#it's not like i never play cheaply made video games either like i do. and i enjoy them!
sekai-no-koi · 5 months
i do wish the graphics were better. or maybe just different? if they had to switch to a different style as opposed to point-and-click, i would've liked a 2D visual novel or something. also if they haven't improved on the graphics, the chances of the controls being the same are pretty high, right?
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petnews2day · 2 years
Backyards: a shelter from the hurting
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/small-pet-news/backyards-a-shelter-from-the-hurting/
Backyards: a shelter from the hurting
Parts of our lives exist and will have only existed in our backyards.
I often look back at my backyard as the last place that holds the last of my innocence. The times before I knew of the horrors of the world, before I cared about politics, before I cared about boys and kissed them and before any had ever hurt me. Because my backyard is where I ate ice cream and it melted onto my hands, residue as sticky as Elmer’s glue. It’s where I played pretend and wasn’t myself, but became myself, falling in love with stories and child-like wonder. The backyard is my souvenir of the past, only less cheaply made.
One thing I don’t fully understand is when do we start seeing ourselves and each other outside of our homes? When do we stop being little nuggets running around and waving around fake lightsabers and smooshing junk food we stole from the cabinet into our face? When do we finally realize we have power and can feel powerless (most of the time) outside our backyards? At what point does everything in the world knock you over like a truck and leave you there as roadkill for the rest of time so that you are forever in that state of knowing? When do things switch from being a fever dream to actually being significant?
I don’t know. 
Is it school? When we have a place and space and purpose for everyday, menial things everyday; when we finally leave our parents, either for the morning, day or months; when we push out unicorns and rainbows for ABCs and books and arithmetic and linear algebra, topology, quantum physics, and the history of the Mongols. Everything in our brains from before gets pushed out as goop. Aw, I’ll miss the goop.
Is it our careers? When being a veterinarian actually means taking care of sick dogs or pets that have become actual roadkill, and you don’t have the heart to tell Jimmy that his hamster is not making it. When you have to go into marketing. Tech. Consulting. An accountant? I actually have to be an accountant? I thought that’s what creatives do in the movies until they get their hypothetical “Rent” and become Jonathan Larson and then die. No? Okay cool, I guess I’ll be an accountant.
Or is it when we have nuggets of our own? When kids, with all of their joy and intrinsic pain, are given to you. It’s like Christmas, as in that having a child is a gift and that it’s stressful to get everything right for everyone. Of course, as a parent — and if you celebrate, of course — you are mandated to have a yearly Christmas tree. Real, if you’re cool, and fake, if you’re safe. There should be a star. And home videos, for all occasions — not just for the few holidays sprinkled throughout the year. It means road trips and car games and spotting rare license plates and passing back Cheez-Its to crying red-faced children who’ve just had each other in a chokehold. Are we there yet? And trying not to yell and telling them to shut up without saying shut up because it’s still a bad word and you have yourself censored like a child star on Disney Channel. It means multiple nuggets, each loving each other and hating each other with a familial intensity. 
It means that they’re going to hurt each other. And the people outside of your house, too. Don’t worry, they’ll hurt you. And you’ll hurt them. It’s a never ending cycle of hurt, a wheel of hurt spinning — sometimes hitting harder than other times — as the days move forward. But you’re sending them out into the world, so you have to try to not hurt everyday. You succeed some days. You fail others.
When do things matter? At what point in time do we realize that the world is big, and as much as everyone hurts us, we also hurt others on the smallest scale and the largest?
I don’t know. 
What I do know is that one Saturday afternoon, in my backyard, I was doinked by a baseball by one of my brothers. I was about ten. Though it was an accident and no one was around, I was steaming mad. I was hurt. And humiliated, mainly because I am an asshole, and also because I knew the image of me flailing around to the ground like a ragdoll was sort of funny.
So I did the only sensible thing that made sense for a person that doesn’t know much — I took the styrofoam-padded, hard plastic bat and whacked my brother in the side. When he grabbed there in pain and yanked it away from me, he did the same back to me, and I took the blow all the way down to the floor. 
It hurt, I did know that, and it was something I knew, as I laid amongst the leaves and dirt and toys and everything from before, hurt him just as much. 
And we just kept playing after.
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kinsey3furry300 · 3 years
Three awesome post-GoT series I would commission if I owned any of the Big three Streaming platforms.
Yo! Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+, you have a problem: there are nerds like me who want to give you even more of our time and money, but you’re not making the stuff you should be.  Following the hugely disappointing end of “Game of Thrones”  there are a huge number of sci-f and fantasy nerds who are currently not getting our fix of epic adventure, and rather than commission a whole bunch of cool series that are just begging to be made to cash in on this, you’re all just sort of doing your own things. And that’s Cool, I’m loving the Netflix Witcher series and Disney’s Loki, and looking forward to the Amazon Middle Earth series with a mix of hope and trepidation (please be good), there are, however, a whole mass of cool book series that are just begging for release in an episodic fashion, and what’s more, I can think of which series plays to which streaming platforms strengths. And unlike Game of Thrones, there are series where running out of source material to adapt shouldn’t be a problem.
So, three sci-fi or fantasy series that play to the strengths of the big three Streaming services, as suggested by me, a big ol’ nerd. One: Amazon Prime. Strengths: successfully adapting darker comic-book or Urban fantasy works Like Preacher, the Boys, Good Omens and American Gods and making a profit. Weakness: has never successfully pulled of a big Grimdark fantasy series, despite having all the talent to do so because they’re working on the Middle earth series, which doesn’t seem a good fit for their brand image as the place you come for for comically dark works, and all their adaptations are too much of a slow burn, which necessitates padding the source material (look at how little happens in any episode of Preacher or the Boy vs the insanely fast pace of the comics). Solution: Malazan, book of the fallen. A deep, insanely dark, insanely Epic story that would actually lend itself to a slow burn and the grim-dark over the top violence of other Amazon shows, and fill the “Tit’s and monsters” gap left by GoT in many of our hearts. And unlike Tolkien, I have faith that the studio that cast Sweary Karl Urban as Billy Butcher could actually pull this off with the correct tone and feel. This would have the Witcher fans from Netflix defecting in droves, and could also pull in some new viewers who might enjoy the anthropology and political intrigue of this complex, multifaceted world.
 Two: Disney+. Strengths: near infinite money and ambition, the production team behind The Mandalorian and the MCU, great Hollywood clout to draw in big name stars, but willing to cast talented unknowns, the best mix of live action and CG in the business. Weaknesses: It’s Disney, so they can never go full grim-dark: they can imply or infer dark acts, but need to keep what’s shown on screen PG13 to fit their brand, which rules out a lot of modern fantasy. And they have no true fantasy serries in their stable.
Solution: Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn, and other Cosmere works.  A rare example of an excellent current fantasy and sci-fi writer who isn’t grimdark as heck, and manages to convey dark and adult themes by implication and hints rather than outright showing them, this is pretty much the only big fantasy series out there that is aimed at and enjoyed by adults but remains consistently PG13. It’s also so epic and super-hero-ish in this various magic systems, that I can’t see anyone other than the team behind the MCU pulling off a live-action version of this that doesn’t suck. In addition to this, the logical starting point for this, Mistborn, is by far the safest and most marketable, coming the closest of any of his works to a standard young-adult plot with Vin as an easily sell-able character to studio brass, being to all intents and purposes Katniss Everdeen with super-powers, which could get a big studio invested  and convinced this is a good idea before we get to all the “lets kill and replace god” stuff. If Mistborn was successful, other Cosmere works could follow, and I could see something like the Stormlight Archives working really well with the MCU effects team behind it, so long as they don’t white-wash it: No one on Roshar is white other than in Shinovar, and half of the cultures are based on either Polynesian or far eastern traditions, so cast Hawaiian, Māori, native American and east-Asian actors, and it could be both a great series, and also the most diverse Disney has ever done. You want a new, easily marketable but epic scale franchise, Disney? It’s right here.
Also for the love of god, do Wax and Wayne. I just need this, okay?
 Three: Netflix. Strengths: good at tapping into the prevailing nostalgia of Millennials and producing works that speak to them on a relatively small budget (see Stanger Things) and good at grabbing the rights to adapt good but slightly obscure works cheaply. Good working relationship with a ton of Japanese Anime rightsholders. Weaknesses: By far the smallest budget of any of the big three. Tends to produce awful live-action adaptations of beloved works (to the point that the Witcher was a pleasant surprise), but has good relationships with lots of animation studios.
Solution: Animorphs, but do what they always should have done and animate it. It boggles my mind that anyone would every try to pull this off in live action, as the transformations, which are the heart of the series, would be so hard to pull off well (look at the 90’s series). And yet, I’m aware they’re making a film, but dear god, why, when K A Applegate said form the get go that this series of books were written specifically as if they were a 90’s Saturday morning cartoon. This was always meant to be adapted as a series, not a long form film. So, don’t try to modernise it, or relate to “The kids” don’t whitewash the cast, don’t edit out the gore and body-horror, but lean into the 90’s and early 2000’s angst of it, and go balls to the walls insane with the concept. What music do you have playing for this scene? Is it Every day is exactly the same by Nine Inch Nails, and if not, why not? Do the transformation sequence genuinely scare you? No?  Then you’re doing it wrong.  Is that a happy ending? Get that the hell out of there. Go for the original time period and concept, and go hard, and if you do it now, you’ll just hit that sweet spot as the rolling 30 year nostalgia cycle moves out of the 80’s and into the 90’s. And as an apology to all the bad live-action Anime you produced, Netflix, get a Japanese studio to animate this: the Animorphs books were popular in Japan, with wonderful hand drawn illustrations throughout. Get Studio Orange on this: Beastars proved they can do flowing, fast-moving combat well, and make animal and other non-human characters look good, and what’s more they’d probably be up for it: Animorphs is basically a western Shōnen,  so the market for an Anime of it would exist in Japan.
 So there we go, the three series I would commission if I ruled the world of streaming sites. As ever, tell me why I’m wrong below, and have a great day!
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secndlife · 6 years
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pairing: yugyeom x reader
genre: stripper!au, smut
summary: it was your last night as a stripper, so why not enjoy it by devouring the cute, inexperienced and mesmerizing birthday boy?
word count: 11k
warnings: inexperienced!yugyeom, stripper!reader, sort of light public masturbation? noona kink (this is yugyeom’s #1 kink, i’m sure of it), unprotected sex (don’t to this shit kids), creampie, oral sex and a very long, descriptive smut.
a/n: i highly recommend you listen to this during the pole scene.
“I really don’t wanna do this.” Yugyeom sighed.
Bambam rolled his eyes at his friend and kept on dragging him by the hand across the streets filled with neon lights, “C’mon, it’s your birthday. This will be nice.”
Yugyeom didn’t actually relate the word “nice” to being forced to go to a strip club on his birthday. He thought “awkward” would suit his situation better - or maybe even “disgusting”. “It won’t.” He stated simply.
“It will,” his friend said in a positive tone, “You need to relieve some steam, you’ve been very stressed lately.”
“And how is going to a strip club supposed to help?” He really didn’t get the grasp of it. It all sounded fake and unappealing in his mind. Girls wearing close to zero clothes, dancing and rubbing against a pole while men threw money at them. How would that be helpful? He’d rather be at home, playing video games.
Bambam rolled his eyes once again, “You’ll see. Now please, try to keep an open mind, ok? I’ve been here a few times and they were all great.”
Yugyeom sighed.
“Oh, just one more thing. Don’t use your real name. No one around here does.”
Yugyeom nodded in defeat, trying to come up with something that sounded okay in his head, and stared at the purple neon sign above his head that said “Teaser”. The name was interesting, at least. The big walls were painted in a deep, black tone and the contrast with the purple neon made it seem cheaply erotic.
There was a tall and strong security guard against the silver door that quickly recognized Bambam and allowed the two men to enter the place without a question. Yugyeom raised an eyebrow and followed the youngest inside, “How many times exactly have you been here?” He took in his surroundings, not yet being able to fully see the place while walking down the dark corridor.
Bambam walked confidently and expertly across the black wooden floor, being more familiar with this path than he was willing to admit to his friend, “Just a few. Now stop questioning me.” Yugyeom rolled his eyes, knowing fully well his best friend was lying.
After a few seconds, they finally reached the main area and Yugyeom’s eyes were hit by a lighter and again purple neon, mixed with white blinking lights, allowing you to see everything and nothing at the same time. There were multiple beige leather couches that made the place look less cheap. The characteristic strip poles were spread all across the saloon, being placed above glittery platforms and surrounded by also beige chairs. The place also had a main stage - it shined just like the platforms that supported the poles and there were several men around it waiting for the next show to start.
Yugyeom scanned the room, eyes curiously moving around and seeing lots of men who seemed to be truly amused by the performing ladies across their eyes. His eyes finally settled at the bar that was placed by the corner of the strip club and then he was met with inspecting eyes against his obviously out of place figure. He knew he shouldn’t have worn these shoes - high tops are too childish!
You were standing at the bar like you usually did before coming up on stage when your eyes landed on him. In front of him you saw a regular, B., but he, he was new. He looked like a lost puppy. He looked like a virgin kid who had never been to a strip club. Yet, there was something different about him, you could feel it, and that’s why you couldn’t stop staring.
Yugyeom blushed instantly, not being used to this kind of questioning interaction. Little did he know you almost broke a smile watching the blush creep up his cheeks. He lowered his head and heard Bambam say something he didn’t properly hear, “What?”
“I said let’s go grab a drink,” he said, bumping his friend’s shoulder and walking towards the bar. “And look up, there’s no need to be shy.”
As Yugyeom rolled his eyes and continued to keep his head low, following Bambam like a child following his experienced father, he could feel that someone was still staring at him. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to be invisible or leave this place, whichever option was easier.
When they reached the bar, he had no other choice than to finally look up. When he did, he saw Bambam talking to you, the woman who was staring at him. You had your back against the counter, a pink drink in hand and a black silky robe across your skin.
“Hi, Ariel,” his friend said with a smile.
You smiled back, “Hi, B.” You pointed at Yugyeom with your head, eyebrow raised in pure curiosity, and took a sip of your drink, “Who’s the kid?”
Bambam looked at Yugyeom, who seemed to be hiding behind his friend. “He’s not a kid. His name is-”
“YG.” Yugyeom interrupted his friend and finally looked up. The name sounded just as fake as it did when he first thought of it.
You smiled, amused, “Hi, YG. Nice to meet you.” He looked lost and uncomfortable. You could bet a million dollars he’d rather be anywhere but here tonight.
“It’s his birthday tonight, I was thinking he could have some fun in here.”
You chuckled, “Really? He doesn’t look like he’s enjoying, though.”
Yugyeom blushed again. Cute, you thought. “No! That’s not it…”
“It’s ok, kiddo. Not everyone likes to see half-naked women dancing against poles and being explored by disgusting men, no matter how hot they look.”
Yugyeom’s eyes went wide, while Bambam laughed. “You’re feisty today, huh?”
You took another sip of your drink, “I afford to be, today’s my last day.”
Bambam leaned in against the bar and ordered two tequila shots, “Really? Finally getting out?”
“Finally,” you let out a sigh in relief.
For some reason, Yugyeom was happy to hear that you would no longer work there. You looked too beautiful and had too much of a strong personality to be working in a place like that. You deserved better, he thought.
“Is Lila here today?” Bambam asked you with an excited tone.
“Yeah, she’ll probably be here any second. She just performed.”
“Great,” he said, turning his attention to Yugyeom. “C’mon, let’s drink this. It’ll lose you up.”
For the first time in the night, Yugyeom felt like his friend had a nice idea. He wasn’t a weak drinker so he liked tequila - and it would probably really help him get less tense and shy. Both boys clinked their shots and took the liquid down in one go. Yugyeom could feel the tingling sensation against his throat while the tequila went down his system. After a few seconds, he heard Bambam hum in content and finally looked up, finding your eyes on him once again.
“One tequila finally makes you look up? Wonder what two will do,” you teased him.
Yugyeom felt lighter somehow and just chuckled, “We’ll see soon enough.”
You laughed and took the remainings of your drink in one go, nodding at him. His voice was definitely deeper than his baby features made you guess. This man - or should you still say, boy? - was intriguing to you. Usually, you’re annoyed at the ones who give out the same vibes as him - virgin, inexperienced vibes. You weren’t there to teach, you were there to entertain. But him… there was something about him that made you curious, interested even. Maybe it was how pretty his face was. Or the way his tall and sexy body, covered in all black, contrasted with his embarrassed posture and rosy cheeks. Or all the other controversies that seem to be built in him. Maybe it was just him. You couldn’t really tell. You just knew he was intriguing you and you wanted to know more about him - which wouldn’t happen while he was hiding behind his friend.
As if fates could hear you, you spotted Olivia, who was known there as Lila, coming out of the dressing room. Bambam spotted her before you could even draw a breath and waved at her, motioning for Lila to go to the three of you. He quickly ordered a martini - her favorite drink - and leaned against the counter, smoothly. You chuckled at his desperation to look cool to your co-worker and friend and saw Yugyeom do the same. Cute, you thought.
After a few seconds, Lila reached you with a smile on her face, “Hi B.” Her voice was velvety, sensual.
Bambam had a smile across his lips, one that Yugyeom had never seen, even in years of knowing each other. He shook his head in disapproval, but the smile in his lips said he was amused by the situation. He took the opportunity to ask for another drink - a beer this time.
Bambam quickly moved to Lila’s side, “Hey, baby.” Yugyeom snorted, he couldn’t believe his friend was this close to Lila. Maybe he wasn’t and was just showing off. Either way, it was all very amusing to him now that he wasn’t that uptight.
You really didn’t wanna pay attention to whatever B. and your friend would start doing anytime soon, as interesting and fun as it could be, so you decided to move closer to the other man and get yourself busy before your performance. “So,” you said, standing by his side.
“So?” Yugyeom questioned you, still too shy to look you in the eyes, but not shy enough to look down, the liquor giving him the courage to speak, which was already something.
“Why are you here when you don’t want to be?” You really wanted to figure him out because something was telling you he wasn’t the classic man-boy you were used to seeing there.
Yugyeom shrugged, “Bam-,” his eyes widen when he realized he almost said his friend’s name, breaking his rule. He coughed. “B. wanted me to do something fun for my birthday and since I’ve been stressed he thought this would help.”
“And you don’t agree?” You looked at him and met his side profile, his nose was too beautiful and it made you wanna kiss it.
“I don’t know…” He sounded honest. “I’ve never been anywhere like this and I just don’t think this is a good place.”
You shook your head, “It isn’t.”
“That’s why you’re leaving, right?” Yugyeom questioned you, almost side-eyeing you, taking a sip of his beer.
“Yeah.” You couldn’t believe you were actually leaving. Finally, after what felt like years and years of working in a place that you did something that went against a lot of the things you believed in. “I started doing this out of necessity and now I finally don’t need it anymore.”
Yugyeom finally felt brave enough so he looked at you, a gentle smile across his lips, “Good for you, really.”
You smiled at him, “Thanks.” You turned around and ordered another drink, a beer this time to match Yugyeom. “How old are you turning today?”
Without much thinking, Yugyeom answered, “22, like the Taylor Swift song.” Yugyeom regretted his words right away. Why the fuck is he mentioning a song like that to a stripper? He couldn’t believe himself.
You let out a small chuckle. “Cute. I’m your noona, then.”
The moment the word noona left your lips, Yugyeom felt it right in his pants. He had a thing for older women, he liked to be taught and guided. He swallowed hard, shifting in his place uncomfortably, “Y-yeah.”
You narrowed your eyes at his actions, realizing something had affected him. After thinking for a few seconds, you guessed it but didn’t mention it. Good, you’d save that information for later.
With the silence settling, Yugyeom took some time to take in your figure. His first thought was how beautiful you were. Not hot, beautiful. He felt like the word hot didn’t actually do you justice. The black robe was accentuating your skin and he wondered what would be underneath it, cheeks instantly getting a light shade of pink across them. You realized he was staring so he spoke the first thing he could think of, “Why Ariel?”
His question caught you off guard. Usually, guys asked you how much would it be for a private session or if you have a boyfriend, being nowhere near interested in you like he seemed to be. It’s not that he sounded childish, it’s just that he sounded genuine and that’s completely unheard of in this industry. “Huh?”
He explained himself, “I mean, that’s not your real name, is it?”
You shook your head, “It isn’t.”
He nodded and then repeated the question, “Then why Ariel?”
“I like the princess,” you stated simply. “I mean, I hate how she gave away her fucking voice over a man, but I like her. I like how passionate and young spirited she is. It reminds me of myself back then.” You felt like you overshared, but you honestly didn’t care. He did make you feel safe enough where you didn’t feel like you overstepped a boundary that could eventually harm you. Besides, you were leaving anyway.
The man listened carefully and then nodded, taking in the information. You seemed strong, even though your words made it seem like life had already taken a toll on you. He wondered if you were still hurting. After a few seconds, he broke the silence, “I hope you can get back to being like that again once you leave this place.” He sounded genuine and almost naive.
He caught you off guard once again by how mature he sounded. And yet, he behaved like a kid over some exposed bodies and sexy dances. You just couldn’t figure him out. And that made you want to even more. “Thanks,” you said, “I don’t think I can, but thanks.”
After a few sips of your bear, you decided to order two tequila shots and offered him one. “Let’s see if two shots can make you watch me perform without blushing.”
He took the glass with a small smile on his face, his cheeks still red and burning even more now just by the mention of you being against a pole, “You dancing tonight?”
You nodded, “Yeah, in a few.” You bumped your glass onto his and smirked, “Cheers.” You took down the liquid in one fluid motion, being used to the strong taste of tequila by this point in your life. Yugyeom mimicked you, also drinking the content in one go.
Once the glasses were placed back on the counter, you tiptoed and reached for his ear, hand resting against his firm shoulder, “You should watch me, you know…” If you had to choose someone to dance to on your last day, he’d be the one. Something about him made you wanna break all the rules that came with this job - the most important one being the one that doesn’t allow you to sleep with clients.
Yugyeom swallowed dry, the warmth that irradiated from your body and your breath close to his ear making him suddenly shy again, “Y-yeah…” He cleared his throat and you moved away, back resting against the counter once again and a smirk placed in your lips. You happily realized you had affected him, even after two shots of tequila and a beer - cute. Maybe later you could unwrap him like a Christmas present in one of the private rooms as your goodbye gift to yourself. He choked lightly as if he could somehow relieve the pressure that was building up inside him and decided to change the topic when he realized his friend wasn’t even there anymore, “Do you know where B. is?”
You chuckled, “Probably in one of the private rooms with Lila. That’s where he always is.”
Before Yugyeom could ask you further about that, he heard the bartender call your name, “Ariel,” you turned to him. “You’ll be up in the main stage in 5, so you might wanna go to the dressing room.”
You smiled at Yugyeom, “That’s my queue.” You shot him a wink before biting your lips, “You should really watch me, I promise you’ll enjoy it.”
The look you had when you left took Yugyeom’s breath away. His throat got dry and the room was suddenly too small. Fuck. He thought he’d really hate of all this - that was ‘til he saw you. He was confused by how much you could affect him with an action as simple as a wink thrown his way.
“She’s some work,” the bartender said. “And she likes you.”
Yugyeom shot him a confused look, “What?”
“She never talks about herself and she has never told anyone to watch her the way she just did to you,” the man gave Yugyeom a pat on the shoulder. “You’re a lucky guy.”
Yugyeom blinked while his brain tried to process the information he had just received. You liked him? Well, he wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean, but he liked you too. He truly thought he’d be sitting alone at the bar, feeling bored and disgusted by half the things that happened in that place. When he saw you, he felt something - he felt shy, embarrassed under your stare. He felt hot like his skin was on fire. He wanted to get to know you, you for you and not you for Ariel. He also wanted to do multiple things to you - with you. No, scratch that, he wanted you to do things to him. He wanted you to dance for him and him only, he wanted you on his lap and on his lips. He wanted you. The more aware he got of that, the shyer he got. Yugyeom was very inexperienced when it came to sexual matters. He wasn’t a virgin, but sex altogether made him self conscious and embarrassed, too scared to make a mistake and fuck things up. Somehow, the idea of you, someone who he was sure to be more experienced, teaching him things, leading him where you wanted, needed him, made his pants seem too tight and his skin too hot. Before he could let his thought travel too much, he ordered another beer and saw a man he imagined to be the host - he didn’t even know strip clubs had hosts - take the spotlight on the main stage.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” were there any ladies customers in the place? Yugyeom quickly scanned the room and saw maybe two, curiously wondering what they thought of everything. “Today’s a very sad day for Teaser,” the host’s tone was loud and if you asked Yugyeom he didn’t quite actually sound sad. “One of our main performers has decided to leave us.” The crowd shouted their disappointed ahs and ohs and booed loudly. “Yes, unfortunately, our beloved Ariel,” by the mention of her name, the crowd sounded even more distressed. She seems popular, Yugyeom thought while the host continued talking, “has decided to pursue another path. This will be her last performance with us so make sure you all enjoy it properly because I know she’ll put on quite a show.” The men positioned around the main stage were letting out excited screams now, a bit too eager even, Yugyeom thought, for the show that’d take place in front of them in a few seconds. Yugyeom rested his body against the counter, standing right across the center of the main stage, which gave him a great view of everything. “Without further ado, please give it up for Ariel!” The host left the stage, the spotlight moving towards the black velvet and the screaming men clapping and welcoming you to the stage.
A loud, filled with bass song started echoing through the place while you opened the curtain and stepped into the stage powerfully. Yugyeom’s jaw dropped at the sight of you. You were wearing a long sleeved fishnet and a leathery one piece with delicate straps and cuts around your waist. The black high heels accentuated your look and shaped your legs in ways people would think they were sculpted by Gods themselves. Your hair was loose, framing your face perfectly. The light make-up against your skin contrasted the powerful clothes that hugged your figure. Yugyeom felt like he could see every single curve of your and nothing at the same time.
The moment you stepped on stage, your eyes landed on him. He was right in your direction, eyes widened in shock. You shot him a wink and walked towards the pole by the end of the stage, steps rhythmically matching the beat of the music that echoed through the room. Men yelled your name by your feet, already throwing money at the stage before you could even reach the pole, but you didn’t pay them any attention - all you could see was him, the handsome, shy and intriguing man that blushed with your every move.
Yugyeom felt like he couldn’t breathe. You looked insanely sexy in those black clothes and teasing look and when you shot him a wink, he was gone. He was in a trance and he wouldn’t look away even if he wanted to - not that he truly did. You didn’t wanna look away either and he noticed it. He felt special seeing someone that sexy and imposing giving him that much attention when there were other men with money at your feet. Maybe the strip club wasn’t a bad idea after all.
You walked towards the pole that stood at the end of the main stage runway slowly, staring at Yugyeom to make sure he was watching. When you saw the blushing across his cheeks and the way he held his bottle of beer too tightly, you knew you had him - and you had barely even started. You scanned the men sitting around the stage but didn’t really look at them, they weren’t your focus tonight. Once you’ve reached the pole, you turned around and let the cold metal bar fit against your skin. You bent, allowing them to see your exposed ass. Modesty aside, it was your money maker. Men shouted when they saw the pole settled against your butt cheeks, the cold material making you shiver slightly.
His pants felt extremely tight by now. Yugyeom felt like he had never seen something this arousing. That view of your ass was sending his imagination to places it has never been before, making him wish it was his member that found a home between those two glorious pieces of flesh. He swallowed dry and his knuckles were turning white against the cold bottle of beer.
You got back up and stretched your arms up, swaying your hips to the rhythm of the song you had chosen for that night. You then reached for the pole, your right hand grasping it hard to firm itself. You stepped around it slowly, letting your customers enjoy the view, legs moving with grace and ease. You launched your body forward and grasped at the pole higher, one leg attaching itself to the metal bar, hanging yourself and letting the motion spin you around for a few seconds. Your feet stood at the ground once again and you allowed your hand to move against the pole again, fingertips touching it slowly, dragging against it as you eyed up the boy twisting in his chair not that far from you. You then grasped it firmly, one hand upper and the other on your waistline. You launched your body and spun around, legs hanging and moving across the air.
Yugyeom felt like he was going to explode anytime soon. He could feel the blood running from his brain to his cock embarrassingly fast. He was mesmerized by you, by how experient and confident you were. By how gracefully you did your job in a sea of horny and desperate men. By how fucking strong you needed to be doing those moves. By how you kept staring at him while you hanged yourself against the pole, giving him a look and wanting to send him a message he felt too overwhelmed by the possibilities it could bring. After he saw you do a few more tricks, he found himself getting tired of just watching you. He needed some sort of relief and he needed it now. He finished his beer in one go and decided to take a seat at one of the stools, figuring that the dirty move he was about to make now would be less noticeable if he was sitting. He sat down and looked away from you for a second just to make sure no one was actually paying attention to him - no one but you.
You noticed him moving right away, his long legs moving to the stool and him sitting down. You also noticed the look on his face - it was similar to the one a child has when he’s about to do something wrong. You slowed down your moves to get the chance to actually figure out what he was about to do and when you saw it, the smirk on your lips couldn’t be big enough to match the excitement in your stomach. He was palming himself through his jeans, hands grasping at the hard material to apply some friction and relieve the tension in his system. He squeezed his eyes shut, teeth grasping at his bottom lip and you thought he looked absolutely delicious, especially with the tint of pink he had in his cheeks.
After a few seconds, he opened his eyes in alarm, reminding himself he was in a public place. When he had adjusted to the light, he was met with your amused gaze. He felt embarrassed and exposed, but honestly, he didn’t care, this was all your fault so you might as well watch it. He mouthed “This is on you.” while his hand left his crotch and rested against his thigh, fists closed hard and fingertips drawing red marks in his palm.
You had been on this job for a while now and none of the men that have been on Teaser has ever gotten you this turned on - or even turned on at all. What this guy was doing to you was no joke. You wanted nothing more than to get him in a private room and break him into revealing the pretty, needy moans you were sure he’d let out.
You had been on the stage for a few minutes now, limbs growing tired of hanging yourself against the pole, but you were gonna give him a grand finale, a view that would make him yours for the night. You gathered the remainings of our strength and got yourself on the pole upside down, ass facing Yugyeom. The moment you spread your legs wide, the men around you let out animalistic screams. They howled and shouted your name multiple times. After a few seconds, you got yourself down and looked at Yugyeom. He couldn’t believe his eyes - if it wasn’t for the fact that his jeans were black and the dimmed lights, he was positive everyone would see the forming bulge in his pants. It was official, you were the hottest and sexiest person he had ever laid eyes on and he couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that you could possibly be as turned on by him as he was by you. He wasn’t misinterpreting this whole situation, right? You stared at him the whole performance, you shot him winks and licked your lips at the sight of him. You wanted him too. Fuck, if you didn’t he’d have to wank in the bathroom forever to the image of you then.
After bowing and blowing kisses for the men around the stage, saying goodbye to that place, you gathered your tips and got yourself out of the spotlight, stepping backstage. Now you just needed to get that boy in the private room. You’d break all the rules tonight and you honestly couldn’t care less. You figured he’d still be at the bar and decided to text Brad, the bartender, to send him your way at the private room. Your fingers moved quickly against the screen, hands typing with excitement. After pressing send, you got yourself back on your robe and headed towards the private room with a 17 engraved by the door.
The room was dark due to the dimmed light and it wasn’t that big. This particular one had red walls and big black leather couches - big enough to fit around five people, so it’d give you plenty of space to fuck that guy like there was no tomorrow. Fuck, you needed him so bad you were planning on doing him on each corner available. There was also a leather chair that you were planning on sucking him off like a lollipop on it. Or maybe ride him. Or both. You made yourself comfortable, taking off your heels and robe and sitting down to wait for him. After letting your mind wander across all the things you wanted to do to him, you heard a light knock on the door.
You let out a breath in relief - some part of you was scared that he might actually be too embarrassed for this, but if your instinct was right, he’d be driven by how horny he was. And you were right. You opened the door and found a blushing Yugyeom, licking your lips at the sight.
“H-hi,” he muttered.
You raised an eyebrow at him, smirk planted against your painted lips, “Hi, baby.” You moved to the side so he could come inside. You closed the door behind him and locked it, making sure no one would interrupt you. “Did you like the show?”
Yugyeom wasn’t really sure what he was supposed to do now. When the bartender tapped his shoulder and announced you were waiting for him at the private room number 17, he didn’t know what to expect. He had an idea, but now that it was happening, he felt nervous, to say the least. That didn’t even suggest the number of feelings bubbling at the top of his stomach. So now he was just standing there in the middle of a semi-dark room with red walls and leather couches that made him think of fifty shades of grey, with you in your performance clothes and him wearing tight ass jeans and a boner. He felt you moving closer, the warmth of your body irradiating in his direction along with your smell. Fuck, you smelled really good. “Yeah, I did. You looked…” he started, his voice trembling so much he sounded 13 years old.
He felt your breasts against his clothed back and hissed at the contact, stopping mid-sentence. You were shorter than him, so you circled your arms around his waist and allowed your hands to roam around his broad chest. With a light chuckle, you said, “Calm down, I won’t bite. Not unless you want me to.” Your fingers then got bolder and decided to touch his abs below his shirt, lightly, barely grazing against the skin and you felt him shiver against your fingertips. “Nervous?” you asked close to his ear while your hands kept on touching him, leaving burning traces behind them. He nodded, his mouth dry and the words dead against the back of his throat. “I didn’t hear you,” you teased.
He swallowed dry, eyes closed shut and breathing erratic already, “Y-yes.”
You placed a soft peck on his back to calm him down, “Don’t be. Noona will treat you really well.” As soon as that word entered his ears, he let out an involuntary moan. Bingo. You got your hands out of his shirt and decided to palm his bulge.
“Shit.” He was getting rock hard. If things kept on moving at this pace he’d cum embarrassingly fast, he was sure. He had to control himself but how could he when you were… Well... You?
You palmed him lightly, barely enough for him to feel it, “You’ve done this, right?”
He stuttered, breath caught between his teeth, words hard to combine into full sentences when your fingers were right there but the pressure was so light he could barely feel it. “Y-yes, but-”
“Not like this?” you pecked his back again. You knew he was inexperienced, you just wanted to hear him say it. You just wanted to teach him. You hated when virgin boys came to Teaser to be taught, you weren’t a teacher - they should learn things in sex-ed class, but this boy… He could ask you anything and you’d be happy to teach him the world.
“No.” He could barely breathe now, the feeling of your hands against him already being too much for him to handle without turning into putty.
“It’s ok, baby,” you moved your hands back up again, wrapping them softly against his middle. “I’ll teach you, ok?”
Yugyeom nodded in agreement. His mind was buzzing now, lost in all the possibilities of what would happen next. Would you suck him off? He’d enjoy that for sure. Would you let him eat you out? Fuck, if he could make you cum he’d be so proud of himself.
You untangled yourself from him and moved to his face, stepping forward ‘til he found himself backed against the red wall. Your breath hitting his face, sweet and hot against his lips when you asked, “Can you tell me your real name?” You started to remove his shirt, the cold air conditioning hitting his skin and giving him goosebumps.
He raised his arms to help you undress him, completely anesthetized by your sweet talk. “It’s Yugyeom.”
You were greeted by two black-inked tattoos on his rib cages. They seemed nice. Your fingers danced across them lightly, making him shiver under your touch. You smiled at him and leaned in to kiss his chest gently, hands placed against his firm arms. He moaned and closed his eyes. “Such a pretty name for a pretty boy, huh?” you said between your ministrations.
Yugyeom let out a breath, “Aren’t you gonna tell me yours?”
You moved higher, licking at his collarbone. He was so pretty. So so pretty. “Should I?” you said, biting down against his skin.
He moaned, “Please.”
You got even higher, sucking at his neck now. You took your time there, finding out from the sounds he was making that it was one of his soft spots. Cute. After a few seconds, you moved to his ear, sucking on his earlobe and finally giving him your name, “I’m Y/N.” The only reason why you had told him that was because you couldn't wait to hear how nice it’d roll off his lips while you were making him feel good.
You pulled back and he opened his eyes, staring at you with expectation across his face. You leaned in, hands around his neck, and finally placed your lips against his. You sighed in content as soon as you felt how soft his lips were. It started off slow, no tongues, Yugyeom still being a bit overwhelmed by everything that was happening.
You suddenly felt his hesitant hands grasp at your ass and you moaned, pressing yourself against his body and tugging at the hair on his nape lightly. When you moaned, he got more confident and hungrier. You felt his tongue against your bottom lip and he tasted oh so good. The kiss got faster, needier. He squeezed your ass and pressed you against his crotch. He was rock hard already and you moaned at the feeling of his bulge pressing against you through your mere, thin clothes. “Fuck. So hard for me already, baby.” One of your hands left his neck to palm him through his jeans while he was suddenly kissing on your neck.
“Noona, take them off, please,” he said against your neck, referring to his jeans. They felt too tight and he wanted to feel your touch better - he needed it.
You moaned when he bit down a sensitive place, “I will, baby.” You were enjoying the feeling of his lips against your neck. You kept on palming him and he hummed against your skin, sending delicious tingling sensations to your core. You could sense how wet you were already, his body against yours being all you wanted to feel, his moans being the only sound you wanted to hear. After enjoying his kisses and teeth on you some more, you backed down and started to unbuckle his belt, looking at him with a smirk. He blushed instantly at your firm actions. You pecked his lips, “You’re really cute.”
Hearing he was cute wasn’t the first thing he wanted to hear during sex, but coming from you, it turned him on even more. He felt you unbutton his jeans, not yet fully removing them, and choosing to now feel him through his boxers. He felt your hands grip him not quite the way he really wanted and he jolted his hips into your hand. “Noona, please. Give me something.”
You chuckled at his desperation, now tracing the outlines of his cock with your fingertips, “Am I not giving you enough already?”
“Y-you are…” he breathed, letting his head fall back on the wall and closing his eyes, “I just…”
One of your hands went back to his chest, nails running across it and leaving behind all kinds of red marks, while the other one kept working on Yugyeom. “You’re being a really good boy, so maybe I should really give you some more...” You focused on his tip now, gently rubbing it, the friction of the fabric doing wonders to the man.
“Fuck. Please,” he said. Begging was really a look on him, you thought while scanning his face, his dark hair starting to stick to his forehead due to the droplets of sweat that were forming.
You got down on your knees and instructed him, “Look at me while I suck you off.” When Yugyeom looked down, feeling his boxers being removed and pooling on his ankles along with his jeans, he almost came with the sight alone. You grabbed his already hard cock with one hand and started to rub it slowly, making the man in front of you tremble. He instinctively closed his eyes, “No, eyes on me,” you said, looking upon him while you stroked his tip now.
“Noona, I-I can’t,” he cried out, embarrassed by how pathetic he sounded. He’d cum way to fast if he watched you like that and he knew it.
You sighed in disapproval, tone amused and teasing, “Thought you’d have better self-control then to cum barely untouched, baby.” You held his cock by the base and gave it an experimental lick, only to be gifted with the prettiest moan you’ve ever heard in your life, sending waves of arousal straight to your core. “You like that?”
He nodded eagerly. You were having fun teasing him, testing him, but you figured you’d have even more fun with his cum being shot down your throat. You decided to take him in your mouth, lips swirling against his tip as he hissed. “Oh my god,” Yugyeom gasped, involuntarily bucking his hips slightly.
You started bobbing your head up and down, taking as much of him as you could, but all in slow, deliberate moves. After a few times, you decided to take him fully. When you felt his tip hit the back of your throat, he grabbed your head in reflex. He tasted good, all salty and aroused, pre-cum starting to form at his tip. One of your hands made its way to his balls and started massaging them, dragging out another whine out of Yugyeom who threw his head backward, showcasing his long neck.
You kept on bobbing your head up and down his shaft, one hand keeping the base firm so you could use your lips with majesty. You released his tip with a popping sound, hands quickly replacing them, “Look at me just for a sec, won’t you?” You needed him to see how pretty you looked with his cock in your mouth, you wanted him to have that picture engraved in his mind.
He was still resisting, shaking his head in disagreement, “No, it’ll make me cum.” Fuck. He needed to control himself, but how could he when the hottest and sexiest and most beautiful girl on the planet was sucking him off like he was the most delicious thing she has ever tasted?
You licked a prominent vein, making him shiver, “Then cum. We have time. C’mon, look at me while I make you cum. Look at noona.”
He inhaled slowly as if he knew the view he’d have in seconds would be too much for him to take. When he opened his eyes, you got your mouth on him again, now bobbing your head faster and focusing on his tip. When Yugyeom’s eyes finally met yours, you took him all the way down, deepthroating him. He moaned loudly at your action, struggling to keep his eyes on you. You bobbed your head some more, swallowing around him. You could feel he was gonna cum soon. He felt it too, getting embarrassed and blushing at his lack of discipline.
You, on the other hand, loved it. You were loving the fact that it took you this little work to make him a moaning mess under your touch. You were loving how sensitive and submissive he was to you. You kept your eyes on Yugyeom and released him for a few seconds just to encourage the man, “You can cum. Cum for noona, baby.”
That’s it, a few words and he was gone, his high washing over him like waves and waves of pleasure. As soon as you got him back in your mouth, you felt the salted taste of his cum against your tongue. You kept on bobbing your head while his legs shook in euphoria, shivering slightly even. He muttered several curse words under his breath, all of them mixed with sinful moans. You licked his tip and he hissed at the overstimulation, “N-noona… Fuck. Fuck!” You took him all the way back again and he whined, not being able to look at you anymore, eyes shut in desperation, “Please. It hurts, oh my god. I can’t take it anymore, I can’t.”
You swallowed around him one last time and finally released his sensitive, reddened cock. Yugyeom’s head was thrown back on the wall, his breath frantic and fists closed. He looked breathtaking, black hair sticking to his forehead, cheeks, and nose bright pink, eyes closed and heavy breathing. You stroked his thighs gently, giving it small pecks while he tried to put himself back together. After a few seconds, you stood up in front of him again, splaying your hands across his chest, his skin filled with goosebumps. “You ok?”
He looked at you again, cheeks painted in burning red and his lungs still struggling to keep his breathing under control, “Y-yeah. That was-”
You interrupted him, a smile on your lips, “I know.” Your index and a middle finger traced their way from his navel to his collar bones, “Now how about you be a good boy and help me out too, huh?” He looked shy, the red in his cheeks getting more and more intense as the words came out of your mouth, “Don’t worry, I’ll guide you, ok?”
While two of your fingers danced across Yugyeom’s collarbone, your other hand removed his hair out of his forehead. He was hypnotizing. Everything about him made you wanna stare for hours and get lost in the pretty sounds that escaped his lips in response to your every action.
Yugyeom thought about your request - he really wanted to do this. He wanted to make you feel as good as you had made him feel minutes ago. Of course, he had given head to girls before, but they weren’t you. He didn’t want to impress them as much as he wanted to impress you. He was just scared he’d let you down, but something in your eyes made him feel secure, safe even. So he decided to try it out. He nodded to you, knowing well that the look on his face definitely showed you he wasn’t exactly a pro. He got fully out of his jeans, boxers and shoes off, getting himself comfortable. He looked at you - he was entirely naked while you were still fully dressed.
As if you could read his thoughts, you turned around, “Unzip me.”
Yugyeom’s long fingers removed your hair out of your back as he gently leaned in and planted a kiss against your shoulder, right between one of the holes of your fishnet shirt. This was all new to you. Not only the sleeping with a customer thing, especially since that was Teaser’s #1 rule, but being treated like you’re actually precious. You’re used to being the prey, not the predator. And that was exactly the change you needed tonight. His soft lips against your skin made you shiver and he noticed it, the reaction of your body doing wonders to his ego.
Yugyeom got back to the task in hand - getting you naked. Not that there was a lot to remove from you, anyways. He took the straps off your shoulder and unzipped the one pieced clothing. It hugged your body in all the right curves, so he had to pull the material down. His lips left kisses to replace the leather material that once touched your skin, even getting on his knees so he could get it off of you properly. He wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol he had consumed earlier or if he was just intoxicated by you, but he was even bold enough to leave a bite against your ass cheek. The way his teeth felt uncertain against your skin made you giggle.
You decided he was taking way too much time and decided to remove the fishnet shirt yourself and he whined, biting your ass a bit harder now, “I wanted you to keep that.”
You let out a chuckle, hands reaching behind yourself so you could touch him, “Getting bold, aren’t we?” He blushed for the nth time that night. “Nah, I want you to see me fully.”
Fuck. How did he get that lucky? This had gone from being one of his worst birthdays to one of the best in a matter of minutes - and he loved it.
When he was finally done with undressing you, you moved to the black leather couch, laying down and sighing in content at the feeling of the material against your back. Yugyeom was standing in the same place you’ve left him, still nervous about what he was going to do next.
You felt how anxious he was and you wanted to reassure him, “Come here, I need you,” you pleaded.
You needed him. Yugyeom never really thought someone could actually need him, especially not in a sexual context and especially not someone like you. The wonders that sentence did to his ego couldn’t be explained in words.
Yugyeom finally came to his senses and moved towards the couch, getting on top of you. His arms were resting next to your head, legs between yours and body just not as close as you wanted. He stared at you for a few seconds, your hands caressing his arms, “You’re really beautiful, did you know that?”
He had surprised you once again, his soft words so kindly placed in the midst of all the sex atmosphere making the butterflies in your stomach dance around. He sounded genuine, pure. Once again, showing you a side you thought you could never imagine seeing in someone in a place like this. You knew he wasn’t just saying it, he meant it, you felt it in his voice. You looked at him with a delicate smile, “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself,” you said in a teasing tone before pulling him down to feel him on you once again.
In years you had never felt lips as soft as his, humming in content as they moved against yours. You traced the outline of his honey like bottom lip as your tongue finally entered his mouth. It felt heavenly, like that was the man you were supposed to kiss forever. Your tongues danced together in a mix of hums and exciting moans. After a while, you surprisingly felt one of his hands expertly map the sides of your ribcage, being dangerously close to your breasts. He took action and gently moved towards your nipple, massaging it in soft motions. You let out a moan he was quick to swallow, lips still hard and hungry against yours.
Yugyeom stroked your breast with his fingertips, your nipple instantly responding to his touch, perking up as he stimulated it. He then finally moved down with his lips, his hot breath coming in contact with your neck. There, he left bites and a mixture of purple and blue marks that he was proud of himself for it. You moaned his name when he moved to your collarbone, teeth gazing against the skin, “Fuck, Yugyeom. This feels really good. Such a good boy,” you praised.
Your hands wandered across his body, touching every place they could reach - his shoulders, his back, his neck, his head, everywhere. He went further down and licked the valley between your breasts as you hummed in delight. Supporting himself with one hand, the other took its time with your right boob while his tongue sucked on the left nipple, a mix of sensations and arousal making your head spin. You breathed out a few curse words, the feeling of his hot ministrations being too much to handle without a word. He switched it up after a few seconds, not wanting to neglect a single part of your body.
Your moans kept Yugyeom going like nothing in this world could, fueling his ego and making him want to please you even more. He left a trail of kisses and gentle licks as he moved towards your navel, nibbling at the skin just enough to give you a tingling sensation. He finally settled himself between your legs, spreading them further apart to get more space. He looked at you hesitantly, cheeks tinted in red and breathing erratic once again. You felt like he needed an incentive and you had no problem in giving him one, “Go ahead baby,” you said, fingers running against his hair. “I’m sure you’ll make noona feel really, really good.”
Yugyeom let out a breath against the outside of your pussy lips that made you shiver, one hand experimentally tracing the juncture between your thigh and your pelvis, while the other moved closer and closer to where you desperately needed him. After a few seconds of teasing, he finally spread your folds and gave them a long, wet lick that made you moan instantly. “Shit, you’re so wet already.”
“Yeah, so wet and all for you,” you murmured, closing your eyes to fully enjoy the sensation of Yugyeom eating you out. The man took that as an incentive and gave your folds another lap, moving up and down and finally focusing at your entrance, the taste of your juices taking over his plump lips. “Use your fingers, baby, I need them inside me.”
Yugyeom hooked one of his arms around your thigh while the other one started playing with your entrance. His tongue was now fully focused in your clit, the pleasure of his ministrations sending shocks all over your body. You felt his index finger enter you slowly, as if he was testing you. The moan that escaped your lips traveled straight to his cock, that was now starting to get hard again. You sighed in relief as his finger entered you fully, the slick noises of your juices filling up the place as he started to pump it in and out of you. You wanted more, you needed more, “Add another,” you choked out between moans.
He looked up at you from between your legs, “Already?” His chin was wet from you, his hair was all over the place from your hands, his eyes like a deer caught in the headlights. Cute.
Did he really think you couldn’t take two fingers? Cute, inexperienced man. “I’m soaked, baby. I can take it.” Yugyeom nodded and went back to flicking your clit while his middle finger joined the other. He started pumping them and you hooked your fingers around his hair, “C-curl them up,” you instructed. “It’ll make me feel even better.” Yugyeom was a really good boy, doing everything as he was told. His tongue started to dance around your pussy, licking and lapping at all the places it could find, while his long fingers inside you only added fuel to the fire. You loved all the dirty sounds that you could hear - his fingers coming in and out of you, your moans and also his.
Since you had found yourself a pleaser, you’d make good use of him, “Remove your fingers, baby. Let noona ride your face.”
“Are you sure, noona? I-I-”
Every time Yugyeom stuttered, got shy or embarrassed, you felt yourself getting wetter. Who thought you’d develop a thing for this type. But it was more likely you were developing a thing for him. “I’m sure. Be still, ok? And tongue out.” Obviously, he did as he was told. You held him in place by his dark locks and started to ride his face, moving your hips up and down, spreading your juices all around him. He hummed in content, enjoying every single second of this.
You started your movements slowly, getting used again to the feeling of his tongue against your wet folds, but every time he moaned, it only made the fire pooling by the pit of your stomach even stronger, which made you move faster and faster against his face. “Such a good boy, fuck,” you cried out, feeling your orgasm starting to build up. Yugyeom hummed against your pussy, the vibration of his voice against your clit sending waves of pleasure through your whole body. Your hips picked up their pace, moving harder and faster. You held his hair so tightly he hissed in pain, but he didn’t mind a single bit.
You couldn’t get over the lustful sounds that were coming out of your pussy. You were so fucking wet, your juices being mixed with Yugyeom’s saliva making everything hotter. You were gonna cum soon. “Shit, right there, don’t stop.” You pulled his face even closer to your core, you could feel your high was only a few moves away. In a bold move, Yugyeom held you down in your place as strongly as he could and started to suck on your clit hard, determined to make you cum. “Fuck. I’m gonna cum, shit,” you cried out, hands grasping at his hair for support, eyes closed shut and hairline covered in sweat. With a few more laps of his tongue against your clit, you were seeing stars and moaning out his name like a mantra. You leg was trembling and your toes curling, his movements never slowing down. You pressed him against your core once again to ride out of your high, the electric wave that your over sensitive clit was sending to your body being too much to handle.
Your heart was beating like crazy, the overwhelming sensations sending your body on a frenzy that’d be hard to calm down from. You felt Yugyeom climb his way back at you with a trail of pecks and in no time he was right at your face once again, “How was it?” he asked, still uncertain of himself, even after all the praising. Cute. His face was covered in your juices and his saliva, you cleaned his up with the back of your hand a bit but he didn’t seem to mind much.
You cupped his cheek, “Amazing. You’re a really good boy.” He blushed at the compliment and you started to fix his hair, “There’s just one last thing I wanna do to you, think you can handle it?”
Yugyeom nodded eagerly. He’d let you do whatever you wanted.
You chuckled at his excitement, “I want you to sit back and let me ride you. How does that sound?”
“Shit.” Just the thought of that made his member twitch in between his legs. He could feel it throbbing already.
Your hands traveled between his legs and touched his now hard cock, Yugyeom moaning at the contact. He was all ready to go, merely taking a few strokes for him to be rock hard again. Thank god for the stamina these young men have. “You’d like that?”
“Y-yes. Yes, noona.” He thought he sounded pitiful, you thought he sounded exquisite.
“Good,” you said, stroking his cock. “C’mon, sit back.”
Yugyeom moved away from you and sat straight on the leather couch, back resting comfortably against the hot material. You wasted no time and straddled him, legs resting on each side of his body and ass against his naked and muscular thighs. You stared at him, trying to figure out what was so special about this guy. While your eyes wandered across his handsome features, you spotted a mole under his eye. As an instinct, you reached out and touched it lightly.
Yugyeom chucked at your gesture, feeling ticklish as your fingertip caressed his face. You smiled at him, finger moving down and now tracing his lips - he took the opportunity to place a tiny peck against your index. You blushed and he noticed, blushing too. You tried not to let it affect you, pretending it didn’t happen. You leaned in, hands on his neck, and kissed him once again.
His kiss was addictive, his lips tasting better than all the others you’ve tasted before. It felt right, sinful even. You moved forward, lips never leaving his, and started to grind down on him, hips moving back and forth with expertise.
Yugyeom was going crazy. His whole body was on fire and he just couldn’t get enough of you. He couldn’t figure out why he was so entranced by you and your actions, by your moans and your taste. He just knew he never wanted this to end. He moaned at the contact of your core against him, the friction being enough to ignite a burning sensation inside. His cock was placed right between your folds, flesh feeling on so good against flesh.
You couldn’t focus on kissing him anymore. You were sensitive, not fully recovered from your last orgasm, so the smallest of touches could wash you over like a wave. You kept your hands still on his neck, forehead now attached to his while his erratic breath got mixed with your moans. You’d reach your high was faster this time and you knew it, you just hoped he would too.
Yugyeom was having enough of the teasing, “Please, noona.”
You grinded harder, “What do you want?” You knew exactly what he wanted, you just needed him to say it. The words were almost enough to drive you to the edge again.
“I-I wanna be inside you, please.” Pathetic. Yugyeom thought it was just pathetic how whiny he sounded and how fast you could make him beg. He just couldn’t help it.
You slowed down your movements, increasing his agony, “How bad do you want it?”
He was growing impatient, eyes shut and hands holding your waist firm enough to leave some marks on the next day. “So fucking bad. I want it so bad, noona.”
You lifted your hip and positioned his cock at your entrance, “It’s hard to say no when you sound so appetizing.” You captured his lips in yours once again and sat down on him in one fluid motion.
Yugyeom moaned loudly, sighing in relief. He couldn’t believe he was actually fucking you. He couldn’t believe you were moaning his name against his lips. He couldn’t believe how good and tight you felt around him. Fucking finally he was inside of you. “Fuck, noona. So good,” he murmured between kisses when you started to move, being wet and stretched out enough.
You were moving your hips up and down, hand now resting against Yugyeom’s shoulders for support. You lifted yourself up ‘til only his tip was in and the sat back down, feeling him fill you up in all the right places. “Feels really good, huh, baby?”
“Fuck yes.”
You were moving harder now, faster, the sound of the skin of your ass against his thighs adding more and more pleasure to everything. Yugyeom grope your ass and squeezed it. Shit, you loved that. “Spank me,” you said between breaths, body slowly growing tired from all the effort you had been making that night. Again, Yugyeom got shy at the request, but again, he did as he was told with burning cheeks. He had seen it in porn, he was pretty sure he could spank you properly. After a few seconds, you felt his right hand come across your ass check with a loud noise and you moaned at the contact, “Fuck!”
After bouncing up and down a few more times, you decided to switch up a bit. You were tired and you were gonna cum soon, so you settled for circular and straight motions with Yugyeom inside you balls deep. He held you closer now, arms strong against your back and head licking all over your collarbones and neck. This was too good, he was too good.
You grabbed his neck between your hands, thumbs resting against his cheeks, and connected your foreheads once again. Your lips were barely touching and your moans were being mixed together, creating a beautiful symphony. One of Yugyeom’s hands left your back only to reach between your bodies and rub your clit. You cried out at how good it felt, “Fuck, Yugyeom. I think I’m close.”
His eyes were locked on yours and he didn’t look away, too mesmerized by the view, “M-me too.” He could barely speak, this was too much. He could feel you getting tighter around him, guessing that the feeling of his thumb against your clit was getting you closer and closer to your orgasm.
“I want you to cum inside me, ok? I need you to fill me up.”
“I can’t,” this sounded dangerous and for the thousand time that night, Yugyeom questioned your request.
“Yes, yes you can. Cum inside me, baby, please.” You begged.
Well, he couldn’t say no to that. Not when you were the one doing the begging. With a few more movements of your hips, he felt his orgasm building up incredibly strong, “I-I think I’m gonna cum, noona.” He pressed harder against your clit, he wanted you to cum with him and he knew you were close.
You kept on moving, chasing both of your highs, “Cum, baby. Cum for noona.”
He was gone, stars all over his eyes, cock leaking and filling you up. Yugyeom came with a moan of your name - not your stage name, your actual name - and that was enough to send you over the edge. You once again captured his lips on yours and kissed him passionately while you rode out of your highs.
After a while you stopped moving but didn't move a muscle to move away from Yugyeom. Your entire bodies collided together, exhausted and sweaty, but together. You rested your head on his shoulders, his cock getting limp inside you, but you didn’t care.
Yugyeom held you close to him, your naked breasts against his chest feeling way too good to let go. He gave your shoulder gentle pecks while both of you tried to get your breathing back to normal.
You mimicked his gesture and kissed his shoulder too, voice soft saying, “Happy birthday.”
He smiled against your skin, “Thanks, noona.”
The two of you stayed like that for a little while. You were the first one to move, you had to go home. You pulled away gently, too scared to break or hurt him - he was too precious to get hurt. You looked at him once again and gave him one last kiss, lips lingering and tasting the bitterness of saying goodbye.
You got up and dressed your robe, gathering your stuff from the floor.
“So this is how you leave?”
You turned around to face Yugyeom, who was still sitting naked on the couch. You raised a brow at him in curiosity, “What did you expect?”
Yugyeom shrugged, “I don’t know? Your number, maybe?” He decided it was worth giving it a shot. He had done so many things that night that he had never in a million years imagined he’d done that asking for your number didn’t even seem that horrible. He was still shy doing it, his cheeks still pink. He thought you’d never give him his number, but the remainings of alcohol in his system making him brave once again.
You thought about it for a second, looking at the man right in front of you. Fuck it. You had also already done so much you shouldn’t have done that night that giving your number wasn’t such a bad idea, now, was it? You moved towards the door and he really thought you were about to leave. Instead, you reached for his jeans and picked up his phone from his back pocket. You typed something quickly against the screen and tossed it to Yugyeom, who now had a big smile across his beautiful and tasty lips.
“Bye, birthday boy,” you said, winking at him and opening the door. “Noona hopes to see you very soon.”
a/n: so here’s a long ass thing i’ve written in the last two days. this wasn’t even on my wips page, just lost in my google docs when inspiration struck me as a lightning, the thought of sub yugyeom haunting me. and i was somehow influenced by @jj-nyoung‘s sin called tape 69. lastly, thanks to @yoongitalks for being the best beta in this world.  hope you guys enjoy it and my askbox is always open for the much appreciated feedback!
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sunnysynthsunshine · 6 years
7th Comedy Monologue
“Hey my Cheese bags I’m back from my adventure in 1985”
“No joke if you look it up
the timeframe of days for each month this year
are the exact same as they were in 1985”
So all this “80s revival stuff” with Duran Duran and Depeche Mode touring, Petshop Boys releasing a new album, a new generation falling in love with Queen and She-Ra while the world is being messed up by a tyrannical iron lady and a talking tangerine makes a bit of sense doesn’t it?”
Even though I was born in the 2000s I’ve always loved most of the media from that decade, the gothic and upbeat synthesizer music,the cheaply made but entertaining cartoons,the video games,the basic but stylish fashion,the musicals and John Hughes films,the mix of music genres in the charts,Goth,Synth,Punk,2 Tone,Post-Punk,New Wave,Glam Metal,Alternative,Shoegaze,Hip Hop,Electronica
I was watching Saved by the Bell  before Netflix even existed
Then again a lot of the shows from then were also being revived back in my day
Dal Winton was presenting game shows, Pingu replaced the scary walrus monsters with rap music, I watched or had VHS tapes of the Muppet show, Noddy, Postman Pat and Scooby Doo.
Scooby-Doo! Now that’s a show that never gets old because it never changes, anyone regardless of what generation they’re from would be able to tell you
“Oh Yeah, I remember Scooby Doo”
When you think about it Scooby Doo is quite philosophical
we are all just a gang going on our own adventures
that and the first few live-action movies are modern masterpieces
I was just browsing Twitter or Tumblr or literally anywhere on the internet only to see that screencaps were taken from the live action Scooby Doo interviews had turned into memes
Well,I was auditioning for the role of Velma, I could sense from the way Matthew Lillard just fully encompassed the role of Shaggy, it felt like he was Shaggy, he was our saviour as he felt his spiritual energy increase, that’s when I knew we were working with a legend
Something like that although Matthew isn’t too fond of the memes himself specifically the ones where his spiritual connections are described more like demon possession rituals
“Being Shaggy has led me down a path of death and destruction. I’ve killed many mortals in hope of replicating 1% of Shaggy’s being, by the end of filming I hope to become one with him”
In which Matthew responded with
*deadpan voice*
This is wrong
I mean I might also have inspirations where I feel like I can philosophically connect with them, in their performing style and personality but that’s where I draw the line
Personality?  That’s a tricky subject
You could say some people have consistent personalities
People said Freddie Mercury and David Bowie were party animals who were incredible on stage with their charisma, creativity and charm but other sources have said they were relaxed, laid back people who were shy when being interviewed.
That could just be the contrast between their onstage and offstage personas but not all of us have that, even if we are all  just actors in a play, hoping each day goes the right way
Some of us are punk, even if we don’t explicitly say that we are, or have the stereotypical style associated with it,a lot of us just try to be ourselves,some of us can enjoy reality shows and horror movies at the same time,some of us can enjoy One Direction and Gorillaz,some of us can love fashion but also love memes, Theatre, and 1980s aesthetics
I’d say I’m the same but sometimes my personality is all over the place
I can go from being cheerful, relaxed and happy to being dazed and clumsy or cynical or entranced and hyper-fixated to Pessimistic and Cold to Quiet and Timid to Mellow and Loud   what personality traits you associate with me, however, is up to your own conclusion
call me any internet subculture stereotype and I’d be able to tell you about how I either, unfortunately, was the stereotype or I hung around people who were those stereotypes
if you said I was someone who watched Cbbc and citv you’d be right
if you said I was a classic rock enthusiast years ago and now you’d be right
if you said I used to be a cringy anime enthusiast  you’d be right
if you said I was one of those theatre kids who watched Disney sitcoms you’d be right
if you said I was one of those meme posters who referenced movies like Shrek and bee movie you’d be right
Another thing punks did was and sometimes still do was creating fanzines, magazines related to their favourite band or tv show or their own opinions on what’s going in the world, nowadays you could say social media has replaced that, but publications like the Daily Mirror, The Sun and TMZ still have a presence on there,I’d say fanzines should have a revival.
The BAFTA’s also happened recently and I wasn’t impressed, then again when are awards shows anything other than beauty pageants for films anyway?
Some films deserved their awards, but some films barely got a mention, Paddington 2 wasn’t included in there or in any of the other film awards this year and Stan and Ollie got nothing…
A darn shame because that film was so well made, it felt authentic, while Stan and Ollie also have a bit of a universal following, there are still some people who probably don’t know who they are!
Before Walliams and Lucas, Before the Two Ronnies, Before Richie and Eddie
There was…Laurel and Hardy
Two moustached blokes, who in the 20s and 50s would just try to delight audiences the best way they could, through slapstick and laughter, without them, most of the world’s double acts wouldn’t exist and even Spongebob wouldn’t exist
Yep, you heard me right, all those misadventures Spongebob and Patrick would have, they were loosely based on the adventures of Laurel and Hardy, except instead of it being about a tall British man and a fat American it was about an anthropomorphic sponge and a dumb but caring starfish.
Speaking of Spongebob, there was some sad news involving Spongebob not too long ago
The creator of Spongebob, Stephen Hillenburg…had passed away from ALS
I know, it’s awful,stupid motor neuron diseases and stupid Adam Levine too,for those who don’t know there was an episode of Spongebob called Band Geeks where they ended the episode with the cast playing a song called Sweet Victory over a Superbowl type of event, for the actual super bowl Spongebob fans around the world petitioned for that song to be played in tribute for Stephen,however we got Adam Levine singing a different song instead….what a letdown
If it wasn’t for SpongeBob I and some of the rest of the new generation, wouldn’t know half the old music or old films we know now.
To let down millions of fans like that makes me sick
Honestly, I was a bit sick a few weeks ago, I’ve been sick before and hospitalized twice but this particular moment of sickness was odd
It was like any other night, I was trying to get some sleep and lucid dream, but then it happened, the shivers, the shakes the trembling aches,
Out of nowhere, I felt like an ice-cube stuck in a microwave, It was too cold but it was too warm, I eventually got to sleep but when I got up the next morning I felt sick again, sorry for disclosing those details but it was like the exorcist…
Usually, when I’m sick watching documentaries, Kitchen Nightmares or 90s films weirdly cheers me up
Speaking of films, Rocketman the Elton John movie is out and it actually looks good
It’s being directed by the guy who was the replacement director for Bo Rhap and if it ends up being brilliant I won’t be surprised, the trailer gave off Velvet Goldmine vibes, the style of composed cinematography and I’m sounding like Film Twitter, Isle of Dogs was a good film…oh wait it wasn’t acknowledged much by the award shows either.
Another amazing film I recently watched was Rocky Horror…I know I’ve mentioned it before but that was when I only knew the sequel and some of the soundtrack,
It was amazing, it was brilliant, it was fantastic, it was out of this world,
ah! Rocky Horror was splendid
I definitely now understand why it’s still going strong to this day
It’s that hybrid of rock and roll, optimistic nihilism and soft aesthetics
That just works for me, another thing I’ve remembered was that Richard O’ Brien played the dad in Phineas and Ferb, well that explains that part of me liked that cartoon for the music and some of the characters but other characters did my head in like that Isabel character
“Hey, Phineas what ya dooing?”
“How about you let me finish my invention and you mind your own business”
Oof that’s too harsh…but considering aspects of the marvel Phineas and Ferb crossover were surprisingly a bit sexist at times outdated for the show that is usually quite progressive in its representation and characters…it’s probably accurate
Another person who hasn’t changed but is also often harsh, Piers Morgan, a little tweety bird told me he had a mysterious illness, good riddance I’d say, he’s the new Noel Edmonds, the presenter who used to be ok but now is unbearable…because he never shuts up
Thankfully though he’s “taking a break” from GMB that will rest our eardrums
Russell Brand has also been in the tabloids again, even though he’s more focused on his Buddhist spiritual recovery enlightening, looking back he wasn’t as bad as people described him, yeah at times he was a bit too over the top,but he was and is quite an ok bloke, but I’d say temporarily banning tickling is a bit of a stretch,
when you think about the number of people who disrespect our literal and figurative personal space on a daily basis, it kinda makes a bit of sense,
whether your sensory sensitive or not, I’m sure you hate it, when people are too touchy at times
although years ago I would’ve been a bit of an ignorant hypocrite about that
Hating it when crowds of kids would chase me like how the paparazzi chase their next gossip target, yet often annoyingly running up to people to talk to or entertain them.
I really need to learn to enjoy loneliness more because I get some of my best ideas when alone, but emotionally I feel a lot better when around others, a bit of an Ambivert really,
I’m sorry I can be a bit all over the place, I’m trying to make my energy more manageable
as that lucid dreaming thing has been misused at times,
I shouldn’t let myself be controlled…
by anyone or anything..no overthinking, no overworking,
treat the world as your stage, start your first act, motivated and ready, take your recharging interval breaks and then move on for your second act
fancy that me an ex-drama student making that metaphor when my current course  involves digitally drawing art, editing audio and sitting at a computer for most of the day
But then again just because someone shows good charisma that doesn’t always mean their a good person.
Ted Bundy, one of America's most notorious serial killers used charisma and charm in his court cases, and with the amount of fangirls giving him fanmail it was like the Beatles fandom but for people with Stockholm syndrome,and now with Netflix’s documentary and Troy from High School Musical in an upcoming film about him, that seems to be repeating itself…
*Alien voice* Ted Bundy the 1960s called they want your fangirls back!
One show I know you probably haven’t heard of is The Boondocks, a south park esque cartoon with an anime esque art style, referencing the social commentary of African American culture and media, celebrating some aspects while critiquing others, through the lenses of a socialist boy named Huey Freeman, his rapper wannabe brother Riley and their activist grandad Robert.
This show was quite revolutionary,it referenced the issue of each episode quite well, even though it only lasted 4 seasons, however, because the show is quite American, apart from the animation which is done in Korea,The Boondocks is not well known in the UK, which is a shame because it is a really good show that still holds up…however, it does fall under one mousetrap that most other adult cartoons fall into….
Because of the references to violence,innuendo and other dark subject matter sometimes referenced in a satirically humorous way,some audiences  would just watch the show because it’s offensive thinking that the show was made just to be offensive..instead of what the show was actually made for..which was to give social commentary on the issues relevant to African American communities in America.
I had watched this show years ago, it only just came back on my radar, because the creator Aaron McGruder, who based the show off his webcomic of the same name, had recently made a new issue.
There’s a difference between being satirical and being offensive
Your either making fun of something bad that a system or people are doing to make people aware of how stupid and sad the world can be at times,subjectively making fun of a stereotype, or your an arse who thinks they’re a comedian when they waste their time on social media, thinking they’re amazing and funny when they’re holding up the line at Mcdonald’s and the only people laughing at their jokes are gammon and people who found Bernard Manning funny
“Oh Wait”
I know sometimes I have unpopular opinions such as how my views of someone dip depending on their views of Kanye West
and sometimes I can be a bit snarky, and I hate and love stuff in equal amounts, but we need a bit of that don’t we, if we bottle it all up we explode like volcanos, but if we overshare too much, we crash like out of control cars
It’s all about moderation, salt is a tasty condiment but eat too much of it and your arteries will get clogged,
A few days back it was the day Mark Ashton passed away, for those who don’t know,he was an LGBT activist in the 80s,he volunteered with organizations such as the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament,he and the other activists helped to support the miners during the miner strike, creating the LGSM Alliance,Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners,there was a film made about them too, called Pride,but what some people don’t know is that….Mark Ashton was Northern Irish…he was one of us..he was the Marsha P Johnson of our time..if we were a bit like Mark Ashton this country would be a slightly more accepting place, why don’t we give love!
Let’s move on, plant more flowers in our garden..I know I sound like a hippie but it’s true, our Celtic Summerland is being used as a cesspool for Nuclear Waste
Oi! use your own bins, not the place we’re living in, pick up your rubbish and clean up your own mess…
The 80s were telling us something with all those protect and survive adverts, yes some of us were prepared as the older generation made us alert, others couldn’t recognize that a lot of innocent people were getting hurt.
When we say we want a 1980s comeback we want the music, clothes, games and  films,
but Nope
while we have some of that the 1980s revival we get is the one that involves Nuclear Danger and the ghost of Margaret Thatcher
All these TV and Film revivals, some are cool others are just unnecessary  Do we really need a Snow White sequel? No, we don’t but we did get one even if it was unofficial
Back in 2007 a French animation company made a sequel to Snow White which was also a bit like Shrek in how it satirised the fairy tale tropes, how Prince Charming feels like he is objectified while he ends up doing the same thing to the female characters, quite a tosser but that’s the point of the parody to point out the flaws with fairy tale logic, and to put the likes of Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella in more realistic scenarios.
…it’s strange, weird but brilliant too
The English dub had quite a few familiar faces doing the character voices
Stephen Fry as the narrator, Morwenna Banks, Simon Greenall and another British actor
Rik someone...
Ah! I remember his name now, he was in many successful sitcoms in the 80s and 90s,he was a legend, he knew how to keep people laughing, whether they were children, adults, teenagers,
in television, theatre, film or music
quite an eclectic range of talent
I’m a new fan, I might adore his work, but I had just learnt his name 2 years ago, whereas, with other fans, they have created their own work, such as Charlie Brooker and Simon Pegg… some were able to meet him…lucky...
Some encounters were quite interesting, I had heard someone’s nan got to meet him in the 90s but she got his name wrong so she ended up saying
“‘oh hello can I have your autograph please Mr mayo?’
Well that happened, she probably still got that autograph,...
And somewhere up there, Rik Mayall is thinking of us, he, Stephen Hillenburg and David Bowie are probably chatting away
Let’s make the lord of misrule proud
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pcurrytravels · 7 years
Las Vegas - A Love Hate Thang (Chapter II: The Ultimate Paradox)
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Something I’ve noticed about my hometown: This place really thrives off of paradoxes and oxymorons. 
Our outlook? Perpetually stuck in the future (*points at the innumerable mothballed construction sites dotting our local landscape*). Our attitude? Perpetually stuck in the past (You know, it would have been a good idea to start diversifying our local economy after how hard we were hit by the recession, but instead we went right back to putting all of our eggs in the tourism, gaming, nightlife and real estate industries)
Our demographics (in just about every area imaginable) look like gumbo these days. But don’t hold your breath on that explosion of flavors you were expecting, because culture-wise? We still taste like chicken noodle soup. 
“Minors are not to be anywhere near the slots, alcohol, nightclubs or any of the other sinful stuff!” Is that right? Then explain why all of the movie theaters, bowling alleys, video arcades and even high school graduations are located within casinos please.
“We have so much love for our local community!” Yeah, you speak so highly of us when the “needs” of tourists, conventioneers, celebrities and, well, literally everyone except the city’s residents are fulfilled first, effectively rendering us as second-class citizens within our own city. 
None of these things sound like they make any sense, do they? Welcome to Las Vegas baby!
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I could come up with numerous examples to be honest. I mean, I have lived here for nearly my whole life, so I think I can talk, but the paradox I personally find the most disturbing is this: We love to act like we’re this world class, progressive and forward-thinking metropolitan area on par with places like NYC and L.A. when the truth of that matter is, we’re essentially an overgrown Western hick town that just so happens to have a giant theme park for adults in the middle, a lot of traffic, some fancy houses and more diversity than usual. 
When I first went to San Francisco back in 2011, I was in awe. There were so many things that shocked and caught me off guard.....in a good way. I won’t go into detail, but let’s just say they were all things that I KNOW would never fly here in Vegas, and yet we’re supposed to be “Sin City.” (And, although I didn’t see much of it myself during my excursions to these places, some of the people in this thread from Quora are saying that even NYC and LA are more lenient about a lot of these “sinful” things than we are these days. Can’t say I’d doubt it)
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Yes, we are Sin City in terms of gambling and sports betting, alcohol, tobacco and now marijuana consumption, sex-related entertainment and services (and even then it’s all so sanitized and PG-13 these days it barely even qualifies), quickie marriage/divorce and a history with organized crime. Beyond that, however? Let’s just say we have a lot more in common with Arizona and Mississippi than we do with Amsterdam. 
Remember how in the first chapter of this series I told you all that I felt it was best to keep my thoughts and feelings about Las Vegans in general to myself? Okay, let me give you a tiny little sample: When talking to the typical Las Vegan, you’re more likely to be treated to the stereotypical thought process of either a flyover country redneck, a resident of a southern small town or a suburban high school student than you are that of someone who resides in a city with a global presence. Odd as it may seem, especially when this place’s international influence is taken into account, believe me, tis’ true. 
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Having to constantly deal with such a smug, judgmental, provincial, insular and occasionally, dare I say it, behind the times populace is already exasperating enough on its own, but this is only further complicated by the relentless insistence that we aren’t. Not at all to say such a mindset is ever okay (nor am I saying that EVERYONE in these types of locales thinks and/or behaves in this manner), but at least towns and cities in flyover country, the old west and the deep south are HONEST about being stuck in their narrow-minded and prejudicial ways. 
Vegas on the other hand takes part in a charade wherein an image of being a forward-thinking and cosmopolitan metropolis is played up only to turn around and gag at the thought of actually embracing those same progressive ideals and values when no one’s looking. (Meta-Tangent: Mind you, we actually do have most of the ingredients to be that type of city already. The things we’re missing come as a result of having a populace that’s insistent on talking the talk but not walking the walk) Although I certainly don’t agree with it, I can at least respect the former to a point, compared to the latter which is just annoying, frustrating, and doesn’t make any damn sense. In layman’s terms, we’re total latte liberals. 
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.......okay, maybe it’s not THAT bad. (Hey, this is called a “Love Hate Thang,” remember?)
There are certain pockets that are slowly evolving into the sort of environment that reminds me of SF and LA where things are more laid back and “free” if you will. See: DTLV/East Fremont, 18b Arts District, The Naked City, Huntridge, Winchester, the “Central” East Side if that makes sense, Charleston Heights, West Sahara (for the Las Vegans reading this: sounds general AF, I know), the Fruit Loop/Harmon Corridor, the University District, Paradise Palms/Maryland Parkway Corridor and (to a lesser extent) Chinatown/Asiatown. 
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The rest of the city and the suburbs on the other hand leave quite a bit to be desired in the department of open-mindedness in my not so humble opinion. So it should be no surprise that I spend nearly all of my time in the aforementioned neighborhoods these days. I feel much closer to my element in these places than I do even in my home neighborhood/suburb of Spring Valley, most of which I don’t even touch with a ten foot pole ever since moving away. 
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Meta-Tangent: Having grown up in Spring Valley and the Western suburbs, I know from experience that most people out there are DEATHLY afraid of venturing into any of these areas. A lot of it has to do with the perceived danger of them, despite all the evidence to the contrary (I know, I know, pretty general article, but given that I live here, I can tell ya: these murders, robberies, violent and sexual assaults have been occurring EVERYWHERE. However, a large amount of residents as well as our local media would be insistent in having you believe it’s all taking place Downtown or in the long-maligned northern, eastern and central portions of the city/metro area).
On the other hand, there’s also a lot of people who condescendingly put these parts of the city down just because they’re old, even though those horrible old houses they’re talking about are actually of far better aesthetic quality and much more structurally sound. Meanwhile, these same snobs are living in cheaply-built, cookie-cutter homes that were probably slapped together in a week and will likely start falling apart in five years. 
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As for my honest opinion? These are only half-truths. I know for a fact that a lot of them are just being low-key racist and high-key classist/elitist. I also have a pretty strong theory that the strong hatred, fear and/or disdain people in the western suburbs have for these areas is because they know it’s a different world from the provincial, suburban bubbles they choose to live in. Oh well, that’s fine by me. Let those of us who actually are forward-thinking and progressive have all the fun. /tangent over.
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Truth be told, none of this should really come as a surprise if you take a deeper look into this city’s history. Although, eschewing the thousand year legacy of the Paiutes, the modern-day origins of Las Vegas can be traced to Spaniards; being along the Old Spanish Trail and even being named “The Meadows” in Spanish due to the abundance of grassy meadows, hot springs and rivers in the area back then (all of which have long disappeared thanks to urbanization), the first permanent settlement here was a fort built by Mormon missionaries. 
That’s right, “Sin City” owes it’s existence to the same people with a stance on women that’s perpetually stuck in the 19th century, have beliefs that not-so-subtly imply black people are afflicted by the curse of Cain and wear very prudish undergarments (although the whole polygamy thing is probably what we have to thank for our quickie marriage/divorce culture). On top of that, while hidden from the naked eye, Mormons still have an active influence on the politics and overall society of this city with some very vocal moral guardians, always letting themselves be heard when things get “too” sinful. 
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Oh, another thing: In the early/mid-20th century there was a place that was known as the Mississippi of The West. Where do you think it was? Utah? Arizona? Nope! It was right here in Nevada. They really did go hard with the Jim Crow thing here back in the day. Why, Sammy Davis Jr. couldn’t even walk through or have a drink in the same casinos where he performed to rave audiences for goodness sake. Now, that level of injustice and segregation is unheard of nowadays, but there’s many lingering signs of this era that can still be felt. They’re subtle, but they’re there. (Psst! The mascot of our local university was originally a confederate soldier. Seriously. In more recent years he’s been made to look like a cowboy instead but still)
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Lastly, we grew from a small town in the desert where people from California and the Midwest came to gamble and watch showgirls to a rapidly growing metro area which plays host to a world-renowned resort, nightlife and fine dining destination that attracts people from all over the world. Almost literally overnight. Just about any Vegas native born before the late nineties can tell you stories of playing in the desert as a kid, including yours truly. All of us can remember when that housing development, Walmart, school, park, or whatever was a vacant lot. In turn, despite the growth, this leads to a fairly large portion of natives who are very much stubbornly stuck in their small town ways, many of whom are insistent on teaching their ways to their offspring unfortunately. 
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The ingredients and the potential. We already have it. In terms of demographics, we’re a total melting pot. We’re located in one of the nine states where recreational cannabis use is legal and the only one where prostitution is legal (even though it’s not allowed in our county for whatever strange, puritanical reason). We have all the makings of a sexually-liberated, alternative/counterculture/subculture/generally non-conformist paradise. There is a growing and active community of creatives. And yet, a lot of this growth in the realm of free-thinking is borderline stunted thanks to the Mormon influence, the Mississippi-esque history and the small town attitude.
Alas, even though Vegas may be living proof that a  physical city can grow and change overnight, culture and community are two things that can’t change overnight, no matter how you slice or dice it. I regularly find myself pining for the Vegas of my childhood during the nineties; when it was far larger than a town but barely a city. I’d also love to experience Vegas during the 60s, 70s and 80s (minus the racism part, obviously), but at the end of the day, these are just frivolous ideologies. A more substantial wish would be that the local attitude and mindset finally catches up with the rapid population growth, urban development and all of the related side effects. My fondness for the neighborhoods listed above is a direct result of this desire I have. They represent what I wish all of Vegas could be.
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As a new age and generation comes into play, perhaps this wish will be reality one day soon. Until next time. 
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miketendo-64 · 4 years
Oh Yeah! LEGO Super Mario Time!
LEGO Super Mario has officially been released onto the world. The new toy range from LEGO launched worldwide at select retailers on August 1st, 2020. We were lucky enough to receive a product sample to test out ourselves and feature on our website. We would like to thank both the LEGO Group and Mischief PR for sending us a sample.
LEGO Super Mario is not what most people would have thought it to be like. It isn’t a staple Minifigure in the guise of Super Mario, it is something else entirely. Mario has taken on a new ‘blocky’ form that could have come straight from a leaf out of Minecraft’s book. LEGO Super Mario isn’t just a plastic figure, he has all the bells and whistles (literally!). By popping a pair of AAA batteries into our plumber’s back (with the help of a screwdriver and a touch of a button), Mario will be almost good to go, to set off on his newest adventure.
The stages have to be built of course (those bricks aren’t going to stack themselves). However, there are no physical instructions and you will require the assistance of the official LEGO Super Mario app. To download the app, you have a couple of options available. You can either use the QR code provided in the quick installation guide or search for ‘LEGO Super Mario’ in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
The app is actually very handy and can take you through the process of setting up your sets, brick by brick. Every step that is shown on the screen can be moved, rotated, and zoomed in and out of. If you accidentally skip a step, you can slide the progress bar along the bottom back to whichever step you have passed.
There are helpful videos in between instructions to show you how each piece you build, can connect or interact with one another. They are only a few seconds long but they can be insightful and offer you some ideas for your own designs. Once you have everything built, it’s time to bring the pieces together and create some courses!
I will admit that it has been a long time since I have last played with LEGO. By this, I do mean actual LEGO. The LEGO video games I have played from time to time. In fact, strangely enough, I was playing with LEGO well before I ever set eyes on a video game console. That was a long time ago though and playing with LEGO Super Mario has rekindled that love I use to have when I used to play with LEGO.
Connecting all the little LEGO bricks and parts together has always been quite a therapeutic experience for me. The added beauty of being able to “build” my very own Super Mario courses with an official LEGO Super Mario figure and sets was a dream of mine. It may have taken 30 odd years for it to finally happen, but as the saying goes “Better late than never.”
It is very clear that LEGO Super Mario is aimed for young children, ages 6 and up. It is not meant for the likes of adults such as myself but it is quite entertaining to create these little figures and obstacles and watch as they all come together. Of course, building the sets is one thing but what are the sets good for after building them? Why playing with them of course!
LEGO Super Mario can interact with most things in the course. With the scanner between his feet, Mario can read special barcodes that you connect to certain enemies, characters, or objects. The barcode for the Super Star, for example, turns Mario into Star Man. The Speech barcode will have Mario greet whichever character it is placed in front of though Mario will interact with any barcode, regardless of where it is put.
The scanner can also interact with colors like Green for grass, Blue for water, Yellow for sand, and Red for fire/lava. This includes the likes of bricks used in your courses and even surfaces that Mario is placed on. While Mario was activated, he burnt himself as he stood on the palm of my reddened hand. His chest displayed flames and he yelped in pain.
When Mario is placed in the green pipe, he will begin a countdown from 60 seconds. You must then take Mario through the course and collect as many coins as you can until you reach the end. LEGO Mario can be made stomp on enemies, or blocks and can collect coins for his efforts. The ? Block will generate a random reward for Mario that could be anything from the aforementioned coins to a super Mushroom, Super Star, or even extra time on the countdown clock.
When you want to add some extra challenges to your LEGO courses, you can expand your adventure with the expansion sets. There are a fair number already available that bring new interactive pieces and characters. While you can get a few sets quite cheaply, the majority of the sets can be quite pricey. Bowser’s Castle, for example, is at the steep end of the spectrum of around £89.99 / $99.99 / €99.99.
The enemy blind bags, on the other hand, give you the opportunity to add even more enemies to stomp at a more affordable price (around £3.49 / $4.99 / €4.99 depending on individual outlet prices). How you wish to expand your collection is totally up to you. We found the ‘Mario’s House & Yoshi’ expansion set too adorable to pass up!
LEGO Mario can also change his outfit for four other types. These include Fire Mario, Propeller Mario, Cat Mario, and Builder Mario. These “Power-Up Packs” cost about £8.99 / $9.99 / €9.99). When they are attached to LEGO Mario, he will recognize the Power-up and will display it on his chest screen. He can also make sounds to accompany actions like flying, climbing, stomping, etc.
I really did enjoy myself putting the set together and feeling pleased with my handiwork. While I may not play with it too much after the initial construction of the sets, I do see myself coming back to it from time to time to add another expansion set (and another). I love how LEGO Mario interacts with things on the courses and even with things that aren’t. Mario will make sounds for jumping, walking, and will even drift off to sleep if rocked gently!
If you would like to see some more images of the LEGO Super Mario Starter Set and the Mario’s House and Yoshi Expansion set, feel free to check out our gallery below.
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 11%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Well, thank you for reading our Feature / Product Review on LEGO Super Mario. We hope you have enjoyed it and that it may have inspired you to pick up a set for one of your youngsters (or for yourself, we’re not ones to judge). If you would like to see more of our LEGO Super Mario content, feel free to watch our Starter Kit unboxing and some ‘gameplay’ of LEGO Mario playing through our course.
If you would like to know more about The LEGO Super Mario range, be sure to visit LEGO US, LEGO UK
or your home country’s official LEGO website at www.lego.com
[Feature] #LEGOSuperMario Product Review - Building The Mushroom Kingdom Brick by Brick @LEGO_Group @mischiefpr Oh Yeah! LEGO Super Mario Time! LEGO Super Mario has officially been released onto the world. The new toy range from LEGO launched worldwide at select retailers on August 1st, 2020.
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youinmyhoodnowson · 6 years
best tool chest under 500
Having truck tool boxes can also add a lot more storage for your pick-up truck. It is best advised to get some tool storage to prevent unnecessary clutter by having everything held in an arranged as well as simple to get into manner. The multi-functionality for these tool storage is surely an added bonus. It will give you space for both work and play! With the right storage, you can actually transport things to your hobbies, from clubs to hunting rifles. This convenience is your reach, however you must make a choice from the several tool boxes available.
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You can find these truck tool boxes created from aluminum, steel, and duty poly plastics. The steel ones, while essentially the most sturdy, are also the most heavy. Aluminum is now quite sturdy and a lot lighter weight. This is important if you are hauling lots of heavy gear or equipment. They also don't rust. The hard plastic boxes are lighter weight also, but not as sturdy I don't think.
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Most "bright" finish aluminum is unfinished. It has a great shine to start out in case its left on a sunny day that shine will quickly dull. These boxes are also made of a black powder coat. This is a tough finish which takes considerably longer to dull out. Some of the high end boxes like Weatherguard actually utilize a clear powder coat on all their bright finish boxes. Weatherguard also makes some durable metal toolboxes. They come painted either white or black. These can be painted to fit if you wish to go with a painted theme. The cheapest way is to opt for a plastic toolbox. They are always black are available in the crossbed, chest, porkchop and also give a box to mount towards the front of an trailer. Tool boxes created from metal or metal is definitely brighter and is also intended particularly for anti-corrosive settings due to their weighty strength and fully stainless interiors. Plastic tool boxes on the other hand, are lighter, resilient, and transparent which enable it to be fully removed for easier access and refilling. Plastics are non-corrosive and have bins which can be wiped with water and soap. It is often best for have tool boxes which are available in harmony using your needs. If you can't locate one tool box that you like, you can have it customize to suit your fashion sense.
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Chevy Tool Boxes - it is one of the most renowned, affordable and solid car manufacturers. With the expansion of several segments they started offering some of the most efficient tool boxes which is often employed for several purposes. They offer among the best tool boxes like Bowtie and Under cover box buddy.
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It’s well made, has sufficient space, and is suitable with a wide range of trucks. Made of top of the range brite tread aluminum, the DZ 6160NB device box comes with a wide range of impressive options that will definitely make you need to purchase it immediately. Very spacious, allowing you to store a variety of instruments. After which, enter a number or drag the slider, permitting you to set the textual content percentage to stay within the summary. These sleeping baggage are completely adorable and youngsters would absolutely like it-- together with the youngsters-at-coronary heart as properly. I've also seen vises mounted to the top of the field, and that seems to work very well. One other big distinction is the highest drawer. If you’re inserting the chest in your storage, then consider the inside design so that you could choose one thing that works with the interior. Then use the dip persist with check the oil level. If using an archived Security Speak you'll want to examine the validity of the data.
The brand new content material is created by both the authors and the gamers themselves, utilizing the shared instruments. I love my tools. It is a free word processor written by R. Salsbury for writers -- it is going to do manuscript format, script format, all kinds of author friendly things and has the one feature I love most -- the Pad file. This ought to be stocked with a hammer, a screwdriver, and so on. Just the issues you already have in your go to in your house. As you'll be able to see from the picture I've saved my pennies in a large brandy bottle that I was given about fifteen years in the past. There are numerous methods best tool chest review in which you'll be able to have enhancements in advertising and marketing with Dynamics CRM. These are the nicest 19″ containers I’ve had yet. Don’t fear, there are myriads of plagiarism checking instruments on-line that can help you check the authenticity of your work, but I’ve compiled an inventory of free online plagiarism instruments the place you may examine your work with none expenses. A contract can be used that will list the criterion for improvement, over what period of time and what the reward is.
Whenever you enter a web site, you'll be flooded by the pop up ads. For those who resign yourself to paying somewhat further, however, you may be sure that your instruments will be protected against all threats. However, its purpose generally far exceeds what you'd count on from a regular one. John Bicheno is by far my favorite writer with reference to Lean Manufacturing, his books and video games are easy to use and straightforward to know. The paint apps are beautiful in pictures and especially in hand, vibrant and at the identical time a tinged dull to offer it that rugged retro futuristic Star wars flare. It has a powder coat paint finish that retains it scratch free. I realize it is tough to delve again into this materials once more, but it's your Solely choice. The angled design is low profile and beveled so there is a greater view out the back window. The Craftsman 18 Inch Tool Box with Tray is quite comparable in design and presentation to the thirteen inch tool field I showed you a few entries in the past.
A few of those that purchased this tool field said that it’s cheaply made. Obtain Glyphicon, Search Glyphicon, Print Glyphicon, Envelop Glyphicon are few of them. Altoids tins are a popular choice, especially for an in-your-pocket EDC package, although it is limiting in its measurement. Its extremely-compact measurement means it won’t discover a number of favor on construction websites. So as to add more strength and lasting hold, you possibly can add hairspray. If you are fortunate the nut will look roughly like the one above--it's a bit corroded, but not so much in order to be frozen to the bolt--and never just like the one under. Contemplating the multiple uses of a tool box, let’s check out the following features that will help you choose among your choices. Add one new promoting tool at a time to your software field. With a field wrench, remove the oil plug. When you get started and see what you'll be able to create, I promise you're going to get addicted to the best tool chest.
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A Few Ideas For Valuable Liquid Grip Methods
Astute Climbing Chalk Canada Programs For 2017
Fitness is an activity that many people enjoy. But it can be difficult to learn everything you need to about fitness. The following article will provide Climbing Chalk|Canada the proper techniques to help you in reaching your fitness goal. If you want to increase your commitment to fitness, pay for a multi-month gym contract. This will "lock you in", so to speak, and keep you coming back over time. However, you should really only do this if going to the gym is something that is difficult for you. If you are serious about becoming more fit, you should select a routine that improves flexibility, burns calories and tones multiple muscle groups. Search for classes in your region. In order to reduce the risk of injury you should be careful to use proper form when you are walking. Walk up straight and draw your shoulders back. Your elbows should fall at 90-degree angles. Your forward foot should be opposite your forward arm. Your heel should always touch down first. Let your foot roll forward naturally and push off with your toes when you start your next stride. You will never get yourself a six pack of abs by doing crunches all the time. Abdominal exercises will strengthen your muscles, but they won't burn off your belly fat. For six-pack abs, do lots of cardio, resistance training, and changing your diet. Before starting your workout, test the padding thickness of the bench by pressing fingers down into the cushion firmly. If you are able to feel the wood through the padding, the machine is either cheaply made or worn out. Choose a more comfortable one. A machine with thin padding can cause discomfort and bruising, failing to provide the support necessary during your exercise routine. Don't exercise when you're ill. When you are ill, your body needs the energy to heal. In addition, your body is not really able to build muscles while you are sick. So, you should refrain from working out until your body has recovered from illness. Meanwhile, eat properly and rest as much as you can. Always pay a trainer prior to actually starting your workouts. This practice increases the likelihood that you will actually show up for your workouts. The reason for this is that your money is already spent. You will want to get your money's worth, so therefore, you will probably endure these sessions. You should lightly workout the muscles that you worked hard on the day before. When exercising tied muscles it is important to use less effort when using them the next day so that you do not cause injury to the muscles. Focus on alternating your fitness routine to concentrate on your frontal muscles, then your back muscles. If you're just working out your lower back or just your abdominal muscles muscles, be prepared for back pain. If you work out both of these you will stave off any back pain you might have. When you are doing situps or crunches, try pressing your tongue against the top of your mouth. This engages your neck muscles and keeps them aligned properly while you are exercising your abs. You can avoid harmful strains or injuries this way. Prior to beginning a workout routine for your arms, make sure you know your goals. Are you trying to increase your muscle mass? If so, you should be lifting larger weights so that your intensity level is increased. If you want to sculpt and tone, simply do more reps with lighter weights. Get the whole family involved in your fitness plan. Let each family member choose activities for the entire family to do together. Keep fitness diaries for the whole family to monitor their progress. This way, everyone in your family is working towards both a common goal of better fitness and their own unique goals. Volunteer at your child's school fitness program in order to show him or her your interest in fitness. Getting yourself involved will help your child be more enthusiastic about their own participation. No matter how important it is; there will always be people who aren't willing to learn about proper fitness. These people may not want to learn or they may just be lacking the right methods. This article will not only help you get fit, but stay fit as well.
Some Questions For Picking Out Important Elements For Canada
Lobster with Pepsi logo 'tattoo' on its claw caught in Canada   A lobster caught in Canada with a Pepsi logo imprinted on its claw is drawing attention to the harmful impact rubbish can have on the ocean, conservationists say. The branded crustacean was trapped by a fishing crew off the Canadian island of Grand Manan, New Brunswick, on 21 November. Karissa Landstrand told CBC she was banding and loading lobsters into a crate for transportation to a buyer when she spotted the instantly recognisable red and blue logo of the fizzy drink .   “I can't say how he got it on,” Ms Lindstrand, who posted the image on Facebook, said. “It seemed more like a tattoo or a drawing on the lobster rather than something growing into it.” She told Canadian media it appeared as if the logo was “tattooed on the lobster’s claw”, causing a debate among the crew working on the boat, however she could not explain how it got there. “They believe that maybe there was a can in the bottom of the ocean and when [the lobster] was growing, it grew around the can,” said Ms Lindstrand, who has been lobster fishing for four years. Another speculated that cardboard Pepsi packaging may have been stuck on its claw for years, with Ms Landstrand adding it could be scraped off but was not paper. “This tells me that there is a lot of garbage in the ocean, if that’s what’s happening to the lobsters we get out from the water,” she added. Matthew Abbott, a marine program coordinator at the Conservation Council of New Brunswick, said it showed “garbage [is] infiltrating even into the deep water”. “I was surprised by unique turn of events that led to this lobster being imprinted with an image of a Pepsi can, but sadly not surprised that marine animals, even found at some depth, are coming into contact with human waste,” he told The Telegraph. “It certainly helps illustrate how widespread marine debris is. While we often think of marine debris as being on the surface it is indeed spread throughout the water column both as large pieces and micro-plastics. “This may have been a fairly harmless case, but often when marine animals come into contact with human rubbish the outcome is much worse.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/12/01/lobster-pepsi-logo-tattoo-claw-caught-canada/
Basketball Tips You Will Not Find Elsewhere
It's difficult to overestimate just how many fans of basketball there are around the world. To fully enjoy basketball, whether as enthusiastic spectator or player, you need to fully understand this game. This article below can help with that. Dribble the ball correctly. Finger tips, not palms, are the key to successful dribbling. This method gives you much more control of the ball. Dribble on the sides of your body instead of directly before you, and bounce it waist level. Keep your eyes up. Make sure you dribble properly by keeping your head held up, facing forward. You haven't practiced enough if you keep looking at the basketball while you're dribbling. One of the best ways to improve your dribbling is to bring your ball along anytime you need to walk somewhere. Try dribbling even when walking to a store. Get used to looking up as you go so that you can focus your attention on the court and not on your hands and the ball. You must learn how to dribble, how a crossover is done and other important ball handling skills. In a crossover, you transfer the basketball from hand to hand. The action needs to be performed quickly in order to be successful. When done correctly, the crossover dribble help you to change direction in order to move down the court efficiently. If you want to be a jump shooter, avoid pumping iron excessively. Although it's true that strong muscles are beneficial, additional bulk can impede your ability to play effectively along the perimeter. Some pro shooting guards make their arms large enough to decrease their own field goal percentage. Need to dupe the opposition? Trick them using a back pass. To do this pass, hold on to the ball with your dominant hand. Now, pull it behind your back. The last step is to flick your wrist in the direction you want the ball to land. This should help to trick the other team. Keep your skills sharp in the off-season by playing different challenging games. Basketball is usually a team sport, but just because you can't find others, doesn't mean you have to just stop thinking about it. That is not a problem. You'll still be able to get a lot done when playing solo. Work on free throws or practice pivot moves. Additionally, you can practice vertical jumping and dribbling. Your child should work on their core muscles if they want to become a basketball player in high school. This includes their abs, lower back, and hips. A core that is not strong enough limits the linkage between arms and legs. A strong, sturdy core allows force from the legs to fuel movements like running and jumping. The excitement that basketball creates for millions of fans across the globe s hard to match. People new to the sport, may be confused if they don't understand all the rules and subtleties. This article should provide a guide for you to use in improving your game.
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weekenderfilm-blog · 7 years
Learn How To Get Into Very competitive Hilesi
Mod Apk participating in can open up a completely new world of adventure out of your home. In this article, we provide you with good advice in order to get the best from enough time you might have for video tutorial Mod Apk. We shall also discuss some inventive secrets. Take a look!
Gifting Hilesi usually means viewing the rankings before you purchase. Using this type of ranking you can actually determine what the overall game content articles are like and what age range must play it. Recommendations will tell you whether it is best to or should never get a match.
Lots of games offer an website which informs you if your personal machine fulfills the nominal necessities for any gameplay. You will discover in the event your structure is equipped for the overall game! Once you have found the game information, you can always remove the acquire.
In these days, lots of games online allow for their people either to get new returns and content pretty cheaply but carefully or receiving them almost instantly by paying extra income. Make sure you cautiously think about the positive aspects that can be extracted. They may only boost your match a tiny touch. These will likely help save you plenty to your precious time.
You can consider some Mod Apks at the people catalogue. Most community libraries offer Hilesi that could be examined at no cost. Libraries have broadened available Mod Apks, new video clips and also audio competitors with books on them.
You shouldn't have fun playing Hilesi the whole day; ensure that it stays into one or two numerous hours at many. Addiction to Hilesi is attainable, so watch your practices so that your interpersonal fun-based activities are usually not influenced. Keep video gaming only to a couple of or fewer several hours everyday. If you undertake have fun with for long, make certain you get common smashes.
It's challenging to select the best video gaming system. Evaluate your wants very carefully, and examine various consoles to get the best coordinate on your behalf. Perform a little on the internet study. Opinions within the diverse products can be encountered. Decide all you are able when you're hoping to get a whole new control console for game playing.
You could get activity by having fun with Hilesi.
Online gaming that concerns motions sensing is all around you today. That lets you indulge in game playing when using your own private muscles, performing physical activities and rehearsing pilates. You can obtain physically fit playing Hilesi within your lounge!
Stay hydrated after you consider playing Mod Apk for very long volumes of time. Mod Apk are a lot of fun, nevertheless you may become so considering the game play that you simply don't handle your self. It may be unsafe into your wellbeing to get dehydrated, so ensure you manage satisfactory moisture during the course of game play.
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Don't shop for Hilesi titles with regards to your young people which are not get older ideal. So, you can examine rankings on the games before you buy them. Some Mod Apks pay attention to abuse, you should certainly prevent.
Be aware that gaming normally takes an actual cost upon your physique. If you happen to rest to play Hilesi titles, consider using a balance baseball and also hardwearing . spinal cord straight. For everybody who is playing dynamic Hilesi, then make sure to take splits and stretch.
If you are planning to get obtaining a new activity, pre-structure! Countless Mod Apk these days have what is called a "pre-order bonus offer," which can be an item made available to those that structure this game as soon as possible. This may be even more profitable as opposed to purchasing a activity when considering over to the general public.
It is wise to give distinctive games the opportunity. Numerous game enthusiasts may actually enjoy only one style of sport. To raise the excitment to your video gaming expertise, try several types of gaming applications.
If look at you your youngster gets straight into a xbox game too much, in particular like expressing fury or hostility despite the fact that having fun with, they likely require a time out. Provide a business time alert, say, 10 mins, after which it take off him from your gameplay, and create a completely new physical activity. Go for a walk or love a different exercise which will efficiency your mind.
On the subject of game titles that require ability, don't use excessive cheat codes. Cheat requirements will minimize the capability to help your competency and just stimulate additional unfaithful. Putting into action cheat rules or some other methods will assist you to when are bogged down or when you should get recent a difficult amount or get caught up.
It is best to have a break every single half hour in case you are seriously into enjoying the Hilesi play. Performing constantly may cause up your eyes and fingers for being tired, that might cause illnesses in the future. Environment some type of alarm will assist you to acquire common splits.
In case you are a Hilesi player, you actually have your preferred styles of game titles. You must division out and play distinct types! You have to in some cases look at types of games to perform. You would possibly just obtain new things you care for that you will have or else disregarded.
Consider online for free advertisements to guide you distribute old Mod Apk. Massive auction sites like craigslist and ebay need to be last resorts. Regularly, you have to handle shipping complications or those who do not fork out. Try out offering your Hilesi titles nearby in order to avoid gaining duped.
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Contemplate generating a special, fully commited destination for children to take part in game trying to play. Having a sport bedroom you may enjoy the calmness and noiseless minus the noise connected to Hilesi. Generate a special living space to prevent this.
Nowadays, lots of Hilesi can be found online on-line. There are a wide variety of down loadable games available for PCs, consoles, and cell phones. The convenience is balanced by way of the natural hazard and costs. Refrain from the need in making game buys, especially when new activities are published. Take the time to understand what these Mod Apks are just like prior to taking the dive.
Games can offer you a whole world of adventure, relaxing and thrills. One can learn potentially profitable new skills and get feeling of achievement. Or, you can easily have loads of enjoyment. Regardless what particular gameplay you want this information will ensure that you get a concept of what you will really like.
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As a final part of this assignment, we have to look at animations done by other people and then go into depth about what we feel their intentions were to create such a piece.
When you watch animation today we do all take it for granted, almost like having amazing visuals is some kind of standard today and anything below is deemed inferior or cheaply made. Sadly I do fall into this stereotype and when someone talks about 2D animation I immediately jump to cartoons and shows intended for children yet that couldn' be further from the truth. 2D movies have proved over the years their ability to perform and deliver difficult subjects and storylines for decades. 3D animation does bring a whole new realism to story telling but 2D animation can do that just the same for cheaper costs.
Borrowed Time (2016) Lou Hamou-Lhadj & Andrew Coats
For my first animation choice, I decided to go with “Borrowed Time” by Lou Hamou-Lhadj and Andrew Coats. What is surprising about this animation in that it was done by only 2 people and both of those people work for Pixar which was the first animation company to make the leap into 3D animation. Pixar has a high reputation to uphold as they were not only first in the game but also have competitors ready to take their place.
Because of this, they do have to keep themselves in check and not stray into areas deemed inappropriate for television for the audience they are attempting to target but that is where this animation comes into play. This was an independent animation that would not go into Pixar's profit and because of that, they were given free reign of the subject.
When you watch this animation you can immediately tell it is of a high standard, the details are striking from the stubble on their face to the dirt getting kicked up by the carriage and horses. But when you look beyond the animation the story it tells is rather shocking, a boy and his dad get caught up in what appears to be a prearranged attack and whilst his father struggles to climb to safety his son accidently shoots him.
The point of that I believe is to shock some awareness into the viewer, whilst I was watching it I could not help but notice the limp the son had when he was grown up and so I assumed he would fall off the cliff too but somehow survive but that did not turn out to be the case. After you see the event of the son’s father’s death, you can clearly see he cannot come to terms with what he has done and his grieving eventually becomes too much and he tries to end his life.
He could be doing this to punish himself, to escape the grief or simply be with his father again. It is evident that he was a strong figure in his life and the fact he became sheriff after him, shows how much of a role model his father was to him. Regardless of his reasoning as we may never know he decides to kill himself at his father's death sight but right before he falls he comes back to reality and catches himself.
Now, what does this animation teach beside the story of boys horrible accident and the death of his father? Well, that is just it, the whole reason is in the title "Borrowed Time". The son had evidently spent far too much of his young adult years griefing, not being able to move forward and find some peace to be able to move on. Problem is we do see him possibly starting that path in this animation but he is already grown, he has become Sherif like his father and has majored into the man we see him as but he cannot get all those years lost back. 
The animators choice the dark subject ultimately because it is one which people deal with every day and thanks to the realistic visuals this only heightened the emotion and empathy the audience would have to the scene. The animation teaches people that it is okay to feel pain it is okay to feel sorrow or guilt, but do not let it consume you, we all have limited time in this world and wasting it will leave you with nothing good to look back on. 
CGI Animated Short Film HD: "The Present Short Film" by Jacob Frey (2016) CGMeetup
The next animation I choice was one done by a Youtube channel and CGI resource named CGMeetUp. They do multiple different works for big budget films such as Jurassic World, Maleficent and even the hit series of Game of Thrones and in particular, anything to do with creatures or the manipulate of something that does not exist in the real world.
Whilst they are doing all of these crazy scenes they also do their own independent videos that either educate their viewers on the process or are an animation all on their own. I choose one of their animations because it actually caused mixed emotions on my part and I believe the animation was staged that way on purpose to make me have those feelings.
In the animation, you see a typical scene of what appears to be a teenage boy playing video games and being emersed in it so much he almost misses his mum trying to talk to him. Once he opens the package he receives a little puppy who at first he appears to love until he notices the left front paw and then rejects the puppy and throws it to the ground. This was when I got angry because I used to work with animals and throwing a puppy, even when it is old enough to be away from the mother can still sustain great damaged when played with roughly.
The fact the boy rejects the puppy after noticing its handicap makes you believe the boy has some kind of standard of gifts and he sees it as an incomplete puppy, he only threw it when he saw the leg. As he watches the puppy play his love for it begins to grow slowly and that is when they animators let us see the boy in full view as he gets up to play with the dog. He too is handicapped and has lost a leg on the same side as the dog. This is when it opens our eyes to what the boy’s emotions are and why he rejected the puppy at first.
I can remember when I broke my wrist when I was 12 and how much pain I was in at first and then not being able to do anything for months was frustrating and upsetting so I could not imagine actually losing my limb. Obviously, the boy found annoyance when his mum saw fit to get him a puppy just like him, it reminded him of his predicament and that is something he has been trying to hide from. I say this because of how emersed he was in the game, people and children will often bury themselves in virtual worlds to distract themselves from the real world and also that may be the only thing he can do now. Well that he believes anyway.
So what changes his mind about the puppy? I believe I understand what made his mind stop and actually think than just try and keep ignoring what condition he had and that was the puppies ability to keep going. The puppy obviously did not lose its limb as there are no scars or stitches so it was simply born that way and it does have balance issues, however, being an animal and knowing no better than the world it was thrown into just keeps going. He might stumble on his own legs, cupboards and even take 3 attempts to actually get what he wants to do but it doesn’t let that stop him or ruin his own happiness.
The fact the puppy could have this predicament and not be upset, angry or just plain down is interesting to the boy and at the same time a real world scenario, two people going through the same problem, one is upset and down whilst the other is positive and happy. People often look down on people like that or believe their problems may not be as strong as their own because they are still able to be happy but it could simply be a case of them not letting their problems stop them from having a life.
The purpose of the animation is to try and educate people to stop and think before judging someone and their actions, no bully started bullying simply for a power surge. The boy rejected the puppy because he saw it as a reflection of himself which is something he looked at as useless and incomplete due to his injury. After watching the puppy and seeing it stay so positive made him want to be a part of that happiness and such got himself to his feet and moved forward with not only himself but with a potentially new and educating friend.
The animation does lightly cover an issue people have been trying to educate to people for years now and that is no problem is bigger or small than another persons, if it is enough to annoy or stop you from performing then it is problem enough. What was stopping the boy was not stopping the puppy and that is what people need to understand, what may not kill you could destroy someone else and the fact it doesn’t kill you doesn’t make you tougher. 
The final note I take from this animation is that no matter your predicament, no matter the obsticles try and make the most of it and when you see someone coping better do not shut them out out of spite but instead embrace them and join in their happiness to help creat your own.
Lou Hamou-Lhadj & Andrew Coats. (2016). Borrowed Time. [Online Video]. 3 January 2017. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDnIEQhTJ_s. [Accessed: 19 January 2017].
CGMeetup. (2016). CGI Animated Short Film HD: "The Present Short Film" by Jacob Frey. [Online Video]. 8 February 2016. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96kI8Mp1uOU. [Accessed: 19 January 2017].
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