#it's such a weird combination but it sure does make me a cunt!! oh boy
maxskellington · 2 years
Sometimes I get too cocky and need to remind myself that I infact have NO redeeming qualities whatsoever. At least, not enough good qualities to make up for my shit ones.
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kalypsichor · 4 years
ménage à trois [ paul mccartney x reader x john lennon ]
summary: There’s only one bed and none of you speak French.
prompt: k hear me out mclennon sandwich BUT ITS ON THE PARIS TRIP SO IS JUST YOU THREE IN THE TINIEST BEDROOM + a request for reader’s wet dreams waking paul up warnings: this is a threesome babey 🥪🥪🥪
guess who’s never had a threesome? me. guess who accidentally drank a shit ton of coffee and didn’t go to bed till six am writing this?? also me. i’d appreciate any feedback y’all have bc @spaceyantique​ beta’d this for me like a darling but my illiteracy knows no bounds
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There’s only one bed and none of you speak French.
Paul tries, but between his wild hand gestures and the receptionist’s increasingly confused looks, he’s getting nowhere. John more or less just flirts with her. You tolerate about five minutes of it before dragging them away from the front desk.
“Sorry,” you offer to the receptionist, and you’re pretty sure it’s the first word she’s understood in the whole exchange.
The three of you stand at the foot of the bed for a bit and just. Stare at it. The hotel room is long but narrow, with the bed at the very end of it literally touching three walls. Whoever designed it was obviously at the end of his wits. The bed would be roomy for one person, cozy for two, but three? That’s pushing it. Still, there’s not even a couch in the room, so when you all look at each other it’s with a wordless understanding.
“I sleep on the right,” John says. He claims his spot as such and immediately stretches out, not even taking off his shoes. You wrinkle your nose but choose not to say anything. Paul wrinkles his nose and does.
“Don’t be disgusting, John.” Paul toes off his boots and clambers onto the left side. “There’s a lady present.”
John grins and twists around, dangling his feet in Paul’s face. “Talking about yourself in the third person, eh?”
You’ve locked the bathroom door by the time they start fighting but the walls are thin. There’s a thump and a shrill screech. Laughter. More shouting. Your reflection frowns back at you, eyes tired and hair a mess, and you take your time showering. In true European fashion, it’s a tiny, miserable affair. Your elbows keep knocking into the walls. The water runs cold before you even finish shampooing. It’s a mad dash to put on your pajamas before you freeze your tits off—except even that goes awry when you realize you forgot to pack them. The only things you can find are a soft tee shirt and shorts, which are a bit shorter than you’d like to be wearing but will have to do.
To top it all off, when you step out of the bathroom, they’re still lobbing shoes and insults.
“Boys, please! It’s one in the morning!” Two pairs of eyes flicker to the clock on the wall, then back at you. “Can you at least pretend to be adults?”
Paul has the decency to look a little scolded. John, on the other hand, leers at you.
“I think someone cut a few centimeters off your shorts, love. Not that I’m complaining.” He winks and you decidedly push down the fluttering in your stomach.
All in all, it takes another hour for the three of you to get to bed. Paul insists on showering first, which leads to another argument that takes five matches of rock-paper-scissors to be resolved.
(Paul gets the first one. John calls a two out of three and wins that. Paul calls a three out of five and wins that. John accuses him of cheating and gets called a sore loser. You end up shoving Paul into the bathroom while John is looking for another shoe to throw.)
If your mother knew you were squeezing into a bed with two boys, she’d throw a fit. Especially if she knew that you couldn’t stop thinking about how rosy Paul’s cheeks looked when he stepped out of the shower, or the fact that John is bloody shirtless. No, it’s best that none of this gets back to your folks at home.
“Comfortable?” John asks. Both boys are facing outwards and you’re lying on your back, trying to ignore the warm bodies on either side of you.
Paul shifts his arm and nearly elbows you in the boobs. “I feel like a sardine,” he says.
“Try sleeping in the middle,” you retort. “It’s like being in a sandwich.”
That earns a laugh from John, which turns into a contagious yawn.
“We should go to bed,” someone says, but you’re already drifting off.
John’s a pretty heavy sleeper, so when he wakes up and it’s still dark out he’s very confused.
He’s also a lot warmer. Sometime in the night, John had turned and pulled you flush against his chest. His nose is pressed into your hair, one leg thrown over your hip. John rather likes the feeling of cuddling so close, but he knows it’s not the most appropriate position. He goes to move when he hears a quiet noise.
… oh. So that’s what woke him up.
You’re moaning, soft little sighs and whimpers that go straight to John’s cock. You’re having a wet dream… about him. He wants to pull away, knows that this is wrong, but then you’re grinding against him and all thoughts fly out the window. John’s hips find yours and he has to bite his lip to keep from groaning. God, he’s rutting against you like a teenager but it feels so good he can’t even bring himself to be embarrassed.
John’s eyes snap open and he freezes. Your voice is different, clearer. You’re awake now. It’s like a cold bucket of water has been dumped over his head and he jolts away from you.
“Sorry, I didn’t—“
His apology cuts off because you’re suddenly moving, pushing back into him. The soft curve of your ass presses right against John’s cock. All the air in his lungs rushes out and he gasps out your name.
“Is—is this okay?” he asks. He wants to make sure, needs to.
“Yes,” you reply. It’s more of a plea, and it’s all John needs to start moving again.
The hand that’s on your stomach trails down and slips under the waistband of your panties. John groans when his fingers find your slick folds.
“Fuck, you’re soaked.” John rocks his hips into yours. Your hair is still damp from showering and when he breathes in, the scent—lavender—sends a rush of arousal through him. “Were you dreaming about me?”
You can only whine in response because John is slipping a finger into your cunt. His thumb finds your clit, rubs gentle circles that send flames of pleasure licking up your body. It’s already so much, too much, not enough.
“Didn’t know you were such a filthy girl,” John growls and you arch into his touch. “What was it about, hm? Were you dreaming about this? About getting fingered while Paul is sleeping right there?” His words tear a gasp from your lips. “You’re gonna have to be quiet or you’ll wake him up, birdie. Unless that’s what you want…”
“It’s a little too late for that.”
John can’t see very far, but he doesn’t need to in order to make out Paul’s face on the other side of you. His pupils are blown wide, eyes trained on John’s hand still moving under your clothes. And John… likes it. Being watched. It should be weird, should feel wrong because Paul’s his best mate, but then his eyes find John’s and the hungry look in them tears a hot blaze of arousal through him.
Somehow, his voice is steady when he speaks. “You want a taste?”
Paul’s mouth falls open and he nods. Without a second thought, John pulls his hand from your pussy and lifts it to Paul’s lips.
The sight of Paul licking your juices from John’s fingers is quite possibly the hottest thing you’ve ever seen.
Second only to the look on Paul’s face when you hesitantly wrap your hand around his cock and start jerking him off.
“Fuck,” he groans. His eyes flutter closed, head tips back and bares the curve of his neck. John wants nothing more than to bite into it, to mark Paul, but you beat him to it. And John, who’s never liked feeling left out, lets his hand drift back down to you. This time, he curls two fingers into your cunt. You clench around him and your grip involuntarily tightens on Paul, whose hips jerk forward at the feeling.
God, how John wishes he could see your face. You’re sure to be so pretty, cheeks flushed, lips parted around gasps, eyes watching Paul’s cock in your hand. Still, he can hear the noises you’re making, and that’s almost just as good.
It’s not the most comfortable position, really. Your wrist feels awkward at this angle, with Paul being so close to you. And John keeps breathing in some of your hair. But the intimacy, the heat, the rush of adrenaline makes all that fade away. The filthy sound of John thrusting his fingers in and out of your cunt, Paul’s high, almost feminine sighs. John’s grunts as he rocks against your body, breathe hot on the nape of your neck.
Paul gasps something unintelligible but you know what he’s trying to say. You start pumping him even faster, letting the sound of his cries spur you on. You want to taste them, you think, and it doesn’t make sense but you lean forward anyway and capture Paul’s lips in yours.
The movement changes your angle. John’s fingers curl against something in you that burns white hot, electric in your veins. His thumb presses into your clit and then you’re cumming, moans falling from your lips to Paul’s as he follows you over the edge.
“Fucking hell,” Paul breathes.
You can only nod. Your mind is still floating somewhere in the stratosphere. You can’t remember the last time you felt like this, both high and irrevocably grounded, pressed tight between two bodies thrumming with warmth.
“I’m gonna… clean up a bit,” you mumble when you’ve caught your breath. While you stumble off towards the bathroom, Paul reaches and finds John’s face in the dark.
Despite the fact that he’s just had a threesome, John suddenly feels shy. It’s intimate in a different way, how Paul’s fingers trace the bridge of his nose, outline the curve of his lips. And when you come back, weight dipping the mattress slightly, the warmth of your body settling behind him is so gentle that John is scared he’s only imagining it.
Paul doesn’t say anything, just pulls John forward and kisses him. It’s a chaste brush of the lips, but combined with the feeling of you nipping at his bare shoulder sets John’s nerves ablaze.
You shush him and run a hand down his spine, thumbing the waistband of his joggers. “Just relax, John. It’s okay.”
Whether it’s your words or the soothing touch, John’s body almost melts, curving into yours. At the same time, his lips seek out Paul, who pulls back with a glint in his eyes.
“You haven’t even come yet, have you?” Paul asks, though he already knows the answer.
“Does it fucking look like I have?” John grumbles. Your hand trails across his waist and cups his erection and suddenly John can’t come up with anything witty anymore. He keens and bucks into the touch.
“So this is what it takes to get you to shut up.” You giggle when John’s attempt at protesting is muffled by Paul’s mouth.
“Guess we should do this more often, then.”
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heroloverangel · 4 years
Caught Red Handed
Look at me, finishing something before the last day of the month. You’re just trying to borrow some class notes when you go knocking on Tamaki’s door.
You’re just trying to look out for your grades, that’s all. That’s definitely the only reason you find yourself wandering down this particular floor of the dorm, hoping to borrow some class notes. Tamaki never speaks up during lessons, but you’ve always noticed him writing down more than anyone else. You’re sure he’s the key to your academic success.
“Amajiki?” You knock firmly and wait, hearing him fumbling around on the other side.
“Just….just a minute!” Curious, you press your ear against the door to listen harder. He sounds even more flustered than normal, and it’s more than a little adorable. You can’t quite make out what he’s telling himself, but you’re sure you hear something like “C-coming,” and expect to be let in. When he doesn’t appear after a few moments, you turn the knob anyways and peek into his room.
“Hi, I was hoping I could use-” Your words are abruptly cut off when you get a look at him. Normally you’d think it was cute to see him sprawled on his bed, red faced and hard at work. This time, however, you catch sight of his hand wrapped tightly around his cock, stroking himself with something red and lacy. He freezes in place, meeting your eyes with a look of absolute horror. “Oh...oh my god, I’m sorry!” You slam the door in your haste to escape, and you’re halfway down the hallway before something familiar clicks in your mind and you turn back around.
You open his door again without warning this time. He hasn’t moved a muscle, but snaps out of it and frantically yanks a blanket over his lap. “Stop doing that!”
You step fully into his room and close the door behind you. “Those are my panties,” you say, pointing to the fabric bunched up in his hand. You look at him expectantly, waiting for a response.
If you thought he was embarrassed before, he may be actively dying in front of you now. “I...you weren’t...it’s not…” You see tears in his eyes but as bad as you feel for making him suffer, it’s too late to forget what you saw. “It’s...it’s n-not what you think,” he finally explains and takes a deep breath. “I didn’t steal them, or anything weird. You just, well...we both did laundry last weekend. And I used the s-same dryer after you were done, and when I put my clothes away, I just found your...y’know, those in my hamper. I g-guess you forgot them, I think.”
That makes sense. You remember seeing him in the laundry room, and that pair of underwear missing when you folded your clothes. “Why didn’t you just give them back?”
He’d been staring at the floor, but his gaze pops up as if you’d just suggested he eat the actual sun. “Are you crazy? What if you thought I took them on purpose?”
You can’t help but laugh. “Because that’d be worse than keeping them to jerk off with?”
Tamaki looks back at the ground. “I-I’m sorry. I thought I could throw them back in your washing machine next time,” he reasons. Then he mumbles, more to himself than you, “I just...wondered what they’d feel like.”
“And how did they feel,” you ask quietly, staring at him with open interest.
He swallows, fingers twisting in the blanket. “Really, really good.”
You let out a sigh and sit down on the edge of his bed; he scoots further to the side, as far away from you as possible. You give yourself a second to choose your words carefully, figuring out a plan before glancing at him. “Tamaki, do you like me?” 
He gulps loudly. “Y-yeah, I do. I’m sorry-” he says again but you shush him.
“That’s good. I’m not mad, you know.” He steals a hopeful glance at you, but you continue before he can relax. “But you did something bad, and you need to make it up to me.”
“A-alright. What do you want me to do?”
With a smile, you reach over and squeeze the hand still holding your missing panties. “Keep going. I want to watch.”
Tamaki looks at you in shock, but after a minute to compose himself he cautiously moves the blanket out of the way, wrapping the lace over his dick and pumping himself back to hardness. He keeps his eyes closed, breath deeping while he works and making little whines at the back of his throat. You watch precum leak out from the tip to stain the soft fabric and slip closer next to him.
“What do you think about when you touch yourself?” “...You.” He clears his throat, blushing scarlet. “Kissing you, and... you t-touching me, and...and...things like that.”
“Like this?” You kiss his neck and his eyes snap open just in time to see you reaching for him. One finger traces lightly along his shaft, just enough to tease and you can feel him twitching at the attention. “Does that feel good?” You stroke him gently, waiting for an answer and he bites down on his lip and nods. “Is it better than using my panties?” He shudders, giving you a moan that’s far too arousing for his own good.
“S-so much better,” he finally stammers out, bucking his hips instinctively into your touch.
“Good boy,” you coo, admiring the blush splashed across his face all the way to the tips of his ears. “You wanna know something?” He whines in response as you give his aching cock another squeeze. “I like you, too.” You don’t give him the chance to say anything; your free hand reaches for his chin and brings him in for a long kiss. Tamaki’s dick throbs eagerly against your palm and you pull away to hear another cute little whimper. “Should I keep going?”
“Please,” he huffs out, gripping the blanket tightly with his unoccupied hand. “Don’t stop, I think I’m gonna-” Your name comes out as a shanky whine and you’re very aware of the wetness in your current underwear.
“You want me to help you come?” He doesn’t give you a real answer, only rutting harder against your fingers and gasping when your thumb presses along the slit of his cock, but you get the point. “You’re so cute, Tamaki.” You lean in and press quick kisses along his jaw and throat and enjoy how the thrust of his hips speed up to match the pump of your hand. “Go on, come all over my panties.” You feel it, the unmistakable shiver that runs down his spine and then his dick twitches hotly in your grasp, cum leaking through the soft lace to smear over your fingers.
Tamaki slumps against you heavily, panting like he’s just run a marathon and you smile down at him. There’s a brief moment of peace between the two of you, and then he glances down at his mess. “Oh, god. I got...it’s all over you. I didn’t mean-” He stops abruptly when he sees the mischievous look in your eyes and just lets out a tiny, embarrassed squeak as he watches your tongue slip out and lick your hand clean.
“It’s alright, I like the way you taste.” You watch his brain short-circuit and he sits there stuttering, and you make a wicked decision to push your luck tonight. “Do you ever think about touching me?”
It takes several seconds for him to process the question and he’s back to staring at the floor. “Yeah. A lot.”
“Do you want to?” You fidget with your clothes and he looks back up at the sound, just in time to see your shorts hit the floor along with the underwear you’ve been making increasingly damp with arousal. He swallows, trying very hard to keep his eyes on your face and you offer him an encouraging grin. “It’s okay, you can look.”
His gaze drops between your legs in a heartbeat and you almost have to laugh at his sudden eagerness. You shift yourself to face him, opening your thighs wider to give him a better view. “Look at me,” you coo, spreading your folds. “See how wet my pussy is?” He nods wordlessly and leans in closer. He’s fascinated as you press a finger inside yourself and let out a little moan of your own, withdrawing to show it covered in your juices.
You tease your cunt like this for him, adding another finger and noticing his cock growing hard again. Your thumb runs over your clit; it makes your hips jerk forward and you see him reach out for only a second before stopping himself. Oh no, he’s not getting away that easy.
You move your hand away, grabbing his instead and guiding it towards you. “Are-are you sure you want this?”
“You have no idea how much I’ve fucked myself to the thought of this,” you answer, and his mouth sets into a determined line in response. “Just touch me, like I was doing.”
Carefully, as if he’s afraid he might break you, you feel Tamaki slip a single finger into your waiting body. “You’re so warm,” he groans, wiggling it gently inside you. Your inner muscles clench around him for more but he resists the urge to rush. His touch is feather-light, almost unbearably tender and you’re practically a dripping mess by the time his second finger probes at your entrance.
“Fuck,” you gasp out and he pauses. You already know what he’s thinking and shake your head before he can ask. “No, it feels amazing. Don’t stop.” You stroke your clit along with him and you’re getting even wetter at the combined attention. “You’re making me feel so good,” you whisper. He drags his eyes up from your pussy, following the free hand you use to pull your shirt up above your chest. You yank roughly on your bra until you manage to free yourself and there’s a very obvious throbbing in his cock at the sight of your bare skin. He watches you grope your soft breasts and pinch your hard, sensitive nipples and something in him snaps.
You’d never expect he’d get so distracted that he forgets to be shy. It’s a welcome surprise when he drops his head to your chest and draws your nipple into his mouth, and your cunt squeezes tight around him at the feeling. “Tamaki, just like that,” you pant out, knowing he’s going to push you over the edge soon. “Here, move your fingers up a...a little bit. Yes, god, right there.” You fumble awkwardly for a second until you’re able to wrap your unoccupied hand around his shaft once again. It’s a little uncomfortable how the two of you have to bend to wrap around each other, but the pleasure more than makes up for it.
You feel the sweat trickle down your back as he plays with you, moving faster at your request and your fingers at your clit speed up to match. He works you over perfectly, exactly how you ask and you rapidly lose your composure. His hot mouth on your nipple, paired with one last firm stroke deep inside your pussy, just where your body demands, shoves you over your limit and you spasm around his fingers, crying out an unintelligible sound that goes straight to his dick.
You ignore your own task as you writhe against him and he lets you tire yourself out, staring hypnotically at your orgasm and feeling a flicker of pride in his heart. You come down soon enough, breath ragged and face flushed, and pull him in for another deep kiss before you can stop yourself. “C’mon, let me finish you,” you demand breathlessly, an redouble your efforts to get him off again.
It doesn’t take much this time. Touching you was so arousing to him, he’s already well on his way to another climax. You let out a lewd, satisfied moan when he removes his soaked fingers from you and watch as he brings them to his mouth to taste you. You squeeze your hand tighter around him, pump him just a little faster and he’s coming again for you. It’s less intense than earlier, cum dribbling down his cock and onto your wrist and he lets out a satisfied sigh.
Both of you need a minute to recover, and you’re in the process of cleaning up before his brain hits the panic button. “Was-um, was that okay?”
“That was better than okay,” you assure him with a kiss to his sweaty forehead. “Oh, right! Can I borrow your history notes? That’s kinda what I came down here for.”
As weird of a night this has been, he can’t help but laugh a bit. “Yeah, I guess. They’re on my desk.”
“Thanks so much! You’re the best, Tamaki.” You quickly pull on your shorts, tossing your underwear on the bed next to the original pair.
He glances at them, usual nervousness already returning so quickly. “What about your...well, you know?”
You grab his notebook off the desk and shrug. “Don’t worry about it. You can just wash them and give them back next time.”
“Next time?” He sounds surprised, but there’s a hopeful note in his voice.
“Of course there’s a next time!” You pet his messy hair before heading to the door. “I meant what I said, I really do like you.”
“Thank you,” he says quietly, unable to hide his small, adorable smile.
“And you can use my mouth if you want!”
You cackle as you walk out, leaving flustered and stammering mess of a hero behind you.
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sluttyten · 6 years
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summary: It begins as a mistake when Mark overhears you and Johnny having sex. 
words: 8,578
pairing: Johnny x Reader, Mark x Reader
main tags: threesome, dom johnny, baby boy mark, voyeurism, edging, orgasm denial
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It began as a mistake.
Johnny had been led to believe that when Taeyong told him “Everyone’s going home for the holidays to spend it with their families” that meant that everyone was going home. Johnny had told Yuta goodbye as he walked out of the dorm to catch his flight home to Japan, he asked Taeyong to bring back that one food he couldn’t remember the name of that his mom made so well, and he fell asleep through the rest of the members departing.
“Don’t you wish you were heading home too?” You ask him later when you’re out at dinner. “To spend the holidays with your family?”
Johnny shrugs and doesn’t really look you in the eye as he says, “I’ll see them the next time we go to LA or New York. And my mom was saying something about visiting soon, but tickets are always more expensive over the holidays.”
So because he has the dorm to himself and because it’s the holidays (“No one should be alone on the holidays, Johnny.”), you agree to spend the night with him.
He’s already got you all worked up by the time you get to the door. You’re feeling hot and wet and the shape of his lips is already burning on your throat. Johnny whispers what he’s going to do to you as he pushes the door open and you step inside together, your limbs tangled as you twist in his arms to kiss him and laugh.
But then you feel him freeze.
“I thought you went home?” He says.
You pull your mouth from his throat and spin around, detaching yourself from him.
Mark’s in clear view of the door, wide-eyed and trying not to stare too much at the wrinkled state of your clothes (Johnny was a bit handsy on the walk from the car).
“My flight was cancelled and they were going to charge me more to get a different flight to be there in time.” Mark rubs his hands down over his thighs and then does a kind of twitchy half-bow in your direction. “Hello.”
You’ve met Mark before a few times, always in a casual manner, never as Johnny’s girlfriend. But now there’s no denying that you’re not just a friend of Johnny’s. That seems to have flustered Mark as he blushes a bit and finally turns away.
Johnny hovers for a moment, glancing between you and Mark with a look similar to concern on his face. It’s a look you don’t totally understand until five minutes later.
Five minutes later you’re sitting half-naked on Johnny’s bed, watching him pace around the room, and listening to him say, “We can’t have sex when he’s here can we? That would be rude. And weird probably, right?”
“Don’t tell me you did all that and now you’re not going to fuck me?” You pout, folding your arms in front of you. “Johnny, please. I need you. I’m so wet and horny, I’m throbbing.”
You spread your legs a bit, and there’s a hesitation in Johnny’s pacing back and forth. He glances at you, his gaze falls down between your legs, and then at his door. You can hear the sound of the TV out in the living room as Mark watches a movie or a drama probably.
“Please, Johnny.” You whine, and this time you let one of your bra straps slip off your shoulder. A smile tugs at your lips when you notice the way Johnny’s eyes follow it. “I’ll be a good girl. I’ll be quiet.”
Johnny sighs and smiles, tugs his shirt over his head, steps out of his pants almost without stumbling, and then he’s crawling over you, pushing you back on the bed.
“We both know that’s a lie. You’ve never been quiet.” And then he kisses you.
Sex with Johnny is always good. He knows just where to touch you, how rough to be or how gentle, he knows what to say, when to keep touching and when to stop without you ever having to say a word. He knows to be lighthearted or to be passionate or to be rough. 
Tonight he makes you laugh with his lips against the underside of you jaw, his hands sliding around beneath your hips to pull you up against him. He grinds against you until you’re gasping his name. “Please. More.”
Johnny sits back, lets you sink down into the mattress, and then he reaches for the edge of your panties and pulls them down your legs, away from your soaking wet center.
“So wet, baby.” Johnny groans right before he presses a kiss against your mound, right above your clit. You can’t help the desperate noise that escapes you. Johnny’s sharp gaze moves up your body, and one of his hands slides over your mouth. “You do need to be quiet, though. The walls are thin.”
You nod.
Johnny squints suspiciously at you. “Will you? Or do I need to find a way to keep you quiet?”
Your mind immediately goes to his erection, currently pressed against your thigh. Or his fingers still covering your mouth. His mouth pressed over yours.
“You like that?” Johnny asks and you nod again. “Open your mouth.”
A second later you find Johnny pressing your panties into your mouth, his gaze on yours to make sure that you’re alright with this.
You attempt to say something, anything, but it just comes out as a garbled muffled noise.
“Good.” Johnny bumps a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
His breath is warm as he moves down your body, intermittently placing hot kisses on your skin until he reaches the apex of your thighs, your wetness. Johnny looks up at you and smiles before he dives in, his tongue and his fingers working magic on you.
The panty gag works.
Your hips jolt and you try moaning his name, but the noise is barely loud enough to draw his attention.
Johnny keeps it up for a few minutes, occasionally looking up at you and pulling his mouth away to scatter kisses on your thighs and hips. And all the while he’s still fingering you, curling his fingers against that spot that makes you feel so good and also scissoring his fingers to stretch you open for his cock. He laps around his fingers, licking up all your wetness.
Soon you can’t stand it anymore. You need Johnny’s cock, the stretch, the full feeling.
“Johnny,” You whine through the gag, and at the same moment you grab onto a hank of his hair and tug. He glares up at you, but when he hears the desperation in your muffled plea of “Fuck me!” he abandons everything.
He moves away for a moment to grab a condom and then he’s back, slipping his fingers inside you again for a second. “Dripping cunt. Are you that turned on by me?”
Your insides give a particularly hot throb, and you push your hips down on his fingers, just needing to have more, to feel him deeper inside you.
Johnny’s fingers disappear and you hear him groan, feel the movement of him touching himself quickly, and then he’s fitting himself between your thighs. He slaps his cock once, twice, again against your clit just to hear your muffled whine. Then he sinks into you, smoother and deep, a luxuriously full feeling that you can’t get enough of.
“Baby, you’re so warm.” Johnny stays deep inside you, grinding against you for an instant before he pulls most of the way back out and pushes in again.
You cry out, your hand shooting for Johnny’s forearm holding him up by your waist.
“You’re drooling, you messy girl.” He laughs, and you feel the pad of his thumb moving over your cheek, along the bottom of your mouth. You want to kiss him or to suck his thumb into your mouth, but you have to satisfy yourself with sucking on your own panties, hiding your moans between the folds of the wet fabric as Johnny picks up sped, fucking you hard and deep. The headboard of his bed knocks into the wall, the springs squeaking lightly with each of his thrusts.
You squeeze your eyes shut as you let the pleasure take over you. You can feel your saliva leaking from your mouth around the panties, can feel the way that your nails pinch into Johnny’s skin, can feel your own wetness leaking from your pussy onto his sheets.
“Are you going to cum for me, Y/N?” Johnny asks, his voice laced with a warm, teasing tone. He’s not bothering to be quiet you notice. “You going to cum on my cock?”
You let out another muffled keening moan.
The panties were, at first, a good idea, but now they’re completely soaked, and as you feel your orgasm approaching—that knot in your belly growing tighter and tight—you just want to be able to moan and whine and cry out Johnny’s name and tell him how good he’s making you feel.
He hasn’t restrained your hands at all, so the moment you decide you’re tired of having your mouth stuffed with your panties, you reach up and pull them out.
“Johnny, oh god,” You cry, and reach for his shoulders to drag your fingertips over his skin. “Fuck, harder.”
He listens, lifting your hips off the bed into his lap a bit so now when he thrusts into you, he’s directly in contact with your G spot.
The next flurry of words that leave your mouth are a nearly incomprehensible combination of moans and whines, swears, Johnny’s name, pleas, and praises for his cock.
He drags your mouth to his when you cum, your walls fluttering and clenching, throbbing around his cock. You rake your fingers through his hair and clutch his face between your hands, squeeze your legs around his hips, try to take him in so deep that you can feel him in your gut.
Once you come down from your orgasm, Johnny tips you backwards again, pulls out of you and removes the condom before kneeling over you.
“I thought I told you to keep quiet?” He asks, smiling and stroking your hair. “Maybe I didn’t put the right thing in your mouth. Suck me off?”
You sit up, one hand on Johnny’s chest easing him down onto the mattress, and then you move to kneel between his legs.
You know Johnny likes the way you look there. Your fingers wrapped around his erection, your lips spread around his tip, your eyes holding his gaze. And you also know that he won’t last long like this, not after he was just inside you, not when he knows how you look with his cum on your tongue and spilling down over your fingers, his load too much for you to take all at once.
All you have to do is suck a little at his tip and jerk your hand over his length, moan a bit for him.
Johnny’s hips jerk up off the bed as he moans your name. His cum spurts inside your mouth and you pull back, holding your mouth open so he can see it landing on your tongue and lips, can watch it drip obscenely from your mouth, leaking in drippy strands down your fingers.
And when he’s done, Johnny sinks into the pillows, chest rising and falling, his cock going soft in your hand.
He doesn’t see you wipe your hand on his sheets or see you grab the corner of the top sheet to wipe his cum from around your mouth. When you feel somewhat clean, you shift on the bed, stretching out so your head is resting beside his shoulder, one of your legs thrown over his.
You lay like that for a few moments, and it’s quiet. You can hear the sound of the TV still playing in the other room, a sound like Mark laughing maybe, but other than that everything is quiet. Johnny puts his arm around you, and his fingers gravitate to your hair, combing through it, twisting strands together absentmindedly. You think he’s probably about to doze off when you finally decide to speak.
“I want ice cream.” You touch your lips to Johnny’s shoulder.
“What, now?” Johnny’s fingers go still in your hair. His voice sounds a little drowsy. “It’s late. And it’s raining.”
You twist to see the window where, sure enough, there are raindrops racing down the window. “It’s just a little rain. And besides, that little 24/7 convenience store around the corner has my favorite ice cream. Please?” You kiss his shoulder again.
Johnny sighs. “You know I can’t say no to you. Get dressed.” His hand taps against your ass and you roll out of bed, reaching for your clothes and pulling them on fast.
He dresses almost as quick, but then he wasted a moment, wiping at your cheeks and chin, trying to tame your wild sex hair before he ends up just shoving a hat on your head and kissing you again.
The living room is empty when you and Johnny walk out there, but the TV is still on.
“Mark?” Johnny calls. “Mark?”
A thump and then some footsteps, slightly louder and faster than usual sound, and then Mark appears in the room. He glances at Johnny then you and then his eyes cut straight to the TV then dart around the room, never settling in one place for too long.
“What were you doing?” Johnny asks, but he doesn’t wait for an answer before saying, “We’re going to the store. Do you want anything?”
Mark looks like he’s thinking about it. You watch as his gaze drifts towards the kitchen, his eyes squinting a little like he’s trying to think of something.
“Do you want to come?” You ask.
“What?” Mark’s suddenly staring at you, wide-eyed, startled. “Do I—?”
Johnny laughs, but it’s an exasperated laugh, like he’s tired of waiting, and he slings his arm over your shoulders. “Do you want to go to the store with us, Mark?”
“Oh,” He rubs at the back of his head nervously and looks down at his feet but not before you notice a curious reddish tone to his skin. “Yeah, sure. Give me a minute.”
He ducks out of sight.
“Weird kid.” Johnny mumbles.
Mark comes back a minute or two later, a jacket on and his phone in hand. He doesn’t say anything as the three of you walk out the door, he barely even looks up from his phone until you reach the store around the corner from their dorm.
“Mark, you want anything?” Johnny asks while he holds the door open for you to walk inside. You hesitate in the doorway, looking back over at Mark. When he looks up, he meets your eyes and he flushes a strange color with the store’s lights glowing against the side of his face.
He jerks his head. “I’ll sit out here.”
“It’s raining.” Johnny points out. Mark shrugs and sits at a table beside the store, the ragged umbrella over the table only keeping parts of it damp instead of soaking wet, none of it dry. Johnny watches him do this and then says, “Suit yourself, Mark Lee.”
You’re quick to find the ice cream you wanted and while you’re there, there are a few other things you think to grab. Johnny offers to buy, but you tell him you’re fine.
He grabs a bag of snacks and pays for it on the way out. You watch him sit down across from Mark at the damp table, his shoulders hunched against the cool misty rain, and he pushes the bag toward Mark.
You browse for the things you want and then head up to pay. The boy behind the register doesn’t even seem to really pay attention to the things he’s scanning. He does it almost robotically, as if his brain is asleep and his body is just running through the motions. The monotone voice he uses when he tells you the price only supports your theory that he’s actually a robot.
Johnny and Mark are sitting in silence when you join them, and it takes you about half a second to realize that it’s because Mark is still behaving oddly. He’s just not looking at Johnny, but he’s not really looking anywhere else either. 
There’s a bag of snacks opened between them, but neither of them are eating, so you sit down beside Johnny and start eating your ice cream, planning to hurriedly finish it and get rid of this strange air once the three of you get back to the dorm. 
“You’ve got a little--” Johnny smiles and lifts his hand to drag his thumb over your bottom lip, then he leans in and kisses you, licking up the taste of your ice cream. 
“Oh my god.” Mark’s voice is barely more than a squeak. 
You turn to him, and Johnny’s hand falls from your face as he asks, “Problem, Mark?”
Again, Mark is avoiding eye contact, and now his hands fidget on the table, dropping his phone before he reaches for the bag in front of him then back to his phone. “No, sorry. I was just... thinking.”
You would leave it at that. Go back to eating your ice cream and pretend that Mark’s acting perfectly normally. But Johnny doesn’t do that. He sits up straighter and watches Mark until Mark has nowhere left to look but at Johnny.
“You heard us earlier, didn’t you? That’s why you’re being so awkward?” Johnny drapes his arm around your shoulders, tugging you against his side in a move that Mark’s eyes follow. “She’s not exactly quiet, is she? You heard us, right? Is that where you were when I called your name earlier? Jerking off after listening to us have sex?”
Mark’s face is both pale and blushing at the same time, giving him a strange mottled color under the hazy glow of the streetlights and the store’s lighting. His eyes are wide, darting between your face and Johnny’s, but he doesn’t deny anything.
You can feel the tension between them, the air stiff with unspoken words. 
“Leave him alone.” You push at Johnny. “Let’s go back. I’m cold.”
The moment breaks. Johnny laughs and squeezes you back in his arms. “It was your idea to eat ice cream. Hurry and finish it, then we’ll walk back.” His eyes are crinkled from the force of his smile, and you feel the urge to stick your tongue out at him, so you do, and that’s when he kisses you again.
When you break apart a moment later, it’s only the two of you at the table, Mark long gone into the rainy night.
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You’re standing in the kitchen a little over an hour later when the dorm’s door bangs open and Mark comes inside. He’s soaking wet, and he kicks his shoes off at the door, slides his jacket off as well, and he’s about to trudge off to his room when he spots you.
He glances around quickly for Johnny, but as far as you know your boyfriend’s showering, and therefore, nowhere in sight.
“Is he mad at me?” Mark asks, coming toward you. “Are you mad at me?”
“No, we’re not mad.” You sip at a glass of water and watch Mark open the fridge and pull out the stuff to make a simple sandwich. He doesn’t say anything else, just builds his snack, and you watch him do this, wondering why he didn’t just eat the snacks from the convenience store. “Why did you even come with us to the convenience store?”
Mark doesn’t look up from the sandwich, but you notice that he’s blushing again. “I didn’t want to be alone here with my thoughts.”
That’s the last words spoken until he’s put the sandwich all together and stowed everything back in the fridge, when you finally speak again. “Did you really listen to us?”
“It was a mistake!” Mark insists, accidentally slamming the fridge door as he spins around to face you. “I was heading to the bathroom and... I didn’t mean to listen in, but neither of you were being quiet. I heard you and I just kinda stopped outside the door. But I didn’t stand there for long because it felt weird to listen.” He hoists himself up to sit on the counter, and starts picking at his sandwich, then says, “But I could still hear you in the bathroom, and I went to my room to grab my phone charger, but, uh, I don’t know if you know this, but Johnny’s bed is right on the other side of my wall, so I could hear you even more than before.”  
Johnny steps into the kitchen then, running his fingers through his wet hair, his shirtless torso still damp. “Just because you heard us didn’t mean you had to listen. You didn’t have to jack off while listening either.”
Mark drops his head and thumps his heels against the cabinets, embarrassed. “So, you are mad about it?”
You look from Mark to your boyfriend. Johnny’s looking at Mark with the same look in his eyes he’d had as you and him had walked back from the store. You’d talked the whole way about Mark, about him overhearing you and Johnny fucking, about several things.
“I know you’re mad, but it wasn’t like I did it on purpose, Johnny.” Mark mumbles, and he lifts his sandwich and takes a bite.
Johnny laughs a little. “I’m not mad, Mark. I just think you could’ve joined us instead of jerking off alone.” 
Mark chokes on his sandwich. You glare at Johnny. The power flickers and goes out, plunging all three of you into a solid, awkward darkness.
You feel your way toward Mark, toward where you can still hear him trying to draw in a breath after choking. You hand lands on his leg and then you find his stomach. “Mark, are you okay?” 
“I think I may have just died.” 
“You’re not dead. The power’s just gone out.” Johnny says. “You know this happens sometimes when it rains.” You hear him shuffle out of the room, but you stay there at Mark’s side, rubbing his leg soothingly as he struggles to regain his composure.
After a minute, Johnny returns, holding a candle in each hand, surrounded by a dense cloud of vanilla scented air. He sits one beside Mark, and the other one he carries with him as he leaves the room again. 
“Y/N?” Mark says your name, his voice strained. “Do you think you could maybe stop that. It’s not really helping anything.” His leg twitches under your hand, and you quickly step back.
“Sorry.” You fold your arms over your chest. “Are you sure you’re alright? I know what Johnny said must have startled you, but--”
Mark shoves the entire rest of the sandwich into his mouth and pushes off the counter, striding right past you as if he’s going to disappear to his room and pretend like none of this has ever happened. But then Johnny steps back into the room, blocking Mark’s one way out.
“Are you going somewhere?”
Mark opens his mouth, but then Johnny takes another step forward. He sits the candle he was holding down on the nearest flat surface, and then takes another step forward. Mark takes a step back. Johnny, then Mark, then Johnny again.
They repeat this until Mark’s pressed against the counter again.
Johnny leans in, his hands resting on either side of Mark, caging him in. “Mark, do you want to come?”
In the flickering light of the two candles, you watch as Mark’s throat bobs. His eyes flick between Johnny’s eyes and his lips, which are just an inch away. He nervously licks his own.
“Or do you just want to watch me make her cum again?” Johnny tilts his head toward you. Mark’s gaze slides over to you.
This is one of the things you discussed on the way home with Johnny. He told you all about how Mark never got laid, how Mark wasn’t a virgin, but he just didn’t get the chance much. Plus he was kinda awkward sometimes. So it was no surprise that he’d gotten hard from just listening to you and Johnny, no surprise he’d jerked off too.
”What do you think of him watching us?” Johnny had asked earlier. “Or joining in?”
Johnny’s fingers had slid under your shirt to trace light circles against your skin then, and you couldn’t help but shiver. But part of the shiver that went through you was from the thought of Mark like that.
”Yeah?” Johnny had smiled then.
And now he did the same, turning his charming smile on Mark, and in the same tone he’d used with you earlier: “Yeah?”
Mark makes an aborted noise in his throat, but he nods and looks up at Johnny with a look of pure hunger.
”Good,” Johnny steps back, glances over at you, and then starts to walk away. “Follow me.”
Mark makes no effect to leave that spot, as if he’s frozen. So you reach for his hand, and say his name quietly. Mark shakes his head a little as if clearing the fog from his mind, and he takes your hand carefully, letting you lace your fingers through his as you lead him through the dorm to Johnny’s room.
There are candles lit on several surfaces in the room, providing some light, but not too much, allowing for some mystery in the flickering shapes of the shadows. You try not to think about what kind of fire hazard it is, and instead you guide Mark over to sit down in Johnny’s desk chair, faced toward the bed.
Johnny makes an abrupt humming sound and shakes his head. “No, I’ve changed my mind.”
Mark’s face falls and you feel your heart sink a bit too. You wouldn’t admit it to Johnny, but ever since he introduced the idea to you, you’ve kind of had your heart set on getting Mark in bed.
He laughs when he sees the expressions on both your face and Mark’s. “I don’t mean I’ve changed my mind about all of this. Just the way in which I was planning on doing it.” He points at his bed. “Mark, Y/N, I want to watch you together first. But you can’t kiss her, and you can’t cum inside her. Are you good with that, baby?”
“Yes.” You and Mark answer at the same time. Johnny shoots a look at Mark, and when you look at him as well, you notice the high pink color on his cheeks.
”I was talking to my girlfriend, but do you like being called baby too, Mark?” Johnny asks, walking closer again, and just his proximity has Mark squirming a little bit, the color on his cheeks growing deeper. Mark neither confirms nor denies it, he squeezes your hand and leads the wya toward the bed.
Johnny sits down in the desk chair, eyes on the pair of you. “Go on.”
Mark’s hands flutter nervously, like he’s not actually sure where to touch you, still not sure if this is really happening or not. So you decide to take charge.
You grab the hem of your shirt and pull it over your head, and drop it delicately to the floor, then you step out of your pants, and reach for Mark’s shirt. He lifts his arms as you flick his shirt over his head, and he sits down on the bed when you give a light push to his shoulders.
You straddle him, and when he still doesn’t touch you, you grab his hands and bring them to your chest, over your breasts. “Touch me, Mark.” You bounce a little in his lap.
“Fuck,” He groans and drops his head to your chest. “This is not what I was expecting.”
His hands don’t move on your chest, but his warm breath puffs against your skin until you grow frustrated. You push at his shoulders, and Mark falls back against the bed so he’s staring up at you, all wide-eyed and innocent.
“Don’t you want to touch me?” You ask, and you reach back to unclasp your bra, glancing over at Johnny to make sure he’s still okay with all this. Johnny’s watching with rapt attention, his hand resting comfortably between his legs. The straps of your bra slide down over your shoulders, and you flick your bra off, leaving your tits exposed in the candlelight to Mark’s eyes and to your boyfriend’s. 
“Mark,” You sigh his name and slide your hands down your body, to his stomach, and you push your fingers lightly up his chest. “I want you to touch me.” And for extra measure, you lean in close, and whisper, “Baby.”
He whines and bucks his hips up against you. He lurches up, as if to kiss you, but you sit up and press your hand flat to his chest, keeping him down on the bed. 
“No kissing, remember?” Johnny reminds from his chair, his voice a low warning. Mark looks over at him for a moment and then back up at you. 
Mark’s hands touch your knees first, where they’re situated on either side of him, and then he moves up toward your hips, and rolls his hips under you so you can feel the hard definition of his cock as he rubs against your panties. He grinds up, directly against your clit, and you can’t help the gasp and moan that burst from your lips. 
He smiles and does it again, so you make those same noises.
“Feel good, baby?” Johnny rubs his cock through his pants, watching the way that now you start grinding down on Mark. “Earlier you could barely get enough of my cock, but you haven’t even touched Mark’s.”
“You want me to touch him?” You stare at Mark as you ask, and you watch the way the look in his eyes shifts toward desperate. “He wants it.”
You sit back and press your hand to Mark’s hips now, making him go still so you can drag his underwear down his legs. His cock is nice, not as nice as Johnny’s, but you wouldn’t tell Mark that. He’s already leaking against his belly, hard and pink-tipped, and when you trail a finger lightly from tip to base, Mark moans and his cock twitches.
Then you wrap your fingers around him. Soft (but so hard) and warm. Mark pushes up on his elbows to be able to see you.
“Baby, you’re a mess.” Johnny whistles. “Soaking through your panties already just from dry humping Mark.” You hear the chair creak as he shifts his weight. “Take them off, I want to see you.”
You turn over onto the bed, sitting there so you can shimmy your panties off. Johnny’s face is half-hidden in shadow, the candlelight not quite reaching him, and the effect is arousing. His eyes glint from the shadows, and you watch him grip his erection through his pants as you spread your legs for him. 
So caught up in Johnny’s attention are you, that you almost forget about Mark until he whines. 
“I want to see.” His hand falls on yours, stroking quickly over your fingers like a submissive plea for attention. 
Johnny jerks his chin toward Mark. “Let him see. Give him an up-close look.” 
You know exactly what he means, so you move up the bed, and when you reach Mark’s face you sit backwards on his mouth.
Mark moans, his soft lips parting against the warmth of your pussy. You feel his tongue for a moment as if he’s testing, and then he kisses you down there, sucking your inner lips briefly into his mouth. Your nipples stand erect on your chest, and your pussy throbs.
You kneel up just enough that Mark can draw in a breath, and you can see his chin and his lips, already coated in your slick because when Johnny said that you were soaked, he was understating it. 
“Oh, God, you’re so wet.” Mark moans and he lifts his head from the mattress and presses his face against you, his tongue gently lapping between your folds. He’s so warm and gentle and soft. There’s a certain innocence to the way that he eats you out and you like it, but at the same time you want and need more. 
His erection jumps against his abdomen, and you think about how nice he’ll feel inside you, bare since he’s not going to cum. You’ve only had Johnny’s bare cock inside you on a few occasions when you knew that you had another form of contraception plus you weren’t ovulating. You liked the feeling of Johnny cumming inside you, and part of you wants to know what it would be like to have Mark that way too, but it’s too risky.
Mark moans and pulls you down harder onto his face, licking into you so good your legs are quivering, and you fall forward onto your forearms. 
“Mark, that’s so good.” Your head drops to his hip.
A moment later you realize that his cock is less than an inch from you lips, and when you open your eyes, you notice Johnny’s staring right at you, almost expectantly. By now, he’s pulled his cock out of his pants, and as you watch, he slowly runs his hand up his length and sticks his tongue into his cheek.
He wants you to blow Mark.
The cry Mark gives the moment he feels your lips on his sensitive cock sends a jolt of arousal through you, more powerful than when you’d just been thinking about Johnny (and Mark) cumming inside you. His tongue twists against your clit and you muffle the sounds you want to make by sucking the tip of his cock into your mouth while still holding eye contact with Johnny.
You keep your attention around Mark’s tip, once or twice pushing down to take the rest of him in your mouth. He makes the most wonderful sounds when you do that, the vibrations of his mouth on you sends you nearer and nearer to the edge until finally there’s nothing keeping you from the bliss of your orgasm.
“Mark, shit.” You moan and press your mouth to his hip, biting and sucking to keep from crying out too loudly as he licks you through your orgasm, his hands tight on your hips while he licks and sucks expertly.
He doesn’t stop until you reach back and shove his head away, and then roll over onto your side, leaving his body cold and exposed. He starts to reach for his cock, but before he can, you grab his hand. 
“You’re so good at that, Mark.” You sigh, and you pull his hand to your mouth to kiss. He’s better at oral than Johnny is, but you’d never dare to let Johnny know that because then you would probably never get eaten out again and that would be a tragedy. So for now you settle on just giving Mark a bit of praise.“Good job, baby.” 
His mouth is so wet, you realize as you sit up and look down at him. You’ve never wanted to kiss him more than you do at that moment, but with Johnny watching and that being one of his only rules, you can’t even do that. So you flick your thumb over one of his nipples and then stroke slowly down from his chest to his stomach, taking your time as you go even lower, easing Mark into somewhat of a relaxed state.
When you touch his cock again, Mark closes his eyes and hums, pushing up into the circle of your fingers. “God, please can I be inside you? I want to feel you, please?” 
You look to Johnny. He leans forward in his chair and nods his approval. 
Your heart begins to race, thinking about Mark inside of you, his hands on your body, whimpering and moaning your name, and Johnny watching it all without touching, without speaking. 
Mark’s eyes are still closed when you touch his hear and murmur, “Yeah, baby. Do you want to be on top, or me?” 
“Me.” Mark sits up quickly, and you lean back on your forearms as Mark situates himself between your legs. his fingers touch between your legs, and you bite back a moan since you’re still sensitive from your recent orgasm. “You feel so good, warm, velvety soft.”
He’s still talking as he pushes into you, sinking into your pussy like it’s where he belongs. 
“You can’t cum inside her, Mark.” Johnny reminds him, and Mark nods jerkily and bites his lip, sinking that last bit into you so he’s pressed fully against you. “And I want you to fuck her good. You can’t cum until she has.”
Mark glides his thumb over your clit, and your legs jolt up, squeeze around his hips. You moan, roll your hips, and say, “Move, Mark!”
He obeys, going slow at first, careful thrusts like he thinks you still need to adjust to his size. You’re fine, you want to scream, but you don’t. Instead you curl your fingers around the back of Mark’s neck and drag him down so your cheek presses against his to softly say, “You can fuck me harder than this, can’t you?”
You feel rather than see Mark glances over his shoulder at Johnny, so you press your fingers to his cheek and turn his face back against yours.
“Fuck me like Johnny’s not here. Or fuck me harder because you know he is watching, like you want to show off for him. Make us both feel good, baby.”
Mark makes a cute noise when you call him baby again, and then he sits up, pulling out of your grasp, and he puts his hands on your thighs, spreads your legs wider so that your legs burn a bit, and soon the room is filled with the sound of his skin slapping against yours, the wet sound of his cock sliding through your wetness.
You reach for his waist, his hips, drag your nails over his skin in a way that draws another whimper from Mark.
His pubic bone slaps against your clit with each thrust, jarring you, sending pleasure rolling through your veins as you inch nearer to another orgasm.
“Mark, I’m gonna cum!” You reach for his hand and push it toward your clit, wanting him to rub you to help you.
“Oh, fuck!” Mark pulls out of you quickly instead, scrambling back on his knees, and you voice your complaints at the sudden emptiness, your orgasm just barely within reach. Mark bites on his knuckles and squeezes his eyes shut, fending off his orgasm.
“Finger her, Mark, don’t leave her hanging.” Johnny instructs from the side and you’re so grateful for your boyfriend’s attention.
Mark’s fingers push inside you, pumping in and out, curling just right against that spot, and then you feel his mouth on your clit. You feel like your world shatters into starbursts you cum so hard. Johnny says something to Mark, but you’re too lost in your own pleasure to hear what it is that he says.
And then for a moment the world goes white, Mark’s fingers are still perfectly against your G spot, and you think that maybe this is a mind-blowing orgasm.
But then your eyes adjust, and you hear Johnny cursing as he walks over to the light switch and flips off the light. The power had just come back on at last, devastatingly bright after the simple candlelight.
Mark sits up, and looks over at Johnny as your boyfriend sits back down in the desk chair. Mark asks, “Can I cum now?”
“It’s up to her, isn’t it?”
Mark looks desperate to cum, but something comes over you, and you’re not quite sure you want to give him that relief yet. You don’t want to be done playing with him so soon.
When you wrap your hand around Mark’s length, he moans softly and just lays his head back, sinking down onto the bed once more. “Feels good.” 
“Does it?” You stroke your thumb below his tip. Mark moans, and his breath catches in his throat before he moans again, his fists clench at his sides.
You pull your hand back from his erection.
Mark whines. “No, no. I’m so close, please.”
You glance at Johnny and notice that he’s smiling, watching you play with Mark like this. Taking him to the edge of his orgasm and then back. You wait a moment for Mark to calm down just a bit, and then you touch him again, jerking you hand over his length a few times before he’s moaning and thrusting up into your touch again, then you pull away once more. 
You repeat this several times over until Mark’s voice hiccups, until his body is wound so tight that you think he’ll tear apart if you try to edge him one more time. So you back off, sit back on your heels, and look over at Johnny.
“Good job, baby.” Johnny’s voice is somewhat strained, his hand busy on his cock, his eyes lidded watching you and Mark together. “You’ve done good, baby.”
“Johnny,” Mark groans, his cock jumping, thighs twitching. “Can I please cum? Please? I’ve been good. I’ll never eavesdrop again.”
You touch your finger to the tip of his cock, watching the candlelight around the room catch on the string of precum stretching between your finger and his pink head. Mark hisses and whines, pushing his hips up in an attempt to get more contact with your hand.
“Do you think you should get to cum?” Johnny stands up, and for the first time, he approaches the bed, towering over the pair of you on the bed. “Wouldn’t you rather watch me make her cum again? Wouldn’t that be nice? To watch me fill her up with my cum when you didn’t get to have that, baby?”
The sounds Mark makes are unintelligible, and you watch with absurd fascination as tears burst into his eyes. One of his hands shoots down, reaching for his cock.
Johnny quickly swats his hand away. 
“No.” Dominance washes through the single syllable.
Mark shudders and then goes still, his chest heaving as he looks up at Johnny with his dark, teary eyes. And in a very quiet voice he pleads again, “Please. It hurts, Johnny. Y/N, please.”
Johnny shakes his head and reaches down to the floor, grabbing up a discarded belt. “Mark, turn on your side.”
Mark obeys, and he doesn’t make much sound as Johnny carefully pulls Mark’s arms behind his back and wraps the belt around his wrists, fastening it just tight enough, and then he helps Mark into a sitting position at the head of the bed. 
“You’re going to watch now, and you can’t touch yourself.” Johnny squeezes Mark’s shoulder, and Mark whimpers and squirms, his cock bouncing unhappily in his lap, dripping precum.
Johnny leaves the bed, returning to his chair, in clear view of Mark. “Y/N, baby, come over here.”
Before you do as he says, you lean in to Mark, touch your fingers to his cheek and tell him, “If being bound hurts too much tell us. I’ll make him stop.” Mark nods, and you brush the briefest of kisses to his cheek before moving away, going for Johnny who has completely rid himself of all of his clothes. 
“Sit down. Facing Mark. I know your cunt is nice and wet still, so you won’t have any problems. Sit, baby.” Johnny’s hands fall to your hips, and you look back over your shoulder at him as you reach down and hold his cock against your opening. You hiss as Johnny fills you, stretching your walls with the width and length that Mark just hadn’t possessed.
He kisses your back, between your shoulders, confiding a hushed, “I love you” to you as you take him as far inside you as you can. You can feel him in your belly, and you only sink further down on him when Johnny spreads your legs, his fingers gentle on your thighs as he does it, so that Mark can better see Johnny’s cock disappearing inside your pussy.  
“Baby,” Johnny’s head nudges against your back, his hands slide up to your hips, and he starts moving you on his cock. “You’re still so tight. Did Mark actually even fuck you?”
From the bed, Mark makes a noise, and you lift your gaze to see him struggling, bucking his hips into the air. 
“Shit, so tight.” Johnny’s hips punch up into you. 
You cry out and let Johnny just use you. He holds you up as he fucks you, putting in all the work himself, and you just try to hold off from cumming so quickly. You’re still so sensitive from your previous orgasms, and having Johnny stretching you so good in this position, and staring at Mark who’s staring at you like he’s never seen anything so amazing, so beautiful and delicious. His whole body is blushing, his cock the angriest shade, and his chest rises and falls with his heavy breathing. 
“She looks amazing, doesn’t she, Mark?” Johnny asks, and now he stands up, still holding you against him, keeping his cock very firmly inside of you. Your feet touch the floor, and Johnny walks you toward the bed, shifting strangely inside of you. “Look at her.” 
Johnny lifts you, and you fold your legs up as he sits you on the edge of the bed, kneeling right there on the edge. His hands go to your breasts, and he pinches at your nipples until you slump back against him, roll your hips, and chant his name, trying to get him to fuck you again instead of just sitting still inside you.
As if to show off to Mark again, Johnny turns your head to the side and captures your mouth in a kiss. 
Your legs give out completely, and Johnny moves with you, pressing you into the bed, and at last he starts thrusting again, gentle rolls of his hips as he kisses you. His hips dig down against yours, his big cock pressing right against where you need him, and you cum quietly, falling apart in Johnny arms.
Johnny cums just a moment after you do. His arms hold you tight as he pushes his hips flat against your ass and empties his load inside you. He drags kisses across your shoulders, along your arm, to the back of your hand and your fingertips. 
“I love you,” He murmurs. 
“Love you too.” Your eyes are so heavy, and when Johnny pulls out, all you can manage is a half-assed, “Don’t.”
Johnny tugs lightly on your arm until you shuffle up the bed with him, and when you next open your eyes, you see Mark’s face right in front of yours, his pretty big eyes staring at you. 
Your hand moves of its own accord, fingers light on his lower abdomen. 
You touch Mark barely at all. His cock is so hard, it looks painful, and he whimpers so pitifully you just want to take him as deep down your throat as you can and let him cum. But Johnny curls his arm around your shoulders and draws you back against his chest.
“Doesn’t he look so cute like that, desperate to cum? But he doesn’t get to cum. Not tonight.”
“What?” Mark cries, trying to sit fully upright, but with his arms restrained behind his back, he finds that a bit difficult. “Johnny, no, please! You have to let me cum!”  
“Do we?” Johnny cocks his head. “I’m feeling a little tired. You are too, aren’t you, baby?” He brushes his fingers over your shoulder. “Maybe we should just sleep instead.”
Johnny tucks his face into your hair and sighs, like he’s settling in for the night. You watch Mark through your eyelashes, listen to his huffs and puffs, his groans and soft whimpers. 
This goes on for a few minutes, and then Johnny sighs again. 
“Mark, baby. Quiet down.” He presses his lips to your shoulder and looks over at Mark. 
He bites at his lip to try and keep quiet, but then he starts squirming. That lasts for only a few seconds before Johnny sits up, grabs Mark’s shoulder, and forces him to sit up straight, away from the pillows so Johnny can quickly undo the belt binding Mark’s wrists together. 
The belt is barely undone before Johnny’s tucked back against you. “Go to sleep. Goodnight.”
Mark wails, and you whisper to Johnny, “Are you really going to leave him without cumming tonight? He’s been so good.” 
Mark lays there rigidly, his erection standing tall, but he doesn’t even try to touch himself, obedient to the last.
“Look, Johnny.” You stretch out a hand and brush your fingers over Mark’s cheek, wiping at his tears. 
Just that simple touch has Mark rolling his hips up, aching for your touch. You feel Johnny’s hands sliding over your body, and then he lifts a hand away, and at last touches Mark. His hand cups Mark’s cock. Mark closes his eyes and pushes his hips up against Johnny’s hand.
Johnny’s hand engulfs Mark’s cock, and he jerks him off hard and fast, only needing to get a few strokes before Mark moans and chokes out the words, “Hyung, I’m gonna--”
His hips lift off the bed as he moans your name and Johnny’s and other nonsensical noises. Pulses of cum shoot up his chest. Mark’s head lolls back against the pillow and he falls silent.
“Did he just pass out?” You run your fingers over the side of Mark’s face. Cum still seems to be leaking from his cock, all puddled on his stomach. “That’s so cute. He really needed that, didn’t he? I almost feel a little bad about denying his orgasm for so long.” 
“I liked seeing that dominant side of you,” Johnny whispers as he kisses you behind the ear. He wipes his hand off on Mark’s leg. “Do you think he liked it?”
You sigh sleepily and snuggle back against Johnny, warm and solid behind you. “I think he’d come back for more if we let him. Not any time soon, though. We wore him out.”
“You did that. All of this is your doing.” He rests his head against yours. “It began with a mistake. Then you insisted on having sex, moaning too loud, you called him baby and started edging him in the first place. Edged him all night long, look. The sun’s rising.”
Outside Johnny’s window, the city night fades into pink and gold and soft lavender, but the inside of his room is still muted violet and navy and the cream curve of Mark’s body in the sheets, Johnny’s arm over your waist. 
You listen as Johnny falls asleep behind you, his breath going slow and level, his arm slack around your waist. Shadows shrink around the room, and your eyelids sink.
You’re about to fall asleep when you feel Mark shift, and you open your eyes again. 
His eyelids are barely split open, and you take a moment to smile at him, to reach for his hand and tug so he slides closer to you, before your eyes fall closed again.
It began as a mistake, and as you feel Mark curl up on his side in front of you, you think that maybe it could turn into something great. 
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request: Oof I’m thinking about Mark hearing me and Johnny having sex orrr me topping Johnny through the wall or something and getting off to it and Johnny realizes what happened when mark acts all awkwards later and mark thinks he might be mad but instead proposes a threesome ??
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fanficwriter013 · 5 years
The Tower: Unexpected - 6
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The Tower: Unexpected An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist Previous //
Pairing:  Avengers x ofc, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1858
Warnings:   pregnancy, ff smut, oral sex, sixty nine, fingering, angsty stuff (y’all should really expect that by now.) 
Synopsis: A little over 2 years after moving into the Avengers Tower, Elly finds herself pregnant against the odds.  While some are excited, others are terrified, and pregnancy that none expected to happen causes rifts through the group and threatens to end the relationship.  
Author’s Note:  Written with the only person I talk to @avengerscompound
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Chapter 6: Wanda
Wanda was my rock for the next few days as Natasha and Steve rounded up people for blood tests and Steve spent his time between Avengers stuff, Bucky and me.  She was there every morning holding my hair as I threw up.  She cuddled up with me at night.  She made sure I was eating enough and if I threw something up right away, she’d try again with something new until I kept it down again.
I don’t exactly know why she had taken to this as strongly as she had.  It wasn’t like she had ever brought up wanting to be a mother.  She could have had her own.  Some people just are though, even before they have kids, and Wanda had always been that kind of person.  I guess the moment she saw I was pregnant it just felt right to her.
The morning sickness was getting bad too.  So on mornings I’d wake up and rush straight to the bathroom she’d be there, holding my hair and rubbing my back.
“The ginger pills do not seem to be doing much,”  She said as she sat behind me rubbing my back.  “Maybe we should contact Doctor Schroeder and ask her if there is something else you can take.”
“It works after I take it but I don’t take it in the middle of the night,”  I say as I rested my head on my arms and breathed heavily, waiting for the nausea to pass completely.
“My poor, pirano.”  She said.  “You want to try and eat.  I can make millet if your stomach is really off.  Perhaps with ginger tea.”
I nodded slowly and got up, flushing the toilet.  “Yeah.  I should probably shower.  I have work.”
“You know Tony won’t care if you don’t go in.”  She reasoned.
“And you know I don’t want to be paid to be Tony’s girlfriend,”  I replied and then frowned.   “I guess he’d be paying me to just be your girlfriend now though.”
She put her arm around my waist and rubbing my stomach.  “He’ll be back.”
“I hope so.”
She sighed and let me go, turning on the shower.  “I can hear them all you know.  They want to be here with you.  They are all angry at themselves for being as scared as they are.  It’s just…”  She turned back to me and tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear.  “Most of them haven’t exactly had the best role models for what being a parent is.”
“Well, I haven’t either, Wanda.  The difference is I don’t get to run from it or hide in my lab while I figure out how to do it.  I gave them an out.  No one took it.”
“Please don’t yell at me.”  She said pulling back.  “I’m still here.”
I sighed and started stripping off my clothes.  “I’m sorry.  I know.  I just miss them and I don’t feel like this is my home anymore.  I keep thinking it would be better if I moved out.”
“I know.  I wish you would stop that.”
“I’m sorry,”  I whispered.  “I’m sorry, Wanda.”
“Hey, hey, hey.  Shhhh… it’s okay.  You need to be easy on yourself too.  You have to come to terms with it too.”  She said pulling me into her arms.  I made myself as small as I could, curling up into her.  “Have your shower.  I’ll have food ready for you when you get out.”
I showered, managing to not throw up again when the scent of the shampoo overwhelmed me.  I changed into comfortable clothes and tied my hair back in a loose ponytail and came out to the living room.  Wanda brought me out a bowl of warm millet and a hot ginger tea.  I curled up against her as I ate slowly.
“What do you want them to be, Wanda?”  I asked completely out of the blue.  I knew it wouldn’t matter.  She knew I had been thinking about genders and names.  I’m sure my mind was screaming about it.
“I would like a boy and a girl.  But I might be slightly biased towards that.”  She said, caressing her fingers over my stomach.
“That would be balanced,”  I said.
“Sam wants a boy.”  She said.
“He does?”  I asked.
She smiled.  “Yes.  He wants to name them Riley too.  He’d never ask, but he asked me if he thought the name would work for a boy or a girl.”
“I wish he’d talk to me,”  I said.
“Yes, I know.  He’ll be home soon.  He’s just … his sister is berating him and it’s making him overthink.  She wants him to find out if it’s his and if it is, she says he needs to marry you.  I think it’s making him doubt himself a little.  He was raised by a pastor.  His family do not understand and he wants them to.  He wants them to be in the babies life.”
I frowned.  He was going to get back and find out it was twins.  What if one was his and one wasn’t?  How would she take that news?
“Don’t worry about Sam.  He’ll work it out.”  She said and kissed my head.   “I can tell you what the other’s want if you like.  Will that help?”
“Yes.   I think it will.”
“Well I can’t hear Bruce, but Hulk wants one of each.  Steve actually truly doesn’t mind.  Clint wants girls.  Natasha doesn’t mind but likes the idea of at least one being a girl.  Bucky wants a girl.  Tony wants a boy.”
I smiled.  It was a good sign at least.  I wondered if any of them had considered names besides Sam.  “He really wanted to name them after Riley?”
“Yeah.  That’s what he said to me.  He said not to tell you though.”  She said.
“I’m glad you did,”  I said and leaned back and kissed her cheek.  “It helped.”
“I can see that.”  She said with a smile.
I didn’t say anything for a while, I just sat pressed against her, slowly sipping the tea and thinking about how Sam wanted to name one of the children after his ex-boyfriend and how so many.  “Wanda?”
“Yes, El?”
“If I have a boy... do you wanna ... No. You probably want to save that for one of your own kids.  Never mind.”
I didn’t even need to ask the question really.  My garbled words weren’t enough to drown out the fact I had been thinking it might be nice to name one after her brother.
She gasped and her hand went to her mouth.  “You would… you would do that?”
“If one of them is a boy.  Not if you don't want me to.”
She blinked a few times as her eyes started to fill with tears and she pulled me into a tight hug, her powers catching the mug in my hand and moving it to the coffee table in a cloud of pink light before it spilled over both of us.  I nuzzled into her neck and just enjoyed being in her arms.
“If you wanted to, and they all agreed.”  She said.  “Then yes.”
“I want to,”  I whispered.
“Okay then.  If it’s a boy and everyone agrees, Pietro.”  She said and pressed her lips to the top of my head.
I ran my hands over my stomach.   “Pietro,”  I said quietly.  I didn’t even have any idea what I was having, but having a name, even a potential one, somehow made it feel more real.
“I love you, Elly.”  She said, pushing that feeling into me.  It made me feel warm and … well good.  Like a dark cloud had suddenly lifted.
“I love you too,”  I said and turned in her arms, kissing her neck.
She chuckled and wrapped her arms around me and rolling her hips under me.  “What are you doing there. I thought you were feeling sick?”
“I was.  Now I’m feeling this.”  I replied as my hands trailed up her sides.
“Being pregnant sounds weird.”  She said and kissed me deeply.
We kissed slowly, taking our time to just enjoy the intimacy of it.  I shifted leg between hers and she raised her own so each roll of our hips meant our pussy ground against the other’s thigh.
The pregnancy hormones were definitely messing with me.  All the extra estrogen and progesterone made me on edge and I was wet by the first kiss.  By the time we moved on to shedding our clothes, I was dripping for her.
I started to kiss down her body and she cupped my cheek shaking her head.  “I want to go down on you.”  She said.
“But I wanna …”  I whined.
She started laughing and rolled us over so I was on my back.  “So demanding.”  She teased.  “I wonder how we can solve that?”
I smirked at her and she turned, straddling my face as she dropped down and planted a large open mouth kiss on my pussy.  I did the same to her, swirling my tongue around so that as she created a warm tingle that first built in my cunt and slowly spread out, her own arousal filled my mouth with her sweet acidic juices.
We took our time to savor each other.  The moans we made were both from the pleasure spreading through us and the taste on our lips.  They got louder as we went.  Wanda’s muscles clenched and trembled as I brought her closer to orgasm.  She could feel what I was feeling too, so not only did she know exactly what to do to get me off, that increased her own experience.  Soon she was quivering sitting right on the edge of orgasm.
I pushed my fingers inside her and stroked them over her walls, focusing on the spongy surface of her g-spot and making her whole body shudder above me. 
She seized up and came, crying out.  “Oh god, Elly.”  She mewled as she held herself up above me.
“That’s it, beautiful.”  I hummed and drank her up as her fluids ran from her.
She took a moment, breathing heavily as she regained control and her mouth was back on me again.  She plunged two fingers into my pussy and began fucking me with them.  Each thrust of her hand and twist of her wrists made her fingers drag over my g-spot and sent jolts running through me.
I focused on her as best I could, working my fingers inside her as I sucked and nipped at her clit.  I came suddenly, arching up under her.  I think a combination of feeling how my orgasm affected me and the way I worked her cunt sent her over, because as I came, so did she.  Shuddering above me.
She crawled off on top of me and I moved in beside her, curling up against her.  “Now I feel better.”  I sighed.
She giggled and kissed me.  “Don’t you need to be at work?”  She asked, pulling back and tucking my hair behind my ear.
“I’m sure Tony won’t mind.”  I hummed and closed my eyes, relaxing against her.
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Drink Up Some Fun - by Solifiedjaporeanist21 (Admin SCYO)
Rating: Explicit
Member: Chanyeol (Exo)
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader (You), Implied Jongdae (Chen) x Reader (You)
Words: 2,085
Warnings: Smut, Car Sex, Rough Sex, Choking kink, Drunk Sex, Jongdae being a complete drunk.
Summary: Just some steamy car sex with your boyfriend, but with two drunken idiots in the back.
Patiently you wait at the bar for your boyfriend, sipping consistently at your glass, the rush of harsh liquor scorching your throat as it goes down. Any longer you had to wait though made you consider the facts that maybe he ditched you.
The more oh sit the more you ponder. Of just why Jongdae would even think to touch you in that manner. Was he just that drunk? You knew he went both way but c'mon you guys knew each other for years, the relationship you shared was nothing but platonic.
Of all people too, you would’ve thought Chanyeol to understand that, that you wouldn’t cheat on him, especially with that idiot…
You take another big drink, you really shouldn’t think too hard about it. The buzz was just making you worry more than you should.
“Hey there, little missh.” You look over towards the slurring voice next to you, only to scoff. You turn away not ready to deal with him. “What do you want?” You paused. “Oh you know what, I just remembered I don’t care.”
Jongdae huffs, resting his face on the cool marble of the bar. He turns his head in your direction. “Why sho meam? What’d I sdo to you.” You couldn’t believe your ears, did he seriously forget already. You don’t even bother bringing it back up. “This is all your fault, you know? I’m now resorted in sitting at a bar full of strangers because of some dipshit ran my boyfriend off.”
When you get no response you look over to notice Jongdae had fallen asleep. “Hey! Wake the fuck up!” You shake him, but he doesn’t move.
When all seemed pointless you gave up, he wasn’t your responsibility. Sighing you watch as the bartender walks over to you, looking at your drunk friend. “He won’t be driving home tonight. You his transportation?” You almost hated to admit that you knew this dumbass. You nodded.
He refills your glass, even though you hadn’t bought. “On the house.“ He says. You smile in thanks, taking a drink. “So I happen to notice that your boyfriend was acting weird tonight. I seen him out in the parking lot a while ago, seemed he had a little too many drinks.” This makes you perk up. “Really? I thought he left.”
The man looks at you shocked, “Um, with how drunk he was-” he chuckles, “-I sure hope not. I actually think he’s out in his car now.” You smiled, drinking down the rest of your shot before thanking the man.
“Come on Jongdae, let’s go home.” You urge, persistently shaking him awake. “Ugh why I’m having sho much slun. Haha I sound funckly.” You roll your eyes. “You’re sleeping how is that fun?” You didn’t expect a answer so you just wrap his arm around your shoulders, groaning as he was heavier than you thought. Stupid dead weight.
Luckily Chanyeol’s car wasn’t too far, and when you reach it your boyfriend gets out. Seeing his friend’s state he helps you. It was surprising to you honestly, you hadn’t thought he could walk. Given he had way more drinks than both of you combined. “Let’s just toss him in the back with Baekhyun, they need to make up anyway.“ Chanyeol points out.
When he was secured in the back, you walk around the front, leaning your back against the hood of your boyfriend’s car. You wasn’t nearly in the mood to head back yet.
Its when Chanyeol walks by that you reach for him, asking. “Why didn’t you come back in? I thought you left me.” He visibly hesitated, looking at you almost ashamed. “There was a problem, I couldn’t rightly take care of it around a bunch of people.”
You blink up at him, that last drink really hit you hard, especially if your vision was fuzzy. “Well did you?” Chanyeol shakes his head, “I couldn’t…not without you.” Before you could even think about his words he leans down, pressing his lips to yours. You gasp, feeling his arm pulling you close to his body, the other tangled in your loose fallen down hair.
There was so many thoughts roaming your brain but the liquor made it impossible to decipher just what they all were. The hands rested at his hips, dig into his skin when he slid his tongue past your lips, a low moan erupting from your lip-lock.
You wallow in the feel of him like this but like all the times before he ultimately pulls back. You stare up at him dazed, licking your lips. “Just what exactly was your problem?” You smile, already having a slight clue.
“Here I’ll show you.” He grins, lifting you up effortlessly and placing you on the hood of his car. “After our dance there was nothing more I wanted then to fuck your brains out right here in this dark parking lot. Although then Jongdae came and just made it worse.” He moves in close, well closer. “Let’s just say jealousy and alcohol do not mix well.”
Your breath hitches in your chest when Chanyeol presses himself against you, the true reason behind his sudden absence. You had thought it started because of Jongdae but fuck nothing would have made you think this.
Your head got tossed back, Chanyeol’s name forced from your lips as he bucks his cock up against your wetten cunt.
Your arms hurriedly wrap around his neck, pulling him to your eager lips, your tongue quickly finding his own, the taste of different alcohol ignighting both your drunken senses. Chanyeol’s hands play and squeeze at your clothed breast, feeling your nipples harden with every gentle touch.
You hummed into his mouth, pressing him even harder against your mouth, the rush of pleasure overpowing your current state.
The more he dry humps you however the further you craved for him, but not out here. “Let’s go somewhere out of sight, baby, I don’t want a audience.” Chanyeol nods, helping you down off the car. He holds the door open for you to get in before walking to the other side.
No time was wasted with Chanyeol as he immediately pulls you in his lap, reclining his seat, but not far enough to hit the sleeping men behind. Well you hope their sleeping.
A rush of adrenaline coarses through your veins at the thought of getting caught. At the thought of being quiet and secretive. It was just so exhilarating.
Chanyeol moans rubbing himself up against your pussy, you matching his pace, the movements hiking up your skirt. Your fingers slide up the side of his face, tangling in his hair. Yanking at it when he grinds against you harder, a low broken whine heard when he suckles at your neck. It was the feel of his teeth that really has you crying in bliss, the pinch of every bite mark that lands upon your shoulders only turning you on further.
Chanyeol slides your shirt more off your shoulder, placing dark hickies in his wake. “Chanyeol…” You mewl, pressing yourself harder against his groin, anticipating the cock beneath your panties.
Chanyeol’s uneven breath is loud in your ear, whispering all of the dirty things he was thinking about when he was alone in his car, far before Baekhyun or you ever showed. It just ignights your desire, the ache to be fucked already .
You were mildly impressed that the alcohol didn’t affect his sex drive like it does most, although you could say the same with you. Never had you been so turned on.
Chanyeol soon begins to unbutton his jeans, the tightness just now growing unbearable.
While he was busy you kissed up his neck, creating your own marks before meeting his lips. You lightly pulled at his bottom lip, taking over completely, hazing his drunken mind like he did yours.
Reaching down you slide your panties over, pressing yourself down against his slick cockhead. Chanyeol grunts swiftly forcing the rest of his cock into you without any hesitation, both letting out your held in voices. Chanyeol cursing under his breath while you cried his name out loudly.
When Beakhyun moves in the back however you both stiffen. Worryingly you watch, making sure he doesn’t wake though when he throws his leg atop of Jongdae’s face, small snores coming out of his mouth, you knew you was good. Chanyeol covers your mouth with his hand when you snicker. “Quiet baby, you don’t want this night to get ruined do you?” You shake your head and Chanyeol grins, “Good.” He again thrusts up against you, stifling your moans.
Eventually he lets go, slamming your back to the steering wheel, fucking your pussy to the best of his ability in this position. You help, grinding against him, loving how good his dick felt inside you.
Both you stay in this position, rocking your bodies together before Chanyeol abruptly moves, laying you across the console. You hum, holding yourself up, moaning in sync with your boyfriend as he re-enters you, but this time he was able to move more freely, besides his head hitting the ceiling every now and again. Of course he was problaby too drunk or wrapped in the pleasure to even notice.
Your eyes close, the whiteness behind your eyelids spinning and erratic. You couldn’t tell if it was from the alcohol or the pleasure. Guess it didn’t really matter.
Chanyeol forces his hips into you harder, so hard the car rocked from his roughness. You breathed his name, panting and sweaty, eager to reach your endless satisfaction. To watch Chanyeol’s face as you tighten so beautifully around his cock, the gasp of your name as he’s never felt anything like it.
Eventually the tone of your voices didn’t matter anymore, you both screamed in the pleasure of each other, not giving a damn if you woke the boys in the back.
You boyfriend, pants heavily the further he pleases you, droplets of sweat dripping down his face and neck. It was honestly one of the sexiest things you’ve ever witnessed. Chanyeol goes back to the other position however, announcing that he was getting close.
You followed, giggling, sitting back in his lap, moving yourself in time with him. Chanyeol places his hand lightly on your neck, trailing it to your hair but you stopped him, covering yours atop his instead.
He doesn’t question the sudden stop but when you force him to press even rougher he begins to understand. Chanyeol pulls you close. “You naughty girl, since when was you into chocking?” Lightly he squeezes harder, mesmerized as your brows knit in pure ecstasy.
“Its a guilty pleasure.” You finally breathe out. You’ve never told him because you knew that your boyfriend was sensitive about anything that could result in hurting you, and this certainly was no exception.
At the near edge you move against him faster, your orgasm creeping up into you like wildfire. And when it hits you you scream Chanyeol’s name, your body trembling as you tighten almost painfully around his cock, your fingers digging harshly into his shoulders.
Before he got too absorbed in the feel of your orgasm he pulls out, removing his hand from your throat so he could stroke his cock the rest of the way. He groans noisily the closer he gets. Then finally when he reaches his satisfaction, he cums all over your pussy and his stomach.
You smiled, falling limp atop of his chest, both your heart beats irregularly fast.
Chanyeol after he semi catches his breath reaches behind you, turning the keys in the ignition before rolling down the fogged windows. You sigh in bliss when the cold air hits your weak sweaty body.
Finally cooling off Chanyeol moves up, your back landing back upon the steering wheel once more.
“Talk about kinky.” He chuckles exhausted, tracing the marks he made on your neck. A sloppy satisfied grin rises on your face. “That was new, but you really should’ve told me.” You rest your arms on his shoulders, tilting your head. “I couldn’t. I know you don’t like anything that can get me hurt.”
“I will do anything if it makes you this wild.” He smiles wide. You gasp. “Hey are you impling that I’m a boring lover?” He laughs, pressing light kisses to your nose and cheeks.
A smug smile itches on your lips when you speak. “I’m mean if that’s the case I could always just find me a new man,” You bluff. “Jongdae maybe?” Chanyeol huffs, shaking his head immediately. “Oh no, I don’t think so, you’re mine, whether you’re boring or not.”
“Really, Channie, fucking really.” You tried to push him away but he just wouldn’t budge.
He chuckles at your weak struggles. “God I love you so much.” He murmurs, kissing you squarely. You slump defeated, kissing him back.
He’s still not forgiven.
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