#it's still ranked as my least favorite steph ship
ahoforaveryho · 4 years
It’s official. My hatred for Steph anti’s has officially outweighed my hatred for TimSteph and now I ship them out of spite.
Long live TimSteph, I guess.
Still hate the little fucker and that will never change.
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loosesodamarble · 3 years
Hi Erika♡ for your ask game: 003 with William, Licht, Nozel, Fuegoleon, and Julius if u can
Oh, yay! I finally get to rank some characters! Thank goodness. I do like the other options just fine. But there are three options for a reason, to be used.
Sorry that it took a while to address this ask. It came in later than the others and I tend to answer asks in the order they appear in my inbox.
Now, time to rank some men.
Licht: Big surprise. Licht is my favorite from this group. I may have a gigantic bias because I simp for him. I am weak for men who can and will beat me in a fight and possibly threaten me with a blade to my throat (not saying Licht specifically would but you get the idea). What else can I say? Aside from being handsome, he's also one of most reasonable people in the group. In the past, he was one of a few people who believed that elves and humans could live alongside each other. His optimism and kindness makes me soft. And then, in the present, he shows off why he led the elves. He is kind and understanding towards Patry, quickly recognizes his new allies in the mages of the present, and gives his all in the fight against Zagred. I wish he could've stuck around but the afterlife with Tetia called to him I guess. My biggest complaint (which isn't even because of him) is that whenever I try to look him up, I also end up with pictures of Patry because Patry posed at him for a long time. Long story short, I love Licht.
Nozel Silva: I think he only gets this high on the list because I simped for him. Also me and a very good friend of mine (@/cringeyvanillamilk) have ocs we ship with him so there's some fondness built on that. Nozel is a stern and distant person, to be sure, but he still uses his power for the greater good and acknowledges people's strength (given enough time). He is one of those people that you probably wouldn't like working with but would be glad to have on your side. His relationship with Noelle needs so much work and I'm glad that Tabata has finally made it possible for a greater reconciliation to be made.
Fuegoleon Vermillion: I will attribute my fondness for Fuegoleon to Steph and @/thoughtfullyrainynightmare. He's an admirable man in many regards. He shows a great passion while still showing discipline. In some alternate universe, I might've simped for him. But in this universe, I simply see him as a very cool leader and older brother figure. His relationships with Mereoleona and Leopold are entertaining too, especially Mereo since she is guaranteed person to bring out Fuego's petty side. Overall, a good guy.
Julius Novachrono: The Wizard King himself. I think my opinion of him is a bit lower in this ranking because of how he got nerfed by the story and then the nerf reveal in-universe. Why couldn't he stay awesome and older forever. sigh Still, his presence in the world is so influential. William and Yami, some of the strongest mages in series, really look up to him. Yuno and Asta want to surpass him. Spade held off on invading because of the threat of Julius' power. While I don't find myself attracted to Julius, to all the people who self-ship or have ocs to ship with Julius, you have good taste.
William Vangeance: Uh... the guy is an instrument to terrorism? I get why lots of people like him. He has an interesting magic attribute, a calm nature, and a tender heart. He's also handsome and I'm not even put off by the scar because I already saw something similar in Demon Slayer. But he betrayed an entire nation of people as well as the first man to see past his appearance to find a brave and kind magic knight. All that betrayal just for Patry's sake. Maybe if I grew up with Patry's soul in my body I would think differently but as it stands, I just can't abide by William's choice. That is something that I won't let go of easily. At least he wants to right his wrong but he should've been punished more. William lovers, you are free to love William. Just don't expect me to join easily.
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fyeah-anya-corazon · 4 years
Ranking every potential love interest for Anya
Happy Valentine's day!
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To celebrate the occasion let's look at every single character she has had as potential romantic partners. I'm including here every iteration of Anya so far.
For a teen character with more than 15 years of existence, it's amazing she hasn't had any sort of stable partner. As far as comics go, her main version has only had one romantic partner so far, but calling it a "relationship" is kind of a stretch. MSM did what the comics (embarrassingly) haven't and give her a romantic partner that I think we were all happy for, and even though it's not my favorite, it's probably the most high profile partner she'll have in a while.
Anyway, let's start the countdown!
Peter Parker
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NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE. Sorry shippers from MSM, but this is a big nope from me due to their student/teacher relationship from the comics and that she's still a minor in them.
Possibilities of becoming canon: I mean.... I don't doubt that at some point some hack writer might pull a Bruce/Barbara with them for some au. Probably one of the blessings of her not being as relevant as Batgirl.
Score: -110000/10 HELLSHIP HELLSHIP
Paul Townsend
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Her original potential love interest in comics, he disappeared after Amazing Fantasy. He was still important enough that he even appears in the cover of AF #6 as part of Anya's civilian life.
Possibilities of becoming canon: Zero. It's clear we'll never see him again.
Score: -10/10 dude was very clearly into some shady stuff.
Rocky Flint
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Her new best friend (?) they even lived together for a while. Introduced during the Spider-Girl relaunch, she is nice friend, but Rikki was the one who took the spotlight during this period.
Score: 1/10 prefer them as friends.
Black Tarantula
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From the MC2 universe, I guess it works within it's "What if?" premise. A series that gives a antagonistic-but-not-too-much role to Anya in it's "what if she stayed longer with the Spider Society?" it does kinda feel natural that two characters with characters with similar origin to be attracted. (Let's not even mention how comfortable she feels with Fabian pursuing Mayday to join their harem).
Possibilities of becoming canon: canon in a reality, doubt in main reality this would happen. It would be interesting if 616 Fabian resurfaces as a enemy to Anya.
Score: 2/10 kinda works in it's reality, but I can't forgive DeFalco for thinking it was a good idea to pair a character who lost her family to narcos with a narco.
Lynn Sakura
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Oh, the panel that started it all....
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Anya's BFF, is a shame she was dropped after the original Araña series. There's is potential in there, but now it all rests on anyone remembering Heart of the Spider.
Possibilities of becoming canon: I mean, it cooould happen. To say there's no subtext in there would be a understatement....
Score: 4/10 just as Rocky I prefer them as friends.
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So far her only romantic partner she's had. It didn't start the best way, and ended... we actually have no idea how this ended. Next thing we know Berto was pursuing other relationships with Finnesse and White Tiger. It seemed that only Paul Tobin wanted it to happen.
Possibilities of becoming canon: He is kinda dead. He reappeared for a panel thanks to Bendis not caring about continuity, but God knows if anyone is gonna pick that up. Overall, I think there's a bigger chance for Reptil to pursue any of the previous relationships than going back to Anya.
Score: 5/10 good guy, but who thought it was a good idea making Anya's first kiss against her will?
Julie Taregon
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Anya's hockey captain from very early, interviews from the time indicated that she was originally meant to have a much bigger role in Heart of the Spider. Just like Paul she was dropped by the main series, but nothing takes away from the distinction of being the one who activated Anya's powers for the first time after she asked her out.
Possibilities of becoming canon: As much possibilities as Paul or Lynn. Assuming a new Anya solo is greenlighted she would make a interesting addition to the supporting cast.
Score: 7/10 I dig it but wish she would appear more.
Mayday Parker
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The newest addition to her potential partners, I've actually been shiping them from before Spider-Girls, the fact that in short 3 issues they generated enough interest that this is probably the second most popular ship at this point (came first in a twitter poll I made). There's a story with them just waiting to be written, they need to be together in a series again!
Possibilities of becoming canon: Um... I think that at this point both have the same level of relevance that if someone pitches a story were they become a couple it wouldn't hold much objection.
Score: 1000000/10 currently my fav ship.
Miles Morales
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Marvel comics should be embarrassed that a cartoon made this pairing happen, as meanwhile in the comics they haven't even talked to each other. As you may notice, this list is dominated by women, if there's one guy I would smile from ear to ear if it becomes a thing it would be with Miles. They both have so much in common, it's a match made in heaven.
Possibilities of becoming canon: I actually think this has a good chance of happening. They will probably not be endgame, but I see them having a relationship along the lines of Tim and Steph.
Score: 9/10 If only Miles were a woman 😔
Gwen Stacy
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Just like Miles, the cartoon did what the comics haven't and developed them into a lovely friendship (with something more...?). Arguably, the most popular ship involving Anya; on ao3 is the one with the most fics, and there's probably more fan art of this pairing than from anyone else. The main limitation with this is how in the comics writers tend to underwrite Anya while putting the spotlight on Gwen, and never developing their partnership into something more. Hopefully the upcoming Order of the Web series they've been teasing they'll finally have some heartfelt interactions.
Possibilities of becoming canon: you know what, I legit think this has a actual chance. As I said, this is a rather popular ship, at least even Seanan Maguire is aware of it and is fair to say other people at Marvel are aware of the fan art and the like. Gwen in the comics so far has ambiguous sexuality, it wouldn't be too far fetched if someone makes it canon. Just as Miles, I can't see this as endgame, but it can become a recurring relationship like Gambit and Rogue.
Score: 10/10 Marvel don't be cowards challenge.
Rikki Barnes
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The og. The one that turned subtext into text. Completely unintentional, yet their relationship did eventually had ramifications on at least one of them. At this point, if anyone wants to reveal Anya as a wlw, they just need to point this relationship to justify it. Anya and Rikki were probably the closest between them than any other superhero they ever interacted with.
Possibilities of becoming canon: Uhm.... Just when I thought that Rikki wouldn't be back, she comes back AND confirmed as bi. The problem? Rikki currently has a girlfriend. Breaking up Julie and Rikki seems very mean spirited, specially for Julie. Hypothetically, if for any reason their relationship ends, Rikki and Anya would definitely become canon at some point.
Score: 1100000/10 @Marvel you owe Anya a girlfriend.
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benbarnesescape · 7 years
Swipe Right - Part 5
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Warning: Just fluffy sweetness
A/N: What have these two lovebirds been up to since the last update? Let’s find out and see. Also a special shout out to my ladies @binbonsadoration and @la-fille-en-aiguilles and all my other Tumblr mutuals (you know who you all are) - this part is inspired by all of you. Also wouldn’t the end of this be amazing to happen ha ha 
Please note that I respect Ben’s personal life and this is fiction - I thought this photo was cute and captures our motley crew however. Credit to Ben Barnes Fan
Ben knocked on the door of his friends Calvin’s apartment, a bottle of wine in one hand and his birthday gift in another. It had been a week since he had seen you and he was anxious and giddy. After your first date, he had done an effective job of keeping you to himself for close to a month. Cole and Jen had finally intervened, Jen feigning sadness from the loss of her girlfriend while Cole refused to do the dishes until he had one on one time with Ben.
So you had relented and made a deal - you would not spend anytime with him so you both could give time back to your friends.
It had worked. By the end of the week, Cole was whining to have his favorite shipped couple cuddling on his couch and Jen had expressed gratitude for making her friend happy. After she yelled at you before. He still remembered the text he had got two days earlier, after leaving a bar with Jason and some other friends from the Punisher set.
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He laughed, remembering reading the text in half amusement/ half fear. Everyone knew that Jen took kickboxing that she dragged you two and was especially protective of you, like a younger sister. 
He hoped he wouldn’t mess this up. He didn’t want to mess you and him up but now his balls were also at stake as well as his heart.  
The door swung open, the large sounds of music greeting him as Calvin smiles, outstretching his arms to give Ben a hug while screaming,
“Ben’s here! Now the party can officially start.”
Ben chuckles, patting his friend on the back before pulling away and walking into the lengthy hallway. He hands Calvin the bottle of wine, which Calvin immediately smiles quirking an eye up.
“Not bringing whiskey? What brought this on my man?” he asks and Ben shakes his head smiling, shrugging out of his jacket to hang on the jacket hanger.
“Figured you’re turning 38, you’re getting wiser. More classy. You have a steady girlfriend now…” Calvin quirks up an eyebrow as Ben finishes, “Also, you have at least five other friends who I know was going to bring you whiskey so I figured I’d mix it up.”
Calvin laughs, slapping his hand on the back of Ben as they walk to his spacious living room. The room was full of people that had been both of their friends for years. Like Ben, Calvin was originally from London and had moved to the states to join the Hollywood ranks. However, he had found pleasure in video editing and worked on large scale movies but they both had stayed good friends of the years.
“You have a photo booth?” Ben chuckles, pointing to the large booth that was being occupied by a group of women and Calvin shrugged.
“The girl I’m dating thought it would be fun, who am I to not make a woman happy?”
Ben laughs, shaking his head as he spots Cole who was engaged in a heavy conversation on the other side of the room. He waved at Ben but didn’t encourage him to walk over. Knew that his best friend and roommate wouldn’t do a thing until he found you. 
This was going to be the first time that you both were going to make your relationship public to your friends. You were both private people and it had surprised him when he had broached the topic over a phone conversation earlier that week.
“Are you going to Calvin’s thing on Saturday?” he had casually asked and you gave a soft sigh before replying,
“You know I am. Don’t even pretend that you didn’t think I was.”
He gives a low chuckle, shutting the door to his room before walking to his bed, falling backwards and looking up at the ceiling.
“Sooooooooo….”he begins and you emulate him, “Sooooooooooo.”
He bites his lip,
“So if I asked you to go with me as the girl I’m dating…that wouldn’t be weird or anything would it?”
You’re smiling on the other side of the line though you know he’s unaware of it as you say,
“Hmmmmmmm I don’t know. I don’t want to make this an official relationship thing…”
“No, no no! Of course not! This is strictly us dating - two people still getting to know each other.” he immediately says, sitting up in his bed and you laugh.
“Oh Benji, you know I’m giving you a hard time. Of course we can go and let our friends know we are dating.”
He gives a relieved sigh, falling back on the bed as he mutters,
“I just want to show you off to the world.”
“And you can but only if I can too.”
He smiles before saying.
“Of course. You can show me off as much as you want too,” he gives a low chuckle before whispering. “Now, are you finally going to tell me what bra you’re wearing or am I going to have to tease it out of you?”
You had ended the conversation a little after that, giggling that he was going to have to wait until Saturday for that kind of talk. Which he had to much to his displeasure - the rest of the week was full for you both. He made his way to the kitchen, grabbing a beer before saying hi to friends, his eyes diligently looking for you as he made quick side conversation.
It was when he was making his way make to the living room, resigned to chat with Cole and Jason until he found you that he heard your laughter. He couldn’t see you much to his dismay, and he resigned himself to continue to meet up with his friends, saying hi to them promptly before his eyes went searching for you again.
“Barnes? Barnes!”
Jason’s voice breaks his thoughts minutes later and he turns back to the tall man who is shaking his head as Cole watches on amusingly.
“Hey. What?” he asks and Jason rolls his eyes in an exaggerated motion.
“I said, where have you been man? I feel like you’ve gone AWOL these past couple of weeks. You get a quick gig you didn’t share with me?”
Ben shakes his head, a smile on his face as he turns back to the large room. Then he spots you. You’re getting out of the photo booth, your head thrown back in amused laughter as you help three other girls, Jen included from the cramped space. You’re wearing a v neck olive green dress that hugs your curves perfectly and flows around your knees, a brown leather jacket draped over your shoulders and ankle high brown boots. You had worn your hair loosely down and though you were far away, he noticed the lipstick you had thrown on, throwing an elegance to your face.
Even from where he stood he could see all the men in the room drooling over you, taking in your legs as it paired with the rest of your outfit. You were the perfect combination of woman - something sexy, bad and innocent all rolled up in a perfect body that was you. The kind of woman you want to get to know more and if you’re lucky take home and it was that realization that had him seeing red.
He wasn’t used to this new emotion - jealousy. He had dated plenty of beautiful women, dated a lot of women that he was proud to have on his arm and cared for but he couldn’t think of any that was making him unnecessarily overprotective like he felt right now.
“Damn, who’s she? She’s cute.” Jason whistles, taking you in and Cole laughs as Ben sets his beer down, making a fast beeline toward you. 
Like hell he was going to let the people in this room think you were even a possibility.
“You look like a monkey. Like an angry baboon.” you giggle as you look down at the photos of you, Jen, Steph and Mara that was taken moments earlier.
“A monkey? That’s rude dude.” Jen says, looking at the photo before laughing. “Though you’re right. My blue steel look does look the opposite of sexy.”
You shrug as you turn, your eyes lifting to find Ben’s. Unexpectedly you feel the air leaving your chest as he strolls over, his simple grey shirt hiding the muscles underneath his torso. His hair had grown out a bit since you had last saw him and was now falling across his face, over his eyes but he was paying no attention to it. His face held determination and it was all focused on you.
“Holy shit,” Steph whispers to you and your girlfriends. “Isn’t that Ben? Like Ben Barnes? Like Ben Barnes who plays Logan in Westworld? Damn he’s even more handsome in person.”
You barely hear her as he nears, the smell of his cologne consuming your space as he towers over you, his arms snaking around your waist before he bends down to kiss you.
It takes you off guard and at first you stand dazed as his lips press against yours. But then his tongue skims over your bottom lip, teasing you to open and you oblige easily, your mouth automatically molding to his. He smiles, deepening the kiss as his soft beard tickles your face and you sigh into his mouth, your arms wrapping around his neck as you kiss him back fervently. Your fingers find their way into his hair as he pushes you back until your pressed against the photo machine and he moans into your mouth as his hands snake behind you, finding themselves placed comfortably on your ass.
Its when you hear hollering that you pull away quickly, your face already heating up in embarrassment as he rests his forehead against yours, his hair tickling your nose as he catches his breath, a low chuckle escaping his throat.
“Forgot where we were for a second…” he mutters and you smile, nudging him so he looks at you and he kisses your nose before pulling away, rolling his eyes at Calvin and his friends who are rooting for the both of you.
“Just had to remind these idiots that you’re taken. And let the women know that I’m taken. Didn’t mean to get so carried away.” he whispers in your ear before kissing your neck and turning back on his heels. You’re left shaking your head, watching him walk back to the group of men he had previously left, Calvin joining them before you turn to find Stephanie and Mara looking at you, their mouths agape.
“You fly me out here for the week….” Stephanie begins. Mara picks up where she has left off,
“You urge me to take a job in LA for this week…..” 
They both finish at the same time,
“And not once during the week you tell us that you know and are presumably sleeping with fucking Ben Barnes!?”
You slowly raise your shoulders in an innocent shrug as Jen coughs and chips in, “Oh they’re not fuck buddies. They’re dating. Like he takes all of her time now…well since three weeks ago.”
Both of the women look at you, disbelief and betrayal in their eyes and you groan as they both say in sync,
You push past them, making your way to the kitchen and they hastily follow you, hot on your heels.
“Come on, spit it out.” Steph urges and you turn, biting your lip.
“I was going to tell you. I was just….trying to figure out where to begin.”
“You begin with - ‘hey guys you know how I casually post pictures with Ben Barnes. Well yea, we’re dating. Also, did you know I know Ben Barnes like know him really well and just don’t have a Tumblr blog dedicated to him.’ ”
“Wait, wait, wait - Y/N has a Tumblr blog dedicated to Ben?” Jen looks at you in question and you’re left groaning. Mara chips in,
“Yes! That’s how we all met.”
Jen turns to you and laughs.
“You can never judge me for stocking Jason Mamoa on Reddit ever again.” 
You cross your arms and shake your head, “Yes I can because you like stock him in actual places in L.A. Its unhealthy.” 
Jen imitates your movement, shaking her head, 
“No you can’t when you have a Tumblr blog dedicated to someone who is like literally one of your closest friend. Like been a good friend to you for years and is literally on the path to being your boyfriend. Besides, Jason just needs to meet me to know I’m wifey material.”
“What!?” Stephanie and Mara screech after listening to you and Jen’s conversation and you shrug, leaning against the counter.
“Yea…so you know how I have photos of the two of us on my blog sometimes. Its real time interactions that I have with him. So when we are casually out its because I’m casually out with him and usually Jen and Cole and friends.”
Mara and Stephanie are looking at you in wonder until Mara says,
“Wait, just to confirm, have you slept with him recently? Because if you have, that explains why your past SMUT stories have been like, really steamy hot.”
Stephanie nods enthusiastically in agreement as Jen’s mouth drops before saying,
“Wait!? You’ve written sex stories about Ben?! This is getting better - we should have all hung out earlier! so I could have known this secret life of Y/N.”
“Shut up!” you yell, throwing a soft punch at Jen before you all hear a deep voice behind you ask,
“Who’s been writing sex stories about me?”
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