#it's the Cassius support squad
barkercast · 4 months
449 : JS77 C1E23 'Household Dangers'
Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast, and part 23 of our Dungeons and Dragons game, Jericho Squad 77, set in the capitol city of Yzordderrex in the second dominion. 
Still recovering from being dead or unconscious, the squad are in a race to retrieve Cassius’ body before the enemy does, and they run into a few surprises on the way.  
During the Break
Sponsor Don Bretram’s Celebrate Imagination
Check Out the Art of Asya Yordanova and Bird Ninja Art (Shayla Sackinger)
Maps of the Reconciled Dominions and Yzordderrex by Marco Staines of @MarcStaineArt
Ben Warren Composer
Little Spark Films
The Torturer on Prime, Plex and Tubi
The BarkerCast Interviews : Occupy Midian
The BarkerCast TeePublic Store
The Cast
With Catalina Querida as Musette
Joe Manco as Ralph Merrye
Jose Leitao as Chur’ Do’ Vir
Lori Bische as Anastasia (Zoe) Mason
Matt Williams as Richard Smitty
And Ryan Danhauser as the DM
 With Technical Producer Rob Danhauser
Opening Theme by Ben Warren
In-Game Music by Tabletop Audio
Catalina Querida on Instagram
Little Spark Films
Coming Next
A-Z Commentaries: Survival of the Dead
 More Classic Commentaries
More News and Interviews
Jericho Continues???
And this podcast, having no beginning will have no end. 
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Music is by Ray Norrish
New episode of the Clive Barker Podcast
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icharchivist · 1 year
Sandy deserves having people stand up for him. He doesnt have to put up with Belial. I hope every time Belial tries to bully Sandalphon other people gang up on him and beat him up. Show Sandy support. And you know Belial likes it too even if his opinion is invalid
YEAH PLS. esp since Sandalphon spent so long thinking he could easily be discarded, and spent thousands of years alone.... I think he deserves to have a whole squad being like "actually we'll take care of you. go back making your coffee bby we're handling it"
The Society Girls were a nice choice for that, after the Ramen event for Cassius i keep thinking specifically of how they're the perfect hype/protection squad to non-humans trying to adjust to the new life on the Skyrealm. And if helping means beating up a perv then so be it
and yeah Belial would like it. for the wrong reasons. Not that we're asking him but still. (though is "liking being stepped on by Ilsa" really a wrong reason? he's all of us in that moment. Unfortunately.)
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miirshroom-art · 4 years
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Stabtober Day 10: Three Characters Go Dancing 
A trio of colourful characters from the NPC cast of Forgotten Indigo.
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centvr · 4 years
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          [  mat bar/zal  .  20  .  male .  he / him  ] just saw 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐔𝐒 '𝐂𝐀𝐙' 𝐙𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐑 dragging their suitcase up the steps of 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 .  good luck living with 𝐇𝐈𝐌 ,  word around campus is that they’re 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐄 ,  𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅𝐈𝐒𝐇  ,  𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄  &  𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 .  makes sense they chose that house now  ,  doesn’t it  ?  let’s hope this new living situation doesn’t affect their 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐑 year of 𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐘   [  oliver .  22  .  they/them  .  est  ]
          the son of one of the most prominent nflers not following in his father's footsteps, shunned for choosing the wrong sport ( perhaps his father should have known, naming him CASSIUS after the betrayer ) ; a graduate of the us national team development ( hockey ) program where he really came into his own as a TWO-WAY CENTER & continues to grow with his college team ; in his third and final year studying BIOLOGY, because if the nhl didn’t pan out he always wanted to be a vet ; a sharks prospect, but A MINNESOTA BOY through and through, from his love of frozen lakes to his love of hockey ; just someone who hides everything with a smile and a nonchalant attitude even when he’s about to break and knows failure is not an option when he's come this far.
( tw for death & verbal / emotional abuse )
— cassius adrian zeckhauser was born on a chilly november day, the first snow flurries of the year fluttering outside the st. paul ( minnesota ) hospital window. star nfl quarterback robert zeckhauser at the tailend of his career and his beautiful model wife welcomed their newborn son into what should have been the perfect life — with a name like that though, it probably should’ve been obvious that he wasn’t destined to be happy.
— and it was extremely close to perfect for almost twelve years. time was split between st paul and a summer and vacation home in monterey, california. caz followed in his father’s footsteps playing football, and also hockey as all good minnesota children do. it was a snowy night not too long after his twelfth birthday when his mother passed away suddenly of what doctors claimed were natural causes. they never were able to identify what exactly it was that ended her beautiful life, all caz knows is that after that things changed.
— now in retirement from playing, his father sold their main home in minnesota and moved them permanently to monterey. grief changes people, and not always for the better. in the wake of the loss of his wife, robert zeckhauser threw himself into the bottom of a bottle and coaching rather than face his grief and became obsessed with what he saw to be his son’s god given path to nfl stardom.
— caz, to his credit, did show great potential at football. his father’s additional coaching only gave him an edge : no one could argue that he was talented just because of his father’s influence — unless they were just referring to him inheriting his genes. caz loved football actually, but that was before his father’s dogged obsession with him succeeding in it. then high school came and thing became much worse. the more robert zeckhauser became obsessed with his son following in his football career, the more caz began to hate it.
— the field was soon associated with negativity, even though his coaches did their best, it wasn’t enough to tamper the infamous temper of robert zeckhauser. he never laid a hand on caz, but that was only because he didn’t have to — caz was simply too afraid.
— and so caz began to spend more and more time at the one place that seemed to bring good memories for him : the ice rink. growing up in minnesota, caz knew how to skate and how to play the game, of course ; it was pretty much inevitable. he’d shown what same said could be elite PROMISE at that too before robert zeckhauser packed up ship and moved them to sunny california. hockey wasn’t just for the frigid sub-zero temperatures of canada. 
— with the extra time on the rink to calm his mind and escape the noise of the outside world, caz became even better, standing out boldly on his hockey team as the BEST by miles ( and that meant catching the attention of scouts for a certain program ). robert would yell at dinner about priorities ; for once, caz wouldn’t listen. it all came to a head when caz received an invite to try out for the us national team development program before his junior year of high school. and then caz finally saw a chance at salvation : a way out. ( all robert zeckhauser saw was his son personally spiting him by picking the wrong sport and throwing away millions and tainting the family legacy ).
— but regardless, caz ended up making the squad by the skin of his teeth, playing for them for two years — and best of all, being able to spend the school year back in minnesota away from the presence of his father. it was evident early on that he made the right choice, and under the usntdp coaches he made progress in leaps and bounds — going from barely making it into the program into one of their best. but with that came his father’s wrath — caz only went home to monterey when he had to, and sometimes not even then, preferring to stay with one of his teammates if they would have him. summers were near inescapable though, filled with loud, toxic beratements and even longer, more toxic silences.
— fortunately or perhaps unfortunately, caz was climbing the prospect charts though — and the only thing robert zeckhauser hated more than his son was bad press, and that meant all their arguing and deeply negative relationship was kept under tight wraps from the public eye. caz’s development and talent and increasing prestige was probably the only thing that kept his father from actually cutting all ties with him, which at least meant he never had to want for money to support himself.
— caz had plenty of schools clamoring for him to commit by his senior year, but most intriguing was a personal visit from the head coach and athletic director of the west coast halston university. meant to bring an east coast flavor to the west, they’d just recently received their division i designation for their men’s hockey team only the season past and wanted caz to be their defining piece to keep them there. there were other schools of course, boston university, minnesota, north dakota, a handful of ivies, and yet caz’s mind kept going back to halston and eventually he signed on the dotted line for them.
— his major is bio because if the nhl doesn’t work out he always wanted to be a vet and has a deep love for animals. a dog is something he’s always wanted, but has never had the time of physical stability to adopt one. he doesn’t have much time during the school year but in the summer he volunteers part-time at an animal clinic.
— drafted before his freshman year in the 2018 draft 21st overall to the san jose sharks :) he’s a two-way, playmaking center with exceptional skating skills. centers the first line and plays on the powerplay, and more recently has become a fixture on the penalty kill as his defensive abilities have gotten better ( i’m thinking jack eic/hel in style, but like... if you walked jack back to an appropriate college level lmAO ). wears number 13 bc im lazy in edits and has an A.
— caz is in his third and final year of college. thanks to a heavy number of ap credits, summer classes, and a much sharper mind than most people give him credit for ( and far too much stress and sleep deprivation ), he’s close to pulling off his plan to graduate in three years. ideally, the sharks would have liked him to be playing with their ahl team this year, but caz had made it clear he wanted to graduate before joining the nhl, upholding a promise he’d made to his mother before she passed away. it was agreed caz would have three years, and he hopes to make the team straight out of training camp come next august.
— caz was sixteen, finally away from his father and thriving under the guidance of the ntdp, when he realized he liked guys just as much as he liked girls — maybe even a lot more. it’s something he had to come to begrudging acceptance with ; a difficult task for him at first. it was simply a fact and facet carefully explored behind locked doors and then carefully buried where no one could ever find out ( he doesn’t know which would be worse : his father or the media ). currently, he’s extremely careful about his approach with the same sex, often just sleeping with guys also in the closet or at least those who understand the sensitivity of the subject — often fellow athletes.
— when it comes to destressing, caz is unsurprisingly one to frequent the rink or go for a run. he has recently taken up yoga though which has had the added benefit of improving his flexibility so win-win, he guesses.
— caz keeps a pretty steady schedule somehow, rising at nearly the same early time every day even if the time he goes to sleep fluctuates and even if he doesn’t have a morning practice to get to. he believes it’s a good habit to establish. he’ll go down to the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast. that being said, that doesn’t mean he’s a morning person — he’s grumpy and near mute until he’s had at least two cups of coffee, but he will offer to make anyone who’s also up that early an omlet.
— any positive traits caz exudes are certainly in no way thanks to his father, but rather a series of people who stepped into that role when he left at sixteen. he didn’t realize it at the time, but running away from something also become running toward something else. his coaches stepped into fatherly roles in his real father’s absence. they and his billet family and the parents of his friends in the program kept him grounded and level-headed when he could have turned out much differently.
— he’s a regular at a cafe near campus that he stops at after morning workouts/practices before going to his first class. he drinks his coffee black.
— he’s no chef but he’s decent in the kitchen and very cognizant of the food he puts into his body. because of that, he’s also not a huge drinker either and rarely consumes soda.
— there’s a pullup bar on his door and he starts and ends his day with situps, pushups, and pullups.
— caz was raised roman catholic but his own beliefs have trended strongly toward agnostic as he’s gotten older.
— he goes by caz and pretty much caz only. he’s doesn’t make it very well known what his actual first name is, and almost everyone who does know has found out on accident be it a rookie mistake in the hockey team’s promoing ( doesn’t happen much anymore ) or a curious eye on his driver’s license. cassius is what his father calls him, and he’d prefer it if no one else did.
— the décor of his room is extremely minimalist. a photo of a night sky over a frozen lake in minnesota on his wall and one from his time at the ndtp on his nightstand are the only ones in his room. a sharks pennant hangs on the inside of his door as a reminder of what he’s working toward. it’s otherwise kept bare and clean. his sheets are gray, his comforter plain black. he keeps thinking about getting some plants but has never gotten around to it.
— since caz’s start at halston, his father picked up a sports analyst job in the bay area where he also rents a lavish apartment. this means he’s thankfully usually absent in their monterey home which caz usually frequents in the summers save for the month he’s on campus for summer classes.
— accolades : silver medalist ( 2019 world junior championships ), 21st overall 2018 entry level draft, silver medalist ( 2018 IIHF world u18 championships ), gold medalist ( 2017 IIHF world u18 championships ) 
— i imagine that halston’s d1 hockey program functions very similarly to that of arizona state university in that it is an independent program not affiliated with any conference. upon creation of the program, they played a hybrid season against a variety of D1, D2, and D3 programs and transitioned to playing against exclusively D1 programs starting the season before caz arrived on the team ( 2017-2018 ). they have made the frozen four final once last season ( 2020 ) and lost in the semifinals.
— caz is someone who puts a hundred percent into whatever he does : practice, homework, a friendly game of volleyball in the backyard. no one would call him a slacker by any means, except of course his father. his focus and motivation is unparalleled, and that’s helped him greatly through his life in school and his endeavors toward being a professional athlete. but there are times when he puts too much of himself into something. he’s terrible at multitasking, focusing on one thing at a time in full, and has a tendency to burn out if he’s not careful ( or if no one’s looking out for him — which in his first year at halston, probably was more common than not ). he doesn’t like people who don’t try their hardest, though he’s sympathetic to those who do and still do not seem to get the results they want — especially those on the hockey team, often offering to lend them a hand if they want it.
— in his life caz has come to learn that only person he can fully trust and count on is himself. that’s resulted in a rather selfish streak in him, though he works to not let that appear too much on the surface. he’s not an unkind person who would walk over others to get what he wants, and he fears growing into the arrogance and blunt forwardness of his father, but the ultimate bottom line is he will always chose to help himself over someone else. there are a few rare exceptions to this of course : a handful of his teammates and very close friends.
— still, he’s a friendly person, someone who’d give off fairly good and relaxed vibes ; some may even call him kind. there are plenty of people who’d consider him a friend, though the truth is they might not know all that much about caz. he has the uncanny ability to make people feel like they know him without revealing anything of substance. he’s very much a two-way mirror or the façade in that manner : caz sees out but no one ever sees in. to most he’s happy, he’s fine, friendly, amiable, and never gives anyone a reason to doubt that.
— caz has a way of appearing calm, cool, and collected even when he’s not, and a lot of effort on his part goes into that to come across that way. there’s a lot that can hide behind a smile and an easy-going attitude and caz has perfected that armor meticulously. the truth of course is that he’s under an immense amount of pressure and a lot closer to falling apart then he wants to admit  — he’s afraid if anyone did manage to worm their way in that he’d fall to pieces.
— he’s most reserved at parties, always in attendance and participating enough for it to be socially acceptable but never letting himself go completely. there’s still a lot he can lose, and he’s not in the business of doing anything that could jeopardize that further.
— 6′0″ & 189 lbs : caz is unsurprisingly very fit and strong, with the large quads and glutes 🍑 common in hockey players, though his upper body and core strength is nothing to snooze at either.
— black hair with a slight curl, usually kept to a modest length and styled to look effortless, could be described as fluffy or tousled ( pretty much as it looks in most of the gif icons and visage gifsets ). when he’s stressed he has a tendency to run his hands through it and it looks even messier. caz isn’t much on his appearance, but he is careful to tend to his hair. it does get quite long in the summer, seeing as he often doesn’t get it cut between the end of the season until right before pre-season ; often needing to be kept back in a bun near summer’s end.
— gray-hazel eyes : their exact shade depends on the light. they’re very much his father’s eyes over his mother’s warm brown ones ; it’s a fact he hates but he does appreciate the fact he also inherited his dad’s 20-20 vision.
— typically clean shaven or with some stubble when he misses a couple days or so or sometimes slightly more esp around exams and project due date. the exception to this of course is during the end of year tournaments during which he doesn’t shave and looks rather scruffy.
— on a normal day, caz has the fashion sense you’d expect from a college athlete, liberally employing the use of sweatpants, nike and adidas track pants, t-shirts, hoodies, and sneakers and slides. he does have the ability to look nice when he has to though, often cutting a sharp figure in a suit on gamedays and formals, or a slim fitting pair of darkwash jeans and a button down when the occasion calls for it.
— jewelry : he’s almost always wearing a rather non-descript necklace with a small circular pendent that belonged to his mother ; an analogue watch with a brown leather band that doesn’t seem to match with his college athlete look that was a gift on his eighteenth birthday from one of his coaches who became a father-figure in his life ; his right lobe is pierced ( the result of a some very poor judgement in the summer before he arrived at halston, but at least it wasn’t a tattoo of something embarrassing like his friend zac ), very rarely is anything in it and most people don’t know it even exists, but he puts something in it frequently enough that it still hasn’t closed up.
— scars : a small scar over his right cheekbone from an accident on a frozen lake when he was young, near invisible unless you’re close or know it’s there ; two longer scars about two inches long on his right outside elbow from when a cat scratched him at the clinic ; several other small ones he can’t recall the injuries they’re from
— tattoos : a butterfly and a moth in flight together on his left bicep, the butterfly was for his mother, the moth in a way to represent himself ( they mean self-acceptance, after all ).
          first and foremost, i love chatting and brainstorming with people. i think that’s where the most meaningful plots are formed, but here are a few ideas to serve as starting points :
— childhood friend ( any ) : someone who is also from a wealthy family, likely close to monterey or in the very least in california. they had to attend a lot of the same fancy diners and parties as him. perhaps this person is aware of his true relationship with his father and just how deeply negative it is.  — TAKEN BY BLAIR.
— the set up ( female ) : this was a last ditch effort from his father, not long after caz left for the usntdp when he was sixteen, his father set him up with this girl he deemed to be a suitable match, the daughter of another rich family ( perhaps sports related, or just wealthy ). most of their contact probably was over the summer when caz was more free. the nature of their relationship can be brainstormed, robert stopped pushing it when caz was drafted at eighteen ( two years ago ), but i think he still wants it to happen.
— the ex-girlfriend ( female ) : caz only has had one girlfriend in college from his freshman year. this is pretty open-ended but i do strongly believe that she broke up with him ( for whatever reason, but i imagine something along the lines of him not loving her nearly as much as she loved him ). 
— i hate your guts ( any ) : they were groomed to HATE each other, to carry on the stupid rivalry of their fathers that no one remembers the reason for — perhaps it’s as simple as there not being enough room for both of their egos. it doesn’t really matter what the reason that started this was. they don’t really know why they hate each other at this point, it’s just a fact as instinctive as breathing ; not a single conversation can be had without them clashing in some way  — TAKEN BY KIERAN.
— you know i’ve got your back ( male ) : honestly caz just needs a friend, guys...
— animal lover ( any ) : someone who’s run into him at the animal clinic over the summer or is just somehow otherwise aware of his love for animals. i just want to write something about that facet of him.
— the blind date ( female ) : someone his teammates keep trying to set him up with because they’re certain he’s lonely. i mean... he is but that’s not the point. honestly so open ended.  —  TAKEN BY FRANKIE.
— hookups, project partners, people on campus he randomly runs into, fans of the hockey team, fans of him, crushes on him, housemates, the world is our oyster lads.
— also i know the ratio is kinda off on this list but i’m a lot better of coming up with plots for males on the spot so honestly just come vibe w me. okay thank you 😔
          hello everyone !!! i’m oliver or ollie, 22, they / them pronouns, and in the est timezone. i am very excited to be finally bringing caz off hiatus with the very sexy mat as his fc ( which if you know who he is u probably were like ‘ whiteguyblinking.gif ’ when you saw him on the list but i promise this is gunna work, i’ve been making gif icons like crazy ). he was always my first choice fc for caz but i was always too lazy to make it happen until NOW. also im censoring all actual nhlers names because i don’t need the mortification of this showing up in their tags somehow. anyway, i’m super excited to get things rolling and i hope we’re here for a good long time !!
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"I'm coming with you."
"I didn't mince words Warrington."
"What's your aim Bulstrode, I don't time for any games. This isn't the Slytherin common room or the Inquisitorial Squad. I'm done with that shit, time for the real world."
"I know and I'm coming with you. You gotta have somebody."
"Somebody like who Bulstrode?"
"Potter has the Weasleys."
" Neville has Great-Aunt Gussy."
"Who the hell is Gussy?"
"I told you earlier Neville's grandmother Augusta is my grand-aunt."
Plus they have Dumbledore's Army and don't forget Potter's out there with Weasley and Granger.
Neville has Finnigan, Thomas, the Patils, Lovegood - basically a whole support group.
"You don't have anybody. You're alone Cassius - well you have your parents and grand-aunt but no friends.
"Tch, thanks a lot Millicent."
"It's Millie, and I know who you are, Susan and Poonima filled me in fifth year."
"Damn it, Bones and Fenwick."
"You never told your teammates about your grandfather or your family. Maybe one day you will but that's a huge maybe right now."
"I understand Cass, so I'll be with you as your friend."
"Thanks Millie."
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
If Boba Fett ever gets a show of his own, how do you think it should be like?
Have Daniel Logan play Boba for the first two seasons and have Temuera Morrison play Boba Fett in the third and final season. Each season would be an important part of Boba Fett’s life. 
First season should be about Boba during his early bounty hunting days, getting his crew together and doing the Bounty Hunter arc from The Clone Wars. It is pretty obvious Season 7 is just gonna be about the Siege Of Mandalore. So I think it’s best to have season 1 be about Boba Fett’s rise as a bounty hunter, you could even throw in flashbacks with Jango and end the season with his duel with Cad Bane.
Second season should adapt Boba Fett’s rise in infamy as the best Bounty Hunter in the galaxy, you could even adapt 1313 for this particular story. We could also have an arc of Boba teaming up with Bossk, IG-88, Dengar, 4-LOM and Zuckuss during The Great Hunt. I’d go as far to say that we should include Han Solo for the season finale, that way we can bring back Alden to play Han and have it be revealed thatHan Solo and Boba Fett have a past. When Han dropped cargo at the sight of the Star Destroyer, perhaps he left Boba Fett for dead and that’s why Boba hates him, there’s something personal and Boba has a vendetta story for Han. Of course the Imperial forces didn’t survive and that’s why Vader says “NO disintegrations”
Third season is about Boba post ROTJ. Opens with Boba Fett escaping and disintegrating the Sarlacc. Once he escapes and heals up, Boba goes back to work and looks for bounties. After the fall of the Empire, we would see Boba Fett hunting Imperial War Criminals and hunting the Rebel’s morally grey agents(Cassian executing a fellow Rebel would be an example of morally grey Rebels and Saw’s insurgents) just so the New Republic can erase the Alliance’s less desirable actions in history. Boba Fett catches the notice of a Mandalorian. Sabine Wren. The rest of the season would be to haveBoba Fett rediscovering his roots as a Mandalorian and for it to be a buddy cop story with Boba Fett and Sabine Wren. 
Before I continue, let me explain why Boba and Jango Fett can be Mandalorians and why it matters.In the comic Open Seasons it’s stated that Jango was adopted into the group the True Mandalorians. Their leader Jaster Mereel saved a child Jango from Tor Vizsla and Death Watch. The True Mandalorians were a group of Mandalorian supercommandos who rallied to the cause of Mand'alor Jaster Mereel. The True Mandalorians supported Mereel’s attempts to lead a reform of the Mandalorians’ more savage members, and followed the teachings of the Supercommando Codex that Mereel authored. The Codex outlined honorable behavior through a modernization of the ancient Canons of Honor and elaboration on the six Resol'nare, the basic tenets of the Mandalorian culture which the True Mandalorians heeded. Highly skilled and well organized soldiers, the True Mandalorians had been primarily assembled from the planet Mandalore’s full-time army, in addition to drawing numerous members from several of the Mandalorian homeworld’s most prominent clans. Despite being well organized, True Mandalorian rank and unit structure remained nebulous beyond their loyalty to the Mand'alor’s authority, as most Mandalorians of their era held little regard for official rank and preferred an informal command structure. Instead, the True Mandalorians divided their forces based upon the tactical necessity of a coming mission, choosing trusted and respected soldiers to serve as squad commanders for the duration of combat. The True Mandalorian army existed primarily as a fighting force to combat and destroy the threat of the Death Watch, for whom the organization’s members harbored a strong hatred. When not embroiled in conflict with their rogue Mandalorian foes, the True Mandalorians would sometimes offer their martial services to prospective parties as a mercenary company. Jaster Mereel saw an honest nobility in mercenary work, which had become a staple in the Mandalorian culture over the centuries. Among themselves, the True Mandalorians fostered a strong sense of camaraderie, respect, and care for each other’s well being, exemplifying the Mandalorian tradition of looking out for one’s comrades on and off the battlefield. While Death Watch led by Tor Vizsla favored barbarism and brigandage. Across the galaxy, the True Mandalorians battled the Death Watch in a series of conflicts that collectively came to be known as the Mandalorian Civil War. On Korda Six, Jaster Mereel was betrayed by his trusted ally Montross and was slain by Vizsla, but he was succeeded as Mand'alor by his surrogate son Jango Fett, who exiled Montross and continued to lead the True Mandalorians against Death Watch. The Battle of Galidraan, however, would prove to be the True Mandalorians’ undoing. Nearly eradicated by a Jedi strike force fooled by a Death Watch lie, Fett was the sole True Mandalorian to survive the events of Galidraan. The man who went on to wage a lone war on the Death Watch that saw the sect broken and Vizsla killed, before distancing himself from the Mandalorian people to become a famous bounty hunter. Though the True Mandalorians were destroyed at Galidraan, their code of honor and ethics survived, and served to inspire the core ideology of the later Mandalorian Protectors.        
Continuing as how it can be rewritten into canon.Let’s say Jaster sought out Jango’s father, but found the son. Jango’s father could’ve been a retired Mandalorian who sought a simple life as a farmer.Jango and his father were descended from the legendary Mandalorian Cassius Fett. But Jaster treated Jango like he was his own son.  There was a long and bloody civil war between The True Mandalorians and Death Watch. In the end Jango killed Tor Vizsla. Jango is the only survivor. Because of Vizsla’s actions that got the Jedi to slaughter the True Mandalorians, it became all too easy for what happens next. Once Satine Kryze became Dutchess,   she did not see the difference between Death Watch and The True Mandalorians. Because Jango became a bounty hunter, he was labeled as nothing but a “common bounty hunter” Jango’s Mandalorian heritage was erased and Tor’s son Pre Vizsla got his revenge without striking a blow. He was Satine’s ally for a time, so Pre must have gotten into Satine’s head to destroy all trace of Clan Fett as revenge. In the end, Death Watch won. The True Mandalorians are dead and Clan Fett was erased from Mandalorian history and culture as history is written by the victors.
Sabine helps Boba expose that Satine was not the perfect ruler everyone believes her to be. So the final season would be about restoring Clan Fett and to make Boba Mandalorian and give his father posthumous Mandalorian honor.
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chrysalispen · 5 years
Prompt #14 - Scour
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?      — Only the monstrous anger of the guns. --Wilfred Owen, “Anthem for Doomed Youth”
It was mid-afternoon, yet the land looked as though it were full dark.
The Carteneau Flats lay shrouded in shadow as the two armies faced each other across the field. Overhead the sky had taken on a decidedly ominous cast of red and black, as the crimson orb that had plagued her dreams of late descended towards the star. As it continued its slow descent it turned the ever-present cloudbanks over Mor Dhona to a boiling stew.
Dalamud, now terrifyingly close, was so large it filled the sky. 
Several bells had passed since Eorzea's allied city-states and freelance adventurer companies had sounded the charge, and the tribunus augusticlavius had given the order to fire upon their front lines--and the battle showed no signs of abating, were the sounds from without the infirmary pavilion anything to judge by. The din had been chaotic and overwhelming at first before the sheer scope of the noise had finally dulled her ears, become background noise, something almost but not quite mundane: the desperate roar of humanity, dying on both sides of the field.
There was a short series of muffled sounds, a series of flat, sharp reports fired into the air in a way that made her eardrums twinge unpleasantly. The acrid stink of cordite and burnt ceruleum fuel rankled her nose and burned her throat. She let out a dry cough, placing the sound at last: one of the vanguard warmachina had fired mortars into the Maelstrom ranks, somewhere not too distant.
"Laskaris! Look alive and bring me that infusion! Red bottle on the top shelf!"
A sudden explosion shook the ground and sent a quick blast of heat and ash through the ceruleum-coated canvas flaps of the pavilion tent.
The medicus stumbled, nearly losing her footing before she was able to catch a nearby support. She clenched her teeth, heart pounding. She'd not been in a proper fight since she'd enlisted, had not expected to see any action at all in truth, all things considered. And then the VIIth Legion had been deployed to Eorzea, and she had found herself first in Castrum Novum, then here in these desolate plains on the edge of a massive escarpment overlooking a lush rainforest---one whose beauty she couldn't even appreciate.
Her first battle, and 'twas like there would be plenty more, and she could ill afford to show cowardice in the face of it.
As she gathered the syringes another explosion rattled the reagents on the makeshift shelves. Aurelia had to lunge forward, quickly catching a stray alembic to keep it from jittering off the metal surface of a nearby supply table and onto her foot. Weak cries of alarm echoed from the rear corners of the pavilion, where the medical teams with healing magic labored over their patients.
"We need more of the salts!" bellowed the tall, grizzled salt-and-pepper man in his chirurgeon's whites, swiping the sweat and grime away from his third eye and off his brow with the back of his sleeve. Cassius lux Rossi was the senior chirurgeon over her cohort, a hardened veteran who'd served in the imperial army since before she was born, and his tone brooked no argument. He watched her with his sharp, severe gray eyes as she hurried over with the supplies, shouting orders to the assembly of medicus teams working furiously at their stations. "Third Cohort, put your backs into it! You've the aether to spare, no reason to clutch your pearls over a little tremor!"
"We're running low on reagents for the antiseptic, milord," she said, placing them on the table in front of him.
"We're running low on bloody everything," came her superior's terse retort. It was tinged with strain, however, and Aurelia realized he was as tired and frightened by the circumstances as anyone else. The chirurgeon ran a hand through his greying hair, cut regulation-short. "There's naught for it now; no way in hells is a supply transport making it to us through this godsdamned mess. We'll have to make do. Now stay alert; they'll need us to go out and collect wounded soon."
Aurelia tried not to wince at that. Hearing the battle was bad enough; she really didn't want to see it, but she knew better than to say so.
"Hand me that bottle. The green one."
She did. He shook it, paused, then began to work the cork from the opening.
"Damned pigheaded Eorzeans," Cassius grunted as he gave it a twist. There was a pop and the tube was opened with little effort. He took one of the syringes and began to coax the plunger back, the liquid swirling into the tiny opening of the needle. "You'd think this lot would've seen reason and surrendered by now. Were it not for their sellswords we'd have taken this hells-forsaken scrap of land the moment the first castrum went up. Don't suppose it means much in the end. Once Lord van Darnus takes the field, they'll see their folly soon enough. Especially with the XIVth's reinforcements."
"If he takes the field," Aurelia murmured. Someone said the legatus hadn't actually been seen in nearly a fortnight, and that was odd because Nael van Darnus was fond of catching his forces unawares with surprise inspections. But there was some operation only the higher-ups knew about at Novum; if he'd have been anywhere he'd have come there. It was all very strange.
And those dreams you've had lately aren't?
Resolutely she shoved that question into the recesses of her mind for later consideration and suppressed a sigh. Were she to be honest, nothing had seemed to go right since the Legion had set foot in this godsforsaken place.
"He will," her commander said rather sharply, "and we'll make short work of these barbarians, mark me, girl. He---oh hells, what now?" A miqo'te man in a pot helmet had thrust his head through the entrance and was waving to signal the chirurgeon down. "Don't stand there flailing at me! State your business."
"We need your people!"
"I've no medics to spare. If you can wait--"
"Due respect, sir, but it can't wait. Enemy thaumaturges're ripping the warmachina to pieces. There's two reapers out of commission from short circuits, a third crushed five men underfoot when it fell, and one that went up in flames just now... it's a right mess out here."
Cassius sighed again.
"Very well. You there, let the pilus priori know we’re sending people. Laskaris, Shifting Sand -- you two go on and join the active unit, and for pity's sake don't forget the alchemics. 'Tis like you'll need them for a few of those poor bastards. Don't let those men leave the heavy lifting to you two either. They've working arms, they can haul that field kit about."
Aurelia had no time to pin up her hair; she barely managed to twist the braid up into a hasty bun before she had to yank her helm on and sling the heavy squad kit across her body on its coated leather strapping. No magical flames would be able to sear it, and that was by design, for some of the reageants and alchemics they used were quite flammable.
The runner who'd been sent for the medicus team flung open the pavilion flap without ceremony. He was already breaking into a sprint, heading towards the melee. The others ran close on his heels, Aurelia straggling a couple of fulms behind as she stared with horror at the battlefield through the protection of tempered glass. Dead and wounded from both armies littered the field, crumpled upon the ground with their tattered standards at half-attention and their armor and weapons in ruins.
The exoskeleton of a magitek reaper a scant few yalms away was wreathed in flame, probably the source of the explosion they'd heard a few moments ago. She heard shrieks of terror and pain, high-pitched and frantic. Her footsteps faltered for only a moment before there was a loud popping noise as the rivets gave beneath the heat, and then---nothing.
She realized she'd just heard the last agonized moments of a man as he was cooked alive, and squeezed her eyes shut.
A heavy hand fell on her shoulder, making her jump with a strained gasp and clutch at her field kit. It was only the squad leader, doubling back to see why she had not followed.
"Let it go," Luca rem Manius said, not unkindly. "Worry about the ones we can still save. This way. Watch your step and if there's another salvo, take cover."
Aurelia hurried after him, trying not to trip or step on the mangled corpses that littered the field. So much blood had been shed that it had mixed with the dirt and formed a coppery, stinking sludge under their feet. The biohazard filters their engineering teams had worked into the standard-issue helm she wore kept out most of the stench, but her stomach turned all the same.
A flash of lights and shouts not a quarter-malm ahead, and the whistling thumps of mortars and anti-magic guns, told her the fight still raged apace. The senior medicus seemed to pause mid-step, glancing back at her over one bulky shoulder.
"This is your first deployment, isn't it?"
Although she could glimpse nothing of his expression, the weary droop of his shoulders and his businesslike demeanor belied his words. She began to speak and then realized she'd forgotten to switch on the speaker. Hastily she toggled the communication array so that he could hear her. "Aye, ser, it is."
"Thought as much. First battle's always the roughest. Make sure to keep your wits and your strength about you," he said. "You'll need them all before our work is done. And take it from an old hand at this---don't try to eat anything tonight. It'll just come right back up, trust m-"
The surge of scarlet uniforms came from nowhere, the angry roar of Eorzeans cresting at them like a wave. Swearing, the pilus drew his weapon, and that was the last Aurelia saw of him. She stumbled backwards, the kit digging into her shoulder, as a unit from her cohort met them with gunblade and aether of their own, and she realized with an icy stab of misgiving that she was alone-
And then the scraping sound of shearing metal filled her ears. Slowly, forgetting the chaos around her for the moment, she looked up into the sky.
A brilliant arc of bright blue lights flickered over the surface of the crimson moon in a pattern that was as beautiful as it was unnatural, outlining the curvature of Dalamud's sphere. The lights grew brighter, thicker, as the moon seemed to shudder and separate and---
--crack apart.
A piece of shrapnel, lengthwise as large as an imperial dreadnought, shot out of the bottom curve of the crimson moon. It didn't drop down onto the plain below so much as puncture it, blasted into the earth like a chambered round fired out of a gunblade.
With that single massive blow it cratered the earth around its landing, and a blinding wave of dirt and debris rose in its wake, flying a good quarter-malm away from the point of impact. The resulting shockwave took Aurelia off her feet and sent her flying backwards to land in the stinking mud, near the corpse of a man in Maelstrom regalia, draped over a chocobo.
Clutching her bag, she struggled to regain her footing, impaired by the weight of her armor. Something had changed. Something was different. It took her a few moments to realize why: for the first time in many bells, an ominous hush had descended upon the plain.
Fear formed a hard, cold stone in the pit of her belly, and her skin prickled painfully. It felt like every hair on her body was trying to stand on end. The silence was a weight on her breath, pressing against her lungs, pinning her feet to the ground and leaving her limbs paralyzed, unable to take any action. The medicus swallowed thickly past the sudden lump in her throat, the rapid triphammer beat of her own heart drowning out all other sound.
This was not a respite, but a prelude.
"Pilus?" she said, her voice a hoarse whisper.
And then the silence was broken at last.
Above, the sounds echoed as the interlaced blue lights widened, then flared white hot, and fire-roses blossomed in their wake as what she finally realized were interlocking metal joints gave way under the pressure of whatever it was that had lain dormant inside the gargantuan sphere.
The ground beneath her feet rumbled ominously---and then she saw the dragon that loomed at its zenith, an oracle of oncoming disaster.
Massive wings, their breadth spanning the size of an entire city, were outlined in horrifically clear detail against the crimson and gray of the clouds overhead. A piercing roar split the skies and shattered the silence.
Stabbing agony lanced through her ears. The Garlean clapped her gauntleted hands to the sides of her helm and dropped to her knees in the muck with a pained cry. Everything about that awful sound tried to drain the will from her limbs, sapping her strength, divesting her of the ability to do anything but tremble in place. It was the unbridled fury and hatred of a multitude of dragons, echoing down over countless millennia, powering the thing in the sky.
The eikon burst forth from the guts of the moon with a mighty roar, shattering the remains of Dalamud into fire and aether.
Shrapnel pelted down in a deadly rain upon the battlefield with a series of high-pitched whistles, slamming into cliffsides and soldiers alike, tossing them into the air like indifferently maintained toys.
Now there was noise aplenty -- noise, and fire, and thunder, and the grinding roar of falling debris. Terrified screams erupted from Garleans and Eorzeans alike as the lines of the Grand Companies and the VIIth Imperial Legion broke and scattered like frightened ants before the might of the vengeful creature that had emerged from its prison.
Before Aurelia's horrified eyes, a huge chunk of warped, flaming metal slammed into the hillside that had housed the infirmary pavilions, setting both of them ablaze almost immediately. Overhead, the eikon shrieked its battle cry again, mingled rage and triumph.
Pinpoints of fire streaked through the tortured sky, launched from the points of its wings, exploding upon contact with the land, scouring everything it touched.
"Retreat!" someone close at hand cried. "Save yourselves!"
Whether it was a legionnaire, an Eorzean, or even one of the sellsword adventurers, Aurelia couldn't tell. Not through the smoke and the fire and the loud groaning rumble beneath her feet and the utter chaos that had enfolded all of them.
Completely blinded now, unable to see sky or land, she ran, looking for an escape route. If she could just find somewhere to shield herself from the blasts, she could be safe. But there was no safety here, not in this eviscerated hellscape.
Something was hurtling through the air towards her. She saw something metal. Black. 
The object slammed into her, head, back, legs. A searing pain lanced in a white-hot bolt through her hip to her ankle, down her left side-
-and then there was nothing.
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idristardis · 5 years
NCIS: New Orleans - Thoughts on S5 Thus Far....
So, I’ve been juuuuust a bit behind on several of my regular TV shows this year...including, well, pretty much everything. I’m still working my way through NCIS: LA, but it’s going at a slower pace because I’m trying to write at least a brief recap of every episode for that as I watch, and because I’m also further behind with that show to start with...but I actually managed to catch up on all of the current season of NCIS: NOLA over the last couple of weeks. (That was 19 episodes in about 14 days, if you’re counting...).
Though I’d gathered from spoilers prior to watching any episodes that Pride had made a miraculous recovery from his S4-ending shooting, I hadn’t heard much else, so I was able to approach the season with a pretty open mind. It’s not a completely comprehensive hashing through, but some Scratch that...this got long. A lot of my thoughts are below the cut....
The Good
-The shift for Pride to Belle Chasse and the regional SAC position. It’s the kind of change shows like this often tease having their lead actor make, and then don’t follow through on...kudos to NOLA for actually having him do it. (Though, they do seem find the flimsiest of reasons some weeks to bring him back to the team’s regular HQ). It makes sense that in the wake of his shooting he’d at least attempt to find something more stable - also it was great that they didn’t have him immediately win everybody in his new office over to his methods with a grin and some kouign amann. The change of pace, and the chance to grow into a new role, is actually good for him.
-The episode Tick Tock was incredibly strong from start to finish. Tight, suspenseful storytelling with an ending that was only just a bit predictable - but still pretty effective and emotional for all that.
-Jimmy - In the Blood, the episode where he was introduced, was solid, and I really like that they’ve kept him around.
-Hannah - the actress is a really great addition to the show, and I like that they’ve given her character a bit of a complicated history. They’ve developed it pretty thoroughly too and it’s refreshing that they have her and her husband really struggling with how their marriage works in light of the dangers of her career. It would have been simpler (perhaps) for the show to have them make a clean break, at least after Victor Zelko was dealt with - but it feels more real, and more interesting, that they are continuing to try to work things out.
-Rufus Nero - a delightfully aggravating match for Doc Wade. Whether he becomes a love interest or not, it would be great to have him recur - LeVar Burton is always wonderful and he made a great sparring partner for Loretta. The episode that introduced him, X, was also really strong and well-paced.
-Sebastian has proved to be surprisingly resourceful this season and has really developed as an agent. From cozying up to spies to translating rich-kid speak for Gregorio and geeking out with Oliver Crane - not to mention buying a house! - it’s been a good season for him so far.
-Isler! I had the epiphany that it would be him tailing Pride just a few seconds before he showed his face. I hope we’ll see more of him by the end of the season - and I’m sure with his tie-in to the Apollion plot, that we will - but it’s great that they brought him back now.
The Not So Good
-It would be great if they found more of a use for Jimmy plot-wise, other than just turning the Tru Tone into the place to be any night of the week. There is potential in his relationship to Pride and their respective memories of Cassius that has yet to be tapped. They got into it a bit shortly after they introduced the character, but then it was buried and hasn’t really come up again. Jimmy seems to have accepted a lot of things that bothered him earlier, and Pride had some things it seemed he wanted to say to Jimmy as well...and I would’ve liked to see some on-screen resolution of all of that.
-Kinda regret that they killed Cassius off. He spent so many of his other appearances on the show incarcerated that it seemed like the chance to do some really interesting things with him now that he was out and that Jimmy was in the picture was wasted. I mean, when you have Stacy Keach, you should really make the most of him!
-Avner - his motives in Survivor were shoved into the narrative out of nowhere, and that uninvited shoulder rub he gave Hannah in the episode’s flashback was a bit creepy. She certainly didn’t seem to welcome it, and it made me wonder if we were meant to think there was more to their relationship than just the collegial - or if Avner only wished there were.
-The Gregorio and Sebastian as roomies thing. Not sure it really develops either character in any way, and was only mentioned once for humor after they started living together and then has been largely dropped.
-Gregorio in general just feels like she’s “idling” a bit this season. Other than Desperate Navy Wives she hasn’t really been the anchor of any episode so far, and we haven’t seen much non-work life development for her in quite awhile. She deserves better!
-The episode set in the tiny town of Bovis - that the entire town would be in on that meth operation seemed like just a biiiiiit of a stretch.
The Puzzling And/Or Meh
-LaSalle has been a bit of an “idler” this season too...but the one centric episode he had, where he was trying to clear up his father’s tax issues, brought in a character (the accountant for his father’s company) that I thought we’d see/hear more of, probably as a love interest for LaSalle, but she’s disappeared. Why not weave her in more? (I’m not saying I want the show to replace Percy as his love interest...but if they’re going to tease this other character, why not follow through?).
-The Patton-centric felt a bit flat to me this season, probably because they spent so much time that episode with that NOPD cop. I thought that actor overplayed that role quite a bit - everything was too hammed up.
-Sutter/The Angel - started off as a cool concept, got ragingly irritating after awhile (since the audience could just tell that Pride was never going to take her hand), but then became heartbreaking when it turned out that she was sticking around for Cassius after all. Can’t really figure out what I feel about her in the end.
-The woeful underuse of the terrific Reggie Lee as ASAC Thompson - I’ve loved his work since he was the snarky, Sergeant Wu on Grimm. He’s barely been a presence, and didn’t have much to do other than scold pride when he has been around. The fact that the Apollion mission file was found in his office makes me think that there might be something we haven’t yet unraveled about Thompson and his connection to all of that...but we’ll see!!
The Upshot
-Most things have been good this season: additions of new lead, secondary, and guest characters (Hannah, Jimmy, Rufus, etc) who are interesting; old connections resurfacing for good or dubious purposes (Oliver Crane, Isler, this coming week, Elvis Bertrand); personal/life growth for Pride, and, to a lesser extent, Sebastian.
-But...though I think it was a good (and totally understandable) move for the character given the trauma he endured at the end of S4...moving Pride to Belle Chasse and into the SAC position has fundamentally changed the nature of the show. The past seasons have thrived on the tension between Pride’s out-of-the-box leadership style and his team’s varying levels of willingness to go along with his ideas (LaSalle usually was on board, Percy often questioned him, and Gregorio could go either way), as well as how all of that clashed with the much more straitlaced, protocol-driven directives out of Washington.
That kind of thing couldn’t go on forever, or every season would hinge on the same type of major conflict (i.e. Pride-vs-team, and Pride-and-team-vs-DC) and get repetitive...but remove Pride from the day to day life of the squad, and give him a position of much greater authority, and it makes it less necessary for the team to question him or disagree with him and less probable that they will. He’s no longer their direct boss - they’re having those conversations where everyone’s arguing their points on a more equal footing with Hannah (and several episodes have shown Pride looking thoughtful over having been displaced from this and other aspects of the team’s life). They then look to him for support or a new bit of perspective, but he’s less likely to be the source of conflict with the team. (Side note: he comes to the squad more than any other SAC we’ve ever seen...have we even seen another SAC on the show? But where that type of character would usually be an opponent, he’s usually there as a supportive force, meaning no/little conflict).
He’s also less likely to be the source of conflict with the DC brass - though he doesn’t fully conform to Belle Chasse’s expected norms, he is on their management-level team now...and it has only made sense for him to adapt to that role and get better at it, meaning that the more he fits in, the less there is to mine for conflict in the dynamic with DC. It’s realistic, but it minimizes the potential for drama.
It’s all good development for the characters - and exactly what they should be doing. Growing, evolving, expanding...but while it’s felt like a season of personal, individual growth for Pride, Khoury, and Sebastian...as a team, it feels like they’re in sort of a holding pattern...and Gregorio and LaSalle (and to some extent Patton and Wade) feel like they’re not really moving forward at all. I don’t know what I’d do differently...just that for all the good that the new structure with Pride in Belle Chasse has brought, it has leeched some of the dramatic tension out of the squad room.
What I’d Hope To See
-Further exploration of Pride and Jimmy’s dynamic and their respective histories with Cassius.
-A satisfying end to the Appollion storyline.
-Some meaty, fully fleshed out development for LaSalle and Gregorio (as individuals and/or as friends) outside of the casework.
-More Jimmy, more Rufus, perhaps a bit more of Sebastian’s spy flame Carmen.
-Definitive progress between Hannah and her husband.
-A new love interest for Gregorio (and/or some more non-work friends...she could actually reconnect with some of those ladies from Desperate Navy Wives).
-A season ender with a satisfying cliffhanger that doesn’t involve Pride’s life hanging in the balance.
What I know I Won’t See, But Can’t Help But Hope For
-A guest spot for Shalita Grant (I miss Percy - and PerSalle - so much!!)
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hellspathfinder · 6 years
Vyre Woman
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Catching up on events between the jailbreak at the Holding House on 09.28.4716 to present which is 11.6.4716.
Just 10 days after securing their freedom from the Holding House, the Silver Ravens have regained their footing in Kintargo. Forced to abandon Laria Longroads coffeehouse, they search for a new home.
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Laria, also forced to remove from her home and business, resides in hiding somewhere West of Villegre Park in Northern Kintarogo. She still calls herself a friend to the Silver Ravens, but warns that without a foundation of support, the rebellion will meet the same fate as the Bell-flower Network: total destruction.
Octavius offers a solution. He shares a secret he and his Hellknight Order of the Torrent have kept for decades: the tale of The Lucky Bones. 
Long ago, the Lucky Bones was a secret casino under the streets of Kintargo. A myriad of illegal services were available there, as it was also the stronghold of an evil cult devoted to Norgorber, called the “Gray Men.”
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After various assassinations and abductions, the Order of the Torrent went to war against the Gray Men, eventually locating their secret lair and storming it in force. The upper most of the subterranean complex was cleared of foes, and the lower reaches flooded to deny their use to the enemy. The Order had intended to return and properly search for and reclaim the vast wealth accumulated by the Gray Men, but other problems arose and the Lucky Bones was never fully cleared.
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The Silver Ravens summon all their forces and assault the Lucky Bones. Here they find remnants of a cult to Mahatala, several ghosts, a tribe of evil aquatic humanoids known as Skum, and long-bound sea-devils in the lower flooded areas. After a brutal and bloody fight, the Lucky Bones is claimed.
The Ravens quickly go to work cleaning and renovating their new lair. They add living spaces, tools for leather-working and weapons crafting, a shooting range, and a sizable bar.
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As usual, they are given little peace. Only days after claiming the Lucky Bones, the Silver Ravens are attacked all across Kintargo. Femmik is taken in the streets, subdued and forced into a straight jacket. He is force-admitted to the Willowbrook Sanitarium but he disappears during a mass-escape only a few nights later.
Azwraith is attacked at Clenchjaws and in the failed attempt to arrest him, the bar is burned to the ground.
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Caleb is attacked at the Library within the Alabaster Academy, but fights off his attackers by summoning a gorilla, enlarging it and disguising it as himself, and pummeling an entire squad of Asmodeans caught off guard by the ferocity of his attack.
They quickly realize that they are being magically located and assaulted by Thrune forces, so the Silver Ravens divide themselves into covers blown and not blown. Some folks are forced into a vacation from the city to lay low.
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They invoke their favors owed to them by Captain Cassius Sargaeta of the Scourge of Belial. They ask the greatest pirate-hunter of Cheliax to taxi them up to the coast to Vyre, where they have some reclaimed business deeds they found in the vault of the Lucky Bones registered in the name of one Molly Mayapple.
Their trip to Vyre is largely uneventful, punctuated only by Boudicca befriending a frightingly large Kraken, and the Silver Ravens participation in the defense of the Acisazi Elves home village from an Aboleth who sought to enslave them.
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Upon reaching Vyre, they are attacked by but then apprehend the famous (according to him) pirate Bujon: Storm of Cheliax. Around this time, Boudicca has her twin-vision dream, documented earlier in this log. 
They find and meet Molly Mayapple, and opt to simply hand over the deeds to the properties they found. This act of kindness and justice brings her to tears. She has been embroiled in legal battles for these properties ever since the theft of these deeds and the Ravens have given her back what is rightfully hers, while asking no reward. She grants them free room & board at her hostel for life, as well as a handsome cash bounty for their trouble and a new friend is made.
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Molly coaches them on the intricacies of Vyre. Ruled by a council of lords whos identities are largely secret, she has social connections that can get them invited to the right parties to make the right friends in the city. They immediately set to work dressing themselves up as nobles, a difficult and expensive task for some of them.
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Thanks to Molly, they are able to attend a charity ball at the local Temple of Abadar, but as luck would have it, their social skills are barely tested before the party is attacked by men who identify themselves as the “Glorious Reclamation.” Angels stand with them as they lock everyone in the various rooms of the temple, but the party breaks out and a bloody battle ensues.
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The Ravens not only succeed in protecting the Vyre children’s choir and many beautiful celebrities from harm, but they expose the “rebels” as nothing more than bank robbers seeking to break into the Abadar Vault, which stores millions in gold and valuables. They apprehend the villains leader and mastermind “Hans Gruuber” and are personally thanked by the Queen of Delights - one of Vyre’s council lords. And they secure another party invite. 
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Thankfully this party does not erupt in combat, but it does require exceptional caution & care as they attempt to distinguish themselves to the Queen of Delights at her home in Vyre. Through many courses, they manage to avoid total embarrassment and Gabriel even endears himself to the Queen, staying overnight after all the other guests have gone.
And so they return to the Scourge of Belial and set sail for Kintargo. Determined now to revisit their goal of freeing Kintargo from cruel Thrune control, and having secured both the Acisazi and Vyre alliance to aid them in their quest.
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bertholomoose · 6 years
Crowley, the Corporate Technomancer
Under the cover of a black desert night on the planet Morran, four men belonging to a Corp sponsored find-and-retrieve team gathered around a keypad secured door. They were there to retrieve a valuable asset that just so happened to take the form of a less-than-willing-to-cooperate Elf technomancer named Cassius Crowley. Apparently, he had cut ties with the Halberd Weapons Manufactorum and was believed to be in possession of experimental weapon schematics. Halberd was willing to pay top dollar to make sure that no other Corps got ahold of them. They also wanted their Elf back, who was an alleged genius when it came to designing weapons.
The four members of the team had worked together for the past 7 years, and were fairly confident in their ability to bring in one stubborn Elf. They were dressed in all black wetwork suits, each decorated to set themselves apart, and overall looked the part of the Scary Goon Squad for Hire.
Draxus, the team leader, looked to his resident hacker, a gnome by the name of Vex. Vex nodded, pulled out his tools and plugged a thin red cable into a slot in the keypad.
“I thought this git was supposed to be a prodigy,” Vex chuckled after examining the keypad, “What the hell is he using such simple security for? The Ajax Mk. II's were discontinued ages ago. Give me two minutes, tops.” Draxus smiled under his helmet. He'd seen Vex crack systems that were supposed to be unbreakable. He was humble, too; if he was sure he could get in, he could get in. The gnome punched code with blinding speed into the datapad the other end of the cable was plugged into, then made a confused grunting sound.
“What the fu-“ was all he managed to say before arcing electricity leapt from the keypad, traced its way down the cable, and put thousands of volts through the tiny figure. Vex shook uncontrollably as the other three men watched, dumbfounded. Their friend eventually stopped and his body lay still, charred and smoking.
Before the rest of them could say anything, a tinny male voice projected itself through the keypad. “Attention, dipshits,” it said, “To answer the gnome's question, I use Mk II's because they're volatile enough to send that much power through remotely. Anyway, you haven’t even made it into the building yet and one of you has already been turned into a crispy filet. I highly advise you turn around while you still have all your nerve endings. Good day.” It cut out.
Draxus's usual calm and collected self was replaced by a newfound sense of vendetta against the smarmy Elf on the other end of the comm. He decided then and there that this whole op had become personal, and that Halberd would be getting Crowley back minus a couple limbs. He didn’t even care if they used some of his pay to buy the augments.
He glanced at Vex's datapad and found that the door had been unlocked. Wordlessly, he motioned for the rest of his team to follow him into the building. Grimly, they did.
The Elf had set up shop in an abandoned factory. Crowley had picked his safe house well; the factory was a mass of dead ends, doors blocked by collapsed supports, and a veritable labyrinth. The men picked their way through rubble and, now that they knew to look for them, carefully avoided the nasty traps their target had set up. His dossier had failed to mention anything about trapmaking skills, which is what Draxus now blamed for Vex's grisly death. What kind of Corp doesn’t know anything about its employees?, he asked himself, Like, for instance, that said employee could turn laser rifle batteries into friggin' landmines. He shuffled around one of the unorthodox mines and instructed his men to do the rest.
After about ten minutes of aimless wandering, Bloodhound (what they called their Shirren tracking expert; their real names were absurdly complicated), suddenly stopped. Draxus grinned. Bloodhound had an ability very few Shirren did; using his innate telepathy, he could actually detect thinking organisms within a limited range. They had the Elf dead to rights.
“He's this way,” the telepathic bug creature projected to them, pointing down the leftmost of the two hallways they found themselves at. Draxus and Mikhail followed, laser rifles raised. They walked down the dusty hall, and stopped at an ancient looking steel door.
“Crowley,” Draxus shouted, “We're either walking through this door, or we're blasting through it. Is it unlocked?”
He waited a few seconds, then heard the shuffling of papers and an exasperated groan. Light footsteps padded their way towards the door, and the same voice from the intercom yelled, “It's unlocked.”
Draxus gave Bloodhound the go ahead to open the door, and was surprised to find that the moment the door started to creak open, a hand holding a laser pistol battery shot out and touched Bloodhound's hand. A horrible stench filled the air as the Elf muttered some phrase and the battery expunged all its charge and then some into the Shirreen. He fell backwards onto the floor, and started twitching like a spider that'd been stepped on.
“You bastard!”, Draxus cried, storming into the room. The Elf raised his hands, still holding the now empty battery.
“Weapons on the ground,” the burly team leader instructed.
The Elf rolled his eyes, and with incredible speed grabbed Draxus's laser rifle and muttered another unintelligible phrase. Draxus pulled the trigger, but his gun pinged to notify him the battery was out of charge.
Shoving the battery that had until moments ago been empty into an arc pistol laying on his workstation, Crowley whirled around and pulled the trigger. A burst of lightning far too powerful to come from any weapon of such make zipped towards Mikhail, who was just getting a shot lined up on Crowley's leg. The man dropped, his sudden muscle spasms causing the laser rifle to go off randomly, but ultimately harmlessly for a few seconds before they stopped altogether.
Crowley admired his handiwork, pleasantly surprised at how powerful his Supercharge spell had been, and then stared down the handgun Draxus had pulled from its holster.
“It's over, Crowley,” the Corp merc said, through gritted teeth, “I'll blow your head off before you pull any more tricks. You’re not killing me.”
Crowley gestured behind him and shrugged, then said, “Yeah, you’re right. That’s what he's for.”
Draxus's eyes went wide under his helmet as a 10 inch combat knife severed his spinal cord. The 8-foot-tall Haan bug monster holding the knife shook his head at Crowley, who was complaining loudly about having his work disturbed by ‘these brain dead Corp hooligans'.
“I swear, Hal,” he said, settling back into his chair with a sigh, “They just keep getting dumber.”
As the Haan began relocating the dead mercs, the technomancer chewed on a pen and stared at the stacks of paper on his desk. Almost as an afterthought, he swiveled around in his chair to face the alien and asked, “When do you think they'll realize I don’t have their schematics?”
(The first part of a series of Starfinder stories honoring an incredible campaign I'm in the middle of. Next up is "Haalach'Nu, the Haan Assassin".)
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rossotronic · 7 years
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This is an up-to-date reference sheet of my entire main and supporting heroic cast of Cosmic Cruiser Ho-Oh. I like to have all my characters in one place for the sake of being able to keep track of them and add/change info if I need to. If you have any interest, each receives a brief character description below! (Starting top left and working downward)
Ethan Emberheart - Entei - Captain of the Ho-Oh, a stoic, strong man whose notion of right and wrong guides him in all decisions. His relationship with Jet is what gives him purpose beyond merely being ship’s captain. He comes from a distinguished military lineage.
Jet Chambers - Latios - Commander of Dragon Squadron and a charismatic individual. Occasionally his confidence borders on arrogance, but there is nothing he cares about more than protecting the lives aboard the Ho-Oh.
Cassius Silver - Absol - Commander of the Advance Squadron and Jet’s arch rival. He is considered by many to be the best mecha pilot aboard the cruiser, but won’t believe it until he can really gauge Jet’s worth for himself.
Grady Macleod - Gogoat - The Ho-Oh’s Commander, second in command behind Cpt. Emberheart. He has been a friend to   Ethan, and his father, since before the Regi war. He is usually tough and thoughtful but still makes time to joke around.
Aria Chambers - Latias - Jet’s younger sister who still lives on Arceon. They grew up in foster care together until they were eighteen and Jet joined the military while Aria eventually became a psychologist. She misses her brother dearly and wishes him well in space.
Felix Cho - Floatzel - The most seasoned member of Dragon Squadron and the longest-serving pilot aboard the Ho-Oh. He is impossible to rattle, easy going perhaps to a fault. Enjoys a drink with Grady once in awhile. When he’s in the cockpit though, he is a force to be reckoned with!
Rotom - Rotom - The Artificial Intelligence core system of the Cosmic Cruiser. It keeps track of all crucial systems, navigation, as well as all computerized integral aspects to the Ho-Oh. Rotom is not so much a personality as a shipwide presence.
Samira Fayad - Swellow - Major under Jet in Dragon Squadron and his most trusted pilot. She has had to fill the role of Squadron Commander more than a few times in Jet’s absence and has proven capable. She is not quick to warm up to people.
Baxter “Buzz” Kowalski - Electabuzz - Another member of Dragon Squadron and Jet’s best buddy. A crass loudmouth much of the time, but his heart’s in the right place. Misses his family back on Arceon terribly, but does his best to remain optimistic. Has strong feelings for Samira.
Zuri Solarin - Azelf - She is the ship’s communications officer, keeping in contact with Arceon, other vessels the Ho-Oh encounters and even new species of Pokemon. She is brilliant and has a tactful mind. In many ways, her voice is the most important aboard the cruiser.
Father Dimakos - Carracosta - The leader of the religious group, Light of Arceus, aboard the Ho-Oh. He is kindly, wise, benevolent and tries to maintain a peaceful, fair atmosphere for his many followers. He welcomes all manner of worshiper to his chapel.
Tyler Fitzgerald - Tyrogue - After the loss of his father, Tyler took over the Hitmonlee mecha and joined the Dragon Squadron, despite being much too young. He has a lot to prove but his father taught him well, and while he lacks knowledge of protocol, his piloting skills are top-notch.
Liam Fitzgerald - Hitmonlee - [Deceased] Originally the Commander of Dragon Squadron, but when he was killed in combat his leadership passed to Jet. He left his son Tyler behind and after his mecha was fixed up, Tyler became a member of the squad.
Hector Diaz - Herdier - A stern and grumpy fellow who serves as the ship’s chief mechanic and engineer. He likes to play cards and may have a bit of a gambling addiction. When Rafa tried to steal parts from his shuttle, Hector saw his potential and brought him aboard the Ho-Oh as his apprentice.
Rafa Kalani - Rockruff - A young man and war orphan who grew up fending for himself on a refugee station called the ‘Junkyard’. Has never depended on or trusted anyone else until Hector realized his mechanical knowhow and brought him to the Cosmic Cruiser to learn under him.
Violet Nishimura - Vivillon - Ho-Oh’s Lead Science Officer. Her knowledge of xenobiology, alien customs and behavior is indispensable to the crew. She is often on the bridge giving informed opinions when not in her research facilities.
Margaret “Maggie” Steele - Mawile - Something of a civilian-appointed leader, she speaks for the non-crew population of the Ho-Oh. She can be a thorn in Ethan’s way of doing things, and just as stubborn about getting her way, but it’s generally for the good of her people.
Professor Malcolm Burnside - Flareon - One of the three seeking asylum after the Eevee Science Station took sides against the Ho-Oh. He became Ship’s Doctor, and has done astonishing work as a geneticist and medical practitioner. Though introverted, he is a well-meaning fellow.
Raze Renard - Quilava - A hot-headed young pilot in Dragon Squadron who has had trouble adjusting to life aboard the Ho-Oh. He lost his family when the space station they were staying on was destroyed. His relationship with Quaid has been helping him come to terms with his loss.
Davis Dewford - Dewgong - Commander of Avalanche Squadron, another of Ho-Oh’s mecha teams. He is a friendly sort, preferring to stay out of many of the pilots’ rivalries. Instead he prefers to daydream about life after the war and starting a family.
Orion Kincaid - Nidoking - Chief Security Officer aboard the Ho-Oh, essentially leading the police force. It’s a tireless job, being tasked with the interior protection of all the cruiser’s residents. Orion is tough as nails, intimidating and unsurprisingly, takes his work very seriously.
Quaid Wells - Quagsire - He owns and operates The Phoenix Fountain, an upscale bar near Ho-Oh’s downtown district. He’s a relatively new business owner, using everything he had to get his own place on the cruiser. He is outgoing and silly, but his patrons love him all the more for it.
Dax Gupta - Donphan - Major and second under Cassius in the Advance Squadron. He is a man who only speaks when he has something important to say, preferring to quietly observe and learn from those around him in his own way. Has utmost respect and loyalty for Cassius.
Lyle Green - Grovyle - A skilled wingman in the Advance Squadron. His brash way of acting and speaking often gets him to the verge of a fight, luckily his quick thinking and faster mouth usually helps him work out a less violent solution!
Sam “Zero” Keller - Zangoose - An enigmatic fellow who walks the line between legal and less-so every day. He trafficks in secrets and information. He has a peculiar relationship with Orion since they have no business being friends but find they need the other’s help more often than they’d like.
Forrest Woodson - Leafeon - Joined the Ho-Oh along with Malcolm and Gabriel. He left many who he cared about aboard the Eevee science station and is trying to find his place on the cruiser. He is smart, creative and excited to have joined a cause greater than himself.
Gabriel Crenshaw - Umbreon - Forrest’s boyfriend of several months and the last of the Eevee to join the Ho-Oh’s ranks. Big for an Umbreon, Gabe protects himself with a very tough facade, which helps him land a job as the bouncer at the Phoenix Fountain.
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barkercast · 1 year
408 : JS77 C1E18 'Ralph Vs. The Minotaur'
Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast, and part 18 of our Dungeons and Dragons game, Jericho Squad 77, set in the capitol city of Yzordderrex in the second dominion. Squad 77 make their way home to try to figure out what has happened to their kidnapped comrades, Jonathan and Ralph. Available on YouTube video and podcast audio. 
And now here’s Bentley Widget to fill you in. 
Bentley here. Last time we fought and defeated an aspect of the god, The Hand of the Unbeheld. I sure hope we never have to do that again!  And we also killed Cassius Briar for good! Dearther City is a ghost town, but why?     
During the Break
Sponsor Don Bretram’s Celebrate Imagination 
Check Out the Art of Asya Yordanova and Bird Ninja Art (Shayla Sackinger)
Maps of the Reconciled Dominions and Yzordderrex by Marco Staines of @MarcStaineArt
Ben Warren Composer
Little Spark Films
The Torturer on Prime, Plex and Tubi
Help Support their new film, Death World on IndieGogo
Make Your Own Damn Movie Audiobook
Eureka! AirB&B
The BarkerCast TeePublic Store
The Cast
With Catalina Querida as Musette
Joe Manco as Ralph Merrye
Jose Leitao as Chur’ Do’ Vir
Lori Bische as Zoe Mason
Matt Williams as Richard Smitty
And Ryan Danhauser as the DM
 With Technical Producer Rob Danhauser
Opening Theme by Ben Warren
In-Game Music by Tabletop Audio
Catalina Querida on Instagram
Little Spark Films
Coming Next
 More Classic Commentaries
A-Z Commentaries: Day of the Dead
And this podcast, having no beginning will have no end. 
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All Links and show notes in their Entirety can be found at http://www.clivebarkercast.com
Opening Music is by Ray Norrish
End Credits Music by Matt Furniss
New episode of the Clive Barker Podcast
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The Hamartia Arc Recap (Incomplete)
Characters mentioned (special thanks to)  to @inklingleesquidly @myzzy @son-of-joy @teamuntyblue / @ryan-sign-guy @ask-hybrid-havoc @alphadeathsquad @alpinesquid​
This is still a rough draft, place wait for official release.
The Document (Brief Recap of the Trinity Arc and the Odysseus Arc)
The Sealant Rebellion
“Breaking News: Return of the Amemasu Federation of Hokkaido
It appears after years of the island’s silence since the Great Turf War, a federation thought to have fallen has risen from its ashes. Rumors spread that they’ve been rebuilding since the end of the war, and records about the nation are long gone.
The people behind the return of this forgotten nation go by the name The Brethrens of the Brine. There is still no insight to their leader, their beliefs, or their activities.
We are being informed to instruct the Citizens of Inkopolis to remain calm and stay tuned for more information.”
Agent 7 and Marie meet once again in an abandoned park. It is the same park where they’ve danced during the Fancy Party vs Costume party, where Agent 7 proposed to Marie, and where they’ve spent most of their honeymoon. But now things are different: it is where Agent 7 and Marie go their separate ways and see other people – their divorce is official.
“So… I managed to be the Agent I want to be, I got the girl, had her leave my life, almost lost her to some ammonite, and things are changing in Inkopolis – what next?” --Agent 7, BrineFire
Agent 7 would find an Octoling named Ampth who was present in the part, having overheard what has just happened between Agent 7 and Marie. He was only there to collect his thoughts. Ampth saves Agent 7 from an attempted murder from a propelling drone. It left a dart containing an icy brine solution. Agent 7 decides to meet Ampth some other day in some other place so that Ampth can continue dealing with his thoughts.
They would meet in Port Mackerel where they ended up discovering a trade between Leviathan and the Great Amemasu Federation of Hokkaido. Calypso, leader of Leviathan, traded an inkling clone named Cassandra in exchange for information from a ghost sharkling named Hector Norman, and his soldiers from the Federation.
Ampth is shocked to hear that Calypso is a genetic clone of Marie, and his exclamation left him and Agent 7 detected by her. Calypso reveals Hector Norman, his organization The Brethrens of the Brine, and the Great Amemasu Federation of Hokkaido to Agent 7. She also reveals the newest clone, Cassandra who is a clone of Callie with foresight on an event of the next day.
Mercury arrived on time to make sure Calypso doesn’t harm Ampth, and Mercury is still a bit miffed by their last cooperation.
Calypso mentioned Agent 7’s father, Jason Gatzling Cassius Sr., who was a veteran of the Great Turf War. She is willing to give Agent 7 the information she received, and it was revealed Hector’s revenge on Agent  7’s father.
Transistion: Reignite the Great Turf War
The Speech
Sins of the Father?
Three days later, Agent 7 and his little sister Pammy (Agent 7.5) make a trip to Calamari County via train. He was going to drop off Pammy at his mother’s manor to stay for a while. At the train station, they meet two inkling twins named who asked Agent 7 to pick a card from either the red deck or the blue deck.  Agent 7 picks the blue deck and gets a 7 of Diamonds. When the twins leave them be, Agent 7 feels they’ll meet again.
On the train, Agent 7 and Pammy meet two agents who recognize Agent 7. The two agents are named Roxanne Lannister (Agent 27) and Marcellus Valentine (Agent 36) from the United Kingdom and United States respectively. They were drafted to come to Japan for diplomatic reasons. They decided to join Agent 7 and Pammy on their trip to Calamari County to kill time.
Once in Calamari County, they were escorted to Cassius Manor where Agent 7’s mother, Darla Gatz-Ling Cassius, was waiting for them. Darla welcomes her son and Pammy back, and she helps them inside.  Agent 7 introduced his mother as a former field medic of Conesnail Splatoon during the Great Turf War.
Later, Agent 7 privately talks with his mother about Hector Norman which shocks her. Darla explains that she was supposed to take part in a mission with his father, but had to be discharged due to pregnancy. It was called Operation Sea-Bream which was a mission Agent 7’s father took in before his heroic sacrifice.
During the Great Turf War, a private military company called the Amemasu Bayline promised to support the Squid forces in exchange for sovereignty over the island of Hokkaido as it’s own nation. The agreement was fragile to the point where the Amemasu Bayline broke it by seizing the island for itself. That’s where Hector Norman comes in. He along with two factions, The Sealine of Uchiura Bay and The Lakeline of Lake Tōya, formed a triumvirate, forming the nation–”
“– The Amemasu Federation of Hokkaido.” Agent 7 recalls the news mentioning it.
“Exactly, and the broken oath outraged some of the Splatoons. Your father was given permission to lead a liberation campaign and apprehend Hector in Operation Sea-Bream. Hector tested him somehow….. I heard Hector got killed in the end. And he made haste later to help in the final battle against the Octarians. The federation was supposed to dissolve after the Great Turf War….” She then covers her mouth. -- Darla’s conversation with Agent 7.
Darla remind Agent 7 about his father’s will and suggests he finds whatever his father left in Inkopolis.
As Agent 7 leaves to return to Inkopolis, Agent 7 is saved by another drone who tried to shoot a dart at him.
Transition: Raps and Beats
Agent 7 meets Callie and Marie again with Pearl and Marina. Agent 7 meets an ally of his, Fang from the Alpha Death Squad. After Callie, Marie, Pearl, and Marina go off on their own errands, Agent 7 takes Fang to Bigfin Grotto to help with something.
Agent 7 tried to locate whatever his father left in Inkopolis according to his will. Fang helps by marking an unexplored area in the ancient subway systems built by the human race. Agent 7 thanks her, and she adds in keys to an ATV to help him along the way.
The marker was on an area underneath the Tohoku Shinkansen train route.
The Sparrow Finally Calls
Agent 7 meets Blueshift at the entrance to an abandoned subway. They talk for a moment about Marie and later about a few friends in Inkopolis. A runaway cargo truck force Agent 7 and Blueshift into the subways. They had to explore the subway system together. Agent 7 explains his situation to Blueshift.
Eventually, Agent 7 finds the ATV that Alpha Death Squad supplied him. Both he and Blueshift get on and started driving their way to their destination. The ride wasn’t that long as Hector’s infantry ambushed them, making them escape the subway system and crash into their destination.
Robin and her friend, Mint, both find the two in the area, and they end up in the mess. They’re forced to cooperate with Agent 7 and Blueshift to fight off Hector’s infantry and unknown Brine Unit. Robin was able to defeat the Brine unit.
Afterward, Agent 7 finally finds what his father left him: A bullet train and a final note:
I didn’t realize that the consequences that Hector made were promised. All of Hokkaido was after me and only me after leaving the island. And I was able to escape it at a cost. Afterward, they remained on that island, giving up the chase. And what happened after you knew from your mother as my sacrifice for the Inklings to win against the Octarians.
I am sorry for not being there. I’m sorry for not being there to see you grow up. Whatever you are now, I am proud of it. And what I told you to do earlier – to promise to never befriend the Octarians – I take it back. That’s shouldn’t be you.
If you found this letter, I ask you to prepare Inkopolis for the worse to come from Hector’s nation. This situation I am sorry to put you in.
Your father,
Jason Gatz-Ling Cassius Sr.”
It was a mission Agent 7’s father started, and now he has to finish it.
Revenge of the Railgunning Octo-Train
Bigfin Splatoon prepare Agent 7 to a trip to Hokkaido. Agent 27 and 36 meet Agent 7 again with a familiar face: Vladimir Shepherd. They join Agent 7 on the trip.
When the bullet train departs, they encounter an old enemy of Bigfin Splatoon. It was an octoweapon called The Railgunning Octo-Train. They manage to defeat it.
Afterward, Agent 7’s rival, Sarah Phenotyne arrives on a hovercraft to drop off another ally for Agent 7,  an Octoling soldier from Sarkhalin named Laguna “Garza” Rayne.
They make their way to Aomori Bay.
Side Story: Tenkai & Fate of Mistuhide Revealed
Erikka returns to Earth once more to meet Indo and to find her brother, Mitsuhide. They track him all the way to a monk’s monastery before tying up loose ends with refugees in Inkopolis. Mitushide was alive and has remained in the monastery as an exile, trying to reflect and start a new life.
Transition: The Sea Fleet / Sail to Hokkaido
Agent 0 turned out to have snuck his way into the bullet train and join Agent 7. Agent 7 and Laguna make their way into the bay to commandeer one of the ships in a mercenary fleet paid by Hector. Agent 7 meets the twins from the Inkopolis train station who are offering either a red keycard or a blue keycard. Agent 7 picks the red keycard.
Agent 7 and Laguna steal the fleet’s fastest ship and they sail their way to Hokkaido after killing the fleet’s commodore and disabling most of the battleships.
Agent 7 gets to meet his father’s enemy, Hector Norman, and they have a conversation over the Great Turf War. Hector justifies his actions, saying that the Inkling broke a promise with his nation and that Agent 7’s father was a thorn in Hector’s side.
Hector then started getting under Agent 7’s skin, mentioning his relation with Inkopolis residents, his family, and his allies. He begins a “social experiment” on Agent 7 once he leaves Hokkaido.
Returning to Hokkaido, Agent 7 brings The Great Barrier Reef Treaty Organization back and announces concern about The Great Amemasu Federation of Hokkaido. But during the speech, he becomes poisoned with a cocktail of hallucinogens which caused a scene in the meeting. Agent 7 ends up in an induced coma.
And it turns out Agent 0 was behind this for he was forced to poison Agent 7.
Transition: The First Move
Blueshift interrogates Agent 0. Agent 0 confesses that he was forced into poisoning Agent 7 with the hallucinogen. Captain Cuttlefish arrives on time to clear Agent 0 o any wrong doing. Agnet 8 was with him at the time.
Lee and Robin check on Agent 7, and they meet Darla who explain what happened.
Dr. Julia Noh, an ally of Agent 7, was also there to try and help cure Agent 7.
Blueshift and Agent 0 arrive to ask Darla everything she knew about Hector Norman and Agent 7’s father.
--Splat from the Past
Darla was having trouble sleeping when she heard about the poisoning of Agent 7. She couldn’t leave his side or the hospital. An acquaintance of Agent 7 named Damien Zendall came by, meeting Darla at the hospital. Darla considered getting a therapist in to help her son and figure out what’s been troubling him.
Darla and Damien soon end up part of a game in Hector’s Social Experiement on Agent 7. They were forced to fight off Shadow Marshalls (they were armed with a unique ink-based skatter shoes) and keep them away from Agent 7, testing if there will be anyone to defend Agent 7. They were able to fight the marshals off with the arrival of Agents 27 and 36 as reinforcements.
The next day after the social experiment, Agent 7 is relocated to another room in the hospital. A therapist help reveal what’s been going on with Agent 7.
Therapy Part 1
Therapy Part 2
Agent 7 ends up in another coma; Darla is convinced by Damien to help fight this. Darla allows doctors to follow a procedure to treat Agent 7 of his condition.
That night, Agent 7 spiraled down in madness as the poison was withdrawn from his body. He was, however, able to recover at the cost of ending up in a catatonic state.
--No Idol Plays It Better
Bigfin Splatoon was ordered by Darla to find a way to snap Agent 7 out of his catatonic state. Grace (Agent 8) joined them along with Laguna to travel to Iwo Jima, where Calypso resides.Hector plays another game in his Social Experiment, sending his mercenary fleet to stop them. With the help of Grace and the relief army of Calypso, Bigfin Splatoon was able to negotiate with Calypso.
Calypso disguises herself as Marie, and she was able to snap Agent 7 out of his catatonic state. Soon, Marie arrived late after hearing Agent 7 was recovering.
--Transition: Inevitable Pain, Optional Suffering
Agent 7 and Marie make up after Agent 7 confesses what he said during therapy. Marie forgives him and offers him another chance in their relationship.
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waxlermon · 6 years
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A friend from my Virgina gaming days came up to Pittsburgh to visit a while back, bringing his absolutely MASSIVE Space Wolves army with him. He wanted to use one of the cool tables at Legions Hobbies in the North Hills area of Pittsburgh to take a group shot before we did a huge 4500 point battle (back in 7th edition). He put together a solid list of space wolves with admech support and THREE knight titans. Unfortunately for me, my main guard army was stuck in my girlfriend's car miles away so I had to go super unbound and throw together everything I could from what was left at my apartment that day. I think all told it was: -all of my Deathwatch -a contingent of all the gaurd armor/artillery/air support I could throw together -some inquistion -a few squads of Lamenters Needless to say I was flattened but did have a few highlighted moments of brillance including: - My Shadowsword, to the "Righteous Bastard" knotching two more Titan kills to it's growing tally (kept track of on the side of the turret) - The last remaining member of kill team Cassius (the Raven Guard, Edryc Setorax) killing two space Wolf termis and Ajax Rockfist over two turns of combat. - My Deathwatch Watchmaster, Asenrar of the Sons of Orar, goading Bellerius Cawl into a a single combat challenge. He put a single wound on him while taking none (somehow). He then failed his leadership check for losing combat and broke and the watchmaster was actually able to run him down, shoving his guardian spear up cawls metallic ass!
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ao3feed-snape · 4 years
Broomsticks|Adrian Pucey
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3a896pN
by lunasthestrals
"𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝'𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭? 𝐩𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐲𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭... 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝."
Blue Varlett isn't one for letting her guard down, especially for the likes of 𝗵𝗶𝗺.
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I in no way shape or form support JK Rowling's views and actions, though I feel as though I should give her credit as I am taking my spin on a world she created. So therefore, all credits go to JK Rowling for the world of Harry Potter, I only own my OCs. Please note that I DO NOT tolerate homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism, misogyny or ANY form of discrimination. My page and my stories are a safe space for EVERYONE.
Started - 03.02.21 Also published on Wattpad - @_lunasthestrals
Words: 1013, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Blue Varlett, Adrian Pucey, Nova Rosalind, Kari Jackson, Jasper Varlett, Bowie Varlett, Adeline Thorne, Tobias Varlett, Marcus Flint, Miles Bletchley, Graham Montague, Cassius Warrington, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Adelaide Spinster, Mariah Arrington, Cormac McLaggen, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Lee Jordan, Roger Davies, Cedric Diggory, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Remus Lupin, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Sybill Trelawney, Rubeus Hagrid, Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, Dolores Umbridge, Filius Flitwick
Relationships: Adrian Pucey/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Hogwarts, Quidditch, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), half blood, Muggles, Muggle Culture, Quidditch Chasers, Quidditch Beaters, Quidditch Seekers, Quidditch Captains, Hogsmeade, Fast Pace, Witches, Wizards, Wizarding World (Harry Potter), Triwizard Tournament, Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Dolores Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3a896pN
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Astoria Greengrass
Originally betrothed to heir of the Macmillan family, Ernest Macmillan.
Her mother Ipomea Greengrass (née Slughorn) was born in the Slughorn family. Horace Slughorn is a great-great uncle.
Grandmother is from the Max family. It is now extinct in the male line.
Astoria and Daphne spend summers at the Fawley House and help set-up the Annual Derigible Plum Summer Soiree/Festival.
Paternal great-grandmother Kimberleigh Greengrass (née Diggory) was born to the Diggory family. Astoria is very close to her calls Great-Nan Kimmy.
Distant cousin of Cedric Diggory
Attended his funeral in 1994
Great-Great Grandmother Dionne Greengrass ( née Lestrange) was born in in the Lestrange Family. She is rarely talked about and there are no portraits visible of her in the estate.
Astoria and Daphne were taught fencing by their father Sherard and uncle Edmund.
Die hard supporter of Wigtown Wanderers Quidditch team has been since the age of five. Favorite possesion signed autograph from Seeker Blythe Parkin before she was called up to Nationals.
Sorted into Ravenclaw House.
Her parents were estatic.
Sullivan Fawley is her childhood friend and a year above her at Hogwarts.
In third year Astoria wore a Slytherin robe and  jinxed upperclassmen Pansy Parkinson and Cassius Warrington from Inquisitorial Squad with her friends.
Came up with the cornflake hex. Later in life would hex author/gossiper Rita Skeeter with said hexes.
Later years told Pansy that she used the Horn-growing hex on her in third year.
Astoria, Sage, Swati, Archana and Norman ate two boxes of the Weasley twins Skiving Snacks before attending Dolores Umbridge DADA class. 
Loves crystallised pineapples.
She and Daphne have a collection Weasleys’ Wheezes items hidden under their beds.
Taught the patronus charm by Tracey Davis.
Astoria’s patronus takes the form of scorpion. Initially ran away from it as had too many legs.
She and her friends thought it was a lobster at first.
Astoria and housemate Swati become Beaters for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team after Jason Samuels and Duncan Inglebeee graduated.
She looks up to her captain Cho Chang.
Graduated Hogwarts in 2000.
Left Britain after school and pursued a career in metal charming. Studied in India with best friend Archana Shetty. She is the equivalent of a magical architect. Traveled with colleagues around the world from 2001-2003.
Returned to England on holiday visiting family and met Draco in 2003.
Told Draco that she doesn't excuse his behavior during their time Hogwarts. Started dating Draco in 2004.
"I know what you and friends were like Malfoy." I was only two years below at Hogwarts. I did not find it attractive at all, I am not your savior or redemption."
Astoria told Lucuis and Narcissa that they would not be living in the Malfoy Manor. When asked why because it was tradition Astoria stated
"Its time someone broke tradition, this is a new start and for the record I watched my sister, my classmates, my housemates, my friends be tortured, beaten down. I was tortured, beaten down. “Contrary to the popular belief that it was oh so fine and dandy in Slytherin House.
"That it was quite the pleasant experience. No child was spared from Alecto and Amycus cruelty!” So no I will not be living or raising any child in house where human beings were held captive, tortured and killed!”
Astoria designed/had their own house built known as the Heliconia Chateau.
Has a bespoke and tailoring shop with fellow classmate Sage Kelleen that specializes in women’s tailoring in menswear fabrics. She designs and creates the accessories.
She has a workshop/office for clients for new projects in the metal charming field. She designed the new stadium for the 2020 Interschool Quidditch Championships.
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