#it's insane how quickly you can process thousands of pages of data once you know what you're doing
If you have the ability, please learn to code.
I haven't seen many posts about this, but part of the reason radical feminists and women in general are getting effectively silenced is because men control tech, and there are few women with the skills to set up our own networks.
I'm not saying learn to code and get a job in tech, but your activism can be so much more effective if you have a solid coding foundation. Need a list of all the Crisis Pregnancy Centers (fake abortion clinics) in the USA, in a data format that's easy to track and update with new info over time? That would take hundreds of hours manually. I can write a scraping script, set up a local sqlite database, and get running in a weekend. If I want to make that list public-facing, but don't want the hassle of setting up a more robust database like PostgresQL or MySQL, I can export a JSON file and make a web page that generates listings for each entry in the file.
Automating manual data entry saves so much time. Web scraping saves so much time. Knowing how to access APIs to get the data you need saves so much fucking time.
I highly recommend Python as a beginning programming language. It's a mature language that is still updated, has wide support, has a lot of free learning materials aimed at people who are new to programming, has intuitive syntax, and it has a ton of libraries and frameworks that cover the spectrum of tech needs. If you want to do it, there's probably a way in Python.
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Dropshiply Review: The #1 System for a 6-Figure Dropshipping Business!
The Sky is Falling Down. I keep getting some answers concerning how redistributing is dead in 2020.
It's unreasonably inconvenient
There's an abundance of competition
Shopify is dead
No doubt right! The game may have changed a piece, anyway with resources like the one underneath, it's once in a while been less complex! By and by you can make sense of how to start your own unique semi-robotized Dropshipping business from the comfort of your own home. We ought to find more nuances in my Dropshiply Review underneath!
Dropshiply Review
Substance [hide]
What is Dropshiply?
Dropshiply Review Overview
About Creators
Key Features
The points of interest
Reasonable Dropshiply Review: Is it worth your money?
Dropshiply Review Conclusion
What is Dropshiply?
It is protected to state that you are confused and confounded with the nonappearance of arrangements on your eCom store? Are you arranged to attract gigantic measures of buyers, the sort that pull out their cards from their wallets arranged to buy something from your store without rethinking setting your bottomline on fire.
Dropshiply is a novel piece of programming that will in a brief moment license you to make a redistributing business without Shopify and robotize all the most overpowering endeavors required for running a 6 figure re-appropriating space. This finally stops month to month charges that you normally need to pay with tangled stages, for instance, Shopify!
You ought to just follow Devid's clear 7-advance structure, and you'll have a high changing over store arranged to take orders in minutes! This is a comparative system that has
made $3.6M in ecom bargains for his understudies.
How his understudies had the alternative to get enormous achievement in such a short proportion of time? Zero contention! Reality is bizarre to say the least, since you'll pick things from an assurance of 5 million things.
Thusly, not in the slightest degree like most game plans where everyone is endeavoring to push something fundamentally the same as, it is astoundingly implausible that you will sell a comparative thing as someone else.
Dropshiply lets YOU pro that essential piece of the puzzle you need, to (finally) get immense achievement with re-appropriating for INSANE advantages. Exactly when you make sense of how to find hot buyers, selling ANYTHING ends up being basic normally… anyway we take things essentially further.
YOU will expand second access to HUNDREDS of strong dropshippers offering the HOTTEST selling things on FB advancements at up to 90% underneath retail costs.
So once you get to this structure, you would have the choice to make ANY thing on your store a raving success thing especially AFTER we uncover to you which things to put in your store and WHERE to get them!
On top of that, to make everything excessively basic you in like manner gain permission to 1-Click Dropship Pro programming application, that will AUTOMATE 97% of your Shopify Dropship business with the objective that you cut time, trade and secure money out your rest!
Basically think, all things required is two or three snaps of your mouse to be viable! All you gotta do is run the direct programming, click two or three discovers depending upon the nuances that are revealed to YOU in the program and you're on the way to an INSTANT 6-figure redistributing business while you do hardly anything!
Dropshiply offers a direct turnkey response for making your own re-appropriating business. It is fitting both for complete disciples and besides for people with some experience re-appropriating.
Inside it, the makers share the particular Method Successful eCommerce-preneurs are using to profit and value the chance of selling on the web with zero stock and without burning through cash on thing pending.
They've discarded all the secret from starting a powerful online store in this a little bit at a time course and they're offering three earth shattering compensations to commence your business.
Prizes associated with the part's zone: their prizes walk you through watching out for and crushing competitor stores, driving free buyer traffic from the second most noteworthy online business suggesting traffic stage and the way to paid social notices to limit costs, ROI high and advantages tremendous!
Profiting by your eCom stores has never been this less difficult. So don't extra a second to take a gander at the accompanying bit of this Dropshiply Review as I'll show you how notable it is by all accounts!
At no other time Seen Technology Builds Dropshipping Empires WITHOUT
Get 10,000+ high looked for after ecom things, with pre-picked suppliers
​NO Skills, NO Experience, NO Staff Required!
Just 5 mins consistently – 1 Click import into your stores
ZERO desire to learn and adjust – 100% Newbie-Friendly – Start obtaining NOW
I have not found any cons related reasonability of this thing yet.
Dropshiply Review Overview
Dropshiply was made by Devid Farah and his assistant Devid Farah. Triumph is a viable online promoter similarly as programming producer. His gathering has made countless dollars in arrangements, and they are known for their verifiable aptitude.
A bit of his things has been an amazing help to me and various publicists including Targeting Academy, TrendyCom, etc. All of them are significantly esteemed by various masters on the planet.
By and by, we should look at the accompanying bit of this Dropshiply Review and find its features!
Key Features
Just Some Of Dropshiply's Powerful Point and Click Features!
WP Connect: Automatically consolidate Dropshiply totally with your current WP stores
Store Stats: Instantly watch and manage all the data from your stores straightforwardly here inside your dashboard
Site improvement Stats: ​Get full SEO experiences.. title, meta depiction, zone authority, page authority, page rank, site improvement score, Alexa overall position, country rank and that's just the beginning!
Second Domain Search: Don't have a zone for your store? Try not to stress over it! Our second region generator will pick a space for you in a second or two!
Claim to fame Intelligence Technology: Know which fortes will GENERATE MONEY before making your store!
Ali Express Spy Tool: We facilitated the entire AliExpress stage inside Dropshiply so you can find THOUSANDS of things that are hard to attempt to know exist without extended lengths of tireless assessment!
eBay Spy: Identify top eBay things and get thing contemplations from top contention so you can predict how arrangements will go!
Walmart Product Finder: Uncover limitless things on Walmart, you can sell on your store right away!
Alexa Spy: Discover traffic subtleties and overall rankings of an enormous number of locales and experience unfamiliar markets
FB Interest Explorer: Uncover an enormous number of useful interest catchphrase phrases for your FB notice campaigns
1-Click Product Importer: Import a few things to your store inside minutes ​one single tick!
Worked In-App Editor: Don't enjoy a particular segment? Try not to perspire it! Rapidly change thing delineations, title, esteem, names, arrangement, pictures, varieties to say the very least!
Senior administrator: ​Manage all of your things, solicitations and customers in a solitary tick!
Manage Orders: View, modify, eradicate organizes here! See all nuances.. thing name, sku, sum, esteem, charging and dispatching info​ and that is just a glimpse of something larger!
Supervise Products: Our "Server Side Processing" development lets you manage all of your things right away!
Supervise Customers: All customers are immediately followed and appeared in Dropshiply. Each and every new solicitation on your store will moreover therefore revive here!
Manage Multiple Listings: Instantly convey another posting, manage various postings or change each and every current posting.
Sync Orders: ​All orders in your stores will be normally coordinated up to Dropshiply dynamically!
Auto Order Technology: Dropshiply places in the solicitation and balances the area with a solitary tick!
Thing Watchdog: Watch at all the cost changes and subsequently update them.
Stock Watchdog: Keeps an eye on stock changes and normally restock things. You'll never sell something your dealer missed the mark on!
Worth Monitor: Monitor each worth changes and thusly update it!
Inbuilt Pricing Margins: Create evaluating rules so you can have solid edges for all the things you sell!
Thing Reports: Get full reports on what number of things have been sold on your stores!
WooCommerce Integration: Dropshiply totally consolidates with WooCommerce so you can have all of your things appeared in your dashboard.
Inbuilt App Store: Dropshiply has a worked in App Store where you can download our Free and Paid online business applications to build up your business and improve your traffic, advancing and bargains!
Premium Themes: ​Our Theme Store consolidates in excess of 100 free and premium expertly organized electronic business points that you can use for your own store!
20+ Api Integration: Dropshiply successfully arranges with 20+ apis to make your life and work easier and faster!
Autoresponder and Email Integration: We have direct blends in with Aweber, GetResponse, Mailchimp and Sendy. You can in like manner fuse with some other application with our custom compromises
Bunches and numerous also surprising features! You will have the alternative to build 6 figure redistributing areas!
That isn't all! For the underlying 50 people, the producers moreover give their extra planning module which isolates the entire procedure into easy to-follow steps so anyone can quickly start getting results. No sto
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Let’s start with a question. What is the first thing that a user interacts with on a website? The interface, of course. The look and feel of the website is the first thing that creates the “First Impression” on the users. An interactive web application can make or break the deal for users, this is why more and more people opt for UI testing or User Interface testing for their web applications. Whatever the user sees and plays with on a website falls under the category of user interface. It is the space on which the website and the user interacts. So when you click on the wheel with section Play and Win on Amazon every Sunday and the wheel rotates to award prizes, it is interacting with the user. They could have done it with a simple ‘click and see’ feature but they know the importance of user experience. UI or User Interface testing has become a lot more important in the past decade. As the number of competitors in our niche increases, we need to make sure that we stay ahead of the curve and give our users the best user experience. Also as the web application comes bundled up with a number of features which can be pretty complex at times. This is why it becomes vital to make this process smoother and intuitive for the user. Otherwise they might just leave your application frustrated by the complexity. This is why UI or User Interface has become so vital and thereby UI acceptance Testing! In this article I’ll discuss in detail about UI testing and why it is important. I will also share some details on the methods of UI testing along with some important tools for UI testing So, What is UI Testing? User Interface testing or UI acceptance testing is the type of testing whereby we check if the UI for the web application works fine or has any defect which hampers user behaviour and does not meet the written specifical. For example, for UI testing we can perform the test on a text field that will take input from the user or the dropdown that slides down when the mouse is hovered over it. It is vital to know how the user will interact between the user and the website, in order to perform UI testing. In other words, by performing UI testing, the tester tries to mimic the user’s behaviour to see how the user will be interacting with the website and see if the website is performing as expected and there are no flaws. A small flaw in the UI such as an issue in the CTA button might result in your website visitor not being able to fill up the lead form, thereby never converting. Who knows, if this was the user who would finally give a boost to your ROI. A website consists of a lot of different web elements from CSS, JavaScript and many other languages. UI testing captures these elements and performs tests and assertions on them. It mainly focuses on the structural and visual part of the website since these are what the user is concerned with rather than how the data is stored inside the database. Since the UI testing covers the user interactive part and the website element can be connected to either screen, keyboard, mouse or any other component that the user uses to interact with the website, this ultimately falls under UI testing The following test scenario will help you understand a component that is important for UI testing. In this test scenario, I am trying to book 3 tickets for a movie on BookMyShow, a popular website for booking movie and event tickets. When I select the seat E-13, it automatically selects 3 seats like this: They are selected continuously which is great since most of the people booking tickets will sit together. Now, if I select F-23 instead of E-13, let’s see what happens. Notice that E-13 is automatically deselected since the application expects that the people would want to sit together and the next selection would be F-22. When I select E-13 as the next seat, the application would select only that seat. This is a major issue as the application could automatically select E-13,14,15 after selecting E-13 as in the first step. Failure in these types of features could harm the user experience and might leave them sight frustrated. Thereby, it becomes vital to perform UI testing. Is UI testing the same thing as GUI testing? GUI (Graphical User Interface) and UI (User Interface) are often viewed as two similar concepts in the world of front-end testing. But, on a deeper level, they are not. UI testing is a broader field and GUI testing can be considered as a subset of UI testing. GUI testing includes the testing of graphical interfaces such as the colour of the elements, the functioning of the elements visible to the user, etc. Whereas the UI testing also includes the non-graphical part of the interfaces such as command line reader or anything through which the user will interact along with GUI. The reason that UI acceptance testing and GUI testing are viewed as similar is that many of the components of UI testing are used less often today. So, in a way, whatever is used inside the area of UI testing today is majorly the GUI testing Manual or Automated, Which Way To Go? Like any other type of testing, UI acceptance testing can also be performed either manually or through automation. Manual UI acceptance testing requires the tester to perform each test manually on every element. For example, testing an input field would require typing in different values again and again for any discrepancies. At first glance, it might look that if there are fewer components of a web UI testing, it is better to go for web UI testing through the manual process which would be done easily and quickly. While it is correct and should be done for a simpler and basic website, it should not be the way to go for complex ones. Today’s websites with rich user interfaces make the manual UI testing quite inefficient, time-consuming and error-prone. Imagine the times you would have to enter the values manually if there are five input boxes and five dropdowns that get populated on the input. It’s insanely high So, why to go for Web UI testing automation? Speed: The first and foremost is the speed. Time is the major resource for every company and automating web UI testing saves a lot of it. Selenium Automation testing for UI acceptance testing requires us to write the tests only once and run them again and again without any intervention with different values and different scenarios. Accuracy: Selenium Automation testing for UI acceptance testing helps us in executing tests without any error, provided the tests are written correctly. Manual testing for UI acceptance testing’s main disadvantage is that it is prone to human error. Transparency: Selenium Automation testing for web UI testing also helps in building reports quickly and sharing with the team as soon as the testing is completed. On the other hand, manual testing takes time in extracting results and reporting them manually to generate reports through a software or manually Also, while performing web UI testing it is equally important to make sure the web application does not have any cross browser compatibility issues. Since every browser works with a different browser engine and might not support the same CSS features. Thereby it becomes important that we make sure that our UI or User interface renders seamlessly on all of the major browsers. Testing on different browsers is called cross browser testing, It helps the tester test his website on multiple combinations of all the major browsers and devices including mobiles, tablets, casts etc. Similar to the above-mentioned areas, cross browser testing can also be performed in both the ways (Manual and Automation). But, hundreds and thousands of web UI testing can be too much for a person or a team to test manually. This needs to be automated. Automation is the human’s way of telling the computers that, “I am handing this over to you with the instructions, please do the magic as you always do”. Automated cross browser testing is done through scripts and running them over multiple browsers. The number and language of the tests is up to the tester. Selenium is the best way to go for automated cross browser testing. A great learning curve helps testers run the selenium tests quickly and easily. To have hassle-free testing, it is recommended to use an online cross browser testing platform that integrates with Selenium and can provide many features through drag and drop functionality In the next test scenario, I’ll demonstrate the importance of cross browser testing in UI testing. This testing has been performed using an online cross browser testing tool, LambdaTest. To perform our UI test, I’ve taken a simple web page demonstrating the zoom property. Let’s say you decide to build a website where a major element is a box which zooms when hovered over by the mouse. You implement this functionality by using the zoom property of the CSS. But, since you were using Google Chrome as your default browser, zoom worked perfectly fine. Maybe you tested in IE, Edge or Safari and it was working fine there too. It looked like this But now, when your check your website in Firefox browser, you’ll notice that box doesn’t scale: UI Testing Sample p { font-size: 24px; color: firebrick; } #zooming{ padding: 50px; background-color: cadetblue; width: 100px; height: 100px; } #zooming:hover{ zoom : 1.5 } This page demonstrates the importance of cross browser Testing in UI Testing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35              UI Testing Sample                      p {                 font-size: 24px;                 color: firebrick;             }             #zooming{                 padding: 50px;                 background-color: cadetblue;                 width: 100px;                 height: 100px;                              }             #zooming:hover{                 zoom : 1.5             }                                      This page demonstrates the importance of cross browser Testing in UI Testing                                                                       UI Testing Tools To test the user interface of your website, there are a few good tools available online: Grunt: Grunt is a Javascript based selenium automation GUI & UI testing tool. It provides a lot of plugins for easy performance of the tasks. Karma: Karma is a Javascript runner tool which helps in the GUI & UI testing. It can also be used to run the Jasmine tests. Karma comes loaded with helpful tools and features for test running. What Are The Techniques For Web UI Testing? Testing techniques are required to know the answer to the question, “How to perform the testing? In the various techniques described below, various processes are followed. Once we have decided on the type of testing technique we are following, it becomes easier to just follow the concept and generate the results. Exploratory Testing Exploratory testing requires no pre-planning and the tester just creates tests on experience and various other parameters such as previous test results. These parameters may differ from project to project. Exploratory testing provides a very flexible and open opportunity for the tester. Exploratory testing in the web UI testing helps identify hidden test cases as the UI may behave differently in different machines. A tester can make use of the automation while tackling exploratory testing challenges to run the cases on different data. Exploratory testing can also be performed efficiently manually. Scripted Testing If exploratory testing is performing testing without any planning, scripted testing is just opposite to that. Scripted testing is done after the scripts have been written and the test cases have been decided beforehand. As the first step in scripted testing, the tester defines the scripts which denote the tester’s entries and the expected output. The results are then analyzed and reported accordingly. Similar to the exploratory testing, the tester can go ahead with automated scripted testing or manual scripted testing. Although, automated testing in the scripted testing is recommended today because of the large number of lines of code and increased complexities of the project User Experience Testing The user experience testing technique in web UI testing can be done by providing the built project to the end user. The end user can then use the product like we all do and provide his feedback which can then be conveyed to the developer through the testing team. The companies sometimes also release a beta version of the product to their end-users to collect the feedback according to the vast geographic locations. This creates a great testing environment It is not so hard to decode that the user experience testing is a type of exploratory testing since the users do not know what to test and how to test i.e. there is no pre-defined plan. Needless to say, it is done manually. User experience testing can also be done on the partial product to check the UI on a large number of screens and on different locations without developing the complete project. This helps the companies test smaller components with the same intensity as the complete project would have been tested which ultimately improves the quality of the product. How does your UI performance matter? The average size of the website has increased over time. From a few pages to hundreds of pages in a single website today, websites are bigger than ever. Not only this, a single page contains hundreds of elements to create the complete website. This creates a huge load on the server from which the website is being fetched. A slower website is not a good sign for any web developer. Testing this also comes under the umbrella of UI testing and the performance can certainly be improved. Evidently, the improvement of 50% in the back-end system loads the website just 10% faster while the improvement of 50% in the front-end loads the website 40% faster. This makes UI testing a necessary process in improving the overall performance of the website. Achieving speed definitely gives an edge above other websites. Wondering how to achieve this? There are loads of software available online which can be used for performing GUI & UI testing such as YSlow and PageSpeed. The UI testing performs checks on the elements that weave together to create the user interface. Writing tests again and again and executing them manually is becoming redundant. This is why the world is moving towards UI testing automation. Role of UI testing automation has increased significantly in the past years due to increasing complexities and bigger projects. Also read: 17 UI Design Mistakes That Fails Your Website All in All In a nutshell, web UI testing requires testers to test the website as if to mimic the user’s behaviour. Combining all the possibilities and permutations, the tester needs to make sure that the website works seamlessly with all the elements working as intended. Also, since no browser is the same, cross browser testing needs to be performed to ensure your website performs seamlessly across all major browsers. Web UI testing automation will further help you gain an extra edge over your competitors and make your users addicted to your web application. AS That’s all folks! Stay Safe and Happy Testing!
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jaquelineburkhart · 5 years
Digi Funnel Lab Review
Digi Funnel Lab Review! What's inside Digi Funnel Laboratory? Essentially, it can make you a great deal of cash while saving you thousands of dollars monthly on various other tools. It's a 3-in-1 tool for anyone intending to sell anything on-line - or perhaps just provide something away. The insane component is that you can pick it up for an once price, rather than 3 monthly payments for each devices separately, if you would certainly select the competitors (check my testimonial video clip for information). Digi Funnel Laboratory is definitely an essential for any kind of online marketer - from novice to progressed, and if you would certainly ask me - the device for quickly developing info products in seconds alone deserves it's cost x100. Digi Funnel Lab Review - It does not matter if you intend to offer your own products and also/ or solutions or if you intend to do associate advertising to earn money online ... you'll need to be able to create basic squeeze web pages and pdfs to sell/giveaway if you wish to be successful. There's a million different methods of doing it - and typically it includes a lot of various abilities with a number of various devices. Trust me, I've learnt by hand. What Glynn Kosky did inside this brand-new cloud app is he simplified the whole process, he added 3 devices inside one members location and also he determined to provide you access for an one-time silly affordable price - which is unusual when it pertains to the competition. Click Funnels will cost you $97-$ 297 per month, and also indeed it is a fantastic device. However will you actually use all the functionalities when you're simply beginning? Probably not. Most of the themes, items and also funnels are currently done for you inside the members area - you simply need to place it with each other in such a way that makes good sense for whatever you're marketing or offering away. You can additionally go back to square one if you desire - you remain in complete control at all times. The most effective point is that if you wish to conserve time, and get going ASAP, you can actually get hold of a DFY template and publish it in mins - then just add your affiliate link. Whatever is basic to make use of, instinctive and there's no learning curve - and also Glynn adds detailed video clip training, so you know you will not be lost or perplexed at any type of factor of the entire process. Also if you do not know exactly how to use these web pages and funnels for on your own, you can start billing people for the service you supply as well as make cash by doing this. The skies is the limitation below! If you're appreciating this Digi Funnel Lab Review and want to find out more about Digi Funnel Lab, have a look at my comprehensive video review above!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xALhi-s-E3E https://medium.com/@artflair/digi-funnel-lab-review-digifunnel-lab-pro-review-5d742216c131 https://artflair.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/08/24/033042 https://theptcpromethod.blogspot.com/2019/08/digi-funnel-lab-review-digifunnel-lab.html?showComment=1566585153432 http://artofimarketing.over-blog.com/2019/08/digi-funnel-lab-review-digifunnel-lab-pro-review.html https://artofimarketing.wordpress.com/2019/08/23/digi-funnel-lab-review-digifunnel-lab-pro-review/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/325326230/ https://twitter.com/artflairblog/status/1164970655298838530 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564483110475032/permalink/2425476637709004/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1009074692442562/permalink/2869238229759523/ https://www.reddit.com/user/IMArtFlair/comments/cui0mk/digi_funnel_lab_review_digifunnel_lab_pro_review/ https://www.reddit.com/user/IMArtFlair/comments/cui0ui/digi_funnel_lab_review_digifunnel_lab_pro_review/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686369978590/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686369978598/ https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686369978593/ https://vk.com/wall526840437_145 https://vk.com/id526840437?w=wall526840437_147%2Fall https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6570737496370495488/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/art-of-marketing-612a8aa3_httpslnkdind5qgq8v-activity-6570737620312182784-6FjQ Digi Funnel Laboratory Funnel: OTO 1 Digi Funnel Laboratory UNLIMITED-- Unlimited Version of Application Permits You To Create Funnels, Products, provides you unlimited storage, added layouts, even more loan making features-- essentially it saves you time while making more loan. OTO 2 Digi Funnel Laboratory-- Done-For-You Funnels-- Done For You funnels finishes with touchdown web pages, thanks pages and high quality products made for you. You simply need to integrate your autoresponder and include your repayment details. Everything technological is totally Provided for You and also proven to transform. OTO 3 Digi Funnel Laboratory-- Automated Website Traffic Flow-- Done-For-You traffic stream! What you get to do below is include your Facebook & Google Ads pixel on every one of the previous sales pages and also the sales page of the DigiFunnel Laboratory launch to siphon out traffic. Video training is consisted of on how to get your pixel, exactly how to run ads via retargeting to this HUGE target market. You can obtain unrestricted web traffic with this at an once cost! OTO 4 Digi Funnel Lab-- Conversion Boosting Tools-- Extra Tools That Will Aid You To Make Even More Money. Perfect For All Affiliates, as it enables you to a, dd Your Facebook Advertisements Pixel To Your Funnel Pages, Include Facebook Remarks To Your Funnel Pages, Include Facebook Chat Widget To Your Funnel Pages, Add Departure Popups To Develop An Email Checklist as well as Add Social Evidence Popups! Effective! OTO 5 Digi Funnel Lab-- Reward Web Page Building contractor-- Software produces spectacular incentive web pages that you can make use of to promote anything as an associate. Select product from a massive data source to hand out. Software application likewise automatically creates a bonus offer web pages with the items you pick AND ALSO a thank you web page for clients to download these products. Cloud based software program instantly contributed to the Car Earnings Funnels dashboard if the client upgrades. OTO 6 Digi Funnel Lab-- License Legal rights-- You obtain legal rights to offer Digi Funnel Lab as your own item and keep 100% of the revenues for yourself. You get DFY e-mail swipes to promote it as your very own product and also whatever is done for you. You additionally get a collection of traffic video clips to help you offer it, especially if you have not run traffic prior to. Most importantly-- you additionally get access to Glynn using FB as well as Skype for any type of future assistance.
0 notes
kellykperez · 6 years
The comprehensive guide to voice search keyword research
Informational keyword research is a subject that has been covered thousands of times across every SEO blog, publication, and web design company.
However, with voice becoming a more prominent way of searching, it’s important that it’s now taken into consideration. With voice usage growing, marketers need to understand how their audience is using this technology, and how they can adapt to this. Keyword research has been advancing dramatically over the last couple of years. No longer are the days of simply sorting by the highest search volume and creating a page; it comes down to much more than that. Semantics, categorisation, ranking difficulty vs reward, questions, featured snippets, people also ask. The list goes on.
A straightforward task has now become much more complex as well as time-consuming, and it’s important that it’s right the first time as keyword research will tend to influence your strategy, projections and, in some cases, KPIs.
We’ll be using a variety of paid and free tools within this guide. However, even without the paid tools it will give you a large dataset but will require a little more manual work.
Keyword Set
We’re going to be basing this on you already having a website that is established in some form or another, meaning you already have some rankings which can be used as an initial starting point. However, if this isn’t the case you’ll be able to simply skip these steps, although in some cases it could cause you to miss out on some smaller keywords.
Search Console
Underrated a lot of the time and critiqued heavily, however it’s a free tool that does give you lots of data, especially with recent updates; you’re able to obtain 16 months’ worth. It can sometimes be slightly inaccurate, however that’s much more data that you will be able to get from many paid tools.
To get the most out of this it’s best to try and filter down to the pages which are informational on your site – for example, your blog, a hub or guides.
This will give you a top list of URLs which you can then dig into and provide you with a list of keywords to expand on. We suggest taking a list of the main subjects you find here to be able to dig into them further later on.
Another free tool that we can take advantage of? Autocomplete, or Google Suggest, has been around for 14 years now, which simply seems insane. The feature, created on a bus by Kevin Gibbs, has given us bundles of joy throughout the years as well as causing controversy in other instances but it does give us a great research tool.
This is something that we have created in-house tools to take care of, simply due to the nature of the task. However it’s something you can carry out manually by adding your keyword into the search box and grabbing the suggestions.
It’s worth noting here that the monthly search volumes, as well as CPC estimates, are all generated by the keywords everywhere tool which is a must have as it can give you instant feedback on how many people are searching for the keyword as well as commercial intent.
This is something that will work well for some industries but not all. Again, take down all of the keyword suggestions you find and place them into your list of ideas generated from Search Console.
Now, this is where we start to look at voice in more detail. We know that voice search is mainly used for asking questions – the whos, wheres and whats of the world. Having a list of these question modifiers allows you to take the Google Suggest keyword data even further.
These question modifiers allow us to really dig down into the questions people are asking, as these may not always have a lot of search volume and be easily find-able. By using wildcards in the search queries alongside the main subject, you will expand the keyword set even further.
Some questions may not make sense and may not be keywords you want to go after. But, doing this for all of the questions modified, along with your key subjects, will give you a great starting position for your voice focused keyword research.
Related Queries & People Also Ask
Yes, we’re still on the same page yet there are more sections where we can continue to expand the keyword set. Related queries and people also ask are great free sources to further expand on what you already have.
If you do this with all of the question queries you have obtained from the initial search console and suggested search data, you will then have a huge list of questions people are asking about your chosen areas. This gives you a great starting point for targeting people searching via voice as well as normal typed searches.
This isn’t anything new but is an important step in making your data set as fool-proof as possible. Entering your competitors into Ahrefs or SEMrush, filtering down by their informational areas, or simply anything with one of the question-related modifiers and adding this to your list is a very quick and simple way of making sure you aren’t missing anything the competition is doing.
This is one of our favorite tools right now. It’s been proven to be one of the best at backlink exploration but is also great for keyword data, especially when building up a keyword set.
Creating a keyword list
First of all, you’ll need to set up your keyword list, based on the previous data you have gathered. This will then automatically pull through the search volumes, clicks, difficulty and many more data points.
It’s important to note that some of the data may not have been updated in some time. If this is the case you’ll need to use your credits to re-run this to gather new data.
As we know, voice search is all about questions. This is where we can further expand on the keyword set by using Ahrefs’ questions section.
This is going to be one of the most important areas of the keyword research. Ahrefs does only take the first 10 keywords from the keyword list though, so it may be worth inputting the main categories, to begin with, to find questions around those and gradually digging deeper once you have the main questions.
There are going to be a lot of long tail questions with very little search volume, depending on the niche. It’s worth filtering through these to see if they are in fact useful. If so keep them, if they don’t make sense, get rid.
Other data gathering tools
As well as the ‘normal’ keyword research tools there are many other places you can find data on questions people are searching for. Again, depending on the niche this may or may not be useful to you. Quora is a great place for gathering information around voice-based searches as it’s a platform for exactly that – asking questions.
This is simply the top five results for that seed keyword in the search bar. Search for some of your main topics, grab the lists of results and again feed them into your keyword set, either on Ahrefs or your excel sheet.
The same can be said for Pinterest. This is great for lifestyle and retail websites as Pinterest is, of course, a very visual platform.
This search has very quickly given me another list of suggested searches, which I can then take, expand on using the variety of different techniques already outlined and again add to the already extensive data set we have collated. Pinterest is great platform to find keyword ideas for retail, to inform both offline and online strategies.
Local intent keywords
Voice search is not only about content driven informational terms. Sometimes it may be as simple as asking for opening times, contact details or business history. It’s important that these are factored into your keyword sets. Also, if you aren’t a business with a lot of branded search volume it may be difficult to find specific keywords with tools.
However, data from GSC may still provide you some great insight. We would suggest having a separate document to make sure that any questions around your specific brand are answered. This may mean making sure your structured data is up to scratch, Google Local Listings are complete or the content on your site includes what people are looking for.
The Final Keyword Set
Doing a keyword research for voice is not much different to how you would normally carry out a keyword research for informational. However, there is much more of a focus on questions – not only high-volume questions but ones which could have 0-10 searches a month simply due to the long tail nature.
Running through this process multiple times, with your different seed keywords, will help build out an extensive list of questions and informational terms people are searching for. This will not only help influence your content strategy but your sales strategy – knowing what people are looking for is the first step in understanding your user or customer base.
source https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/10/18/guide-voice-search-keyword-research/ from Rising Phoenix SEO http://risingphoenixseo.blogspot.com/2018/10/the-comprehensive-guide-to-voice-search.html
0 notes
evaaguilaus · 6 years
The comprehensive guide to voice search keyword research
Informational keyword research is a subject that has been covered thousands of times across every SEO blog, publication, and web design company.
However, with voice becoming a more prominent way of searching, it’s important that it’s now taken into consideration. With voice usage growing, marketers need to understand how their audience is using this technology, and how they can adapt to this. Keyword research has been advancing dramatically over the last couple of years. No longer are the days of simply sorting by the highest search volume and creating a page; it comes down to much more than that. Semantics, categorisation, ranking difficulty vs reward, questions, featured snippets, people also ask. The list goes on.
A straightforward task has now become much more complex as well as time-consuming, and it’s important that it’s right the first time as keyword research will tend to influence your strategy, projections and, in some cases, KPIs.
We’ll be using a variety of paid and free tools within this guide. However, even without the paid tools it will give you a large dataset but will require a little more manual work.
Keyword Set
We’re going to be basing this on you already having a website that is established in some form or another, meaning you already have some rankings which can be used as an initial starting point. However, if this isn’t the case you’ll be able to simply skip these steps, although in some cases it could cause you to miss out on some smaller keywords.
Search Console
Underrated a lot of the time and critiqued heavily, however it’s a free tool that does give you lots of data, especially with recent updates; you’re able to obtain 16 months’ worth. It can sometimes be slightly inaccurate, however that’s much more data that you will be able to get from many paid tools.
To get the most out of this it’s best to try and filter down to the pages which are informational on your site – for example, your blog, a hub or guides.
This will give you a top list of URLs which you can then dig into and provide you with a list of keywords to expand on. We suggest taking a list of the main subjects you find here to be able to dig into them further later on.
Another free tool that we can take advantage of? Autocomplete, or Google Suggest, has been around for 14 years now, which simply seems insane. The feature, created on a bus by Kevin Gibbs, has given us bundles of joy throughout the years as well as causing controversy in other instances but it does give us a great research tool.
This is something that we have created in-house tools to take care of, simply due to the nature of the task. However it’s something you can carry out manually by adding your keyword into the search box and grabbing the suggestions.
It’s worth noting here that the monthly search volumes, as well as CPC estimates, are all generated by the keywords everywhere tool which is a must have as it can give you instant feedback on how many people are searching for the keyword as well as commercial intent.
This is something that will work well for some industries but not all. Again, take down all of the keyword suggestions you find and place them into your list of ideas generated from Search Console.
Now, this is where we start to look at voice in more detail. We know that voice search is mainly used for asking questions – the whos, wheres and whats of the world. Having a list of these question modifiers allows you to take the Google Suggest keyword data even further.
These question modifiers allow us to really dig down into the questions people are asking, as these may not always have a lot of search volume and be easily find-able. By using wildcards in the search queries alongside the main subject, you will expand the keyword set even further.
Some questions may not make sense and may not be keywords you want to go after. But, doing this for all of the questions modified, along with your key subjects, will give you a great starting position for your voice focused keyword research.
Related Queries & People Also Ask
Yes, we’re still on the same page yet there are more sections where we can continue to expand the keyword set. Related queries and people also ask are great free sources to further expand on what you already have.
If you do this with all of the question queries you have obtained from the initial search console and suggested search data, you will then have a huge list of questions people are asking about your chosen areas. This gives you a great starting point for targeting people searching via voice as well as normal typed searches.
This isn’t anything new but is an important step in making your data set as fool-proof as possible. Entering your competitors into Ahrefs or SEMrush, filtering down by their informational areas, or simply anything with one of the question-related modifiers and adding this to your list is a very quick and simple way of making sure you aren’t missing anything the competition is doing.
This is one of our favorite tools right now. It’s been proven to be one of the best at backlink exploration but is also great for keyword data, especially when building up a keyword set.
Creating a keyword list
First of all, you’ll need to set up your keyword list, based on the previous data you have gathered. This will then automatically pull through the search volumes, clicks, difficulty and many more data points.
It’s important to note that some of the data may not have been updated in some time. If this is the case you’ll need to use your credits to re-run this to gather new data.
As we know, voice search is all about questions. This is where we can further expand on the keyword set by using Ahrefs’ questions section.
This is going to be one of the most important areas of the keyword research. Ahrefs does only take the first 10 keywords from the keyword list though, so it may be worth inputting the main categories, to begin with, to find questions around those and gradually digging deeper once you have the main questions.
There are going to be a lot of long tail questions with very little search volume, depending on the niche. It’s worth filtering through these to see if they are in fact useful. If so keep them, if they don’t make sense, get rid.
Other data gathering tools
As well as the ‘normal’ keyword research tools there are many other places you can find data on questions people are searching for. Again, depending on the niche this may or may not be useful to you. Quora is a great place for gathering information around voice-based searches as it’s a platform for exactly that – asking questions.
This is simply the top five results for that seed keyword in the search bar. Search for some of your main topics, grab the lists of results and again feed them into your keyword set, either on Ahrefs or your excel sheet.
The same can be said for Pinterest. This is great for lifestyle and retail websites as Pinterest is, of course, a very visual platform.
This search has very quickly given me another list of suggested searches, which I can then take, expand on using the variety of different techniques already outlined and again add to the already extensive data set we have collated. Pinterest is great platform to find keyword ideas for retail, to inform both offline and online strategies.
Local intent keywords
Voice search is not only about content driven informational terms. Sometimes it may be as simple as asking for opening times, contact details or business history. It’s important that these are factored into your keyword sets. Also, if you aren’t a business with a lot of branded search volume it may be difficult to find specific keywords with tools.
However, data from GSC may still provide you some great insight. We would suggest having a separate document to make sure that any questions around your specific brand are answered. This may mean making sure your structured data is up to scratch, Google Local Listings are complete or the content on your site includes what people are looking for.
The Final Keyword Set
Doing a keyword research for voice is not much different to how you would normally carry out a keyword research for informational. However, there is much more of a focus on questions – not only high-volume questions but ones which could have 0-10 searches a month simply due to the long tail nature.
Running through this process multiple times, with your different seed keywords, will help build out an extensive list of questions and informational terms people are searching for. This will not only help influence your content strategy but your sales strategy – knowing what people are looking for is the first step in understanding your user or customer base.
from Digtal Marketing News https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/10/18/guide-voice-search-keyword-research/
0 notes
bambiguertinus · 6 years
The comprehensive guide to voice search keyword research
Informational keyword research is a subject that has been covered thousands of times across every SEO blog, publication, and web design company.
However, with voice becoming a more prominent way of searching, it’s important that it’s now taken into consideration. With voice usage growing, marketers need to understand how their audience is using this technology, and how they can adapt to this. Keyword research has been advancing dramatically over the last couple of years. No longer are the days of simply sorting by the highest search volume and creating a page; it comes down to much more than that. Semantics, categorisation, ranking difficulty vs reward, questions, featured snippets, people also ask. The list goes on.
A straightforward task has now become much more complex as well as time-consuming, and it’s important that it’s right the first time as keyword research will tend to influence your strategy, projections and, in some cases, KPIs.
We’ll be using a variety of paid and free tools within this guide. However, even without the paid tools it will give you a large dataset but will require a little more manual work.
Keyword Set
We’re going to be basing this on you already having a website that is established in some form or another, meaning you already have some rankings which can be used as an initial starting point. However, if this isn’t the case you’ll be able to simply skip these steps, although in some cases it could cause you to miss out on some smaller keywords.
Search Console
Underrated a lot of the time and critiqued heavily, however it’s a free tool that does give you lots of data, especially with recent updates; you’re able to obtain 16 months’ worth. It can sometimes be slightly inaccurate, however that’s much more data that you will be able to get from many paid tools.
To get the most out of this it’s best to try and filter down to the pages which are informational on your site – for example, your blog, a hub or guides.
This will give you a top list of URLs which you can then dig into and provide you with a list of keywords to expand on. We suggest taking a list of the main subjects you find here to be able to dig into them further later on.
Another free tool that we can take advantage of? Autocomplete, or Google Suggest, has been around for 14 years now, which simply seems insane. The feature, created on a bus by Kevin Gibbs, has given us bundles of joy throughout the years as well as causing controversy in other instances but it does give us a great research tool.
This is something that we have created in-house tools to take care of, simply due to the nature of the task. However it’s something you can carry out manually by adding your keyword into the search box and grabbing the suggestions.
It’s worth noting here that the monthly search volumes, as well as CPC estimates, are all generated by the keywords everywhere tool which is a must have as it can give you instant feedback on how many people are searching for the keyword as well as commercial intent.
This is something that will work well for some industries but not all. Again, take down all of the keyword suggestions you find and place them into your list of ideas generated from Search Console.
Now, this is where we start to look at voice in more detail. We know that voice search is mainly used for asking questions – the whos, wheres and whats of the world. Having a list of these question modifiers allows you to take the Google Suggest keyword data even further.
These question modifiers allow us to really dig down into the questions people are asking, as these may not always have a lot of search volume and be easily find-able. By using wildcards in the search queries alongside the main subject, you will expand the keyword set even further.
Some questions may not make sense and may not be keywords you want to go after. But, doing this for all of the questions modified, along with your key subjects, will give you a great starting position for your voice focused keyword research.
Related Queries & People Also Ask
Yes, we’re still on the same page yet there are more sections where we can continue to expand the keyword set. Related queries and people also ask are great free sources to further expand on what you already have.
If you do this with all of the question queries you have obtained from the initial search console and suggested search data, you will then have a huge list of questions people are asking about your chosen areas. This gives you a great starting point for targeting people searching via voice as well as normal typed searches.
This isn’t anything new but is an important step in making your data set as fool-proof as possible. Entering your competitors into Ahrefs or SEMrush, filtering down by their informational areas, or simply anything with one of the question-related modifiers and adding this to your list is a very quick and simple way of making sure you aren’t missing anything the competition is doing.
This is one of our favorite tools right now. It’s been proven to be one of the best at backlink exploration but is also great for keyword data, especially when building up a keyword set.
Creating a keyword list
First of all, you’ll need to set up your keyword list, based on the previous data you have gathered. This will then automatically pull through the search volumes, clicks, difficulty and many more data points.
It’s important to note that some of the data may not have been updated in some time. If this is the case you’ll need to use your credits to re-run this to gather new data.
As we know, voice search is all about questions. This is where we can further expand on the keyword set by using Ahrefs’ questions section.
This is going to be one of the most important areas of the keyword research. Ahrefs does only take the first 10 keywords from the keyword list though, so it may be worth inputting the main categories, to begin with, to find questions around those and gradually digging deeper once you have the main questions.
There are going to be a lot of long tail questions with very little search volume, depending on the niche. It’s worth filtering through these to see if they are in fact useful. If so keep them, if they don’t make sense, get rid.
Other data gathering tools
As well as the ‘normal’ keyword research tools there are many other places you can find data on questions people are searching for. Again, depending on the niche this may or may not be useful to you. Quora is a great place for gathering information around voice-based searches as it’s a platform for exactly that – asking questions.
This is simply the top five results for that seed keyword in the search bar. Search for some of your main topics, grab the lists of results and again feed them into your keyword set, either on Ahrefs or your excel sheet.
The same can be said for Pinterest. This is great for lifestyle and retail websites as Pinterest is, of course, a very visual platform.
This search has very quickly given me another list of suggested searches, which I can then take, expand on using the variety of different techniques already outlined and again add to the already extensive data set we have collated. Pinterest is great platform to find keyword ideas for retail, to inform both offline and online strategies.
Local intent keywords
Voice search is not only about content driven informational terms. Sometimes it may be as simple as asking for opening times, contact details or business history. It’s important that these are factored into your keyword sets. Also, if you aren’t a business with a lot of branded search volume it may be difficult to find specific keywords with tools.
However, data from GSC may still provide you some great insight. We would suggest having a separate document to make sure that any questions around your specific brand are answered. This may mean making sure your structured data is up to scratch, Google Local Listings are complete or the content on your site includes what people are looking for.
The Final Keyword Set
Doing a keyword research for voice is not much different to how you would normally carry out a keyword research for informational. However, there is much more of a focus on questions – not only high-volume questions but ones which could have 0-10 searches a month simply due to the long tail nature.
Running through this process multiple times, with your different seed keywords, will help build out an extensive list of questions and informational terms people are searching for. This will not only help influence your content strategy but your sales strategy – knowing what people are looking for is the first step in understanding your user or customer base.
from Digtal Marketing News https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/10/18/guide-voice-search-keyword-research/
0 notes
sheilalmartinia · 6 years
The comprehensive guide to voice search keyword research
Informational keyword research is a subject that has been covered thousands of times across every SEO blog, publication, and web design company.
However, with voice becoming a more prominent way of searching, it’s important that it’s now taken into consideration. With voice usage growing, marketers need to understand how their audience is using this technology, and how they can adapt to this. Keyword research has been advancing dramatically over the last couple of years. No longer are the days of simply sorting by the highest search volume and creating a page; it comes down to much more than that. Semantics, categorisation, ranking difficulty vs reward, questions, featured snippets, people also ask. The list goes on.
A straightforward task has now become much more complex as well as time-consuming, and it’s important that it’s right the first time as keyword research will tend to influence your strategy, projections and, in some cases, KPIs.
We’ll be using a variety of paid and free tools within this guide. However, even without the paid tools it will give you a large dataset but will require a little more manual work.
Keyword Set
We’re going to be basing this on you already having a website that is established in some form or another, meaning you already have some rankings which can be used as an initial starting point. However, if this isn’t the case you’ll be able to simply skip these steps, although in some cases it could cause you to miss out on some smaller keywords.
Search Console
Underrated a lot of the time and critiqued heavily, however it’s a free tool that does give you lots of data, especially with recent updates; you’re able to obtain 16 months’ worth. It can sometimes be slightly inaccurate, however that’s much more data that you will be able to get from many paid tools.
To get the most out of this it’s best to try and filter down to the pages which are informational on your site – for example, your blog, a hub or guides.
This will give you a top list of URLs which you can then dig into and provide you with a list of keywords to expand on. We suggest taking a list of the main subjects you find here to be able to dig into them further later on.
Another free tool that we can take advantage of? Autocomplete, or Google Suggest, has been around for 14 years now, which simply seems insane. The feature, created on a bus by Kevin Gibbs, has given us bundles of joy throughout the years as well as causing controversy in other instances but it does give us a great research tool.
This is something that we have created in-house tools to take care of, simply due to the nature of the task. However it’s something you can carry out manually by adding your keyword into the search box and grabbing the suggestions.
It’s worth noting here that the monthly search volumes, as well as CPC estimates, are all generated by the keywords everywhere tool which is a must have as it can give you instant feedback on how many people are searching for the keyword as well as commercial intent.
This is something that will work well for some industries but not all. Again, take down all of the keyword suggestions you find and place them into your list of ideas generated from Search Console.
Now, this is where we start to look at voice in more detail. We know that voice search is mainly used for asking questions – the whos, wheres and whats of the world. Having a list of these question modifiers allows you to take the Google Suggest keyword data even further.
These question modifiers allow us to really dig down into the questions people are asking, as these may not always have a lot of search volume and be easily find-able. By using wildcards in the search queries alongside the main subject, you will expand the keyword set even further.
Some questions may not make sense and may not be keywords you want to go after. But, doing this for all of the questions modified, along with your key subjects, will give you a great starting position for your voice focused keyword research.
Related Queries & People Also Ask
Yes, we’re still on the same page yet there are more sections where we can continue to expand the keyword set. Related queries and people also ask are great free sources to further expand on what you already have.
If you do this with all of the question queries you have obtained from the initial search console and suggested search data, you will then have a huge list of questions people are asking about your chosen areas. This gives you a great starting point for targeting people searching via voice as well as normal typed searches.
This isn’t anything new but is an important step in making your data set as fool-proof as possible. Entering your competitors into Ahrefs or SEMrush, filtering down by their informational areas, or simply anything with one of the question-related modifiers and adding this to your list is a very quick and simple way of making sure you aren’t missing anything the competition is doing.
This is one of our favorite tools right now. It’s been proven to be one of the best at backlink exploration but is also great for keyword data, especially when building up a keyword set.
Creating a keyword list
First of all, you’ll need to set up your keyword list, based on the previous data you have gathered. This will then automatically pull through the search volumes, clicks, difficulty and many more data points.
It’s important to note that some of the data may not have been updated in some time. If this is the case you’ll need to use your credits to re-run this to gather new data.
As we know, voice search is all about questions. This is where we can further expand on the keyword set by using Ahrefs’ questions section.
This is going to be one of the most important areas of the keyword research. Ahrefs does only take the first 10 keywords from the keyword list though, so it may be worth inputting the main categories, to begin with, to find questions around those and gradually digging deeper once you have the main questions.
There are going to be a lot of long tail questions with very little search volume, depending on the niche. It’s worth filtering through these to see if they are in fact useful. If so keep them, if they don’t make sense, get rid.
Other data gathering tools
As well as the ‘normal’ keyword research tools there are many other places you can find data on questions people are searching for. Again, depending on the niche this may or may not be useful to you. Quora is a great place for gathering information around voice-based searches as it’s a platform for exactly that – asking questions.
This is simply the top five results for that seed keyword in the search bar. Search for some of your main topics, grab the lists of results and again feed them into your keyword set, either on Ahrefs or your excel sheet.
The same can be said for Pinterest. This is great for lifestyle and retail websites as Pinterest is, of course, a very visual platform.
This search has very quickly given me another list of suggested searches, which I can then take, expand on using the variety of different techniques already outlined and again add to the already extensive data set we have collated. Pinterest is great platform to find keyword ideas for retail, to inform both offline and online strategies.
Local intent keywords
Voice search is not only about content driven informational terms. Sometimes it may be as simple as asking for opening times, contact details or business history. It’s important that these are factored into your keyword sets. Also, if you aren’t a business with a lot of branded search volume it may be difficult to find specific keywords with tools.
However, data from GSC may still provide you some great insight. We would suggest having a separate document to make sure that any questions around your specific brand are answered. This may mean making sure your structured data is up to scratch, Google Local Listings are complete or the content on your site includes what people are looking for.
The Final Keyword Set
Doing a keyword research for voice is not much different to how you would normally carry out a keyword research for informational. However, there is much more of a focus on questions – not only high-volume questions but ones which could have 0-10 searches a month simply due to the long tail nature.
Running through this process multiple times, with your different seed keywords, will help build out an extensive list of questions and informational terms people are searching for. This will not only help influence your content strategy but your sales strategy – knowing what people are looking for is the first step in understanding your user or customer base.
from Search Engine Watch https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/10/18/guide-voice-search-keyword-research/
0 notes