#having coding skills is like having a superpower
respectthepetty · 8 months
Pit Babe Jeff x Alan & Kenta x Pete Colors Ep. 11
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also. It's just colors and vibes here.
Disclaimer: I've been listening to Drake's "You Broke My Heart (Fuck My Ex)" on repeat for over two hours, so I'm *in* my feels, and all of them are salty.
Jeffrey, the red? Really?! Is it because you are looking at Barbie suffering and know the truth?! YOU KNOW, MOTHERF*CKER!
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Love that Pete's side starts with the blue-est drink because he is a GOOD MAN, while Waymond's side begins with the non-blue side since he cannot pick a side in this color war!
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Peter, I know you were a red, but I also notice you in that blue blazer, and the way you look at Waymond. I wish Waymond could see that no matter how much the red may linger, he NEEDS to make a choice. Be blue. Commit to it, Way Way.
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Babe is back in black, Alan is blue, and Jeffrey is a LIAR!
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"You broke my heart. I had my doubts about you from the start! I swear you're dead to me. Does Mercedes make a hearse? FUCK MY EX!"
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All I'm getting out of this is Jeffrey and Charles have a dad and Decanus was the fall guy for this very-dumb-plan. I am not a Dean apologist, but I am very much on his side, without a doubt, no hesitation.
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Alan Scale - 12/10. Why?! WHY?! It's not even the damn outfits. IT'S THE RED TUBE OF PRODUCT PLACEMENT Y'ALL ARE SHARING! Are y'all secret agents?! Do y'all have superpowers? What in the hell is y'alls deal?!
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KIMBERLY! Not wearing red. I wouldn't either. Fuck them hoes. You're a free man now. I love you and I like you.
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Alan, you have never done anything wrong (expect apologize to lying Jeffrey), and you using the blue tube of product placement is healing my soul. I love you. I like you. I respect you.
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Pete in the blue shirt too! My holy trinity is coming through. Kimberly, Alan, and Peter, you are good men, and I have never doubted you. You three will save the day like the PowerPuff Girls. Sugar, Spice, and Chemical-X. Beat the hell out of Mojo Jojo Big Red. And in case it's not clear: Alan = Buttercup, Kim = Blossom, Pete = Bubbles
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Kentana, why do you have spies at Bubbles' place?! You were spying on him in the woods, and y'all had that moment. Why are you so obsessed with him?
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Jeffrey, in the blue. Better be telling Buttercup you're sorry for LYING and that you love him. You will never find a better man. NEVER!
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Oh, are you telling him that?!
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I think you are! There is pink!
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Buttercup, these was cheesy af, and I'm disgusted at myself for smiling when the hearts connected.
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POP OFF, SIR! Sex on the blue bed!
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Sex in the blue shower!
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Cuddles in the blue bathroom! Jeffrey is gonna be blue one way or another, even if Alan has to -redacted- it into him.
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Big Red did wear red once?! Color me shocked, but who are these kids in the past? A blue kid and red kid? Which one are you, Kentana?
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I love that the blue is *right* there next to Kentana, yet he stays in the black. He is a Black Brooder, but he is blue-adjacent, and I just do not understand why he can't be loyal to the blue instead of the red.
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Oh, wait! Was that them as kids?! Pete, in his red pants, emerged from the blue (because he has always been a GOOD MAN!), but . . . that means Kentana was the little blue kid? Kentana, what made you go black? The abuse? The manipulation? You and Barbara are the same text, but different font, and I just need you to be better. Kiss Peter and let him heal you because this is the second time you have pushed him against a wall, and I think you want any excuse to be on him.
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Waymond, I'm stressed over your ass. Color-coded boys in love get happy endings, and unlike Kentana who is color coded black and Southwest Airlines and Vegas' Hedgehog who are just pure color chaos, you refuse to pick a damn color. And do you know what that means? No happy endings. You are paired with Peter, and he is trying with you, but it's episode 11 and you haven't solidified your color. Are you black? Are you blue? Are you red? Are you gonna kiss Peter because if not, Kentana sure looks like he will? ARE YOU GOING TO GET A HAPPY ENDING?!
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Peter, always in the blue! ALWAYS! Give that blue to Waymond. Give that blue to Kentana. And kiss them! I cannot support Waymond and Kentana's wrongs if they don't kiss a boy (with consent, Waymond!)
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KENTANA! In the dark, again. Pete is always coming from the blue, and you are always in the dark. SEE THE LIGHT, KENTANA!
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Oh my god! The dark versus light. Y'all were best buddies since childhood. Quit your shit, Kentana. You are a good guy in there. I saw it in the beginning when you looked sad that Barbie was being hit, but I need you to act! I need you to do something, and I'm hoping it won't be sacrificing yourself. Kiss a man! Kiss Kimberly already! You and Waymond are scaring me!
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Pete. Liked. It.
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Waymond. Waymundo. Way. I thought you were supposed to be with Peter and Kimberly and Kentana would be the new Kardashians, but . . . are you going to be the sacrifice? You cannot settle on a color. You haven't kissed a man (with consent). You are drinking all the time. You were taking pills to cope with life. Kiss any man so I can know you are safe.
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Way, please touch Whiny Winifred and convince him not to do shoot. Way, please do not take a bullet for Barbara to atone for your sins. Barbie can fix himself if he is shot. Way, please do not do this to me. Please. I'm begging you.
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Don't. Fucking. Do. It.
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lttleghost · 2 years
The Thematic Relevance of Jesse Pinkman as an Egg 🏳️‍⚧️
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(I wrote this analysis awhile back and wanted to make a fresh post to update it!)
While not intentional, there is a lot in Breaking Bad that supports reading Jesse as an egg. This reading of Jesse has a lot of thematic and narrative relevance and also doesn't create any conflicts with the canon material. Jesse being someone who hasn’t realized he’s not actually a man yet could quite literally be canon.
This analysis is heavily based around parallels between Jesse’s character development and what Breaking Bad thematically associates with gender. It’s also heavily interconnected with the show's overarching theme of change, and also, at least for our two main characters of Walt and Jesse, the revealing of true self. There’s plenty of evidence that each of them already had the traits we see them with at the end of Breaking Bad. Jesse being this very kind and compassionate young adult and Walt being this egotistical monster.
But I would consider Walt's self-deception to be more shallow than Jesse’s self deception. While Walt did end up in a lifestyle that was opposed to who he truly was, he consciously knew what he wanted to some extent, whereas Jesse fully convinced himself that he was a different person than the one he truly is because he never really got the chance to actually figure out much about himself. 
There are a lot of examples of Jesse’s disconnected sense of self throughout the show, but the first one that comes to mind has to do with his superhero OCs-
EDIT: YO! if you find video essays more engaging than reading a bunch of text, this analysis now also comes in video form [link]
I think that Jane’s observation that all of them looked like Jesse was, in fact, correct. I wouldn’t consider him doing this as a conscious decision but I feel that he almost admits it. After initially denying that his OCs looked like him and after Jane affectionately teases him he ends up saying to her “like you never wanted a superpower.” And while you could interpret this as just a response to her teasing, I’m convinced that there’s an additional layer to it. Especially because when Jane leaves to check the door, there's a moment where Jesse looks at the sketchbook with his drawings and it seems like he’s considering something, and I’d bet you anything that what he’s thinking about is whether or not he had actually drawn himself and this is REALLY interesting since-
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Jesse is a criminal right? And while superheroes themselves are technically criminals as well, as vigilante justice isn’t actually legal, they’re still typically known to be ‘crime fighters’, and Jesse describes his characters as being such. So with his OCs subconsciously being depictions of himself and them being superheroes (crime fighters) and his current life as a criminal, you get the image of someone who doesn’t know who he is or what he wants deep down. 
There’s no way that Jesse’s current delinquent lifestyle was his truly… preferred path. It’s much more likely it was the only thing he thought he could do successfully. It’s evidently been the one thing he’s made a decent living off of. He has no support from his parents, and doesn’t seem like he has had it since he was a highschooler. Jesse is shown to have no support outside of the drug trade. Most of his personal skills and interests are artistic or honestly domestic in a world that assigns more value to academics and he’s a highschool graduate who doesn’t have any job experience. 
I also believe Jesse is very aggressively ADHD coded, and the combination of having virtually no support, struggling with addiction, and having undiagnosed and improperly self medicated ADHD would make slogging through any “respectable” job that he has access to, or any job that his parents might encourage him to do, unbearable.
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So the drug trade was his best bet, Jesse even views cooking meth as a form of art, something that he’s passionate about.
I can’t in good faith ignore that doing something that is... generally frowned upon, didn’t factor into what Jesse chose to do on some level, as society and the structures that it’s built on failed him and there’s an inherent sense of rebellion that often forms in a person when they’re failed like that. Granted, superheroes also tend to often contain some commentary on societies failings as well. Jesse just couldn’t actually be a real-life superhero. So with the few benefits it had in practice compared to any other job, Jesse played into the rest of the role of a criminal, and convinced himself that the aspects of it that conflicted with his personality... didn’t, probably without even noticing.
Even more to this disconnect; When Jane asks “and that’s a superpower?” in response to Jesse explaining Backwardo’s powers Jesse responds with “come on, I was a kid when I drew these, it was like four years ago.” And Jesse is 24 years old in that scene, meaning that he would’ve been 20 when he drew these characters, and when I first wrote this analysis I was wondering whether or not Jesse had gotten involved with the drug trade other than buying drugs by that time, but there wasn’t really anything I could confirm any theories with. 
But now I've got the Better Call Saul episode “Waterworks” where Jesse has his second cameo, where he is in fact, 20, and in that cameo Jesse accompanying Emilio, a person we know is his partner in cooking meth, to Saul’s office makes me certain he’s in it by that point. And I just have to wonder if Jesse’s superheroes were almost a… subconscious vent, a manifestation of how being a criminal in the specific way Jesse is, is not what he wants. Something that suggests that Jesse’s actual identity and his current view of his identity don’t line up.
Another thing to point out about the cameo that could be seen as additional evidence of Jesse’s discomfort with being more than just a customer of the drug trade is that he was hanging out outside of Saul’s office, and until Kim gave him one he didn't have a cigarette, so he wasn’t out there to smoke. And while there could be other explanations to why he was outside on his own, I don’t think it’s much of a stretch to say, other than just his general skepticism of Saul, he was just not particularly jazzed to be where he was at that moment and not comfortable going inside.
So relating all of this to gender; that narrative of convincing yourself that you are the person that you’re supposed to be for your best chance of survival instead of being able to truly be yourself already works pretty strongly as an allegory for being trans. But to add onto that even more, thematically Breaking Bad associates “manhood” with the drug trade in one way or another, and paralleling how Jesse realizes he doesn’t fit into the drug trade like he thought he did with how he might not be a cis man like he thought he was makes for a really solid queer reading.
The whole show is pretty explicitly about toxic masculinity. Obviously in real life masculinity and manhood do not have to be toxic, and in Breaking Bad’s original intended story Jesse is a cis man who ends up not fitting into those toxic ideas of manhood. 
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Things that the rest of the male cast don’t blink at or at least have more mild reactions to, just tear Jesse apart. He’s also targeted at least a couple of times for having emotional vulnerability that is considered to be “not manly”. It’s much easier to point out the differences between him and the male cast than it is to point out similarities between them and this just gets more pronounced the longer the show goes on. He doesn’t really have any positive ties to being a man and I don’t think we can say we ever see Jesse actually reclaim his own sense of manhood. And I think that lack of reclamation gives even more legitimacy to the reading that, along with leaving the drug trade and all of its toxic masculinity bullshit behind, maybe Jesse just leaves behind being a man altogether, and maybe it was something that wasn’t really ever a true part of him, just like his life as a criminal.
Even at the start of the series Jesse’s attempts at hyper-masculinity come off as really goofy and performative. In episode one  Krazy-8 mentions that Emilio thinks that Jesse might’ve ratted on him Jesse first has a much more genuine response of “that’s bullshit” which makes sense with his strong character trait of being loyal, but then he goes to say “I should kick his punk ass for even thinking that.” and it just sounds like fake bravado to me. There’s no way Jesse actually thinks he stands a chance against Emilio since Jesse has a body type that resembles a small bird and there's no way he has that little self awareness. He's just playing out a script that wasnt even well thought through, and while some of his other performances of masculinity don’t come across as that fake, there aren’t many that feel like they actually come from Jesse himself, they just feel like something that he just thinks he should do.
And while not every experience with men Jesse has is negative, there always seems to be some distance between him and the men he does have good relationships with. Jesse forms a parent-child type relationship with Mike that is healthier than any other he’s had up to that point other than probably his aunt, but there’s a part of Jesse that Mike never seems to fully get. When Jesse doesn’t want Lydia to be killed Mike says that 'this woman deserves to die as much as any man' and I think he misses that Jesse just still isn’t that keen on killing people even with everything he’s gotten involved with. Even if there are some acts of violence and even some people’s deaths he is fine with and thinks are justified, Jesse never fully adapts to “the job” the way Mike does, and Mike is just not quite able to understand that, or at least not why.
Jesse and his friends have a distance between them as well. Though they’re arguably not as entrenched in toxic masculinity as any of the other prominent men in the show are, and aren’t nearly as involved in the violence of dealing drugs despite being in the trade. Yet still Jesse’s interactions with them most of the time feel different and more withdrawn than their interactions with each other. Like Jesse really wants their presence and company and wants to fit in but there ends up being something that he can’t connect with alongside them, and this also gets more prominent as the show progresses. There’s parts where Jesse seems to be withholding how badly his “high rank” in the drug trade is affecting him when Pete and Badger seem to sort of idolize him for it and want in on it. I think Jesse sort of considers saying something to them about it, but he hesitates and doesn’t. He repeatedly doesn’t confide in them even though, while his friends do perform some facets of hyper-masculinity, they don’t really seem to target or reject vulnerability in the way most of the other men in Breaking Bad do. And Jesse’s distance from even the more harmless side of the male cast makes it feel like it’s not just the toxic masculinity that he’s disconnected from.
Jesse’s relationships with women even further separate him from the men of the show. His romantic relationships with Jane and Andrea read much more as relationships between equals, compared to Walt and Skyler or Hank and Marie. While Jesse does throw the “nice job wearing the pants in the family” insult at Walt in episode two of the first season, after Skyler almost caught him moving Emilio’s body, in Jesse’s own relationships he never actually tries to take control and doesn’t have any problem with Jane honestly being the person making more active choices for the both of them in their relationship, which Walt comments on by throwing that same “nice job wearing the pants” insult back at Jesse.
Another interesting thing found within Jesse’s relationship with Jane that ties them to specific gender roles happens after Jane doesn’t really introduce him to her father. Jesse asks about it and after a bit this Jane ends up saying “What am I supposed to say? Hey dad, meet the stoner guy who lives next door and by the way I’m sleeping with him?” and Jesse replies “Is that all you think you’re doing?”
It’s been pretty common for “the guy” to be considered as the one who sees a relationship as just being sex and “the girl” to see it as being romantic, and this is a very very dumb aspect of traditional western gender roles that this scene even has to subvert, but I think in the context of Breaking Bad’s dealings with gender roles the fact that Jesse is put in the role much more typically associated with women could be viewed as significant. And this significance can be extended to the show’s most prominent dynamic, dealing with the relationship between abusive men and women, Jesse is a victim. I’m not implying men can’t be victims of other men's abuse, but it does make Jesse easier to associate with women in the story, and while the narrative association comes from a negative place, the negativity is directed towards men. But the connection it forms between Jesse and women is a sense of camaraderie and even comfort, at least on Jesse’s side.
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and with those connections with women I’d say the most accurate egg interpretation of Jesse is that she’s specifically transfeminine in some way.
I think in this analysis its important to specifically examine Jesse's journey with gender questioning as I think it follows the rest of the ups and downs in her learning more about herself in the resr of her character arc. My personal interpretation of Jesse is that she is a non medically transitioning nonbinary transfem person. The not medically transitioning bit is largely because I enjoy bringing attention to the existence of no-med no-op trans people and to push the point that not seeking medical transition doesnt make a person any less trans, though I do feel that since Jesse's relationship with gender is focused on the societal side of gender roles that don't really relate to physical form that it's a reasonable interpretation that she may not medically transition. I think she uses he/him and she/her pronouns, and is maybe a futch lesbian. I’m saying all of this because it'll be the lens through which I’ll be talking about Jesse’s journey with questioning his gender and how that progresses during the timeline of Breaking Bad. However I don’t claim this to be the only version of transfem Jesse that works with my analysis, or that it's necessarily better than any others that do work. I’ll also be mentioning concepts of “offscreen” additional scenes. That being said, if you’re someone who likes to stick 100% to the text given to us, the “offscreen” scenes aren’t exactly necessary for this interpretation to work as a part of the existing story as the general emotions behind them still stand.
I don’t picture Jesse as having any definable Gender (™) experiences when he was younger other than just a general sense of not belonging, though gender wouldn’t be the only thing playing into that. But as Jesse got older and struggled more, he started to purposefully play the part of what he saw as “a man” to survive in the only role that he thought he could. I see the thought “I wish I didn’t have to be a man” crossing his mind every so often though. I think he just deals with his place in the world for awhile, but after Walt enters the scene and Jesse experiences shit he really didn’t bargain for because of his old teacher, someone who is settling into a personification of toxic masculinity, Jesse’s frustration with being a man becomes more prominent and harder to ignore internally. 
In my opinion Jane is the person that helped him start to solidify what exactly those thoughts were indicating. Her approach to relationships would be considered not traditionally cishet, and so is the way she presents herself in general, so I think Jane has some sort of knowledge about the complexities of gender, if she isn't actually queer herself in some way.
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And she’s one of the only people we see Jesse truly, truly open up to and so I think at some point later in their relationship Jesse might actually say something about wishing she wasn’t a man around Jane, and I can see Jane saying that Jesse doesn't have to be a man if she doesn't want to be.
But then Jane dies, and I think as a result of that and the lesson Jesse learned from rehab “I’m the bad guy” he goes into just total repression mode. Embodying this new belief Jesse very much dips into the hyper-masculine behavior of the drug trade, he is much more concerned with money beyond paying bills and having nice things, and he plans to do the one thing in the entire show that makes me truly angry at him because of this whole thing, attempting to sell drugs to the rehab group. I don’t think he would’ve ever thought of doing something like that before. He’s trying very hard to be something that’s even further from his actual nature than we’ve seen up until this point.
Part of Jesse’s grief over losing Jane, a person who he confided in probably more than anyone else at that point, was to just completely close up, even to himself. Forget all of those parts of himself that resisted the rougher aspects of the drug trade he was getting dragged into and definitely forget about wondering if he really is a man or not.
At least until meeting Andrea and Brock, which snaps him out of that “I’m the bad guy” mindset, but by that time I think just, too much starts to happen for Jesse to have much time to question her gender. I wouldn’t consider her to be as actively repressing any sort of “I wish I wasn’t a man” thoughts but the amount of turmoil and danger that she’s in, just really really doesn’t lend itself to that sort of gender introspection as much. 
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I’ve got some additional thoughts on Jesse’s journey with gender that are more headcanons than actual analysis of the show so I didn’t include them in the text above. But I still really wanted to share because I like them and think that they really add to the analysis, so here they are;
I mentioned that I don’t think that Jesse had any particularly notable moments that might’ve suggested that she was trans when she was younger other than feeling out of place, but maybe he did have some interest in playing with “girls stuff” and her parents discouraged it because as we know they’re the shitty type of people who value their child being “normal” at the price of that child’s happiness, but I can also see her being one of those kids who just didn’t even grasp the differences between boys and girls stuff for a longer time than others, or I can even see Jesse’s last connection to the "male" side of gender being from when she was a little boy, before he was aware of the concept of what being a man was, and that it would be expected of her.
But later, in his adulthood, after the idea and pressures of "manhood" became very present in his life, one of the more certain instances of gender questioning I picture Jesse having is at some point while hanging out with Badger, Pete and Combo, Jesse screws around and puts on a dress. And he's like “haha I look like such a queer don’t I?” but is internally thinking something more along the lines of “ I will die before I tell anyone how this makes me feel” (that being that it makes him feel happy). 
And then, as we enter into the timeline of the show itself; when Jane first tells Jesse that he doesn’t have to be a man if he doesn’t want to, I don’t actually think that Jesse would be receptive of it at first. I think it’s more likely that he’d decide he suddenly doesn’t want to have this discussion anymore and change the subject. Jesse would still have the misconception that you need to medically transition or at least be required to fit some sort of ‘criteria’ to be trans, instead of just identifying as a different gender than your assigned sex, and I think that would play some role in his not wanting to talk about possibly being trans. And even more because, while he could opt out of telling anyone that he’s trans, Jesse’s in a world in general that isn’t trans-friendly, but the drug trade he’s in specifically is very lgbtq-phobic. Jesse himself is definitely gonna have some internalized transphobia, we’ve seen his homophobia, and I definitely read that as a result of his environment rather than actual hatred considering at Jesse’s true core he’s a pretty caring person. But there are definitely people in the drug trade who would be violently homophobic and transphobic, and Jesse would know that, and would probably perceive even realizing that he is trans to be a threat to his safety. But, later on, further into her relationship with Jane I think she’d open up, even if only to Jane.
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And that’s what I like to focus on the most with this analysis, all of the happiness and freedom and healing that Jesse gets to feel detaching himself from manhood, something that honestly contributed so much to every part of his suffering. And god does this girl deserve some happiness.
Then when for the most part too much is going on for Jesse to consider whether or not he’s trans, I still sometimes think of a situation where Jesse might’ve suggested? Her gender questioning to Mike, and while I don’t think Mike’s personal reaction would be technically negative, I think he’d tell Jesse to ‘please not share that with anyone else kid’. Which would be discouraging to Jesse, and she’d quickly backtrack, some because of the reaction on its own but also because he really already knows that it’d be stupid to say anything to anyone else, but it’s not until Jesse’s really free from the drug trade that she can finally crack that egg. I really like to think about the comfort and relief Jesse would get to feel no longer having to try and be a man, cause she finally realizes that she isn’t one.
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spxdyr · 30 days
What’re some of the examples?
I'm gonna assume you mean examples of a lack of media skills in posts under the anti-buddie tag. The biggest one I saw was someone saying that--and most of the anti-buddie posts are anti-queer Eddie which is a whole thing by itself--Eddie isn't queer or queer coded he just has commitment issues which is why all of his relationships don't work out.
Which like it doesn't take much understanding of media literacy to understand what the show literally said. Like Bobby and Eddie talked about Eddie's apparent 'commitment issues' and specifically they talked about Eddie not having them. Eddie is plenty okay with committing to A LOT of things some of which include his job, his son, his relationship with Shannon, his relationship with Buck, his friendships with the 118, his, somewhat toxic, commitment to his family. He just can't seem to commit with other women which has been laid out that it isn't a commitment issue.
The other one I saw was someone saying that Eddie doesn't do anything for Buck outside of using Buck which is WILD. The example they used was after the lightning strike how Eddie just "used Buck for his new superpower." Which, one, a lot of people on that side of the fandom seem to forget Buck is a grown ass man. But two, Buck in the show wanted nothing more than to be treated like normal, because yes he died but he isn't dead so it's fine (said no one ever lmao). Eddie was the only person who actually listened to Buck in that regard. He just treated him like Buck and let's be real Buck was thrilled to show off his math superpower.
It just feels like because Eddie hasn't said he's queer or kissed a man that means he can't be queer. Like queerness in television isn't just what they spoon-feed you and when they show two men kissing. And me personally, I enjoy that we get to see a quote "manly" POC man go through a long journey with his queer identity where he won't die at the end.
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wesleysniperking · 20 days
Straw Hats and their superhero counterparts 🦸
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I know not everyone is into comparing One Piece characters to superheroes, but I see some fascinating parallels:
Luffy and Superman: Both Luffy and Superman hail from a lineage destined for greatness, inheriting extraordinary power that sets them apart. Superman’s real name, Kal-El, and Luffy’s middle name, "D.," both carry significant weight in their worlds, symbolizing their roles in shaping their destinies. A key reason the Justice League was formed was because Superman tried to save everyone alone, only to realize he couldn’t be everywhere at once, leading to exhaustion and self-doubt. Luffy experienced a similar lesson—learning that his true strength comes from relying on his crew. Both heroes demonstrate that even the mightiest need support to achieve their goals. Edit: Luffy and Superman are both symbolically connected to the sun.
Zoro and Green Lantern: Samurai follow a strict code of honor, and Green Lanterns operate under a code of willpower and responsibility. Hal Jordan, like Zoro, may come off as a stickler for rules, but this stems from a deep sense of duty. Both characters wield powerful tools—Zoro with his swords and Green Lantern with his ring—that rely on their personal strength and rigorous training. Their abilities are enhanced by their unwavering commitment to their respective codes. Additionally, Green Lantern’s trust in Superman over Batman reflects Zoro’s loyalty and trust in Luffy, showcasing how both characters value leadership and vision in those they follow. Edit: Both Zoro and Hal Jordan have been described by some fans as having "no personality" because they often come across as stoic, serious, and primarily driven by their goals.
Usopp and Batman: Batman stands out in the Justice League as one of the few members without superpowers, relying instead on his intellect, gadgets, and relentless training. This is a perfect parallel to Usopp within the Straw Hat crew—often outmatched in terms of raw power, but never in resourcefulness or strategy. The comparison between Usopp and Batman is so strong that whenever Usopp’s battle with Luffy in Water 7 comes up, it’s often likened to a Batman v. Superman fight. Both characters lack traditional powers but make up for it with their smarts and sheer determination. Batman’s choice to embrace his fear of bats is similar to Usopp facing his own fears, particularly when dealing with foes like Perona and Sugar, who could easily fit into Batman’s rogues' gallery. Edit: Both Batman and Usopp face villains that are specifically designed to challenge their particular skill sets.
Sanji and The Flash: Both Sanji and The Flash have the meta-genetics angle locked down. Sanji, noted as the second fastest Straw Hat, can run on water, harness fire with his kicks, and is genetically enhanced—all traits that make him a natural parallel to The Flash. Depending on which Flash we’re talking about—Barry Allen or Wally West—Sanji also shares traits like compassion, moodiness, humor, and flirtatiousness. Both characters are deeply motivated by a desire to protect those they care about, and their abilities, though seemingly simple, are pushed to extraordinary limits. Just as The Flash turns his speed into a powerful force, Sanji’s leg-based combat and genetic enhancements make him a formidable fighter. Edit: Both of them have been struck by lightning, which also contributed to their abilities.
As for Nami, I’m still pondering who she might correlate with, but I’m sure there’s a fitting match out there. Just sharing some musings—it’s fun to explore these connections!
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myadhdchronicles · 1 year
Navigating Life with ADHD: My Journey, Tips, and Hacks
Living with ADHD has its unique challenges, but it's also a journey filled with creativity, resilience, and countless small victories. I've learned to embrace my ADHD and discovered some invaluable tips, hints, and hacks along the way. In this blog, I'll share my personal insights and strategies that have made life with ADHD more manageable and even exciting.
1. Embrace Your ADHD:
Accepting your ADHD is the first step to managing it effectively. It's a part of who you are, and that's okay.
Learn about your specific strengths and weaknesses associated with ADHD. You might be exceptionally creative or have hyperfocus superpowers!
2. Create a Structured Routine:
Establishing a daily routine can provide a sense of stability and predictability.
Use digital calendars, planners, and reminders to keep track of appointments, tasks, and deadlines. I particularly like Sunsama, it is very ADHD-friendly. Habitica is good too, it is a gamified digital calendar that engages the ADHD brain much better than regular planners.
3. Prioritize and Set Goals:
ADHD brains can easily get overwhelmed by too many tasks. Prioritize your to-do list and break tasks into smaller, manageable goals.
Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.
4. Minimize Distractions:
Create a dedicated workspace that's free from distractions.
Consider using noise-canceling headphones, fidget toys, or white noise to maintain focus.
Learn what kind of workspace works best for you, it's not the same for every ADHD brain.
5. Time Management Techniques:
Use the Pomodoro Technique (working in short, focused bursts with breaks) to stay on track.
Set timers for tasks to prevent hyperfocus and procrastination.
6. Medication and Therapy:
Consult a medical professional to discuss medication options.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help you develop coping strategies and improve executive functioning skills, but know your own ADHD brain because it does not work for all of them.
7. Mindfulness and Meditation:
Mindfulness practices can help you stay present and reduce anxiety.
Try meditation to improve concentration and self-awareness.
Meditation and mindfulness do not have to be the typical sit still and clear your-mind things they are for non-ADHD brains, for a lot of ADHD brains we need to move so something like knitting/crocheting, going for a walk, or sitting outside in nature with your dog are our forms of mindfulness and meditation.
8. Stay Organized:
Use color coding, labels, and file systems to keep your physical and digital spaces organized.
Daily checklists can be a game-changer.
Know your own ADHD brain and make your system one that works for your brain or organization will continue to be a struggle.
9. Don't Fear Mistakes:
It's okay to make mistakes. Learn from them and keep moving forward.
Perfectionism can be your enemy; aim for progress, not perfection.
Learn to let good enough be good enough, perfection does not exist.
10. Get Adequate Sleep and Exercise:
Prioritize good sleep hygiene; it can significantly impact your ADHD symptoms.
Regular physical activity can boost focus and mood.
11. Utilize ADHD-Related Apps:
Explore ADHD-focused apps designed to help with time management, organization, and focus.
Some popular options include Todoist, Forest, Trello, Clarify ADHD, Sunsama, and Fabulous.
12. Seek Support and Community:
Connect with others who have ADHD through support groups or online forums.
Share your experiences and learn from the journeys of others.
Living with ADHD doesn't mean you're destined to struggle. By embracing your uniqueness and applying these tips, hints, and hacks, you can take control of your life. ADHD has its challenges, but it can also be a source of creativity, innovation, and unique perspectives. Remember, you're not alone, and there's a vibrant community of people who understand and support you on this journey. Embrace your ADHD, and together, we can navigate the world with success and resilience. See you next time, ADHD Team!
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bibibbon · 8 months
Characters with wasted potential : kaminari Denki
I have never seen a series treat it's own electric/thunder user so badly like MHA does with denki kaminari.
Here is the thing kaminari is a pretty cool character; I like his character design and I think his character arc is alright but can use a lot of change.
In all honesty when it comes to kaminari I feel like his arc is literally supposed to be the same as mineta. Both of their arcs focusing on how they treat woman, them being cowards but growing out of it and learning how to be proper heros. However, when it comes to developments kaminari has his speed runned or just has him instantly change.
1) This is controversial but I personally would use have him be contrasted/foiled to mineta just to make his development more impactful.
2) I would have him show more of his cowardice and how he only really wanted to be a hero because its a cool thing to do or to follow in the footsteps of his mother (I would have pro hero Electra or just a simple electrician be his mother)
3) I would build up his friendship with jirou from the beginning and have both of them develop into better people/heroes with that friendship. (Maybe they can become a ship considering I do ship kamijirou 🤷‍♀️)
4) Emphasise the struggle kaminari has with his quirk (how quick he is to go overboard due to the lack of control) and how he tries to work to overcome it in his own unique way. I would have it so that his mum already helped him a bit by teaching him how to use his quirk in little amounts and big amounts but he struggles to get it into a medium range. I would also have him just experiment with it overall and maybe he could build a little friendship with Izuku or even mei who could introduce ideas like denki being able to act as a circuit, use tasers or even charge phones.
5) As kaminari gets to understand and become a better friend with jirou his views on mineta start to change and his whole views of "I have to go easy one girls" or " it's mean to fight girls like that" (something he said to bakugo during the sports festival) start to change as he grows respectful and becomes more appreciative to woman.
6) this is a 50/50 but I saw this one fic that said it would be cool if kaminari just started using flirting as a fighting tactic to fluster villains and easily take them down. That's something I kind of like and would be interesting to have incorporated into kaminari's character. You could have him work with midnight to build up a skill like that (would make midnight's death more impactful)
7) I feel like as it comes to the war arc his cowardice should logically still be there but the desire to help protect his friends and reunite with them should be stronger and we would still get the whole epic scene he had in the first war arc
8) have him canonically have ADHD it makes sense. I mean this is a universe just like ours the only thing different is superpowers and idk if I read his character wrong but to me kaminari has always given me the whole idea that he has ADHD or that his character is 'ADHD coded'. In my opinion it would be interesting for him to not really know why he struggles at doing something that everyone can find easy to do so when it comes to his grades he struggles in that aspect and has conflict because of that however, he can go through an arc realising that he has ADHD and find ways to both accept that and adapt to it (I don't know if that sounds rude, Iam sorry if it does)
9) I really like denki and jirou bonding over music and him actually respecting and liking her passion. I feel like we should get more of denki making music and exploring his more of his own passions. Like we know denki likes music and manga so why don't we have characters casually talking about that or doing that with him. I also like the idea of denki simplifying everything (like the UA security system) and making it seem like something that would come out of manga so he can understand it better
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I feel like that kaminari could of been an interesting character with flawed views that end up developing. Ultimately, I feel like the reason I prefer him to mineta (even though they both act in a very disgusting Mannar towards woman) is that he shows chances of change and his character isn't just being a weird, disgusting pervert like mineta's is. To me kaminari could of been a coward kid who found it difficult to really fit in and do the things that everyone does but ultimately ends up overcoming that struggle while expanding his views and becoming a more respectful person.
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aannonn · 10 months
random thing that I thought of, but...
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Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
They are Orange. A normal stick with a bigger but empty head than the others.
Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
Orange is just a normal stick with no kind of special powers or anything. He's just a normal stick with a big empty head and is one who would fall sleep pretty easily.
Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
Orange is just a normal stick who has great fighting skills - thanks to his friends teaching him. A normal stick who loves his friends deeply and would do absolutely anything to protect them.
Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
Orange is just a hollowhead. One of Alan's creations. Orange can sometimes feel out of place in his group of friends because of his empty head, but that's okay. He's still a normal stick.
Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
Orange is just a normal stick, who cares and worries deeply for their friends. He doesn't want to lose them again. He would never want to lose them again. He will do anything out of his way to make sure that does never ever happens again.
Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
Orange is just a normal stick. A little claustrophobic, have a big giant fear of losing his friends again and has a bit of anger issues, but that's okay. He's just a normal stick.
Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
Orange is just a normal stick.
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Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
They are The Second Coming. A creation that possesses abnormal superpowers.
Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
The Second Coming opens their eyes while Orange closes his. Only in special occasions. Not everytime. The Second Coming only wakes up when it's a emergency. The Second Coming only wakes up when he needs to be at his strongest.
Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
The Second Coming is The Chosen One's Return. The Second Coming is at their strongest when The Chosen One is at their weakest.
Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
The Second Coming, just like Orange, cares and worries deeply for their friends. Orange would fight for them, and The Second Coming would kill for them.
Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
The Second Coming and Orange become one. Most of the time, Orange must be unconscious for The Second Coming to be awake, but that doesn't mean that he should be unconscious. The Second Coming can emerge even if Orange is awake. If they both have the same goal, they will both achieve it.
Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
Orange doesn't remember about The Second Coming. Orange doesn't even know about The Second Coming. Orange knows his real name, the name of his code, the name given to him, but doesn't know why and what should that mean.
Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
The Second Coming is a Code. The Second Coming is a Creation. The Second Coming Is a Return.
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I love putting both The Second Coming and Orange as two different minds, even though they are the same person stick.
Kinda like this AU! Which was the main inspiration for this short lil' fic. xD
Orange having a personification(stickfication) version of their power is just.. So interesting?? So cool???? Amazing concept??? Would love to see more of it, to be honest.
Also! Part of this oneshot is based on this analysis of Second and Chosen's characters! lol It's a pretty great analysis/theory/speculation, to be honest. I love it so much aaaa
Welp! I think that's it..? xD
Cya ~ !
(also posted in my AO3 because i love stressing myself out /hj /lh)
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wanderersrest · 3 months
An Abbreviated History of Mecha Part 7: The Witching Hour Is Here!
Spoiler Warning: This post contains spoilers for one Brave Bang Bravern. I'd recommend watching at least the first episode of Bravern before continuing.
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Welcome to the final installment of An Abbreviated History of Mecha! Last time, we had some technical difficulties due to the Lich screwing things up with its time shenanigans covered what many would consider to be mecha's "Dark Age." Now, we will see how the genre has recovered. It remains to be seen how this decade will go down in history, but so far mecha shows have had a minor bit of a rebound. Though that insipid line of thinking (you've probably heard it at one point: "mecha shows are about the robots, not the characters") is still doing a bit of harm to the general reception of mecha shows, the canon is doing better than before. Not well, like it was in the 90's, but it's not in dire straits.
Victory is never decided by mobile suit performance alone.
Nor by the skill of the pilot, alone.
The result itself is the only proof!
Kyoukai Senki/AMAIM: Warrior At the Borderline (2021)
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Kicking off the decade, 2021 would give us a new franchise in the form of the former Xebec, now Sunrise Beyond series AMAIM: Warrior At the Borderline. Sporting smaller robots in a setting similar to Code Geass but Japan was split into three by three world superpowers like it was Post-World War II Germany, AMAIM would be one of the few new mecha shows to come out that would be animated entirely in 2D.
Megaton Musashi (2021)
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Developed by Level-5 Studios, Megaton Musashi is a game series that pays homage to the mecha stories of old, particularly that of Getter Robo. The game itself would suffer in terms of marketing, as Level-5 would end up shuttering their US studio in this decade. Which is wild, because this series would also get an anime adaptation that's only started airing this year.
Also, Megaton Musashi has a lot of crossovers with older mecha shows like Getter Robo and Combattler V.
SSSS.Dynazenon (2021) & Gridman Universe (2023)
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Returning in 2021 would be Studio Trigger with the follow-up to SSSS.Gridman, SSSS.Dynazenon. Based off of the Dyna Dragon from the original Gridman the Hyper Agent, SSSS.Dynazenon would carry on the energy from its predecessor in terms of energy and heart.
2023 would also see the worlds of SSSS.Gridman and SSSS.Dynazenon collide with the movie finale Gridman Universe, bringing the casts of both shows together for one last hurrah for Trigger's Gridman trilogy.
Back Arrow (2021)
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While 2021 was a good year for mecha in general, one show that doesn't get talked about more is Goro Taniguchi's Back Arrow. Set in the walled world of Lingalind, Back Arrow would give us a story where the mecha are powered by a character's convictions.
That's right! Back Arrow is quite possibly the single greatest series in terms of highlighting what piloted giant robots are all about. These stories were never about the giant robot itself; the giant robots were living extensions of the pilots who controlled them. Hence why the breiheights of Back Arrow are based purely on a character's core beliefs.
Getter Robo Arc (2021)
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2020 would also see the surprise announcement of an adaptation of the unfortunately unfinished Getter Robo Arc. With the goal of wrapping up the story as best as possible without the guiding hand of series creator Ken Ishikawa, Getter Robo Arc's anime adaptation would finally release in 2021. With this, the Getter Robo saga can finally come to an end.
If you've already watched his video on Getter Robo, Cheese GX also has a follow-up covering Getter Robo Arc specifically.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash (2021) & Cucuruz Doan's Island (2022)
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And in case you didn't believe me when I said 2021 was a good year for mecha, let me remind you of something: Gundam was featured as part of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Gundam would see the creation of the now-disassembled RX-78-2 Gundam in Yokohama as part of the celebration of the games. The RX-0 Gundam Unicorn would also make a cameo in the background during the Olympic Rock Climbing event, as Gundam Front Tokyo was the venue.
Most important of all for us, is that 2021 would see the release of part one of a trilogy of movies based on the Hathaway's Flash novel. And as if that wasn't enough, 2022 would also see the release of a movie based on the infamous episode of the original series known as Cucuruz Doan's Island. And as a reminder: Gundam's not done yet. I haven't even gotten to the other big Gundam series yet. These were just the two major series released for the Universal Century in this decade.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury (2022)
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Where Gundam made really big news in this decade was with the release of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury. Set in the Ad Stella timeline, G-Witch would bring awareness to the franchise that hadn't really been seen since it's heyday in the 90's. G-Witch would also differentiate itself from the rest of the Gundam series by presenting us with Gundam's first female main protagonist, the very tanuki-coded Suletta Mercury (and that depends, because if we're saying Gundam protagonist, then I'd argue technically War in the Pocket's Christina McKenzie has Suletta beat by a couple decades; this isn't even getting into Ecoile du Ciel). And not only is she the first female protagonist, Suletta is also Gundam's first queer protagonist!
Bullbuster (2023)
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If there is any series that I wish I had caught while it was airing last year, it would definitely be Bullbuster. Cut from the same cloth as Patlabor and Dai-Guard, Bullbuster presents to us a construction robot is used to fight... aliens?
LEGO movie, is that you?
Okay, seriously though, I do think Bullbuster got drowned out due to being in a year that also included The Witch From Mercury.
Brave Bang Bravern (2024)
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Man, if you thought The Witch From Mecury was gay...
2024 would open with Cygames Studio's Brave Bang Bravern. Directed by Masami Obari (a man who I have somehow failed to mention until now), Bravern would manage to capture the joy of the Brave franchise of old (and really mecha shows on the whole), all while making it very gay.
And I mean it. Bravern is quite possibly the single gayest show to come out in the 2020's. Maybe even of all time.
And that's really a wrap on pretty much everything that's come out, but there is one upcoming series set to come out next month...
Grendizer U (Airs July 2024)
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Not seeming to want to be left out, the Mazinger saga would also get a surprise announcement in 2023 with a teaser for Grendizer U. Set to air in 2024, Grendizer U is going to be a reboot of the original UFO Robot Grendizer series, though some changes have been made (namely, Kouji has now brought along both Sayaka and Professor Yumi; more importantly, Kouji will now be piloting Mazinger Z instead of playing a support role like he did in the original Grendizer).
You can bet that I will be covering this series, especially if it's picked up by Crunchyroll this coming summer.
Looking Beyond Grendizer U & 2024: Live-action Gundam, Hathaway Parts 2 & 3, Gunbuster 3, and Patlabor EZY
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Going beyond 2024, there are also other series that are set to be released some time in this decade. 2016 saw the release of the Patlabor Reboot promo, which is supposedly a test run for a new Patlabor series: Patlabor EZY. Supposedly set to air sometime in 2026 (at least last I saw), I'm as excited about this as Isao Ohta is about any type of gun that comes across his path.
Studio Gaina (again, not to be confused with the now-closed Gainax) also has plans to release Gunbuster 3, though that will probably be on the shelves for now until Grendizer U wraps up.
And of course, Gundam still has two more parts of the Hathaway movies to work on. There's also a live-action Gundam series that is also in the works at Legendary.
And that's a wrap, folks. Finally, after ten whole posts, I've covered an incomplete history of mecha! Yes that's right! Incomplete! Why did you think it was called abbreviated?
Jokes aside, I thought this would be a relatively simple project. Just cover a handful of mecha shows from the decades since their inception, say a thing or two about them, and move on. It turns out that, even when I cherry-picked the shows to talk about, there were still a lot of them.
Do I regret doing it, though? No. Well, maybe that bit about Valvrave specifically. Outside of that, I think it is important that this series of posts still exist. I tried my best to be as impartial as possible, and hopefully you, dear reader, have caught that. I really don't want this project to turn out to be identical in tone to Professor Otaku's Complete History of Mecha video series. Man literally cannot hide his disdain for shows he doesn't like very well, and I think it does a massive disservice to both his series and himself.
What I want you to take away from this series of posts is: every show I covered on here is someone's favorite. I've seen at least one person go to bat for every series I named here. I've done it for G Gundam and Patlabor, and I plan on doing it for a couple more series on here. The real important thing here is that this post helps in dismissing that wrong-headed claim of "mecha shows are just about the robots and not the characters." Which is a thing I will talk about soon.
But not right now. Now I want to rest. And by rest, I mean throwing my wrist out while playing The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
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God Groose is such a great character.
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frozenartscapes · 5 months
Spy x Family: Code White spoilers below! (I can’t wait anymore - I gotta talk about Yor’s fight)
So that battle she had within a flaming airship against what was basically the Winter Soldier if the Hydra scientists who took Bucky were somehow more evil and twisted (seriously that guy was messed up)…
It’s been pretty much since the cruise arc that we got to see a really good showcase of Yor’s skills and oh man was I excited for this! Tbh this whole movie had a lot of good Yor moments but this was truly Thorn Princess’ time to shine. We got the usual showcase of skills that may or may not be superpowers (seriously how fast was she moving to consistently outrun a mini gun like that?). But what got me was how it ended.
See, Yor’s go-to method of fighting (or pretty much doing anything) is to brute force her way to victory. Even more mundane stuff often ends with her using her Definitely-Not-superpowers, even if it’s accidental. We see it even in the climax of the cruise arc against Sword Guy, where in the end she proved herself to be stronger than him.
But she can’t do that here. Type F is stronger than her. His body is literally just a bunch of guns strapped to a huge ammunition reserve. The guy took an axe to the chest from the same woman who pulverized a carnival game with only a fraction of the force she used against him, and all that did was tear a small hole in his chest.
That’s not to say she doesn’t try, and she puts up a good fight. What I like about these fights is that they prove Yor isn’t just some airhead who happens to be good at killing people. In the heat of the moment she can analyze a fight and determine different strategies as the battle changes. When stabbing him doesn’t work, she tries to use his own weapons against him. She may not approach things the same way Twilight does, but there’s a reason Thorn Princess is as infamous as she is, and she wouldn’t have gotten that way if she wasn’t also clever in battle. Brute force might be her method but she often uses it in creative ways (like seriously: using that guy’s own mini gun to cut a hole in the platform he’s on by grabbing him and forcing him around in a circle? Genius.)
But the best was when she realized that brute force wasn’t going to work. That her only option here was to think smart and not tough (though it was pretty tough too). Like, the setup was fantastic: it looks like it will mirror the cruise battle, and she’ll somehow take this guy out with one measly blade because it’s Yor: girl can make anything work as a weapon. The then it’s revealed that she can, but this time it wasn’t with a blade. It was lipstick. The same freaking lipstick that Loid had given her earlier, too! Just… the cleverness! The boldness! The symbolism! The fact that she not only outwitted this terrifying super soldier but she did it with something soft and feminine. It proves that Yor knows her stuff, that while she still may not be smart in other ways, she’s not stupid. And she can be brutally hardcore when she needs to be
(“Lipstick is mostly oil” = hardcore. Incredible. Total Girlboss)
(Also as a side note, and mini crack theory of mine: that general knew who she was. Maybe not right away, and I can’t remember if he ever actually saw her in the surveillance footage or was just going by what his soldiers said, but the second he heard “there’s a woman on the roof” he thought about Thorn Princess. Someone of his rank likely would have knowledge of potential threats/assets like Garden and maybe has even hired them in the past. Maybe not Thorn Princess specifically but Garden as an organization. The moment he heard that there was a woman on his airship who not only was giving no shits about the cold and high winds but also was dodging machine gun fire he sent his top secret experimental super soldier after her. He knew what he was doing.)
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arizonaraine · 9 months
Sorting Hat Chats: Heroes of Olympus
I did not write this, this is an original from @sortinghatchats. I found it on the wayback machine like two years ago and have had it saved in my notes. So this is my contribution to y'all's recovery efforts! Not sure whether to give credit to Inky or Kaden, let me know :)
OK, so I sometimes give speeches on long road trips about the Slytherinness of Percy Jackson. THAT KID. His fatal flaw is canonically that, forced to choose between the world and his friends, he would choose his friends. Slytherin Primary, all the way. Kid’s almost running around waving a banner with his hair dyed silver and green. 
He’s also a Slytherin Secondary. Yeah, I know, the kid’s loud and coarse and a bit of a bro (he is. I love him, but he is). But Percy thinks rapidly on his feet, adapts to dangers by snapping up whatever weapon (physical, godly, mental, emotional) is nearest at hand, and is shamelessly, easily comfortable with using others for his own gain. 
When the chips are down, the only thing he cares about are his inner circle: Annabeth, his mom, and sometimes Grover and Tyson. He’s content to use and sometimes destroy useful bystanders like Nico and “Bob,” to keep his people safe. He may like Nico and Bob, even empathize if someone like Annabeth isn’t in immediate danger, but at the end of the day he would (and does) trade their happinesses and safety for their utility. 
But Percy doesn’t look like a traditional Slytherin/Slytherin. The boy is not smooth. The kid is not slipping around corners and cleverly avoid ruffling feathers while he steals his victories out from other peoples’ pockets. Percy lives almost always in his neutral state— this is something we talk about more deeply in our Slytherin Secondary post. But the neutral state is when a Slytherin isn’t using the code-switching and ease that is inherent to this secondary. Most Slytherin Secondaries only do this at home, when they are safe, relaxed, and in the company of only their most trusted people. It is literally dropping your guard. And Percy leaves his emotional guard hanging pretty much all the time; he’s bluntly and rather uncouthly on his sleeve. But the moment physical danger sets in, he goes full torpedoes ahead with a guile that is rough-edged but certainly present. 
I’ll sort the rest of the Seven, Nico, and Reyna under the cut, hopefully with a little less verbiage. Slight spoilers forBlood of Olympus, but I did try to be a vague as possible. 
Annabeth, my brash, bright, idealist darling, whose greatest desire is to rebuild a broken world anew, and whose fatal flaw is hubris and pride, is a Ravenclaw Primary. She is right, certain, and willing to sacrifice herself for the things she values. Clever, studious, prepared, she’s also a Ravenclaw Secondary. 
Piper literally has the Slytherin Secondary as a superpower. Now, her charmspeak wouldn’t actually have any effect on her actual Secondary (your skills don’t matter as much as the methods you want, or respect in tactics). But Piper uses her charmspeak like her lungs by the end of the series, and even in flashbacks we find her conning people into giving her cars.
She House shares with Percy, actually: Slytherin/Slytherin, though she has a Hufflepuff Performance where Percy just… doesn’t… bother. Piper’s Slytherin Primary is most apparent in her dedication to her friends, and her decision over the course of The Lost Hero to sacrifice even them to save her father (a decision I’m not sure she’d make by the end of the series, when she’d bonded further to them). 
Jason is a Hufflepuff Primary raised in a world of Gryffindors—so, yeah, the kid looks really Gryffindor. But he learns to shuffle off the righteousness and rigidity of Roman life, and to embrace his own quieter service, empathy, and thoughtfulness for not only his crew, friends, and two camps, but also each of the forgotten gods. He’s at his most comfortable with a community to call his own that doesn’t demand his Heroism, and cause to dedicate his life to that involves serving and supporting people, not fighting for or leading them. 
His Secondary is Gryffindor—he earnestly and honestly charges his problems (his straight forward attempts to reassure Nico during the Cupid thing; the honesty and integrity Piper appreciates in him). Because his internal drive and motivations aren’t Gryffindor, he doesn’t look that obvious— his goals are often things like keeping the peace aboard ship, making sure everyone else has the things they need, and getting knocked out during fights. 
Leo reads a bit like a Slytherin, but i think he’s just a burned Puff Primary. Clearly a loyalist House, he’s guarded and sarcastic, bitter and a bit jaded, and doesn’t throw himself out with sacrifice and service the way Puffs like Jason might. He builds little communities, and big dragons. But while he likes Piper and Jason, or Hazel, his bonds aren’t anywhere near the intensity of true Slytherin Primaries like Piper or Percy. This suggests what he actually is is a burned Puff, a Hufflepuff Primary who’s been hurt enough that they keep their warmth close. When Leo does make decisions around people, it tends to be need-based rather than value-based— he’ll give up some of the people he loves because someone else who he loves, someone lonely and left *cough*, needs him more. 
Ravenclaw Secondary for the kid, of course. Leo Valdez, my tiny engineer friend, you tinker on. 
Hazel’s got a lot of layered-on traumas, losses, guilts, and misplacements that make her a little hard to sort*— her curse, her first death and her almost bringing Gaea’s apocalypse about early, her rebirth in a century not her own. But as she becomes more comfortable and confident throughout the second series, she begins to fall into a validating system of action, justice, and bravery. Her morality seems to be felt, and she is most at home with her weapon in hand, on Arion’s back, charging a clear foe with a clear conscience—she read, to me, like a Gryffindor who has stubbornly pulled herself out of a “stripped” state, with the help of some big hearts like Frank and Jason. 
(*Note: traumas do not make you less of your own House, or even less obvious of a House, exactly. What I mean here is that it’s harder to Sort someone burned as much as Hazel has been from the outside. Hazel’s got so much jammed inside of her, and even her POV is secretive enough in the first book, that she’s not obvious until she relaxes and confides in the reader a little more). 
Frank, dear Frank, with his willingness to burn himself out (literally) on Alaska’s icy plain, is a warm and solid Gryffindor Primary. That wasn’t about who needed him or who he loved; it was about right and wrong, and he was going to do right or die trying. A kind and worried rule follower, he seems to have Hufflepuff Secondary he feels like he should suppress. The Roman Legion is very much a Gryffindor-present-or-go-home kind of space— both Frank and Jason put on Gryffindor Models to fit in and feel at home. But where Jason is secretly a warm ball of Hufflepuff Primary, Frank actually is a Gryffindor Primary. The problem is, he doesn’t think his Gryffindor, his honestly strong and staunch sense of right and noble sacrifice, is good enough. So he models a more “brave” Gryffindor on top. Frank’s ascension to praetor, as Jason gives it up, was a beautiful step in both their journeys. 
Reyna’s Hufflepuff Secondary manifests itself in her dedication to doing things right, her (if stiff) kindness, her strength-sharing powers, and the care and emotion that earn her Pegasus’s honor. It’s her Gryffindor Primary, however, that earns her Athena’s respect—her refusal to stand down and her dedication. 
Nico di Angelo is a stunning Hufflepuff Primary. He loses his time, his world, his sister, any sense of safety at the camps of in his “friends,” any sense of home but perhaps a squat beside the River Styx— and when the world needs him, Nico doesn’t even think twice before running himself ragged trying to shut the doors of Death and defy Gaea. He’s not even part of the prophecy. He’s not liked, respected, or even wanted by almost anyone. But he shows up. He does what he can. He disappears without any expectation of respect, gratitude, or care. Thank goodness for people like Hazel, Frank, Jason, and Will. 
Nico’s not even quite a burned Puff. He doesn’t build himself a community (except for arguably Hazel), but he still takes it on himself to save and serve the world. 
It’s his secondary, more than his primary I think, that takes the brunt of his losses. He might have been a very young Ravenclaw secondary (cards! stats!) in his first appearance, and no matter how “dark” demigod he might be, the boy’s no Slytherin Secondary, but what his secondary actually is is rather unclear. He’s been beaten, stripped, and disillusioned. No tools feel comfortable in his hands. He’ll do whatever he has to do get the job done, and he doesn’t like any of it. The blossoming way he responds to Reyna and Hedge’s companionship, mutual respect, and affection however suggests he might be growing into a Hufflepuff Secondary once he finds a place or hearts safe enough to lay down roots. 
(I hope so. Kid needs a break). 
Percy and Piper are both Slytherin/Slytherins– deeply, sometimes destructively loyal, and masters of thinking quick and sideways on their feet. 
Annabeth is the sole Ravenclaw Primary. She shares a Ravenclaw Secondary with Leo, who’s a burned Puff. 
Frank, Reyna and Hazel are all Gryffindor Primaries, with Jason the odd Hufflepuff out. Frank and Reyna have Puff secondaries they try to cover up with Gryffindor models (hello Rome), while Hazel and Jason both have Gryffindor’s charging Secondary. They’re both most at ease facing their problems head on and with honest integrity. 
Nico is a Hufflepuff, burned in terms of letting himself have nice things, but not burned in terms of feeling like he needs to save the world, even if it keeps spitting on him. 
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havendance · 5 months
Sasha Bordeaux Tim Drake Roleswap AU
Because it turns out I have a lot more thoughts on this.
Following Jason’s tragic death in Ethiopia, Bruce Wayne is coping extremely poorly. After a rather public reminder of his grief spiral—I don’t know a car accident or something—the Wayne Enterprises board of directors gets nervous and saddles Bruce with a bodyguard.
Bruce does not like this any more than he does when they pull this move on him in canon post-NML. However, he is also depressed and puts up less of a fight.
Sasha Bordeaux finds herself saddled with keeping alive a very slippery, very depressed man who will disappear on her and return with injuries he doesn’t hide particularly well or bother to explain.
Sasha is a professional. She uncovers Bruce’s secret identity fairly quickly (Bruce is very much not doing well and his secret keeping skills are at an all time low probably) and proceeds to force herself onto his team.
She was hired to keep Bruce alive and if that means she also has to keep Batman alive, then so be it.
After about a week of her following Batman around and involving herself in his business, Bruce relents and begins training Sasha in an attempt to scare her off. It doesn’t work.
Sasha Bordeaux does not become Robin. She is initially a nameless vigilante fighting at Batman’s side. Eventually, she picks up the moniker of Shadow for the way she follows him around.
She also does not have that same bone-deep commitment to the code that Batman and his other allies do. You know the jokes about how Tim only doesn’t kill because Batman says so? That’s more accurate for Sasha here.
That is not to say she’d kill people like crazy if it weren’t for Batman, but she is an adult professional and in a field where sometimes lethal force is necessary. If the decision comes down between her client’s life and the life of their attacker, she will protect her client. She respects and understands Bruce’s reason for his code, and as long as she is acting as a vigilante, she will abide by it, but her refusal to completely believe in it is a source of tension between her and Bruce.
Her attitude towards vigilantism is also different. She is learning from Batman and she fights alongside him, but she is not his sidekick. She is his employee. Her first and foremost priority is him. As time goes on, she does come to value and become more invested in the other parts of vigilantism, but her first priority always remains Bruce.
Having Sasha around does help pull Bruce out of his rut because he now has to think about having another person around him. Sasha’s lack of complete buy-in with his code also forces him to be more aware of it in his own actions.
Tim’s superpower is networking. Sasha’s is not. As a result of this, Bruce remains more isolated in his crime fighting. Without Tim there to drag Dick back, their relationship is much more distant and strained. While they eventually reconcile from the aftermath of Jason’s death, I don’t think they get to the point where Bruce formally adopts him. Likewise, he’ll work with Oracle, but they’re both far more likely to just do their own thing.
Without Tim, Helena doesn’t really make it to the point of ‘in and out’ of Batman’s circle. She stays solidly on the outside. She remains on the Justice League reserves, but she doesn’t have her JLA membership in this AU. Eventually though, she still does join up with the Birds of Prey.
Similarly, Stephanie doesn’t really have any of the teaming up with Tim that she does. All she’s got is her own gumption and Batman telling her to stop.
Let’s take a moment to talk about Knightfall. Jean-Paul Valley happens. Bruce tells Sasha to get him trained up and she does. Bruce still makes him Batman.
When he goes off to rescue Dr Kinsolving though, she refuses to stay behind and keep an eye on Jean-Paul and instead accompanies him. She’s his bodyguard after all, not Jean-Paul Valley’s.
This results in things going downhill even quicker for poor JPV.
To me, this results in Helena having a precursor to her No Man’s Land arc where she realizes that someone needs to step up, but I feel like it’s more likely that she just thinks that Batman’s rally gone off the rails, steers clear of him, and judges him for being so high and mighty for her crossing the line when he’s like this now.
Anyway, Bruce gets magicured and comes back to Gotham. He does call in Dick for help (Dick is still annoyed about the Azbats thing but he comes when called). Prodigal doesn’t happen.
Sasha eventually joins Bruce’s cast of love interests. Since they’re on the same side, there isn’t the inherent drama of Selina or Talia, but I’m sure Bruce can find a way to make it tragic.
Hmm, I’m not interested in retelling canon except Tim’s not there so we’re going to skip ahead some.
Sasha follows Bruce on his No Man’s Land guilt-bender which probably has more guilt since she’s standing there all the time judging him. She also breaks up with him. Because he’s in his guilt-bender era.
We’ve got to build isolation mode Bruce, so let’s say, somewhere during the climax of No Man’s Land, Sasha needs to kill someone, which sparks conflict—
No wait, better idea. Bruce and Dick are at a disagreement over Dick’s decision to join the police force. Officer Down drives them further apart and also results in Alfred deciding to pack up and move in with Dick instead. Barbara is also mad at Bruce because of Officer Down.
When Hugo Strange does attack Wayne Enterprises, Sasha is put in the position where the only option she can see is to shoot to kill.
This leads to a huge argument between her and Bruce where they probably have one of those “you’re fired” “well, I quit” exchanges and she storms out.
They are still, of course, tragically in love though. (I am not the hugest fan of Sasha/Bruce but it has grown on me.)
What happens to Sasha after this? Hmm, let’s say Barbara recruits her for the Birds of Prey because she knows all their secrets and is still a part of this now..
This one of the few times that Sasha is ever a team player. She mainly sticks with Bruce. The only exception is the Outsiders when it’s Bruce’s team. She probably takes over them instead of Alfred (I still think that was the silly sort of comics stupid) which Bruce is in his ‘dead’ era.
But now, it’s time to talk about Tim. For that, we go all the way back to the beginning: Haly’s Circus, the night the Graysons fell.
Tim needs to be an adult in this AU for plot reasons, so we’ll say he was the same age as Dick. Acrobatics was just the latest in a long string of interests his parents had encouraged, so when he met Dick, that was one of the coolest things ever.
And then the Graysons fall to their deaths.
This leaves Tim with recurring nightmares and a new obsession with death and the Batman, something that his parents are uncomfortable with.
One night when Tim’s in high school, while he’s out late with his friends, in places they shouldn’t be, they get into more trouble than they can handle and Robin saves them.
Robin uses a quadruple somersault.
Tim keeps the knowledge close and never talks about it.
Towards the end of his freshman year of college, his parents are killed in a car accident while abroad. He ends up taking his inheritance, dropping out of school and doing his own mini Batman training tour, going here and there, doing odd jobs, learning from whoever will teach him, and doing a class here or there.
He does manage to scrape enough credits and motivation together to get a degree, right around the time No Man’s Land is ending. He’s still pretty aimless, so when he hears that the board is hiring a personal assistant for Bruce Wayne, he applies.
Bruce is in self-isolation mode and absolutely does not want yet another person foisted upon him by the board. Unfortunately, Tim is just as tenacious as Sasha was, he kind of reminds Bruce of Dick (who he misses because he’s sabotaged that relationship so hard), and so, when Tim inadvertently lets on that he knows Bruce’s secret, he starts teaching Tim vigilantism as well. Because he’s also pretty lonely.
Tim is enthusiastic about all of this and is also trying to encourage Bruce to reconnect to people with mixed results. I think he does succeed at getting Bruce and Dick to talk for once in their lives, but most of the time Bruce is not particularly inclined to listen to him and also he had some pretty bad arguments with people.
So Bruce is still on his own when he is framed for murder. Tim, as his live-in personal assistant, is also there and arrested.
Blah blah blah Bruce Wayne: Murderer/Fugitive happens. Dick, who has recently reconnected with Bruce a little more, is like ‘that’s my emotionally distant father figure who I refuse to believe could commit murder’. Sasha also does not believe it due to their previous conflicts and ends up coming back to help the investigation.
They clear his name, but before they can get Tim out, he gets his death faked in prison and recruited by Checkmate.
Bruce still gets very upset by this because, while Tim was kind of annoying, he also reminded him of Dick and the fact that he is dead is hitting some really sore spots for him so he terrorizes Checkmate until they cough Tim up to tell him that he wants to stay.
Tim has been looking for purpose and Checkmate gives him that. It was cool, fighting with Batman, but he was also very much aware that he was coming from outside and Bruce has people supporting him now, so he doesn’t need Tim.
We’re going to skip ahead again to CheckOut because THIS is the big Dick & Tim teamup in this AU.
Tim has done all the OMAC project stuff, he tried to organize a coup against Maxwell Lord to mixed results, he got OMAC-ifified, and he got promoted to Black King afterward despite his youth because he has an A-tier networking game.
And now Checkmate wants to take on Oolong Island, but they can’t because politics, so Tim suggests they Shanghai the Outsiders for a number of practical reasons, but mainly because he is still a major Nightwing fan.
He’s over here like ‘we’ll kidnap everyone except Nightwing because clearly Nightwing is too amazing and awesome for us to kidnap so instead we’ll lure him to us.’
And they like fight and Nightwing recognizes him as that guy who was working with Batman before because of his fighting style and they banter their way across this teamup. I  don’t think Tim ever tells him about watching his parents die because Tim does in fact have tact in that regard, but he has a great time getting to team up with Nightwing. Except for all the torture of course.
But back to Sasha, when Bruce dies, Nightwing takes over as Batman and makes Damian the first new Robin since Jason.
I know I said Sasha probably ended up in charge of the Outsiders, but also I think she should do the Bruce-quest as being one of the most attached to Bruce.
Sasha and Alfred team up maybe?
Anyway, I think I’m going to call it here because this is still plenty long. 
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respectthepetty · 8 months
Pit Babe Colors Ep. 10
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also. It's just colors and vibes here. Also, people stay spoiling this show for me in their reblog tags on my posts, so I know Charles and Jeffrey made a dumb plan but I have no idea what it includes beyond Jeffrey going to Big Red's.
Hand over heart, I think Sonic is really pretty, which is why I haven't fully thought he is a baddie, but I need a reason for him refusing to wear blue! North gets it together every now and then, but Sonic? Boy, quit relying on that face and follow the damn color assignment!
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I'm missing something but I thought Charles and Barbara were fine yet here they are fighting, but Charles spidey sense is tingling, so something bad is gonna happen or will he have sex with Barbara like they did last week? And now the glasses are off! They better not have sex on this track.
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Barbara is racing?! Dean was racing last week! Was Dean informed of this plot twist? Did Barbara get healed having sex with Charles last week?
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You can take the red off the boy but you can't take the red out of the boy. You are acting so sus, Jeffrey! You had a full conversation with Charles and now you are just lurking in the background. Someone spoiled that he and Charles made a plan, but if the plan is murder, he is already failing at not being suspicious.
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Another hand-over-heart moment, I have no effin' idea what happened on that race track because there was so many blues then a car went off the track, and I had no real idea who it was, but I do know JEFFREY HAS SOME EXPLAINING TO DO with his suspicious ass!
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Big Red lives in the same place he has his cult meetings to show off his superpowered kids? Isn't there a rule of not having cult meetings where you spray your EIGHTY MILLION BONSAI TREES! That seems dumb and contradictory, but I'm not a mega villain so what do I know?
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Red is usually an emergency room color, but the red yelling at me as Barbie feels all the bad things that happen in an emergency room is a lot. Charles isn't dead because color-coded boys in love get happy endings, but Barbie is probably feeling everything right now and it probably sucks.
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"Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious." Jeffrey, you need to make out with Alan quickly to prove you're gay, because you canNOT do crimes, and are about to be in Kentana territory again. Whatever you and Charles planned, it was dumb and Barbie is now crying.
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KENTANA! Are you in on this too?!
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*Record scratch* Jeffrey went back to Big Red's with the dumb plan he and Charles cooked up involving Charles dying, yes? Yes! Kentana, as Big Red's whatever-he-is, knows of the plan, SO WHY IS HE BEING BEAT UP?! Kentana, break Kimberly out and run away to the beach together. Big Red doesn't even wear red! HE SUCKS! Leave!
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Stuck between the blue and the red, I see. A choice has gotta be made, Kentucky Fried Chicken. Wings or Thighs? Legs are not an option. Legs are reserved for the elite squad of Peter, Alan, and Kimberly. You don't get legs! (WHERE IS KIMBERLY?!)
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Barbie woke up in black. He has no man, but he has his powers, so either he is about to enter his rich widow era or he is going to go Kill Bill on these bitches.
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Horrible take. Awful take. The WORST take, but . . . if Waymond didn't decide to be bad, he would have been the perfect person to comfort Babe and ease Barbie's pain, pero . . . he had to be a little bitch instead.
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Oh, NOW you wanna follow the color assignment, Sonic. NOW?!
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Well, Jeffrey picked up your mantle with his not-all-black outfit and bright ass white-wrapped flowers. This isn't a wedding, Jeffrey! IT'S A FUNERAL! Jeffrey, a note from The Sign's Dr. Chalothon - FAKE IT! Sir, that empty grave is supposed to be your roommate and partner-in-dumb-crime, yet I haven't seen one single tear from someone who just lost their buddy. You're more sus than the entire cast of Dead Friend Forever. How does Barbara not suspect your ass with his spidey senses?!
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Damn you, Saltburn!
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KIMBERLY! AND HE'S IN BLUE! *sliding down the wall and sobbing on the floor* MY BABY HAS RETURNED!
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Wait! Pause! *squints* Why did Jeffrey bring Kim? And why to Alan's house? What in the Chuck E. Cheese is happening?!
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Alan, Jeffrey's roommate is quote-unquote "dead" yet you are living your best life. Can you try to be sad too or are you in on this plan and this is why Kimberly is now looking beautiful on your couch?
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The blue is between y'all, but just like Charles and Barbara having sex on every surface when Kimberly was being held hostage, do y'all have no shame? Making heart eyes at each other immediately after burying an empty coffin that was supposed to be Charles. Shame! At least pretend that Charles is dead! Or fill Barbie in on this dumb plan.
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Vegas' Hedgehog, you pretty bitch. I hate you.
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Barbie is watching the crash, and Jeffrey and Alan are playing footsie over Charles' quote-unquote "grave." But I already know I'm more upset for Barbie than he will be for himself because he'll forgive everyone for this bullshit lie in less than two minutes.
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Does Barbara think Waymond killed Charles?! He might be shitty, but he is backed by the blue. He ain't guilty! Go speak to your boyfriend's roommate and his new boyfriend, Barbie!
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Oh shit! I wasn't expecting you to actually go talk to them! Hold up! Is that blue on Jeffrey?! Does he actually not have anything to do with Charlie's quote-unquote "death"?
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Like I know shit is going down right now because Decanus sabotaged ANOTHER car *Pikachu face* but I don't think he is in on the dumb plan to "kill" Charles so . . . Kimberly wore blue this episode and Sonic is wearing blue (even though I think there is a shimmer of red there), and I'm crying in the club because this is all I wanted, and sorry to all of y'all, but the show could end right here, and I'd be happy.
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Oh no. My man is crying. I am no longer happy. I am in pain. Why is he crying so hard? Was Dean his best friend? His brother? This feels personal. Jeffrey, come give our man a hug! Right now! RIGHT FUCKING NOW, JEFFREY!
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Seeing Alan cry hurt way worse than anything else that happened. Charles isn't dead, so I'm just upset that Barbie has to cry and more upset that Barbara is going to be cool with whatever dumb plan Charles made without telling him, but Alan's tears were unexpected.
However, Sonic is back on his bullshit next week, so I can't stay in my feels too long.
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And I get to see Peter while someone fully commits to the blue.
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Oh, and we get to see the dumb-plan-that-made-Barbie-cry in more detail. *Arthur fist* Be upset at Charles for just one episode, Barbara. Just one damn episode, please. He didn't try to assault you like Waymond, but Charles has played with your emotions several times, and I just need you to knock 👏🏾 his 👏🏾 ass 👏🏾 out 👏🏾 too 👏🏾.
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ichodyssey · 6 months
Why Batman is a Unique Character
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Who doesn't know Batman? Batman, is a character from the American superhero comic strip that created for DC Comics by the writer Bill Finger and the illustrator Bob Kane. First appeared in May 1939 in Detective Comics no. 27, Batman since then has appeared in various comics and graphic novels.
Many people do not know the origin of Batman. Doctor Thomas Wayne, his wife Martha, and son Bruce were robbed one night which resulted in Thomas and Martha being killed and witnessed by their terrified son. After the incident Bruce dedicated his life to avenging the death of his parents by spending his life fighting against all criminals.
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Today there are many typical superheroes that we see who uphold justice and goodness. They are often portrayed as peacekeepers who have a black and white understanding of right and wrong - but Batman's motives are much more personal than that.
The motives that drive Bruce began when he witnessed first-hand the brutality of the world in his youth. In his youth, Bruce witnessed his parents being murdered in cold blood. This experience was the starting point for Bruce's ideas of justice and morality.
Batman's ultimate goal is to rid the world of blind immorality and prevent anyone from experiencing the depraved world he faced at such a young age. This personally-driven motive is typical of an antihero, but combining this trope with the superhero theme adds a deeper dimension to Batman's character.
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Batman's moral code is also strongly emphasized by his refusal to kill anyone, as he believes that any form of killing would defy elements of the cause of evil and his moral code. No matter how much destruction or death a villain causes, he refuses to be like his enemy.
For Batman, death is not justice. This is depicted in Batman comics when the Joker repeatedly taunts Batman to kill him. Unlike other superheroes, Batman does not subscribe to the idea of sacrificing life, no matter how evil the enemy, for the greater good. It's not something that is considered easy to do, but Batman is nothing if not dedicated to his life with his moral compass. Here, Batman embodies an antihero who blurs the line between protagonist and antagonist.
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One of Batman's most exclusive characteristics that makes him different from other superheroes is that he has no actual superpowers. This is one of the factors for Batman having a deeper connection with the readers. In reality, there is no difference between Batman and Bruce Wayne beyond the bat costume.
Batman provides a different vision - that it doesn't take radioactive spiders or alien technology to be a hero. Batman lets the human being himself be extraordinary. His 'powers' are something that is truly within the realm of possibility - physical discipline, mixed martial arts, swordsmanship, and intelligence are just a few of the skills that Bruce uses to combat his enemies.
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Another reason why Batman connects with readers on a much more human level than others is because he is deeply flawed, like all antiheroes. There is a unique sense of humanity that surrounds Batman because of his nuanced character, and he has as many flaws as he does strengths. Bruce Wayne is portrayed as distrustful, cynical, vindictive, and arrogant - but he is also intelligent, tenacious, passionate, and determined.
What makes Batman a perfectly acceptable superhero is that he is complicated, just like all of humanity. Instead of being a superhero to admire, Batman is an inspiring superhero because he teaches readers that it doesn't take a perfect person to do good things.
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seth-burroughs · 4 months
rain code characters opinions on employing children to work in coal mines
Yakou Furio believes you should NOT make children work at coal mines. It is simply too dangerous AND incredibly gruelling work, not to mention an absolutely unhinged thing to just do or allow. He will go a step further and say that children should not work to support their parents at all, and would like to also say that in fact nobody should work or do anything for society in order to obtain basic necessities, however he's a bit scared of the surveillance drones listening in to this conversation and getting his sub blown up for the 34th time this year
Makoto Kagutsuchi thinks it's very sad that some children have to work at coal mines but that is just one of the harsh realities of our society and there is truly nothing he can do about it. He reassures you, however, that the child employees working at Amaterasu Corporation's secret mineshafts all were properly educated on basic mining safety as well as what to do in case of an emergency, and given hard hats along with a water bottle in case they get thirsty on their 8th hour underground and are being paid fair wages in exchange and-
Yomi Hellsmile believes it is perfectly fine for children to work at coal mines. He says that he worked in a coal mine as a child himself and he turned out fine. In his words, the supposed dangers of employing children at coal mines are being purposefully blown out of proportion by a communist psyop conspiring to stage a coup in his company for their own financial gain. In fact, parents at Amaterasu deciding to employ their children to work for the company as well could bring massive benefits to all parties, and should be the norm. Besides, the children yearn for the mines. occupying them with this kind of hard physical work will help them get all that energy out and make them learn many valuable skills they will need in the future. It is a very enriching activity for them. Furthermore, no parent should worry about the safety of their kids in the mines during the week, as Amaterasu Corporation is gracefully choosing to supply them with education on basic mining safety, hard hats, water bottles, a fair wage, and the affirmation that they're greatly helping to benefit both their family and society as a whole with their service.
Dr. Huesca loooves employing children to work at coal mines and gains huge pleasure in watching them suffer and die because he fucking hates kids. But, as we all probably assumed, the main reason is not any earthly pleasures he has sworn off of many years ago in order to devote himself to scientific research feeling celibacy. In truth, his favourite thing about employing children to work at coal mines is that after they complete their shift they are usually too exhausted to resist as they're getting taken away to his secret laboratory to get injected with radioactive dna altering chemical turning them into superpowered mutants that he forces to be his minions to do his evil bidding forever. For research purposes
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stem-sister-scuffle · 8 months
Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan (Bones (TV Series)) vs Honey Lemon (Big Hero 6)
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Dr. Temperance Brennan is a Forensic Anthropologist!
Honey Lemon is a Chemist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Dr. Temperance Brennan:
"Neurodivergent coded +++"
"she's so autistic about her job and has THREE phds !!"
"Coded autism to the max"
"She is a forensic anthropologist who uses her skills/degrees/knowledge to identify and study ancient and more modern remains alike to uncover their histories as well as (the main point of the show) analyze murder victims in such a state that their bones are usually the best chance at identifying them in order to solve the crimes. She is the best in her field and knows it and never apologizes or makes excuses. She is herself and you really should be aware. She has the Science, the Technology, enough Engineering, and the Math to get everything done right. She believes in Science. Logic and Facts are her saints. She is only interested in finding the Truth as the data presents and refuses to state her hypothesis until it is proven (if not she moves on to another possible explanation until satisfied)."
"Solves crimes w STEM. autistic"
"She has gained the nickname 'Bones' for the connection she seems to have to bones. She's the very best in her field and has helped solve numerous murder mysteries just by her ability to analyse the victims' bones. She's also a published author in her field and widely respected in academia."
"Had a mad crush on her in middle school. Also autistic swag fr fr."
"autism swag. solves murders"
"She’s fiercely dedicated to her work—figuring out who someone was and what happened to them from examining their bones. She has a great deal of integrity and tells the truth whether it’s convenient for her or not. She’s also heavily autistic coded, and I personally found her such a source of hope when I was younger that someone like me—someone intelligent and compassionate but who has trouble with “people skills” and doesn’t always know how to show that compassion—could find a place in the world."
"She is the best in her field (not the best *woman*, the best PERSON) and she knows it. She has no interest in being modest because her work speaks for itself. Slow burn romance! Autistic coded character (and not the only one)! Impractical but beautiful bulky necklaces just because!"
Honey Lemon:
"She applies her science into being a kickass superhero"
"She's so nice and enthusiastic about science. She's funny :)"
"She loves chemistry and wants to make the world a better place through it! She’s always optimistic and upbeat no matter what!!! Cute girlies in STEM!!!!!"
"her excitement for science is so palpable it’s my favorite part of the movie. she’s ECSTATIC about the elements and making chemical reactions just to see what happens!! not to mention she’s smart as FUCK! she created chemical formulas on the fly as she fights bad guys. CHEMISTRY is her superpower. she’s cute hehe"
"Her name is Honey Lemon. That's the cutest name I've ever heard. She's also described as having an innate talent in Chemistry, as well as a groundbreaking chemist. In her hero gear she has a Chem-Purse, which has a typepad of the periodic table which she can press on to make into a dense ball of any element she wishes, and during active battle she can calculate and input chemical formulas at incredible speeds without even having to look at it. Girlboss behaviour!! She also made a 400 pound ball of tungsten carbide turn into DUST before she became a hero when she was only a university student. She's not even a girlboss anymore she's a girlCEO. I had the BIGGEST crush on her when I was young. My Bi awakening. I love her so much you don't even know 💛"
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alltingfinns · 11 months
TEH, part 3
I wasn’t sure how much there was left after the bonfire scene but apparently there’s about a half hour left, meaning these parts are in neat thirds.
I write as if anyone else knows what I’m talking about when these drop randomly once a year or so.
Sherlock remained more in focus from John’s perspective.
Still so cute how Sherlock immediately must hustle his parents out when his crush heterosexual former roommate shows up.
Mum putting her foot in the doorway in case there was any doubt who’s the “sherlock” of these two.
“Your parents? Your parents? Those were your parents?”
John who desperately wants to understand Sherlock. How much he would have wanted to interrogate them, I’m sure. But then he has to giggle at the absurdity of the Holmes brothers having such (seemingly) ordinary parents.
And then the hurt. “Did they know too?”
“So that’s why they weren’t at the funeral!” Because if they had been, John would have recognized them now of course. But also he probably thought they had died or something, making their existence as ordinary people even more shocking.
“Wasn’t working for me.” If Molly and John not mirrors then why this exact line. Why not “Well, everybody hated it” or “Didn’t fit me” or “Kept tickling my lips”.
Just saying. Plenty of options.
“Last night” “Too nebulous” goes on with the case.
There’s all the likelihood that, like with Sherlock’s survival, the writers just didn’t care who put John in the bonfire. They just wanted John in the bonfire. So that Sherlock could heroically rescue him.
And yes I was thinking about how this episode takes place “today” as in 5th November as in Guy Fawke’s Day. (Though the cool kids call it John Johnson’s day.)
Am I just that Johnlocked that I find it adorable that Sherlock angled the laptop so that John would see more/be more included?
Sumatra road is 28 minutes by car from Westminister. Definitely not below it. Gotta take some creative liberties for those sweet canon references.
Why hasn’t Moran just left town entirely? Oh well.
A bit of illegal breaking and entering as people walk by without giving them a second glance. That’s big cities for you.
I forgot how far they have to go through this.
Love that John got to comment on the demolition charges.
Ah, I get it! Moran still has to be in like radio range or something.
“Why do you think I know what to do?” Really, Sherlock? Really?
“And a soldier, as you keep reminding us all!” Sherlock why are you being so petty, you love him being a former soldier.
051113 is the bomb code.
I just love the line “Use your mind palace” because it makes me think of how intelligence is weirdly used as a superpower in media.
Also that you can vaguely hear Sherlock saying “off” as he’s panicking with his hands around the bomb.
John is so fucking smart but also maybe he also just has faith in Sherlock being clever enough. But anyway just cutting through the bullshit, this is a trick.
Maybe Sherlock is underhanded here. But John finds this sort of stuff difficult.
So here we get John Watson’s version of Dean Winchester’s purgatory prayer. “Of course I forgive you”
This explanation is definitely unreliable narrator. Sherlock wasn’t quite as in control as he likes to portray himself so of course he makes it out otherwise. But he’s convinced that Moriarty died but again: A. Singular. Body.
This explanation means that it was John that most importantly had to buy it. Possibly because close friend, with medical certification who Sherlock nonetheless felt he couldn’t trust the acting skills of.
I think this scene happened (more or less) and sometime after the proper end to the episode. But like even Anderson(Philip) noticed that the explanation is lacking.
Sherlock laughing like the utter little shit he is.
“There’s always an off switch.” Say that to the undefusable bomb. Although technically it did have an off switch, it was just too complicated to be tried without knowing the proper sequence.
Getting John to laugh even when he’s angry with him.
They really are the right kind of wrong for each other.
Mycroft being les miserable. XD
“Weddings. Not really my thing.”
You’re going to be planning and arranging the whole thing you miserable bastard!
A difference between Molly and John. She went for the suspiciously similar substitute, he went for (what he believed to be) the exact antithesis.
Oh my little lestrolly heart at Lestrade asking if Molly and Tom are serious. Although he is likely doing it because he is the one who would comment on the elephant.
“Real life is rarely so neat.” The goddamn bonfire.
They’re literally saying that the one true explanation for Sherlock surviving is that John asked him to.
“Time to be Sherlock Holmes.” *wears the damn hat*
Sherlock’s mind palace is certainly nicer than Magnussen’s.
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