#it's max and george in P2 and P3 as well...
singsweetmelodies · 10 months
i don't want to wish anyone badly on-track, but listen.... if anything happens to P2 and P3 tomorrow - anything at all - then we have a piarles podium 👀👀👀
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fangirl-dot-com · 5 months
🎩Track 7 - Look What You Made Me Do
*this chapter was sweet but fun to write! I hope you all enjoy!!*
Max thought that apologizing to Logan would have been easy. He’d just go to their hotel the morning after when everyone had had a chance to cool down. What he wasn’t expecting was to learn that you, Logan, and the whole Lamborghini team had packed up and left in the early hours of dawn. 
Oh well, the Dutchman thought that Jeddah would be a good time to truly apologize. 
But, Jeddah came and went and the drivers were still given the cold shoulder. 
During the weekend, Max could see how, well, cocky the two Americans had gotten. But they had a reason to be. When Logan and you were finally put in the interviews together, you shied away from the others. 
Even the podium of a second 1-2, your first win of the season and the first shared podium with Max, was cold. The two of you paid no attention to the Red Bull driver, only seeking out to spray your race engineer Lyla and then the team below. 
Charles had another try in Australia. Another 1-2 and no amendments. At least Logan was currently the championship leader. If he wouldn’t talk, he could at least enjoy the joys that came with being P1. 
Japan ended with Logan in P2, surrounded by Max in P1and Charles in P3. This time, Max had made an executive decision to corner the blond on the way out. He had put his hand on Logan’s shoulder, only for the latter to reel away like Max’s hand burned him. 
Max looked at him with sympathy. “Logan, come on. Please let us apologize.” 
Charles had stood behind Max in some weird moral support. However, that was the wrong choice as Logan now felt trapped. 
With fire, he was able to spit out, “I don’t like your little games or the tilted stage that is supposedly supposed to be yours. I got on that podium and made it mine.”
The Monegasque huffed. “Logan, you’re being unfair.” 
Logan responded with a sarcastic laugh. “You made me play the role of the fool. Just leave me alone.” 
Logan brushed past the two of them and was able to get out with no one else coming up to try to apologize. 
Max sighed, defeated once again. Charles could only offer a hand of comfort, also feeling the hole that you and Logan were supposed to take up in his life. But Max wasn’t about to give up. If there was one thing his dad taught him, it was to keep pushing until you got what you want. 
China also came and went. No progress was made. And yet another podium shared. Logan was back to being P1, then you in P2, and a surprise P3 of Lewis. How the dumpster fire of a Mercedes was able to stay ahead of Max? No one knew. Turns out, Max’s throttle was stuck and he couldn’t overcome it. 
To your surprise, Lewis didn’t push trying to talk to the two of you. He knew first hand that talking in a crowded space wouldn’t work. 
When it was Miami time, the group was still sulking. Their paddle games weren’t the same without Charles making fun of your black and yellow clothes or Logan learning some new Dutch sentence from Max. 
George was thankful to be on the receiving end of a handful of texts from you and Logan. Just mundane things that he was actually relieved to get. Because you or Logan weren’t talking, no one knew really what the two of you were up to. It seemed as though the two of you only posted after races. 
Lewis sighed as he looked at his teammate. “Any news from you know who?” 
It was as if saying your names would cause another blow up to happen. 
George only responded in small grunt. “Looks like they’re back home. Logan texted me that they’re in the same press conference as us, Max, and Charles. It’s going to be like a bomb waiting to go off.” 
The smaller Briton put his head in his hands. “We really messed up.” 
George snorted. “Yeah. But Logan will forgive us. I can feel it.” 
Well, Lewis was right. The tension in the room was so thick that a mere kitchen knife would not be able to cut it. It looked as though you had taken the inside seat, almost protecting Logan from having to sit anywhere near the others. 
Charles felt some hope when you shot him somewhat of a sad smile. But to him, it was progress. Logan, however, looked miserable. George wanted to cry when he resembled the 2023 Williams version of himself. He wanted to lean over you to talk to him, but the questions began to start. 
A woman raised her hand first. 
“Question for Logan. We’ve seen a dominant Lamborghini in the past opening races and we’ve seen that your driving style has changed a bit. Can you tell us a bit about your mindset and how you decided to go about the new car?” 
Logan licked his lips as he brought the mic to his lips. A small smile made its way to his face. 
“I got smarter and I got harder, in well, the nick of time. In December, Lamborghini reached out with an offer than had to be decided quickly. There really wasn’t time to think about it. So, I just went with it.” 
This time a man raised his hand. 
“A question for Y/n. We saw that you and Logan had completely blacked out your social medias. And during that time, some fans thought you had died. Thankfully you didn’t.” 
A few laughs arose from the crowd, you and Logan included. 
The journalist continued. “Can you maybe give us a comment on how you went from, well, your career dying to becoming what it is today?” 
Your quirked an eyebrow and smirked at the man. “I rose up from the dead. I tend to do it all the time. People put me down until I feel like I can’t get back up, and then somehow, I always get back up and then just do my thing. That’s mostly why my nickname is Phoenix for people close to me.” 
Another man raised his hand. “A question for the table. We haven’t see any paddle matches between the six of you in a while. Do you think that this weekend there might be some friendly competition back in the paddock?” 
Beside you, Logan inhaled sharply. 
George took the initiative for this one. “We’ve been very busy with the first few weeks. We all have gone separate ways between weekends. But maybe Charles and Max just got tired of losing to us.” 
Lewis snorted while Max and Charles gawked at the tall Briton. The snort, in turn, made you and Logan chuckle a bit, which was caught on the mic for everyone to hear. Charles rolled his eyes. 
“I am actually a good paddle player. Just someone seems to not want to go for the ball.” 
He was currently giving Max a bombastic side eye while Max narrowed his eyes back at his rival. On the inside though, they were buzzing at the fact that you and Logan had joined in on the banter (even if it was just a few laughs). 
While they were having a stare down, you chose to raise the mic. 
“Like George said, we’ve all been busy. Logan and I fly back to Milan almost every week when we can to keep the car up to the standards that it needs to be.” 
Logan nodded before continuing. “If we want to stay on top, then we have to put in the work for it.”  
The press for the drivers rounded up quickly after a few more questions. The tension was still there, but a few answers of praise for the two from the four lightened things up. 
You and Logan watched as they left, but the two of you took spots in the back to watch the team principals’ conference. You smiled and pointed out how they put Michael right in the middle of James and Zac. Logan could hardly keep his snort in. 
He leaned over and whispered, “Is it bad I want to see him drag James?” 
You shook your head and whispered back, “I want to see it too and Zac.” 
Michael adjusted his shirt and looked out to the crowd. He smiled a bit when he saw you and Logan laughing in the back, shoulder to shoulder. He knew he had one of the best driver lineups of the grid, and he wasn’t about to let them go. Right now, he had some teams contacting him about the length of your contracts. However, he left them unanswered. 
With a clearing of a throat, the journalists settled down as someone asked the first question. 
“For Mr. Vowles, Williams haven’t been doing too well this season so far. However, Alex has mentioned that most of the upgrades from the car had come from Logan himself. Do you think that if you kept Logan on for another year, things might be different?” 
James ran a hand through his hair. “Well, all we can do is throw ‘ifs’ around and speculate a reality that might have happened. I wouldn’t be able to answer that.” 
“Another question for James. How does it feel seeing Logan on the top step almost every weekend so far knowing that he could have had that with Williams?” 
“I personally don’t think Logan would get on the podiums in our car. He got lucky with Andretti and Lamborghini. Honestly, if any of the drivers had the car that they had, they’d probably get the same results.” 
Michael rolled his eyes a bit, knowing that the gesture would be caught on some camera, but he really didn’t care. 
“A question for Mr. Brown. Y/n L/n brought a 75 percent win rate to Arrows’ wins last year. Why did you and McLaren decide to terminate her contract?” 
Zac grunted as he shifted in his seat. “Well, like with all drivers, we just have to look at who is on the market. And going with Alexander seemed like the right choice.” 
The journalist took a breath before continuing. “Do you feel the same after Alexander and the team have failed to obtain points? And Alexander has DNF-ed in the past three races?” 
The McLaren CEO shook his head. “We took a gamble. But I have no doubts in the team. Like I said, we had to keep our options open. Keeping L/n would have just set us back.” 
The same woman who asked Logan a few questions now gestured to Michael. 
“Mr. Andretti, first congratulations to you and your two drivers for leading the championship. I know you must be very proud.” 
Michael smiled as he spoke into the mic, “Thank you very much. I couldn’t be prouder of Logan and Y/n. They both put in so much work during the winter break. I am just glad that we can give them a car that they deserve. They’re both good drivers, and I don’t believe that it was just luck that got them here.” 
The woman smirked, knowing that she was pushing buttons, but no one seemed to mind. 
“Following up with that, how what was the decision like to bring Logan and Y/n to the team after two failed campaigns in both Formula 1 and IndyCar?” 
You leaned over to Logan. “Ooooo it’s about to get good.” 
Your boss smiled as he thought over his question. “Well, we knew that we needed two drivers who were already comfortable with each other. We’re a team first and if our drivers can’t get along or their driving styles aren’t compatible, then we don’t have a firm base. Mr. Tonino and I had a few drivers that we’d be willing to talk to.” 
“And were Y/n and Logan on that initial list?” 
He nodded. “I had a list of names and Logan’s and Y/n’s were in red and underlined. Mr. Tonino was very adamant about the two of them. Because he is the big boss man.”
That made people laugh, including the two of you in the back. 
Michael continued, “He had full say of who he wanted to drive his cars and that happened to be our duo. Looking at the analytics of their driving, they were almost identical. It would have been a shame to let them slip through our fingers.” 
He looked out beyond the crowd at you and Logan. You two were looking back with wide but thankful smiles. He knew that you had given up on your careers in motorsports. He just hoped that he was giving you everything that you could ever want. 
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The press conference wrapped up quickly after that. You and Logan found yourselves going over some last minute details before the day was done. Logan sighed as he put his head on the halo of his car. 
Your eyes help sympathy for your boyfriend. You walked over and placed a hand on his back. 
“Come on Logs, talk to me.” 
He turned his head, cheek still pressed against the carbon fiber. 
“I miss them, but they hurt me so much. And I don’t want to be hurt like that again. I don’t trust no one and no one trusts me.” 
You bent a bit to get closer. 
“Listen to me baby. They treated you terribly, but I’ve also seen how happy they are that you gave them a second chance. I really think that they want to be genuine, it all just went a bit too fast. The world moves on, another day another drama, but not for us. We’re still stuck in the mindset that if we mess up, we’ll get booted immediately.” 
Logan sighed as he stood upright to take you in his arms. He kissed the top of your forehead and rested against your hair. 
“I understand. All I’ve been thinking about it karma. It feels like the world moved on, but not me. Like, maybe I got my karma when Williams dropped me, but I feel like they haven’t gotten theirs yet.” 
You snorted and pulled back to look him in the face. 
“Baby, I think Max’s karma is that you’re going to take the championship away from him this year.” 
He smirked down at you. “Oh yeah sweetheart?” 
You leaned your head up to look him in the eyes. “Most definitely. Now, let’s go. We have a sulking rival pair to talk to.” 
Logan went back to his hiding place in your hair. 
“Do we have to?” he whined, really not wanting to talk to them now. 
Your hands went up and ruffled his hair, making him huff. 
“Fine. We can do it after you win your home race.” 
Logan smiled. “But it’s your home race too.” 
“May the best driver win?” 
“May the best driver win.” 
Logan breathed a sigh of relief as he climbed out of his cockpit. As he stood tall, he look around at the screaming crowds. They were all for him and you. You tugged on his sleeve to bring him down into a hug. 
On the side, George stood next to Max and Lewis and just watched as you two bounced up and down in each other’s arms, ecstatic about a home race win. When Max and Lewis left, Logan turned around and headed straight to George. 
The tall Briton was not expecting a hug, but his arms immediately wrapped around the shorter blond. He could feel Logan shaking, maybe signaling that he was crying, but George didn’t say anything. He remembers that he was always the crier during his first points and his first win. The two pulled apart. 
“I’m going to talk to the group later tonight if that’s ok?” Logan asked, wanting to heal his aching heart. 
George nodded and patted his arm. “We’ll talk. Go get your interviews done winner.” 
Logan smiled before giving him one last hug. He jogged over to get weighed and then went to talk to Jensen Button. 
Jensen was happy to see a very smiley Logan, something he hadn’t seen since Bahrain. The older man put a hand on Logan’s shoulder. 
“So Logan, congratulations on bringing Lamborghini’s fifth 1-2 finish this season. How are you feeling?” 
Logan laughed before answering in the mic, “I feel so light, it’s unreal. I just finally feel like I can do my job and do it well.” 
“If you could have a phone call with the old Logan, what would you say or vice versa?” 
“Oh, the old Logan couldn’t come to the phone because he’s dead. I’m really a new person and version of my best self this season and I don’t want to dwell on the past anymore.” 
Jensen chuckled. “Good man. Now go get your trophy.” 
Up on the podium, you, Logan, and George were a stark contrast of the past few races. This time, the two of you interacted with George and sprayed him back. 
When you and Logan changed, you were surprised to see Max, Charles, and Lewis waiting in your garage. Logan looked down at the floor with a guilty expression. He had tears in his eyes when he went to apologize. 
“I am so sorry for how I have acted. I-” 
Lewis held out a hand to stop Logan from talking. The Briton sighed before he spoke. 
“There’s nothing to apologize for.” 
When Logan and you went to retaliate, Max cut you off. 
“If there’s someone who needs to be sorry, it’s us and the entire grid. I know we can’t talk for them, but we can talk for us.” 
Charles took a tiny step forward. 
“Looking back, we should have formally apologized before jumping into some pseudo-friendship that was built on a bad past. We should have treated you better last year and we have no excuses.” 
Lewis took over. “But now we have a chance to do better, to ask for forgiveness. I know the whole saying is ‘forgive and forget’ but there really is no true forgetting. It’s always going to haunt you and us for a while. But we want to start again.” 
Max looked down at the floor. “What we’re saying is that we miss you and we’re hoping that you’ll forgive us.” 
You and Logan shared a quick glance before smiling. 
You turned to Charles. “We’ll take all the ice cream that you can give us and we want to spend time with Max’s cats.” 
The three’s heads shot up and they looked at you with wide eyes. 
Charles gawked. “That’s it?” 
Logan raised an eyebrow. “I mean, we can think of other things if you’d like that. I’ve been wanting a few new cars and a yacht.”
Max winced. “No we can do a cat playdate.” 
The Ferrari driver pulled out his phone. “Getting the ice cream sent now.” 
Lewis looked at them with narrowed eyes. “What do you two want from me?” 
You and Logan smirked at the Mercedes driver. 
“We want Roscoe.”  
venus2 has posted
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venus2 oh, look what you made me do
liked by maxverstappen1, sargeantgirlie, lamboduo, and 1,204,294 others
f1_grid_gang dare I say my family is back together??
ferrari&lambo we're looking Logan 👀
lewishamilton yes, I've seen that you and your teammate have kidnapped my dog 🤨
venus2 all for a good cause
phoenix95 he's fine with his siblings and yes all vegan treats ☺️
lewishamilton fine.
logan.nation these are the type of posts I missed
phoenix&venus they got the band back together 😭
nomoreloscar now we just need other drivers to apologize as well
phoenix95 has posted
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phoenix95 I'll be the actress staring in your bad dreams ✨
liked by charles_leclerc, Dior, paddlesixtet, and 2,305,869 others
beelamborghini my queen bee 🐝👑
y/n.nation ok but the helmet slaps
lambo_duo nothing is better than seeing those two on the podium
usaF1 that and hearing the star spangled banner almost every week
charles_leclerc was the sparkle necessary petite abeille
phoenix95 better watch it leclerc or Leo is next 🙂
maxverstappen1 Charles, you better run and hide your puppy in those massive pants of yours
phoenix95 🫵🤣
charles_leclerc I thought you liked the cloud pants ☹️
maxverstappen1 wait I do!!
venus2 simp.
rariferrari her lap pace is just 🤌
lambof1 this is just a proper racing team
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @myxticmoon @cherry-piee @blueberry64857959 @glitterquadricorn @lizzypiastri @sam-is-lost @spilled-coffee-cup @ilove-tswizzle @the-untamed-soul @allenajade-ite @starssfall @torchbearerkyle @judespoision @halfdeadsage @juniper-july19 @severewobblerlightdragon @thatgirlm @gods-menace @ineedafictionalman @namgification @dark-night-sky-99 @samantha-chicago @2pagenumb @treehouse-mouse @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @kagatinkita @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @awekbachira @vellicore @skepvids @sunrizef1 @stan-josie @fanficweasley @hiireadstuff @barcelonaloverf1life @c-losur3 @graciewrote @bruhhhhhhhhehhhhhhh @tallrock35 @ashy-kit @kat-su @minkyungseokie @lozzamez3 @leslieis-crying @adventuresofrose @lighttsoutlewis
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musaslullaby · 14 days
My friends
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grid x fem reader
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
Summary: The drivers defend you from insults
Face: people on Pinterest, Bianca Bustamante, and the driver
Warning: fluff and hate
a/n: We are 100!!! Thanks to you guys.I apologize for these parts that may be a bit boring, but lately I’ve been having trouble writing what’s on my mind. I still hope you’ll like it.
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Description: Let's hope this intense simulator session makes up for my disaster.
Liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55, and other 9,384,93
Olliebearman: Wait, why didn't you come to me for help???
Yn.official: I needed a veteran.
georgerussell63: You did great, don't worry. ❤️ Like to author
charles_leclerc: Don't be pessimistic, mon ange.
carlossainz55: I also want that little toy.
georgerussell63: Sorry, Mercedes exclusive.
oscarpiastri: We should make an official request to the teams. ❤️ Like to author
landonorris: Guys, would you buy them?
f1lover: Yes, right away.
lan_: Please make them!
Leclerc_: Poor Hamilton.
16: This is too funny.
Yn.official: No Lewis was harmed.
lewishamilton: My face says it all. ❤️ Like to author
44.63: More meme content, thanks, Yn. ❤️ Like to author
formula1_: I'd buy them all.
user23: Instead of playing around, go train.
user48: I hate when people don't put in the effort.
user21: All pictures of George, not one of Yn, I wonder why.
user3: Yn, please stop playing the victim.
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Description: Yn is training and also acting as a social media manager, what more do you want?
Liked by danielricciardo, olliebearman, and other 6,347,634
mv1: Max has entered protective mode.
checomax: Yes, these tactical jabs he throws at Yn's haters are awesome.
1.11: Yn, please date Max, I beg you! ❤️ Like to author
Red_:Max's like????
charles_leclerc: I've always said she's perfect.
landonorris: And also beautiful.
georgerussell63: I'm booking a photoshoot.
oscarpiastri: Leave her alone, George.
Yn.official: As soon as I find some time, I'll take some beautiful photos for you.
landonorris: You raised her well, your daughter.
danielricciardo: I know, she's my pride.
Yn.official: I'm about to cry.
op81: How cute you all are.
lewis: What a perfect family.
Lec: I want a dad like that.
user43: Proud of what?
user12: He probably taught her how to crash.
f1lover: Are you guys just here to stir trouble? ❤️ Like to author
user76: At least you can go straight in the simulator?
Formu_la: She's definitely much better than you. ❤️ Like to author
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Description: Mom forced me to go shopping.
Liked by maxverstappen1, yourcousin, and other 6,255,252
yourcousin: Go auntieee!
Yn.official: Mom’s waiting for you at homeee.
landonorris: Yn left the house!!!
charles_leclerc: Strange but true.
carlossainz55: These are the powers of mothers.
georgerussell: The lady has great taste in clothes too. ❤️ Like to author
Yn.official: Mom said thank you.
oscarpiastri: Especially for that McLaren shirt. Mom said thank you.
user3: No, but how can you go out when you should be preparing for a race?
user32: And you’re with Haas, why are you covering McLaren gear?
user14: Can’t you do your own hair?
la_: Guys, mind your business?
16.55: If you’re here to insult, don’t follow her.
user09: I don’t think you get the point, if I were her mom, I wouldn’t let her out for the whole week so she could just train.
81: But how do you know if she’s training or not, and how much?
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Description: When she apparently doesn’t train.
Liked by oscarpiastri, georgerussell63, and other 74,467,3
f1lover: Now the drivers are at war.
lan_: After Max, now it’s Norris too.
4__: I imagine in the first photo Lando thinking, “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” ❤️ Like to author
Ynqueen: How cute are they?
Ynandnorris: And how beautiful is she?
charles_leclerc: Gorgeous. ❤️ Like to author
oscarpiastri: All thanks to training.
maxverstappen1: Training and willpower.
user30: You only go to the gym for photos.
user78_: I don’t understand why they defend her.
Formu_la: They defend her because she doesn’t want to create bad situations by responding.
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Description: You're the best cousin I could ever have. We love you.
Liked by charles_leclerc, Yn.official, and other 9,802,833
Yn.official: My two stars.
❤️ Like to author
f1lover: How adorable.
Formula: Yn would be an amazing mother.
charles_leclerc: I missed the “Yn as a babysitter” era.
❤️ Like to author
landonorris: But weren’t you terrible with kids? ❤️ Like to author
yourcousin: She was.
Yn.official: That’s not true!
danielricciardo: All great, but Yn, don’t get baby fever. ❤️ Like to author
oscarpiastri: Are you scared?
georgerussell63: Now we’re all scared.
Yn.official: Never
carlossainz55: Now I’ve got dad fever. ❤️ Like to author
danielricciardo: But wait, since when do you drink?
Yn.official: Oops.
Ynislife: Please tell me they’re coming to the GP.
yourcousin: We’ll see.
user87: Why do you have to use a child to get views?
Ynqueen: You guys are even here?
yourcousin: If you notice, you can’t even see the child’s face.
user45: Oh please, you’re probably just like Yn.
yourcousin: And how would that be?
user45: A manipulator.
Ynandlando: How dare you?
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@barcelonaloverf1life @exotic-iris13 @secretlychaoticruins
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formula-nyoom · 2 months
Be Proud of Yourself | GR63
Pairing: Platonic!George Russell x Fem!Driver!Reader
Summary: @cinnvmonrolls @scenesofobx and @annabellelee wanted a sequel to I'm Proud of You where reader finally outqualifies George and wins a race.
A/N: Works picking back up for me so fics may take some time for them to come out. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
“Good job (Y/N)! We’ve made it to Q3.”
 “Whew! Didn’t think I’d make it with that last lap. Glad to hear I did.” You said to your race engineer as you pulled into the pitlane. Engineers surrounded your car as they pulled it into the garage and placed a screen in front of you to go over data. To your right, you saw them do the same with George’s car. The two of you made eye contact and you gave George a thumbs up. He put his own thumb up, signaling to you that he also made it through to Q3. You only nodded your head.
While you were happy for the team that both Mercedes made it into Q3, a familiar, small pit started to form in your stomach. While most drivers that end up in Q3 shoot for pole, you didn’t care what position you ended up in, only as long as it was in front of George. It wasn’t a malicious goal. You just wanted to outqualify your teammate once and hopefully that would lead to people no longer ragging on you for all the times you placed behind George. But being honest with yourself, you knew they wouldn’t really stop. It would probably just make you feel better and hopefully give you a confidence boost going into the race on Sunday. 
The greenlight was given for Q3 to start and you and George were sent out for qualifying. Despite getting impeded on one of your qualifying laps, by the end of the session you felt like you had good pace to make the top 5. Nowhere near pole, but you felt you had good pace as you crossed the finish line at the end of qualifying.
“Alright, tell me where I am.” You said to your race engineer as you did your cool down lap before pulling into parc ferme.
 “You are P3.” Your race engineer told you. P3. That’s the highest you’ve ever qualified this season.
“Wow! I’m proud of that. And George is P2?”
 “No. George is P6.” Your race engineer said. You paused, your brain not really processing what was just said to you.
 “You are P3. George is P6.”
“I outqualifed George?” The shock in your voice was evident. Realistically you should have tried to hide it, but you didn’t care. You had finally out-qualified your teammate
 “That you did. Good job (Y/N).”
For the first time, instead of parking your car in the regular parc ferme lane, you rolled your car till it stopped in front of the P3 placard, right next to Max’s car that was parked in the P1 spot. You took your time to get out of the car before running over to greet your team at the barriers. They gave you high fives and pats to the shoulder. While it wasn’t pole, P3 was still something to celebrate. 
 “Glad to see you up here, rookie!” Max said, giving your shoulder a pat. 
“Didn’t expect to be up here. It’s going to be difficult tomorrow for me to try and overtake you.” You told him. Max laughed.
 “Well I definitely won’t make it easy.” He said.
After post qualifying interviews, George was there to meet you as the two of you headed back to the Mercedes garage for debrief.
“Good job mate! Second row!” George said as he patted your shoulder “Wish I could have made it a Mercedes lock out.”
 “I expected you to end up on the front row. What happened?”
“My tires locked up on the second to last turn. Cost me what could have been pole.” George said. 
The adrenaline from qualifying had started to wear off and realization set in on where you placed. P3. 2 spots away from pole. 2 spots away from 1st place.
Your smile dropped and you turned to George.
“What am I supposed to do tomorrow George?” You asked him. “The team is going to expect me to try and win the race. I don’t know if I can do that.”
 “What makes you think that?” George asked.
“Because that’s what everyone else thinks.” You said as doubt started to creep in. You could practically see the media comments that would be online by the end of the night: predictions that George will overtake you by the end of the first lap, or you’ll bin it in the first turn, ruining Mercedes chances of a race win. 
 “Not everyone thinks that. The team doesn’t think that and neither do I.” George said, trying to make you feel better, but it wasn’t working.
“Really? Because I haven’t been able to out pace you at all this whole season! I’ve always qualified and placed behind you at every race, including the sprints. The only reason I was able to outqualify you today was because of an issue with your car. If your tires didn’t lock up, you would have outqualified me again and continue to prove to everyone that Mercedes made a mistake with signing me!” You exclaimed. While you didn’t seem to be crying from your exclamation, your face had turned red and you were breathing heavily. George could tell that this was something you had been keeping to yourself for a long time.
 “Hey, look at me.” George lightly cupped your face so that you would make eye contact with him. 
 “Mercedes did not make a mistake in signing you. You deserve to be here. Who cares if you’ve finished behind me? You’ve consistently scored points for Mercedes for a majority of the season and did so as a rookie. You’ve done better than most rookies when they first join Formula 1. Better than I did my rookie season.” George told you.
 “But the media-”
“Screw the media. They say shit like that all the time just to stir up drama. They only go off of what they’re seeing. If they knew how much you’ve been matching me in pace during our sim runs and during practice sessions, they wouldn’t be saying stuff like that.” George told you. He pulled you into a side hug and started to walk both of you to the Mercedes garage.
“Look, we both know that teammates are supposed to be each other’s biggest rivals, and I completely understand your want to outqualify and out place me at every race. But I don’t want that to cause you to doubt yourself and I’d hate to be the reason that causes you so much distress.” He said. You sighed.
 “It’s not you. It’s the expectations.”
“Put the expectations aside for now. Trust me, it won’t do you any good. You’ll beat me at some point, through your own merit and pace. I know you will.” George said. 
And that made you feel a bit better. 
The morning of the race, you were wrought with nerves. After the team debrief last night, it was emphasized that you had a good chance of winning the race if everything went well. The expectations were hard to shake. Even with how much you tried to push them to the side like George had advised.
George and you arrived at the track at the same time. While walking to Mercedes’ hospitality, George was giving you all the best advice he could think of for your starting position. 
“Max and Lando will be too focused on trying to get ahead of each other in the first turn. That will open the outside up for you to try and swoop in and take the lead. That’s how I was able to do it when I started P3 with them in P1 and P2.”
 “But what if one of them tries to go to the outside to overtake the other?” You asked.
“Then you wait and bide your time. If you can’t overtake them on the first lap, you’ll have a chance of overtaking them later. But be careful if you have to go 1-to-1 against Lando. We don’t want a repeat of Austria.” “Well maybe a repeat of Austria is what we need for me to get my first win.”
The Drivers Parade was always the calm before the storm. You always enjoyed staring out into the crowd and waving to fans. Usually you’d stand next to Logan or George during the parade and you and Logan would always make a game out of who could spot the most of your guys' drivers numbers in the crowd. But today your game was interrupted by you having to be one of the drivers interviewed during the parade.
“So (Y/N), you’re starting in P3 today. Do you think you have a chance at a win today?” The interviewer asked. 
 “I really hope so. Me and the team have been going over all the possible strategies that could guarantee me a win but there’s also the matter of getting up to P1. George and I joked earlier that a repeat of Austria would be ideal but I think I have a good chance at fighting for a win today.” You said. The interviewer smiled.
 “Now I’m sure you’re aware of this, but if you win today, you’ll be the first woman to win a Formula One Grand Prix. How do you feel about that?”
 Oh. The expectations just became bigger.
Despite the nerves, you were able to muster a smile to answer the question.
“It would be a historic thing and something that I’ve been striving to do throughout this whole season. I know it won’t be an easy thing to achieve but if I can pull it off, it would make this race even better.”
You were thankful that your Mercedes PR training allowed you to answer the question in good faith. Because until then, you had been so focused on the possibility of a win that you hadn’t realized until now what that win could mean. And now you felt even more pressure.
You weren’t even starting on pole and yet you were nervous beyond belief. Sure it was because of a multitude of reasons: You were starting in front of George for the first time, you were in a position to give Mercedes a win, and if you did win, you’d be making history. 
It would be stupid for anyone to tell you that there was “no pressure”, to you there was so much pressure. And it would be even worse if you made a mistake that would cost you and Mercedes the race. The media would have a field day. 
George could sense that you were spiraling again as he watched you struggle to put your gloves on. He walked over and held out his hand for you to hand them to him, which you did and you let George help you with your gloves.
“You’re going to do great.” George told you once your gloves were on. 
 You could only give him a nod. 
You pulled your car into the P3 spot behind Max’s RedBull and nervously waited for the lights to go out. Taking your breath, you tried to center yourself.
 ‘You’re going to do great. Put the expectations aside for now. You. Can. Win. This.’
It was better for you to focus on the now. Worrying about the outcome would affect your race. 
Foot to the floor, you slammed on the throttle and immediately went for the outside line. But going to the outside didn’t work like George had said it would. Max and Lando were indeed trying to get past each other, like George had said, but Max needed to pull away from Lando because they were getting too close to each other, which caused you to get pushed off the track. Not enough to cause damage, but you rejoined the track in P8.
 “Max pushed me off the track!” You exclaimed to your race engineer, clearly not happy about losing your P3 position. Oh yea. And you were 2 spots behind George now.
 “It’s been noted. Keep a cool head. It’s only the first lap, we can still win this race.” Your race engineer said. You let out a frustrated huff and tried to focus on getting back into the top 3. 
Building up speed you were able to overtake and get into P7, but that put you right behind George. In the team briefing before the race, it was said that you were the priority with your P3 placement, but that was before the start of the race. Now you were worried that since George was ahead of you, he would be the priority.
“Are me and George allowed to fight?” You asked your engineer, hoping they would say yes. 
 “You and George seem to be matching pace so you are allowed to fight as long as you keep it clean.”
“Got it.” You said, a smile creeping on your face. 
You quickly increased your speed, getting into George’s DRS zone. You were determined to get past your teammate. You weren’t going to end this race behind George again.
0.500s, 0.400s, 0.300s. You were gaining on George, just waiting for the right moment for an overtake. But he wasn’t making it easy for you. No, George was defending, making you work for this overtake, making you prove that you can get past him. 
 “The two Mercedes are very close to one another! They have been given permission to fight! (L/N) has consistently been outplaced by Russel throughout this season, but she seems determined to get by her teammate! Down the straight they go, (L/N) has DRS! She dives to the inside and GETS PAST RUSSEL IN TURN 8! (Y/N) (L/N) TAKES 6TH PLACE FROM HER TEAMMATE!”
You didn’t hesitate from pulling away from George as soon as you got past him. You let out a little exclamation of celebration to yourself for getting past but there were still more overtakes to do. Through pitstops of other drivers, you were able to move up to P4 and eventually found yourself within DRS range of Lando, who had dropped to P3. You were gaining momentum and just as you were preparing to go into Sector 1 to attempt the overtake, Lando was called into the pitlane, moving you up to P2. 
“Gap to Verstappen?” You asked as you tried to keep your momentum.
 “Verstappen is 5 seconds ahead. There are 20 laps left so let’s try to catch up to him.” Your engineer said to you. 
You seemed to be one with the car and speed was something you found quickly as you caught up to Max with just 10 laps to go. Now was the hard part: overtaking him. 
Max was a very defensive driver. Everytime you tried to make an attempt at overtaking, Max would try to halt your attempt. You were trying to play it safe for three laps but the end of the race was getting closer and you needed to overtake now in order to win the race. 
The two of you were going into turn 6 side by side. Like repeating the start, you had chosen the outside line. But you weren’t going to let him push you off the track, as you pulled ahead and managed to overtake him. But the two of you had just turned into the strait of sector 2, with Max still close enough to have DRS. He went for the outside line, but you knew he was trying to fake you out. You stayed on the inside and ahead enough so that Max couldn’t overtake you going into turn 9. 
 “Start pulling away. 6 laps to go.” Your engineer said to you. 
“I know! I’m trying! This guy doesn’t want to let go of first place!” Your frustration from the beginning of the race had come back. Max was still riding your rear wing and you just wanted him to stop. You were so close to a race win you just needed to hold off Max for 6 more laps. 
6 laps became 5. Then 4. By the time it became lap 3 you had started to be able to pull away and by the 2nd to last lap, Max had fallen out of your DRS zone.
 ‘Holy shit, I could win this’ You thought. By the time you saw the white flag waving, it was starting to become real.
 “Last lap, last lap. You can bring it home.” Your race engineer said and this time you believed him. 
You were going to win this race.
“Many had doubted Mercedes when they announced they had signed an F2 rookie to be the one to replace Sir Lewis Hamilton. And while she hadn’t been able to beat her teammate throughout this season, (Y/N) (L/N) has proven that those doubts should be put to rest. She outqualifed her teammate for the first time yesterday! Today she not only outplaces him, but she also makes history as the first woman to win a Formula One race! (Y/N) (L/N) wins the Monza Grand Prix!”
As the checkered flag rose, you saw people from the Mercedes team climb the fence and wave their fists in celebration as you drove past them and crossed the finish line. 
 “That’s the checkered flag! P1 (Y/N)! You did it!”
“YEEEEESSSS! OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO HARD! WOOOOO!” A smile spread across your face as you waved to the crowd while on your cool down lap. Part of you couldn’t believe it.
“Congratulations (Y/N). I know expectations for you were high at the start and I’m happy that you were able to deliver on them. You’re making everyone at Mercedes proud.” Toto’s voice now came over your radio and the praise made you smile even more.
 “Thank you Toto. I know a lot of people doubted your decision about signing me. Hopefully I’ve proven them wrong.”
 “You did kid. You did.”
Pulling into parc ferme, you didn’t hesitate to get out of the car and climb up onto the nose. You raised your fists in the air in celebration before swinging one up towards the sky as people cheered. You let yourself just stare out at the cheering ground and soaked up all the excitement before leaping off the nose of your car.
Your feet stay on the ground for a second before you’re getting scooped up into someone’s arms. They’re hugging you tight while spinning you around. You panic for a second at the unknown person holding you, but then you see the familiar blue helmet of George and relax, hugging him back.
 “I knew you could do it. I’m so proud of you (Y/N). You deserve this so much.” George says. He sounds like he’s crying. As he sets you down, you can see his visor is up and there are visible tears on his face.
 “I’m supposed to be the one crying George.” You said, your voice wavering as tears started to well up in your eyes. 
“We can both be crying because the fact is that you have proved everyone wrong. (Y/N) (L/N), you have just won your first race!” George exclaims as he pulls you in for another hug and you can’t help but start crying tears of joy.
Together the two of you walked over to the Mercedes team at the barrier, who welcomed you with open arms and helmet pats. You hugged your race engineer as soon as you saw them, thanking them for helping throughout the race. 
You were given many congratulations by both the team and those you walked past as you made your way to the cool down room. Your fellow drivers gave you hugs or pats on the shoulder as you passed, all of them very happy at your first win.
"I told you you would be up there one day!" Oscar said as you walked past him. Both him and Logan gave you a hug while congratulating you and your smile just kept getting bigger.
“You did not make it easy.” Was the first thing you said to Max when you entered the cool down room. Max let out a laugh as he sat in the P2 chair while you put down your helmet and swapped it for the P1 hat.
 “I told you I wouldn’t.” Max said. You rolled your eyes but smiled, taking a seat next to him. Lewis walked in shortly after, taking his seat in the P3 chair. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into a side hug.
“Congrats. You’re picking up where I left off, kid.” He said.
 “I’m coming for your spot as Mercedes' golden child.” You told him. 
“I’d like to see you try.”
Stepping on to the top step of the podium felt like a surreal moment. Graciously accepting the first place trophy, the cheers almost sounded deafening as you hoisted it high above you and when your national anthem came, you smiled and mouthed the words with a smile on your face. And when the time finally came to pop the champagne bottle, you didn’t hesitate in spraying the two world champions while letting yourself get drenched as well. Who knows when you’ll be back up here, but you were here today. As you let yourself get sprayed with champagne, you soaked up the moment, feeling both the adrenaline and pure happiness as you met the eyes of smiling faces from your team down below, including George. As you stood on the top step, you could say with certainty that you were proud of yourself.
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leclerc-s · 7 months
karma - part three
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liked by charles_leclerc, francesca.cgomes, kellypiquet and others
nataliaruiz congrats on p3 my love and congrats to sir lewis hamilton for p2. after a horrible austin grand prix you both deserve this. enjoy it.
tagged: charles_leclerc, lewishamilton
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maxverstappen1 max verstappen erasure!
nataliaruiz i have to deal with you for next few years, let them have this. charles_leclerc yeah max! you've won almost every race this season, let us have this! maxverstappen1 no ❤️ you've been dealing with me our entire lives. stop complaining. nataliaruiz i will never stop complaining
charles_leclerc oh mon amour, je t'aime
nataliaruiz je t'aime aussi bébé
user1 stop that text from lewis is so adorable.
user2 that text implies they talk frequently, especially if he's sending her silly texts like that user1 that's honestly so cute.
lewishamilton oh great, now seb's going to text me complaining.
nataliaruiz a simple thanks would've been great lewis! lewishamilton yes, thank you natalia. you're buying dinner to make up for it.
user3 she really said, i'm going to post ferrari the least amount i possibly can for these next four races.
user4 you can't make her man miserable and then expect her to still post them. liked by natalia ruiz
user5 maman et papa!!
user6 god they're so hot.
sukiwaterhouse i mean, i guess congratulations to him or whatever
charles_leclerc see, i knew you liked me. sukiwaterhouse i will never like the man who stole my wife. charles_leclerc WE'VE BEEN DATING SINCE BEFORE YOU MET?
lando norris WE MUST HAVE ANSWERS!!
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charles leclerc i saw you today?
lando norris OR US?? THE TWITCH QUARTET???
max verstappen i knew
alex albon SHUT UP MAX! george russell SHUT UP MAX! lando norris SHUT UP MAX! pierre gasly SHUT UP MAX! max verstappen you guys are so mean.
charles leclerc how am i supposed to bring it up??
pierre gasly a simple "i'm moving to red bull" could've help start it off.
george russell "oh by the way, i'm not happy at ferrari, so i'm moving to red bull."
lando norris are they replacing helmut with him? please tell me they are.
max verstappen oh this is great. can't wait until they all find out.
charles leclerc he's my new race engineer.
pierre gasly there is no hope left for us. he's going to have a 4x world champion in his ears. it's over.
max verstappen we could have a horrible car next season.
lando norris right, horrible and newey don't necessarily go well together.
george russell glad seb is back, not glad he's back with red bull.
alex albon you're telling me i can convince jensen to be my race engineer?
lando norris that'll probably work out better for logan than you. alex albon you're right.
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did you call him an incompetent asshole?
i was angry max and he deserved it.
oh i'm not saying he didn't. i fully agree with you but i need to know so i can laugh.
don't act like you didn't laugh already.
i got in trouble by fernando for laughing during the press conference.
also, please don't call me a nepo-baby
but it's what you are, no?
i think i've hit a point in my career where i can be known as more than my dad's son, no?
oh you have, carlos not so much.
max verstappen, are you asking me on a date? i'll have you know i have a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend!
no, you idiot. do you and charles want to have dinner? with me and kelly?
let me ask charles if he's up for it.
charles said yes.
great, i'll send you the address
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i love her 😍
oh hey 🤗
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nataliaruiz and charles_leclerc posted new stories
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oh wow, that's my date??
plus belle fille (most beautiful girl)
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nataliaruiz and charles_leclerc posted new stories
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natalia_leclerc posted a new story
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cutie patootie is on pole position.
P2 BABY! P2!
oh, thoughts are being thunk.
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¡leclerc-s speaks! a dedication should go out to @astonmartinii who has a story similar to this one. as i said yesterday, it was not my intention to make this seem so similar to someone else's work. once again, my biggest enemy is grammar mistakes i don't notice until it's too late. oh well, as the french say soo la voo (please tell me someone gets that joke) most of this was written last night or at 2 am.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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cheriladycl01 · 7 months
Could you do oneshot for Checo with wife pregnant!reader? She accompanied him to the race and he had a crash during Monaco GP 2023 and she's afraid that he will never get to see their child and everyone in the garage tried to calm her down. But he's fine. And she just grateful that he's still alive. I don't know if it make sense. Add something you'd like though. Tag me later!! Thanks!!
Monaco: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - Sergio Perez x PregnantWife! Reader
Plot: Sergio Perez gets into a nasty crash in Monaco, where his wife attends to support despite being uncomfortably pregnant. However, with the rainy weather conditions Monaco GP is looking more dangerous than ever!
A/N: this is a little shorter as I struggle to right for Sergio more than others!
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This year, you hadn’t really been to many races as you’d got pregnant during the winter break. You’d spent Christmas avoiding people asking why you weren’t drinking before letting everyone know after the first doctors appointment you had.
By the time the Monaco Grand Prix rolled around you were coming up to around 7months of your pregnancy and boy could you tell.
However, because of what Monaco was Sergio had asked you to come considering that’s where you both resided now that he was in Red Bull.
You agreed to come as long as the days weren’t too strenuous on you, and that you always had a seat available as it was hard carrying another human inside of you.
When you arrived at the garage you’d never had so many compliments from well pretty much everyone. Everyone in Alpine had congratulated you, as it was Sergios old team and there were people there that still held a lot of love for the both of you.
When you came to Red Bull Max and Kelly couldn’t help but praise your looks and how you were glowing. And it went on like that for most of the day, people complimented how you looked and it made you feel better about any insecurities you held.
The only thing making you anxious now was the race itself.
You of course loved to support Sergio in what he did but you couldn’t deny that your husband driving round tricky tracks at over 200mph scared the living daylights out of you.
And Monaco, we’ll it was one of the worst. It’s the tightest street circuit ever, and you have to be very precise when it comes to overtaking and gaining places.
Through the whole weekend it had stayed relatively nice, when it came to the weather and the vibes. Everyone was cheerful and excited about the race at one of the most iconic tracks in motorsport. After some great times tested in all the free practices and getting into Q3 in Qually, Sergio was in P8 having locked up on his flying lap.
You were currently in the garage sat watching the race with the mechanics next to you.
“It’s going to be hard for them to get ahead of both the Ferraris and the McLaren” you say to the mechanic next to you. Seeing Charles in Pole, Lando in P2 and and Carlos in P3, Max in P4 and Sergio behind 2 Mercedes, and an Aston Martin.
You watch the lights turn off once all five had lit up, and listen to Cofty commentating. You watch as Charles manages to keep the lead, Lando falling in nicely behind him while Carlos managed to defend from Max quiet nicely.
Sergio had an amazing start, meaning that he moved up past George in the Mercedes, sitting comfortably in P7. Over the radio all the drivers were let known it was going to start raining within the next 3 laps, most of the drivers pitted.
Max pit for Red Bull first while Sergio stayed out moving up to P2 with Lewis now in the lead. Ferrari having made a double Pit stop worried about their drivers with the oncoming rain.
The rain started to come down heavily, you watched on from your husbands car camera seeing how low the visibility was.
You saw his mechanics preparing to have him come in and change to intermediates. You watch on seeing him struggling for grip until he slides forward having something jolt him from behind.
His car, flips as the Aston that bumped his rear also lost grip forcing itself around his car. They are both sent into the barriers both cars getting a massive shunt.
There’s debris everywhere and his car is no-longer race worthy.
Your mind goes haywire and your hand reaches up to your mouth to cover it as it opens in shock. Tears built in your eyes as you watch no movement from both cars.
“Oh my god!” You breathe, one hand still covering your mouth the other resting on your stomach.
What if this was it? You questioned to yourself.
Would your husband never be able to meet his child? You wondered watching as the medic car is released and sent to go help Sergio and Lance.
Some of the social media girls in the garage come up to you, holding a hand out to you to grip in shock. One of them is whispering that he’ll be okay but you are only listening to Crofty and his soft commentating about the incident.
Mechanics soon come up to you realising what has happened trying to block your view and make you take a seat as they can see you are getting breathless.
Red Bull was like one big family, they’d know you since before Sergio had joined as you were good childhood friends with Kelly, so they all felt a high level of protectiveness over you.
You were the sweetest person in the Red Bull family, always bringing them health boxes, full of delicious yet healthy snacks, and then on Sundays coming by with post race goodies that they could class as part of their cheat day, and you were always willing to listen to each and every one of them.
“No no no” you cry more tears spilling as neither driver continues to communicate or make movements.
Some more of the mechanics rushed over to you, pulling you away from the cameras and the screen. Kelly follows holding your hand in a comforting manor. They sit you down in Sergio’s drivers room. The TV in there is on and playing the crash and Kelly goes to turn it off but you stop her before you can.
“No I have to know!” You say watching on as you see the red flag given, all the drivers coming into the pits.
Lance manages to pull himself out and is able to communicate back to the Aston Martin team who all cheer as he is presumed okay, where he pulled himself out and is walking.
He walks straight over to Sergio, there’s some kind of communication which makes you sigh in relief that your husband is able to talk. Nods of heads show that they’ve agreed on something and Lance helps as Sergio pulls himself up on out the car.
You sigh in relief seeing that he was able to get himself out the bashed up car wreck. He wobbled around before collapsing to the ground which only had your heart rate spiking even more.
Lance called the medics over, pointing for Sergio to be helped into the van first. A stretcher was brought out from the back. More tears falls from your eyes, however your husband knew what you’d be looking like right now.
And frankly he’d never liked seeing you cry.
So he pulled himself up, and walked towards the medical van despite what the Marshalls were telling him.
He explained to them he wanted to show his wife and team he was doing okay. Lance clambers in the back after him and they are driven round the last bit of the track to where he would be taken to medical tent for evaluation.
A knock on your door sounds and in walks Christian Horner himself. You smile lightly at him but the tears only come out a little more as he looks between you and the TV.
“He’s going to be okay Y/N” he promises and you nod.
The wait for him to come back and be cleared by the medics was painful, you waited for so long it felt like hours but in reality it was only 30 minutes. There was no damage in the crash, only a mild concussion that would be okay within a few days of rest.
“Hello mi Carina” he smiled sheepishly at you.
“You had me so worried!” You cry as you pull him into a hug, he hugs you kissing all over your face before bending down to the height of your round belly.
“Im so sorry, to the both of you! I can’t imagine the stress I just put you both through!” He offers kissing your clothed stomach and rubbing it lovingly.
“I was so so scared that you’d never get to…” you stutter and choke on your words finding it hard to admit what was so worrying to you, what you’d feared for a long time now.
“Id never leave you both” he smiles standing back up to his full height and pulling you into a chaste kiss that you melt into.
“I love you so much” you sigh sinking into his hold strong hold .
“I love you too, I’ll never put you through what I did today again!” He promises holding into you tightly.
He wouldn’t admit it, but today really was a change of perspective of racing for him.
He’d never been that apprehensive getting into a car and driving it as quickly as he did, but he knew he would have a new found patience and carefulness driving the car after todays events as he too had been fearful he wouldn’t make it back to his two best girls.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @ironmaiden1313
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lewisvinga · 1 year
skyfall | max verstappen x reader!
summary; when once again abu dhabi was the decider for the world championship, but this time it was between ex lovers.
warning; angst 😝
word count; 1.3k
note; skyfall by adele is so good , but there might be typos idk
masterlist !
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Abu Dhabi 2023. A race Y/n has been looking forward to since the start of the season. Although her season had a bit of a rough start, the McLaren driver shocked the world. After ending below P10 in the first few races, Y/n pushed through and started winning races, quickly catching up points wise to a certain Red Bull river.
Max Verstappen.
What once was the perfect depiction of young love quickly turned into an intense rivalry. They were young and in love, but they were too focused on their career. With Max’s anger issues, and Y/n’s stubbornness, their relationship ended horribly.
It ended to horribly that the other drivers had to make sure they weren’t together. During media duties and post and pre race interviews, they had to make sure that Y/n and Max weren’t near each other. And if they ever were near each other, it was living hell for everyone on the grid.
It didn’t help the fact that they were currently tied in points for the World Championship. For Max, it’d be his 3rd, but for y/n? She’d do anything to become the first female Formula One driver to be the champion of the world.
The weekend started off tense in the McLaren and Red Bull garages. It was so tense that Lando and Sergio had come up with multiple plans to try to avoid the garages.
Next came qualifying, which went exceptional for Max as usual. For the McLaren driver, it didn’t turn out so well. Ending up at P8. y/n felt sick to her stomach. Not the type of sick from being so nervous, but the type of sick where she was so angry and struggled to contain it.
It just seemed like luck wasn’t on her side as she finished at P8. However, she knew she’d do anything to make it out on top on Sunday.
Lando avoided her like the plague on Sunday. As much as he loved his teammate and enjoyed being around her, he knew that it was no time to joke around. The other McLaren workers copied his strategy. They knew one wrong thing could set Y/n off and they did not want to risk her losing.
The young Brit told her good luck and gave her a quick hug which she didn’t want to admit that she needed. As y/n makes her way to her car, she sees Max stood by his car and glancing at her. They both swore a sudden bitter taste filled their mouth as they made eye contact. They knew this race will ruin anything they ever had and anything they could ever try to have.
Y/n takes a deep slow breath once she was finally at her spot of P8, waiting for the green light to go. It felt like time was moving insanely slow as she sees the red lights slowly go off before it finally turned green.
The start of the race was tame with Max keeping his place of P1 in the first few laps. Y/n managed to take over Charles and Lando, giving her the place of P6 in the beginning. She wasn’t satisfied with it. Of course, she couldn’t be. There were still 5 more drivers she needed to overtake in order to be first.
Y/n soon catches up to George and she easily overtakes him and Carlos soon after. Lewis was a bit of a challenge. He’s a 7x champion of the world and an experienced driver. Nonetheless, Y/n drove past him, placing herself in P3.
She was behind the two Red Bull drivers. Sergio was at least close to her but Max already had a bit of time ahead of his teammate. She was so close when suddenly heard a voice.
“Y/n, we’re gonna need you to box.”
“What?” She loudly exclaims, “No, I’m so close to taking him over. Why?” She continues, starting to get frustrated.
“Now, y/n. We don’t want to risk anything by doing it later.”
Y/n felt furious but she listened. She knew she had to push herself in order to pass Max. By the time she made it back on track, she was at P5. Luckily for her, she was a fantastic driver and in no time she made it back to P2.
Max was still 15 seconds ahead of her. He felt satisfied knowing that he was ahead of her. He ignored the strange feeling in the back of his mind that he started to feel. He used to be madly in love with her. She used to be the one who could make him smile and laugh with a simple joke. She was the one who he could go to after getting into an argument with his father.
Sometimes it shocked him how badly their seemingly perfect relationship ended.
It shocked him enough to be distracted until he realized that y/n was right behind him. He was getting yelled at through his radio to focus and get farther ahead so he can box.
He managed to gain speed and lengthen the time between them. But he could only keep it up for so long until his tires had to be changed. Despite Red Bull being quick at changing the tires, Y/n immediately took P1.
Once Max was back on track, it was like a war between the two. A minute later, he’d be in first, the next minute, y/n would take his place. The gap between the two of them and the rest of the drivers was large. They didn’t have to worry about someone else potentially taking their place.
The last lap was like a war. Everyone watched intensely they drove pretty much side by side. It was difficult to figure out who was ahead and who wasn’t.
Y/n glances at Max, only to see him looking back at her. Filled with hurt and anger from their past relationship, she pushed through on the last turn. She could see the checkered flag in the distance. The same flag she had been dreaming about throughout the week. She accelerated, gaining a second ahead of Max.
Time passed by slowly as she finally passes the waving checkered flag.
“Y/n L/n, you are champion of the world.”
Shock and disbelief filled Y/n’s body. Months of sacrifice and spending the last hour fighting for her spot was all worth it. It felt like she was on cloud nine as she parks the car in her designated spot and quickly gets out to celebrate with her teammate and her team.
Joy and ecstasy was all she felt as she made her into the cooldown room. Sergio, who placed third, gave her a tight hug to congratulate her.
“Felicidades, chiquita.” [congratulations, little one] Sergio says in a soft tone, pulling her into a tight hug. Despite being Max’s teammate, he always cared deeply for her.
Y/n lets out a chuckle as she wraps her arms around him. “Gracias, Checo.” [thank you, checo] she responds as they both pull away and take sit down at their designated seats.
The air in the cooldown became thick as a certain Dutch player made his way inside. Sergio awkwardly coughs as he turns away, wanting nothing more than to leave the room. Max and Y/n knew that there were camera’s recording which meant if they didn’t want to give their PR team a headache, they had to be civil.
Y/n gets a flashback of their relationship. Oh, how younger her would’ve loved to scream and run into his arms. Younger him would’ve kissed her from the joy and pride he would’ve been feeling.
They would’ve been celebrating on the podium together, proud of their journey. They would’ve been partying together to celebrate the end of a fantastic season. They would’ve gone home together and spend the rest of their week relaxing. They would’ve been the perfect couple.
But one argument let the sky fall and made their once seemingly perfect love, crumble.
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xyvyl · 4 months
One More Race - Chapter 1 - Y/N
Summary: New to formula 1, Dutch driver Y/N L/N. F2 and F3 world champion, now racing for Lamborghini in F1. The only woman racing in F1 right now.
Chapter song: Legend - The Score
Word count: 1375
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2iH7vTDNnObb2HMBDuRhrY?si=9ec8ffb7ec164637
A/N: taglist open!
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Lights out and away we go!
The words ring in my ears as I start driving. Starting from P4 isn't bad, but George, Charles and Max were in front of me. Max obviously sped off, Charles following close behind.
I managed to pass George after turn 1, but Charles and Max already had a big gap between us.
After 5 laps I managed to catch up to charles and almost pass him, but turn 13 fucked it up.
“How much time is between me and leclerc?” I ask through the radio. “0.7 second, keep it up, you're almost in the DRS zone.” “copy.”
I do my best to keep this distance until the DRS zone, once in I manage to pass him with ease, putting me in P2.
Luckily Charles couldn't pass me, except for when I pitted, but i quickly regained my spot.
“P2, P2. good job!”
I sit in silence for a while, driving in the car. P2? In the first race of the season? First race of my career in f1? P2?!
“Y/N?” I hear my engineer, shaking me out of the daze I was in.
“P2? Are you serious?” “very”
“WOOOO! P2 BABY!” I yell in excitement as I pull up to the p2 stand, getting out of the car.
I quickly take off my helmet to see who I ended up on the podium with.
“Max? Natuurlijk ben jij P1!" (of course you’re P1!) I congratulate Max, turning around to see Charles’ car pull into the p3 stand.
“Charles! Congrats man!” I walk up to his Ferrari, hugging him as soon as he climbs out of his car.
“Congrats Y/N you did amazing!”
I smile and run to my team, “P2 baby!” “Where did Logan end?”
“He got P8.” My mouth drops, p8? That's such an improvement from his time with Williams!
The cooldown room was quiet when I entered it, probably because Max and Charles were too busy chugging their water bottles.
I sigh in contentment and grab my own water bottle, drinking every last drop.
“Congrats on P2 in your very first F1 race, Y/N.” Charles claps me on the back, making me almost choke on my water.
Max laughs in the background and I glare at him as I swallow my water.
“Thanks Charles, you did a great job as well! And Max?”
“I hope you choke on your water” I smile at him, making Charles burst into laughter.
“Wow! Okay! What happened to, ‘beetje medelijden voor een mede-Nederlander'?" (A little compassion for a fellow Dutchman?) Max fakes being hurt as I stick my tongue out to him.
Standing on the podium feels the same, yet so different from F2 and F3… nevertheless, it's an amazing feeling. Standing there, the trophee in my hands and champagne next to me and millions of people watching me stand there next to Max and Charles. The Dutch national anthem in the background.
I laugh as I put the trophee down and grab the champagne, already being targeted by both Charles and Max.
I launch the bottle down to the floor as the liquid starts spraying everywhere, mostly at Max and Charles, but also my team who are below the stands.
Everything seems to go in slow motion as I put the bottle to my mouth and drink the liquid, Max and Charles doing the same.
The first woman to stand on the F1 podium..
“Y/N!” I turn around and see Logan running up to me.
“Logan! Congrats on P8!” I give him a hug, smiling.
“I was going to ask you if you wanted to come with us to get dinner, to celebrate.” He smiles when I nod.
“Wait, you said ‘us’ who else is going?” I question him.
“You, me, Max, Charles, George, Lando, Lewis, Carlos and Oscar.” He smiles, making me smile.
“Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!” I exclaim as I run to my black lambo, Logan following closely behind.
The ride there wasn't too long, since the restaurant was almost next to our hotel, which isn't too far from the track either.
“We're here, ready to celebrate?” Logan grins as he turns the car off.
I nod, a huge smile on my face as I get out of the car.
I wait for a hot minute to wait for Logan as he gets out of the car.
“Let’s go!” I exclaim as I speed walk into the restaurant. As soon as I enter I see the others sitting at the reserved table.
“Hi guys!” I smile as I sit down next to Lando, who smiles at me. Logan takes the seat next to me.
“We thought you guys weren't coming.” Max jokes, making me stick out my tongue at him. “Ha ha, very funny Max, why wouldn't we come? We had amazing results!” I laugh, making the rest of the table laugh too.
“Have you seen twitter lately?” Lando asks me, “No, why?”
“You're getting mixed responses to being the only woman on the grid..” His response made me look at him confused.
“I take it I shouldn't look at it?” I smile, already knowing the answer.
Lando only confirmed it by nodding his head. I put my phone back in my purse and grabbed the menu.
“Did you guys already order?” Most of the table shook their heads.
“We wanted to wait until you two were finally here.” Lewis smiles at me.
The waiter comes and we all order. After we got our food and started eating, I took a second to look around the table.
All talented male drivers, and me, a female driver who somehow got a seat with Lamborghini..
I sigh and Carlos notices, looking at me with a look that says, ‘are you okay?’, to which I nod. When I start eating I notice in the corner of my eye that Lando is looking at me, but I pay it no mind and enjoy the food in front of me.
After we all finally finished our food, we paid separately and went on our way. Me, Lando and logan staying behind for a little.
“So.. how was your first ever F1 race?” Lando asked and I could sense the awkwardness in his voice.
I smile, “Amazing, the whole grid is nice, our team is great! The car is just… wow, I don't have enough words to describe this feeling.” Logan and Lando smile at that as the valet comes out with Logan’s car.
I give Lando a hug and we get in the car.
“How was your food?” I ask Logan, trying to make conversation.
“It was good, yours?” okay.. We're both awkward..
I nod and look out the window, enjoying the view.
I dropped myself on my bed, the hotel we're staying at was amazing, comfortable beds, huge bathroom, just amazing. 
Logan's room isn't far from mine, literally next to mine.
I sigh, a smile on my face as I look towards the giant window overlooking the race track. A ping comes from my phone. It's Logan,
‘Plane leaves at 8, meet at my room at 6?’
I quickly reply, ‘I'll be there!’
8 am.. So early…
I roll my eyes at the time.
I get up from the bed and walk to the bathroom, getting ready for bed.
When I return I see my phone on my bed, exploding with messages, both from messages and twitter.
I remember what Lando said at dinner, ‘You’re getting mixed responses to being the only woman on the grid..’ 
I pick up my phone and decide to look at the messages first, seeing messages from almost the whole grid, but mostly Lando and Logan.
‘Don't listen to whatever they say’ -Lando
‘If you want to talk, i'm here’ -Logan
‘Twitter doesn't know anything, you're an amazing driver and friend’ -Lando
‘I think they might be blind, you got p2 all on your own’ -Lando
‘You're an amazing friend, teammate and driver and you're a world champion in f2 and f3! Don't listen to them!’ -Logan
Their messages put worry in me and I hesitated clicking on the twitter icon..
But I eventually did and what I read and saw…
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Nothing is Easy
Synopsis: Y/n gets into a crash in Mexico, and it keeps her from finishing the 2023 season. It’s a long road of recovery, but it pays off in the end
female driver reader x F1 2023 grid
(reader is 24 in this one, and she drives for aston martin)
“And here she is now! Y/n L/n, we were just talking about you, how are you feeling about Mexico?” Martin Brundle approaches you while you’re walking through the paddock.
“Oh, hi Martin!” You greet the commentator with a smile.
“I’m feeling good, it’s nice out, there’s a lot of fans here, and the team is looking good today” You shrug.
“So, we can expect big things from Aston Martin?”
“Yeah, me and Lance and the team are all confident in the car and we’re hoping for a good finish in the points” You speak for your teammate, Lance Stroll, and the rest of the Aston Martin garage.
“Alright Y/n, thank you for talking with me and good luck on the race” He nods and places a hand on your shoulder before walking off to his next interview-ee.
All of what you said was true; you were just coming off a P6 finish at the Austin Grand Prix, it was a calm, sunny day in Mexico City, the stands were packed with eager fans, and everyone in Aston Martin had confidence in their driver lineup.
You and Lance first became teammates in 2021 when Racing Point became Aston Martin and as a part of their rebranding, they named you, the 2020 F2 World Champion, as a part of their 2021 Driver Lineup.
It took a bit for you to get used to the car, frequenting P10 and P9, but was fairly successful in 2022, getting used to taking P7 and P6. You and Lance worked together quite well, being the same age and having the same goals in Formula 1.
You felt less nerves and more anticipation as you completed your usual race day routine. It was the 20th/23rd race of the year and you’ve completed the same routine for three years, so your body is on auto pilot all morning.
A tap on your shoulder from your race engineer, Ben Michael, brings you out of your daze. “30-minute warning, Y/n. We have the get the cars out and onto the grid” The older man says to you.
You nod and pull off your headphones before replacing them with your helmet and balaclava. When you turn, you’re surprised to see your teammate mirroring you. “Good luck, we’re going to do great, yeah?” Lance sticks out his hand in a fist bump and you raise your arm to meet it.
“Yeah, of course. Good luck” You both move to get into your respective cars and wait for the signal to exit the garage.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen, we’re about thirty seconds away from light’s out now. All twenty cars are out and completing the formation lap, here’s what our top 10 of the starting grid looks like;
“Lance Stroll, P10. Y/n L/n, P9. Oscar Piastri, P8. Lando Norris, P7. George Russell, P6. Sergio Perez, P5. Lewis Hamilton, P4. Charles Leclerc, P3. Carlos Sainz, P2, and starting at pole position is Max Verstappen” David Croft commentates for the viewers.
“71 Laps ahead of us, let’s see what unfolds, it’s light’s out and away we go! Verstappen and the Ferrari’s get away with no problems. Hamilton is off, trying to get away from Perez behind him”
“Russell is scrambling away in attempt to bring a gap between him and the two McLarens. Both Aston Martin’s start flawlessly, DRS isn’t available until Sector 2, but it looks like L/n is already trying to get a bit closer to Piastri in front of her”
“Okay Y/n, once DRS is available, push to catch up to Piastri and try to overtake him. We’re looking to advance early so Lance can get some overtakes done as well” Ben becomes audible through your radio.
“Understood” You reply before refocusing on the orange car in front of you.
“Lap 4, no changes in the lineup so far, but I wouldn’t speak too soon. Y/n L/n is gaining on Oscar Pisatri in front of her. Just leaving Turn 7, she’s going down the inside, wheel to wheel as they go into Turn 8, leaving Turn 9 does she have a lead?
Yes, she does! Y/n L/n has a McLaren beat, and I don’t think she’s going to hesitate in moving onto Lando Norris”
“Lap 12, now. Verstappen is, predictably, still leading, both Ferrari’s persistent behind him. Lewis Hamilton in P4 with his teammate behind him, trying to get away from the Aston Martin’s of L/n and Stroll, both just overtook the two McLarens of Norris and Piastri”
“Lap 20 and tension is starting to rise here. Most of the race today has been between Y/n L/n and whoever is in front of her. Right now, George Russell has his foot against the gas, taking every opportunity to try to extend the gap between him and the Aston Martin”
You’re trailing Russell as you approach Turn 2. Turn 3 is the last corner before the long straight and if you want to get up into P5, you have to catch up with him before the next bend.
“Y/n, you have more pace. You are faster than Russell, push and you’ll beat him” Ben speaks. “Understood, I’m trying” You reply shortly.
“Here we go, DRS is enabled. She’s gaining on him, trying to at least go wheel-to-wheel before the long straight. L/n’s moving aside from behind Russell and going around the outside”
The front of your car is aligned with the middle of his and you move to the right to avoid contact.
“They’re almost wheel-to-wheel! L/n’s front left tire is right behind Russell’s front right tire, George is not backing away from this”
You try to move closer to finish the move and before you can shift to the right again, your front left makes contact with George’s front right tire.
“There’s some contact in the tires and Y/n is spinning! She makes contact with George Russell and spins across the track!”
You see a blur of dark green and a mess of orange pass you, probably cars swerving around your collision.
“George Russell continues fine, moving ahead. Martin, I don’t even think he’s realized what happened” Croft speaks to the man next to him while staring at the track in front of him with worry.
You’ve managed to stop your car, but you’re in the middle of the track, so just as you’re about to turn your head around to look for the perfect opportunity to set yourself right, you feel a world of pain on the left side of you.
“Esteban Ocon did not see Y/n L/n’s car in front of him! He’s hit into the side of her Aston Martin! I think he tried to swerve to avoid her, but he was going too fast!” Crofty shouts.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Esteban Ocon’s Alpine has T-boned Y/n L/n’s Aston Martin and it’s a red flag”
Your eyes are closed both in fear and pain, causing you to miss all the other cars weave around the collision in the middle of the straight. The other 18 cars were guided into the pits by the safety car, so when Esteban climbs out of his car and runs towards yours, he doesn’t have to worry about other cars on track.
Your five senses are scrambled. All you feel is the pain in your hip, the only scent you smell is fuel, and while usually the scent will remind you of your karting days, it now just clouds your brain’s attempts to figure out what the hell happened.
A metallic taste fills your mouth, and you assume you’ve bit your lip so hard in pain, it started bleeding. Your eyes are closed and all you can hear is the combination of a voice in your ears, someone shouting near you, and the buzz of the crowd around you.
You force your eyes to meet the harsh Mexican sun and the distressed frame of Esteban Ocon hovering above you. You realize the voice in your ear is Ben through your radio, and it takes you a worrying amount of time to refocus your attention on the steering wheel your hands still clutch and answer the question your race engineer has been asking non-stop.
“Yeah, I’m okay. For the most part. I think” You radio back to the Aston Martin garage. You realize that that buzzing in your ear is only half because of the crowd, and it takes a moment for the humming to calm down so that the Alpine driver is audible.
“Y/n! Can you hear me? Are you okay?” He shouts and you quickly lift your hand to meet his resting on the side of your car in hopes he will stop yelling. “I’m okay, Esteban” You shift uncomfortably.
“Actually, I think I hurt my hip. I can’t move my left leg at all”
The Frenchman looks slightly relieved. “Do you need help getting out? I can-” You interrupt quickly.
“No! Please don’t do anything, I’ll just wait for the marshals” You weren’t very good friends with Esteban, but you appreciated his care for a fellow driver.
The marshals you spoke of arrived a few minutes later in another safety car and an ambulance. You told Ben that you couldn’t move, and the medics arrived prepared to lift you out of your crash car and onto a gurney. Once the marshals assured Esteban you would be okay, he was escorted into the safety car and back into the paddock.
The radio messages in team garages were confidential, so viewers and drivers only knew your status because of David Croft’s commentary.
“After a few minutes of uncertainty, it’s clear that Y/n L/n is okay and out of her car. According to the Aston Martin race engineer, Ben Micheal, she is off to the medical center and in good hands” Crofty says with clear traces of relief in his voice.
You ride in the elevator clutching tightly onto your race suit. Now that the shock of the crash is gone, the only thing you can feel is pain in the left side of your hip. It’s a searing pain that has spread across your body, but it burns the most above your thigh.
The medics inside the ambulance do the work of pulling your race suit down your body to make your hip visible and you try your best not to wince every time a hand touches the left side of your body, but you do it so much it becomes subconscious.
You get wheeled through the medical center and into a room where two doctors immediately start working around you. You hear one talking about x-rays and having a proper ambulance being called to take you to the closest hospital once they examined your hip.
Your eyes are shut in pain, but you look up when you hear the voice of your PR officer and best friend in the paddock, Addison, asking the doctors for an update on you. “We can’t be 100% sure but from the looks of it, it might be a fractured hip” The female doctor says. Addison sighs and frows before going to your side to replace your clinched race suit with her hand.
“Are you okay?” The British woman asks. “No” You grimace “Am I going to the hospital?”
“Yeah, the ambulance is on its way, should be here in a few minutes”
You’ve never been in an ambulance before, and the underwhelming expirience does nothing to cheer you up. You enter the hospital through the ER entryway, but it doesn’t stop everyone in the waiting room from staring at a woman they find familiar.
You get x-rays done first and then a different doctor comes into your room to update you on the results about an hour later. Apparently, you have a femoral neck fracture in the left side of your hip, meaning you broke the top of your femur bone.
In order to prevent further injuries, you needed surgery as soon as possible. You’re 24, so you’re beyond eligible to deal with your own medical incidents, but that didn’t mean it was easy. Addison helped you figure it all out and within three hours, you were being wheeled into the operating room.
You were put to sleep while surgeons placed three steel screws through the top of your femur and into your pelvis. It took three hours, but it was successful; you were still in a daze once they took you for another round of x-rays.
It freaked you out a bit, seeing and knowing steel was screwed into your body but your hip didn’t hurt nearly as bad as it did before, so you count it as a plus.
While you’re sitting in your hospital bed after your surgery, your doctor and surgeon knock on your door. “Hey Y/n, how’re you feeling?” The surgeon says.
“Eh, I’m okay. The anesthesia has mostly worn off but I’m still kinda tired. My hip doesn’t hurt as bad, though”
“That’s good. So, we’ve printed out all the necessary information for taking care of your fracture in here” The surgeon holds up a packet of papers. “But I’ll give you the gist of it now” He continues.
“You’ll have to stay in the hospital until Tuesday night and because you still need to get home, but because you can’t travel normally with your fracture, you’ll need to leave in a scheduled airliner. That means that you’ll fly on a stretcher installed in the plane with a medical flight attendant looking after you”
“When you get home, you’ll have to book a follow-up appointment to follow bone healing. All the wound care and pain medication information are in here” He pauses to hold up the packet as the man next to him continues
“You’ll be able to walk and sit and lay down just fine, you’re just going to experience some pain when you do. Physical therapy is recommended, and it will take about 3 months of training to regain total range of motion and strength”
“Now, I know you are a Formula 1 driver, but for the sake of your hip, I instruct you don’t drive for six weeks at least”
In all the information he gave you, that was the one sentence that stuck out to you. Six weeks means you won’t be able to race for the rest of the season.
Addison squeezed your hand and sent you a sympathetic look. You think the two doctors said a few more things but the only thing you noticed was when they left. “I-I can’t drive?” You said in disbelief.
“Y/n, there’s only three races left, you won’t be missing much-” Your PR officer said but you interrupted.
“It’s still three races! I was doing great; I was scoring points for us and now I’m just out?”
“Y/n, maybe this is a good thing” She shrugged and picked up the packet on your night stand.
“It says that after these types of car crashes, your reaction time will be slow, and we don’t want you out there when you’re not ready”
You were about to continue your argument, but instead you just sighed and threw your head back into the pillow, grumbling, “Fine”
Your two days in the hospital were filled with answering messages and daily checkups. A lot of people had contacted you with worry, and you had a few discussions with the engineers at Aston Martin.
Expectedly, they were as frustrated as you once they heard of your condition and set up a time with your PR team to announce it. You talked to your family and friends first, ensuring you were okay and would be heading home soon.
Most drivers on the grid heard that you were going into surgery and texted to make sure you were alright, and once you replied to them, you went on social media to see what everyone was saying.
On Tuesday night, you packed up all your things and changed into the clothes Addison brought you in preparation to leave for the airport. All the excitement from the Grand Prix was gone from Mexico City, so you had no trouble navigating through the airport.
The flight was a bit strange; having to lay down the entire time and have an attendant checking up on you every hour, but you managed.
It was relieving to finally get home after an exhausting week away, and you realized you should get used to being at home. Like the doctor advised, you made a follow up appointment and scheduled physical therapy appointments to fill two months.
The doctors you met at the follow up appointment removed the staples used to close up your wound and a few days later, you were going to your first therapy appointment.
The worst part about being bed ridden was the fact you could not watch the races in person. Along with not driving, you weren’t supposed to travel for 6 weeks.
From your couch you watched Felipe Drugovich race your car in Brazil, Las Vegas, and Abu Dhabi. You watched Max win the 2023 Championship and Lance finish 9th in the driver’s standings.
As soon as you could, you were on a flight to the Aston Martin Headquarters in Silverstone and included in many meetings regarding your injury and how to advance. You spend a few days in England on the simulator and being analyzed by race engineers.
You do the same once you arrive home, and your off-season schedule becomes fairly structured. You wake up, do the most amount physical training you can with your fitness trainer, go to physical therapy, race on your simulator, and go to sleep to do it all again tomorrow.
You travel to the Aston Martin headquarters a few more times but you don’t see anybody outside of your team until the pre-season testing session in February. You’re walking, without any pain, to the Aston Martin garage with Addison by your side when you feel two hands on your shoulder.
“Y/n!” A French voice exclaims. “Hey Esteban!” You turn to find the Alpine driver grinning. Since your crash, Esteban has checked in regularly asking about health updates and it became the beginning of a friendship between you two.
“It is so nice to see you in the paddock again. You are feeling better, yes?” He brings you into a hug as you walk together.
“Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better. I finished physical therapy last month and I was cleared to drive a few weeks ago”
“That’s great, I’m so happy you’re okay. I will see you later, Y/n” Your friend bids you goodbye and turns to walk to his own garage.
“You say hello to Esteban and not me?”
A voice comes from behind you, and you wheel around to see your teammate. “Hi Lance” You bring your teammate into a hug with a smile.
You’ve seen Lance a few times at Aston Martin HQ and it’s common for you two to train on your simulators at home together.
“How’s your hip, metal man?” He teases as you laugh. “It’s steel, actually, and it’s okay. Doesn’t really hurt anymore” You nod.
“Good. Be careful today, I want my actual teammate with me this year” Felipe adjusted well to your car and sudden promotion, but your contract was solid, and the Brazilian remains as your reserve driver.
“Don’t worry, I will be. See you later, Lance” You waved as he said goodbye and you both entered your garage then to your drivers' rooms.
The testing session proved to be successful, as both Aston Martin’s traded taking fastest laps. Both of the new cars had several upgrades done on them over the winter break and you’re glad to see they’ve paid off.
Pre-season testing is fairly low-key, so after finishing your run, there was no media for you to complete and you were free to go back to your hotel to prepare for tomorrow.
Both green cars performed strongly on Friday and Saturday, and you left Sakhir Track confident.
“Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the first race of 2024. After a few months of winter break and three days of pre-season testing, we have all twenty drivers in their new cars, 30 seconds away from lights out.”
“And, for the first time since Mexico 2023, Y/n L/n rejoins the grid after a hip fracture. She’s healed splendidly after her surgery in the beginning of November and with the Aston Martin’s looking fast, she’s expected to do well here in Bahrain” Martin Brundle introduces today’s race.
“Here’s our top 10 on the grid today; Max Verstappen, P1. Charles Leclerc, P2. Sergio Perez, P3. Y/n L/n, P4. Carlos Sainz, P5, Lewis Hamilton, P6. Lance Stroll, P7. George Russel, P8. Lando Norris, P9. Pierre Gasly, P10. It’s going to be an interesting race, the light’s come on, and its light’s out and away we go!”
You’ve waited five months to get back in your car and you’re not about to waste the opportunity. Instead, you win.
“1st race of the year, her first race in five months, her first race win, Y/n L/n goes P1! She went through a Ferrari and two Red Bull’s, and now she goes through the checkered flag first!”
And you win again.
“For the second time, Y/n L/n wins the Grand Prix! She started P5 and worked her way up to P1! What a battle between her and Verstappen! Ladies and gentlemen, we’re only in Saudi Arabia, but it’s safe to safe I would follow those two cars wherever Formula 1 takes them if we get more races like that!”
And again.
“She does it in Miami! As her fourth race win, Y/n L/n beats Max Verstappen to the checkered flag with her teammate behind her in P3!”
And again.
“Martin, I can’t believe it. Y/n L/n wins her fifth Grand Prix in Monaco! It’s only the 8th race of 2024 but we are looking into a very exciting racing season ahead of us”
“So, Y/n” A reporter asks you during a press conference in June. “Max has won six races” She gestures to the Red Bull driver next to you. “And you’ve won five, looking to make it six this weekend in Austria. Is it safe to say that it’s going to be between you two for the 2024 Driver’s Championship?”
“Well, I mean it’s never good to speak too early, but we’ve both been looking promising this year and according to our stats, that’s where we’re headed”
“It’s Max Verstappen’s home race here in the Netherlands, but it’s not going to be easy to win. Y/n L/n has been right on his tail all race, her teammate Lance Stroll behind her in his own fight with the other Red Bull. My, if you asked me if this year’s rivalry would be between Aston Martin and Red Bull, I would not have believed you”
“And it’s the first 1-2 for Aston Martin! Lance Stroll goes P1 with his teammate right behind him! Great day in Singapore for the Canadian, outstanding day for everyone wearing green!”
“We are back in Mexico today, the very race she crashed at last year, but if she’s nervous she doesn’t show it. It’s Y/n L/n for her 9th win in Formula 1 and in the 2023 season! Verstappen in P2, Stroll takes P3, Perez, P4, and Sainz, P5”
“In the November air, Daniel Ricciardo goes P1 in Las Vegas after Max Verstappen and Y/n L/n collided and retired! An amazing day for the Australian, a frustrating one for the Red Bull and Aston Martin drivers”
“After Verstappen took his ninth win in Quatar, he and L/n are now tied with wins and very close in points for the Driver’s Championship. Max starts P1 today in Abu Dhabi, and if Y/n can get in front of him, Formula 1 will have its first female World Champion”
You’ve come way too far to lose like this. It’s been probably the most stressful season you’ve driven in ever, there’s no way you’re going to lose after it all.
“Y/n, relax” Your teammate places his hands on your shoulders.
“You’re going to do great. You’re going P1, trust me. You don’t need it but good luck, we’re all rooting for you” Lance sends you a smile and you’re struck with gratitude for your teammate.
“Thanks Lance, you’re going to do great too”You hug your friend before pulling your balaclava and helmet on.
“It’s an anxious day in Abu Dhabi, this race could go either way, it’s lights out and away we go!”
You remember Daniel comparing the 2021 Abu Dhabi race to a flip of a coin, and you think history has repeated itself. All 58 laps, you and Max take turns overtaking each other.
This time, it’s not just Sergio playing a team’s game; Lance helps in whatever way he can, whether it’s taking your spot when you’re in the pitlane or defending against Max so you can pass him.
“Ladies and gentlemen, after the most exciting season yet, Y/n L/n overtakes Max Verstappen and becomes the world champion! It took a long road of recovery, but the reward is sweet! L/n takes the checkered flag first and the arena is booming with noise! The coin has landed on her side today, and she accepts it happily”
The Aston Martin Garage is just as happy as you are, bringing you into hugs and jumping up and down, grins never leaving their faces. Lance joins you on the podium in P3 and you two soak each other in champagne. You shake Max’s hand politely but continue to beam as you wrap your home country’s flag around your shoulders and wave at the crowd.
With steel screwed into your hip, you stand on the podium with your trophy held above your head, looking down at everyone who has waited for this moment as long as you have.
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umlewis · 5 days
lewis hamilton, p3, is interviewed after qualifying, singapore - september 21, 2024 (transcript under the cut)
Lewis: "I mean, firstly, I definitely wanna… 'Cause we don't get to do it a huge amount, but to acknowledge everyone back at the factory. Both factories. All year long they've just been on the grind, just continuing to push. We've had three difficult years in performance and, no matter how hard everyone's worked, we've had this erratic kind of result layout, or statistics, and so… On my side, qualifying's been a nightmare for a year or so, or at least most of this year, and it's been something I've really been working on. There's definitely been a lot of work I've had to do, mentally, to try and just hold onto it and continue to believe. And then the races have been strong. Generally, through the year they've been relatively… I race well, but it makes it so much harder when you don't qualify well. So this weekend, as every weekend, come in positive, but the car was a [laughs] nightmare to drive in P1. We were, like, a second off. We made massive changes for P2; still a second off. Great work for the guys in the simulator last night, came with all this optimism…" George, clapping him on the shoulder: "Well done, mate." Lewis: "…the simulator, and then we made these set-ups. We were all positive… P3, nightmare, 1.2 seconds off, and… Ugh, God. And the mechanics have just been working so hard, changing these bits. They don't know what's coming to them next. And start qualifying and finally the car just… It's just that switch. All of a sudden felt this energy and felt really competitive from the get-go. Unfortunate, I think, for the last lap, but I'll really take it." Interviewer: "Yeah. You've had some great qualifying laps around here, but looking ahead to the race, Lando on pole, Max there. Can you race both of them? Do you sense what kind of results are achievable tomorrow?" Lewis: "I really don't know. With all the changes we've made it's difficult to know where we'll be, balance-wise, for the race, but I think the car is in a better place. I hope that we can position better with aero tomorrow for good long run progress. If we can hold onto these guys… Anything can happen on this track, and so… Tire degradation's gonna be key. I think the McLaren's too fast, really. With their wing moving, and front wing moving, rear wing moving, they're just lightning at the moment, and think that's gonna be hard to beat. But I'll stay hopeful and give it everything and… We've seen these two at the start of the races, and in races anythign can happen, so we'll just try and make sure I'm there for capitalizing, whatever it is." Interviewer: "Best of luck to you."
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httpsdana · 1 year
Can I request one where y/n is the youngest one the grid and they find out she’s dating Pablo gavi when it was the Barcelona Grand Prix??? and Carlos gets upset because he plays for Barca🤣
Madridista~Pablo Gavi ft. Carlos Sainz
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*GIF isn't mine. credits to the owner*
This was such an amazing request I enjoyed writing this sm
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers I write for
y/n was the youngest and only girl in the formula one grid of 2023. She was from Spain, driving for red bull along side Max Verstappen (you know I had to mention him hehehe)
She was close with all the boys that were close to her age. Max because he's her teammate, but also Charles Lando Alex and George. However, Carlos was the closest to her. He was like her older brother, while she was like his little sister.
What no one on the grid knew was that y/n was dating the one and only Pablo Gavi. They had a secret relationship from the public eye. However, when it was the time for the Spanish Grand Prix in Barcelona, y/n invited her boyfriend to watch her race from the red bull garage, in which they'll also announce their relationship to the world.
"a good luck kiss?" Pablo appeared from behind y/n, before she put her balaclava on. y/n turned to look at him, a smile on her face. She nodded her head, in which Pablo garbbed her face and pressed his lips on hers gently, then pecking her lips a few times after.
"good luck babe. we want the podium" he encouraged her, causing her to grin widely. She kissed his cheek before putting on her balaclava. Pablo helped her clip her helment, kissing it before she got into the car.
y/n was starting in P4, after her teammate Max who was P1 (of course), Carlos who was P2, and Lando Norris who was in P3.
The lights turned red, before they turned off and turned green
Its lights out and away we go
y/n was able to overtake Lando at the start as her reaction time was better than Lando's.
Max was now about 1 second ahead of Carlos already, and she was on Carlos's tail right now.
"be careful with the tires y/n. we have to stick to the strategy" her engineer told her, as she was pushing to get closer to Carlos
Soon enough, y/n was able to overtake him using DRS. And with the good strategy Red Bull always have, she managed to finish P2 behind Max
"and that's P2. brilliant job, would've loved if you listened to me though" her engineer told her through the radio, while she chuckled and thanked everyone
It was also Carlos on the podium as he finished P3. As soon as y/n got out of the var, she ran to her team sharing big hugs with everyone. Pablo was standing between the mechanics, so she ran up to him and gave him a big hug. After taking off her helment, Pablo gave her a kiss, with all the cameras flashing around them
"I'm so proud of you mi amor. now go up there and get your trophy" he said, kissing her one more time before she went into the cooling room
What she didn't know was that Carlos was watching all her interactions with Pablo. When he saw him before the race he thought he was invited by the team, but now it didn't look so.
He was annoyed it was Pablo. He wasn't jealous but felt protective over y/n
"really? you're dating Gavi?" Carlos asked as soon as he walked into the cool down room
"uhhh yeah?" she said, confused at his tone that was pissed before she took a sip of her water
"why him? he's a barça player y/n." he whined, causing both y/n and Max to burst out of laughter
"well better than a Real Madrid player no?" Max teased, making Carlos glare at him
"doesn't matter who he plays for. Plus, I'm a die for barça fan I just never told you so you wouldn't hate me" y/n shrugged making Carlos gasp
"you better take that back" he joked, pointing a warning finger at her
She slapped his finger away before they were called to the podium.
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livelaughghoul · 5 days
2024 Singapore GP tarot predictions
Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only, nothing observed or taken away from this should be considered fact. As a reminder, I know fuck all about Formula 1, I just like fast cars and have a dumb amount of knowledge of astrology and tarot.
This is not my best work by any means, and will probably be the most I’m able to do for the rest of the week. My hand is incredibly swollen and sore (don’t be like me and get massive black and gray tattoos on your hands, it hurts a lot and turns out you kind of need hand functionality for everting).
Here are the cards that I pulled for tomorrow. No matter what it’s going to be an incredibly interesting race, especially given the lead up to it. We’ve got fines, community service, lizards, and vague threats. We love it.
P1 - 7 of Cups for Lando Norris
Well it’s not the best news, its a card of wishful thinking, so I have a feeling he’ll drop position within the first lap and end up on a lower step on the podium. Unless he manages to get lucky with a safety car, I don’t think we’ll be seeing a victory tomorrow.
P2 - Justice, reversed for Max Verstappen
They gave him community service, and he said okay I’ll get the Dutch national anthem to play as community service then. I’m taking this as the cause and effect aspect of the card, and I truly believe that he’s going to end on the podium tomorrow. If he can overtake Lando within the first lap, and they don’t totally dick around with strategy, he could easily win it.
P3 - 10 of Pentacles for Lewis Hamilton
It’s a card of permanence, so in my delusional mind this clearly means he is going to win it. My actual mind tells me that it’s just going to be a masterclass drive tomorrow, but there won’t be much change in position.
P4 - Knight of Swords for George Russell
It’s a challenging card, honestly I have a feeling that George may cause a flag tomorrow. It’s one of those unfeeling and incredibly difficult to read cards, but I’m taking this as he’s going to be challenged tomorrow.
P5 - Two of Swords for Oscar Piastri
Oscar is may be stuck in this position, Brouwer the two or swords is a stalemate and avoidance. I’m thinking that he is going to need something huge to happen with those ahead of him to really make any forward progress. He needs to avoid those risky overtakes he’s a fan of, because I don’t think it’ll go well tomorrow if he tries.
P6 - The empress, reversed for Nico Hulkenberg
I stand with my Haasbands, and I love this for Nico because it’s a card of abundance. This man is getting points tomorrow and that’s all that matters. Much like Kevin, I would also commit crimes if it benefited Nico.
P7 - The high priestess, reversed for Fernando Alonso
Its a card of potential, so it’s possible that we see improvements. I’m not necessarily seeing them for this specific race, but in the next few races we may see him in higher positionings. If he can maintain pace and drive tomorrow, I could see him possibly moving up one position, but that’s it.
P8 - Page of Wands, reversed for Yuki Tsunoda
Yuki is gonna have a wild drive tomorrow. It’s going to be creative. It’s gonna be like if you taught a golden retriever to drive. They got passion, and enthusiasm! I’m hopeful that this means Yuki will not be retiring, and will actually finish a race!
P9 - 10 of Wands for Charles Leclerc
Besties, I’m gonna hold your hand while say this, but he’s gonna struggle. I have a feeling with the mounting frustration, he’s going to take unnecessary risks.
P10 - Three of Swords, reversed for Carlos Sainz
He’s going to learn from this race, but he’s not going to have much improvement, if any tomorrow. I have a feeling this is just an obligation at this point and it’s going to be used to test strategy for future races.
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amityandeir · 11 days
Absolutely incredible race from him just insane
Charles a very well deserved P2
George Russel P3
Points for both Bearman and Colapinto, really really well done
Alex P7 also incredible drive
Max couldn't finish his fast lap because of that insane crash from Sainz and Checo so Lando gained a few points
McLaren is now leading the Constructor's Championship
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thissying · 1 year
An overview of my F1 videos from Dutch media: documentaries, race weekend interviews etc., subtitled/translated to English when needed. Mostly Max, but other drivers as well.
Anatomy of a Champion clips:
Sophie Kumpen 📽 subtitled
Family Dinner at Sophie's 📽 subtitled
Max & Kelly, back from vacation 📽 subtitled
nl.motorsport.com review ep 1 + 2
F1 Talks with Max Verstappen 2022 📽 (english spoken)
Amber chose violence for the opening of F1 Talks 2022
episode 1, p1/5
episode 1, p2/5
episode 1, p3/5
episode 1, p4/5
episode 1, p5/5
episode 2, p1/4
episode 2, p2/4
episode 2, p3/4
episode 2, p4/4
Red Bull Racing Home Run, 10 December 2022
Max arrives 📽 text translation
Max after his first run 📽 text translation
2023: Red Ginger Bull 📽
Picture Perfect 2022, 26 November 2022 📽 subtitled
Max, pole sitter and comedian, GP Canada, 2023 📽 subtitled
Race weekend interviews with Viaplay 2023
Max on Father's Day and Penelope, GP Canada, 2023 📽 subtitled
Max about Helmut's phone, GP Spain, 2023 📽 subtitled
Max telling the story about Sassy being locked inside the closet, GP Monaco, 2023 📽 subtitled
Max (of course) post-race, GP Miami, 2023 📽 text translation
Max post-race, GP Miami, 2023 📽 text translation
Max reacting to George saying his actions crimes were okay, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽 subtitled
Max's race win preference and who he fears the most for the upcoming race, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽 subtitled
Max on the new fences rule and a Melbourne race win, GP Australia, 31 March 2023 📽 subtitled
Max about changes in F1 and his plans for the future, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽 subtitled
Max on being ill before and during Jeddah, GP Australia, 31 March 2023 📽 subtitled
Max and Nyck about The Lap of Jeddah '21, GP Jeddah, 18 March 2023 📽 text translation
If Max doesn't get pole and win this weekend, this could be why: GP Bahrein, 3 March 2023 📽 text translation
Pre-race routine: reaction time tests with Max, GP Baku, 2022 📽 subtitled
Race weekend interviews with Viaplay 2022
Max post-race interview, with a Daniel hug and touchy Lando, GP Abu Dhabi, 20 november 2022 📽 no subtitles/translation
Mike Hezemans congratulating Max on his pole lap, GP Mexico, 2022 📽 text translation
Pre-race interview with Max , Sophie's birthday, GP Mexico, 2022 📽 text translation
Post-WDC win interview with Max, GP Japan, 2022 📽 subtitled
Max on training for Singapore, GP Singapore, 2022 📽 subtitled
Lewis, Max and George scheming in the cooldown room, GP Spain, 2023 📽
Miscellaneous 2023
Ayrton Senna and Max Verstappen, GP Canada, 2023 📽
Foreign press about Max, GP Spain, 2023 📽
At age 25 Max Verstappen is already quickly on his way to becoming one of the greatest in Formula 1 history, GP Monaco, 2023 📰
Max & GP and the team pre-race, GP Monaco, 2023 📽🔇
Max and Ole post-qualifying, GP Monaco, 2023 📽
Max with GP darting in and out with super secret info, pre-sprint race, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽🔇
Max getting strapped into the maxi-cosi, pre-sprint race, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽🔇
Max pre-sprint race, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽🔇
Maxplaining to Charles, GP Azerbaijan, 29 April 2023 📽🔇
Max & Christian Horner, pre-qualifying, GP Australia, 01 April 2023 📽 🔇
Max & Christian Horner, Helmut Marko, pre-qualifying, GP Australia, 01 April 2023 📽 🔇
Maxplaining, Bahrein test day 1, 23 February 2023 📽
Pre-season testing interview with Max for Viaplay, Bahrein, 25 February 2023 📽 subtitled
Christian Horner and Max Verstappen about Ford, RBR Launch 2023 📽 subtitled
Christian about Daniel, RBR Launch 2023 📽
Max Verstappen about sim testing and improving, RBR Launch 2023 📽 subtitled
Max Verstappen about the new year + car, RBR Launch 2023 📽 subtitled
Max and Martin Garrix meeting at the garage, GP Mexico, 2022 📽
Miscellaneous 2022
Max's Machine trailer, with David Coulthard, 11 November 2022 📽
Post-championship win interview with Sophie Kumpen, 9 October 2022 📽 subtitled
Daniel x Max in Max Verstappen: The Next Generation 📽 subtitled
Daniel x Max background crumbs 1, GP Brazil, 13 november 2022 📽
Daniel x Max background crumbs 2, GP Brazil, 13 november 2022 📽
Daniel x Max background crumbs and Maxplaining, GP Singapore, 2022 📽
Daniel and George watching Max's last qualifying lap at Singapore, GP Singapore, 2022 📽
Sophie Kumpen and Victoria Verstappen, on RTL Late Night, post-GP Barcelona, 17 May 2016 📽 subtitled
Sophie Kumpen and Giedo van der Garde, on RTL Late Night, post-GP Barcelona, 17 May 2016 📽 subtitled
Jan Lammers on RTL Late Night, post-GP Barcelona, 17 May 2016 📽 subtitled
Max on the difference between working with Renault and Honda, 2019 📽 subtitled
Max about his onboards, Peptalk 2017 📽
Max, guest on Peptalk in 2017, playing Guess Who Said (I) 📽 text translation
Max, guest on Peptalk in 2017, playing Guess Who Said (II) 📽 text translation
A tour of the Red Bull garage with Daniel, GP Canada, 2023 📽
Race weekend interviews with Viaplay/Dutch media 2023
Lewis and Fernando banter, post race, GP Canada, 2023 📽
George interview, about racing Max and that spatial awareness comment, and getting a gift. GP Canada, 2023 📽
Carlos about Le Mans and participating in the future (with Charles), Canada GP, 2023 📽 (link won't save. tag: le mans carlos)
Fernando post-race, GP Miami, 7 May 2023 📽
Lance Stroll interview, GP Azerbaijan, 2023 📽
Fernando Alonso checking if the lighting is flattering, GP Australia, post-qualifying, 1 April 2023 📽
NOS interview with Daniel Ricciardo, Australian GP, 1 April 2023 📽 + 📰
Daniel Ricciardo on when/if he's driving the car this year, GP Australia, 31 March 2023 📽
Nyck and Max about The Lap of Jeddah '21, GP Jeddah, 18 March 2023 📽 text translation
Viaplay visited orphanage Wat Sakraeo and talked to Alex Albon about it, Studio Formule 1: Bahrein Shakedown, 3 March 2023 📽 subtitled
Yuki only has knowledge about the cars, Bahrein, 25 February 2023 📽
Kevin Magnussen on his F1 comeback, living in Denmark, and Mick Schumacher, GP COTA, 2022 📽
Race weekend interviews with Viaplay/Dutch media 2022
Lando Norris, post sprint-race, GP Brazil, 13 November 2022 📽
Christian Horner interview with David Coulthard, post-race, GP COTA, 2022 📽
Daniel "I 🧡 Austin" Ricciardo, pre-race, GP COTA, 2022 📽
Williams vs. Alfa Romeo playing Dutch Trivia, GP Zandvoort, 2022 📽
George Russell and Daniel Ricciardo chatting mid-interview, GP Monza, 2022 📽
Sjoelen with Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz Jr., GP Zandvoort, 2022 📽
Mick Schumacher onboard after scoring his first points, GP Silverstone, 3 July 2022
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cheriladycl01 · 9 months
Better than me - Charles Leclerc x Reader P5
Plot: You are a rookie in your first f1 season, adding to the ever-growing amount of Brits performing in the grid.
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You were nervous for the race today, you wanted to hold P5 from qualifying however you had many more experienced drivers behind you.
The line up was:
P1: Lewis Hamilton - Mercedes
P2: Charles Leclerc - Ferrari
P3: Alexander Albon - Audi
P4: Max Verstappen - Red Bull
P5: Y/N Y/L/N - Audi
P6: Lando Norris - Mclaren
P7: Lance Stroll - Aston Martin
P8: Oscar Piastri - Mclaren
P9: Logan Sargeant - Williams
P10: Zhou Guanyu - Williams
P11: Yuki Tsunoda - AlphaTauri
P12: Pierre Gasly - Alpine
P13: Daniel Ricciardo - AlphaTauri
P14: George Russell - Mercedes
P15: Liam Lawson - Alpine
P16: Valtteri Bottas - Haas
P17: Sergio Perez - Red Bull
P18: Kevin Magnussen - Haas
P19: Fernando Alonso - Aston Martin
P20: Carlos Sainz - Ferrari
So not only would you be attempting to overtake 3 time world champion Max Verstappen. But also your own teammate in P3, the Current World Champion from 2025 in P2 and a 8 time world Champ in P1 having his last win in 2024. Whilst defending from Lando Norris who was next to you on the grid lineup and then Lance and Oscar who were behind both of you.
It would be a hard race, but you were always willing to push yourself and the car to the max.
You stood by your car, headphones in and up to the max bopping your head so you couldn't hear any other the other noises that were going on right now. Dua Lipa was playing and you were chewing at one of your nails.
A tap of your shoulder wakes you up from your musical trance, you take one air-pod out, the song pausing.
"Race time, in the car" your manager directs you making you nod. You jump into the car over the halo, sliding down into the low seat. Your handed your helmet and balaclava which you put on making sure to tuck away your loose fly away pieces of hair so they are out if your face for the race.
After you are ready, they hand you the wheel which you push in and make sure your radio is getting back to the garage okay.
Your in your position on the track, your hands on the wheel as the fourth light comes on, and your put lightly resting on the pedals ready to launch the car into a start the minute those lights went out.
Max had an awful start, meaning you slipped around on his inside, leaving him behind you to defend Norris who had a good start as well.
The rest of the race went well however, you ended behind Lando and finished P6, Alex had moved too P2 so your team did amazing for a double points finish with a P2 podium finish.
You really couldn't wait for the day that it was you and Alex up there together and you just hoped he would stick around for a few more seasons as your team-mate.
You watched on as Lewis, Alex and Charles took their podium. They sprayed the champagne while you and Lily hugged and cheered Alex on. As a joke you'd placed your Audi cap on Lily, and SkySports had of course captured the adorable moment between you guys saying how you and Lily had one of the best friendships in the paddock between a driver and a wag.
As you were wondering around the paddock, greeting fans and taking pictures you spot Charles who you hadn't had a chance to congratulate on his win today.
"Charlie!" you exclaim running over to the tousled haired male.
"Y/N!" he smiles, stepping away from the person he was talking too.
"Well done on your win today! Ferrari have an incredible car this year!" you compliment, some mechanics whistling to you as they pass in appreciation making you giggle.
"Well, its not just the car now is it ma cherie" he jokes jabbing his elbow at you.
"No of course the almighty Leclerc who drove today was the reason" you nod in agreement with sarcastic undertones that has him gasping in mock horror a hand rosining up to his chest dramatically.
"How dare you!" he exclaims.
"Are you mocking my driving?" he laughs again as you remained quiet.
"No, definitely not. You were incredible today. Really, i hope to be able to share a podium with you some day" you smiled at him, and a huge grin comes onto his face as well.
"Well, you never know what might happen in Suzuka" he grins rubbing up and down your arms before pulling you into a tight hug.
"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come with me for dinner tonight. I've never been here and don't want to leave it down Silvia to find me and Carlos a place to eat!" he asks and your eyes travel from your shoes on the floor up to meet his eyes in shock.
"I mean, I've never been here either so I don't know how much better I'd be than Silvia" you joke, you didn't realize it now but this was actually Charles trying to ask you out on a date. Not only were you an amazing driver, but you'd seen and helped him in such a vulnerable moment and hadn't said anything bad about it, he liked you more than he would care to admit.
"Okay so its set then? Me you Carlos, Becca, Lily and Alex will all go for food. Oooo we should probably invite Lando and Oscar as well, god knows they'll end up in a McDonalds against the orders from Kim and Jon" you sigh shaking your head.
"Oh yeah, with Carlos and the others yeah sure. Erm can i trust you to find a place?" he asks and you nodded, your PR manager came over a hand on your shoulder explaining you were needed for media duties.
You were walked off to go interview individually with SkySports where Jenson, Natalie and Nico were all waiting for you.
"Ahhh my favorite driver has arrived" Nat says pulling you into a hug that you return and kiss her cheek before taking the mic from her hand that she extended out to you before shaking hands with Jenson and Nico.
You knew Natalie better, Jenson and Nico as Ex-Drivers intimidated you as they were drivers that you looked up too when you were a little kid.
"So, your pretty consistent with P6 so far. First two races of the season in Bahrain and here in South Korea! How are you feeling?" Nico asks and you smile shyly.
"Yeah, i guess everyone says consistency is key. Obviously having now 36 points between myself and Alex is amazing for the team and yeah I cant wait for Japan. I'm feeling confident with the car, my team have done an amazing job with the car and I'm excited to see what we can bring to the tables in the years to come" you answer.
"Yeah I agree with Nico completely, its been incredible for you and hopefully a podium in sight soon?" Jenson teases making you laugh a little attempting to stifle the sound.
"I'd like to think that. However there are so many great and amazing drivers out there on the grid right now who deserve the wins in comparison to me" you smile nodding.
"And what's it like to have Alex as a team-mate" Natalie asks.
"Alex is the best, and I'm not sure i could have had a better person as my team mate in my rookie season"
After a few more questions about the car and your driving smile, you are thanked and told goodbye. Alex finds you, confirming that he and Lily were excited about dinner. Which sent you into a small panic, and he could tell by the look on your face.
Lily and Alex helped you research Yeongam and the surrounding areas, you found a golf course that you Lily, Alex, Carlos and Lando would all visit tomorrow.
"Hmmm how about here? I cant say the name though" Alex says looking at the restaurant he just found. You take the name punching it into google.
"Nope, definitely not" you say sighing befroe going back to looking at the map.
"What, i thought this was a good one, you judged that so quick!" Alex frowns trying too see what you'd seen that was so bad.
"It's literally a fish bar Alex, poor Lando wont eat there!" you say knowing the boys immense hate for fish.
"Okay here we go this is perfect for everyone, its an Italian/Korean restaurant. Everyone will be happy here, me you and Lily can try some new foods while the princesses have their safety foods" you grin showing them the picture of the warm and glowy restaurant on the screen.
"Yeah that seems good!" Lily smiles, checking it out on her own phone. Okay, now let me go find Lia and see if she'll book us a table. I don't think my Korean will translate too amazing over the phone.
Booking the table with Lia was easy enough when they found out that it was a group of F1 drivers looking for a table, they got you into a nice private room according to Lia. You'd sent out texts to everyone who was coming making sure they'd be ready to leave at 6.
Y/N: Got a place for food tonight, don't worry I saved you from Alex's choice of a fish bar! Be ready at the lobby for 6 :)
Lando: Have i ever told you I love you and you are my bestest friend?
Y/N: You have now!
Y/N: Hey! Make sure you and Becca are down in the lobby by 6pm for dinner, found a nice place and have a table.
Chilli: Thank you for booking it, glad I don't have Silvia Trivagoing where Charles and I would have eaten!
Y/N: Most welcome!
Y/N: Yo be there or be square for dinner @ six! Lobby stat.
KoalaB: Where is there?
Lord Perc: Did you find somewhere for dinner?
Lord Perc: If not the hotel food was alright, I just thought it would be nice to get out
Y/N: DW dinner sorted, just meet us in the lobby at 6 :)
Lord Perc: of course <3
Dinner flew by, between the waiter playing with you guys and doing bottle tricks for the table when Soju was ordered, or Lando choking on an olive, or water spilling onto Charles lap making it looked like he wet himself and you attempting to dry it without thinking where you were rubbing the napkin and looking up seeing a bright red faced Charles.
You couldn't help but think how embarrassed he must have been, so you patted his red cheek explaining it was an accident and actually your fault for him spilling it. He sat there quiet and looking down for the next few minutes while you all waited for the mains to be served.
You were staying in Korea until Wednesday, you had massive plans for the rest of the week. You were to play gold tomorrow with Lando, Carlos, Lily and Alex. Then on Tuesday you'd get the train to Seoul and were sight seeing with Charles who you asked to come with you as Alex and Lily were leaving for Japan early and Carlos and Lando had plans already. Wednesday you'd fly straight to Japan ready for the media duties on Thursday.
Life on the road as an f1 driver was stacked but the memories you were making here with you friends severely made up for the exhaustion you felt until the gaps in between races came about.
Golfing with everyone was fun, you sucked and Lily tried to help you as much as possible. You'd think as a professional f1 driver you'd be a natural athlete and be able to pick up other sports relatively easily. But lets just say that you would be pretty jobless without Formula One.
After a long day, you checked out of the hotel in Yeongam and met Charles, you guys had an eventful evening where you got lost in the train station in the middle of South Korea. You attempted with your small knowledge of the language to communicate that you were lost.
Now at this point, your probably thinking, omg so silly just use google translate but you really really didn't want to look like one of those pretentious tourists who shove phone's in locals faces without even attempting a lick of their language.
Luckily your Korean was enough to get the man to understand you were lost and looking for the train to Seoul. He was kind enough to take you and Charles all the way to Seoul with him. He turned out to be a mechanic for the Kia racing team. You explained that Charles and you were racing drivers and he nodded before laughing explaining he knew who you were.
You and Charles felt so bad, that you ended up offering a drink to this man which turned into him showing you all his favorite drinking spots in Seoul and introducing you to people he worked with.
You both went to the new hotel rather drunk on a bus.
"Charlie" you complied as you flopped onto one of the beds in the room, the one you just had claimed.
"Yes" he asks looking through his suitcase that management kindly had transported earlier over in the day for him.
"I'm hungry and you know what I've always wanted to do" you ask looking over him.
"What?" he asks, trying to make himself less spacey and more focused on you.
"I want to go to one of those convenience stores that sell those cups of ice and then the really cool drinks and then they have all the really cool premade food and the noodles and I wanna go can we go before i go to my room" you beg kneeling on the bed and placing you hands together.
"It's like 2am, Y/N they wont be open. Let's call it a night and we'll go tomorrow" he smiles patting your shoulder.
"No no, its Korea bro, they are like 24 hours. It'll be open i swear" you say making a cross over you heart. That doesn't seem to fill him with confidence so you move to the puppy dog eyes which he cant seem to say no too.
"Fine, but if your wrong and you've dragged me out for no reasons, I'll make you DNF this weekend" he hiccups pointing an accusing finger at you.
"Hahahaha I told you!" you say seeing the brightly light shop.
"Fine you were right" he says holding the door open for you, you walk in first greeting the teenager behind the till with a small hello in Korean.
He gasps in shock before running up to you both with a paper and pen and pointing at his phone. You ask if he's like a picture and he nods enthusiastically thanking you furiously as you take the phone. You all basically have a mini photoshoot in the store before he helps you make the food, saying he didn't want you to burn you hands on the hot water tap which you thought was extremely kind.
You and Charles eat, before tipping the young man and leaving the store where you both go to your joint hotel rooms passing out with the door connecting the rooms unlocked and open.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life
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Mid Season Review
Top 5 races for Ferrari 1. Monaco - Charles win on this historic track with a flawless qualifying lap. Also we had Carlos coming in P3 so both cars were on the podium. It was a career highlight for Charles, and a strong showing from the whole team. Good to see both drivers put in strong quali laps compared to the rest of the field. 2. Australia - A Ferrari 1-2, Carlos did a solid drive after recovering from surgery. Charles did excellent managing his tyres in the heat holding back both Mclarens. 3. Jeddah - Charles did a great race, but the highlight was his tyre management and his fastest lap on 40 lap old hards. And of course Ollie putting in a strong debut performance, really showing some of the strengths of the SF-24 as well. 4. Suzuka - one of Charles' strongest performances all year, his tyre management with the one stop was not only a brilliant show of skill but he messed up other team strategies with this move. Carlos also pulled in a strong result with the P3. 5. Imola/Belgium - These two are tied. Both had Ferrari struggling. At Imola the SF-24 upgrades were not showing the results on track that were expected. However Charles still put in a great qualifying lap, and had Ferrari's first Imola podium since 2006, which was special. Belgium again is after the SF-24 has been through it. Charles qualified P2 behind Max, when much faster cars were in the mix, he finished on the podium as well battling much faster cars. Both these races really demonstrated Charles ability to fight with the SF-24 even when the car was not the fastest.
Top 5 Races overall
This takes into account other drivers on other teams, overall quality of racing over the course of a race. Trying to remove a little of the Ferrari bias, because there were some great races going on while Ferrari were struggling. Now I will also take Ferrari into account, but not as heavily as above.
Jeddah - Jeddah I already noted Ferrari's performances, but also this was one of Max's strongest races of the season. He was flawless and set an amazing qualifying lap on top of the race itself. Oscar's battle with Lewis was also entertaining to watch and in hindsight was foreshadowing things to come. Canada - Canada really had a lot of the feild competing at a high level. First we had the insane qualifying session that saw Max and George set the exact same time for P1. THe the race itself with mixed conditions really let a lot of top drivers show off their skill. This was probably Lando's best drive as his race start in mixed conditions was good. This was also one of Max's top drives this season, with him defending the front in mixed conditions the entire race, and this was after the RB-20 was struggling and no longer clearly the fastest car. Then we also saw Lewis really showing his skill in the wet, as well as one of George's faster performances. Also Oscar was showing he's actually very strong in mixed conditions and he carried a lot of Mclaren strategy this race. On top of that we also saw what I would still say is the best overtake of the season with Alex's double overtake, in a tight corner, leaving the dry track to do so. This was a great race for competitive quality racing from a lot of drivers. Suzuka - On top of the strong race from Charles with his tyre management, Max and Checo also put together a dominant performance. On top of that Yuki was very competitive pulling some impressive overtakes and bringing home his first home race points. Monaco - I have already covered Charles' race. But this was also one of Oscar's strongest performances. His tyre management was competitive. And that was a very strong qualifying lap from him as well. This race we really got to see a lot of the field show off their skills in qualifying and while Charles was the best, others also put together excellent laps. Austria - This was a good race simply for the wheel to wheel action. We don't always want to see squeaky clean wheel to wheel. We want to see things get messy. Max showed his skill in actually battling at the front. Not only that his ability to recover some of his race was impressive. Then this was another strong showing from Oscar. Not only that Nico was having one of the best races of his career in that Haas. Overall a very entertaining race for action and the mess at the end with George coming out on top was memorable.
Honorable mentions: Silverstone, Bahrain (Max scored his 4th career grand slam), Hungary(for Oscar's performance)
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