiel · 5 years
so far untitled fic chapter 2
here it is! sorry for the Dramatique™ that’s just how i write ajkdjfk.. also this took a while bc tumblr deleted it when i was editing and ughh. double editing yay
cas x sam visiting heaven. mentions of jess. dean is just kinda there. mentions of john also. idk what else to warn u of hmm… title is a reference to a shura song again, check it out!
chapter 2. flyin’
When Cas rolls the sleeves of their stupid beige trench coat (that has been burned to Sam’s retinas so much that whenever he sees a trench coat, anywhere, his first thought, or feeling, is Cas) Sam’s first instinct is to take a step back. He is not sure about their plan, but he wants to help Cas. Apparently, Cas can tap into Sam’s soul by touching it and follow him to heaven. As he dies, or goes to a life and death between zone, or something. Cas’ powers aren’t fully there yet, and he’s not allowed in heaven, so they’re a little unsure about how this will go. Taking Dean would be like taking a time bomb, because all the angels, especially Zachariah, have their radars beeping for him. Sam is secure with Cas, as long as he does not actually die, and can be zapped back to his body. But that’s what worries him. And how does he just leave Heaven? He can barely wake up from his dreams anymore. 
“So, there’s no way of contacting you when you’re... up there?” Dean looks uncertain, and not amused.
“No.” Cas says bluntly.
“That’s just great! I’m on watch-duty and can’t even alert you if something goes wrong! I don’t like this plan, Cas.”
“No one likes it” Sam chimes in, but with less opposition.
“You agreed to this. It’s the only way, if there’s any chance this could bring us closer to God, ending all of this,” Cas looks at Sam, “killing Lucifer, we have to take these odds”.
Before Sam has the chance to say anything Cas continues:
“This is my only choice. Please,” Cas pleads, “please help me”.
Sam sighs and curses the day Cas became good with words. And the damn puppy eyes. He’s gonna throw himself to a death-like between-zone that could kill him because of Cas’ recklessly ambitious plan to find God. 
In the background, Dean sits down on the bed defeatedly and rubs his temples. In all of this, Dean has not said a word to Sam. It makes Sam a little upset. Dean acts as if he’s not a part of this, even when “this” is Sam’s life.
“I want to help, of course, but promise me you’re being a realist thinking I can survive this.” Sam looks at Cas, who is just standing there, not moving at all.
“I’m not letting you die,” Cas confirms and Sam thinks this is the best answer he’s getting and puts a tiny smile on his face. Dean sighs in the back and stands up. He starts pacing the room again.
Cas motions Sam to sit on the couch and takes the belt that he removed earlier from the table. 
“Okay, I guess we’re going to heaven” Sam declares. “Tell me all about it soon, Sam.” Dean says from closer behind Cas now and Sam can hear that he’s worried. Sam smiles and nods. 
The next thing Sam feels is Cas’ fingers on his forehead as he puts him to sleep-ish.
The worst part about dreaming is how it makes you want to never wake up. There’s no plan, no pressure, no Lucifer, no Michael. Sam’s dreams are often just calmness. Sometimes there’s a plot, or some people, sometimes they’re even based on memories but mostly it’s just a snippet of heaven, or what he thinks heaven is like, anyways. Calm. The feeling of sitting on a bus, car, plane as the word goes by. The sounds of the ocean. Sitting on a dock, or lying in the grass looking at the night sky. Just being still. Sometimes Sam dreams of a family, his family, Mary and John and a happy big brother playing with toy cars. Sam is a fly on the ceiling, looking at all of the everyday life go by. Sometimes, rarely, he has a family of his own, a partner, dogs, maybe even a child. Lying in bed next to a person whom he adores and life goes by without pain, just happiness and so much love that it makes the heart hurt. Often Sam doesn’t have an active role in his dreams but when he does, he’s dancing, or jumping from joy and he has a strong sense of self and braided hair and he kisses someone he loves and they love him back. He feels in control and he can decide who he is and what he does. Sometimes dreaming is an escape, but more often dreaming feels like the bigger life and everything else is the blurry background. Dreaming isn’t always something you do when you’re asleep, sometimes he dreams when he’s eating, reading, or just lying awake in bed. He learnt it as a kid, spent way too much time like that in class and when lectured by John, or Dean, for that matter. 
Heaven wasn’t like that. Heaven turned out to be better. In heaven, his daily, everyday life was the main subject and all his best moments were just playing out one after another. Like the time Dean and him spent time watching cartoons all day and eating nothing but burned toast all day, but somehow it felt like the best day ever. That year he was at the nicest school and he had friends and John wasn’t home a lot, but Dean was old enough to drive them to school and back and Sam trusted him, and admired him. And life felt good. The same year they went to that one meadow one night, with a bag full of fireworks and Sam set them off and they were loud and pretty and it was all so big. And then when he met his first crush. That was a confusing time, but he was so happy whenever she looked at her during classes, or passed by in the cafeteria. Or when they were in that group assignment together and Sam got to talk to her. 
Heaven was better than dreaming, because it was living. He was reliving all his best hits and his heart was filled with joy and love. He wanted to stay so badly he forgot what the plan had been, and just floated in heaven, in those memories. Until he got to Jess. Meeting Jess. It shocked him and made him realise his heart had not recovered from all that.
The promise of happiness shattered. Heaven shattered.
Heaven crumbles down and Sam sees Cas in front of him. They look at each other, Sam with tears in his eyes, and Cas looking apologetic.
“I’m so sorry, Sam,” they say, and take Sam by the hand, “we have to move on.”
Sam feels something like wind blow past him and suddenly they’re standing on a ledge, with the ocean underneath, loud as a chainsaw, hurring and roaring. Cas is yelling but Sam can’t hear. He’s too overwhelmed. Everything hurts and his heart is breaking. He can still smell Jess, like she smelled when they first met and her first words to him keep playing in his mind.
He wants to go back to Jess, to hold her, to tell her he loves her, to kiss her. 
Cas keeps yelling, and motioning at him and shaking him. Sam looks at Cas and sees the panic in their eyes. The ocean quiets down underneath, and Cas’ voice comes through the noise.
“Sam! Please! You have to listen to me”
“Cas?” Sam feels out of place and numb and like this was a mistake. How will they ever get out?
“Sam. Listen. You drifted, I could not reach you, we’ve wasted time. My grip on your soul almost slipped, you wanted to go, please don’t do that again,” Cas looks terrified. 
Sam feels like falling down and crying. All he can think about is Jess, and all the people he loved and lost. How much more can he bear? Cas takes a grip on his shoulders and presses his thumbs against his collar bones. 
“Focus on my voice. We have to keep going. Do you know which way to go from here?”
“What? I… I don’t even know where we are,” Sam looks around and it does not look familiar, at all. Has he ever even been on a ledge?
“It could not be a place where you’ve been, it can be a feeling or an image, even a sound?”
“A feeling?”
Suddenly Sam recognises it. This is how he feels when he thinks of Jess, lonely, alone, crushed and distant from everything. As he realises this, the world turns, and fades and twists at the same time. 
It doesn’t take long before they end up in the next place. It’s the impala, parked. It’s quiet, only some birds chirping. The sun is painting the horizon orange and red and purple. It’s early spring and outside looks cold but it’s warm and toasty in the car. Sam knows what this is. Cas is sitting in the backseat, and talking. Sam can’t hear him again, but he starts the car, intuitively. They have to get out of here.
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rebelminxy · 5 years
Too Bright to See, Too Loud to Hear (Chapter 2)
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Pairing: Sam Winchester x Dina (OFC)
Word Count: 2807
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Bit of angst
Square Filled: Anti Possession Tattoo
A/N: This series is meant for my squares for @heavenandhellbingo​. I have been putting my all into it and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have been writing it. Please like, repost and comment on anything you would like to say about it and seriously hope you have a great time reading this. Ratings will depend on what is in each chapter so please read the warnings before continuing. Images are not mine, they were found on Google and Pinterest.
Series Masterlist
Bingo Masterlist
Sam opened the door to his room, allowing his new bride to enter first. He watched as she examined the area, fully knowing she could see all of Jessica’s items still scattered around the place. He watched her carefully as she walked around the room, taking everything in. As her eyes dropped to the giant bed in the middle, she paused. He was surprised to see the confusion on her face when she turned to him.
“Where is my bed?”
Sam was taken back with her question, wondering if she was playing a game.
“Did you really expect us to share a bed after the first meeting?” she questioned. “I understand we have duties as a husband and wife but I didn’t expect you to really want to jump into it so quickly, especially since it’s only been months since your wife’s death.”
“How did you…” Sam began with a surprised tone.
“I did a bit of research after my father told me about this alliance. And my brother Castiel, along with the rest wanted to know who my husband would be.”
Sam didn’t say another word, watching as she smiled at him.
“My name is Dina by the way, and I know yours is Samuel Winchester, but you like to be called Sam for short.”
Sam stared at her, watching as she walked over to the empty chair by the window, standing next to it and smiling.
“Assuming this was her chair from how small it is, I can imagine her sitting here, watching the beauty of the surrounding forest…”
“Don’t talk about her as if you knew her!”
Dina turned, looking at Sam with a creased forehead.
“I don’t mean disrespect, my lord. I only wanted to learn more about you and your love for her.”
“You will never understand my love for my dead wife,” Sam growled, his anger rising.
“I know I never will, but please, I am not here to take her place,” Dina stated back, standing her ground. “You and I were thrown into this against our will, so I want to take this marriage as peaceful as possible, at least until the war is over and my brother is locked away.”
Sam narrowed his eyes, wondering what game this woman was playing.
“You really aren’t ok with all this, are you?”
“If we are going to be honest here, no, I’m not,” Dina replied curtly. “I was happy up there with my books and secluded from reality in my garden.”
“So, you’re just a silly princess obeying daddy’s law because you want to make him happy,” Sam teased with a snide.
“Don’t you dare call me silly!” Dina exclaimed, quick on her feet as she stood in front of Sam, her eyes glowing brightly. “It was either this or know my brother would die by my father’s hand. I may not know the details as to why my brother was banished but I still love him and would rather sacrifice my freedom for his life.”
“You only do it because he is the Demon King.”
“I would do the same if this were any brother of mine!” she barked back, her purple eyes glowing. “My brothers were the ones that raised and loved me, especially Castiel and Lucifer. I would do anything for them, not my father.”
Sam watched her intently, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Now, if you will please show me to my own room, that would be wonderful.”
Sam cleared his throat and broke their stare. He turned to his door and opened it, letting her step out before he followed and shut the door behind him. He guided her down the hall to the next room, opening the door so she could enter. Her things were already in the room, just like he commanded his staff before the wedding.
“This will be your room,” he stated as he walked towards the far right wall. “And here, behind the curtain, is a doorway to my room, if you ever need anything,” he added as he pushed the hanging mantle to the side to reveal a door. “Knock before you enter, don’t want you seeing things you shouldn’t see.”
“I have seen the body of a naked man before,” Dina stated curtly as she opened her trunk and pulled out things. When she was met with silence, she looked up to see Sam giving her a strange look. “I am a virgin,” she groaned, rolling her eyes. “I helped our healers up there when our soldiers came back wounded so I saw things.”
“Wounded? I thought angels can’t be harmed.”
“Well, by simple human weapons we can’t. But our own blades can harm and kill demons as well as us. My brother knows this so he replicated his weapons for his army and whatever fallen angel they find, they take their weapons for themselves.”
“So you can be killed.”
Dina walked over to Sam slowly. As she made her way towards him, a silver triple edged blade slipped from under her sleeve, her hand gripping the handle. Sam backed up against the wall as she pointed the blade at him. He was about to reach for his sword when she smiled at him and turned the handle over to him.
“Every angel carries one, so you can hold onto mine until I can gain your trust.”
Sam hesitated before taking the blade from her, watching as she walked back to her open trunk. He examined the blade, noticing how shiny it was.
“I was never taught how to use it, so it’s useless in my hands. Out of what I understand, my father will be sending some weapons of the same caliber to your father for your army. But if you want, you can use that as experimental to find out how to replicate it just like my brother did.”
“You would give me the one weapon that could kill you? Are you really that stupid?” Sam asked confused.
“No, I just think this is my first move of showing you that we can trust each other,” she replied back sweetly.
Before Sam could say another word, there was a knock on the door. It opened and Dean was there, looking between the couple before speaking.
“Father figured you two wouldn’t be busy. He’s asking for her to come down, Ellen is ready.”
“Who is ready?” she asked, placing her hands on her hips.
“You didn’t explain?” Dean asked.
“Haven’t gotten to that topic,” Sam responded neutrally.
“Well, hurry it up, you know how Ellen gets when time is wasted.”
Dean exited the room, leaving the door open. Sam groaned, wishing today wasn’t happening.
“Who is waiting for me and for what?” Dina demanded.
“Just follow me and I can explain on the way.”
As Sam guided Dina down to the infirmary, he began his explanation.
“Since we are fighting a war against demons, they have the upper hand sometimes. Like, they can possess a human and we wouldn’t know it.”
Dina nodded silently, letting Sam know he could continue.
“So, we found a way to take precautions. We found a magical seal that traps them, making them powerless. It gives us a chance to exorcise them out of the human host. But, no matter how many we tried saving, there were still many open hosts for the taking. So, we’ve marked our bodies with a similar seal that doesn’t allow demons in.”
“Wait, marked as in?”
“Permanently marked,” Sam clarified as he stopped and opened his coat and shirt, revealing the skin above his chest. 
There, plain as day, was a mark tattooed onto his skin in black. Dina moved in closer, extending a hand to touch the marked skin. Sam felt the hairs on his body stand as her fingers grazed over the seal.
“So, father wants you to get one as a just in case.”
“I won’t do it,” she said as she pulled her hand back.
Sam groaned as Dina ran down in front of him, entering the infirmary where King John, Dean an old man and woman stood surrounding a bed.
“I will not let you mark my body in such a way,” Dina demanded as she stood at the entrance. “No demon would dare touch my body!”
“Samuel!” John roared out. “I thought you already explained to your wife how things go here on Earth.”
“I did and this is what you get,” Sam complained as he stood behind Dina.
“Darling, this is for your own safety,” the woman spoke up. “We don’t need the possibility of a demon using you to get here.”
“My brother would never allow such a thing to happen!”
“Your brother is the Demon King,” Dean interrupted. “And isn’t it a fact you angels do the same, possessing a human host so you can waltz around among us? Whose body did you take so you could be here?”
“That is none of your business and no one will mark this body! That is final!”
Dina stormed off, tears breaking through, as she ran out of the infirmary. Sam watched as she ran down the hall heading towards the kitchen.
“Samuel, you better get a hold of your new wife. We are not having another Jessi…”
“You say her name and I will make sure my new wife runs right back to her father,” Sam sneered at his dad.
Sam stormed out of the room, following the path Dina took. He finally made it to the kitchen and the cooks there guided him towards the soldier’s dining hall. As he reached the entrance, he heard whispered and crying.
“But I don’t want to hurt her body! She entrusted it to me, Cas.”
“I’m sorry sister, but they are right.”
“How can you say that! I promised her…”
“Well, you are going to have to break that promise. Once Lucifer finds out about your marriage, about you being here, he will do whatever it takes to get his hands on you and use you as a pawn against us.”
“No he wouldn’t, he loves me.”
“But he loves power even more. I insist, sister.”
There was silence before he heard a soft ‘yes’.
“If she were here, she would tell you that this is no longer her body, but yours. She gave it to you so you could live happily.”
“Who gave up the body?” Sam interrupted, stepping into view to see Dina behind held by Castiel.
“This is none of your concern, human,” Castiel replied back.
“This concerns my wife,” Sam grunted back.
“He was bound to know, brother,” Dina said softly. She faced Sam, her eyes shining with tears. “This body used to belong to an old friend of mine. In your history books, you would know her as Rachel, the second wife of Jacob.”
Sam’s eyes grew wide in shock at the news.
“I watched her life, from her childhood up until her marriage. I comforted her in her dreams when she struggled to have a child. We spoke there, in her dreams and became fast friends. After some time, I begged my father to help her give Jacob a son, and he did. But when Joseph was sold into slavery, I didn’t have the heart to tell her what happened, only begged her to never forget her son.”
Sam watched as the tears began to fall again from Dina, Castiel rubbing her shoulders.
“With time, she gave birth to another son, Benjamin. And before she passed, she prayed to me to keep her son safe and as a gift for our friendship, she gave her body to me, willingly. Once she was buried, Castiel and Gabriel retrieved her body and brought it back to its youthful state.” 
Dina fell into her brother’s arms, crying.
“She gave me the best gift I have ever received, and now your father wants me to taint it.”
“It’s for your own safety sister,” Castiel begged.
“I know, it just hurts to know I will taint her body.”
“She said it was your body right?” Sam asked as he walked towards the siblings. “Then don’t see this as something tainting your skin, look at it as a way to protect yourself, for her sake. If this were Benjamin, wouldn’t you push him to do the same, to protect himself?”
Dina slowly nodded in agreement, looking up at Sam.
“Then, let’s go,” Sam said with a small smile, extending his hand to her. “And don’t worry, I will stay by your side to make sure everything goes well.”
Dina, nodded her head again, taking his hand. He guided her slowly towards the infirmary where the group was still waiting. He helped her onto the bed, noticing Castiel had joined them, standing at the entrance. Ellen let Dina know she would be opening up her dress to expose the necessary skin, receiving a nod from Dina. Ellen then helped her lower her left sleeve down, just enough to expose the skin between her chest and shoulder.
“This will hurt a bit, but it’s for your own safety.”
“It won’t hurt her at all,” Castiel muttered as he walked over to the edge of the bed. “We angels don’t feel pain like you humans do.”
“Brother, down.”
Castiel grunted at Dina’s words, causing her to smile. She turned to Ellen and nodded her head, letting her know she was ready. Ellen began her work, tapping the needle against Dina’s skin. Dina didn’t flinch but she gripped Sam’s hand tighter, letting him know she was being strong for this moment. The marking took a bit of time, but once Ellen was done, she cleaned the drops of blood and was about to cover it when light shined around the seal, the skin healing around.
“I am an angel after all,” Dina teased as she smiled at Ellen.
“That you are, sweetheart,” Ellen chuckled.
Dina got up from the bed and Ellen helped her fix her dress, the cloth covering up the mark. She got up and looked at everyone in the room. 
“I am sorry for my outburst earlier, but I am understanding the reasoning behind all this. I do hope to never be used as a pawn against you all and my family. Now, if you will excuse me, I still have some unpacking to do.”
Dina walked out of the infirmary with Castiel right behind her. Ellen looked up at Sam and chuckled, shaking her head.
“That one there is going to be a handful, I can tell you that.”
John grunted as he glared at Sam. Sam knew that was his way of telling him to control his wife, something Sam never did with Jessica. John left the room, Bobby right behind him. As Sam stood there, he felt a hand clasp his shoulder, noticing his brother standing beside him.
“So, how did you convince the princess to do it?”
“Wasn’t just me, the brother was also trying to convince her. If he is staying, we might have to do the same to him.”
“He’s staying alright, and don’t worry, Ellen will be doing his tomorrow, isn’t that right, Ellen?”
“Of course, when the King calls, what else should I do but come,” she laughed out as she cleaned up her area and tools, Dean joining in her laughter.
“Look,” Dean began once his laughter fit was done. “Once this war is over, you know she will still be here. You can’t run this time, little brother. So try to work it out with your wife. Even if you don’t fall in love with her, you can at least become friends and have agreements on everything else.”
“Listen to your brother, Sam.”
Dean and Sam turned to look at Ellen, who was done packing her things.
“He’s right. Last time you ran, you came back with a wife. You made a deal with your father to be next in line for the throne just so you could keep the woman you love beside you. Now she is gone, Sam, and you have a beautiful wife who is trying her best to make the best out of this horrible situation. You aren’t the only one suffering. She was taken from her home, told to marry a man she only met today. Don’t think of her replacing Jessica, think of her as an addition. Like Dean said, you don’t have to fall in love with the girl, just keep things civil and friendly.”
Sam thought about what both his brother and Ellen said as he left the room without a word. As he walked back to his room, he thought of how easy it would be to give in and accept his new wife, to try to be happy with her. But then Jessica’s face would come to mind, letting him know he could never be happy with someone else. 
But maybe he could take things in a civil route with Dina.
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shirtlesssammy · 6 years
10x01: Black
Netflix won’t show me The Road So Far, so I have no clue what’s happening when a demon accuses Sam Winchester of being one of them --soul long gone. Sam’s got her tied up and he’s been torturing her, so maybe she’s delusional? 
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J/K, Sam’s just being Sam Co-dependent Winchester and trying to find his brother, who’s been traipsing around all summer with his new BFF, Crowley. (Which, yay for Sam for finally taking action when his brother is in trouble, but like, whoa, buddy, take it down a couple hundred notches.)
Four Weeks Later
...and every lore book and connection he has, Sam is still at a loss as to where his brother and Crowley are. He wanders into Dean’s room and finds a note on his pillow, “Sammy Let Me Go.” Sam’s not about to let that happen, especially when he finds a news article about a slain man in Wisconsin. He calls Cas with his discovery.
For My God Why Don’t I Watch This Moment More Science:
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Cas is….NOT DOING WELL. He’s sweaty and coughing and laid up in bed when Sam calls. Sam excitedly talks about the lead, but Cas coughs through the whole exchange. Sam stops, realizes Cas isn’t doing well, and tells him nevermind. They leave their conversation with the question, “Do you think there’s any chance…any chance at all that Dean is still even remotely Dean?”
Cut to Dean singing Karaoke at a bar. Uh, oh boy. I mean, the more we unpack Dean Winchester, yeah, this is totally Dean. I guess this new version of Dean is pure Id. He wouldn’t be singing “I’m Too Sexy” though. Lol, bby demon Dean.
While Dean does his thing (badly). Crowley talks with a couple of dudes --(The much speculated ⅔ of the triples Dean and Crowley did extraordinary things with.)
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Cut to Dean and the waitress, Anne Marie, in bed. She’s late for her shift, and Dean makes it clear that she shouldn’t grow attached to him. She’s less than impressed with his tact. Crowley busts in and busts up the party.
Cut to Dean and Crowley now playing foosball with the ⅔ of the triplets. Crowley is showing his jealousy on his sleeve. Oh, Drowley! How people missed this blatant of a storyline is beyond me.
Dean notices a man grabbing Anne Marie and heads to investigate, and by investigate I mean beat the shit out of the dude. Even at his worst, Dean’s base motivation is pure; execution might be a bit off though.
Cas continues to waste away in some dank and dark motel bed (this show did him dirty for so long). There’s a knock at his door, and Hannah is there. Oh, Hannah, how I love you. There’s an awkward exchange when Cas inadvertently flashes her, but they quickly move on and Hannah asks for Cas’s help in finding a couple rogue angels.
Sam investigates the death in Wisconsin alone.
At night, Dean leaves the bar to find a demon he knows has been watching him. He’s ready to roll.
For Demon Science:
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Sam watches the police surveillance footage of the death and finds Dean on the screen! As Sam watches the footage of Dean taking out the dude,  IRL Dean takes out the demon with the First Blade. At the end of the footage, Dean looks into the camera and his eyes flash black. We’ve all been there, right Sam?
This is all I have to say about the next scene of this episode:
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(Ugh, ugh, ugh. This is why I don’t rewatch these episodes.) The tl;dr of it all: Cole is a gross vengeful asshole and he’s coming for Dean.
Meanwhile, Hannah and Cas are on their road trip. Hannah notes that Cas’s grace is failing. He’s dying. Cas ignores his imminent problems to focus on the bigger picture.
Sam’s on the trail for Dean and interviewing the Gas-n-Sip attendant who witnessed the entire assault. He doesn’t have much to add though, much to Sam’s exasperation. He does bury the lede a bit by giving Sam the dead demon’s phone. Sam looks through it to find the demon worked for Abaddon. Sam calls Crowley on the phone. Crowley assures Sam that the only demon inside Dean is Dean. And Crowley is so far gone on Dean it’s not funny. Lol. Sam makes it very clear that he will get his brother back, even if it kills him. Crowley taunts that he has to find them first. Smart Sammy was tracking the call though. (Natasha: I love that the Black Spur bar is on Knife River Road. Lovely.)
Cas and Hannah pull into the angels’ ultra warded camp in the middle of an idyllic forest-lined river. There are angel-shielding sigils painted all over trucks, rocks, the tent… There’s a fisherman peacefully casting into the water. It’s Daniel, one of the rogue angels.
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They proceed to talk in metaphors. In this metaphor, the rogue angels are trout in the stream fighting to evade captors/fishermen. I approve of this symbolism even if it’s just been smashed in our faces like a fresh cream pie.
Hannah tells Daniel that they’ve an angelic duty to serve Heaven. Daniel counters that the Fall of angels was their liberation. “I have choices,” he tells them. “And with each choice, I begin to discover who I really am.” I’m just going to fake cough “CAS” at the TV for a while. Hannah draws her blade but Cas talks her down (while the second rogue angel lurks in the background. Dun dun DUN).
At the Knight-of-Hell bar, Dean and Crowley info dump on us that Dean needs to kill to sate the blade. If he doesn’t kill regularly, then he’ll turn into a demon. Crowley’s been gift-wrapping pissy demons to assuage the Mark. (So this is love...mmmmmMMMmmm...so THIS is loooooove…) Anyway, Crowley wants to talk about their future. Their “professional future” - he’s forced to clarify. I don’t ship Dean and Crowley but OH MY GOD this episode just dances along that edge so delicately well. Do I think this episode and select later interactions lay a strong groundwork for Dean/Crowley action? Abso-friggin-lutely, I do.
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Crowley tries to urge Dean to begin ruling Hell by his side so that “all of this that’s bloomed between us never ends.” EYES EMOJI! Crowley drops the news that Sam’s on to their location and furthermore, that Crowley knew Sam was tracing the call. Demon Dean, eternal party boy, is too much for Crowley to handle. Sam’s impending arrival forces a choice: Sam and capture, or Crowley and Hell.
As Sam drives to the Dark Knight Bar on Pointy Things Road, his headlights go out and the car sputters to a halt. At first we’re led to suspect demons, however Cole pulls up and malevolently offers to help Sam fix his car. They open the hood to find a kill switch in Sam’s car, and Cole’s got the remote. Cole takes Sam out quickly, knocking him out - poor bby.
Back at the bar, Dean sings - I shit you not - “Imaginary lovers” by Atlanta Rhythm Section. I...just…
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Dean gets generally trashed, sings terribly, and sleeps it off miserably. Anne Marie approaches as he wakes and offers him a glass of water. They discuss Dean’s sense of “honor” in beating the shit out of her ex. She tells him that his defense of her was out of control and had nothing to do with doing something good for another person. It was all about his own issues. In response Dean denigrates both her and himself, burning the brief flare of shared honesty to the ground. Well, good to see that demon Dean is just as self-destructive as regular human Dean. I guess.
Around a cheery campfire, Cas, Hannah, and Daniel chat. Daniel tells Cas that there is wisdom to be gained from the human world. Hannah’s entirely out of the conversational loop; she just doesn’t get it.
Hannah: If you are to be free, that is to be decided by all angels. Daniel: There's that angelic irony.
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Adina shows up right when the conversation starts getting too philosophical. Heeeey buddy! Angel blades are drawn and the fight escalates quickly between Hannah and Adina while Daniel and Cas try to get them to chill the fuck out. Unfortunately, he can’t prevent them from trying to kill each other. Cas kills Daniel to save Hannah, suffering a grievous wound from Adina in the process. Adina races off into the night.
Cole continues to be the Ugh, Whatever plotline of this episode, hauling Sam into an abandoned building. He ties him up, interrogation style, and tells Sam that he’s after his brother Dean. See, when Cole was a kid, Dean broke into his house and killed his actually-a-monster father. Cole’s been on a revenge quest ever since.
Back with Cas and Hannah, they drive awkwardly away from the riverside camp. Cas mourns Daniel’s death.
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Hannah ties rebellious angels to dangerously self-guided angels like Metatron and Naomi. Cas counters.
Cas: Perhaps I've been down here with them for too long. There's seemingly nothing but chaos. Not all bad comes from it. Art. Hope. Love. Dreams. Hannah: But those are human things. Cas: Yes.
Me: [Writes a two thousand word essay on this exchange, while crying.]
Dean does his own lonely night-time drive and fields a call from Sam.
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Dean tells him that he’s ditched the bar and by extension, Sam (me: crying intensifies). Only, it’s Cole calling. Cole threatens Sam’s life unless Dean gives himself up. “You listen to me,” Dean says with quiet, chill calm. “There's no trade. There's no meet-up. There's no nothing except the hundred percent guarantee that somewhere down the road I will find you, and I will kill you.” Cole can kill Sam - or not - but Dean will still murder his ass. Probably. Dean drives mysteriously into the night, leading us all to wonder just how far gone he really is.
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Let’s Howl at those Quotes:
I miss him.
Get a room, you two.
I’m sensing awkwardness.
Where’s the porn?
Problem is, we don't know if this guy's a hero or a psychopath.
Dean Winchester completes me.
If I have to spend one more night in this fetid petri dish of broken dreams and B.O., I will cut off my own face.
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warlockwriter · 6 years
To Lose Thee Were To Lose Myself: Chapter 5
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Chapter 5/10
Pairing: Gabriel/Sam
Chapter Word Count: 1947 (Story so far: 8422)
Summary:  Sam didn’t believe the “new man” speech from Gabriel, but he understood recovery and knew sometimes you just had to put on a brave face. He still struggled with his own recovery journey. Perhaps the two of them could help each other? And gank a few monsters along the way?
A/N: Begins right after 13x20 and goes canon divergent from there. Title from Paradise Lost by John Milton. Many thanks to @archangelgabriellives for the beta read and a couple of awesome suggestions/additions! Story is complete. I’m just trying the serial approach because I’ve never done it with a fanfic before.
Ao3 Link
About four hours later, they arrived in Colby, Kansas. It was a typical Kansas town with a population of around five thousand if Sam had to guess. He and his brother had done so many hunts in towns like this that he'd gotten to be an expert at guessing population.
They had stopped by Walmart to get Gabriel a suit. Dean's suggestion, about an hour outside of Colby, had led to a (mostly) friendly debate about the suitability (or not) of Walmart clothing which had ended when the archangel learned, to his chagrin, that he still didn't have enough juice in the tank to whistle up a suit.
Of course, Gabriel being Gabriel, as soon as he put on the ill-fitting suit, he discovered he did have enough juice to tailor it. Sam called him on it, pointing out that the kind of lowly FBI agents who would be investigating this sort of case probably didn't earn enough for that level of tailoring. Gabriel grumbled, and knocked back the level of tailoring to "fit well" from "fit like he'd been born to it."
There had been another debate about automobiles, and Dean had won this one, pointing out that FBI agents didn't usually walk to police stations from cheap motels and get all sweaty. Sam conceded the point and hot-wired a late model sedan they found one town over. He made a mental note to leave a (not even slightly accurate) explanation of why the car had gone on a joyride from Brewster to Colby.
They moved gear from Baby to the new car in the Walmart parking lot. Sam rummaged around in the trunk, making sure he had everything he'd need. He doubted Gabriel had enough juice to summon an archangel blade, so he tapped his brother on the shoulder and asked, "Dean, where's the spare angel blade?"
Without even looking, Dean reached into a corner of the trunk and produced the blade. It was a complete mess in there, but the elder Winchester could find anything within seconds. Sam grunted his thanks and handed the silvery blade to Gabriel.
The angel took it and gave it a look usually reserved for cute, if slightly obnoxious, pets. "You do realize this is the equivalent of a water gun to me?" However, Sam noticed he made it vanish up one sleeve readily enough, with a muttered "Just until I can summon my own."
Sam gave an internal nod. He'd called that one right.
Dean handed Sam a machete and said casually, "Water guns came in really handy against Leviathan."
The sudden, complete silence from behind them made both Winchesters turn to see Gabriel's stunned expression.
"What?" Dean asked.
"You guys fought Leviathan? When was this?"
Dean grunted. "Huh. You really have missed a lot. Fought them after Cas decided to try the God route by sucking up souls from Purgatory."
Gabriel tilted his head and blinked at them. "And how'd that work out for him?"
"Pretty much as well as you'd expect," Sam replied.
Gabriel got this look in his eyes, as if he were calculating. A moment later, they snapped back into focus and he said, "Borax?"
Dean grinned. "Got it in one."
Gabriel nodded, a look suspiciously like respect spreading across his face. "Good thinking. Those fuckers are nasty."
"Tell us about it," Sam said, slipping a shotgun into his bag.
Gabriel pointedly cleared his throat and eyed the shotgun.
"What?" Dean asked. "You want one of those? Know how to use one?"
That elicited another look, this one the kind reserved for puppies messing on the carpet. "Hello," he said, drawing the word out. "Archangel. Been on Earth for millennia. You monkeys haven't invented a weapon I haven't used."
Dean reached into the trunk, drew out a shotgun and handed it to Gabriel, challenge evident in every move.
The archangel took the weapon, broke it expertly and examined the gun professionally. He held out a hand, and Dean gave him several shells, which Gabriel confidently loaded into the breech. Then he closed and latched it with a casual one-handed motion and looked at Dean, a smug half-smile on his face.
Dean nodded. "You'll do." He glanced through Sam's bag, as if doing a final inventory, and closed the Impala's trunk. "I think that's everything you need. I'll head to the Bunker, pick up Cas and meet you back here. Assuming you two can solve a simple vampire case without help, we can head back after that and figure out our next moves about Michael."
Gabriel gave a small huff that sounded like annoyance but didn't say anything.
Sam nodded, shouldered his bag and said, "Sounds like a plan." He'd already changed into his suit and looked ready.
"Wait a minute," Dean said as he walked around to the driver's door. He opened it and rummaged in the center console. A moment later, he pulled out two badges. Handing one to Gabriel, he said, "I assume you can change the photo. This one should be perfect for you."
The archangel read the name on the badge and started laughing. He sat down on Baby's bumper and laughed for at least a minute.
Sam glanced at the name on his own badge and joined Gabriel's laughter.
Dean just watched both of them with a self-satisfied smirk.
This small a town didn't have a coroner's office, so Sam and Gabriel drove to the local county government building, which served many duties, including coroner and police station.
On their way in, Gabriel glanced around quickly.
"What?" Sam asked.
The angel reached out. Sam felt a tiny buzz, and, suddenly, his suit fit better.
"If we're going to be seen in public together, you're going to have to look the part."
Sam looked down at himself. Gabriel had whistled up basically the same level of tailoring as on his own suit. The hunter had to admit that it did feel better. However, he said, "Aren't you supposed to be recovering your grace?"
Gabriel shrugged. "That used hardly any, and it was totally worth it."
Sam snorted and opened the door into the building. With the ease of long practice, he headed for the lobby desk. As he walked, he pulled out his FBI badge. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Gabriel doing the same.
"Agents Collins and Gabriel, ma'am," Sam said to the woman behind the counter. She appeared to be about thirty, with short brown hair, brown eyes and glasses. She was dressed in a police uniform, and he noted her name tag read "Williams."
She looked at both badges with an air of suspicion. "What brings the FBI to our town?"
Sam was about to answer when Gabriel leaned over the counter and fixed her with his amber gaze. He combined flirtatious and professional in exactly the right measure, and Sam watched her expression relax before Gabriel had spoken his first word.
Sam decided he'd keep his mouth shut and enjoy this.
"I know, Ms. or is it Mrs. Williams?"
"Carol," she responded.
Gabriel smiled, warm without crossing any lines. "Carol. A lovely name. Now, I'm sure your excellent town has had little reason to entertain a visit from the FBI, and ours is merely routine. I understand there was a recent murder?"
She nodded. "That's right, but it was just an animal attack. Nothing the FBI would want to investigate."
Sam noted that she seemed slightly disappointed that she couldn't offer anything more interesting to keep them here. His eyes darted to her left hand. No ring.
Gabriel leaned a bit further into her personal space, smile still in place. "I know. That's exactly what I told my superior here." He made a little bob of his head in Sam's direction.
Playing along, Sam adopted a stern expression.
Carol's eyes went back and forth between them. A slight frown appeared on her forehead. "Surely you're the senior one here, Agent Gabriel?"
Sam had to work hard to keep his stern expression.
Gabriel winked at her. "You know how it is. Once a field agent, always a field agent. Anyway, I'm sure you're right, but I don't suppose there's any chance we could take a look at the body and autopsy report?"
She nodded. "I'll have to ask the Chief, but I'm sure he won't have a problem with it."
"We'd appreciate it, Carol," Gabriel said, voice still smooth.
She nodded and went into the back, presumably to check in with the afore-mentioned Chief.
"Smooth," Sam said, his voice pitched for angel hearing.
Gabriel flashed him a quick grin. "And I bet you were thinking working with me would be like working with Castiel, who couldn't even hold his badge the right way up."
Sam stifled a bark of laughter at that. "No, I figured you'd be better than that, but I am surprised some of those lines worked as well as they did."
"It's all in the delivery, Sammich," Gabriel said, his tone smug.
Sammich? He couldn't decided whether to laugh or groan.
Carol came back a moment later. "Chief's busy, but he said he didn't see any reason not to let you see the body. He did warn me that you'd find it a huge waste of time."
"It's our time to waste, ma'am," Sam said, keeping his voice stern, as if he'd just dressed down his "subordinate."
Carol gave Gabriel a sympathetic look as she ushered them into the back.
Gabriel let her get a few steps ahead of him before he turned to give Sam an approving wink.
She led them to a room which was barely large enough to hold an examining table and a free-standing mortuary cabinet. She opened the cabinet and pulled out the only body it contained. "Report's on that shelf over there."
Sam picked up the indicated report while Gabriel skillfully guided her out of the room with a quiet, "Thank you, and I'm sure we'll be out of your way soon."
Sam flipped through the report while Gabriel examined the body.
"Definitely a vampire kill," Gabriel said absently.
Sam glanced up just in time to see the angel lean over the body and...was he actually smelling it?
"Gross, man!"
Gabriel waved him off. "I can focus down to just one scent if I want to." Another sniff, and he straightened up. "Thought I caught that when she opened the cabinet."
"Caught what?"
Gabriel flashed him a concerned look. "Werewolf."
Sam blinked. "Werewolf? You mean we're looking at a vampire and a werewolf working together?"
"Possibly more than one. The scent is faint, but I'm fairly sure there was the scent of at least two werewolves on that body."
Sam flipped open the report again. "That explains why they said it looked like the work of different types of animals. Of course, they are thinking scavengers, not predators."
Gabriel was examining the body closely. "Considering that you hunters have basically hunted both vampire and werewolves into near extinction, I'm surprised they didn't start working together before now."
"Good point," Sam said, watching the archangel examine the body.
"What I don't understand," Gabriel said after a moment. "...is why they didn't try to turn him. Looks like a healthy guy." He poked the corpse's arm "Decent muscle tone. Not much fat. Fairly young. Would have made a decent vampire or werewolf."
"I'm less worried about why they didn't turn him than I am about finding the nest and/or pack."
Gabriel walked away from the body, obviously finished with his exam. "Oh, that's easy."
Sam raised an eyebrow as he put down the autopsy report. "Oh?"
"Sure. Let me show you why you hunt with archangels."
Tag list: @sageclover61 @snips-snails-skittles@idabbleincrazy@ihaveallthesefeelsokay@calamitychaos @gryffindorofcabin21 @kydrogen-monoxide @everyoneforgetsadam @team-gabriel @shiny-crystaline
If you want to be added to the tag list, just let me know. I appreciate everyone who is reading and commenting on this story!
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magickmoons · 6 years
Long Night
a Destiel AU fic cross-posted to AO3
Cas looked at the clock and groaned. Late again. He would be so glad when tax season was over. With one hand, he grabbed his phone and opened a call to Dean, while he used the other to hastily shut down his computer. He started speaking as soon as the call connected. "Babe, I know I'm late again. I'm so sorry. It's just a few more weeks. I'll pick up Chinese from that place you like on my way home."
"I'm gonna stop you right there."
Cas froze at the unfamiliar voice. He checked the display to make sure he'd dialed his boyfriend's number. He had.
"Who is this? Where's Dean? Is he all right?"
"Well, that all depends ... " The voice trailed off tauntingly.
"Depends on what? Where's Dean?" Panic was starting to set in, each breath a stabbing pain in his chest. "Is he okay?"
"Cas, baby --" Dean's voice shouted from somewhere in the background. "It's gonna be fi--" There was a dull thudding noise and Dean let out a pained moan and fell silent.
The call disconnected, leaving Cas standing in his office doorway, staring numbly at his useless phone, willing Dean's voice to come back. He pulled in a slow breath, trying not to think of all the nightmare scenarios he had imagined over the past few years. Being involved with a cop, Cas always knew one day he might get The Call. And yes, this was bad, but not as bad as it could be; not the worst -- he'd heard Dean's voice, he was alert and strong. He held onto that fact as he flipped through his contacts for Benny's number.
"Officer Lafitte," Dean's sometime partner answered abruptly.
"Where is he?"
"Cas? That you, buddy?" There was a pause, where Cas could hear the sound of people moving around, speaking. "Dean can't talk right now. I'll have him call you soon."
"I know he can't talk, Benny. I just spoke to whoever has him."
There was a second of heavy silence.
"Well, shit. Cas, it's going to be okay. We're gonna --"
"Where. Is. He?"
"I can't tell you." Beny sounded sincerely apologetic, if distracted.
"Where the fuck is he, Benny?"
"You can't be here, Castiel."
"LIke hell I can't." Cas was gripping his phone so tightly, he was afraid it might crack in his hand.
Benny's voice was heavy. "Cas, it'll be harder for people to make the tough calls if you're here, right in their faces."
A cold wave washed through him. "Are they going to have to make tough calls?" he asked haltingly. Benny's silence was answer enough. "Benny, please, I have to be there if something happens."
He couldn't sit at home and wait for a call, not when he knew something was happening right now. And if the worst did happen... well, he'd rather be there than not -- maybe get a chance to say goodbye, at least one last 'I love you.'
"All right," Benny relented with a sigh. "But you're not driving like this. I'll send Kline to get you."
The wait for Officer Kline (a barely post-pubescent, overly-energetic patrol officer -- "Call me Jack, Mr. Novak") had been interminable, the trip back worse, even though Jack ran the cruiser with lights and sirens; somewhere in his mind, Cas was pretty sure this situation didn't warrant that, but he'd thank the rookie later.
They parked in the downtown shopping district and walked about a block to the 'scene' -- an innocuous stretch of storefronts, made notable to Cas only by the presence of a '67 Impala on the street; and of course the dozens of officers, patrol cars, and floodlights. Jack wouldn't let him past the perimeter carefully marked with police tape. He radioed to Benny, who raised a hand and nodded at them, but stayed where he was, deep in conversation with Cole Trenton, head of SWAT.
With a shrug, Jack led Cas to where several ambulances were parked, waiting to see if they would be needed.
"Might as well make ourselves comfortable," he said hoisting himself onto a tailgate.
Jack turned out to be quite enamored of Dean -- "the Sarge" -- and was more than happy to ramble on about him with almost no input form Cas, until he said:
"He doesn't really seem to like me that much."
Cas wrenched his eyes away from the activity to see Jack looking kind of dismayed. "It takes Dean a while to warm up to people," Cas said wryly, thinking of their own disastrous first meeting.
"Hazard of the job, I guess," Jack mused.
Cas shrugged noncommittally. The job sure didn't help, but Jack didn't need to know all the shit Dean had gone through before he'd ever enrolled in the Academy.
His eyes searched Benny out again, and he tensed when he found him in an unmistakable argument with Trenton.
"Are there other hostages?"
"Well, I'm not really allowed to tell you any specifics," Jack replied, nodding once, definitively.
"I understand."
Just out of the line of sight of the jewelry store that seemed to be at the center of everything, Cas could see Trenton's men gearing up. They would be cautious with one of their own in there, he knew, but he also knew when SWAT went in, things could get messy. Dean had always said Cole Trenton was too eager to throw his men into the fray. And Dean would surely do everything he could to protect the civilians inside with him; he'd throw himself on a bomb to save an innocent life.
Cas felt sick. He thought of all the times he had listened to Dean recount his day in sanitized summaries that still gave Castiel nightmares, but this -- this waiting, helpless, while it all played out in real time -- this was agonizing.
"Why was Dean sent in on his own?"
Jack shrugged. "He wasn't. Far as I know, he wasn't even on duty. Don't know the whole story, but he just was there, I guess, texted Benny when he saw something going down."
The SWAT officers were arranging themselves. Cas could see the worried expression on Benny's face. He clenched his fists, bit his tongue, trying not to interfere.
Benny glared at Trenton, who raised his radio defiantly. There was an expectant tension in the air when the front door of the shop suddenly opened. Every gun went up. Cas jumped to his feet Jack smoothly moving to stand between Cas and the scene.
For a long second, nothing happened. Everyone's eyes were glued to the dark doorway. Cas couldn't breathe.
Then Dean's voice rang out across the empty space. "Hold your fire! Hostages coming out. Hold your fire."
After a hurried conversation with Benny, Cole spoke into his radio and everyone settled into a slightly less aggressive posture. Benny's voice echoed through a portable amp.
"Well, come on out, then."
A few seconds later, a young couple came scurrying out of the store, followed by an older woman, then a middle-aged man. They were all ushered quickly over to the ambulances, where the EMTS started checking them over, an officer standing by each of them.
Cas strained to hear what they were saying.
".... so brave. He saved us."
"--didn't even know he was an officer at first--"
" -- thought he was just crazy, man."
"-- like a movie--"
Dean's voice shouted through the door again. "Okay, we're coming out now. Armed officer following subject, subdued and unarmed. I repeat, the subject is unarmed. Hold your fire!"
Again he waited for Benny's verification before proceeding. Cas shifted so that he was standing next to Jack, straining to see Dean.
First through was a sullen-looking man, probably around Dean's age, walking slowly, his hands raised above his head. Dean followed behind him, gun held steady until they were in full view of the other officers. He said something and the other man stopped and knelt with his hands behind his head. Dean holstered his gun with a visible sigh as other officers approached, covering the scene. Even from this distance, Cas could see the blood and bruising on Dean's face, the careful way he held himself, speaking to possible further injuries.
Cas started toward him, but Jack held him back with a tight grip on his arm.
"Sorry, Mr. Novak, not until we've got the scene secured."
Officers were approaching, lifting the suspect and leading him to a squad car. As soon as they closed the door behind him, Cas shook out of Jack's hold and ran forward.
"Dean!" he shouted.
Dean whipped around, shocked. "Cas, baby. What are you doing here?"
Cas wrapped his arms around Dean, held him tightly. "I couldn't stay away. Just wanted to be near you." Dean let out a shaky breath as his arms circled Cas's waist.
"Excuse me, Sgt. Winchester. I need to get your statement," came a deep voice approaching from behind Cas.
"Aw, cut 'em a break, Henricksen. You gotta have a heart in there somewhere." Benny appeared, clapped a hand on Dean's shoulder. "Good to see you in one piece, brother."
"Five minutes." Henricksen stepped to the side a few paces, looking like he was mentally counting the seconds.
"Victor Henriksen. He's I.A.," Dean clarified for Cas. "Wants to know what I was doing here."
"What were you doing here, Dean?"
He shifted uneasily, winced, then shrugged.
"Uh, this was not how I planned on doing this," he muttered. He pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it. Cas's eyes widened at the ring shining against a dark velvet lining. "After the last few hours I can't even imagine why you would consider it, but ... you wanna get married?"
Words failed him. Marriage .... They had talked about it -- casually, he had thought -- but he knew how much it meant to Dean: marriage, family, commitment. He looked up at Dean, who was simultaneously looking hopeful, embarrassed, and resigned.
Why wouldn't he consider it? Official or not, Dean was it for him; he'd known that for a while now. He wouldn't have been any more -- or less -- worried with a ring on his finger. He touched the ring reverently, a tangible symbol of what Dean  had to fight for, to come home to each night.
He nodded, still unable to speak past the emotion, then pulled Dean tightly to him and kissed him, dimly aware of cheers and catcalls around them as the kiss quickly turned from sweet to desperate and needy.
They broke apart to the sound of a throat clearing. Henricksen gaved them a curt nod. "Just drop by my office tomorrow, Winchester. For now, get checked out by the EMTS and get out of here."
"See, he's not that bad!" Dean yelled over to Benny, who rolled his eyes. "Henricksen, you are definitely invited to the next poker night!"
Henricksen shook his head, bemused, and walked away. Around them, people moved around them, documenting the scene, and offering brief congratulations as they passed.
Dean took Cas's hand and gently slipped the ring onto his finger. He chuckled. "Well, I think this proposal story is definitely going to be the winner at all those boring business dinners you keep dragging me to."
Cas huffed a nervous laugh. "After today, I'm not convinced I'm letting you out the door ever again."
Dean's face fell. "Cas, man, I ..."
He leaned in to kiss Dean gently, then tilted his forehead to rest against Dean's. He sighed. "No, I know. I didn't mean it. Just ... joking, venting." He looked back at the civilians by the ambulances; at the criminal in the squad car, apprehended without a shot fired; at Jack Kline with his hero worship and Benny Lafitte who claimed to owe his life to Dean on more than one occasion. He looked back to Dean, who was biting his lip nervously.
"Dean, what you do is so important. And you're good at it. Very good." He swallowed around the adrenaline pinging through his system with no focus anymore. "I could never take you away from this."
Dean's eyes glistened briefly before he shook it off, clearing his throat. "What do you say I get cleared by the EMTs, then I take you home and remind you how important you are to me?"
Cas nodded fervently, threading his fingers tightly through Dean's as they walked through the organized chaos.
A day might come that didn't end as well as this one, but the unaccustomed pressure of the ring beneath Dean's grasp reminded him that today had ended well, that they had a future to plan together ... and that Dean's emotional control was kind of on its last legs. Cas barely grabbed his arm in time to keep him from swinging a fist at Cole Trenton as they neared the SWAT commander, silently fuming in the shadows.
"Oh, come on, Cas. Just one punch. The guy was gonna breach, even without imminent threat to the hostages. Coulda gotten us all killed."
Cas stared at Dean and shook his head slowly. "With I.A. right over there, Dean? No. We are celebrating our engagement at home tonight, not in a holding cell."
Dean rolled his eyes, but calmed down enough to just glare daggers at Trenton. As they approached the waiting medic, Dean squeezed Cas's hand. "See what a good fiance I am?"
"The best, babe. You're the best."
Dean threw him his best cocky grin. Cas let himself rest against the side of the ambulance while the medic examined his fiance, waiting patiently until they could finally head home.
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