#it's me when I was fighting to my sis 🤭🤭
dctrlover1969 · 9 months
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spidybaby · 6 months
Wenasss✨ Not me sneaking into your inbox🤭😅 to kindly ask for Bad Kind of Butterflies part II, please and thanks!🤣🫶🏼
Bad Kind of Butterlies | Part Two
Summary: Pedri regrets his actions and tries to get back to you.
Warnings: fighting, cursing. Physical fight. Part one
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"Pedri, the ball. Keep your eyes on the fucking ball." Xavi yells. "God, what's going on with you today?"
Pedri can't even look at Xavi in the eyes, he has sis eyes glued to the floor. He can feel the looks of his teammates burning him.
"Miss that ball again, and you're benched." Xavi says, stern tone.
"I'm sorry, Mister."
He tries his best to focus on the ball, trying not to miss it or not miss the goal to the net, but he can't keep his mind on the field.
Gavi, playing with the other half of the team, stole the ball from him, making Oscar sound the little whistle.
He just observes the way Xavi is yelling. Tired and really not that interesting, he can't seem to understand a word that's coming out of his trainers mouth.
The training goes on for another half hour, and then they're all reunited in the salon to plan the next game.
The "Real Madrid vs Barcelona" typical classic.
He focuses all his attention on speech Xavi is giving the team. Turning his head to see Ferran typing something on his phone.
He makes the lining, Xavi kept his promise and bench him for the next game. Leaving the possibility of getting back if he improves in this next two trainings.
"Estas bien?" Ferran asks, taking him to the side for them to be alone.
"I'm not sure." He sincerely says. He can't keep secrets ti Ferran. "I just need to keep my head around what's important."
"And she's not?"
"The thought of her is making me be benched. I think I had enough of her for the rest of the week."
He turns to the dressing room, ready to collect his belongings and leave. No shower, no nothing.
But to his bad luck, Ferran is quicker and stops him by the arm. "You can't keep doing this. This is not healthy, Pedro."
"What am I supposed to do?" He angrily says, removing his arm from the hold of his friend. "She won't listen to me, she changed her number, she changed her apartment building. It's like she disappeared."
Ferran was holding the bitter "I told you" He had been keeping since after the party.
When a very angry Gavi told him about the words Eric said to his date and then to Pedro, he was pissed, he wanted to fight him. But, like a rational person, he calmed Gavi down and helped fixing the situation.
What he could help was the disaster Pedri did, yelling at you and fighting with gavi over the words of Eric. Words he warned him about.
"Just please call me if you need anything." He pats Pedri on the back and walks to the showers.
He nods, grabbing his stuff and walking back to his car. He wants to run away from everything and everyone.
Once he makes it to his car, his head feels like it's going to blow up. He'd dizzy and tired.
The way his heart is pounding like crazy and he feels like passing out scares him. This isn't news to him. He was having a panic attack.
He tries to breathe, counting things like you thought him. Five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.
Once he's calmed enough to at least drive himself home, he calls Fer, asking him to be home "I need you, Fer." He says crying.
His brother was worried, his whole family was. He wasn't the sweet, happy and very enthusiastic boy they known. He was now this confused and sad looking boy.
Pedri can't even seem to move upstairs to his room, he can't help the tear falling down, he can't help the blame he feels.
His relationship with Pablo was broken, his relationship with Eric is almost non existent. All thanks to him.
He can't blame Eric for it, he was the one who did all the bad stuffs, hitting your friend, hurting you by not trusting you.
He remembered your words like if you were just telling them to him.
"You're not dumb. You're such a smart man. So I need you to use that intelligence to understand that if you keep doing this shit, you're losing me."
But did he lost you?
He wanted to heard you voice, wanted to hear about that interview you told him about the day of the wedding. He wanted to hear about your new workout routine.
But he can't, because everytime he calls you he hit voice-mail. Everytime he goes looking for you he remembers that a new person lives in that apartment. Everytime he tried to look up for your social media profiles you weren't there.
"And that fucking sucks." He tells Fer, not knowing how else express his feelings.
Fer understand the struggle you both are going through, from his brother side is the blame of making you leave and not being the man you deserved. And he also understand that you want Pedri to change and to fight for you.
Ferran and Fer tried his best to talk to you and convinced you to give Pedri a chance. Thing you denied, you made a promise to yourself, he needed to prove to you that he changed.
You wanted the relationship you had before, the trust, the unconditional love. You wanted to feel joy again, to feel like you could be with him again.
You can't say you had it worse, but you were struggling as well. Sira had to force out of bed and to a local park. You cried like a child in her lap, telling her how much you needed him.
"You don't need someone who can't make an effort of changing. You need to understand that."
She was right, you needed someone who will be there for you in bad and good. During hard and easy.
"Good morning sunshine." Sira yells opening the curtains. The sun hit directly to your face, making you groan and turn around.
"oh, no ma'am." she pulls the duvet in a quick motion. "I made breakfast, get up."
She gave you five minutes to wash your face and brush your teeth. You can't help to feel a little annoyed at the wake-up call Sira pulled.
"Eat, please." She serves the breakfast to you, giving you a fork and a kiss on the cheek.
The day was bright, the sun was shining so much, the view from your apartment was breathtaking, making you feel happy instantly.
"I can't believe we're going to graduate tomorrow." Sira yells while doing a little dance. "I'm so happy for us."
"I am too, thank you for sticking up to me after all this time."
You walk over to her, giving her a big hug. She separates a little, reaching for the grad hat you have in the corner, putting it up on you.
When you broke up with Pedri you had a very bad time, you were in denial, somehow blaming yourself for the things that happened.
Then was the rage, it was not your fault, it was Eric's and Pedro's fault. He was the one believing the disturbing mind of Eric.
Then came the sadness, you were crying like crazy, in the shower, at the movies when Sira and Kyle took you out, at the parking lot of the building.
And now you're just blue.
"We have to go get the dresses, eat and let's go."
When the lease for your apartment concluded. You wanted to move to a smaller place, wanting something more "home like"
Sira was not okay with the decision, she convinced her parents on sharing a Apartment with you while you both figure your life out.
The moving was heartbreaking for you, specially because you couldn't run away from the memories.
"When you graduate, we're moving together. We can remodel the house, giving it your touch, make this place our home."
You used to laugh, thinking it was crazy for him to think about settling down at barely twenty one. "You'll change your mind, Pepi. "
But he cut you off, telling you that there was no other thing in his mind. He can't picture a future without you in it.
"I invite Pablo to the ceremony, and Fernando." You confess.
"Are you sure about that?" She asked worried. "I mean, Pablo I guess but Fer?"
"My family isn't coming, so I have the tickets and the closest thing to a family here is you, your family that is already attending and the González."
"Okay, if you think that's the right think to do, I'm not saying anything."
"Squish, all of you, let me take a picture." Luis Enrique says. "Okay, in three, two, one, cheese!."
You smile, arm around Sira and Karla.
After what felt like a whole photoshoot, Sira was ready to greet some family members that joined the ceremony.
"Y/n!" you heard at the distance.
You turn around, looking for the voice. It was your favorite angry bird. The big white bouquet of flowers doesn't go unnoticed.
"Felicidades, preciosa." He hugs you with one hand, the flowers getting in the middle of that. "Oops, sorry. This is for you."
"Thank you, Pablito." You hug him carefully this time. "Thank you for coming."
"I was happy when you sent me the invite, Sam says hi and congratulations."
"Are you coming to my party?"
Pablo was about to answer but someone calling you name again interrupting him.
"Fer!" You say, happily about seeing him again. "Thank you for coming." You say, getting squish between his arms.
"Felicidades, hermanita." He kiss your cheek. "Mom and dad are so proud of you, they send their congratulations to you."
You smile at him, the warmth your heart is feeling is making you blush. "Thank you." You whisper. "Pablito and you need to tell me if you're coming tonight."
"I will, what about you, Fer?"
"I can't wait."
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"Okay, it's game day time. Let's finish preparing ourselves, and let's go warm up." Oscar says, excited about the match against RMA.
"Pedri, can I have a minute outside, please." Xavi calls.
He was trying his best to concentrate, head in the game. Even if that sounds like a high school musical thing to say.
"Mira, I know I said that I was benching you." Xavi began, making Pedri nod. "I'm going to make an exception, I'm making Marc play for twenty minutes then you're in."
"I promise that I won't lose the ball." He smiles like the cat in Alice in wonderland. "Gracias, Mister."
Xavi pats his back, smiling back at him. He knows that Pedri has the range, he just needs to take it out in the right place. The field.
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"Finally, a game that was worth to watch." Kyle says, eating the remaining pop corn from the bowl.
This game was very important for the Barcelona, they needed this game to keep themselves at the top of La Liga.
And they did it. They won.
Pedri scored a game thanks to Pablo's passing the ball to him.
"He played really good." Karla comments.
"Yeah, he did." You whisper.
You were proud of him, he was your golden boy after all.
You remembered the first game you went to. He gifted you a shirt with his number. He sent a car to come get you.
That was the first gol he ever dedicated to you. You remember the way you felt, the smile on his face, the aura of the stadium. It was simply magical.
And now you're supporting him from the comfort of your home. Because no matter what, he was all that to you.
But where you still all that to him?
You always kept those thoughts for yourself, your friends were done with you talking about him. Always ending up crying.
"So are we going out tonight?" Karla asks, turning the TV off.
"I don't know if I want to go out guys." You say, washing the dishes from the dinner. "I'm not feeling well."
"A Tylenol and were out and about, my lady." Sira says laughing at your face.
"Fine, but I don't want to he out till five in the morning, please."
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The party was good, you ended up not inviting Kyle because you were feeling like having a girl's night out.
Karla got invited to a vip club that was on the way of your apartment, you were on your way there.
"We're going to the vip section." She says to the bodyguard at the entrance, showing him a picture. "Thank you."
The club was way fuller than the last one, the aura was way better too.
"Y/n, let's get a drink." Sira yells.
"Let's just take Karla to her friends table and we can go, okay?" You yell back, she nods.
Karla was seeing this dude that was a manager of some new footballers, they were young like in La Masia.
The other dudes at the table invited you to different drinks, since they got special treatment because of their vip status.
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You were thankful with your friends, they were making you have so much fun.
"Girls, I'm going to the bathroom." You say to your friends, getting up from your seat and walking to the little outside bathroom they have for the vip rooms.
You got knocked up a little by someone, hitting you shoulder with the door frame. "Fucking idiot." You say to yourself, smoothing the hurt area.
You were washing your hands when someone moved the doorknob, knocking desperately at the door.
"Wait, I'm almost done." You say drying your hands with a paper towel. The person on the other side keeps knocking like crazy. "It's been five seconds like wait." You say.
You open the door and to your surprise the face on the other side of the door is a familiar one. "Y/n?"
"Ferran, hi!"
He walks inside the bathroom, making your way out impossible since he closed the door. "Joer', it's so good to see you." He hugs you for a few seconds.
You can smell the alcohol in his breath, making you scrunch your nose. "Are you alone?" You ask him.
"No, I'm with some friends from Valencia."
"Okay, take care Fer, I need to go back to my friends." You wanted to leave so he can use the bathroom.
"Wait, I want to talk to you." He stops you from opening the door. "Please give me your number."
You think for a few seconds, not sure about the proposal. "What if I wait for you outside?" You smile at him.
"You won't run away?" He asks, you shake your head no. "Pinky promise?" He elevate his pinky finger over to you.
"Pinky promise." You smirk while intertwining fingers with him. "Hurry up." You say, walking outside for him.
A few minutes later you see Ferran dance walk over to you, you smile at this goofiness. You missed that.
"Tell me, Mister paella." You joke, mentioning his nickname you and Pedri gave him.
"I wanted to tell you, more like ask you for a favor." He says breathlessly. "I know you might say no, but I want to try."
You knew where this was going, but you let him continue with his speech. Nodding your head to let him know you heard him and to continue.
"I know that you probably are in a better place and you are moving on, but please heard me out. Pedri is not alright, and you don't own him nothing after the stupid shit he pulled, but please you need to talk to him."
You sigh, you know that he was not having the best development during training or at the matches. Fer told you that already, but he didn't asked for you to reach to him.
"I know I'm asking for too much." He continued. "I'm just out of ideas of what to do with him. Xavi is about to beat his ass, Oscar too, Gavi and him don't even look at each other. We almost beat Eric to the ground with Gavi."
"He deserves that." You scuff. "But I'm not sure what you expect me to do?"
"Can you maybe call him? Or text him?" He asks. "Or I don't know, send him a dm if you don't want to share your number with him."
You think about it for a good minute, you knew that he was struggling, you were too, but you wanted to maybe help him even when he didn't deserved that.
"I'll reach out to him." You finally say. Making Ferran jumps from excitement. "I'll try to find a good time, okay?"
He nods excited, hugging you and giving you a quick kiss in the side of the head. "Thank you, if you need a ride home you can tell me."
"Thank you, I'm good, my friend is driving us." You wave him goodbye. Both of you go back to each vip rooms.
"Look at this cd" Pablo says, passing the 1989 cd. "What are you doing this December?"
"Well, I was thinking about spending my December here in Barcelona." You say, helping him organizing some pictures. "Aw, young Pablito." You say, showing him the picture.
"Stop that." He laughs. "So you're not going back home?"
"I mean my family is not going to be there, so I might as well be alone here."
"You're welcome to spend time with Sam and with me. Also with my family and me."
"Thank you, crunchy guy." You joke with him.
Now that he's in recovery you can visit him more often. You love watching new movies and shows with him because you have the same taste.
"I want to ask you something." You say, not sure how to approach the topic of Pedri. "But you can tell me if it makes you uncomfortable."
"Okay?" He says, eyes scrunched.
"Ferran and I were at the same club and we find ourselves in the bathroom." You began. "Long story short, he asked me to call Pedri."
"Y/n, I'm not the best to give you advice on this."
"I just need guidance, Pablo." You confess. "I'm not one to ask you anything but just be honest with me."
"Joder" He sighs, hands on his face. "What do you want me to say?"
"How is he?" You ask worried. "Is he doing okay?"
"He came to see me at my recovery the other day." He says, hand scratching his head. "He asked me to forgive him."
You let him take him time to tell you everything.
"We talked and it's not like we are on speaking terms like we used to but we are better."
"That's good, I think you both needed that." You say honestly.
"Now, to answer you. I think he's doing better little by little. He's not the best at hiding his feeling and you know that, he tents to get quiet and death looking." He laughs at the last part. "But, if you want my opinion, I think he needs to fight for you. A call or a text will not harm anyone."
You nod, taking everything he says into consideration. He was right, Pedro had to make some sacrifices for you.
"But, you can do what you think is best." He says, hands in the air.
"Thank you, angry bird." You hug his body, careful with his leg. "Love you."
"Can you show me love in a form of a sandwich?" He asks, batting his eyelashes like a little kid. "Pretty please."
"Just because you're my little baby." You tap his nose with care. Making him laugh. "I'll be back."
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"I was thinking about doing a baking course." You tell Sira, you're at the pool at her parents house. "I want to learn how to do Christmas cookies."
"My mom knows how to, you can ask her to teach you."
"That's better, you're right."
You keep looking at your phone, it's been three weeks since the talk with Ferran and two since the talk with Gavi.
Today they announced that Pedri was feeling some pain in his muscles, so he wasn't training. You know how much that affects Pedro mentally.
"Hey, what if we go change? I kinda want to go shopping." You say, getting out of the pool and walking over to the towel. "You coming?"
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"I'm going to take a shower and we can eat, okay?" You say, hands full of bags. "Chao bella, take a shower please."
You leave everything on a chair next to your bed, the phone in your pocket feels heavy, you know you want to make that call.
You dial his phone number, sitting with your legs crossed on your bed. Your heart is beating like crazy.
Your breath is gone, you suddenly lost the ability to talk.
"Hola?" He repeats.
His raspy voice, his heavy breaths when he's trying to catch air. Simply him.
"Hola." You whisper.
Now is his turn to lost the speech ability. He's frozen. It's been months.
"Y/n?" He asks, not believing you're the one on the line.
"Hola." You repeat. "Te llamé en mal momento?" (Did I call you at a bad time?) You ask, bitting your nails.
"No, de hecho no estaba haciendo nada." You can hear a door closing. "How are you?" (No, I was actually not doing anything)
"I'm good, dealing with life. What about you? I heard about your muscle pain."
Your voice is low, you feel scared of saying something wrong. Even though you're barely at the beginning of the call.
"I've been better, I'm missing the Dallas game." He sighs. "I just feel like every time I'm feeling confident about coming back, my body gets fucked up."
You humm in response, letting him vent his frustration.
"I'm tired honestly, Xavi and Oscar are at the edge with me and I think that with the team. Frenkie barely came back, the team sucks, Gavi is hurt."
"I'm sorry this is going like that." You say, being honest.
"I don't even log into social media anymore. On Twitter and on Instagram the haters keep comparing me with Jude, with Vini, with Rodry. I'm so done, Y/n."
"Ay Pepi, I wish I can say something to make you feel better. But you know I suck at that." You laugh, making him laugh too. "You know you're amazing, and that if Xavi and Oscar get frustrated they don't feel your pain, that's why you have to be open with how your body feels."
"I do, believe me that I do, but I can't help but think that every time I say my muscles hurt, they gave me this disappointed look."
The way his voice break makes your heart hurt. You know from past experiences that his mental health goes down day by day if he overthink about the topic.
"And my parents and Fer try to tell me off of this ideas and I don't think it's working. I just wish I can turn my brain off for the night so I can sleep well tonight."
His breathing is getting heavier by the second, you can pick what's going on. He's overthinking and about to have a panic attack.
"Oye, tell me about that game you wanted to buy." You ask out-of the blue, making his mind think of another think.
"Game? What game?" He asks, voice breaking.
"Yeah, the one you wanted to buy. That one with the cars on it." You explain. "And what about that drink you wanted to try, did you tried it?"
"The green one?"
"Si, that one. Did you tried it? Was it good?"
"It tasted weird, and the game I never bought it. Lost interest on it."
"Okay, what about your mother croquettes?"
"They're so good, I broke diet the other day at Adrian's birthday party."
You can hear the breathing being hard but not as heavy as before. You relax, laying fully on your bed.
"Te amo." He says. "I'm sorry about everything, I'm so dumb. You told me that I was losing you and I never changed. It's my fault you're not next to me, that you're not at my games."
"Pedri, let's not do this." You interrupted him.
"Let me say it, Y/n." He begged. "I need to get this out of me, it's eating me alive."
"Okay, keep going."
"I know Fer went to your graduation. I cried myself to sleep that night, and every night after I lost you. I can't think of anything else." He sobs, making your heart hurt. "And my parents are so fucking mad at me, because how could I lost the girl of my dreams?"
"Pedro." You tried to make him stop.
"And my father told me how disappointed he was of me. He was so mad when I told him the truth. I can't keep doing this without you. You were supposed to be laying next to me, calling this place your home. I'm sorry."
"This is not why I called."
"Tell me what I have to do for you to forgive me." He begged again. "Tell me how can I fix this. Please."
"Pedro, stop."
You wanted to hang up, not wanting to give up on all the progress you've made. In the promises you made to yourself.
"I think we both need to take a breath." You laugh nervously. "Please, breathe."
All you can hear was the heavy breathing from your and his side of the call. Your mind running a mile per second.
"Can we met, please?" He asks. Your heart was saying yes, but your mind was more coherent.
You were about to answer when Sira stormed into the room asking you to try something. Pedro heard the voice of her and wondered if you were at his parents house.
"I have to go." You say, hanging up the phone quickly. "What?" You ask Sira, she's looking at you with narrowed eyes.
"You okay?"
"Yes, I was about to take a shower but my mom called."
"Was it bad?" She asked worried. "Do you want to talk?"
"I'm fine, I'm just getting in the shower and then we can have some of that green thing you have in there." You tap her nose and walk quickly to the bathroom.
Pedro was laying on the couch he has in his room, his head pounding like crazy, the tears falling from his eyes, wetting his face.
He walks to his bathroom, he needs to wash his face. He needs to relax and breathe like you told him to.
The way he feels lighter after telling you how he feels was refreshing, his shoulders don't have the weight they used to five minutes ago.
His reflection is like a stranger to him. His dark circles under his eyes now darker, his weight every day less. He can't keep doing this to himself.
You feel the same way as you look at your reflection. The tears pooling that you don't want to let wet your face.
You take deep breaths, the sound of shower and the steam makes you be back from your thoughts. You got into the shower, sliding down the bathroom wall while hiding your face into your hands.
Pedro can't seem to find a way to stop his tears, knees on the floor while the sounds of his painful cry interrupt the peaceful silence of his home.
"You sure you're okay with me going to this party?"
Ferran invited you to his sister's birthday party, you and her were good friends thanks to Sira. Sadly due to the breakup, Sira didn't wanted to come but sent her a gift.
"Yes, go and have fun. I'm fine here with my book and with my coffee."
You kissed her on the cheek and went on your way, you asked Fer if he was coming but he told you that he was about to leave to Tenerife.
"But if you wonder or not." He says with a funny tone. "Pedri will be home."
You knew that Ferran sister didn't invite him, she told you herself. So you were fine with at least not having to tip toe around.
The party was at this club that Ferran rented for her party, you loved the pink and white theme she chose.
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You were enjoying yourself, finding some in common friends you haven't talk to in a while, the vibes were good and the night was refreshing for you.
You were retouching your makeup at the bathroom. You heard knocking on the door, thinking that maybe they found that the downstairs bathroom was full.
You take the last look at yourself in the mirror. Adjusting you jacket and opening the door, you find the person you wanted to dissappear from this earth.
The way he roll his eyes makes you angry, he was annoyed at your presence? You should be the one that's rolling the eyes at him.
"Move, please." You say, stern tone.
"You're leaving so soon?" He smirks.
You don't think twice and push him to the side, you can hear him fall over to the little sofa that was outside the bathroom.
You walk downstairs, finding the birthday girl and saying your goodbyes to her and to Ferran, who was next to her.
You were walking to your car when you feel someone grabbing you by the arm and throwing you agains a car door.
You groan at the pain that's growing on your side. You put your hand against your ribs, you find hard to breathe.
"You really think you can treat me like shit?"
"Are you out of your right mind?" You whisper, not fully recovered from the impact. "What the fuck."
"You're such a fucking bitch, making my friends be against me, making my team be against me."
"What the fuck are you talking about? You did this to yourself, Eric"
You tried to walk away from him by pushing him but he grabbed you back and stamped you back again. Making the car alarm sound.
"Eric, what the fuck?" You hear someone yell.
You notice how Ferran was running to where you are. Pushing Eric away from you. He shield you with his body.
"Why is everybody defending her?" Eric yells, getting closer again.
"Don't fucking dare."
"I just don't get why everyone believes she's the innocent girl she pretends to be."
You scuff, he's the one mad at you as if he didn't ruined your relationship. "You were the one telling Pedri shit and making him doubt me. You ruined my relationship"
"Oh no, I ruined your little gold digging act? Are you not able to afford rent now?"
"Fuck you." You spat, feeling rage grow inside of you. "Maybe if you use that mind inside the field you would be a good player and not the trash you are."
"Enough!" Ferran yells. "You, go away." He points at Eric. "Now!"
He grabs your arm, making you walk away from the scene. You keep your hand on your side, trying to smooth the area where is hurting.
"Can you drive?" He asks, you nod slowly. "What the fuck, what the actual fuck?" He whispers.
"I'm fine, you can go back to the party, Ferran." You whisper. "Thank you."
"Are you okay?"
"I'm in shock but I'm fine, don't worry about me. Please don't let this ruin the party." You hug him, his hands on your back trying to calm you down.
Even when you don't cry or show any emotion, he knows you're not okay.
"Tell me when you're home"
"Yes, I'll dm you, thank you."
He's back inside once you're on your way at the driveway. You're on autopilot, feeling hazy from all the emotions you're feeling.
You don't even notice the turns you make until you're outside his door. You turn off the car, taking your phone to text him.
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You waited for barely two minutes, the door of his house opening. You take your seat belt off and stretch to the passenger door, opening it for him.
"Hola, preciosa." He says, worried expression on his face. "Are you okay?"
"Want to go for a ride?" You ask, ignoring his question. He nods, asking you to wait for him.
Once he collects his keys and a sweater, he hup up your car and you began the drive. You have a destination in mind.
Hes quiet, not sure if he's supposed to ask you again if you're okay. He's just enjoying seeing you after so long.
"It's too cold for just that jacket." He says, eyes up and down your body.
"It's fine, it keeps me warm." You say, the stern tone of voice worries him. "Seatbealt on." You say when the annoying alarm goes off.
"Yours is off too." He points at your chest, you just groaned, putting the seatbelt on.
Your drive to the highest part of the park. The beautiful view of Barcelona at night welcome you. You turn the car off, getting out as soon as you can.
You wanted to scream.
All you wanted was peace. You wanted to feel like you used to feel before all of this. You wanted to be able to go home and find your boyfriend there or go to his place and share things about your day, share moments with him.
The hands of Pedri on your shoulders feel heavy, you take a step, making the contact break.
"Do you trust me?" You ask on the verge of tears.
"With my life." He answer, not wasting a minute.
"Then why did you do that to me?" You let the tears fall down your face. "Was I not a good girlfriend?"
"Y/n, don't say that." He shake his head no. "You were the best thing I ever had."
"Then tell me, what it was?"
"It wasn't you, it was me. All me." He elevated his voice. Not at you but at the heat of the situation. "It was all me, I was the one who got those stupid ideas in my head, I trusted you, I knew Kyle was nothing but your friend, I knew you were just friends with Pablo, I know you would never do nothing to hurt me."
"What about the day I left?" You ask, the aftertaste is bitter on your mouth.
The thought of that day bring nightmares to his mind. The things he told you, the shit he provoked. They way he pushed you over the edge to the point of making you leave.
"I don't have a problem with the way you dress, I love your style. I don't have a problem with how much you love your friends, I love your way of acting, the way you love everyone, I don't have a problem with you being friends with Pablo, I love you and I love how my friends are your friends."
He take a deep breath, feeling like the air in his lungs is not enough. Feeling like the cold air is making breathing hard.
"And I'm sorry about the way I treated you, the way I was acting, I never meant to make you feel bad about my insecurities. I was the problem. I was the one who let someone else get into my head, I was the one who made the mistakes, and i was the one who made you feel like I didn't love you."
He gets closer to you, hands on your cheeks, drying the tears. Your hold his hands with yours. "But I love you, don't ever think that I don't." He whispers, kissing the top of your nose.
You nod, grabbing his face with your hands, caressing his cheeks. You pull him towards you, pressing your foreheads together.
"I love you too." You say after a while, pulling away from him. "But I have to love myself first. And I need to see that you changed."
Even when your words burn his heart, he understand. He wanted to prove himself to be what you needed, the person you can trust. He wanted to be all that to you again. Because you're all that to you.
"I'll do anything to prove to you that I changed. I'll wait as long as you need to, I want you to trust me again."
"I miss you." You hug him, arms locking behind his neck. His hands don't miss a minute to intertwine behind your back.
"I miss you more." He kisses you neck. "I promise I will prove you that I can be the person you deserve."
You enjoyed the warmth of his body against yours. You can't help but think of how he was right and your jacket was definitely not enough. You giggle a little.
"What's that?" He asks, smiling.
"You're right, it's too cold." You sniff, feeling the cold reach every part of you.
He separates and undo the zipper of his sweater, hands on each side opening the sweater for you to hug him and get more warm.
"Now that's better." You say, kissing his collarbone, making him smile against your hair.
"Last christmas I have you my ass, but the very next day you fuck my best friend, this year I'm fucking you dad and I'm also fucking your cousin."
You laugh at Fer singing Cardi's remix of the Christmas song. He was helping you with baking christmas cookies over FaceTime.
Pedro and you have made amazing progress, he was proving himself day by day.
"To think that a year ago today you guys were at the top of a cliff at the park solving your issues." He jokes, making Pedro give him the finger while laughing.
"Good thing your bother knows how to redeem himself." You second Fernando's joke.
"Joer, hablan de mi como si yo no existiera y estoy aquí parado, no me imagino cuando no los pueda escuchar." He laughs, making you smile and shake tou head at him. (You guys talk about me as if I'm not standing right here, I can't imagine what you say when I'm not present)
"only good things, mi amor." You kiss his cheek.
"Bueno, yo los dejo, I have to help mom with some things at la Tasca." (Well, I'm out) he waves you goodbye and cut the FaceTime.
Pedri has added to their story
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Yourusername has added to their story
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You two spend the rest of the day decorating and eating the cookies. Making Pedri break his diet, but he was okay with that.
"Oye, ven pa'qui." (Hey, come here) he calls you.
you walk over to him, he's sitting on the couch. A elf hat on his head. You can't help but smile at his cuteness.
"Yes sir?" You ask.
He possess his hands on your waist, pulling you towards him and making you fall on his lap. "Do you like how the house is looking."
"Very much, I love our home." You say, hugging him. "And I love you."
He smiles at you, looking around. He can't help but feel proud of himself. He proved you that he was worth a second chance. That he was your person and that he loved you more than anything.
He was happy you were happy with him. And that was something he knew he couldn't lose. Not you, not your love and not your future together.
"I love you more."
🏷: @gulphulp @jack1n @girlidekanymore @gadriezmannsgirl since you asked for part 2 🤭✨️
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filmofhybe · 8 months
Hi, requests are open right? Can I request what type of fanboys enha would be for idol!reader?
type of fanboys enhypen would be for idol reader
pairing : ot7! x reader genre : fan x Idol , fluff 400-500 words per member warning : none
a/n: first request in ages!! Keep them coming in would mean a lot! Icl this kinda turned into a send off / fansign typa thing so I hope you don’t mind and enjoy!!
> masterlist of my other works
© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
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정원 jungwon
this guy is your biggest fan he just doesn’t show it
unlike your other fans, he’s really respectful which makes you remember him
and he’s cute and somehow always wins a video call or fansign with you
folds everytime you call his nickname that you gave him
“y/nnie can I give you something?”
“of course wonnie!”
hands you the cutest beaded jewelry and plushie ever
“oh my gosh thank you so much wonnie!!”
Would let you win in a hand wrestling contest
he would freak out when he sees you wearing the jewelry he gave you
He would also freak out when he sees you posting the plushies he gave you
Will post about it on weverse and you would thank him in the comments.
Goes even crazier after that
You both are like best friends 😭
He’s fr famous among your fandom
yk how some ppl in some fandom are so well known they get verified on twitter
Yea that’s him 🤭
희 승 heeseung
That fan that would cover all your songs (and the successful ones)
Gets shit tons of views on your covers
which you would notice his videos and talk about how talented he is on weverse
Bro freaked out
Probably be posting about it on all his social media for the rest of his life (even facebook)
“Watch me brag about this for the rest of my life”
Would thank you so much for the compliments when he goes to ur fansigns
“Aww no worries heeseung! Your covers are always my favorite! I listen to them everyday! I even subscribed to your channel as well!”
Are you meeting heeseung or is heeseung meeting you rn?
“What’s your dream y/nnie?”
“My dream is to collab with you!”
Luckiest fan on earth honestly cuz you both did a collab a year later
박종성 Park Jeongseong
buy like 40 albums at once just to win a fansign with you😭
AND he would buy like 5 of your concert tickets
Doesn’t matter if your going aboard for your concert
Watch him be there and in the VIP sections as well
Man he really doesn’t care if he spend all his health insurance on you
All he cares is that he sees you and your happy
Always catch him during send offs
You both have the chaotic yet causal talks ever
“Omg jay your here again?”
“Yup! Got another ticket to see you!”
“Your crazy for spending so much!”
“Is worth it when it comes to you.”
would buy you the craziest gifts ever
Branded bags, games , jewelry , plushies etc
Would 100% send you a food truck for good luck during your MV filming or comebacks
You would thank him on weverse cuz you knew is him who would do these type of crazy things
What he’s doing is all of your fanboys biggest dream
심재윤 Sim Jaeyun
You can’t tell me he ain’t those funny ass twitter stans
#y/nselfieday 😝
Would fight those antis on twitter
“You can’t even talk cuz your face be lopsided and elongated lmao.” - jake
“And what about you? Stop using Google translate for your Korean captions🙄” - anti.
“sis I’m Korean?!”
He will make edits of you and I don’t make the rules on that
“my fav stage of y/n but make it my edit for her xoxo!!”
Would go Borderline excited when he got tickets to your concert
“guys y/n mf knows my twitter. Imma die.”
gets embarrassed when you tell him you know him through his funny tweets and you secretly reads it for positivity
Man could die peacefully after that
성훈 Sunghoon
Another really respectful fan but he’s so shy when it comes to fanboying
More the quiet ones but he would be spotted so easy because of how beautiful he is
Please he stood out the most during your send off
Icl when you saw him you thought you were dreaming a cute fan boy?!?
When you walked over do him his heart stopped. Like omg YOUR MORE GORGEOUS IRL?!
“hi y/n~ can you sign my album please?”
“Of course what’s your name?”
“Such a cute name for a cute boy!”
Bro your such a flirt💀
He couldn’t handle it and all he did with mumble thank you
“You want a picture as well?”
All he could do was nod and you took a picture of you both tgt
Posted on his social about it and everyone was saying how pretty you both looked
Which made him less shy the next time he saw you
“Omg sunghoon! Hi how are you?”
“I’m good how bout you y/n?”
“I’m good! Glad your less shy now! I was so excited to meet you!!l
He’s the pretty, handsome shy fanboys and will always be😝
선우 Sunoo
And those fans who has a shop dedicated to their idols
I mean your kinda hyper so like I get why he would love you
Another chaotic twitter stan but make it weverse
Would pay for your me membership everytime
You would never see him without those little membership tags next to his name on weverse
He would be those fans to say “I love you” mid way while your speaking on stage
You would always react to them with a laugh cuz you find it really funny and cute
His cuteness really captures your attention and he would go insane after you mention about him on your weverse live
“I saw this fanboy during send off, he had pink hair and cute cheeks. Really high pitched voice and he gave me this cute plushie keyring that looks like me. So thank you whoever you are!!”
Knew it was him cuz he was the only fanboy in the crowd with pink hair and was the one who got you that keyring
Would 100% start gifting you clothes for the keyring and you would post about it from time to time
You secretly supports sunoo’s little keyring business after he started selling the one and only y/n keyring
にしむら りき Nishimura Riki
Trend setter fan and secretly hyper fan
We all know how good niki is at dancing so when you drop a new song he danced to it with his own choreography that has gone viral.
and every fam girl of yours was like “omg y/n has a cute fanboy!!” “y/n needs to see this.”
And you did see it and posted about it on weverse as well as Instagram
“Look at him!! He’s so talented!! Time to recreate!!”
kicking his feet under the blankets cuz he just got noticed by his idol
Would go insane when you did his dance
Man got to see his dance live as well cuz you performed it during your concert
During send off you can easily tell it was niki in the crowd
“Your the creator of my dance niki right? Your so talented!!”
Are you meeting niki or Is niki meeting you? 2.0
“Haha thank you so much! You did so well as well!!”
You continue to do covers of his dance which makes him go feral everytime
Post about it on insta but behind the screen he’s like :
“She’s about to hire me to be her Choreographer” -niki
“Stop the delusion.” - heeseung
“Watch me.” - niki
Bro predicted his future cuz now half of the your dance is created by him
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taglist : @surefornext @spilled-coffee-cup @skepvids @amymyli @in-somnias-world @okjaeminn @nonotwice1 @thinkmyg @blubbfsh
Please comment or reblog to be on the perm taglist :)
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heavyhitterheaux · 4 months
Sunday Service
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU
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Liked by jackharlow, saweetie, theestallion, urbanwyatt, jaysontatum, druski2funny, privategarden, and 1,286,004 others
y/ninsta: I'm Backkkkkkkkkkkk. Did you miss me? Sunday Service dropping Friday. Pre save it now! 😘💕
normani: well it's about damn time! saweetie: we stan. what paprika gonna say about this one? blancahood: PAPRIKA?!?! HELPPPPPPPPPP theestallion: can't wait for this, I know my good sis is about to EAT y/ninsta: saweetie you are a hot ass mess and you know it lmao dualipa: glad to see that jackharlow is letting you out the house more these days jackharlow: now why am I in it? dualipa don't start with me today, my kids got me stressed out enough and you are NOT helping claybornharlow: produced by the one and only little baby saweetie: y/ninsta I call it like I see it. We make pretty bitch music and there's nothing but talent on this end. can't say the same thing about her. Tryna throw shade and I'm about to throw the whole damn rainforest. don't come for my bestie who isn't thinking about you jackandy/naremyparents: MUVA is backkkkkkk!!! dualipa: jackharlow send them my way and I guarantee you that they are about to be on their best behavior jackharlow: dualipa not with the youngest one starting to bite people y/ninsta: jackharlow AHT AHT! she was probably hungry and we know you can't cook. not too much on my youngest now. druski2funny: I knew from the beginning that those triplets were going to be problem children y/ninsta: druski2funny leave my babies aloneeeee the only problem child I have is jackharlow jessicakelce: saweetie said what she said and ate and left no crumbs y/ninsta: saweetie only one of us is going to be here for the long run and it's the one who's married to jackharlow 😜 allthingsy/n: talk yo shit mamas, at least we know you can back it up jackharlow: everyday I stray further and further from knowing what peace feels like and not you calling me a problem child smh saweetie: y/ninsta OOP let her know! between her and the girl that has a daddy with no neck, they coming for the wrong person urbanwyatt: saweetie NOT THE DADDY WITH NO NECK quiiso: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 y/ninsta: jackharlow love you smush 😘
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, taylorrooks, saweetie, 2forwoyne, cardib, sza, and 2,065,139 others
y/ninsta: every time yall book me with them hoes it's gon be big drama 🤭🤭
blancahood: here for the pettiness and the pettiness only y/ninsta: blancahood I'm innocent sis saweetie: y/ninsta well I'm not. STREAM SUNDAY SERVICE!!!! 2forwoyne: GET IN THE BOOTH BITCH theestallion: hard work and grinding pays off. what a luxury it is to shoot up the charts by being a tik tok rapper without actual talent. when I see her imma tell her to freestyle on the spot. jessicakelce: theestallion don't set yourself up to be disappointed like that lmao cardib: yall messy in these comments and I'M HERE FOR IT allthingsy/n: one thing's for sure and two thing's for certain, y/ninsta's girls are always going to have her back sza: now we all know y/ninsta can fight and I would never want to be on the receiving end soooo good luck with that lol y/ninsta: sza that is the old me! I'm mature now! jackharlow: y/ninsta this morning you tried to fight the delivery guy because he dropped your package y/ninsta: jackharlow he damn near threw that shit. it had FRAGILE written on it and he was acting like he couldn't read. not my damn fault. he was asking for it. jackharlow: ladies and gentlemen, my wife y/ninsta urbanwyatt: y/ninsta I fully support your actions jackharlow: urbanwyatt DON'T ENCOURAGE HER claybornharlow: y/ninsta I support you too, forever and always y/ninsta: the people love me, jackharlow get with the program jackharlow: y/ninsta just terrorizing me since day one smh y/ninsta: jackharlow would it help if I told you that your money paid for what was in the package? jackharlow: beat his ass
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Liked by jackharlow, saweetie, neelamthadhani, urbanwyatt, normani, champagnepapi, theshaderoom, and 2,816,002 others
y/ninsta: when you ask your husband to send you a selfie because you miss him. Look at my pookie 🥹
I love you long time big baby 😘💕
jackharlow: 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 jaysontatum: he knows where home is y/ninsta: jayson, don't you muthafuckin start with me urbanwyatt: the girlies are fightinggggggggg druski2funny: wait, what about me?! y/ninsta: keyword: HUSBAND. as in he's MINE. go and find yall own smh jackharlow: y/ninsta remember that one time you told me to try and return you without the receipt? the receipt being our marriage certificate that you tried to set on fire when you were drunk? y/ninsta: jackharlow that is my past and therefore I do not live there anymore saweetie: lmaooooooooo urbanwyatt: all I remember is her having matches and running with them as jackharlow was jumping over couches to try and stop her. good times. jackharlow: urbanwyatt you would encourage this smh urbanwyatt: jackharlow that's my bestie and imma stick beside her jackharlow: urbanwyatt AND I'M NOT? urbanwyatt: jackharlow you are, I just love to see her terrorizing you jackharlow: smh it be your own first born y/ninsta: two more days until I get to see my big babyyyyyyy jackharlow: you better be ready for me 👀 y/ninsta: jackharlow if you stay ready, you ain't gotta get ready 👀
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, cardib, taylorrooks, generationnow, shloob_, softtcurse, blancahood, and 1,843,951 others
y/ninsta: oh look, it's my husband 😍😍😍
You are such a dad now and that's what the outfit is giving lmao jackharlow 🤣🤣
jackharlow: these damn kids got me fighting for my life smh y/ninsta: jackharlow and yet you want more? jackharlow: y/ninsta we're having a basketball team y/ninsta: jackharlow in what universe and with whose vagina? saweetie: you gonna fold one way or another. you always do. y/ninsta: saweetie don't encourage him urbanwyatt: the fact that he was almost late because of baby number three y/ninsta: urbanwyatt she is the no limit soldier lmao jack can't tell her no because she looks like him, but acts like me dualipa: y/ninsta if you need me to save you, blink twice jessicakelce: dualipa lmaooooooo jackharlow: dualipa you, y/ninsta, claybornharlow and my kids be the reason I'm stressed all the time and I don't like it claybornharlow: I am literally just sitting here minding my business jackharlow: claybornharlow THIS TIME and this is a rare occurrence y/ninsta: cut it out you two! smh, I'm already raising enough children between my triplets, jack, my pets, and pg 2forwoyne: now what did we do this time?! y/ninsta: 2forwoyne idk, but I'll find out soon enough because I always do jackharlow: y/ninsta not you calling me one of the children again y/ninsta: jackharlow a mother's job is never done, maggieharlow BACK ME UP maggieharlow: y/ninsta I did what I could with him, and he's your responsibility now lol jackharlow: not yall throwing me under the bus smh saweetie: jackharlow they more so catapulted you lmao
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strawberry-milkbunny · 9 months
I have no one to talk to about Tokyo Rev so here r my random hot takes that I need to say:
- Emma and Hina r boring and used as romance plot devices it’s okay to admit that Wakui can’t write women idk I don’t expect shounen/men to be able to write girls well (still cried when Emma died tho bc she didn’t deserve it!!!)
- lol I LOVE Yuzuha and Senju tho
- I actually do like Emma and Draken together but I also firmly believe Draken is in love w/Mikey and was just projecting onto Emma LMAO
- Yuzuha is a lesbian
- Controversial: I don’t think Shinchiro was THAT great of an older brother. Like he was cool but he still introduced Mikey and Izana into the world of gang life/normalizing violence and yeah OG Black Dragons isn’t like that but….what do u expect when u form a gang??? .obviously there’s a high chance that it’s gonna develop into LEGIT gang activity
- As an adult and someone who was basically raised by an older sibling w/a big age gap (my sis is 7 years older) I kinda don’t blame Takeomi for being a bad older brother??? Realistically he’s a 17 yr old in charge of raising 2 toddlers like NO SHIT he did a bad job. At least Shin had his grandfather to help out but Takeomi actually had no one. Doesn’t explain y he’s a brokey LOL buttttt again I don’t FULLY blame him for being a bad sibling still hurt my boi Sanzu 😤😤
- I HC that Mikey is used to having a caretaker (Draken and later Sanzu) bc when Shin died he was so depressed and genuinely couldn’t get out of bed
- Takemitchy is also lowkey boring/typical shounen protagonist and canonically stinky like Hina could do sm better. This is personal preference so I find myself wanting more chaotic/dumb protagonists who are slightly morally ambiguous like Denji, Gintoki, hell even Naruto at times. Takemitchy didn’t get character development until BD arc and that’s just a bit too long for me….
- Koko and Inui r gay and dating 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
- the Haitani brothers r the kardashians of the TR universe they’re so embarrassing Deadass show up and pose/do absolutely nothing I LOVE THEM SHKSKSKSK
- I love how it’s universally agreed that Mitsuya and Chifuyu r the best bois
- I have mixed feelings about Izana. I genuinely do like him and DESPISE how he’s whitewashed by fanart
- I get it u genuinely just wanted to not be alone and found out ur adopted in the worst way possible but…..idk how that justifies killing ur own sister but u do u ig 🤷‍♀️ and u have KAKUCHO AS UR FAMILY WTH
- don’t listen to me tho I’m a Mikey and Sanzu stan LMAOO 🤭🤭🤭
- Izana is the definition of mommy issues and 100% had crunchy hair lik mans was homeless
- if I saw Izana IRL I would RUN 🏃‍♀️idk he looks a lil crazy
- also this man does not know Tagalog he didn’t even know he was Filipino until he was lik 12
- idk the Tenjiku arc is so funny to me bc Izana is deadass: imma kill everyone in Mikey’s life for revenge and Mikey is lik: bruh I didn’t even kno u existed until last week and now ur killing our sister UNPROVOKED ???
- Bonten!Mikey is a virgin/no libido mans is DEPRESSED
- wished the Bonten arc was longer simply for the outfits bc Wakui KNOWS FASHION but that shit was DEPRESSION
- 3 Deities Arc was amazing and also funny/serious at the same time. It literally was an all out brawl in an AMUSEMENT PARK
- fr tho wtf was Benkei, Wakasa and Takeomi doing there??? Like they’re canonically 27 GO GET A JOB STOP FIGHTING 15 YEAR OLDS SHKSKSKS
- U cannot tell me that Sanzu WASNT sad when Baji and Mucho died.
- Baji was straight up his childhood friend and the only one other than Senju who knows about the plane incident/Mikey’s possessive side. And In the OG!timeline I’m pretty sure Baji was the only friend Sanzu DIDNT attack. While with Mucho he was pretty much his older brother, Sanzu just decided Mikey was better
- Tbh if the dark impulses/Shin thing wasn’t real I would’ve firmly believed Mikey had DID or something. Which again made only worse by the fact that violence and death is such a regular thing in his life (GET THIS MAN THERAPY LIK WTF IS SHIN AND GRANDPA SANO DOING???)
- Kazutora going a lil crazy is lowkey expected and I hate how we only find out about his home life in the character books. This kid grew up in a physically and mentally abusive household (gaslight to pick between parents and as s/o who has experienced that shit it’s fucked up) and I rlly don’t think prison helped out his mental stability either no shit he tried to kill Mikey
- I don’t ship Mikey and Takemichy (despite the IMMENSE gay ness btwn them) firmly bc I think everyone can see how much power Takemitchy has over Mikey idk it has a weird power dynamic like if Takemitchy tried he could 100% control Mikey (platonically or romantically)
- Baji, Chifuyu and Kazutora r a throuple
- I HATE how Sanzu is reduced to this crazy drug addict. Sanzu is canonically smart, manipulative, and formally trained fighter. He also REMEMBERS the OG timeline, he had to experience Shin dying twice and everyone else die no shit he’s a little bonkers/needs drugs to take everything away. Plus his relationship to Mikey which tbh is a whole separate post
- controversial !!!: I ship Mikey and Sanzu or Mikey and Draken. Sanzu only bc this man has a big ass crush and deserves some niceness for once
- ppl write Kakucho as this shy, nice guy like ur not wrong but mans is also running UNPROVOKED into Yakuza offices like it’s the gym while dragging Rindou wit him 😭😭😭
- the haitanis r the best sibling duo
- It lowkey makes me mad in fanfics where Ran is depicted as cheating w/Rin’s gf like??? This man raised his younger brother himself u cannot tell me he doesn’t love his brother and would actually do that to him
- Ran would 1000% do anything for Rin and i firmly believe he kinda regrets not saying anything in court to prevent Rindou frm joining him in jail. Like saying he forced Rindou to kill someone w/him, abusing his brother at home, etc especially in the Bonten! tl he def thinks about wtf he dragged his brother into
- I also don’t think they’ve slept w/ the same person before. Idk I feel like they have diff types like Ran goes for more motherly/mature types while Rindou goes for sweeter/shy types
- Draken has road rage
- Yuzuha should’ve been taller like AT LEAST 5’7 bitch is related to Hakkai and Taiju for gods sake
- OG BD 100% thought Wakasa was a girl for at least a month. He’s canonically 5’3 and pretty.
- Characters who r 100% bisexual: WAKASA, Senju,maybe Hina, Draken (def in denial), Rindou, Ran (he’s a whore as long as ur pretty he’s down), Sanzu, Koko, Kazutora, Chifuyu
- Mitsuya had a crush on Draken
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
POV You are dating Yuken and you are from Oya High (Todoroki Faction)
Your Insta 🌟
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Liked by fujio,todoroki and 196 others
Y/n How can he be so gorgeous? @/odajima ♥️
|| tsuji eXCUSE ME ???
--》shibaman A RED HEART ???? WHAT THE HELL GIRL ?!?
--》y/n I can explain ehehe :)
--》tsuji Explain then ?
--》y/n or i cant 🤭
|| todoroki Y/n pick up your phone. Now.
--》y/n no you are scary
|| fujio That was definitely unexpected but congrats y/n-chan 🥰
--》y/n Fujioo 😭😭💕
|| yasushi Does that mean that we cant beat those skinheads ???
--》y/n uhm...we can always fight bro dont worry
--》yasushi ok then. Congratulations sis 🤢
--》y/n thanks bro 🤕😌
--》yasushi you little shit
|| shidaken you gotta be kidding... sachio will definitely kill us this time...
--》y/n Sachio-san loves me more than you bro ?
--》shidaken yeah he loves you not odajima...
--》y/n 😶
|| odajima ❤
--》y/n ❤
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Liked by jamuo,fujio and 122 others
Y/n Jamuo sent this pic and told that they are waiting for me... literally like this...
|| tsukasa it is not just them who are waiting for you
--》y/n tsukasa-kuun 😭
--》tsukasa we are waitin...
--》y/n coming 😔
|| binzo they look angry
--》y/n yeah because they are :(
--》binzo they are right btw terrible taste
--》y/n shut up
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Liked by tsukasa,tsuji and 138 others
Y/n they literally interrogated me for an hour but i guess they've accepted it now...
|| tsukasa as long as you are happy....
--》y/n 🥺💕
--》tsukasa 😌💕
|| todoroki if that bastard breaks your heart...
--》y/n i knoow 😭💕💕
--》odajima you know well if i do, she will kick my ass
--》todoroki exactly.
--》y/n 😃😃
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Liked by shibaman,tsuji and 154 others
Y/n literally 5 minutes before tsuji&shiba duo ruined our date 🥲❤
|| fujio what did they do this time
--》y/n shiba ate my apple pie 😭 and tsuji told yuken embrassing old stories 😃
--》fujio at least you are still cute :/
--》y/n thanks? ig...
|| odajima dont worry angel, i still love you ❤
--》y/n ilyt ❤
--》tsuji angel ? NŞHLŞRLDLDLF
--》shibaman do you even know what she does to us when she is angry ???
--》y/n you two idiots shut up or i kill you both 🤗
|| jinkawa dont spoil him too much y/n-chan...
--》y/n how cant i ??? Just look at him HE IS ADORABLE 😭😭😭
--》shidaken 🤮🤮🤮
--》odajima you being jealous 💕
--》sachio yes they are
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Liked by fujio,tsukasa and 123 others
Y/n my biggest supporter 🥺 best leader 😭💕
|| fujio always. 💕💕
--》y/n 🥺💕
|| tsukasa who took this pic?
--》nakagoshi me
|| todoroki because you are dumb and he is dumber
--》tsuji 🤡🤡
--》shibaman ...
|| odajima fujio-kun looks cute here 😄
--》y/n i know ldşfşsşlxşd
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Liked by odajima,shibaman and 144 others
Y/n like old days... ofc todoroki couldnt stand us and left...
|| fujio why
--》y/n cause like i said tsuji&shiba are dumber than us bro 🤜
--》fujio broo 🤛
|| todoroki everday im asking myself why im your friend...
--》y/n so could you find the reason
--》todoroki no
--》shibaman at least he accepted that he is our friend
|| odajima todoroki-kun definetly loves you guys but he will never accept it
--》y/n i know
--》todoroki shut up
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Liked by odajima,todoroki and 200 others
|| todoroki as you can see we are just fishing ? Im not steling your boyfriend calm down 😒😒
--》y/n dude you were literally gonna beat the shit out of me a few months ago FOR DATING HIM ???
--》todoroki yeah he is not that bad
|| odajima babe didn't you like the pic ?
--》y/n no it is not that... never mind... 🔥❤
--》odajima ahsjhwhsjw ❤
|| tsuji y/n-chan definitely will burn the school this time
--》y/n did you know that they went fishing TOGETHER ???
--》shibaman no
--》todoroki it is not a big deal...
--》shibaman you even dont take us and y/n-chan when you go fishing ?
--》y/n but he is taking my boyfriend... 
--》todoroki cause you 3 are too noisy and annoying...
--》y/n mean.
--》shibaman mean.
--》tsuji mean.
--》todoroki ...
|| fujio cool pic 😎😎
--》odajima thanks man
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Liked by odajima,sachio and 243 others
Y/n i cant fix him cause im insane too... happiest birthday to my babe 🥺❤ ilysm ❤ @/odajima
|| odajima ❤
--》y/n ❤
|| tsukasa happy birthday odajima-kun 🙏
--》odajima thanks man 🙏
|| tsuji you never celebrated our bdays like this...
--》y/n i literally made a fckn cake last year for you
--》shibaman we want bday pic
--》y/n im so done with you two...
--》shibaman yeah todoroki says that everyday too
|| mercy it is still weird to see you two dating but happy birthday to Yuken-kun 🍰🌟
--》y/n sometimes it is weird even for us too...
--》odajima thanks bro
|| todoroki when and who took this pic
--》y/n a few days ago and me... why ?
--》todoroki so you were in Housen when i called you ?
--》todoroki i will take this as a yes...
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Liked by todoroki,fujio and 178 others
Y/n because of his old dudes attacked tsuji&shiba, he doesnt let me walk alone... nice to have strong friends :D 💕
|| todoroki  if something happens to you housen will kill us 💕
--》y/n i thought you love me for a second 💔
--》todoroki no i dont.
|| tsuji you didn't have to write it here
--》y/n :D
|| fujio he looks happy :D
--》y/n i know :D
|| odajima babe everyone knows you dont need protection...
--》y/n yeah but annoying todoroki-kun is more fun
--》odajima sometimes i feel really sorry for him
--》todoroki yeah me too...
--》y/n you are my boyfriend... 😭😭
|| todoroki when did you even take this pic ?
--》y/n idk but you look handsome here
--》todoroki thanks.
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Liked by odajima,sachio and 157 others
Y/n he made me his personal photographer but i love him. 😍❤
|| odajima  i look more handsome when you take the photos 💕
--》y/n what can i say... it is a god-given talent
--》odajima yeah yeah whatever
|| fujio i need a photographer too
--》y/n idc find tsukasa
--》tsukasa no, thanks.
--》fujio ☹☹
241 notes · View notes
velvetlilacsdaisies · 3 months
Flames & Weapons pt. ii
OC!Fem!Reader x Garrick Tavis, OC!Fem!Reader x Bodhi Durran
Word count: 4k
Synopsis: What happens when you attend Basgiath war college as an infantry cadet with your lover, your ride or die best friend and your twin brother? Alot of fucking shit. Follow the story of our oc’s Allie Henrick and Katia Lalley as their bond of friendship remains strong as their dynamics of life change around them. What happens when they meet two fellow first year riders in their first year? Will their world change forever? Then again nothing can be as expected in war college. Stay tuned as our oc's become badass infantry cadets.
Warnings: drinking, swearing, fighting, mentions of blood, non canon shenanigans
A/n: welcome to part 2! This shall be a treat for @garricks4thwingqueen to wake up to bc she had no idea I was posting this today 🤭 I had a week from hell at work, and made up for it by sleeping for 17 hours 🤩 (I could honestly sleep longer). Anyway i love writing this series and can’t wait to get to the other parts Al has drafted! I hope you guys enjoy part 2!! Comments, likes, reblogs are always appreciated to us! 🩷
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Allie’s POV
I promised myself I wasn't going to cry over his ass," I grumbled, furiously wiping my cheeks.
"Look at it this way." He said with a smirk on his face. “We don’t have to act like his jokes are funny anymore.”
I looked up at him, puzzled. He still held on to me, but I couldn’t find the nerve or sensibility to pull away. “His jokes weren’t funny?”
He cringed, “you thought so?” He let one of his arms slip from my waist and rub the back of his neck. “I didn’t know where the punchline began or where it ended.” I pondered on what he said. A lot of Zach’s jokes were childish and it was more funny to watch him sputter an explanation to his jokes.
“They were…alright.” I decided. That had been one of the biggest reasons I liked Zach admittedly at first, he made me laugh like no other. Compared to Garrick’s humor, who had always been dry and sarcastic, that was one of the reasons I got along with the rider so well. The two were just a night and day difference in every aspect.
Garrick chuckled and gods that became one of my favorite sounds in the last several months. The feeling of his chest vibrating already calming me down. "Can you take off those rose colored glasses yet, Al?”
I sighed, finally pulling away from him. His warmth lingering on me, and the scent of his musk mixed with sandalwood and the hint of the bourbon he had been sipping still evading my senses.
“There off I swear, they’ve been off.” I frowned. I came to that realization three months ago, but there was a part that had hoped it could go back to the way it was.
“Why’d it take so long then?” He questioned. “You’re not alone in this, y’know?” He had that softened look in his hazel eyes again, the one that he reserved for a select few. How I was deemed worthy enough for it, still remained a mystery to me, but it was always appreciated. “You know I’ll always be here for you.” He said earnestly. “Drew, Kati, and Xade too.” He then added.
I was about to respond, but clattering of glasses, chairs skirting against the floor, and the prominent shouting of Katia made us pull our attention to the door.
“Gods what did she do now?” I groaned to myself.
Garrick chuckled again, putting his hand on the small of my back leading me into the commotion of the bar.
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Katia’s POV
“I should go check on her,” my leg bouncing up and down rapidly, picking at the corner of my thumb. I kept flitting my eyes towards the door.
Xaden smirked, casually resting his arm behind me on the booth. “I wouldn’t worry about it, she has the guard dog with her.”
I gave him an incredulous look. “What kind of best friend does that make me not to follow her?”
“A good one,” he said, like it was obvious. I blinked a couple times watching him crack a crooked grin. “Maybe it’ll help her open her eyes to the better suitor.” He leaned down so I’d only hear.
Scoffing, I took a sip of my drink. “I don’t condone that.”
I watched across the table, seeing Drew try to get into an arm wrestling match with Bodhi.
I thought Xaden was attractive, but his younger cousin was a sight to see. Shorter than the older cousin, but still towered over Drew and Sawyer, his dark hair curly flopping over his forehead, and a boyish smile never leaving his face since Allie and I walked in. Way more charismatic than Xaden too, it took a month for me to get a smile out of him. I almost thought the older rider had a permanent scowl on his face. While his cousin never seemed to take his smile off. How were they related?
“Why because he’s a rider?” He mused.
“No, because I don’t want to encourage her to hop into another relationship after ending one. One that she had been in since she was 19.” I tried to say in a hushed tone.
He nodded, “right, right. A relationship that only she was in apparently.”
“Riorson, be quiet please.” I went back to watching the arm wrestling match that Bodhi had started. He was now up against Imogen, who was doing a better job at keeping up than Drew. She was another anomaly to me, not speaking a word to us when we entered, seeming irritated that we had even joined the escapades tonight.
Apparently this night was just going to keep heading in the opposite direction than planned as a loud guffaw of laughter broke out. Causing all of us to turn to the new presence at our table.
“Sawyer?!” Zachariah said in disbelief, strolling up to our table. “No way you’re a rider?”
I glared at the sandy brunette as Xaden removed his arm behind me, straightening up.
“Yeah,” Sawyer grimaced, trying to be polite, his knuckles whitening around his glass. I sat up in my seat too, ready to attack—verbally or physically I hadn’t decided. Maybe both? It was hard enough to bite my tongue during classes, and I found myself having to sit on my hands more often than not. The gods testing how thin my patience could get, but now out in public off school grounds…Zach better pray to Malek.
“That’s so right on, just like your parents! I knew you’d get in!” He acted as if we were oblivious to everything that had happened the last forty eight hours. It made my blood boil, and there was no way I would bite my tongue.
“Zachariah, you’re not going to introduce us to your new girlfriend?” I interrupted his reunion with the freckled man that was sitting across from me. I could see Chiara a reasonable distance away from our table at the bar. I’m glad she can read a room at least.
“Hey Kati,” he greeted sheepishly, his cheeks reddening. By now our table quieted and went into predatory stances. Drew got up from his chair, any amusement drained from his face. “Drew.” He acknowledged, clearing his throat.
“Dude,” Drew said with an edge to his tone. “Why are you even over here right now?”
“It was a mutual breakup, we can still be friends right?” He held up his hands defensively. He was lying through his teeth, trying to play it cool.
“Are you kidding me?” I laughed dryly. “What delusion are you living in?”
“She said it herself, we’re better off not together.” He tried to justify.
I stood up putting my palms on the table, “I hope she’s worth it.” Glancing back over to the blond sat at the bar. She looked uncomfortable as we made eye contact, quickly averting her attention.
He chuckled nervously, “Allie did tell you it was mutual right? Right?” I shook my head, my heart hammering in my ears. The two glasses of lavender lemonade did not help the impending rage I felt.
“Drew you understand right?”
He shook his head as well, “I can’t defend you anymore. I told you from the start if you hurt her what would happen. The only reason I hadn’t was because of her.”
“You know how your sister can get. She can be crazy and a pathological liar!”
In a matter of seconds, Drew had Zach against the wall by the collar of his shirt. Glasses flying off the table, with people jumping out their chairs at the sudden commotion. I’m ready to launch myself at him, but Xaden has an arm around my waist holding me back.
“Stop projecting your flaws on my sister! Cheating isn’t fucking mutual.” Drew spat, before punching him square in the jaw. “I’ve had to watch for years as you treated her like shit!”
Sawyer had a weak hold on the back of his cousin’s shirt. He didn’t seem to care if Zach would be pummeled to a pulp or not and I didn’t blame him.
I still tried wiggled to get out of Xaden’s grasp shouting at Zach. “I will make your life a living hell! Do you understand?!”
Xaden’s grip loosened the slightest to adjust me, but I was already out of his clutch launching towards the beaten man. Just as I could get close enough to get my hands on him another set of arms grabbed my waist.
“I’m just assuming I shouldn’t let you do whatever you have planned.” Bodhi’s arms an iron grip around me.
“You’re assuming right!” Xaden shot over snappily, instead now trying to get Drew off of Zach. The pair now in a full blown fight.
Allie and Garrick came in, both looking gobsmacked at the event before them. They hadn’t even been gone for 20 minutes, and we had created utter chaos within the hour of arriving at the tavern.
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Allie’s POV
“Less than 5 fucking minutes.” I mumbled under my breath that was just loud enough for Garrick to hear as he tightened his grip around my waist. “What in the actual fuck Zach?” I could practically feel steam coming out of my ears from how heated I was.
By then Sawyer and Xaden had pulled Drew off of him, Chiara entering the picture to make sure Zach was alright. I glowered at the sight of her touching his face making sure he wasn’t too hurt.
“Your cousin started it.” He insisted, spitting blood out on to the tiled floor.
“Sawyer, I highly doubt that.” I rolled my eyes as I felt Garrick stiffen at my side as a bartender who had to be an inch or two taller then Garrick came over.
“I’m going to have to ask you all to leave. I have zero tolerance for fighting in my establishment.” He huffed and walked away as Xaden started to protest, but Garrick lifted a hand to stop his friend.
“I’d rather be elsewhere anyway. “ I said, being the first turn from the now cluttered corner. The rest of my friends trailing behind.
“Welcome to hell!” Katia spat at the new couple, Bodhi still gripping on her arm gently leading her out.
The group was quiet as we walked down the path back to Basgiath. Though I was still slightly upset, had to crack a small smile.
“You know Kati, I’m shocked it wasn’t you who had him by the collar.” She was now walking by my side, her hand interlocked with mine.
“I damn well tried.” she muttered, side-eyeing Xaden the whole time.
“Oh she really did try.” Xaden snickered, who was walking in front of us with Bodhi. She tried to swat him in the back of the head, he quickly dodged her laughing at her lousy attempt.
“You should have let her get some shots in.” Imogen huffed to the taller man. “Maybe getting kicked out of the bar would have been worth it.” She kicked a pebble down the path, walking next to my brother.
“She’s already banned from Doyle’s, she does not need to be banned anywhere else.” To my left I saw Katia mimicking him then flipping him off secretly. I peered behind my shoulder, and saw a small smirk on Imogen’s face, but it quickly disappeared as we made eye contact.
“He tried saying it was a mutual break up.” Drew spat, ignoring the banter. “And all these nasty things about you.”
Garrick walked on the other side next to me as I felt him tense; gods help me if the two males were ever in the same vicinity again. “Bullshit, he deserved all he got tonight. I’ll add a few punches next time.” Garrick said.
“Let me join next time, I read up on some nifty torture methods last night.” Katia mumbled to herself.
I laughed, “sometimes I think you might be Malek reincarnated.”
She grinned wickedly in response, as Drew came in between us. “Don’t give her ideas, I’ll end up being her guinea pig.”
“I’m glad I’m all the way across a parapet from her evil genius ideas.” Sawyer bristled quietly. Drew elbowed him as warning.
“You guys act like I’m so mean?” Katia shot back defensively.
“You are!” Drew, Sawyer, and I said at the same time. The other riders found that amusing choking back chuckles.
“Out of love though.” She pouted.
“Bless whoever you get into a relationship with then, Lalley.” Sawyer rolled his eyes.
By the time we reached Basgiath it had started to storm. The smell of wet moss and cobblestone permeated the air when we got to the iron gate.
“I’ll walk you to your room.” Gare said to me quietly as we walked through the quiet tunnels and staircases.
“I’m fine plus the rider's quadrant is too far.” I started to protest, reaching the main tunnel that connects to all the quadrants.
“I’ll catch up with you guys later.” Garrick told the other four. Xaden merely patted his best friend’s back and gave a subtle nod to me as they walked by. I waved to them, continuing to walk towards the dormitories with Garrick, Katia, and Drew in tow.
Drew held his lip, hissing to himself when we reached the second year hallway in the infantry quadrant.
“Are you going to be okay?” I asked, trying to examine his injuries. They weren’t nearly as bad as Zach’s, but his lip would take a few days to heal and for the stray bruises to disappear.
My best friend swatted me away, grabbing Drew’s hand. “He has nurse Katia to handle him.” She beamed at my twin brother. “Go, go you crazy kids!” She shooed Garrick and I away before dragging Drew to her room. I couldn’t help but laugh watching him turn and give us a ghostly face.
Katia was seldomly nice or nurturing, especially to Drew, I knew she was only doing it for my sake. Maybe she was actually going to take him to make him her guinea pig, she’s done it since we were children. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.
I led Garrick to my room talking about everything. Debriefing the night, telling stories of our childhoods, no topic left unturned. He was sitting in the cushy leather chair in the corner of my quaint room, his feet propped on the matching ottoman.
“What’s Imogen’s deal, she wasn’t particularly talkative with us?” I asked, sitting at my desk, braiding my hair for bed.
“Oh Imogen, she’s harmless—for the most part. She'll warm up eventually.” Garrick chuckled as he twiddled his thumbs watching me as I pulled more hair over my shoulder. “Drew may want to give up though she’s more into girls.”
Now it was my turn to chuckle, facing him. “Leave it to my brother, finding the sexually unavailable ones.”
Garrick shook his head, something unreadable in his eyes. “Never say never, there still could be hope.”
I raised an eyebrow at him, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“She has her ‘I’m strictly dickly’ phase once a year as she says.” He looked anywhere, but me. A red flush creeped up his neck.
“You and her hooked up, haven't you?!” I laughed, watching him become flustered. Of course his type was the eccentric badass ones, unsure to why I felt the pit of my stomach drop at the thought. I brushed the thought away, forcing a grin on my face turning back to the small mirror at my desk.
“It was a one night stand back when we were 18. I think I was the one that caused her sexual awakening for women honestly.” He casually played it off, which caused me to genuinely laugh as he then changed the topic.
I eventually paused our storytelling to go to my bathroom to change into my pajamas and get ready for bed. Still talking from the bathroom, but I heard the rider grow quiet from the other room. I peered out the threshold while brushing my teeth to see Garrick had fallen asleep in the chair. The usually hard exterior man looked so peaceful and uncomfortable sleeping there. Crunched up in the small chair. Most furniture didn't seem to fit him properly, I’ve noticed.
Finishing with my night routine, I walked over to him. I shook his shoulder gently. “Gare, wake up.” I said softly. He wasn’t budging. “Gary c’mon.”
He grumbled, startling, “I hate being called that.”
I smiled slightly, ignoring him. “Do you want to sleep in my bed, and just leave in the morning?” I asked sheepishly. Garrick was my friend, why did this feel all so intimate? Almost awkward.
Garrick grumbled again this time more incoherently, assumingly to protest staying as he was trying to pull his jacket on, but ultimately gave up. “Move over.” He muttered, grabbing the throw blanket that was on the back of the chair.
I scooted under my covers, giving him more room to lay, while he laid on top next to me using the smaller blanket. The full size bed was a tight squeeze for both of us to comfortably have an appropriate amount of room.
“You know you can get under the covers, I’m not going to bite.” I poked his shoulder.
“Outside clothes,” he groggily mumbled, turning to face me. “From the tavern.”
“Didn’t clock you for someone who worried about that kind of stuff.” I raised an eyebrow, facing him as well.
He said something I couldn’t quite understand, falling asleep before my eyes. I guess it was time for bed, we had spent the last two hours talking.
For a man he had long eyelashes, I observed, and despite him being paler I couldn’t help to admire the light freckles that randomly sprinkled his face. I still attest to when I first saw him that Amari sculpted him herself, even when he was crunched into my smaller full size bed not easily fitting a six foot six inch man. His arm is covered in intricate patterns of the relic that was engraved five years ago tucked underneath his head, the patterns flexing against his bicep.
He and Xaden never mentioned what had happened that day, I only knew from reports, my friends remaining quiet about the topic when Katia, Drew, and I asked.
I eventually let sleep take over after being a creep for a couple more minutes. Thinking of the whirlwind of events that had happened in only three days.
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I woke to loud talking outside my door and the sound of pots and pans clanging. “Up and at ‘em cadets!”
I sat up from my bed, having to overlook the fact that Garrick’s arm slid off me. He was still over the covers, but was holding me. At what point of the night had that happened? More banging on my door panicked me slightly, pulling me out of my thoughts. What was going on? Was there trouble?
“Good Morning to you too.” He mumbled with a raspy breath as I jumped out of bed. While he stretched casually, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes
“Good Morning. You can’t be here.” I deadpanned. I walked around my room, finding my uniform, and rucksack.
“Ouch, thanks Allie, that makes me feel real good.” He feigned hurt, as I teasingly chucked a hair pin at him.
“I wouldn’t care usually—but what time is it?” I asked, peeking out the window. The sun was just starting to rise, invading the dark blue sky with hints of orange and pink.
“6:30” Garrick replied sleepy, not sensing my urgency as I scrambled to get ready.
“Shit.” This must be the RSC the third year infantry and Professor Lieutenant Stone has told us about. They’d choose random Saturdays to bring us second years out to the forest with our squads and test our survival skills. At least I hadn’t drank enough last night to be hungover for this moment right now.
“What’s going on?” Garrick asked as more banging on the doors, and caused him to finally jump out of bed.
“Up and at ‘em Squad leader Henrick, get your cadets ready. RSC starts now.” The gruff voice of Professor Lieutenant Stone rang from the other side of my door before hearing his stomping footsteps retreat.
I groaned, covering my face. “No weekends off?” Garrick shrugged on his jacket.
“Apparently not,” I made my way to my door, unlocking it, and peeking out. Cadets were still everywhere as I quickly closed the door, and locked it again. “We have to get you out without being seen.”
“You don’t want to be caught with a rider in your room?” Garrick grinned sarcasm dripping off his tongue.
I rolled my eyes, “I’m glad you find a sick pleasure in all this. But believe me you don’t want to mess with Professor Lieutenant Stone. Drew already learned the hard way last year.” I explained. A rapid knocking started at my door. “I’ll be right there!” I shouted, as I took off my pajamas. Not quite caring if Garrick was still watching me, as I slid on my uniform pants, and then the dark blue t-shirt. Another array of frivolous knocks sounded.
“Squad leader Henrick!” Katia’s curt tone never failed to make me want to laugh. I walked over, and unlocked the door again to let her in. I buttoned my pants, throwing my short sleeve uniform over top, looking at my best friend as she skirted in breathlessly. She then froze, noting it wasn’t just her and I.
Her brunette hair perfectly slicked back with her hat nestled on top of the crown of her head all ready to go in her navy summer uniform. Her green eyes looked amused as she took in my rushed appearance and Garrick in the corner.
“Squad leader Henrick!” She scoffed scandalously at the sight. I gave her a pointed look for her to cut her shit. I didn’t need Katia antics at the moment.
“Cover for me?” I begged. A flash of apprehension showed on her features as she studied the tall broad rider who was awkwardly standing there, before she fixed her lips with a smirk.
“Fine, but owe me a patrol shift this Wednesday.” She decided, walking to the door and escaping the room.
“What was that look?” Garrick scratched the back of his head.
I shrugged, sitting at my desk chair, tugging my boots on. “Not sure, Kati’s…Kati.” Was all I could chop it up to. I made sure I had everything in my rucksack. Compass. Canteen. Map. Plant guide. Provisions. Matches. First aid. All there.
I sighed, slinging the bag over my shoulder. “I would leave in thirty minutes. The halls should be cleared, and by then first and third years should have made their way to the mess hall.” I told him, as I walked to my door. I went to reach for the handle, but stopped turning to Garrick. He made himself at home sitting on the leather chair with one of my geography books. “Thanks, again for staying with me last night. I actually slept for once.”
He offered me a small smile. “Of course.” It seemed he was going to say more as he was cut off by Katia yelling on the other side of the door.
“And that's my final cue.” I waved, closing my door, meeting an annoyed Katia on the other side.
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader Instagram AU
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Liked by yourusername, urbanwyatt, yourbestiename, neelamthadhani, and 6,456,379 others
jackharlow That’s all mine 😮‍💨🤞🏼 at work with wifey.
View all 1,800 comments
urbanwyatt More Harlow babies please
jackharlow Coming right up!!!!!!
yourusername EXCUSE ME????? Mia needs to be at least 5 until the next baby.
urbanwyatt Lmao who are you trying to lie to? You’ll be giving in soon.
jackharlow She really is 🤪
yourbestiename Holy mamacita 🔥 let me borrow her for a night please.
jackharlow UM NOOOO
yourbestiename It’s either me or Gerardo
urbanwyatt Who the fuck is Gerardo?
yourbestiename G Eazy
jackharlow YOU FOUL FOR THAT!!!
urbanwyatt 💀
theestallion Can you fight?
jackharlow Why?
theestallion Because I’m trying to get at wifey and we might have to fight over her.
yourusername You don’t ever have to fight over me, I’m all yours, you just say the words 🤪
jackharlow BABE NO
yourusername Booooringgggg 😏
jackharlow added to their story
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, badbunnypr, yourbestiename, and 6,224,876 others
yourusername My man, my man. I can’t wait to give him more babies 😊😉😝
View all 1,600 comments
urbanwyatt WHAT DID I SAY????
yourusername What 🙈
jackharlow Urb leave my wife alone, she wants more babies, I do what she says 😛
yourusername 🤪🤪🤪
druski2funnny That’s OUR man sis.
yourusername DRU GO AWAY!!!!
druski2funnny You’re just mad he prefers me
yourusername It’s okay, I’m the only one who can give him babies.
druski2funnny Are you sure about that?
yourusername WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN???
druski2funnny It means, watch your back and your “man” because I can take him away whenever.
yourusername I hate you.
yourusername added to their story
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Liked by yourusername, urbanwyatt, 2forwoyne , brysontiller, and 8,567,235 others
jackharlow Last night was date night, then today is back on dad mode. Mia keeps us on our toes all day 😅
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yourusername She’s definitely a wild one and her Padrino doesn’t make it any easier on us.
urbanwyatt Thats my little partner in crime so of course I need to show her ways of how to annoy y’all.
jackharlow I’ll remember this for when you have a kid of your own.
yourbestiename GOD ME WHEN??? 😢
urbanwyatt 🤨
yourbestiename Can I help you?
urbanwyatt Can I help YOU? You want babies? Get your ass over here now!!!!
yourbestiename 🤭🤭🤭🤭
druski2funnny Next thing we know y/n and yourbestiename are going to pop out with the news that they’re having kids. I’m tired of this shit. Ya get married and start fucking to have kids. Like I just want to go to a strip club with my boys not no dads.
yourusername & here I was going to hook you up with one of my girls.
yourbestiename Same here.
druski2funnny WAIT NOW HOLD UP
jackharlow Btw my wife doesn’t really care if I go to a strip club.
yourusername Shit I’ll go too.
yourbestiename I’ll even let Urb throw some cash my way.
druski2funnny Like he doesn’t do that on a daily basis 🙄
yourbrothername Can y’all go be nasty under another post that isn’t my niece?
jackharlow How do you think she got here?
yourusername JACKMAN THOMAS HARLOW!!!!!
jackharlow You’ll be screaming that when we make baby number 2 😏😏😏
yourbrothername This is why I stay away from the group chats and social media. I’ve had enough.
claybornharlow WELCOME TO MY LIFE!!!!
yourusername added to their story
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yourusername added to their story
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Karina x reader; reader is one of the other aespa leaders sister and is strictly off limits to the other members but Karina can’t help herself from having feelings for reader and reader feels the same way so they secretly start dating and readers sister finds out and she forbids them from seeing each other but she soon accepts it after noticing that both Karina and reader are sad and depressed
sorry if it’s too long bestie 😭
Hey bestie, sorry for making you wait, but the title "master of procrastinating" is something I'm proud of lol. Also, I want a secret love with Karina too🤭
Karina X Fem!Reader
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Jimin knows well what it means to be the youngest and the oldest in a group of people: she's the youngest daughter in her family and the oldest member in Aespa. However, the sense of protection towards a younger sister is an unknown feeling for her; on the contrary Gigi knew it so well at that point. It was not a case the fact that the two of them had a huge fight over you...
But let's take a step back. Who are the characters of our story? Aespa members obviously, and also you, Giselle's younger sister. As her sibling, meeting the other girls, becoming their friends and spending time with them alone was only natural. But maybe having feeling for one of them was not in the plans.
Karina was fast in entering in your heart. Maybe It was because Gigi talked about you to her, but Rina seemed to know you perfectly since the first moment. She was not just an incredibly beautiful girl, she was also a splendid person inside. Always ready to cheer you up and making you have the time of your life.
On the other hand, you completely took over Jimin' mind. The fact that you were so kind, fun and supportive in such a natural way made Karina think about you 24/7. But thinking was not enough for her, so you two started to hang out more and soon the hangouts became dates.
Now, all of this sounds awesome, right? Yes and not. Even if Karina was just following her heart, her mind was telling her that it was wrong. Aeri clearly told them that you were off-limits for them. For her you were still a child, and one of her best friend dating HER child was just unacceptable.
Rina tried to interrupt the dates, but you two were too whipped to each other to really do something about it, so you just chose the worst option: dating secretly. You and Jimin really tried her best to be sneaky on it and it was kinda working for a period of time, but sometimes just a breath of wild is enough to destroy a Castle of cards.
In fact one day you and Rina were in her room, just cuddling and having a nice time, when out of nowhere you simply started to make out. The problem is that you were not alone at their dorm..."Hey Jimin, did you see the last episode of...WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?", Gigi shout so loudly making you two shake in fear.
"Go out, NOW!", she ordered to you, making you basically run away from their dorm. "And you, Jimin, you are a Snake. Using my sister in that way...you make me sick! Don't talk to her ever again!", she was furious with Karina, her screams could be heard in all the building.
The next weeks were...so tense and sad. Both you and Rina tried to explain the situation to Aeri, telling her that you two really loved each other, but she didn't want to listen to any reason, making you so upset and the leader so sad. You then decided to not speak to your sister and Karina left to Ning the lead of the group until she was able to do it again.
However over time, doubts started creeping in Giselle's mind, wondering if maybe she had been too quick in judgement. And soon the doubt become the truth, knowing the both you and Rina cried every night about that story. She had to do something about it.
You were talking on the phone with one of your best friend, Somi, when you heard knocking on the door of your room, before seeing your sister came in. "Hey, sis, what are you doing?", she said, trying to sound casual about it. "I'm talking with Somi, did you want to ban me to talk to her too?", you rudely answered her. Oh boy, you were still so angry. "No, sis, listen, I just want to talk to you...I have something to say", she softly spoke, coming to see on your bed next to you.
Gigi hardly remembers you hugging her so tightly like when she gave you the permission to date Karina again. And also, it was a first time seeing Jimin so affectionate like when she met you again after all that time. Karina was holding you like you were the important thing in her life...and probably you were.
Seeing you two hug look at each other made Aeri fell only more guilty. Maybe it was time to apologize. "Sis, I'm sorry...you are old enough to decide who date", she said, on the verge of crying. "And Jimin, I'm sorry for the horrible things I said to you...just...treat her nicely and give her a lot of love, she's still my baby sister after all", she added, starting to sob.
You two ran to hug her and stayed in that position for a while, making her calm down. It was just a nice and wholesome moment of reconciliation. Soon the sad period became something to joke about, a fun memory, because now all was in the perfect place.
You and Jimin were openly dating, well, maybe not open to Dispatch and the media, but at least you didn't have to hide from your own sis. It was nice for Karina to finally hold you in the dorm without the fear of Gigi, even if she still insisted in not wanting to see you two kiss. And talking about Gigi...how funny that soon she started to date Somi.
Finally it's done, bestie. I hope you like it, maybe it's more angst than fluff, but at least we have a good ending, right?🙈❤️
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Ohshit request are open for a limited time I’m doin my favorite HC I aint missing this shit
may I request headcannons for Maki, Mikan, Mahiru, and Kaede
as older sisters (platonic of course stfu pedos) catching her little brother in the middle of a fight with a kid from his middle school he hates? And lil bro aint losing by any means He’s actually like, REALLY fucking the other kid up; swollen eye, missing teeth, bloody mouth and nose, you name it. They’re in the middle of a field and there’s multiple kids also from the school recording the fight. The lil bro is undamaged for the most part, with a couple of minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises. When he notices his big sis is present he literally goes “Aw shit….”. How do you think they’d intervene IF YOU THINK THEY WOULD?
Anyway hope your break is going well and I had a quick question if you don’t mind me asking; what happened to your poetry blog? If it’s personal or something like you don’t gotta answer. Okay have a great day
Hi! I can absolutely do this! And it's going alright! I had deleted my poetry blog tbh, I haven't really posted anything on it so I felt like it was a bit of a storage box just sitting there 💀 but maybe I'll make it again, it depends 😘
Thank you so much for requesting! ❤️
Characters: Maki, Kaedes, Mikan, Mahiru
(platonic, siblings)
Male reader but can be interpreted as gn or female if you so wish❤️
She shows up once she heard from Kaito and everything silences. If you saw the look on her face you'd be running (and people did-). She wasn't having it and told you to stop.
She then took you too see Mikan (she didn't trust the nurse at your school), she didn't give a shit about the other kid. Maki sat you down and told you,
"hey kid. Listen, as much as I'm proud of you for not losing the fight, you can't go around beating people up. Don't want you getting hurt. Okay? Be more careful"
After Mikan aided you she took you home (Mikan insisted it, she didn't want you getting more hurt than you are). Once you guys got home, y'all watched some TV till she had to go to work (assassin 🤭) and kaedes and kaito came over to hang out with you (Maki totally didn't tell them to check up on you while she was gone-🤫) she came home to you in bed asleep and kaito eating your chips 💀 he sure as hell learned a lesson from that
She ran as soon as she could to your school when she heard from one of your friends that you were in a fight.
She's disappointed but knows she can help you get better with her ultimate, so she takes you to her school because she's scared to leave you home alone while she's gone.
Once she patches you up, she asks her teacher is you can stay with her and ms.yukizome let's her. Once gotten home she lightly scolds you and tells you to eat and get some sleep.
"p-please get some sleep, I'm sorry for not coming sooner! I-ill try talking with your teacher about your classmate. Please don't try doing that again unless absolutely needed!"
She's a sweet sister, she just worries about you! ❤️🥺
She had got a call from the office after the fight and came to your school, she didn't really care if she missed class. shuichi would help her catch up with school work.
She scolded you once you guys got home. Your mom (if you have one, you can replace with your guardian) was home and She told her what happened. Let's just say you were in trouble 🥶
"little man 😡 you can't just go around fighting people. Don't do it again okay? Okay! Now go take a shower you stink"
She got a phone call from the nurse in your school as your father wasn't answering the phone (she has daddy issues so you do too) and was angry. She walked all the way to your school to pick you up and then scolded you on your way home.
Once home she told you to clean up GENTLY while she cleaned and made dinner. She contemplated on getting one of her classmates to ensure your okay but decided against it since she didn't wanna bother them. Honestly you got off lucky in terms of the fight. Shed probably have to have a talk with the kids parents.
"listen. Your supposed to be the bigger person. I don't want to get anymore phone calls that you've been in fights. Got it?"
I hope you liked this!! ❤️ It was fun writing and I'm sorry for the delay on it
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hopelessbluebird · 6 months
What're your favorite details about Gin?
Gin is the port mafia’s best assassin only coming short of Verlaine (this man is literally called the king of assassins) she is extremely dangerous and fast, her kill count isn’t measured but she’s been in the Port for as long as her brother so it’s probably really high, estimated to be around the high hundreds, she is incredibly smart aswell as a fast thinker, the only people that can even come close to her skill hand to hand are Tanizaki Jun’Ichiro, and Tachihara Michizo, Gin isn’t an ability user, all of her skill is pure humanity, those two are and they struggled when fighting her, Junichiro only came close to giving her a struggle because of light snow and Tachihara only won because he was using his ability, had gained her trust and had staged a surprise attack.
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and on top of that she’s incredibly calculating, she is caring when it comes to Tachihara, Hirotsu, and her brother, (sometimes Higuchi) and when Katai was following her she effortlessly lost him in crowds then went to dawn her mask and port mafia clothing as to escape.
i am litterally tearing at the walls of my brain to explain this in a way that makes sense to me and the canon, it’s probably not right but stfu
so her boss (Mori) is literally that one creepy uncle, and she joined the port mafia when she was little, and she has that classic japanese beauty in canon, so it could be said she uses her bandages/mask to hide her face, on top of that the port mafia assumes she’s a dude (genderfluid Gin 🤭) and she uses it to her advantage, aswell as her looking like Ryūnosuke anyone could assume that they are siblings and use that to their advantage
her coat and basically her entire main outfit is reminiscent of Suribachi city (the slums) so either she is unashamed of where she comes from or she never really moved from that way of dressing, she wears these gloves that honestly probably help with her grip and comfort when she’s fighting, even in her day outfit she’s dressed for utility, her dress is light and she easily blends into crowds, i don’t believe she wore heels i think she wore flats but those are incredibly easily to move in, so her guard is always up, she knows when she’s being watched at all time and responds accordingly
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her brother is Ryūnosuke and it shows. anyway she was trained by Verlaine Paul and Dazai themselves, and probably kouyou aswell. she’s one of the commanders of the Mafia’s guérilla squadrons, (The Black Lizard) and she’s close with Hirotsu and Tachihara as they’re the other commanders👍
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personasintro · 2 years
ahhh mimiii!!! i was able to continue reading MH yesterday night and i'm here to tell you my thoughts 💥😩
sis. the smut??? i died😩 WHEN HE SAID "you're driving me insane" I RAN LAPS😭🫡 i honestly don't feel like y/n was being used during their sex cause she said she wants it and jungkook wanted it too🤷🏻‍♀️ it was frustrating when they kept arguing i wanted to slap them ughhh but i also understand they're both confused and experiencing new emotions aka jealousy 🫠 but why is no one talking about the fact that yoongi called jk hot?🫠 i'm proud i didn't use to hate ester and i still don't 💪🏼 she's honestly so sweet and kind!!🤍 i loved seeing yoongi making new friends 🥹 and that sunscreen part DAYUM😩 seeing jungkook angry is actually so hot i don't mind it🤭
i still don't know where readers come up with these conclusions 😭 i really didn't think that y/n going to clean the "dirt" off has a double meaning until i went to see the comments 😭 and y/n was NOT being weak she's just confused that's why she agreed on having sex BUT i'm not saying it was the best solution 🙅🏻‍♀️
one of the best chapters if you ask me🙌🏼 thank you for writing!! 💜💜💜💜
Awe, I’m so happy you enjoyed it!! Honestly there are a lot of moments that weren’t discussed!! For example this one:
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jk lowkey laughed because of what she told to taehyung and ppl are coming at him in the comments 😭 I thought it was a cute moment between them considering they’re fighting at the moment 🥺
Thank you for your feedback! I’m so happy you enjoyed and loved it 🥹💘🫶
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sluttyminghao · 1 year
nfsw sleeeppppoverrrrr~
first of all congratssss on 7k!!! LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEE YOUR WRITING AND IM DEAD SERIOUS WHEN I SAY MY BEDTIME STORIES HAVE BEEN ME READING STORIES ON YOUR BLOG... i still have some stories left to read but who's counting. LOVE EVERYTHING THAT I READ SO FARRRR💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
for the sleepover, just a thought though imagine that you're at a bar and you spot your ex who cheated on you with some girl (obv coz he's a fboy and you dont know why you got with him in the first place). Then he saw you and wanted to make up with you saying he missed you and all but nopeee we ain't swaying sis. You tell him you moved on and is in a happy relationship just to piss him off. When he doesn't believe you and don't wanna leave you alone, you tell him to fuck off coz you were there with your boyfriend and he can fight. Unfortunately (not so), he tells you to proof it and you randomly point to some random guy you have been eye-ing that night who happens to be cheol😏 (I mean he is buff I'm not wrong am I). Then he tells you to go and kiss him and you do it. You walk towards cheol and pretend to kiss him on his cheek. Flabbergasted at first, you quickly whispered to him sorry and that you will explain everything to him in a while. And your ex comes up to the both of you and said smtg like "Owh, so you're the new boyfriend. But y/n, don't you kiss your boyfriend on the lips?" At this point, you start to argue with your ex saying he's a pervert and all and cheol slowly begins to get what's happening. To your surprise, he grabs you by your waist, pulls you in, kisses you on your lips and then basically told your ex to fuck off. Turns out similar to you, he has been eye-ing you the whole night too. One thing let to another and you know what happenssss...
ahahahahaha byeeee I'm so done with myselfff🤭😂
im so glad you enjoy my works!! <3
also this is such a good idea for a fic omg... i'd write it if I didn't have like 3 other fics in the works rn
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Smoking On My Ex Pack
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, druski2funny, latto777, mariahthescientist, arilennox, sza, and 645,098 others
yourinstagramname: happiest of birthdays to my love and my forever smoking partner urbanwyatt I love you even when you give me a headache 🥴🙃
urbandjackupdates: sis, delete this. he doesn't even claim you. you deserve better 😭
yourinstagramname: that's funny since he just got finished eating my ass like it was his last meal 🥴
druski2funny: I knew those damn twitter likes weren't far off
yourbestfriend: oh so you can smoke with the dude who looks like he could be a walking advertisement for head and shoulders with that long ass hair and not your best friend?
yourinstagramname: yourbestfriend your birthday was two weeks ago, please act accordingly. it's my favorite pisces turn
jackharlow: y/n, did you forget my gift? did it get lost in the mail? and the role of your favorite pisces is ME
yourinstagramname: jackharlow you got a nip slip from me once, that was one gift to last you a lifetime. don't ask me no more. and you iight, you not my favorite tho
cozane: 😭😭😭
jackharlow: yourinstagramname that's funny because you act like me and urb didn't share you that night but imma leave it alone
2forwoyne: I KNEW IT
urbanwyattsource: NOT THEM SHARING Y/N
yourbestfriend: urbanwyattupdates she likes all of her holes to be filled at the same time, urb in the back while she's riding jack lmao
urbandjackupdates: yourbestfriend but, one hole isn't spoken for?
yourbestfriend: urbandjackupdates yes it is, that was the night I sat on her face 🤭🤭🤭
urbanwyatt: all of yall talk too damn much 🙄
urbanwyatt: but I'd do it again too
druski2funny: urbanwyatt lemme watch next time
urbanwyatt: druski2funny no.
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Liked by yourinstagramname, jackharlow, yourbestfriend, cozane, druski2funny, champagnepapi, nemoachida, and 803,462 others
urbanwyatt: best birthday gift that I could ever ask for. Love you baby 💕
urbandjackupdates: I never thought that I would see the got damn day. HE ACTUALLY POSTED HER 😭😭😭
yourbestfriend: lemme eat that ass
urbanwyatt: yourbestfriend back the fuck up, me first
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt love you my urby
jackharlow: not yall fighting over who gets to eat her ass first, goodbye.
yourinstagramname: jackharlow you mad that you didn't get another nip slip? it can be arranged
urbanwyattupdates: Y/N IS FOR THE STREETS!!!!!
jackharlowsource: I mean I'm not mad at her, but how did she bag BOTH jack and urban? me when?!?
yourinstagramname: jackharlowsource this pussy got them in a trance oh and my throat game but I just bagged urban, yall can have the other one. but if I get tired of urban, I might have to switch
jackharlow: 👀
yourinstagramname: jackharlow don't start because I will call your ass out
jackharlow: yourinstagramname I DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING
yourinstagramname: jackharlow is a liar yall. 'I don't cum from head, but you can try though' headass. I HAVE DEBUNKED THE MYTH. I TRIED AND SUCEEDED.
urbanwyatt: yourinstagramname this was a post talking about I loved you and your ass just causes chaos underneath it 🙄😐
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt I'll suck your dick to make up for it
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Liked by theshaderoom, arilennox, mariahthescientist, latto777, estgee, nemoachida, and 239,754 others
siennawatts: late birthday post for my baby daddy urbanwyatt 🥰
can't wait to meet this little girl we created and I hope you see many more birthdays. Love you 💕
druski2funny: ahhhh shit 👀
jackharlow: somebody better hide urbanwyatt from y/n because....
druski2funny: jackharlow ain't you his best friend!?!
jackharlow: druski2funny look y/n goes axe throwing and her aim is good. I don't want NO PARTS.
yourbestfriend: urbanwyatt ain't enough ass eating in the world you can do for her to forgive you for this
cozane: urbanwyatt SHOW YOURSELF
yourbestfriend: and jack is right about the axe throwing part, I almost got in the line of fire and she woulda knocked my head clean off
urbandjackupdates: Y/N! I TOLD YOU! STAND UP BITCH! STAND UP!
urbanwyattupdates: I mean at this point y/n needs jack to get her pregnant
claybornharlow: jackharlow urbanwyatt I can take y/n off of both of your hands because when she sees this, she's coming for blood. jack you may not have had a hand in it, but since you're the best friend, you're guilty by association
Two weeks later, you heard the door to your apartment open and you had a vase in your hand ready to go to throw it at Urban's head. He had you fucked up and you couldn't believe he thought that he could get away with cheating on you.
You were hiding behind the couch and when you heard Urban's footsteps coming closer, you stood up and threw it at him.
"OH SHIT!" Urban exclaimed and jumped out of the way before it hit the wall.
"NO!" You said looking around for something else to throw and your eyes landed on the lamp that Urban had gotten you from Australia and you made a beeline for it which ended in him ducking to try to not get hit.
It shattered against the wall behind him and all he did was look at you in disbelief.
All you did was take a deep breath and slowly lowered it and Urban took this as an opportunity to snatch it away from you.
"She's doing this for attention because I haven't been texting or calling her back."
"Why does she still have your number is the question. If I talked to all of my exes, your ass would have a coronary."
"I- it wasn't the best idea."
"How am I supposed to know it's not yours?" You questioned while raising an eyebrow.
"Because I haven't slept with her since we started dating."
"Hmm, don't believe you."
"What is it going to take for you to believe me?! I only want you!"
"Even though it took you over a year and a half to fucking post me on social media, but the only one you want is me?! I fucking love you, but it only seems like you keep me around in order to keep your bed warm and at the end of the day, I don't mean as much to you as you say I do. I deserve better than that! I see the way you look at other girls when we go out and only pay attention to me when it's convenient for you."
"That... that's not true."
"You don't sound so sure, so until you are, get the fuck out of my apartment and out of my life. Find someone else to suck your dick as good as I do."
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Liked by yourbestfriend, jackharlow, latto777, 2forwoyne, quiiso, nemoachida, urbanwyatt, and 906,524 others
yourinstagramname: I miss my old boo, but I ain't gonna tell him
jackharlow: 👀
jackharlow: I mean you could always call him....
yourinstagramname: jackharlow who said I was talking about urban?
jackharlow: yourinstagramname uh you did when you text me last night
yourbestfriend: well damn jack, just throw her under the bus
urbandjackupdates: not urban liking this pic, he got some nerve
druski2funny: has the baby been born yet?
urbanwyatt: druski2funny fuck off and y/n come on and answer your phone
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt I don't speak to cheaters and I know you see what that cake says above. go be a daddy to that baby because you aren't mine anymore
cozane: y/n! lmaoooooooo
urbanwyattupdates: but can y/n really get mad? she fucked his best friend
yourinstagramname: urbanwyattupdates yes I can get mad because he approved of it and was there the entire time. I never homie hop without approval.
yourbestfriend: no the fuck she didn't lmaoooo CITY GIRLS UPPPPP!
yourinstagramname: selenosunni you up next my boy
selenosunni: wait, now why am I in it? 👀
yourinstagramname: urbandjackupdates and then it's cozane. trying to plow all through PG too by the end of the year. actually give me a month.
urbanwyatt: real mature of you 🙄 do me a favor and check your phone in five minutes
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt sure I'll open it right after I open the dick pick that jackharlow sent me
jackharlow: NO I DIDN'T!
yourinstagramname: jackharlow love you my new boyfriend 😘
yourinstagramname: yourbestfriend no. I like the new me who doesn't give a fuck because clearly my ex boyfriend didn't
You rolled your eyes as you went to open the text message that Urban had sent you. You hovered over it for a few minutes before finally deciding to click on it.
Urban- I admit, I did fuck her but it was only once. Let me make this up to you.
You wanted to stop reading right then and there, but you decided to keep going.
It was a DNA test.
And it was negative.
You- No thanks, I'll just fuck all your homies instead. City girls up 😘
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Persona File…
Emerson Conway
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(Time for Ace to yap about Emery aka me 😋 I got so many nicknames it’s insane. Esp Emo 💀 My dr sis bullies me (lovingly) (ignoring my dumbass scripted that in cause I don’t wannabe an only child </3 and for the shits and giggles) none of this is based on my actual personal info because i’m not that dumb 😨)
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₊˚✩ Basics!!
Name: Emerson Conway
Monikers: Em, Emmy, E, Ems, Emery, Emo, Emer, Emmett, Sonny, Son.
Identity: Nonbinary (They/Them) : Bisexual
Age: 15
Birthday: 04/18/10
Occupation: U.A. first year hero course student, Class 1-A
Voice Claim(s):
English: Princess Bubblegum (Hynden Walch)
Japanese: Aoi Akane (Minako Sato)
Quirk: Tarot Matter (Creating a separate post for it later)
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₊˚✩ Appearance!!
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Lip scar - From childhood accident.
Yellow markings - Unknown cause, but related to quirk. They glow when quirk is active or user is reading tarot.
Double lobe piercing - Often filled with studs but has been seen with other earrings.
Height - Noted to be 5’4” or 162.56 cm.
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₊˚✩ Heroics!!
Name: Moirai
Costume: TBA
Support items: TBA
Internships: I intern with Hawks (I wanted to be near my dr sis.)
Work Studies: I do my first work study with Nighteye or Ryukyu I can’t decide yet. Second work study is with Endeavor.
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₊˚✩ Relationships!!
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Mother: Name : Hero support item and costume designer : Black, green, turquoise
Father: Name : Pro-Hero : Black, green, turquoise
Sister: Ainsley Conway : Pro-Hero : Black, purple, turquoise
Pet: Confetti : Maine Coon : Purple
Pet: Delta : Black Labrador Retriever : Purple
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₊˚✩ Extras!!
I’m rich 😋.
I can’t choose who to date sooo i’ll just see what I do in my Dr fr 😭.
I’m kinda OP but.. My quirk is cool though 🤭.
Probs gonna have to fight Aoyama for my brie /j Yall soft brie and bagel chips are so good omg.
Gonna spoil my friends fr fr‼️
Not related to me but I scripted out a bunch of stuff so Mineta isn’t bad as the show he’s more like Denki. So no creepy creeper on me or the girls <3.
Ik the big three cause they were friends with Ainsley.
Not about me but ik hawks cause him and Ainsley work together sometimes.
Basically will have four years of hero training because i’ll have been one year into Ravenwood (made up american hero school) before moving to go to UA.
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brandiph0 · 5 months
Orange blossom 🌼 school club
Britt: are you guys ready for the school club ?
Emiko: what is a school club anyway?
Britt: oh is hard to explain but is like a regular school but you can do whatever you want
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Liam: this is the school I want to start I hope there’s not any homework and extra work and stuff
Britt: oh no there’s no homework we can do anything we want in this school and it’s a private school
Ali: huh I never knew that
Liam: omg yes let’s go have some fun
Emiko: wait we have to interview together and meet some new students in this class
Nessa: ohh I hope there really nice people
Emiko: I sure hope so
* someone knocks at the door *
Liam: * grab the chair * !
Zee: Liam relax is just the new students * open the door *
Liam: oh yeah * put the chair down * uhh hey
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Ada: hi
Marine: hey
Mai: * see marine and felt surprised * 😯
Kaiyana: Mai Mai… * smack Mai in the head * Mai!!
Mai: ow what the heck Kaiyana ?
Kaiyana: come on bro we have to interact and meet the new students
Mai: oh yeah..right
August: so what’s is your name and where are you from and were going around in the circle I’ll go first I’m August and I’m from Thailand
Zee: I’m zee
Evan: and I’m her brother Evan and we’re from the Philippines
Misaki: oh I been to the trip to at Philippine before
Zee: wow really I never knew that
Misaki: yeah I have some food in that place and is tast really good is called “ Halo-Halo”
Evan: ohh I want to try that
Ada: me too
Juni: I’m Juni and I’m from china and I love listening to heavy metal
Misaki: I’m Misaki and I’m from Jamaica , Japan and Lemi is my boyfriend
Marine: aww that’s so sweet of you
Liam: * chuckles 🤭 * he making me blush sometimes don’t flirt with him
Nessa: sometimes he get a little fem boyish with him when he’s around with Misaki
Liam: no I don’t, anyway I’m Liam and I’m from Turkey and my favorite food is chicken Alfredo
Mai: I really want to hang out at your house
Liam: I’ll text it to you
August: i want some too
Liam: you tried it 5 times you was stuffed up
August: is not my fault it was so delicious
Chouko: come on you guys knock it off, I’m chouko and I’m from Australia and Hong Kong
Mai: my name is Mai
Kaiyana: and I’m his twin sister Kaiyana and we live in US and Japan
Ali: my name is Ali and I’m from Spain I’m a goo jit zu shapeshifter
Britt: I’m his girlfriend Britt and I’m from Purto rico and Brazil
Marine: no way really!?! Your a shapeshifter that so cool
Lunar: can we see?
Ali: maybe some other time because I got into a goo fight with the wilders
Britt: yeah haha
Lunar: ok then my name is lunar and I’m from England
Ada: I’m Ada I’m from South Korea
Emiko: I’m Emiko and I’m from Korea and I love corn cheese
Ada: I love corn cheese I never had one in a while
Nessa: this is gonna be a long talk
* 2 hours later *
Nessa: I’m Nessa and I’m from Taiwan and Ghana sorry my voice is soft because I got to tied last night
Juni: that happened to me when I got really sleepy cause I stay up all night watching wwe Tik tok and then I sleep for an hour until I wake up and stare at the wall
Nessa: for how long?
Juni: it was 12 seconds
Nessa: wow that’s crazy
Mai: * approaches Marine * so uhh you must be..
Marine: Marine, from chile
Mai: oh that’s awesome I saw your handwriting is really pretty
Marine: thanks..you have a good humor sorry I’m not good with compliments
Mai: hey don’t be I been there all the time
Kaiyana: no you don’t
Mai: sis
Marine: 😊
* at the hallway *
Chouko: Misaki can we please see your eyes just once
Misaki: no
Emiko: I bet you don’t make Liam overreact you’re gorgeous…
Misaki: * put his bangs in a ponytail *
Chouko, Ada and Emiko: …. 😧
Liam: babe you’re gonna believe what….your eyes are uhh like a green lily of the valley
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Misaki: …thanks I needed that * cuddles Liam *
Liam: 😵‍💫 don’t get too comfortable
Misaki: I won’t
The girls: * squeal *
* later on the rooftop *
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Evan: the sky is so beautiful
Juni: just like your hair
Evan: wow thx
Juni: you’re welcome Evan
Zee: You such a cherry when you’re red
Kaiyana: oh stop it
(( the end))
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