#it's fucking firebending
im--never--happy · 10 months
let's just appreciate mako's firebending for one fucking sec holy shit
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byfulcrums · 7 months
Something I love about ATLA is that it doesn't force the "forgive the villain" on all the characters. It's been left clear that Ozai is a bad person, and there's no chance of redemption; the only reason he's not dead yet is because Aang is a pacifist
The one episode where a character is supposed to forgive someone who has hurt them in the past is the one where Katara is off to kill a man (which, fair) and Zuko helps. In that episode, even if Aang is telling her to let go, she doesn't forgive him. She never will. But she spares him. Not because she thinks he doesn't deserve death (he does), but because she's not willing to continue the cycle of violence
Killing someone can have a very important impact in your entire being, mostly depending on who you are as a person. Aang would've never recovered from killing Ozai. Katara wouldn't be who she is now, had she taken her revenge on the man that killed her mother
And the best part of it is that Ozai doesn't deserve to die. Not in a "I'm defending him" way (ew), but in a "he deserves worse that than" way
Taking away his bending was the perfect punishment for him. He believed bending made you superior and he never cared enough to train something besides his bending. What a loser. Zuko and Azula wouldn't be restrained by something like that
He's alive. Nobody has forgiven him. Nobody ever will
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 2 months
i have a teeny, tiny superiority complex because i didn’t watch the atla live action.
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agnisleftpec · 8 months
in light of lie detector tests irl being mostly bullshit, especially so for people with anxiety, combined with fandom shoving all their mental disorders onto their faves cuz projection is fun, i propose a much more chaotic take on zuko joining the gaang wherein toph can NOT get a fuckin read on this guy and kind of wants him to just sit down and breathe for a second thanks, your heartrate is giving her a headache
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 3 months
Somebody on Yasuko Sato’s wiki said that Yasuko looked like Ursa and Azula and now I’m consumed by the idea that Asami is somehow related to the fucking Firelord.
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twilight-skies · 1 year
Ok so we’re all in agreement that post canon when everything’s chill Jeong Jeong and Piandao are living their best cottagecore-but-mansion lives, and we all love the ‘Aang tells JJ about the Sun Warriors and Piandao convinces him to go see it for himself (cuz he def doesn’t believe it)’ idea BUT might I now suggest:
what if he spends longer there than Aang/Zuko/Iroh did to learn more and finds out that they have healers too. Fire Healing is a technique that exists similar to the more known Water Healing, but it’s existence got buried as one of the many secrets of Firebending forgotten with the Warriors themselves. What I’m saying is Jeong Jeong returns and spends years practicing (still terrified of burning someone who’s already hurt) and exchanging letters with both the healers he met and Yugoda until he’s mastered it, eventually becoming the Fire Nation’s first known Bending-Healer. And then perhaps at Iroh or Zuko’s suggestion he teaches it to (a stable to the point where she wants to better herself but can’t figure out how) Azula. Healing with fire is more difficult then with water and as a new art is still a rare skill by Korra’s time, but Jeong Jeong and Azula learning it and teaching it to others is how we eventually get this: (perhaps zuko has it become an essential technique for Fire Sages to learn?)
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(Disclaimer I haven’t seen tlok yet so idk what else happens in this scene other then a woman using fire to figure out what’s wrong with korra)
So yes this whole post is just about the two Firebenders we never got healing arcs for becoming their nation’s first healers and both learning the essential truth that fire is more than death and destruction or rage and suffering <3
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qvackjack · 2 months
yeahyeah everyone thinks alex would be a firebender well i know him personally and i think hes a waterbender. so there.
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fantasykiri5 · 24 days
Hey in the events of an Avatar AU, do you guys think Adaine would be a waterbender (ice, frost, blue theme) or a lightening speciality fire bender? (Witch bolt/lightning bolt reminiscent, only element to conjure bending material out of thin air which is like magic, fire could be blue)
#if she were a water bender she’d probably be the one to figure out firebenders can use water techniques to redirect lightening#also I have Gorgug as an earth (metal speciality/inventor) bender (like Toph) Fig as a fire bender (lava speciality?)#Riz as earth nation non-bender#Fabian as late blooming fire bender (no speciality)#and Kristen as The Fucking Avatar because she’s the funniest one to be the Avatar. also she’s already the chosen one and possibly the-#-strongest cleric in all of spire so like#*was the chosen of helio and then made a god and brought back Cassandra THEN Cassandra and Ankarna#instead of having arrows she’s got stars on her forehead and just below her collarbones (where the unicorn stabbed) that light up in the-#-avatar state#Cassandra was the avatar before her I think.#going my the cycle Cass would make a good waterbender I think which would put Kristen in earth which is fitting#which also means she’d learn fire first and Fig would be her teacher#then she’d have to find someone with air. Adaine might make a good airbender too??? idk#or someone she doesn’t get along with as well because air would be hardest for her#maybe kipperlilly? and she starts training with her but they fall out and Kristen has to go continue learning on her own#Fabian would learn fire WITH Kristen I think because he didn’t know he could bend before their quest#and Gorgug would invent metal bending some time during their adventure. even as the avatar Kristen struggles to get a hold of that one-#-but she’s pretty alright with sand#Fabian learns he can bend when they find fig and was thought to be a non bender before that#Riz was their bow guy and Fabian was their sword guy#Captain Seacaster was a fire nation pirate and Halariel was maybe a water nation non-bending citizen? or rival pirate/fought off pirates#Cathilda is a fire bender for sure#Oisín is a lightning bender Maryanne is an earth bender#Ruben and Ivy are non benders (or maybe ivy is a swamp bender?) Buddy is a non bender#Lucy is a waterbender#Kipperlilly was either an airbender (Kristen’s failed teacher) or a non bender I think. or maybe fire#kiri rambles#adaine abernant#fhjy#avatar au
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nostalgicfortomorrow · 2 months
mako and bolin parallel each other because:
mako kept everything soft and sweet inside of him, curled into a tight little ball while he trapped himself in a hard casing in order to protect his brother.
bolin kept everything hard and angry and destructive into a pit of lava in his soul, hoping it would never come out. he encased it in layers of softness and naivety because someone has to make sure that people doesn't consume themselves with their own anger but bolin being able to bend lava when there were no other "softer" options, while the fire burned in his eyes and you could see the stone and flames consume him and he knew that theres no other way to do this except embrace this side of you BECAUSE HOW ELSE ARE YOU GOING TO SAVE YOUR BROTHER WHO DID EVERYTHING TO PROTECT YOU AND YOU DID EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO MAKE HIM HAPPY.
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im--never--happy · 10 months
we don't talk about this enough and we should. this whole bit was so adorable and funny and mako's lil smirk. but also he's just fucking blasting that guy with a fuckload of fire he's breathing nbd. also im pretty sure this is one of the only instances we see of breath of fire being used in legend of korra?
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bunkernine · 1 year
Society if Azula raised kuvira 🙄
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emkini · 1 year
i really like the idea of a Fire Bender avatar's eyes glowing golden when they're in the avatar state, I think it'd look so freaking cool
That WOULD be sick as fuck but I feel like the white works better to symbolize that the Avatar is All Encompassing you feel
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praetorqueenreyna · 1 year
I’ve got to be real: while other canon character as the avatar instead of Aang could be an interesting idea? Unless Aang is their airbender teacher I can’t see it working out well for anyone. About the only character in the show who has an even realistic chance of doing well otherwise is Katara. Sokka, Zuko, even Toph on some level (while better than those two) would end in disaster without Aang as a guiding force on their journey. And even then with Katara I feel it’s just that: a better chance
asjdflkdsjflds I'M SORRY but Katara as the Avatar???? Could you imagine Katara trying to learn earthbending from Toph??? Or firebending from Zuko???? She would start a brand new world war all by herself.
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hella1975 · 1 year
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you currently being the same age as Nanook and beginning the story when you were 17, would also mean that you were OLDER than Tomkin was when the men left for war? Or am I misremembering Tomkin's age
nope you're spot on tomkin was only sixteen when he went to war! im going to cry
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 6 months
Thinking about the parallels between Zukki and Katzulee.
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twilight-skies · 1 year
So anyway more headcanon time :) kuzon was a firebender and was just barely old enough to get drafted for the beginning of the war <3 he hadn’t seen aang in a while as his parents forbade him from talking to the airbender and thus didn’t know he was the avatar :D but when he found out the armys mission he pulled strings to get assigned to the ambush force on the southern temple :0 in the chaos of the battle and the comet he tried to find aang to keep him safe but only found the months-old letter that gyatso had left in aangs room <3 this led him to the monk that aang had talked about before but only found him just in time to blend in with the rest of the soldiers attacking gyatso :) who was trying to protect a group of kids and as a last-ditch effort sucked all the air out of the room :0 killing himself and every soldier in there :D including the young man who aang had talked so highly of but he’d never gotten the pleasure to meet <3
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