#it's like the 4th of july but without the uncle sam
miahasahardname · 2 years
ah, i love the fifth of november.
the fireworks, the bonfires with a straw man burning in them, the loud noises, my brother crying louder than the fireworks because of sensory overload, the constant anxiety of having a seizure but not being able to look away from the flashing because pretty colours, and the shit traffic that you spend hours in when trying to drive home.
good times.
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dreamersbcll · 11 months
“Ink Blots”
for @krikeymate
May 30th, 2017
Dear Sam,
It’s strange. I don’t hate you anymore. I don’t really know if I did, but I don’t anymore.
A whole year and then some. You’re gone. I kept thinking you would come home and love me again. That front door never opened. I never felt your warmth creep back in.
It’s strange. The house is colder without you. I can never get warm. Even in the summer heat, I’m shivering. It’s like you took all the warmth and sun to wherever you went.
Mom isn’t really here anymore. She got a new job. She travels a lot. Don’t worry; she still drinks. And she still hits. But I don’t have to see her as much anymore.
Amber stays over a lot now. I mean, more than usual. It’s as if she can’t get enough of me. It’s weird having someone crave me. It’s been a while. A long while.
Even when you were here, you weren’t here. I guess it was those pills you took. You floated up and away, and I could never quite reach you.
I have to go. Amber wants to watch the sunset at Cedar Park.
Your sister, Tara.
July 4th, 2017
Dear Sam,
It’s the fourth of July. Do you remember when we used to call you Uncle Sam for fun? And you wore that stupid top hat and ridiculous striped shirt? Chad even gave you a fake white beard. Mindy took so many pictures. I still have them, if you’re wondering.
It was stupid. But it was fun. You always made me laugh. You always made me smile. This holiday is ridiculous and meaningless, but it’s another holiday you’re not here for.
I didn’t see the fireworks last year. I don’t think I'll see them this year. I can only imagine how the fireworks reflect in your eyes and how big you smile. You outshined the lights in the sky every time.
In hindsight, I should’ve told you that. I should’ve told you all the little things that I love about you. Like how you used to squeeze my hand three times every time we had a serious talk; or how you would kiss my head when I pretended to be asleep.
The little things. That’s all I have now.
I hope you enjoy the fireworks this year. They should be good.
Your little, little sister, Tara.
September 3rd, 2017
Dear Sammy,
I really need you. It’s my first day of high school. I’m fucking terrified. I need you, Sammy. I’m so scared.
What if they hurt me? What if they push me around? What if I raise my hand to talk and forget everything? Who is going to help me with homework and tests?
I’m so scared. I’m not ready for this.
Please send love.
Your baby sister, Tara.
November 1st, 2017
Dear Sam,
Sorry that I haven’t written in a while. The school has been challenging. I never realized how much I needed to pay attention. I get why you were so distant. Even though I was too much, high school was probably hard too.
I’m hungover. Amber threw a Halloween party. I dressed as Uncle Sam. And drank a lot. I don’t think I’ve ever been so sick in my life. I’m writing this letter from the bathroom floor.
I know you never wanted me to drink, and I never wanted to end up like Mom. But alcohol is so delightful. It turns the volume down and makes everything more manageable. I understand why you drank now. I feel stable.
I know once this hangover clears up, I’ll feel awful. But right now, on Amber’s bathroom floor, I think I will be okay. Nauseous, but okay.
When did you first get hungover?
From, Tara.
December 13th, 2018
Dear big sister,
Tomorrow is my birthday. I am turning fifteen.
Fifteen is the year you first got arrested. I remember that night well. Mom nearly put her fist through the living room china cabinet. You swore a lot and then slammed your door so hard that I cried.
Funny how time shakes out. I’m fifteen, too afraid to do anything in case you return. You do know you can come back, right?
If you don’t find what you’re looking for, or in case you get bored of running, you can come back. You always can.
Just, don’t wait forever. I don’t think I’ll make it much longer without you.
Can I say I love you? I do. I love you, Sam.
I hope you still love me.
Love, Tara.
January 1st, 2018
Dear Sam,
I miss you.
Love, Tara.
February 14th, 2018
Dear Sam,
It’s Valentine’s Day. You always hated that day. You hated the cheap cards and stupid chocolates. You always said it was just a holiday meant to sell cards.
I know your secret, though. I know you got me cards and gifts and candies so I would know I was loved. I should’ve done it back. I was just so delighted to know you cared. I was afraid to acknowledge that one day you would go, and I would have to buy my flowers.
Well. You did go much earlier than expected. Amber bought me flowers. Red roses. And she gave me a little card telling me how much she loved me.
It’s sweet. I love her too. She’s my best friend. But I’m not too fond of flowers. I like lilies.
Oh well. Beggars can’t be choosers.
I am sending love and cheesy hallmark cards, Tara.
April 26th, 2018
Dear Sam,
I hurt myself today. To see if I still feel.
It turns out I do. Just enough. The razor blade was sharper than I thought.
I’m not stupid, Sam. I saw the marks on your arms and legs. I know what a cigarette burn looks like. You were never kind to yourself. Why did you expect me to be kind to myself?
I don’t know what you were punishing yourself for. I don’t know why you felt that the final straw had to be deserting me.
Jesus Christ, Sam, can you not see how awful it’s been for me? How lonely and miserable am I? I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t function without you. I’m fucking lost.
It’s almost two years since you left. And I’m still right here in this gutted house, in that same lonely room. I yell at the sky, but God doesn’t listen. I hurt myself to try and reconcile with the fact that I push away every person I’ve ever loved. I write letters to someone who would never receive them.
It’s fucked up, Sam. What you did was fucked up.
Fuck you. Tara.
May 12th, 2018
Dear Sam,
You told me you loved me. Why did you go away?
Amber says I need to get over you. That two years means you’re never coming back. That you’ve moved on and you’ve found things that make you happier. Maybe so. But I thought the happiest thing in your life was me.
What the hell did I do?
Everybody around me keeps growing up, keeps finding new things. Mindy is the captain of the debate team. Chad is the only freshman to crack the football squad. Amber is the co-captain of the forensics team.
I’m still here. Alone. Waiting for you. Everyone tells me I need to move on, join clubs, and find new hobbies.
I can’t. And that’s your fault.
I hate you.
(Spoiler alert. I don’t. I fucking love you)
Please come home.
Love, Tara.
(Do you love me?)
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Patriotic Uncle Sam's Hat Color Me T-Shirt With Washable Markers
Granny & Grandpa’s Kids Coloring T-Shirts are for Parties, Family Night and More! Have a great time coloring in our Color Me T-Shirts. All of our Color Me T-Shirts do come with washable markers.
Our Patriotic Uncle Sam’s Hat with Fireworks is a perfect Color Me T-Shirt for the upcoming 4th of July! Nothing says America with your child’s coloring of the Red, White and Blue! Your child will be wearing their art work loudly and proudly with this Color Me T-Shirt!
Granny & Grandpa have the perfect arts and crafts coloring T-Shirts for your child; for their birthday party, a gift to a loved one as our Color Me T-Shirts are available in Toddler, Youth, and Adult! Our Color Me T-shirts are not just for children; it is something the whole family can enjoy doing together. Instead of playing video games, watching television have Granny & Grandpa’s Color Me T-shirts out and watch your family’s creativity grow….our Color Me T-shirts are a great activity for a fun family night!
Our coloring t-shirts offer a crafty and fun approach to creating great memories for all ages! Our coloring t-shirts are much better than ordinary coloring book and crayons! What child would pass up the opportunity to color his or her own personalized T-shirt without getting into trouble? The best part is being able to proudly show off their artwork, their creativity not just on the refrigerator in the kitchen, but by wearing it anytime and anywhere…for the World to see! Granny & Grandpa helps your children create keepsakes you will want to save after the t-shirts your children color have been outgrown!
This package includes: T-shirt and one package of Super Washable Markers. If you would like the artwork, you will need to purchase permeant marks, as they are not included with this package.
Care Instructions: Machine wash cold, no bleach, no softener. Do not dry clean. Do not iron. Tumble dry low.
Just use a permanent or non-permanent fabric marker in the colors you love. Do you love adult coloring books?  Great for kids and adults alike. Stay between the lines and color it in like a coloring book. Get creative and make it look like your favorite cartoon coloring in a comic book, mandala, or kaleidoscopes.
We also personalize our Color Me T-shirts, reach out to us today to custom order your Color Me T-shirts! You can reach us at [email protected]
#grannygrandpascustomcreations #colormetshirts #Unclesam - Patriotic
Granny & Grandpa’s Kids Coloring T-Shirts are for Parties, Family Night and More! Have a great time coloring in our Color Me T-Shirts. All of our Color Me T-Shirts do come with washable markers.
Our Patriotic Uncle Sam’s Hat with Fireworks is a perfect Color Me T-Shirt for the upcoming 4th of July! Nothing says America with your child’s coloring of the Red, White and Blue! Your child will be wearing their art work loudly and proudly with this Color Me T-Shirt!
Granny & Grandpa have the perfect arts and crafts coloring T-Shirts for your child; for their birthday party, a gift to a loved one as our Color Me T-Shirts are available in Toddler, Youth, and Adult! Our Color Me T-shirts are not just for children; it is something the whole family can enjoy doing together. Instead of playing video games, watching television have Granny & Grandpa’s Color Me T-shirts out and watch your family’s creativity grow….our Color Me T-shirts are a great activity for a fun family night!
Our coloring t-shirts offer a crafty and fun approach to creating great memories for all ages! Our coloring t-shirts are much better than ordinary coloring book and crayons! What child would pass up the opportunity to color his or her own personalized T-shirt without getting into trouble? The best part is being able to proudly show off their artwork, their creativity not just on the refrigerator in the kitchen, but by wearing it anytime and anywhere…for the World to see! Granny & Grandpa helps your children create keepsakes you will want to save after the t-shirts your children color have been outgrown!
This package includes: T-shirt and one package of Super Washable Markers. If you would like the artwork, you will need to purchase permeant marks, as they are not included with this package.
Care Instructions: Machine wash cold, no bleach, no softener. Do not dry clean. Do not iron. Tumble dry low.
Just use a permanent or non-permanent fabric marker in the colors you love. Do you love adult coloring books?  Great for kids and adults alike. Stay between the lines and color it in like a coloring book. Get creative and make it look like your favorite cartoon coloring in a comic book, mandala, or kaleidoscopes.
We also personalize our Color Me T-shirts, reach out to us today to custom order your Color Me T-shirts! You can reach us at [email protected]
#grannygrandpascustomcreations #colormetshirts #Unclesam - Patriotic
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kickstart my heart
The sequel to boys boys boys that has been requested. You were right, peeps, we definitely needed some Sam/Bucky fluff. So, here you go.
This can also be found over on AO3.
Sam’s so absorbed in his text conversation with Sharon—there’s always some crazy shit going down in Madripoor—that it takes him a while to notice that Bucky hasn’t returned with their refills yet.
The coffee shop isn’t busy, so he quickly spots Bucky by the register, and has to snort when he realises what’s going on. Bucky’s got a hip propped against the counter, casual and loose, and is smiling sweetly at the barista, dimples out in full force. Sam’s too far away to hear what’s being said, but the barista’s cheeks are flushed, and as Sam watches, his hand slowly, carefully moves closer to Bucky’s until their pinkies just barely touch.
It still catches Sam by surprise, sometimes, to see Bucky like this, confident and at peace with himself. Laughing freely at whatever the barista is saying, eyes crinkled at the corners, and smile flirty when he answers back with something that has the barista duck his head, giggling shyly.
Bucky’s always been gorgeous, Sam will freely admit that to anyone but the man in question, but Bucky content and happy is something else entirely.
“Do not ruin this place for us,” Sam warns, just loud enough that he knows Bucky’s enhanced hearing will pick it up, “they have the best carrot cake in the city, man.”
Bucky never looks away from the barista, but he does flip Sam off behind his back, so he definitely caught it.
(Watch out for the break!)
Chuckling to himself, Sam picks his phone up again. Sarah’s sent a series of adorable pictures of Cass and AJ, and Sam is gushing over them like the loving uncle he is when a steaming cup is set down by his elbow. He looks up as Bucky drops into the chair across the table, eyes immediately zeroing in on the plate in his hand.
“Special delivery,” Bucky teases with a quiet laugh, and pushes the giant piece of carrot cake towards Sam. “You’re welcome.”
Sam’s heart flutters traitorously.
“I am a trained medical professional, Sergeant Barnes, I can assure you that I know what I’m doing.”
Bucky doesn’t stop glowering at the doctor, looming over her back as she finishes up with the stitches on Sam’s forehead. Sam hisses when she ties off the last one, and Bucky breathes out something that sounds suspiciously like a growl.
The doctor doesn’t seem fazed. Sam shoots her an apologetic smile anyway.
His wrist is badly sprained, she tells him while she puts it in a brace, and he’s bruised pretty much all over, but there are no more serious injuries to worry about. As soon as he’s cleared to leave, Bucky’s right there with an arm around his waist, snatching the bottle of painkillers the doctor holds out with a glare.
Sam can see the doctor trying very hard not to roll her eyes.
He nods off on the drive home, head on Bucky’s shoulder, and barely wakes up enough to stagger up to his apartment with Bucky’s guiding hands on his shoulders. He’s deposited on his bed, dozing lightly until Bucky returns a few minutes later with a glass of water, and helps him sit up enough to swallow one of the painkillers.
The last thing he hears before he falls asleep again is Bucky tugging and cursing at the laces of his boots.
It’s dark out when Sam wakes up again, tangled in sweat-soaked sheets, and panting wildly. His hand is trembling when he rubs it over his wet eyes, and he has to clench his teeth against the sob he can feel bubbling up his throat.
He startles when his bedroom door creaks open, and watches in sleepy confusion as Bucky makes his way across the room towards the bed. Bucky is warm and solid when he reaches out for Sam, hands gentle as he pulls Sam close, and Sam is too exhausted to question anything, just lets himself be tucked against Bucky’s side, head on his chest.
Bucky tugs the sheets up and over them without a word.
Sam breathes out shakily, fingers curling into Bucky’s shirt, and closes his eyes again.
Joaquín’s face as he walks out of the plane is very telling.
“So, the good news is,” he starts, grease-streaked hands on his hips, “I can fix the engine. Well. I think I can. Probably.”
Sam and Bucky exchange a sceptical look.
“Rude,” Joaquín sniffs.
Sam quirks a brow at him. “I’m assuming there’s some bad news, too?”
“There’s always bad news,” Bucky mutters, which is, more often than not, true.
He shrugs off his combat jacket, and Sam gets momentarily distracted by the way his damp undershirt clings to his abs. Joaquín clears his throat, mouth pursed in amusement when Sam turns back to him.
Sam narrows his eyes at him. Joaquín just grins back.
“Well?” Bucky demands.
“Oh, yeah. Uh, so,” Joaquín grimaces, “I don’t actually have the parts I need—”
Sam and Bucky groan in unison.
“—but! But I managed to get through to HQ, and they’ll airdrop everything I need.” He pauses, looking shifty, before he adds, much quieter, “In about eight hours.”
“What the fuck,” Bucky hisses, at the same time as Sam yells, “Eight hours?”
Joaquín spreads his arms wide, gesturing around them. “Well, I mean. We are in the middle of the jungle, you know?”
Which, unfortunately, is also true.
With not much else to do but wait, they decide to set out and explore the area around the crash site. The plane is stocked with emergency rations that will last them for a while, but they’re low on water, and in this heat, that could become a problem pretty soon.
The universe, mercifully, decides to give them a break, and they find a small lake after only about half an hour of searching. Sam whistles appreciatively, and Joaquín actually pumps his fist, whooping, “Nice!”
Bucky doesn’t say anything, but immediately starts kicking off his boots.
“Uh,” Joaquín says, unsure, peering into the seemingly calm lake. “Do you think that’s a good idea? We don’t know what lives in there.”
Bucky only snorts at that. “I think I can handle an alligator,” he declares, pulls off his shirt, and, with a wink in Sam’s direction, dives headfirst into the water.
“So.” Joaquín eyes Sam with a mischievous little smirk on his face. “What’s going on here? Anything you wanna tell me?”
“That you’re way too nosy,” Sam shoots back, but has to smile when Joaquín just laughs, and nudges their shoulders together.
“You seem happier, though, lately,” Joaquín goes on. “Both of you. So, you know. Good for you, yeah?”
Bucky choses that moment to resurface, wet chest glistening in the sun. Sam can’t help but stare, just for a moment, as Bucky stretches his arms over his head with a happy little sigh.
Next to him, Joaquín starts cackling.
Sam decides to push him in the lake.
He’s pretty sure Bucky will save him if there really are any alligators.
Sam is picking up cups and paper plates around the yard as the party winds down, absently humming along to the music that’s still playing softly from inside the house. The sun has set a while ago, but it’s summer and still pleasantly warm outside, and the faint glow from the porch lights is just enough to see where he’s going.
It’s quiet and peaceful, and Sam smiles to himself as he ties off the trash bag.
Last year, on the 4th of July, he’d stood in front of hundreds of people, talking about Steve’s biggest achievements and sacrifices as if his loss hadn’t still been fresh for him, too. As if he hadn’t been grieving for a friend, instead of an international icon and hero.
This year is different, though. Today has been good. Very good.
Sam had, politely but firmly, denied to speak at any memorial services or ceremonies, had announced that he would be incommunicado for the week, and had packed up his shit to spend the holiday with his family in Louisiana.
His wings are stowed away, his phone is off, and he won’t have to talk to anyone from work for at least another few days.
Well. Almost no one.
Bucky’s just vanishing around the corner upstairs when Sam steps into the house, Cass in one arm and AJ in the other. They’re definitely getting too big to be carried around like this, something Sam’s back reminds him of whenever he does it these days, but something about seeing Bucky do it has Sam feel warm all over.
He can hear one of the boys murmur sleepily, and then Bucky say something that has both of them giggling tiredly.
Sam breathes out shakily.
It’s no wonder Sarah’s been making fun of him ever since he arrived with his unannounced guest in tow.
When Sam glances up, Bucky’s standing on the stairs, only a few steps up, watching him with his head tilted curiously. “The boys want you to go say goodnight to them.”
Sam nods, absently licking his bottom lip. Bucky’s eyes track the movement.
“Buck,” Sam whispers, and when he holds out a hand, Bucky takes it without hesitation, letting himself be pulled close. “Can I—”
Bucky’s, “Yeah,” is pressed against Sam’s mouth, his lips soft and warm. Sam kisses back for a moment, before resting their foreheads together with a shuddering sigh.
“Wait up for me?”
Bucky nods, pecking him on the cheek. “Okay.”
He squeezes Sam’s hand, lingering, then lets go to join everyone else in the living room. He says something, too low for Sam to make out, but it makes Sarah laugh, loud and excited, and Bucky chuckle deeply in response.
Just a regular, normal holiday weekend with his family, Sam thinks as he moves up the stairs, absently touching his cheek.
All of his family.
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jbbarnesnnoble · 4 years
Darling Sipping That Red Wine
Summary: You get lost in the memories on Steve’s birthday.
Features: References to character death; references to afterlife
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Reader
Notes: This has been a WIP for months because I kept getting stuck. 
Word Count: 2038
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You sat on the front porch, watching as the children played in the yard. It was the 4th of July, and everyone was in town. Steve sat beside you, his hand curled around yours. The two of you were sitting on the front porch swing. 
“You have that look on your face,” he said. You looked at him.
“What look is that?” you asked. He smiled.
“The same look you had after that mission in Galway, when we went to that pub and you and Bucky went shot for shot with the tequila on a bet,” he said. You laughed at the memory.
“It’s not my fault he didn’t realize I had been dosed with a serum when the US was trying to recreate the success they had with you. I just saw easy money once he realized I wasn’t affected either and could keep up with him,” you said. Talking about Bucky didn’t hurt as much as it had. The three of you had been together for so long, living without him had been something that was difficult to grow used to. You found yourself lost in the memory.
It had been a cool day in the late summer. The breeze coming in off Galway Bay sent a chill down your back. Bucky had noticed and wrapped his jacket around you. You smiled at him. You, Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Nat had been in Galway on a mission, your first major mission since joining the Avengers. Bucky went for the tequila shots when your group descended upon the bar. You decided to have a little fun at his expense. The fact that you were living proof of the US succeeding at recreating the serum that made Steve Captain America was a secret, even from the team, aside from Steve. 
“Bet I can keep up with you Barnes,” you said. Bucky raised an eyebrow.
“Alcohol doesn’t affect me like it does you, sweetheart,” he said.
“Wanna make that a bet? If I can keep up with you without keeling over from alcohol poisoning, you gotta give me $200,” you said. He laughed.
“And if I win?” he asked. 
“You won’t, but how about you decide?” you replied. 
“A kiss,” he said with a smirk. The two of you shook on it and Steve hid his amusement behind the glass of beer he was taking a sip of. Natasha and Sam were certain Bucky was going to win and threw in their own bets. 
Fifteen shots later and you were still unaffected. The three of them were shocked. Steve finally busted out laughing.
“She’s got the serum,” he said.
“Steve! That’s classified!” you scolded. He just smiled.
“They’re family, doll. Can’t keep anything from them forever. I’m surprised Romanoff didn’t figure it out sooner,” he said. 
You were pulled out of the memory by someone coming onto the porch. 
“It’s time for cake,” the woman said. You and Steve both nodded. 
Steve helped you up and the two of you made your way, arm in arm, to where a table was set up. A cake read ‘Happy Birthday Steve’ with the number 135 in candles. Your family hadn’t gone with his birth year. You chuckled at the thought of what that number would be. No, your family had started counting Steve and Bucky’s birthdays by the ages they presented as. It had been your idea, way back when. A way to help them feel like they weren’t so different. There were jokes, of course, about how old they really were. But they appreciated the feeling of being normal, for once.
It was Steve’s birthday. July 4, 2028. Technically, he was one hundred and ten years old. When they’d pulled him from the ice in 2011, he’d physically been twenty-seven, going on twenty-eight. By your count, Steve was only turning forty-five years old, considering he had ‘turned’ twenty-eight the year he was found. You saw the look on his face when he opened a card to see that it made reference to him being one hundred and ten. A small frown quickly covered with a smile toward Tony in thanks. It was the same look you’d seen in March, when Bucky turned one hundred and eleven. Your boys would never say it. But you knew it bothered them. 
You slipped out to the store, heading straight for the aisle that held cake decorations. You grabbed two candles, one in the shape of a four, the other a five, before deciding to grab a stockpile of candles. You checked out, but not before grabbing a smaller cake, one of Bucky’s favorites. If you were going to do this, you were going to do this right. With how much he’d been on and off ice, it wasn’t easy to tell what his age would be. At least with Steve, you’d known how old he was when he’d crashed that plane into the arctic. It was easiest just to say he was forty-six, you decided. 
When it came time for cake that night, you had swapped the gaudy candles Tony had ordered out for the ones you’d bought at the grocery store. Bucky had caught you doing it and assisted with keeping Tony away from the cake before you brought it out. Steve smiled when he saw the numbers. It wasn’t a big thing. But it meant something to him. It was a slice of normal. Later that night, you presented Bucky with the smaller cake, in the quiet of your home, away from the hustle and bustle of the compound. 
“Thank you, doll. You don’t understand how much this means,” Bucky said. Steve came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you.
“I don’t know about you Buck, but I think this pair of forty somethings should show our girl that we still got it,” Steve said before picking you up. You let out a screeching laugh as he carried you toward your shared bedroom, the children staying with their Aunt Natasha and Uncle Bruce for the night. 
You were pulled out of your memory by the singing. You smiled as you watched Steve blow out the candles, though your heart ached. It had only been a year since you’d lost Bucky. Age caught up to you all. You knew it wouldn’t be long before you and Steve followed, but the two of you had promised him you’d keep living your lives, that you wouldn’t let heartbreak take you too soon. 
The three of you had a big family. Three children turned into seven grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren, and twenty some-odd great-great grandchildren with two more on the way, and one great-great-great grandchild, who was just a few months old, the first child of your eldest great-great granddaughter. You knew getting to meet them all, see them all, was an opportunity so few got. Your friends had long since passed, with the exception of Thor. Thor still looked young as ever. Your heart ached, knowing some day soon, he would be the last one left from the original team. 
Though the serum affected your children, it wasn’t to the extent it affected the three of you. Your eldest had just turned one-hundred. Even for your ages, you looked young, a benefit of the serum. 
“Happy birthday, pops,” your son, Jamie, said as he hugged Steve. He was the oldest of your children, Steve’s child through and through. You could remember the first time the three of you had realized he had some version of enhanced strength.
You were due with little Tasha any day now. You were ready to be done with pregnancy. The last few weeks, it appeared, would always be the hardest for you. 
You were in the kitchen with Bucky while Steve sat with your nearly two year old, playing with a new toy Wanda and Vis had given him when you heard a crash and a yelp from Steve.
“What on earth?” you asked. Bucky was doubled over laughing. Your husband sat in the remains of your coffee table while your son giggled.
“He’s uh, stronger than I thought,” Steve explained. 
“Are you telling me our two year old son managed to push you over?” you asked, a brow raised.
“I think that’s exactly what he’s saying, doll,” Bucky said as another fit of laughter came over him. You couldn’t help yourself either, wishing you had been able to see it, before you remembered that FRIDAY likely had a recording. You caught Bucky’s eye and you saw Steve’s eyes widen.
“No, no, you don’t need to see that,” Steve argued as he scrambled to his feet. It was too late. Bucky had already asked FRIDAY who gladly brought up a hologram showing the incident on replay as you and Bucky doubled over.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Glad your husband getting hurt is so funny,” Steve grumbled. You looked at him, a hand on your hip and a look of incredulity on your face. 
“It already stopped hurting,” Steve grumbled.
“That’s what I thought. But, if you want, I can kiss it better later,” you said, quiet enough that only he and Bucky picked up on it.
“You’re trouble,” Steve said before coming closer to pull you into a kiss. 
You heard someone calling for you, pulling you out of your thoughts once more. Tasha was standing beside you, holding a slice of cake out for you.
“Are you alright, mom?” she asked, quietly. 
“I’m fine, sweetheart, just lost in thought,” you said, taking the plate from her. Steve was sitting, waiting for you. You made your way over to him. His once blond hair was now fully grey, his smooth skin now full of wrinkles and signs of a life well lived. 
The party was winding down by the early evening, your family members reluctantly heading out. You and Steve weren’t as young as you used to be, and late nights were a thing of the past for you both, instead spending the evenings together, talking about anything and everything. The loss of Bucky was still heavily felt by you both. The empty space in your bed, the chair that sat empty at the kitchen table. The mug that still sat beside the coffee machine. 
“Ready, sweetheart?” Steve asked as the two of you sat on the couch, watching a re-run of some show.
“Yeah, I think I am,” you said, taking his hand as he turned off the television, before he led you to your bedroom. The two of you got ready for bed in a comfortable silence, settling in beside each other.
“I love you,” Steve murmured.
“I love you too,” you replied, before he placed a soft kiss on your lips. The two of you drifted off, forever ahead of you. 
You swore you could hear Bucky’s voice as you fell asleep, distant and distorted at first before it became clear. You saw him in front of you, looking as young as the day you’d met, a warm smile on his face. You glanced to your left, Steve’s fingers still laced with yours, his features slowly shifting as he started to resemble his younger self.
“Buck?” Steve asked. 
“Happy birthday, Stevie. A flair for the dramatic, hm?” Bucky asked.
“Am I dreaming?” you asked.
“No, doll. This is real. Always had a feeling the two of you would go together,” Bucky replied. You and Steve looked at one another.
“Go together? Are you saying?” you asked not able to find the words. Bucky simply nodded. You looked around. It looked like you were on the grounds of the Avengers compound, where all of the original team had settled down with homes in a secluded portion. A way to keep their families safe. 
“Nat?” you said, seeing the familiar redhead. One by one, your teammates, your friends, your family came out of their homes. It had been so long since Nat had been lost. A mission gone wrong in Arizona. You had carried the guilt for years. You cried as she hugged you. 
Later, you and your boys had time for yourselves. Time to just be together. Neither you or Steve were willing to leave Bucky’s side, and in Bucky’s opinion, well, that was just fine. 
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fangirlinsweden · 4 years
Noticing ~ Part 7
Part 7 ~  Planning, trickery and an unexpected mission (July)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: Swearing, frustrating Steve, kind of angsty sometimes.
Wordcount: About 3800 words
Summary:  Y/N is in love with Steve, but she is afraid to tell him. So she tries to show him by using Cheesy Pickup lines. Will he ever notice her?
A/N: This is written for @buckysmischief  Gab’ s 1k writing challenge.
This takes place after Endgame, But Steve did not leave the future. Nat and Tony are still alive.
Almost all pickup-lines are lines I have found on the internet. Some I have adjusted a bit to fit the storyline more.
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It was the beginning of July and you had been sneaking around with the team, keeping the plans for Steve’s 106 birthday as secret as possible. You had come with the suggestion a couple of months ago that maybe the team could go away for 4th of July and therefore Steve’s birthday. Somewhere away from all the people and celebrate Steve more privately. The team had agreed that Steve deserved to have a day to relax. Tony offered up one of his more secluded mansions for a mini-vacation slash birthday bash. You had gotten Pepper involved so that she could keep Tony’s extravaganza tendencies in check. If someone could do that, it would be Pepper. Steve had no idea, or at least you hoped that was the case. Peter Parker was not informed about the plans, because he was not good at keeping secrets. How he kept his superhero identity a secret was a wonder to you. Bucky was keeping Steve occupied while you, Wanda, Sam and Morgan were planning for the party. Morgan insisted on there being fireworks, red, blue and white, and you had a hard time telling her no.  “Then when the fireworks show is you and uncle Steve can kiss, auntie Y/N,” Morgan smiled at you. That comment made you stop writing the list of supplies you needed to buy. “What?” you could feel your face turning red and you saw Wanda and Sam trying to suppress their laughs. “You know, kiss,” Morgan smushed up her face.  “Morgan, where have you gotten an idea like that?” you tried to take a couple of deep breaths. “Dad said that Uncle Steve and you are to blind to see how much in love the two of you with each other. He said that he wonders if he will need to look the two of you in the elevator together and only let you out when the two of you..” Morgan looks up at you with big eyes. “Then he said a bad word.” Sam and Wanda start laughing. They could apparently not hold it in anymore.  “Morgan did your father say this to you?” you narrow your eyes. “No, I overheard him talking to Uncle Rhodey,” Morgan admits and you look at Sam and Wanda who is still laughing. “You really should tell your mother what you heard your father say,” you smile at Morgan. Pepper would not like it that Tony was learning Morgan bad words.  “What should I tell her Daddy said?” Morgan tilted her head. “The bad word,” You smile at her. “So not that you and uncle Steve love each other?” Morgan smiles at you and you want to groan. “Sweetie, Your mother already knows that,” Sam gets out before he starts laughing again. “And Morgan,” Wanda is smiling brightly, so you know she is up to something. “It’s New Year's Eve that usually kisses during fireworks.” Morgan nods looking serious. You groan, like that would not get ideas into Morgan's head. Hopefully, she would have forgotten all about this before New Year's Eve. The subject is dropped and you continue planning Steve’s birthday party. Hopefully, Morgan would keep her father's opinions to herself in the future, at least when it was about Steve and you. 
Sam, Wanda and you were getting back from buying party supplies for Steve’s party. When you step into the compound you see Steve in the hallway. You curse Bucky under your breath. His job was to keep Steve occupied and away from the compound.  “We need to distract, Steve, quick,” Sam whispers and nods out in the hallway that Steve was in. If he saw you no the surprise would be destroyed.  “Y/N, you need to go distract him,” Wanda pushed you. “Me?!” you look at them.  “Yes, I can't keep a straight face right now,” Wanda said and she pushed you out into the hallway.  “Hey, Sweetheart,” Steve says when he sees you. “Where is everyone?” “Hmm... I don’t know,” you bit your lower lip. You saw that Steve was carrying one of his sketchbooks. “Have you sketched something new?” Steve nods and you smile. “Can I please see?” you ask and Steve opens the sketchbook. You take the book and Steve stands beside you. This gives Sam and Wanda an opportunity to start carrying the bags to Wanda's room. The first sketch is of Pepper and Morgan walking hand in hand outside. It was as if they would walk out of the paper. The next one is of Bruce and Tony talking close together and laughing. It looked so alive. Then there was a picture of Sam and Bucky bickering. It made you laugh. When you went to turn the page again, Steve tried to take the sketchbook away from you, but you managed to keep it and you turned the page. The next picture is of you laughing and looking beautiful, more beautiful than you had ever seen me. Steve was fidgeting.  “Steve these are amazing,” you smile up at him.  “You think so?” he asks and you nod. You flip through the sketchbook. There are more sketches of the team and you count to four more of you. It made your body feel warm and kind of like you were floating. He looked at you. He sketched you.  “You are so amazing that your birthday should be a national holiday. Oh wait it is!” you wink at Steve and he laughs loud with his head thrown back. You see Sam and Wanda give you thumbs up behind Steve’s back and you know they had gotten all the supplies to Wanda's room. Steve was still laughing and it was the best sound in the world. Even if he did not seem to understand that you were flirting, seeing him laugh was the best part of your day. You told him that you had something to do when he had stopped laughing. You hand the sketchbook back to Steve and go to find Sam and Wanda. There was more planning to do, and even though Steve had seemed kind of disappointed that you could not spend time with him, you knew that it was for his sake. Trying to give him a fantastic birthday.
It was the day before Steve’s birthday and it was time for the plan to get Steve to the mansion. The plan was to trick Steve there by thinking that you were going on a mission, but not the entire team. Tony, Bruce and Wanda would stay behind, but what they really were doing were taking Pepper, Morgan and all the supplies and everyone's bags of clothes to the mansion. Bucky had managed to pack a bag with Steve's clothes without Steve noticing. You had even gotten Fury and Maria into the ruse and they had called Steve with an important mission. Steve hopped into his Captain America mode directly and followed Fury’s orders and gathered the team for the briefing. Everyone managed to keep a straight face doing the bogus briefing and then you left to go to the Quinjet. Nat and Clint piloted the plane and it was your job to occupy Steve with the help of Sam and Bucky so that Steve would fail to notice that the plane was not going in the right direction, and doing some flying around, to give the rest of the team time to get to the mansion before you. It was easier to distract Steve than you thought. Bucky and Sam started to bicker about who would be Steve's partner on the mission, you had seen their smirks before they started to bicker, so you knew this was something they had planned. Which you were grateful for because you had no idea how to occupy him. All your energy had gone to plan the party. After one hour of bickering, Steve groaned and got up and stalked over to Sam and Bucky. “Enough,” he crossed his arms over his chest. “Neither of you are going to be my partner on this mission. Y/N is.” He looked over to you, which Sam and Bucky did as well. They smirked at you and you looked away. You saw Clint do a little gesture that meant that you would be landing in about 20 minutes. All you needed was to keep Steve distracted for a bit more. You got an idea and pulled out your phone and your earphones. When you pulled your bubs into your ears and not even 2 minutes later Steve sat down next to you. You smiled at him and pulled one of the buds out.  “You really need to hear this song, Steve,” you handed him one of the buds and he put it in. Sam was giving you thumbs up behind Steve’s back. The song you were listening to was ‘What A Man Gotta Do’ with Jonas Brothers. You were dancing in your seat and miming along. Steve was listening to the song and looking at you. He was laughing and started to move along with the beat. When that song ended ‘Simple’ with Florida Georgia Line started to play and you whistled with the intro and then you started to mime with the song again. Bucky and Sam were looking on as you basically were making a fool out of yourself in front of Steve, but you did not care. This was how you were when you listened to your happy playlist and you had always been able to be yourself around Steve. When they sang “It's like one, two, three” you counted with your fingers. Steve kept his eyes looking at you and smiling. You winked at him when they sang “You make me smile”. He laughed and smiled brightly at you. It was nice to see Steve this relaxed and that it was because of you. Then one of the new Taylor Swift songs came on “Me” that she sings with Brendon Urie and you laughed before you started to mime along. When Taylor sang ‘And you're the kind of guy the ladies want’ you pointed at Steve and he blushed. And then you pointed between the team during the song on what part that was accurate for that person. Nat’s back during ‘there are a lot of cool chicks out there’. Clint’s back you pointed at when Taylor sang ‘I never leave well enough alone’. And Steve gave you a big smile. Bucky you pointed at when the lyrics were ‘trouble's gonna follow where I go’. Steve nodded at your pointing, apparently, that one was on point. Sam, you pointed at during ‘And there's a lot of lame guys out there’.  Steve threw his head back laughing. Other than that you pointed a lot on you and on Steve. He was having a good time to, pointing back at you during the song. When the song ended you saw that it was time to land. You did not want to end the fun you were having, but it was time for Steve’s surprise. You nodded at Bucky and Sam when they came over to you. Clint started to land and Steve looked around. “What is happening?” He asked and stood up. Bucky pushed him down in his seat next to you, carefully but firm. “We are not supposed to land for at least 5 hours,” Steve looked at you and you smiled. Bucky was keeping Steve in place. “Wait,” you told Steve. “You will soon see.” Steve handed your earbud back and it was as the fun you were having was blown away. He was almost rigid in the seat next to you. When the Quinjet had landed you took Steve’s hand and together you stood up. He shocked your hand out of his and was like a slap. Maybe this had not been a good idea? Bucky and Sam took over and went with Steve to the back of the jet. They opened the door.  “This is not a Hydra base,” was all Steve said before the rest of the team Pepper, Morgan and Happy jumped out in front of him. “Surprise!” everyone yelled and Steve’s mouth opened wide.  “We are here to celebrate your birthday,” Sam explains when Steve still is quiet after a minute. He looks around at everyone.  “You did this for me?” Steve looks at Bucky and just as Bucky is going to explain it was your idea. You shake your head towards him.  “The whole team did,” Sam looks at you kind of mad. You did not want to take the credit for all the work to get the party together.  “This is great,” Steve said looking around. “Fury and Hill were in on it, right?” He looks over at Tony who nods.  “Yes, they were,” Tony looks at you, but you turn around to get your bag. “They thought that you deserved a mini-vacation as much as we do.” Sam claps his hands. “Let’s go pack up and then the celebration can start,” he almost squealed. Everyone went into Tony’s mansion that was bigger than you thought. It was by a lake, and Tony tells everyone about his boats and all the fun you could do while you are here. When Tony says something about water-skiing both Sam and Clint starts jumping up and down. But then Tony tells everyone that only Pepper, him or you could drive the boat. Tony knew all about your past, so it did not surprise you that he knew about all the summers you spent on a lake with your family before everything went to hell. Sam turns to you with a big smile. “Y/N, please drive us so we can water-ski,” he is giving you serious puppy-eyes and when you look away you see that Clint is doing the same. You toss your hands up in the air.  “Fine, just let me change my clothes,” You follow Pepper’s directions to the room that would be yours during the stay. Apparently, the house was so big that nobody needed to share a room, well the couples were sharing, but the people that were single did not have to share with anyone. You opened your bag and pulled out your red bikini and your black lace beach dress. After getting dressed you went down the stairs and found Sam and Clint dressed in their swimming trunks already waiting for you. Tony handed you the keys and winks at you. Together you walk down to the dock and onto the boat. Steve and Bucky come running down towards the boat. They also were dressed in swimming trunks. “Are there room for us as well?” Bucky asked when they were by the boar. Sam nodded and invited them on board.  “Hold on,” You pulled on your sunglasses and speeded away from land. Steve came up to you and stood beside you. It gives you a good view of his toned stomach and biceps. There is an argument on who should go first on the skiis until you tell them that you decide so Clint gets to go first. He smiles at you and puts the skis on. When you are speeding on the lake with Clint on the skis behind you you see Steve's big smile on his lips. “You float my boat,” You pull your sunglasses down and wink at him before you pull them up again. Steve throws his head back laughing. Bucky smirks at you and you understood that he had heard what you said. 
A couple of hours later when all the men had tried the water skis a couple of times you told them that you needed food. They all agreed and back to the dock you went. The rest of the day was spent lounging by the pool with the rest of the team and eating fantastic food. 
The next day you wake up early to go down and start baking Steve’s birthday cake. You chose the caterer's kitchen in the back of the house and not the main kitchen. So that Steve would not see the cake before it was finished. Morgan walks in ten minutes after you have started.  “Dad said that you probably were awake so that I should bug you instead,” Morgan gives you a hug.  “That sounds about right,” you smile at her.  “What are you doing?” Morgan is watching you put everything you need to bake a cake for Steve on the counter. “A birthday cake for Steve.” “Can I help?” Morgan looks at you with big eyes.  “Sure,” You say and together you start baking the cake. You had music on and was dancing and having fun with Morgan while baking. 
When you leave the cake to cool you walk into the kitchen to find Wanda and Pepper doing breakfast for everyone. Steve had not come down yet, but apparently, they had sent up Bucky to wake him.  “Happy Birthday, Punk!” you heard Bucky yell loud and you knew that Steve was up. It made everyone in the kitchen laugh, even if you did not want that kind of wake up call any morning. 
A couple of hours later you had finished the cake. Morgan had been running in and out the entire morning. She thought it was no longer fun when you were not mixing things but assembling the cake. You had gone with a simple cake, that looked like a sketchbook. It was open to a sketch. From the begining your idea had been to have a sketch of Steve, but you were nowhere near as talented as Steve. So when the sketching had failed and it looked awful, Morgan had come up with the idea to do a sketch of Steve’s shield. Even you could not mess that one up. You took a step back and saw the finished product. Pepper and Wanda came in and they loved the cake. 
Later that evening Tony had grilled some food, Wanda and You had done some potato salad and salad and together you all sat down as a family out on the deck enjoying the view and breeze from the lake. You toasted Steve and had a wonderful time. Thor had shown up about an hour earlier with Asgardian Mead for the Super Soldiers and Steve looked happy and relaxed sitting in at the end of the table. The conversations were flowing and you all had an amazing time. Steve liked all the presents he had gotten after the dinner, and you saw him look a bit longer on the coloured sketching pens that you had gotten him along with a new thick sketchbook. You hoped he would like sketching with them.  After the presents had been opened it had become dark outside and Tony told everyone to stand by the railing of the porch. You should have known that Tony would have something up his sleeve. You had left him in charge of the fireworks because it was the 4th of July after all. You had one condition though. That was that the firework should be silent, for all the animals and people who have a problem with the loud noises. It seemed like Tony had come true, the fireworks were fantastic raging with the colours of red, blue and white. It could rival with Disney World’s fireworks and everyone stood looking up in awe at, but sometimes you sneaked a peek to see that Steve was enjoying it. Steve was standing next to you and he put his arm around your shoulder and he looked down on you during one point and smiled at you. Then you came up with what to say.“Baby, you are a firework,” you said loud enough so that everyone heard you. Steve kissed your forehead and laughed at your pick-up line before he looked up on the fireworks again.
A couple of moments later Tony gave you a bit of a gesture that it was time for the cake, you walked away from Steve and into the kitchen and lit the candles on the cake and came out. Everyone turned around as you stepped out on the porch and they started to sing happy birthday to Steve. The man of the hour was laughing and smiling and having a great time. He seemed to enjoy the cake and everyone was commenting on how much they loved the design. When you finally got to bed that night, or early the next morning you knew that it had been a perfect day. Everybody seemed to have enjoyed themself and Steve looked relaxed the whole day. You fell asleep with a big smile on your lips. 
The next morning you woke up early and was planning to make the team breakfast, but in the kitchen was Fury and Maria sitting at the counter. “Please tell me you are not here to send us on a mission,” You said as you hugged them. You went away back with the both of them, and Fury had always been like a kind of father figure for you. Especially after your family, all had died. Fury had been the one to keep you grounded, well Fury and Coulson. They were old family friends since your father and mother had been Shield agents. It was only natural that your big brother had joined Shield as well, and you had planned on doing the same, but then they had all died and you were left alone. During a training session with Melinda May, you had tapped into your powers, that nobody knew you had. It had been quite a revelation and when you had trained for a couple of years, Fury had insisted that you joined the Avengers.   “Not the whole team,” Maria hands you a folder and you open it. They were sending you on a mission. To Russia for an entire month, at least.  “When do I leave?” you looked at Fury.  “As soon as you can,” Fury said and you nodded. You hated to leave the vacation, but you were happy you were the only one that needed to leave. The others deserved the vacation and you knew that if Fury came to you himself then this was an important mission. You could not turn it down.  “Just let me get packed,” you said and left the kitchen. You were packed in under ten minutes and then you went down to the kitchen. Steve was having a heated discussion with Fury when you came down.  “She is not going,” you heard Steve say. You dropped your bag on the floor with a trump. All eyes in the room were on you. “Yes, I am,” you said to Steve. “I can make my own decisions and this is a mission where my skills are needed.”  “They can send someone else,” Steve crossed his arms. “You are on vacation.” You walked over to him and kissed his cheek.  “Tell the team I will be in contact if I can,” you hugged him. “And enjoy your vacation.” With those words, you left the mansion and after a few minutes, Fury and Maria joined you.  “Let’s go,” you boarded their jet and you flew away. You saw Steve walk out of the mansion looking after you. 
Noticing Taglist: @jessyballet
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tempestaurora · 5 years
the marvel cinematic universe fic rec post
I put some effort into this, let me tell you. The following post contains my favourite fics from the past few months, with many different relationships at the forefront. I’ve even recommended more fics I love from some authors, in case you like their work. Any marked with a * are my absolute faves.
If you see your name here and like your tumblr to be tagged, let me know!
Uncle Steve's Fix-it Freelance Gig (and friends)*  by whowhotellsyourstory
SERIES. A sweet and heartfelt endgame fix it series, in which Morgan Stark asks her Uncle Steve to help bring her father back, and he just can’t say no to her.
Kill Box by Ranni
In which Clint Barton is stuck in an electricity-themed torture cycle for days on end. Heart-wrenching and beautifully written.
Allston Christmas by Gruoch
Incredibly funny fic in which Tony and Rhodey move Peter into his new apartment in Boston.
Tomorrow is another day* by ladynerdynerd @ladynerdynerd
SERIES. A soft and loving look into the life of Tony Stark after the events of Endgame. I recommend the whole series wholeheartedly.
Other fics by this writer: A Tale of Sons and Iron 
Love in Ones and Zeros by forensicleaf
A boy and a bot bond throughout the years. The most beautiful story about DUM-E ever written.
Project: Get Bucky Barnes a Dog* by ruxian
Bucky Barnes does not want a dog. Sam Wilson thinks otherwise. This is a wonderful, soft fic, about a man and his therapy dog.
Impression, Sunrise* by ciaconnaa* @ciaconnaa
Soft and warm and funny. Post-Endgame, Peter and Morgan grow together.
Other fics by this writer: a very, merry unbirthday | Spidey of the Nine-Nine series* | Kiss My Ass*
vouchsafe by sagemb @3wworms
Absolutely hilarious. Tony tries to write Peter’s college recommendation letter.
Other fics by this writer: the house of my father and son
No More Shame* by thepinupchemist
A very sweet fic in which Billy Kaplan helps Bucky Barnes find his way.
Everything, All At Once by ironfamjam
The soulmate au where Tony and Peter see each other in their dreams, but can’t remember it when they wake up. So wonderful I can’t explain.
It's love, this time it's love, my foolish heart by FriendLey
In which Pepper works at an art gallery and Tony keeps buying ugly paintings off her. Genuinely fantastic, absolutely loved it.
Other fics by this writer: Cat-Vengers | Afternoon Snack
Till Forever by seekrest @seek-rest
Super cute short fic about Peter and MJ and a proposal.
Sunlight* by ArdenSkyeHolmes221
Peter struggles reintegrating in his own life after his dad lived five years without him. This one made me feel things, guys.
Independence Day Get-Aways by candlesneedflame @dumbbitchnumberone
It’s the 4th of July, and vigilantes and superheroes alike are abandoning New York like rats from a sinking ship. Peter has no idea why. Very, very good, and then it hit me in the feels at the end.
Other fics by this writer: No Cops at Pride Just Spider-Man
topsy turvy by iron_spider @iron--spider
In which, uh, Peter is buried alive. It’s a gooden though! Like all their fics!
Other fics by this writer: we have ten seconds | this isn’t a game | Stark’s Home for Wayward Animals*
i'll find you in the drift* by tempestaurora* (uh, me)
Tony, Peter and the Pacific Rim AU you really should try out. Giant mechs vs giant aliens, and a lot of heartfelt conversations.
Other fics by this writer me: no cops at pride, just spiderman* | the conspiracy kids series*
i'll make the world safe and sound for you by zipadeea
Tony’s time in Afghanistan, based on my hydra’s not a home series. An incredible fic, super honoured that it was written for my series.
forty miles by peterstank
Cute af. Morgan is sick and Peter comes to lend a hand.
Avengers Vandal by awesomesockes and whumphoarder
Fourteen dicks were spray painted across thirteen cars and an Iron Man suit. Clint Barton gets the blame. A ‘cockumentary’ by Ned Leeds and Peter Parker. A fantastic American Vandal parody you all need to read.
part by part by lazywriter7
Heartbreaking and wonderful and beautiful. A story about Nebula and a story about love.
Hush (For It Is Dark) by losingmymindtonight @losingmymindtonight
Tony Stark, lullaby extraordinare. So incredibly soft.
Hot Ones: Spider-Man in the Hot Seat by Jenniboo311
A Hot Ones interview with Spider-Man. Better than the actual thing. 
timshel* by justanotherblond
SERIES. Peter is Bucky’s son, and he is raised to be a Hydra agent. This is how that goes. A beautiful, BEAUTIFUL series about love and fathers and sons and being hollow shells of people, with so much inside that’s desperate to come out.I absolutely adore this series.
t-shirts by KiwisAndTea
SERIES. A collection of one shots about Peter’s favourite t-shirts.
tony stark wanting to die but it's 10 minutes long by jophieso
The Tower’s security footage is leaked, and instead of finding anything classified, the internet just makes compilations of Tony Stark, staring into the camera with dead eyes like he’s on The Office. A true gift to the fandom.
the stars the moon they have all been blown out (you left me in the dark)* by madasthesea @madasthesea
Tony inhales a drug that makes him go blind... and deaf... and mute... and Peter’s going to save him. I mean, hoo boy you knew this one would be here. A++++
Damage Control by PechoraFlow
An incredible fic set after the Coney Island scene in Homecoming. What if Peter isn’t as unscathed as he thought he was?
Hawks Are Supposed To Eat Spiders by robin_writes
Clint, Peter, and the vents. Highkey recommend.
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australiancarisi · 5 years
Sonny Carisi ~ 4th of July
Sonny takes you to Staten Island for some 4th of July celebrations but you aren’t a big fan of fireworks Words: 1620
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Mama Carisi doesn’t do things in halves. You learnt that the very first time you met the Carisi family. ‘A little family dinner’ Sonny had told you. Little you thought... well your idea of little isn’t a 3-course home-cooked dinner that Mrs Carisi had been cooking all day. So when Sonny told you about the big 4th of July celebrations his mum put on you new it was going to be big.
“Are you sure we shouldn’t bring anything?” You asked as you made Sonny’s morning coffee
“Trust me Doll we don’t need to bring anything just you and me” Sonny chuckled
“Not even drinks?” Sonny just laughed, kissing your head and taking his coffee. “Okay well then who’s actually going to be there today?”
“Ma, Dad, Bella, Gina, Teresa, Mia, Tommy, some of my cousins, aunts and uncles, I think my Nonna is gonna be there... most of the neighbourhood probably” Sonny shrugged. He frowned when he saw you bite your lip “what are you worried about? You’ve already met all the important members of my family”
“Doll, you can’t get nervous every time you meet someone in my family, you’ll be nervous for the rest of your life” Sonny smiled
“Rest of my life? You planning on keeping me around?” You grinned
“I would have married you the first day I met you” Sonny said putting the coffee he’d been drinking down and wrapping you in his arms
“Not even a year of dating and he’s talking marriage are you trying to scare me off?”
“You’re not going anywhere” Sonny said capturing your lips with his. Your lips moved in sync. You were practically drunk with his taste you loved it so much, it physically hurt you to pull away.
“Come on we need to get ready and go otherwise we’re going to be late” you said pushing him away from you
“We’re gonna be late anyway. There’s always traffic to Staten Island, they’ll never know what we are doing” Sonny smirked
“Yeah but I will and if I am spending it with your very catholic mother I am not spending it thinking about how I was sinning with her darling baby boy an hour before going to see her” You slapped Sonny’s hand away as he reached for you again “go get ready”
“Fine” he huffed going to the bedroom “and if my Nonna asks we sleep in separate beds and I’m a virgin”
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It took just under an hour and a half to get to the Carisi house in Staten Island with the traffic. You loved coming to Staten Island with Sonny. You didn’t get to come out too often what with both your busy schedules but when you did you could physically see Sonny relax. 
“When you say big you actually mean big” you commented as Sonny pulled up to his childhood home “Is the entire neighbourhood here?” 
“Probably” Sonny grinned “Carisi fourth of July celebrations are kind of legendary in the neighbourhood” 
“Then what are we doing out here?” you smiled and jumped out of the car. Sonny took your hand and led you around the house to the side gate. One word to describe the Carisi’s is loud but loud doesn’t even begin to describe the noise that was coming from the backyard. As Sonny pushed the gate open, your heart swelled at the sight. It was an all-American celebration. US flags hung around string lights, red, white and blue stars and streamers. Coolers filled with drinks, food cooking on the barbecue and kids running around.
It was like Uncle Sam had thrown up and you loved it. 
“Uncle Sonny!” Sonny’s niece Mia ran up and wrapped her arms around him. Her voice alerted Sonny’s other nieces and nephews to his arrival and they were soon at his side.
“Oh y/n!” Sonny’s mum cried as she hugged you “it’s so good to see you again” 
“Hey Mrs Carisi” you hugged her back 
“Please love how many times do I have to tell you, call me Tess” she smiled before moving on to her son. 
“Maaaa” Sonny rolled his eyes and Tess pinched his cheeks making you giggle. You gave Sonny’s sisters a hug before grabbing yourself a drink. 
“About time you lot got here” Bella exclaimed bouncing baby Abbey in her arms
“We live busy lives Bells” Sonny said. As if on cue Abbey started reaching out for Sonny. 
“Is that code for you were having sex?” Gina asked 
“I don’t know what you are talking about, never heard of sex” Sonny spoke in a cute baby voice as he grabbed Abbey. 
“Don’t talk about sex to my baby” Bella scowled 
“And Nonna is inside” Teresa smirked at you 
“He wishes it was sex” You laughed
“Okay, no more talking about our sex life with my sisters thanks” Sonny said as you all made yourself comfortable for the day.
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You spent the day sitting around with various members of Sonny’s family - mainly his sisters, neighbours and people from Sonny’s past. Every so often Sonny would get pulled away by and niece or nephew who were begging to play with uncle Sonny. You loved watching Sonny with kids, he was always so good with them. 
“Alright, guys I have to have a break” Sonny puffed after playing tag for over an hour. You giggled at the protests from the little people “I promise we can play again later” 
“A bit of cardio for ya hey Sonny” Gina smirked making her sisters snicker 
“I don’t know how they can keep going” Sonny huffed taking your hands to pull you out of your seat. He sat down before pulling you onto his lap. You kissed the side of his head and began running your fingers through his hair. Times like this you thanked God for blessing you with the life you had. For bringing Sonny into your life. 
“Jack just got here with the fireworks” Tommy said walking up to the group with Abbey. 
“Fireworks?” You asked
“Yeah every year the boys let off some fireworks, it’s actually pretty cool” Bella said
“Is that safe? I mean shouldn’t professionals do it?” You asked running your fingers through Sonny’s hair. Sonny just shrugged taking a sip of his beer.
“Probably but dad’s been doing this since we were kids” Teresa said “we’ve all done it, Sonny’s been helping dad do it since you were what....14?”
“12” Sonny corrected
“Yeah that really doesn’t feel safe” you said
“Sonny your dad wants you to come help set up so it’ll be all ready for when it gets dark” Tommy said. Sonny nodded and kissed your head before lifting you off his lap and putting you back in his seat and handing you his beer.
“Sonny!” You called after him but he kept walking with Tommy.
“Don’t worry y/n Sonny will be fine” Gina said
“And if he isn’t at least this time we have a nurse here” Bella laughed. The problem wasn’t that you were worried about Sonny, it was the fact that you didn’t like fireworks and Sonny didn’t know yet. You and Sonny began dating last August and you had worked on New Years so it never came up. You also thought it was kind of childish... you liked the look of fireworks but it was the loud noises that you weren’t a fan of.
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“Alright everyone fireworks time!” Dominick Snr called. Everyone cheered and made their way to the backyard.
“Sonny I really don’t thin-“
“It’ll be fine love. I promise completely safe” Sonny said giving you a kiss “and if something happens you’ll patch me up yeah?”
“Of course” you said you wanted to just hold onto him but Tommy grabbed him as he walked past. You wrapped your arms around yourself as everyone settled in to watch. How bad could it really be?
“Alrighty, everything ready?” Dominick Snr asked
“All set” Tommy said
“Okay, Sonny let it rip” Dominick told his sonny. Sonny grabbed the lighter and lit the first lot of fireworks. He took a couple steps back and watch it blow. Everyone cheered and clapped as the sky lit up. Sonny smiled then looked to the crowd to find you as Tommy lit the next lot. Sonny couldn’t help but smile when he looked at you. Everything was just better with you. And his family loved you, he was convinced more than him. The more he watched you the more worried he became.
“Keep going without me” Sonny told his dad letting his lighter down and jogging back to the crowd of people. “Hey what’s wrong?” Sonny asked
“Huh? Nothings wrong”
“Come on Doll don’t lie to me” Sonny smiled pulling your bottom lip from under your teeth. It was your sign that you were anxious. You jumped slightly as the next lot of fireworks went off. “You don’t like fireworks”
“It’s not that I don’t like fireworks per say, I think they’re really pretty it’s more the-“ you jumped again
“The noise” Sonny sighed “why didn’t you tell me doll?”
“Because it’s silly and I’m fine” you reassured him
“We can go inside if you like?”
“No no no! You love the fireworks you’ve been looking forward to it all day!” You exclaimed “I’m not going to ruin your day”
“You can’t ruin anything Doll” Sonny smiled placing a kiss to your head. Sonny then stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You completely melted into his arm, finally able to relax. Every time a firework would go off and you would jump slightly and Sonny would give you a small squeeze to remind you he was there and that you were safe.
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theeagerone · 4 years
Hope you're all having a special day honoring your Dads. And if you aren't, I hope you do something to bring you happiness. I serendipitously met an amazing new friend who offered me a 2 hour meditation course today, and it was the gift to myself I know my Dad would want me to do. My heart goes to out to those who never had a Dad, lost him young, or whose Dads abandoned them. I'm sorry and I am holding space for you today.
I lost mine 10 years ago to lung cancer that had spread to his bone & liver. He lit up a room with his smile and could make anyone feel special. He loved to drum on the dashboard with his giant college ring and he lived for Motown music and to be with his friends. He's the only man I know of who could be traveling and run into someone who had met him _____ years ago at ______. It happened when he visited us in Atlanta, on business trips, once on a hunting trip in Canada, and once at his favorite restaurant...a woman who painted my parents in 1988 (for a wedding gift) remembered him 20 years later!
I never saw him get sick once in my life. He
was still playing golf, fishing, working out, and living his life to the fullest without even knowing he had cancer. The last time I saw him before his diagnosis, I knew something was off. His skin tone was no longer tan and rosy, he was yellow. He was sleeping after work a lot. He said he "just felt tired, probably gettin old". The hardest thing about caring for him through treatments was not just seeing the sickness take over his body and the chemo knock him down, it was how his heart and confidence shattered. He went from the most handsome silver fox to a bald and frail man of 115 pounds who could barely walk across the room. It broke my heart when he looked in the mirror and started crying. But I stayed strong for him and helped him eat, get out of the car, and watch over him when he tired from a long day of visitors. I was strong until the end and I knew I had to be to help him let go. He was in so much pain and really put his body through a lot just to hang on a little longer for my brother and I.
The minute he died in his room surrounded by family, I felt this intense silence. It was almost peaceful. I touched his head and kneeled down to kiss him, then laid down to hug him with my brother. After a few minutes it finally hit me that I would never hug him again. That he wouldn't walk me down the aisle. That he wouldn't teach any grandkids how to fish. That he would never call me again. I had been really strong up to that point and not allowed any thoughts like that to creep in. It was like a storm over my soul, and I lost it. I was crying harder than I ever have, shaking and screaming out in despair. I feel bad in knowing that his hearing was still working and his brain still had electrical activity, I remember thinking "get it together". But at least he knew how much we loved him. How strong his absence would be. When the hearse came to get him at 2am, I remember peacefully feeling out of my body, like I was floating and seeing myself go through this. The movie of my life. I didn't let anyone put a sheet over him until he was in the car. For some reason the driver had death metal on and I took him aside and said "please put the music on something softer... preferably oldies... just for the next hour".
I feel immensely grateful I had him for almost 22 years. I feel grateful for how much he loved me, took me on stroller walks every day after work, how hard he worked for us to live a comfortable, privileged life. I feel grateful for all the Christmases, the summers, the 4th of Julys, and the events he showed up for. Football and soccer games, horse shows, HS graduations. I feel grateful he let me debate with him and tried to listen when I was hurt or upset or questioning his thinking. I feel grateful he always apologized within the night. I feel grateful for the moment he asked me to walk up to his Dad's casket with him. I was probably 16. He leaned on me to cry. He must've felt vulnerable and safer with me than I realized at the time. I am so grateful he accepted me into his home to stand by his side as he battled cancer. I am blessed for the many gifts he gave me and that I was his only daughter.
It took me a year to stop bursting into tears almost every day. It felt so random - when I saw girls with their dads, when I heard his favorite music (the Temptations, Sam Cooke, the Four Tops), when I saw a well-dressed man in a pink button up shirt, a silver haired man, or a frail man. It took me 3 years to stop running from my pain and feel calm enough to focus on something for longer than 20 min. It took me 7 years to live life without feeling afraid I would disappoint him or that he was "watching". It took me 9 years to ask for help with a therapist and feel truly free again. I am just now learning how to call in his energy to assist or guide me. Losing his sister to a car accident 5 years after his death made me more aware of how blessed we were to be able to say goodbye and hold him as he died.
All of you will go through this, and it's my prayer today that you will live more presently, be a bit more gracious for the moments you have with your parents, communicate with them so they are more aware of what you need, learn also what they need, prepare yourself to care for them in the same ways they cared for you as a baby, and be at peace when you say goodbye. Many who don't have fathers may have a special man in their life that teach them the things a Dad would. They may only have a special teacher or uncle or neighbor or fam friend who helped them feel that tenderness. Reach out to those men, especially the childless ones. They are glad to give their energy and they need to feel appreciated today too. I wish you all love, gentleness, & peace.
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datgutnovel · 4 years
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Do you know that if it were possible to go a doctor and request euthanizing in a self honorable suicide today I would. I wouldn’t on the terms of the deceit hiding and pretending and fraud. I personality do not have anything that I want to offer the American society anymore. My legendary status is sealed. I can GO now. I want absolutely nothing from the American society. And that is the truth. To me you are not worth quality. You as America is not worth what I could give your people. You are JUST not worth my time or effort. You are NOT worth me or it. So I can peaceful take the euthanasia and GO. You mean nothing to me. None of you. I don’t see nothing about America or it’s people or anything to love like or be excited about. Even euthanizing myself would not satisfy me America’s fraudulent way. Just call America FRAUD Nation. That will be the case until I see my grave. America ain’t shit. But faggies n8ggers H9NKYs and frauds. I will die on that.
i woke up one morning and had all of a sudden all these N8ggers and H8Nkys running behind me, had my sisters working behind the scenes in the offices messing up the business affairs properties registrations and licenses, and had the motherfucking cops hunting me like a damn JIPdawg in heat, and little N8gger ass faggies from the gay bars mocking me, surrounding me trying to learn me to try to beat me, and then had the people who was appeared interested in having friendships trying to suck my partners dicks and prostituting himself to every contact of mine on my Facebook page while smiling in my face appearing to be trying to suck me too. All of a sudden one goddamn morning - all screaming “I want you” and was showing it by some psychotic way of sabotaging me saying “if I don’t get you no one will”. All these nasty N8gger and H9NKY hoes were trying to KILL me citing “we want him”. And The mother fucking dumb black ass N8GGERS who said to have started all of the shit who couldn’t read - got their idiotic FACTS from a prom picture and by trying to read an article I wrote about another person’s book to have gathered the questions of the book being reviewed was the questions about life of Terry Dwayne Ashford which was not. The questions were of the author that terry dwayne Ashford was interviewing centered on the book review. The journalist reviewed a book and interviewed the author of that then hot new book out on the market - and the interceptors who were dumb N8GGER Men who are not known to read-thought the thoughts of the interview of the new hot-out-on-the-market book author who Terry Dwayne Ashford was reviewing was HIM. Not knowing that the words of an article was the words of the topic and the subject interpreted and re-written by the journalist. So they thought I wanted to know who was straight and who was gay, the alibi of the questions the HAZING was trying to answer. And terry dwayne Ashford didn’t even have those questions. Business in journalism is we do an article and move on to thr next fucker. And these dumb ass N8gger men have me stuck in a time warp over the line up of questions that I asked the then author. And through that saying “we love you and trying to help YOU” in a profession that they know nothing and could not even read the article correctly, a set of dumb N8GGER men linked to a bunch of H9NKY cocksuckers to show Terry Dwayne Ashford who was GAY and who was not in the Downlow world showing him all this low class low down N8gger racism in a brother jealousy that was pointed in recovery as a HAZE. Carlos tried to use the article and the dumb ass prom picture to support the HAZE where he was JEALOUS and murdered our mother. Point mother fucking blank. When the mother told him to sat his oversized slow fat ass down, the fat slow jealous and THEN mad angry brother linked to the white cocksuckers to overtake my mother behind the scenes without the one he was jealous of knowing - altogether just like you saw APPLE and the cops align during a podcast when the victim didn’t even know. And the result was Carlos and June and the jealousy N8ggers killed our mother. June brought in the girl who was brought back to my mother’s house by the likes of Bobbi Hardin to KILL our mother. The N8GGER brought the girl back a couple of days after the 4th of July and she with my father left together strangely one morning before anyone got up caught by my mother who woke me up and said something strange is happening “Dave just left the house with the then 16 year old girl” at 430 am on the morning of July 13th. Went to find them in the vehicle that had been sabotaged by Perry in the night and the vehicle broke down after returning to thr house to report to mom that I had found them. At about 130 when the vehicle finally broke down Perry then jumped in the car with Dave who was supposed to just have come to pick me up - and they both left the girl who was brought back to the house to KILL my mother there with the woman she was instructed to kill. When we returned that is when the ambulances came and got my mother wit
When we returned that is when the ambulances came and got my mother with Perry and Dave having took the little girl next door in a separation format and had pushed me into the bathroom to keep me from seeing any thing. And that is also when i and my dad got into a verbal fight as he tried to instruct me terry dwayne Ashford and force me to turn away from the ambulance I was following that had my mother. I believe the girl stabbed my mother in the neck upon instructions from the gang leaders and was supported by Dave and by Perry who framed the car break down. I argue that it was an arranged killing as I asked that my father pick me up and Perry jumped in the car with him giving a alibi for Leaving the girl at the house with her. The COMO city N8gger police force was populated with majority N8gger Bobbi Hardin type of people - and they dropped the girl off st my mother’s house when Terry Dwayne Ashford who filed the police complaint was at work. We now argue that the Muslims who had been attacking the Ashford’s family was the police that instructed the killings and dropped off the murdering girl through the given instructions to her and to Dave and Perry. Both left the Said Criminal Girl of the N8GGER gang dropped off by the n8gger Bobbi Hardin link at my mother’s house. I terry dwayne Ashford was the one that put the N8gger girl out of my mother’s house for striking my mother while I was away. And that is indicated in the police report to the TATE County Police who I, Terry Dwayne Ashford, used to remove the criminal black N8GGER teenage Whore. I have a copy of the report filed to the Tate county police demanding to remove this girl or I will. And the girl was gone. And brought back exactly 6 months later to KILL our mother by the same gang that kicked in the bathroom door of my sister named Bobbi Hardin kin of the same teacher MS Hardin who attacked me as a 3rd grade kid. Larry Hardin the brother of the Bobbi Hardin was the N8GGER following male of Terry Dwayne Ashford as I was seemingly courting my friend Jennifer Newsom. We were just friends however. But Larry did not know that and was following me and stalking her in Memphis Tn at around the same time that Jennifer’s gay brother had just passed. The N8GGERs stalking and attacking the Ashford family through my N8GGER brother Sam known as Uncle Sam killing his mother for government money. And that brought in the Levy woman who lied directly on the stand under the Obama administration and the tax Fraud that created a fraud case in MD which held terry dwayne Ashford property registration on his car based on the fraud tax in the state of Maryland developed from outdated tax documents which were created from scratch. The same way the fraud outdated tickets were. Illegally linked to property against federal regulations and held the tags on my car. All of that was attacking the SON of the mother that they had already KILLED. The police and today we identified the police officer who may have crashed the window and stolen the iPhone. Another Muslim same as the man pulled out his penis by following and stalking terry dwayne Ashford and same as the accosting of terry Dwayne Ashford first male date Todd Jones while in college- same Gang that followed in jr. high school Darrin Jones who was killed found with a stuffed penis in his mouth in a ditch - and same GANG as the MPD officer identified today badge 5243 officer Johnson driving 489 MPD van who was caught stalking Terry Dwayne Ashford in his stake of white men at the takoma tennis courts who was met and identified at the Safeway. The penis pull-out occurred by another stalking Muslim at the takoma aquatics feet from where the Officer Johnson badge 5243 was stalking in truancy van #489. We have murdered my mother and targeted terry dwayne Ashford the journalists by the Muslim black men using Muslim whiter men to deceive behind the scenes. And they are the staff at Shepherd Park Library, Casey, Will, the newly hired manager said to be named Brian all working with the plot that attacked the Ashford family through editing vi
through editing videos, computer assignments, Larry volz and cameras which Terry Dwayne Ashford have totally under raps trying to sabotage terry dwayne Ashford. Whenever terry has a job interview guess what the whitey’s try? They plan for the retardants to overpopulate the library then setup video editing and try to place the retardant in a videography position to be edited as terry Dwayne Ashford. They would place a retardant
or a crippled person beside me and the white male cocksucker would edit a man sitting in similar positions at computer 9 as Terry Dwayne Ashford sitting at computer 8- face only and that would pose the retardant’s antics as Terry Dwayne Ashford then send the video to the employer by watching through his phone where terry Ashford applies. Now the H9NKY Will and Casey claim to have been involved citing “I want him”. The sabotage is H9NKYs as well as N8ggers. “Will” watch the dumb shit
Face looking H9NKY and you will see. He documents where I apply and sends the edited video to the HR of that company knowing there is an INSIDE link. So our police should be on every communication device Will touches. Phone, email, chat app, and pull his contacts. He has one contact that links to all these companies and that may be linkedN. Ditch the H9NKY shit face cocksucker. Casey worked with him. Ditch the H9knys for power points. They like to suck bait the Faggies and stuff SHIT over the crack they smoke into their mouths and leave them in the ditch for symbolism. Use the arrangement method to setup the H9NKY and give him the most attractive looking killer N8GGER butch wad shooter. And take this H9NKY to HELL. Choke the H9NKY first and give the H9NKY fear that makes the H9NKY kill himself. We got something for the H9NKY. Closed. Oh by the way that’s even if it IS the government. Kill this H9NKY and we will deal with the government later maybe blow a few buildings or take planes out of the sky. But we gonna GET these H9NKYs for power points. And claim we are playing after they are stuffed with shit turds. Got me? Make the shit happen!
Officer Johnson MPD badge 5243 appears to be the one officer that may have links to the stolen iPhone and may also have links to going to the neighborhood house to obtain the video of the crashing of the window to get the phone. That officers has been stalking terry Dwayne Ashford at the tennis courts and the aquatics center and was caught stalking terry dwayne Ashford In stake made for a white man captured by the phone that was stolen two days before the crash sitting in front of the court where terry Dwayne Ashford practices serves. The white man was meeting him sitting with the black dark African female police officer days before the November 11th crashing. We argue that the picture he thought was being taken by the camera made him as angry as you saw at the Safeway. The anger saw the officer attack by crashing the journalist’s window and stealing that wxacr phone in revenge. You fucking faggots I do not have to go anywhere cuz I don’t like no crazy low class HOE ass N8gger or H9NKY - got me? Intimidate someone other than a journalist that’s what your faggot asses better do. Lock the officers in Alcatraz.
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politicoscope · 4 years
Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo Biography and Profile
New Post has been published on https://www.politicoscope.com/nana-addo-dankwa-akufo-addo-biography-and-profile/
Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo Biography and Profile
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Born March 29, 1944, in Swalaba, Accra, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo was raised in Accra, Ghana’s capital. His father’s residence in Accra was effectively the headquarters of the country’s first political party, the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC), after it was formed at Saltpond on August 4, 1947. Three of the Big Six (founding fathers of Ghana) were Nana’s blood relatives: J.B Danquah (grand uncle), William Ofori Atta (uncle) and Edward Akufo-Addo, who became the third Chief Justice and later ceremonial President of the Republic from 1970-72, was his father.
Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo had his primary education at the Government Boys School and later Rowe Road School both in Accra Central. Nana went on to England to study for his O- Level and A- Level examinations. He returned to Ghana in 1962 to teach at the Accra Academy before going to the University of Ghana in 1964 to read Economics. After graduating as an economist, he went on to read law in the UK and was called to the English Bar (Middle Temple) in July 1971 and the Ghana Bar in 1975.
Who is Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo?
Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is married to Rebecca, daughter of the Speaker of the Parliament of the Third Republic of Ghana, the late Mr. Justice J.H Griffiths-Randolph. They have five children, with five grandchildren, and are both devout Church-going Christians.
Law And Business
Akufo-Addo stayed in France for five years as a lawyer at the now-defunct New York-based international law firm, Coudert Brothers. Apart from the welcome exposure to the dynamics of international corporate transactions, his stay in France also made him fluent in French.
In 1975, he returned home to Accra to continue with his legal career. He joined the chambers of U. V. Campbell from 1975 to 1979, and in 1979 co-founded the law firm Akufo-Addo, Prempeh & Co., which has become one of the prominent law firms in Ghana. Some Ghanaian lawyers who passed through his law firm are among the most outstanding lawyers at the Ghanaian bar today.
They include Sophia Akuffo, Justice of the Supreme Court; Joyce Darko; Daniel Afari Yeboah; Philip Addison; Joe Ghartey, a former Attorney General and Minister for Justice; Alex Quaynor; Frank Davies; Kweku Paintsil; Ursula Owusu; Atta Akyea, Akufo-Addo’s successor as MP for Abuakwa South constituency; Akoto Ampaw; Yoni Kulendi; Kwame Akuffo; Kwaku Asirifi; and Godfred Dame.
Like the “Doyen of Gold Coast politics”, J. B. Danquah, and others before him, Akufo-Addo used his law practice to champion the cause of human rights, rule of law, justice, freedom, and democracy. He was well known for giving free legal assistance to the poor and fought for the rights and liberties of the Ghanaian people.
Indeed, many of the important constitutional cases of the modern era, which, inter alia, protected the independence of the judiciary, the right of the citizen to demonstrate without police permit, and the right of equal access of all political parties to the State-owned media, were undertaken by him. He is regarded as one of the most brilliant advocates in the history of the Ghanaian Bar.
Akufo-Addo has served on the boards and committees of a number of political, legal, commercial, and social organizations in the country. He was the first Chairperson of DHL (GH) Ltd; Chairperson, Kinesec Communications (Co) Ltd, publishers of The Statesman; and the first Chairperson of the Ghana Committee on Human and Peoples’ Rights. He was responsible, through his association with the US company, Millicom, for introducing mobile telephony into the country.
Political Career
In his early thirties, Akufo-Addo was the General Secretary of the broad-based People’s Movement for Freedom and Justice (PMFJ), which was composed of political stalwarts such as Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa, William Ofori-Atta, Komla Agbeli Gbedemah, Albert Adu Boahen, Sam Okudzeto, Obed Asamoah, Godfrey Agama, K. S. P. Jantuah, Jones Ofori-Atta, Johnny Hanson and Nii Amaah Amartefio (“Mr. No”). This group led the “NO” campaign in the UNIGOV referendum of 1978, designed to solicit popular support for a one-party military-led State. The “No” campaign ultimately brought about the downfall of the Acheampong military government on 5 July 1978, and the restoration of multiparty democratic rule to the country in 1979. Akufo-Addo had to go briefly into exile after the referendum, when his life was in danger. But, from Europe, he could be heard constantly on the BBC World Service, vigorously criticising the military rulers back in Ghana and calling for a return to democracy. He is acknowledged as one of the leaders of the pro-democracy movement in Ghana.
In 1991, Akufo-Addo was the chairman of the Organising Committee of the Danquah-Busia Memorial Club, a club dedicated to the preservation of the memory and ideals of the two great advocates of Ghanaian democracy, J. B. Danquah and K. A. Busia, Prime Minister of the Progress Party government of the 2nd Republic of Ghana. Akufo-Addo travelled throughout Ghana to establish branches of the Club all over the country in the grassroots style for which he is known. These branches eventually transformed into local organs of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) prior to the elections of 1992, which heralded the reintroduction of democratic governance under the 4th Republic.
In 1992, he was the first national organiser of the NPP and, later that year, campaign manager of the party’s first presidential candidate, Prof. Albert Adu Boahen, the man of courage who broke the “culture of silence” in Ghana, and played such a crucial role in the reintroduction of democracy.
In 1992, Akufo-Addo set up and financed The Statesman newspaper, which has become the unofficial mouthpiece of the NPP.
In 1995, he led the famous “Kume Preko” demonstrations of the Alliance For Change (AFC), a broad-based political pressure group, which mobilised millions of people onto the streets of Ghana to protest the harsh economic conditions of the Rawlings era. Some pundits in Ghana believe that this was instrumental in re-establishing the NPP as a more formidable force after Professor Adu Boahen.
Akufo-Addo was elected three times between 1996 and 2008 as Member of Parliament for the Abuakwa South constituency in the Eastern region of Ghana. From 2001 to 2007, as Cabinet Minister, first as Attorney-General and Minister for Justice for two years, and later as Foreign Minister for five years, Akufo-Addo served in the government of President John Kufuor with distinction.
As Attorney-General, he was responsible for the repeal of the Criminal Libel Law, which, hitherto, had been used to intimidate the media and criminalise free speech. The repeal has enabled the Ghanaian media become one of the most vibrant and freest in Africa. Under his chairmanship of the Legal Sector Reform Committee, the implementation of the court automation programme was initiated.
As Foreign Minister, he was fully involved in the successful Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) peace efforts in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, and Guinea Bissau, and was chairman of the ECOWAS Mediation and Security Council in 2003.
In 2004, Ghana was elected one of the 15 pioneer members of the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council, a mandate that was renewed at the AU Summit in Khartoum in January 2006. Akufo-Addo was chosen by his peers on the AU Executive Council to chair the Ministerial Committee of 15 that fashioned the Ezulwini Consensus, which defined the African Union’s common position on UN Reforms. He negotiated for the 2007 AU Summit to be held in Accra as part of Ghana’s Golden Jubilee celebrations, and chaired the AU Executive Council in 2007.
Ghana was elected by her peers to take the non-permanent West African seat on the UN Security Council for 2006-07. In August 2006, Akufo-Addo chaired the meeting of the Security Council which took the decision that halted Israel’s massive incursions into Lebanon. Again, Ghana was elected to the new UN body, the Human Rights Council, with the highest number of votes—183 out of 191—of any country, and as a pioneer member of another UN body, the Peacebuilding Commission.
Presidential Career
In October 1998, Nana Akufo-Addo competed for the presidential candidacy of the NPP and lost to John Kufuor, the man who eventually won the December 2000 presidential election and assumed office as President of Ghana in January 2001. Akufo-Addo was the chief campaigner for candidate Kufuor in the 2000 election and became the first Attorney General and Minister for Justice of the Kufuor era.
Akufo-Addo resigned from the Kufuor government in July 2007 to contest for the position of presidential candidate of his party, the NPP, for the 2008 elections. Competing against 16 others, he won 48% of the votes in the first round of that election, but was given a unanimous endorsement in the second round, making him the party’s presidential candidate.
In the 7 December 2008 presidential race, he received, in the first round, more votes than John Atta Mills, the eventual winner. In the first round, Akufo-Addo received 4,159,439 votes, representing 49.13% of the votes cast, placing him first, but not enough for the 50% needed for an outright victory. It was the best-ever performance for a first-time presidential candidate in the Fourth Republic. In the run-off, Mills received 4,521,032 votes, representing 50.23%, thus beating Akufo-Addo by the smallest margin in Ghana’s, and, indeed, in Africa’s political history. Akufo-Addo accepted the results without calling even for a recount, thereby helping to preserve the peace, freedom and stability of Ghana.
Akufo-Addo again contested in the 2012 national elections against the NDC candidate, the late Mills’ successor as President, John Mahama, and lost. That election generated considerable controversy, and was finally decided by the Supreme Court in a narrow 5/4 decision in favour of John Mahama. Akufo-Addo is credited with helping to preserve the peace of the country by the statesmanlike manner in which he accepted the adverse verdict of the Court, at a time of high tension in the country.
In March 2014, Akufo-Addo announced his decision to seek his party’s nomination for the third time ahead of the 2016 election. He secured an unprecedented, landslide victory of 94.35% of the votes in the party’s presidential primary in October 2014, in a contest with seven competitors. Akufo-Addo also served as Chair of the Commonwealth Observer Mission for the South African elections in 2014.
He was elected President of Ghana in the December 7 elections, after obtaining 53.85% of the total valid votes cast, as announced by the Electoral Commission.
Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo Biography and Profile (Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo)
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Patriotic Uncle Sam's Hat Color Me T-Shirt With Washable Markers
Granny & Grandpa’s Kids Coloring T-Shirts are for Parties, Family Night and More! Have a great time coloring in our Color Me T-Shirts. All of our Color Me T-Shirts do come with washable markers.
Our Patriotic Uncle Sam’s Hat with Fireworks is a perfect Color Me T-Shirt for the upcoming 4th of July! Nothing says America with your child’s coloring of the Red, White and Blue! Your child will be wearing their art work loudly and proudly with this Color Me T-Shirt!
Granny & Grandpa have the perfect arts and crafts coloring T-Shirts for your child; for their birthday party, a gift to a loved one as our Color Me T-Shirts are available in Toddler, Youth, and Adult! Our Color Me T-shirts are not just for children; it is something the whole family can enjoy doing together. Instead of playing video games, watching television have Granny & Grandpa’s Color Me T-shirts out and watch your family’s creativity grow….our Color Me T-shirts are a great activity for a fun family night!
Our coloring t-shirts offer a crafty and fun approach to creating great memories for all ages! Our coloring t-shirts are much better than ordinary coloring book and crayons! What child would pass up the opportunity to color his or her own personalized T-shirt without getting into trouble? The best part is being able to proudly show off their artwork, their creativity not just on the refrigerator in the kitchen, but by wearing it anytime and anywhere…for the World to see! Granny & Grandpa helps your children create keepsakes you will want to save after the t-shirts your children color have been outgrown!
This package includes: T-shirt and one package of Super Washable Markers. If you would like the artwork, you will need to purchase permeant marks, as they are not included with this package.
Care Instructions: Machine wash cold, no bleach, no softener. Do not dry clean. Do not iron. Tumble dry low.
Just use a permanent or non-permanent fabric marker in the colors you love. Do you love adult coloring books?  Great for kids and adults alike. Stay between the lines and color it in like a coloring book. Get creative and make it look like your favorite cartoon coloring in a comic book, mandala, or kaleidoscopes.
We also personalize our Color Me T-shirts, reach out to us today to custom order your Color Me T-shirts! You can reach us at [email protected]
#grannygrandpascustomcreations #colormetshirts #Unclesam - Patriotic
Granny & Grandpa’s Kids Coloring T-Shirts are for Parties, Family Night and More! Have a great time coloring in our Color Me T-Shirts. All of our Color Me T-Shirts do come with washable markers.
Our Patriotic Uncle Sam’s Hat with Fireworks is a perfect Color Me T-Shirt for the upcoming 4th of July! Nothing says America with your child’s coloring of the Red, White and Blue! Your child will be wearing their art work loudly and proudly with this Color Me T-Shirt!
Granny & Grandpa have the perfect arts and crafts coloring T-Shirts for your child; for their birthday party, a gift to a loved one as our Color Me T-Shirts are available in Toddler, Youth, and Adult! Our Color Me T-shirts are not just for children; it is something the whole family can enjoy doing together. Instead of playing video games, watching television have Granny & Grandpa’s Color Me T-shirts out and watch your family’s creativity grow….our Color Me T-shirts are a great activity for a fun family night!
Our coloring t-shirts offer a crafty and fun approach to creating great memories for all ages! Our coloring t-shirts are much better than ordinary coloring book and crayons! What child would pass up the opportunity to color his or her own personalized T-shirt without getting into trouble? The best part is being able to proudly show off their artwork, their creativity not just on the refrigerator in the kitchen, but by wearing it anytime and anywhere…for the World to see! Granny & Grandpa helps your children create keepsakes you will want to save after the t-shirts your children color have been outgrown!
This package includes: T-shirt and one package of Super Washable Markers. If you would like the artwork, you will need to purchase permeant marks, as they are not included with this package.
Care Instructions: Machine wash cold, no bleach, no softener. Do not dry clean. Do not iron. Tumble dry low.
Just use a permanent or non-permanent fabric marker in the colors you love. Do you love adult coloring books?  Great for kids and adults alike. Stay between the lines and color it in like a coloring book. Get creative and make it look like your favorite cartoon coloring in a comic book, mandala, or kaleidoscopes.
We also personalize our Color Me T-shirts, reach out to us today to custom order your Color Me T-shirts! You can reach us at [email protected]
#grannygrandpascustomcreations #colormetshirts #Unclesam - Patriotic
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thebattlelost · 4 years
So where is good old Uncle Sam?
I hope everyone stays safe on this 4th of July 2020 what a year it has been with COVID 19 I mean just six months ago if you had a weapon on you wearing a mask you would have the police after you actually this is Texas you would have the sheriff looking for you and you would be an outlaw looking to rob a bank or train but now you get arrested for not wearing one totally insane, maybe this year we should reflect on what we are celebrating from 1776 to today and beyond, I personally do not believe that our founding fathers would be okay with what they created to what we have become. free·dom [ˈfrēdəm] NOUN the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. "the shark thrashed its way to freedom" synonyms: liberty · liberation · release · emancipation · deliverance · delivery · discharge · nonconfinement · extrication · amnesty · pardoning In a country whose money is stamped in God, we trust I guess He is not trusted enough as we took the prayers out of schools our children no longer look up and to tell the truth I have had enough. how about you? Where is good old Uncle Sam? Tonight looks a lot like the night that the star-spangled banner waved with all of the bombs bursting in air and fireworks exploding everywhere as far as the eye could see, while the reflection of the lights lit up my hazel green eyes you could see teardrops falling down my face, as I start remembering all my brothers and sisters in arms who had fought and died, a hero everyone for our way of life and the freedom to enjoy it. who must be right now turning over in their graves in disgust for how this country has turned out while we are now fighting with each other from sea to suing sea. The eagle that once flew proudly across this great land is missing in action and he is nowhere to be found and the purple mountains majesty has lost its golden crown as it is now being flattened for strip malls and condominiums that no one can afford anyhow.  Our flag that once stood for freedom is now being ripped apart and burned while Americans are still treated very differently depending on the color of their skin from which you and I are born, All of the rich keep on getting richer as the poor become much poorer and the the middle class of this country who is that? Are all now forever gone, while those who are sworn to protect and serve us no longer really care as they are much too busy writing tickets making millions for laws that are so unfair, the cost of living is constantly climbing even as wages are going down so now the children who are our future are raising themselves because parents are never home, needing to work at least three jobs just to pay the bills trying hard to get ahead while falling three steps behind,  families that have been torn apart by addiction a disease the government will not cure,. Veterans, our children, and the elderly are finding themselves homeless more and more hungry cold tired and living on the streets with a government only passing laws making it illegal to give them money or even something to eat, corporations are making record profits unlike they have never seen while stealing hard-earned retirement savings from their loyal workers just to give themselves raises, Rolls Royces, and five mansions each, then shutting down as they are filing bankruptcy and hiding money in offshore accounts letting go millions who now are unemployed then walking away Scott free, For a country who talks about freedom in this once great land of the free, they sure pass more laws every day so more people can be arrested then placed in privately owned prisons, making those inside work very hard for nothing which is nothing more than modern-day slavery while murders, rapist, molesters, abusers, are walking the streets because the police were chasing people who had taillights out or expired tags they forgot or mandatory insurance that cost way too much or even parking too long or not in the right spot or smoking a weed that grows from the ground which was never picked by slaves unlike tobacco who adds poison to every leaf believe it or not, A country whose arms were always wide open giving hope to all of those who had none, standing with a shining light held high to show those running away from wars. looking for religious freedom, or a home to make their mark, the way home, but now hides behind her border walls while pushing values only it believed to countries around the world, screaming loud for the world of human rights while we ourselves are jailing innocent children who have done nothing at all, while taking their parents away leaving them all alone, and all I can say is I just do not understand as the lights go dim on our so-called freedom as we all watch it slowly die. so what happened to the country I pledge allegiance too and grew up, what happened to the home of the brave what happened the bell that rang for freedom what happened to what we believe in and where is good old Uncle Sam? Poet Richard M Knittle Jr. The end of A Poet's Journey
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US was built on mass murder - 2
Факты, которые  подконтрольные ЦРУ СМ»И»  в России   скрывают...
Dictatorship USA – Run By A Plundering and Murderous Ruling Class - 2019 (705)
Uncle Sam was Born Lethal  - 2
For revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival.  – Frederick Douglass, July 4, 1852
BlackAgendaReport, Aug. 21, 2019
Evangelical Christian barbarism wedded to lethal American white nationalism? American evangelicals have been terrorizing their fellow Americans and others around the world for as long as the United States has existed – and indeed before that.  Political scientist Carl Boggs reminds us that contemporary American right-wing Christianity is “an extension of traditional, homespun, God-fearing Protestantism that historically intersected with racist, colonial, and exceptionalist currents of Manifest Destiny.” Further :
“We know that slavery, along with every step toward extermination of Native Americans, was justified and even celebrated as part of God’s will. Did not President William McKinley, as the U.S. was preparing for a war in the Philippines that would slaughter hundreds of thousands of civilians, inform Americans that this was a Christian duty?…Replete with images of great violence, hatred, and repression,  the Bible in fact justifies all forms of mass murder, torture, warfare, and slavery. We have a text that takes enormous gratification in the mass slaughter of humans, with few limits. In the Bible we find executions for taking God’s name in vain, death to practitioners of ‘idolatry,’ and horrific punishment for adulterers not to mention genocidal military attacks on heathen nations and culture. Such fundamentalist views, resonant of the Dark Ages, can be likened to a modern fascist outlook.”
Seventeen years ago, the evangelical Christian George W. Bush, neo-fascistically turbo-charged by the Reichstag Fire-like gift of the Islamist 9/11 attacks, concluded that God had told  him to invade Mesopotamia. The invasion led to more than a million Iraqi deaths accompanied by countless explicitly racist and often evangelically infused acts of torture and murder committed by feral U.S. military forces.
The use of messianic Christianity to justify murdering and maiming people of color en-masse goes back to the original British invasion of what would be called New England. The U.S. Declaration of Independence’s description of North America’s original inhabitants as “merciless Indian savages” by projecting onto Native Americans the genocidal practices that white “settlers” exhibited from day one. Consider the historian Eric Foner's description of the grisly and religiously infused Mystic River Massacre of 1637:
“A force of Connecticut and Massachusetts soldiers, augmented by Narraganset allies, surrounded the main Pequot fortified village at Mystic and set it ablaze, killing those who tried to escape.  Over 500 men, women, and children lost their lives in the massacre.  By the end of the war [of New England settlers on the once powerful Pequot tribe], most of the Pequots had been exterminated or sold into Caribbean slavery. The treat that restored peace decreed that their name should be wiped from the historical record.”
“…The colonists’ ferocity shocked their Indian allies, who considered European military practices barbaric.  A few Puritans agreed. ‘It was a fearful sight to see them frying in the fire,’ the Pilgrim leaders William Bradford wrote of the raid on Mystic.  But to most Puritans, including Bradford, the defeat of a ‘barbarous nation’ by ‘the sword of the Lord’ offered further proof that they were on a sacred mission and that Indians were unworthy of sharing New England with the visible saints of the church.”
The Puritans wept with joy and thanked “God” for helping them flame-broil Indian women and children who stood on ground they would turn into a heavenly “City on the Hill.”
After a cruel campaign of ethnic cleansing (at the conclusion of “King Phillips’ War”) in which the white settlers pushed most of the last Indians they had not killed out of New England in the mid-1670s, “the image of Indians as bloodthirsty savages,” Foner writes, “became firmly entrenched in the New England mind.”
Killing Native-Americans en-masse was supplemented by the torture and exploitation of millions upon of millions of African-Americans as slaves – the highly profitable and hidden secret  to America’s rise to prominence in the world of nations by the mid-19th century. Racialized chattel slavery found regular Christian “justification” on the part of the white “settlers.”
Slave owners tortured slaves to extract the last ounce of profit from them in cotton fields built on blood-soaked land stolen from Native Americans. They stood atop a vicious chattel system whose polemicists justified the regular rape of Black females as a “safety valve” that protected the virtue of white “southern womanhood.”
“What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July?” the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass asked in 1852. “A day,” Douglass answered, “that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.” Further:
“To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade, and solemnity, are, to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy — a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour…Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the old world, travel through South America, search out every abuse, and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me, that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival.”
To be continued...
Перед нами - коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ, кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».
Нынешние киевские власти — фашистские агенты американского империализма...  Именно то, чего хотят Трамр/ США и в Венесуэле!
А также в Иране. А также в Cирии.  Затем и в России!
Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политическ��х гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - http://arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com
Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, за 15 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости.  Властители США воруют пенсию!!  
ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» -  мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать отправленных мне комментариев.   А это далеко, далеко не всё...
Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США
ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты, комментарии в Вконтакте, в Макспарке, в Facebook (“a dangerous account — your post goes against our Community Standards so only you can see it”), в Twitter (“Your account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action”), в Medium.com, Одноклассники (почти всё) ... и удаляют ещё много других моих постов!
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id0l-atry · 5 years
There are quite a few distinct types of kitchen table sets that can be made use of in a kitchen. They may perhaps be tall or brief, rigid or foldable, with or with out cushioned seats, addresses and other components. When used to generate home furnishings, this often creates a spectrum of hues inside of a single piece of furnishings, as well as a change in texture from piece to piece within the set.
Dwelling Room Tables Nebraska Furnishings Mart Discover a fantastic selection of living room tables at NFM. The Mount Vernon dining room is a darkish turquoise-blue on the upper 50 % of the walls, and has a white chair rail trim separating the reduce half of the wall, which is a creamy white. Quickly grew to become the to start with time houseboy came without permission, and I had to” put his head into leather helmet, tie it to ceiling, tie his wrists to his sides (his harness has loads of rings), and give him his to start with punishment with the paddle. Aku mula menyentuh buah dadanya. He took their issues onto the radio, and employed every single usually means of communicating the battle of South Africa. You can focus on this with the rental agency to find out whether the agency will convey the covers and position them on the chairs for you. Just before getting in contact with a rental agency, you do will need to know the structure and the measurement of the chairs that the venue works by using. Oak Home furniture Solid Oak Bedroom Home furniture Dunelm Quality oak home furniture collection available on line at Dunelm. The serious tendency to think of 'Dark skin' as unattractive, kinky hair as 'undesirable' hair, and African options as fewer appealing than Caucasian options, occur from this sense of inferiority. - Personalized furnishings: Several businesses make it possible for prospective buyers to select the exact material, picket and aspects of tables, chairs and sofas quite of settling for what is on the showroom floor. Shop Uncle Sam 4th Of July Decor Material Chair Addresses at $14.99, a person shopper have a good idea it, search similar designs, and join with others who appreciate it, also King Size Platform Bed Frame With Storage. Now just before you go accusing me of picking on Swedes, let me state that there are lots of IKEA-like outlets and catalogs out there, which sell equally crafted furnishings. "South Africans are accused of allowing for the ANC to highjack the ownership of liberation heritage and to use it to hold them hostage against voting the 'rotting' get together out of electrical power. I especially adore the door dance concerning Macduff and Catherine Campbell (the maid), which I saw on my initially time and not all over again right up until my ninth, so I'm glad you got to see that.
0 notes
gus-the-icreamman · 5 years
Have you ever been to a good friend's property for meal, and just as you relieve on your own in the dining room chair, you master that it's a person of people wobbly, unsteady merchandise that you hope won't give way as you happen to be consuming? Bed Risers eBay Wood Bed Risers raise Table home furnishings lifts storage Mahogany Set of Refreshing. My organization Wydeven Designs link to site is an website retailer marketing refurbished heirloom quality home furnishings. This immediately after she bathes Macbeth in the bathtub, and the spend some time on the bed, then he leaves.
Homemakers the natural way giving distinctive concentration to dining chair cushions given that it is really one thing which friends often settle for note of whenever they are invited about. Aku akhirnya mengetahui bahawa hanna sebenarnya digantung tidak bertali oleh suaminya. Retailer Uncle Sam 4th Of July Decor Fabric Chair Covers at $14.99, 1 shopper have recommended it, browse comparable styles, and link with some others who like it, way too. Now right before you go accusing me of picking on Swedes, let me state that there are loads of IKEA-like merchants and catalogs out there, which sell in the same way designed furniture. For case in point, a darkish wooden table may look excellent with light chair covers. The self Hatred or small-esteem of African American people has without a doubt been overworked but is worthy our consideration in this discussion. Aku membuka mulut ku seluas yang boleh lalu aku pun terus membaham buah dadanya. Dining chairs that are made to provide proper placement to the dining table are the ideal assortment. I as soon as knew of a pair of chipmunks in the walls of a property that had the people dwelling in the dwelling convinced that their dwelling was haunted. A exclusive notice on Business Home furnishings: Office environment furnishings suppliers often sell the identical notion: inexpensively made business office home furniture that seems to be fancy, but is made of particle board. When I uncovered by accident that my home had sat unoccupied for an unknown (to me) interval of time in the late 60's or early 70's due to the fact the Area's operator had died. Disebabkan itu saranan suami ku, maka aku tidak membantah nya, diharapkan tiada apa yang tidak diingini berlaku pada diri ku malam ni. Kami segera menghabiskan minuman kami dan setelah itu kami terus menuju ke kuala. Berderau darah ku bila melihat zaidin berada di rumah, maklumlah Best for Wayfair 's Bedroom Furniture Trends 2019 beliau pernah menikmati tubuhku, aku bimbang dia mahu mengulangi nya lagi. Buah dadanya yang terdedah berhayun-hayun mengikut gerakan tubuhnya. Even self-importance chairs can be employed if you happen to be actually pressed for a single more seat. You can find a more compact café table and two chairs for fewer than one hundred pounds. Niat sebenar aku menghentikan permainan itu hanya satu sahaja. Wednesday evening we went to prayer meetin'.
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