#it's cute and it's a good excuse to re-watch the eps so i like it 😜
canonicallysoulmates ¡ 2 years
I checked out the iwtv: cast diaries, it's fun! Or at least I find it fun, it's a special version of the episode so it's the episode but throughout it, you get bts content.
In this first one it's Jacob, Sam, and Eric.
Jacob talks a bit about his approach to playing Louis, and he says that before filming the first ep he took a walk through the back lot and it was like he was possessed by Louis like he could feel his walk changing and he was feeling like Louis. It's funny cause he says he's sure people hate it when actors say stuff like that but buddy when you're doing as amazing a job as you are you're allowed to say it.
Sam shares that the poker scene from the first ep was all practical effects! The actors that were playing the hypnotized characters had opaque contact lenses put in and they had to freeze and stay frozen! Which is a cool detail but also must have been such a pain to film.
And Eric talks about how he's been a fan of Jacob's since he saw his work on GOT and how he's a great guy to work with who provided him what he needed so they could lose themselves in the scene! I find it cute that Eric is such a big fan of Jacob's, he truly is such an amazing actor worthy of every bit of praise.
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dorizardthewizard ¡ 8 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 13-15
Episode 13:
Funny how the Pirates, who have the most motivation to find the contact, are the ones supporting an immediate evacuation whereas Brim Simbra is going for the “no need to panic people” route
Brim Simbra: He's right. Especially since many people will leave Paradisia right after the final anyway. The evacuation has to take place calmly.
Well fuck all the retail workers and support staff on Paradisia then. You guys are at more risk because we'll only announce a proper evacuation once all the visitors are gone <3
Again they missed their chance to have D'jok and Sinedd taunt each other at the start of the match, their roasts used to be hilarious
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The way Mei is just watching them with her hands crossed sfdjhds girl, be ready!
Man I complain about Sinedd but D'jok's behaviour is annoying me more
Lol why did they just let the cat walk in, didn't they know about the incident at the start of the season?
Damn they really joker-ified Harris
Brim Simbra this wouldn't be a problem if you'd just ordered an evacuation
Luur came to watch the match in his football kit I guess
Damn, Galactik Football tournament finals can never go on without a disaster huh?
Why does it look like everyone has left the stadium already (that is a FUCK ton of people by the way, SEVERE danger of fatal crowd crushes. Which wouldn't be happening if you pre-emptively evacuated everyone, BRIM SIMBRA) but D'jok, Mei and Sinedd are still taking their time getting off the pitch?
I find it a bit hard to believe that D'jok's so far gone he'll literally just stand there as the stadium falls apart around him. In season 2 it was because he was in shock at least, and anyway this is all kind of a re-hash of the end of season 2 but worse
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This is so funny they're just standing there 😭 Unbothered
I do love Sinedd saving D'jok and that his excuse is that he can't fight him if he's dead dsfjkdf it's hilarious
Seeing the flux effect on the 2D animation is so uncanny!
They seemed to be able to switch to using the flux for different purposes pretty quickly, like in football it mostly just gives them more power/speed/agility but they immediately have no problem channeling the Breath outwards and shooting it at stuff
It's a huge moment though, seeing them use the flux outside of football. If there were more seasons it could have been cool to see this as a can of worms opening and a debate around the potential loosening of the rules, with a balance between the benefits flux can bring vs the dangers
Sinedd you dumbass they would have left already, that's how evacuations work. Although I see him being too scared of losing them again to think rationally
TRAIN BRAWL! TRAIN BRAWL! Spider-man 2 eat your heart out
RIP Harvey, a real legend. And flux war veteran!
Of course she's a serpent lady
ooo look you can see the space jump gates! Cool little bit of background lore on how travel works in this universe
Where tf is Sinedd
Ahh Phoenix is going down with the ship, pretty cool moment
Episode 14:
Aww Thran and Ahito holding hands 😭😭
MARK JUST... DANGLING MICRO-ICE BY THE LEG?? It's kind of cute he's comforting him in his own way, although Micro-Ice's very valid reaction to all this is still played for laughs lmao
Ok so how sentient ARE the robots in this show? Sidney is obviously very sad about Harvey being gone, and we've seen the Technodroids have normal conversations before. But everyone's reaction whenever Sidney gets sad is just 😬😬😬 awkward LOL. Are robots like second class citizens in this universe? No one believes their emotions are as real as humans? But are they?? So many questions
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Artegor coming over to help Aarch with unpacking sdhsdfjj and blaming himself for encouraging them to go to Paradisia 😭 Their hug 😭😭 Going feral over them
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Wuh... in the middle of a good natured conversation he just,, throws the trophy? Why? It's so random 😂😂
So did Aarch and Artegor actually resolve their dispute, as dumb as it was? Oh it was just thrown in to have drama for a couple of episodes and now suddenly they're good? Ok sure
Aw Norata seems so much happier now, look at him excitedly showing off rare flowers
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So these kids just.... use the flux? And NO ONE has noticed this yet? It's just... they were notified IMMEDIATELY that Rocket had used the flux to save Tia, how is this continuous use going undetected? I guess we already had that question considering Tia already knew how to use the flux in season 1, but with her you could at least make soooome sort of assumption of her being sheltered somehow as a daughter of diplomats. Maybe the flux society only noticed Rocket's flux use so quickly because they always make sure to track GF players really closely, but still if these kids are just chilling using it all the time, on GENESIS, it looks like the flux society are worryingly shit at their job lol
But that's the thing, season 3 introduces SO many crazy new concepts – new tournament, mixed flux teams, players moving to other teams, using flux outside of football, characters moving to different roles to shake up the status quo... so much interesting stuff but the execution just flubs it, especially with the character development.
Damn Tia's got gymnastics skills!
Oh so the last time we saw Sinedd, he was running back into a collapsing stadium to find his parents and we had no idea if he'd made it or not, and now the next time we see him he's just chilling walking with his team? I don't know much about direction in shows like this but I feel like we should have had a scene where he reunites with Mei at least before this??
Actually come to think of it, D'jok ends up on the Snow Kids' ship during the evacuation and we never get to see their reaction to him! Of course at first they all just want to survive and are obviously worried about him, but what about after? Was it awkward? Did they talk? TELL ME
Sinedd is a dick cutting Mei off like that but kind of sweet to see him refer to the Shadows as family
Wait have D'jok and Sonny interacted since Sonny got healed? I feel like we're sorely missing some father and son interactions here, and D'jok has been really needing it! And where's Maya in all this??
Mei is right to question the “parents” with how sketchy they're acting, but it's tough. Sinedd's finally got that part of himself back and there's no way he'll consider the idea of losing it again.
New flux society guy agreeing to move the date of the GFC, ooooor you could try and catch this guy? Useless mfers
Episode 15:
Show really doesn't give us any detail on how someone actually masters another flux. Like how does it work?
Oh Mei's getting sick now from the Smog, but how did Sinedd get over it? He did have symptoms of Smog poisoning in season 2 but I don't remember him ever getting cured like Artegor did? Aarch had to quit the Shadows because it had gone too far, is it actually something you can just overcome? Is it different for everyone? Is it down to overusing it? So many questions!
I like that Mei was just like. NOPE this is hurting me, even if I liked you I ain't staying! As she should.
Ooo Yuki's mastering the Elektras' flux!
Wait so everyone thinks team Paradisia are actually from the planet? Which iirc only became habitable not that long ago? I'm confused on the origins of these girls, how are they cyborgs? Do they have any lives and family outside of the team Lord Phoenix assembled? I mean they're not androids? I feel like since they're closely connected to a main character, they should have gotten some more backstory.
Oh so D'jok left team Paradisia already? Why exactly? He seemed all about winning with them. We don't even get a scene of him leaving them and their reaction??
What?? D'jok's just decided to do coaching all of a sudden? Because of one little encounter with kids playing football?? He was obsessed with winning tournaments like 5 minutes ago how did this change come about??? Like. I can SEE the vision and D'jok becoming a mentor figure is a fun idea but... we need to see the steps of getting there!
That Lightnings girl is so cute though
Mei says she only left temporarily but um... sis that was not the impression we got lol you disappeared abruptly and sent everyone heartfelt farewell messages
English dub goofs up again: D'jok says he'll never go back to the Snow Kids after what THEY did, but then goes on about how HE messed up and they'll never take him back. And again, what made him realise he was behaving poorly? You can't just set up a character's development, then suddenly show them once they've reached a conclusion. Was is the near-death experience? The fact Mei still wanted to help him despite how he'd acted? His loneliness finally catching up to him? I WANT ANSWERS
Mei: Don't you want to play for the cup? D'jok: We've done it, Mei. We've won twice! What's the point?
OK this is super interesting, I'm gonna link @millimononym 's post here about D'jok's potential arc (hope that's ok!) because I think it fits really well with this. For a guy obsessed with destiny, hitting his peak early could really mess with him. You could have such an interesting arc about this and accepting that life goes on and that our lives don't have to be defined by reaching some greater goal or purpose. It's about doing it with your friends and, if the show delved a little bit more in the whole post-flux war climate, it's also about being a symbol of hope for a planet that basically suffered the apocalypse. People joke about how the Snow Kids won three times in a row straight away, instead of doing the anime lose -> train to get better -> win scenario, but you could actually address this and use it to the story's advantage!
Aww Lun-Zia can't do it :( I can't remember what happens but it would be cool if she actually couldn't master the Breath, sometimes no matter how hard you try things just don't go the way you want
Wait so um... is no one questioning how the Paradisia girls still have their flux even though the planet is dead? And what are the girls even doing right now? They have no home and no Lord Phoenix, who took care of everything for them. And where did Nina-8 come from??
The Elektra's support of Yuki is so cute. Also kind of interesting lore that their planet is far from the other planets, and hence its residents find it very hard to connect to the flux, so much so it was assumed they didn't have one. A cool explanation for why the team hasn't shown up yet!
Oh she's been selected by the Wambas!! Of course they would want her on their team after seeing her play at Paradisia. Well that wrapped up nicely! Still, this confirms she was just some rando on the beach. And what was she up to before the tournament anyway? I wish we got to know more about her
Mark immediately has a crush on Nina-8 but somehow not Nikki-4 who looks just like her? XD
I don't mind Yuki staying with the Elektras actually, its the Elektra's first GFC and I can see her wanting to go further with them. And sometimes that's just life! Going on new adventures
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hecckyeah ¡ 6 months
🥑🥤🍄🪐🦴 for the writing ask game!
thanks friend!!
🥑 - you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Oh, first and foremost @3friesshortofahappymeal. a) we both watch plenty of crime shows and this girl will know how to hide a body, b) we happen to live in the same state, and c) she strikes me as chill and unflappable under pressure :)
🥤 - recommend an author or fanfic you love
OMG I needed an excuse to do this.
One of the -- if not THE -- BEST fanfics I've ever read is From Which Stars Have We Fallen, to Meet Each Other Here? by @naberiie and @evaceratops. It's yet another rarepair (possibly the rarest I've ever encountered), but WOW. Absolutely blew me away. It got me crying actual tears over two characters who were never even in a single scene together in canon. Actually, one of them has never been in live-action and the other has never been animated. So like...... it's rare. BUT SO SO SO SO GOOD and I will shout about it from the rooftops every chance I get.
There are many more I love, but I'll put those in another post someday!
🍄 - share a headcanon for one of your favorite ships or pairings
lol oh man I have so many. But one of my favorites and one that I think is more of a crack-headcanon than an actual serious one is the whole "anatomy analysis" shindig at the end of Agents of Shield season 7 😂 I re-watched that ep last week, and Jemma was SO clearly just talking about an alien species or something, but me and a whole bunch of other diehard dousy shippers were like..........what if Daisy is pregnant???? and idk, there were some adorable fics that came out of it and a whole bunch of cute art that I got to be involved in, and it was a great time. I still maintain that headcanon when I need some light fluffy family dousy vibes :)
🪐 - name three good things going on in your life right now
I'm sitting by an open window right now that looks out into the Austrian countryside, with mountains surrounding me and a light breeze coming through and I can just relax and not worry about responsibilities for a little while
I just purchased the GREATEST dairy free white chocolate with coconut and I'm currently in sugar induced heaven
I enrolled in college for the fall, and I've been missing school and wanting to get a stable career under my feet, and this will do just that and I'm SO EXCITED
🦴 - is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
Honestly, not one specifically. I'm a culmination of every book I've read, every movie/show I've watched, every experience I've lived, every place I've been, every person I've ever talked to, all tossed into a cauldron and swirled around together until something semi-recognizable as my style came out. And I'm okay with that :)
Writers Truth & Dare
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captainaikus ¡ 2 years
BELLE LOVE YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!! I've missed you so much 😭😭😭!!!! I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick though 😖😖. That seriously sucks, but I hope you feel better soon!!! Also I have a confession to make. I know I said I was working on blue lock drabbles. But like. The TR season 2 opening just dropped. I am not the same woman I was 1 hour ago. Episode 13 of bllk will probably kick-start my inspiration for the writing again (hopefully) but I'm hitting a block atm and all I can think abt is TR right now 💀💀. I have actually been so productive this winter break that it's insane. Cleaning, cooking, organizing, writing, etc. It's hard to believe I was the same person as last year tbh. I'm a hoarder and a sentimental sap so I never throw anything away 💀🥲. BUT I got rid of so much unnecessary stuff yesterday and I'm actually kind of proud of myself. I've been meaning to go to the gym again, but finding the motivation is hard, especially in the early morning when I'm drowsy and tired. I know it's not an excuse and I plan on going to bed early tomorrow so I can wake up without feeling tired 😤😤. Wish me luck 🥹🤞🏼!!! Also also. I have currently been listening to the new opening on loop since I heard it came out don't judge me and I'm pretty sure I have the entire visuals and lyrics matched up inside my head atp where I can hear it and know which character is on screen 💀💀💀. It's the same with the season 1 episodes again no judging. Yes I'm normal abt this 😌😌. Anyways ✨. Idk if you've seen my posts, but I have been freaking out abt the new opening since this morning adjkhgggkjggfdhjhg. I am so excited about next week. You are gonna be sick of me once the first episode drops I'm calling it now 😭😭💀. Anyways onto the actual important stuff. How was your vacation and holiday?? Good I hope?? How's the move to a03 coming along?? Again, I hope you feel better soon (Oliver sends his love from Italy ❤️❤️❤️)!!! Make sure not to overwork yourself and take care of yourself and rest okay love?? I really have missed you tho 🥹❤️. *sending all the virtual hugs and blankets and warm soup to you*
- ✨ anon
YES! I have returned !! I missed you too T.T , ahh its good to be back. ps. not only have i managed to fall sick... I uh... I twisted my ankle last night when I was celebrating new years. There was so much that happened last night, the dancing, hanging out with my roommates and last but not least. there were a lot of pretty boys at the club; but honestly, they were strutting around the place like some proud peacock and were intimidated by my height (yeah i was the tallest one last night with my three inched heels) and my calves are killing me rn; but totally worth it ✨ I SAW THE NEW TR OPENING! Pretty sure the fans are gonna crash the website; i wouldn't be surprised honestly- I am so looking forward to the new eps !! I read the latest chapter of bllk and... *sobbing cause no Oliver* Anyway, getting back to Tr; I am excited for the new season !! And i wanna see more of bonten and the shiba brothers arc, now i'm thinking if they're gonna introduce Nahoya and the whole baby of the family thing (cause the way i cooed when I was reading the manga) Girl. I saw you posted about Chainsawman !! And during vacay, we were passing by a bookstore... I uh... I ended up buying vol 4 with Aki as the cover. (i love it sm and i'm gonna treasure it even if I haven't reached that part yet) - the look i got cause the amount of profanities in there on opening one of the pages 😭 Vacay was fun, spent some time in the countryside and got a hold of new experiences that inspired me to re-write ruined rome (a project that i had started for Rin earlier on my blog) there was a cute guy on the bus who was watching rising shield hero i think? and i was busy watching one punch man cause i didn't get time to finish it, *sad cause i shoulda asked for his @ but i was really shy to talk to him and kinda disoriented cause of no sleep*
As for the move to ao3; I released the new chapter of Ocean hues and I'm working on a spotify playlist that you guys can play it when you read the series; hopefully you guys will enjoy it <3 speaking a bit and giving spoilers for the series; i included some of my dreams with Oliver (yes i am a simp and idc) And i have my oneshots saved in my draft, that will be getting posted as well... ao3 is getting fun for me cause i figured a way on using dividers and pictures. Not to mention even if ao3 does seem complicated its actually pretty easy to get by and i'm getting obsessed with alice in borderland- THE NEW SEASON IS FINALLY OUT! so i'm gonna be completing that and stone ocean's new eps (yes me likes JJBA. *likes jonathan, joseph and Jotaro*) And no bb ♡ i like seeing your rants on my dash and also. I. squealed at your Oliver drabble. Like i was walking around, stood for coffee before my flight at some 1 o clock in the morning and i saw this. And my gah- the way i was staring into my phone, I had a jolly good christmas and an early new year 😭 *busy working on a list of yandere wips and thinking the title to give my work*
*sending back hugs and wuv along with Bachira*
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papers4me ¡ 3 years
Fruits Basket, Se3, ep 12 (Part 1)
The aftermath of the curse lifting~ Btw, the timeline is super messy. Flashbacks & background stories aren’t this anime’s best tool, it’s always felt messy when they attempt that. more on it in my side notes below. Now into the ep~
-Yuki & Machi: ( Blossoming Love!):
I love that the author attempted different direction of romantic love with yuki/machi that suits yuki’s personality! Opposite to kyo/tohru who had the (from best friends to lovers/ from roommates of 3 years to lovers). Yuki & machi’s love is based on natural crush & while she isnt his best friend, she’ll be his lover & they’ll know each other after dating. Both types of love are realistic & have their own path of dynamics, which is clear with how yuki/machi will be interacting & how kyo/tohru are now interacting since becoming official. I’m still bummed most of yuki/machi’s “noticing each other” is supposed to be off-screen, it robbed me of seeing yuki interact in a normal teenage-boy crushing on a girl which contrasts his relationship with kakeru, kyo, haru & tohru. Now, we’ll start the “ official-boyfriend yuki” stage! Also, this jump to confessions didnt help machi have any uniqueness beside being saved by yuki’s words from her trauma. watching her interact with him normally would’ve added realistic depth to her being a normal girl with unique cute quirks differently from tohru, Isuzu, kagura or even motoko!. Oh well~ moving on & focusing on the meaningful cute confession. I loved that altho there were a hug & a kiss, it didn’t have “ I love you” statement. You know they (will) love each other so dearly, but they’re in stage 1 now, she just called him by his first name for the first time! cute! I love that the emphasis is on the “ first name” calling since this is a huge key to yuki’s identity & struggle. Also, It is cute she bought a gift to tohru! This is a set-up to a healthy relationship with yuki since she isn’t jealous from a precious woman in his life that isnt related by blood.
-Moving towards the future: Kyoru’s final stage of growth!
By Kyokoy’s grave Kyo & tohru had key moment of growth & healthy closure to their core character issues::
1- Kyo’s toxic habit of running from life became a desire to run towards life!: While this habit is rightfully excused by his trauma, it needed to be addressed once his curse broke. We know he stopped running & faced his dad, confessed to tohru, accepted her love, embraced his crazy desire for her & accepted he deserved to be loved! Even ran towards tohru, chasing her! However, all the above is him running to the good current life in his grasp. He needs to run to the far away future this time! Needs to plan for the good & accept that the bad is part of it. struggling is part of life & he’ll endure it together with her, while enjoying life’s rewards.
I love that kyo is the one who suggested moving out to another city/place, cuz kyo was the one NOT living. He was long dead & trapped in the cage of his guilt & self-loath. Tohru at least was living thro helping others ( which is not real living but at least it’s better). Kyo was “ Mom, why didn’t you kill me instead of yourself?” ,“ I’ll kill yuki & then kill myself, would that please you, dad?!”, “ I cant forgive me, I dont want you to forgive me, tohru”. Walking on a road of self-destruction & slow death. But now, with tohru he wants life!!! all of it!! travel, learn, see, struggle, fail, succeed, build their own future by themselves.
I love that kyo didnt take tohru’s approval for his plans for granted. He really didnt think she’ll accept right away. He didnt even want her to dedice quickly, He was prepared for compromising to a better solution for them both. They’ll work other possibilities “ if i’m gonna live in this world, I want to do it with you”.
I love that kyo was real abt the obstacles ahead & didnt want tohru to just follow him based on love. He wanted her to decide on her own as well. He also, left the door open for her to change her mind anytime & this screams support & understanding!! Very powerful!.
2- Thoru’s toxic habit of being ashamed to desire anything for herself, living for others & wearing a happy “i’m okay” mask while concealing her true feelings became confidence, self-clarity & honesty: The tohru who was smiling while concealing grief on the beach is gone, the tohru who kyo had to coax her to “complain, be selfish” se01,ep5, to “not hide worrying over a relative’s sickness” se02, ep14 “ cry if she needs to” se3, ep6, is now telling kyo her honest opinion abt his proposal, while thinking of her own self as much as him & even objecting to his sentiment abt her mom’s words!!!!
I love that tohru is now a confident free woman making her own decisions based on self-honesty & communication with her partner. She wasn't just “okay” with it cuz he wants it while putting fake smile, No more of that. Now, she’ll say her true feelings, she asked him abt his plans, tried to see if it is a spur of the moment decision or if he really thought abt it. She also inquired where’s heading, who he talked to, what he’s planning! She is deciding for herself after hearing him! ok, this is your plan? I like it. I’m going!  Very powerful!.
I love that like how kyo was realistic abt the plan having some difficulties due to starting away by themselves, she was also realistic that it is indeed sad to part with my friends, my hometown, & my mom’s resting-place, but i’ll choose ME now. “I” want to go with you for “me”. This is not a bind I’ll follow you wherever love story, this is realistic depiction of healthy relationship. Acknowledging hardships & accepting them saves you from being crushed by failure, you’ll endure it when it eventually happens & move on, cuz God knows we DO fail & succeed! Life isnt smooth sailing~ 
I love that tohru complemented him on his plan cuz she could see that is a sign of growth. If she’s gonna share her life with this man, it is delightful to see that he is thinking of a happier, healthier & realistic future! Cuz kyo was this destroyed man~ so destroyed he was pushing her away despite loving her dearly, now, he’s asking her opinion & permission to accompany him!
I love that tohru made sure to touch upon kyo’s last scar “ my mom doesnt hate you” This is a scar that wont go away even if kyo is mentally healthy. Cuz death is the ultimate truth. He can never hear kyoko’s affirming her love for him, he’ll have to trust in it based on their earlier interaction together. Tohru is powerfully & stubbornly taking away most of his pain by affirming her acknowledge of her mom. You might disagree kyo, you might still feel a bit guilty, it might haunt you sometimes. but me? NO. Never. Mom loved you. She meant ONLY good. Hopefully my determination heals you bit by bit, & it DOES. Kyo stands bravely, confidently & happily in front of kyoko’s grave & instead of saying “ i apologize for hurting you, or tohru, I’m sorry, forgive me”.  he tells her he’ll keep their promise & protect tohru for life! he literally proposed there in front of her mom & all. T_T
-Kyoko’s Words: ( Sometimes, you don’t get to know the whole truth & that’s okay):
Can’t describe how much I love this part. This is the most painful yet important lesson in furuba. Life isn’t a movie where the entire truth is exposed to the characters or the audience. Sometimes you live & die without getting to know an important truth, hearing a much needed confirmation, or getting a loved one’s forgiveness. There are things in our life that we just can’t get back no matter how much we tried. What we do, then? die? despair? throw away what we DO have in our hands for this lost truth no matter how important it was to us? No, we do the only thing we can. Live. Not just go thro life’s motion, but really live. Accept the good & the bad. This is so goddamn easy & difficult as hell too!
-Kyo not knowing kyoko’s words at that time was tragic. It was so tragic it sent kyo into a suicidal descent into the abyss. The wounds of his mom’s death that were slowly healing with kazuma’s care got re-opened & poured blood! The old destructive habits became full force, The toxic coping habits returned with its ugliness. I can’t kill myself literally? I’ll do it figuratively. trapped, caged, destroyed, eyes shut, ears closed, only seeing his pain. Kyo is us. All of us in any moment of true crushing despair. He could never bring the dead back, hear their loving words or ask forgiveness. Thro kyo, the author is telling us... I know. You had your moment of lost truth, didn’t you? I know. IT IS OKAY. live, my child. your pain is valid, let it take its course, but afterwards live bravely.
-Kyo’s path towards healing is: the ugliest cuz it hurt tohru of all ppl, the longest cuz he was the last one to move on, the bloodiest cuz he’ll never have the ppl he lost, the rockiest cuz he failed & failed, the most frustrating cuz he repeated his mistakes over & over, He couldnt even do it alone. needed intervention & support. He lost hope. completely. But it is okay even if you fell as deep as kyo: stand up. even if you never learned the truth: let go. even if you were the last one to learn or heal: it isn’t a race. Embrace life with its good & bad & continue as kyoko said “ you fought well”
-Kyoko’s parting plea to her daughter broke my heart into pieces. Death is ugly, but death is a truth that we can’t escape. The leaving ones is hurting as much as the ones left behind, but hopefully, the leaving ones will find a happiness a kin to the ones left behind. yuki’s "say a prayer & move one, one step at a time” is all you can do.
-Kyoko was: a gangster who hurt others (ugly path), repented, married & had a daughter (fulfilling path), widowed & left her daughter while grieving (ugly path), came back, repented & tried to raise tohru well, love her enough! (fulfilling path), died & left her young high school daughter all alone (heartbreaking path) but she accepted that the last path isn’t sth she can fight, prayed, & accepted her fate~
-Kyoko~~ “ you fought well”  while you were alive~ you really did! The Tohru you left behind helped a whole clan & hopefully readers as well! you tohru is loved by an entire generation of readers & anime watchers. Tohru is so precious & I can’t stop crying~
Side Notes:
Timeline is super messy & confusing. (a) Tohru’s hospital discharge, kyoru’s hug & curse break for everybody all happened at the (late) afternoon. While curse was breaking, akito was wearing her white kimono & she cried until tohru hugged her on sunset. (b) Before tohru’s hospital shigure’s face was scar-less. we first saw the scar in the afternoon & he was wearing his kimono.
Now the flashback, Akito wearing her outfit from her talk with the maid (which also happened while kyo was talking to his dad which is on the same day) & shigure wearing suit & it’s sunset time??????? How can the sunset happen before the curse break on the afternoon? She inflected the scars on the sunset, how did he have them on the afternoon of the same day?? both changed outfits which is even weirder??? Someone help me put things on order. Or is order not important? If the sequence of events isn’t important, then, why did it have to happen on the curse break day??? Shigure could’ve had his scars a day or two before tohru’s discharge.
Also the OP started in the middle of yuki’s scene which was so odd!
No big deal, but I still feel that yuki’s curse break would’ve been thematically powerful last ep. Especially after seeing The Zodiac Ruler come & collect the spirits. The legend would've been wrapped powerfully on the same ep where it was told. We see the zodiacs’ original story & we see its closure. It would’ve made tohru/akito’s hug more symbolic. An end of an era to akito & to them all. Real Goodbye to the zodiac animals, but now we had a goodbye & a half. lol.
Is yuki the only one seeing the cursed spirit? He looked down at it? I dont remember the others looking down where an animal would be? Is yuki’s curse special? different? He got all the ropes/bonds around him? I really thought yuki’s theme is all abt desiring to be normal & despising the “special” treatment that haunted him even in school. 
Momiji/ kagura /kyo interaction is cute!
Haru/Yuki/ Isuzu interaction is cute as well. XD
Kagura, girl, you used to have best fashion, what’s up with jeans under knee length dress?! lol.
I’ll be honest. It is a lost opportunity that machi weren't made to question how teen-tohru is yuki’s mom. That would’ve solidified her as a unique stand alone character if she were to discuss it with yuki. Tohru being yuki’s mom figure is not normal, otherwise yuki’s entire dilemma of figuring out his feelings for tohru would’ve become meaningless. Having machi quickly “understand” it is a bit weird. But it helps the plot move quickly, I guess. ( it reminds me of Arisa hugging akito when she confessed stabbing kureno without questioning anything, it is weird, but you get the message that “ we aint got time for that~ gotta hop on the next plot).
I love that furuba subverted the old anime-trope of the entire happy cast staying together in one city/place & living exactly like they did in their teens except being married now! XD. It is so realistic that each character is now moving on their path of life~
Tohru wore a ring in her foreshadowing vision! SHE WORE A RING! My baby girl is a grown woman now~ T_T. I love tohru so much!~
Shigure/ akito & the last banquet is in my review part 2. I’ve been editing out any thoughts abt Shigure from my previous posts. I needed to see the whole picture first. I think can now talk abt them, I’m looking forward to the comments of the next part cuz I really really need to see if I understood it or if i’m off.
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roccinan ¡ 3 years
Okay so first of all hi!
Second, I have something I HAVE to point out.
So in Ep 2, THAT EP,
When they show that whole Berlermo sequence everyone's going nuts about?
Which I would also like to point out btw, that it's so cute and I want to go Berlermo!!! But also let's not foget Martín is very touchy with everyone (he kinda touches foreheads and hugs and jumps on a lot of other people not only Andrés. Which also, you know how there's that stereotype that we latinos are like easy and slutty? I believe that comes from the fact that we are much more touchy-feely than other cultures and sometimes it comes across as amorous, and flirty and stuff like that🤷‍♀️).
And apart from that (at least in the part of latinoamerica where I'm from) that whole thing they do in that scene can be seen also as shows of affection between close bffs (that's the kind of excilarated dumb shit I myself have done with my bff, including the jumping on cause he's like a full head taller than most people so he's always carrying people around). So yes I adore those Berlermo scenes but for me they are not THAT MUCH indicative of anything as everyone else seems to think🤷‍♀️ (like yes, obviously the whole Martín being in love with Andrés and the 'soulmates' bit gives that scene a certain undertone, obviously, there's no arguing that. But if they were to be just two totally heterosexual best friends, that scene wouldn't seem weird or out of place either, just two bffs celebrating. Which gives Andrés like plausible deniability or whatever, dude's in fucking denial I won't argue that).
But that's not my point, so whatever. What I came to ramble about is this (also excuse the low quality pics, it's the best I could do):
In that scene we first see this:
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Then we see this:
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Then this:
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Followed by this:
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And finally this:
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And this:
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Now, you can't tell me that's not kinda like a parallel. It's a parallel, which is all good and fine (as I said. Normal shows of affection between bffs).
Why? Well, I'll tell ya why. Fucking PagotĂĄ, that's why.
And that's entirely your fault.
So obviously, with that lil parallel my brain went😏😏😏, and now I'm in the process of writting another Pagotá fic which I don't even know if I'll finish (am like 1500 words in already😑).
All this to say, thanks a lot Rocinan. This is your fault and I hate you♥️.
Hi hi!! Always happy to scream about s5 (AND PAGOTA!!) together.
re: the first point: I love it too, and the way it was framed was so moving, like honestly such a fantastic parallel with "the love of a man" and "the love of a plan," and the fact that the plan worked definitely means requited romance in this lifetime or not, the undeniable love between them was real :') that ep gifted us with so much so much asdfasdf For me, it was the narrative framing that made my heart sing for this ep.
But you're right about Martin! As lovely as those moments are, now that you've pointed out how commonplace their body language is in Latinoamerica, the posturing(?) alone doesn't mean they're more than friends or fucking or anything (yet lmao). (But I think we can say that the framing of it was very pro-berlermo haha!) And it's always nice when "heterosexual best friends" are comfortable enough to casually touch each other like that without going no homo! every 5 seconds. I think that's a very lovely thing you have :)
(haha, the touchy-feely vibe is kind of the opposite of my culture (and a few other East Asian cultures), where even in het dramas, a forehead touch means this couple is official, married, and probably having sex that same night. So all the berlermo touchy-feeelyness this volume honestly blew me away!)
NOW, the main point of your ask asdasdfs OMG I literally had the exact same thought when watching it. I could not believe my eyes, they really paralleled the berlermo hugs with Pagota ones. tbh, I was mentally bracing myself for berlermo parallels with another ship, but was rewarded with Pagota instead. The whole Palermo-Bogota friendship had so much depth this overall season, and it just kept getting better. After berlermo, I'd say Bogota is now definitely who I'd want Martin to end up with. And Pagota endgame actually works?? Even in the finale, they were standing side-by-side.
so anyway, YOU'RE WELCOME, and love you too. I accept all blame uwu Pagota superiority!!
And I can't believe you're already 1500 words into a new Pagota fic!! That's so fast, and I cannot wait to read it! (Also remember when I promised you a Pagota fic too? I'll get on that after secret santa! This volume brought us so much new Pagota content!)
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violetfaust ¡ 3 years
(Belated) TFATWS 1.3 roundup
This will probably be surprising to anyone whom I’ve subjected to my megaton of tfatws reblogs--but ep 1.3 was my least favorite of the series so far. And unfortunately every time I try to put together my breezy little liveblogging impressions, I get immediately stuck wanting to write ten paragraphs of WHY it’s my least favorite, which, in so many words: too little Sam POV. And by this time, plenty of other people who agree with me on this have written plenty of thoughtful threads on why, so I am just going to...let it go. For the moment. (And maybe just make it a separate ten-paragraph post.) Anyway, tl;dr:
I still enjoyed the episode
I’m still loving the show
I still think we’ll get emotional and dramatic payoff; BUT
I’m disappointed with my fave’s treatment this time around.  
Okay! Got it down to one paragraph and a bulleted list. Onward.
I’m relieved that Isaiah is at least in the previouslys.
I dunno, man, that cheesy commercial alone doesn’t make the GRC seem like the good guys, even before you follow it up with Walker throwing his weight around.
“Do you know who I am?” And just like that, Walker shows his true colors and proves he’s not worthy of the legacy. Because he’s a person who allows power and fame to corrupt him.
So is Zemo Nazi/Hydra or is he just a Nazi/Hydra fanboy? 
“What are you reading?” “Machiavelli.” “Yeah, you definitely seem like the kind of guy to break out of high-security prison. This is a good idea.”
“We are NOT breaking him out!!!” *puppy dog eyes* “sigh. fine”
I know the fandom loves Zemo, but man he is a little bitch. It literally takes him three minutes to start breaking down both Bucky and Sam. How the fuck did he even get his hands on Bucky’s notebook? (see below) Excuse me, Steve’s notebook. <x3
“Heartbreaking: Worst person you know just made a great point.”--> Sam re: Zemo and Marvin Gaye.
So Karli is friends with a cute little girl, sees her mother/mentor die unnecessarily, and just wanted to be a teacher when she grew up, and we think she’s the villain? NO.
This is getting super long so....below.
Heartbreaking Pt. 2: Yes, Sam, Zemo is right and you look good in the suit. (That is impeccable pattern matching, btw. I did not watch seven seasons of Project Runway for nothing.)
Okay, I should save this for my ten-paragraph bitching post but: I KNOW the trope of “undercover guy has to eat something gross to pass” is objectively funny. But Sam is from Louisiana.  I can guarantee you the man has eaten frog and/or alligator AT LEAST once. In fact, since the family business is shrimping, there’s a non-zero chance that he has prepared and served super-gross foods such as six-inch sea cockroaches with heads and ganglia attached. He should NOT have been fazed by a cocktail with fresh snake gonads or whatever those were. You know what would have been a funny take? Sam knocks back the drink, then says: “Delicious. And [pointing to Zemo] one for my friend here.”  (AM is hilarious here though.)
“Power Broker, really?” Goes with “Smiling Tiger is a bad name” and “Battlestar? Stop the car!” (Frankly, a person still going by “Winter Soldier” does not have a lot of room to criticize here...)
How does Zemo wearing a cool coat and dancing like a cute dork make up for what he’s doing to Bucky here? Sebstan had tears shining in his eyes. 
Love language: “You good?”
The layers of Sam, an African American man from the South, watching another human, his friend, apparently being sold...
REALLY? Sam didn’t put his phone on silent? (Bless Sarah for being a civilian and not playing along...)
HOWEVER this is a pretty ugly reminder in this episode when Zemo is throwing around his zillions and his private plane while Sam can’t get a loan to save his family business.
Was it Sharon who killed Selby? I’m confused?
Sharon! Being the poster woman for landing on her feet. Good for her. And thank you, Sharon, for having a wardrobe of men’s wear in Bucky and Sam’s sizes. Although if you could have gotten one of them to wear that sequined number...
It is just hard to accept that Steve and the Avengers did her SO dirty that they simply ignored her in the two years they were on the run. (It also doesn’t gibe with Sam and even Bucky seeming to know Sharon, since they never met before CW.) Come to think of it though, I don’t remember how Steve even got himself pardoned after IW?
I’ve read the theories that she might be the Power Broker, which seems unlikely purely on the practical basis that if she was blipped for five years she’d lose her standing, but this is Marvel, so who cares about making sense? If she is, I hope she’s not treated as a flat-out villain; maybe she deliberately let Karli and her group get the SS serum rather than Hydra wannabes? 
Let’s hear it for Sharon--kicking ass and not even bothering with the names.
Nagel is the most villainous villain who has villained here so far. What a waste.
So there are up to twelve SS serum doses left. Calling it now: Walker is going to do whatever he has to in order to get his hands on one of them.
However I do NOT want Sam to take one. He doesn’t need to be superpowered to be a hero.
“Partners each convinced the other is the sidekick.” 
We’ve all been waiting for this callback.
That had better not be the last of Sharon. She has her own minion--this should be good.
Look: the only reason Bucky would even CONSIDER taking the shield is that Sam says he doesn’t want it. (And I’m not sure he even IS seriously considering it so much as trying to make Sam reconsider.)
So I said this elsewhere but: apparently Zemo is redeemable. Sharon killed about fourteen people this episode alone. Bucky killed “almost everyone he ever met.” Sam offed helicopters full of terrorists in ep 1. Karli’s victims are not exactly innocent--they are hoarding resources meant for those refugee children and sick people.  I am not giving up on my daughter for this. ;-)
Heartbreaking #3: Bucky and Sam were dead for five years so it’s not exactly fair to call them out for not visiting the Sokovia memorial but...would they have thought of it?
WAKANDA! Finally! They’ve been teasing it since ep 1 but I didn’t think we’d actually get there. (Although I’m 100% sure that Shuri is one of the nine numbers in Bucky’s phone.)
Not a lot of Sambucky this time around, although we did get
Sam being a sweetly worried boyfriend throughout. Sam calling him “Buck” at least three times--with no pushback. 
Bucky very determinedly NOT looking at ALL at shirtless Sam. Not at all. 
And POSSIBLY Bucky reading a self-help book about forming strong erotic love relationships. 
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ae0nx ¡ 4 years
FRUITS BASKET S2 EPISODE 18 + short Ep 1-17 english dub recap
Took a bit of a break from the Fruits Basket recaps because life happened and I wanted to focus a bit more on my art career and my webcomic. But, I came to miss doing the recaps! So, I'm gonna try and finish season 2 and do some of the left over recaps now in time for when Season 3 drops!
I HAVE however been re-watching the older episodes of Fruits Basket Season 2 with the english dub this time and I have a few notes!:
A shoutout to the wording used in the Yuki 'confession' scene on the beach with Tohru. However, in the sub the confession came across a lot more like platonic love to me and in the dub the confession came across a lot more romantic. (Especially in the episode after where Yuki says he doesn't regret kissing Tohru lol)
Laura Bailey stays killing it as Tohru. All the little vocal inflections are so freakin cute and make her sound more human! But that also speaks to the editing as well which is great. The balance between a little naive and scared and yet strong and determined in her scene with Akito was... amazing.
(Also... all of Akito’s most violent and hurtful moments are when it’s dark... I dunno I just found that cool and interesting lol)
Jerry Jewell in EPISODE 9?!?! His scene with Akito always gets me regardless but Jerry Jewell's performance was heartbreaking! Ah, I could cry. (I did) The little shake he did while declaring he wasn't in love with Tohru because he can't say that shit actually truthfully? 😩 Also... is he intentionally making Kyo’s voice sound a little deeper? It definitely sounded like it in that episode with Kagura. I like!!
While I LOATHE Akito, Colleen Clinkenbeard is amazing, I've never heard her sound this sneakingly evil! And yet... it's slightly carefree too. Reminds me a lot of Shigure. As I said before, Akito and Shigure's english VAs pair up so nicely in audible form.
I love how flirty Hatori was in the English dub when it came to him and Mayu’s episode. It was a really lovely performance from Kent Williams :) I always read that scene of Hatori just being friendly when asking Mayu out to get something to eat but this was a whole other wonderful take!!! <3
Kakeru’s English VA continues to sound cuter and cuter... 😘 Whassup, Aaron Dimsuke? I kid, lol
I lovee the fact that Haru calls Yuki ‘fragile and kind’ (two typically feminine presenting descriptions) and Yuki took it as a compliment! I dunno about the description of fragile as many people could take that offensively, regardless of gender, but the way it’s explained here it’s almost like he’s describing him as precious?... Coulda went with that instead...
I like the decisions for the moments where Mikaela Krantz emphasises on Momiji’s put on German accent and when she tones it down and return to his natural voice
But anyways... lol, this episode was... a LOT. Not an easy breezy one for me to come back to at all... I’ll be watching the english dub.
- Hiro's so cute at the start of this episode talking about his sibling and how he wants to look out for his mum. Of course, it's in the most Hiro of ways but this scene definitely warmed me up to him a lot more :)
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Hiro’s mum is like a future Tohru, haha
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That hair animation they give Rin is always great 😂 I hope Takaya-sensei is proud.
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It’s so curious how Hiro speaks so honestly and true to Rin yet is so careful of her emotions. He’s never really been like this with anyone but Kisa, especially not the other teens or adults. It kinda shows how much seeing what happened to Rin by Akito’s hands really got to him and traumatised him. Of course, Hiro’s not just doing this because of his trauma but cos he genuinely cares!
- I noticed that there was a slight parallel between Hiro + Kisa and Rin + Haru. Kinda highlights why breaking the curse is important to Hiro and gives more reason as to why that event with Rin and Akito freaked him out.
- I dunno if this is intentional or just an animation glitch but I’ve noticed that in that long panning shot in the opening theme that closes into Yuki, Tohru and Kyo looking at the sunset, it looks like Kyo’s experession kinda ‘glitches’ in between a smile and a stoic look. Again, I don’t know if it was intentional, but I like to think it’s as a little show of Kyo not really managing to attain true happiness fully (for now anyway).
- (Also, I think that this opening song might come third in my list of most favourite opening songs in Fruits Basket history!!! <3<3<3)
- I’m super glad that Shigure and Rin scene didn’t go any further than it needed to... 👀 but the fact that Rin thought ‘Gure would be up for using her body as a bargaining chip says more about Shigure than Rin in my humble opinion...
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Self-loathing? From Shigure? Unexpected. Empathy? For him? A little.
...Damn it.
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I’m sorry. This scene is very gorgeous, well lit and beautiful and dramatic. But, I can’t not laugh at how early 00s gothic romance this is! But, I love it. It’s sweet and probably the first ‘raunchy’ scene we’ve gotten in this anime, ooo la! But, that kiss animation was kinda awkward for me, sorry. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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I hate that Rin is AGAIN getting Outfit Appreciation Award when she’s literally killing herself with stress and worry but... amazing wardrobe as always. 5 stars.
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Is it just me or does every zodiac member see Tohru as a parental figure or associate her with motherhood, except for Kyo?... 
*mentally notes essay of Tohru being the depiction of being a ‘merciful God’ compared to Akito being the decpiction of being a ‘vengeful God’*
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Also, Briana Palencia in this scene was amazing. Everyone is so, so good in this show! Dub and sub!!
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...I totally forgot about this bit of Rin’s backstory. I love that they really highlighted how drastic the change was from happy family to an abusive household. Obviously, there must have been some cracks in the frame of the happy family and Rin as a child was inquisitive enough to see them. ...Only for her to be later punished for it. 
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Kazuma!!! He and Tohru just be constantly saving these zodiac kids, man.
- Rin’s parents might just be at the same level as Kyo’s dad on the ‘WORST PARENTS OF THE ZODIAC CHILDREN’ list. Well... until later...
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Beginning to understand why they’re so attached and bonded to each other now. <3
- Also, lowkey, Kagura’s mum is great! From her protecting Kagura from going to the beach house because of Akito to her taking Rin in without question! And she seemed completely cool with Kyo too! Yay to good parents in anime!!!
- The confession scene between Haru and Rin is so pure and blunt yet romantic and just... so them <3
- I’m not even gonna put any screencaps from the final scene with Akito because I find Akito is just disgusting. But, really? Pushing someone off the balcony?! I mean... I remember why Akito’s feelings for Rin are so strong and darkly intense but I still can’t excuse their actions. I kinda don’t like that they presented this very abusive and violent moment as... poetic? I mean, it matches Rin’s ‘style’, I guess? But... this is just someone going past the limit.
- And her landing like that on the conveniently pointy stone? I was surprised she didn’t damage her spine...
I’m so happy I’m watching Fruits Basket again! This anime really is the best! And it DESERVEDLY won Best Drama at the CrunchyRoll Anime Awards! Yayyyyy! Sorry, if this ended on a weird note, I did enjoy this episode. Just a very dark one to return to 😅
See you... soon? Haha!
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jean----ralphio ¡ 4 years
BoB liveblog ep 7
Episode 7: The Breaking Point. YEAH, OF MY FUCKING HEART
00:00 I really don’t wanna do this you guys.
00:38 Can’t we just pretend this episode doesn’t exist?
04:05 RICH! Ok I feel a little better. Ahaha, he’s growing a beard. It’s got nothing on the quarantine beard he’s rocking nowadays tho
04:22 That whole scene is hilarious but I’m too distracted by Rich to appreciate it properly
05:18 Horsie
05:30 Hey Fassy
05:57 He’s so obsessed with the Luger, oh Hoob ☹
06:07 Ahhh that second where he looks into the camera and fires ☹ He’s so happy
06:51 He is such a fucking angel, I swear. “What happened to the horse?” PETA would be pleased you care, baby.
07:01 Look at my son, look at his little angel face
07:27 Buck seems a little better??
07:47 Gold.
“Shut up boys.”
“Shutting up, Sarge.”
But notice my angel is perfectly well-behaved
08:00 “That was no rifle.” Shifty just Knows Things.
“What do you see, Shift?”
08:15 Oh Hoob
08:43 Oh God
09:03 ROE OMG NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR JOKES “Did you think it was a German leg, Hoob?” I MEAN LMAO BUT NO
09:33 Nooooooooooo
09:44 Oh God, the way Buck and Perco are cradling his face ☚
10:04 Husbands, do something, reincarnate him or something
10:32 Oh Dick is shivering aw
10:38 Lip, baby, no, do not cover for than incompetent POS
10:48 The husbands are unimpressed
11:39 Nice gloves tho Dike
11:57 “At present, as per usual, but I’ll clarify that with you at a later time.” No. No. He’s asking now. He needs to know now. Wtf.
12:39 IS THAT RICH??
13:26 Just gonna pause here a little while, excuse me
13:47 Lip is such a boss. We love you Lip
14:13 Bill’s laugh <3 RICH’S SMILE <333
14:48 Dick omg your flirting, so cute. They are in love.
15:20 Fassy is judging you… that means Alicia Vikander is coming for you…
15:50 Omg Nix knows his husband so well
16:24 Aw, Bill and Babe <3 BROTP
17:33 Bill, sweetie, no, I’m sorry but Buck is not fine!
17:58 Oh God the foreboding. Rich ☚ <3
18:01 WTF is Luz smoking LMAO
19:08 “Well, they had a point. You’re an idiot.” Oh Penk. I’ll miss you Penk.
19:31 UGH GTFO. To be fair the actor does a great job with this role.
20:01 Dike is so random. But it’s nice he’s taking an interest??
21:20 NIX LMAO
21:33 Ugh, Dick. Stop. I know it’s to establish a sense of normalcy and ritual but Come. On. Buddy. Lol I love how Nix is just like LMAO NO I’M NOT GOING. I wish I could just say no when asked to do things by my bosses. We know it’s cos Nix can’t bear to be apart from his husband for so long <3
22:33 Guys, don’t be mean. Fassy, no, come on.
22:53 Wtf are Penk and Rich doing…
23:05 LMAO @ Dick and Sink.
“Got to keep the morale up for the folks back home.”
“Damned if I know.”
Iconic. Valid.
23:34 Lol my Joe/Charlie thought he was gonna get in trouble, but Dad just wanted to nag <3
24:24 Oh Bill <3 “Tied me own boots once last week, all by meself.” <3333 Bill please never change.
24:30 Rich <3333
24:36 Riiiiichhhhhh <3
24:48 Johhny ‘unimpressed’ Martin is already looking unimpressed, new kid, watch out, you’re not off to a great start.
24:56 Rich’s helmet still has bullet holes from the last episode, love the continuity <3
25:07 “You’ll find out, son.” Oh, Alley <3
25:17 Rich is hilarious in this scene, he’s having so much fun <3
25:22 Hey Lieb, I’ve missed you
25:46 Riichhh <3
25:53 OMFG that exchange!
               “How are those nuts, sarge?”
               “Doin fine, Bill, nice of you to ask.”
               Wtf Lip!!
26:05 Bye, Fassy!
26:26 Even when he’s blurred by snow, Speirs is intimidatingly good-looking.
27:01 He’s so polite but so scary
27:23 You’re hot, Speirs, so I automatically trust you. Not sure what that says about me but it’s probably not good tbh
27:57 Joe/Charlie has been back five seconds and he’s already out for blood.
28:58 Hey Lee
30:00 Oh God
31:33 Oh no, Joe/Charlie, my baby ☚
33:39 Bill’s here, baby, it’s OK
34:10 I can’t deal with the hilarity of Babe blocked in by the tree while Joe/Charlie is in such a bad way and being done so dirty
34:56 Oh GOD
35:28 Bill </3
36:11 My thoughts exactly, Luz
36:42 Buck ☚
37:41 “Hey Joe, I told you I’d beat you back to the states.” Bill don’t me laugh while I’m crying. Aw, we’ll miss you <3
37:59 Not really the time but fuck it, I am totally digging Luz’s hair now
38:26 I’m so shook. I’ve watched this series a billion times but it still hurts me. Scene after scene, Joe/Charlie in pain, Buck screaming for a medic, God Neal and Kirk are so good.
39:18 Oh God, Buck
40:00 Rich I love you
40:44 Rich <3 ☚
41:22 Noooooooo </3
41:44 No. No. NO.
41:59 NO. NOPE. CANON NOT ACCEPTED. They’re fine. They’re fine, they’re just off-screen for the rest of the series, chillin with Hoob and Renee on like a nice beach somewhere. Drinking maitais and maragaritas and building sandcastles and shit.
44:00 Hit Malarkey the hardest? NO FUCKING WAY, LIP, HIT ME THE HARDEST, MORE LIKE! But in all seriousness, can you imagine losing your friends, not having a body to bury or time to grieve ugh ☚ </3 OK I concede that Malarkey and I can share the grief 50/50. No wait. 60/40. In favour of me.
45:15 Malark, it’s what Hoob would have wanted. I’d ask him but he’s busy sunbathing and keeping the drinks topped up
46:57 We love you Buck
47:14 Bull <3
47:43 Lieb <333
48:10 Hang on, sweetie, Dad isn’t back yet
48:50 It’s OK, Lip, sweetie, you can do it.
49:38 Lip, listen to me, your Dad’s going to fix everything in about ten, fifteen minutes. And he’ll get you a hot boyfriend in the process. It’s all going to be OK.
50:05 Dick, honey, Dike doesn’t understand a thing you’re saying
50:25 Dike’s like lol who the fuck was that guy?
51:17 Lieb is so blood-thirsty <3
52:09 Poor Lee
52:22 NO, FUCK, OMG
53:14 Don’t send my Lee alone!
53:33 Bull. A cigar. Right now? I like Johnny’s beard, suits him.
54:13 “THEY SHOT ME IN MY ASS, BOYS!” Aw Perco. Iconic.
54:36 Legit one of my fave scenes in the history of television. Dick is just so beside himself and desperate and helpless watching his sons stuck and in so much trouble. He’s in full Dad mode, about to run in there to save his boys. Then, and this is so subtle but it’s my fave bit, HE CUTS OFF SINK. HE IGNORES/SPEAKS OVER SINK. DICK! SPEAKS! OVER! SINK! IN WHAT UNIVERSE WOULD HE EVER DO THAT?! ON WHAT PLANET WOULD HE EVER BE SO DISRESPCTFUL?! THIS ONE, COS HIS SONS NEED HIM NOW AND BEING POLITE AND ADHERRING TO PRINCIPLE AND RANK DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER WHEN EASY IS IN TROUBLE! AND THEN HE CALLS UP OUR BOY SPEIRS. AND SPEIRS IS SO FUCKING GUNG-HO, BOUNCING ABOUT READY TO SLAUGHTER EVERYONE, SO FUCKIN EXCITED!!
And then there’s Nix, lmao, chillin with his binoculars, super relaxed as long as his husband stays safe, tbh.
55:06 Oh that was the new boy, aw
55:20 Here you go, Lip, one BF courtesy of your Dad lol
56:24 LMFAO was that the haystack Dike was behind??
57:00 I.C.O.N.I.C.
57:23 “The astounding thing was, that after he hooked up with I company, he came back.” Annnnnd Lip’s in love.
57:49 Aw happy boys
58:09 Noooooo they’ve been through enough! I’VE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH THIS EPISODE OK, FUCK!
58:23 Go on, my angel son, you can do it.
58:36 Go, son. I love you.
58:43 Yes. Good boy.
59:26 Aw Bull piggybacking Perco <3
1:00:23 Oh yay! The church scene!
1:00:39 Look at my angel son <3
1:00:48 Hey Lieb
1:00:54 IT’S TAB! HEY TAB!
1:01:09 Babe <3 GRANT <3
1:01:29 Ahahaha Roe, I see you strategically placed yourself where you could stare at Babe 😉
1:01:59 Only 63 men left? Oh </3
1:02:00 Ahh Joe/Charlie <3 Bill <3 We love and miss you
1:02:20 RICH <333333 I LOVE YOU RICH <3333333 GOODBYE RICH <333333333333
1:02:39 Fuck Speirs is hot
1:02:53 The flirting <3 shooting looks at each other aw
1:03:09 Boys, stop checking each other out. You’re literally in a church full of nuns, go somewhere else to expend your sexual tension, jeez.
1:03:41 Flirting via talk of Roman soldiers, I dig it
1:04:28 Oh God, guys, this bit. Other than the propensity of my angel son, compared to usual, this is the only good part of the episode, I am here for the Speirton!
               “You don’t have any idea who I’m talking about, do you?” HIS FACE IS SO SOFT
               “No, Sir.” Lip, sweetie.
               “Hell, it was you, first sergeant.”
Speirs’ is in love right back. And his continued flirting re battlefield commission GOD. The way he looks at Lip… you deserve the hottest guy in the whole show, Lip, proud of you sweetie.
1:06:48 Annnnnd everything fucking hurts.
 To summarise, I am kinda appeased by the glorious glory that is Spierton. Rich and Penk and Hoob and Renee are FINE. THEY JUST SO HAPPEN TO BE OFF-SCREEN. IT’S FINE. I’M FINE ABOUT IT.
15 notes ¡ View notes
weilongfu ¡ 4 years
Wei watches LBC: A Chance To Love Ep 1
I can deny myself no longer. I am tired and need to actually start re-engaging with media. Or at least watch an episode and ruminate on what’s been going on. 
As a heads up, any scenes with KlaNo/TumTar will be indicated with asterisks before I write anything about them so you can skip it. If I do write anything about them. I will also do my best to provide time stamps (Viki version) so if you want to watch after reading my post, you can skip the scenes. Now, let’s watch a disaster bi rich boy attempt to woo a disaster Can.
Ep 1 starts with a soccer game. Can is on the bench and Techno is playing with Ae. The game is intense and presumably they’re playing against another school. Techno takes a hit to his knee. Interestingly, we see Pond, Bow, AND Tin sitting in the bleachers watching. Pond and Bow I expected. What the fuck is Tin doing there and watching the game? Isn’t he on record as not being into sports since S1? Was this one of the retcons?
Techno is checked by medics and taken off the field. Ae is upset and Can is subbed in for Techno. Tin watches this very seriously. The game continues after Can subs in and Can does his best. However, the other team are better and they lose 0-2. 
Tin continues staring at the field as if he’s very confused. Can and Ae come back to join the rest of the team on the side. Ae is pretty agitated and Can says they should cheer up since they have a chance to win next year. Someone, I’m guessing the new guy who replaced Good, tells Can to shut up, but Can tells them to stop sulking or they won’t get any of the cute girls watching the game. (Priorities Can!)
Ae finally tells Can to be quiet. (Why does Perth’s voice sound different? Like it’s weirdly re-recorded and dubbing over?) Can asks why Ae is scolding him too. Can’s other friend reminds Can that Techno is a fourth year and there are no more chances for him to play. Can asks if Techno is worried about his knee and Techno says it’ll be better in a few days. Techno then tells the boys to cheer up and go back to the university before the coach complains. Ae apologizes to Techno for the loss and Techno says there’s no reason for him to be sorry. That he’ll quietly come back to keep playing soccer with them when he has time, but for now, they should go back to the uni. 
Can makes an excuse about needing to pee and runs off as Ae and the other boy help Techno hobble off the field. Can runs inside the building to cry instead. Insert sad music here. As Can cries while leaning against the wall, Tin comes in and calls out Can’s name. Can turns to see him and Tin tells him to come to him. Can puts himself in Tin’s arms and cries while Tin rubs his back and shoulder. Can cries about losing and asks why they had to lose because they practiced so hard. Can laments how far they got in the tournament as well. Can blames himself because he substituted in for Techno after he got hurt.
Tin tells Can that he’s not to blame and that he’s good enough. (So we’re ignoring the fact that Tin and Can TECHNICALLY still have unresolved issues from S1 ENTIRELY? Or is this a flash forward and then we’re going to flash BACK to the full retcon and then get back to the present?) Can denies it and Tin does his best to quietly comfort Can while he continues to lament. Tin asks Can if he’s saying that the person who chased the ball so determinedly and didn’t give up is bad. If the person who gave his all despite knowing how difficult it was is bad. Can says he doesn’t know, but he wanted to win. 
Can then cries about how it hurts inside (to lose). Tin says he knows how much it hurts. Can says he wants to cry and Tin asks if he isn’t now. Can says he’ll cry again later, but Tin says to just cry now anyway. Can continues to insist there’s no point because he’ll cry again, but Tin continues to comfort him and says he should cry it all out anyway.
Can apologizes (for his rejection?) and says it’s not that he doesn’t like Tin, but he doesn’t want Tin to disappear on him again and begs him not to. Tin’s expression seems very blank (has actually seemed relatively blank the entire time with only a minor hint of sadness) and Tin replies that he’s right there and always besides Can. (I’m sure Tin’s tentativeness is more supposed to be that he’s trying not to overstep while Can is emotional, but it also reads weirdly like Mean is uncomfortable with that little bit of physical contact with Plan? I think I’m reading too much into it.)
After the intro sequence, we are now starting THREE MONTHS IN THE PAST. So I guess this was a flash forward and now we’re getting the REAL RETCON EXPERIENCE.
Anyway, we see Tin lazing about in bed, looking slightly less posh than we remember, but still rich. The shot then cuts to Can, whose room is a bit different than before as well. Can then starts screaming about how he’s late. Cut back to Tin and Tin’s house has CLEARLY been upgraded. This waterfront property thing is actually... not a bad shot at showing how he’s really rich? Like clearly rich? Check your fucking floor-to-ceiling window privilege, Tin. Tin’s breakfast is all nice and laid out for him at a nice shiny dining room table. The maid brings him more food and asks if he’d like anything else. Tin says no and proceeds to eat while checking his phone. Meanwhile, Can continues to scream about how he’s running late and how his professor that day is strict. He asks why his mom didn’t wake him up or Lemon either. Lay asks why she has to and Can calls her a bad sister and runs off. His mom notes he didn’t even dress properly. Lay asks why their mom isn’t used to it. Lay tells Gucci to wake up Can next time and gets a high five from the dog.
Can tries to catch a taxi because he’s running late and fails. He attempts to catch one from the main street. Tin, instead, is getting into his really nice car and drives out smoothly. Can is running and yelling at himself for being late and almost gets hit by a Car. Can yells at the car about being an asshole, before bowing to a tree shrine and continuing on. (Probably Tin almost hitting Can.)
Bow and Pond are then walking and talking about how Ae hasn’t been doing well lately. The scene then cuts to Ae pulling up on a motorcycle looking as cool as usual. Bow even comments on this. Ae ignores his friends and when they try to confront him, Ae says they don’t have to follow. Pond asks if he’s going to class and Ae says he wants to be left alone. Bow asks what’s wrong with him and Pond says nothing and walks away. Bow expresses her frustrations by yelling at both boys.
At the locker room, Can walks in and immediately starts complaining about the car that nearly hit him and how it must belong to an “Inter” kid, which is what they seem to have rebranded IC as. Techno asks what’s wrong with him since he’s whining as soon as he got to club. Can denies it and Can says he nearly got run over and thanks the shrine. Techno continues to mock, yet listen to Can as he continues his rambling rant. Techno even starts yawning and Techno asks if Can is going to continue talking. 
Techno then warns Can that what you hate is what you’ll get, his usually tease about TT since S1. Can asks if hating something will bring it to you for real and Techno repeats that it’s true. Can proclaims that he hates money to invite it to himself. As Can acts silly, Techno laments that Type isn’t even there to help him manage. Techno asks if Can will continue his silly reaching upwards pose to ask for money. Can says he will do it until Techno loses his mind. Techno says sure, twists Can’s ear, and makes him go change.
Meanwhile, Ae has gone to the stands/bleachers to be alone. Clearly sad and upset. Meanwhile practice for soccer continues and Can asks where Ae is. Techno spots him and says Ae seems down. Can asks if it’s true that Ae suddenly broke up with Pete and Techno asks how he’s supposed to know and tells Can to ask Ae himself. Can says who would dare to do that, knowing how scary Ae’s anger is. Techno continues to refuse to ask and says that Can should stop sticking his nose in other people’s business. Techno goes back to leading practice while Can wonders what’s so great about relationships. Can then says he wants to get something to eat and Techno notices him running off.
Pond comes around to tell Ae to stop moping, but Ae ignores him. Ae says that “he’s not with me anymore,” and Pond says that’s true. But if Pete were to see Ae in this state, he wouldn’t be happy. Pond then drops that Pete broke up with Ae for Ae’s sake. Ae gets mad and says that’s not what he wanted. Ae then demands to be left alone and storms off, leaving Pond behind. Pond has legit gotten an emotional upgrade or something because he’s always been Ae’s wingman and he’s always been good about Cha’Aim, but we’ve never seen this level of emotional complexity from what was usually our clown character.
Later that night, Tin is at home checking stuff on his computer. He has an email... from PETE?!
Tin, I don’t even know where to begin. But I’m sure that you probably already know what happened. Therefore, there’s something I’d like to ask of you. I know that you don’t like the Thai Program kids. And you don’t like Ae. But they’re all good people. I want you to open your heart. Be willing to accept them. But that’s not all I wanted to ask of you. Tin, could I also leave Ae to you? I know that I’m troubling you. But you’re my only friend. You’re someone that I trust. I’m not asking you to look after him. Just that if he’s in trouble, can you promise me that you will help him? Think of it as my last request. Because I don’t know if this will be the last email I send to you or not. I ask that you be friends with him in my place. Pete.
Aside from how this is kind of crazy as exposition, why the fuck did they make it sound like Pete is DYING in this email. This legit doesn’t sound like he broke up with Ae. It sounds like he’s dying of a terminal illness and trying to find someone to take care of his family. Like, also we all know Tin is Pete’s only friend, but entrusting Ae to him? Asking Tin to help Ae out if he’s in a bind? 
Tin naturally looks a bit upset with the email, and to Mean’s credit, his expressions are not awful here, and his internal conflict is moderately clear.
Then after what should have been an emotional punch to the gut, COMEDY with some new guy we’ve never met and know nothing about, playing video games on his phone with Pond. Pond cries out about how sick he is of his depressing life. He talks about how Ae disappeared, he is failing to win games, and he’s sick of everything. This turns into a product placement for the video game and a snack. Bow then sneaks over to listen in. Pond is about to tell what’s going on when Bow startles him. Pond asks if she just ate and Bow says no, she just... pooped. (So we’re still making jokes about how Sammy smells? For some reason? Can we stop?!) Pond asks when she got there and Bow says that’s not important. She wants Pond to continue talking about Ae. 
Pond says he doesn’t feel like talking anymore. Bow then gets ignored by both and takes all the snacks, upsetting Pond. 
We then see Can walking on campus and Can is curious as to why Ae and Pete broke up. Tin walks up behind him and says Can is in the way. Can argues that he’s not in the way and there’s plenty of space to go around him and keep walking. Tin continues to tell Can to move. Can continues to insist not to and asks who is Tin to demand he move. He also drops a line about asking if Tin’s dad owns the university for him to be so haughty. Tin asks if Can doesn’t know his dad. Can says he doesn’t and asks if Tin’s dad is really that important. And says even if Tin’s dad is in history books, he wouldn’t know it because he failed social science.
Tin drops his last name, Medthanan (just... like... S1...) and Can continues to not care. Tin says talking to him is a waste of time and pushes Can aside to keep walking. Can catches his wrist and asks if Tin’s parents didn’t teach him well enough to not treat others this way. Tin looks down at their hands and asks if Can is done and to let go if he is since he doesn’t want to waste more time. Tin pulls away and walks off. Can asks if he’s being insulted and yells after Tin, before saying the angrier he gets, the more hungry he is. He continues to eat his snack angrily until the scene ends.
In class, Can has dozed off and his friend is trying to wake him. Can wakes up yelling about how frustrated and annoyed he is after his interaction with Tin. We still don’t know his friend’s fucking name by the way. His friend tells Can to go see the nurse before Can FUCKING FINALLY calls him by name (Job) and says Job is supposed to be his friend and support him. Can continues to rant about what Tin did when they met. Everyone in class leaves as Can rants. Job finally gets fed up and leaves to finally go eat. Job then drops that he was going to join the soccer team, but  now doesn’t want to. Can chases after him since he’s being left alone in the classroom.
We then cut to the Medthanan home. Tul’s actor has also been changed. And yet we are expected to know this is Tul just because he’s a pretty asshole. We see Tul asking if he can stay at their father’s house that weekend. He then says, just as Tin walks in, that he doesn’t think Tin is ready to intern just yet. Tin hears and walks in, looking upset. He then says he figured it would turn out that way before storming off. Tul gets up and goes after Tin. As Tin goes to open the door to his room, Tul says it’s very rude of him to walk away like that. Tin pauses and turns to confront his brother.
Tin asks what Tul wants. Tul says he’s just greeting him and asks if that’s strange. Tin says he should stop acting and just say what he wants. Tul says about Tin’s internship and Tin says he wants to intern at the company. Tul reminds TIn that he’s just nineteen. Tin fires back that Tul was nineteen when he interned there. Tul reminds him that he was just a messenger back then and that Tin will not be able to do it. Tin says he can and Tul says he can’t because Tin was never raised to face any difficulty. 
Tin asks if this is why Tul told their father not to let him work at the company. Tull chuckles, but says Tin really thinks so cruelly of him. Tin tells Tul to stop acting again and that no one would believe he has such a nice brother. Tul then tells him that if Tin tries to die, he’ll die for real and there’ll never be a day where he catches up to him or keeps up. Tul then coolly walks away while Tin glares at him. Tin then visibly tries to calm himself before finally going into his room.
The next day, Can is still angry and eating and plans to make Techno treat him to some food. He turns around and bumps into Tin and splashes his drink on Tin. Can finally notices that it’s Tin and asks if Tin is there to fight. Tin ignores him for cleaning himself off instead. Can apologizes for the mess, but Tin refuses his help and says he is in the way. Can tries again, but Tin says he’s being annoying and rebukes Can again. Tin tells Can to move and Can says no. Tin walks closer and tells him to move again and Can says fine but he wants to take responsibility for what he did to Tin’s shirt. He drags Tin away to clean it. Can takes Tin to a bathroom and cleans Tin’s shirt.
Tin complains about it and says he’s going to die and that he’s going to throw away the shirt anyway. Can lectures Tin on proper use of money and that of course he was trying to clean it for Tin since he knows how to take responsibility. Tin instead tells Can his name isn’t “dude” since Can continues to be too casual. Can asks if he’s supposed to call him bastard or asshole instead and Tin finally introduces himself with his full name to Can. Can introduces himself and offers to shake Tin’s hand, but Tin says he didn’t ask. Can asks how Tin can talk to someone who just cleaned his shirt in that manner. Tin says he didn’t ask Can to. Can calls him ungrateful and Tin says whatever. Tin then says fine, Can cleaned it and asks what Can wants in return. Can says he doesn’t want anything and that he just did it to be responsible. He then says he doesn’t want Tin’s things or money and he can’t be bought.
At this time, Can’s stomach growls. Can curses it and laments that it ruined his cool image. Tin shakes his head and Can asks what he’s laughing at. Tin insists he’s not laughing and gives Can a candy out of his pocket to help hold his stomach over. Can doesn’t actively take it, so Tin puts it in Can’s hand and reminds him of his name before leaving. Can curses Tin some more because he didn’t care about Tin’s name, before checking if Tin left and eating the candy.
Later that night, Ae is alone on the soccer field. Ae starts to look upset and even begins to cry. A sad song comes on and probably Ae is crying about Pete. We then get a flashback to AePete together on the field from S1 and the episode ends there. 
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Yes! Steven rilling Andrew up is an daily thing tbh. I loved your observations on the last 3eps of worth it. The sounds they made in the savory pie ep were WILD, get a room (with only one bed lol, classic theme that i enjoy even if it's cliche❤️). Btw do you know this fic called sweet stuff? I rec it, Steven + dress is *chef kiss*. Also off topic i love those AU in which Andrew is a history teacher and Steven is an engineer and both are basically nerd af but in the cutest way possible
Steven, no matter how innocent, is just too naive at times to resist! He does things that are so innocent, and tbh, it sometimes flies by me as well, but Andrew always always notices so tbh, sometimes Steven doesn't even have to try and rile Andrew up lmao bitch gets riled up on his own
And Worth it’s last three ep’s? We all can just clearly see the heart eyes Steven and Andrew give each other. IT’S THAT STRONG. QUARANTINE CAN’T CONTAIN THEM lmao Also, I remember that part with Steven talking about soulmates and such, him calling him and Andrew soulmates and that’s just *sighs dreamily* they truly do love each other that much (PS: I keep forgetting to gif that part, I’ve been so busy recently lol)
AND YES YES, I KNOW THAT FANFIC IT IS FUCKING AMAZING UGHHHHHH  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ It’s one of the few fics I always re-read (most of the fics I reread are either smut or age-regression tbh) Steven is a dress iss sooooo good, especially when he’s in his cute pastel fluffy element. That fanfic was an amazing mixture of fluffy and smutty and goddddd, the author really delivered to us! THEY MADE A MASTERPIECE *chef kiss as well*
AND DID YOU JUST SAY ENGINEER STEVEN!? *whips out a couple of my unfinished fanfics*
If I could direct your lovely attention here Anon lol, I made this promo post before for my Standrew Tenshibyou AU. This one is gonna be long as well and I haven’t finished it yet lmao but a bit of spoiler, Steven is an engineer here and while Andrew, not really a history teacher, is a dietician. I wanted him to have a job that still involves food, but more on research and I decided on this uwu  ❤️
tbh, that fanfic doesn’t even have a title yet lmao Can’t decide whether to name it as Angels & Demons or Angel Sanctuary tbh will think of more soon lol
I have another Engineer!Steven, but it’s also in the gothic-horror genre lmao It’s a Doctor Sleep AU, and more of a Stadamdrew rather than just Standrew  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
but hmmmm History teacher Andrew and Engineer Steven is also a very good AU e.e I do love the idea of them being such nerds together e.e Anon, how dare u give me another idea lmaooo THIS IS A VERY GOOD IDEA THO
Okay, so let’s start it off like this:
Shane and Andrew work at the same university, they’re both history teachers so let’s just make this a huge university (idk how it is in America, but my old uni had double professors at times lol). Shane is trying to invite Andrew and Adam to one of their outings because Shane wants his fellow professor to go out and enjoy, he thinks Andrew is too focused on his work needs to loosen up a bit.
Andrew, begrudgingly, finally agrees as long as Adam goes along with him (Adam didn’t need to be persuaded, because he had a very healthy social lifestyle thank you very much). 
They meet at this swanky bar where Shane is off to meet his boyfriend Ryan. Ryan, incidentally, brought along his bestfriend Steven who just RECENTLY CAME OUT AS GAY. Ryan is trying to show his bestfriend a good time and maybe *nudge nudge* set him up with someone cute while he’s at it.
Adam really, only went along cuz he’s actually been pinning on Andrew for a while now, but Andrew hasn’t really noticed because too busy with work duh.
So the three of them meet at the bar and Andrew is actually pretty interested at Steven, he thinks he’s cute, he’s funny, and he has that bubbly personality that draws Andrew in... Too bad he looks like he’s more attracted to Adam though.
Adam flirts a little with Steven and they get along swimmingly well and it only adds to Andrew’s sour mood because hey he’s supposed to be having a good time, but the only guy he’s interested in doesn’t seem to notice him that much
So, the night ends, Adam gets Steven’s number and Andrew is just pissed off
Days pass, Steven and Andrew meet by accident!
Well, not entirely, because Shane actually invited Steven over to his class because he wanted Steven to demonstrate the history of chemicals when it came to the revolution of man and who better to explain chemistry than a chemist himself! 
So, Steven asks Andrew if he could help him find Shane because he got lost since the university is big and Andrew, seriously, Steven is cute and Andrew is a decent guy so he helps Steven out and they get to talking and one thing led to another, they’re getting coffee after work hours! Andrew is really not trying to get his hopes up, this is just a simple coffee, Steven just wants to take a break and all that.
So they get coffee, they talk alot, Steven is a big nerd with history as well and Andrew is all the more intrigued with him. Steven explains more the history of chemicals and such, and he’s so passionate and knowledgeable in his field that Andrew just can’t help but listen to him babble on and on about it. 
Then, Steven stops, looks at Andrew shyly and says “Sorry, I sometimes get carried away, hope I’m not boring you.” 
And Andrew’s all like shaking his head and saying “No, I love listening to you talk.” And Steven gets all blushy and happy and woah, Andrew loves seeing that.
By the end of their coffee “date”, Steven ends up inviting Andrew to a  convention. And to both of their surprises, it’s a CAT CONVENTION THAT THEY BOTH PLANNED ON ATTENDING. They both end up showing pictures of their cats, Steven with Simba and Andrew with Riceball and Wellington.
So Andrew is just really charmed, he really likes Steven and he can’t wait for their next ehem, “date”. He’s so excited he tells his bestfriend Adam about it.
Adam, although he did like Steven, has been pinning for Andrew for a long time now. So on the day of the cat convention, both Steven and Andrew meet Adam there as a surprise, Adam ambushed them lmaooo
Adam makes up some bullshit excuse about coming here because he was in the neighborhood and he thought he’d drop by, Andrew is suspicious because why would Adam suddenly come here? What is his ulterior motive here?
So the three of them hang out and Steven is a bit flustered because he likes BOTH Andrew and Adam and this is a bit awkward and there’s some tension here and there so yeah
So the convention ends and they all bid their goodbye’s, and Steven is a tiny bit upset because he wanted to really hang out with Andrew but, he was feeling shy around Adam. Yet at the same time, Adam didn’t really even call him back after that night at the bar.
So lo and behold! Andrew suddenly texts Steven on his way home, he wanted to know if Steven wants to hang out again and this time, maybe just the two of them? Andrew isn’t going to drop the date word yet, he wants to say it face to face cuz he’s that type of guy and Steven happily agrees!
SOOOO THEY GO ON “DATES” , Andrew hasn’t really dropped the date word yet, but Steven is always taking him on so many different places and good restaurants to eat at and the more Andrew spends time with Steven, the more he actually think that he may be falling in love and fuckkkk
wait, I want this to end in Stadamdrew
So, let’s develop Steven and Adam’s relationship this time.
Steven gathers up his courage and contacts Adam, he was planning on just telling Adam that it was nice to see him again after the cat convention. Adam decides to entertain Steven for now and they talk through text and woah, they actually really have a lot in common as well!
Steven is into photography and good books, they also have the same music tastes so they exchange and give recommendations to each other a lot. Steven told Adam that it’s okay if they’re just friends and he just wanted to hang out with him. Adam sees that there’s nothing wrong with giving the guy a chance so they go on book “dates”  together and go to music stores and laugh a lot and watch shitty movies together to make fun of and oh
oh no, Adam is actually genuinely starting to like Steven and fuck, this was not how he was intending for this to go but like, Steven is really great and he loves his smile, his laugh, and he is such a smart and talented person and fuckkk Adam got so whipped over Steven that he doesn’t even know why he didn’t bother to call Steven again after that night at the bar!
Meanwhile, Steven is having a crises! Oh no!
He likes both Adam and Andrew and they’re both bestfriends and fuckk!! Okay, he thinks that maybe they’re both just really nice and they aren’t really interested in him but, Steven really likes both of them and gosh, this is not how he wanted things to go down in his life right now
I’m thinking Andrew would make he first more here, like he would officially ask Steven out and Steven would be really ecstatic because like YES!! He does really like Andrew and gosh, he is so so happy to be dating him and they’re both having a great time together and Shane and Ryan keep teasing them and well...
Everything is great, but they both notice that Adam has become really distant and quiet recently. He’s been cancelling on hanging out and he doesn’t really talk to them that much anymore and Andrew is more concerned because Adam is best friend and he’s never seen Adam be like that, not since, he ehem got his heart broken so Andrew wants to make his friend happy again
Steven comes along to help out and they annoy Adam almost every day until Adam SNAPS and he gets pissed at both of them and then all confessions break out that Adam is actually really REALLY happy for them but at the same time he’s really not?! Because he likes both Andrew and Steven, and he’s really been pinning over Andrew for the longest time now and now that he’s seeing both Steven and Andrew together, two guys he really likes, he’s just really sad and jealous and he walks out and Andrew and Steven are stunned.
The boyfriends do a sleepover at Andrew’s place and they talk about it and Andrew realizes that oh fuck he really likes Adam as well and wow, Steven also really likes Adam and he was having a crisis before because he wanted to both date Andrew and Adam and damnnnn
So the ending is basically Steven and Andrew woo-ing Adam to become their boyfriend and it becomes a happy OT3 Stadamdrew  ❤️ The End  ❤️
jfc this got so long I am so sorry, I am supposed to be updating my fanfic but this happened lmaooooo hope u like it tho anon, this was a wild ride for me XD
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tellywoodtrash ¡ 5 years
sanjivani 05.11.19 lb
i'm already all yelled out with @nawaazishein​ even before watching this ep but... here we go.
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ishani toh silence se violence pe utar aa gayi. good, achcha target hai yeh. issi ke wajah se toh hua hai sab.
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........... this proves nothing. they were bffs already. like if rahil had a pic like this of sid and himself as his wallpaper, would she react the same way? matlab, kandhe pe haath hi toh rakha hai, not like they're making out with tongue in the pic.
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aman almost seems more broken up about sid/ishani than asha (and his unborn fetus.) waah re indian tv. shipping ho toh aisi.
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i feel nothing. i feel nothing for any of these fucking dumbasses. you're all so fucking dumb, jesus. how are grownass adults allowed to be this goddamn stupid????
suchhhhhhhhhhh fucking bad dubbing. like srsly, y'all couldn't shoot a decent scene with robin while you had him???
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this boy needs to legit be put on r/dogshaming, with the amount of guilty puppy face he makes.
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of course.
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shashank be like jfc all my kids are fucking crazy. uh DOYYYYYYYYYY. SIR MASHA'ALLAH SE AAP HI KE NAKSHE KADAM PE CHAL RAHEIN HAIN.
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juhi giving generic insta/facebook waala parenting advice that childless ppl give sooooooooo easily.
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she's so cute and they're so happy around each other and i wanna support this but ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i'll eventually make my begrudging peace with it, but for now imma sulk.
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you're making some lofty promises, ishani; considering you just walked in, don't know what's wrong with her/the fetus, and haven't even so much as looked at a goddamn chart or run a test.
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ugh poor asha. she's so so relieved to get her female friend back. i feel that, sis. no matter how much a man tries, he just can’t be as comforting as a woman. it’s just fact, dude.
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lmao instant accusation on sid. bechaara, he can't do anyyyyyyything right these days. kahaan phas gaya yaar tu? achchi khaasi toh chal rahi thi teri life. neki karne ke chakkar mein pair pe kulhaadi nahi, apna saara pair hi amputate kar diya tuney, bewakoof.
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someone unleash this hormone-riddled, ragey asha on aman. i would like to see it.
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haan, maafi aur dosti ke tu kaabil nahi hai... par ugh. pighal gaya dil, kya karein ab.
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"uss raat mein tumhaare paas aa raha tha..." pft. that’s enough to make laddoos phootofy in ishani's brain.
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lmao ketchup.
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asha, you're a doctor. you should already know that wrist-cutting has super fucking low chances of actually resulting in death. also if you really didn't care about the life of your fetus then, why didn't you just go for an abortion????? itna pain aur bleeding bhi nahi hota MTP mein toh........ idk why the hell you didn't just go for that option.
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asha unknowingly pushing alllllllllllllllll of sid's triggers. how serendipitous!
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"iss bachche ko baap ka naam milega."
oh cool, so you'll go find aman and reason with him then? to come back and make a rational, logical decision together with asha?
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"iss bachche ko main apna naam doonga."
oh. oh no. completely the fucking opposite then. UH HUH, OK COOL. MAKES TOTAL SENSE.
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haan ok saath toh tu hai, par isse aage kya???? you're just gonna live happily playing ~~ishani maasi~ to this kid, ecstatic about the fact that he didn't have sex with asha to make this one particular baby???? what about the rest of their marriage and lifelong co-parenting relationship???? LIKE...... WHAT'S YOUR LONG TERM VISION OF THIS SITCH AND HOW YOU FIT INTO IT, ISHANI?????? GOD. YOU'RE SO FUCKING STUPID, I CAN'T EVEN.....
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25 notes ¡ View notes
larenoz ¡ 5 years
Roswell New Mexico - Live Rewatch - Ep 1 - Pilot
So I don’t really have much in the way of original content on my blog. So I decided it might be fun to post the live blog I’ve been doing on discord of the rewatch our server is doing for Roswell, New Mexico over the hiatus period. 
I’ve only posted my comments, so there might be a couple of bits that look out of place. These are my responses to other people’s comments. I’m up to episode 6, so I will post the backlog and then do one a week until the re-watch is complete.
Be warned, there is swearing. 
Sorry, cat decided it wanted a cuddle
I love the glass effect, it's so cool
You may not plan to see the small people again, Liz but we know it's gonna happen!!
Not gonna lie, I love poltics in my TV
You quote that verdict to him, Liz!!
That vent tells us so much about Liz in such a short period of time.
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You're finally back says Max.Because he's been waiting for that to happen the whole time.
Excuse me Sheriff, with that good girl comment. Rude!
Arturo, playing along with Liz's mpreg story.
Fuck, I just realised - mpreg is canon!?!
I want antenna headband
Cream on a milkshake is wrong.
So many people in this show have pretty eyes!!
Damn that's alot of lights to replace
I love that damn bullet hole in Liz's dress. It was the first indication they weren't gonna make everyone dumb as a bag of rocks and drag the storyline out FOR EVER.
Hoverboarding. Iz!!
Hey there Kyle!
Annnd here it comes, I'm in love.
That smug fucking grin. The song.
That look when he's trying to get the keys. That look would make you do just about anything.
That Michael monologue. It just gets better everytime I watch it.
Without a doubt, top 3 best character intros ever.
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And we're only 15 mins in! I need to make less comments
I didn't think anyone was reading!! :wink:
"Untie some loose ends" - you go Iz
Oh Max you fucker. Telling Michael he wouldn't do anything for anyone else. Excuse fucking you.
Ok, blasting Max across the room is kinda hot. But then his guilty face! :sob:
And god, that little shoulder touch on Iz one the way out.
Another example of non-verbal storytelling. In one scene we get the fractured relationship between Max and Michael, we get that Iz and Michael are close and that both boys defer/protect Iz. So much with so little. It also sets up the physicality of the broken relationship between Max and Michael.
Others have commented on how Max is physically intimidating with people, and literally pushes Michael around, but to be fair, Michael is pretty much the same with Max (but never really with anyone else that we see on screen though we hear about it.
And then in a few lines, Iz gives us a lifetime of fears and concerns - dissection, prison, lying and hiding to loved ones - the rest of the season in seconds of dialogue
Ah, the ONLY thing that gives me Max feels is how dismissive both Iz and Michael are of Max's feelings about Liz. Especially annoying consider Michael should really fucking know better.
Yeah, because he's been pining for Alex just as long.
Unrequited love hurts just as much. Kiss or no kiss.
That's my take anyway.
Here it comes...
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Typing may get bad. Cat is sitting on chest and I can't see keyboard.
Seriously, there is nothing overtly relationshippy or sexual, no pointed stares, but just how soft Michael is, even as he's making the real Manes man comment, you just know these two have a past, and that past was probably intimate.
The casual sex comment though, oh yeah they've fucked. That is such a fuck you comment to an ex.
And again with massive story in few words - Alex knocking his leg. "3/4 of one"
That run and tell Daddy line. The nastiest thing Michael says in the entire season, although we don't know that yet. And it strikes such a dissonant tone, even though we don't know why. I'm gonna put it down to things changing so much between shooting the pilot and the rest of the season.
Just my humble opinion but the shirt changing scene could've lasted longer. Just sayin'
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Maths, lots and lots of maths
I love the glass SFX
Rosa!! "All our lives that kids been making eyes at you"
Oh Liz, such a good sister. Fixing up the memorial. And the braclets
Ah, sneaky Liz appears
Oh yeah can he keep a secret
Liz begging Max to tell her she isn't loosing her mind. Fuuuck.
Not cool Michael. Great control, but not cool.
Racist Hank, you douche bag
And Maria introduced as taking no shit from ANYONE.
Iz and her slideshow. I love that line.
Why is Iz so vehement that Michael would be so upset about telling Liz?
Max loosing it and Iz looking quite surprised. Forshadowing
yes, Iz no like about it. He is in love with her.
Ah Iz, Iz, Iz. "Too many secrets, things she can't ever know" you don't know the half of it.
Fall in love with someone else.  - If I could have, I would have. Fuck, Max, I feel you on that one.
Jesus, how do all these guys make dark flannel look so hot?
Dance it out. i don't dance in this town anymore, Kyle...
Hot take, I know everyone is mad for Trevino's cheekbones, but honestly, they aren't my thing. But his eyes, gods, his eyes. He has the best eyes on the show. God that make me sound like a freak.
"whatever" with that tiny, tiny almost invisible smirk. Yeah, you think you're all that
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He manages that whole distraction use me, use me speech without coming off as a total wanker. And that is pretty amazing.
The station promo/ad on my cable channel has a bit for Roswell - tag line: "Beam me up hotties." Too right.
Scientist Liz!!
Needs answers now.
Fuck you Jesse Manes
I hate you already.
No Kyle, don't do it. But thank fuck he doesn't just start talking,
Yeah, nah Max. That's not how it works. It's not ok if people are nice to you but shitty to everyone else.
Why should Michael like the world? it's been pretty shitty to him!?!
Liz with the serial killer joke, just with the wrong person!!
The pods are sorta cool.
They could've been so chessy.
Now we know why the three of them are so close. And just about the only real bit of exposition on the show.
But will you Liz? Will you keep the promise?
Secret Bunker No 1
"This matters to you, so I'm here". :heart:
Do what Michael, what could you possibly mean?
"Just like you did 10 yrs ago".......
What are you max? Just a guy from Roswell
In Max's favour, when he says he stayed in Roswell, and didn't follow Liz because of Iz and Michael, he doesn't sound resentful, which is sort of what you'd expect here. I like that.And Max going to the reunion for Iz. And Liz tagging along even though she's expecting a bad reception.
"i don't save people all the time. I never save people" But you saved Liz, And why is that Max?
OT re Trevino's eyes. It was that gif set of him laying on his stomach  on his bed (?) with his doggo, looking up to the camera. That angle, OMG, his eyes....
And no verbal confirmation, just Liz realising exactly what Max said - that even though he's in a job where he'd be in contact with sick/dying people alot, he's never saved anyone before. Omph
Of course you remember the very first time you met, Max.
Little kid Max is sooo cute.
Ah you big sap, Max.
No kissing. An "Echo" of what he feels for Liz.
Nice choice of words there writers.
We see what you did there.
So far it's taken me 2 hrs to watch 50 mins
Fuck you again Jesse Manes
Swoon Kyle's eyes.
And we have Kyle's first exposure to the fact that the govt knows about aliens and did medical type stuff to them.  Does this hover in the back of his mind from now on? is this the reason for the quick reaction to his fathers actions at Caufield.?
No he's fucking not cooking meth. Seriously, Alex, what the fuck?
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Sorry Alex, not cool, not cool AT all.
I want to see the outakes of Tyler saying phenyl-2-propanone
Because I'm a bitch like that
Yeah, that so serious up close and personal for straight people....
And there is Alex's nastiest line - You're wasting your life. Gods, that is such a shit thing to say to Michael.
And re outtakes because Tyler would laugh and do that thing where he covers his mouth as he trys to stop himself giggling. That's soooo cute.
But anyway, back to the show...
Oh, he wants to hold something, Michael but it's not your hand...
Macho cowboy swagger.
Did it get old for you.
No it did not get fucking old for him. At all.
Michael walking away with arm around girl. Noting for those who say they didn't realise Michael was bi after watching the pilot. How?
How could you miss it?
You go Maria - dying alone of syphillis to bitch
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Maybe Liz does still dance in Roswell!! She just needs a good reason.
And that song begins.
"You can't hide from who you are". Alex's prothesis as he looks at himeself skating in the slide show. Fucking killing us.
And it only gets worse-
I don't thnk that's an unpopular opinon at all. That's totally where I see his headspace. But that does result in him saying some nasty shit to Michael. And it's because we know it's not true that it hurts so much.
Fair warning it may take me half an hour to get through the next 2 mins of show!!
Long shot - "Nostalgia's a bitch"
Fuck, the way Michael looks at Alex as he's leaning against the door. People have started wars to have someone look at them like that. That's Greek epic shit right there.
Then cut shot to Max and Iz looking at Liz.
Alex expecting Michael to be gone from Roswell.
"Is that what you want" as Michael takes a step closer. Not "wanted", but "want".
"What I want doesn't matter" as they both slowly sway towards each other. Bullshit, Alex. What you want is ALL that matters. Fuck everything else.
Michael's eyes flicking up to Alex's face....
And Michael launches himself at Alex like a dying man.
God, how do you even describe that kiss?? Everything about it is just.......
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But it's more than just the fire. Its the tenderness of Michael gently craddling Alexs' head even though the kiss is passionate and desperate.
Battery break
And then, back to reality - Iz knows that Max has told Liz.
And then Jess Fucking Manes (I fututus et mori in ignie cunne) (don't look that up it's very bad swearing) talking about being monsters who despise compassion and love. Projecting much.
"Thrive on our tragedy". Die MF Die
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Despise Love over a visual of Michael and Alex. Die some more you MF
But you haven't told Liz everything have you Max. There's still some stuff you're hiding.
"When the truth hunts you down"
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Yeah, that truth is going to hunt you down and fuck you up Max
My house just wobbled.
No, there isn't a secret that is safe.
And people will be caught in the crossfire - have already.
"What's lost will be found, when the truth hunts you down."
Well doesn't that one line sum up a ton of shit that goes down in the rest of the season.
And fin
3 hrs
That was not what I planned.
14 notes ¡ View notes
muthaz-rapapa ¡ 6 years
Precure Super Stars: Best MHPC Moments
Other than the All Stars movie, this is the last time we’ll be seeing them on any screen for a while so of course I have to take a thousand screencaps to re-etch their image in my heart forever.
Also this is about the only thing that actually made me happy about this movie.
Warning: Spoilers, no cut and long post ahead.
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They can be doing the most mundane things and I’d still go crazy over how cute my girls are! x333
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And the sweet smell was likely KiraPati falling from the sky along with Ichika and the others.
How those girls found a portal to the Magic World, we’ll probably never know but whatever.
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My heroes~!!!
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Haha, a little unfortunately for Mirai, she caught a bigger load than the other two did which ends up giving her slightly more trouble in maneuvering her broom.
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Like needing to dodge hitting the rooftops, pillars, buildings...
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...and crash-landing straight into the lake.
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But she still managed!
That’s my Mirai! *so proud of her* ( ^ω^ )
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Mirai and Riko going into squealing Mommies mode at the sight of Hugtan because it brings back memories of when they were raising Ha-chan together is just...it’s just...
...*breaks down crying* I’m sorry, it’s just too nostalgic in here...
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And them not noticing Harry was hilarious. xDD;;;
Don’t mind, Harry~ (^ ^ ;)
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I do say, I think MahoPre had the fiercest close-ups.
But then again, I didn’t have a lot of attention to spare for the other groups since I was so preoccupied with fawning over these three so I wouldn’t know, eheh~
Also, Sapphire Style~ <D
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To be honest, this thing where the lead Cure gets separated from her group is very old already. But what makes it annoying is when they’re deliberately singled out in an All Stars movie so that for the majority of the movie, she can only interact with the other lead Cures...which is also old. 
Something similar happened in All Stars Memories, too, but I don’t think that lasted too long and the circumstances were slightly different.
Anyway, this is another pattern Toei refuses to break and it irks me.
On another note, Riko is so quick to realize Usobakka’s next move and to act on it with Ha-chan to buy time for Mirai to escape with the others.
Cuz unlike them who can still use magic in their civilian forms, Ichika and Hana can’t. So they need at least one person who does have that power to stay behind in order to protect the others.
My girls are so grown-up! *wipes tear*
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And this is a moment of anguish for me because for those of us who actually watched MahoPre in its entirety, we all know that Mirai does not do well when she’s forced apart from her friends (this is the reason why I cannot watch ep 49 without crying my heart out every. single. time!).
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But the determined look Riko gives her stops Mirai from panicking and it’s this wordless exchange...
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...down to the very last message conveyed even through their eye contact that tells everybody how well these two really understand each other.
And that’s only possible for people who have really, really, really close bonds.
Particularly the Cures that start out as pairs like Black & White.
That duality characteristic that’s present in their relationship is something that sets them apart from the other Cures.
It’s a very deep partnership. One that transcends even the boundaries of friendship.
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And I hope that I’m not the only person who thought this but Mirai taking the lead here in the middle of all the chaos that’s happening really makes the whole situation look like her maternal instincts have kicked in and she’s gotta usher these young’uns away from the danger as fast as possible.
I’d say “senpai” but the Maho girls have matured so much, that term doesn’t feel like it’s enough to describe them, lol.
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Excuse me for a second...*AHEM*...
...ok, I’m done. 
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BWUAHAHA, Harry complaining ‘bout how they’re not moving fast enough and Mirai pretty much almost yelling back “It’s above the normal weight limit, pipe down, I’m driving!”
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Every time the girls use magic, I just go “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” cuz it’s just that awesome.
Magic is awesome.
God, I love MahoPre so damn much!
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Technically, they did later on when they popped the bubbles by filling it up on the inside and that wouldn’t have happened if they didn’t use magic so Riko was right in attempting to all along.
Just as planned, eh, Riko? Hehe.
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Ha-chan takes after Mirai and then some.
*squeals* I wanna hug my flower child all day long~! x3333
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LMAO, man, the others must’ve been stuck in there for hours and are likely starving by now.
Ha-chan is so nice to provide for everyone. A true Mother Goddess.
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This warms my heart like nothing else in the world can.
The faith they have in each other~ <3333
Also, Ha-chan is like super, ultra, beyond comprehension ADORABUBBLE~!!!!!!
She’s like *PLOP!* “Don’t worry~!”
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Riko loves her wife.
Very much.
( ~ ∀ ^ )
And Ha-chan loves her mommies. <33
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I just realized I haven’t fangirled over her yet.
C’mere, cutie! *huggles her* x333
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Ha-chan... (^ ∀ ^ ;;)
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This speaks for itself.
And is the most important moment in the whole movie.
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lol, Riko naturally reaching hold up to hold her hat in place when they drop outta the monster’s stomach.
And then there’s Ha-chan who’s all “YEARSH, I’M OUT!!!”
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...I’m gonna be such a wreck after I finish watching All Stars Memories.
And it’s all because of these girls.
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Here’s a quick snap of Felice catching Yell.
She quite good at that.
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*sighs contently*
...Ok, here are the rest:
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I’m surprised flowers didn’t start blooming everywhere like a hurricane around them cuz ‘m pretty sure the Yukari Touch™ is one of the few human abilities that can activate Ha-chan’s latent goddess powers.
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You’re a talking hamster, Harry.
Why is this so strange to you?
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From “mouse” to an “egg”.
Poor Harry keeps getting demoted everyday. ^^;
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Of course, Mirai is making cookies in the shape of Mofurun.
And is Mofu-baby posing for reference?
Cutie bear~
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Again with the strawberry melon pan. ^^;
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41 notes ¡ View notes
mentalcurls ¡ 6 years
1. Sembri una pu***na
So I started the all-Skam Italia rewatch last Sunday and it turns out I have a lot to say about it. Like, four pages on Word of stuff to say. It took me three days to get evrything out and make it readable. So here, for you reading pleasure, my thoughts on ep.1 season 1 “Sembri una pu***ana”. There’s some kind of heavy stuff and I draw some parallels to my personal experience, since I was, unce upon a time, a teenager and a student at the same school all the highschoolers in SkamIT attend, and I’m also beginning to do the Bechdel test on the episodes!
The montage at the beginning is really powerful when you link the images from Giovanni and Eva’s class’s time at the Succursale to Gio’s essay, that Eva’s reading in the background, in particular the first part: LudoBesse is basically telling us how much of a waste Eva thinks her and Laura’s friendship is to Laura now
Something else about Gio’s essay (as someone who attended classico): it’s a YES from me because criticizing liceo classico is peak classico culture, it’s a HELL NO because classico is actually the best school in the world and I sincerely hope that if anyone else but himself said/wrote that kind of stuff about his school Gio would be at their throats
Eva has that “seeing someone outside the school gates and static fills your ears” moment just like Marti when he sees Niccolò for the first time! Hers is of course with Laura and Sara, who are with... Silvia and Fede! I like that they showed us a bit of this friendship that we didn’t really get to see in the og.
Martino and that iconic first “A zozzoni!” ❤️
Marti and Gio are competing for who got the best grades in the History test and I have a lot to say about this: we know Gio has really high grades (we are told he has an average of 9/10 in Latin and he got 8,5 in History) and that thing he does, bragging about it with his friend, the friendly competition between them, the actual talking about his grades without worrying who’s listening to him? That shit wouldn’t have flied for me, a once-upon-a-time student of liceo classico with an average of 8/10 in Latin, 8/10 in Ancient Greek and 9/10 in History and in part it was because I didn’t have the best classmates, but for the most part I couldn’t have done that because I am a girl (and my friends and classmates were 98% female)
girls are socialized to be humble about accomplishments, first and foremost, to avoid bragging AND humblebragging as well, and to always care about other people and their feelings; basically, whenever the topic of marks and grades came up while I was in high school, I had to try my best to avoid disclosing my own; if they were brought up directly, say them as dispassionately as possible and then try to change topic; I had be conscious of the fact I was talking someone who had much worse grades than me most of the time, so I had to keep into mind their experience of finding things I found doable (like translating from Latin) extremely hard, of disliking subjects I enjoyed (and most of the time the professor who taught them too, especially when they’d recently gotten a bad mark) and of being frustrated by their grades. I could never have competed with any of my friends about who got the highest marks (most of the time there was actually a sort of “gallows humor” competition over who got the lowest). I couldn’t show I was happy about my good grades, because I’d get negative comments from my friends (yes, even close friends, people I get on with and love to this day) who would dismiss my accomplishment as obvious, something that came easily to me because I was a nerd (the translation in Italian is “secchiona” and it doesn’t have any of the “cute” connotations pop culture gave its English counterpart) and something I shouldn’t “show off”. On top of that, if something was hard for me, it was whatever and what right did I have to complain when I had such high grades anyways, it wouldn’t be a problem in the long run.
So yeah, Martino and Giovanni, right now I kind of hate you for not having to take on any emotional labour in these kind of situations and society for socializing males and females in different ways when it comes to accomplishments and for accepting different behaviours from boys and girls.
QED Gio and Marti turn to Eva and ask her about her mark, she’s reticent but they get an answer out of her (that is not even the truth) and they mock her for it. Yes it’s all fun and games but Eva’s mark is really bad compared to Giovanni’s and Martino’s (especially her real mark) and grades are important for teens, no matter how much they deny it, if nothing else then because they influence their relationship with their parents
you can see Eva is hurt by their careless mocking, by Gio’s fake attempt at placating with “stuff she’s good at” (among which is re-heating pre-cooked food which is at the same time a way to have her “stay in the kitchen” and not even be able to properly cook) and by the way he and Marti underestimate her and laugh at her in the following exchange, when Marti shushes her and she calls him “asshole” with that annoyed face. It’s silly, “loving” mockery but it affects people anyways and it shows a lack of empathy only guys are allowed. She’s expected to take it with good grace (and this takes additional emotional labour) because it’s just for fun and they’re friends and they don’t mean it, but it’s not fair
“There are no secrets in a couple, but there aren’t between friends either.” THE WAY MARTINO PUTS HIMSELF ON THE SAME LEVEL AS EVA in Giovanni’s life, straight away! This boy. And Gio agrees! That shit must’ve been so frustrating, poor Eva.
This conversation  between Gio, Eva and Marti: G: Today we’re going to Elia’s place to study. E: Oh, so that’s what you’re calling it now, studying. M: Oh c’mon, 6 minus, shhh. is the beginning of the reoccurring dynamic between them in the season that will make Eva paranoid and will bring her to confronting Laura and to cheating aka Giovanni keeping a secret, lying to Eva about where he goes and what he does, Martino enabling him by misdirecting or distracting her or Gio doing it himself, then either or both the guys calling her crazy or paranoid for doubting their words. You know what’s that? It’s called gaslighting.
[Gaslighting means manipulating a person by psychological means into questioning his or her own sanity. It’s the same technique that, according to some of his critics, Donald Trump used to get gain traction with voters (see Trump giving “alternative facts” and dubbing the media that fact checked and corrected him “fake news”).]
[I’M NOT SAYING THAT GIOVANNI IS THE SAME AS TRUMP, I DON’T THINK THEY’RE THE SAME, I only want to present an example of how this form of psychological manipulation is an actual thing in the real word and is really effective and dangerous.]
I am aware that Giovanni is just a dumb teenager trying to hide his weed habit from his girlfriend, that Martino is just being a good bro and covering for his best friend, that they’re doing this without any malicious intent towards Eva and that she’s insecure all by herself. Still, gaslighting is not a behaviour our societies should excuse, especially because it’s usually practiced by the usual suspects over women and minorities. I’d never seen it pointed out in the context of Skam Italia so I thought I’d bring it up, especially in light of S2 and of the “unproblematic” label Gio’s been given. He’s not perfect, he does shitty stuff too, then afterwards he simply grows up and becomes better. Let’s not forget about it and celebrate the person he’s become.
Case in point is the whole 1.2 Online clip. This is conversation between Eva and Gio: G: My battery died. E: But you were on-line. G: No, I wasn’t, my phone died a couple of hours ago. E: But I saw you. G: Eva, I don’t know how it happened. There must be something wrong with my phone, I don’t know. Sometimes I see you online and you’re not, too. I mean, everyone knows it happens. We can Google it if you want. E: No, it’s okay. And where were you? G: At Elia’s. E: Till now? G: Yeah. E: That’s weird. I talked to Martino earlier and he said you guys left a while ago. G: Eva, what’s wrong? Martino left earlier and I stayed till now. What, you don’t believe? Don’t you trust me? Are you insane, uh? [G kisses E] Everything’s alright. Little koala? Little koala always works. [G carries E to her room, then they have sex.] Giovanni lies about his phone being dead, then tells Eva that her seeing him online is impossible or a fluke, that everyone knows those kind of flukes happen, then lies again about being at Elia, when she tries to expose him he adjusts and starts questioning why she doesn’t believe him, finally calling her crazy and distracting her with kisses and sex. This is gaslighting.
(I had actual chills as I watched the scene again and typed this.)
Those theatre kids are so awkward, but quoting weird passages from greek/latin/italian poetry by heart is peak liceo classico culture
unsupportive boyfriend Gio shows up again when Eva suggest they go to the Easter party: his first reaction is “What? Why? You don’t even like that”, so savage, but fair Eva reminds him he’s actually a loser who, at 16, plays card to have fun with his friends like a 60 year old
Gio is being an asshole, he only considers going with Eva’s suggestion in exchange for something, then guilts her into accepting his “deal” bringing up Marti’s difficult family situation and her grades, implicitly, by promising to volunteer for the philosophy oral test, plus he’s rude and insensitive af because he brings up her inviting a friends when he knows fully well that when they cheated on Laura she got completely cut off
this will show up again, but let me just start to say it in the first episode: how unfair is it for Eva to be suffering most of the consequences in her life for getting together with her best friend’s boyfriend, when Giovanni faces no consequences that we know of for cheating on his girlfrien? And how unfair it must feel, deep deep down, to Eva
then, when she agrees, he takes back his side of the deal and Eva has to say it’s fine, it’s nothing because he says sorry and that’s socialization kicking in, telling her not to be difficult, not to be needy and not to complain cause that’s annoying and girls guys want to date are not any of those things; honestly, the emotional labour Eva has to go through
that getting ready montage, Eva really goes full on revenge mode like Lady D and she’s fully feeling her oats
the first dress Eva tries on is the same we saw Laura wearing at the party, but Eva’s red while Laura’s blue: I put all my money o it being a dress they bought together and on it being kind of their go-to dress, Eva thought about wearing it to remind Laura of their friendship but in the end decided it would only make things harder
oh, the conversation with Laura at the bar. God, if the situation is this tense can you imagine being in the same class as her and as Gio six hours a day everyday? We’ve talked about how shit it must have felt for Niccolò to be in the same class as Marco Covitti in S2, but Eva’s situation is awful too. I wonder how much of that factors in her bad grades and troubles with school
how more people don’t ship Italian Evanora is beyond me, have you seen this interaction?
on the other hand, I wonder how much Eleonora thought about it later, about how she must have come on too strong, about how maybe Eva thought she was weird or hitting on her and how much that weighed on Eleonora not reaching out first again, cause she makes a face like she regrets her life the minute Eva walks away
it breaks my heart, honestly: Eva has just been told she’s a whore by someone she once considered a friend, but when she finds this person’s new friend, who she doesn’t know, crying in the bathroom she doesn’t bat an eyelash, reassures her and tries her best to help her (so much emotional labour that women “naturally” take on themselves because we’re taught to be empathetic and caretakers even when we’re ourselves in distress)
one question: if Federico Canegallo is as popular as the Villa crew seems to be, how the hell does nobody know him when Eva is looking for “Fede”? Besides, Silvia doesn’t even react to the fact that he’s a friend of Edoardo’s when she sees him in the bathroom!
the interaction between the two Fedes kills me in every version
ok fuck you Silvia for not even saying thanks for trying and looking at Eva like she’s a decerebrate
Bechdel test: the episodes passes the test because of the conversations between Eva and Laura (nice 😑), Eva and Eleonora (though they’re mostly talking shit about other girls, so still not very good) and Eva and Silvia (though we actually don’t know her name yet at this point, we can only guess it from context, so it’s borderline). So this is cute.
This post is part of my complete series of meta about Skam Italia season 1.  If you’d like to read more of my thoughts about the other episodes, you can find the mastepost linked in the top bar on my blog under SKAMIT: EVA. Cheers!
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ajoblotofjunk ¡ 6 years
Z Nation re-watch: 4x07 The One With the Zuggalos
It's the zuggalo episode. My least favorite ep of this season, but there's some redeeming stuff in it. I took a ton of caps, too.
Including how it starts, with Lucy's funeral.
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Murphy still doesn't want anyone (or at least Warren) to touch him.
Oh, Doc. His tearful eulogy is so sad. Also sad, Warren:
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And then there were five.
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I thought this was interesting - the zombies coming to throw themselves on her pyre.
A biofuel truck is SMART in the apocalypse. And Warren gets to show off her mechanic skills again.
Warren wants to keep going past the woman screaming for help, but Murphy makes them stop.
Warren: "Don't do this in the head space you're in. Nothing good can come of it." Murphy: "Nothing good comes of anything."
Doc: "It's not the zombies that make the apocalypse suck, it's the damn humans."
Instead of having to destroy each of the mad z's, Doc locks them in the car. (Checkov's car, given the end of this ep.)
Murphy is incensed thinking they killed this lady's son and she does nothing to disabuse him of the notion that that's what's going on.
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Murphy is mad at Warren. Shall we talk about the guilt thing? Let's talk about the guilt thing. Straight up: It wasn't Warren's fault. On a larger scale, I can see how she plays a role in it - leading them East when they all wanted to go north to Newmerica, Murphy got injured on the path the other way and Lucy then died because of it. But the "because of it" is such an important part. Lucy made the choice to sacrifice herself for Murphy. Murphy begged her not to do it, and she didn't listen to him. And now she's dead and he doesn't want to be mad at her (as Warren says, he can't kill what killed Lucy). He also sure as hell doesn't want to think about what it means to have to live up to Lucy's sacrifice even if he does forgive Lucy for doing it. He has a weirdly terrible self-confidence for someone who is so grandstanding and smug all the time and so instead of the pressure of living up to what Lucy loved in him, he decides it's easier to bear the pain if he can put it on someone else. It's Warren, in his mind, that brought all this on them. Not Lucy. Lucy is blameless to Murphy, and Warren is in the crossfire because she’s the one actively making decisions (it’s like the Trolley Problem in that way). I do not in any way condone Murphy's blaming Warren (holy shit dude, she is also grieving!), but I think it makes perfect sense for the character and also ultimately getting over that makes him a better person in the end. Warren doesn't deserve the weight of it, though.
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I just really like the framing of this.
Doc: "We can't just do nothing." I mean...you could.
Murphy: "These bad guys don't just get a pass. The apocalypse is not an excuse." Warren: "You can't just kill 'bad guys.' Those aren't zombies, those are humans. There aren't many of us left, even if we are...bad." Lot to unpack in that brief exchange. Including Murphy's extreme inability to turn those judgments on his own behavior. Heh.
This zuggalo lady is so obnoxious. Sarge has the worst role in this part.
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lmao their faces
Murphy: "Clowns?" Doc: "Could be worse. Could be mimes."
The zuggalos filter their own urine for drugs and snort it all over again and call it z whack. Ah, the apocalypse.
Lady: "Life ain't worth livin without the music!" We agree on that point, at least.
Warren: "More killing won't change anything." Murphy: "Like that ever stopped you."
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This happens. It's brief, but I appreciate it.
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Hee. They head-tilt at each other and it's cute.
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I love how he's announcing directly to the camera because this episode gives so few fucks. Also this dude is oddly charming for also being very terrible.
Where are they getting the electricity to run the music and lights and electrifying Murphy thing?!
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Warren being a secret ICP fan is probably my favorite part of this whole thing.
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(I love her)
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Warren's got this.
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Never over it.
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Zuggalo priest: "Should there be anyone who has cause why this union should not go forward, speak now or forever hold your piece." Everyone: *LOOKS AT MURPHY* lol
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Murphy: "Stop trying to kill your mom! You know it's hard being a parent these days!" Heh.
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The lighting is extremely good here.
Murphy: "This is bad, even for us."
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Mirroring that shot of them from earlier.
Warren: "You were right." Murphy: "About what?" Warren: "Lucy. What happened was...my fault." Please picture the face I am making right now, because I am Very Disappointed.
But Murphy doesn't say anything and so they head to Newmerica. Boo.
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