#void stiles revolution
causeofmayhem · 1 month
could you plz do headcannons of V with a fem reader who is also a masked anti-hero?
thank you and remember to drink and eat something!<33
Thank you so much for the reminder anon! I'm gonna make this a headcanon aswell if you don't mind
V x fem!Masked Vigilante!Reader
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He first saw you on the news. The Voice announcing a new possible masked vigilante running around grabbed his attention immidiately.
That's when he saw you on the TV, in all your glory. Your porcelain mask perfectly fitted your face and by the looks of it, you had causes quite the scene with all the unconcious and possibly dead fingermen lying around you.
You would take space in his mind for weeks until he met you.
He was walking through alleyways, tring to find the best routes to run into, in case he ever needed it.
And that's when he heard it. The sould of a spaypaint can being shook.
He didn't recognise you at first as your back was turned to him, but whoever it was that was crossing out Adam Sutlers propaganda did pique his interest.
"Good evening Madame."
You turn your masked face towards him and you both are flooded with familiarity.
"So we meet. I've been waiting for this day, you know."
V tilted his head in curiosity "Have you now?"
You smiled under your mask.
"Yes. You basically inspired me."
So yeah that's basically how you met.
You two kept crossing roads with eachother, even starting a friendly rivalry. You would compare your collections, seeing who stile from Sutler more.
Eventually this turns into a friendship, and he tells you about what happened in Larkhill. İt takes a while to get to that point, with companionship and lots of support he eventually opens up.
"They experimented on you? This is putting it lightly but that must of been a nightmare." you say, having lazed around in the shadow gallery all day and now sitting on the couch next to V.
"It's all a relic of the past you shouldn't worry about." He says and a long sigh drags out of him.
"Besides, we should worry about the future more."
Time passes and he realises two things.
He feels lighter, more relaxed around you. Like he coulc just be himself and not care about the revolution.
He feels an emptiness when you're not around. A void he would rather fill with schemeing and plotting against Sutler.
But... It surely can't be it, right? There is no way.
Unfortunately, he realises that it is a bit too late, as he is dying in your arms, on that fateful day, November 5th.
You stop wearing your mask soon after.
Sorry for the angst ending! Hope you're satisfied!!
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Your Dark Side Pt.5 (Void!Stiles xReader)
A/N: Cause I've been writing but not on this blog so I had to get something done here as well lmao also, not much happens on this chapter but hey, something it’s something, right?
Words: 1,667
Warnings: Abusive behavior and slight cursing, bit of nsfwig but no nudity. Angst.
Pt.4 // Pt.6
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“How are we going to do that?” She looked over to Stiles, trying to get his attention, “Stiles! Hey!”
“We have to call him to us,” Scott mumbled, “but not like that, he won’t listen.”
She stepped forward, but as soon as that happened the lights went out and Y/N was now standing in a different room. Her living room.
And Stiles... He was kissing her.
She had this distant memory of him in danger, What was it? They were looking for Stiles, but he was here with her. Then he was fine, and she was fine.
“We should tell Scott you’re okay,” She mumbled in between kisses.
“For what?” He frowned slightly, grabbing her waist and pulling her tighter against his body, “it’s alright, he doesn’t need to know.”
“They were looking for you...”
“Who?” Stiles chuckled, “I think someone ate too much candy today...”
He guided her towards the couch, once there he pushed her and she fell harshly, with him on top of her body.
“Ouch! Easy there, that hurt,” She complained, already putting her arms around his neck.
“Sorry love,” Stiles smirked.
There was something about that, the way his eyes didn’t match his smile. But she didn’t get to think much about it, cause then he tilted his head and started kissing her neck.
“I’ve been dying to do this for a long time,” He moaned, Y/N felt his hands slowly move under her shirt, pulling it up, “your skin is so soft... so warm”
“Your hands are too cool,” She tried to push them away, “wait, Stiles! Stop, I think my mom is here”
“She’s not,” He replied, pushing her further into the couch.
“Stiles, wait, you’re too heavy let me move”
He didn’t reply, Y/N knew something was wrong.
How did they get here? Scott was looking for Stiles... but it was also looking for her. She’d run away with Stiles- no, with Void. She ran away with Void and he was feeding from her anger, and she was dying, but so was Stiles.
Then... Scott found them, and there was a fight... and a voice, Was that Isaac? He was calling her name, screaming something.
“This is not real,” She gasped, Stiles’ weight on top of her felt like thousands of stones piling one on top of the other and they never seemed to stop. She couldn’t breathe, and she couldn’t move, “you’re not Stiles. Stiles is dying.”
The boy raised his head, his smirk was more prominent now, completely evil. His eyes had dark circles under them and his lips were dry and pale.
“Yeah?” He asked harshly, grabbing her by the shoulders and pushing her down, “and what can you do about it? You’re useless. Look at you, weak, angry... human. You’ll be my dessert.”
“No!” She cried out, “let me go!”
With the energy she had left, she lifted her knee in between fake-Stiles’ legs. He hissed, but since it took him by surprise, he lifted his body from her, and it was all Y/N needed.
She pushed his body away and stood up, rushing over to the door.
“Where are you going, Y/N?” Stiles asked irritatedly, “WHERE ARE YOU GOING?”
Y/N didn’t stay to reply and pulled the door’s handle harshly, but instead of the usual view of her street, it open to a white, empty room.
She quickly remembered the room from moments before and wasted no time before looking for her friend.
“Scott?” She looked around, “Scott listen to my voice, it’s a trick!”
“Y/N!” Scott soon appeared from someplace on her right, “Are you okay?”
“How does a wolf call its pack?” She urged, realizing what had happened to her moments ago.
“When they need the pack to come to them, how do they call them?” She insisted
“They... howl” He completed, suddenly understanding what she was trying to say.
Scott closed his eyes, and Y/N witnessed as he turned into his wolf self, she stayed still as Scott howled as hard as he could. Stiles looked at them immediately, dropping the game he was having with Void, and throwing the little stones to the ground.
Void growled and howled as loud as Scott had done. Y/N felt like part of her brain was also reacting to that, maybe from all the time she’d spent with him. She fainted, every light dying even before she could hit the ground.
Just as fast as she’d closed her eyes, she came back, this time in the real world, face against the gravel, and with blood coming out of both her nostrils.
“Did it work?” She heard Scott asking above her head, “Did it work?!”
“Wha was that?” She whimper, a hand moving to the back of her neck and feeling the claw marks dripping blood, “What did you do?”
“Y/N’s bleeding,” Said Isaac, “what happened, Scott?”
The sound of a car coming into a stop cut their talk for a moment, and Y/N heard the voices of several people: Deaton, Melissa, Lydia... Peter.
“What is he doing here?” You turned your head towards Stiles’ body, still to wake to get up. Scott and Isaac were there, holding him.
Then Stiles started to move frantically, trying to get up. He made gagging noises like he was about to throw up, and Scott moved away, this time grabbing Y/N and lifting her up form the ground.
Stiles kneeled and soon enough something that looked like old, ragged pieces of bandages started to come out from his mouth, the piece seemed infinite and it looked like it was causing Stiles a lot of pain.
“Help him!” Exclaimed Y/N, trying to move over to where he was.
“Stop! Y/N hold on!” Scott pushed even further away from your friend, standing in front of you so you’d look at him, “Stiles called us in the middle of the night telling us about how Void lied to you so you’d escape with him, he’s been feeding from you. Stiles was trying to avoid it so he called with the last bit of energy he had left, so we could find you, and this was supposed to happen, Stiles’ body is finally kicking Void out.”
“But he’s in pain,” You whimper, “look at him!”
“Scott!” Isaac screamed.
When her friend turned around they were able to see the scene unfolding before them.
Stiles was crawling away from the pile of bandages, coughing and trembling. As Scott moved away from her, Y/N took the opportunity to move closer to Stiles.
“What’s that?” Asked the boy.
“The Nogitsune,” replied Lydia, looking at the pile in disgust.
As soon as she said it, a hand appeared in the middle, surrounded by some dark mist, it was covered in the same type of bandages that Stiles had thrown up. 
Stiles stretched out his hand and Y/N quickly took it, helping him to stand up. He put an arm around her shoulders to stabilize his body and she supported both of their weight as best as she could.
“It’s okay, you’ll be okay,” She whispered, her eyes fixed on the figure coming out of the grown, “we’ll be okay...”
The Nogitsune stood up and looked straight to where Y/N and Stiles were standing. He rushed over to them, and Y/N screamed, pulling Stiles away and accidentally crashing against the Jeep.
Scott jumped into action and with Peter’s help, they pushed the monster back to the ground, forcing him to kneel while he desperately tried to rip the bandages off his face.
“What is it trying to do?” Lydia asked in confusion.
“Y/N...” She heard Stiles whispering beside her in a hoarse voice, “you were right”
Just one look to the “Nogitsune” face was enough to realize her mistake.
She was holding onto the wrong Stiles.
His grip became tighter as he opened his car’s door and pushed her inside.
“We’ll be just fine,” He grunted, slamming the door closed.
With a shocking velocity, he circled the car and opened the driver’s door, getting in and switched on the ignition. 
“Don’t worry, dove” He smirked, “I’m upset, but I won’t punish you just yet. I still need a bit more of you”
“Scott!” Y/N screamed as her friends tried to open the car’s door and get her out of it, her fists were punching the window trying hard to break the glass and failing miserably, “Guys!” 
The Jeep moved fast, almost running over Scott and Lydia, she heard the distant voice, one that she never thought could sound so different after spending all those days with Void.
“Y/N!” Stiles was throwing the remaining pieces of fabric to the ground as he ran after them, “Y/N!”
“Stiles!” She cried, turning on her seat and watching him through the back window, “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
She didn’t know why she was so desperate to let him know that she regretted her decision, Y/N needed to let him know, this was not what she’d wanted, her only intentions were to keep him safe...
“Get back here,” Growled Void, grabbing her by the hair and pulling her back to her seat. 
Y/N hissed, falling back against the dashboard. She turned and curled up on her place, Stiles screams haunting her until she couldn’t hear them anymore. Only the last thing he had said, one last sentence to Void, to let him know exactly how angry he was.
“I’ll kill you! I swear I’ll kill you!”
“Let’s see how that turns out,” Void chuckled, “and you?”
He looked over at Y/N, pressing his hand against the side of her neck.
“Enough with the crying, you’re giving me a headache” 
He pressed, and again the numb feeling invade her chest, there was nothing.
Y/N fainted, the third one of the day, and this time she would not wake up for a long time.
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Singing from heartache from the pain, Taking my message from the veins, Speaking my lesson from the brain, Seeing the beauty through the...
@roseringleader13 for the void Stiles fest. Took me two days to do and lot of computer restarts haha. Hope it’s not too bad!
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Ali On The RunAli On The Operate
http://ujszepseg-blog.info -year-old Leland McPhie can tell you, after picking up gold awards in the higher jump, discus, and also shot put at the USATF West Region Masters Championships in Occidental University in Los Angeles, CA. That is actually 200+ gold awards for this 1937 collegiate champion. While the shuttle possessing a failure was out of the race's command, I felt there must possess been much more buses running. Right fantastic the variation between being actually expectant with your initial versus being expecting with a young child to run after constantly?! The brim will always keep water away from your face and make the run even more comfy - no one wants to run with storm spilling in their eyes! While operating must be actually typically prevented initially, there are actually myriad choices to obtain and keep things moving. However I knew that Scott Dunlap was actually coming as well as without a doubt, he was the initial one to desire me a really good birthday operate. Impacts from varying amounts from pronation on the mediolateral ground response forces in the course of barefoot versus shod running. Tom's interest for route jogging as well as specialized operating retail experience sparkle via in each from his strongly specialized evaluations, which perform assortment outside minimalist footwears. The foundation levels and leggings are actually kind resistant as well as right to smell, so even though I use them 2 or even three times without cleaning all of them, I am actually certainly not scaring off any operating companions. This just leads me to think that they are locating their recommendation on joggers who are actually genetically blessed to run this proximity. While my sesamiditis is actually not fully gone, due to the fact that I must put on dress footwears everyday, this's been actually great to recognize that I can easily always keep operating! I pictured myself nearing completion from the competition, hiding out in the comb spinning my mustache mischievously, where I will hang around up until precisely 8.88 times when I would manage my 888th kilometer and also take a look around while every person pondered this curious coincidence." Nonetheless, after certainly not cutting for 10 days directly, I concerned the unsatisfying understanding that I cannot expand a menacing mustache. In 2015, I was actually preparing for my first 50-miler, the Prick Collins' Fire Routes, therefore not merely performed I manage those 2 lower legs, yet I likewise incorporated a night run from house to Saratoga Void, 12 kilometers, consisting of the hilly ascension on road 9. I have actually appreciated my 1st seven months here, yet this is actually inconceivable to match up any metropolitan area to Eugene for managing. I feel thankful that I am along with an individual where the classmate stress is performing something energetic. The most effective cure that has seemed in the feedbacks I have actually obtained is actually to acquire a winter season set from very little shoes and also use neoprene socks (like scuba divers use). I really felt over-trained, charred out, and also over this. So I always kept running as a form from cardio, however I was actually actually careless concerning that. http://ujszepseg-blog.info would cease every mile approximately on nearly every go to to inspect my phone, loaf, or walk even the slightest inclines. Viewing others run can easily aid you stay good as well as motivated while you recuperate. When that comes to suitable me for footwears and also receiving me every thing I require for training, the JackRabbit workers is actually therefore clever and expert and also I absolutely reputable them. As our experts were actually managing the opposite direction a number of the youngsters turned around mid-race and also started running with our company (cutting off over a kilometer). A past friend as well as ally off junior high school in Illinois is visiting to manage this. I have not viewed him because my last day of 8th quality in 1975. I have actually come to say, although I believe the Promixx is great, this is actually not affordable at ₤ 18.89 on Amazon.com, during the time of composing this testimonial, especially as that does not even include the batteries (2 x AAA) consisted of. Jill Whitaker is a Certified Running Train, good body system graphic advocate, telecommuting internet geek and also a mommy. Tim (or TiVO as he is known on the circuit) is actually a short-course route as well as stair-climbing pro (ie, go to the leading of the Realm Condition Bldg and also back), and also this was his initial endurance. In a ton of instances in our Galloway Programs around the country, our team're observing people that just weren't having stroll rests, who end up managing the exact same pace with run-walk-run that they were straining for along with before, and now they are actually not puffing at that rate. Newton Jogging is actually clearly on the center from a revolution in the running world. I'm not exactly sure just how magic my miracle shoes are actually and if they'll stop me off slipping off the moist stile as I clamber over this however I manage to get above without decreasing and also I get into the area yet I can not see any sort of cows, merely great deals as well as considerable amounts of cow pats and I ask yourself if my magic shoes will quit me skidding on a cow pat and also I decide I don't wish my magic footwears covered in cow poo, consequently I dodge all the cow dabs and after that over beyond from the area I find cows. Just what occurred to Mack is actually an example of an issue knowledgeable to a lot of joggers, bikers, golf enthusiasts, and also anyone else in The U.S.A. that enrolls online for an event on Active Network Due to the fact that its founding in San Diego in 1999, the business has actually promptly become something like the Ticketmaster of the outsides. So while I know that I will certainly remain to operate ultras, I could adhere to the reasonably briefer distances and also simply manage the truly lengthy things occassionaly. That is actually vital that DESPITE HAVING MARGINAL footwears like the VFF's you should have the capacity to keep up your ENTIRE lesser leg unwinded. Absolutely nothing seems ahead near the benefits that operating gives me. ChiRunning is actually enables me to stay operating injury free. I work for an international company (900 people, 15 offices in 9 countries), as well as my operating company is global also! I likewise pleasantly request that you perform a describe about your run for your readers.
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danny-the-coolest · 6 years
About to post the second part of Void! Stiles, feeling extremely bad for the reader tbh
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biles-bilinski-art · 6 years
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I don't know if it counts but I drew Void... manga ish style? For the void fest hosted by @roseringleader13! I know it sucks sorry haha I tried my best.
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roseringleader13 · 6 years
Hi. I would love to write for void stiles. But would like to know if Steo is something you guys wouldnt mind seeing? I dont ship it myself but I've got a great idea but I dont want to go upset an entire fandom with Steo.
Let me put it this way for you my precious nonnie:FUCKING ROCK THAT SHIT TO HEAVEN, HELL, PURGATORY AND BACK!
If you like the ship, or have an idea to try out that ship, or even hate it but think the idea you have for it would work perfectly-
Then fucking go for it!
I will 100% support, protect, and follow you with your ship and even if some people try to make it sink, I will go with you!
Personally, I’ve never really considered that ship but knowing the hate/love/hate-fucking dynamic they could have- It could work. So if you got something, then roll with it, my precious nonnie. 
I will support you no matter what and would love to see how you are going to go about it!
And for anyone else who will look at this and wonder:
I will support any and all ships and pairings in this challenge if that works for you! This is about doing what you enjoy in the name of Void! So fly my wonderful people and make amazing creations!
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Your Dark Side -Pt.4 (Void!Stiles x reader)
A/N: I was rereading this series to try and get in the mood for writing and realized it could be one of my favorite things I will ever write! lol I was in the mood for some destruction tbh. I changed a few things so this won’t go like it went on the show sorry not sorry Thanks for the 300Followers!! <3 -Danny
Words: 1,122
Warnings: ya know, angst.
Listen to me.
Pt.I // Pt.2 // Pt.3 // Pt.4 // Pt.5 // Pt.6
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Scott got out of Lydia’s car without any plan, he needed to save his friends. Both of them, they were innocent, they didn’t deserve anything of what was happening to them.
“Scott wait!” Isaac grabbed him by the wrist, “you’re aware of what is inside that place, right?”
“Yeah, my best friends-”
“And a very deathly monster who wants to cut you into little pieces and feast” He added, “we need a plan.”
“She could be dead by now!” Scott exclaimed harshly, “Stiles told us he couldn’t hold him back enough, I’m not waiting any longer...”
“It could be a trap-”
“Good old Scott,” a voice stated from a distance. Void was standing there, arms crossed. An evil smirk adorning his face while he stared. “You just couldn’t wait to get back to your heroic doings could you?”
Scott growled, eyes glowing red.
“Where is she?”
“Easy, pupper” He chuckled, “she’s fine... or at least, she’s not dead.”
From behind him, a smaller figured appeared: Y/N walked to stand beside him looking like she had been run over a car, with big dark circles under her eyes, hair tangled and several bruises on her neck and arms. He also noticed the blood on the side of her head, and it was an understatement, but Scott was furious.
“Scott?” She looked at both boys, Isaac and him like they were part of a dream, tears starting to appear, “I’m so sorry Scott, I didn’t mean to...”
“What do you mean?” His voice came out softer that time, trying to ease her, “Y/N this is not your fault”
“Actually,” Void raised his eyebrows in faked innocence, “it is. Y/N dear, she has made a deal with me you see, and I’m afraid I can’t let her go”
He pouted though his eyes remained cold as ever, an arm surrounded the girl’s shoulders and pushed her flush against his side in a possessive way.
“She belongs to me as much as Stiles,” His voice was pure venom, Y/N felt nothing but anger, wondering if she would ever hear that same voice and feel the joy she once felt while listening to Stiles jokes.
“A deal?” Scott wished, so badly for that to be a lie, “Y/N?”
“He promised me things would be different” She cried out, desperate to feel any kind of comfort, “and I know I was stupid, I shouldn’t have, but... he was all I had left, Scott”
“That’s not true,” The alpha replied in a shaky voice, “Y/N you have so many people watching over you...”
“Who cares?” She gasped for air, wiping away her tears and walking out of Void’s embrace, “Watching over someone doesn’t necessarily mean they care, and you didn’t care. None of you wanted me there, I get it, I was the only human besides Stiles, I was no use”
“Y/N what are you talking about?” He gave a step forward, but Void immediately rose his hand and put it on Y/N shoulder making her shiver.
“No no, you don’t get to see her up close,” Void warned, “you stay there, and she stays here.”
“We cared about you, Y/N” He looked straight into her eyes, trying his best to not be distracted by Void’s presence, “I met you when we were babies, remember? And then after all these things started to happen and suddenly everyone was something else than human you remain the same... better yet, you made us feel like we were all the same as before"
“Please don’t try to convince me of something that I know is not true,” Y/N sighed, ”cause then once I get back things will be the same and you’ll forget I exist, you’ll go back to be the great Scott McCall and Isaac will be there right beside you, Stiles will be running after Lydia, And me? I’ll be third-wheeling my way out of school. I’m tired, Scott.”
“So tired...” Repeated Void, the hand press harder on her shoulder and Scott was terrified when he noticed the way Y/N started to look even paler, “and so angry...”
“Stop...” Scott’s voice sounded strained, he forced himself to talk louder, “I SAID STOP!”
“Aghhh!” Y/N fell to her knees the second Scott sprinted towards them, he fell along with Void right next to the girl and found himself tangled, he could not see which legs were his and whose arms were punching the other, this wasn’t how he had planned to fix things, but it was a now or never moment, and he had to risk it all.
“Isaac, help!” Scott pushed Void against the ground with all his strength and kept him there, Y/N was in pain, uncapable of getting up to help her friends.
Isaac joined the fight, soon enough Void was face down on the gravel and Scott had his claws against his best friend’s nape, gently he stretched his free arm to get a hold of Y/N, he looked at her with pleading eyes.
“It looks like I haven’t given you any reasons to trust me lately,” He said with pleading eyes, “but if you still consider me a friend, please, turn around”
Y/N could barely see through the tears, but in a moment of clarity, she managed to look into Void’s eyes, hollow and evil. But now there was something new, Void was scared.
She somehow managed to gather the strength, but she lifted her head from the ground and turned it to the other side. Thin, sharp claws formed in line on her neck, and once more all she could see was black.
Although this time she didn’t faint. She appeared somewhere else. A white room, wide as infinity and bright as lightning, right in the middle there were two figures, one that seemed familiar, and another that looked odd from where she stood.
“How are you feeling?” Scott’s voice pulled her out of her daydream, she looked into his eyes, now red, and felt how the tears threatened to come back once again.
“Scott, I swear I didn’t mean any harm... He said... He said I would save him”
“I just care about saving you two right now, we can talk later and I promise nobody blames you, Y/N. We know Void has a way with lies.”
Just then she allowed herself to feel a little bit more at ease, her eyes went back to those strange figures, finally recognizing one of the two. Her mind went blurry and she turned to look at Scott in utter confusion.
“Where are we?” She asked in a whisper.
“Stiles’ mind” He answered, “we’re kicking Void out of his system.”
Tell me what you think!
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YOUR DARK SIDE. (Void!Stiles x Reader)
A/N: THIS IS SICK (that gif makes me sweat jfc) Also, I changed a lot but I don’t think I need to tell you that bc is not really important lmao. I split this into several parts, 1 bc I haven’t had time to write more and I don’t actually know how to get to the end of this and 2 it is very long compared to my other writings, @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @sarcxstic-stilinski thought you guys might wanna read this <3
This is for  @roseringleader13 hope you like this part. <3
Words: 2,196
Warning: NOT A HAPPY STORYLINE. This whole plot is kinda about an abusive relationship?? between Void and reader? beware, the reader might have a suicidal wish and low self-esteem. Pretty much obsessed with the boy lmao.
Listen to me.
Part I / Pt. II / Pt.III / Pt.IV
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How much pain are you willing to stand for someone? 
I’m a good person, I have good grades and always listen to what my mom says, I help my friends when they’re in trouble and I’ve never talked shit about a person in my life. Until now.
My friends and I fight against supernatural things all the time, everything that was always there to cause us pain and terror was defeated at some point, we stuck together through thick and thin, and that was all that matters.
You may have noticed how I keep saying “we”. I’m not exactly talking about my friends, I’m really only talking about him. This guy has been my friend since the very beginning; we are as close as my awkwardness allows, but the problem is that I’m in love with Stiles and I have no interest in being just a friend.
I can’t recall when I started to have these feelings for him, I know that at some point I saw him in the hall and the “Holy shit, He’s beautiful” hit me with no prior notice, but to say that I can remember exactly how I fell in love?, I can’t.
However, the sudden realization of my true feelings for the boy didn’t scare me away, in fact, they were keeping me close, holding me tight beside him and never breaking the contact, hoping that we would be together at the end.
“Hi there, y/n/n,” Stiles sat at the girl’s side, nudging her teasingly 
“How’s life?”
“Good, what about you?” The girl slid closer to him, very aware of how her cheeks flushed. 
“I- uh, I haven’t slept well recently,” He sighed “I’m tired, and having trouble concentrating at school and stuff.”
“That doesn’t sound good.” Y/N frowned.
“I’m aware of that” Stiles replied drily “Look, I’ll be fine I just need a few good hours of sleep and then I’ll be as good as always.”
“Why don’t you go see a doctor?” 
“There’s no need, I promise I’m fine”
“Stiles, you can’t know that. What’s wrong with looking for a professional opinion anyway?” Her hand automatically reached for his, which he accepted, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb.
“Y/N...” He mumbled tiredly.
“She’s right though,” Lydia said, glancing up from her phone “You have no way to know that whatever is happening to you is just from lack of sleep, it could be something more.” 
Stiles shifted awkwardly in his chair, biting his lip, Y/N wished they were the only ones on that table so no one could interrupt them.
“If you really think I should... I guess it’ll be okay”
And there it was, the real problem. Stiles’ undying love for Lydia Martin. At this point, I should’ve moved on and found a cute guy with good intentions and a huge heart, unfortunately, that was all he was. The sweet boy Stilinski, always there for everyone, the hero of every story. The feeling of having him so close yet so far was unbearable, I had a plan too just like he had one for Lydia. A three-year-long plan in which Stiles was going to notice me and figured on his own how significant I was in his life, by the time we were going to be on Senior year he’d be utterly in love.
I admit I started to grow bitter, the grudge I held against both of them wasn’t healthy and it wasn’t fair for either of them. I was being childish and stupid, they were my friends!; I found myself holding back from rolling my eyes everytime Stiles stared at the girl when he was talking with me, and clenching my fists whenever she said something remotely nice to him. There was this dark, heavy thing growing bigger and bigger with each passing day, consuming my heart, my rage was starting to be completely out of control. 
Lydia was everything I couldn’t. Brave, smart, beautiful... I couldn’t compete with her. I didn’t want to.
We soon figured what was wrong with Stiles.
“An evil fox?” Y/N said, not able to believe it “Are you telling me that Stiles is being possessed by the evil spirit of a fox?”
“This is not funny Y/N, Stiles could die” Lydia scolded “don’t you care about what could happen to him?”
“I care more than you know” She growled, the smile disappearing completely of her face “You know I’d do anything to keep him safe.”
“And yet you’re not doing anything to find him.” Isaac mumbled.
Before they got the chance to get into an argument, Scott stopped them.
“The plan is to bring him back before it’s too late, Stiles has been holding on for too long, at this point is very likely that the Nogitsune has more power over him.”
“Yeah but if I find him, How am I supposed to stop him? I, a seventeen-year-old girl, whose only supernatural power is the will to stand all this bullshit” Y/N’s comment was not well received by her friends, that groaned in exasperation.
“Just be sure to have a way to contact us in case you find something helpful,” Scott grabbed his own phone and walked out of the room, Lydia following behind, giving her an apologetic smile.
“Ugh, fuck off,” Y/N thought, not in the mood to accept Lydia’s kindness.
What did Lydia have that she didn’t? What made her worthy of his heart, or what made me her unattractive to him, Y/N was so tired of being ignored, she was exhausted to see all her or so call “friends”, treating her like she was an inconvenience. The little human who was not even good at research like Stiles was, Y/N held her breath and count to ten, her blood boiling with impotence.
It was getting darker and still no sign of Stiles. I entered every abandoned building I could find, I looked around the forest and in my last attempt, I even checked his house in case he had a glint of sanity and decided to go back, but there was nothing.
I went home feeling defeated, just thinking about what could possibly be happening to Stiles in that very same moment gave me goosebumps, I was hoping that Scott could find him fast when I found him in my living room. 
“Stiles! Where the fuck have you been?” Y/N dropped her bag and stood there in shock, “I’ve been worried sick, you disappeared and we thought you died!”
“Well, I can assure you I’m not dead” He looked like shit, dark circles under his eyes and dry lips, Y/N was surprised he could stay conscious “I need your help, Y/N/N”
The light in the room flickered when Stiles walked slowly to where the girl was, he looked at her up and down and licked his lips, the broken expression soon turning into a small, dark smile.
Suddenly realizing what was happening, she let him walk until they were face to face, knowing it wasn’t good but so terrified she couldn’t move a muscle to save her life.
“You’re not Stiles” she whispered in anger “You’re the other thing... Void.”
“Hi there,” He replied in a calm voice, looking at her hungrily “I’ve been waiting to officially meet you for too long”
“You’re despicable” Y/N had the urge to run to the opposite side, but she was so angry with this thing possessing the boy she loved that her emotions took control on her actions. “Why are you here?”
“Because of you.” He said, voice clear and intimidating.
“Y-you what?” 
Time seemed to stop when he took a final step, his face so close now she could see the darkness in his eyes. “I’ve been feeding of this boy for so long, and I’ve been able to see his life, all the people around him, so many accidents and death surrounding this kid that it was impossible for me not to want him, but you, you’re something else.”
“I know your heart,” He whispered seductively “I can see you love this boy and want desperately to have him just for you,” He tilted his head and pulled her closer, his face buried in her neck. Being able to perceive the dark feelings coming out of the girl, he moaned “I’m starving Y/N, and your anger is overwhelming... I’m sure we could get to an agreement”
Y/N wanted to scream, she wanted to kick and punch and bite as much as she could until Scott finally appeared kicking down the door or something heroic as hell like he used to, her heart was pounding against her chest and Stiles had such a tight hold on her neck she was sure it could break it in a second.
“Let me go!” She grabbed his wrist and tried to get him off herself, but it was useless.”Stiles!”
“I’m not Stiles!” He snarled, grip becoming tighter “You think you have any chance to fight against me? you’ll die as soon as you try to escape and you know it.”
“You won’t kill me, I-I’m his friend” Y/N choked out “He would never hurt me”
“See, that’s where you’re wrong,” He said, grabbing her waist with his free hand and smiling wickedly “he doesn’t care.”
“You’re lying” The girl tried to push him in a desperate attempt to make him trip, but Void was faster, he slammed her against the wall, the pain stunned her enough for him to take her to her room with no objections.
“Why would I?” He replied, “I’m in control now, but he can hear and see everything as well, he knows your feelings and is disgusted by them.”
Her heart shattered at his words, of course she had always known that Stiles didn’t like her back, but being actually disgusted? that was enough to make her want to erase herself from existence.
“You’re free to think he’s fighting against this, but he’s not” He closed the door and pushed her against it, rubbing her cheek “it’s such a shame that you’re wasted like this, living in the shadows of a boy who is not interested in having you.”
“Please” Y/N begged, she didn’t want to hear anything else, it was too cruel.
“I’m giving you an option, dove” He licked his lips anxiously “you’ll never have what you want, he’s too out of your reach. I however am willing to let you have him if you give me what I want.”
“I-I don’t understand...”
“Let me take all that darkness in you, and you'll have Stiles for you and only for you, of course, you will not be able to talk to him or feel his presence since I’m the one in charge now, but- look at me, Y/N” He grabbed her face aggressively, forcing her to see the face of the boy she loved, now completely different from what she remembered “this is all you got.”
“He’s right,” Y/N thought.
Stiles didn’t love her, didn’t want her around, even after all those times when she tried to convince him that she was the right choice, even after she was the one he called when things got complicated, Stiles simply couldn’t see it, he didn’t want to see.
And Y/N loved him so much, so desperately, that she found herself sinking in despair, knowing that her only wish in life was never going to happen, it destroyed her, the last remnants of her sanity finally disappearing.
“If I help you... Will I die?”
Void’s smile grew wider, his eyes with a wild glint that she couldn’t ignore, making her shudder.
“I need you to feed me, the boy is too weak now... we need you, you want to take care of him, this is how you’ll do it” He put a stray of hair behind her ear “which means, I can’t kill you.” 
“What’s gonna happen to Stiles?” Y/N felt herself drowning in empty lies, but it felt so good to have Stiles like this, so close to her body. 
“I’ll leave his body eventually.” He seemed to be hiding something important, but at that point, Y/N didn’t mind.
What things would you do to be with the person you love?
She looked into those honey brown eyes, and soon enough she realized there was something missing, but she also noticed that this was the first time Stiles looked at her with such intensity, and her mind went blank. Drunk with his scent and proximity, she nodded, one last tear falling down her face.
“Good girl” Void whispered.
Before she could react, Void grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her fiercely, dominating every movement and making very clear who was in charge. While Void kissed her, she felt as if she was being drained, a strange emptiness taking over her body, but at the same time, the overwhelming sensation of having Stiles’ lips on her own, was enough to distract her from any possible danger.  
Things were about to go worse than expected.
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YOUR DARK SIDE (Void!Stiles x Reader) Pt. 3
A/N: I LIED THIS ISN’T THE LAST PART. I’m sorry it took me so long, school was a real bitch to me lately but I did some hm in advance and I get a little time to get this thing done, it’s smaller than the rest but I hope you like it anyway :c
Words: 638
Warnings: Swearing, a lot of bad thoughts, bad English bc I didn’t proofread this right I’m sorry I have homework to do asdfghjkl
Listen to: Devil On My Shoulder -Faith Marie.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
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Y/N opened her eyes, feeling dizzy. The last thing she remembered before passing out was Void’s face. He looked chagrined. Y/N thought he would kill her right away, but then she fainted, not even having the opportunity to beg.
“You’re awake.”
Her head snapped to the side. She was so confused and tired, she didn’t realize he was sitting right next to her. His face now showed no emotion.  
“I can tell” Y/N grumbled, “Why?”
“Why would I kill you?” Void raised his brow, clearly amused. “After all, it was your shitty boyfriend who did it.”
“But I... if you know I’m not helping why did you keep me?”
“I can throw you away, but that wouldn’t be fun” 
The girl watched as he got up from his seat and stepped forward, inching closer to her face, Y/N had mixed feelings, the hatred in her heart now with a new target. She was no longer afraid, that was an emotion that had no room in her mind anymore, a lot of things had changed for her to give in now into his darkness, now that she knew that Stiles was alive, she had to fight against him. Stiles’ life was at stake.
“Oh, love” He sighed “you’re so easy to read.”
She kept her gaze on the wall in front of her, gulping.
“I don’t know what your tiny little mind is trying to convince you to do, but I can assure you, it won’t work”
“You can’t know that” She whispered, “Stiles is still in there, he can still come back.”
“And then what?” He snarled “live happily ever after? You know that does not happen, you’re a traitor, whether if you regret it or not, it doesn’t matter.”
“Stop saying that! I’ve been hearing the same speech over and over again about how much of a traitor I am but judging by how nervous you look, I don’t think you believe a single word of what you’re saying”
“You can say that to yourself all you want Y/N, I don’t care,” He slowly traced his hand up her neck “but darling, you belong to me, and there’s no way you can change your destiny.”
What the fuck was he talking about? 
“My destiny?” I repeated, “fuck off”
He laughed, it seemed like my new behavior around him was pleasing him like nothing else had.
“I like this, all of it.” He moved his hand around, smirking “The bitch is finally barking, it’s such a shame that she never bites.”
“Try me,” I answered, sick of his jokes and being treated like a weak nobody, I felt frustrated when I realized all I thought about him in the first place was a lie. I should’ve known better, god, I was so stupid.
“I will” He smiled down at me, pressing his palm against my nape.
I knew what it was going to happen, it had been now several times of feeling myself being emptied so I was ready for the kick, but opposite to what I was expecting, it was as if my chest was filled with cement, having trouble breathing, my hand went up in search of his, trying to get off his grasp.
I couldn’t scream, though it wouldn’t do a difference considering the place we were in was a shit-hole, far away from anything and anyone. What the hell was he doing to me? Was I dying?
The sound of tires against the gravel caught my attention; I tried to look outside and tilted my head slightly, but he pressed harder, making it impossible to move.
“It seems like we have visitors,” His eyes were fixed on me, too focused on whatever he was doing “just in time.”
I passed out again after that.
@all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @roseringleader13 @vertigomelody @stilinskis-banshee @sarcxstic-stilinski
If you want to be tagged, send me an ask :D
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YOUR DARK SIDE (Void!Stiles x Reader) Pt. 2
A/N: Well all I can say is that things are definitely not getting better for Y/N but SHIT’S GOING DOWN @roseringleader13 the second part is finally here, enjoy! <3 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @sarcxstic-stilinski
Warnings: so much violence tbh, blood everywhere, what am I doing-
Words: 2,176
Listen to: ME.
Part I / Pt. II / Pt.III / Pt. IV
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I had to escape, as soon as I accepted the trade. I had no chance to leave a note, they would be looking for me and I was so worried about not knowing how would they react once that they knew about my... relationship with Void, that a part of me was glad it looked like he had kidnapped me.
We were in a cheap motel room in the limits of the town, I had no idea what Void’s plans were, though at first, he told me that he needed force so he could finally leave Stiles’ body, now it felt like he was waiting for something else.
“Eat something,” He laid next to me on the bed, handing me a package of cookies with a stern look like I was a sick baby, one that he did not want “I can’t take care of you if you get sick, you know that.”
I quietly nodded and started eating, he had mentioned that, in the state he was in, he couldn’t drag any dead weight, in other words, if I got too weak to continue, he would kill me.
Still, I’m not unhappy, he has his aliment and I make sure he doesn’t obliterate my friend’s body in a fit of rage. I take care of him, part of me is hoping that Stiles realizes that I’m the one who’ll always be there for him, even in the worst times. However, if he doesn’t notice on time, Void seems to know how good I am right now, he doesn’t act like I’m useless, for him I’m someone important. I’ve seen him kill so many innocent people that I can’t trust him entirely... but this is the only version of him that has ever wanted me.
“Of course” I swallowed, the uncomfortable feeling of his fingers pulling my hair tighter an tighter making me shiver “I know how dangerous that could be, I just want to take care of you two”
Y/N’s hand went up to caress his cheek but Void stood up, tensing at her statement; she let out a sigh of relief, reaching up to put a stray of hair behind her ear.
“That’s the thing, sweetheart” He peeked through the curtains, a new favorite hobby he was starting to do quite often “You keep repeating how much you care about us, but you’re not fooling me, you can’t wait to see me disappearing from existence again, something in your little head is probably trying to convince you that now you have a chance to be happy, isn’t it?”
“I-I promise I’m not-”
“No no no,” The boy walked to the bed again, holding her chin up “I’m a professional trickster, dove” he clenched his jaw, and once more, Y/N felt like she was being emptied of all emotion “I can tell when you lie.”
“I’m not lying” she replied, trying to look braver than what she really felt “The things you can do are beyond amazing, you’re power is something that Scott will never be able to contain. What I’m trying to say, is that I don’t feel like you need Stiles’ body anymore, you could... let him go?”
Void squinted his eyes, dropping his hand, the lack of contact with his skin making her whimper. “He’s able to talk sometimes, inside my head... his head.”
“What does he say?” Y/N sat on her knees eagerly waiting for him to continue.
“Mostly begging” He smirked “if you’re waiting to hear something about you, don’t waste your time. The only thing he mentions when he talks about you is how glad is he that he doesn’t have to cope with your existence anymore.”
The comment should have broken her heart, it was meant to hurt the girl’s feelings in a way that had her defenseless against him, but it seemed that Y/N was starting to be unaffected by them. The reason more simple than it seemed, she was dazzled with his darkness, completely at his mercy, and the darkness was starting to grow by itself, inch by inch consuming the girl’s heart.
“You know what?” Y/N said with anger, dropping the empty wrapper and standing in front of him, “I don’t care what he thinks anymore.”
Void raised his eyebrows skeptical, although an evil, knowing smile was forming on his lips “Why?”
“I don’t care about him” she lied out of resentment “I’ve been waiting too long for him and all he does is go to Lydia’s arms at the smallest chance he sees, even though I’m the one that always answers when he calls, the one that always runs to where he is and stops his pain no matter what!”
“Oh, how many times does your heart needs to be broken for you to understand that no one will choose you?” He asked calmly “look around you Y/N, all your friends have someone to love who loves them back and what do you have? you have no one”
She swallowed the lump in her throat, feeling sorry for herself was something she was tired of doing, she was done following Stiles around like a lost puppy when he’d never reciprocate her feelings in this lifetime. Void was right, she’d spent all her youth fixing that boy’s heart and at the end, who was going to fix hers?
“Maybe you’re right about not needing his body, I can feel him getting weaker” Y/N’s eyes went wide, she could pretend all she wanted but at the end, it was Stiles who she was trying to save “don’t look at me like you didn’t know this, after all, you’re the one who’s been feeding me.”
“Is he going to die?” Y/N asked out of fear, she remembered asking the same thing when all of this had started, she also remembered how Void eluded it.
“I don’t think that’s important” He shrugged it off, sitting on the nearest couch “after all, even if he doesn’t die you can’t go to him, he’ll hate you, and your job here is not done yet” He glared at her, making her feel an inch tall “you don’t have a say on this”
“Just let him go now” she begged, voice quivering “you’re strong enough, you only need me now, I promise I’ll stay with you as long as you need it”
Void chuckled, but he didn’t seem amused “you really think you can convince me to do it? I will do what I please with his body, will drain every bit of life he has left and you will not ruin it, understand?”
“I...” Y/N lowered her eyes for a moment, watching his hands turned into fists as his knuckles whitened and fear pulled her as far as possible from the boy, sitting on the edge of the mattress “I understand.”
“Why did you do this, Y/N?”
The girl opened her eyes, surprised, she realized was now standing in Stiles’ room, but the last thing that she could remember was being in a motel room, miles away from her hometown.
“Stiles?” Y/N asked, looking around the dark room in search of her friend “Are you here?” Am I really here?
“You killed me” Stiles came out of a dark corner, blood covering every part of his body, tears pooling in his eyes “I was your friend, I trusted you!”
“No! I was trying to save you, I promise it wasn’t me!” the girl sobbed, she walked to him standing in the middle of the room, looking for the possible injuries on his body “Where does it hurt? Stiles where is this blood coming from?”
Suddenly, Stiles pout disappear, her breathing stopped when she realized how empty and dark the boy’s eyes looked, her friend smiled at her, it was a trap.
The moment a knife passed through her stomach Y/N eyes opened, her heart was pounding. It was all a dream, Stiles wasn’t dead and she wasn’t dead either... yet. 
I sat and realized I was different from when I had fallen asleep, my shoes where off and the duvet had been carefully pulled on me, I wondered why had Void done this since he usually only sits there and watches me while I do or don’t do things, pushing the sheets off of me and rubbing my eyes, I inhale the cold air coming from outside, missing my old bedroom. I search for my phone and found it on Void’s side, as usual, I looked at the time and saw it was four in the morning, I was deciding whether should I go back to sleep or get up when I noticed Void wasn’t with me.
Is not like I was missing his presence, I barely get to notice he’s there, Void doesn’t sleep, so he just sits there the whole night and watches me or the window, whatever he’s feeling more interested in at the moment, We never cuddle, nor that I’ve tried to, I thought that having Void would be exactly like having Stiles but I was horribly wrong, now that I am with him, is the loneliest I’ve been in all my life, nothing got better, with each passing day there’s also an opportunity to be forgiven dying, it’s too late to come back, I can’t go to a place where I’ll be not well receive. He was right anyway, why would I want to come back to a place where no one loved me? here I was needed, at least, I was wanted. This was as good as it gets for me.
I got up in silence, grabbing my hoodie and my old pair of shoes and go out of the room, I found him in the parking lot of the place, walking around and sniffing the air with an infuriated expression, I soon realized I wasn’t supposed to find him, so I stepped back, unfortunately, he saw me.
“You,” He whispered angrily “this is all your fault.”
“What-” He quickly approached me and grabbed me by the throat, pushing me against the car behind me.
“What was the first thing I told you not to do?” His grip became tighter, the veins on his arm sticking out because of the effort “WHAT WAS IT?”
“Contact Scott or any of my friends,” I replied in a choked voice.
“Did you call them!?” He insisted, his nails now marking my skin “don’t lie!”
I slapped his arm, tears pouring down my face, unable to speak. I was about to faint when he threw me to the floor, my head hit the pavement but my lungs were now filling with the oxygen I was lacking.
“I thought you were smarter than this dove, I thought you knew the risk you’d take if you decided to betray me” He leaned closer so I was able to see his face, “I thought you knew how good I was with you, because if you think that keeping you alive and uninjured is vital for my plan I would love to remind you that the Nogitsune feeds out of pain, and lately you’ve been giving me too little my dear, did you forget why did we make the deal in the first place? huh?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I was praying for someone to find us in the dark, but I knew It would be no use if someone solely human tried to help me.
“It was because you were done being taken for granted, because you weren’t of use there and everyone knew it, even you.”
He punched the concrete beside me, the floor fracturing under his force, I whimpered in surprised, not able to stop from shivering, my head had a deep cut on a side and the marks on my neck here probably purple by now, the places where his nails had been now stinging and with small droplets of blood on them. I knew I was going to die.
“And now, after all you’ve done, you still call them?” He frowned “do you think they’ll forgive you? that they will let you come back like nothing happened? hell, I’m not even sure they’ll forgive this kid after all I have done.”
“I didn’t call them.” I cried.
“What?” He tipped his head to the side, intrigued.
“My phone was at your side, like always” I choked back some tears so I could talk properly “and you know it wasn’t me, you’re always watching. You never... sleep” My eyes widened, suddenly I remember how I had woken up, as if someone had been taking care of me while I was sleeping “but you don’t remember, don’t you?”
“Are you trying to fool me?” Void squinted his eyes, pulling me up just enough so my back was now pressed against one of the car’s tires “I know that it was you, who else..?” Fear appeared in his eyes, now completely aware of what was happening.
“Stiles” I panted, a triumphant smirk on my face “Stiles called them.”
I would really appreciate if you guys give me feedback :) 
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roseringleader13 · 6 years
Okay Ya’ll - Void Time!
In light of recent spamming, I’m proposing an idea. Thanks to my precious Beano Audrey (@all-alone-he-turns-to-stone) for telling me I should make this a thing.
A challenge. A writing/edits challenge.
For our loved to be hated but loved - 
Now, here’s how I’m gonna play this.
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I will offer 2 weeks. Starting Monday - 2/12/18 - (tomorrow because it’s currently 7:42PM my time PST) I will ask that you write drabbles/fics or make edits/aesthetics for our precious Evil Foxy Dyldo. If you need time extensions or anything - they will be 100% approved so don’t worry!
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Rules: None.
Just write for Void. He needs love and to be brought back.
Okay maybe two rules.
1: Please tag me in all drabbles/fics/edits/etc at @roseringleader13
2: Use the tag #void stiles revolution
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Hopefully this catches traction because Void needs more lovin’! Please reblog and spread the word!
@all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @savage-stilinski @golddaggers @dylan-o-yumm @skeletonangel1998 @thelittlestkitsune @lovelydob @mf-despair-queen @minhosmeanhoe @bilesbilinskix @itsbilescallmebiles @redstringlovers @lovefilledtragedy @danny-the-coolest @honeymoonmuke
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