#it's only gross if you try to warm it back up in the microwave imo
jekna · 5 months
With ADHD, you either drink iced coffee or you learn to enjoy coffee that's gone cold. There is no finishing a hot cup of coffee.
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rattusrattus3 · 4 years
any tips on surviving shark week? (for a gender non-conforming pal)
hey friend! ah yes! im sorry to hear, but these are things that have gotten me through those times (I am bad at slang but i think shark week is menstruation and thats what im going to go on to answer this)
hot water bottle on your stomach or back, if you dont have a hot water bottle, you can get a towel wet, and put it in the microwave for 15 seconds till its warm enough, or in the oven at 300 degrees celcius for 15 minutes and then wrap it in a cloth and use it as a hot pack, you can also diy one with rice 
cold wash cloth on forehead can be nice 
take warm baths if you have access to a bath, with epsom salt also helps relive pain
i reccomend diva cups / moon cups / whatever brand of reusable menstrual cup as they are eco friendly, cheaper than pads/tampons, and you can usually keep them in for up to 12 hours. If youre not comfortable with diva cups, theres re usable pads, or you can DIY them, but just use whatever you are most comfortable with and dont be hard on yourself for what you need to use !
i think using a period tracking app is really helpful. especially to track feelings and what makes it worse/better, for instance, coffee makes it really bad for me, salt makes it worse for me too
drinking lots and lots of water
sleeping lots
cozy clothes, doesnt matter hwat u look like just b comf. u deserve it
if you know when its coming, try to prep before hand and make sure you have enough supplies on hand enough before, like pads/tampons/cup, advil/ibuprofen, snacks you like but that dont make you feel worse (for me, i like apple suace, bananas, fruit generaly, sometimes i prep soup before hand and put it in freezer)
lots of self love and self compassion, knowing you feel bad but it wont last forever, that you are entitled to your feelings and desevre to give yourself the care you need!!!!
yarrow tea is gross but will help, theres other teas you can get that might help if you wanna go the natural route, chamomle and peppermint might help too, generally herbal teas!
i pretty much only wear black underwear and therefor dont have to worry that much about stains, i reccomend investing in some dark underwear for these times,
my chest gets sore during that time n it sucks, but i find wearing a slightly tight (not uncomfortable! and not tight around the band, just compression wise) sports bra can help
light stretching helps. One that feels great for me is “childs pose” (like, bow down position), you can hang out in it for a couple minutes and it can help 
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, or you can find youtube videos of little short sequences (like this one), in the video, the person stretches with a heat pack on, which is a great idea imo!
back massages with a tennis ball can be sooooo fucking good if u get back aches, you can find videos of how to do it 
lying on your side with a pillow between your knees can feel really good, also lying on your back with a towel rolled under it can feel amazing (under ur knees too if u want as well, or lie with your knees splayed open with your back supported on a towel l(sorry I don't know how else to say it)
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find things you like that are distracting to you! it doesnt matter if its not “productive” u can watch netflix, or youtube videos, or read. if u wanna be creative u can sit in bed and do ur makeup or draw or knit or crochet or do a little puzzle like! just be nice to yourself and give yourself a break, it helps everything go a lot smoother imo 
sorry for the late reply! i hope this helps, sending u a lot of love!!!!!!! 
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Survey #179
“if i showed you my soul, would you cover your eyes?”
If you’re dating someone, how long has it been? One year, one month. If you’re a girl, have you ever had the urge shave your hair? Um, no. How hot do summers for you get? Highest has been like 110 or so. Do you live by a forest? No. Is there a real fireplace in your house? No. What do you prefer: Small cars, hybrids, trucks or SUVs? Normal cars? What’s the scariest book you’ve ever read? No book's ever scared me. Do your parents drink? No. Do you have any pet fish? No. What’s your favorite seafood to eat? I just like shrimp. What does your best friend love that you hate? Seafood (except what is mentioned above). Have you ever seen The Twilight Zone? A few at school, but I didn't really pay attention. Name the creepiest horror movie character for you: Ghostface. Are you a person that’s scared of things like bugs, spiders, mice and rats? Only some bugs and spiders. What do you believe in more: Ghosts or demons? Ghosts. Is it ever okay for a woman to ask out a man? Actually fuck off. Do people confide in you? Sometimes. Actually very flattering that most people I do care/have cared about tend(ed) to. Ever been around someone who makes you feel stupid? My psychiatrist makes me feel like a caveman and Girt is super smart, but neither intentionally do it. What do you call your grandparents? Grammy and Grampa. Have you ever cried while reading a book? Yup. How many college degrees do you want? At least two. Do you like animals? LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know if I could be friends with someone who didn't. What do you wear to sleep? Pj pants and a tank. Do you have anyone who is a surrogate parent/sibling to you? No. Ever fallen asleep sitting up? Maybe? How well do you know the people you live with? I have a super strong connection w/ my mom, so guess. Do you have any heroes? Mark, my mom, the Holly Hill staff, Sara, Rhett and Link. Do you take your time when making an important decision? Always, almost. But if I'm angry or manically depressed, I'm impulsive as hell. Do you enjoy comedy shows? Yeah. Do you own any jerseys? No. Do you have a song stuck in your head? "Voices" by Motionless In White, which I'm binging. Is there anything worrying you right now? Not actively. Do you believe life is what you make it? In some ways, but there are many extreme situations  that you can't really change, and no light can be made of them. Travel anywhere, where would it be? At this very instant... idk. I don't want to travel 'til I have a new camera. Meet anyone, who would it be? do you???????????? know me?????????????????????????????? Bring anyone dead back to life, who would it be? Oh boy, idk. Freddie Mercury, maybe? Thought of him as as I answer this question, it's his death anniversary. Get anything for free for the rest of your life what would it be? Ummmm I don't drive yet, but gasoline sounds like the best answer here. Change one thing about your life, what would it be? Not being long-distance with Sara. Have any superpower what would it be? Be a druid. Eliminate one of your human needs which would you get rid of? I don't wanna go to the bathroom weeps I can't drink anything without having to pee five minutes later. Change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be? Be a slim goddess with an a s s leave me and my dreams alone. Change one of your personality traits which would you choose? Assuming the worst. Be talented at anything instantly what would you choose? Social interaction. Forget one event in your life which would you choose? The night of the breakup. That night still feels surreal; it literally felt like the apocalypse. Nooo words do what I felt even a quarter of justice. Change one law in your country, which would you change? Alter the second amendment to some degree. What was the last thing that made you feel good? Mom was super proud of me for doing a lot of the dishes. I absolutely haaaate doing it. Do you have an annoying neighbor? Not really. Do you get exercise daily? No. What school subject do/did you hate the most? Math. How do you feel about God? The Christian one, I'm assuming you mean? I wouldn't be surprised if someone assumed me a Satanist if I answered this without detail. What is one thing you would hate about living in the era before yours? Lack of technology weeps. Which historical era interests you the most? Ehhhh '80s? Are you disabled in any way? No. Would you rather live in an apartment or a house? HOUSE. Who do you wish you were still friends with? Megan, Hannia, Miranda... and I guess that's it if you only mean those my bond was officially cut with, not those I just drifted from. Do you prefer Small Business Saturday, Black Friday, or Cyber Monday? HUNNY I'm all about Cyber Monday. Who do you care about the most? In some contexts myself, but in others, Sara. What country do you think produces the best musical artists? England, I suppose? What is a song that always makes you happy? No song absolutely without fail is capable of that. Would you be able to choose between your mom and dad? Maybe. It'd be ridiculously difficult. Do you have the same political views as your parents? Some. Are you closer to your mom or dad’s family? Mom's, but I only recall seeing Dad's once. How old are the last two people you kissed? 20, and... he's 22 or 23? Who was the last person to text you before you went to bed last night? Sara. When was the last time you had a conversation with an ex? Aaron, not since high school. Juan, forever ago. Jason, well over a year ago. Tyler, sometime last year. Girt, maybe a few weeks back. Do you cry easily? My eyelids are onion skin. Ever cried while you were on the phone with the last person you kissed? Over Skype. Your parents said they were moving, what would your reaction be? I don't live with Dad, so it wouldn't affect me. If Mom said that, I'd be pretty meh, mostly because I don't want to pack up my room and put all this shit back up. Especially when I don't plan on living here for many more years, so I'd just have to do it again. Do you have any text messages that you don’t want other people to read? Uhhh I don't think? I mean there's some I'd prefer to stay completely between me and the recipient, but I wouldn't be humiliated or something. Is it hard for you to get over someone? APPARENTLY. Your last kiss, on a bed or standing? Standing. Have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours? Yeah. Which room in your house tends to be the coldest in the winter time? The laundry room. It's the first room from the back door. Would you rather take a cruise ship or airplane to get to your destination? Plane. Do you like winter? Yes. Are you trying to grow out your hair? That's not in my plans for the foreseeable future. Which friend are you most similar to? Sara. Do you have the right time set on your microwave? Yeah. Do you have a flat screen TV or just a regular box? Flat screen. Do you know how to change the oil in your car? No. Do you like Tootsie Rolls? I'll eat one in a tootsie pop, but no, I don't really enjoy them. What are you favorite kind of chips? Hot Cheetos. Have you taken any medicine recently? For what? Yeah, usual psychiatric prescriptions, pain relievers, and some allergy medicine. Does the water in your shower take a long time to get warm? Not really. Do you get your eyebrows waxed? Not anymore. Just don't see the point. Has anyone given you flowers recently? No. Do you like to go fishing? Yeah, but I always gently put the fish back. Has anyone you know been arrested recently? No. Do you have more than 1 email address? Yeah, but only because of Google's intrusive takeover shit. Do you think you will have the same job 2 years from now? N/A Is there someplace you would rather be right now? Man, I wanna be at Sara's super badly. Have you ever sang in front of a crowd? Yeah, but not alone. What kind of bathing suit do you wear? A black onesie with a skirt thing. Do you like your eyes? I suppose. Do you think you are pretty? I'd find myself okay if I was smaller. Who was the last person you talked to in person? Mom. Do you want kids? NO. Tell me what your backpack looks like: I miss my Ouija board one. :'<  Even had a planchette zipper. I need to get a new one for school. Has someone you were dating ever cheated on you? No. Have you ever cheated? I never could. What’s the cutest thing someone’s ever done for you? I'm not sure. Has anyone a grade above you ever had a crush on you? A few above. Describe the weirdest car you’ve ever seen. Who knows. Are you any good at improv? Never tried, never will, holy shit. I know I'd be a nightmare and feel cripplingly awkward. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet? Either our late boxer mix Cali or this lab/something ginormous named Harley, but we didn't have him as an adult so I can't really remember. When did you last stay in a hotel, and where? Not since leaving for a dance competition at the beach yeeeaaars ago. Do you own any kind of helmet? No. Out of everything currently in your refrigerator, what food or drink is your favorite? I don't want to go refresh my memory. But I know we have a nachos Lunchable, and that's The Good Shit. Which do you prefer: iPhones, Android, Blackberries, or something else? iPhones. Do you ever put fruit on your cereal? No, it's pretty gross imo. Have you ever bought a YouTuber’s merch? Not yet. But when I can purchase my own shit, I shall be DECKED OUT, my friends. Do you think oatmeal tastes better when made with water or milk? Oh, absolutely milk. What kind of milk do you usually use? I think Ma normally gets 2%? Who was the last person who was rude to you? Mom, probably? Would you ever let the barista at Starbucks make a random drink for you? No. Have you ever used a fake name at Starbucks? Never been, as I don't drink coffee. Have you ever left a note in a library book? Don't believe so. Do you live in a house, condo, apartment, or dorm? House. Do you have a birthmark? If yes, what color is it? Yes; bit tanner than my normal skin. Would you ever film a YouTube video with no make-up on and messy hair? Prolly not 'cuz I'm a self-conscious fuck. What is the most comfortable type of pants, in your opinion? Men's pj pants. Have you ever had a cat? Dozens over the course of my life. Have you ever had a dog? Yeah, a handful. Have you ever any other kind of animal? Ball pythons, Chinese water dragon, iguana, rats, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters... Have you ever had a pet rock? lul yes. Do you own a bobblehead? No. Do you love someone who treats you like a piece of shit? Ha, fuck that. What’s your favorite DIY Halloween costume that you’ve seen? I dunno, seen so many!! What is your favorite gender-neutral name? I have quite a few. Jamie, Dakota, Aiden, etc. etc. Do you want to give your kids common names or unique names? IF I was to have kids, there's no way they'd have a very common name. What is your favorite type of braid? I had to look them up lmao. Maybe a curled plait? What is your favorite tattoo that you’ve seen? WHAT A QUESTION FOR ME. Idk!! But I like hyperrealistic ones. What is something you have too many of? Stuffed animals I refuse to give away lmao. What collection are you thinking of starting? Nothing new. Well, I'd love SotC merchandise, but that is some expeeeensive shit. Do you collect anything now? If so, what? Meerkat stuff and Silent Hill memorabilia. What are five of your favorite stores at the mall? All I care about is Hot Topic and Spencer's, but rue21 sometimes has some nice graphic tees. What is one thing you and your mom NEVER agree on? The "Bentley needs to go" situation. Have you ever snuck food into a movie theater? Uh yeah, the rule's stupid, b it's even more ridiculous to be willing to pay such prices for these things. The only thing I get myself is popcorn. What time zone are you in? EST. Honestly, have you ever trespassed? Where? Maybe? I think as a kid? Can you count to 10 in any other language? Which one(s)? German. Maybe Spanish? Do you have a favorite cousin? Who is it? No. Do either of your parents have tattoos? No. Mom wants at least one relating to us kids, though. Which was better: freeze tag or hide & go seek? Hide and seek. Have you ever taken a family portrait? Not a big one/with the extended fam. What pizza place do you usually order from? Domino's. For your birthday do people buy you a cake or bake you one? Buy. Do you bite on straws, lollipop handles, or ice cream sticks? No, gross to me. In what type of area was your first sexual encounter? A bedroom. What do you occupy your time with on flights? Listening to my iPod and looking out the window. When was your last major illness? What was it? Uhhhh... maybe that outrageous ear infection. Your favorite adult as a child? (and not your parents, if they were your favorite) Ummm. Probably Uncle Donny (not my actual uncle, we just called him that). He is/was the husband of our babysitter. Be nice to know how he's doing or if he's even still alive. Most embarrassing moment from your elementary school years? Remember that Antz story? That. Because judgment/rejection. :^) Most embarrassing moment from your middle school years? Uhhhh idk. I'm sure there's something. Most embarrassing moment from your high school years? So I had this anxious/fidgeting habit of pulling my eyebrow hairs out. And it got to a point I went quite a while with almost none and it was suuuuper noticeable. Have you ever climbed a tree more than twenty feet off the ground? No. Did you like swinging as a child? Do you still get excited when you see a swing set? YEAH, and I'm neutral now. Have you ever watched any major sporting event drunk? No. What’s the most delicious food you’ve ever eaten in your life? This chicken that a family friend had at her wedding had to be like, gourmet. It was fucking delicious. Then spicy shrimp fritas from OG are some GOOD SHIT, I love not-too-crispy bacon, uhhhh. Do you pick at scabs? YEAH. What was your favorite part of prom? Taking the pictures. Have you ever performed CPR on anyone? No. Did you ever stutter, or have a hard time pronouncing? I stutter, but it's from anxiety. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average? One-1 1/2. Do you enjoy erotic stories? If so, do you read them or write them? NO, they're so uncomfortable. Which accent/dialect sounds perfect to you? British. Which accent/dialect sounds horrible to you? I hate southern, yet here I am in the South. Which language sounds perfect to you? Latin. Which language sounds horrible to you? Idk off the top of my head. Do you have a favorite gaming platform? I'm a PS2 stan. What do you think is the most adorable thing in the whole world? Meerkat pups. What’s the most horrible thing in the whole world? Just one? Do you ever have to censor the things you say around certain people? Yes. Is there a cafe you go to regularly and the staff knows your “usual”? No. If your boy/girlfriend wanted to have a sex change, would you support them? No. *opens the gate for the onslaught of hate* Well, I suppose I should specify I wouldn't suddenly hate or even dislike them, I just wouldn't stay with them as a couple. Do you like the movies by Tim Burton? YEAH!!!! His style is everything. What do you think of cannibals? Ew. Did you ever have a Razor scooter? Yeah. What’s something other people think about you that you don’t agree with? That I'm not godawful with kids when I totally am. How do you deal with criticism? I'm probably going to feel self-conscious and rejected to some degree no matter how gently you word it. Which national or global tragedy were you closest to and how did it affect you? 9/11, but I was too young to really understand. Do you think you’re smarter than the average person? If so, why? Definitely depends on the subject of focus. What was the last topic you did thorough research on? Why? Hmmm, thorough... I'm unsure. It may have been aaaall the way back when I was questioning something biblical. What was the last thing to upset you? Myself. What is an article of clothing you would never ever wear? A romper. Has anyone ever said that you’re delusional? If so, what for? No, but I absolutely and entirely was for a long, long time believing Jason still loved me somehow and that I could bring him back. Are you doing everything you can to make yourself happy? I sure as heeeeeeeeeell do a lot, but I could do more. What is a holiday, that is NOT celebrated in your country, that you would like to celebrate? *shrugs* Interesting question, I'm just not educated enough on this subject. Which nation’s culture (excl. your own) do you find the most interesting? Japan's. What is something you judge about other people? How they treat others. What do you consider to be childish? Being petty, own a child's temper, serious immaturity, etc.
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