#it's the deep rooted childhood fear for me :p
shinythingsarecool · 4 months
I hate tmagp for reminding me of Mr. Blobby.
Before he was a distant almost forgotten memory, a faint ghost in the back of my mind and now he haunts my dreams (and so does mr. bonzo but i actually don't want to talk about that because that funky creature fully terrifys me)
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couldyouspeakmyname · 3 years
OK I HAVE A BEASTARS OC AND I AM GOING TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT: (you don’t have to answer if you don’t feel like it, kind of just dumping information for myself and maybe you to share with other people /gen )
(Template made by Mandy on Amino, go check them out :) )
Also, I tried to make this so that there was other canon character, but I realized that I had so many oc’s I might as well make a new kind of universe following the beastars world-building stuff
So basically a fancy furry world but the world-building is based on Beastars
I apologize in advance for the spelling (I didn’t check/edit this :p) and also the long form (I like details lol)
Full name: Cecelia Aksha Brown
Pronunciation: Cecelia (s-E-s-e-l-E-a) Aksha (pronounced how it’s spelled) Brown (B-r-ow-n)
Nickname(s) or Alias: Blind One (Given by Doctor Cato, her doctor), Lead vocalist of Athaza (Given by fans), Cece (Given by Naomi, a friend), Dead Legs (Given by Emily, the lead vocalist in the rival band)
Band Name: Athaza
Reason for band name: Cece originally wanted to name her band based off of a phobia she had, so she searched up her greatest fear (the fear of being forgetting, being forgotten, ignored, and/or replaced) and found out that the world was Athazagoraphobia. And that was like a really, really long word (both for her and me, the author, to write down) so she chose to shorten it to Athaza.
Gender: female
Species: Black Tiger
Age: 28
Birthday: September 1st
Sexuality: pansexual, poly, asexual
Religion: Atheist
City or town of birth: Belgum
Currently lives: Belgum (although she hardly even goes home, with her work being on the move and all, it is hard for her to get a break and relax in her own home.)
Languages spoken: Japanese
Native language: English
Relationship Status: single and happy about it (she doesn’t have time for a relationship when she is always on the move, and with her job, she just won’t have time to take care of someone else when she can barely take care of herself)
Height: body length is 4’5, shoulder height is 31 inches, tail length is 24 inches
Weight: 220
Figure/build: she is very small and tiny for a tiger (being the smallest measurements that a tiger can be at). Her eyes tend to be more rounded and bigger then most tiger’s.
Hair color: she dyed her hair a split dye, half a dark and almost dusty blue and the other half black (left half dusty blue and right half black)
Hairstyle: ummm, idk how to describe it but like the Levi styled hair
Facial Hairstyle: N/A
Eye color: electric blue
Skin/fur/etc color: she has a white base color with black stripes, ears, shape on chest that looks like a broken heart, and tail-tip
Tattoos: she has the words “heaven“ written on her knee, and a tongue piercing of a pentagram
Piercings: double piercings and a tongue piecing in the middle of the pentagram
Scars/distinguishing marks: she has a long light pink scar running up the left side of her leg (and she still can’t walk that good on her last leg, causing her to limp), and her right eye has a long scar running down it and she is blinded on that side
Preferred style of clothing: alternative
Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: lots of silver rings
Smoker?Drinker?Recreational Drug User? Which?Addictions: N/A (she doesn’t have any addictions, although she might drink from time-to-time. She doesn’t mind other people doing those things around her)
Allergies: pollen
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: she can never walk on her left leg again and she is half blind in her right eye
Any medication regularly taken: N/A
Personality: funny, smart, protective, loyal, patient, clumsy, fearful, childish, disorganized, and forgetful
Likes: flowers, bee’s, singing, and playing Instruments
Dislikes: arguments, spoiled brats, discrimination (as she should), and sour foods (she has a sweet tooth)
Fears/phobias: Athazagoraphobia
Favorite color: gray, black, dark purple, brown
Hobbies: singing to music, listening to music, picking flowers
Taste in music: she is the lead vocalist to a scream rock band, however, she likes listening folk music more
Talents/skills: she can sing well and learn instruments quickly
Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles?: she can drive a care and that is pretty much it (although she doesn’t usually need to drive a car since her band is on tour 99% of the time and they have a driver to take them places)
Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): carnivore
Favourite food(s): steak
Favorite drink(s): Monster Energy and coffee
Disliked food(s): insects
Disliked drink(s): tea
Describe the character's house/home: she has a pretty large home, the house is hidden deep in the forest and is mostly covered by the tree’s.
Do they share their home with anyone? Who?: She shares the house with he rest of her band
Significant/special belongings: a picture of her parents
Level of education: high
Qualifications: singer
Current job title and description: lead vocalist in band
Peaceful or aggressive attitude?: peaceful, she hates getting into fights with people
Fighting skills/techniques: she has her claws and her teeth (also carries a taser, just in case,)
Special skills/magical powers/etc: N/A
Weapon of choice (if any): taser
Weaknesses in combat: she is very slow and not skilled in combat
Strengths in combat: she is impulsive and that usually benefits her
Parents names: Chanda (Mother), Sarendar (Father)
Are parents alive or dead?: dead (died by some unknown prisoners killing them in jail)
Partner/Spouse: N/A
Children: she can barely take care of herself, what makes you think she can take care of a living, breathing, child that does nothing but cry?
Best Friend: Galen (best friend, convinced her to start the band, drum player in band), Naomi (enemies turned friends, joined the band shortly after it formed, lead guitarist)
Other Important Friends: Khalo (band member, back up vocalist), Futun (band member, second drum player), Bilwa (band member, any other position that needs to be filled in),
Acquaintances: Davi (driver for the band), Doctor Cato (his doctor for years)
Pets: Root (a yellow tabby cat)
Enemies?: Emily
Why are they enemies?: they are in rival band‘s, and also Emily makes fun of Cece for being half blind and having a limp
Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10):
She had a normal childhood (as normal as a main character’s childhood can get that is). Her parents nearly forced her to join their religion but Cece refused. Soon they argued almost every day, some days is was about grades, some days it was about religion, while others it was about her sexuality.
Describe their  teenage years (11 - 19):
The arguments got so bad that she couldn’t bare it any longer, the moment she turned eighteen she ran away from her parents house and went to her friends house (Galen). Soon the two of them formed a band.
Describe their adult:
Once the band got kind of popular, she was living her best life. So she chose to forgive her parents for what they did to her. She went over to their house for Thanksgiving, her parents asked if she could spend the night. Cede was happy to (seeing how she didn’t see her parents in so many years). While Cece was sleeping her Mother got some water and boiled it, adding some sugar and waitI got 15 minutes for it to cook. Once it was done, her Mother poured the boiling water on her own daughter. Cece screamed from the pain, once her Father heard her screams he rushed into her room and called 911. Cece was admitted into the hospital with burns across her legs, arms, and face. The sugar made the burns extra hard to get off and Cece spent multiple weeks in the hospital. Her Father was found guilty of letting her Mother attempt to murder Cece and Cece’s Mother was found guilty of attempting to kill her own daughter. They both got time in jail together, in the jail cell every prison found out what they did and some unknown prisoners beat up Cece’s mother and Father. Cece was left with a blinded eyes and a leg that was doomed to never work the rest of her life
That sounds fun!! I'm assuming it's kind of an AU then?
Also, it's a real shame more characters in Beastars don't dye their fur. It could be fun, but then again...it'd be difficult?
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micamicster · 4 years
this post is for @tovezza ! I’m ur vergil here to guide you through the 9 circles of cw hell lmao
Ok so I am going to make a list of episodes that I think will serve your purposes (family dynamics, american experience). I will be bolding episodes that I think are particularly “good” (good being a subjective term at all times but particularly in the case of cw’s longest running hate crime, supernatural) Episodes that are not bolded you can assume are on here for being a pretty good monster episode and worth watching, but not specifically your interests (unless otherwise explained).
Ok warnings for early season supernatural. Dean is at least passively suicidal as early as season 1, so if that is a trigger for you message me and I will give you more specific warnings! Other than that, Racism, sexism, you know the drill.
ONE MORE THING! Don't watch season 1 on netflix. (Watch it on p*tlock*r or something) Netflix didn't shell out for the music rights for the first season and the music is all wrong! This wouldn't be such a big deal for most shows, but the music is AMAZING in supernatural it’s one of the only things they get right and a lot of the scenes just don’t hit as hard without it
ok SO: buckle up there are 15 seasons and ive watched at least 8 of them so there is a lot of Content for us to sift through!
Seasons 1-3
Idk how much you know about this show but there is Dean (my fave) and his younger brother Sam and for the first 3 seasons the two of them mostly drive around hunting monsters and grappling with the effects that their abusive dad and childhood trauma had on them. Overarching plot is that they are looking for their father, who is hunting the demon who killed their mother and sam’s girlfriend (TWO fridgings in episode one! a record!)
They have really mastered the art of the procedural: almost any episode in those seasons is going to be both a fun 40 minute horror movie and have some good character stuff. 
Pilot: like it’s fine. Not a standout episode and the exposition is a little clumsy but if you really have no clue who tf these people all are it’s probably good to start here.
Dead in the Water: great Dean episode
Phantom Traveler: good because it introduces how demons work. Otherwise pretty run of the mill
Bloody Mary: here we got american urban legend that I played in elementary school, dean looking hot, fall out boy on the soundtrack... what more can a girl ask for?
Skin: like not to spoil the punchline but dean shoots himself in this one.
Hook Man
Bugs: This one is racist and Bad but it also contains some of the early arguments between sam and dean over their dad, and the implication (through jensen’s jacting joices) that their dad was physically abusive to him, if not to sam. Or you could just take that as established fact and not subject yourself to this monstrosity.
Home: something is haunting their childhood home. Sam is having visions. I hate John Winchester.
Scarecrow: Great episode that validates my deep-rooted fear of small towns
Faith: FAITH! Like this is the first episode that came to mind when you asked for fucked up family dynamics and america. Also crucial to the Dean/Cas dynamic in the future. I am in love with dean and i hate John what more is there to say. If you are ignoring my advice and watching on netflix do me a favor and at least watch this one elsewhere. 
Route 666: racist car ep. yeah. but it does contain Cassie, who is great and is dean’s ex. If you would rather skip (it is not a good ep) I think the important information to have is that dean told his girlfriend the truth about what he does, as opposed to sam, who intended to lie to Jess indefinitely.
Shadow: John Winchester makes his first real appearance! Necessary bc you see the family dynamic on full display for the first time. I hate him
Dead Man’s Blood, Salvation, Devil’s Trap: the plot of the season concludes in some RANK family dynamics seriously fucked up
Moving on to season 2! You can go back to netflix for the rest of the show it will have the correct music from now on
Season 2 ep 1 In My Time of Dying: FUCK YES
Everybody Loves a Clown: I guess we’ll have to deal with All That... gestures vaguely at the previous few episodes. Introduces Jo and Ellen who I love.
No Exit: Jo is in this which is fun. Honestly most of the generic motw episodes this season are solid
The Usual Suspects: introduces Victor Henrickson! I love him! (yeah hes a cop... but)
Crossroad Blues: speaking of american folklore....
Croatoan: a lot going on in this ep. contains one of my favorite lines of dialogue in this whole show alskg;gjsdg like sometimes it is Self Aware. Dean reveals the last thing his dad asked him to do before he died. I hate John Winchester.
Night Shifter: oh fuck yeah victor henrickson. This is a great episode.
Houses of the Holy: can you believe they didn’t plan to have angels in the show CAN U BELIEEEEEVE ...god everything good about this show was an accident
Born Under A Bad Sign: good if you think Sam is the main character
Tall Tales: this ep is just really fucking funny
Hollywood Babylon: this is just really funny what can I say!
Folsom Prison Blues: dean said acab!
What Is and What Should Never Be: oh. speaking of fucked up family dynamics. This one is like a kick in the teeth
All Hell Breaks Loose: season finale and very important both for the plot and for the characters!
Season 3! One of the best seasons, and (due to the writers strike) one of the shortest! Dean is.. so fucking good this season.
The Magnificent Seven: plot mostly. Introduces Ruby who is very important
The Kids Are Alright: introduces Lisa! I have mixed feelings about where her story goes but that doesn’t mean I don’t like her. Dean interacts with kids idk how much of a selling point that is for you but it sure is for me!
Bad Day at Black Rock: sooo fucking funny also introduces Bela I love Bela Justice 4 Bela
Sin City: really good Dean content, the plot of the ep is weak tho
Red Sky at Morning: not everyone likes this episode but Bela is in it so EYE love it
A Very Supernatural Christmas: family traumaaaaa and... a christmas monster plot? ok?
Mystery Spot: really funny until it. isn’t.
Jus in Bello: REALLY good episode. I love Victor. Justice 4 Victor
Ghostfacers: ok this is a spectacular episode it is deeply chaotic tho so. brace yourself.
No Rest for the Wicked: Listen to Johnny THEE Cash’s 25 Minutes To Go before watching. Cannot BELIEEEVE they ended the season like that genuinely... Back when this show had cojones
I will update this post with season 4 and 5 if you actually get that far. I think that since you’re interested in the family dynamics and the american roadtrip feeling then seasons 1-3 are really a good place to dig into that, and that allows the show to explore john winchester/God parallels in seasons 4-5 without it feeling unearned.
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emmettspeakz · 5 years
Reddie prompt 🎈 After the events of chapter 2 (Eddie lives) they move in together. One day one of them is approached on the street by a clown that's promoting the new circus in town and has a mental breakdown. The other comforts. You can choose which is which, I don't mind~
Reddie prompt 🎈 After the events of chapter 2 (Eddie lives) they move in together. One day one of them is approached on the street by a clown that's promoting the new circus in town and has a mental breakdown. The other comforts. You can choose which is which, I don't mind~
Thanks for the prompt anon! Sorry this took so long to write~college is a bitch at the moment but I finally had a break to write. Feedback as always is really appreciated, whether it’s good or bad.
@g-ay-gatsby cuz you always want me to tag you in reddie stuff :P
Richie awoke in a cold sweat. He glanced over at his husband, shirtless, fast asleep with his face down next to him on the bed they shared. Their shiba inu lay down by the end of the bed, wagging his tiny fluffy tail back and forth at the sight of Richie standing up to get dressed. Richie grinned at the dog, a soft, tired grin and pat his fluffy head in greeting. He heard loud shouts and calls from outside their apartment window, and almost cursed out loud at them to quiet down less they wake up his beautiful sleeping husband. 
“Fucking bastards.” He grumbled. 
“Who you calling bastard?” Eddie mumbled into his pillow.
Richie moved a piece of hair from his husband’s face and forced himself to smile. 
“It’s nothing, Eds. Go back to sleep, baby.”
“It’s that stupid new advertisement across the street right Rich?”
Rich clenched his jaw. He didn’t want to admit what he felt deep down inside him, that the circus was the last thing he wanted to come across on the way to work. 
“It’s nothing Eds.” Richie repeated, more sternly this time, suggesting he didn’t want to talk about it, even to Eddie. 
Eddie dropped the subject, picking up his head from his pillow, his eyes still droopy from sleep. 
“Why don’t we go downtown today?” Eddie suggested, getting slowly to his feet. “It’ll get us away for a while.”
Richie smiled down at his husband, dipping down and kissing the top of his head. 
“Good idea, spaghetti man.”
“Be more original with your pet names, sweetie.” Eddie teased, slipping an arm into a white button up shirt. 
“Shut up, Edward.”
“Bite me, Trashmouth.”
“Maybe I will!”
Richie and Eddie locked eyes and they grinned at each other before Eddie removed himself from the trance, smacking his husband on the thigh with the back of his hand.
“C’mon, get dressed and we’ll get going.” 
“I’m going, I’m going.” Richie fake groaned, pulling blue jeans over his gray boxers.
When they were all dressed and ready to go, they walked out the front door, holding each other’s hands unapologetically. 
They got pretty close to where their car was parked in the apartment complex’s parking lot before they were bombarded by a young man in full clown makeup. He was holding a red balloon in one hand and a poster in the other. He came up to them rather quickly, spouting his sales pitch for the new circus opening across the street from their apartment complex. 
“Hello there sirs! Have you heard about the new circus opening up behind you? We know it’ll be an awesome, fun time! We got balloons, clowns, acrobats of all kinds. Why not try going to a show?” The man thrusted the poster into Richie and Eddie’s faces. 
Richie immediately froze in place at the sight of the red balloon the man was holding. Everything he’d seen in Derry, all the comments about his sexuality, the stupid fucking clown that had terrorized his childhood, all the memories flooded over him at once and he could barely breathe. His hands went to his ears to drown out any and all noise, but the familiar creepy laugh of Pennywise the dancing clown filled them nonetheless.
 “Wanna play truth or dare?”
He heard those same words from his last encounter with Pennywise ring in his ears, causing panic to rise within him. His throat felt deathly dry, as if he was lost in a desert without any sign of water. He felt himself start to shake before everything started to phase in and out of focus. He wasn’t sure if he needed to throw up or scream. 
He was rooted to the spot, thinking of nothing else besides the trauma he’d suffered as a kid and as an adult: how he’d almost lost Eddie to the clown, how his friends had fixed up Ben after he’d been slashed by the clown, how they’d lost Stan in the sewers and he was almost devoured by the clown, the image of Bill’s little brother Georgie’s raincoat the only thing Bill had of him because of that damn clown.
And then there was Henry fucking Bowers...
It was all too much for him. Richie couldn’t even go into basements or certain kinds of bathrooms without freaking out, and now there was a guy reminding him of the exact thing that he’d been afraid of since middle school. It wasn’t just the threat of dying from a demon fucking clown. It was the kids bullying him about him being a fl*mer, dressing up as the clown just to torment him and call him the f word. It was everything that had to do with the stupid fucking clown. It’d terrorized his friends, and he’d almost lost two of them to that stupid fucking clown. 
He didn’t even register Eddie telling off the guy until he realized he was back sitting on their shared bed. He buried his face in his hands, crying softly, every once in a while those cries turning into body-rocking sobs that left him shaking with emotion. Eddie just held him and rubbed his back softly, waiting for an opportunity to reassure him verbally, as right now Richie was too wracked with sobs to be able to hear anything Eddie could say to him. 
“Hey, hey,” Eddie whispered after a long time of Richie just crying and shaking. “The clown is gone, Rich. We killed the fucker. I’m here, Stan’s still here, all the losers are still here. I saved you and you saved me back. We’re here together. We fucking survived it all, Richie. I told you I loved you that day. Think of that instead. Do you hear me? I love you. I’m here, babe.”
Richie kept crying, wiping at the snot and tears spilling down his face. Though he brightened slightly when Eddie spoke, he still felt an overwhelming amount of fear wash over him like a wave pool, each wave worse than the last. He just kept shaking and muttering to himself and crying on and off, unable to shake the amount of panic that filled his very being. 
Eddie held him tighter, gripping his shoulders to try and steady him as his body shook violently along with his sobs. Richie just couldn’t get himself together. He just kept thinking about how he’d almost lost Eddie, how he’d lived in fear of the demon clown and being outed his entire life, and even now that he was happy and with the love of his life, he couldn’t forget that awful part of his life that he tried so hard to bury deep, deep, deep down within himself and never drag back out. But the man dressed as a clown outside across from their home had managed to destroy his well-kept wall in one fell swoop, leaving Richie a giant vulnerable mess. 
“It’s okay, Rich. Hey, hey, look at me.” Eddie picked up his husband’s face in his hands and forced him to look him in the eye, despite the tears pouring from his eyes. 
“We’re safe now baby. I’m okay. I’m here now. I saved you and you saved me, remember? We got together that day. Remember that? Come on baby, think.” Eddie pulled a tissue box from his night stand by their bed and offered it to Richie.
Richie sniffled, taking a tissue from Eddie to wipe his tear-soaked face. 
“Best day of my life.” Richie replied, his voice soft but somehow still confident.
“There ya go.” Eddie told him, holding him close toward himself and squeezing him tight. “What did you say to me?”
Richie forced himself to laugh, even though his chest felt like an dry, empty cavern from crying. He coughed hard and loud but made himself chuckle again. Eddie fetched him a glass of water, making sure not to leave his husband’s side for too long as he knew that right now Richie needed his comfort more than anything. 
“I didn’t even say anything. I was so relieved that you were...that you were---” Richie’s voice shook and he started crying again. 
“No no no, baby, Richie, come on. What did you do?”
“I kissed you so hard.” Richie sobbed. “I kissed you as soon as we got out of Neibolt house because I was so happy that we had survived and I wanted to ask you to marry me right then and there but I didn’t. I was too scared you were gonna hate me ‘cause I just fucking kissed you out of literally nowhere.”
Eddie smiled so wide he felt tears begin to form in his own eyes. 
“Yeah, I had to do that for you, ya coward.” Eddie teased lightly. Richie shoved him lightly in return. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You get credit for proposing before me for the rest of our marriage okay? Stop reminding me of the one win I missed out on!”
Eddie was relieved to hear Richie’s sass return to his voice, even if it was quiet and more reserved than usual. 
“Hey, wanna stay in bed and watch netflix or maybe I can read to you from that book?”
“You mean Brokeback Mountain? That’s pretty gay of you Eds.”
“We’re literally married, Rich. We’re two married gay men.”
“I know. I just--I just had to get you to say it.”
Richie looked at the ground again, and Eddie worried Richie was getting lost in his triggering thoughts again. He moved to cup his husband’s face with his hands holding his cheeks tightly in order to place a kiss on Richie’s soft lips. 
Even after all these years, Richie was still surprised to get kisses from Eddie. When he did though, they were always full of passion and genuine love. He wasn’t sure how he didn’t burst into tears every time he got to kiss Eddie Kaspbrak. Afterall, he’d been his childhood crush for as long as he could remember. He didn’t know what he did to deserve someone like him, someone who would take care of him when his mental health got the better of him.
“Thanks for always taking care of me Eddie,” Richie told him after a moment of silence between them. “I mean it. Thank you.”
Eddie just smiled at him.
“You helped me first with my asthma. I should be thanking you.”
It was Richie who kissed Eddie then. The kiss turned into a more passionate but sweet one, Eddie holding Richie’s face in his hands again, refusing to let him go. Richie doing the same, wrapping his arms around Eddie’s neck and holding him close enough so that their heartbeats thumped on top of each other. 
“I love you Eddie Spaghetti.” Richie declared when they finally pulled apart for air.
“I love you too, Richie Tozier.”
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midgaarb · 4 years
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• The Passing of the 5 Pointed Torch •⁣ ⁣ Upon the Full Moon, I was busy harvesting & brewing away along with my Moontime. So excited to be bringing medicine into the world.⁣ I reflected back to the root of where it all began for me.⁣ I reached on my shelf for the book I’ve been dragging around with me for the past 20 years.⁣ ⁣ When I was barley 11, years before my first bloods, I stole a book from a local library because I was drawn to the “star” (pentagram) on the cover. In reflection, I know my ancestors were there with me that day. The book was an old copy of Buckland’s Complete book of Witchcraft. Out of fear of being caught with what was deemed ‘evil black magic’, I kept it hidden deep under my mattress for many years.⁣ ⁣ At night I’d sit inside my dark closet & read passages beneath the glow of my dim nightlight. I recall the visceral feelings; my spirit & imagination ignited when I read about plant magic, medicine making, covens, rituals, divination, the 5 elements, the cycles - ! All these *taboo* things I was never taught about. I struggled with feelings of shame, I was taught to fear the word “Witch” but I embraced it.⁣ ⁣ This book ~ though no longer my go-to/I don’t identity as Wiccan, was such an integral part of the beginning for me. Following this deep calling, while being forced to go to Catholic class & teased for my weird interests, long dyed black hair & clothing. This weathered book is now a sacred totem, a symbol of following my Womb-calling. It sits proudly on my bookshelf with all the rest.⁣ ⁣ As a little girl I’d make a soupy “brew” in the rainy mud, tossing in plants I collected & mixing it all together with a long stick. I’d wait for it to “steep” then serve to the land spirits under each tree. It became an escape for my traumatic childhood, a way for me to find healing inside & connect outside. I connected to this word “Witch” before I realized its sacred depth:⁣ ⁣ The Wise Woman of the Old Ways. Healer of the Village. Light Worker. Nourisher. The one who spoke the language of the land, who sang the medicine songs of a thousand trees, who’s blood ran deep through the roots; who ventured between the realms.⁣ ⁣ ⬇️Continued in Comments⬇️ (at The Cascades) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCT1L4xn8Ya/?igshid=1cocsqigymt34
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petitesimss · 6 years
Get to Know Me Tag
I was tagged by the beautiful @timouke to do this challenge so here we go I guess?!
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Rules: Post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions! :)
My Traits: Clumsy, Goofball, and Genius 
(According to other people, I swear I didn't label myself as a genius! xD)
Really quick I would like to go ahead and tag of my FAV simblrs: @mmfinds @stardustsim @blushchat @brindletonsims @mochieo @awsimmer92 @fussysim @simplistic-sims4 @tainoodles and also anyone who wants to do it!
1. What is your full name? Megan :)
2. What is your nickname? Meg (Omg so basic)
3. When is your birthday? October 7th
4. Favorite book series? ‘ARRY POTTER!
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Uhm not aliens but I think some form of ghosts exist. Not necessarily the scary ones xD
6. Favorite author? John Green
7. Favorite Radio Station? I don’t listen to the radio oof
8. What is your favorite flavor of everything? Chocolate or Strawberry!! Mmmm
9. What word will you often use to describe something great or wonderful? Amazing or just a *gasp* noise
10. What is your current favorite song? Nancy Mulligan by Ed Sheeran
11. Favorite word? oof
12. What was the last song you listened to? Currently listening to Pentatonix’s cover of Hallelujah
13. What TV show do you recommend? I am currently obsessed with Vampire Diaries
14. Favorite movie to watch when you’re upset? Omg this is weird but those classic like 2005 Barbie movies always cheer me up
15. Do you play video games? Not really other than sims ofc :P
16. Biggest Fear? Dark Bathrooms (especially the mirrors, its a long story)
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? My drive to work hard or maybe just my general compassion for everyone
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? LAZINESS
19. Cats or dogs? CATS I HAVE THREE
20. Favorite season? Fall because of sweaters and moderately cool weather
21. Are you in a relationship? Oui!
22. Something you miss from your childhood? Barbie Movies
23. Best friend? My boyfriend xD
24. Eye color? Chocolate brown
25. Hair color? Dark brown, black at the roots
26. Who is someone you love? My mother xD
27. Who is someone you trust? My mother
28. Who is someone you think about often? My boyfriend (These answers are so basic oof)
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? IM SEEING THE CRIMES OF GRINDLEWALD TOMORROW
30. Biggest obsession? Cats
31. Favorite TV show as a kid? Probably I-Carly or Hannah Montana
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? My boyfriend
33. Are you superstitious? Unintentionally yes
34. Any unusual phobias? Dark bathrooms xD
35. In front of the camera or behind it? Both
36. Favorite Hobby? Sims eek
37. Last book your read? Idk why but I stopped reading and so I have no idea
38. Last movie you watched? Not all of it but some of Pitch Perfect (I’ve already seen the whole thing don't worry)
39. Play an instrument? My voice and also a bit of the keyboard
40. Favorite Animal? Cat.
41. Top five tumblr blogs you follow? ALL OF THEM DANG IT
42. What superpower do you wish you had? Flight!
43. Where and when do you feel the most at peace? At home, sleeping in my bed
44. What makes you smile? Literally life
45. What sports do you play, if any? I’ve been in dance for 13 years
46. Favorite drink? Coca-Cola
47. Last time you wrote a handwritten note or letter to someone? This week actually!
48. Afraid of heights? DUH
49. Biggest pet peeve? SLOW WALKERS JUST WALK PLEASE
50. Ever been to a concert? Yep and I’ve been in several local ones
51. Vegan or Vegetarian? Heck no 
52. What did you want to be when you were little? A pop star xD
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? Just. Hogwarts. Always.
54. What is something you worry about? If I am actually liked by people
55. Scared of the dark? Only in bathrooms dude
56. Do you like to sing? YES (Soprano 1 - Mezzo)
57. Ever skipped school? Nope, I’m a good bean
58. Favorite place on the planet? Bed.
59. Where would you like to live? New York or Paris
60. Have any pets? 3 cats (Bella, Possum, and Ty) and also a fish whose name I don't remember
61. Early bird or Night owl? NIGHT OWL
62. Sunrises or Sunsets? I’m gonna go with sunsets
63. Do you know how to drive? I should but I don't xD
64. Earbuds or headphones? Earbuds but not the ones you get with an iPhone, those suck!
65. Ever had braces? Three years I think total, and I just had to get a 6 week retainer set to close a small gap that came back :(
66. Favorite genre of music? Pop I guess xD Or musical theater!
67. Who is your hero? My stepdad
68. Do you read comic books? No but my stepdad did xD
69. What makes you the most angry? When people make jokes about things like cancer or diabetes (THEY ARENT FUNNY)
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Definitely a real book, My eyes don't hurt as much plus they smellll soooo goooodd
71. Favorite Subject? English or Science
72. Any siblings? So this is complicated but I have one half brother, a half-step brother, and a half-step sister
73. The last thing you bought? I bought a journal and some bath salts for my friend’s birthday
74. How tall are you? So I used to be 5′2 but every time I go to the doctor they measure me at like 5′1 and I am confusion
75. Can you cook? Yes but I prefer baking
76. Three things you love? My family, my friends, and food (Omg I typed foot at first EEK)
78. Do you have more female friends or male friends? Female oof
79. Sexual orientation? Straight But why did you need to know??
80. Where do you currently live? Louisiana OOOF
81. Last person you texted? My boyfriend, specifically “hehehe yess”
82. Last time you cried? Watching “A Walk to Remember” a few weeks ago
83. Favorite youtuber? All of them, rip
84. Do you like to take selfies? Yes but only because I don't like the pictures other people take of me xD
85. Favorite app? BUZZFEED or maybe netflix
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? I love my mom and we are close but me and my biological dad don't talk
87. Favorite foreign accent? FRENCH OR BRITISH
88. Place you’ve never been to but want to visit? Hawaii or Paris
89. Favorite number? 2 but also literally any even number
90. Can you juggle? Who on here can actually juggle cause I want to be your best friend please (so no)
91. Are you religious? I’m supposed to be catholic but I haven't been to church in a while
92. Is outer space or the deep ocean more interesting? The deep ocean because I want to be a mermaid
93. Do you consider yourself a daredevil? No I am the opposite oof
94. Are you allergic to anything? Cats and dogs, pollen, grass, apparently something in the meningitis vaccine (ITS A LONG STORY)
95. Can you curl your tongue? YOU BET I CAN
96. Can you wiggle your ears? No but I can shake my eyes
97. How often do you admit that you’re wrong about something? I am never wrong, ever.
98. The forest or the beach? The beach cause mermaids
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given to you? Do what you love, don’t work for money.
100. Are you a good liar? I am a TERRIBLE liar
101. Hogwarts house? Gryffindor but my hybrid house is Gryffinpuff soooo...
102. Do you talk to yourself? I used to tbh but now I usually just sing to myself
103. Introvert of Extrovert? Extrovert but I love me time
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? No I just deal with my thoughts
105. Do you believe in second chances? Absolutely
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Look for identification in it so I can return it to it’s owner
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? Of course!
108 Are you ticklish? VERY
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Yes, I was on one last weekend
110. Any piercings? Only my basic ear piercings
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Ronald Weasley
112. Any tattoos? No but I wanna get a few small ones later in life
113. Best decision you’ve made in your life so far? Care for others is far more rewarding than wallowing in sadness
114. Do you believe in karma? It depends, really
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I used to wear glasses but since one of my eyes is near sighted and the other is far sighted they balance each other out enough so that I don’t necessarily need them anymore
116. Do you want children? YES LIKE 3-5
117. Who is the smartest person you know? My stepdad
118. Most embarrassing moment? That time I asked my bestfriend at the time’s sister if I could wear a pad on a water slide (IT WAS MY FIRST PERIOD OKAY?)
119. Ever pulled an all-nighter? I’ve made it to 6 am xD
120. What color are most of your clothes? Yellow or pink :P
121. Do you like adventures? PLANNED adventures, yes
122. Ever been on tv? A few times
123. How old are you? 16
124. Favorite quote? But without the dark, we’d never see the stars
125. Sweet or savory foods? SWEEETTT
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 6 years
Frozen OC Exchange
@wintryspice I got yours, and decided to focus on Hannah with mentions of Charlotte. I was very nervous about this, as I usually am when writing...literally any character at all I didn’t make myself, lol. I cheated a little, called in the good ass himself for backup; but he’s in disguise in a human rendition, so it’s okay. =P
Modern AU, because why not? X3 I hope you like it... (=^w^=)>”
P.S. Birger has a soft spot for literally any OC who’s Elsa’s kid, so I’m not surprised at all he made this easier to write, lol.
“You need to go visit him, Hannah; whether you want to is beside the point.”
Hannah stubbornly refused respond, or to meet her mother’s eyes. Though the reflection of her mother, Elsa, in the mirror before her certainly made that tricky. The young girl, with blonde hair a shade or two darker than her mother’s, decided to focus instead on her hands folded upon her lap. Despite the many words a part of her wanted to say that churned deep inside, Hannah kept them at bay. They would help matters…not with how complicated they’d become.
Not after losing her dad, only to find out she’d had an estranged uncle she never knew the whole time.
A man who’d apparently, despite his supposed “great love” for his younger sister, distanced himself thoroughly due to his personal loathing of her father. Because of this, and how her uncle had purposefully avoided his own family, Hannah wasn’t sure she wanted anything to do with him. He didn’t attend the ceremony of her parents’ marriage, had moved away not long afterwards, and she’d never heard tale of him until just a few days ago.
Her uncle had made it clear he hadn’t been willing to stay close, so shouldn’t he be the one who reached out to her?
Before she’d even noticed Elsa had finished brushing her hair, she felt a hand lay gently on her shoulder. Against her previously stubborn wishes, Hannah couldn’t help but look up and meet her mother’s eyes through the mirror. Though her own eyes were a tad greener than her mother’s, they still held a similar spark as they met through the glass.
“I know that learning of his avoidance of us because of your father hurt you, and you have every right to feel that way. But these are mistakes of the past made long before you were born that you’re judging him for. It’s not as if he absolutely abandoned us, anyway.”
Hannah’s eyebrows shot up, and her eyes widened. “How do you mean, mother?”
Elsa smiled a soft, bittersweet smile. “Dear Hannah, how did you think all of those gifts you and your siblings received without a From filled out came about? Or that college fund that mysteriously showed up when you came of age to use them, with others awaiting your siblings to be old enough?”
Her mother paused to give Hannah a moment to process this revelation, and process she did. Many of her (secretly) favorite gifts had been those mystery gifts with no From name, and the college fund reserved for her had been a great boon for her pursuing a medical degree. These blessings that she simply thought were subtle gifts from her parents, or family or friends that she knew and loved dearly…had come from him?
“In fact, if I’m being honest…the only reason I had the idea to get you Misha, is because Branko suggested it.”
A soft gasped escaped from Hannah, but she was all too in shock to care. Misha? Misha? Her precious husky, who currently laid curled in a fluffy, adorable mass on her dog bed in the corner of the room, snoring away, was also from him? The dear dog whom she shared with little Charlotte…
“B-but…” Hannah started, hesitant, the walls she’d built around her uncle slowly beginning to crack.
Elsa, patient as ever, began to tie her daughter’s hair in a loose French Braid as she gave Hannah time to continue. Not only did her daughter like this style, but it was one that Elsa commonly used herself. As such, the lighter blonde had sly motivations for tying Hannah’s hair this way for today. What better way to visually help her older brother to feel more comfortable around the niece he never meant, than to show how much like her mother she was?
Elsa only hoped it worked that way, and that it didn’t instead remind Branko of what he’d lost…
“But mother, if…if he cared that much about us, about you, then why?” Hannah implored as she stared at the reflection of her mother’s face, and ignored the pinpricks at her eyes that forewarned tears. “If he loved us why would he stay away?”
Elsa took in a deep breath through the nose, and sighed. “It’s both simple and complex, sweetheart. Branko was so terribly conflicted, he was not at all alright with my and Hans’ relationship. For reasons I’ll not disclose right now, suffice it to say those two did not have the most amenable relation. That would be even harder to explain, honestly, but Branko let us be because, in the end…he didn’t want to jeopardize our happiness, even if he didn’t like half of the involved party.”
“As for why he stayed away from you, the twins, and Charlotte? It was pretty much the same reasoning, really, but a tad different. Branko was scared to death of ruining what he had, he didn’t want to risk us having issues that would never have happened had he remained uninvolved. To put matters simply?”
Elsa gripped Hannah’s shoulders and squeezed gently. “Your uncle was afraid his very presence would ruin our happiness, and sacrificed getting to see you all grow up to ensure you grew up happy.”
Hannah took a shuddering breath before she turned to meet her mother’s eyes directly. “But, that means…did he also stay away from you?”
The young woman didn’t miss how her mother gulped, and how her eyes grew unfocused as she sighed. “Indeed, he did…it pained him as much as it had me, it seemed, from his letters.”
Hannah sat up in attention, “Letters? When did he send you letters?” She then frowned. “Who even sends letters anymore, these days?”
Elsa actually laughed, a hand coming to cover it before she spoke. “Branko is about as stubborn as you are, plus he loves the feel of paper beneath his hand and under a pencil. As for when, he always sent them along with the gifts. Other times as well, sure, but typically along with a package of some sort.”
Hannah let her eyes drift down as she sighed. This was a lot more revelations about her estranged uncle than she expected, and they certainly changed things more than she thought they would. She was initially more than willing to keep Branko at arm’s length, since he’d seemed content to do the same for decades. But of course, the situation just couldn’t be that clear cut, could it? No, of course not…black and white would make it too easy, of course there’d be grey.
The hands that were still on her shoulders squeezed gently once more, and Hannah looked back up at her mother.
Elsa smiled gently as she brought up one hand to caress her daughter’s temple. “Please, go see him, I know for a fact he’s equal parts eager and scared to meet you.”
With a gulp and a tentative nod, Hannah Marie agreed.
A few hours later…
Hannah nervously entered the high-end bar where her mother had dropped her off to finally meet her uncle. While Elsa herself remained outside in the car, to be there for Hannah for whatever she needed, the younger woman had entered alone. The bar was by no means a shoddy establishment, and certainly had its fair share of wealthy patrons. Whatever it was her uncle did for a living, between the presents he’d sent and the college funds he’d set up—and the bar he chose for them to meet at—Branko clearly did not have much to want for.
Despite knowing what her uncle looked like, Hannah still took her time to search for him. Mostly because she was still terribly nervous to see him, let alone meet him, but partially because of the many strangers in the bar. It wasn’t a busy crowd at all, exactly, and was hardly bustling. But it was a greater number of strangers in one place than Hannah liked, that was for sure.
“Just focus on why you’re there, find your uncle, and stay close to him. He will protect you, I swear it.”
Her mother had told her because Hannah had exited the car, along with a reminder she’d be just out in the car if needed. Knowing that she had two points of safety greatly comforted her, even if one of those points were technically foreign. But if even half of what Elsa had said was true, then Branko had loved his nieces and nephew without even having met them.
On the drive over, Hannah’s mother had shared many tales of her and Anna’s childhood growing up with their elder brother. They’d been lovely and sweet stories indeed, and certainly helped to give Hannah a better impression of who her uncle was. Apparently, upon the respective births of his younger sisters, Branko had sworn to keep them safe—even at what was a young age, having been only four when Elsa had been born. That protective only grew stronger with him, even if the events caused those urges to be shaken and called into question.
But now, as Hannah slowly strode through the bar and searched for shaggy hair the color of her aunt’s but styled like her mother’s, the young girl hoped that same protection still counted for her now.
Especially when Hannah felt an unwelcomed touch on her shoulder from behind.
“What’s a small thing like you doing here, milady?”
The voice was far too high and scratchy to be her uncle’s, and so fear quickly rooted itself in Hannah’s stomach. Elsa had described even Branko’s voice, a comforting baritone that seemed like it could suit a noble dragon. This voice sounded more like it suited a snake, and Hannah was afraid that comparison would become all the truer.
She slowly turned around, and indeed, the man who loomed over her did not seem overly compassionate. His black hair was too thick with product, thin smile too fake, green eyes too lit with a sheen that all but made Hannah sick. The fact he was tall enough that she had to look up to meet his eyes didn’t help; he was probably a whole half-a-foot taller!
Hannah gulped as she struggled to remain calm. “I’m looking for someone, sir. If you’ll excuse me, I don’t wish to be late.”
As she tried to pull away, to Hannah’s mounting horror, the man’s grip only tightened. “Now now, whoever they are can wait a tick. ‘Sides, they can’t be all that great if they left a pretty thing like you all alone.”
Hannah’s eyes narrowed. “They didn’t leave me alone, I am here to meet them. Please, sir, he’ll be worried if I don’t find him.”
She tried to pull away again, but the grip just tightened more. The growing pressure caused Hannah to suppress a wince; either against the pain of the grip itself, her fear, or the pain in her chest…Hannah wasn’t sure anymore.
“Don’t be in such a hurry to leave a nice man, missy! You’re lucky I’m even–“
“Pray tell, why is she lucky, Gerald?!”
Hannah’s eyes widened at the voice that shouted out, and the fear melted as hope warmed her chest. That voice sounded almost exactly how she imagined it would. It had to be him, oh please, please, let it be him!
Both Hannah and the man, Gerald, looked up to where she’d initially been headed to see a beast of a man approach. The eyes of both widened, for different reasons; awe and fear, respectively. Hannah couldn’t help but be amazed that this man was the brother of her mother and aunt. He was so tall! Taller even than Gerald, and with a muscular frame that put every man in the bar to shame.
His auburn hair was loose and wavy, not unlike Elsa’s own blonde hair behaved, but was trimmed where it would’ve fallen into his sharp blue eyes. Those he certainly shared with his big little sister, though he’s all but burned as he glared at the man who now shrank away from Hannah. As he got closer, the young woman noted how the auburn hairs were accented by dusting of blonde, almost like how grey hair was, but…this was less grey and more platinum blonde, startingly similar to Elsa’s hair. They even both had dark eyebrows…
Hannah wasn’t sure if this strange mixture of red and blonde hair was natural, or, given how the colors mixed, if Branko’s hair was naturally blonde and it’d just been awhile since he re-dyed it red. Either way, it harkened to both of his little sisters, and the familiarity eased Hannah’s fragile heart. As Branko all but snarled at the man who was getting farther and farther from her, Hannah noted the blonde goatee and beard combo that encompassed almost all of her uncle’s face.
None of the facial hair had hints of red; perhaps, then, he had once dyed his head red?
That mystery was irrelevant, though, as Branko protectively got in-between Hannah and Gerald, the latter all but relieving himself before the greater man.
“I-I just meant, er, um–nothing! No reason, Branko, I swear! I was just, uh, helping her! Yeah! The little lady was just looking for someone, and I–”
Branko cut him off with a dismissive wave and a growl, the former action further likening him to Elsa in Hannah’s eyes.
“Don’t even bother, Gerald! That was the laziest bloody attempt at fabricating and excuse I’ve ever heard. Now, get your skinny, useless ass out of here, before I show you the meaning of my own personal definition of gobsmacked!”
Without another word, Gerald scurried out of the bar, his metaphorical tail all but one with his legs.
The crowd, strangely enough, had paid no heed to the show beyond a few scattered chuckles. Apparently, this was normal, and ended how everyone expected. With the sorry man taken care of, Branko sighed, only to mysterious stiffen as Hannah watched. His back was still to her, and just now the blonde noticed he was dressed far more causally than most of the bar’s patrons. While most all of them wore suits, Branko was clad in fine black jeans, a dark blue long-sleeved collared shirt—the sleeves of which were rolled up, its collar pressed down—and a deep red ascot.
When Branko made no move to turn around, for reasons Hannah could easily guess, she decided to make the first move. She carefully approached him, and raised a hand to gently touch his strong forearm. The man all but startled at her touch, but didn’t whirl around suddenly. Rather, he slowly, oh so slowly, turned his head to glance at her other a broad shoulder. As their eyes met, his eyes to very blue compared to her greenish blue ones, and Hannah’s heart melted at what she saw in his.
He almost seemed afraid…but she could swear she saw hope somewhere.
Hannah took a deep breath and smiled her gentlest smile. “Hi…I’m Hannah Marie…A-Anderson.”
Branko sucked in a sharp breath, and held it for so long Hannah feared he was going to pass out. But then he slowly let it out, and smiled wide a she did so. Finally her turned to properly face her, and to Hannah’s surprise he bowed, so not terribly deeply.
“Branko Kasun Anderson, always at your service.” As he rose from his bow, his smile wavered. “If you’ll have me, that is…”
Without wasting a moment, Hannah leapt forward to hug the strong, barrel chest of her long-lost uncle.
“Only if you’ll forgive me for trying to hate you…” She whispered softly, fearfully, pleadingly against his shirt.
To her great relief, she felt strong arms gently shelter her as she clung ever tighter.
“Forgive me for letting my pride keep me away, and for daring to wait till now to meet you, and you have a deal, my little princess.”
Thanks to the stories Elsa’d shared in the car, Hannah knew immediately the source of the pet-name. Growing up, the trio of Branko, Anna, and Elsa had played games of royals when they were young. No doubt, Branko now saw Elsa as a queen to the princess she’d been when they were kids. Now, Hannah was his princess…a title she never knew she wanted till now.
An idea came to the blonde, and she excitedly pulled back and looked up at Branko’s face. “Good sir! Your service is needed outside, this instant!”
A big, almost smug grin arose on her uncle’s bearded face. “Lead the way, your highness.”
Hannah watched happily from the passenger seat as she had her own private viewing of a reunion long in the making. The sight of her mother clinging desperately but oh so happily to her dearly missed brother all but made Hannah cry herself. Yes, her mother was crying; but they were tears of relief and joy, shed as well by the brother who held her tight. As she watched the precious reunion, it occurred to Hannah…she was the only one of her siblings who yet knew of their uncle. Rynar, Eira, and Charlotte had yet to be told…she only knew because she’d picked up hints of Branko’s existence, and asked.
But Hannah knew which of her siblings would most love to meet their reclaimed uncle.
I can’t wait to tell Charlotte…
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the-whale-institute · 6 years
its time for a tag game
Tagged by my lovely friend @indigostarchild
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 followers you want to get to know better!
Age: 21
Birthplace: Pittsburgh, PA. Only lived there for 2 months though
Current time: 10:24 pm
Drink you last had: Water, though I could really go for some tea and will probably make some in like 20 minutes
Easiest person(s) to talk to: @spellbird, who is basically chained to me for life now sorry, aforementioned @indigostarchild, who somehow makes me talk more than I do anywhere else, my family, of whom I am the second chattiest, and @lapseofinsanity, who I tend to open up to emotionally most frequently
Favorite song: It baffles me that someone could have a consistent favorite song. Right now I’m really digging Humility by the Gorillaz and I Won’t Let You Down by OK Go
Grossest memory: I guess one time when I was like 6 I was distracted and I went to go to the bathroom and didn’t lift up the seat so I peed all over the toilet and myself and company was over and it was a ride
Hogwarts 🏠: Ravenclaw.
😍: Countless things. Walking in nature, writing, drawing, the beach, music, food, learning, spending time with family and friends, cats, animation...
Jealous of people: Very rarely do I get jealous. I will get internally protective over people and things, but I almost never act on it
😍 at first sight or walk by again: Walk by again, though I’ll appreciate beauty
Middle name: Kaya
Number of siblings: 2
One wish: Usually my standard is “world peace,” though I have been changing it up lately because I feel like it’s not specific enough
Person you called last: I hate phone calls, but I video chatted my girlfriend last night
Question I’m asked the most: "How tall are you?” The answer is 6′1 when my posture is good
Song you last sung: (To the tune of YMCA): Mothman, there’s no need to be down. I say, Mothman, steal a kid off the ground
Time you woke up today: 8:15 am so I could head to a 9:30 protest on immigration reform
Underwear color: Currently? White with pink trim and multicolor circles. They’re less cute than they sound
Vacation destination: I would go literally anywhere, but for day trips I’ll always hit up an aquarium or zoo
Worst habit: If we’re gonna be deep it’s probably self-sabotage rooted in fear of failure and general low self esteem. Less deep: I pick at my skin a lot
X-rays: Is this asking if I’ve had any? I don’t know how these tag things work 
Favorite food: I’ll eat basically every kind of food, but mac and cheese was my childhood favorite, and I could eat sushi every day and never get sick of it
Zodiac sign: Leo sun :)
I think this is the first time I’ve ever written this much personal information on here  
So @indigostarchild tagged quite a few of the active people I know so I won’t tag them twice. Obviously no pressure to actually respond to the tag, I just thought it seemed fun. But here’s my picks--you guys seem cool! @saphruikan, @youmeandhistory, @padfyus, @mysticaltarot-and-floweryvibes, @gaaraofsburbia, @myhappylittlefandoms, and @cait-the-witch
Also because I don’t know how this works I didn’t tag any blogs that don’t seem like personals but honestly I don’t know what I’m doing so w o o p s
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
survey by chrissylee22dc
A Achievements: None in recent years... the last I’d say was getting my BA back in 2015, but that’s just been collecting dust on a shelf and I have no plans to pursue anything in psychology anymore, so it feels more like a waste. :/ I have no idea what I want to do. 
Age: 31.
Are you planning something right now? No.
Arizona or Alaska: Arizona is even worse than where I live in terms of heat, it’s straight up desert. And ya’ll know how I hate the summer and don’t well at all with the heat. I’ve been a couple times cause that’s my grandparents live and yeah, no thanks. I haven’t been to Alaska, but I’d like to visit. 
B Birthdate: July 28th.
Build: Thin and underweight. I used to have great upper body strength and my arms were kinda toned, but I lost that. I’m weak.
Babies, do you have any? Nooo.
Blonde or Brunette: Whichever.
C Childhood sweetheart: I didn’t have one.
Current mood: Tired.
Children, are there more in your future? I don’t have any to begin with, nor do I want any.
Coke or Pepsi: Coke.
D Dad's name: I don’t want to share that.
Dating anyone: No.
Do you plan on having lots of money? Ha, it’d sure be nice. 
Dogs or cats: Dogs.
E Elementary School: I’m not sharing that.
Eye color: Brown.
Ever going to China? I’ve never really planned to, but I can’t say I’d never go. *shrug* Who knows. Early or Late: Early. I hate being late, it stresses me out and makes me anxious.
F First Crush: This boy named Philip when I was in the 3rd grade.
Fears: ALL insects, killer whales, holes/clusters, closed spaces, heights, needles, deep water to name a few and then the deep stuff like losing loved ones, death, never getting better or getting worse, never doing anything with my life and wasting away... stuff like that.
Future goals: I don’t really have any that I’m working toward even though I certain should...
Funny or Serious: Both. 
G Grandparent's names: I don’t want to share that. 
GPA: I’m done with school.
Going anywhere this weekend? Nope.
Giver or Taker: Both. I love getting stuff for my loved ones, though. 
H High School: A local one.
Hair color: Naturally it’s dark brown, but I dye it red. My roots are quite overgrown currently cause I haven’t been able to get it done since February. Blah.
Hate anyone for life? No.
Hairspray or Gel: I don’t use either.
I In 8th grade, who was your best friend? Kyle, David, and Jessica.
Is ignorance bliss? Sometimes. With certain things. 
Is there anything you wanna share? I’ve been sharing stuff in this survey, haven’t I?
Ice Cream or Cake: Cake.
J Jumped rope for fun: No. Or at all.
Junk around you right now? Not junk to me, but I do have a lot of stuff around me. I have a lot of stuff on my bed besides typical bed stuff, which I have a lot of as well. My bed is also my desk. I spend a lot of my time in bed, so I like to keep certain thing near by for easy reach.
Joining anything anytime soon? No.
January or July: January, I guess. My birthday is in July, but blah. July is summertime and I hate the summer.
Killed anyone: Uh, no. Imagine someone just casually being like “yes” to this question.
Keeping a secret? Maybe.
Kicking someone off your top friends today? Myspace is dead. 
Kiwi or Apple: Apple. 
L Lost anyone close to you: Yes. I’ve lost both my maternal grandparents, who I was very close with. I also lost a couple dogs, who are family members and loved ones to me, so that was just as hard. I really didn’t do well when Brandie passed away because it was so quick and unexpected. She could have had at least 5 or 6 more years. And not that it would have been any easier, but still. 
Last kiss, when and who: Joseph like 6-7 years ago.
List 3 people that you'll love forever: My parents and brother.
Lover or Fighter: Lover.
M Middle School: A local one.
Marital Status: Single.
Mom's name: I’m not sharing that.
Music or TV: I watch more TV nowadays than I listen to music. I don’t know why I don’t listen to music as much anymore.
N Northernmost state you've been to: Idaho.
Nickname: Sis or Steph.
Name your future boy and girl:
Naughty or Nice: Naughty, but not in a sexual way. In a, ‘I haven’t been that great of a person’ way.
O Opened a piece of mail that wasn't yours? It’s probably happened. Occupation: I don’t have one.
Owe anyone money: Nope.
Outgoing or Shy: Very shy.
P Place you most want to be? I’m good with being in bed right now.
Purposely destroyed someone’s life? I’ve made a lot of mistakes and messed up my own in a lot of ways. I don’t want to say purposely, but there were things I knew I should have done and taken better care of, but I didn’t. :/
Planning a major trip? No trips planned anytime soon. I don’t feel comfortable or safe traveling during a pandemic. 
Pink or Black? I like both.
Q Quit a class: No.
Quickly...the first word to come to mind: Coffee.
Quitting your job soon?
Quiet or Loud: Quiet.
R Riding in an airplane: What about it?
Ride, tell me about yours: I don’t drive, so I don’t have a car.
Running for any political office in the future? Nooo.
Rain or Snow: I love when it rains. It doesn’t snow here, but I wish it did.
S Siblings names and ages: My older brother is 37 and my younger brother is 21.
Shoe size: 6 in women’s (US). My Adidas are all a 3 in kids, though. 
Shave daily? No.
Shower or Bath: Shower.
T Turning 21 was (will be): I turned 21 a decade ago.
Texas, ever been? I had a layover in Houston once. I never saw more than the airport, though.
Think you'll live to be 100? No.
Tame or Wild: Tame.
U Unique quality about you: I don’t know.
Underwear on? Yes.
Under your bed lies: Nothing.
Under or Over: Uhh.
V Virgin? Yes.
Vacation time left?
Voting in the next Presidential election? Yes. I’ve voted in each one since 2008.
Volleyball or Swimming: Neither.
W Went white water rafting? Not for real, only the ride versions at amusement parks. I thought those were fun, but I’d be terrified to do the real thing.
Wearing right now: A sweatshirt and leggings.
Write a sentence about you: I’m kind of hungry, but it’s 5 in the morning so I should just try and sleep. West Coast or East Coast: West.
X X-Rays in the past month: 0.
X-Mas plans: Had a delicious Christmas dinner and exchanged presents with the fam. It was really nice. Things were a bit different cause my mom had to work, so we pushed back eating and opening presents, but it all worked out fine.
X, does it mark the spot? That’s what they say.
X-Tina or Britney? I like songs from both.
Y You lost "it" when? I’m assuming you’re referring to my virginity, which I haven’t yet.
Your favorite song: I couldn’t possibly just choose one.
Your favorite place on Earth: My bed, the beach, and Disneyland. 
Yes or No: That obviously depends.
Z Zodiac Sign: Leo.
Zodiac Sign: Uh, still a Leo.
Zippos are neat, agree? What are those?
Zoo or Circus: Zoo.
0 notes
redeemingtimes-blog · 5 years
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1 John 4.18 There is no fear in love but perfect love drives out all fear.the one who fear is not made perfect in love . 2 Timothy 1.7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. New Year Greetings! Musings on my childhood days at school, I used to be afraid of my Parent's teachers meeting at school, I would score low marks I would get punished at home ,I would fear so much that it led me to insecurities about the talents I possessed. The battle was so strong that it led ways to allow the spirit of fear in my life. The fear of betrayal from my father ,then the fear of death after the loved one in my family, passed away; one thing led to another fear till it took complete captivity of my soul and put me in a cage that I couldn't break with my own strength until the day I realised Christ's love. Fear is a poison in our lives that it stops from something that we would naturally do and fear seperates us from the love of Christ. Fear is one of our enemy's powerful weapon. The claws are so deep that the armour for us is the perfect love of Christ and rooting our faith in is love . We see an instance in Bible. When Jesus asks Peter to walk on water. He took his eyes out of Jesus and the next thing he was sinking. But we know that Peter was a fisherman and he definitely know how to swim but the scriptures clearly mentioned, he was sinking. He was so paralyzed with fear he forgot he knew how to swim and forgot that author of love; Jesus who was standing in front of him. But Jesus draws him out of the water with his LOVE to the shore. How many times in our life's that we have been crippled and dumbstruck by fear, we are unable to carry out things, afraid and putting ourselves in places we thought we will never be and destructing GOD's plan in our lives. Justifying ourselves is the cause of the fear . It might be past, resurfacing life, slanderous comments , betrayal by family etc. If such situation are gonna rise, we are gonna look at Jesus Christ the author and perfector of faith. He will drown our fears with his perfect love . He has not given us the spirit of fear but of love; and love always triumph over fear. https://www.instagram.com/p/B60nYQpn1-m/?igshid=1i7197zzzs4mx
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livetolean · 5 years
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As a kid I remember once asking my dad, “Why isn’t our kitchen finished? Why don’t you just...do it!” (I always thought I could “help” a situation by giving some encouragement🙈) Yet he’d always respond the same way- “It just comes down to money. And we don’t have it.” - I would seriously-do mental jumping jacks for what felt like hours to see if there was some way we could “HAVE it” suddenly. I hated seeing my parents distraught about things- But I also hated living in so many un-finished never ending projects. It felt like chaos-ALL the time. I remember following my dad around the house...sharing ways I made it possible to go on trips or pay for tennis uniforms by doing chores...lol & he’d just look at me again with sad eyes. “We just don’t have the money” - And so the theme went. For my entire life. My entire upbringing- I knew, that if I wanted to do ANYTHING fun-it would cost, and my parents couldn’t pay for it. So I’d avoid asking... - But bc I HATED with every fiber of my being-Not getting nails done with mom or going to movies with friends...Constantly having to “limit myself” bc of money. I’d sit on this big rock in the front of our old house & look out into the field IMAGINING a life I could live without these limits... And I took it upon myself to MAKE a way. - So years later...when this opportunity of coaching-dropped into my life. I truly didn’t believe it could be my fulltime income... bc who was I to help people get healthy?! I didn’t even have a degree-let alone any kind of health cert.) & I had this deep rooted belief from my childhood-that I was never gonna have it. “Money” Sure this job might help me pay for gas...but enough to pay for a LIFE without limits? ... YET, I had this little glimpse of hope. So I worked anyways. And that hope grew. I started as a coach-& hope turned into a faith MUCH bigger than my fears+doubts about myself... Bc I saw SO MANY other people doing it+earning a fulltime income w/ it! They taught me what & how & as of today we officially {quadrupled🙈} our own income since starting-WHAT. I couldn’t be more grateful...bc THIS is the life w/o limits I’d always dreamt of pursuing. THIS is where I finally MAKE a way.✨🔥 (at Nashville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4JleT0hK6E/?igshid=nlo9nppph57z
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snake-chan · 7 years
so much tags
So yeah imma compile all the tag game here
tagged by @alpakasan
1.If you were to get a dog, what breed would you get?
NAIDs, Alaskan malamutes, pomeranians, samoyeds, and icelandic sheepdog!!!!
2.You find yourself lost in an unfamilliar environment. What do you do?
first step: explore, second: seek help
3.If you were to live your life as a videogame protagonist, whose life would you choose?
i don’t play much sadly but if anything, i guess i’d pick those pokemon protags! lots of adventures! and animals!
4.Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?
both is good but harry potter because it contains memories of my childhood and my sis
5. You get the opportunity to learn one language perfectly. Which one do you choose?
chinese. since it is the roots of kanjis in japanese and i have a chinese descend so i just want to learn the language of my ancestors xD plus, chinese people are mostly business people, business reason fam. gotta get them sweet deals
6.Ancient Rome or ancient Greece?
ancient greece. definitely
7.What TV/Book/Videogame character trope do you identify with?
i have a lot to identify with but Yusuke and Futaba from p5 is sort of self explanatory though i lack their intelligence and talents 8″)
8.Is there a person you’d want to be closer with? Who are they to you?
i wish i could be closer to my whole family without feeling bitter...
9.In a fictional universe, would you see yourself be a villain, or hero?
neither. i see myself as an anti hero or a side character dealing with the duality of man inside myself and morals... i guess?
10.You can swap your life with one person for one day. Who would you swap with?
eh... i can’t see myself swapping to another person’s life. no thanks, but prolly i’ll switch it with an acquaintance i knew from elementary school
11.What is a hero to you? 
i feel like they are those who inspires other, to help others to stand on their own feet, to empower them, those who guards and heals in any possible sense. those who could fearlessly admit their weakness and fears, those who aren’t afraid to talk about them. courageous ones.
tagged by @kigeki-teki-tragedy​
Name: Michelle Gracia
Nickname: mich, mimi, chelle, shell, michi,michin, lmao boi, angel, goddess, kitchen, hebi, hebster, snek, hebbun
a lot i know
but you can call me “harder” , “faster” , and “please” ;3c
Zodiac: sagittarius, fire ox in chinese zodiac x”D
Hogwarts House: hufflepuff! thought i love my ilvermorny house more, horned serpent yeah!
Height: 5′2″/160cm
Ethnicity: asian
Favorite fruit: cherry,strawberry,apple,lemon, orange, grape!
Favorite season: spring!
Favorite book series: does manga includes? 8″D Tomie by Junji Ito
First book series: Yaiba. i grew up a weeby but i still love this
Favorite fictional character: fuckton but for now, the entire phantom thieves gang, even akechi
Favorite flower: roses, camellia, lavender, chrysanth
Favorite scent: depends on mood but mostly fresh linen/cotton
Favorite colors: pinks and pastels!
Favorite animals: uhm... a lot? but sneks, cats and doggers! <3
Favorite bands: does it have to be real? 8″DDD if not, ArS from I-Chu X”D, else... well, fallout boys! a friend made me love them XD
Number of blankets: one, i can’t sleep without it oddly even if here is hot as b a l l s
Dream trip? around the world dUH, i need to smooch each and every one of my friends
Last thing I googled: sunbeam snake
Blog created: 4 years ago
Blogs followed: 1142 since a lot belongs from an old fandom i’m not used to be anymore and others are just fandom blogs, aesthetic blogs or fashion blogs xD
Follower count: 126, p sure most of them are porn bots 8″DDD
What I usually post about: personal stuffs and reblogs
Do I get asks regularly: on the other blog, sort of? here? no
tagged by @tgmgrizzlyjazz​
Countries I’ve lived in: Singapore and Indonesia! i used to stay for months in Singapore and i’m currently living in Indonesia x”DD
Favourite fandom: Persona 5???? i meet such wonderful people there????
Last article you read: .... don’t remember 8″)))
Favourite film of 2015:
Jurrasic World!!!!
Last thing you bought online: virgin killer sweater x”D
Any recurring dreams: nah. unless recurring dreams is like, running round in public naked twice where the settings are different
Any phobias or fears: a lot but also nothing... prolly germophobic because i’m either a clean freak that often washes hands or have some OCD that i don’t even know if it rlly is ocd
How would your friends describe you: goddess??? angel???? where the fuck these two came from???
How would your enemies describe you: eh, idek, i suppose no good stuff.
Would you take a bullet for anyone: yes, to my beautiful friends at @akirakurusuimagines​‘s server <3
If you had money to spare what would you buy first: microphone or sewing machine
Kill list: me myself and i
No taggo because i don’t know who to tag so do whichever anyone of you who reads likes to do x”DD
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Creepiest Childhood Media Moments Part 1/2
Inspired by @monochrome-typewriter, my list of movie/tv show/video game moments that terrified me as a child!*
*I’m going for age 12 and under here, because even though I still definitely considered myself a child in my teen years, I didn’t get scared of things in the same way then as I did when I was a younger kid.
A lot of these are pretty dumb, but some of them I still have a hard time watching/listening to, and some I outright refuse to. 
Under a cut because this is gonna be long!
To start off, when I was really young my Grandma had this movie called Tiny: The Seventh Brother that she apparently got at a garage sale. (Only later did I find out that it’s apparently Hungarian, and what we were watching was an English dub, which explains why a lot of the lip movements seemed weird, but anyways). For the most part it was a cute and innocent story of a little dog who gets separated from his owners and is adopted by a family of rabbits. But there were some moments that just freaked me and my sister right out. One is a scene where a hawk is chasing the little bunnies, and there are some shots where its talons get long and its eyes get crazy wide and bloodshot. But worse than that were these two creepy songs (which I think were the same tune, repeated twice at different parts of the movie, with different background animations). They were basically about how scary the forest was and how the animals always had to be on their guard. The first one, which I found here (first song that plays) had black silhouetted shots of the bunnies running away from various dangers and trembling in fear. The second one, which I’m fricking grateful I couldn’t find, had a shot of one of the main bunnies against a black background, except with every shot its appearance became more and more horrifying, until it had fucking EVIL EYES, FANGS AND LONG, SHARP CLAWS. And I watched this as, like, a 4/5 year old???
When I was younger I had this big fear of scenes where cartoon eyes peer out of the darkness, and I think it stemmed from, or was at least exacerbated by, this one episode of Care Bears where they did a Phantom of the Opera plotline and at one point you saw the Phantom’s creepy eyes and smile peering out of a darkened hallway. I think it just turned out to be a dummy that someone was using to trick them, but I didn’t care, it still creeped me the fuck out. 
I only vaguely remember this one; it must have been in grade 1 or 2, when our class watched this episode of Magic School Bus where they went to a haunted house and kept periodically hearing this spooky, mysterious noise. Again, it turned out to be something completely innocuous, but the creepiness of hearing it repeatedly and not knowing what the heck it was left a big impression on me. 
Weirdly enough, despite loving Land Before Time, I remember there being a time in my early childhood when I was terrified of almost the entirety of LBT 4: Journey Through the Mists. Namely, basically every scene where they’re in the Land of the Mists, which is like 75% of the movie. And it sucked because I absolutely LOVED this song that happened late in the movie, but I had to sit through all the scary parts to get to it. Within a few years, though, I was watching the movie in its entirety and loving it. I think it was my favorite out of all of them. I guess I can see why I was scared of it, because it’s got a pretty dark/creepy atmosphere and the characters are constantly being hunted by things that want to eat them, but in hindsight the villains are more entertaining than scary. 
I generally loved Arthur but there was one episode called The Mysterious Hand where he’s scared about having not returned a library book on time, and he has a nightmare about it. There were two things in particular that scared me: ghostly faces outside his window howling his name, and a long hand that appeared out of nowhere to drag him back to the library. Pretty cheesy when I look back on it now.
Again, I loved George Shrinks but there were a couple episodes that scared me a lot. There was one where he had to journey through a pond in a little submarine and kept running into a snapping turtle that wanted to eat him (I think this was another offender for the ‘cartoon eyes staring out of the darkness’ thing). There was another where he thought a ghost was in his house, but it turned out to be the wind blowing through one of his dad’s musical instruments. There was still another where he started hallucinating from being outside too long in the snow and thought these evil snowmen were coming to get him. And finally, there was one where a literal robot alien (!) showed up and was in his house - I think the main thing that scared me about this one was the sort-of creepy sci-fi-esque music that often played when the alien was on screen.
My first experience with Star Wars was when I was 6 and my mom showed us Return of the Jedi. It was probably a good choice for easing a child into SW because of the Ewoks, but maaaan, I was not ready for all the scenes in Jabba’s palace. From then until I was 14, my only recollections of Star Wars were of ‘three monsters’ in the beginning part of the movie - Jabba himself, the Rancor under his palace which eats a guard and a slave girl, and the frigging SARLACC. Do you know how freaky it is to hear that the heroes are going to have to jump into a giant, toothy mouth in the ground that will digest them alive, slowly and painfully, for 1000 years??? Ngl the scene where Luke has to jump off the plank gave me a fear of diving boards, and when I had to jump off one into the deep end in a swimming lesson shortly afterwards, I staunchly refused to do it. Also, for some bizarre reason, for years I could swear I vividly recalled a scene where a young woman looking like Queen Amidala and a young boy looking like Anakin Skywalker were actually made to jump into the Sarlacc’s mouth, but seeing as such a scene doesn’t exist, I think it must have been a confused memory of the scene where the slave girl Oola is dropped into the Rancor pit, mixed with advertisements of the time showing Padme and Anakin (since this was around 1999 when The Phantom Menace came out). Or maybe it’s that Berenstein Bears/parallel timelines thing at work yet again. :P  
Speaking of things I was too young to see (and things that I ended up getting really into in my teenage years), when I was about 8 or 9 I remember seeing a snippet of Lord of the Rings on TV. It was the scene where Frodo and the other hobbits have to hide under the tree roots to avoid being seen by the Nazgul. Another strong fear of mine as a young kid was of creepy, black-hooded figures. Understandably, seeing this scene didn’t help.
Probably around the same age, I watched the Disney film The Black Cauldron for the first time. I liked it a lot, but the Horned King and his minions really creeped me out. Special mention goes to one scene near the end, when there’s this shot of this half-rotted skeleton army marching along a hallway, I think in slow-mo. I kept imagining that they were about to come around the corner towards me. Starts at 2:38 here. 
Next post will talk about THE BIG TWO franchises which left me terrified - and which I still love dearly today.
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tagged by @dunmerhealer​ i lov u but this is so long
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people.
1. What is your nickname?
Chupa, Chupacabra, fancy Lancey!
2. What is your zodiac sign?
3. What is your favorite book series?
the harry potter books. i’m questioning ron as well
4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
yes!! absolutely!! i 100% believe in both. 
5. Who is your favorite author?
i used to really be into jerry spinelli, especially the book smiles to go. 
6. What is your current favorite song?
lowlife by poppy omg
7. What is your favorite word?
lonely, bismuth, charismatic are my favorite words. 
8. What was the last song you listened to?
bliss by muse!
9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
pretty little liars and izombie!! both are incredible. 
10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
ummmm deadpool omg
11. Do you play video games?
yeah!! skyrim is a big special interest for me!!
12. What is your biggest fear?
suffocation and people i care about being disappointed in me. 
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion?
i’m always willing to try my best and i’m passionate!
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?
ummm i’m too hard on myself all the time and i give up easily. 
15. What is your favorite season?
16. Are you in a relationship?
nope!! but i am crushing on someone.
17. What is something you miss from your childhood?
my parents not hating me lmao
18. Who is your best friend?
um probably sage, miles, scout, or my friend tj! i hope the people i mention consider me their close friends too ;;; 
19. What is your eye color?
brown and gold !!
20. What is your hair color?
caramel brown
21. Who is someone you love?
my best friends! see #18. 
22. Who is someone you trust?
my bestest friend in the whole world tj
23. Who is someone you think about often?
see question 18 and also keith kogane
24. Are you currently excited about/for something?
voltron season 4 and grand rapids comic con!
25. What is your biggest obsession?
skyrim !!! oh my gosh i love skyrim so much
26. What was your favorite TV show as a child?
i don’t know... i didn’t watch a ton of tv as a kid.
27. Do you have any unusual phobias?
i am terrified to death of ants!
28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
either! usually behind but w/e
29. What is your favorite hobby?
uhhh i collect books in skyrim and i enjoy thinking about death
30. What was the last book you read?
the harry potter books!!!
31. What was the last movie you watched?
uhh either deadpool or sleeping beauty
32. What musical instruments do you play, if any?
uhhh i sing but i can play bass clarinet fairly well
33. What is your favorite animal?
an octopus hands down. or a bulldog idk
34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?
uhhhhhh @dunmerhealer​ @gta-v​ @cryptidquill​ @depressionmeal​ and @sayakuro​ are all lovely
35. What superpower do you wish you had?
shape shifting or getting a good nights sleep
36. When and where do you feel most at peace?
while playing skyrim, singing
37. What makes you smile?
my friends and my dog!
38. What sports do you play, if any?
i do competitive swimming and avoiding my emotionally abusive parents 
39. What is your favorite drink?
cherry cola or root beer from mug n bun
40. Are you afraid of heights?
eh not really
41. What is your biggest pet peeve?
people talking/making a bunch of noise during my tv shows
42. Have you ever been to a concert?
43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
a potion maker!!!
44. What fictional world would you like to live in?
tamriel or w/e universe the sims takes place in 
45. What is something you worry about?
besides literally everything? whether people hate me or not
46. Are you scared of the dark?
depends, it scares me at times
47. Do you like to sing?
yes yes yes i love to sing
48. Have you ever skipped school?
yeah, a couple times;;; 
49. What is your favorite place on the planet?
my bed. 
50. Where would you like to live?
ideally? the arctic circle bc it’s cold and dry without mosquitoes but probably somewhere like canada or something where im not gonna be a victim of a hate crime
51. Do you have any pets?
uhhhh yeah! i have a dog and a cat and one fish!
52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
night owl, definitely. 
53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
uhhh sunrise when i’m awake for them
54. Do you know how to drive?
yeah but i don’t like it...
55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
earbuds are easier for me but either way idc
56. Have you ever had braces?
nope! my teeth are the only straight thing about me
57. What is your favorite genre of music?
i like everything except reggae and country, but i usually listen to rap, pop, and alt rock/pop
58. Who is your hero?
ummmm maybe marsha p. johnson...
59. Do you read comic books?
sometimes, i prefer graphic novels. 
60. What makes you the most angry?
a lot of things but mostly people who are mean to ppl in the service industry (servers, customer service ppl, etc)
61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
it totally depends on what i’m reading.
62. What is your favorite subject in school?
history probably. i love ancient history. 
63. Do you have any siblings?
just one. but.... i don’t like him much. 
64. What was the last thing you bought?
scab blood and liquid latex. 
65. How tall are you?
5′6 i think?
66. Can you cook?
yeah! i love to cook!!! :3
67. What are three things that you love?
tes (especially skyrim), my friends, and my dog
68. What are three things that you hate?
people talking during my shows, clusters of bugs, and the bubbling thing pancakes do
69. What is your sexual orientation?
im a gay ol boy
70. Where do you currently live?
71. Who was the last person you texted?
ummm tj
72. When was the last time you cried?
like yesterday oh my god
73. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
i like dan and phil, and i like buzzfeed for buzzfeed unsolved.
74. Do you like to take selfies?
... yeah
75. What is your favorite app?
when i had a smartphone, i loved snapchat
76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
..... no comment. 
77. What is your favorite foreign accent?
i don’t have one....
78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
petra in jordan!!
79. What is your favorite number?
420 ayyyyyyy
80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
deep ocean but i’m scared of both bc i’m scared of wide open spaces
81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
at best an adrenaline junkie? 
82. Are you allergic to anything?
83. Can you wiggle your ears?
yeah! i taught myself how. 
84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
not often. blame it on the fact that im a taurus
85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?
the forest. i’m not a fan of the beach...
86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
that i need to figure out other people’s love language to have better relationships with people
87. Are you a good liar?
88. What is your Hogwarts House?
im hufflepuff as huffle-fuck
89. Do you talk to yourself?
yeah, or i talk to teeny. teeny is a voice in my head ig?
90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
im actually really extroverted!
91. Do you keep a journal/diary?
no. i’m not very good at keeping up with one
92. Do you believe in second chances?
no, but i give them to people anyways
93. Do you believe that people are capable of change?
not really.
94. Are you ticklish?
not if anyone asks!
95. Have you ever been on a plane?
yeah! i love flying on planes actually!
96. Do you have any piercings?
yeah i used to but all ear piercings get infected.
97. What fictional character do you wish was real?
shiro. i think.... i think he would be proud of all i’ve done...
98. Do you have any tattoos?
yeah! i have a moon on my inner arm near my elbow, harry potter tattoos on my inner ankles, and a bee on my outer left ankle. all small, all stick and poke
99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
coming out as trans ig?
100. Do you believe in karma?
yeah, kinda. i more believe “talk shit, get hit”
101. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
102. Do you want children?
not really...
103. Who is the smartest person you know?
i don’t know. 
104. What is your most embarrassing memory? (EMETO WARNING FOR THIS ONE)
chugging a 20oz mountain dew in choir and then puking it up less than 10 minutes later
105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
106. What color are most of your clothes?
i have a variety of colors but a lot of black and blue
107. Do you like adventures?
108. Have you ever been on TV?
no, i don’t think so!
109. How old are you?
110. What is your favorite quote?
We never taste perfect joy; our happiest successes are mixed with sadness. - Pierre Corneille
111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?
i like both, but i love sweet
112. Have your friends ever badly disappointed you?
113. What is your favorite scent?
rain, lemonade, fresh washed strawberries, green apple shampoo
114. Random fact you know?
uhhhhhhhhh im gay? 
115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships?
i am in a lot of them bc im ugly irl
alright!!! i’m not tagging anyone bc i don’t want anyone else to be like me and spend over 45 minutes doing this
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itfeelssowrite · 7 years
2 Singers: P!nk or Sara Bareilles, 2 Movies: Goodfellas or The Wolf of Wall Street, 2 Books: Redwall or The Chronicles of Narnia, 2 Characters: Norma Bates or Sarah Manning, 2 Ships: Frodo/Sam or Katniss/Peeta, 2 Shows: Dinosaurs or The Worst Witch. HOPE THESE ARE FUN!
2 Singers: P!nk or Sara Bareilles Sara Bareilles: Talk about pitting titans! I have immense respect for both women and a deep love for their individual works. I know the technical category says "singers", but it's the extra that both artists infuse in their work that put them beyond so many other comparable singers. For Alecia, it's her dance, which is worked into her music videos and live performances more often than it's not. Sara's exceptional skill with the piano and her branching out into Broadway with Waitress really allowed her writing to shine, but both women are genuine songwriters.It honestly comes down to personal taste and if I pulled out my, I'd have more songs by Sara Bareilles than I would Pink, though not by much! Sara Bareilles' lyrics also have the benefit of syncing up with Serafina more often than Pink's, so I spend a fair amount of time pulling from that soundscape.
2 Movies: Goodfellas or The Wolf of Wall StreetThe Wolf of Wall Street: It almost doesn't seem fair to give it to Wolf knowing Goodfellas -clearly- paved the way for such a film to exist. Both Martin Scorsese films, the connection is undeniable. I choose Wolf because like any great successor, it took the success and themes of Goodfellas and pushed it further to catch up in relevancy and impact with today's audience. It is the logical next step that plays like one wild trip, equally as unapologetic for the lifestyle of its protagonists as before. And of course, like any good sequel, five times as excessive ;)
2 Books: Redwall or The Chronicles of NarniaRedwall: I love both series dearly, owned them both at a time. Read all of The Chronicles of Narnia and -most- of Redwall, seeing as I outgrew the later releases before they were available to me. My opinion might change with a reread; I can't rightly recall how technically good of a writer Brian Jacques was against someone like C.S. Lewis. But as a kid, it was Redwall.I found it easier to root for and invest in anthropomorphic animals, apparently. Which isn't really all that surprising when you consider my childhood taste was steeped in 80s and 90s fantasy films. The 80's and 90's really liked mice and rats, y'all. Check it. The world was more gripping in a sweeping universe sort of way, each book in the series tending to follow brand new protagonists entirely. The Chronicles of Narnia is without a doubt the tighter and more focused series, but my imagination loved to run amok in what kind of animal would I be and what mark would I leave in the land? I never wanted to sit on the thrones of Narnia, though I always did want to go to there.
2 Characters: Norma Bates or Sarah ManningNorma Bates: Woof, this one was immensely difficult. Breaking it down, there's just so many ties. How can you compare Vera Farmiga and Tatiana Maslany? You can't, so I won't. Tie. Which is the more dedicated mother? Tie. I'm sorry, tie. Effectiveness aside, both women operate from the same overpowering love. Who is more impactful in their narrative? Both are undeniable primary characters. Tie. Ultimately, the tragedy of Norma Bates' end outweighed the 'at last' victory of Sarah Manning, and I realize that is entirely personal taste. Both outcomes are important, neither unrealistic. Both women are determined to make their lives better despite all the times they slip, and the reason Sarah succeeds when Norma doesn't is because Sarah was surrounded by healthier, more nurturing loved ones. Norma drew so much of her drive from Norman. The tragedy is the key to her happiness was always going to be the final knell in her bell. We knew her fate going into the series, and it still debilitated me in a way so profound I felt my empathy grow within the breadth of the series.Sarah Manning's happy ending, while soothing for the soul, never changed my mind the way Norma did.2 Ships: Frodo/Sam or Katniss/PeetaKatniss/Peeta: Another impossible choice to wrestle, but I choose Katniss and Peeta only because Katniss, unlike Frodo, got to save Peeta (Sam) back. Yes, the film includes Frodo pulling Sam from the water, a situation Sam put himself in because Frodo. But Katniss insisted Peeta be kept by her side, even when he was truly at peace with killing himself for the betterment of the mission. When Peeta, one of the beacons of true kindness in an otherwise cruel world, is made into something else (his biggest fear entering the games: "I don't want them to change me"), Katniss preserves him until he can recover. That degree of reciprocation edges Frodo/Sam out.
2 Shows: Dinosaurs or The Worst WitchThe Worst Witch:Seeing as The Worst Witch is only in its first season, the fact that it not only contended with three seasons of content, but beat it out speaks volumes about how optimistic I am for the seasons to come. I think The Worst Witch struck a fabulous concoction of honest, age-approriate writing, insanely talented actresses, both child and adult and aesthetic that echoes Harry Potter without ever pilfering. Which, if we're being technical, J.K. Rowling no doubt borrowed from the 1976 novel of the same name. So really, who's stealing from whom? The point is, it never feels like stealing, more like personalized homage, with simple but effective visual choices.
Jim Henson's Dinosaurs is another formula yet to be successfully replicated. Hilariously unique with poignant episodes that dared to address more controversial issues. Endlessly quotable ("I'm the baby, gotta love me!"), it's not Dinosaur's fault that I imprinted on the dynamic between The Worst Witch's three leads. ::shakes fist:: Hogwarts AU!THEY WERE FUN! THANKS, DEAR!
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danaeanceso-blog · 6 years
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#Repost @ggauthereau with @get_repost ・・・ On my way back from the Wild Roots retreat in Costa Rica. The idea of rooting, and exploring my soul with sound, breath, voice, and intention, has brought some deep revelations. First that I am trying to control my voice. My mind comes to hold, change and tame the wild sounds my body and heart wants to express. Because of our childhood and culture, we are not encourage to trust our wild nature or natural expression. We feel shame, fear, ridicule, small, pain when it comes to let any sounds come out. Second that my body tensions, especially the ones in my chest and throat, also prevent my Nature to be expressed. From my birth trauma and childhood abuse, I had to face this week the voices of my trauma that keeps telling me "whatever you say it won't be heard, so why even try". We all have those tensions which prevent our voice to naturally unfold. Third, I discovered the ecstasy of bathing into my wild voice. When She came out, she did not care, she was not afraid, she was wild, she was Love. A sound, a song, a poetry was unfolding on its own when I totally surrendered and got out of the way. In the same way a bird does not have to learn its song, I touched a few times that space of total trust, freedom and self love. Fourth, with that untamed breath, when the breather takes over, more than just sounds was coming out. My voice carried the buried emotions and traumas of my body. They were finally free and safe to be felt, heard and released. It was like my body and voice were in charge and my mind was resting and witnessing. Last, I entered day after day a space of deeper union with my Self, with Pachamama and with the others. My sound was not mine anymore to the point that one day I saw the sound coming from the earth into my pelvis, up my body and out of my throat. I was singing my Nature, I was singing Nature. I am so moved by this work, that deeply reminds me of the shamanic singing, channeled melodies of Native Americans who with total trust in the breather, in the ancient One, let Her sing through them. A deep intimacy with my Oneness. My wild roots finally seen... ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/danaeanceso/p/BtfDa0XhSVa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9d1bh4enr19y
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