#it's exhausting as shit just let me fucking breathe what the fuck jfc.
madmadmilk · 4 years
You are literally so stupid. You don't need a vaccine for coronaviruses. They are so mild that the immunsysteme successfully deals with them in 99,5% of all cases. Global IFR is 0,68% (WHO). Age meridian is 82 years. People that don't survive bc of very compromised immunsystems are at risk for ANY virus or bacteria. Yet despite this stats you let yourself be unethically blackmailed to get your unlawfully taken life and freedom back through a never tested mRNA vax that hacks your DNA? Ridiculous!
lol ok so i wasn’t going to reply to this cos, cos ppl who send stuff like this are just baiting us; they don’t care how /we/ reply, or what we have to say.... but i’m feeling generous AND frustrated today. so you have been warned.....
(NOTE: i urge you ALL to inform yourselves. read from multiple sources, keep up to date with new guidelines and regulations, and for the love of all..... take time to think outside of yourself.)
lol first, it’s the random statistics for me. 🥴 it’s the name dropping but no sources for me. 🥴 it’s the starting with an insult for me. 🥴 it’s the constant //mansplaining// without ever providing a solution for me. 🥴 it’s the way that people Like This use “science” that benefits themselves, as an individual, ONLY when it supplements ‘their side’ for me. 🥴 it’s the way that everyone with this argument disregards how FUCKING CONTAGIOUS covid-19 is for me. 🥴 and it’s the way that they treat LIVING BREATHING PEOPLE as a mere numbers for me. 🥴😫🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🙄🙁😠😡
..... bruh.
every time i see “only the elderly die from it” i want to rip my fucking hair out. like, ok? so you don’t care about grandma and grandpa? their friends? someone else’s grandparents or parents? cool. but you’re forgetting that... IF WE WEREN’T IN A PANDEMIC RIGHT NOW, THEY WOULD HAVE NEVER HAD TO BATTLE FOR THEIR LIFE. ISOLATE FOR THEIR LIFE. HAVE ANY INTERRUPTION TO THEIR LIFE. (hello???) ... and that ‘ ‘ idea ‘ ‘ always excludes our immunocompromised friends and family members, the frontline workers, and anyone who has just randomly, and unfortunately, ran out of luck. like (?) can we stop treating the data as mere numbers? as inevitable? THESE ARE PEOPLE......... .. don’t think that “well, they would have died/been affected anyway”, NONE OF US DESERVE TO BE RAVAGED AND DISPLACED BY THIS. NO ONE. who the fuck was planning to get fatally ill on a tuesday in 2020? not fucking me.
and also? people who talk like this act as if the fucking pandemic isn’t “That Bad.” like what? when in our history, in our OWN fucking lifetimes have we ever had to lockdown and limit ourselves like this? when has modern america ever collectively sat at home like this? –– oh wait, it’s because people like this have just carried on living their life unbothered by the guidelines. it’s because people who send messages and speak like this, think only of themselves, of their own home, and about all the things they WANT to do. dude, check your privilege. 
honestly, friends, we are lining up and praying for a vaccine/solution, because we are at Plan B (or C, or D, idk). Plan A, i.e. full lockdown to stop the initial spread, was never fully implemented in America–– we’re now left at a “to each their own” type approach. we can’t even agree to wear masks in public spaces. can’t even agree that eating INSIDE of restaurants may not be a great idea. can’t even agree that... people deserve a relief package???! what the fuck. i’m exhausted, you’re exhausted, we’re all exhausted.
i’m so tired of people shooting down suggestions, SOLUTIONS to battling covid-19. you don’t want to wear a mask, you don’t want to socially distance, you don’t want another lockdown,  you don’t want the vaccine–– so what are you proposing we do? what “freedom” do we have like this?
if you don’t bat an eyelash about licking a metro pole, good for you. if you don’t mind sharing drinks and food with friends, good for you. if you have a fantastic immune system and covid passes easily, good for you. but if you get fatally ill from covid? what do you want us to tell you? tough shit? NO. no one should have been threatened by this disease, and the people who ARE currently battling through it deserve to be cared for and not dismissed as a fucking notch on a graph. hospitals, healthcare workers, frontline workers don’t deserve to be simultaneously overwhelmed and sidelined and praised for this–– what is praise if everyone is suffering??????
like i said in the beginning of this last year, america is failing this group project. and we are ALL suffering for it. i understand that any sort of “anti––” doesn’t care for any sort of reason besides argument. but to those of us who care, who are informing ourselves, and protecting one another–– we’ll just have to carry this all our our backs. it’s quite thankless but we must. that’s duty, honor and fucking self-preservation right there.
and TBH just wear a mask and stay home you bozos; i’m sure you’re hardly first in line for the vaccine. if you are so frightened of it, or so resilient to any illness, then just stay the fuck home to protect us in the one way you can.
jfc “you are literally so stupid” my ass...........
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Oooookay the ad is freakishly normal so far
Nott: I stole this statue because fuck your dad
Fjord harassing the man just sitting listlessly in the bar
This poor old guy xD
I like how Fjord is like “it’s time to find out all about Beau’s wild days”
Cary: “you good with a shovel?”
Cad: “I am actually.”
“They are... disappointing.”
Jester is so grossed out by these rooms poor thing
Okay what’s the joke with Sam’s flask this week
Oh fuck what does that mean
So that means he’s.... not a god right
I’ve heard the theory he’s an archfey who Jester is helping to ascend to godgood because of her belief in him?
lol the Nott and Fjord banter is the BEST
He was?? A kid?? When she met him?? I do not remember this!!
The disappointment over that Nat20 cause they wanted to fight xD
Oh boy it’s been a while since they faced a harpy
The whole jar, Caleb?? Come on that was fun boba
Now you’ve lost the boba AND you have to fight
Nott’s drinking has gotten bad again
Have we seen Cad’s spirit guardians? I can’t remember. It’s probably bugs.
Called it
Cad coming in clutch with the dispell to save the wizard
Oh boy double crits
Ha nice tho! Fjord fjucking it up with the armor!
And the second one too DAYUM that armor is good
Oh frick it’s acid
Sending the horses back alone is a dumb idea they’re def gonna die
Good trying to deceive his way across the swamp xD
Poison fog?
Ghost fog
This which really does not want visitors
People skin leathers
I half hope it’s NOT the witch’s hut just because it would be funny
They just come across some really really weird hermit’s hut
SHIT there she is hiding on the roof
Thanks Matt I hate it
Wtf is she
I haaaaaate her
Also they’re gonna be fucked with a point of exhaustion
Hate the voice god dammit Matt
Like y’all I’m not easily freaked but she is definitely freaking me out
I’m with Travis this one time
“One at a time” hahaha hell no
Fjord really stepping up here I’m proud of him but also FUCK DON’T GO IN ALONE
Fjord don’t go promising favors to a witch
Thank god for that low roll
Fjord you little shit xD
Oh no Beau
Beau don’t do it
Nott wouldn’t want you to do it
Beau Beau Beau don’t
God I hate this no no no no no no no no no
I won’t allow this
Please Beau don’t
Please Beau
They wouldn’t want this you’ll be hurting them too
Oh thank god she left
Beau please don’t
What if she agrees to change Nott because she senses that Nott’s misery of being away from the M9 would be enough new misery to make it worth it
Jfc this is THE MOST SELFISH I am appalled
That puts your own family in danger!
Beau was going to sacrifice all her happiness for you and you’re going to fuck over two nations?!
Don’t you dare
If this pushes Beau to make the sacrifice instead I will rage
Has Nott been really off lately or is that just me
“Things that don’t really affect us though” Nott you lying selfish
I am so disappointed in you
Oh Beau’s gonna be MAD
Nott you LIAR
Beau tell them
Tell them the truth
Please tell them
So they can tell you how miserable they’ll be without you
hug her!! And hold her!! And walk away from the goddamn witch!!
Jester hug her
Group hug her
Don’t let her
oh god
Not gonna let Beau do this
I’m crying so hard please just kill this witch please don’t give her anything
Jester Yasha somebody grab Beau and just hold her and tell her you can’t lose her
All of you do that
And Yasha please don’t listen to the witch
She feeds on your misery, she would bring your wife back as a husk
What’s she gonna give her
Oh no the flowers I’m
I’m crying really hard right now
Please roll well
“Oh I just meant I would kill you”
Just do it please
Jester no
Can we not
Let’s just fight her let’s just KILL HER
I want Jester to kill her with sunshine
Oh no her artistic expression
Oh that would be so sad
I’m gonna throw up
N: “let her do her thing” FUCK YOU NOTT
Oh damn, was that clever of her?
Oh. Oh my god.
She’s using modify memory
that’s THE SPELL
I can’t breathe
That persuasion dice roll for the fucking cupcake
I literally can’t breathe
Taliesin is all
Of us
Marisha is the only one keeping in character
Oh my god oh my god oh my god
I can’t believe it was all that darkness and all that emotion and then Jester saved it with a moldy cupcake
Anyone feel like Jester did that as much to keep Beau with them as for Nott?
I’m shaking man what a ride
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parkjmini · 7 years
Outlier | 06
poly!au: park jimin x reader x kim jennie while your lovers said they needed you, you wondered if they knew how much you needed them. word count: 1748 genre: angst/fluff warnings: explicit language
[an]: this is just a quick filler chapter and it’s a little rushed :// im sorry for not updating for a while or being less frequent on tumblr. i had been super emo bc of college admissions but guys!! gr8 fucking news!! i got into my dream schools after sooo many rejections from other schools. im also not going to be updating/MIA for the upcoming week bc i have to practice for a 20 min presentation that will determine if i graduate jfc that im doing on friday ugh 
prologue . 01 . 02 .  03 . 04 . 05 . 06 . 07
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The hospital wouldn’t let you leave. Your conditions had gotten worse and they needed you to stay in the clinic for the doctors’ to closely monitor your behavior. That meant scheduled meals, frequent chemotherapy treatments, more blood tests. Even though you did nothing at the hospital, everything made you feel extremely exhausted and your arms were bruised from the constant needles being poked into your skin.
Living at the hospital meant no more art classes or school. You couldn’t finish your college classes at your institution because you couldn’t leave. The school suggested to finish the credits through online courses, but it only caused you to lash out more. You hated what the cancer had done to your life. It robbed it. You were just existing now. 
You weren’t sure if you saw Jimin and Jennie less now or before during when you all lived together. They came to see you every day, if it wasn’t the both of them, it was one of them. You also saw Jungkook and Hoseok more often as well. You weren’t alone, because everyone’s visits managed to never cross.
Hoseok came usually around the late mornings to afternoons, mainly every other day or whenever he could. Jungkook came during the evenings, when Hoseok had to leave for his classes. Jimin came around the night, staying way past visiting hours. The nurses looked at him one night crying by your bedside and knew that visiting hours didn’t apply to him. Jennie came in the early mornings until Hoseok arrived and before she left for classes. The only time Jimin and Jennie visited together is when they didn’t have classes — those days were off limits for Hoseok and Jungkook.
The only times you’re alone is between the hours of when Jimin leaves and when Jennie arrives, but Jimin waits until you fall asleep to go home. You would say that your individual relationships grew more intimate, but you were afraid of Jennie and Jimin lacking moments. 
Hoseok and Jimin wouldn’t speak about their friendship to you, so you were unsure if they were even best friends anymore. You couldn’t help but feel like all of this was your fault. 
Hoseok was the one who sat with you during your chemo sessions because he’s the only one who has ever seen you that valuable. You wouldn’t allow anyone else to join you on your treatments and always asked them to wait for you in the room. Those days were the hardest to get through because the nurses did a poor job at distracting you of anything. 
“Hey baby,–” Jimin walked in as a nurse was helping you up from your bed. She paused and smiled at him.
“Hello Jimin.” She gleamed, almost as if she thought he called her his baby. You rolled your eyes and fidgeted to get her attention.
“Hey, I’m going to a chemo session. I’ll be back in a few—”
Jimin set his things down and helped you on your other side, “–I’ll just join you.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “It’s okay, stay here. I tell you this every time.”
“Yeah and I listen to you every time, which I knew after the first time, I shouldn’t because you come in a crying mess after it all. I know you let Hoseok go with you, but he’s not here now. I am, so let me be there for you.” Jimin stared intensely into your glossy eyes and the nurse waited for your consent before moving you.
A switch flipped in your heart. Those annoying heavy thuds of your heart went off. The redness in your cheeks radiating. You nodded and grabbed onto him for more balance. 
He rambled on about how his day went as he walked you down the hall into one of the million rooms in the hospital. The nurse strapped you up to begin your session and Jimin sat on your other side. 
Your mind always whirled before it all started, never really prepared for when the needle pierced through your skin. However, Jimin didn’t let you focus too much on it. He held onto your hand so tight and squeezed it repeatedly to draw your attention back to his presence. He talked continuously, merely rambles about the most random things that he encountered when driving or on campus.  
He made you feel 100 times better, even way better than when Hoseok came with you. Maybe it was the fact that he was your boyfriend, so his touch and his voice calmed your anxiety. 
“You really wouldn’t believe it, but Karen is going to go to her sorority formal with Trevor even though she already promised Garret. The guy was really pissed when he found out and started to rip each other’s throats out right in front of the lecture hall. I had my money on Garret, considering the dude is yolked, and Yoongi couldn’t give two shits about the fight but I made him bet anyways. He thought Garret was going to win too, but that’s not how a bet works, y’know? We can’t bet on the same person because who would owe who the money? But he didn’t care and said that he’d buy me food either way, which is great because that would mean that I win anyways.” Jimin kept his eyes locked on yours, rubbing his knuckles softly against your cheek to soothe you. His eyes never strayed to the massive syringe in your other arm or the nurse injecting it. 
At that moment, he only knew you. 
And you were unsure if the pain you felt was from the chemo or the burning sensation that came from your heart. 
“…so who won?” You barely peeped out and Jimin lit up with excitement, stars in his beautiful, big eyes. 
“Yoongi.” Jimin smiled and you gave him a confused expression. “It turns out Yoongi and Karen were already talking and had been secretly dating this entire time. She’d been trying to get him jealous by saying yes to all those guys, so he would step up and ask her to formal. He walked right in the middle of the fight, and I thought he was going to get punched into pulp, but they both calmly stepped away as Yoongi stood in between the two buff men. He told them that neither of them were taking Karen to formal and that he was already going with her because he’s her boyfriend. They all laughed until Karen jumped into his arms and kissed him in front of everyone, yelling ‘that’s my baby!’ and Yoongi threaten to cut them open for a lab, y’know how he’s a biology major, if they didn’t both leave them alone.” 
“What?” You wanted to laugh, but you weren’t suppose to move. However, hearing Jimin’s melodic chuckle made you smile. He leaned in and gave your silly, yet confused face a quick peck. 
“I told you that you weren’t going to believe it.” His toothy grin brighten up the dark, gloomy session room and you didn’t regret having him there with you one bit.
“What’s Jennie doing?” You asked as you fluffed Jimin’s raven hair. He rested on your chest as you both laid in your hospital bed. The only sounds were the monitor running and the light sounds of your breathing.
“Stuck at the internship.” He mumbled into your sheets.
“Why aren’t you there?” Staring at the ceiling, the street lamps cast shadows above you as people passed by on the street.
Jimin turned, his arm placed at either side of your body. His frown caught your attention as his face inched close to yours. “I quit.” 
“You what?” You said rather loudly. He put his hand over your mouth to hush you. You licked him and he giggled at your wet touch. “Jimin, I told you not change anything in your life to accommodate to me.” 
“Oh, but you know I love accommodating to the love of my life. Plus, I didn’t even need it. I have other opportunities waiting for me, babe. You mean a lot more to me than an internship.” He explained.
You rolled your eyes, in a playful manner. “Well don’t go shitting on Jen.” 
“Her values are different. Also, the people there are crazy about her and rave about her existence.” Jimin laughed and you cupped his squishy cheeks.
“Says the one that is also just as crazy about her.” 
“But I don’t rave about her existence, that’s the difference. It’ll make her head too big and then it’ll roll right off her shoulders.” You giggled and kissed him sweetly.
“I love you. I love Jen. I love us.” You marveled and your boyfriend’s glossy eyes stared back at you. His hands held onto yours as he kissed your dainty finger tips.
“I’m sorry for everything I put you through, (Y/N). I’ve been an incredibly horrible boyfriend to you and you deserved so much more attention from me. I love you, I really do. When Jennie suggested the idea to me about bringing you into our relationship, I became hesitant because I knew I wasn’t capable of spreading my love enough for two people.” His tears ran down his round, supple face. 
Jimin wouldn’t let go of your hands, so you leaned in to kiss his forehead instead. “So.. what changed?” 
“You changed me, as cheesy as it sounds, (Y/N), you changed my concept of love. You were always my close friend, who I wanted to protect with my life. After you joined us, I wanted to do more than protect you. I wanted to love you and for fuck sakes, did that hit me like a truck. I was so scared of never showing you enough of how much I loved you and then my worst fears actually came true. I’m sorry, (Y/N).”
Seeing Jimin cry had been a rare sight, and you hoped to never see him cry ever again. It hurt too much to watch the pain and sadness ruin his happiness. You were speechless and felt horrible for blaming the two for your own emotions. “Don’t apologize, Jimin. Just prove it to me.” 
“You fucking bet I will. I’m going to take care of you until you’re sick of me.” Jimin chuckled, his voice turning raspy as it got more into the night. He cuddled back into your side and hugged you tightly. Your eyelids fell over your tired eyes and you silently wished that you had more time to live.
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YOUR DARK SIDE. (Void!Stiles x Reader)
A/N: THIS IS SICK (that gif makes me sweat jfc) Also, I changed a lot but I don’t think I need to tell you that bc is not really important lmao. I split this into several parts, 1 bc I haven’t had time to write more and I don’t actually know how to get to the end of this and 2 it is very long compared to my other writings, @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @sarcxstic-stilinski thought you guys might wanna read this <3
This is for  @roseringleader13 hope you like this part. <3
Words: 2,196
Warning: NOT A HAPPY STORYLINE. This whole plot is kinda about an abusive relationship?? between Void and reader? beware, the reader might have a suicidal wish and low self-esteem. Pretty much obsessed with the boy lmao.
Listen to me.
Part I / Pt. II / Pt.III / Pt.IV
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How much pain are you willing to stand for someone? 
I’m a good person, I have good grades and always listen to what my mom says, I help my friends when they’re in trouble and I’ve never talked shit about a person in my life. Until now.
My friends and I fight against supernatural things all the time, everything that was always there to cause us pain and terror was defeated at some point, we stuck together through thick and thin, and that was all that matters.
You may have noticed how I keep saying “we”. I’m not exactly talking about my friends, I’m really only talking about him. This guy has been my friend since the very beginning; we are as close as my awkwardness allows, but the problem is that I’m in love with Stiles and I have no interest in being just a friend.
I can’t recall when I started to have these feelings for him, I know that at some point I saw him in the hall and the “Holy shit, He’s beautiful” hit me with no prior notice, but to say that I can remember exactly how I fell in love?, I can’t.
However, the sudden realization of my true feelings for the boy didn’t scare me away, in fact, they were keeping me close, holding me tight beside him and never breaking the contact, hoping that we would be together at the end.
“Hi there, y/n/n,” Stiles sat at the girl’s side, nudging her teasingly 
“How’s life?”
“Good, what about you?” The girl slid closer to him, very aware of how her cheeks flushed. 
“I- uh, I haven’t slept well recently,” He sighed “I’m tired, and having trouble concentrating at school and stuff.”
“That doesn’t sound good.” Y/N frowned.
“I’m aware of that” Stiles replied drily “Look, I’ll be fine I just need a few good hours of sleep and then I’ll be as good as always.”
“Why don’t you go see a doctor?” 
“There’s no need, I promise I’m fine”
“Stiles, you can’t know that. What’s wrong with looking for a professional opinion anyway?” Her hand automatically reached for his, which he accepted, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb.
“Y/N...” He mumbled tiredly.
“She’s right though,” Lydia said, glancing up from her phone “You have no way to know that whatever is happening to you is just from lack of sleep, it could be something more.” 
Stiles shifted awkwardly in his chair, biting his lip, Y/N wished they were the only ones on that table so no one could interrupt them.
“If you really think I should... I guess it’ll be okay”
And there it was, the real problem. Stiles’ undying love for Lydia Martin. At this point, I should’ve moved on and found a cute guy with good intentions and a huge heart, unfortunately, that was all he was. The sweet boy Stilinski, always there for everyone, the hero of every story. The feeling of having him so close yet so far was unbearable, I had a plan too just like he had one for Lydia. A three-year-long plan in which Stiles was going to notice me and figured on his own how significant I was in his life, by the time we were going to be on Senior year he’d be utterly in love.
I admit I started to grow bitter, the grudge I held against both of them wasn’t healthy and it wasn’t fair for either of them. I was being childish and stupid, they were my friends!; I found myself holding back from rolling my eyes everytime Stiles stared at the girl when he was talking with me, and clenching my fists whenever she said something remotely nice to him. There was this dark, heavy thing growing bigger and bigger with each passing day, consuming my heart, my rage was starting to be completely out of control. 
Lydia was everything I couldn’t. Brave, smart, beautiful... I couldn’t compete with her. I didn’t want to.
We soon figured what was wrong with Stiles.
“An evil fox?” Y/N said, not able to believe it “Are you telling me that Stiles is being possessed by the evil spirit of a fox?”
“This is not funny Y/N, Stiles could die” Lydia scolded “don’t you care about what could happen to him?”
“I care more than you know” She growled, the smile disappearing completely of her face “You know I’d do anything to keep him safe.”
“And yet you’re not doing anything to find him.” Isaac mumbled.
Before they got the chance to get into an argument, Scott stopped them.
“The plan is to bring him back before it’s too late, Stiles has been holding on for too long, at this point is very likely that the Nogitsune has more power over him.”
“Yeah but if I find him, How am I supposed to stop him? I, a seventeen-year-old girl, whose only supernatural power is the will to stand all this bullshit” Y/N’s comment was not well received by her friends, that groaned in exasperation.
“Just be sure to have a way to contact us in case you find something helpful,” Scott grabbed his own phone and walked out of the room, Lydia following behind, giving her an apologetic smile.
“Ugh, fuck off,” Y/N thought, not in the mood to accept Lydia’s kindness.
What did Lydia have that she didn’t? What made her worthy of his heart, or what made me her unattractive to him, Y/N was so tired of being ignored, she was exhausted to see all her or so call “friends”, treating her like she was an inconvenience. The little human who was not even good at research like Stiles was, Y/N held her breath and count to ten, her blood boiling with impotence.
It was getting darker and still no sign of Stiles. I entered every abandoned building I could find, I looked around the forest and in my last attempt, I even checked his house in case he had a glint of sanity and decided to go back, but there was nothing.
I went home feeling defeated, just thinking about what could possibly be happening to Stiles in that very same moment gave me goosebumps, I was hoping that Scott could find him fast when I found him in my living room. 
“Stiles! Where the fuck have you been?” Y/N dropped her bag and stood there in shock, “I’ve been worried sick, you disappeared and we thought you died!”
“Well, I can assure you I’m not dead” He looked like shit, dark circles under his eyes and dry lips, Y/N was surprised he could stay conscious “I need your help, Y/N/N”
The light in the room flickered when Stiles walked slowly to where the girl was, he looked at her up and down and licked his lips, the broken expression soon turning into a small, dark smile.
Suddenly realizing what was happening, she let him walk until they were face to face, knowing it wasn’t good but so terrified she couldn’t move a muscle to save her life.
“You’re not Stiles” she whispered in anger “You’re the other thing... Void.”
“Hi there,” He replied in a calm voice, looking at her hungrily “I’ve been waiting to officially meet you for too long”
“You’re despicable” Y/N had the urge to run to the opposite side, but she was so angry with this thing possessing the boy she loved that her emotions took control on her actions. “Why are you here?”
“Because of you.” He said, voice clear and intimidating.
“Y-you what?” 
Time seemed to stop when he took a final step, his face so close now she could see the darkness in his eyes. “I’ve been feeding of this boy for so long, and I’ve been able to see his life, all the people around him, so many accidents and death surrounding this kid that it was impossible for me not to want him, but you, you’re something else.”
“I know your heart,” He whispered seductively “I can see you love this boy and want desperately to have him just for you,” He tilted his head and pulled her closer, his face buried in her neck. Being able to perceive the dark feelings coming out of the girl, he moaned “I’m starving Y/N, and your anger is overwhelming... I’m sure we could get to an agreement”
Y/N wanted to scream, she wanted to kick and punch and bite as much as she could until Scott finally appeared kicking down the door or something heroic as hell like he used to, her heart was pounding against her chest and Stiles had such a tight hold on her neck she was sure it could break it in a second.
“Let me go!” She grabbed his wrist and tried to get him off herself, but it was useless.”Stiles!”
“I’m not Stiles!” He snarled, grip becoming tighter “You think you have any chance to fight against me? you’ll die as soon as you try to escape and you know it.”
“You won’t kill me, I-I’m his friend” Y/N choked out “He would never hurt me”
“See, that’s where you’re wrong,” He said, grabbing her waist with his free hand and smiling wickedly “he doesn’t care.”
“You’re lying” The girl tried to push him in a desperate attempt to make him trip, but Void was faster, he slammed her against the wall, the pain stunned her enough for him to take her to her room with no objections.
“Why would I?” He replied, “I’m in control now, but he can hear and see everything as well, he knows your feelings and is disgusted by them.”
Her heart shattered at his words, of course she had always known that Stiles didn’t like her back, but being actually disgusted? that was enough to make her want to erase herself from existence.
“You’re free to think he’s fighting against this, but he’s not” He closed the door and pushed her against it, rubbing her cheek “it’s such a shame that you’re wasted like this, living in the shadows of a boy who is not interested in having you.”
“Please” Y/N begged, she didn’t want to hear anything else, it was too cruel.
“I’m giving you an option, dove” He licked his lips anxiously “you’ll never have what you want, he’s too out of your reach. I however am willing to let you have him if you give me what I want.”
“I-I don’t understand...”
“Let me take all that darkness in you, and you'll have Stiles for you and only for you, of course, you will not be able to talk to him or feel his presence since I’m the one in charge now, but- look at me, Y/N” He grabbed her face aggressively, forcing her to see the face of the boy she loved, now completely different from what she remembered “this is all you got.”
“He’s right,” Y/N thought.
Stiles didn’t love her, didn’t want her around, even after all those times when she tried to convince him that she was the right choice, even after she was the one he called when things got complicated, Stiles simply couldn’t see it, he didn’t want to see.
And Y/N loved him so much, so desperately, that she found herself sinking in despair, knowing that her only wish in life was never going to happen, it destroyed her, the last remnants of her sanity finally disappearing.
“If I help you... Will I die?”
Void’s smile grew wider, his eyes with a wild glint that she couldn’t ignore, making her shudder.
“I need you to feed me, the boy is too weak now... we need you, you want to take care of him, this is how you’ll do it” He put a stray of hair behind her ear “which means, I can’t kill you.” 
“What’s gonna happen to Stiles?” Y/N felt herself drowning in empty lies, but it felt so good to have Stiles like this, so close to her body. 
“I’ll leave his body eventually.” He seemed to be hiding something important, but at that point, Y/N didn’t mind.
What things would you do to be with the person you love?
She looked into those honey brown eyes, and soon enough she realized there was something missing, but she also noticed that this was the first time Stiles looked at her with such intensity, and her mind went blank. Drunk with his scent and proximity, she nodded, one last tear falling down her face.
“Good girl” Void whispered.
Before she could react, Void grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her fiercely, dominating every movement and making very clear who was in charge. While Void kissed her, she felt as if she was being drained, a strange emptiness taking over her body, but at the same time, the overwhelming sensation of having Stiles’ lips on her own, was enough to distract her from any possible danger.  
Things were about to go worse than expected.
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ofstaffs · 7 years
rerek 2
rey rey immediately stepped away, a heartbroken expression taking over her already distraught features. derek clearly didn't trust them together. she didn't want him to be mad at her anymore. instead she backed up even more before stumbling towards where derek had gone, eventually finding him by the bar. "what did i do now?" she asked tiredly, still not able to look into his eyes.
Derek: It had nothing to do with trust or distrust and everything to do with the fact that even after proposing, even after promising his entire life to her, it still wasn't good enough - Rey had purposely kept their engagement from Steve and had acted like she was delivering both regretful and bad news when she'd told him. There were still feelings there, and it killed him that they were so obvious. He shook his head in response to Rey's question, arms crossed over his chest and not looking at her. "Are you in love with him?" he asked, voice distraught and confused, but not accusatory, more upset than blaming. "Because if you are, just get it out of the way now. Just tell me."
rey rey closed her eyes slowly then inhaled a slow, deep breath, letting it out as she managed to bring her exhausted eyes up to his own, though her hands were still clutching fearfully at the skirt of her dress. "no..." she whispered truthfully with an even tone. "are there still feelings there? yes. will i ever act on them? absolutely not. i didn't tell him because i didn't want to upset him on his wedding night, but that didn't go so well. anything else?" she raised one eyebrow then crossed her arms in return, trying to match his own firmness, though it was more adorable than anything.
rey joined the chat 26 hours ago
Derek: Ugh sorry we're figuring out how to get home
rey: haha its oka
rey: y
rey: ill be here
Derek: Derek wasn't sure he believed her, and he hated himself for it. It was just on the tip of his tongue to ask her - quite harshly, really - if Steve's /wife/ knew about their feelings for each other, but he swallowed the words down and sighed a hard breath out through his nose instead, ducking his head and taking more deep breaths to steady himself. He didn't want to fight. He was so tired of fighting. He couldn't comprehend what it must be like to love someone without complications. "Are you ready to go home?" he asked, voice matching the challenge that had been in Rey's. Apparently he hadn't quite gotten out of the clear; but at least he'd gotten away from talking about Steve.
rey rey just gave a single nod and tightened her sweater around herself before tilting her chin up then turning and walking away without waiting for him, trying her best to look defiant. but it wasn't really working. she stopped in place and looked around before ducking her head then quickly moving back to him, grasping onto his arm. "i-i don't know which way to go from here," she admitted sheepishly, voice lacking the stubbornness it'd contained before.
rey: ✍
Derek: Derek finished his beer and set his glass down then turned back to Rey-... Who seemed to have walked off without him. He rolled his eyes - if she was going to get defensive and irritated by his completely justifiable concern about her feelings for and relationship with another man, she was within her right to do that. But it didn't mean that he had to put up with it. He followed behind a ways, hesitantly approaching when she stopped. It surprised him when she took his arm, and he looked at her for a long quiet moment before continuing on, arm in arm with her down the road.
Derek: Lol no idea. It's funny
rey rey's stomach was still churning. it had been since the confrontation with ben and steve, and she knew it was all thanks to the exhilaration. she wrapped one arm around her front and continued to hold on tightly to his arm as they walked, though she was staring up at him sadly. they were well out of the meadow by the time she finally spoke up. "...i'm sorry i made you mad, derek... i promise i'll try to stop feeling this way about steve... i just want to make you happy," she murmured as if it were the most simple concept in the world then tucked her head against his arm and looked forward again.
Derek: Derek didn't mind silence. He was wondering what was going through Rey's mind the entire time, but he didn't much feel like talking, nevermind about everything that had happened, whether tonight or ever. "It's fine," he said passively, not really sounding like he meant it. "I just don't want to think about it anymore." He was going to put another ring on her finger and promise her his life, his whole world, and she couldn't even promise him her entire heart. Sighing, he turned them down another street in the direction of the apartments.
rey rey looked up swiftly again as she caught his tone, cheeks immediately paling. without even thinking about it, tears filled her eyes as her lip began to tremble, but she quickly faced away from him before he could see, even though she knew he'd probably find out anyway. still the nausea increased, especially due to his hollow, empty words. slowly, she stopped in place, letting her arm slip from his, as she turned her back to him completely, hand clasping over her mouth. she didn't know what would come out: a sob or sickness, so she just leaned over slightly and kept her hand over her mouth, hating the way they were acting.
Derek: Derek stopped when Rey did, brows furrowed as he watched her turn away and then curl into herself - he'd seen her fold in on herself when she was upset, but he felt that this had come on so quickly. He touched her arm as he stepped up next to her, surreptitiously pulling the pain as he looked at her face. Nausea swept through him, making him queasy for a minute. "What's wrong?"
Derek: I wish this fuxking thing notifications
rey rey glanced to the side just enough to see black running up his veins, and immediately pushed his hand off, shaking her head swiftly. "no..." she whined, not wanting him to do that for her. she deserved it. she'd made him unhappy and this was what she got for it. she stood up straight and moved in front of him, taking small gasps of breath. "i-i'm s-...." sick? sorry? "...s-scared of you leaving, don't leave, please..." she begged through her tears, holding her hand over her mouth again as she looked fearfully up into his eyes.
rey: on a computer it does
rey: it has sound notifications
rey: but i reply fast haha
Derek: "I'm scared of you leaving, too!" Derek pointed out with no small amount of irony and exasperation in his voice. "I'm scared of you cheating on me, I'm scared of you not being happy with me, I'm scared of you leaving me for him." His shoulders were rising and falling whxg as he spoke. "But that's what love is! That's what being with someone you care about is like! Constantly worrying that they're gonna find someone better than you, someone they deserve, because you want the best for them!" He ran both hands through his hair, looking just shy of pacing. "I'm not going anywhere! Jesus Christ, Rey. You think I'd give you my mother's ring and then leave because of shit with Steve? I'd never give him the satisfaction."
rey: yeet i hope this turns into fluff soon
Derek: It will
Derek: also
Derek: I am so so sleepy
Derek: *rapidly JFC were my she's even open when I typed that
Derek: EYES
Derek: FUCK ME
rey rey gasped sharply when he shouted, stumbling back immediately and clasping both hands over her mouth, as her jaw dropped. she just stared at him in disbelief as her tears continued to fall, stepping back again. what had happened to them? they'd been so happy in paris, and then suddenly... it seemed as if something had snapped. she'd never act on the extremely minor feelings she had for steve. derek had to know that. but obviously he didn't. "i'm sorry..." she sobbed helplessly and stumbled back yet again, not knowing what else she could do to make him not yell at her anymore. "p-please stop..."
rey: i hate timezones ugh
rey: ill be 3 hours ahead of you when you get back ;/
Derek: Ugh fuck that
rey: but ill stay up 4 u i promise
Derek: I'm so sorry I've been conking out so early. My mom fucking runs me ragged. I usually only walk like half a mile a day just in everyday life and we've done like 7, in shitty shoes, in the heat the past couple of days. I'm so wrecked.
rey: it's okay bb
rey: ill probs just re-read old rerek threads rip
Derek: He did stop, his chest rising and falling with the harshness of his breathing as he looked at her. He'd scared her, badly, and he hated himself for it. He just hadn't know how else to get out those feelings, to make her understand them. "I'm sorry," he mittered, turning to the curb and dropping down to sit, elbows on his knees and his head hung. He just wanted to be happy. He just wanted them to be happy.
rey as derek sat on the curb, rey felt a massive urge to make herself feel smaller than him, so she took a seat on the road where she had been standing and tucked her knees to her chest. she buried the lower half of her face in her kneecaps and stared down at the asphalt beneath her, crying silently to herself. she didn't want to be afraid... but when he yelled like that... nothing terrified her more. even snoke. even being alone on jakku for fifteen more years.
rey was timed out 12 hours ago
rey joined the chat 2 hours ago
Derek joined the chat 31 minutes ago
rey: rip they just arrested derek im so emo
Derek: womp
Derek: He looks so good in that scene tho
rey: he rly does
rey: the beard makes all the difference lbr
Derek: tru it makes him look so much older
rey: i love it
Derek: Derek hid his face in his hands; he didn't want to be angry about this anymore. He didn't want to feel frusrated with and upset at Rey, and he hated the way she seemed so scared of him, like she genuinely believed he would hurt her. He never would. He'd never raise a hand against her. He clenched his eyes shut as he took deep breaths to steady himself before he could get up and approach Rey, crouching down next to her and hesitantly, gently, touching her shoulder. "I'm sorry," he said quietly, leaning in towards her. "I'm sorry I shouted. I'm just.... Frustrated. I want our relationship to be symmetrical and it doesn't feel that way, and that's hard for me to deal with. But I love you - more than anything, Rey - and nothing is going to change that. Ever."
rey rey couldn't help but duck away slightly when derek placed his hand on her shoulder, wincing softly, but took slow, deep breaths and wiped at her eyes then finally looked up into his, her worry evident. more tears fell as he spoke, and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion slightly. "you-you do...?" she whispered, tone genuinely surprised. she really was scared that he'd stopped loving her simply because of this stupid steve problem. something she couldn't help. she thought being honest about it would be better, that he'd help her get over him, but it had all backfired. "i-i love you s-so much... so much..."
Derek: "Of course I do," he said, a note of bemusement in his tone. As if something like this could just erase the entirety of their relationship, erase everything he loved so much about her. He found her left hand, holding it up between them. "I thought I made that clear when I made this particular promise." He cradled her face in his hand, looking into her eyes as he spoke. "I love you too. More than I think you realize." He wondered if she understand just how much proposing meant to him. "Can we go home now? I'm ready to just lay down with you."
rey rey's eyes drifted to her finger as more tears dripped down her cheeks, though she smiled shakily at the sight of the beautiful ring. then she met his eyes again and nodded. "y-yeah..." she whispered in agreement and wiped at her eyes again before taking his hands and standing slowly, still feeling somewhat off. "how about a massage?" she suggested with a small chuckle. the last one had just felt so darn good. "but this time i'll return the favor... i promise."
Derek: "Hey, there it is," Derek said warmly when she smiled, brushed over her cheek with the back of his thumb. "There you are." He kissed her forehead before helping her up, lacing their fingers together. "I'm more than happy to give you a massage," Derek said. "You deserve one. And I'd love one if you're up to it, but if you're not that's okay, too." He guided her by the hand around to his back, offering to give her a piggy back ride like he had after their first kiss.
rey "stop..." rey chuckled shyly when he commented on her smile, immediately turning her head away and biting her lip, though she was only smiling wider. he was too perfect. "of course i'm up for it," she replied and nodded, then giggled when he led her behind his back. she knew immediately what he was offering, so she laughed softly before carefully climbing onto his back, as if jumping would hurt him. "remember after the movie...? you gave me a ride home on your back," she chuckled, arms winding around his neck.
Derek: "As I recall," Derek said primly, "you loved it." He hooked his arms under her legs and bounced her a little so she'd move up his back into a more comfortable position. He started them back on the path home, not much of the walk remaining at that point. "You trust me?" he asked as they approached the staircase of the building that led up to their apartment.
rey "i did," rey admitted in a soft chuckle, hiding the lower half of her face in the back of his shoulder as she stared up at him. she let him readjust her on his back, complying willingly, and looked up again as they approached the staircase. her head quickly snapped towards him and she just paused before giggling nervously and holding onto him tighter. "always."
Derek: "Good. Take my hand." He held his right arm up, hand offered out to her. "And no matter what, don't let go, okay? And when I say so, just let go of everything else. Like you're jumping off. Got it?" Once her grip was sure, he gave her a, "Go!" and swung her around his body, landing her securely in his arms in a bridal carry.
rey rey quirked an eyebrow at him but slid her hand into his with a somewhat excited chuckle, keeping her grip tight. "okay..." she laughed nervously and raised her eyebrows before jumping off when he told her to, unsure of what to expect. but when she landed in his arms, she paused then began to laugh again, burying her face in her hands. "oh my goodness, that was so fun!"
Derek: Derek grinned, pleased that she'd enjoyed the little trick, and adjusted his arms slightly before heading up the stairs. "I thought you might like it," he said as they came to their landing and he fished out his keys.
rey "i always like when you carry me," rey giggled. it was true. she'd never get tired of it. when they approached the door, she turned her head to face it, but kept her arms wrapped around his neck, fingers combing through the hair at the nape of his neck.
Derek: "I noticed," Derek chuckled, carefully guided them through the door and making sure not to bump her into anything. He closed the door with his foot and carried her down the hall to their room, setting Rey down before climbing onto the bed next to her and laying on his side facing towards her.
rey rey turned her head forward again once they'd disappeared into the bedroom, smiling softly to herself. it smelled like his cologne. perfect. once he had laid her down, she kicked off her heels then curled up into a tight ball, the skirt of her dress curtaining over her legs. "you look so handsome..." she breathed out, reaching her fingers up to trace his cheekbone. "wow..."
Derek: "I look exactly the same way I did before I left for work," Derek chuckled, turning into her touch a little as he kept his eyes on hers. But he understood the sentiment - every time he went without seeing her for long, he always felt struck by how beautiful she was. "I've been looking forward to seeing you since I left."
rey rey shook her head, an adoring smile on her lips. "no... no, you always look this handsome," she whispered, dragging her thumb slowly over his lips and scooting closer as he spoke again. she smiled again and nodded her head, laying her hands in his own. "you're pretty much all of my impulse control, i think that's obvious by now... i can't get through one wedding without fighting with someone," she chuckled.
Derek: Derek hummed noncommittally as he puckered his lips just slightly, enough to press a semblance of a kiss to Rey's thumb. His arm wound around her waist, pulling her even closer until he could slip a leg between hers. "There... there was a lot going on. There's been a lot going on," he said, shrugging slightly. "You're stressed out. All that emotion's gotta come out somehow."
rey rey wrapped both of her legs around one of his and nodded in agreement, letting out a heavy sigh. "yeah..." she murmured, dragging a hand through her hair then resting it on top of her head as she closed her eyes. "yeah, i really am..." she'd never really stepped back and glanced at all her problems as a whole; always just focused on one at a time. but the list went on and on, now that she thought about it.
Derek: "We'll just... we'll find a better way for you to deal with it before it gets to that point," he said quietly, taking one of her hands and bringing it up to his mouth to gently kiss her knuckles. "At least there weren't any drink hoses involved this time," he chuckled, then laced their fingers together. "Have you, uh... have you thought about when? A date? For the wedding?"
rey rey smiled bashfully at his joke, holding his hand tightly, but easing up on her grip more and more as she relaxed. talking about the wedding made it even better. "i'm guessing tomorrow's out of the question," she teased, though she'd actually do it. she just wanted to be his wife as soon as possible. "when's the soonest we can do it? because i want to do it the day before that," she laughed softly.
Derek: Derek actually laughed out loud at that, smiling as he rolled onto his back, looking at the ceiling. "Tomorrow is out of the question," he said, "I don't think even Lydia would be able to get everything together in time." He pulled her hand over to play with her fingers. "Usually engagements are around six months long. It takes a lot of planning to put a wedding together..." He knew that wasn't what she wanted to hear, but he felt it needed to be said.
rey rey felt her jaw drop. literally. /six months/? but immediately she froze, remembering the ridicule she faced the last time for trying to rush something. "o-okay," she choked out, trying not to sound as disappointed as she actually felt. she didn't need a big wedding. she didn't care if it was just them two and someone to officiate. she didn't care. she just wanted to be married to him. but she bit the inside of her cheek and rolled over onto her back, though she let him keep her hand. her left hand, ironically enough.
Derek: "I know it's a long time," Derek said, rolling back onto his side when he felt her roll away, still holding onto her hand and playing idly with the ring on her finger. "And I know you don't want to wait. At this point.... at this point I don't really see the point, either. So we could expedite things, I'm sure. I just want everything... to be perfect. To be exactly what we want. I'm only planning on doing this once."
rey rey looked up at him when he rolled back onto his side next to her, releasing her teeth from the inside of her cheek and instead biting her bottom lip gently. a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips before she took a deep inhale then mumbled, "i know you do... but... i've lived my whole life without luxury. fifteen of those twenty years were spent with even less than a normal amount of wealth. i don't care about how many flowers there are or-or what colors the plates will be... all i care about is being your wife." but she shook her head, tugging at the hem of her shirt. "but-but if you want to wait... i can do that."
Derek: "I know you haven't," Derek said gently. It had been a topic of considerable discussion, and it was almost constantly on his mind when it came to caring for Rey, whether it was making her comfortable or buying her things or making sure she ate enough in a day. "So I... you can't blame me for wanting to celebrate us to the greatest extent that anyone in this town has ever seen." He leaned in and kissed her gently, pouring as much love and sincerity into the gesture as he could. "But I know it's important to you. we could shoot for three months?"
rey rey sniffed softly but kissed him back lovingly, placing her hand on his cheek. at the suggestion of three months, she just let out a shaky exhale but shrugged her shoulders and rolled over onto her stomach. "take my dress off...?" she whispered, face burying into the pillow. it was tight and pinchy, as much as she loved it. plus she still wanted that massage.
Derek: He could tell that it still wasn't good enough - unless he actually married her within the month, he doubted anything would be. But he knew that these things took time - they might be able to manage two months, if Derek wanted to pay an exorbitant amount for everything. The food, the decorations, the cake, the venue, the dresses, the suits, the photographer, the music... it would all take time. He quietly worked on the small clasp at the top of Rey's dress, then unzipped it all the way down to her lower back, carefully guiding her arms out of the sleeves before he pulled it down her body and off her legs gingerly.
rey rey couldn't help herself as she curled her toes into the sheets when he unzipped her dress. occasionally his fingers would ghost over her back or thighs and her heart rate would increase. which she knew he'd pick up on. once it was off, she stayed face down, but slowly tilted her head up to look at him, brown eyes full of love and passion. the pendant of her necklace had somehow slipped down the chain so that it now laid on her back in the exact same position as his tattoo. the moonlight reflected off the silver material of it, and it slid down her shoulder blade as she shifted on the sheets. "...how is it done...?"
Derek: Derek hummed quietly when Rey turned to look at him, fingers gently touching the pendant of her necklace where it sat on her back, a delicate mimicry of his own mark there. "How is what done?" he asked quietly, fingers ghosting over her back and the backs of her thighs.
rey rey stared down at the comforter, hands slowly sliding up to clasp lightly above her head, resting on the pillow. like usual. like they loved. as his fingers trailed over her skin, she began panting lightly, toes curling up again. she took another few moments before finally whispering, "how do you turn someone into a werewolf...?"
Derek: Derek's brows furrowed, a little crease appearing between them as he looked at her, hands faltering for a moment before they resumed their path, thumbs rubbing into Rey's shoulders and down her back in looping circles. "Usually it's done with a bite," he said slowly, "but people can be turned by a scratch that goes deep enough, too."
rey rey swallowed thickly and clenched her jaw, eyes slowly falling shut. his touch was irresistibly enchanting. "and you can only be turned by an alpha..." she whispered, quirking a brow then slowly returning it to its usual spot. her words were becoming breathier, more quiet, as his fingers traveled more places around her body. "...can you turn someone...?"
Derek: "Right," Derek said, fingers curling around her sides to knead over her hips, her stomach, inching up towards her ribcage. "Not anymore," he said. "I was able to, once. I turned Erica, Isaac, and Boyd. They were my betas."
rey rey hesitated before rolling over to lay on her back, gently tugging him down to meet her level. she brushed her fingers across his lips before pausing then whispering, "you want me to be safe... to be able to look out for myself..." she moved her hand down to his and dragged it up her body, taking a bit more time at her chest, before resting it on her cheek. "being like you would keep me safe."
Derek: "Of course I do," Derek said quietly, then froze, frowning a little when Rey implied that... that what? She wanted to be turned? "What? No, Rey, it's not... it's /really/ not that simple," he said, sitting up a bit, confused by what she was doing. "It's so easy to lose control when you first shift," he explained, "you could seriously hurt someone. Hurt yourself. There are people, Rey, who /hunt us/. Just because of what we are. I don't want that for you. Ever."
rey rey shook her head, purposefully averting her gaze from his. she knew there were hunters. they were in magnolia. and three of them were her best friends. not like derek knew that. "i-i could protect myself. you've done it so far, why can't i?" she asked shakily, bringing her hands down to rest over her chest. "you-you wouldn't have to worry about hurting me on the full moon. you wouldn't have to panic each time i don't answer my phone when you're at work. i-i could heal, i could fight better."
Derek: "Because I've been doing this all my life," he said desperately, wishing he could remove the thoughts from her head surgically, completely eradicate them so they'd never appear again. "You can protect yourself right now." He rubbed his eyes. "I'd have to worry about /you/ hurting someone on the full moon!" He couldn't argue with the healing or the fighting, but he didn't want to acknowledge that. "I don't know if you'd still be able to use the Force after the shift."
rey "you told me scott became in control when he was around allison. she helped him stay calm," rey whispered, placing a hand on his cheek. "derek, it could work for us... i know it could..." she shook her head and bit her lip, letting out a heavy sigh. "i don't care if i can't use it anymore. i don't care. i don't care if i have to go against alec when he's hun-" uh oh. immediately rey clasped her hands over her mouth, her eyes widening. "n-nothing..."
Derek: "That took him a while," he said, "and not everyone's anchor is the same thing." He shook his head lightly as she insisted that it could work. He didn't want this for her. He could do it for her in the first place, and he would refuse to tell her who could. His eyebrows lifted when Rey cut herself off, shaking his head again but this time for an entirely different reason. "I know Alec's a hunter," he said. "I met his sister before I met him, and she told me all about it. He told me that he doesn't hunt anything that doesn't deserve it. Including werewolves."
rey rey let out a deep breath of relief, able to snap back into her normal state of mind. at least she hadn't said dean or sam's name. she sat them both up then climbed into his lap, hair curtaining over her face as she panted heavier now. she didn't need derek's senses to tell that her heart was pounding. she could feel it against her chest. "i'm sorry..." she whispered at the ridiculousness of the whole idea. she wouldn't last a second as a werewolf. she knew that. "i-i'm not in my right mind..."
Derek: Derek sat up, hands on her waist as Rey settled into his lap, his head tipping to the side as he tried to look at her through her hair. He pushed it back behind her ears after a few moments, concern in his expression as he cradled her face. "Are you okay?" he asked, her heart pounding and her breathing coming rapid and shallow. "What's going on?"
rey too much. too much was going on. almost losing derek had just been what set it all off. but one thing... one thing had stuck with her. slowly, she tilted her head up to look into his eyes. "i spoke with lydia..." she whispered, eyebrows raising just slightly, though her fingers found his shirt to play with the material again. "she told me... she told me about your uncle... a-and i can't stop thinking about it..."
Derek: It felt like he'd swallowed a gallon of ice water when Rey said that she'd spoken to Lydia about Peter. Peter, of all people. He doubted Lydia took care to explain the nuances and difficulties of the situation. "What did she tell you?" he asked slowly, hands resting lightly on Rey's hips, as if afraid to touch her, afraid that she'd tell him not to touch her.
rey "she said... she said he controlled her... m-made her bring him back from the dead without her actually wanting to..." rey remembered, staring down at the sheets beneath them and furrowing her eyebrows, exterior softening as his hands rested on her hips. any time he touched her brought her comfort, but right now, she wanted to feel him as much as possible. "and that... she doesn't know where he is..."
Derek: "He did..." Derek said, uncertain as to whether or not Lydia had pointed out that Derek had been on the one to kill him in the first place. He was ready to justify it, to tell Rey that he'd been killing people and had no intention of stopping, but that didn't seem to be her concern. "And... no, we don't know where he is right now... Probably off licking his wounds after his last failed grab at power. But if he ever does find me, find us, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. He's not going to hurt you. I won't let him."
rey rey smiled sorrowfully, her eyes falling shut. "how do you always know what i'm thinking...?" she whispered. it felt selfish, being afraid of peter. because if he came, he'd only be out for derek. but after searching lydia's mind for memories of peter... she hadn't been able to get his vicious actions out of her mind. even now, looking into derek's memories, she saw him getting hit, getting hurt by his uncle, and it made her sick to her stomach to think of that ever happening again. she wouldn't let it. "i-i can fight him, he can't do anything against a lightsaber..."
Derek: "It's not going to come to that," Derek promised, wrapping his arms around her torso and pulling her against his chest, tucking her head under his chin. "It's not. I promise." He cradled the back of her head in one large hand, thumb stroking over her hair. "I'd never let you fight him, okay? He's too... manipulative, too willing to get into people's heads, under their skin. He'd find out all your weaknesses and use them against you, and I'd die before I let that happen."
rey rey let herself be coddled and soothed, resting both her arms against his chest. the air was cold, and she was fully unclothed, but derek's natural body heat kept her feeling warm and safe. as it always did. as he spoke about her weaknesses, she clenched her fists slightly in fear. she knew her main weakness: derek himself. if he was ever to be hurt, she couldn't fight and take that risk. and she was pretty sure it was the same way for him, too. "i-i don't want to talk about it anymore..." she whispered for the second time that night.
Derek: "Okay," Derek agreed easily, ducking his head to hide his face in her neck. He could tell she was scared - he didn't need her senses to know that - and he felt... nervous that he'd never considered the possibility that Peter could find them. Could ruin everything they'd built. "We don't have to." He rubbed his hand up and down her back, from the nape of her neck to the dip of her spine, reveling in the simple pleasure that he could touch her, that she was there... and she wasn't going anywhere.
rey rey nodded, feeling reassured by his gentle, steady tone. either he was good at hiding his emotions (which she knew to be true) or he really wasn't worried about his uncle. not daring to look into his mind again in fear of more memories of peter, rey simply glanced up and into his eyes, not knowing what else to say. so she did the only thing she really wanted to do. her hands slid up to tangle in his hair as she leaned up and kissed him, softly at first.
Derek: He kept her wrapped up in his arms as he kissed her, holding her as closely as possibly as her hands wound through his hair. He kissed her gently, reassuringly - trying to convey as much as possible that she didn't have anything to worry about, that he was going to protect her. He cradled her face in his hands, thumbs gently brushing over her cheeks as their kiss gradually deepened.
rey while he deepened the kiss, rey slowly leaned back more and more until she was laying flat on the bed, him hovering above her. she ran her hands down his back until her fingers found the hem of his shirt, which she tugged up and up until eventually it was off, then tossed it aside. her leg slowly moved to brush up his then back down as she nipped at his bottom lip then kissed him again.
Derek: Derek was reluctant to pull away from her for even a moment, but he sat up enough for her to pull off his shirt before stretching out over her again, resting his weight on one hand. The other he let smooth over her skin, over her stomach and up to her chest, his thumb ghosting circles over her nipple only just long enough to make it hard before his fingers were trailing downwards again.
rey when his fingers found her chest, rey tilted her chin up and gasped hoarsely, letting his lips land on her neck. she took a quick, deep breath then set her legs on either side of his body, though she brought them up so her feet were flat on the bed, toes curling into the sheets. but she brought her hands down to unbutton then slowly push down his pants and boxers at the same time. once they were off, she moved her hands up to clasp above her head, and found his lips again.
Derek: "We are going to have to get up eventually," Derek chided with a laugh, pushing back Rey's hair from her face as she rested on his chest, his fingers brushing up and down her spine. He didn't really want to move, either, but a shower and food were in order. "C'mon," he prompted, squeezing one of her hips gently and rocking his body back and forth in an attempt to get her moving. "Let's go."
rey "nooo..." rey groaned under her breath as derek said they'd have to get up. she turned so her cheek was resting against his chest, rather than burying her entire face in it, and winced silently when he squeezed her hip, one of her most ticklish areas. but she was shocked awake and opened her eyes, a small smile forming on her lips. she was so relaxed after they'd finished making love, and he'd just cuddled her for what felt like hours, though she knew it was only about twenty minutes or so. "fine," she sighed in defeat and moved off his chest, but held her arms up to him once he was standing, and giggled tiredly.
Derek: "Yesssss," Derek groaned right back at her, laughing a little when she didn't do much responding other than to move her face. "C'mon. If we don't get up now, we never will, you know that." He stretched, arms extending over his head and legs flexing and toes curling before he half-rolled, half-climbed off the bed. "Oh my god," he laughed when he saw her summoning him down to pick her up. Despite the complaint he still complied, bending over to let her arms around his neck as he lifted her up to hold her against his front. "You're so spoiled," he muttered as he carried her off to the bathroom, leaning over to start the shower without putting her down, instead pressing her up against the wall and letting his lips find her collarbone, already marked but still enticing.
rey "derek..." rey groaned but giggled when he picked her up, wrapping her arms around his neck. she loved being carried like this, no matter what. it allowed them to still be so close after intimate moments such as the one they just shared. "i know, but you're not gonna stop..." she mumbled against his skin as she closed her eyes again, chuckling softly. they were both sweaty and warm, so the shower would definitely feel good. but when he pressed her back against the wall, she lifted her head up with a quiet gasp, then let her eyes fall shut when his lips found her collarbone. the marks there weren't deep, but she'd need to cover them up with makeup tomorrow, she was sure of it. she winced softly, feeling the pit of her stomach tighten with ecstasy again, and took deep breaths, head falling back gently against the wall. "not again..." she whispered. she didn't know if she had it in her, really.
Derek: Derek hummed noncommittally into her skin when she teased him; he'd never stop spoiling her as long as he lived, he knew that with certainty, and apparently so did she. He couldn't blame her for taking advantage of it, especially when he loved it so much. "Wasn't gonna," he replied just as quietly into the skin of her throat, nose brushing along the softness of it, lips dragging a long line as his stubble scraped over it gently. His hands gripped her thighs, thumbs rubbing into the crease where they met her torso before sliding back to hold her up by her ass. "As much as I wish I could." He found her mouth again and kissed her until they were both out of breath, their skin warm and he could feel a heat low in his belly, that endless desire he always harbored for her. But he let her down, feet lightly stepping to the floor before he held his hand out to help her into the shower.
rey as his thumbs massaged into her skin, rey winced again and bit down on her lip, flexing her feet slightly as they rested against his back. again she breathed steadily until his hands moved to her behind, one of her favorite places where he touched her. she nodded in agreement then kissed him back, holding onto his hair gently, and felt that itching sensation creep up her body once she was on her feet. her legs pressed together tightly and she leaned over just a bit to recover, knowing how easy it was for her to become aroused. but then she took his hand and shuffled into the shower, letting the water cool her down both internally and externally. she stood so her back was pressed to his chest then slowly reached an arm up to loop around his neck, eyes closing and lips parting. "that's better..."
Derek: He could have touched her like this forever, no boundaries or secrets between them; he knew she got overwhelmed quickly, whether it was his hands or his mouth or any other part of him, and there were definitely times he played that to his advantage. But he let her recover once she had her feet on the ground, mouth trying (and failing) to quash a please little smirk behind her back. He sidled in behind her, hands smoothing down her sides and the fronts of her thighs, not intended to be sexual but celebratory, reveling in her and the fact that she was his. "I love you," he said quietly, head bowed to press his lips to her shoulder, light, worshiping. "I love you so much..."
rey a smile formed on her lips as she felt his hands travel down her hips to her thighs, and whispered, "i love you with all my heart..." it wasn't hard to, with how amazingly perfect he was. she still didn't feel like she deserved him, and probably never would. "it hurts less this time," she murmured, opening her eyes to look up at him. the first time had been pretty painful, even with how slow and gentle derek was, since it was her first time ever experiencing anything like that. since then, it'd hurt less and less after each run, and now it was just a slight disturbance. she gathered the washcloth and lathered it up with soap before turning her body to face his then handing it over so he could wash her, as they always did after making love.
Derek: "Good!" Derek replied earnestly, pressing his lips to her cheek and nuzzling at it with his nose after. He wrapped his arms around her middle and squeezed her gently. He'd nearly stopped then and there the first time, when he sensed her discomfort and uncertainty despite taking as much time as she needed. "Think it won't hurt at all soon?" he asked quietly. It was difficult to not feel bad whenever they had sex, feel like, despite what she said, she was uncomfortable or unhappy or they were only doing it because /he/ wanted to. He pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind as he accepted the washcloth from her, tangling the fingers of one hand with hers as he held her arm out for him to start washing, working his way to her torso and over her chest before going on to the other arm.
rey "yeah, i do," rey smiled hopefully and gave him a nod, leaning up to peck his lips gently. she didn't need to use the force to feel the guilt stirring inside him. and she didn't like it one bit. she /wanted/ to do it, she really did, even through the pain. it was all worth it in the end, and she assumed derek didn't see that side of it. only the painful side. she stepped back just slightly so he could extend her arm to clean it, fingers dancing in his own, then watched his hand as the washcloth dragged from her shoulder to her abdomen and chest, where she had a few marks. she loved them. she watched again as he moved onto her other arm, but watched his face now instead. he was sculpted by gods, she was convinced. everything about him was so perfect. literally every little thing. "i love you..." she piped up quietly, standing on her toes for half a second before giving him a shy smile.
Derek: Derek's mouth twisted on a shy sort of smile when she said those words seemingly out of nowhere, and he ducked his head briefly, looking down at their feet before glancing back up at her. "I love you, too," he said, bringing one slightly soapy hand up to cradle her cheek, looking into her eyes as he said the words. "I can't believe you're going to marry me," he said, huffing out a chuckle as he smiled, all teeth and palpable awe. "I can't believe you're going to be Mrs. Hale." He rolled the words around on his tongue. "Rey Hale. Rey Skywalker-Hale?" He laughed a little, using the back of his hand to brush the washcloth over her stomach and hip.
rey rey laughed happily, nodding her head. she was still in shock, too, even though it had been well over a week. "just hale. i'm your family now, i don't want to be remembered just for my father and uncle and everyone else. i want to be my own person," she whispered, then smiled again. "your wife." she leaned up to peck his lips a few times then let him drag the washcloth over her stomach and waist, though she smiled a little each time his fingers brushed against her soft skin. she'd never get tired of his touch. never ever.
Derek: An easy smile tugged at Derek's lips as he leaned in close to her, pressing their lips together easily, briefly, a few times one right after the other. "It's your name just as much as it's theirs," Derek said, both hands touching her waist as he leaned in close enough to feel her breath on his face, her whisper so close that it felt loud in his ears. If they could stay this close forever, he'd die a happy man. "You are your own person, no matter what your name is." He could feel her smile against his lips as they kissed again, and he sighed contentedly when they parted, pulling her in close and resting his chin atop her head as he rubbed the washcloth over her back, and lower, to her thighs.
rey rey smiled softly and shrugged. "it's really only been my name for a few months... i've been fine being just rey before i knew. just rey..." she whispered when he leaned close to her, biting gently at her bottom lip. suddenly words weren't forming in her mind as easily, with how entrancing his gaze was. she nodded slowly, though, and kissed him back, though this one was soft and delicate. when he pulled her close, she rested her forearms against his chest and closed her eyes, though she frowned when he skipped a very important area. she took his free hand and placed it on her butt with a small giggle. "much better."
Derek: Derek's brows shot up when Rey placed his hand back on her ass, a little taken aback by the brazenness of it - a far cry from the woman who had been so uncomfortable with just being aroused a few months before. "Much better," he agreed, chuckling, and then gently passed the washcloth over her skin, humming into her neck as he pressed his face there, reveling in how comfortable it was being this close, enjoying the way they could touch each other so easily.
rey rey smiled slowly and wrinkled her nose just a bit before moving her hand up to the nape of his neck when he ducked his face into her skin, letting her eyes fall shut. slowly, her fingers ran through his hair, gently scratching his scalp in a soothing way as they went along. she remembered him saying long ago how much he loved when she did that. she turned her head just enough to press a gentle kiss to the side of his own, then rested her cheek against his hair and let out a soft sigh.
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rune-chaser · 7 years
JFC Who let me Near a keyboard when I was like this- (A Lot Of Gay Shit about Naomi and Azura I was telling Masu at fuck all in the morning that I didn’t remember upon waking up today)
god It's just I have a vague idea of what they would want the song to be about I'm personally not good at writing let alone writing music If I could Country Rattle would already be a thing But I know they'd want the first half to be about Love and the healing of after the war.
Azura and Naomi adding onto the song as their life goes on because they don't have the foresight of Anankos So they write the song with the intention of being able to add onto it as they grow older
The tone of the love and healing part is upbeat as it's about their healing and adventures through the lands, since neither really go to do that as children, and the next part mellowing out into a more calm and soothing tone since this is when they would finally be settling down and starting a life and family. and the last part slowed down and peaceful but reminiscent of the original Lost in Thoughts All Alone, as it's the song that brought them together. and the very end making sure to tell the listener that their journey is just beginning and to go forth write you own story. I'm Emotions
Lays Down Gently hnnnnnng because I just have such vivid imagery of where they write these parts of the songs The first half is in the moment of their adventure. maybe when they're running through the woods. In the cave of crystals that is breath taking. In the moments where they're hiding from an angry flock of griffons And in their beds as they lay down and talk about what new adventure they had that day. and what new things they had done and seen.
the next part is in the calm moments. Maybe it's in the rain as they run for cover under a tree. having to put on hold, fixing up the old broken down home they found, the fixer upper they'll call home. Maybe it's as they lay in bed, still wrapped up in each others arms, Azura humming notes, Naomi attempting (and with varying success) to match or harmonize with her. Exchanging bits of words and phrases to go with them. And in the calm of taking care of the children when finally asleep. In the tired moments too. The two exhausted, but having fussy babies, Azura singing to them trying to lull them to sleep.
Then, as the years go by, it's when ever the inspiration strikes. sometimes it's in the strangest ways, during one of Shigure's art shows, words just seem to pop together as they couldn't be more proud of the artist their child has become. Maybe it's sitting in the once lively living area, now quiet, as the children have grown. and realizing that the children they raised are on their own now. and you can only hope you taught them well, and hope they visit every so often. Sometimes it's on the calm winter night, watching the snowflakes fall, and realizing how far in their lives they've come. how much they've done.
The last part is as they hold their grandchildren, seeing them walk and learn to talk. Realizing that these small children have such a long life ahead of them. That they will create their own stories, memories and lively hoods just as they have. And they can only hope to that they create such a vast array of memories and experiences. That they can hold them all close and dear to share with those who will come after them. wrinkled hands still writing just as they did when they were young. Voices not quite the same, but Azura's always beautiful, Naomi never quite able to get her notes just right still trying her best. And the two finally content, knowing this song they began, a look back at the life lived, and knowing their lives have been lived fully and surrounded by love. They only hope their loved ones lives continue on to be as grand even when they themselves are no longer there to watch it go by. Welcome to 2 AM Runey Emotion Fest-
travel for a least a good year if not more just. Exploring visiting attractions, natural wonders.
and Not even in like a (eye emoji) way but both finding a waterfall and lake in the middle of the woods with no civilization near, and not wanting to run back to their camp to change into swim appropriate wear. so they just strip down to their small clothes and jump in. Both standing under the waterfall and laughing and giggling as they just have a blast. Naomi jumping from rock to rock where it's clearly slippery and Azura telling her to be careful but Naomi slips and flops into the water any how. Azura being able to use water magic and hold her breath for a while (being a singer and all) diving down to the bottom of the lake or as close as she can get to pick up stones and other little things. Naomi getting worried when Azura goes under for an uncomfortable amount of time. And Azura sometimes using that to her advantage with a little water magic to startle Naomi. I Need to let my brain rest on ideas I'm A Mess
Okay I said I was done I lied
Something that isn't an uncommon occurrence is Either Naomi or Azura waking up and just. Stretching and attempting to fully wake up. Only to realize the other is still soundly asleep next to them. (Usually with terrible bed head) But with the light coming into where they are, whether it be filtered through the fabric of the tent they were sleeping in, or the speckled light coming through the leaves on the trees, or the small sliver of light coming through not quite completely closed curtains of a window and just. A warm smile appearing on their face as the look at the others face for a moment. sometimes moving a bit of hair from the face, carful not to wake them up. And then laying back down and just waiting for them to wake up too. And just, taking a moment to take it all in again. That 'you're here, next to me. Sleeping contently and soundly.' And that this is something they can wake up to every day. is the other right next to them. Okay Now i'm done- I should sleep I'm so sappy and cheesey rn that it's A Problem
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lesoleilxjulien · 7 years
tokyo - alternate.
And there's very few words exchanged between them, really. It's more Julien doing the talking, but only when necessary. Only to ask to let him in, and only to let Jerome know what he's thinking. But julien stays quiet and when he feels his touch on his skin he continues to gaze at Jerome, his fingers stuttering in Jerome's locks as they stare at each other but just as fast as Jerome's hand appears it disappears. Julien blushes a little, his ears turning a light dusty rose but he'd reach for the covers and pull it up to cover their shoulders before moving closer and resting a hand on Jerome's shoulder "is this okay?;;"
Jerome wanted to caress longer. Wanted to let his hand wander over the soft skin just for moments more but it would look like something if he did. It would look like he'd do something. So he had to retract his hand. But now he's just staring at him, getting lost in his eyes and he thought thinking was overwhelming alone, he doesn't know how to describe what his mind is doing now. He doesn't see the blush, the light too little for him to catch it, but he does notice his body moving closer to him and this familiar heat ignites in his chest but maximised ten times over. It's not like he remembers in the moment now, how a similar feeling captured his heart a long seven or so years ago. It's not like he clearly can pinpoint that feeling now to the girl he ran into just hours/days ago, similar but incredibly different. It's not like he realised this kind of feeling to be something he felt later in his relationship but feels it now for Julien with the label of best friend strapped to his back. What he does realize that though somewhere in the back of his mind he knows it to be reminiscent but for the first time in all those years of seeing her in different people he grew intimately close with, she was gone. And he could only see him. Even with her being so close. Even with her face updated in his mind. Even with the remaining figurative sting on his wrist at where her dainty fingers wrapped around him. She was gone and Julien was there. It makes him take an intake of breath, creating dizziness with being overwhelmed by picking up on Juliens scent mixed with his own due to mere proximity and the fact that Julien sleeps in his shirts. /his/ shirts. This feels like something he wants to have. Weekly. Daily. Hourly. Just so close. With him. Together. Juliens hand rests on his shoulder and he hears the question. /is this okay?/ and you can hear an audible swallow, similar to when they would fall on the couch together and laughing ceases for a moment when they stare at one another at the position they found each other in or to when Jerome seemingly wants to do something like lean in but stops himself. Similar to that bops his Adams apple up and down. And for a few mere moments he doesn't respond, too caught up in the eyes he glanced into that night when he realised Julien wasn't just another person to add to some kind of fuck list, but instead to be a person to watch his heart around. Because look away and he'd steal it. Get distracted and he'd steal it. Drown in pools of chocolate brown and he'd steal it. /is this okay?/ and Jerome finally does something, he moves a bit closer. Such a tiny distance but noticeable if paid attention. And he nods a bit, wanting to say "Everything you do is okay. Okay to me. Okay for you to do to me." and he does, in the most quiet whisper that's unheard to the curious walls of the hotel room and barely even heard by the male next to him. The last part of his sentence gets cut off though by the whisper turning inaudible as he rips his gaze away to focus on a different part of his face for a moment, his eyes giving a too quick of a heart rate that he can feeling pulsing.
Julien can feel him move closer, can smell his scent and the way it mingles with his own. And he knows that Jerome has just been having an emotional and tumultuous couple of days but julien still settles close bc Jerome needs him and that's the most important thing. It's intimate, the pair curled up under the blankets, and their voices are so soft that everything they say is only meant for the other person, nobody else. And when Jerome says that and turns his gaze away, julien feels his heart flutter, feels all these emotions that are so strong because even when they're like this Jerome has a way of making Julien's heart race. Julien's hand relaxes, the hold on Jerome's shoulder warm. But julien instead slides his hand down, palm slipping along his body before he rests his hand on Jerome's hip. It feels right, having it down there. And his teeth sink into his lower lip, half asleep but also very much alert but he just wants to be there for him. "Can I hold you? Would that be okay too?" he'd ask, voice shy; he doesn't know what to expect in response
OMFG RIP NO. JEROME LETS HIM DO EVERYTHING. yo i feel like they'd awake spooning because jerome turned around in his arms during the night and wOW WHAT A NICE POSITION THAT IN THE FUTURE JULIEN FINDS HIMSELF IN ALWAYS BC JEROME LOVES HIM THERE and ugh UGH YO JEROME WOULD JUST WANT TO PULL HIM BACK AND HE WOULD LIKE GRAB HIS HAND AS JULIEN GETS OUT OF BED BUT THEN HE LETS GO AFTER A MOMENT all like letting the fingers slip from his grasp before glancing down and falling back onto the soft mattress because he's so tired and they slept so late and his mind didnt stop working throughout the whole night AND JFC THE TRAINWRECK YO PEOPLE WOULD JUST QUESTION A LOTTTTT
TBH. Julien would wake up with his arms around Jerome's waist and his face buried into the nape of Jerome's neck. And honestly Julien absolutely hates that he has to wake up and leave bc it feels so nice and comforting? But he knows he needs to get back to his room before people start waking up and he'd lift a hand to run in Jerome's hair "Rome? I have to go back to my room..." murmuring softly while trying to get out of bed. Julien doesn't want to leave;;;; he'd tuck Jerome into bed "I'll see you at the airport, okay? Get some rest." And he's all tired and exhausted but he just wants Jerome to be okay
oh my god. Jerome would honestly feel the need to freak out about this but he doesn't, he just would miss the warmth against his back and he just wants to pull him near and keep this serene moment because its beautiful and he doesn't know what will happen when the door closes and he is left alone again. And yo he'd probably grab his hand when he's tucking him in because /can't you stay?/ but then he'd let go and "Okay." he almost sounds defeated but he knows why he has to leave, too many questions, "You too.." and OK when Julien would be near the door Jerome would curl further under the blankets and "Thank you for caring about me." He'd be faced away from Julien then and the words leave him in a whisper but it's loud enough tot hear. and he'd mumble to himself /you have no idea in which ways i care about you/ when Julien would eventually close the door upon exiting BECAUSE HOLY SHIT HE IS FEELING EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW.
Ugh yes. It's just before sunrise in Tokyo and Julien just needs to make sure he's in his room before anyone else wakes. He wishes he could stay a bit longer, just long enough for the sun to let some of its rays shine into the window on Jerome. But he has to go. When Julien gets to the door and hears that, his heart skips a beat. He wants to say something, but he knows that if he does he might slip. It's too early to have this conversation, and there's no time, so he stays quiet instead. He opens the door and quietly leaves, heading straight to his room and climbing into his bed that hasn't been slept in, that's cold and lacks any warmth that Jerome's bed did. He doesn't see Jerome again until he's at the airport, but he's sending little texts throughout the day for him ;;;;
and Jerome wants to be protected but can't admit it because he'll look weak and he can't have that. At least he can't admit it verbally. dries tears He has a problem trusting but physically Jerome trusts Julien with so much that realizing it can scare him. Their gentle breathing would be unison and Jerome doesn't dare to open his eyes. because what if Julien is looking at him? And how would his breathing go if he sees with his own eyes how close they are now? They fall asleep like this, Jerome's thoughts slowly turning into background noise as he allows himself to bath in this warmth. H O N E S T L Y before Jerome would eventually turn around so he awakens as the little spoon he'd let his hand be removed from under him and he'd let his fingers curl into the fabric of his shirt that covers Juliens chest. Just over his heart. and he'd do that in his half asleep state and ;3; im shaken at how soft this is. Like it's so much care. So much. It's just the two of them and Juliens breathing would basically sing him to sleep like a lullaby im- rip ;-;
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