#it's like something i wouldn't make myself but it's something that isn't too outlandish for me
zahnffxiv · 8 months
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hrothtober day 24: fashion!! a friend (🥐) and i recently designed outfits for each other and this is what he came up with for me!! it's inspired by a sisterhood of witches who worship great old gods!! i wonder what sort i'd be revering in this universe??
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stellaluna33 · 1 year
Okay, so I was rewatching Swan Song today and I was wondering what your thoughts are on why Jess decides not to tell Rory when they’re making up at the end. It seems like he’s gearing up to tell her, making her promise not to mock and not to tell anyone, but then he gets this look on his face and goes with the lie instead. Do you think the swan was standing behind Rory holding a knife in its beak and he lied to protect her?
I always love reading your takes on the characters, so I’d love to hear what you think is going on in his head during that convo.
Hahaha! 😂 (The swan with a knife). Yeah, I have often wondered this same question. And in the end, I think he just chickened out. And as a viewer, KNOWING the truth and then hearing the lie come out of his mouth always makes my heart sink with disappointment and dread, and I wonder if it's supposed to. Like, maybe it's meant to leave the viewer with a sense of unease and foreboding, because even though it looks like they're patching things up on the surface, there's still something wrong underneath. Jess isn't telling Rory everything. He's keeping secrets now (and I think that sets up their spiral at the end of the season).
As to WHY Jess doesn't tell her, from an in-story perspective? I think the bottom line is that he doesn't feel sure that he can trust her. He was going to tell her... but then he second-guessed himself. And I think, despite him saying, "I would have doubted me too," a part of him (the small, secret part of him that longs for love and trust and devotion, even though he thinks he doesn't deserve it) can't quite forget that she did. He had a really bad day... And she was ready to believe the very worst of him. She jumped straight to assuming he was at fault (just like Lorelai, just like everyone else), blaming him for things he didn't do, refusing to listen to him or give him any grace or understanding, and took the Other Guy's side in the altercation she imagined. And that HURTS. Rory is his girlfriend, and she's not on his side. He can't trust her to have his back when everything goes wrong. That's what this incident showed him. And for someone who ALREADY struggles to trust anyone? This incident will always be a lingering doubt in his mind now, even when he WANTS to forgive her. Maybe he was afraid she wouldn't even believe the swan story (so outlandish that even the idea of Jess "throwing a football with a buddy" seemed more believable to him). Maybe he was afraid she'd somehow use it against him in the future. I know I've hidden some pretty ridiculous and unimportant things about myself from my sister, because she has a history of ridiculing and bullying me, and I have a hard time trusting her not to weaponize any vulnerability against me. And once someone crosses that line with me, I can never quite forget it. I think Jess and I have that in common. So, later in the season, it's really not so surprising that Jess feels like he can't tell Rory about his failures at school, how his life is falling apart. He doesn't feel like he can trust that she'll give him any compassion or support. This incident will always make him fear what her response will be ("How could you DO this? How could you be so stupid?! I should have listened to everyone else when they told me what a loser you are! G-d, what was I THINKING, thinking you were worth ruining my life over?").
A "Swan Song" is a death cry. It comes from the legend that Mute Swans (called so because they're quieter than other swan species) can only give one last beautiful song as they're dying. It's the final nail in a coffin, even if it's a beautiful nail. And maybe their passionate kiss at the end of this episode is that for them. Because in the end, they cannot come back from what was broken here. This was the beginning of the End.
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metalbvcky · 2 months
Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know!
tagged by @sarahowritesostucky, thank you lovely!! 💖💖 no pressure tagging: @late-to-the-party-81 @sparkagrace @bittersweet-in-boston @otpcutie @apple-writes
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I feel like that's asking "how did you join Tumblr" it just happened 😂
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
One, technically, which is nothing compared to others but I enjoy exploring my ideas with the MCU and its characters. I'm not sure I'd get the same feeling with other fandoms, like say, supernatural.
🍈How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
It'll be four this summer. Again, not long, but considering I denied myself as being a writer for several years? That's progress and growth.
🍎Do you read or write more fanfiction?
It depends on the muse and all sorts of other things. Sometimes I'm punching out oneshot after oneshot, while other times I'll be focused on a longfic and will read in between and stuff. Like currently!
🍌What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Writing more. Reading more. Writing more again. But also letting go of sticking to a strict outline. I'm a planster. I'll plan the major things, but everything else is made up as I go.
🍑Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
I'll often start or continue writing a scene and will find myself stuck, thinking it's the end of the world, and then realize my whole issue is a few lines above what I'm trying to make work. Happens so often you'd like I would be used to it by now.
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I don't know about weird, but I've been doing a ton of medical research for my future doctor/patient AU. I've searched around for all sorts of things lol even for a sentence that I'll likely not end up using.
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Keyboard smashes. Long detailed comments about the plot/relationship/pining/etc. Comments that mention a tiny detail I included, those are the best when people notice them. But also, any comment.
🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Crack fics? I don't think I write a lot of outlandish stuff, at least I wouldn't consider them to be 😂
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Uhhh... *stares blankly at my open doc* Ones with big plot. I love it, it makes the story even more fun to write, but MAN plot can be tricky. Catch me saying "Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing it again" like Captain Jack Sparrow when I finish a longfic, and then immediately start planning another one to write.
🍏What is the easiest type?
Short oneshots with hardly any plot. Which isn't often because almost everything I write ends up being longer than I anticipated.
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Docs. I used to use Smartedit Writer and organize by chapters, but ehhhh I just throw ideas onto a separate doc and go from there. Why plan extensively when my characters will do a 180 on me all the time? And almost always at night, sometimes during the day when time/the muse allows me.
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I was just thinking about this recently. I have never written a post TWS recovery fic. It's on my 'to write' bucket list, so I hope to tackle a lengthy canon fic one of these days. I love reading canon fics where they're on missions and the plot is centered around HYDRA or some other big bad, I feel like those are trickier to write than AUs. But everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and I know coming up with detailed worlds/world building isn't a walk in the park for some.
🍇 what made you choose your username?
I didn't know what to name my Marvel sideblog when I was making it so... I just decided Bucky + metal arm + aw crap that name is taken = Metalbvcky 🤣
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this might be too specific :> but how do you think saeyoung and GE saeran would react to an MC who connects heavily with things like cemeteries and ghosts? i really like to relate myself to ghosts/joke that i am one (non self deprecatingly) HAGSHA so i am slightly curious :)
Saeyoung is a religious person. His faith means a lot to him. Sure, there's a lot of complicated feelings about religion in this world that we don't need to get into, but what we do know for sure is that it brings him comfort and it's a huge part of his coping mechanism. It brings him peace. He is also a scientific person, and that means that he is open to conversation about how there has to be answers beyond what he thinks or feels. Who would he be to deny something when there is no concrete answer given?
I think he would be someone who understands why you feel connected to those things. There is a lot of energy in history when you visit cemeteries. It doesn't matter if you believe in ghosts or not, you are visiting a place where people have come to rest and there's a lot of different energy and feelings to ruminate on. If you find peace in those spaces where it feels as if human history is right in front of you, not just your mortality, well, he can understand it.
If this is something that makes you feel better about your mortality, he gets it. He wants to understand and learn more about what makes this an interest for you. He wants to know because he wants to know everything about you. He wants to understand what makes you tick and that means getting to know everything about you. Even getting to know those things that you don't often share with other people because you feel like they're outlandish. He wouldn't mind showing his respect and care to those that have long been laid to rest with you.
GE Saeran isn’t sure how he feels about it. It's not like he was raised in religion in such a way that it helped shape him. It was more of a safe house that happened to have God in it. He didn't think too hard about God. It’s not like how Saeyoung was raised in the church, y'know. He doesn't know what happens to people after they die. If anything, he knows you continue to exist in the world in some way. When he thought he was dying for you and his twin, he wanted to be in everything around you... his energy being in your love.
He's not sure if that means that you're the air that kisses somebody's cheek in the breeze, if you’re the clouds they watch, or the hum of the summer sun… or, in this case, if you’re a ghost that haunts the land. He doesn't think there's a wrong answer. He's not sure what it is but he's open to learning more about these experiences and feelings people have about it. He isn't the kind of person who would shut down a thought because he didn't know how to feel about it. He's open to all education! So, share your interest with him.
Talk about ghosts and the afterlife openly. What makes you fond of this? What drew you in? How does this interest bring you peace or intrigue? He listens, he asks questions, and he shows interest. I feel like mortality isn't a scary concept to him. He's already made peace with it. So, it's easy to talk with him and share this hobby. You don't have to think that hard about it and neither does he. It's a matter of education and respect to the dead that have come before you.
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piccolina-mina · 3 years
The entire One Chicago franchise is a mess when it comes to the romantic components of the series. But Chicago PD continues to be the most uninspired, boring, and redundant mess when it comes to their romantic ships and how they display them.
It's as if someone holds a gun to their head and says "let's choose the most basic, young, white heteronormative relationships and smack a cutesy name on them. Fandom will eat it up!" And without fail, fandom always does.
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It's bad enough that half the Intelligence Unit thinks they can only date or sleep with each other. It's also bad enough that it further contributes to Chicago PD's ongoing issue with rarely knowing what to do with its female characters beyond specific plots I've come to call the "traditionally feminine womanly plots" and tying them in with a male character where everything about them hinges on their connection to a male. And also that "there can only be one" issue where only one of the female characters can serve as the primary one while the others duke it out for screentime, plot, and relevancy (congrats on always winning Lindsay and Hailey).
But they recycle the same things ad nauseum. For eight seasons, they would rather devote all of their time cooking up romantic subplots that exclusively feature a constant rotation of Ruzek and Halstead. I get it, they're attractive, hell, I'm no stranger to thirsting over Ruz myself, but they're the lotharios of the unit as if only they can be desirable, and it's gotten so old. My God.
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They would rather give us these two involved with mostly young and white women, especially their squad mates, then devote screentime to literally any alternative couple.
I mean they have SHARED a love interest. Why? The only ships they have ever devoted significant screentime or development to: Halstead and Erin, Halstead and Upton, Ruzek and Burgess, Ruzek and Upton, Burgess and Roman. Qwhite shocking, I know.
Trudy and Mouch have one of the sweetest crossover romances from the franchise, and it's so refreshing to see a middle-aged couple find love, and yet, they've all but cooled off showing them, rarely give that ship screentime, and it tends to stay in the peripheral compared to the big ships.
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Dawson had a romance with Brett from Chicago Fire (another character who gets passed around to the point of absurdity), but they did very little with it, and most of THAT even took place on CF.
They gave Dawson something troubling with another law enforcement officer or whatever for like a single episode, but hell, they still devoted more time and actual arcs to the two or three times where they put Halsted in similar relationships because of course they did.
Never forget that the first relationship that dates pre-series was Chicago Fire's Gabby with *spins wheel* you guessed it, Jay Halstead.
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And of course there was Erin and Severide. So pretty. So ... basic.
Yet they never attempted to give us more of Dawson and his wife or Olinsky and his. The women were barely characters on the series. It would've been something.
I don't mind Burzek. Out of all the ships, I enjoy them most more often than not, but it has been eight seasons of will they/won't they bullcrap that they've drawn out. All of these ups and downs. The one non-cop related romance Burgess had lasted all of a second and ended in tragedy because heaven forbid they DON'T put that woman through endless pain.
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But they've always remained the second place ship of the series, and it's just... enough. Meanwhile, we started the series with Erin and Halstead monopolizing screentime with their romantic situationship drama, and instead of giving it a rest and changing things up when she left, they switched it out with the Halstead and Hailey will they/won't they. Why?
Heaven forbid Halstead or Ruzek don't have a piece of ass.
Ruzek was even Trudy's choice for a relationship ruse to dupe her father.
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In the meantime, one of the most outlandish and unrealistic parts of this series is that Kevin Atwater-- young, smart, just as hot as Chicago PD's golden, pretty, white boys hasn't had a real, significant romantic storyline in the eight years this series has been on air.
In what universe does that make sense? Single, eligible, employed, decent black man? Da faq?
Pardon my bluntness but Kevin Atwater should be seeing more ass than a toilet seat. The fact that he isn't batting folks off with a stick is ludicrous.
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He had ONE fkd up romantic storyline in his one "very special black Kevin" episode in season SIX and that's it. Pardon me? Do you know how many of those Jay has had? Twice or more than Kevin.
On a series that pairs up colleagues like it's their mission, they never once even considered taking the Burgess and Atwater relationship in any other direction beyond platonic (and even that is underused these days). I'm not even saying I would've wanted that. I'm just pointing out that it made no sense given their track record to not even tease it. But Kevin is only good for platonic purposes, I suppose.
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The fact that they put all their eggs in a potential Atwater and Rojas ship, that never even came to fruition, in season SEVEN of a series Atwater has been in since the beginning when characters like Adam and Jay have already had two relationships or more under their belts by then is ridiculous.
And then there's Voight. He's the lead character and never once had a romantic storyline. If he were younger, you already know they would've went there a few times over.
Yet the closest Hank has come to one is an ambiguous scene with him talking to a sex worker in a hotel room back in, like, season two. Are we to believe that he has never once developed feelings for or even had sex with anyone else since his wife died? He's never moved on after that?
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They could easily allude to him being on an ace or demi spectrum if they want, even if I would side eye them for choosing the older character to do it, but if that's the case, they should do something with that.
Even a storyline with a widowed, middle- aged hardass finding love or getting some would be infinitely more interesting and at the very least something different than the same old same old Ruzek & Halstead merry-go-round. Damn, the 50 and over crowd need love too.
And yet Chicago PD keeps feeding us the same bland diet repackaged.
Fine. Burzek has been a thing from the beginning. But after Jay and Erin WHY did they need Hailey and Jay? And if they were going to do Jay and Hailey, why in the mother loving fk did we need Hailey and Adam?
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The good sis bagged not one but both of the coveted white boys.
I mean, just for variety, Dawson was right there. Kevin was right there. I wouldn't have been a fan, but hell, it would at least be something different. Much better than acting as if Halstead and Ruzek are the only viable romantic options.
Why subject her to that?
Isn't it bad enough that she's more often than not reduced to being Lindsay Lite anyway? They struggle to give her a presence that deviates and distinguishes her from Erin as is. From her troubled past, and her stage of being mini- Voight and challenging his authority, to this thing with Jay.
Hell, they even repeated a whole job offer thing.
Mind you, don't get me started on how they missed what should've been the obvious chance to make Hailey queer. If I'm stepping on toes, my bad, but everything about Hailey screamed bi or lesbian. She radiated queer energy, but INSTEAD they chose to pair her with not one but both of CPD's romantic male leads.
Why beat this well-tread path yet again?
Of all the possibilities, and all the different avenues they can explore, they just keep dipping into that same well, and it's so tiresome. It's so unoriginal and uninspired. Yes, it's just so basic. I'm talking 20th century shipping... CPD is so outdated with this and it makes it hard to invest or care about any of them, especially if you already aren't inclined to ship within the series as is.
Shock me. Thrill me. Intrigue me. Bloody hell.
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amethystpath-writes · 3 years
Can Only Move the Eyes
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Original Work
Can Only Move the Eyes
Small Description: an immortal sorceress is trying to rid herself of immortality by taking the life of the one she loves.
You're strong, the lady's voice said, but not strong enough to counter my powers.
If Tysin could growl, he would have, but he couldn't move. Even his breaths were controlled by the sorceress at his side.
Have you had training? Defense against magic? the sorceress, named Giladiasana- Sana, for short- asked Tysin in his head. He could answer if he wanted, think a response loudly enough that she would hear, but he didn't care to talk to a woman who was about to bleed him dry.
Sana pushed a hard barrier on his mind, causing a sharp sting, one that would have made Tysin take a sharp intake of breath and even hold his head, but all he could do was squeeze his eyes shut. That was meant to happen differently, she whispered in his head.
When Tysin opened his eyes again, he glanced around, head unmoving, but eyes darting about. There was glass everywhere. Mostly bottles full of discoloured liquids. Other pieces of glass- colourful ones- dangled about on strings. Tysin assumed it was sea glass. The sorceress's hut was an alcove by the beach so it made sense.
You're ignoring me. Very nice. Sana purred in his mind and it felt to Tysin like it wrapped around his brain. He felt dizzy despite being entirely still.
Why shouldn't I? he finally replied. You pretended to be a friend and now I'm paralyzed. He laughed mentally and added, But let me guess. I should be grateful that I can move my eyes, right?
The sorceress crossed the room. She left Tysin's field of vision as he was laid down. Still, she reached out to his mind. How powerful was she? Depends, Sana sighed. Would you feel better if I kept your eyes closed while I did this?
In truth, he wasn't sure if not seeing was better or worse. Sure the sorceress' home was somewhat fascinating to look at- even if his vision was limited- but wouldn't it be a taunt when she finally dragged a blade across his arm and he began bleeding out? He'd rather see the sky while he died than a bunch of dried roots, twigs, and strange shapes made of clay.
Why are you doing this? Why me?
Which should I answer first?
Sana entered Tysin's sight again. If he could have, he would have lunged at her from his table. Just answer.
You're angry, she observed first. You don't have to be. I don't intend on killing you. I like you.
Tysin would have scoffed at this, except he couldn't imagine scoffing without his chest huffing, and his chest couldn't move. It was like his mind forgot what scoffing was without actually having the action. Whereas laughing was mostly a sound, scoffing required an attached feeling. He didn't have that feeling. It was odd. He blamed Sana.
As for why you...well it's what I just said. I like you, and I don't want to get rid of you. If you had been someone else, I might have killed you to complete my goal. But... Tysin rolled his eyes. The sorceress needed to stop pretending she had any amount of feeling for him. She was cleaning a damn blade so that she could cut him open. She didn't like him. She was keeping him, like a pet. You knew I was different from the moment you met me. You're observant like that. You knew there was something dangerous about me, but you still befriended me.
And this is how you repay me. Again, he wanted to scoff, but the concept was absent. Will it hurt? he asked instead. When I bleed out, will it hurt?
The cut would hurt, but I'll make sure you don't feel it, she said. Tysin was pissed hearing the genuineness in her voice. He refused to believe she felt any remorse for this. And anyway, I'm not bleeding you out, not fully. I'll have to do this a few times. The worst to happen is you'll feel faint and get a few headaches, but I have herbs to help with the latter.
Tysin didn't reply. He was confused- and angry, but mostly confused. Because she did sound sincere. She did sound like she cared, and like she didn't want to hurt him. But if she didn't want to...then why was she? What do you need me for? Why my blood? What are you using it for? He wanted to ask again, why him? Why not some other man or woman she'd met? Why did it have to be someone she apparently cared about? There were too many questions, and it seemed like there weren't enough answers. What she was doing was heathenish and no explanation could be enough.
I'm selfish, Sana told him. There was a long pause and Tysin's chest rose suddenly as the sorceress' did, too. She must have accidentally projected her own actions onto him. His eyes went wide at the swell of feeling. At the same time his chest had rose, he felt something ripping in his arm.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-
The pain in his arm increased and he screamed, his arm jerking to his chest. The skin on his chest felt warm, and he discovered he had mobility in his neck again as he looked down. Sana's control over him had slipped and he felt the pain she caused. She'd stuck the knife in his arm and it was bleeding now, bleeding through his shirt and settling on his skin.
"Tysin, I didn't- I'm sorry. I meant to numb you, but I- What am I doing?" sana sounded angry with the last question.
She rushingly put a hand on Tysin's shoulder, and he fell still again. His arm stung as it slammed against the table. He would have grunted but Sana had control again. His eyes were stuck in a pained squint. They burned as he couldn't blink.
"I've never-" Sana paced beside the table. Tysin didn't see the knife anymore. Had she dropped it. "I don't want to do this," she stressed. "But it's all I want, too." Was she sniffling? "You can still feel. Shit."
In the next moment, the pain in Tysin's arm was gone, and so was the warmth of his own blood on his chest when he cradled his arm. His eyes could move again, too, and he found himself actually be grateful that she'd decided to let them move unlike the rest of his body.
"You know what, I'm just going to say it." Sana took a deep breath. "There's a lot to it, but I'll simplify it as much as I can." Another breath. "I'm not just a sorceress, or a witch, or whatever you want to call me. Before that, I was- you'll never believe me..." Sana sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'm a god. Or was. I was a god before I was made a sorceress on this Earth. And I'm immortal. I know it sounds crazy; I'm not even sure that you believe in the gods, but they do exist. The gods are real and they're the reason that I'm here as I am.
"I wanted to be mortal. I didn't want to be a god anymore, and they called me cowardice for wanting to abandon my powers and control. But I...life isn't worth living if you can't die. Why should I like to create if what I create has an expiration date and I don't? I want to die, Tysin. I don't want to live forever."
What does this-
You can talk. Sana nodded at him.
Tysin let his lips part before licking them. He tested his jaws, opening and closing his mouth and letting his teeth clack together. He ran his tongue along the backs of his teeth and along the skin of his cheek.
Finally, he spoke, "What does any of that have to do with me?" he asked. He didn't say whether or not he believed her outlandish story.
She swallowed. "They punished me," she explained. "They put me on a land of mortals and made me into another immortal, a one-of-a-kind. They made me into a target on this land. Witches were a scary tale created by mortals and the gods made it real, made me into that fictional form. I still want to die, so they surrounded me with death, and made it so that I can still never die."
Tysin gave a blank look. This still had nothing to do with him. She was avoiding the answer.
Sana caught onto his impatience and nodded, getting on with it all. "They have given me a choice. I still value the mortals as my creation. They are precious to me. So..." She sighed like she had done so often today. "I can obtain a mortal life for myself, but only if I kill a mortal I love." Sana walked closer to the table so that she could look Tysin in the eyes. "And I love you, but...I can't kill you. I won't." Her brows pinched together. "But I have to." Sana shook her head.
"You asked if it would hurt and before you asked that, I was still considering following through. I'm selfish, I'll say it again. But when you asked me that...I couldn't let you die. So what I want to do now is..." She grunted in aggravation. "There's so much playing into this. Okay, there are about 5.7 liters of blood in a human's body. And since blood is what allows for life, I must take yours for myself- drink it. What I want to do now, because I won't kill you, is I'll take 5.7 liters of your blood, but over a course of time. I'll take some today, let you recover. Take more another day, recover. And I'll keep doing that until I have enough to equate to one life."
Sana smiled, for the first time today. "Then we can both be mortal and I can love you until we both die. I won't have to be afraid of the person I love dying and therefore having to live on my own without them."
Tysin was almost in shock at the overload. "That...wasn't very simplified."
She gave a huff of a laugh, eyes bright.
"Let me get this straight. You want to take my life so that you can experience death?"
"In a way. I'm not actually taking your life because I won't be killing you, but yes. I am taking your blood so that we can be together."
What makes you think I want to be with you? Who was she to believe he would just be okay with her taking his blood? Sana was out of her mind! Sure she was a sorceress; he believed that in full. But an immortal god? One that needed his blood to overcome a neverending life? No. No, she was crazy.
But, he supposed, this is more up to my own selflessness now.
Sana could find another person to love. Love was limitless and could be presented in many forms. There's motherly love and platonic love. Romantic and admiration. Sana could make a new friend and do this to them instead of Tysin, but it didn't seem okay to do that. This was now a test of Tysin's morals, not the sorceress'. Could he be as selfish as her? Put someone else's life at risk or have them bled out day by day like Sana was proposing she do to him? No. Absolutely not.
"It's okay," Tysin said to the sorceress leaning over him. It wasn't okay. Not at all, but he wouldn't risk someone else's life for his own. Wouldn't make someone else go through being cut open ever day or week or however often it might happen to him. Tysin considered asking Sana to go ahead and kill him, but he knew she wouldn't do that. She loved him so much that she lost control even when she'd first hurt him with the knife. "Do what you must."
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rwby-nwbe · 4 years
Hello Again!
I know I'm probably jumping the gun a bit, but I'm not an entire newbie to RWBY. It's just my first time running through the series properly.
Why do I bring this up? I uhh... might have already given myself a Semblance and a weapon?
I mean, anyone who's payed any attention to my blog has seen my weapon before, but as for my Semblance... well, then there's also something else I need to address.
Meet Mathewton... and Noilimrev
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In case you need a refresher, I'm Mathewton, your standard unorthodox internet nerd and the guy on the left. As you can see, I'm not that impressive. You may be wondering who the guy on my right is. Well, that's Noilimrev Mathewton, but he goes by Rev for short. And before you ask:
Yes, I am aware that his last name is Mathewton. I wasn't in a creative mood at the time, but then I got attached to the name, so it stays.
You probably figured by now that Rev and I share a lot of physical resemblance. Well, let's just say that I was doing a lot of, erm... self-projecting when I was conceptualizing his character.
If you haven't realized by now, there is actually a reason why Rev's actual name is so weird, aside from this being RWBY, where nothing has to make sense so long as it isn't too outlandish. In this case, "Noilimrev" is Vermilion, which is another word for red, in reverse. See where I was going with this?
I won't reveal too much about Rev for now, but as for why he exists? Well...
Noilimrev Mathewton.
Noilimrev. Mathewton.
The whole NWBE thing was meant to just be a fun little joke with RWBY's trademark acronym play, but then my brain went down several rabbit holes and, uh... now Team NWBE is a thing?
Well, will be a thing. Still sketching out the rest of the team... But enough of my rambling. It's about time I told you guys about my... well, OUR... Semblance.
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And surprise, it doesn't look like much. Okay, that's probably because it's just a still image. In actuality, our Semblance, Maxstat, is probably on the better end of Semblances, at least in combat terms. Aside from giving off a really cool red glow (and in Rev's case, giving his dye job a surprising glow up), Maxstat increases the user's speed and stamina (aka defense). The kicker is that it does NOT increase strength. You basically become a super speedy iron wall when you use it.
However, the Semblance doesn't make the user invincible. If the user's Aura gets hit with an attack that normally would OHKO their Aura, their Aura won't break, but the Semblance will, and if the Semblance isn't back up in time, a strong enough attack will shatter their Aura. What's more, if a Maxstat user loses their heightened defense, they lose their super speed, too, so even if you can tank through attacks, it isn't always well advised...
Rev tries not to rely on his Semblance too much, anyway, so this wouldn't be a problem for him unless it's a desperate situation. And remember, Maxstat doesn't grant super strength, and you also feel EVERY OUNCE OF PAIN you get inflicted with, even if Maxstat negates it. So is the Semblance convenient? Yes. Is it a God-Tier power up? Not by a long shot.
With that lengthy explanation out of the way, let's talk about our weapon. You recognize what it is if you've seen my first post (or the blog header), so without further ado...
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Heh... Blood Lion... I'm clever...
So, in essence, Sangre León is one hell of a combat staff. It can be split into dual batons, and is also equipped with concealed knives and multi-use prongs. By default, the knives are encased in fire dust, and lightning dust is used with the prongs to create tasers. Naturally, however, it can use all kinds of dust for either of these weapons, though that's a story for another time.
Either way, Rev or myself can use Sangre León as a standard whacking stick if we're in the mood. There's also the option of creating a dual bladed baton (or a one bladed naginata if we're in a samurai kind of mood). If you spin around the staff's batons to where the prongs are facing outward, you got yourself the world's most dangerous blaster!
Oh yeah. I should probably mention that because Sangre León doesn't have a standard gun mechanism like other RWBY weapons, it utilizes projectile combat in the form of thin shockwaves from the knives, or concentrated blasts from the prongs. We can't be close combat ALL the time.
Sangre León also has other niche capabilities, but I'll just leave it at that for now. If I actually had Sangre León, I'd need some time to learn how to actually use it, since I'm not proficient in any form of weaponry. Rev, on the other hand, has spent years learning and improving Sangre León to it's current state, so...
...yeah. Just don't square up to him in the middle of the night at a Denny's parking lot.
Welp, I'm just about finished rambling. Thank you for indulging me! Hopefully you'll get to see more of Rev and the other members of Team NWBE soon. Take care!
-Mathewton, the RWBY Newbie (15 March 2020)
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