#it's sweet and a little funny to me that we've been mutuals for so long but like
yahargulian · 10 months
Udyeubfjebne I forgot to send you the colors. Yellow, Goldenrod, Mahogany, and Pink, but in, like, the mutuals for 10 years affectionate way ❤️
I'm holding out my arm for you to bite adsjkghdjskah ❤
I really wish we could sit and watch teh sun and hang out and listen to music together!! You've been this constant presence in my life for such a long time and it would just be cool to hang out I think 🥺 it'd be fun
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uniquevoidflowers · 11 months
Dunno what exactly this is BUT:
Ready y'all? I'm ranting about all my mutuals cuz y'all are so freakin amazing.
@mad-navi, I know we barely interact but I think you're pretty cool and I love reading your tags. I think it would be really fun to bake cookies with you.
@majorproblems77, Omg your writing is so good, I love reading your stuff! You know how to whump and angst, soooooo.. Your also pretty fun to talk to, and you have amazing ideas!!!
@strawberry-catcake, I could literally eat your art. I'm so in love with your art style. Just how you draw clothes and faces!!! But also I like talking to you, and you have good taste! Hugs for you 🫂
@akchimp75, your art style is so cute!!! I love your confidence, and I get ridiculously happy when you reblog, reply, or like any of my things.
@raeofsky, another mutual I don't interact with too often (even though I should), you seem really friendly and I love seeing your reblogs ❤️
@isasan347, my gosh your ideas, I actually love seeing your posts with gem, cause you two have such good ideas. And your art is so so brilliant. Another fun person to talk with!!!
@onceuponaladye, Gosh, I really like talking to you!!!! I'm giving you many hugs 🫂. You are really cool, and with the art I've seen, I can say that your art is really cool too. 💖
@kiwi-der-vogel, Your. Art. Is. So. Freakin. Fantastic. I'm in love with the bright colours you use and the jokes you make. Makes me laugh everytime!
@link-or-sherlock, Your art is literally so amazing. You have no idea how happy I was when you made those void flowers. AND I could probably talk to you for hours on end. Thanks for everything, and for adopting me <333
@ikaishere, your art is so marvellous, I love everything about it! Giving you internet hot chocolate for whumptober this year. Also, when did you follow me???/pos
@1000emotions, We should definitely talk more, you seem really cool. Love your ramblings!
@baileyboo2016, You are really funny/pos! From what I've seen, your art looks really cool. I love seeing you gush over characters, and I like your ideas!
@cal-the-imp, your photography my word...It's literally the best I've seen. Your poetry as well! 🫂🫂🫂
@finleyforevermore, you are literally so amazing and the sagas you have are hilarious. You also have some pretty good taste!!!
@/somebody-random-lol I don't know if you want me to tag you in this, but ily/plat, and I like talking to you :)
@justalilghosty, uh I don't think we've ever interacted but you're really cool. (sorry if this is a bother)
@frostedshadow, To this day, I'm still a little surprised you even know me/pos. You are literally so freakin cool, and I love talking to you.
@vio-starzz, uh you are literally so amazing, when did you follow me?! Love your writing and your art!!!
@prince-of-red-lions, Literally, so fantastic! il your art, you do a really good job with expressions!!! Giving you hugs 🫂! You are really friendly and deserve everything!!!!
@whyoneartheven, so sweet, so friendly, and you are so good at drawing!!! You are so fun to talk to, hope you have a lovely day/night!!!
@anadorablekiwi, anjbhshsbhhibihbh you are so fantastic!!! Been meaning to follow you for literally forever but forgot and only recently did. ❤️❤️❤️
@candy8448, you are so creative and your art is so cute! You also write really good! I'm eating your ideas nom nom.
@here4dragons, I know we haven't interacted too much, but you're SO cool!!! Giving you hugs 🫂
@almost-an-artist, your art is so adorable and we haven't been mutuals for long but you seem really really nice.
@r0achezz, your art and writing is just really good 💖, and you are really fun to talk to.
@i-am-1142,asdfergrhttge you're literally so cool and amazing and-
@margindoodles2407, Ahjisurehrijowretutrhyrt you are so creative and your art and writing is just ahhhhhhhhhhh, ilysm/p <3
@arsonisticscholar, il your ocs! I don't think we've interacted but you seem really fun and cool <3
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shiroganeryo · 7 months
Hi there. So don't mind me, I was going through your dazatsu art a while ago (both you and your husband I think?) and also saw some of the captions. You said you two met when you were cosplaying dazatsu? I don't mean to sound stalkerish so please feel free to ignore me, but that is about the sweetest thing I have ever heard😭❤️ I would like to draw one of your cosplays as our favorite couple. You could send me a picture you like- paint over your faces if you don't feel comfortable or-
And again and I emphasize, feel free to straight up reject this or ignore it, because I know it's odd. Just wanted you to know how you warm my heart, and I love your artwork as well<3
Have a nice day or night
Hello there! First of all, don't worry about "sounding stalkerish", it's very sweet of you to drop by just to let me (and by extension, us) know about your thoughts! 😊 The thing is, it's not that we met when we were cosplaying; perhaps me saying we weren't a couple yet gave that impression, but since you asked, I might as well tell you the full story?
You may want to sit, it's a little long (though I'll do my best to be brief) 😅
We already knew each other, we had been acquaintances for a long while, actually! We met when we were 14/13 or so (we're 31/29 now, I'm the older one). We weren't really that close, but we were on friendly terms and all that.
I'll skip the very personal bits which includes (but is not limited to) us getting closer to each other and stupidly pining mutually, but the sequence of events that led to it is one (!) of the reasons why I tend to say we're a "dazatsucore" couple. Because:
He was into me > I noticed on the spot, and did nothing > I was into him > he didn't know because I hid the fact > leads to him blurting out a confession thinking he'd be turned down > I do not turn him down but ask for some time to think things through because I want to be sure of my feelings first > not too long after I have an answer.
By the way, everything I'm saying gets even better (and funnier) when you consider I'm the "Dazai" one, while he's the "Atsushi" in this.
Anyways, about the cosplay shenanigans you inquired about; back when we were getting closer to each other (2016ish), I had become interested in BSD but knew nothing about it; I knew he had watched it, asked what were his thoughts on it, he said it was nice, recommended it, etc. He then commented that he planned to cosplay Atsushi, showed me the character and shared his cosplay plans.
I had only watched the opening so far (the thing that led me to ask him if the anime was good), and Dazai was the one who had caught my eye the most, so I said, very offhandedly, that 'hey, I'd be down to go with you to the con, I do entertain the idea of cosplaying Dazai'.
He was like 'woah, really?! That would be so fun!' but also got extremely nervous on the spot. I obviously noticed. You see, my spouse isn't really the type of person who can hide his feelings very well + I'm good at reading through people. We've always been a funny match in that regard, ngl.
From a quick Google search I did to gather references for the outfit, I could tell the two characters were a somewhat popular pairing, so I made 2+2, I also already knew he had a crush on me and just did nothing about it, like I explained above. So he had gotten nervous that people could mistake us for a couple because the two characters are (were? sadly) a popular pairing.
Which I did know... And again, did nothing about because while my suggestion to cosplay together was sincere, having no intentions of manipulating him or anything, that did work in my favor as well so two birds, one stone.
In the meantime, what I told you above happened and we started dating. And, for obvious reasons, we decided to go ahead with the cosplay plans 😌 I've never posted a clear picture showing our faces because we're not the best photographers out there, but here's one of the least terrible ones:
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The icing on the cake, that doesn't have much to do with us, but is still something we remember about fondly: we're Brazilian, and Brazil is a very big country. The anime con we were going to attend was the biggest in our country but also some good hours away (a 9 hour travel away to the capital, to be more precise), so we took a bus ride with some people headed there as well. It's common for people to make these "con attendees" group rides and they're always really fun experiences + very cost efficient.
One of the people we befriended on the ride was this girl who, coincidentally, was cosplaying as Chuuya. Since we're a queer couple (nb sapphics who go by he/him pronouns) we didn't know what amount of gay was okay in public, but this one girl knew we were a couple, 100% sure of it and it was genuinely beyond funny seeing her and her friends waiting on us to just do something, anything, that gave the answer away.
We kissed like... once, when they were nearby, and the reactions were priceless, ngl. The euphoric I KNEW IT faces.
Back then we weren't married yet, so no telling rings or anything, but this Chuuya had gotten the vibes somehow. When I asked her how she knew before we even did anything, she said, just like this: 'it's the way you look at each other 🥺'.
I need you to imagine Chuuya Nakahara saying this, with this expression. Makes it all 20x funnier. Also the reason why I usually write him as a wingman/enabler in my fics.
Oh, and about the "he had no idea I knew all along", I did tell him... last year 😂 We were reminiscing about things and he went on a tangent saying something along the lines of 'I feel kinda bad because it was selfish of me but I liked the idea of us being seen as a couple back then so I didn't tell you the characters were a popular ship'.
To which I replied: 'Oh, I knew, don't worry.'
Cue shocked Pikachu meme for my spouse's reaction. I then explained that I was fully aware of everything all along, and he was like 'thank GOD you decided to play along then because I had no idea how to charm anyone' 😂
It feels good to put our silly story out there, I had told this story only to one person in the fandom so far (I won't tag her, but Katsu can confirm we're two dumbasses in love) because I don't usually talk about personal stuff publicly like this unless on a whim but also because, like I said, it's a very long story even with skipped parts.
I hope this was fun to read, at least? 😅
As for what you asked about drawing us, I'll apologize, but neither of us understood exactly what you want to do. If you could elaborate more on it, we'd be grateful and could give a proper response! All in all, thank you for sending the ask, it was really lovely of you to stop by just to say that! 😊
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anonbinaryweirdo · 9 months
happy New years everyone :) this is for (almost) all of my mutuals 🫶🏽 vi gave me the motivation I needed to finish this hehe...
irls get their own paragraphs on new years day (suckers)
@floraldresvi — my love, my angel,, you've been an absolute blessing. for as long as I've known you (four months, believe it or not) you've been nothing but sweet and sincere. loving and understanding, even when I don't seem to understand it at all. I'm very thankful for you and everything you've done. I know things are a little rough for you right now and all, but just know that, despite it all, you're still my vi. through the worst of through the best of days, you're still my vi, and nothing will change that, I will still love you all the same, i pinky promise ! <33 thank you for being one of the best things that's happened to me all year. I love you, so so much. I don't think you understand just how much, but trust me, my queen, I really do adore you. <3
@ilyuu — yui, my sunshine.. you're something I look forward to seeing in my notifs from the very second I wake. even through the days where you don't feel yourself, you still carry the entire sun with you and it brings a smile to my face every time. like I said with vi; i appreciate you, and everything you've ever done for me. 2023 hasn't necessarily been kind to me, and I can't remember a thing about it before.. July? but you're something I could never forget. your optimism is something that's held me up for the longest, and I thank you for it, full heartedly. I love you and your absolute silliness, dear <3
@noxs-daydream — moony !! my favorite chao. you're really cool, and I'm glad we've kept in touch for like. a year, haha,, you're a really sweet and understanding person as well. enjoy seeing you on my dash and in my notifs, even if we don't talk as much. that's partially on me,, I've been deliberately trying to avoid talking to you to appease my guilt,, but it's coming to be a new year ! so, we'll see,, but I'm always happy to be able to talk to you !! out of everyone in the garden, I'm glad I kept in touch with you the most. you're kinda like a big sibling to me, hehe,, that being said; I love you <3
@mondaymelon — ah, so we meet again. my twin. you're a genuinely funny and amazing guy.. can't believe we haven't met before?? we get along well (where it matters) and we both have an amazing taste in chaos, so it was only a matter of time before we go to meet one another. aside from being funny, you're really cool and sweet, and it's always so nice to talk to you, even when I'm convinced you have some sort of rabies. jkjk hehe, I love you tho <3 never change
@alexisomnias — Alexis my sweet baby D: you're so sweet and kind and... aaa it's always so nice to see you in my notifs <3 I love everything you have to say, from thoughts about kaveh, to ramblings about your OCS, your joy is infectious and never fails to bring a smile to my face, big sis. you're so sweet and I wish we could talk moreee !! i love you sm <3
@lillonvia — I'd like to talk to you some more ! we just met as the year was ending, so why not use the new year as a means to get to know each other better? love ya <3
@raingoesboomboom — birthday twin !! like the prior, I believe we should talk more :D you seem like a genuinely fun and chill guy, and it was a shame I didn't get to talk to you as much as I wanted to during the few months we've known each other.. so let's get to know each other a little more next year :D
@mysnowmanandmebaby — JOOOOOOO !! :D hehe you're so silly and fun to talk to !! you're really nice and cool and just omg. i was scared to talk to you at first despite finding you cool because of the minors dni thing.. but I'm glad you allowed me to talk to you and get to know you a bit :D I also believe that you are very funny because you make me giggle and everything else 🫶🏽 I see a lot of people on here as big siblings... and you're no exception; love you <e
@nordicbananas — omg is that the coolest mushroom EVER OMG?? no but you're so silly and like so fun and so cool and like. everything. everytime I see u in my notifs I gasp in a :D way because of how silly you are hehehe,, I love you, timezone stealer <3
@k1an4a — YOU 🫵🏽 you silly soul of a mf we need to talk moreee😭 you're so funny like what <//3 m always happy to see you around even if you aren't as active or if we don't talk a lot. you're just really silly :] love ya <3
@auroratumbles — you cutie !! I'm glad I got to keep you in my basement all year <33 don't worry I promise I'll let you go this new year hehehe... maybe. you're just a cutie patootie and I needed to keep the cutie to myself :( you're really sweet and nice and a joy to talk to when I'm not holding you hostage hehe. i love you tho <3
@aphroditesswan — you. you you YOU pls talk to me more I think you're really cool <//3 the times we talked you were really nice and I think we could be good friends :D love ya <3
@delusina — my sweet horizon.. I know you're on hiatus, but I'm including you anyway because you are. so sweet and amazing. I'm glad I could get to know you, and I hope for the best for you and your brother come this year because I just. i believe you deserve to be loved and cherished despite whatever you might think :) m here for you kazzie, I love you <3
@maehemthemisfit — I don't know where you might have gone, but I havent forgotten about you !! i hope you're doing alright, and I wish you a late Merry Christmas and a great new years mae. you're very sweet and very big sibling and you're just really cool in general,, glad we could be friends :) I hope to talk to you more this year, if you ever have the time. i love you <3
@n3r0-1417 — sunflower :D (I'm never stopping with this nickname) you're a really cool person and. very funny I believe. i always like it whenever I'm able to talk to you, even if it isn't a lot,, another potentially big sibling person :D happy New year to you albedo and Apollo and I love you guys <3
@m1shapanda — the silly !! i love your art and I think you're really fun !! aaaa I wish we could talk smoree.. also I'm bonking you on the head and telling you to start resting and taking more breaks <//3 love u tho <3
@soleillunne — lyssy <33 I apologize for the things you've had to see on this blog this year. I can assure you, you will see the same stuff next year 💞 AKHDKHD okay okay but I think you were the third big sibling figure to me on this app/website, and you're so sweet and really amazing :D every time I wake up and see your notifications on my lock screen I smile and go "lyssas active :D !!" i stalk your blog alot,, <//3 you're so amazing my pearl, I love you <3
@https-furina — perse !! i didn't tell you the nickname I had for you omg,, i was between both my ocean and my waterfall, because everytime I think of you I think of pretty waters,, anyways hello :D I hope you're alright <33 omg I'd love to talk to you more,, you're really silly and super nice?? everytime I see you and Alyssa paired together in my notifs I smile and i immediately have to see what's going on with you two, I think you two are really sweet :]] i hope i get to talk to you more !! love you <33
@papiliotao — you absolutely cutie of a patootie. remember when you willingly became my mother? good times.. SDJKD you scared the living hell out of me when we were first getting acquainted and,,, I think it's a bit silly now, considering the fact that you're literally one of my most adorable mutuals ever what😭I hope you're doing alright moonlight, I love you <33
@mikacynth — I MISS YOU. :( I hope you've been alright with your studies, and you are one of the nicest souls. second ever big sibling figure I've had on here !! i adore you, you're the cutiest ever !! i hope you'll be able to come back and talk to us some day, we alk miss you snowball :(( i love you !! happy New Year and belated Christmas <3
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infernalight · 5 months
meme / always accepting
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To make sure this is random and I am not playing favorites, I am going to use the wheel of names to decide which mutual to talk about. Plus I thought it'd be fun!
@peppy-jester & @/hazbins-n-hellbons ─ Okay, so the first mutual the wheel gave me was Beanie. There is absolutely not a bad thing I can say about Beanie. I haven't interacted with her sideblog as much, but her Fizz is one of my favorites. Sure, he might not be the closest thing to canon, but fuck canon! Her Fizzie is funny, cute, and Ozzie and I both adore him. She brings the clown side of Fizz to life, always making jokes and doing silly things and I love to talk to her about her Fizz and how he is from how I write my own / what I'm used to when it comes to Fizzarolli. Not to mention she is a wonderful mun and I enjoy talking to her when we can. She's sweet and is constantly checking in when she can and remembers to (because let's face it, it's hard keeping up with all your friends all the time).
@electriccapitalist ─ I haven't had lots of interactions with Toxic outside of RP, but I adore seeing them on my dash. They are an amazing Vox and I can't wait to interact with them more. I still need to reach out about Ozzie & Vox things. They have been nothing but patient and super sweet from the little bit we've talked. Every time I see their Vox on my dash, I can picture Viv's version of Vox. Even their own hcs for Vox are just *chef's kiss*. I love to read them all when I can and their human!au Vox is also beautiful (plus who doesn't love Shell Overlord? HELLO?!?) and I am excited to do more with them.
@hzbinsouled ─ Moonbeam!! Moonbeam is a sweetheart. She has such great ideas and always has such fun verses for her muses. I adore talking to her ooc, despite not getting enough of it. Each version of her characters are just beautiful. They are so unique, but at the same time I can see the character, picture them in her writing. She lets me be insane and crazy about my plot ideas no matter how long I take to actually get to starters and replies. (I am still working on some ughreugh, sorry)
@sugartiits & @/outforlve & @/hellahtel ─ Cottontail is a doll, I fucking love her to pieces and I probably failed to list all of her Hazbin blogs, but yeah, uh.. She's fucking amazing no matter what muse(s) she picks up. She is a fucking gem, I adore her, and she always surprises me with a follow every time she makes a new blog.
@micsmasmuses & @/unholymicsmas & @/helluvahazbinss ─ Miasma! I adore Miasma so much, all of their muses. I have known her since I was in the Genshin fandom and now we both moved over to the Hazbin fandom and no matter what fandom, no matter what muse, I will always love her and every single muse of hers. She writes them so well and can truly capture what I love about each one of them in canon. I will always follow Miasma everywhere!
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ninjakk · 2 years
Hi.Your meta make me so happy because your meta wrote to the point of how wangxian love is mutual and wei ying had feelings and loved lan zhan back in his past life also.
I would like to ask you something from the novel that I didn't catch the meaning and have been in my mind for a while. It is the scene I didn't remember the exact dialogue but before wei ying jump from the coffin, he touch lan zhan face with his hands which had his(wei ying) blood when drawing the array and the way dialogue said is wanted to point out something?
Thank you for your metas. Hope you have a nice day.
Hi Anon,
Thank you for your lovely comments about my meta 🥰 I'm glad you enjoy it.
Yes! WX were obsessed with each other and whoever says otherwise simply didn't read the novel very well 🤷🏼‍♀️
So I'm assuming the part you are referring to is this scene in Guanyin Temple:
He was much taller standing on the coffin. Lan WangJi put his guqin away and looked up at him with the pair of light eyes.
Wei WuXian looked down and couldn’t help but touch the fair face with his right hand, adding a few blood-red marks, by accident or on purpose. Lan WangJi didn’t worry too much about it, “Come down.”
Wei WuXian hopped down with a grin before he was caught right inside those arms.
Chapter 108 - ExR
It's funny, because I actually love this scene and it's one I want to write about at some point. I think it's just so cute how natural their rhythm is when working together. WX have had a natural synchronicity with each other for a long time, as we've seen when they work so seamlessly together many times now - even in WWXs first life. But because they are finally completely in tune with each other, body and soul - it's just even more beautiful.
I think the main point of this tiny scene is just to show how comfortable they are with each other now, especially WWX with LWJ. If you look back throughout some of their earlier interactions, WWX is very conscious about getting LWJ dirty, especially with his blood.
Wei WuXian could barely manage to stand, holding onto Lan WangJi’s arm. Seeing that the white clothes that Lan WangJi had just changed into were dyed red by his blood again, he couldn’t help but reached out to wipe them, worried in an ill-timed way, I made his clothes dirty again.
Chapter 88
WWX is about to lose consciousness, but he's still making a fuss over LWJ, which is adorable. He knows that LWJ always looks pristine and probably prefers to stay clean, so he's concerned about marking his clothes with blood.
A heavy scent of blood also felt stuffed in his chest. It was more than uncomfortable. He was worried that he might cough blood onto the clean-loving Lan WangJi again.
Chapter 90
Again, WWX has just regained consciousness and he's trying hard not to cover LWJ in his blood again.
So back to your question, about WWX possibly 'inadvertently' wiping blood on LWJ's cheek. I personally always felt this was a really sweet gesture in a way. Now he knows LWJ loves him unconditionally, that he will accept anything and everything he gives him, WWX is comfortable enough not to worry about getting him dirty anymore.
It could also be a way for WWX to tease LWJ a little, smearing him with a bit of his bodily fluid, making the usually pristine HanGuang-Jun less than presentable... Marking him with his blood. And we all know WWX loves to rile him up.
But overall, I think it's probably up to the reader's own interpretation 😊
Thanks again Anon! Hope you u have a lovely day as well 😘
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morathicain · 3 months
HELLO CAIN!!! First of all how are you my favourite mutual? (can you believe we've been mutuals for 4 years now? So weird)
As you may have noticed I got back into my Thai series obsession - Uni is KILLING ME - and I'm rediscovering some series that came out during these years that I unfortunately missed and let me tell you I am both EXTATIC and dissapointent
So let's start with the dissapoint: I've noticed that after bad buddy (straight up one of the best BL ever made) Thai series, but EXPECIALLY gmmtv, have started to make the couple fall in love very VERY soon in the series which for me - a slow build and slow burn lover - is AWFUL
What do you MEEEEEAN they kiss in episode 3?!? Come on where is the drama? Where is the falling in love??? Heck they are making me miss the love triangles just saying
And because of this some series just, stop making sense after a certain point? Like the story is finished so they fish out a random and stupid storyline to fill the last episode which sucks⭐✨⭐✨ (coff coff 23.5)
We are getting so many GLs!!!!!! LET'S GO!!! GIVE ME THE LESBIANS!
But also they are pushing a lot more on the "self discovery" arc of the characters which is really good? Like because the romance happens so soon the rest of the episodes are about the characters as their own and honestly? Sometimes it's good sometimes it's bad
Like the self discovery in We are? Amazing
In My boo? Eeeeeh...
Now for the series i'm watching
Airing: We are and My boo
We are grew on me
At the beginning I did not like it but it was still something simple and sweet to watch after a bad day in uni but now... Damn Cain I'm getting attached to these idiots
It's truly a lovely story about friendship and simple love that even if stereotypical it's still very very good because it's ""real"""? If it makes sense? I'm currently writing a LONG review about it that when I remember how to write properly I will publish (oh yeah btw I also started posting small reviews)
My boo is... Something
It exist, it's sweet but the main couple is that type of sweet that it becomes annoying after a while
Honestly I'm here for the side couple
ALSO IT'S SO WEIRD?!? Because it's clear that GMMTV put a LOT of money into this but it's still??? Mediocre??? Man idk let's see how it ends
I've just finished Mama gogo and I really liked it! It has its ups and downs but it's still a very funny and sweet series so 8.5 lovely IT COULD have given me more but in 12 it did what it could
23.5 made me incredibly mad but it's still a good GL to start with for GMMTV and that's all I'm going to say
Currently watching
Girl I remember watching it while it was airing: I dropped after 3 episodes
But then! Like 3 days ago I was like "y'know I miss Krist (phrase never said by anyone, I know but listen) let me see what people think of "be my favorite"... BOOM 8 on MDL
So I thought "okay let's give it another go..."
Cain truly I'm at ep 7 and I'm so fucking intrigued
It's so nice and different?!?! Why no one talks about it!!! Plus Gawin
That man was written and made for women he is SUCH A GOOD ACTOR JESUS
Anyway sorry for the long ass ask but everytime I get back into this fixation my first thought is "let me message Cain"
I hope you are doing well!!!!
- Randy✨
Update from my last ask (sempre Randy✨) Girl i Be my favorite was so fucking good man Not going to spoil anything but if you liked "He's coming to me" I would 100% recommend this show Truly a 10/10
Hello Randy!!!
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Thank you for thinking of me when watching Thai shows and then sending me whole novels, WOW!!!!
Also sorry for replying late, I wanted to take proper time and work has been slightly exhausting ^^° still, thank you so much for all your words!
It's really fascinating because AHHHHHHH MAMA GOGO! I really love the show so much with all the characters and arcs and growth and little stories and tropes. Right up my alley XD
I have neither watched We are nor My Boo so far, so I can't say anything about it but I'm happy you are enjoying We are a lot =^^= it's on my potential watch list, albeit not up high, which is mostly because I am currently brain rotten about Wandee and At 25:00 in Akasaka XD
I started 23.5 degrees but was slightly discouraged by the catfishing at the beginning, so I stopped for a while. When the show basically vanished from my dash towards the final, I was already wondering what went wrong, and I now suppose a lot did? Tbh I have been enjoying the Japanese GLs more than the Thai ones so far, but there's so many coming out soon and currently, I will find the ones for me =^^=
Regarding Be My Favourite, I'm happy you enjoyed it so much <3 it was THE talk when it aired, but too many shows make it impossible for most shows to stick. I know a lot of people who really liked it actually ^^ I did, too, for several episodes. Sadly, it used a trope I really can't endure and my interest dropped, so I dropped the show in the middle. Might continue one day or not, but my interest kinda vanished ^^° which is okay, can't be for everyone but I know lots of people who had their fun and that's nice =^^=
Anygay, hope you continue to have all the fun and joy with the shows and that enough slow burn will get produced for you :D I do enjoy a good slow burn, too, but I also LOVE when a couple is interested early on and they keep the dynamic and tension till later like in Wandee.
What luck that we have so many shows to choose from now :D
Take care and stay safe and healthy. I wish you the best and a wonderful day (with lots of Gawin-feels!) <3
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alexissara · 1 year
15 Years Of Love
Today marks my 15 year anniversary with my Fiancé. It means officially half of my life has been with them. I'm 30 years old now and when I was 15 we started dating. I was a freshmen in high school, I wasn't out, I casually might have said I was bi but I had not yet come to realize that I was ace, a lesbian, a trans woman, or polyamarous at the time. Nor had he realized he was trans masc gender fucky pansexual polyamarous sexy little goblin. They and I did not have the most clear start, as teens we both did and said plenty of things we wished we never said or did to one another. Still in 15 years we've every year become more of ourselves and as a consequence fallen more in love.
It is wild to think how radically different we both are from where we started and how our love and selves have bloomed. Being with someone as long as we have clearly shapes you. This kind of love is the kind of love where you become the same kind of weirdos in so many ways but we're still also very different people. We have so many layers of inside jokes, so many shared memories, so much life experience that it is impossible to really decipher us if you were a fly on the wall. It is such a joyful life to be able to live as silly as fucking possible together. We are two halves of a whole without being monogamous or dependent on one another, we date separately and both have very long term committed relationships with amazing women that aren't ending any time soon. It's like a Soul Mates AU if they weren't hyper monogamous where somehow we were meant to each other.
Our love story is funny too, we were enemies to lovers over a mutual crush. At the time they didn't know they liked girls and I didn't know I was a girl but we both had a crush on a mutual bi friend of ours. We met at a Japanese cultural festival both wanting to learn more about the culture sure but also both wanting to spend time with our crush. Neither of us particularly liked each other and in fact they gave advice to my crush that going on one date with me didn't mean we were dating and she didn't owe me shit. Which is so true, very true and also very funny in retrospect. We add each other on myspace, I had been pretty in my depression era we talk and talk from time to time about our mutual crush and about random stuff. I decide to ask him out and he says yes. From that showing of What Happens In Vegas, a movie which is a time capsule for sure we started dating.
While our goals and ambitions have shifted radically to this day my Fiancé inspires me in my art. Even back then I knew I wanted to tell stories and they were an apple of my eye always making me want to tell more. They always supported me in making art and telling stories and acting and everything I did and I always supported them in drawing and crafting and aiming for whatever goals they wanted. Our hearts and spirits always longed for making the world better in whatever ways we could and it's something we still do together.
While we may no longer be teens caught between Emo and Scene we still get to radically be ourselves together, to express ourselves how we want and encourage each other to explore ourselves, challenge our ideas about the world and expand what we know. At the end of this year we plan on leaving our home for the whole of our relationship Texas thanks to anti trans, anti LGBT and racist laws popping up left and right. While this anniversary is huge for us the future looks so exciting with us hopefully finally leaving this hell hole behind and entering a new era of our lives with hopefully more community, love and exciting discovery along the way.
I don't know where I would be without my Fiancé, they got me through all the worst times in my life, their a part of my DNA. I feel so incredibly lucky to have had 15 years with the worlds most sweet little gender monster. This love is always going to be worth fighting for to me and I hope I can tell so many more new stories that honor the love they've given me in my life.
[If you want me to spoil my gender gremlin consider giving me money on Patreon or Ko-fi ]
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jaimebluesq · 1 year
The Trust - CDrama Recommendation!!!
This post will NOT contain spoilers for the show, just my enthusiasm and spoiler-free screencaps :D
All righty! So I discovered this show on Viki the other day and binged it all in a week (yeah, I might have also been trying to relax my brain from panicking about 2 RBB fics to finish). I've actually had a hard time finishing shows lately - many I look up because there are actors I like but they're in the background and the main protagonists don't interest me much (looking at ChongZi - I wonder if they would issue a "Wang ZhuoCheng" cut without the main couple?). So often I'll look at shows and just give ones a try that sound interesting even if I've heard nothing about them from the peeps I follow on Tumblr or Youtube, and sometimes I hit gold.
What it's about:
The bulk of the story is about a Chinese Emperor and his Empress who've been estranged, and something happens in the first episode that has them switch bodies - yep, an Imperial political/harem drama that does a bodyswap! - and the consequences of this. It's mostly a rom-com type, lots of humour and the occasional silliness with some really good poignant moments, but the main 2 actors are also really good and have great chemistry! Not only do they have to act as their original characters but as each other as well. And there's a neat little thing the show did, that the Imperial storyline is actually fiction, part of a project written by a modern day couple in the middle of a divorce, so often the emotions and such of the Emperor and Empress mirrors that in the modern day couple. I just find it's a neat storytelling device!
As I mentioned, there's also imperial politics (the empress now has to deal with court and courtiers) and harem drama (the emperor now finds out what it's like to be one of his concubines and how they really act when he's not around) and I can't speak to any historical accuracy because it's not my background, but I found it to be very fun to watch.
Why I think my mutuals will like it:
Bodyswap shenanigans!
Good acting
Genuinely funny and made me smile.
... The Untamed/CQL actors!!!!! (Found accidentally, always fun when that happens!)
Aside from the main villain, I came to enjoy all of the characters, even the harem concubines that seemed to be villains in the beginning.
Now let me introduce you to some of my favourite characters and ships because I am SO tempted to write for some of them. -- All images screencapped by me while watching on my PC
Let's start with Emperor Xiao Jinyun and his Empress Xu Yu: they're adorable and sweet together, have very different personalities and aptitudes, and really learned what it's like in the others' shoes. Not tempted to write for them, but I thoroughly enjoyed them.
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Next, THIS PAIR who may very well live rent-free in my brain for a long while to come:
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Recognize the guy on the left? It's our beloved Ouyang Zizhen channelling NHS as the Emperor's useless fan-carrying younger brother! And next to him is the court astrloger/diviner who carries the brain cell between the 2. I lived for every second these two were on screen together. Like this:
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And this:
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Yeah, I'm dead!!!
But they're not the only ones to pique my interest - nor the only ones with a familiar face! Because there is also these two:
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To the left is the Empress' brother, and to the right... Wen Zhuliu! But no core-melting this time, he actually plays a doctor! And these two are quite sweet as well, like here:
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And here:
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But you know what? Why let the boys have all the fun? Because we also get these two schemers:
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Vying for the Emperor's attention at first, but when his attention is elsewhere, well, girls gotta stick together, right?
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And last but not least, these two - one of whom we've already met:
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I am just SO FUCKING ENAMOURED with them! My bisexual heart is a-fluttering. I won't say anything about the lady on the right because it might be too spoilery, but I was very, very, very pleased with how they handled her storyline (again, I'm white/Canadian so take that with a grain of salt).
If you'd like to give it a try, it can be found on Viki, and I just found it on Youtube with English Subs
So that's my little spoiler-free recommendation! Have I tempted you yet?
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zooone · 1 year
Five six and twenty two for the ask game perhaps?
5 - what made you start your blog?
there was nothing new on other fic sites. id always see the same old stuff so i thought id give tumblr a try (mistake number one) and i ended up really liking the little community that was wilbur fanfics so i wanted to give it a little try ^_^
6 - what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
both answers; the people. for best, oh my god i love all of my little (literally) mutuals!! they are so fun and they can tolerate my silliness. and seeing people supportive of my work is such a nice little feeling
but also, the people here are not the best. irl and in social circles i am the type of person who wont let anything slide really and if someone fucks up, it ruins my perception of them forever. the phrase "forgive and forget" ive never known bro. and since i am a little bit more well known (kinda) its hard to pretend that i dont have neg feelings about another person online cuz i dont wanna cause an entire discourse
22 - say 3 things about someone you love
this is for florence @harbingerofheartbreak bcuz i love her and she is a little bit headachey right now so i hope she can wake up to this ^_^
they will be under the cut cuz wow this is getting long
one - flore listens to me all the time no matter what . if im telling her a stupid little idea i had, if im telling her about my silly little niece, or if im literally telling her about my issues she'll always listen!!! even if im loopy or if im so incoherent that my sentences have 37 spelling mistakes and 42 made up words despite the sentence only being 13 words long, bro will listen 😭😭 its insane
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two - we are so incredibly delusional we have an entire world built around just made up people we've created and the shock factor for me is that we didn't make them for writing or literature purposes it was literally just to have fun and be delulu . like if it were any other person i definitely would have shared c**** out into the world but since flore has just been so so so sweet and so supportive i didnt have the issue of wantjng attention to be on my writing because she gave it to me!!!
three - the reason we started talking to begin with (and this is still so funny to me) was because a sweet sweet anon was giving me fic recs and one of them was hers and i was such a little fan girl of her writing style that i just absolutely love bombed her and she went in the dms saying thank you. one of the scariest dms ive ever gotten . and then i proofread her fic yours now and forever (which is getting rewritten and posted soon!!!! and ive read and confirmed the ideas aand lemme tell you it is good good. all of you better read it when it comes out) and i was still being a little fan girl and she said "bro i dont care please stop i just asked you one question" (word for word what she said /j) and after she asked me if she should read tcfsv, we became best pals!!!
okay i did not mean for this to become a flore appreciatiob post but thank you very much sardonic for the ask ^_^ hope all has been well
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Happy first friendiversary🥺🥰🌷
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Can you believe it? We've been friends for a whole year now. Isn't it just so lovely?🥺 I'm forever grateful for every single day I get to spend with you. I just wanna hug you so tightly but gently. That's why I chose these specific gifs hehe🤭
Thank you for being the most wonderful friend ever. Thank you for always being there for me, on good and not so good days. Thank you for being your beautiful, kind, smart, funny, generous, supportive, sweet and just incredible self. I hope you know that I have a long list of compliments for you🤭💖 Thank you for being you and for everything you do for me. I just hope that I can give you all the love back. Double and triple😌 And you bet I'm gonna cling to you forever. Friends 4 life. I need to gush and babble some more later. You know what I mean. I just love you so very very much and I can't wait to spend many many more years with you. You're the absolute best. Wahhhh, wiping my silly eyes🥹🫂💖
It's too early for you to be making me cry like this 😭 Gosh, Sukie, how do I even BEGIN to express to you how much you mean to me??? I don't think I ever truly could, but I'll still continue to try until the day I leave this world. Maybe I'll have an easier time expressing it to you in the afterlife in spirit language or something 👻🤭
The best I can do for now is through this song. I mentioned it to you before, a few months after we met, but it still makes me think about you every time I hear it. It expresses the way I feel about you and our friendship much better than I can most days.
💫 Ne Me Quitte Pas (Don't Leave Me) by Orion Sun 💫
After spending most of my life feeling lonely, unheard, unseen, unloved, getting to know you and experience your friendship really does feel like a blessing from the divine. Yeah, yeah, I'm getting all sappy and cheesy rn, whatever! I really mean it. You know I do. You're such an incredible person with the most beautiful soul. I cherish every bit of you -especially the silly, nerdy, crybaby, gushing over your favorite character at 3am when you should be sleeping, sides of you.
Thank you for allowing me the greatest honor of knowing you and being your friend. Thank you for showing me what true friendship and unconditional love and mutual understanding feels like. Thank you for being brave enough to push past your shyness to message me a year ago. I can't imagine what my life would look like right now if you hadn't, and I don't want to. All I wanna think about is how happy I am to have known you for a whole year and how excited I am to experience many, many more friendiversaries with you in the future! Just think of how many more wonderful memories we have yet to make!
I would give anything to hug you back just like that! And you know I'm clinging to you forever too hehe 🫂 Thank you for sending me this sweet message. While part of me is a little bit embarrassed for posting this sappy stuff for everyone else to see, I also would gladly shout from the rooftops how grateful I am to have an amazing bestie like you and how much I love and treasure you. And I actually think it's pretty sweet to have a post like this to memorialize today 🥰🥺
Sending you 1 trillion hugs HAAAAAA BEAT THATTTTT!!!!! Bet you can't! You better not say infinite hugs or I'll kick your ass. That's against the rules 🤭🫂
Ich liebe dich, Sukie 💜💖💜💖💜
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maddisandy · 8 months
list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
i saw this right before work and forgot to answer until just now i am so sorry!! i am totally doing it though
1. my cat louie! he's a sweet little boy if not an absolute menace to his sister dawkins at times. orange tabby who fits every orange cat stereotype
2. my partner and best friend!! we've been friends far longer than we've been together but they're the most important person in my life and they'll always be my best friend. meeting them in highschool was the best thing to happen to us, and we cherish every memory and moment we spend with them. (it's my hope in the future maybe we can move in and start a home together, but that would be further down the line)
3. all of my other best friends and close friends. we didn't really have much friends in early childhood growing up (mostly from exclusion from other kids for being the "weird kid") but we were very lucky in late middle school to meet a set of online friends we're still friends with to this day, one of which who is our best friend and a brother to us and has introduced us to a few other people we consider our best friends. beyond that too there's our other highschool best friend (besides our partner) and some close friends who are family to us like everyone else that we met in college. plus our actual family who have been by our side for us in some of our darkest times.
4. this one is silly but i have a giant 3 foot tall pink rubber chicken called spencer. he's this really long going bit between my other highschool best friend and i that he's our son (his full name being spencer phillip asshole, making our family name asshole and his middle name is phillip after his grandfather my best friend's car). he's got this really long backstory we've made up for him that i won't go into here but it's great. I literally have a baby carrier i bought that i bring around wearing him to places. he's a fun little joke that everyone around us always finds funny but he's also just taught me to stop caring what other people might be thinking about me and to have fun in the moment
5. Music in general as the last one! I can't even begin to explain how much music affects us. We spend almost all our time listening to it, even if just in the background. It's always been an outlet for us to process emotions we otherwise don't know how to handle ourself, whether joy or sadness or anger or whatnot. It seriously helps keep us grounded and focused just having it there, and we'll listen to just about anything so there's always something to put on for whatever mood. it's why i love making playlists too is because i feel like it's such a fun way to interact and express things within fandom spaces and whatnot.
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outcast-thingz · 2 years
Mutual Appreciation!!! Thank you so much for being here. Regardless of how often we talk, I will always hold the memories dear.
Yeah so normally this goes the other way around on a day like this but I really couldn't care less. I honestly didn't remember my birthday (aka today) was coming up until yesterday. I've been super focused on helping out with stuff for my dad's wedding. Okay excuses out of the way? Good. Final thing i need to state, this is in no particular order!
@bisexual-confusion Nerris, you show me so much support and enthusiasm for the things I create. Honestly I don't think I would have done as much as I have done (so far) with BOTH Outcast Squad and F U Flowers with out you. Really. You comments and reactions mean a lot. Outside of that talking to you in general is um.. soothing? Calming? Sure something like that 😂 but seriously talking with you even about normal stuff like how our days went is really nice.
@yeet-man haha you're writing is so interesting and eye catching for me. I know we haven't been mutuals for long but I can tell you have such a creative mind. Those what if scenarios always get me thinking.
@xsugarysweetsx I know things havent been fun lately... but I really hope you're doing well hun.. you're such a sweet and beautiful person. I always find myself running back to look at the stories you've written. Whether I'm talking to you are seeing the interactions between you and your followers, I end up smiling.
@x-ap0llo-x hi 🥺 I hope you're doing okay and that more donations are rolling in. It's been a while since we actually talked. Still I laugh at some of interactions we've had. I was kinda scared of talking with mutuals but people like you and (the previously mentioned) sweets helped me out. Even if you guys don't realize it.
@red-riot-rat Sunshine, a nick name with a purpose. Talking with you always brights my day no matter how bad it's been. I honestly couldn't have written some of the first I have if I hadn't talked with you. Especially my Denki one as cheesy as it is.
@spir1tfar3r <3 pretty and funny damn. Okay but seriously no matter what account you're on, its you and entirely you. That probably sounds weird but im not sure how else to describe it. I'm so glad to have you as mutual from talking about Fandom we enjoy and fanfic ideas to jokingly going back and forth with God awful pick up lines that made me giggle... it's really fun and I appreciate the time we've talked together.
@astro-pioneer You!! Hi!!! Playing with you on genshin? So much fun and you were so freaking helpful. I loved joking about our fondness (and Cove's hatred) of Childe and making the creation of undercut Kurapika. It's thanks to you I have Kormit and a bunch of cute little sketches I was inspired to do of him.
@gayfanficanonymous hi 🥺 I hope you're doing well. Alot of my mutuals have made me laugh but none quite as much as you. Whether it be reactions you have in the hashtags of a post of some sort or we were talking about some dumb shit, I have laughed a lot. You also gave me a lot of support for Outcadt Squad and I can't thank you enough for it.
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theteapotofdoom · 2 years
No fr like. I've been feeling the same thing tbh
Like I don't feel bad about posting other stuff but it sort of feels like a betrayal of some kind? Just a little bit? Especially cuz my blog looks like a Shiggy-Izuku Stan shrine, so when I start spam reblogging from other fandoms or talking about other stuff, I look at my header and pfp like "I've abandoned my boy. I've abandoned my boy!"
I think it's because I feel more comfortable posting and saying stuff about bnha than other fandoms, it's just a series I've been following for a long time so I feel more "experienced" talking about it, if that makes sense
I like talking and reblogging about other stuff too, and I LOVE bnha, but it also feels like a "brand" that I'm betraying sometimes lol (especially cuz of my header and such)
ANYWAY ndsjfdsuifjkfsd it's not that big of a deal for me on my end but I totally get what you're saying. I'm a multifandom blog and I'll always stick to that but sometimes I look at my blog like "I must look like I'm lying"
Also girl!! I'm one of your favorite shigaraki mutuals? 🥺 that's so sweet to hear from you! If I may take a moment to say so, I've been a fan of your blog for YEARS (I've only had my blog for 1, but even before I actually joined the fandom, I was still looking at yours!) and when I finally joined the fandom and saw that you followed me I was like "!!!!!" cuz woooow teapot followed me!! I feel like I'm at the cool kids table lol
So like. bottom line is that I've seen you go through a bunch of fandoms already so your OFMD brainrot and other fandom brainrot is nothing new, I always enjoy looking through your blog either way. Especially cuz your tags are funny af haha
Also I just like to see people happy! So there's that too
I'm sorry half of this is like. ranting. which I didn't mean to do dfnsdjfn but here we are. anyway yeah I understand what you're feeling with the fandom thing and also I love your blog 🥺👉👈
Yeah, honestly I feel the exact same way, you put it into words so much better than I did! That's exactly it, the true "I've abandoned my boy" experience.
There was a time when I truly was all about Shig, and I know that a lot of people followed me for Shig content specifically, so I'm often a little worried that they will be upset if change the content of the blog too much. Like I was saying, at times it felt more like a brand than a fandom and it felt like I wasn't meeting my followers' expectations.
Which is DUMB AS HECK because I know for a fact that 1) most of my mutuals and followers are very cool people who ALSO have other interests than Shig and will be fine with me just talking about other things that I like and 2) the people who are only here for Shig content can just unfollow me of they feel like they don't vibe with my blog anymore ... that's literally the whole point of Tumblr.
So yeah, I think that I'm getting better at handling this weird feeling, but it's oddly comforting to know that I'm not the only one who experienced something like this! XD
And yeah of course you are one of my fave Shig mutuals! :D It's one of those things where we've just been mutuals for a while and I always loved your posts and your meta and gradually realised that all this good content that I adored was coming from the same person and it got me like "wow they are so cool!!! their mind!!!" It goes without saying that I love Shig, but I also really adore Izuku even if I don't talk about him as much. He is in my top five for sure and he literally was the reason I fell in love with MHA in the first place! So your posts about them are just *chef's kiss* but I love all your other posts about different fandoms as well!
I'm glad that you're enjoying the OFMD brainrot XD I know that I'm not the first person to say this, but this show has been a healing experience on so many levels ... it's unreal. Shigadabi is forever my heart and soul, but after spending four years just desperately holding onto narrative parallels and begging Horikoshi to let them interact more, it's just so relaxing and freeing to like a ship that's just ... canon. Like, I never expected shigadabi to ever be canon obviously (shonen industry do be like that) but at times it felt like I always had to fight to justify my interest in their relationsjip, so it's amazing to just look at Stede and Ed and be like "oh my god these bitches gay ... good for them"
But yeah, now I'm the one who's ranting! Don't apologize for the long message, I loved reading it and I agree with everything you and really like talking with you! And like I said, you brought me a lot of comforts! :D
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serominee · 3 years
i dunno if we've been mutuals long enough 2 count but 🍓[also do u mind if i compliment u while we're @ it? ur art is REALLY nice, all the colors blend together so well and for sumbody whos really picky with color tones and stuff like that ur art is really nice for my eyes to look at!! I.hope that didn't sound werid or anything im bad at compliments but hehe]
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OK OK OK so I know we haven't been moots for that long but hey!! That is alright!! Time is irrelevant when you have such little grasp on it :D
Tonight I bestow upon thee, the funny badge. Your addition to the Jade drawing with the anti melman shirt made me laugh so hard I scared my family. This is not a joke, this actually happened. ALSO I CAN TELL YOU'RE BIG ON COLORS. I looked through the art on your blog?? Literal eye candy. So many warm tones and I am completely enamored with it all
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harrysdimples · 6 years
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sooo...it’s the legend @btapants’ birthday and me and my main partner in crime daria @britneytshirt both came up with this idea and whipped up a lil somethin somethin for celine to read! we just want you to know how loved you are celine and how you influence us all to be better people! we all love you and had a few things to say :)
@bidonnas (aka mik):  i followed celine like ages ago bc i was looking for more harries to follow and she seemed so sweet and, like, a Quality™ blog and we've been mutuals for ages as well and we like sent each other asks for like ask games and tagged each other in tag games but we didn't start talking more until the first gc in like march of this year and i do not regret a single thing of entering that gc bc i got to meet my birlfriend, now my bife. we've just gotten closer over the past 6 months of being in so many different groupchats with each other and i love everything about her. she's funny, she's kind and sweet, and she loves mamma mia. i mean, who could ask for more?? fjdkgksdljkfg celine deserves the whole world and all the love in the world and i love her so so so much!!!!
@guccifloralsuits (aka violet):  Celine, you already know it but literally love you tons, you make my experience as a harrie stan so much brighter :) I'll always remember the #funkirk days and times we've been throught - from the discourse days to the crazy concerts & I can't wait to see what this next year for you & us brings! You're so easy to talk to and fun to share this experience with! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALL MY LOVE TO YOU 💖
@annaonvinyl (aka essie): Celine, Celine... I believe we've been mutuals not for that long and i do remember checking my notifications and seeing that she followed me i kid you not when i say i nearly had a moment because i would constantly see her posts and people talking so nicely about her. i can now understand why people kept saying sweet things about Celine, i mean she's amazing! if you aren't following her please do me a favour, go to her blog and press that follow, just... do it. celine is so sweet and funny, her blog is the perfect mix of aesthetic and relatable and not to mention she's so freaking stunning? i mean... have you seen her? model material, i'm telling you. so in conclusion what i want to say is celine is gorgeous and so nice and i love her! tanti auguri bella! spero che tu abbia un bel anno davanti a te e tutto il meglio vada per te! goditi la giornata e sorridi molto (scusa il mio italiano arrugginito)
@signofthebis (aka petra): Happy birthday, Celine! ❤❤❤ You know why I followed you. Because of the tags you wrote under my bta pants gifset. And I knew in that moment... this is a person that gets it and I need her in my life. And then I was lucky enough to get into the biconic gc you started and I got to get to know you and wow? You're amazing. You're so funny and incredible and just... I stan forever??? You're truly a queen. ❤❤❤❤ One day your selfies are gonna kill me because you're that gorgeous. And honestly? What a way to go. So Celine, I hope you're having a wonderful day and may your life be filled with only the best of luck, may it be full of love and kindness because that's what you're giving to us and you deserve the same it in return. Ily ❤
@flowerfeasts (aka dani): I followed celine like a year ago because i used to see all my faves tagging her on my dash, so i thought she was very important and cool and i remember waiting like a few weeks to follow her cause i somehow thought that would increase the chances of her following me back? lmao anyway, i still think she is very cool and i LOVE her fashion sense and she is a libra! that means she is awesome
@harryandcats (aka lejla): CELINE MY ANGELBOO!!!! I’m sooo bad with words and tbh?? there’s not enough words to describe how much u mean to me anyway smh you’re one of the sweetest, funniest and smartest (let’s just not mention your posts and the things you say something BDJDNDNDB) and loveliest people I know!! you’re also so silly sometimes but in a very cute and endearing way bdndn I could talk to you about literally anything, be it something deep or something random like poptarts bxjdndn speaking of poptarts we truly gotta meet someday and you’ll have to buy me lots of things and in return you’ll get the biggest hug of your life!!!! sounds like a plan if you ask me anYWAY I lov u with my whole heart, you’re my love, my life, my wife, my gf, my bitch, my boo, but most importantly: my dumbass ✌🏻😔 I hope you have the loveliest day!!!! Happy Birthday, Celine!! 💗🌈💕
@harrysnotechanges (aka kristyna):  Celine 💕💕 you are so funny and such a kind and generous person (not to mention gorgeous, ugh it’s not fair). I’m pretty sure I first started following you because of your url (I mean how much more iconic could you get,,, and I couldn’t agree more, the bta pants were the best pants Harry has ever worn tbh) and I stayed because you’re just an amazing human being. Ily 💕💕💕 Happy birthday!
@gettingdizzy (aka sav): I LOVE CELINE she is super kind and funny and like a little sister to me!! talking to her always makes my day better :) im not even sure why i started following her we probably got put in a gc together or something but im so glad i did!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ILY
@nofoookingway (aka jess): Oh boy, lil Celine. The cutest bean I’ve ever seen. I know we don’t speak anymore bc I’m trash and got too overdramatic about a stupid lil thing, but I’m so glad that we still follow each other and I see you on my dash every day. Your posts never go without a typo, even if it’s just the tags, and that’s probably my favorite thing about you. You’re so expressive and so weird in the best of ways. I’m pretty sure you’re starting uni (if you’re not smack me), but I know you’re going to kill it. It’s hard af, and it’s gonna suck. You’re gonna hate it sometimes, but believe me when I say I know you can do it and that you will have a blast once you find your niche. If I can do it, you sure as hell can. I wholeheartedly believe that. Anyways, I hope your birthday is just as fun and amazing as you are. ilysm 💛💛
@leesh (aka leesh lol): HAPPY BIRTHDAY CELINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope u have the absolute best birthday ever bc it’s what she deserves and i hope harry makes an appearance again looking absolutely fabulous bc it’s also what she deserves (maybe wearing the bta pants? yes i’m putting it into existence!!!!). i honestly can’t rmbr how or why i started following you, maybe it was a gc or maybe i just liked ur blog, i have a terrible memory, but i am SO GLAD whatever the reason I DID. i love seeing ur posts on my dash and i love seeing what you’ve got to say and i also love talking to u in gc’s and stuff. ur a cool gal and i’m glad we had a chance to become mutuals and pals. again i hope u have the best way day ever and get spoilt rotten. i love u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖✨
@kiwiintro (aka kayla):  Happy Birthday Celine Bean! I hope it's amazing I love u and you're so iconic and amazing and ur an actual Meme™️ sometimes anyways again I hope your birthday is amazing and have fun being 1(one) year older ❤
@harryftvans (aka teresa): celine my dearest witch princess and gentle air spirit happiest of birthday wishes to you!!! someone’s getting old lol anyway I wish u all the best and hope you have a great day and that a lot of other great days will follow because u only deserve happiness and love and ~good vibes~ in your life!! stay ur amazing self, you’re always so chill and laid back (which is nice in this hectic world gksndn) and even when you pull a zayn on us at the end of the day you’re always there for us, being supportive and it’s always a delight to talk to you and hear stories from you!!! great britain is blessed to have you for the next couple of months/years (hope u have a nice time at uni I believe in u) so yea enjoy your day hope it’s filled with lots of love and hugs!! i’m glad you’ve been brought into the world and i’m glad we were out in the same group chat I couldn’t imagine my days without u, love you v much💕
@pinkflaredpants (aka iris): No offence but it's been a whole ass year since we first heard medicine and still no fuckin studio version of sott.
@britneytshirt (aka daria): celine, remember the day we became mutuals? it’s definitely been a year(+) now, can you believe it’s been that long? i followed u not really expecting to be followed back and u followed me about .02 seconds later and honestly i was a lil shocked. so i put my insecurities aside and decided to text u and u said u just saw my url and liked it and followed me. like?! *harry voice* craziness right? anyway, i like to think of u as a little present from life. when we started talking i was very lonely and literally cried myself to sleep every other night and having a friend, you, to talk to made me realise nothing is ever that bad and in a way... gave me hope? you mean so much to me. you’re always fun to talk to, u always have the funniest things to say. and most importantly, i know i can always count on u for whatever, you’ll be there to listen to me. so thank u. i’m so grateful i have a celine in my life. i love u
me (aka moi): so....celine, where do I even start? from those very first few months when I joined this fandom in september last year we were close friends. we started our first conversation about old 1d memes and the rest is history. I don’t think there’s been a time in the last year or so where I haven’t spoken to you, and I really couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. I look forward every day to chatting with you in the gc and i’m always just in awe of how accepting, loving, caring and truly inspiring you are as a person. I love hearing you speak italian in the rare voice messages you send, and especially your selfies (I will hold the belief that you should be a model to the grave I think tbh). you inspired me to love myself for who i am and we’ve grown as friends into something I never thought i’d reach. i’m never going to be able to fully articulate the weight you hold in my life or the impact you’ve had on me, and i’m bad at expressing my feelings anyway, but I just wanted you to know how LOVED you are, by me, and from everyone here. I can’t wait to eventually meet you once you’re settled over here and I can’t wait for the memories and shows we’ll make in the future. thank you for being you, and please never stop being your amazing self 💕
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