#it's crazy how much of an extrovert i forgot i am
hotmess-exe · 5 months
the talk with my stand-up teacher was amazing!!! i'm prob gonna be bringing up that comedy debate show a shit ton in coming months :]]]
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Hiiiii bestie okay ofc I’m here for the matchups <3 she/they, I’m bi but lean dudes, ENTP, turning 20 in like 2 weeks
I’m tall and thin with medium length brown hair. It’s pretty rare that I dress up, I’m usually just in lazy wear where ever I go unless it’s a night out.
I’m studying to be an English professorrrr so I feel like that’s relevant. I’m pretty southern and I just like farming and gardening, mainly vegetables :)))
I have a super sarcastic personality with crude humor, although I know when to chill out when the moment calls for it. At risk of sounding like one of those people, I feel like I’m very observant and am constantly worrying about how others feel/how to make them feel better.
Love you so much and congrats on the followers <3
Thank you so much!! I hope this is to your liking :)
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Ok listen I feel like you two would be such cute little gremlins together, you both have a very sarcastic sense of humor and and are very loud and extroverted people.
Rumi is different from you however in that she doesn’t give a fuck about what other people think, she is a wrecking ball of a woman, while you care a little more (sometimes too much) about other peoples feelings so I think you two could balance each other out in that way. She helps teach you to care a little less and you teach her to care a little more LOL
Rumi is very active, she likes to spend her off days DOING something instead of just lazing around, so I bet she’d love to help you with your gardening and farming. Imagine how nice it would be to have a pro hero to help you with the crazy hard stuff. Like, you need a stump or some roots removed? Rumi will rip that shit out of the ground like it’s nothing. You need help moving heavy bags of mulch? She’s making it a workout to see how many she can carry at once.
Also also can you imagine how cute it would be if one day when you become a professor and you’re teaching a class and you forgot something important, maybe some papers or your lunch or something, and Rumi stops by on the way to her agency to bring you whatever you forgot. Like, this giant hulking woman just busting into your classroom like “Babe you forgot your stuff!” And she hands it to you and gives you a kiss on the head and then jets off to save the world and all ur students are just sitting there like 😮. Adorable.
Now you might be tall but I assure you Rumi is taller, not to mention she’s just large due to her insane workout regimen for being a hero and I just think you two would look so cute together, with your slim figure and her beefy one 🥺 Precious.
Just generally I love the idea of this relationship, just two wives living their best lives in their garden 😭❤️
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solarsavoy · 1 year
Forgot if I asked for this or what but Karma for 003 for the ask thingie (If you’re still doing it ofc)
Yes I am still doing it! Also, super happy to get more asks. ^^
How I feel about this character: I love him. 💙 Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Nagisa (of course), Shuu, Manami, Rio (on and off), Shuu and Ren (the polyship lives!!!). He is probably my most shipped character. He strikes me as a guy that gets around, but also gives people chances for random reasons. (Shuu because enemies to rivals to lovers, Manami for prank potions, Rio for pranks in general, etc. Nagisa is the only one that I romantically ship him with for romance's sake.) My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Non-romantic whatsoever, Terasaka. Non-romantic in a platonic way at one point, Rio. My unpopular opinion about this character: He's more than just pranks. Also, I'm not sure how unpopular it is, but that there's a lot more to explore in Karma's psyche than most give him credit for. He's a loner, he's probably lonely, he's an introvert (similar to Chiba even), probably struggles with getting motivated, probably struggles with isolation and mental illnesses, and he's just an overall very complex character. Most just see his sadistic side and treat him as though that's all he is, a prank waiting to happen, but I always look at him and see so much more potential. And here's a challenge too, if you think about it, how often does Karma fade into the background in the anime? For getting a lot of screen time, he sure is quiet for a lot of episodes. Just saying, he's more than the obnoxious, sadistic brat with a witty comeback. And here's a twist, Nagisa's more of an extrovert than Karma. Nagisa is almost always with people, Karma not so much. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I'm happy with everything as is. Well, maybe a solid confirmation that he dates Nagisa in college, but even without, I'm pretty happy with it. Otherwise I'd have nothing to write about. 😉 Favorite friendship for this character: Rio!! I love these two besties!!! My crossover ship: I don't inherently have one for him, but I can see him dating a few people. He might try to date Byakuya (DR1), but I'm sure Byakuya wouldn't say they were "dating". XD Or I could see him dating someone like Kyoya (OHSHC), as it'd be a similar dynamic as between Karma and Shuu. He might give Junko (DR1) a chance, but she might be too much even for him at times. (I can already hear him calling her crazy and her coming after him with a spiked and bloody bat and him legit running away from her out of fear. XD)
Thank you so much for this ask, Hailey! My love for Karma has developed because of this. Thank you! 💙
Ask thing.
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smilingpalindrome · 7 months
It was May and the year was 2021. That was when my life changed forever. I had just graduated and gotten my first job in the public sector. I was 21 and working for the government and life was good, life was great. I had all that I wanted- I had a career that beckoned in front of me, I had a family that loved me in the way that they best knew how, and I had the love of my life beside me. What more could a girl have wanted? I'd spent the last 4 years at uni filling my head with endless bounds of knowledge about the whole world.
I thought that I was successful, and I was. I'd never done drugs before, I didn't even drink. I didn't lie, I didn't cheat, I wasn't envious. I was who I was and that was all that mattered.
But then one day it all changed. I met you. I didn't mean to. You just popped up like an old ghost, like an old flashback. I had completely forgotten about you. We had met before in 2019 when I was in my first year of uni. You turned my life upside down for a while there.
You had me acting out of character, like a manic idiot. You got me into a lot of trouble. I tried to tell people about you, but nobody would listen to me. They thought it was all in my head, and it was to a certain extent. We met because I was anxious and desperately wanted to be brave, and you did help me. But the problem was you replaced the paralyzing anxiety with a fearlessness that was way too much. I spent a lot of money on you, I lost a lot of weight for you. And then I thought enough was enough and I came off of you.
And life went back to normal for a couple of years. I forgot all about you. But then May 2021 rolled around and the anxiety came back full force. I would wake up in the middle of the night with such an amount of fear that it felt that rats were knawing at my chest. I was afraid and I had so much responsibility. One wrong move in my job and I could have been in a world of trouble. People started talking about me, talking about how much I’d changed. How I went from bubbly and energetic and extroverted to a hermit afraid of everything. I knew at that point I needed help and that decision to see my doctor changed my life forever.
He spent fifteen minutes with me and gave me some of the strongest pills on the market. ‘Take these’ he said as he passed me tranquillisers capable of knocking out a fully grown adult man, ‘I promise they will help’. I trusted him and took him. He didn’t tell me about the side effects. He didn’t tell me that coming off of them was like coming off of heroin. He didn’t tell me they’d forever mess up my body and my eyes. He didn’t tell me about the cravings. He just handed them to me.
Then it happened. The reigns were fully off and I went crazy. It was like 2019 but on steroids. I warned them they were causing some sort of manic episode in me but they didn’t listen. Boy did I go manic. I wrote a lot of stuff during that time, I still have the notebooks. I guess that was one good thing that came out of the shitshow. But I lost a lot of people and a lot of money and i am scared that the things I did during that time will someday come to haunt me. I lost friends, I lost a lover, I lost my job, I lost myself. I lost my direction in life.
Although I’m fully off them I still look back at the life I had and I mourn about who I could have been. I look at myself now and become depressed. I feel so lost. All my classmates at uni are starting their careers and then there’s me, starting over. But they never tell you that. They just give you things without telling you the consequences.
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babytaes · 3 years
All Night Long
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➳ 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: “you forgot about your daughter’s school project until the last minute, what happens when you join her partner’s father on a 11 PM Walmart run
❥  𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐:  seungcheol x female reader
❥  𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎:  fluff
❥  𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 3K
❥   𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜:  just a cute seungcheol, we need more father content.
↪  𝚊/𝚗: It has beeeenn a while since I posted something like this. I wanted to finish at least 3 members before I post this whole series.... but I can’t keep stalling. The first of many series from here on out... Enjoy and much love- BT
➳  part of the song series
↳  Does it ever drive you crazy.
Just how fast the night changes?
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Your daughter leaped across the parking lot, humming a melody in her head. You grinned as you squeezed her hand and walked up to the car door. Walking over to the side door you opened it, allowing her to get into her car seat.
You tossed your things in the front seat and climbed in the car while she fixed herself in her seat and buckled up for the journey. It was ice cream Thursday for both of you, so it was a special day.
“Mommy... Mommy, are we still getting ice cream today?” she inquired, her feet swung wildly in anticipation. You looked at her radiant face and gazed deep into her delicate soul, admiring both the good and the bad in her.
As you gazed at her, time seemed to stand still for a moment; your life with your daughter had been remarkable, and she was your pride and joy. Your life would be pointless without her. It was difficult for both of you to navigate this life without a strong father figure beside you, but she has been a trooper the entire time.
You looked up at the love of your life as he held her in his arms and asked, "Isn't she beautiful?" As he clutched her delicate fingers, a tear welled up in his eyes.
“I can't believe we made this little booger; I can't wait to see you grow up, my little girl,” you turned to the nurse, laughing at the sight in front of you.
“Is it okay if he stays in here with me for a while?” the nurse nodded her head as she walked out of the bed, dimming the lights. He then gently climbed onto the bed, holding both of his loves in his arms.
“You and our little creation, I love you.”
You paused and swept a tear that had escaped your dry eyes. You quickly turned around and composed yourself before answering your daughter's question.
Even though your daughter was only 5 years old she had the intuition of some wise old mentor, which came in hand occasionally. She extended her neck to the side and looked over to see what was going on.
Within minutes she was on your lap wiping your tears as you hugged her tightly. She gleaned at you and brushed your stray hairs forming around your forehead.
“Are you okay, mommy? We don't have to get ice cream if you don't feel well.” You chuckled as she leaned in close and poked your necklace, a habit she enjoys.
You took her hands in yours and kissed them as you straightened her clothes, trying to relax. You haven't had a panic attack in a long time, due to your busy schedules, and life hasn't given you a break.
“I'm fine, sweetie; I'm just a little tired, but we'll certainly get some ice cream. Okay,” As she looked at you, you peered into her eyes for a reaction. She lifted an eyebrow and cocked her head to the side.
“You know lying is bad, mommy.” She got up from your lap and returned to her car seat, where she strapped herself in and grabbed her toy while humming away, oblivious to your presence.
You started the car thinking about how much she resembles you. Justtt a little too much.
“It's up to you whether you want to go home first or go get our ice cream.” You raised your head and checked the rearview mirror.
“Let's go home and get ready, then we'll go get some ice cream,” 
You laughed as you pulled out from the parking lot on your way home.
(On the other side of the parking lot happening at the same time)
“How was school, buddy? Suengcheol took his son's hand in his as he opened the car door and helped Youngsoon into his car seat. He jumped into the driver's seat and started the car to warm it up. He then turned around and awaited his reply.
“Do you mind if we try something different today? You know my friend Hyejin, she and her mother go out for ice cream every Thursday,” Youngsoon said as he put his toys down. I really want to do something similar. “Do you think we can?”
He glanced at his watch and noted the time, nodded, and turned around to proceed to put the car in drive.
“How about we go get milkshakes like we used to when mom-.” He gulped as he remembered what he had said before restating it, “Yeah bud, we should go get milkshakes like we used to.”
As he pulled out of the parking lot and drove to their favorite restaurant, Youngsoon grinned and went back to playing with his toys.
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“Sweetie, are you nearly ready? We've got to get going. It's a school night, so we can't stay out late.” For the third time today, she skipped down the stairs, reached for your hand, and walked with you toward the car.
As you both yelled the lyrics of your favorite song together on the way to the ice cream store, it became exciting and enjoyable. When you and Hyejin went out on the town, it was always a blast. Whatever the case might be, it was certain to be entertaining.
You pulled into the parking lot, parked your car, and unlocked the door, remembering to lock it again when Hyejin exited.
“Would you like your stroller or would you like to walk today?” As she figured out what she wanted, she looked around and pondered. She shook her head and crossed her arms, expressing surprise.
“Now that I'm a big girl, I think I'll be fine.” You smiled as you walked into the store. While we walked past the bright shops and tourist attractions, you saw her eyes widen.
You don't get much time with your daughter, so you want to make the most of it when you do. It was difficult at times to support her because you missed the other half of the support needed to truly make the best life possible for her. But you did your best to make her happy about what you had.
You were working two jobs at the time and rent was increasing as the days passed on.
“Are we going out for ice cream today, Mommy?” She raised her eyes to you as you rubbed your neck to relieve the cramp. As you squeezed her back, you shed a tear.
“Not this week, love; next week, perhaps.” Ms. Tzuyu is approaching the driveway, so mommy has to go to work. Make sure you behave and finish your work; can you do that for me?”
She gave you a slight smile as you embraced her and kissed her on the cheek as you hurried out the door, greeting Tzuyu as you pulled off and drove to work.
You wiped a tear thinking about how not even next week, you could get that ice cream for her. Bills were piling up and you had to prioritize. That is what you had to do not for yourself, but for her.
“So, do you want your usual flavor or would you like to try something new?” She peered through the window and investigated each flavor. For her, it was more of a new experience to see how many different flavors she could try.
Such an adventurous spirit.
“Mommy, I'd like to try a different flavor. “There's one named Rocky Road,” She grinned as she gazed up at you with her lovely almond-shaped eyes. You smiled and ordered her a small cone and an ice tea for you. On the way out of the shop, you grabbed some napkins.
You looked up as her hand swung in the air, admiring the bright buildings flecked with various artwork and taking in the fresh air as the cool breeze rushed through the city. It was fun, and you were thankfu-
“Oh no, I am so sorry let me help you.” You hadn't known it, but you'd unintentionally stumbled into a grown man and spilled your drink on him.
Your daughter laughed as she approached the stranger to embrace him, but you pulled her back and held her behind you before she could reach him. You felt her hand on your side, but you dismissed it because you wanted to see who it was.
“Please accept my sincere apologies; my daughter is extremely extroverted. I'm sorry, but do I know you.” As he spoke, a small voice leaped out from behind the figure and began giggling at your daughter.
“Hello, Ms., my name is Youngsoon, and Hyejin is my class. And this is my daddy.” He pointed up to the good-looking man if I say so myself. You drew Hyejin from behind you while covering your mouth with your hand.
When the man saw the kids hugging and talking about their days, he laughed and reached out his hand.
“Hello, my name is Seungcheol, and I believe we are meeting for the first time. It's wonderful to finally meet the girl my son keeps bringing up.”
While you sat down to meet with his son, you shook his hand and gave him a napkin to clean himself up. You stood up and held your daughter's hand while you waited to see what would happen.
Your daughter squeezed your hand and begged you to pay attention to her. She whispered in your ear as you bent forward and smiled at her appeal.
Youngsoon had the same facial expression as your daughter. You exchanged a smile and cocked your heads at Seungcheol.
“Would it be okay if we hung out with them today?” You grinned when you looked at her pouty face and saw Youngsoon doing the same to Seungcheol.
“If it's fine with you guys, I don't mind at all. We were on our way to the park.” Both of the kids let out a scream as they marched forward side by side, giggling and laughing as children do.
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“Forgive me, but I'm so embarrassed that I have no idea who you guys are. My daughter is always talking about your son. I find it amusing that we are meeting up after such a long time.” He laughs as you both settled on a park bench, still in view of your children.
“It's the same here; with Hyejin, there's something different every day. Did you guys get ice cream today as well? He told me that you guys do this thing every Thursday.” As you took in his features, you peered into his eyes.
As his curly locks swept over his warm-toned skin, his plump lips accentuated his wide almond-shaped eyes. As you thought about him, a smirk emerged on your lips, and you lost focus in his eyes.
He is a father, his wife must be lucky.
As you and Seungcheol spoke about life and how it was impacting both of you, time flew by as you heard the laughter and cries of the numerous children in the park.
You'd discovered that he doesn't have a wife anymore. She died when youngsoon was just two years old due to a variety of health issues. You're not sure whether it was destiny or just a random ice cream day, but it seemed like you and he was communicating on a deeper level that only single parents could comprehend as the conversations progressed.
However, as time passed, the sun began to set earlier than usual, and the shops began to close. Your heart ached as it yearned for this, someone with whom you could communicate with.
“Daddy, my feet are hurting and I'm getting tired.” You laughed at his answer because Hyejin was in the same boat as him, dozing off by your side. You gently picked her up and held her in your arms while reaching out to Youngsoon with your free arm.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Youngsoon, as well as your father.” You extended your hand to him, and he firmly shook it. Seungcheol then walked over to where their cars were parked, holding his son in his arms.
You couldn't see it as you both walked over in silence, but you could sense the tension in the air, and something had to be said.
“Why don-“
“We shoul-“
As you slid your sleepy kids into the car seat, you exchanged glances and chuckled. As soon as you've finished, you move over to the driver seat overlooking the door waiting for him to turn around. 
What can I say, we weren't exactly friends, but we weren't strangers either. Is it appropriate for me to invite him over for a play date? Is that something that kids still have? Why are you so anxious?
He cocked his head and chuckled at your strange head motions, and a laugh escaped his lips as he waved his hand in front of you.
As you swore internally, a wave of humiliation rushed over your face.
“Before I say something stupid, it was wonderful to meet you, as well as your son, who has had a huge influence on my daughter's life. I'm glad she's kept a smile on her face the whole time. It's difficult when, well, you know. I'd like to hang out with you again... I mean with our kids if you're not busy."
Great job Y/N
He smirked and reached for his phone, which he unlocked and handed to you, motioning you to enter your number.
You checked the time as you exchanged numbers and quickly made a mental note that it was way past Hyejin's bedtime. As you hopped into your car, mentally cursing, you waved a short wave.
Why does it feel like I’m a teenager again?
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  You struggled to get all of your belongings into the house whilst looking for the light switch. A light turned on as you yelled at the intruder who did it. A tall figure emerged from the darkness, her brows scrunched as she took some items from your hands.
“You scared me, girl. “What are you doing here?” You noticed Hyejin's droopy neck as she slept through the loud introduction, a trait she inherited from you. Tzuyu smirked and slid Hyejin out of your arms as she put her drink down.
“I hope you didn't forget, Hyejin's project is due tomorrow, and you were supposed to get the materials for it.” A hand flew across your face as you gasped and rushed to the calendar, where you saw her project.
“I thought it was next week, and Hyejin would have told me?” When you realized the time, a sigh escaped your lips; all you wanted to do was take a nice bath and soak away all your worries.
Such a great mom move Y/N.
Tzuyu lightly checked to see if Hyejin was awake, her eyes fluttered as she stretched and rubbed her eyes. Her gaze darted around the room, searching for you. Her eyes fell on your worried expression.
“Are you going to tuck me into bed, Mommy?” You walked up the stairs with Tzuyu, pinching her cheek and telling her to brush her teeth and use the bathroom while you helped her get ready for bed.
A text message came through your phone as you waited for her on the bed; stunned, you quickly opened and read the message.
“I'm not sure whether you're awake or not. However, sleepy Youngsoon just told me that he has a project due tomorrow and that he needs some supplies. Unfortunately, all of the good supplies have run out at my house. Do you want to join me on this late-night trip to Walmart if you're up for it?”
As you answered quickly, a cheerful chuckle rang through your throat.
“So it wasn't just me; my lovely babysitter had just told me that I needed to pick up some supplies. Having a companion would make the journey seem shorter. I'll be leaving in ten minutes to meet you there.”
A more vivacious girl jumped into bed and rushed to your side, hugging your arm and waiting for you to move. It was a family tradition to have a kiss on the forehead and tuck covers, as well as a bedtime story if you were lucky. You had never failed to do that one job for her, no matter what the circumstances were. Not only did it make her happy, but it also brought you closer together.
“I don't want to hurry, but mommy needs to run to the store for a few supplies for your project. That is why Ms. Tzuyu is staying with you until I return. Okay, could you please be a good girl tonight and not cause her any problems?” She kissed your lips with a giggle before returning to her side of the bed and nestling into Tzuyu's embrace.
“I love you, mommy, and goodnight.” You returned the kiss and said a soft "I love you" as I closed the door behind you, you dimmed the lights as you rushed to your car.
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When you both died of laughter, it felt like the world was spinning. You nabbed a cart and headed down the school aisle, debating on whether a hot dog counts as a sandwich.
Seungcheol grabbed some glue from the shelf and tossed it into the cart, laughing as he whizzed down the aisle.
“A hot dog is a sandwich because it has bread and meat.” As you walked down the aisle, collecting materials as you went, you shook your head as you reached the next aisle, searching for construction paper.
“You are aware that a sandwich is made up of three parts: two sides of bread and the filling. There can't be just one side of bread. It's just basic math.” He turned around and waved his hand in displeasure as he shook his head.
As you observed his behavior, you were reminded of the days when you and your husband would go out on spontaneous dates once you were done with work. You yearned for him and the memories he brought with him.
“I'll get the drinks while you go get the popcorn on the next aisle down. Shall we go with tipsy or chill?” As you contemplated what you wanted, he leaned over the shopping cart.
When you looked at his face, a grin crept across your lips. “Why don't we do both? We haven't had much time for ourselves in a while.” “I'm cool with it.”
He took your hand in his and yelled at the top of his lungs as he moved the cart to the next aisle.
“Tipsy it Itsssssss.”
Seungcheol approached you and tapped your shoulder, curious about what had happened.
“Hey, are you good? You've been zoning out for a while.” As you looked down the empty aisle, he cocked his head and waited for your answer.
As you regained awareness, he shook your arms as you rubbed the back of your neck. As he observed your movements, he gave you a thumbs up. A light smile formed on your mouth as you followed him in silence to the checkout line.
As you took out your card and began putting your things on the belt aimlessly, you were already calculating how much it would cost. He shifted his hand around you before you could pay. As you scoffed at him, he grinned and swiped his card.
“Why di-”
“Before you protest, consider it a gift for joining me on this late-night adventure. Don't be worried.” You slapped his arm with a playful slap as you gathered the rest of the bags and loaded them into the carts as you both walked slowly toward your cars.
As you both loaded your bags into the vehicle, the walk to the car was excruciating. You didn't want the night to end, and you didn't know how to keep it going.
You’re acting like a child Y/N, you’re a grown-ass woman!
You were the one who spoke first, as you laughed.
“We need to stop doing that, also I'm not sure if you'll be available next week.” But, if you want to invite Youngsoon over for a play date or something similar. I could call my babysitter?”
You fiddled with your hands as you leaned on your foot to relieve some tension, as he nodded his head with a grin on his face.
“I would love that, you know, some single-parent quality time together. Text me the details, and we should definitely do something without the kids!” 
“Definitely that's a must.” You were reminded of what your daughter said a long time ago as you stood there watching him.
“I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Mommy.”
Something inside of you began to open up as if the grooves had restocked with enough oil to run again. As you both walked back to your car door, something blossomed in your chest.
You'd be happy to spend the rest of your life with him.
You chuckled as you waved goodbye to him for the second time today, thinking of all the possibilities of this unexpected run-in.
What a great way to finish the day.
➳ Navigate to the Maze
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hoebaring · 2 years
Diamond Heart (6) | Park Jimin
“Okay, okay, I’m here.” I shouted, as I entered the cafe. 
“Finally!” I heard another voice scream from the other end of the coffee shop.
I quickly followed the voice and went to the back of the room. There, I saw Kang Soo-Yun, my best friend, sitting in a manner that made her seem annoyed. Her legs were crossed as she scrolled through her phone while running her free hand through her open hair.
“Finally, you’re here. I was this close to leaving.” She said, making her index finger and thumb meet.
“I’m sorry, I forgot about it.” I said, apologizing as I sat down on the chair opposite to her.
“What do you mean you forgot about it?!” She started to argue, when I stopped her in between to explain what happened.
“Soo-Yun, Soo-Yun, wait, wait. I’ll tell you about it. I was busy with my resignation and all that I forgot that this was planned toda-”
“Resignation? What? What do you mean by resignation, Su-Jin?” 
“Oh right, you don’t know what happened right? Well, brace yourself for this nice, long stor-”
“Wait, let me order coffee at least. I was waiting for you. The usual, right?”
“Yes.” I said, slapping my forehead on the table. I stopped trying to complete my sentences, since Soo-Yun was just cutting me in between.
“Okay, I’ll be right back. Stay right here.” She ordered, pointing at my seat while walking backwards.
“Look ahead, Sooyun-ah. You’re going to bump into people.” I advised her, pointing forward. Throwing her finger guns at me, she turned around to go and order. I facepalmed myself and sat there, looking at her.
Soo-Yun was like this from the beginning. She hadn’t changed much. Her silliness, her sarcasm is the same. I remember the first time I met her. She was a new student in our school. So shy, that I thought that she was an introverted person. 
Later did I realize, she was the most extroverted person I have ever met. She has a problem with socializing, but within her comfort circle, she is the most energetic and beautiful person to be around. All my craziness that I thought didn’t exist, came out because of her. I am so thankful to her for bringing out the best of me.
“One Iced Caramel Macchiato for Lee Su-Jin, ma’am. Would that be enough?” She asked, with two drinks in her hand, placing one in front of me.
“Yes that would be it. May I have the bill please?” I questioned, playing along with her.
“That’s not necessary. A wonderful lady over there paid it already. She seemed very pretty.” 
“Uh-huh. I guess she is.” I smirked, as I took a sip of my favorite drink.
“So, what were you talking about? I’m braced now.” She said, raising her hands up, as if she was surrendering. 
“Yeah, so, what happened was …” 
“Wait, you got an offer from BigHit?” She asked with wide eyes, after listening to the full story.
“Yes, that name sounds familiar, doesn’t it?”
“Bro, that’s the company I work at! How could you forget that?”
“See, I knew it sounded familiar. Hey, we don’t talk about work too much, do we? How do you expect me to remember where you work?”
“Which best friend doesn’t remember their bestie’s workplace?”
“I’m sorry. But, do you know why they need me? That urgently?”
“Umm… I have heard something about BTS needing an urgent MUA. It seems that one of the members’ makeup artist left without notice. Due to some family issues, I guess. I think you would be filling that spot.”
“Ohh…BTS? That famous band that he is in?”
“Yah!! Sujin-ahh!! Why do you think of him, and ruin your mood? Think of the positives. You’ll be paid nicely, you’ll have so many world tours to be in… I am so excited for you!!” She said, in a very elated manner.
“Sooyun-ah, you do know that I don’t like these bands. Anyways, so, I was busy with resigning and all. Areum eunnie said she would be taking care of it. I was working on my letter and handed it to eunnie; that’s why I was late.”
“Ahh, okay. Luv, you are lucky.” She said, whilst finishing her drink.
“Lucky? Why lucky?” 
‘More like bad luck. Why do I have to work for BTS? Why not TXT or ENHYPEN? God, any band would be okay.’
“You are living every ARMYs dream here. You do know they are breaking their rule for you, right?”
“Rule? What rule?”
“Oh my god, you are really dumb, aren’t you? Why do you keep asking questions for everything I say?”
“Well, it’s not my fault that you know more about your company than me.” I said, matter-of-factly.
“You’ll be working at BigHit in a few days too. Wouldn’t you have researched about a new company when you got an offer?”
“Well…that thought didn’t strike me. Anyways, tell me.”
“Okay, so, there’s this rule for BTS’ makeup artists and stylists. You have to be married in order to work for them. That rule doesn’t apply for the whole of BigHit though, that’s why I’m employed. So, yeah, that’s basically what I meant.”
“Wait, so in normal conditions, I wouldn’t be employed?” 
“No, but since they’re in urgent need, and considering your achievements, I guess they didn’t take that into mind. Even if they did, I’m thinking they shrugged it off.” She said, getting up to throw her drink away.
‘Why me???!!!’
“Oh.” I didn’t have anything much to say, after Soo-Yun told me that. 
“And also, I have my orientation tomorrow.” I said, casually taking the last sip and throwing the drink in the trash.
“What? Tomorrow?” 
“Yeah, tomorrow.”
“You are telling me this now? You should have started with this, instead of that full-blown story about how you got selected and all.”
“What’s so important about that?” I asked, confused.
“Well, I would’ve given you some suggestions, about who everyone is, who’s important and all that-”
“That’s okay, Soo-Yun. I’ll be able to handle it. Oh shit, it’s already 8:30?!”
“What?! Oh my god, I have to go, Su-Jin. My roommate would be waiting for me.”
“Yeah, it’s almost dinnertime. I have to go too. I’ll meet you later, Soo-Yun.”
“Well, tomorrow. We’ll be in the same building, remember?”
“Oh, yeah. Sure, we’ll meet tomorrow.” I said, while pushing open the door, for Soo-Yun and I.
“Bye luv. See you tomorrow!”
“Bye darling!”
I waved goodbye to her and made my way towards my car. As I got in, I quickly checked the time. Already 8:45. I wasn’t hungry, so I decided to just go to sleep when I got home. While I was driving, I was thinking about everything that Soo-Yun just said. BTS? Why them? Why not any other band? 
‘Uhhhh, why????’
When I got home, I took off my shoes and went into the bathroom to freshen up. As soon as I came out, I jumped onto my bed, and threw my face onto the pillow. I did not want to go tomorrow. I didn’t even want to work as BTS’ makeup artist.
However, I couldn’t let my personal issues get in the way of my professional life. 
I couldn’t let someone get in the way of my career.
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dekuscrybaby · 5 years
Could I request a super shy reader asking out Bakugou ? Scenario or hcs ! Whichever you like ! She’s like super nervous and just ends up going on a rant on why she likes him and asks him out and he just blushes and says yes . I hope that’s not too specific or something >.
y’all be giving me too much freedom, like tell me to choose one format over another and you will end up getting both because that’s just the type of clown that i am! also, i’ll kinda be loosely basing this on me because i’m pretty shy myself, but i’ll keep it as general as possible! also pls my friend, i have none so feel free to privately message me or we can chat through asks i don’t mind 😌 also, i think i went a little overboard with the “scenario” but i’m not all that sorry bc i love my feral bby but also the scenario is kinda booty so sorry about that
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(ps this is literally bakugou as you confess/rant to him)
out of the billions of people you could’ve had a crush on, your heart probably chose the worst person
bakugou katsuki, a very angry gremlin if you please
and i’m not saying that bakugou is ugly or anything
it’s the complete opposite actually, hence why you have a crush on him
bakugou’s physical appearance is far from ugly, he’s hands-down one of prettiest boys in your class
that being said, his personality can be considered an acquired taste
as kaminari once said his personality is comparable to “flaming hot garbage”
but that didn’t stop you from liking blasty boy
your friends know about your crush bc it’s just obvious to them and pretty much everyone else (except bakugou)
you’re always asked “what is there to like about bakugou?”
well, what isn’t there to like?
his ash-blonde hair always looks so soft, you just want to run your fingers through it
his eyes are just so beautiful and you want nothing more than to stare into those ruby orbs for hours and hours
his physique is just so amazing and let’s not get you started on how bad you want his muscular arms to wrap around you
and his thighs? phew, please! is it getting hot in here or what?
answer: it is getting hot and by that i mean your face has lit up all shades of red
confessing to crushes is usually hard regardless of how confident a person is but it’s even harder for you because you’re the shyest person in class a
you’re so shy that you’re just known for your blushy cheeks which turn even redder when you’re in the presence of lord explosion murder
you probably even struggle to get a full sentence in when you’re “talking” to him
you guys know how izuku stutters right? well you’re worse than that
you just have the FATTEST crush on this blonde douchebag
so what do your friends do about this crush?
they do what all friends do for their introverted friends with a huge crush on a huge ass extrovert
put you on the spot
*insert your shy ass mentally screeching*
to be fair, you’ve been crushing on bakugou since like the beginning of the school year
something has to happen before your entire class just decides to scream at bakugou about your very clear crush on him
for the sake of a chaotic confession, i’m gonna say that you’re apart of the bakusquad with mina being your best friend
and mina being mina, she’s SICK of your shit and wants you to tell katsuki how you feel
so what does she do?
she shoves you into the janitor’s closet with bakugou
will not let you out until you spill everything
“hey! raccoon eyes! you better let us out before i fucking explode your ass!” bakugou growled as he pounded on the metal door, obviously he was caught off guard. he was just walking back to class with you and your guys’ friends before mina’s crazy-ass pulled you back and shoved you into a small room.
“not until y/n fesses up!” mina shouted back, pulling on the door handle with all her might. she’s doing this for you, it’ll only help you and bakugou, it’s a mantra mina keeps going over in her head. hopefully, a mantra that will prevent her from being killed by the furious blonde.
“what the hell do you mean fesses up?” the blonde bellows out, still pounding at the door.
as they’re screaming and cursing at each other, you have your face hidden away in the sleeves of your school jacket. your face is the reddest it’s ever been and your mind has never spilled this many thoughts until now. your brain is so overwhelmed that there is practically no filter between your brain and your mouth so at this point you’re babbling on endlessly.
it’s not very loud, probably only loud enough for it to be heard in the small room you’re currently in, but that’s where the problem lies.you’re babbling on and on about your huge crush while he is in the same cramped up room as you are. to make matters worse, you guys are completely alone.
“what do i do now? i’m completely alone with the hottest guy in not just the class but probably even school. is mina really not gonna let us out until i tell him i like him? i mean she can’t keep us in here for too long, right? of course not! class is bound to start soon and she has to go to class. plus she has to let us out before mr. aizawa comes to look for us or something. then again, me confessing can’t go that bad. i mean what’s the worst that can happen? well, if i do end up confessing, then there’s a high chance that bakugou might not even like me back and then everything will be super awkward. he prob-”
you probably would’ve continued to rant on if it weren’t for bakugou’s rough voice pulling you out of your verbal thoughts, “what the hell are you going on about?”
you snapped your head up in the direction of your voice, “huh?”
“you heard me, rosy-cheeks. what are you going on about?” he questioned with a quirked eyebrow.
“r-r-rosy-cheeks?” the new nickname just made even more blood rush onto your already blushed cheeks.
bakugou rolled his eyes a bit, “yes, rosy-cheeks. your cheeks are always red so it suits you.”
“oh! uh, thanks i guess?” you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, not knowing how to respond to the slight compliment you received from your crush.
a quiet snicker could be heard from the opposite side of the door and that ended up provoking bakugou’s short temper.
“fucking let us out, you used tampon!” he began to yell again. (i couldn’t think of any other nicknames)
“i said i wasn’t letting you out until ms. rosy-cheeks confesses!” mina retorts, matching the level of intensity of katsuki’s voice.
“huh? and what should she be confessing?”
“i don’t know, bakugou, maybe you should ask her instead!” now it was bakugou’s turn to snap his head towards you.
“spill, y/l/n.” he said, his voice much softer than it was a few seconds ago.
“w-what?” you stuttered.
“the faster you tell me whatever mina wants you to tell me, the faster we can get out of here,” he grumbled as you began twiddling with your fingers.
“i-i can’t.”
bakugou sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “what do you mean you can’t?”
“i just can’t, bakugou.” you whimpered quietly.
“y/n, class is going to start again in less than ten minutes and i don’t know about you, but i don’t want to be held up after class by aizawa.”
“i’d rather be held up later than tell you,” you wrapped your arms around yourself, fearing that you’d make him upset.
“goddamnit, y/n! just tell me! it can’t be that hard!” he raises his voice and ultimately, this causes something in you to snap.
“okay, okay! i like you, okay? i’ve liked you for so long that it’s actually embarrassing. it’s just that you’re so cute and something about you just has my heart beating out of my chest. i always feel short of breath and lightheaded when i’m around you and i can’t do anything about it. you’re also so so smart and im actually jealous.” you drew in a quick breath before continuing.
“sure, you might not have the best personality ever according to others but i still find your ‘garbage-like’ personality drawing me into you. do you know how many times people come up to me asking why the hell i like you? it’s quite a shocker for them to hear that i basically like everything about you.”
“i like your spiky blonde hair that is probably super soft. i like your eyes that are the most beautiful shade of red and i always find myself lost in them whenever i look into them for even the briefest moments. i like how passionate you are about your goals and i like how you give your all to reach them. you’re just so amazing and i always find myself wanting to confess to you, hoping that you might feel the same way. i would just absolutely love to call you my boyfriend, you know?”
you finally concluded your rant after what felt like an eternity and for some reason, you forgot about the situation at hand. once you realized that you actually said everything out loud, you felt your entire body heat up. this has to be a dream. or maybe someone used their quirk and caused you to say all of that. not missing a single beat, you glanced up at bakugou, only to find him the same position as you. cheeks and even ears, a bright red that could easily rival midoriya’s sneakers.
“i-i-i, uhh…”
“tch,” bakugou interrupted what could’ve started another rant. “you could’ve just said so earlier.”
“what?” you stared at him with a gaped expression as his cheeks heated up even more,
“i’m just saying, you would’ve said this earlier…then maybe i would’ve been your boyfriend already,” bakugou mumbled as one of his sweaty palms, cradled the back of his neck.
“a-are you serious?”
“do i look like a liar to you, rosy-cheeks?”
“well, uh, no?”
“damn right. now let’s get to class, i’m pretty sure raccoon eyes heard the entirety of your rant and if she reacted anything like me, then she should be satisfied.”
you were still too shocked to properly digest what just happened that you for some reason didn’t feel bakugou take your hand to lead you out of the janitor’s closet. after you walked out with him, you turned your head and noticed mina grinning at you, congratulating you on what was your new relationship with the boy you’ve been pining over for ages.
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brokutosan · 4 years
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Title. It Made Me Feel Warm Yet Scared At The Same Time
Pairing. Ushijima Wakatoshi x Fem!Reader
Summary. In which she’s hurtling towards him, but she’s scared he might not catch her. (Spoiler: he does).
Warnings. This contains manga spoilers to up to the latest chapter!
Ushijima Wakatoshi doesn’t look like someone who’s interested in relationships. Or perhaps he truly isn’t. Day in and day out his thoughts are plagued with volleyball, and Y/N isn’t sure if she can find a place she could weasel her way into those said thoughts.
Tendou Satori, her coworker and friend who had introduced her to the man in question, had once said that, “Wakatoshi-kun’s brain is basically a hollowed out volleyball.” It makes sense, though. He’s a Division 1 player that’s made his way to the National Japanese team at the age of 19, so if he wasn’t as dedicated to the sport as he is then Y/N would think his whole career is a fluke.
“Say, Y/N-chan,” Tendou hums, catching the girl’s attention, “why do you like Wakatoshi-kun anyways?” Y/N stops to think about the question. It’s a good and valid question and the eccentric man in front of her had asked it a million times. And each time Y/N does not know how to answer the question.
“Why is the sky blue?” Y/N finds herself throwing the question at Tendou after much consideration.
“Hah?” He jumps up. His reaction is totally over the top, but it’s nothing Y/N isn’t already used to. “How am I supposed to answer that?” He questions back, brows furrowing into a frown.
“That’s exactly how I feel about your question.” Y/N calmly replies, taking a sip of her drink. Tendou’s face relaxes from its frown, and he jumps up exclaiming, “Oh! I see what you did there.”
“Wait. When did we jump from finishing this paperwork to talking about my love life?” Y/N perks up, straightening her back in order to avoid premature back problems. She focuses her attention back on their forgotten paperwork, rearranging them based on importance.
“I’m just a concerned friend trying to help solve your relationship problems. Specifically your lack of one.”
“Well, thanks but no thanks.” At that, Tendou gives it a rest. Or at least Y/N thought so, before he shoots up in his seat again, gaining strange looks from the people seated near the pair in the small café. “I got it! Is it because he’s attractive?”
Y/N throws him a pointed look, one that screamed out her disappointment, before she sighs out, “I like Ushijima-san because he’s Ushijima-san.” Tendou pauses and brings a hand up to his face, indicating some sort of thought process.
“Yes yes, I totally understand.”
“Kinda feels like you don’t.”
“I do.”
Y/N accepts defeat, choosing to just stay quiet just in case Tendou starts trying to dig deeper. A few minutes of silence engulfs the two as they focus on their on work, the topic of Y/N’s ‘tragic’ love life and Ushijima Wakatoshi being forgotten amidst paperwork and deadlines.
“Aki said yes when I proposed.”
“Satori! Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” This time the strange looks are pointed at Y/N, who’s leaning in from across the table to an unamused red head. “I forgot about it ‘til now.”
“So...?” Y/N muses, still standing on the balls of her feet as she shoves her face as close as possible to her surprisingly nonchalant friend. “So what?”
“When did you propose? How did you propose? When’s the wedding?” Y/N gushes, forgetting to let her friend answer her never-ending questions. “Slow down there, Y/N-chan.” Tendou chuckles and waits for her to settle down in her seat before continuing,
“I proposed last weekend over dinner and the wedding’s in four months.”
“Four months? Is that enough time to prepare?”
“It’s a simple ceremony at a shrine back home. All we care about is actually getting married.” Tendou has a dreamy look on his face, one that made Y/N slightly jealous. She hopes that someday she’ll feel it too.
Taking in her friend’s expression that screamed out ‘I’m in love!’, Y/N smiles warmly and says, from the bottom of her heart, “I’m happy for you and Aki, Satori. I really am.”
“Yeah. And I wouldn’t have met her if it weren’t for you, Y/N. So...” Tendou hints, wiggling his eyebrows and craning his neck in a way that implied he’s up to something.
“Oh no no no. No, I get where this is going, but no.” Y/N shakes her head ‘no’ vigorously, and Tendou’s almost worried for her neck but argues,
“I didn’t even say anything yet!”
“You’re grateful that I set you and Aki-chan up so now you want to do the same thing for me and Ushijima-san.”
“Damn, you’re good.” Tendou mumbles as he slouches down in his chair. “I wouldn’t be this happy if it weren’t for your help, Y/N-chan. Let me return the favor.”
“It wouldn’t be a favor if I expected something in return. Trust me Satori, I’m fine.” Y/N is hesitant to say her next sentence, but she does so anyway. “Besides...I don’t think Ushijima-san likes me like that anyways.”
“Hah?! Are you blind?!” At this point the workers are giving them dirty looks and Y/N has to physically wrestle Tendou back down to his chair. “Scream one more time and I’m telling our boss you’re finishing all of my paperwork for me.” Tendou pouts but complies anyways.
“You’re crazy if you think he doesn’t like you!” Tendou whisper-yells while making obscene gestures with his hands. “What makes you say that?”
“Look, it might not be obvious to you, but I’ve known Wakatoshi-kun since highschool!” Tendou states the obvious. Y/N looks at him unamused, but lets him continue anyways. “When he likes or dislikes something, it shows on his face!”
“His facial expression has never changed when he’s talking to me though.”
“But it does when you’re not looking! He has that small, satisfying smile on his face like when he perfects a spike or wins a game.” Y/N is skeptical, though she always is when it comes to Tendou, but she gives him the benefit of the doubt. “Okay. Say he does miraculously like me too. Then why hasn’t he made a move?”
“Why haven’t you?”
Tendou lets out a dramatic sigh and slams his head down on the table. “You’re both hopeless!”
“I’d like to think of myself more as a realist. And the reality is Ushijima-san probably sees me as your boring friend from work.” Tendou runs a hand through his face and lets out something that sounds like a mixture of a grunt and a groan. He’s overreacting, Y/N thinks to herself.
“He’s a VLeague player, Satori. Meanwhile I can barely make rent on time because my friend won’t let me get my work done.”
“You’re being unfair to yourself Y/N! Why not give it a chance?” Y/N ponders over it for a minute. She could. No, she wants to, wholeheartedly. But the thing is she’s scared of making a fool out of herself. While she’s not technically someone with an inferiority complex, it’s hard to get past the fact that the man is way out of her league.
Then again...how the hell would she know if she doesn’t even give it a shot?
“Damn.” Y/N huffs out in defeat, back slamming her chair as she dramatically drops her body on it. Tendou sees this as a sign of victory, and holds up two peace signs. “Operation Wakatoshi and Y/N is a go!”
“I hate you, Satori.”
“Oh c’mon! You love me!”
“Nope. I hate you to death.”
“You’ll thank me for this opportunity later.”
“Sure, if I don’t kill you beforehand.” Tendou lets out a laugh, or more like a cackle, and Y/N has to physically rip her phone away from her ears in order to avoid damage. She’s thankful she’s not in public, like a train or something, or else she would have died out of embarrassment.
“You can’t kill me ‘cus then no one would help you with Operation Wakatoshi and Y/N!” Tendou wheezes out as soon as he’s done with his laughing fit.
“I can help myself.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Have I said how much I hate you yet?”
“Y/N,” Tendou’s voice is clear with no more trace of laughter. If Y/N knew any better - the guy is being one hundred percent serious. “Just go to dinner with us, you won’t die from it. I’ll say Aki-chan had a free dinner for four and pay our meals in advance.”
“Isn’t that too obvious? Like why him and why me out of all of your friends?”
“Wakatoshi-kun won’t look into the finer details of these types of things. Trust me.”
“What if I freak him out? What if he thinks I’m insanely boring? What if -” Tendou cuts off her unnecessary rambling. From her end of the call, Y/N can just feel the major eyeroll Tendou was probably doing.
“Relax. All you need to do is be yourself, Y/N! Talk to him about your daily life and listen to him ramble about volleyball. If anything Aki-chan and I will be there as a buffer.”
“Thanks for the reassurance, but I’d rather die.”
“You’re so dramatic, Y/N chan.” And at that, she immediately shuts her mouth. If that phrase just came out of Tendou’s mouth of all people, then perhaps she was being just a smidge bit dramatic. Only because Tendou was set on hooking her up with his greek god of a friend.
The call ends after a bit more teasing from Tendou and some more death theats from Y/N that followed. Eventually they decide on a date after considering Ushijima’s training schedule, and it suddenly hits Y/N that it’s actually going to happen. She’s actually going to dinner with one of the finest man she’s ever seen walk the Earth.
“So...” Four pairs of eyes glance around at each other, each seemingly awkward and unfamiliar despite knowing each and everyone there on the table. It was Aki who had decided to take the liberty of breaking the silence, and Y/N silently thanks her friend who’s always been the more extroverted one among the two.
“Wakatoshi-kun, how’s volleyball training?” Aki darts her eyes at the said man, who was busy trying to ignore the awkward stares by stuffing his face with the pork curry in front of him. He coughs, obviously caught off guard, and Tendou is kind enough to pour him a glass of water (albeit he had a shit-eating grin on his face, but it’s the thought that counts).
“Ah, it’s doing well.” Ushijima replies after his mini choking scare. If he did end up choking on that piece of pork, Y/N is certified at performing the heimlich maneuver, but she’s not sure she could handle being that close to him without suddenly freaking out.
Y/N shakes her head in attempt of getting rid of the mental image of her arms wrapped around Ushijima’s torso. His very lean and toned torso. Her eyes wander a below his chest where she’s sure, hiding behind that thick sweater, is a body she’s only ever seen in movies. A testament to his strict training and diet.
“...Y/N? What do you think?” Tendou’s egging her on. She knows he saw her eyeing Ushijima like a piece of man-candy and now he’s making her pay for it. The red haired man is grinning at her, and it took everything in Y/N not to slap that grin off his face from across the table.
“Um...yes...?” It comes out a lot weaker than Y/N had intended it to, and now Tendou’s biting his cheeks to hold in his laughter. Y/N sees Aki elbow his ribs from under the table. Good. The bastard deserves it.
“Oh, so you do think that Wakatoshi-kun’s the most attractive player in the league?” Fuck. If she blurts out ‘no’ right now she’d be offending him. If she blurts out ‘yes’ she’ll be digging her own grave.
“Tendou. She doesn’t have to answer that.” Ushijima’s voice is stern yet indifferent, but good enough to shut Tendou up. Y/N weakly nods her head, a small apology for letting her thoughts wander and creating that awkward situation. He nods back in acknowledgment.
“Wakatoshi-kun, would ‘ya mind walking Y/N back to her apartment? Aki-chan and I here have a long way home and I’m worried about our friend Y/N here since it’s getting late.” There’s the catch. Y/N should have known he had a few tricks up his sleeve.
“No, it’s totally fine! My apartment is only a fifteen minute walk away, and there’s street lights everywhere! You don’t need to-”
“I was already planning on doing that.” Y/N finds herself getting more excited at those words than she should. He truly is a gentleman.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose! I know you’re probably busy with training and stuff.”
“Y/N-san. It’s only a fifteen minute walk away. I think I’ll be fine.” He says with a small smile. Ah. So he’s decided to throw her words right back at her. Clever.
The rest of their dinner goes by smoothly, with Y/N being careful Tendou doesn’t make an ass of her for the rest of the night. She learns more things about Ushijima than before, things like how his dad lives in California, and he tries to visit every once in a while. By the end of the night, Y/N feels herself getting closer to her crush. But then she remembers the dreaded 15 minute walk back to her house.
“Ushijima-san, are you sure about this? I really don’t want to be a bother.” She repeats for the nth time since walking out of the restaurant.
Ushijima offers her another smile and says, “It’s fine, L/N-san. I wouldn’t be comfortable knowing I let you walk home alone in the dark.” And at that Y/N gives it a rest, deciding to walk in silence. It lasts about three minutes, until Ushijima asks in a soft voice,
“Do you find being around me uncomfortable?” It comes out almost vulnerable, pretty ironic considering this tower of a man doesn’t look like the type who’d ask this question. Nontheless, Y/N quickly retorts,
“No! I mean...no, of course not! It’s quite the opposite, actually. I find your presence comforting, like...uh...like a giant teddy bear!” Oh god. She said that out loud. As in she said those words. As in she just called Ushijima Wakatoshi, Schweiden Adlers’ opposite hitter and the National team’s cannon, a giant teddy bear. I want to die. Y/N keeps walking ahead, not noticing that the stupidly handsome man beside her had stopped walking about five steps ago.
Y/N is so focused on mentally kicking herself in the ass that she doesn’t notice the feint small that makes its way to his face. And the laugh that follows takes her by surprise. It’s a nice sound. Y/N’s almost glad she made an ass out of herself in order to hear it.
“That’s...that’s a pretty interesting comparison.” He says once his laughter dies down. Looking back at him, Y/N finds it unfair how the moonlight is hitting his features just right, making him look almost ethereal. This man truly is out of her league. (And she just called him a giant teddy bear, Y/N’s never gonna forget that).
“Sorry, that totally came out wrong.” Y/N’s glad Tendou’s not around. The slimy bastard would never let her live it down. She could almost imagine having to go about her day with Tendou reminding her that this happened. She shudders at the thought. Ushijima notices this.
“Are you cold?” Y/N purses her lips and starts to say no, but is interrupted by him sliding off his jacket. “Here, take this.” He says warmly, closing the five-step gap between them with three long strides.
Y/N finds herself at lost for words as an oversized jacket pools her form, and Ushijima zips up the jacket with gentle hands. His face is even closer now, this much Y/N is hyperactively aware of. She feels a brush creeping up her face and curses herself for being so helpless in this situation. If only Tendou could see her now.
“Thank you, Ushijima-san. You didn’t have to.” He’s looking down at her with an unreadable expression, hands still fixed at her shoulders.
“I’m sorry?”
“Just Wakatoshi is fine.” His face breakes into a smile as the sentence causes blood to shoot up Y/N’s face, her cheeks no doubt redder than a tomato. Cute, he thinks to himself.
“A-ah, then, thank you, Wakatoshi.” She manages to squeak out, though her voice is a bit muffled from her hands covering her face. She feels warm hands grip her wrist, gently pulling her hands away from her face. Y/N is once again made aware of the fact that his face alone could be used as a deadly weapon.
“You can just call me Y/N, too.” She finds herself blurting out. Ushijima, the deadly weapon, decides to go in for the kill. “Alright. So, Y/N, would you like to have dinner with me some other day? Just the two of us this time.”
Y/N pinches herself to make sure she isn’t dreaming, and replies with a hearty grin and a, “Yeah, I’d love that.”
A/N. Another reupload! There was a certain point in time when I was obsessed with Ushiwaka. This is me praying tribute to that. As always, thank you for reading! Please leave a like if you enjoyed it! - chuu
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bts-fantasy · 4 years
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Word count: 3K
„Y/N, how many times are you gonna change your outfit today?“ Your best friend rolled her eyes looking at her phone disinterestedly. You walked out of your wardrobe to present your last and final outfit for the night: a red silk dress. Something you‘d put in the farthest corner of your closet thinking you‘d never bring up enough courage to actually wear it for a night out. Your daring outfit finally caught the attention of your best friend making her jaw drop along with her phone she‘d been holding. Giggling you twirled on your spot to show her the dress.
„What do you thi-“
Before you could even finish your sentence your best friend had already jumped on you screeching at the top of her lungs almost ripping your eardrums apart.
„If Jimin isn‘t all over you tonight, he‘s an idiot!“
You both laughed at her remark but she didn‘t know how your heart jumped at the mere mention of his name. It wasn‘t just a silly crush for you even if you tried to make it look like that. It was way easier to brush it off than to tell her how much you actually liked him.
You both finished getting ready for the party chatting excitedly about the plans for the night. Your best friend had her eyes on someone as well and being the extroverted self she was, you had no doubt that she‘d be able to get what she wanted in no time. You, on the other hand, didn‘t know how to do small talk even if your life depended on it. After so many months since you‘d started to take interest in Jimin, you‘d never been able to get past a „Hi, how are you? I‘m fine, as well, thank you“.
It was just frustrating.
„I wanna get drunk.“
You blurted out once you were on your way to the party. Your best friend‘s mouth fell open once again as she looked over to you. Luckily, the taxi driver wasn‘t able to hear you through the glass window that separated the front seats from the backseat. She put her hand on your bare knee and with a serious expression on her face she turned to face you.
„Are you sure about that? You‘re not really the type to-“ You cut her off by nodding your head with a smile determinedly. You wanted to try it at least once thinking maybe it could help you to let loose and be more talkative. She let it go even though the concern was written all over her face. As long as she was by your side you knew she wouldn‘t let it end in a disaster.
Oh, how wrong you were.
The party was already in full swing by the time you arrived. Music blasting out of the speakers, people dancing, catching up, and just having a great time.
Without putting much thought into it you took the first cup you got offered and downed it in one go.
„Oh my god, Y/N! Are you crazy?!“ You heard your best friend cry out next to you but you were preoccupied with the burning sensation in your chest. It was unfamiliar and didn’t even taste that good yet it left you wanting more just to feel that sensation again.
„You can‘t just down it like it‘s water, Y/N!“ You couldn‘t help but giggle at the incredulous look on her face as you took another cup from the table next to you and repeated the action before she could stop you.
„Geez, what am I gonna do with you?“ She shook her head in disbelief while the liquor started to get to you. You felt incredible as the burning feeling faded away and your heart rate increased.
Looking around the room you finally spotted Jimin standing in a corner with his friends fully immersed in a conversation and you took a deep breath before heading in his direction.
„Y/N, wait-“
Your best friend‘s voice got drowned by the loud music as you confidently strode towards the guy you liked. His bright red shirt and jet black hair were impossible to miss in the crowd and you felt your heartbeat increase rapidly with each step you got closer to him.
It felt like an eternity until you finally caught his attention and he looked over to you as you moved closer to him. His eyes scanned you from head to toe a sly smirk appearing on his lips before he excused himself and left his group to get to you.
„Wow, Y/N... you look incredible.“
His low voice was loud enough for you to hear over the noise. He stopped right in front of you looking down at you with a smile. You could only see the lights dancing in his beautiful eyes while he ran his hand through his hair. Now that you were in front of him you somehow didn‘t know what you‘d had in mind this whole time.
What did you want exactly?
However, before you could say anything Jimin offered you a hand much to your surprise.
„You wanna dance?“
He took your perplexed look as approval and confidently pulled you towards the center of the dancefloor.
Dancing with Jimin felt like a fairytale. It was magical how smoothly he moved you across the dance floor as if you were floating in the air. It felt surreal to be so close to him with his cologne clouding your mind more than the liquor that you‘d drank just a few minutes ago. It was intoxicating your senses completely pulling you into his spell. He didn’t say a word but had his eyes on you the whole time, smiling playfully hands firmly placed on your waist and the other one occasionally pushing a strand of your hair away from your face or softly running along your bare arms. You couldn‘t believe it. You couldn‘t believe how good it felt to be in his arms.
The music, his arms around you, and his smile. Nothing else existed in your world for a while as you moved to the beat.
„Do you want a drink?“ Jimin leaned down so you could hear him clearly and you felt a shiver run down your spine when you felt his soft lips brush your ear. You nodded without hesitation and let him guide you towards the bar fighting your way through the crowd. He handed you the cup and you took a sip almost spitting it out again taken aback by the strong liquor. Jimin only laughed watching your reaction and leaned down to you again with a smirk.
„It‘s my favorite.“ He winked urging you to finish up your cup and you did as you were told because who would be able to say ‚no‘ to those eyes?
„I‘ll be right back, Y/N. Wait here.“ You looked up at him as he stared into the crowd and walked away leaving you behind.
It didn‘t take long for you to realize that you‘d overestimated yourself regarding your tolerance level. As you tried to find the exit to get some fresh air you felt the whole room spin and shake around you causing you to stumble over your own two feet. However, before you could lose your balance and fall on your face you felt a firm grip around your waist.
„Thanks... Jimin.“ You slurred trying to focus on him but you could only make out the fine outlines of his handsome face. He led you outside without saying another word and you were grateful because who knows what nonsense you‘d babble in the state you were in. The cold air outside was a blessing on your hot skin and you felt like you were finally able to breathe properly. Looking up at Jimin one last time you smiled before it all turned pitch black.
You woke up the next day in your bed with a heavy headache and a nasty stomachache. You had no idea how you got home and into your bed. Looking down at yourself you realized that you were still wearing the red silk dress from the night before and that‘s when it hit you. Jimin‘s blurry face and how he helped you outside. He must‘ve gotten you back home safely even though you didn‘t remember ever telling him your exact address. Without losing another second you reached out to your nightstand where you usually put your phone and almost knocked over the glass of water standing there. That‘s when your eyes finally landed on the little pill and the handwritten note stuck underneath the glass.
Take this to get rid of your hangover.
The note instantly made you feel warm inside as your mind wandered back to the previous night and his arms around you. With a smile, you picked up your phone ready to text him when the second realization of the day hit you.
You forgot to ask for his number.
You facepalmed yourself unlocking your phone only to find several missed calls and messages from your best friend. You‘d completely forgotten that she probably had no idea where you‘d been the whole night so you decided to call her back bracing yourself to get a lecture from her.
„Hey...“ You spoke hesitantly once you heard your best friend on the other line.
„I hope you slept well, Y/N. How‘s the hangover?“
„Ugh... don‘t even start. I‘m so sorry that I left without telling you. You must‘ve been so worried.“
„Oh no, it‘s fine. Taehyung informed me that you got home safely.“
You knew that Taehyung was Jimin‘s best friend but you couldn‘t remember ever seeing him at the party last night. Either way, you were just relieved that your best friend had been informed about your whereabouts and didn‘t have to worry about you.
You ended the call trying to figure out a way to contact Jimin so you could thank him for his help.
After a while, you figured the best way to see him was to attend your college’s football game later that day. He was the captain of the team after all so you knew he‘d definitely be there.
You entered the sports ground in the evening looking around for Jimin in the crowd. The arena was packed with students making it hard for you to get past them to the field. Finally, you spotted a black-haired guy on the side of the field with his back facing you and you picked up your pace to get to him before the game started. Once you reached him you tapped on his shoulder to get his attention heart beating fast in your chest as he turned around and smiled at you.
„Hey!“ His smile widened turning his eyes into little crescents giving you a hard time concentrating on what you were there for.
„Uhm... I just wanted to thank you for taking care of me yesterday.“
Jimin stopped for a moment looking at you in confusion.
„Oh... uhm... you‘re welcome.“ His hesitation only made him look even more adorable to you and you suppressed the urge to lean forward and peck his cheek.
„Jimin! What are you doing over there?“ His teammates called for him so you quickly wished him good luck on the game before you walked back to the stands.
„Y/N, wait!“ You heard him shout from behind stopping in front of you when you turned around. „You wanna hang out after the game?“ Your heart nearly jumped out of your throat as he waited for your response with his teammates still yelling his name behind him. You nodded smiling up at him which he returned and quickly jogged back to his team.
Throughout the entire game, you weren‘t able to focus as your mind kept wandering back to Jimin‘s words and you waited with anticipation nervously tapping your fingers on your knees. However, your eyes automatically followed Jimin running across the field the whole time cheering loudly every time they scored. It was clear as day that Jimin‘s team would win and when they finally picked up the trophy everyone cheered as loud as they could.
Little by little the stands emptied themselves and you were soon strolling around the playfield on your own waiting for Jimin. It was already dark so you decided to head towards the locker room to look for him. You could hear the boys talking loudly in the changing room which made you stop at the door to wait for him outside.
„You killed it tonight, Jimin!“ You could hear one guy shout drowning out the other voices. He was indeed a good player, you thought to yourself. He definitely earned his position on the football team. „Who was that chick you were talking to before the game?“ Another guy spoke piquing your interest automatically pulling you closer to the door. „Is she your trophy for tonight‘s win? You were awfully confident about winning tonight. You usually ask them after the game.“
„She’s hot. I didn’t want to miss the chance if you know what I mean.“ You heard Jimin answer and the boys broke out in laughter but you on the other hand were left confused standing outside by yourself.
What did they mean? Trophy for tonight‘s win?
You knew how it sounded but you weren‘t ready to believe it. It was Jimin. The guy who took you home and even wrote a little note for you with a cure to help with your hangover. He was thoughtful, sweet, and whenever he smiled it just made you forget the whole world. He was a good guy.
Wasn‘t he?
Your heart was beating fast as your mind was racing back and forth with all kinds of accusations and excuses. You were so immersed in your own thoughts that you literally jumped when the door slammed shut right behind you. Turning around you saw an enraged Taehyung clutching onto his sports bag so tightly that his knuckles turned white, water still dripping down from his hair strands. His eyes got wide when he spotted you but they softened just as fast as he approached you slowly.
„What are you doing here?“
He asked softly as if he was afraid he might scare you away. You were lost not knowing what to answer or what to do next. You didn‘t know if you should wait for Jimin or go back home by yourself.
Taehyung seemed to understand what happened an apologetic smile tugging at his lips before he shot a glare back to the closed door where the noises of the boys could still be heard.
„Come on. I don‘t think you should wait for him.“
You sighed deeply but you had to admit that he was right. There were no excuses because you knew exactly what you‘d heard. Jimin only saw you as a trophy to celebrate his victory probably just waiting for you to undress. The thought alone made you sick to your stomach. Letting your head hang low you followed Taehyung and walked beside him quietly.
The walk was silent while you kept going back to the moment with Jimin on the dancefloor where he‘d smiled so innocently. You wondered how you‘d let yourself be deceived like that.
„Did you sleep well?“ Taehyung finally broke the silence and interrupted your never-ending train of thoughts.
„Oh yes, I did. Thank you for informing my best friend that I‘d gotten home safely.“
He smiled again looking down at you. You couldn‘t remember ever talking to him but he seemed really nice. He radiated calm energy which made you feel at peace even in the midst of chaos.
„Of course.“
Silence engulfed you once again but before you could come up with a new topic you‘d already reached your destination: your apartment block. You had been so up in your head that you hadn‘t even realized how he‘d walked you all the way to your apartment.
„Do you live here as well?“ You asked raising your brows to which Taehyung only laughed shaking his head. His deep voice sounded soothing, especially in the quiet night hours.
„Then how did you know where I lived?“ The look on his face suddenly turned serious while he stared right into your eyes as if he was searching for something. Your breath hitched in your throat by the sudden intensity but you remained calm trying to figure it out.
„You really think it was him, don‘t you?“
„Huh?“ You were genuinely confused but Taehyung cut you off again.
„Forget it. It‘s late and I have to go back to get my car, I‘ll see you around Y/N.“
You were too perplexed to even say a word as he rummaged around in his bag to get a little piece of paper and scribbled something down.
„Here‘s my number. Text me when you got to your apartment safely.“
He just handed you the little note and walked away after wishing you a good night. You watched him disappear before looking down at the note in your hand and the number written on it. His name was written right underneath but before you could put in your pocket you stopped taking a closer look at his name. At that moment the realization hit you like a truck.
It was the same handwriting as the note on your nightstand and now you understood how he knew your address, he must‘ve gotten the information from your best friend when you passed out at the party. Before you could think about how stupid you‘d been this whole time thinking it was Jimin who took care of you, you ran after him.
„Taehyung! Wait!“
You screamed at the top of your lungs not caring about the sleeping neighbors around you. Finally and out of breath, you reached Taehyung who had a concerned look on his face as you hugged him tightly.
„I‘m so sorry, I should‘ve known it was you but I was convinced it was Jimin this whole time but it wasn‘t and I know that‘s very stupid of me because I can‘t even remember what happened last night and-“
Before you could continue making a complete fool out of yourself Taehyung pulled you into a tight hug resting his chin on top of your head.
„Took you long enough, Y/N. Yes, I was the one who took you home yesterday.“ He laughed stroking your hair with one hand. The silence returned and you both stood there for a while relishing the strangely beautiful moment. When he finally pulled back there was a new glow in his eyes which made him appear even more handsome than he already was. Taehyung took his time to look into your eyes and you couldn‘t help the way your heart jumped inside of your chest. You couldn‘t believe how fixated you‘d been on Jimin to the point where it had completely clouded your mind but you were relieved that you found out the truth in the end. And he was standing right in front of you.
„Thank you, Taehyung. I owe you one.“ You grinned looking up at him standing underneath the street lamp with his damp hair shimmering in the light. A fond smile spread on his face before he calmly replied.
„Then let me ask you out on a coffee date.“
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! It took me a while to finish this but I was really excited to post this. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did while writing it!✨💜
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oceanaestheticangel · 4 years
Obey Me! OC (Kind of?)
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(I’ve had this fella ever since I was four years old and I’ve patched him up over the years. He’s now my MC in Obey Me! and I’m glad because I don’t think Obey Me! has a lot of fans where their MCs are male. THIS ART PIECE IS MY OWN.)
Name: Renamaki Tsuriji
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Indian-Japanese
Class: Angel
Birthday: February 25th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Sexuality: Pansexual
Love Interest: Asmodeus
Personality: Fun to be around, a comedian at best, a slight prankster, easily sociable, rarely ever gets angry, absolutely a chaotic angel, sweet and kind when he needs to be
Likes: Chocolate milk, fuzzy socks (who the hell hates fuzzy socks?), ocean, seashells, worms on string, sweaters, horror genre, axolotls, geometry, games
Dislikes: Extremely selfish people, hypocrites, ladybugs (has an intense fear of ladybugs), easily angered people, history in general
Habits: Eating flour straight from bags
Renamaki Tsuriji is your happy angel raised in the Celestial Realm under the archangel Michael. He arrived in the Devildom as an exchange student, even though he technically wasn’t supposed to be there. He’s a jokester who spews out jokes like he’s a machine, and loves loves pranks. He’s also really soft and sweet whenever he’s there to give advice (which isn’t much, he’s not really an advice giver).
~When he arrived, he got off on the wrong foot with Lucifer, due to him absolutely going nuts. And I mean absolutely nuts- joking at the first born when ordered around, not taking everything that seriously, running off to find people to socialize with, eating flour straight from the bags- you name it, this angel did it. Even now Lucifer is still pissy with him because of his crazy attitude, and often punishments make Renamaki try to push his buttons even further by continuing to disobey. I’m pretty sure Lucifer had multiple heart attacks trying to deal with the angel.~
- “What in the hell are you doing now, Renamaki?!”
- “I wanna become a sock!”
~Due to his extroverted contagious crazed personality, he became partners in crime with Mammon. They almost hit it off instantly, and you can expect that whenever Mammon is up to something, Renamaki is right by his side. However, it’s worth mentioning that the angel loves the horror genre despite being crazy with a hint of softness, and he loves watching horror movies or playing horror games with Mammon just so he can hear the demon scream loudly and wake everybody up in the House of Lamentation late at night.~
- “Hey, uh, Mammon?”
- “Yea?”
- “You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?”
- “Yeaaaah, let’s try to get a picture of Luci sleepin!”
~Renamaki was rather indifferent towards Leviathan at first, simply because they were both on opposite ends of the socializing spectrum- with the angel being extremely extroverted and the Avatar of Envy being introverted. However, this all changed when he watched the TSL series, and the demon inviting him to play games. Being a gamer himself, he got along well with Levi, and to this day they are actually gaming buddies. Renamaki’s cheerful and humorous personality sometimes makes him come out of his shell, which is a good thing unless if he’s on his side dying of laughter.~
- “You may be a gamer, but you’re still a normie.”
- “I may be a normie, but this boi ‘bout to slam our car into a river!”
- “W-What are you doing?!”
~Like Lucifer, Renamaki didn’t get along at all with Satan. The angel doesn’t like anything to do with history or any kind of reading as he prefers mathematics, which pretty much solidifies their split. It also adds to their rivalry when Satan discovers Renamaki doesn’t even bother with people who are quickly angered, and he keeps his distance from the angel. However, they do make some interaction since the demon wishes to know all about the Celestial Realm where Renamaki came from, as he had never been there himself.~
- “So, is it true that there are hierarchies of angels in the Celestial Realm?”
- “Bro, why does the sea smell like the sea?”
- “You’re not answering my question, fool!”
- “Well, neither are you!”
~Oh boy, this angel is head over heels for Asmodeus, the Avatar of Lust. They also hit it off almost instantly due to their extroverted personalities. He always loves to crack him up with never ending jokes, and grew a liking towards makeup despite never having really liked it before. Asmodeus takes him out shopping to Majolish almost every single day, along with constantly going to spas, but Renamaki doesn’t mind at all! It’s also worth noting that the angel always had a thing for flirtatious people, as flirts and compliments easily flusters him.~
- “Honey, come here you little cutie pie! I just gotta apply this blush!”
- “Oh, I know a better way to tickle you~.”
- “lord forgive me for I am about to sin”
~He was also sort of indifferent towards Beelzebub at first, as he thought the gluttonous demon was just serious all the time. However, once he learned that he cared for his family, Renamaki started treating the demon like he was his own son. It turns out that the angel is in the class of guardian angels, the lowest class of the angel hierarchy. Even though Beel is a bit confused as to why he’s treated like a baby, he doesn’t mind usually. It’s also good to know that Renamaki has stopped eating flour straight from the fucking bag at this point (hooray!).~
- “Hm, you’ve finally stopped eating flour from the bag.”
- “...”
~Renamaki is... not really on good terms with Belphegor, which is understandable. They’re on the opposite ends of the social spectrum, with almost completely different viewpoints and likes/dislikes, and of course that murdering thing. Almost. They both love to prank people, and Belphie found the angel amazing simply because the little flour-eating sucker defies Lucifer and gives him migraines constantly.~
- “What is it now? I told you not to bother me when I’m sleeping.”
- “Lucifer is gonna decapitate his own head because I’ve decided to litter his room with toilet paper and eggs.”
~You bet your ass the angel is on great terms with Diavolo! Seriously, Renamaki kind of looks up to Diavolo as the great master of chaos, and it always makes him absolutely delighted when the demon king is clapping at his schemes while poor old Luci is ripping out his hair from his scalp. If not for Asmodeus, Renamaki would’ve probably fallen in love with Diavolo. Just saying. :)~
- “I can watch Shrek in 15 seconds.”
- “Really? How?”
- “Allow me!”
~He also looks up to Solomon, another worthy being of chaos. If he wasn’t partners in crime with Mammon, he would’ve been partners in crime with the sorcerer. They would’ve been carrying out so much chaos that probably the Devildom itself would’ve collapsed into a vortex. Let’s be grateful that he’s partners in crime with Mammon.~
- “Punk ass bitch.”
- “Mop flavoured lollipop.”
- “What?”
- “What?”
~Renamaki sort of admires Simeon, and he’s known him from the Celestial Realm. These two would be talking about their memories from their home realm, and how they miss it. If anything, he goes to Simeon for advice the most, because he’s a bit more comfortable asking for advice from a fellow angel around his age.~
- “Hey, Simeon! I got a question for you!”
- “Go ahead, ask!”
- “What happens if I stand on top of a fridge to establish my dominance over Lucifer?”
- “...”
~Ultra protection mode for Luke. He adores the chihuahua and wants to protect him from the harsh world. He also recognizes the little angel from the Celestial Realm, and boy does the kid’s face light up when he notices Renamaki. The guardian angel has now two sons- Beelzebub and Luke. Oh, and the chihuahua angel is most likely scolding Renamaki because he eats flour from bags all the time.~
- “Simeeeoooon, Renamaki is eating flour again!”
- “That doesn’t make it any better!”
~Honestly, let’s hope Renamaki doesn’t get really acquainted with Barbatos. You wanna know why?~
- “Head, hands, knees, and barba-toes.”
- “what”
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fatalerror404666 · 4 years
I guess, I am not the one person who love to compare myself with characters. And that's happening always! I just see the character and "O MY GOSH!! HE IS CLOSE TO ME!!! IF I WANT I CAN RP USING HIN OR COSPLAYING HIM!!! HE IS AWESOME!!"
So, now I want to talk with that whole situation with me in rise of tmnt.
I really love all of them!! All characters is unique and so interesting!!
But I want to talk about my fav most close to myself chatacters. The disaster twins. I know all fandom really love Donnie or Leo the most (I know everyone like the others too! Don't judge me, I just have this oppinion throw analysing so much blogs!).
So, disaster twin. I just found out, that I am kinda if Donnie would be more easy-going and full of jokes like Leo. I am a science nerd. I always like to talk about science, showing that it is explains all! And my brother is argueing with me that my, as Donnie says, sweet-sweet science isn't explain everything. And some of my relatives want to show it too me. I can say, that sometimes I can't understand them and this makes me so sad. Science is like an art! It shows you how everything is going! Just imagine that all that happened in our brain can be writteh by differential equation! Or that all our feelings is chemical reactions! Or that all that happened inside us is included biology, chemistry and my loveable phisics! I am going crazy when it's about science! And I have so much thoughts what to do in many ways! The science is something amazing and horryfing at once! It's just blow my mind! Ah!
Uhm... I must stop there, 'cause I can talk about science for toi much time.
Not talking about science, I am grumpy and.. just not really shows my emotions to family. So, yeah, similar to Donnie. And overthinking. Yeah. That thing is always with me and I am.. um.. try to fight this. Oh! And feeling that if I am not enough smart that I am a disappointed to my family. But right now I know that's not true.
What about Leo things in me. I am a jokester. I really love those stupid onelines like Leo does! Who I am kidding I am doing this everyday and sometimes my family don't like them. Besides, I love to jokes on my siblings and it's all get's to the point when I am the one who laughing.
You know I am an introvert in it's normal point. Introverts is basicly people who CAN talk to others! They can be funny, joyful, energetic! But at some time they just need some free space and quiet time with none but themselves. And that time is really important to have an energy again to talk or do some anything or interact with people like all does. Extroverts just get this energy by talking to the people. And that is the differense bitween extrovert and introvert: they just get the energy in different ways! And I really don't like when the guys are just pretending to be introverts, because "Oh, I cAn'T tAlK tO pEoPlE 'cAuSe I aM iNtRoVeRt"
No! That's not about it you, dramatic teen! Introverts can talk to people and be really easy-going!
Uhm.... Again I am out of context... It's difficult to me to talk about one thing and not going to talk about another. So, I am an introvert. And I need my free space and quiet, like Donnie does. But I can interact with people like Leo did! Funny guy, who just break in and start talks
So... Um... I forgot why I am writting this.....
Confused emoji
But, just the explanation why I draw disaster twins the most. 'Cause I really understand their personality and love their interacting with each other.
So... Who are you the most, going on your personality, from rise of tmnt?
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soulssung · 3 years
Hello love! I hope it's okay that I am on anon! This is so fun that you are doing this!!! Ahh here we go:
about me: I am 21 years old, a scorpio, an infp, and an extroverted introvert!!! I love to ski, spend time in the outdoors, bake, and paint. I have been studying japanese for about 3 years now, and I was supposed to go to Japan for school next fall, but it was cancelled, so now I am going to France instead. (And I will be learning french too!) Also some weird random things I love: frogs, sparkly snow, the moon & stars, and hedges.
here is how I would describe my aesthetic:
dancing alone in the dark | not being able to decide between coffee and tea | lingering scents of jasmine | frozen eyelashes | missing someone but you’re not sure who | the silence of a snowy night | city lights shifting through a car as you drive | the sound of a distant train | soft pets on a small dog’s head | white sheets | talking to your soulmate even though you haven’t met them | dainty gold rings | always carrying a book but never reading it
(sorry that's the best way I know how to describe my aesthetic because I don't know if it actually has a name.)
And also you should know I am like, the biggest fan of your fics! Please keep them coming!!! Also I adored the lighthouse!!! Are you planning to write a part II?
Thanks again for doing this. It's literally SO FUn and I cannot wait to see what you say!!
ok so first off, you're SO cool like omg i want to be like you when i grow up lol. ty for liking my works and specially the lighthouse!! i worked really hard on it and it makes me really happy to know you liked it, and yes!! is actually a small series (let's just ignore the fact that i forgot to upload the masterlist hehe) and it's totally ok to be on anon, we pretty much appreciate anons in this household 😌 but now let's go
i ship you with... hyunjin
i don't think i can really put into words how much he's in love with you
he thinks you're the most endearing creature in this world and don't know how he got this lucky
you have a classic and elegant aura that just drives him crazy
whenever he thinks he know you enough boom! he discovers something new about you
he would love to see you speaking all kinds of different languages, and maybe even start learning them with you
doesn't even get jealous that kkami likes you better
in fact he understands completely
you guys would have the most aesthetic dates ever
buys you all types of little gifts
some of it tiny and shine, if you know what i mean
also! don't be surprised if one day you arrive at home and every single corner is filled with flowers
or to find little love notes inside the books your reading
for dates...
hyunjin is a really romantic guy, and he always try to show you how much you meant for him. this time, he took you up for a picnic on the highest point of the city, where you can watch all the lights from down there. it's still early on the evening when you first arrived, and you watch the sun gets down on the horizon, with hyunjin holding you in his arms. he then set up the things for your picnic, he even prepared candles and wine (if you drink)!!! you end up talking about everything and nothing, your head resting on hyunjin's shoulder as you watch the city in front of you
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Hi Charity! I'm getting increasingly confused about introversion/extroversion. You mentioned that in order for your Ne to be satisfied you must be constantly learning and creating. What is the difference between Ne learning to create and Si learning about its niche interests? How do we tell the difference between introverted and extroverted functions since our inner world and the outer world impact each other so closely? Also would high Fe or Te make introverts less likely to "fall off the map?"
Si/Ne: becomes an expert on knitting, ww2 history, etc. They pick one thing that strikes a chord in them and become so knowledgeable about that, eventually people start turning to them as an authority in their given field. Example, I know an ISFJ so crazy about westerns that she lives, breathes, writes, and watches westerns and is the go-to if you have any questions about any of it.
Ne/Si: first I was into journalism in WWII, then I was into costume designing, then I dabbled in Pre Code movies and found out stuff about that, then I got obsessed with the TITANIC (ship, movie, every other movie), then studied the American Revolution.... During the quarantine, I’ve spent a week obsessed with the Tudors, a couple of weeks reading HP books fanatically, and now I’m only watching Basil Rathbone movies. Each thing captivates me for a short time and then one day I wake up disinterested in it. You see the difference? ;)
SJs become very knowledgeable in certain areas (another example: my mother the decluttering queen) whereas NPs are “readers of all, masters of none.” I know so much random, disconnected, interesting information just because I spent an hour, or a week, or a month obsessive about it, from mummified cats to Alfred Hitchcock stalking his leading ladies. This makes me fun at parties because I can usually throw out some random, interesting comment about whatever people are talking about (because most of the time, I HAVE read something about it) and that makes them think me incredibly well-read. They just don’t realize I forgot 98% of whatever else I read about it. ;)
Introversion vs. extroversion can be tricky, which is why I prefer to go by types rather than E/I preferences and if people ask me, I just tell them what I think their type is, because they often have misconceptions about extroversion. My ultra-talkative, go-getter father who is an opportunistic businessman and is constantly following his whims before thinking things through and who was ‘at my most depressed’ when he was totally alone in life... swears up and down that he is an introvert because “sometimes” he can lay around all day and stare at the ceiling and think for a few hours. He also insists I am far more extroverted than he is, yet he can marathon-talk for hours. ;)
Regarding disappearing... I am wondering if that’s a thing 9s do, because a lot of the introverts with 9 disappear a lot, much to the frustration of others in their friendship group. Probably they get distracted or lack the energy to respond or get busy doing some small thing that attracts them and everything else falls by the wayside. The only one I know who doesn’t do that is a social 9, and she loves getting e-mails so much, she writes them every day.
- ENFP Mod
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exosmutfactory · 5 years
For (Your) Entertainment
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❥ Fuckk it’s 1am, I’m feeling hot all over and this damn smut is finally done but I;M FEELING ATTACKED
— Pairing: You & Baekhyun
— Genre/AU: smut,
— Word Count: 3k
— Rating: 18+ (M)
— [ Contains: The use of toys (and a bonus of blindfolds&ties coz why the fuck not) ]
❥ Let’s go
ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥
You hate to admit how easy it was for your friend to convince you to come out here tonight. A new club-club being the codename for what this place actually entails-has opened up on a quiet corner of your town. And her being ever the extrovert, she was quick to catch a whiff of the news. Seriously, it just flipped its entrance sign 2 days ago and she’s already tugging you over the threshold by the arm.
“Come on! We need to get good seats.”
Rolling your eyes you speed up the pace of your low-heeled clad feet. You being 167cm without any aid of heels being the perfect excuse for the black, 3-inch lifesavers.
The interior of the building switches from the pink neon sign packed entryway to a red velvet coated open area. The dim lights and sensual music alone has a shiver going down your spine.
Your friend smirks at you, “Nice right?” You nod and her smirk widens, “Things are just getting started.”
After a quick trip to the bar for a matching pair of explicitly-named drinks, you are led to a sitting area in front of a stage. Your eyes roam around as you take a seat on a comfortable red chair; noting how the stage reminds you of the one you’ve seen often in your favorite movie.
“Seems like they took inspiration from Burlesque,” You mumble.
Your friend–of course–with her super hearing catches your words, “Oh trust me.” She purrs crossing her legs with a lazily stir of her drink, “This is much better.”
You hum noncommittally, taking small sips of your own fruity beverage just as the lights dim further. Soon others join you; some taking the leftover front row seats (how your friend scored them, you don’t even want to know) while a rowdy bunch sits directly behind you. Seeming to enjoy talking loud directly in your ear until a tall man walks out on stage.
“Good evening everyone.” He greets grinning when the crowd swoons in response. You won’t deny that he’s handsome with his beautiful bronze skin and confident posture. His constant flirting with the crowd is a little much for your tastes though. You catch your friend watching him without blinking.
“Hey,” You whisper nudging her, “Careful. You’re drooling.”
“What!?” She yelps carefully dabbing at the corners of her red lips.
“Kidding!” You laugh loudly. Luckily the lights dim again before she can retaliate.
But oh is karma prepared to make you take back your words.
Another tall man walks out on stage; adoring a black near see-through shirt and tight leather pants with pearls lining from his hips to the inside of his matching boots. But that isn’t what catches your attention the most. No. It’s the sexily disheveled black hair dangling into piercing brown eyes. Dark orbs seemingly focused in your direction.
You curl your hand tight around your glass. And as the performance begins, you wish you had another three with you.
Slow rhythmic, booming bass fills the air; the aura in the room switching from curiosity and excited chatters to barely concealed gasps and hushed whispers.
You’d join in if your own mouth wasn’t running dry; eyes not wavering for a moment from his body. His every movement drowning you farther into the art of his seduction. He runs his hand over his body in the most hypnotizing of ways, maintaining eye contact with a few lucky women in the crowd. Until his eyes land on yours as he gets on the floor; grinding against the cane as if he was made for it.
You don’t even try to conceal your shock; it is written all over your face as he throws you a little smirk, turning around with the cane across his back just to roll his body in the most sinful of ways. And when you think he will be merciful once he gets off that floor, he’s confidently rolling his body in your direction; cupping his hand behind his ear as the room fills with more screams. Sounds you can barely hear over the racing of your heart and the vibrations of the music under your feet.
When the performance is nearing the end he struts over to the front of the stage; directing an aggressive two-finger kiss in your direction. One last devilish smirk is thrown your way before he’s exiting the stage.
“Well?” Your friend inquires turning to you.
You end up crossing your own legs as the lights come on; clearing your throat before downing the rest of your drink. “That was…” Hot. Sexy. Way too intense. “Good.” You settle on; glad that you decided to wear shorts under your wine skater dress tonight.
“Good?” She scoffs, “Yeah right. I saw how you were looking at him. And how he was eyeing you.” She smirks nudging me. “Think you were his favorite?”
“S-Shut up.” You near whine concealing your face with your long wavy hair.
“Fine fine.” She chuckles raising her hand to ruffle your hair before uncharacteristically pausing. Before you can ask what’s wrong she’s whispering, “Don’t look now but I think your dancer is coming this way.”
Giving her a panicked look you part your lips, “Wha-”
“Excuse me.” A warm, deep voice reaches your ears.
You take a deep breath, sharing one more look with your friend before looking over your shoulder.
It is, in fact, the very same man who displayed a hypnotizing performance mere minutes ago. Still in his all-black outfit with his hair just the tiniest bit damp and tousled as if hastily rubbed by a towel. The shine of sweat on his chest caught by the lightning with every breath he takes.
Hot. You can’t help thinking again, quickly reeling yourself back in, “Yes?” You inquire politely.
“May I have a bit of your time?” His eyes stay on yours; a flicker of something dark in his orbs until he blinks again.
“Oh um,” You could damn near die of nerves at that moment, looking to your friend for help, “Actually-”
“Oh! I forgot,” She exclaims; rummaging through her purse. “I am supposed to meet up with Sandra after this. You don’t mind if I leave right, love?” Her mischievous eyes land on you.
It takes everything in you not to simultaneously gape at her and wring her neck. “Um…” You hesitate, feeling a little fearful when she gives you a warning look. “No, that’s alright.” You reply in a high voice.
She smiles, “Good!” Taking her phone out she taps on it a few times before pressing it to her ear; standing up. “I’ll leave you to it then, have a good night!” With a wink she’s headed off towards the entrance, quickly getting lost in the crowd.
With a gulp, you turn back to the stunning man before you; patiently waiting on an answer, “Y-Yes.” You smile, “Sure.” Your eyes fall on the beautiful hand he holds out to you.
“May I take you somewhere?” He quirks a delicate brow, “I’d like to show you something a bit too…private out here.”
Oh. You gulp. That’s why she brought me here. Your heart races even more as he keeps his dark brown eyes steady on you; feeling a blush crawl up the back of your neck as his intentions set in. “Yes.” You breathe, placing your palm in his warm one.
He smiles stepping back, waiting on you to stand before leading you further into the club. “Oh,” He pauses, silently calling for your eyes to meet his as you stop taking in the velvety walls of the building. “I’m Baekhyun.” He says with the sweetest eye smile, a big contrast with his sexy appearance that does nothing but makes you flush further as you quietly utter your own name.
“Well then,” Your name rolls off his tongue is the prettiest way as he leans down to kiss the back of your hand; sending a jolt down your body when his eyes meet yours as he firmly sucks. “Pleasure to meet you.”
If he doesn’t stop being so sensual you are going to be a puddle on this damn floor before you even reach your destination.
Thankfully the raven whisks you even further into the place; hand securely holding onto yours as you venture down relatively dark hallways. After a few twists and turns, you start to wonder why the hell this club is so damn big until a barely audible but completely recognizable noise reaches your sensitive ears.
Baekhyun looks over his shoulder to check up on you; smiling apologetically at your flustered state even as amusement shines in his eyes, “Sorry bout that.”
Before you can reply, a certain red door at the end of the hallway catches your eye. It differentiates from all the black ones lined up to the left and right. You can’t help but gulp as Baekhyun leads you right to it; fishing a key out of his pocket.
“Pardon me if I’m rude,” He starts as he opens the door; holding it for you as you meekly cross the threshold, “But is this your first time?”
Too busy analyzing the dimly lit room covered in various shades of deep maroons and pitch-black furniture, you turn back to him with red cheeks, “No.”
Baekhyun walks over to you. “Then there must be something,” Gently grabbing your hand he starts kissing from your wrist to your shoulder; thoroughly leaving little sucks and swirls of his tongue over your heated skin that leave you trembling in need, “You haven’t done before?”
Taking a deep shaky breath you nod a little, wanting to slap yourself for how hot his kisses just made you. Since when did a man make you want to drop to your knees so damn much?? In a new club your friend just left you in?? Either you’re that crazy or that desperate.
Noticing the conflict in your eyes, Baekhyun smiles in a reassuring manner, “Tell me about it?”
With another deep breath, you agree; excitement running through your veins as he reaches back to lock the door; keeping his eyes on you while biting down on that tempting bottom lip of his, “Bed?”
Instead of a verbal response, you give in to your instincts; grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and smashing your lips to his. Thankfully Baekhyun is quick to return the gesture; expertly sucking and licking the seam of your lips as he walks you back to the bed. The moment your knees hit it, you carefully crawl back on the bed, Baekhyun following your lead until you reach the headboard.
Pulling back, Baekhyun rubs his cool hands up your heated legs; making you shiver as he parts your thighs. His eyes run over your form before they meet yours, “What do you want?” He leans down, nibbling on your ear and pulling a moan from you as he lightly brushes his hand over your inner thigh, “What’s your fantasy?”
“I…” Already feeling breathless at his teasing touches, you try your hardest to remember the thing you’ve been the most curious about for a while. Something that, arguably, is the most flustering yet arousing thing you could think of, “I’ve never used…toys before.”
Baekhyun pulls back with a look of surprise, “Never? Not even a vibrator?” A glint twinkles in his eyes as you shake his head; his lick of lips and another breathtaking kiss shooting another wave of heat between your legs.
“Stay here,” He demands before climbing off the bed.
You keep your gaze pointed towards the ceiling, asking yourself if you’re ready to experience this. Are you ready to melt at the hands of a very capable stranger?
Fuck yes you are.
You jolt a little as Baekhyun makes his way back onto the bed; eyeing the tie and blindfold in his hand and an average-sized red box at the foot of the bed. He runs a hand through his hair as he hovers over you again; meeting your eyes as he asks softly, “Do you trust me?”
Once again glancing at the items in his hand, you utter a quiet, “Yes,” Before he’s putting his lips back on yours.
Baekhyun takes his time in undressing you both; pulling off your dress that doesn’t allow a bra and unbuttoning his shirt at an appetizing but unbreakable pace with the building ache between your legs. You gasp a little at the sudden touch on your clothed folds, looking at him as he hums in approval.
“You’re soaked,” He mumbles with a smile, slowly pulling your last article of clothing down your legs. You can probably guess the sight he has when he parts your needy thighs, rubbing his thumbs on your hips as you drip even more at his stare.
Humming again his eyes meet yours, “May I?” He asks just as he’s rubbing his fingers over your drenched folds. Honestly, what does he think your answer will be? You can’t think straight with his touch so close yet so far to where you need it the most.
“Yes,” You breathe for what feels like the hundredth time tonight, laying still for him as he gently ties your wrists to the headboard and wraps the blindfold around you. The loss of both senses heightens the ones that you have left. And when his lips are suddenly wrapping around your nipple, you can do nothing but moan; arching into his touch and crying out when he bites down. Baekhyun hums deeply, soothing it with gentle licks that have your eyes rolling back; your back arching even more as his wet fingers play with the other one.
You jump a bit at the sudden buzz in the air, wondering what it is for a fleeting moment until vibrations are pressed against your clit.
“Good?” Baekhyun mumbles against your chest.
“Mmhm-” You can’t help lifting your hips as he presses the vibrator harder to your clit, moaning louder as he sucks hard and tugs on your sensitive nipples. Your arms twitch with want to tug on his hair. And you’re damn near losing your mind when he starts circling the vibrator around your nub, “F-Fuck.” Before you can even warn him, you’re cumming hard; thighs continuing to shake as he doesn’t let up.
“Good girl,” He presses a kiss to your nipple before pulling away entirely; only his bare thighs touching your trembling ones.
You take a few deep breaths to calm down, whimpering at the feeling of something sliding between your folds; rubbing your oversensitive clit and teasing over your entrance. Your lips part in a silent moan as it’s sliding inside of you.
Baekhyun moves it in and out at a moderate pace, letting you roll your hips as he starts kissing on your neck; finding your sensitive spot within seconds. You sigh in pleasure, keep up that movement until he tilts the dildo a bit; pulling a loud gasp from your lips and making your legs shut when it brushes your gspot.
Baekhyun tsks and parts your thighs, but keeps the dildo still. A few minutes go by as you pant and clench in vain around the toy nicely stretching your walls; growing concerned when he makes no noise or movement. And then, just as you are about to ask if he’s okay, he’s spreading your thighs wider and sucking harshly on your clit; slamming the dildo directly into your gspot.
You can’t help but cry out as you suddenly cum again; whole body shaking as Baekhyun slowly helps you ride it out. But when he’s sliding it out of you, your body still craves for something more. The vibrator and dildo felt amazing but you need more.
Swallowing hard you part your lips, “Baek-”
His lips crash to yours; catching your surprised scream as he slams into you, bottoming out just to do it again. “You look so-fuck-” He hisses, snapping his hips harder, “You look so good tied up like this.”
You can only moan in reply, imagining him over you; pounding into your walls and biting hard on his lip. Sweat dripping down his body in that sinfully hot way that you love. “B-Baekhyun.” You squint at the light suddenly coming back to your eyes, blinking to clear your vision until you see him just as you pictured.
Feeling your eyes on him, Baekhyun slows down; rolling his hips just as he did on stage. Loud uncontrollable moans fall from your lips as he finds your gspot again; another orgasm minutes away from unraveling in your trembling form when he slides a hand down his body and between your legs.
“Fuck.” You breathe, yanking on your restraints when he brushes his thumb over your clit. Your face feeling completely flushed as he looks at you with dark eyes; bangs slightly covering his brown orbs.
“You’ll be a good girl for me, hmm?” Baekhyun slowly licks his lips, smirking at you in such a devilish manner, “Cum all over my cock as I fill you up with my cum?”
You hiss as you clench around him, lifting your hips to meet his every movement, “You sure you can make me cum again?” You daringly ask even as you feel your whole body quivering in anticipation.
The smirk falls off Baekhyun’s face as a darker look forms in his eyes; his hands pressing your hips to the bed. You look up at your lover with a gulp as he breaks out of character.
“We have all night baby girl.” He chuckles darkly, throwing your leg over his shoulder before thrusting so roughly into you the bed creaks and slammed against the wall, “Plenty of time to remind you who this pussy belongs to.”
I hope this turned out okay! I took a long ass time to get to the good stuff I know smh 🙈🙊 let me know in my ask box how you feel about this if you want dhdgfhdhgk I’m running back to sleep now 🌹🌹 BYE
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artpoint420 · 4 years
We Bare Bears Movie Review
So this is it, other than the Baby Bear spin off, this is most likely the finale to this gem of a Cartoon Network show. The WE BARES MOVIE ! And lemme just say it was a sight to BEAR!
Seriously, my sister and I were hyped to see what big crazy adventure our three bro’s would go on. We LOVED the show itself but didn’t quite know what to expect for a movie. So when I finally remembered it was out yesterday, I rushed to invite her to invade my sleepover at my Nanas house so she could make us some popcorn on the stove and along with some brownies and indulging in my obsession with bubble gum, we layer back and braced ourselves to see the final moments in grown bears story.
So right off I started noticing striking similarities to the Ed, Edd, and Eddy movie I watched exactly a week ago and also gave my thoughts on in a Tumblr post. To avoid giving spoilers for the Edd movie, I might save comparing the two for a separate post. What I will say is, they both have nearly the same theme: the desire for acceptance among their peers.
It also helps that Grizz acts a lot like a more kindhearted version of Eddy, both of them extremely extroverted and always up to a big scheme. Speaking of which, both movies essentially start out with a big scheme going wrong and now the main trio needs to escape to a place that the leader of their group seems to be much better than it actually is. In the Bears case, they want to go to Canada. The only thing that confuses me about this is that Grizz is already Canadian, having been born and raised there until he left the sitcom business. I really thought going in that would play a much larger role in the movie, but it seemed like they completed forgot where Grizz was from when it was time for the bears to go back from whence they came.
Yes, the main plot of this movie is the Bears need to escape a one note villain who wants to separate and send them back to their own country. Not only can you draw your own real life parallel to this, but you know you’ve seen this plot a million times in film. The difference here is how the movie uses this to round out the themes of the show in such a perfect way. I do not want to spoil the ending here, it is so good, it made me smile so hard and wide I looked silly.
The main thing I want to talk about, rather than simply review the movie chronologically, is talk about Grizz, most notably his dream sequences. One of which begins the movie and almost had me thinking this was a baby bear film, which would’ve been fine but yeah. Anyways, it revolves around the bears nearly being hi by a train, and is completed later in the movie when we see that Grizz saved them (using his brain rather than just brute strength) and this establishes how he, before he even knew their names, felt the need to protect his brothers in arms.
Another more abstract dream of Grizz is where he is carrying baby versions of Panda and Ice Bear as Panda repeatedly asks Grizz to help them. This represents how Grizz sees his promise to protect them as a weight on his back that sometimes pulls them down. Confident as he usually is, he, in this situation, lacks confidence that he’ll be able to protect his baby bros.
But seriously, even though Ice is my favorite bear, Grizz was probably my favorite character in the movie, given how is internal struggle balances out the chaos of the external stuggles. As an older sibling myself, I can relate to him feeling inadequate to protect his little bro’s. And yeah, my buff brothers can protect themselves and my sister is a real fighter, I still think there’s a natural, almost paternal or maternal drive in older siblings to protect those closest to them that are young. Yeah, most of the symbolism in this film is about as subtle as the yellow on Mac and cheese, but what matters is that there’s charm to it.
And trust me, this show has always been full of charm, even when they reference memes. And this movie has an entire sequence dedicated to memes. I am so glad the writers of this show seem to have at least some clue as to how Internet culture truly works, and this keeps everything feeling more like a homage to popular meme animals than a sequence thrown in there just to be hip with the kids. I recognized so many of them I felt like a loser, and got so excited when I saw the crabs because yes I still listen to Crab Rave more than I should.
The Meme-nimals are yet another way to represent being an outsider, and, despite not liking the fact the bears crashed the party, eventually sympathized with and helped them, except for pizza rat. He can just leave that pizza be and starve for all I care. And to think he and panda could have been good friends based on they both are hungry for internet fame.
The funniest scene in my opinion was when the bears rode away from the cops and were replaced by hippie versions of themselves. Seriously they have human equivalents and now hippie equivalents? This is great theory material for when I make a theory video on the show in the future. Let’s just say, that was hilarious.
Also, the van they basically run into on the highway was literally the mystery machine from scooby doo. I flipped out because I had literally just noted that their van reminded me of it.
I don’t have much to say about the villain, I don’t even remember his name. I do feel like they’re was plenty of moments were he could’ve been given more character, maybe have him tell some back story that explains why he hates bears so much. But at guess because he’s symbolic of an idea more than a character, this was brushed over.
The other police guy felt had some good development, and I like how he came through in the end, but again not much to say about him.
I do wish we had the other side characters play more of a role, most of them barely got much more than a brief cameo when they could’ve done so much more.
Overall, this was a fantastic movie and though filled with cliches and tropes it has a lot of charm and I plan on watching it again for the pure joy of it. My favorite line I feel like is best to wrap up this review, because they are brothers, they may be different, they may not even look alike but, hey, that’s he best part.
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aspl1tl1fe · 5 years
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So here’s a look at life in a tent staring a rock (the structure hiding the mailbox etc.) that disappears when you go into tab mode. I increasingly add cc to this game (all of my games really, most simmers have cc addiction) to make things look more realistic. Like that bundle of sticks beside the tent, which I turned into a chest-like using Icarus_allsorts transmorgifier (available on Modthesims.info), or the herbs drying in and near the entrance, the bush by the invisible rock’s perch that is actually a toilet (the bush not the rock), or the fish drying, or the simplified sculpture beside the tent, or the tent, or the clothes, or the hair, or the skin... 
yeah, I have like 10,000+ cc not including mods, sliders, or sims3pack items I can’t turn to package files. That sounds like a crazy amount but I know people who have 65k, and I also use CCMagic and have things organized so only the stuff I use in this game is loaded when I play.
Ru and Trovinte chatting away in the foreground of the first picture became friends really quickly. They were always talking about food because Ru is a natural cook and Trovinte kept (and continues) burning stuff at the firepit and really needed advice.
It’s been a real challenge for me to limit myself in picking furniture. I wanted to make sure it was relatively realistic hence those beach chairs. I actually started with one, because I had to make my sims gather a certain amount of things, and then sculpt to my liking. Later I came up with a smoother system, and also allowed myself to be less restrictive.
I am going to guess that along with the brooding trait I gave my self sim the bookworm trait because she’s always babbling about reading. First husband is honestly the only one that seemed to genuinely listen to her (probably why he’s first husband and also Shocc, (despite Trovinte being in so many of my games) is my favorite sim) when she talked about this subject. It’s not until later, when she starts writing her own stuff, that Trovinte talks books with her. Ru only listened when he was setting her up to flirt. I didn’t actually realize he had that trait until much later.
I started having Trovinte wake up early in an attempt to get them some protein for breakfast. Unfortunately, I forgot that he has more diver geared traits (his original version was a diver) than fisherman traits, and the island they are on has no dive spots. I plain to have them travel to a world I got from Sims Asylum that has a bunch of diving spots sometime in the near future.
I have no idea what Ru and Shocc are talking about in that last pic. Maybe Ru didn’t realize how much of a workaholic Shocc is until after joining the family. It kind of looks like he’s complaining he doesn’t get to see him enough to feel loved, and Shocc is like I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t love you. 
Both FroAnhke and Shocc are loners/introverts whether they have the trait or not. Ru is very extroverted. I also imagine that like myself, Shocc is autistic and there’s some communication stuff he and Ru haven’t worked out yet. Later I have Shocc make more of an effort to interact with his loved ones. If it was up to him, he’d just work by himself all of the time.
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