#I always get shit wrong say the wrong thing do the wrong thing
cookiescribble · 2 days
New In Town
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A/N: hey there, to the anon that requested this, I lost your actual submission but I hope this lived up to expectation! I started writing this, forgot I started it, and then got sick but I tried my best haha, enjoy! Happy pride month! - mod ghost
p.s. sorry to mod angel, I definitely called her out in this fic lol 
You had only been at the BAU for about a week, but something about Spencer made you feel like a moth drawn to a flame, as cliche as that might be. Sometimes, you’d catch yourself staring at him during briefings or even just sitting at your respective desks. Watching the way his hands would move over pages as he tore his way through books. His reading speed always amazed you, and you wondered how he actually retained any of the information he was taking in. Yesterday, he’d caught your gaze, making eye contact with you and giving you a polite grin before returning back to whatever it was he’d been doing. Your heart nearly pounded itself out of your chest, which is about when it dawned on you that you definitely had feelings for him. Shit, you thought to yourself briefly. It was probably best to keep this to yourself for now, you’d heard a lot about everything he had been through from the other members of the team and figured it’d be best to leave him alone. Even if you thought this while in private, it didn’t seem to actually stop you from flirting with him. What could possibly go wrong? He’d say no, but that wasn’t terrible. A few days later, you found him at his desk before the team was about to fly off to investigate a new case. You, however, weren’t cleared for field work yet, so you had to work in something before he went,
Gently putting a hand on his shoulder to get his attention, you leaned in closer to him as you said, “Have a safe flight, pretty boy, I’ll see you when you get back,” then walked off toward Garcia while practically being able to feel his eyes on you. Whether that was a good thing or not, you couldn’t tell, and the idea of having to wait until the team came back stirred up some nervousness that seized in the pit of your stomach but you pushed it aside for now to focus on helping Penelope here in Quantico. “I’m sorry, why is Reid making that face?” She laughed as she all but chased you further down the hall and away from the bullpen.
“I’m fairly certain I just called him pretty boy or something, I don’t know. I might’ve blacked out.” You sighed, averting her gaze as much as possible as you pushed through the door leading to all of her equipment.
“I knew it! You have a crush on Spencer!” Garcia cried in excitement, seconds away from jumping up and down. “Could you yell it any louder?? He might hear you! China might hear you–” You grab her arm as you whisper hurriedly, pulling her through the door and closing it behind her, “--wait, am I really that obvious about it?? Who else knows other than you?” “Mainly us girls, don’t worry. But I might be able to help you, see if he likes you back?” “What, have my own spy crew just for a crush? No way, I’ll get over it.” You brush a hand through your hair in embarrassment and frustration as you and her sit next to each other at her desk. All you could think about was Spencer, though. Nothing that happened throughout the day could fix that. Especially when he called a few hours later to ask for information. Garcia picked up the phone before you could react or steel yourself to the idea of talking to him again. “Hey, tall dark and nerdy, talk to me” She spoke quickly, leaning back in her chair. It made you blush, which you silently cursed her for. “Uh, hey, Garcia,” he paused to chuckle, “I need your help–” “Obviously” You started to get up to escape the room and compose yourself, but, much to your chagrin, he’d heard the background noise over the phone, “Is someone else in there with you?” His voice crackled over the phone line again, which made Penelope stop you from moving, 
“Yes, actually,” She nudged you as she spoke,
“H-uh, Hi, Spence.” You spoke up, trying to sound lighthearted. The idea of speaking to him again this soon seized your heart and made it hard to breathe. 
“Hey…as you can probably hear, I made it here safe. No need to worry.” There was a bit of a teasing tone to his voice. You’d never quite heard him use that tone with you before. Or anyone for that matter. 
Before you had time to process that, they were on to talking about the case again and you were able to escape the situation pretty much unscathed. 
The rest of the team didn’t return until later that week, on a Friday, so Garcia got pizza for everyone to celebrate. 
She came to grab you from your desk and the two of you arrived just in time to see something that stirred up something in you, so deep you think you were possessed by one of your distant descendants.
“You’re cutting pizza with a butter knife?!” You ask incredulously, not meaning to come off so viciously. 
Spencer froze, plastic butter knife still in hand as he stabbed into the pizza. 
“We…We don’t have a pizza cutter here, and some of the slices were kinda stuck together with cheese…” he explained, almost frozen in place as he awkwardly chuckled at the ridiculous nature of the conversation while Garcia couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Sorry, I honestly have no idea what came over me. Let’s uh, let’s dig into this pizza, huh? Now that I’m done getting possessed by my grandma?” You joke, going closer to the table with Penelope and grabbing one of the slices that were…cut. Definitely not sawed apart poorly. He’d tried his best. At this current moment, Spencer Reid was honestly just lucky he was cute. Despite that, you smiled politely and spent time with your found family that is the BAU.
That night, after all the fun was over and it was time to go home for a much needed crash, it had been just you and Spencer. You both volunteered to clean up after everything so that everyone else could go home for some much needed rest and to get a start on their weekend. They tried to insist that they’d help, too, but everyone was tired and it wasn’t that big of a mess so there was no need for everyone to stay. 
You thought it’d be fine, because surely you could be at least somewhat normal around him, right? 
The two of you easily talked and joked the whole time, the energy in the room fairly normal until you both reached for the same pizza box. Your hands brushed together and you instinctively looked up at each other, a similar electric feeling running down both your spines. 
“Oh, I can um…I can grab that.” you speak softly, almost afraid to speak in the sudden intense silence. 
“It’s okay, I got it. It’s the least I could do after you almost stabbed me earlier for my inferior method of cutting pizza.” Spence replied with a soft smile.
“Hey, you were the one with the plastic knife, mister.” 
“I’m never gonna live that down, am I?” 
“Not as long as I’m here,”
You both broke out into laughter then there were a few moments of just eye contact before you’d started to lean in closer slowly. Like too fast of a movement would scare him away. It seemed like he would, too, but before either of you could touch the other, he quickly stood up and away from you.
“Sorry—um, it’s been a long day. I can take care of taking out the rest of the trash, you don’t have to stick around. Thanks for the help, though.” He says hastily, grabbing one of the two bags of garbage bags that sat by the door and quickly rushing off. 
You sighed to yourself and grabbed your bag, heading out for the night and silently cursing at yourself. If it wasn’t awkward before, it would be now. 
But you just couldn’t help yourself around Spencer, everything about him screamed out to you like some sort of siren call. Every time you weren’t around him, basically anything would remind you of him. 
You just needed to bite the bullet and ask him out, so that’s exactly what you were going to do. The worst he could do was say no, right? 
So the week after that, you had finally worked up some courage. The whole team was at a bar together, Spencer being the only one not drinking as per usual. You, being about two drinks in at this point, had enough of tiptoeing around him. 
It’s now or never, you thought. 
You went over to him while everyone else was doing their own thing in different spots in the bar, so it was just the two of you, and you sat yourself next to him. 
Spencer looked over and smiled kindly at you, his brown doe eyes shining in the dim lighting. Your chest flooded with warm affection as soon as you made eye contact with him, and it made you that much more sure about this. 
“Hey, having fun?” he asked cheerfully, the happiest you’d heard him in a while. Since you’d started working at the BAU, you’d realize when you thought about this moment later. 
“Yeah, but um…I really need to ask you something, Spence.” 
“Oh? By all means, go ahead,” he gestures for you to continue, turning his body toward yours to give you his full attention. 
“Okay so…um…I…I like you. Like, I really like you—“ you started to say, before he interjected. 
“This isn’t sounding like a question”
“Spencer, please”
“Sorry, go on” he sheepishly smiled, apparently having fun teasing you a little. 
“Thank you, but I uhh…shit—“ you cursed. 
“You were saying you really like me?” 
“Right—so, I was wondering…if…if you’d want to…maybe…go out sometime? With me?”
“We…are out,” he gestured to the bar around the two of you, “right now.” 
“That’s not what I mean—“
“I know what you mean, and I…I’m not sure.”
“I’ve had a lot happen to me recently, between going to jail and everything that happened with Cat, as well as everything else and our jobs themselves…I’m not sure I have room to have someone else in my life. No matter how much I like you, too.” 
You nearly gasped when he said he liked you, too, but you held it back. This was the most emotionally vulnerable he’d ever been around you. You weren’t going to take advantage of that. 
“Well…” you take his hand in both of yours, holding it close to your chest. “We could take things slow…ride things out, y’know? But that’s only if you want to. I’m here to make sure you’re happy. Whether it’s with me or not.”
He stared at you silently for a moment, considering everything you’d just told him. He kept glancing from your eyes to your lips, as if he was contemplating at a speed your slightly buzzed mind wasn’t quite up to keeping up with. 
Before you could speak or even think further on it, he was leaning forward and speaking low enough that only you would be hearing it. 
“Let’s go, let’s go back to my place. We’ll talk about this more, I just can barely hear myself think with the music in here.” 
You nodded and stood up from the booth, both of you waving goodbye to the rest of the team with gentle smiles before walking off. 
Back at his apartment, he barely had the door closed 5 minutes before he was kissing you. 
So much for talking things through. 
The way his lips pressed to yours felt passionate, desperate even. Like he’d been waiting to do this for a long time. You let yourself relax into it, your hand drifting up to tangle your fingers in his hair. Everything about kissing him just made you want to lose yourself in him until you weren’t sure where each of you ended and began. 
Then, just as suddenly as he started, he pulled away, taking in deep breaths and pushing his hair back away from his face but still close enough that you could feel his breath ghosting over your face. 
“Sorry, that…I shouldn’t have—“
Before he could finish, you were pulling him back in for more. He wasn’t about to get away with a kiss like that with just a simple ‘sorry’. Not if you had anything to say about it. 
The two of you ended up tangled together in his bed for the rest of the night, the blanket gently wrapped around you both in a comfortable silence. 
Talking could wait, for now you were just…together, and that was more than enough.
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inesbaby21 · 3 days
can u do a fic on cheerleader!r getting hurt mid game and azzi dropping everything to go help her even if it’s in the middle of a game
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1st Person P.O.V
Me and a few of the girls on the cheer team were practicing, and getting ready for halftime. It was o our last halftime performance before nationals and tension was high to say the least.
Girls having open disputes about things as simple as lipstick, some crying because of hair- and bases with sweaty hands failing to catch their flyers. The entire day had been a hot mess, but the only thing that gave me a slim chance of home was that Azzi (and the girls) were aloud to watch us perform today!
It was something that was rare, but always extremely special to the both of us- as she always wanted to watch me do what I love and on her favorite spot in the world, the court.
I sit myself down on the floor beginning to tie my shoes as it's almost half time. Most of the other girls are doing stretches- or doing some last minute touch up's on that god awful red lipstick.
"Y/N/NNNN" I heard a voice drag out as i look up my eyes meet with Azzi's
"What's wrong?" Azzi says concerned- eyebrows furrowed as she tried to read my face. "S' nothing much baby, i'm just really stressed out about this routine" I say viability upset.
Usually I love flying, and doing stunts, or even tumbling but something about today just felt wrong- like I couldn't shake the feeling no matter how hard I tried.
"You're gonna do great my love, and I'll be there cheering you on- and supporting you the whole way through just like you're always doing for me" Azzi says leaning down to kiss me ultimately getting the bright red lipstick on her lips and giggling as she walks back to the bench with the disgusting color still visible on them.
"Places ladies places" I yelled looking at the clock- My coach looked at me nodding at she played a split second of the music to make sure all sound checks were cleared. Just standing in place, knowing that essentially if anything were to go wrong I was in charge was not a good feeling to have.
As the music played everyone ran to their spots, doing the elaborate dance/routine until the hard part came- I looked over to my three bases and jogged lightly to my spot.
The three girls silently counted off and very quickly got my into the air. I was in my natural habitat- this is where I never fail to deliver. I did all kinds of stunts, and kept myself upright until my bases began to walk with me. As they walked, It was choreographed that i continued to stunt.
I felt it, I heard my stunt group arguing quietly beneath the music- having had problems all week I was almost sure they were going to be at each others throats tonight.
"Ella move your fucking hand off of her right leg" Kamryn quietly yelled to the tan girl as they stopped mid step to get back to the almost muscle memory argument that had occurred since the 4 girls were placed with one another. I listened to them bicker as I continued to stunt, I couldn't stop mid leap. Unbeknownst to the arguing girls, they had lost their once strong grip on me- and almost immediately I came falling down to the ground.
As I came down, I heard Kamryn and Ella mutter a "shit"- as they heard my harsh impact with the ground and the stomach churning scream I let out as I heard something snap that Honestly wasn't supposed to.
"Oh my god" I heard my mom (and coach) yell as my vision and hearing began to fade in and out ever so slightly.
"Fuck" I heard Azzi yell as she ran over to me and my mom- watching as my body began to shake, my head almost immediately colliding with the floor as my body began to convulse. And with that ladies and gentlemen, I began to seize. Almost immediately medics came to assist the situation, and no sooner I was taken to the Hospital. I vaguely remember Ella, and Kamryn getting yelled at by my backspot, mom, and then a sobbing Azzi as they stood there still in shock.
"How could you two be so irresponsible?" My mother shouted "You had one job ladies and that was to support her- You two are done for the week ladies go home and figure out your mess come back when your ready to actually work and not waste my time." she shouted dismissing the two girls as she and Azzi followed the medics to the ambulance.
"I love you Az" I weakly said about to drift off into a meditation induced sleep. Leaning in to kiss her lips one last time for the night.
"I love you too Y/N/N- get some rest baby" she said noticing me drifting and I did just that.
this was actually kinda butt yall and i have like 5 more requests to do omg.
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penny-for-thots · 12 hours
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ⓘ your boyfriend gets up needing to use the bathroom, of course you have to ask the popular question, " can i hold it while you pee? "
incl. suo, sakura, nirei, kiryu, kaji, umemiya, hiragi, togame, + choji.
f / gn!reader — spicy crack. actively fem only in sakura's, teasing, inappropriate jokes, spicy crack-fic, brief allusions to sex, hayato suo and mitsuki kiryu are warnings and will be in the future, + dick.
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⋆𐙚 ₊.ᐟ "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" or, they are extremely flustered and can only respond semi-negatively. this includes two different versions based on the characters: (1) " ... what is wrong with you?" [concerned], or (2) "what is wrong with you?!" [aggressive, scared, + flustered]. he's going through the five stages grief in a single moment. like- he malfuncted.
HIRAGI is concerned. he's definitely number one, he's looking at you with a very confused expression while also looking at you like you're insane. he just wants to pee. like- previously the two of you were tired, cuddling together, and ready to take a damn nap. now he's sleepy walking to the bathroom and your asking to ... hold his dick while he pees? "no, why?" he blinks, "is this a tiktok trend, or- ?"
NIREI is one and two, he's both concerned and flustered. "h-huh?? you- you want to- WHAT?" he's like stuttering out jumbled phrases and waving his hands up and down, back and forth, all the different ways while yapping about shit you can't understand. "if you don't want me to, you can just say that, aki." then he gets really upset and does that: "no i want you to, i mean- i don't want you, no! i mean i do want you but i think this is a little weird- not that you're weird!" thing, and its super cute. you end up just pushing him into the bathroom so he doesn't piss himself on your floor.
SAKURA is going through the five stages of grief. he's so damn confused, concerned, flustered, and slightly angry that you'd ask something like that. he comes off as a little aggressive, but he does that everytime he gets flustered so it's no big a deal. but he's like turning his body away from you with his hands covering his crotch while slowly inching away from you. "w-why would you want to do that?" he looks you up and down with a concerned expression as he carefully reaches for the door handle, "girls are weird." he's looking at you funny even when he leaves the bathroom. like- he's not fathoming why you'd want to hold it. "aw, sakura you know size doesn't matter to me," you tease, amused at his extremely flustered reaction that happens afterwards.
KAJI he just stopped, a.k.a malfunctioned, processed what you said, and then got angry. "what the fuck?! wha- what is wrong with you?" he's blinking and looking around the room for hideen cameras because this must be 'walk the prank' or something. "uh ... n-no?" he's taking tentative steps into the bathroom and closing the does.
⋆𐙚 ₊.ᐟ HE'S LAUGHING, or he finds the question extremely amusing. he knows how curious you are. he's not exactly against the idea, he's just both caught off guard and extremely amused. he's probably going to let you though the question of "where'd that come from," will always be said first.
SUO chuckles, looking at you with both an amused and curious expression. his eye is studying your expression—trying to pick up anything. he hums thoughtfully, "really? is this a trend, or are you genuinely curious?" you give your answer and you swear you hear him snort. "are you sure you're not trying to get me hard? if you just wanted to see it you could've asked any other time?" he teases with a mischievous smirk before walking calmly into the bathroom without closing the door, suggesting you come in and close it yourself.
UMEMIYA is cackling. this man is loud. "where'd that come from?" he completely forgets that he had to pee because now his whole attention is on the fact that you want to hold his dick. "you know you could've asked any other time, right?" he's thinking about all the ways he can tease you about this while being nice. he's doing that attractive little lean on the doorway while looking you up and down with amusement. he's like heavily deflecting so he doesn't give his answer. purely because he thinks your reaction is funny. "just say yes or no, dammit ume!" he chuckles, "asking an embarrassing question and then getting embarrassed when i ask you why? cute."
⋆𐙚 ₊.ᐟ "HOLD WHAT?" or he's really confused. like, the soap? his jacket? the toilet seat? what are you talking about? like- he has a reeeally slow moment there where you slightly wonder how and why you decided to date him. he gets it a couple of seconds later, but he reaction may vary.
CHOJI 'sunshine' tomiyama. sigh. he pauses in the doorway and looks at you with confusion painted on his face. he does that cute little tilt of his head and that confused blink. "hold what?" when you look at his pants and then at his face it takes him another moment. you could almost imagine those three dots in the air that are usually in anime. " ... oh." once he gets it he looks at you with confusion one more time, wondering why you'd want to hold his dick while he pees, but he shrugs. "ok!" and then walks into the bathroom.
this is also- sakura and nirei. the both of them have this same reaction, they're very confused for a moment until the pause and think about it. again, those little three dots hang in the air before they get it, and when they do there's almost a visible exclamation point beside their heads. they freak out and have the reaction listed above.
⋆𐙚 ₊.ᐟ "SURE," or he does not gaf. "idgaf" is his motto. he blinks, looks at the toilet, back at the toilet and shrugs. "okay, sure i guess." you'd think he'd say something more about it ... nope!
KIRYU "whatever floats your boat" mitsuki. he smirks at you and then just walks in. like- he doesn't confirm or anything, he just wips it out once he reaches the toilet. "i thought you wanted to hold it?" he blinks, looking back at you, "unless ... you wanted to some other time?" he playfully calls you a freak afterwards and suggests you should try asking that in some- other circumstances.
TOGAME just looks at you. 'girl what the fuck?' is in his head at the moment, but he just shakes his head. "sure i guess, it's not exciting or anything," he shrugs, wondering where on earth you could've gotten this want from. if you're hesitant he's looking at you like your stupid, "come on, you asked." he also just wips it out like its nothing. hell- y'all are dating. regardless, he guides your hand. "if your hand is cold, we're gonna fight." that bush he has??? "don't be shy, you asked, hold it." bro- ?!? safe to say he is extremely amused.
this is also- suo and choji. as listed above, choji—once he gets it—just shrugs and walks into the bathroom, allowing you to follow him. the same with suo, he'll tease a bit and then shrug and tilt his head towards the toilet. like- he's so damn awkward and irritating cuz now you're embarrassed to actually walk in there and hold it (as if you won't be doing worse things in the future).
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note. don't ask where this came from. this was sparked by a weird ass dream, a post, and the hopes and dreams of getting my motivation for writing back lmfao. this was both funny and awkward to make—i have no idea why i wrote this, please save me.
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serejae · 2 days
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WHEN ? - (warning) this is not a REAL display of the members im just doing this for weeping entertainment:) cursing
WHO ? - (a/n) i had a lot of mixed reactions whether to make a p2 or not but here we are!! i love niki sm
uncapitalization intended and not proofread
theres a theory that you will always meet the same person twice
as soon as he turned around and made eye contact with you he knew he had a decision to make. either leave you alone or try and attempt to fix what you two had. and one thing Sungho didn't want to do was admit he didn't try when he had the chance to. he didn't care if his friends looked at him weirdly when he suddenly got up from the table and walked away. everything was a blur now, he didn't know what he was doing but his brain went on autopilot and took charge. when he finally stood in front of you he snapped back into reality, at this point your table had gone quiet as well. he stared at you and you stared back at him in silence.
"can we...uhm talk?" he said scratching the back of his neck as his voice died down with each word. to avoid the awkward situation your friends were in you just nodded and walked out of the bar with sungho. the first 3 seconds which felt like minutes were just of uncomfortable silence until he spoke up.
"i'm sorry, no i'm really sorry. i don't-
you were right that day that you left, that i didn't pull my weight and it was wrong of me to even get mad at you for wanting a healthy relationship but it was even worse of me to let you leave not knowing how much i love and value you. i'm not ask for forgiveness now or to be taken back i just want you to know that i realize how ashamed i am for how i acted that night and how i do love you
so much. "
he whispered that last part but you heard it clearly. "thank you for that, it's nice for peace of mind but this is a lot...i'll call you once i made up my mind" you said to which he nodded with a closed smile knowing he knows that you know he loves you (still)
he couldn't speak, if he did his first words would probably be tears. you spoke up to interrupt the silence. "here's...your things" you said to which he looked up at you, and he moved out of the way. you just stood there though not knowing what he meant "can you put it on the counter?" he asked quietly not wanting his voice to shake, you walked in put the box on the counter, and turned around ready to leave. you told yourself two things, drop the box and go. he held your shoulder, not in a rough way but rather in a desperate way. "don't you want your things?" he asked
shit. you forgot about that
"uh yeah," he emptied the box of his things and you picked it up walking into the bedroom. you walked into the closet and started putting your stuff in the box with your back facing him
"i'm sorry."
you freeze at his words, please don't do this riwoo.
"i took these last days to reflect upon myself and us and...i understand why you wanted to leave. i clearly wasn't healed and you didn't deserve to be treated like that, it was selfish of me to always blame you when it was really me. we both know I'm still not ready for a relationship but if your willing to
will you wait for me to heal?"
you turned to look at him and could see some remorse in his eyes
"i can try."
jaehyun couldn't do it anymore. he couldn't live his life normally as he did since there was no more you. he had to see you one more time
even if it meant it was the last time
jaehyun spent the whole week reciting the moment, what he would say what he would bring. what he would do. unfortunately for him, things weren't going according to plan, he had a last-minute online meeting and the only way he would make it to your favorite cafe and flower shop on time before they closed was if he arrived in the clothes he was wearing currently. a worn-out t-shirt and some sweatpants, he could've done it another day but today would've been your 1st anniversary if you had stayed together. he wanted to make it...special
after scrambling in the lines and traffic he had gotten the cafe goods and the flowers. so there he was at your door. he didn't know where his confidence went. so he just stood there, impulsively he knocked rather harshly and almost ran until he saw you open the door. it sounds dramatic but after 3 days he had forgotten your face, scent, and voice, he was just deprived of you. "yes jaehyun?" you asked
what happened to his week of planning?
why was he failing miserably now?
why was he about to cry a river?
"i miss you a lot." thats about all he was able to get out
"jaehyun we talked about why i had to leave"
"i cut her off! I promise! i'm sorry i didn't realize it sooner, i just thought that was normal but clearly it was not. one more chance please, I'll cut off anyone you want me too" he said on the verge of tears.
"it wasn't about cutting people off silly, i just wanted you to set some boundaries with her"
"i'm sorry i just let you leave before realizing how right you were about her and defending her so stupidly without seeing your side and now i understand how weird and wrong of me it was and i understand why you felt the way you felt. i'll set all the boundaries you want, we can just be friends i just need you back in my life"
you could tell by his eyes and tone that he was sincere with his words and was desperate to have you back
"lets start off fresh jaehyun"
taesan didn't know how to approach this. he didn't know whether to scream out his love for you or to do it simply, either way his mind was like a fish out of water without you, just spinny spin. he knew you weren't the type to forgive easily and he was okay with that, especially with how he treated you.
taesan was rather calm with his approach as he knew that he would have to do some groveling. he picked up flowers and a plush and knocked on your door. when you opened the door and saw who it was you closed it immediately, he expected it so he let out a deep sigh of disappointment and decided he'll try again tomorrow. as he picked up his head and was about to turn he felt water on his face, he stood there shocked for a second before realizing what you were doing. you were spraying him with water to punish him, when you stopped he opened his eyes to see your barely visible smirk. you spray him one last time before closing the door. he stood there trying to process everything before you opened the door again for the third time, except much calmer
"how can i help you?"
he stared at you drenched "i'm sorry for just letting you go like that, i should've valued you more-"
"you heard me"
"i'm sorry for hurting-"
"i will spray you again"
"I'm sorry for being a asshole and not realizing how much you meant to me before you actually left. I'm sorry for taking so long to realize that i love you and you were actually all i needed on those days i shut everyone out. I'll work on communication but i do trust you and do want to tell you everything i feel."
he was going to speak again until he felt another spray of water on his face, wiping away the water he could see your smile now
"come inside, you have a lot of explaining to do"
after losing you leehan stopped craving the attention of anyone else but you. he stopped going to areas he knew would attract his fangirls. one of the places he avoided most was parties despite his friends still inviting him. this one day he felt it in his gut to go. he didn't know what would happen but he knew it needed to happen. there just so happened to be a party that day.
after he had gotten ready he pep-talked himself in the mirror and gave himself on last look before leaving. at the party, his friends were hyped that he finally came to one in months. his friend brought him over to the balcony to talk and he saw that there were no one there besides 2 people standing against the railing. his friend stood against the railing and was talking, to which leehan didn't pay much attention to until his friend caught a glimpse of the other person standing at the balcony and excused himself to go catch up with this person leaving leehan and one other person. he looked over and caught a quick glimpse before taking a double take.
it was you. you looked over too and smiled warmly before looking back.
he may be delusional but this had to be his gut feeling.
"i haven't seen you at these parties lately" you spoke up playing with your nails
"yeah, i just didn't want to go" he said scratching the back of his head "after our..." he continued
"i know, i know" you quietly laughed
"I'm really sorry, you know?" he started while looking over at you he saw you look at him and got that feeling in his stomach. this was definitely his gut feeling
"over these months i took time to reflect and set my priorities straight and understood how not okay it was to just treat you like that. you mean more to me than anything and i was too busy being satisfied with proving to myself that you loved me when in reality i didn't have to make you go through all of that." he felt you grab his wrist and looked up at you, he saw you look over and turned to see where you were looking. both of your guy's friends returned with their mouths dropped at what they had heard
you looked over at leehan "lets go on a walk yeah"
he nodded with a smirk on his face
woonhak was particularly sulky today, he couldn't get you and your relationship out of his mind. i mean he couldn't daily but today it was just more extreme.
to clear his mind he decided to go for a walk, as he walks he noticed a figure walking towards him on their phone. as the blurry figure got closer he realized its you
as you almost walked past him he gasped when his suspicions were confirmed. you looked up because of the rather loud gasp and realized who it was.
"yn!" he said instinctively grabbing your hand into his and in return, you grab his back. "please just 5 minutes, you don't have to take me back i just need to explain myself.
you stare at him for a second before nodding and continuing to walk. he may have let out a little 'yipee! ^-^' but he ran to catch up to you and wasted no time
sense of peace
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lovebittenbyevans · 12 hours
What I Am To You | One Shot
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Summary: You tried to figure out what is going on between you and Gojo.
Pairing: fuckboy! Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Warnings: cursed words, slight angst, heartbreak
Author note: This is something I thought of. Enjoy reading!
– Comments, Reblogs and Likes are appreciated
You and Gojo have been fooling around with each other for almost a year. Both of you just can’t seem to get enough of each other. Some days he couldn’t leave you alone. He likes having you around from time to time.
For six weeks you have not been answering his calls and text messages. You wanted to be left alone in your own apartment. You didn’t feel the need to talk to him because he already treated you how he wanted to treat you.
You eventually got into his car, closing the door shut while hearing the rain against the window. It was a good thing you wore your sweater since you do get cold a lot.
“What do you want?” Was the first thing you asked him.
Gojo took a breath before he spoke. “I've been calling you and texting you like crazy. Why have you not been answering?”
You notice he wanted answers.
You looked out the window and said, “Minding my business, busy.” You let out a sigh and spoke again. “But I should have asked you about a few months ago. Do you ever want to be with me fully or still play games with your soon to be girlfriend Lyra?”
Everybody knows Gojo is not the type to committed to any girl. He doesn’t see the point in settling down and getting married. He wanted to have fun the way he sees his life as long as he sees fit.
“You know I don’t do the whole girlfriend thing.” He said honestly.
Hearing that stings a little. You couldn’t help but wonder why you have deep feelings for him. You wanted to fix him. You want to see a change in him. You want him to love you. You didn’t imagine being his side piece forever.
You wanted to be the one to change his mind.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
You slowly turned your head and met his gaze, fighting back tears. “Then what are we?” The question you were always afraid to ask him.
Gojo thought of that question plenty of times when different girls ask him that. He just never thought about it briefly.
He paused, breathing out and still looked at you. “We are two people who don’t want to lose each other.”
What the fuck?
You blink at him in disbelief, your eyes filled with disappointment. “That’s all you have to fucking say? Sounds to me like you wanted to say we are companion.”
He ran his hand through his hair and sighs. “Y/N, we won’t lose each other. You should be happy about that.”
Again, wrong choice of words he thought to himself
“And Lyra?” You've been dying to know the answer to that.
Before he could speak he was thinking about the words he wanted to say and mean it. “She’s a lady friend soon to be maybe I need more.”
Excuse me?
Your eyes widened as you opened the passenger seat door. Your fear came through tonight and you were hoping it didn’t at least.
You tried to say this as calmly as possible. “I have been there for you A LOT! I have always called you and texted you to see if you were out. I have always made sure I clear my schedule because we both know how hard it is to see each other on a daily basis. I have watched you cry and scream, even cuddle with you after sex when you didn’t want nobody to see how much not being suguru and ryomen friend anymore was hurting you.” A lump felt caught in your throat as you were trying to fight back tears.
“I always pick up when you call me and run to you.” You continue to talk. “But fuck you and I hope you have a miserable ass life with Lyra.” You got out of his car slamming the door shut.
You ran into your apartment trying not to get caught in the rain any longer, closing the door shut when your phone buzzed in your pocket. You sniffle, wiping a tear as you answer the phone. “Hello?”
“Why the hell are you crying?” Ryomen Sukuna's voice came through the phone.
You roll your eyes. “Now it’s not the time for that attitude, Ry.” One day his ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude will catch up to him.
Ryomen sighs, “what’s wrong, mama.” You sniffle again and wipe another tear from your cheeks. “Gojo.”
“I’m on my way.” When you heard a beep, that was all he said before hanging up the phone.
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appleblueberry-pie · 2 days
Would it be wrong to ask for a non-smut yandere Tōji? I mean, there are many like that in various places, so what would he be like if he really met the love of his life and she somehow found out everything he was doing to support them? The reader simply does not tolerate the situation and does not accept at all that his children grow up next to the example that Tōji is setting, but he really does not want to lose what had made him happy.
The kids were at school. You said you'd bring them back to your place. He never knew why you didn't just move in with him. He supposes it's for shit like this. Accidents like these.
You were at his door, leaning against it, knowing how he loves to block your way out when you two get into arguments. You were distant and had been for this past week. You open your mouth again to tell him his mistake, and all he wants is to just hold you close on the couch like you two always do when the kids are gone.
"I can't live with a killer." The way that last words slipped out of your mouth was like it was your worst nightmare to ever bring up. And it was. You were dating a stalker, serial killer who got money off of assassinating others and somehow did those exact things to get you in his paws. You weren't disgusted with yourself.
You just wanted to be safe.
You didn't know if you could be safe around him.
You didn't know if the kids could be safe around him.
You didn't know what he was capable of. And that really scared you.
You just wanted to get out of the damn house, but once you had this whole speech about you finding out what he did, and then finally dropping that you want to disconnect from him entirely, he just can't let it get away from him that easily. No.
It was never his intention to make you worried. To make you feel uncomfortable, worried, afraid. He did everything in his power to make sure that never happened. He wanted to know how you found out and who the fuck to kill.
I guess he was a little overboard. But never to you.
He didn't know what to say. Because dating a killer is fucking crazy. There's nothing he can do about that.
"I can't lose you, too, baby. You and those kids mean every-fucking-thing to me. All that money goes to all of you-"
"It's not about the money, Toji, you're.......I just can't. I can't deal with someone like that." You turn away and go to turn the door knob and he's already there behind you. Softly turning you around and grabbing your face as if it was the most fragile porcelain.
"You're just gonna take them away? You're really gonna leave me like this? What about all of the shit we built together?"
"I'm willing to risk that to keep us alive and safe, Toji."
"I have been keeping you all alive and safe. I've been doing that shit for years."
"I shouldn't have to be protected to live a regular fucking life, Toji! I don't want to live with that stress on me!! Please!"
He doesn't want to stop you. He sees that look on your face, and all it reminds him is that he did a shitty job. As a partner, as a fiance, as a father and everything else in between.
All he knows is that he is sorry and he will continue to be sorry. Because he won't let you run off. He loves you too much to do that. You've engrained yourself on his tattoos, on his mind and his heart. It's all there because of you and it's shit that can't be erased with a simple white board eraser.
He'll start stalking you again. He'll find a way to talk with the kids again. Maybe he'll get his lil friend to do some lawyer shit for him, gain custody, or whatever the fuck it's called before you do.
He'll do everything in his power to have you back because he can't function properly without you. You were his gears, his wake-up calls, his breakfast, lunch and dinner for his soul and he'd be damned if that was taken away from him.
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ronearoundblindly · 13 hours
Drabble Birthday Ask!
Reader finally 'catches' the thing Steve's been hiding... it's that he's tired. He's tired, and he thinks it's non-inspiring or embarrassing or a burden, and he has been acting weird to cover for that.
Steeeeeeb!!!! Yes of course some TLC for Stevie. Excellent. Would recommend. 11 out of 10. Always give him the peace and safety! (Don't hate me though; it's just a bit of established relationship fluff!)
I am uncharacteristically skipping the part where you confront Steve about this. Yes, that's right. Remain calm. Ro has passed up the opportunity to write an argument. Hold your applause. WC idk but probably 2k or less (bit of a surprise at the end, too 🤭)
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It's so easy.
It's just so damn easy to lose track, to keep going, to repeat. One more conversation. One more chore. One more hour. One more day. One more.
More. Constantly more.
Steve is very good at giving more. He is consistent, constant, incessant, but you can see now that despite his unending strength, your husband can't hide that drawn, fragile look behind his eyes any longer.
Sometimes, that's life.
"Actually, scratch that shit," Tony says with a flagrant point to your face as you chat. "Life is always like that. I know what Big Guy needs, don't you worry. Consider it sorted."
This speed-date style convo tumbles through a ten-second-savoring of tea. You got one cryptic sentence about 'how you're doing' in before Tony perfectly translates your meaning.
For once, more is unnecessary. He knows.
Stark, however, doesn't even have a moment to finish the turn up of his lips in a smile before his watch is pinged.
His eyes focus to the inside of his glasses. "Go for the World's Most Fashionable Hero," he deadpans, wandering off with his mug clasped like a lifeline in his hands.
Yeah, you know that feeling. Wit's End must be as contagious as pinkeye 'round these parts.
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Steve's been silent for the last hour of the car ride. He checks the address. He checks the map. He checks the road. That's it.
Music he usually hates has been playing for fifty-one minutes and counting. No reaction.
Clearly, you were right to ask Stark for help.
The gravel drive up to the cabin is bumpy, and Steve apologizes for having to go so slowly.
"Almost there. I think it's--yeah, there. Okay, we're here." Your husband flips the key back and out of the ignition, a stunted sigh forcing it's way past his tight shoulders, immediately opening the door and heading for the trunk. "I'll get the bags. You get the--"
"Steve? Will you come with me for a sec?"
He looks at you--really sets his eyes on you--for the first time since loading the car.
"What's wrong?"
You crunch up to the short staircase to the long porch. "Just come up here, please."
It takes another wave of your hand in encouragement before Steve abandons the small duffels and totes. He's not used to leaving a man behind. He's got a mission. He's supposed to finish the job. Always one more thing.
More. Constantly more. That's Steve's life, and he does it without complaint. Never, ever complaining, even when he should.
His heavy, tired feet fall hollowly on the wood.
"We're starting now," you chirp, excited to surprise him.
Steve tips his bodyweight to lean on the banister, crossing his ankles before crossing his arms, his head down while sneaking a squint-and-blink to try and bounce his energy back.
"Sure, what's first on the list?"
"Oh, no," you correct. "The list is mine. Those are my activities for the weekend. You are here."
His brow furrows. "What? You're gonna--"
"Steve." You gently hold onto his arms. "I mean, you have nothing to do. Not a single thing. And I don't care where you do it, but you will be doing nothing all weekend. Sleep in the bed, on the couch, on the dingy over there, hell, right here on the porch swing. It doesn't matter. It's your rest, but you must rest."
"What about--"
"Or if--"
"Uh-uh, definitely not."
Steve looks slightly panicked. "Dinner?" he tries in a last-ditch effort to be useful every minute of every day.
"There is a bag of stuff that I will be dumping into a crockpot and walking away from, so, no, you can't do that either."
He's still not sure, eyes glassy and flickering about.
"There's fruit for breakfast, veggies and dip for snacks, and we don't have to even turn on the stove unless we want to. Now--" you release him "--I'm putting stuff away and--"
Steve opens his mouth to argue.
"--and not one word out of you. Not one, sweets. Go. Be free. Sleep. Stare at the water, or a wall, or the ceiling for all I care, but you have nothing else to do today. Okay?"
His eye twitches, a half-hearted glare melting into a challenge in his tight jaw.
"Okay???" you prod.
His hands fling out in defeat. "You told me not to say a word," he whines, automatically making his way back down the stairs.
"No bags," you scold.
He whips around, almost muttering.
"No bags." You rush down and past him toward the car. "And I will bring you looser clothes to sleep in."
"What did I just say, Rogers?"
Now he just looks petulant, a familiar mood in your household.
You stubbornly point to the cabin. "Go on. Git!"
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He watches you bring in the mindfully-light bags you packed up for the trip, pouting and scowling in equal measure.
Steve has to show off at least once by snatching up a bit of potato that rolled across the counter in the transfer of dinner.
Instead of thanking him, you shove a t-shirt and thin sweats at his chest.
He fakes an oof of surprise and traps you for a quick kiss before going to change. He does leave you alone for the rest of setting up.
Steve is dead asleep on the deep, two-seater porch swing when you head to the little work shed, his knees bent so he faces in, his forehead buried in cushion to block out daylight, already snoring softly.
You have to hold your hands to your chest so as not to touch him. Tears of joy prick your eyes seeing him relax so quickly.
Steve can follow orders when he wants to, you think with a smile.
In the garden shed, Pepper has all the cool crafting things, and you putz around with some wood pieces and paints for a couple of hours. You walk the perimeter of the cabin to find some nice wildflowers for a table centerpiece, mixing delicate stems of blue buds with expansive wisps of white and little pops of yellow. You attempt to figure out the dingy but decide against going on the water alone yet. Maybe tomorrow.
At no point does Steve move.
When you walk up to the house, fist full of flowers, he's out cold, softly swaying in the breeze as the gusts pick up in the afternoon.
You snack and listen to music in your headphones, doze in the bed after the sun warmed you a little too much, and then wake to the smell of stew.
The beep of the crockpot wakes him.
Bedhead and pillow mishmarks on his cheek look great on Steve Rogers.
Without argument, he washes his hands and sits at the reclaimed wood table.
Steve says only two things:
"Thank you" when you set a large bowl in front of him, and "can you pass the salt?" after he taste-tests the meal.
He reads a book until falling asleep for the night with you, curled with his knees bent again.
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He does well.
He keeps resting, multiple times with his book open on his chest, barely to halfway after hours and hours of holding on to the browning paperback pages.
He rests in the bed. He rests on the couch. He rests (again) on the porch swing. Finally, he rests in your lap while you both float on the lake in the dingy.
He rests with you by his side. He rests with you in his arms. He rests even when you leave to do something else. It's exactly what you wanted, what he needed, and how it should be.
Steve mumbles a fair few things, but the most important thing is that none of it is important enough to articulate. He doesn't have to talk. He doesn't have to be heard. He doesn't have to be understood.
He only has to rest, and he's following orders well. He's completing his mission.
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It is truly fascinating how close you can feel without words--okay, so you two aren't completely non-verbal for the weekend, but there are no long conversations. After being married for a while, those are not entirely necessary. You know each other too well for all that; Steve simply feels the stigma of being weak and tired from his youth.
He holds himself to a different, impossible standard. He thinks of it as pushing the limits of his serum, as offering everything he has to others, as respecting those he cares for by shouldering burdens. You think it's stupid.
It is the only stupid thing Steve Rogers does.
Now, after days of resting, you're pretty sure Steve knows he was being stupid.
You hope he knows he can ask for help or a break whenever he wants, before he needs it this badly.
To your great delight, Steve gathers up his things that were left around the house, but he leaves the actual packing to you. This is very helpful in keeping the final surprise.
He's watching the water, sitting up in the porch swing for once with an arm thrown over the back, an easy, calm smile stretched across his face, the first you've seen in months if you're being honest.
Steve gestures for you to join him, but you bite your lip and check the gravel drive.
Exactly on schedule, an engine revs and wheels crackle over the gravel.
You wink at your husband just as excited shouts ring out from Tony's fancy car.
"Papa! Papa! Look what Morgan and I found at the beach!"
"I made you a seashell necklace, Momma. You, too, Pops."
Your children race up the porch steps and jump into the space below Steve's arm.
His smile is still easy, but perhaps a little more excited than calm.
More. Constantly more.
But it's not all tiring...
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555
@yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
@brandycranby @buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn
@late-to-the-party-81 @bigtreefest @mistressmkay
@rogersbarber @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @fallinallinmendes
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tmntxthings · 1 day
Anon from before who asked about the request! So happy to hear you’re interested I’m so excited!! I can’t remember if there is a word limit to asks so I may have to send this in two parts. I’ll refer to future Leo as F!Leo and regular Leo as just Leo 
So the request is inspired by that one shot you did were Future Leo (rip-) ends up in the past and sees his younger s/o, yelling at his younger self to cherish them before they’re gone 
That request? *chefs kiss* mwah, le magnifique~
So a what if idea for a bittersweet contention! 
So F!Leo is stuck at the lair while the bros are out patrolling, it’s been a while since F!Leo ran into his s/o’s younger self, and he’s adamant on not letting it happen again. It’s easier for everyone that way…but then his s/o shows up at the lair, looking for younger him. He’s panicked, naturally, but eventually his younger s/o stumbles into him (it’s not like F!Leo had anywhere else to hide aside from the lair anyway). F!Leo speaks in short sentences to his younger s/o as they try to make small talk while making some tea, saying they can just wait for the boys to get back (to F!Leo’s slight, very mild annoyance) 
F!Leo is trying to be polite, but the lasting sting is still there
The sting that tells him yes, this is his darling, but it’s not HIS darling. His darling died to the Kraang, he let them down. This alternate version of her wasn’t his. His s/o was gone, nothing was going to bring her back. 
While Leo is showing off at nothing, his younger s/o ends up burning themselves with the hot water, having been distracted. Instantly, F!Leo is up out of his chair and making a beeline to them. He’s carefully inspecting their hand, assuring that it’s not a serious burn, and careful getting them a wet flannel
There’s a beat of awkward silence as F!Leo focuses intently on his younger s/o’s hand to avoid looking at their face, meanwhile, his s/o shifts uncomfortably….but F!Leo has his attention on them when they nervously speak up “Do you…not like me, or something?” 
Before F!Leo can even say anything, in a desperate, nervous tone, his s/o could reply with soemthing along the lines of 
“I mean- it’s just, ever since we met it..it just feels like you’ve been avoiding me? Whenever I come round you’re always so quite, a-and whenever I talk to you it’s like,  I dunno, you always try to use as few words as possible? Yet when you talk with the others, you seem fine” 
His s/o would then go on to ask if they did something to upset him, or if in in his timeline she did something bad. All the while F!Leo is just sat there, stunned, because he made his younger s/o feel like they where doing something *wrong?*
Maybe for a fluffy/happy ending it could be wrapped up with F!Leo admitting that - in his timeline - he messed up the lives of so many people (due to the Kraang war). I doubt he’d admit his s/o died in his timeline, but he still has a sad, broken expression on his face as he recalls the day he lost them, HIS s/o. 
But then, before he can start crying, his younger s/o places her hand on his arm and says something reassuring? Maybe how no matter how messy things might have been, if she got to spend a messy future with Leo, they’d be happy 
Anywho sorry this is SUPER long plz take your time and no worries if you don’t wanna do this one since I know the FUture Leo post was a while ago! 
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author’s notes: anon lemme just say, you are most definitely a writer, likeeee i hope you have a writer blog 🙌 phenomenal!! this may be a tad more sad than u wanted 😅
warnings: angst, fluff, unedited, flashbacks, mentions of death?
The work we are discussing ↑
→ Blast From the Past ←
This was uncharted territory. Which of course shouldn’t be a big deal to Leo. Not after dealing with Yokai or the Hidden City. Weird shit happens down there all the time. Mysticism is something that no one really understands. (Which drove Donnie crazy) And let’s not forget about the organized crime, like the Foot Clan. Or literal aliens escaping from a prison dimension.
No Man’s Land should be right up Leo’s alley with a track record like that. He should be used to the weird, to the abnormal.
But even with the world’s fate suddenly thrust into his hands, Leo may pick that over getting thrown back into the past. Or a different timeline. Whatever. See! It’s already getting confusing.
Alas fate doesn’t give two shits as to what Leo would rather choose. So here he is, six months later after being dropped 40 years back in time. Back before he royally screwed everything up for everyone. It was heavy at first. The burden of not repeating the same mistake twice. With that out of the way, Kraang imprisoned once again, Leo felt like his purpose was complete.
That was why he got sent back wasn’t it? To right his wrongs. Shouldn’t he have gone up in a cloud of dust? Or a portal should’ve opened up for him to waltz into?! Needless to say none of that happened. So he’s still here, with a bunch of teenagers and his dad and April. All alive and healthy and happy.
Talk about a culture shock. Leo could eat good food again. Go to sleep with both eyes closed. Or well, try to. Old habits die hard. He tries to keep to himself for the most part. There is this weird sense of déjà vu that happens when he runs into anyone from this timeline. Over time the feeling has faded, especially to those who he can’t really avoid. All the brothers check in on him regularly. Leon, (his younger self) begrudgingly does so.
Ever since they had that little spat Leon maintains a certain distance which is perfectly fine with Leo. Boundaries are good. Leo feels safe for the most part in the lair.
That is until you come in. Leo would’ve heard you coming if he hadn’t had headphones on. A luxury that he lost in his own timeline. He missed music. Reading comics. So he thoroughly enjoys all of those things now.
His hearing is a bit impaired due to y’know a war lifestyle. Gunshots and laser canons and all the other weapons Donnie could piece together took their toll overtime. So when he listens to music he has to turn it up pretty high. (Which he would’ve done anyhow).
Leo sits motionless in Dad’s recliner, eyes wide as he watches you shake your umbrella. It’s obviously raining topside. Little water droplets hit the cement floor. Like your umbrella, you aren’t exactly dry either.
You haven’t noticed him yet. Leo hasn’t seen you since the very first time. Back on the rooftops when he used to patrol with the boys. You haven’t changed a bit, and that nostalgic feeling takes over. He sees you and your future self. The way you move, the way you groan in dismay at the tears in your umbrella. How you run your fingers through your damp hair. It’s all so achingly familiar.
Maybe he can make a quick portal getaway. Maybe you’ll never have to know he was here. Maybe if he doesn’t move, doesn’t breathe, you won’t see him.
But as you sigh and place the umbrella propped up to dry, you finally check your surroundings. Your own eyes widening before a smile graces your face. It’s more than he deserves. He wishes he could smile back. But his mouth doesn’t move, in fact it feels like he ate sand. It’s dry and uncomfortable. He’s uncomfortable.
He watches on as you begin to speak. The older version of yourself still right beside you, doing the same thing. Mimicking. Leo swallows as he schools his features and tugs the headphones down to hang around his neck.
“W-what was that?” He asks, clearing his throat after the words come out a bit stilted.
“I hadn’t realized anyone was home! It sure is pouring down and I happened to be nearby when the wind suddenly ramped up and—“ You point over to your damaged umbrella.
“The darn thing couldn’t handle the weather! So I decided to come take refuge here until it dies down.” You pause for a moment. Then continue.
“I called Donnie after getting past the manhole cover. Something about a day in the Hidden City..?”
Leo nods.
You shift your weight. Still standing by the entrance. A bead of rainwater slowly making its way from your hairline, down your cheek, to your jaw. “So I guess they won’t be back til later!” You add on.
“Yeah,” is all Leo can think to say.
He doesn’t want to talk to you. Well he does. But he knows he shouldn’t. He really really shouldn’t. It’s a bad idea for multiple reasons. Even if you already know he’s from the future and all that drama. The less you know the better.
And yet, he can’t help but notice how you’re starting to shiver. His tongue clicks inside his mouth. He’ll just get you a blanket. That’s it! After that he’ll go off to his own subway car.
Leo stands, grabbing a throw blanket off the back of the old couch and walks over to you. He offers the blanket, his eyes firmly planted on the ground. You’re wearing converse, socks that go up to what he would guess is your mid-shin.
Your hand grazes his as you take the blanket. “Thank you,” and that’s all it takes for his eyes to be magnetically drawn upwards. He doesn’t deserve those words. “It’s nothing. You should go sit… or whatever! I’ll get out of here-“ Leo is moving as he talks. Already tearing his gaze away, turning his shell towards you. Making for the exit. To go to his room and hide.
“Don’t go!” You call out to stop him. And he does. Immediately he stills. His shoulders tense as he closes his eyes. Déjà vu. You’ve said that before. In the future...in his timeline. So many times.
“Leo don’t go, we can last a little while longer on the supplies we have.”
“The longer we wait the more dire of a situation it’ll be later on, don’t worry I’ll be back, I’ll be safe,”
“Please don’t go! This mission is impossible!”
“It’s not impossible Donnie ran the numbers and our chances aren’t zero, not trying at all makes it impossible hermano, don’t worry I’ll be back, I’ll be safe,”
“Y/N?! Nononono. C’mon not like this. You can’t leave me. You’re the one always saying don’t go. So you can’t go either! Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go, please don’t go!
“Leo?” You say softly. He must’ve missed the sound of your footfalls. Because your voice is right behind him. Next to him once more. “Okay,” he sighs after a moment. He turns to see you bundled up in the blanket and squashes down the complicated feelings that try to bubble to the surface.
“Let’s go to the kitchen, Splinter has tea right? Or should I try for the hot chocolate stash?” Leo wonders if these questions are purposefully asked to get him to answer. Thankfully you just keep on talking. You grab onto one of his fingers, and gently pull for him to follow.
So he does, into the kitchen you both go. You tug him towards a stool, where he sits as you get busy. Chatting away about different kinds of tea. How it isn’t your preferred drink but it’s sure to warm you up. Asking what his own favorite is to which he shrugs. Leo’s decided nonverbal is the hill he wants to die on.
You keep on talking. Wondering aloud how the trip to the Hidden City is for everyone. Leo has a feeling that if everyone split up like last time, it’s probably just as hectic as before. Nothing ever goes as planned down in that city.
“The future must’ve been rough…”
Leo blinks, as looks over at you. You’re leaning your back against the countertop. Next to the stove where a kettle has been placed on the nearest burner. Your arms are crossed and you meet his gaze, you don’t say anything else.
“Yeah? What gave it away?” Leo can only let out a dry chuckle. Attempting at humor and failing miserably. His eyes can’t handle staring at you for too long. So his gaze wanders away, finding the silhouette of your future self once more. He looks away from future you as well. He can’t handle that either.
“I don’t know. Maybe your eyes? Like you’ve seen stuff… bad stuff and it haunts you.” And Leo can’t help but think how perceptive you are. He always felt seen when it came to you. He couldn’t hide for long with you in the room. His good hand squeezes into a fist.
“Yeah..?” His voice is weak in his own ears. Cracking. Fragile. And he smells you. The scent of rainwater and lingering tones from your perfume. They get closer. And he closes his eyes. Because they are filling with tears. He breathes in, and out. Then opens to see you standing before him. Even with his sitting down in the stool he’s just a tad bit taller. But he feels so small under your gaze.
“It’s okay,” you whisper. As if you could possibly know. If the boys told you all they knew, that Leo had failed the world, that Kraang had invaded not just New York. That the resistance he led had slowly but surely been picked apart until it was only him left standing. You don’t know what you’re talking about. He knows this, and yet he finds so much comfort in those words.
Maybe because they are coming from you. He doesn’t say anything as his eyes fill with tears once more. And he can’t help but be annoyed at that fact. That all he wants to do is cry around you. He looks up at the overhead light hoping to burn his retinas into submission. That he won’t cry.
Then he feels you touch his good arm. And he doesn’t flinch. But he stills. Not moving at all. As you slowly get closer, coming to stand in between his legs. And your arms go up around his neck. And you hug him.
Leo is frozen. The light above going a bit fuzzy. A second passes. Two. Three. And Leo thaws as you continue to hold him. His own hands going around your sides, pulling you in impossible closer. His chest starting to heave, tears starting to fall, so he squeezes his eyes shuts and buries his snout into the warmth of your neck.
It’s not exactly the same. Your scent is just slightly different from the you in the future. But he can almost imagine it is you from his timeline. That you’re okay. Telling him that all the things he did, tried to do—
“It’s okay Leo,” your hand is soft as it goes up and down the top part of his shell. Maybe you do know. Maybe his eyes did give it all away. And despite his eyes being shut so tightly, tears still manage to leak out.
“Thanks” he croaks into your skin. Allowing himself this one reprieve. Or maybe he just can’t help himself now that you’re here in his arms. He nuzzles his snout into your skin. Just once. His hands tighten around your sides, just once. Before he goes slack and the sound of the kettle is piercing as it squeals. His hands fall away from you, and he leans back in his stool letting you go.
You have tears in your eyes too. Now that he can see your face again. So he gives you a grin, shaking his head. “Like you said, it’s okay.” And he stands, offering you the stool, passing you by to go to the kettle. To finish making your tea.
Leo tells you all his guesses as to what is happening to everyone in the Hidden City. Laughs are shared, and the conversation flows pretty smoothly from then on. April, Dad, and the boys get back not too much later and they regal all of their adventures to you. Every time Leo's guesses are confirmed you can't help but look over at him. A big smile on your face. Tears no more.
That's how you should be, Leo thinks. You should get to be happy in this life. In this timeline. And for the first time ever since he was able to defeat the Kraang. Leo feels hopeful that you will be.
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I have a lot of things to say but I don’t want to be identified, so I’m doing it here. I talk about intrusive thoughts of self-harm and PTSD, just a warning.
“Thought crime” isn’t real because it isn’t a crime to be a bad person. We don’t imprison people for being bad people, we imprison them for breaking the law, and morality and legality aren’t always the same thing. Something can be 100% legal, but that doesn’t make you not a shitty person for doing it anyway.
Cheating isn’t illegal in the US unless you’re married (and even then, only 16 states have adultery laws), but I don’t doubt most people would consider habitual cheaters to be awful people, even if they’ve never done prison time for the things they’ve done. You can horribly traumatize someone and still never face punishment for it, because it isn’t a crime, but it is wrong. Crime =/= wrong, and legal =/= right.
It isn’t illegal to be into XYZ thing when you don’t act on it, but that does not mean you aren’t a bad person for engaging with those fetishes anyway. “Thought crime isn’t real” is not a defense in the same way that “well I haven’t gone to jail for cheating on my wife so it’s fine” isn’t a defense. Legality means nothing about your morality or your character. (And that’s not even getting into the huge difference in the law around the world. Something something, western ethnocentrism and our laws being the default when that isn’t true).
People can’t control their intrusive thoughts. People can’t control what turns them on either. But the second it no longer causes you distress or you start engaging with it positively— whether that’s through fantasy or fiction or whatever— it isn’t intrusive anymore, it’s just a thought.
I have PTSD, and I have intrusive thoughts of self-harm sometimes. It scares the living shit out of me, that’s what makes it intrusive. So what do I do when I have those thoughts (as my therapist told me to do)? If I’m driving, I pull over somewhere. If I’m cooking, I turn the burner off and step away. If I’m shaving, I put down my razor. I get away from the thing causing the thoughts, and I come back later when I think I can ignore it a little better. That’s the key part: I ignore it. I don’t normalize the thoughts, because it fundamentally isn’t normal. I don’t find other things I could hypothetically hurt myself with, just to think about it a little more. I don’t find art pieces of fictional characters doing the things I think about, because that only normalizes the thought to me, and that is incredibly dangerous. It takes away the distress, it does not take away the thought. The thought is the root issue, not the distress, because having those kinds of thoughts should be deeply distressing. Anxiety as a feeling is there to tell you that you are in danger. Getting rid of the anxiety doesn’t fix the danger, it just makes you blind to it.
Intrusive thoughts that are sexual in nature and harmful fetishes are the same way. Going from having intrusive thoughts of pedophilia for example to having non-intrusive thoughts of pedophilia changes the context completely, and it is dangerous, just like my thoughts of self-harm. I have a lot of sympathy for those with intrusive thoughts like that, I really do. But I don’t have sympathy for those who are okay with their thoughts. That’s the key difference.
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Twst Kinks And Shit They Like To Do During Sex: Teachers
Let's freaking go.
I've kinda been excited to do the teachers even though I have no idea what to do for them.
I'm sorry, but this mans has a Master kink type thing. Loves being called master. Instant boner as soon as you say it, no matter where he is.
Likes to cover your face during sex. He doesn't take off his own mask, for whatever reason, and he likes to either put a mask on you or just cover your face with his hands. Won't explain why. Just says it gets him off for some reason.
Also sorry about this one, but Crewel has a piss kink. Maybe I'm projecting, but this man likes to either piss on you or inside you (but not in the mouth. I draw the line there.) Says it's cause you're his "little puppy." (I didn't like that last line much....)
Tries out a bunch of different (but safe) potions on you during sex. Oh, this one makes you wetter/harder. Oh, this one makes you orgasm harder. Oh, this one makes you feel like you're floating on a cloud. He says he's just trying random stuff, but you always feel like he made these with a recipe or something.
*sigh* I'm just making the teachers nasty. Age play..... Yep. Look, Trein's not young, and you might not be either. Please, just play a younger role, it'll make him very horny. And if you're already super young? (creepy, but) He likes it. (just.... forget he has a family here....)
While you're being fucked out of your mind, he likes to ask you history questions. If you get it wrong, he stops what he's doing until you get it right. If you get it right the first time, he rewards you. You kinda hate it, but you're really good at history now.
Straight up, impact play. And it fucking hurts. Have you seen this man's muscles? He leaves dark marks on the first fucking hit! Just a reminder of how much he loves you.
He pretends it's a workout. He literally counts how many thrusts it takes for you and him to cum. He records it. He's literally got an average and a goal he shoots for every time to make it last longer. He's a fucking beast.
Hmmmm..... I guess gagging. It's either his fingers or his underwear. Your choice. But it's there the entire time. He makes it his goal to make you so loud he can hear you through his underwear, or fuck you so hard you're drooling all down his hand.
So.... while he's fucking you, he gets undressed really slowly. And while he's undressing, he's putting his clothes on you. It's the slowest fucking process ever, and he doesn't make you cum until you're fully dressed like him. You ruin so many of his outfits, but he still loves doing it.
I tried..... I just made the teachers nasty....
So, we'll see how the next one goes I guess.
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mattstromboli · 3 days
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Close to You
Summary: Matt was your best friend for all of elementary school, and you always loved him, but he forgot about you, but you never did. What happens when you see him at a party 10 years later?
Warnings: Fluff and angsttttt
Word Count: 809
It was junior prom, and you couldn’t wait. Your boyfriend at the time, Noah Clark, was supposed to be picking you up at seven to take you to prom, but instead, he dumped you over one measly little text. Instead of going to prom that night, you called your three closest same-faced friends and had a sob-fest on your couch with popcorn and ice cream.
You had always been the closest with Matt in your whole friendship with the triplets, but you felt like he didn’t show his love for you, the way that the others did. You didn’t let it get to your head though.
On the night of senior prom, Matt was supposed to take you as a friend, but ghosted you, and you haven’t heard from him since. It’s now ten years later, and you still haven’t heard a thing.
Ten Years Later
You look yourself up and down one last time before you leave your house, hearing your best friend, Vivian, honk outside, ready to pick you up. Tonight is one of your closest friends, Tara’s, ‘One Million Subscribers’ party, so you had to attend.
When you arrive at the party the lights flash and the music pounds through your head, forcing you to the open bar. The entire venue is filled with dancing, drunk bodies and yelling. Parties aren’t usually your scene, but you only came for Tara.
As you look around the crowd, your face goes pale, as you see someone from your past, you thought you’d never see again.
Matthew Sturniolo
‘It can’t be him’ you think to yourself. He’s been out of all eyes for at least ten years, and you would know. You’ve searched for his social media accounts and nothing has popped up.
After quite a few more drinks for courage, you decide to walk up to him and re-introduce yourself to him. As you walk to him in the crowded event, your hands shake and you worry.
You tap on his shoulder and he spins around almost instantly. He looks amazing. The stubble on his cheeks is slightly grown out and he’s wearing baggy pants and a pythia t-shirt. He looks you up and down, then speaks.
“Can i help you?”
“Okay, now that’s weird. Why the fuck do you know my name?”
Your face grows pale again as you realize that he doesn’t remember you. After all of the years you spent together he can’t remember you. You’re forgotten.
“Oh it’s um- I’m y/n” (sorry)
“I’m sorry who?”
“Matt. I’m serious. It’s y/n. From school. Why the fuck did you ghost me.”
“Oh! Okay sorry! now i get you!”
(Matt’s pov)
Shit. She found me. And i fucked it up.
It was the night of senior prom and Matt was overthinking way too hard. Did you not love him? Were you too good for him? Did you hate him. He got in his car and drove. And drove, and drove, and drove until he didn’t know where he was anymore. Over the next few years he moved to a new town and made a new life for himself, forever thinking about you.
You invaded his thoughts every single night with images of you and him, and the amount of times that he cried himself to sleep, was unconstitutional.
He never forgot you.
end of flashback
“Matt!” I yell as he snaps back into reality. I look up at him and he’s white as a ghost and shaking.
“C-Can we talk?”
As the two of you walk outside and sit on a bench to talk, you notice his shallow breathing and a tear stream down his face. He hated crying. Especially in front of other people.
“Matt? What’s wrong?”
“You don’t wanna know. I can’t say it or you’ll hate me even more. I left b-because. I- shit, I can’t say”
“Please Matty. Please tell me. I know we haven’t spoken in a while but i’m still here to listen.”
“I left you. i left you and i’m so fucking sorry for leaving you. i never even meant to hurt you. i couldn’t get you out of me head and i haven’t since the night that i met you. I was so fucking obsessed with you that it wasn’t good for me and i chickened out on you and left when i should’ve stayed and loved you the way i wanted to because i fucking love you! I only left because I wanted to be close to you and i ran away because i’m such a stupid idiot!”
Your face goes pink and a tear streams down your face as well
He nods and more tears stream down your face. You pull him into one long kiss that seals your fate together for the end of time.
All he needed, was to be close to you
Thank y’all so much for reading! I’m so sorry of this was bad! this was my first time writing EVER. Please give me ideas in my requests and I love you all so much! Stay happy not crappy life’s a bitch don’t quit bye!
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panlight · 3 days
hi! i’ve been really enjoying hearing your thoughts on the whole “olympic coven” thing (tbh it wasn’t something i had really thought about a lot before — i always just thought of them as “the cullens” lmao so i’m learning lots of new things)
but omg let me just say re: your possible alternative names post — “st. carlisle and his disciples” is canon!!!!!!! to me!!!!!!!!
i feel like to a lot of the other vamps the cullens do seem kinda cult-y, and even to the ones who know/like carlisle, it does kinda feel like there’s a little bit of an eyeroll and a “yeah my weird friend carlisle who likes helping humans — strange but charming i suppose”
i guess maybe it wouldn’t be like an “official name” but i absolutely 10000000% can see other vamps calling them that casually, or maybe it’s one of those things that was a joke one time and then it stuck
anyway, i just wanted to say that reading “st. carlisle and his disciples” sent me into absolute hysterics and then i was like “oh shit that’s so good tho like that’s literally them”
i hope you have a lovely day!! 🥰🥰
I'm sure I'm not the first person who has used some variant of that, but I find it so funny too and it seems like human nature--or, well, vampire nature--that Carlisle's whole deal would rub some vampires the wrong way, or they'd be inclined to tease him.
I sort of imagine it really started in Volterra, with its proximity to Rome/the Vatican and the seat of the Catholic power. Carlisle's not Catholic, but I'm sure to ancient vampires who pre-date Christianity, that distinction is hardly important. "The Vatican's that way, Your Holiness," etc.
I also suspect that early on Carlisle was probably a bit more "preachy" in the sense that he was 'young' and native and idealistic and the first few times he met another vampire he had probably assumed they'd be THRILLED to learn the Good News that animal blood was enough and they didn't have to kill people. And he'd give them this pitch that probably sounded like the vampire equivalent of someone knocking on your door and trying to convert you to their religion.
There's also this thing people do where they get kind of . . . defensive, in a weird way, when they meet someone who opts out of doing something that 'everyone' else does. For example, I don't drink alcohol. Not for religious or moral reasons, but more about family history, mental health and a genuine lack of interest. But some people get SO WEIRD when this comes up, like they think I am judging them for drinking or think I think I'm better than them for not drinking. And I imagine Carlisle gets this from other vampires, too that even if he's not proselytizing, other vampires still get this defensive reaction and respond with "okay St. Carlisle we get it, you're pure and holy and we're soulless demons."
But yeah, pre-BD I wouldn't have guessed he has as many friends as he does; I had kind of gotten the impression that only the Denali coven and Aro liked him and everyone else found him kind of annoying, the Ned Flanders of vampires. BD paints a different picture of vampires who like him, would risk dying for him, but I imagine there's still an element of teasing there, especially with the likes of Siobhan and Garrett. Maybe less the off-putting religious zealot who tries to convert you and more like the weird hippie vegan friend who lives on a commune. Nice guy, means well, but super weird.
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effy-writes · 2 days
HIII!! Can I request Blitzø with a fem s/o who randomly will just say the most out of pocket things? Like they'll be cuddling or smth and reader is js like "I'm gonna bomb a building" THANK UUU
ofc!! you didn’t specify what type so i’m going with HC’s if that’s alright!!
blitz x f! reader who says out of pocket things HC’s
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• you’re a grade A yapper and will say the most out of pocket shit. that’s one of the reasons why blitz fell absolutely in love with you (it took years for him to finally trust you, but that’s another story)
• you try to keep a filter when you’re at work or in public, but sometimes blitz will push you to say out of pocket shit that could get you in trouble. for example a baby was crying and blitz made a joke saying, “you should tell that mother to calm her baby down” and well…you sorta did that. you yelled not at the mother, but the baby, “will you SHUT the FUCK up.”
• blitz had to pull you away from the scenery because the mother looked like she was about to kill you. “christ on a stick, y/n. i was joking.” “yeah but we were all thinking it.”
• when you two are alone things definitely get interesting. he loves dirty talking, but you always one up him. “you should take your shirt off,” then you would simply win this thing by saying, “yeah, and once i take my shirt off im gonna make you suck on my nipples and force you to call me mommy.” “ok dude..what the flip.” (he would purposely say shit like that to make you say those things because he finds it so hot about the way you dirty talk)
•now some of your out of pocket sayings aren’t sexual what’s so ever..more concerning but that’s it. when you two are about to go to bed you’ll start yapping up a storm and get the zoomies, “sometimes i wanna give kids edibles on halloween.” “y/n, as much as i would love doing that with you, you need to go to sleep.” “oh you wanna shut me up? how about to make me.”
• this could go one or two ways, you guys fuck so you’ll be too tired to yap, or he’ll get on your nerves to make you go to sleep (it’s usually always the 1st one)
• sometimes even when yall are FUCKING, you’ll say some dumb shit, “sometimes when i get a wet dream i wake up masturbating” “christ on a stick, even when im fucking you, you still managed to say something out of pocket”
• even though you do yap and say shit you probably should have kept to yourself, blitz loves you and loves your yapping. it keeps him on his toes and makes him happy. when you yap he knows you’re happy or excited (sometimes mad), but he will always knows what’s wrong if you stop yapping.
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anotheroceanid · 2 days
hi! okay this is insanely long but i had a lot of thoughts so bear with me pls.
i was scrolling through the jercy tag bc i'm starved and saw ur posts abt rhea/kronos & percy/jason and have to say i love them sm!! it's such an interesting concept and i've got a lot of cool thoughts abt them now thanks to you, buttt,, may i also offer metis/zeus & percy/jason parallels? it's a little stretch but hey idc it's fun
metis is the daughter of oceanus, percy is the son of poseidon (at both times, they're a child of the ruler of the seas) zeus is the son of kronos, jason is the son of zeus (at both times, they're a child of the ruler of the universe) metis & zeus met and fought a war to end kronos together...percy & jason unknowingly fought together during the titan war to end kronos and they do meet and work together during the giant war! and they make a great team, like in the twin giants fight
metis was a goddess of wisdom i'm pretty sure? and was zeus' advisor. i am a firm hater of the "percy is stupid" train because honestly it's percy who makes most of the battle strategies in pjo.
in fact here's some unwarranted examples: realizing what the lotus casino was, tricking crusty, figuring out the whole lightning thief debacle, giving clarisse the fleece, clearing chiron's name, figuring out he needs to take the sky, finding the nemean lion's weak spot, figuring out rachel is their guide for the labyrinth, all of his actions in the battle of manhattan tbh like he was crazy for doing all that at age 16!!, scaring chrysaor’s crew, making the combination of demigods to get nike, etc etc- i could go on and on!
so, i feel he can be related to metis in that he would be a pretty great advisor and obviously he'd be a fantastic leader. athena herself says the requests (read: demands) percy makes at the end of the second titan war are wise!
also think it could be interesting if poseidon delibrately chose to have percy look like metis. they'd probably look similar anyway but if poseidon wanted zeus to have some hesitation in killing percy, creating him to look like someone zeus greatly wronged in the style of kronos (aka eating someone) could do it?
anyway, moving onto jason! who, like zeus, is the youngest son and has a lunatic father that treats him like shit,, and at first zeus served kronos! just as jason did, but hey, if jason hadn't died when he did,, how long would he have continued to serve zeus?
rhea took zeus from kronos to be raised in crete by nymphs, like hera took jason from zeus to be raised in camp jupiter by wolves. and like rhea, hera is always on jason's side and honestly based on her toa reaction to his death, likely loved him like a son. and we know hera fucking hates zeus like rhea hated kronos.
jason is also strong as fuck, and ik rick knocked him out in every book because he didn't actually want his forced-percy-rival to actually showcase his powers but from what we know and seen he's like insane as well. PLUS he's been training since he was like 3 ik he's strong asf and zeus is sweating.
parallels��!! uh let's hope jason doesn't eat percy though /j
i know zeus would've recognized these parallels and got insanely paranoid bc yk him. ik zeus was exhaling in relief when jason died, and there's a reason he was always trying to kill percy. he saw his sins in him! everytime he looks at percy he sees the woman he tricked and treated like shit and more-or-less killed. but he also knows metis was smart and very capable, n that's scary to him. everytime he looks at jason he sees his younger self, and that's a horrible thing to see if you're zeus lmao
of course jason is much better than zeus and percy is fairly different from metis, but it's the small parallels and zeus' paranoia that makes everything bigger.
the act we know metis most for is supplying the poison for kronos to regurgitate his kids,, and percy has a pretty close connection to poison now after his fight with akhlys :)
but yeah!! fun parallels :') sorry if this was a lot to read/hard to read
bonus: metis & zeus r cousins just like percy & jason /j
Now!!! Hear me out!!! I loooove the Metis X Percy parallels, I never talked about it here because some things I keep for the fics 🗣️🗣️🗣️ but I totally GET YOU!!!
The thing about Rhea is that they prob look a loooot alike, so people (mostly the big six and, maybe, Kronos) attribute her whole persona to Percy’s even tho many things make zero sense. Because they want him to impersonate their mother somehow to feel their void. Others might think of him more of a Perseis kinda of person, just for the destruction thing. But Metis? She was gone before most Olympians were alive, so it’s not like they have a truthful idea of what she was like, and those who remember might not have been as close to her as Zeus.
Metis was the Titaness of good counsel, planning, cunning and wisdom. Which makes us think that Athena would be a lot like her, but I personally think Athena is more a Zeus mini me. Metis being an ocean’s kid and a titaness made me believe she was a lot wilder and not exactly the usual embodiment of these concepts. Which would make her much more of a wild card, so Zeus got rid of her when the prophecy about their son showed up. So like, I can see Percy embodying Metis’ aspect of these domains (while Annabeth would be more Athena-like), and Zeus being like…
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In terms of looks, she and Percy might’ve not looked the most similar, but hey, Metis would question Zeus’ authority in front of the whole council and would call out his shit whenever she felt like it.
Jason, however, is a much tamed version of his father. In a good sense. He’s not cruel, and when he’s forced to make a choice that he feels bad about it haunts him. He’s not overly confident and proud. Beyond all, he was taught loyalty to Rome and the gods from a young age, contrary to Zeus who was taught rebellion and how he was supposed to be this great saviour. For a while, this probably made Zeus more comfortable about him than he probably was about Thalia, for example, or even Percy.
But romans and Greeks learn about each other and now Jason and Percy meet and turns out Jason is SMITTEN with his cousin? Yeah, that’s a problem. Zeus would seethe, and Hera would be 100% smug about it.
Suddenly, there is something that Jason cares more than Rome or the gods. That is dangerous.
Also, something about Percy being somehow paralleled with TWO titan queens is just…
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cripple-punk-dad · 2 days
i hope you don’t mind this but like i’m 14 (not white, trans, gay, that stuff) and seeing a lot of people talk about how a lot of countries are going far right & extremism is coming back in full swing & no rainbow capitalism, etc is kind of scary. how do i like. not be so scared all the time? i just thought you’d know but if this is a weird ask i totally get it
It is scary. It's downright terrifying, looking out into the world and seeing the pattern of hatred, bigotry, and violence that is feels like its only growing more prevalent. Sometimes it feels like I'm on an island in a huge ocean of people who just want me to die, or change who I am, or both.
Not only that, but being 14 is fucking terrifying. You're not an adult yet, so you can't enact 'real change', you can't even drive (in the U.S) so your transportation is limited. You can't (legally) even get a job or anything. The world has done pretty much everything it can to keep you feeling scared. That's really hard to deal with!
This is usually where I'd say something dramatic, like "don't let them get away with that." But that's easier said than done. And that doesn't really answer your question, either. So instead I'll say this: It's hard to be scared when you 1) know your enemy, and 2) have other things to focus on. I don't mean that you should go debate every conservative you see, or even interact with them. But taking the time to understand the ideologies of fascism, alt-right conservatism, TERFS, white supremacists, etc. not only helps you to see how wrong they are, but also how they always fail and will continue to fail. This is also a good time to research and reinforce your own ideologies and beliefs. No one is immune to propaganda, but it's a lot easier to recognize it if you know what you're looking for.
But don't let that consume you. Remember, these people want you to be scared and isolated. If you spend all your time obsessing over everything wrong with the world (which is very easy with social media and the internet) then the people who want you gone will only grow stronger. So it really is a good idea to fight against that by building up a community of friends, and by building yourself up too. What I mean is this: Go outside, look at the ground, find a weird bug you don't know anything about. Read the obituaries in a newspaper. Go dumpster diving. Learn about something that interests you. Write a letter to somebody and never send it (or do). Pick up a weird hobby. You can just start gluing shit together, no one is gonna stop you, there are a lot less rules than you think.
But above all, remember that while history is full of empires collapsing, and wars, and horrors beyond imagination. The fall of Rome didn't happen overnight, it happened over centuries. But even in the midst of all that, people still made art, and had families, and not only survived, but lived fulfilling lives. I promise that you can and will be able to do that too. The sun will continue to shine, the grass will continue to grow, and the Earth will keep on spinning.
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zansourcee · 2 days
↪ ✧ 𝑳𝒀𝑹𝑰𝑪 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑴𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝘩𝑖𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑜𝑓𝑡 𝑏𝑦 𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒 𝑒𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑠𝘩.
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below is a collection of various lyrics from billie eilish's newest album hit me hard and soft. to be used as rp prompts, feel free to adjust as necessary. some prompts are slightly suggestive.
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' i never did you wrong. '
' my patience is gone. '
' feelin' off when i feel fine. '
' people say i look happy. '
' but the old me is still me and maybe the real me. '
' and i think she's pretty. '
' i still cry and you know why. '
' when i stepped off the stage, i'm a bird in a cage. '
' you said i was your secret. '
' somebody's gotta feed it. '
' i loved you for so long. '
◟ 𝚕𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑
' i could eat that girl for lunch. '
' tastes like she might be the one. '
' i could never get enough. '
' it's a craving, not a crush. '
' baby i think you were made for me. '
' if i'm allowed, i'll help you take 'em off. '
' you need a seat? i'll volunteer. '
' she's the headlights, i'm the deer. '
' i'm interested in bein' more than just your friend. '
◟ 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚘
' take away my love. '
' not today, not tomorrow. '
' kinda strange, feelin' sorrow. '
' can you open up the door? '
' you/i can't cope anymore. '
' i need to be alone now. '
' i don't know why i called. '
' i don't know you at all. '
' there's a part of me that recognizes you. '
' do you feel it too? '
' you don't know if you'll make it. '
◟ 𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚏𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛
' i want you to stay. '
' 'til i'm in the grave. '
' 'til i rot away, dead and buried. '
' if you go, i'm going too. '
' it was always you. '
' nothing left to lose. '
' we should stick together. '
' i wasn't better alone. '
' it might not be forever. '
' if its forever, even better. '
' i don't know why i'm crying for. '
' i don't think i could love you more. '
' i'll love you 'til the day i die. '
' i want you to see how you look for/to me. '
' but you're so full of shit. '
' don't wanna say goodbye. '
◟ 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛
' things fall apart. '
' time breaks your heart. '
' i wasn't there, but i know. '
' you fell out of love and you both let go. '
' all i could do was hold her. '
' i know you love me, don't need to remind me. '
' i should put it all behind me, shouldn't i? '
' i see her in the back of my mind. '
' like a fever, like i'm burning alive. '
' did i cross the line? '
' good things don't last. '
' you say no one knows you. '
◟ 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜𝚝
' i'm trying my best. '
' how alone i've been. '
' i'm doing whats right. '
' it's not worth fighting for. '
◟ 𝚕'𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚎 𝚖𝚊 𝚟𝚒𝚎
' i wish you the best for the rest of your life. '
' you were the love of my life. '
' did i break your heart? '
' did i waste your time? '
' it isn't a lot asking for an apology. '
' you said you'd never fall in love again. '
' i thought i was depressed or losing my mind. '
' i was the love of your life, but you were not mine. '
◟ 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚛
' don't be afraid of me. '
' i'm what you need. '
' i know we're meant to be. '
' i just wanna talk. '
' i could be your wife/husband/partner. '
' kiss me goodnight. '
' i tried to save you, but i failed.'
◟ 𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚎
' i can't fall in love with you. '
' i've been on my knees. '
' i see the way you want me. '
' i hope it all goes away. '
' you seem so paranoid. '
' it's so romanticized. '
' love so bittersweet. '
◟ 𝚋𝚕𝚞𝚎
' i'd like to mean it when i say i'm over you. '
' i told you a lie. '
' thought you were made for me. '
' i can't change. '
' you were born reaching for your mothers arms. '
' victim of your father's plans. '
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