#it's incredible creative and lovely
seventytwoowls · 1 month
“When my skin feels like a barrier between /Everything else in this universe and me / Then I try to remember / That there may very well be a link between us / That I can't see / Something underneath the surface / Buried / In among the weeds.”
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ID: A watercolor painting outlined with ballpoint pen of a human heart. The heart has been colored brown, and the arteries have been drawn as the caps of Armillaria Ostoyae, a brown mushroom with speckled caps. the veins running over the chambers of the heart are dark brown. The painting has been titled, “Armillaria Ostoyae”.
Art that I made for @narcissistcookbook , who I saw in the flesh tonight :) they and their audience were very cool, soaring over the (low) bar set by the only other concert I have ever been to.
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jacarandaaaas · 1 month
Mirabel Madrigal & Creativity:
So something I’ve realized after watching the movie a couple of times now is how mirabels story can easily correlate with the experience of someone creative when you’re only considered of use if you’re academically smart.
Not only do they refer to the magic as “gifts” and “gifted” very common terms associated with people who are considered academically smart but also the fact mirabel is shown as an artist. Our first introduction to her you see her room is plastered in artwork as a 5 year old and even after the prologue you still see she’s kept her artistic side. the thing is mirabel is incredibly talented she draws, she sews, she embroiders, paints, plays the accordion too! These are all incredible talents to possess and yet do we ever see her getting praised for them in the movie? not really. because mirabel doesn’t have a “gift” a literal magic gift yes but also could be interpreted for a creative as academic smarts. Creative thinking is something mirabel possesses and its quite literally the answer in the end but because she’s not smart in the expected way i.e academics she feels she’s not worth as much as others in her family.
I like to think making her an artist was an intentional choice as I know a lot of fellow artists have had people tell us it’s not a “useful” skill to have in the real world. It’s not worth taking the time doing when you could be pursuing medicine or law or something that uses your brain. Even in the ending of the movie mirabel tells them they’re “more than just your gift” which I feel can relate a lot to people who heavily rely on their academic achievements they can forget it’s ok to not do 100% every time and these ridiculous standards are just wearing you down.
So in conclusion I believe mirabels story resonates a lot with the experience of being a creative person but your skills not being seen as valuable. I just love that they made mirabel an artist to show how talented she actually is! she shows that creatives are valued and appreciated and needed and deserve to be encouraged not shot down! so thank you mirabel valentina rojas madrigal for being my favorite artist <3
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maximura · 9 months
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DPR IAN-Limbo | How I leave 2023 and enter 2024
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poppybros-jr · 16 days
Sorry I’m late! I worked very hard last round and made myself tired. But I’m back now, so it’s time for a…
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I’m doing something different this round! I’ve mostly been cheering on people I’m good friends with, but this round I want to cheer for some people who I think are cool but I don’t know them very well yet! And my first target is none other than Life herself!
- Life is… well, Life! When I joined this tournament I didn’t expect there to be someone here who was actually life! I’m still a little confused about it, but I think she seems really nice!
- I dunno about you, but I love being alive! Supporting Life in the tournament is a good way to show appreciation for how great life is, right?
- Life is everywhere! She’s part of everyone and everything, no matter how big or small! It sounds like a lot of work existing everywhere at once. Pretty awesome, though!
- I like her cool rainbow cloak thing! And she always has butterflies with her! I think they’re her children? I love butterflies! I love all bugs, really!
Vote for Life!
Life belongs to @shippyo
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funkbun · 2 years
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he’s so silly
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luvr-of-loser-gurlz · 1 month
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Diversity loss! The most annoying man ever is in love with the most gorgeous man you have ever seen and can and WILL reclaim the f-slur!
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akabaka-dev · 5 months
are we ever going to get a masc presenting eldritch horror to smooch? thoroughly enjoying the femmes but a guy or two would be nice :3c
Next game in SFL universe is very early in planning stages, but tentatively plans are yes
I think the masc loving ppl who loved The Shape of Water (me) will be really thrilled about at least one character in the works
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somethingaboutmint · 5 months
Genuinely about to block the fallout tag and move on with my life cuz the last week has been absolutely insane. I was more so excited for the show due to the idea that it'd bring in new and old fans alike and that the community would finally have new content to have fun with and analyse but all it did is start pointless arguing and "my fallout media is holier than thine" attitudes that has made just existing on tumblr depressing and miserable cuz every third post i get reccomended is one group tearing into the other because of x y or z or all at once. I have never in my life seen people being so agressive and combatitive over a franchise or piece or media they claim to love.
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notbecauseofvictories · 7 months
I wish there were more restaurants with affordable prix fixe or tasting menus. I would love for nice but not ridiculously fancy restaurants to basically say "here is what we're sure is good today, you can eat that or maybe one or two other things. Otherwise come back in 2-3 days and see if that's more interesting."
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notthesaint · 8 months
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Hiii, I wanted to draw a Winged Nosk dragon for a while. Figured the Winged Nosk person's birthday would be a perfect opportunity to do so.
Happy birthday! Hope you have a great one <3
Oh lird.. I just opened tumblr and I suddenly gotten attacked by a weird lookin creecher. HELLO?! HUH, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING AND I AM SO FLABBERGASTED BY THIS ARTWORK 😭😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH 🧡🧡🧡
YO YO YO HOLY SHIT. I'm such a SUckER for creepy freaky creecher designs. I AM LOSINV MY MIND OVER THIS ONE
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applebees4prez · 10 months
when i say that this was my 9/11 i fully mean it. i would pull out my computer and write it myself if it weren’t so personal to dan. i will go into debt to make this happen. @danielhowell if there is anything i can personally to get dan is not okay out into the world i will do it i don’t care if i’m a freshman in college i would die for this.
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katierosefun · 2 months
Hello :))) So, i was today years old when i learned you had a girlfriend (if i’m not mistaken) and somehow it means a lot to me as you’re one of my comfort blog and that i’ve been struggling with my own sexuality for a while. (I hope it does not come off as weird this is really not my intention 😭) So i was wondering if you would mind sharing how you two met as i love hearing about queer love stories coming from real people and not only in fiction (somehow i need to be reminded that yes, it can happen in real life too for me??) If and only if you’re comfortable doing so of course!!!
aww hi anon! first of all, thank you so much for the kind words--i'm so glad to hear that my blog is a source of comfort for you. and also, re: your sexuality--i'm sending you so much love! i know how scary and how overwhelming it can be to still be figuring out your sexuality and navigating your own queerness, so please remember to have some compassion for yourself, and please know that you're not alone.
as for my girlfriend: yes! i do in fact have one, and we've been together for a little over a year and a half now. we'll be going on two years pretty soon, which is all very exciting!
as for how we met: it's all a pretty funny story, because we actually met while we were both in college. and also right during that first covid summer too. we started off as long-distance friends, bonding our love for star wars and writing.
anyways, i totally had a crush on her, although i was trying to play it off most of the time. the fact that we lived in separate cities was another factor too, of course.
fast forward to a few years later, when we've both graduated college. i've just started my first year of law school; she's working at this point. we're still texting and calling each other a bit, and then i tell her, oh yeah, i'm going out on a date with this guy.
and just like something from a kdrama or a movie or something, this ridiculous, lovely woman texts me as i'm boarding the bus for my date. her text? hey, i dreamed about you last night! we were sitting on a park bench together and we were holding hands :)
and of course, at this point, i still have a disastrous crush on her (hence why i spent a lot of time dating all these random guys in my junior and senior year of college, because i was like i gotta just get over this), but anon, that text message was the other shoe dropping on my brain. i decided right then and there that enough is enough, i'm gonna call her tomorrow and tell her i like her, so she can't just say stuff like that anymore because i don't think i can take it anymore.
so we arrange to have a phone call the next day, and we chat, and of course, true to form, i have to have some liquid courage on me (peach soju, btw . . . but turns out, if you're jittery enough, you don't even feel the alcohol, because i still remember every detail). anyways, at some point, we're chatting, and then i blurt out, "i like you."
and she goes, "i like you too."
and i went, "no, i mean i like you more than a friend. as in i like you."
and she goes, "uh, yeah. i like you to do. the feeling's mutual."
and of course, i didn't know what to say to that. like, i swear i was just like "??? what?" because the thing is, i had this whole speech planned out in my head--something like i like you, and you don't like me like that, so i'm sorry that this is awkward, and i can just take care of my own feelings, but i just really needed to say that so that we're both on the same page--
so to say i was pretty stunned would be an understatement! so cue a lot of laughter and flustering, and fast forward to today, with her living with me for the summer (because of course, she'll need to go back to work and i'll have to go back to school once august hits), and we talk about how many pets we're going to have one day (she has this hobby of sending me videos of increasingly exotic animals and going "??? so can we have this as a pet? :)"), and we've talked about what our wedding is going to be like (as well as what our wedding will not be like) . . .
this is just a whole lot of details, but as you might be the first one to ask me about this lovely person on this webbed site, of course i'm going to ramble and gush--but anon, to give you some hope here, queer love is a beautiful thing and it certainly happens.
personally, i would love to go back in time and find my sad high school self and go "hey, hang in there, because you're gonna be lucky enough to finally fall in love with someone who's kind and warm and patient and loving, and she's going to encourage you to be a better person, and she's going to make friends with literally every single stranger on the street (much to your partial exasperation and partial wonder), and she's going to be really bad at staying hydrated, and she's going to take so many photographs of everything, and she's going to make friendship bracelets on your bed, and she's going to almost fight the secretary at a dentist's office for you (while you tug at her sleeve and go come on, i'm fine, let's just go), and she's going to recite and write poetry that you keep both on your walls and also in your head, and her grandma is going to show you the dorkiest photos she has of this silly, lovely, beautiful person who you love."
so: all that to say, anon, i hope that gave you some hope! it's such a long journey for some of us, but i promise that queer love is out there and healthily alive, and yeah, sometimes they're just as good (or even better) than those that you find in fiction :)
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jakeabel · 1 year
this era of fall out boy is so crazy like so much (for) stardust is so special to me the music videos making a point of having all 4 guys in them is so special to me tourdust is so special to me the return of stage banter is so special to me the magic 8 ball segment is so special to me friendship is so special to me healing is so special to me FALL OUT BOY is so special to me….
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rosefires20 · 1 year
I love the talent of the QSMP fanbase.
I love that the admins and ccs go out of their way to celebrate the fan creators.
They literally spent like an hour and a half watching fan animations and clips. I'd seen a lot of them but there were also ones I had never seen that have made me absoutely insane because holy shit it's all so good.
Also. I just love animations and animatics. I watch so many for every fandom I go into and I will rewatch them over and over and over again. They bring back all the joy and excitement I have over the server without fail every single time. Like Regret makes me insane. Genuinely. The details. The story telling. The original story itself that happened on the server. The talent of the artist too. Like it's just so good all around
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okkennymay · 6 months
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This wasn't even the OC they'd just paid me to draw a painted bust of.
I just- I just really love redrawing memes and the opportunity was right there staring me in the face (he was their icon and everything!) and I just had to
@orcdilf Your username and response made my day, you are indeed, doing your part!
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irlplasticlamb · 8 months
Did you go to art uni? What were the most important things you learned?
i did yes :) i think the most important thing i learned is to experiment and to put at least a little bit of meaning behind every element of your art piece — that’s why i got so into animal motifs and flower language, i think they’re such a lovely way to present stuff! but honestly my course was very lenient, it was mostly about you doing you and tutors giving you advice where necessary!
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