#it's hyungwon isn't it
maxsix · 1 year
If you’re a Monsta X stan who follows me and you DID NOT tell me that ‘One Day’ existed, we are no longer friends. 
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dreamaze · 2 years
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BFFL 16/∞    ↪ how to get your homebody out of the house hotel,         a guide by chae hyungwon:         step 1) bribe with food         step 2) reveal full itinerary on livestream         step 3) ♡
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candescentkpop · 4 months
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Wish on the same sky
Monsta X: Wish on the same sky
Monsta X Part 81 / ∞
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sandiegokpop · 2 years
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There's actually a subliminal message in this picture. Think about it: this is a pic of them in their stage outfits for It's Alright. A song we collectively agree is about their e*li*tment. The number of fingers they're holding up is the number of days until the next en*ist*ent announcement 😳🤯😭😵🥴
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junhour · 1 year
Ok so I'm suddenly going crazy bout Hyungwon- Jun i swear I'm sorry- Nah nah cuz that's what I have been doing for 3 hours-im so D O N E with myself - I'll blame this on Jeonghan- it happened becuz of him-im-
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(changkyun sir- he is wrecking ME- omg I'm so)
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heoneyology · 1 year
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every time I see them live, there's less of them to see 🥲🥲
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gamerwoo · 1 year
Hyungwon (monsta x) or Doyoung (nct)? For the closest to your ideal type game ✌
honestly both of them intimidate the fuck out of me personality-wise so basing off of solely looks: hyungwon
send me 2 idols and i'll tell you who's my ideal type between them <3
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kpopscruggles · 3 months
Monsta X members: who likes pounding, who likes stroking, and who likes grinding?
Puuurrrr the first MonstaX ask!!! 
Timestamp, mlt, and reaction requests open btw, 
This is also IMO 
Shownu – Pounding, for him when I say pounding doesn’t mean he is always rough, at least i think he tries not to be. It’s more of your reaction when he’s pounding into you and seeing your just take him riles the man. He finds you the sexiest in that moment.  
Kihyun – Pounding, you can't tell me this main isn't a pounder tbh. He's greedy and he’s gonna take you the way he wants, he’s not worried because you're wanting it the same way he’s just facing the facts and making that first move.  
Minhyuck – Grinding, it’s a mind fuck that he loves, he loves that grinding gets him so close but keeps him steady at that last stage before release, so he’ll give a lil shiver, shaky breathes, he loves it. It’s just so filthy to him feeling it in his stomach that he’s so close yet so far from actually cumming.  
Wonho –Stroking, it’s a lil pleasure for him, he can’t explain why he likes it he just does. He likes the pace, the soft reactions you give, and he gives back. This man likes taking his time.  
I.M - Grinding, He just likes to tease. This is where he can watch you whine and ask him for more...when you beg or ask for more, he knows he’s doing his job and you're craving him which boosts his ego so much.  
Jooheon – Pounding, I feel like he’s the type to wait till he’s as needy as he can get so when he gets to rail you, he’s gonna do it. His minds all fuzzy, he’s not paying much attention, he’s just wanting you cumming back-to-back.  
Hyungwon – Grinding/Stroking, he’s a mix, I feel no matter what he's simply happy to be close to you but imo in the case of grinding and stroking his mind is still running and he’s not drooling and braindead from your cunt. It allows him to watch every move you make, what's rlly riling you up and makes you feel good.  
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jae-bummer · 4 months
The Intervention
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Prompt: Hi ✨ I just found your blog and I'm reading through My Idol s2 after finishing s1. It's so much fun! Can I request prompt #16 with Monsta X?
16) Going out to dinner with your bias group and it is growing increasingly obvious that someone at the table has a crush.
Pairing: Monsta X SURPRISE x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Song rec as you read: Got My Number - Monsta X
"Y/N," Hyungwon said solemnly, guiding you toward a seat. "I didn't want to be the one to say this, but-"
"I'll say it," Changkyun gasped. "We hate your boyfriend. This is an intervention."
"I-" you paused, your mouth falling open as you actually took in Changkyun's words. "You what?"
Hyungwon pushed you into the chair and patted you lightly on the shoulder. "Let's get you a drink."
"Hold on," you said furrowing your brows. "What do you mean you hate Jun? You said you liked Jun!"
"We lied," Kihyun said shortly, shoving a complimentary chip covered in salsa into his mouth. "Next question."
"So...you brought me...to a restaurant...to tell me you hate my boyfriend?" you hissed, trying to tap down your annoyance.
"We thought it was best to pick a public place," Jooheon nodded. "So there wouldn't be a scene."
"This isn't real," you grumbled. "You ambushed me."
"They'll have a strawberry margarita," Minhyuk confirmed from your left as the waiter reappeared. "Sugar instead of salt, probably best if you make it a double."
"And a water," Kihyun piped in. "You should stay hydrated."
"Thanks," you managed, teeth barred. "So considerate of you."
"I thought so," Kihyun hummed with an award winning smile. "Salsa?"
Shaking your head, you heaved a sigh. "What exactly do you not like?"
"Oh, ripping the band-aid right off then, okay," Changkyun said, straightening. "Well, first off, he's fucking weird."
"Oh, if that's not the pot calling the kettle black," you muttered.
"No, I'm weird in a quirky, artistic way," Changkyun insisted. "He's weird in a, I wonder if there's a woman being held captive in his basement, type of way."
Your eyes widened. "What is that even supposed to mean?"
"I thought it was fairly clear," Changkyun huffed.
"Shownu," Minhyuk said, poking the leader of their small gang of bullies. "Are you going to contribute anything?"
Shownu looked up from the menu, a bit lost. "Have you noticed that he smells mildly like kimchi? But like...not in a good way?"
"Okay, I'm leaving," you snapped, slowly sliding your chair away from the table, only for Hyungwon to catch the back and hold you in place.
"Nope," he said, shaking his head. "You're not allowed to leave until you hear our solution."
"Before there is any type of solution," you hissed. "I'm going to need some valid reasons for why I should not be dating him."
The silence around you grew heavy. It seemed like none of them wanted to break the news to you.
Taking a deep breath, Minhyuk took your hands into his. "Y/N, love, you don't even like him."
You opened your mouth only to close it again. He wasn't entirely wrong. Jun was not the easiest person to be with and he was a bit odd. In general, you had fun with him, but there wasn't a whole lot past that surface level.
"I'm happy!" you found yourself arguing nonetheless. "I'm totally happy!"
Minhyuk quirked a brow.
"It's fine," you grimaced. "Totally could get better in time."
"I know you've only been dating for like five minutes," Kihyun sighed, crossing his arms. "But it may be best to cut your losses."
"Why do you guys care?" you groaned. "You haven't interfered before!"
"That you know of," Hyungwon muttered. Spinning around in the opposite direction, you eyed him.
"Don't look at me!" he gasped, shooting a look toward Changkyun.
You directed your gaze toward the youngest man.
Making a point to look away, he cleared his throat. "There may have been that one time."
"Changkyun," you whispered, using his name as a warning.
"It was for the greater good!" he gasped. "I promise."
"And what exactly is this greater good? And who was it?!"
"Well, if you insist on getting the truth today," he muttered, crossing his arms. "One of us-"
"We just want to see you happy," Jooheon cut in, giving his fellow rapper an elbow to the side.
You furrowed your brows. "But-"
"Which brings us to our solution!" Hyungwon chirped happily. "Minhyuk, if you will?"
"So our solution," Minhyuk said, radiating excitement about their master plan.
"You date one of us," Changkyun interrupted, nodded proudly.
"What?" you croaked.
Looking to each boy in turn, they all wore proud expressions, as if this was the best possible idea you could be presented with.
"I'm sorry," you groaned. "I think I just hallucinated."
"Kihyun was the first to volunteer," Minhyuk nodded. "But honestly, a few of us are willing to step up."
Your focus switched over to the boy in question, the tips of his ears a bright red.
"Not in any kind of permanent sense," Jooheon rushed out. "Just enough to create the ruse of a love triangle and give you reason to break up with the guy."
"I dunno," Shownu managed around a mouth full of food. "I think Kihyun thought it was in a permanent sense."
"No," Kihyun chirped. "I mean - If it were - I mean - I"
"I also volunteered," Changkyun nodded. "But so did Hyungwon and if you want to really make a guy feel bad about himself, you should leave him for Hyungwon."
"He is the ideal physical specimen," Minhyuk nodded solemnly.
"And I'm not?!" Kihyun gasped, a hand on his chest. "I think I'm incredibly easy on the eyes."
"Obviously you're good looking and approachable enough to become an idol, but -"
"End the sentence there please," Kihyun snapped.
You sat in stunned silence.
"Y/N?" Kihyun asked, unfurrowing his brows as he looked to you. His eyes softened. "Are you okay?"
"I'm not fake dating one of you," you snapped. "That's-"
"Then real date one of us," Jooheon said simply.
Maybe you were slow on the uptake. "Huh?"
"Real date one of us," Minhyuk repeated. His eyes swept from Hyungwon to Kihyun and then finally landed on Changkyun.
"You say that like it's the easiest thing in the world," you exhaled.
"Isn't it?" Changkyun said quietly, avoiding eye contact. "I know...one of us..."
The room suddenly felt much too small and the air much too thick. You could tell that the guys were speaking to you, but you couldn't hear a word.
Okay, so maybe you were on board with breaking up with Jun. You recognized that if it took this small of an argument for you to consider it, it likely wasn't meant to be in the first place, but...
Date one of them? One of your best friends? Changkyun alluded to someone in the group having a crush on you for some time, so how did you not see it? Did you just ignore the signs all of these years?
How could you date one of the monstas without the fear of something going wrong and messing up the whole group dynamic? No, it was much safer being totally platonic.
"I can't," you broke through your thoughts. "I'm...I'm sorry guys."
Before anyone could stop you, you pushed away from the table and slid around Hyungwon. His narrow frame attempted to block your exit, but you managed to sidestep away. While heading toward the door, you couldn't ignore the sound of breaking glass behind you.
The waiter had finally returned with your drink...just when the boys had surged forward to follow you.
Well, shit.
Unsure if you were going to laugh or cry, you made the safe choice to continue outside in case it was the latter. Turning the corner, you nestled yourself in an alley between the restaurant and the shop next door. Heaving in deep breaths as if you had been drowning, you leaned against the cool brick building. The cold cut through the thin fabric of your top, causing you to shiver.
"Y/N!" you heard several voices call. "Y/N?"
Closing your eyes, you tried to focus on your breathing. They would find you and then what?
"Y/N," a familiar voice huffed, relief evident in its tone.
Peeking out of one eye, then the other, you slowly tilted your face up to address a margarita-red and dripping Kihyun.
"Hey," you said softly, feeling a smirk tug at the corner of your lips. He looked ridiculous.
"You can laugh," he grinned. "Our waiter has exquisite timing."
"Apparently," you chuckled, shaking your head. This whole thing was insanity.
"Y/N," he sighed, the grin on his face replaced with a stern expression. "None of us wanted to pressure you. Usually when we bring up an idea you don't like, you shut us down, tell us we're idiots, and we all go about our day. Why was this any different?"
"Because this wasn't a plan to skydive in our underwear," you muttered. "This was me DATING one of you."
Kihyun winced. "Well, when you put it like that."
"Yeah," you grumbled. "See where I'm coming from?"
After a few moments of silence, Kihyun pursed his lips. "You could've said you don't have feelings for me. It would have sucked, but I would've been able to take it."
Your attention shot back to his face. "I'm sorry, did I miss a chapter?"
"I...I thought," he trailed, tilting his head as his brow furrowed. "I thought Changkyun and Shownu's comments made it pretty obvious-"
"No!" you gasped. "At no time during that lunch did I assume it was you, Ki."
"Oh," he chirped, his face turning a nice shade of pink. "Well...uh...in that case...um...disregard all of that?"
It was Kihyun. Kihyun had a crush on you, and you had never seen it...
You tried to go into your brain's way back machine and think back to any intimate moments the two of you had shared. Sure, you had cuddled a time or two on a movie night, but which of them hadn't you cuddled at this point? He teased you, he made sure you were taken care of, and he cooked for you constantly. You thought he was just being nice.
Glancing toward Kihyun, you considered him - like, really, considered him. He was absolutely adorable, you had always known that. It was the way the tips of his ears turned red when he was embarrassed. Or the way when he smiled, his cheeks dented a little bit with unique laugh lines you had never seen before. Or maybe it was his smile itself that was so refreshing. Earning a smile from him was better than any compliment you could receive.
It was more than possible to fall in love with him and the fact that it had snuck up on you like this...was terrifying.
"Okay," you said quietly, nodding more to yourself than to him.
"Okay?" he asked. "We're good?"
"Yes," you hummed, still trying to parse out your thoughts. "I mean no, I mean...yes we are good, but no, not in that way."
He crossed his arms. "Explain."
"Okay," you said simply. "Let's do this."
"Do what...exactly?"
"Date," you nodded. "But if you mess this up Yoo Kihyun, you do not get our friends in the breakup."
"Guess we just won't break up then." he said, a smile now fighting to overtake his lips. "But Y/N...just one thing?"
"You should probably break up with your boyfriend first."
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jinkoh · 9 months
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surprise me
minhyuk x fem!reader
summary: you feel like nothing exciting happened to you all year but your best friend is keen on helping you change that. after all, the year isn't over yet~
tags: best friends to lovers, fluff, lots of stupid shenanigans and friendly teasing, new yers eve celebrations, alcohol consumption, food mentions, SFW
word count: ~3,7k
a/n: i'm rlly rlly in my mx feels these days so it was high time to write a minhyuk fic (did y'all know i'm actually ulting this guy?) it's kind of a silly and cliché plot but what's a better time for these kinda stories than december?
i hope you had a merry merry christmas (if you celebrate) and will get to end this year happily 🎄❤️
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Minhyuk was already sitting at your regular seats when you walked into the café, sipping on his latte while your drink was waiting for you on the table. It was a small shop next to a mall, a little on the expensive side, but their coffee was the best (and you got a discount on days your friend Kihyun was on shift). 
It was unusually calm today, perhaps people were still with their families or too busy returning unwanted gifts to take a coffee break. Aside from Minhyuk, there was only one other customer, a woman, sitting at a small table by the window. There wasn’t anyone behind the counter but you caught a glimpse of bright orange hair disappearing to the back right as you walked in. A new barista, you supposed, or at least you didn’t remember anyone that eye-catching to work here.
“You’re late,” Minhyuk complained, when you made your way over. “You’re worse than Hyungwon.”
You chuckled and slipped out of your winter coat before sitting down, immediately warming your frozen fingers on the warm glass in front of you. “It's not my fault. It snows once and everyone forgets how to drive. Took me ages to get here.”
“I was on time,” he grumbled, but you knew he wasn’t actually pissed at you. 
“So, how was Christmas?” you switched topics, hoping to hear some fun stories from his holidays.
He shrugged. “The usual. I was home. Actually Hyungwon celebrated with us too. He spends so much time with my family, I’m sure one of these days his parents are going to call me to complain.” Minhyuk laughed before taking another sip of his drink. “Oh, also, Changkyunnie helped Kihyun to dye his hair. Did you see him yet?”
You shook your head. “How did it go?”
Minhyuk drew in air through his teeth. “Well, at least the hair is still on his head?”
“It can’t be that bad.”
“Depends on who you’re asking.” He shook his head in amusement, as if he was recalling the disaster in front of his inner eye. “Anway, how was your christmas?”
You nodded slowly. “Fine, I guess?”
“You guess?”
“No, no, it was fine, it was nice.”
Minhyuk looked at you with a raised eyebrow. He knew you too well to be fooled. “But?”
“I just—I met up with some friends back from high school, you know, since everyone was home for the holidays.”
“Sounds nice. So, where’s the problem?”
“I don’t know.” You shrugged. “Everyone was talking about all the things happening in their lives and I realized that nothing happened in mine.”
“You literally started a new job this year?”
“That’s different.”
“How so?”
You shrugged again. “It’s not about, like, achievements or whatever. I mean fun things, exciting things. The year is over and I can’t think of a single story to tell. It feels like I’ve become a really boring person.”
“Hm,” Minhyuk hummed. “It’s not over yet though.”
“The year isn’t over yet. It’s only the 27th. That’s 4 days. Plenty of time to create some stories.”
“Stop joking around,” you frowned. “I’m actually upset about this, you know?”
“Yeah, but complaining won’t change anything. So, let’s do something about it.”
“Like what?”
Minhyuk kept quiet for a moment, his gaze following the people passing by the window. When a couple walked by, his expression suddenly lit up with a mischievous grin. “Hit on someone.”
“What? Now?”
“Yeah, why not?”
For one, because you weren’t the type to do that. You’d never hit on anyone before, in fact you barely managed to ask strangers for directions. But maybe Minhyuk was right. Maybe you should try to make some changes, if you weren’t satisfied with how things were. Becoming a little more daring seemed to be a good idea. 
Your gaze flicked outside. It still was snowing, the white cold piling up on the pavement. You’d only just warmed up after being out there—you weren’t all that keen on freezing to death all over again.
“Too scared to do it?” He teased, when you still hadn’t moved. “Thought you wanted to create some stories.”
“Shut up for a minute, will you?” you playfully shoved him away. “I’m trying to think here.” 
Since going outside was out of the question, you looked around the café. The woman was still sitting by the window, her nose buried in a thick book as she sipped on her coffee. You would have felt bad to disrupt her peace. Other than that—well, the new barista would be an option. He was still in the back, but the door was open and you knew the room was small enough that he’d still hear you if you stood by the counter. 
“Alright,” you declared and got up from your chair.
“Alright?” Minhyuk repeated with a laugh.
“I’m doing it.” With bold steps and a racing heart you made your way over to the counter. Minhyuk started saying something else, but you didn’t pay it any attention. You’d just get this over with.
You pushed your hair behind your ear and leaned over the counter, glancing through the open door.  The barista had his back to you, sorting coffee into the shelves. His almost neon orange hair really stood out against the muted colors of the café and you wondered what kind of person he was to choose a color that bold. 
“Excuse me,” you started, “I was wondering—are you here often?”
The moment the words were out you wanted to bite off your tongue. Are you here often? Well, probably, after all this was his workplace. You felt your face heating up and you heard Minhyuk snorting behind you. You shot him a warning glare, but it didn’t really keep him in line. 
The Barista finally turned around, and now you wanted to bite off your tongue even more. “Kihyun?!”
Minhyuk was full on laughing behind you now, clapping his thigh in amusement as he watched the scene unfold. Meanwhile, your eyes were still fixed on Kihyun’s hair. You briefly wondered if Changkyun was alive.
“Y/n, did you just try to hit on me?”
You reluctantly tore your gaze away from his hair to meet his gaze, before stuttering out an excuse. “What? No. Noo, of course not. I just meant like—are you here often? As in, this week. Are you here often this week?”
Kihyun didn’t seem to entirely believe you, his eyes wandering between you and the still laughing Minhyuk in suspicion. “Yeah, I work through until Saturday,” he replied anyway. “Why?”
“Just because. Can’t I care about my friend’s work schedule?”
He huffed a laugh. “Sure, you can. Just a little weird.”
“You know me, I’m weird,” you mumbled, your attention once again taken by his bright hair. “Sorry, Ki, I just can’t stop staring. Did you—was this intentional?”
Kihyun shot you a glare, flicking some strands out of his forehead. “We’re not talking about this.”
You nodded. “If it makes you feel better.”
“At least I didn’t try to hit on you.”
“I didn’t—!”
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“You hit on Kihyun?!” Jooheon asked, scandalized, when you were strolling the mall the next day. Minhyuk had convinced you to come out with him, Jooheon and Shownu, which didn’t happen all that often since Minhyuk tended to be a homebody himself. But he’d claimed that you couldn’t make stories at home and you supposed he had a point there.
“Totally did,” Minhyuk answered in your stead, his eyes wandering over the things on display in the shop windows. 
“You made me do it in the first place.”
“Oh, don’t push the blame on me. I said someone, not Kihyun.”
“So, did he reject you?” Shownu chimed in, genuine concern in his voice. “Are you okay?”
“Shownu, I wasn’t actually hitting on Kihyun.”
He nodded understandingly. You didn’t think he actually understood at all, but you also didn’t want to dwell on the topic any longer, so you tried to steer the attention away by pointing out the karaoke stage that was set up a little further down the hall. A few people were gathered around it, but not too many since the mall wasn’t very crowded overall.
“That’s so perfect,” Minhyuk exclaimed and you knew from the color of his voice that you wouldn’t like what was going to follow. “I think y/n should sing Last Christmas to commemorate her painful rejection.”
“I didn’t get—and Christmas is over anyway!”
“Only if you let it be over,” Jooheon tutted. “It can always be Christmas in your heart.”
“Agreed,” Minhyuk nodded.
Your eyes wandered to the stage. It would surely be a story, you supposed. But you weren’t sure it would be the kind you wanted—you weren’t the best singer out there nor did you fancy being the center of attention.
“Wanna sing together?” Shownu offered, following your gaze.
“No way, not happening,” you declined maybe a little too quickly. “I’d sound even worse next to you with your silky voice.” 
“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Shownu started but you just shook your head.
“You wouldn’t be saying this if you’d heard me sing before.”
Jooheon put his hand on Shownu’s shoulder. “Trust her on this.”
“Rude!” you complained with a laugh, boxing him in the side.
“You said it yourself!”
“It’s different when someone else does!”
“Anyway,” Minhyuk interrupted, jogging back to the three of you. You hadn’t even noticed he’d run off but maybe you should have paid more attention. He was smiling widely. “I signed you up, it’s your turn next.”
“I really hate you.”
“You really don’t, though.”
As he predicted, you were called on stage a few minutes after and you definitely did not want to be doing this. You held onto the mic with shaking hands when the song started playing and you timidly started to sing. It was truly awful and you were convinced these would be the longest 4 minutes and 22 seconds of your life. But then Minhyuk started to sing along loudly, making the people around him join in, until the little crowd in front of the stage was singing and laughing along with him (with you, he would argue later, but that was just flattery). It was stupid—after all he was the one who had made you do this in the first place—but knowing he wasn't going to leave you alone with it somehow made your heart feel warm and fuzzy. With everyone singing together, it wasn’t humiliating at all. Instead it was becoming pretty fun and you soon found yourself gaining some confidence, belting out the (wrong) notes and moving your body to the music. You were still laughing and full of adrenaline when you were coming down the stage, and so was the audience as they clapped and let you through to your friends. Jooheon held out his hand for a high five and Shownu gave you a thumbs up.
“You’re not that bad of a singer,” he insisted, making Jooheon snort. 
“It’s okay, you can stop lying now,” you giggled while Minhyuk linked arms with you. 
“I knew you could do it,” he said all proud, slightly nudging you in the side.
"Oh, come on, I barely did anything."
"No, you did plenty. Be a little proud!"
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The door to Shownu, Hyungwon and Jooheon’s apartment wasn’t locked when you arrived, so you let yourself in, glad to escape the cold. You heard the guys as soon as you were inside, Minhyuk’s voice especially standing out in between the chatter that was coming from the living room. You quickly slipped out of your shoes and coat before making your way to where Minhyuk, Kihyun, Jooheon and Changkyun were already sitting on the floor, munching on sweet and savory treats and looking at something on Jooheon’s phone.
“Where is the rest?” you asked, instead of a greeting.
“Hyungwon is late as usual,” Jooheon replied with a shrug.
“But he lives here.”
Shownu huffed a small laugh as he came into the room with some soda and cups in his hand that he set down next to the snacks. “He’s grabbing some soju from the store,” he explained helpfully before taking a seat on a pillow and handing one to you too. You’d barely gotten comfortable when your phone lit up with a message from Minhyuk, which, considering he was sitting across from you, barely a meter away, didn’t make a ton of sense. You unlocked your phone anyway to take a look. 
Surprise everyone in this room, it said.
You looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. What does that mean?, you mouthed at him, and he promptly started typing again.
Think of something. Do something daring.
He poked out his tongue at you and you started to question your sanity for still going along with this silly game. Maybe you should call it quits already, singing in front of a (half empty) mall should be enough of a story, right?
Still, you couldn’t just let it go, a weird sense of pride telling you not to lose. So, you were looking around the room for inspiration. You’d  for sure think of something daring to do. You'd surprise everyone. You’d surprise him.
You hadn’t come up with an idea yet when Hyungwon came back, complaining about the cold outside and warming up his frozen fingers in your neck, earning him a screech from you and amused laughter from Minhyuk. For someone who was supposed to be your best friend Minhyuk seemed to have plenty of fun at your expense. Not like you were seriously bothered by it—the two of you had always been like that. But it was high time to get back at him. Perhaps you could kill two birds with one stone tonight.
With the soju being poured in generous amounts and most of your friends being crackheads either way, the atmosphere felt light and you were buzzing with laughter and alcohol. Minhyuk had been sticking to soda, but he never needed to drink to loosen up, so he was leisurely laughing with everyone and snacking on the box of pocky sticks in front of him. That gave you some sort of idea, not the best idea honestly, but to be fair unlike Minhyuk you hadn’t abstained from drinking so you weren’t exactly in your right mind. When Minhyuk reached for the last pocky in the box, you interrupted him with a decided “Gimme that.”
Instead of aborting mission, he seemed to bring it to his lips even more quickly, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes when he mumbled out a “Sorry, too late” around the pocky stuck between his teeth. You hadn’t expected anything less though. Without thinking, you crawled over to him, grabbed his face with both hands, squeezing his cheeks together and making him look at you. 
“I don’t mind,” you said before nonchalantly taking a bite of the pocky, and then in a whisper that only Minhyuk could hear, you asked “Surprised?” He didn’t get the chance to reply though, because you were already scooting back to your pillow.
“Y/n!” Jooheon blurted out, “First Kihyun and now Minhyuk? Is no one safe from you? Am I next?” He dramatically crossed his arms in front of his chest as if to cover himself. The other guys broke out in laughter and you joined in, but the laughter got stuck in your throat when your gaze met Minhyuk’s. He was staring at you with wide eyes and red cheeks, the half eaten pocky still stuck between his teeth. 
“Can’t believe you’re taking her away from me after we only just got started,” Kihyun joked along, lightly bumping into Minhyuk’s side. That made him snap out of his trance. He huffed a halfhearted laugh. “I think it’s reasonable to have second thoughts about dating a literal orange,” he teased.
“Come on, let’s stop it with the jokes,” Changkyun interrupted with a light pout, seemingly more offended about it than Kihyun himself. “It looks fine.”
 “I agree, it suits him,” Shownu nodded and with that the topic seemed to be done. The pocky topic too was off the table, but you couldn’t stop thinking about it. The look on Minhyuk’s face wouldn’t leave your mind. You hadn’t really thought much of it when you’d done it—you’d just wanted to surprise him—but now you wondered if you had crossed a line? The two of you were usually touchy but perhaps this was different to him. Perhaps it was different to you, too, because why else would your chest suddenly feel so strange?
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It was still on your mind when you got home that night and still when you were getting ready for the New Year's Eve party two days later. You’d planned to go to that party with everyone ages ago and even though you weren’t usually a New Year's Eve kinda person you’d been looking forward to it. But now you were suddenly feeling so nervous about it. You kept changing in and out of outfits just to end up settling for the first one after all, this strange voice in the back of your mind wondering if Minhyuk would like it. You’d never wondered about things like that before—Minhyuk had seen you at your worst, with greasy hair and tomato sauce on your sweatpants and it hadn’t bothered either one of you. But now things suddenly felt different, all because of a dumb pocky stick. You hadn’t seen or talked to him since and you kept worrying about whether things between the two of you had changed or if you were overthinking this by yourself.
The sound of your doorbell pulled you out of your thoughts, and a quick glance to the clock told you that it had to be the boys who had promised to pick you up. You hastily gathered your things and threw on your jacket before rushing to open the door.
“Oooh,” Jooheon nodded approvingly as he gave you a once over. “Looking good.”
You grinned. “Not bad yourself.”
He swooshed an imaginary strand of hair out of his forehead. “I knew the day would come when you’d fall for my charms.”
With a giggle you linked arms and made your way to where Shownu and Hyungwon were waiting in the car. The other three would drive there separately and you weren’t sure if it was a good or a bad thing because as much as you were nervous about meeting Minhyuk you were also dying to see him.
The ride to the party took your mind off things or a little bit though. Jooheon had connected his phone to the speakers and was playing upbeat music to get you all in the mood and it was more or less working. The party was already in full swing when you got there, loud music coming from inside the club and people standing outside to smoke. It was less than an hour until midnight, but that had been the plan from the get go. The real party only just starts at midnight, Jooheon had insisted, so it’s better not to come too early. 
The others were already inside, somewhere in the crowd. Hyungwon, Shownu, Jooheon and you got some drinks at the bar first and then split up to look for them. You agreed to meet up outside a few minutes before midnight, whether you found them or not, to see the fireworks. Obviously it would have been smarter to make that agreement with everyone beforehand, but somehow no one had thought of that and texting them now was fruitless since there was no reception inside the club. Hence, you pushed yourself through the crowd of dancing people, trying to spot your friends. You hadn’t expected it to be so difficult to find them, the location was a lot bigger and busier than anticipated, and slowly but surely you were running out of time. Maybe it was smarter to make your way outside now, to see the fireworks with the others. Maybe they’d already found them and were just waiting for you—but something was urging you to keep looking. It was silly, it was just New Year's Eve, but your chest was filled with desperation to find them. All three of them, you told yourself, but you knew that wasn’t exactly true. It was Minhyuk you wanted to find. It was him you wanted to spend the last minutes of this year with.
Just when you wanted to go back to search the places you’d already searched to make sure you hadn't missed them, you felt someone grabbing your wrist and stopping you. 
“Y/n.” Minhyuk was standing behind you, a little breathless. Relief washed over you. “I was looking for you,” you said, your voice barely audible over the loud music. Minhyuk understood you anyway. He smiled. “Me too.”
For a moment you just looked at each other and there was this weird tingling feeling in your stomach. He was still holding onto your wrist but you didn’t try to pull away.
“You look pretty,” he eventually said and it made your heart skip a beat. Jooheon had complimented you earlier too, but this felt completely different. At a loss of how to respond, you averted your gaze.
“The others are outside,” you changed the topic. “We’ll miss the fireworks.”
“Yeah.” Still, he didn’t show any intention to move.
Suddenly the music stopped, and the people around you started cheering excitedly before collectively yelling a loud TEN!
Your gaze shot back to Minhyuk whose eyes had never left you.
 He leaned in a little. 
“Surprise me,” he whispered right into your ear, making a shiver run down your spine.
He pulled away again.
You stared at him with wide eyes, your gaze briefly flicking to his lips.
Your mouth felt dry.
Was he really implying what you thought he was implying?
Your heart was racing in your chest like crazy.
Only one way to find out. 
You reached for his collar and pulled him closer, smashing your lips into his with a little too much fervor. He didn’t hesitate to bring his hands up to cup your jaw, kissing you back as the people around you celebrated and the music turned back on. You kissed until you felt out of breath, and even then you didn’t go far, his forehead resting against yours.
“Is this good enough of a story to tell?”
“I don’t care about that anymore,” you replied. “This is better than a story.”
He broke into a smile, crinkles forming around his eyes and his gums showing. “Is it?”
“Mhm,” you leaned in again to leave another peck on his lips. “It is.”
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dreamaze · 9 months
The Dreaming / Find You / Destroyer / All In (MV ver.) / Nobody Else / Wildfire / Rain (MIC in the SCENE live) / Mercy (No Limit Tour in Seoul) / Thriller / 춤사위 (Crescendo) / Lost in the Dream / AND / You Can't Hold My Heart (PLAY! solo live) / Thriller / BEASTMODE / Fantasia / LOVE / Rodeo / LONE RANGER
⟡ To be honest, I am not sure what I can say about Kihyun's artistry that isn't abundantly clear from his studio and live performances. If I say that I believe he is one of the most competent vocalists in the genre, it may sound like an understatement — although it is not something I say lightly, and I mean it with my whole heart. His level of musicality is built on a strong foundation of fundamental skills and would not be possible without it. Minhyuk once described him as a stone that does not shake in the wind, and to me this also embodies his steadiness and reliability in the recording booth and on the stage no matter how challenging the primary and secondary (e.g., ad lib) lines are asked of him and no matter how deep they are into a rigorous concert set. Kihyun excels at singing high and singing loud (genuinely), but he also has a wide and well-supported range, and I appreciate the opportunities to enjoy his lower/mid end and lighter moments just as much as his robust belting. I understand why Hyungwon loves composing for his voice (who wouldn't?). Kihyun has been a strong singer since the beginning of his career and makes many of his parts seem effortless, yet most of all I respect his commitment to growth despite how much effort it takes to improve when you are already among the best of the best. He was honest with himself about when he felt his abilities plateauing, and he sought a way forward by resuming vocal lessons. We are fortunate as fans that he is also open enough to share that with us. I didn't think I could love and respect him more, but for that personal strength and dedication to his craft, I did. I do.
Postscript, to listeners. This was a challenging set of excerpts to compile (and even more to order) because Kihyun has many, many parts throughout the MX discography that showcase his abilities. As with my other compilations, it strives to capture a breadth of his output while also being very much biased toward my own favorites (Crescendo/Lost in the Dream/AND occur successively because they carry the most gut-punching, emotional weight to me). But I expect to revisit these in the future and would love to hear about your favorite moments in the tags. ♡
Postscript, to Kihyun. I miss you. Kpop is not the same without you. At the same time, I am so proud and happy for you that you are continuing to make music, as it is such a core part of your being and (if it is not presumptuous to say) brings you fulfillment and joy. I am absolutely tickled that you play the trombone. I hope you are having the best possible time playing in the band (and that your low brass section is delightfully weird, as tends to be the case — with lots of love to low brass players, from a percussionist who overheard all your shenanigans), and I can't wait to see how this musical experience contributes to your transformation and growth as an artist.
Other compilations: Minhyuk | Jooheon
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biffhofosho · 10 months
The Good in Goodbye
Heart-rendingly sappy, self-indulgent Hyungwon smutty drabble under the cut because I'm so fucking stupidly sad today. I'm going through it, y'all.
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"I wanted today to be perfect," she grumbles against his chest.
"And what about today isn't?" he replies, a smile thickening his voice.
"Besides the obvious? It's pouring. I had a whole day planned. I even mapped out this walk through a whole new neighborhood. I wanted to explore one last place with you before you leave me."
She is pouting, her bottom lip extra plump with her indignance, so Hyungwon cups her face between his hands and guides her eyes up to his. Her chin digs in against his ribs this way, but he doesn't mind. He likes the sharp reminder that she's with him now, like she's burrowing into his heart.
"Sweetheart, you know I'm not leaving you, right? I'll be back before you know it."
"Not before I know it..." she insists.
Her nose crinkles. He loves that look on her. Usually, she shoots it at him when he makes a bad pun or shoves too big of a bite in his mouth or laughs when she hiccups every single time after her first sip from a soda. But it's part of their love language, especially since it's always followed by a reluctant smile, just like it is now.
Her eyes soften, and she rolls her cheek back to his chest, her ear pressed over his heart.
"You're going to be gone so long," she whispers.
"I know, darling. I feel it, too."
She sighs and presses a kiss to his naked chest. "I'm sorry. The day's already spoiled, and I keep spoiling it."
At this, Hyungwon belts out his signature effervescent laugh, and she shakes on top of him. "How on earth are you spoiling it? I'm inside you. That's heaven itself."
He reminds her of their situation with a subtle thrust deep into her heat, and she gasps. Her nails nip at his skin as her eyes roll back in her head.
They've been pressed together like this for a while now, stripped down and joined at the lips and the hips so they can indulge in the most primal but simple intimacy. It would be too hot to stay like this in the summer, but thanks to the sharp chill of late fall, their apartment is cool, so Hyungwon can steal all the warmth he needs from her wet sex.
It's been mostly about making something last that's about to be unceremoniously ripped from them, but, also, the simple truth is Hyungwon feels most alive when he's buried inside his woman.
And she is his.
He doesn't say that out loud often because she loves her freedom and her friends and her job, and he respects all those things because they make her happy, too. Now especially, he must rely on them—however resentfully—because, when he's gone, they will be the things that will have to satisfy her until he can again. But it doesn't change that she is his.
As long as he's her favorite thing, he's fulfilled. So, up until their very last second together, Hyungwon plans to make sure she's as filled with as much of him as he can give her to sustain them through their temporary separation.
"The only thing that's spoiled is you," he teases with a twirl of her hair beside her face. "Shall I spoil you some more?"
"Please," she says and emphasizes her desperation for him with a pair of cartoonishly round and pleading eyes.
His cock quivers inside her.
"You never ask me nicely," reels Hyungwon, honestly in shock.
"That's because you're never nice."
"You don't like it nice," he reminds her, but she just persists with those doe eyes, and his heart is putty for her to mold as she wishes. "Of course, I'll give it to you however you want, sweetheart."
She beams at him and presses back deeply on him to his ragged groan.
"Okay then," she says, "I want something special today. Give me something that I can touch myself to when you're gone."
His groan is even rougher around the edges now. "How do you expect me to be nice after you say something like that?"
But he is. Hyungwon latches his hand in the small of her back and rolls them both over so she is beneath him. He usually likes it best when she rides him because she's absolutely stunning as his private starlet—breasts bouncing and skin glistening and hair billowing like flames in the wind—but not this time. He needs to dissolve into her, to cling to her like the lifeline she is for him.
Hyungwon kisses her thoroughly, their souls as entangled as their tongues. He's kissed her thousands of times, but this one feels different—more. She's extra sweet today, extra addictive. He thought he would escape into her body as he always does, but he realizes quickly that it was foolish to think he could escape her. She's silk over quicksand, and he can't keep his hands off of her as she traps him and pulls him forever into her.
She moans into his mouth, and Hyungwon realizes he's been sinking his cock into her on autopilot. His body knows what it needs, and it's her.
It's always her.
He laves her throat now with messy kisses before he sucks a patch there. He isn't as nice about this as he promised, but Hyungwon wants to leave her with him etched on her skin.
She doesn't mind. Instead, she encourages him. Her hand clutches at the back of his head and urges his mouth roughly against her.
"God, yes, baby," she purrs.
When at last she lets him up, her skin is a watercolor masterpiece of cherry and watermelon and plum. Her fingers rush to stroke it as her lids flutter and her teeth gnaw at her lip.
"Do I look pretty?" she drawls.
"You're art."
She whines and fingers his mark again as her back arches.
"You gonna wear me everywhere, baby?" he presses as he continues his smooth strokes into her cunt.
"God, yes. Wish it would last forever so everyone sees I belong to you."
This time, he whines. "You're so perfect. You know just what I like."
Her arms thread around him, and she pulls him flat to her. He's much taller than she is, so his face lines up with hers, and he as he pumps into her, the two of them are cheek-to-cheek, sighing and moaning just for each other's ears.
If there's a world outside their apartment, outside her body, he forgets it or, more aptly, he forsakes it. This is all Hyungwon wants. She is all he wants.
He holds her, strokes her, kisses her, possesses her. He dives down to suckle at her breast because there's something extra delicious about the way her hard nipple feels against his tongue. She always gets extra loud when he flicks it, so he spends all his time treating his girl to all her favorites tonight.
Which is why she knows just what to do when he brings two of his fingers to her lips. She sucks them in and swirls her tongue around them. She's noisy about this, too, because she knows what comes next.
When Hyungwon is satisfied that his fingers are dripping wet, he pulls them from her hungry lips and brings them to her clit. She's already stiffening there, which swells his heart and his cock in turn. She's so damn responsive to him, and yet another sin overtakes him—this one pride. He remembers all the times she's sworn at the height of passion that she's never craved anyone the way she craves him, and if he ever worried that was just pillow talk, that's swiftly contradicted by the way she trembles at his every little move.
The second he circles his fingertips around her, she shudders. Her pussy clenches around him. It's everything he can do to stop his body from just giving in and collapsing onto her.
She thinks she understands the effect she has on him, but she has no idea, Hyungwon realizes, and there's no way for him to even explain it. The way she feels around him—her heat, her scent, her softness—is as indescribable as it is inescapable. When he stretches her out and eases her open, her body devours him. It's like she was made just for him.
Her soft belly rolls with his thrusts just as her breasts do, and her head lolls on the pillow. Her eyes have drifted shut, though her brow knits with ecstasy. A steady stream of moans babble from her slackened lips, and Hyungwon cherishes each and every one because he's doing this—he's giving her the kind of all-consuming pleasure that he wants to be sure she'll never, ever find anywhere else.
Her little bud strains against his fingers now, and he delights in toying with it. It's mesmerizing watching the way she jerks and sings as he strokes and rubs and playfully plucks at it, and his hips answer the call of her desperate pussy as it snugs around his every ridge.
Things had started out so romantically, but like every time he's with her, he devolves. Through her moans and begs and watery, pleading stares, she knows just how to bring out the animal in him, the one no one else knows is there. He has to fuck her hard now because he can't stop, and it sways her beautiful tits so distractingly that he's enthralled.
"My prettiest girl," he praises as his fingers feather over her nipples. "I could live inside you. You feel so good."
She writhes beneath him, and she's also doing that thing she does whenever she's getting extra greedy for release, where she tips up her hips to meet him thrust for thrust. Hyungwon loves this, not just because of how much easier it is to get lost deep inside her, but because he likes seeing her unravel for him. It makes him feel powerful. It makes him feel masculine.
It makes him feel like he's the only man in the world for her, and now, more than ever, he's desperate to feel that way.
"Wonnie—ah!" she whimpers as she snares his forearm. Her eyes are frantic, and her mouth sags open. It takes her a long moment to speak again through her heavy panting, and it only furthers his descent into the warm clutches of pride. When she finds her voice again, she sounds borderline delirious. "Want to cum, want to cum. I'm gonna cum."
"Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck! Gotta cum for you, baby. Please," she cries. Her nails bite into his waist, so he drills harder into her, determined and dedicated.
Her other hand slides down to her aching clit, and Hyungwon is done for—he always is when she touches herself for him. There's nothing like watching his girl race to get herself off. He's happy to do it for her, of course, but sometimes her greed for his body gets the better of her, and it feeds his white-hot vanity like nothing else ever could.
She explodes around him. It's bliss, distilled down to its purest, most addictive form. She makes the sexiest noises--hitching cries and staccato breaths. The animal within her is unleashed, too, and he moans. He did that. His cock hardens to unprecedented levels, and the pressure inside him is immense, building and building like steam under an already chattering lid.
Her heat intensifies. Her walls constrict. Her whole body quakes around him, tugging, tugging, tugging him over the cliff with her, and because he'd follow her anywhere, he cums, too.
Hyungwon whimpers—he can't help it—and stills just inside her entrance so he can unload all of himself. He needs her to have his everything, now more than ever. He feels his seed gushing around his tip and flooding her velvet core, and it only makes his release that much more ferocious. His body empties frantically into her, pulse by pulse, until he's shivering from the hollowness left behind.
Still, as drained as he is, he ruts emphatically into her one last time, just as he always does, and stays in the haven of her belly as he flops onto her. She doesn't know it, but he's addicted to this final plunge because he feels the burning need to stuff everything he can of his deep down inside her. It's greedy, it's possessive, but it's also imperative to the frantic, pathetic creature inside him.
That's what loving her does to him. It unmakes him.
"I love you," he murmurs between heaves of breath into the safe harbor of her neck. She doesn't hear him over her own panting, but that's okay. It's more like awestruck gratitude to the forces that guided him to her in the first place.
His girl strokes his hair, and every nerve fires throughout his body. He hums and presses a series of kisses to the recess of satiny skin before him.
As she clings the back of his head, her other hand strokes his shoulder blades, and, even more wonderfully, her legs hook around the back of his thighs to keep his softening manhood sheltered right where it belongs. Hyungwon could disappear into her right now. Or, at least, he wishes with every fiber of his being that he could.
"Think about me every day?" he mumbles against her throat as he nuzzles his nose there, too.
"Every minute," she corrects and pets him again.
"If I write you letters, will you write me back?"
She chuckles, and the vibrations feel so soothing beneath him. "How very Victorian of you, baby."
"I'm serious."
"Okay." She pauses and kisses his crown. "I'll write you letters. That's kind of sexy if I think about it. A little bit of our souls is in our handwriting."
Hyungwon thinks that's just as intimate as it beautiful, but the truth makes him more vulnerable than that. Writing letters demands more of her time and her heart than a simple text or email would, and he's been spoiled their whole relationship with no shortage of either thing, so he's afraid that what they have will wither like an untended houseplant. He can't lose her. Not ever.
"You're awfully insecure for the most beautiful man in the world," she observes with a smile in her voice.
Hyungwon tries his best to act light even if he's never been so sincere. "I wouldn't be if you weren't so easy to fall in love with. I won't be here to keep the others in line."
"You're so silly, baby," she says as she shoots down for a quick kiss of his swollen lips.
Maybe he is being silly—actually, he knows he is. Hyungwon trusts just how much she adores him, but what he said is also true. She's irresistible. He often feels like he's competing against the world for her attention simply because her light shines so brightly. People are drawn to her like hapless moths, so even if he's a confident person everywhere else in his life, when it comes to this force of nature caged in by his embrace, he can't help but feel second-class.
"You're not going to forget me, right?" he blurts out once and for all.
She is staring at him so seriously, he's paralyzed.
Her walls are seizing around him, just as desperate to hold on to him as she is. His seed dribbles down his base despite her body's tenacious efforts to not let a single bit of him go before she has to.
She's fighting back tears now, and he hates it, but, still, he can't move. She's got him so completely under her spell.
"I will never love anybody else. There is only you. There will only ever be you."
He fights back a tear of his own now, and it sets off his rhinitis, leaving him sniffling something fierce, and he wonders if maybe he is that old, sickly Victorian man after all.
"And you're not going to forget me, right?" she wonders, too.
"That would be like forgetting to breathe," he answers frankly.
They kiss again, slow and deliberate and fulfilling. He had almost softened to the point of escape, but Hyungwon is hard again, and as they kiss, he thrusts slowly. They're sticky, and each penetration is wet and loud, but neither of them care.
She rolls him onto his back, and it's her turn to take the reins.
By the time they're done making love, she insists on cooking for him one last time. Hyungwon balks. He's feeling lazy and indulgent and doesn't want to leave her side a second before he must, but she says she needs to do this for him, especially since they couldn't go on one last adventure together. He's grateful in the end since it's his favorite, and he knows it will be better than any meal he's ever had because she's made it with only him in mind.
He does, at least, convince her to picnic in their sheets—crumbs be damned—which works out because they make love again as the plates tumble to the floor.
By then, they're both sated and drained, and even though it is dark outside now, the rain still pounding against the panes, neither will allow their eyes to close.
Hyungwon lays beside her, his fingers trailing up and down her arm.
"We're going to get ants," she muses into the night though she makes no move to clean up, which is good because he wouldn't have let her go just yet anyway.
"If we get ants after an hour, then we already had ants, didn't we?" he retorts with a laugh.
"Fair enough."
Silence is common and comfortable between them—they're both prone to bouts of sentimental musings and poetic feelings—but this silence feels heavy. Neither knows what to say in the absence of all the body talk.
It should be enough—they've shared so much tonight alone—but it occurs in another one of those sentimental, poetic whimsies, that he has one more thing she should know.
"Take good care of my heart," he blurts into the shadowy bedroom. "I'm leaving it here."
"We may as well just swap then." She mimes plucking her heart from her chest and offering it to him, and he rolls his eyes.
"You're such a dork."
She brings the imaginary heart back to her chest and glares at him. "You want me to keep this then?"
Hyungwon hurries to snatch it from her, locks it in his chest, and tosses the invisible key. With a stern look, he says, "No take-backs."
"You're an even bigger dork than I am," she laughs.
"Then we're perfect for each other."
She smiles as she locks away his heart in her chest, too, before she sighs. Her arms snakes around his narrow waist while she shimmies into the den under his arm and caresses his chest with the tip of her nose. "I'm going to miss being losers with you."
"I don't think anyone can stop you from being a loser," he ribs in an attempt to keep the mood playful, but she's somber again, only now, her hand is clutching the new heart in her chest.
Hyungwon feels it too, the inevitability of the clock. He needs to bank some sleep before he departs because he knows these first few nights away from her will be sleepless, too, but he really doesn't want to sacrifice this. It feels like an insult to the pure joy the universe has been merciful enough to grant him.
But she reads him as she always does—easily. "Sleep, baby. I want one last night of peace in your arms. You always give me the best dreams."
"How can I say no to that?"
"You can't," she assures and rocks her smile across his skin like a stamp.
They lay there for another moment, but she's still stiff. He chuckles.
"Okay, okay, I'll clean up the plates," he says and moves to get up, but she cinches herself like a koala bear to his side.
"No fucking way, forget it. I'll do it tomorrow. It'll give me a smile through my tears thinking about how they got there."
"I love your chaos, sweetheart."
"I love you."
Their lips meet in a sweet, short kiss, but before they part, he whispers against them, "I love you, too."
All things considered, even as he's about to be ripped from her side, Hyungwon knows he’s the luckiest man in the world. He'll suffer a thousand separations so long as he can return to her waiting arms.
The rain patters away, and even though it ruined her plans for him, he thanks it for furthering his plans for her.
Hyungwon closes his eyes and breathes in the clean scent of her hair. He folds her into his arms—and into his memory and his soul. He will take her with him everywhere he goes for the next year so it's like she's never even moved from his side.
He doesn't tell her that when he returns, he will ask her to marry him. As hard as it is to keep it to himself, he can't propose now and then disappear. Besides, he needs to live in that starburst of perfect happiness with her. He wants to listen to her plan with her mother and her friends. He wants to watch her pore over wedding magazines and earmark the pages and ask him from time to time what he thinks. And there's no way he's missing out on the menu tasting either...
So he will wait until he can make love to her at night again and again and then snuggle her to him as he falls asleep, remembering how fucking lucky he is that she chose him.
For now, Hyungwon clings to her and the good in their goodbye.
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A/N: I never write established romances. I never write drabbles (I mean, I guess this is longer than a drabble, but it's a drabble for me lmao). I never write slice of life. I never write anything in one sitting. But all my nevers go out the window when it comes to Hyungwon, it seems.
I went with present tense for this so I can feel like I'm trapped in this snow globe of a moment for the next 18 months lolsob. Also, I wrote a lot of this while listening on loop to Jus2's Drunk On You.
It's stupid to admit that something that is only 3,800 words took me a full work-day to write, but it definitely did. >.>
To my Hyungwon: Baby, I'm going to miss you so fucking much, but I hope you enjoy your time away from your constant obligations. Be healthy, be happy, be strong. We're not going anywhere, not for a single second. We can't wait for all of you to be back with us again. <3
Now, to go cry in a corner with my hood up, my bangs shrouding my face, and maudlin music warbling in the background as the rain falls.
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sandiegokpop · 2 years
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Never do this pose again
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astroyongie · 1 year
Can you do a what does monsta c think abt sakura?
What Does Monsta X Thinks Of: Sakura
Note: please take it lightly as it's done through tarot
He thinks she is a very nice girl, pretty and fair overall. He doesn't know much of her so he just thinks her idols image is correct
Seems like he doesn't think much good of her, for Minhyuk she is a pick-me girl and an "easy" girl in some sense. He doesn't see her as being someone very stable
Also I see that for him she is someone who also isn't mentally stable
He does see her as being a very beautiful woman, someone very bright and with a nice warm energy around her when she is around people
they don't talk to one another, it seems like Sakura has avoided him a lot in the past
Despite finding her very pretty, he does critic her a lot for her idol performances and images
He does like her a lot, and finds her to be very pretty and someone he could have dated. (I have a feeling there was probably in the past a fling between the two) since Hyungwon seem to have had lots of opportunities with Sakura
He has a hard time understanding her when she speaks or when she is around. However he does think she is a very well grounded idol
But at the same time he sees Sakura as a money girl, someone who is very wealthy and likes to be obsessive and demonstrative of her money
For him she is someone very pretty, nice and who's lucky in general. He admires his career and her overall. I don't think he knows much of her but he would smash if you ask him
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shadowkoo · 6 months
mini requests
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open | CLOSED
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Hi! I'm opening my requests for the first time in nearly three years! I'm hoping by doing this sort of drabble game / mini fic requests that I can ease my way back into writing after my long hiatus. If you are interested in sending in a request, please continue reading for all the details. Thank you!
Rules + Requirements :
Follow me (if you are not already)
Reblog this post (boosts are appreciated)
Must be 18+ (minors please dni)
To Request:
Choose a group & member (1 only please)
Pick a genre (max of 3)
Select a prompt (max of 2)
Visit my askbox and use a similar format like this: "Can I request Taehyung (BTS) fluff, smut, and coworkers au with prompt #4"
*please make sure that you include the group in parenthesis after stating which member you're requesting
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Groups + Members:
BTS - Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook
EXO - Kai, Baekhyun, Sehun, Chanyeol, Chen, Suho, Kyungsoo, Xiumin, Lay
NCT - Taeyong, Taeil, Johnny, Yuta, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Ten, Winwin, Kun, Jungwoo, Mark, Xiaojun, Hendery, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Yangyang, Jisung
SVT - Vernon, Mingyu, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Minghao, Woozi, Joshua, Hoshi, Junhui, Seokmin, Seungcheol
GOT7 - Jinyoung, Jackson, Bam, Yugyeom, Mark, Jaebeom, Youngjae
ATEEZ - Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung, Jongho
MONSTA X - Shownu, Minhyuk, Kihyun, Hyungwon, Jooheon, Changkyun
STRAY KIDS - Bang Chan, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin
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Genres + AUs:
Enemies to lovers
Friends to lovers
Friends with benefits
Meet Cute
Meet Ugly
Athlete (you may specify in your request)
*idol au means that they will be depicted as their real identities (as actual kpop idols & famous celebrities)
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"Don't look at me like that. You know what that does to me."
"I wish I never met you."
"It's your lucky day."
"I'm sorry, who are you?"
"I can't stop thinking about you."
"Open your mouth."
"Why do you even care?"
"You're more important than you think."
"What do you need me to do?"
"Please leave."
"That's my final answer."
"Did you see that?" "See what?"
"What do you want from me?"
"God, you look so fucking good."
"You're unbelievable."
"Isn't that your mom?"
"I swear I've seen your face somewhere before."
"You're such a tease."
"Don't you dare lie to me."
"Who are the flowers for?"
"Don't forget that we're in public, baby."
"Are you scared? You should be."
"Please say something. Anything."
"Do you forgive me?"
"You forgot."
"You're crazy and I like it."
"Where are you taking me?"
"I think I'm in love with you."
"I need you. Now."
"What did you say?"
"Did you miss me?"
"I dare you."
"I bought you something."
"Is it supposed to taste like that?"
"Ew. Why does it look like that?"
"Baby are you close?" "No but the Uber is."
"How many doughnuts can I stack on it?"
"This is why no one likes you."
"Put your dick away, this is a Lowe's."
"Stop yelling at me!" "You’re panicking, you’ll crash the car." "It’s not everyday a demon crawls out of your trunk!"
"Who the fuck did I marry?"
This is the fifth letter you will write to them, and it will not be the last.
Six days after they left, the ticking behind the wall began.
A mob boss with a black eye and a jagged scar over his wrist sits alone in a dingy motel room. The kitten stares at him affectionately, oblivious to the danger they both are in. Oblivious to the mess it caused.
It happened concurrently, and so quickly. The moon started getting closer and brighter in the sky, and you started hearing them in the radio static.
With a palpable fury, the demon turns to you, ignoring the rubble of your kitchen, and sneers. "How did you summon me? You've pulled me out of chains centuries old." Frantically, you skim through your cookbook. "I don't know! I was trying to make soup!"
They held out a hand, an echo of the melody playing from their fingertips. "The world seems to dance to your tune," they spoke, their voice a captivating blend of amusement and intrigue. The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken questions.
Sometimes you question how everything could have turned out if that day had gone differently.
Chills creep down your spine as you peek through the cracked doorway. You're not supposed to be witnessing this. They'll kill you if they find out.
Free Space - send in your own prompt! Please keep it relatively short!
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Not every request may be fulfilled, it is up to my discretion.
Word count may vary between requests (300 to 3k, etc.).
Unless requested otherwise, all fics will be written as female reader insert.
Please refer to the top of the original post to know whether requests are open or closed (reblogs may show something different).
Things I will NOT write: suicide, self-harm, animal abuse, underage sex, pedophilia, incest, vore, rape, non-consensual, or dubious sex.
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p1harmonie · 8 months
hyungwon.....minhyuk......please come back quickly i don't know for how long i can go on pretending changkyun isn't in my bias line
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