#it's part of the unfolding story
thedynamic · 12 days
The thing that is so important about iwtv is that like. This is bad people the book series, and therefore it is bad people the television series. Does this make sense? None of them are good people they are all monsters. Louis is the worst of them all because he clings so hard onto his humanity that he can’t even recognize the monster within. Armand tortures everyone he spends an extended amount of time with because he knows nothing else. Lestat is so fearful of abandonment that his very being becomes an active grenade that pushes people away. Claudia is the worst parts of her parents put together and spat back out. Daniel is so fucked up that he is welcomed amongst vampires before he is ever even turned into one. They are all liars. They are all monsters. And they are all evil because they are all vampires. There is no moral high ground for you to sit upon while watching this show by saying that one is worse than the next. The entire point is that they all deserve this and they all deserve each other.
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The one thing I REALLY want to from Welcome Home is an actually episode from the show! Or maybe just a cut of it or somthing along thos lines!!! But I doubt that will ever come true...
What about you? What do you REALLY wanna see from WH?
i'd enjoy and appreciate Anything we're given! i'm not picky!
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akimojo · 11 months
people love to use ffxiii’s messy development as a reason to completely shit on the game but honestly the fact they managed to sneak in so many little details in the gameplay in a way that reflects the characters and story despite all the miscommunication between the dev sections is just impressive to me
#was xiii horribly planned out and missed out on a lot of important feedback because of the poor time management? absolutely#does that mean you cant be impressed with what the game achieved regardless of whether you liked it or not? fuck no#also the fact theres next to no bugs (not counting the pc port because... yeah) is amazing all things considered#and the graphics still hold up to this day#the linearity is everyones main issue with the game but look at x dude#x was linear as hell too but it makes sense bc yuna had a pilgrimage to follow#just as how it makes sense for the xiii cast to not have time to stop and explore cocoon while they were being hunted by the government#thats why you have so much more freedom to explore when youre on pulse#theres not even anything objectively wrong with having a game be linear in the first place#and the people complaining about the story being ''incoherent'' are just... wrong?#they give you enough hints within the dialogue to piece the story together yourself while also not leaning on exposition dumps to tell it#and if you cant do that then the datalogs are right THERE#games have relied on ''notes'' to tell parts of their story for ages now and i dont understand why its suddenly bad when xiii does it#i dont like sitting through exposition dumps and i like being able to analyse and theorize about a plot WHILE im experiencing it#and a lot of other people feel the same way so its not an objectively bad aspect of the game's storytelling#you just need to pay attention and be patient and wait for the story to unfold#i went off the rails but ANYWAY#aki stfu#final fantasy xiii
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myuzucompendium · 7 months
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"Now, stay down!" Ann commanded during a normal battle within Mementos. She had just taken down an enemy and was about to go after another, when unfortunately, something very bad happened. This enemy happened to have the brainwash spell, and cast it on her. It succeeded, and her eyes turned colors, and she turned towards one of her teammates, whip out. "Yes, I think one of you will be excellent to use my whip on..."
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blueboyluca · 1 year
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datastate · 8 months
why do i like yttd? well you see, it's like an abusive relationship or perhaps star wars to me
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starlene · 11 months
Having a chat about the Barbie movie with @neroushalvaus helped me to put something that bothers me about the movie to words.
At the end of the movie, when Barbie becomes a human, we see her dressed in beige, sensible clothing. Symbolically, she has grown up into a woman – and as a woman, she no longer wears the bright, pink, girly clothing she used to wear earlier.
Meanwhile, in our reality, women come to watch this movie all dolled up in their best pinks and glitters – a movie that ends with Barbie, a world-famous emblem of femininity, leaving neon pink behind her and choosing to wear muted colours instead.
Somehow, in this regard, I feel like the real-life response to the movie is more uplifting than the movie itself. In real life, adult women are celebrating the movie by wearing girly clothing, and they’re feeling happy and confident while doing so. If bright, girlish aesthetic makes you feel good, growing up doesn’t mean you have to leave it behind.
The costume design makes sense for Barbie’s character arc, sure, but on a symbolic level... I don’t really like what it says about the relationship between girlish/hyper-feminine aesthetic and adulthood, and I guess it just makes me a little bit sad how that part of the story and the real-life response to the movie clash.
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bananasareupsidedown · 4 months
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Hilarious that The Guardian published this and then like a week later the film was on the verge of completely dropping out of Netflix's top ten and it's audience score on RT sunk to 59%.
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mrmallard · 8 months
I'm gonna keep FF13posting for a while.
I decided to replay the game a while ago, saving it for when my PS3 was set back up. I didn't think I would enjoy it - and even now I'm plodding through it - but the reason why I'm playing it anyway is because back when the PSN store closure was going to happen, I bought Lightning Returns in the hopes of finally following up 13-2, which is a game I really enjoy.
The FF13 trilogy seems to be made up of very disparate games; the first game was standalone in regards to story - it shares the Fabula Nova Crystallis framing as Type-0 and the original incarnation of XV, sort of like a vague series like how every numbered FF game is disconnected from each other - and every new game set in the XIIIverse is a radical departure from the last.
I say that the first game is standalone because the creative team had to break the ending of the first game to provide a reason for the second game to exist. Like they legitimately cracked it open like a coconut. And from what I understand, the third game is radically different in its setting, tone, everything.
But they're still the same characters who I enjoyed seeing in the first game, so I wanna see them ride out their story even if I think the progression from game to game is kind of ridiculous. I'm not playing Lightning Returns over eight years since my one and only 13 playthrough without freshening up on the game.
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rhysnolastname · 8 months
one day i would like to maybe dm i think it would be fun and im taking notes on all these great dms
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cigarette-room · 2 years
Today I'm thinking about how much better Inglourious Basterds would've been if Zoller wasn't there
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alteredphoenix · 1 year
This is probably the first time in a while that I’ve read a manga chapter, especially MHA, where I’ve gone Wait, that’s it? not out of anticipation (or, you know, the chapter going by too fast because Action Scenes) but because it’s very clear it got chopped in half to make the workload easier on an author who’s breaking his back just to make it to the deadline.
Like, it is very clear Horikoshi - or WSJ, or both - is just dragging his way toward the finish line like a starved and dehydrated man. I would say he needs way more than two weeks to recuperate and take care of his health, but then we’d have to wonder if the break would even matter considering we’re (arguably) watching the reverse play out with JJK where Gege is flooring the gas pedal as far as he can make it go just so he can blast through the finish line so he can make that idol manga I guess idk.
Personally I just find it sad to watch what might possibly be an author (and his assistants) struggling to keep up in real-time. And not even just an author, but one who’s done two other manga in the past that didn’t have anywhere near the same level of success MHA has garnered and was pretty much on his last strike with getting a successful story out the door for WSJ.
I think about what MHA Could Have Been if he’d just stuck to his guns with some of the original intents he had for the story (e.g. the UA Traitor reveal being done in the Summer Camp Arc, humanizing the LoV, making the world Darker and Edgier as time goes on, etc.), but this is not that kind of industry where you can let your story breathe and take its time anymore, and so we’re given the hand we’re dealt with.
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eaglefairy · 1 year
Back to the game again tonight and I've exhausted the side content I actually want to do right now. It's time to go to the Cliffs of Morytha, which is a place where I'm sure absolutely nothing bad has ever happened ever and never will happen, either. And then I'll stop playing this game for the next 20 hours and switch to Torna.
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cuntstable · 2 years
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literally media understander has logged on
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 322: Digging for Clues (Pt. 1)
It was early afternoon before Stephanie and Theresa arrived at the dig site. Having flown south into Luxor on the east bank of the Nile, Stephanie and Theresa quickly found themselves ushered into a ministry SUV and ferried across the river and into the deep desert.
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Finally, in a rocky basin at the Eastern edge of the Valley of the Kings, they stopped at an encampment next to a large excavation.
“Wow,” Stephanie said as they stepped out of the vehicle. “This is amazing. And to think you grew up coming on these digs.”
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“It’s not as glamorous as it sounds,” Theresa said, wrinkling her nose in distaste. “Living in a tent in 100-plus-degree temperatures, no running water, scorpions everywhere – I hated every minute. But I loved being with my mom, so I put up with it.”
Faisal Hassan of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, came round the car to stand next to them as a large man approached.
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“Uncle Sullah?” Theresa asked, launching herself into the big man’s arms. “It IS you!”
“Theresa! It has been much too long,” the man cried, embracing her. “I’m sorry that our reunion must be so ….”
Theresa’s eyes dropped and she reached for Sullah’s hands.
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“What happened here, uncle?” she asked.
The man’s expression darkened.
“I don’t know, Theresa,” he replied. “I’ve been working with the authorities, but I don’t have any idea what happened to your mother. One moment, she was here – the next, she was just … gone.”
“Where was she when she disappeared?” Stephanie asked.
Sullah looked at her, blankly, for a moment.
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“Oh, I’m sorry, uncle,” Theresa said. “This is my best friend, Princess Stephanie of Weston.”
Sullah bowed.
“Your highness,” he said. “Please come this way. I’ll show you the dig where Mrs. Matthews was working.”
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Leading them down a steep ramp, they found themselves in the remains of an ancient courtyard. What had once been a fountain stood in the center, surrounded by columns.
“Your mother suspected this structure extended several hundred feet further back into the dunes, but this is all she had uncovered so far," Sullah said. "I halted all work once we knew she’d disappeared, so things are pretty much the same as she left them.”
Theresa walked slowly around the pool edge when she stopped suddenly and dropped to her knees.
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“That’s one of my mom’s tools, I’m sure of it,” she said. “Mom never left her tools laying about – you know that, Sullah.”
“Please don’t touch that, Mrs. Vanderhall,” Inspector Valsan said, approaching. “This is a crime scene, after all.”
“She wouldn’t have left it just laying here,” Theresa said. “She was always so careful with her tools, and ….”
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She leapt to her feet.
“Oh my God … is that what I think it is? Is that BLOOD?”
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“We don’t know, Mrs. Vanderhall,” Valsan replied. “It’s still being tested, so it’s unwise to jump to conclusions. It could be ….”
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“Just stop,” Theresa said, angrily. “We both know what it is, and what it means. Stop trying to make me feel better, because it’s not working.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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