#waiting to jump out at me
shinythingsarecool · 4 months
I hate tmagp for reminding me of Mr. Blobby.
Before he was a distant almost forgotten memory, a faint ghost in the back of my mind and now he haunts my dreams (and so does mr. bonzo but i actually don't want to talk about that because that funky creature fully terrifys me)
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tagerrkix · 8 months
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Eden was their ✨disney princess era✨
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ashenberry · 9 months
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hi hey hello. you should go check out @u3pxx 's piece for the mea culpa zine I just made a fun and silly continuation of it because im normal about it <3
more fun and silly shenanigans under the cut
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amelia-yap · 8 months
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GOSH I love her design so so much,,, the silly <3333
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intriga-hounds · 4 months
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every day when i get home she greets me with an exuberant hug and kiss and then we spoon 🥰
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hellenhighwater · 2 years
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leclerrari · 8 months
from lewis saying that if he could sit down with the fans on the bleachers he would support charles to charles saying lewis is one of the people he admires the most to them being teammates i’m afraid we’ve never been more back in the history of being back
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eyestrain-addict · 4 months
I might be misremembering but it's crazy that real lestat (that we know of) never refers to claudia as "ours", only ever refers to her as Louis' daughter. But dreamstat (AKA louis' imagined version of lestat) refers to her as 'our daughter'. This version of Lestat is both a taunting presence and also a comforting one and in this moment it's clear he's supposed to be comforting- meaning I think that Louis longed to hear Lestat take paternal ownership of Claudia the same way Lestat longed to hear Louis say I love you. Like a "this is it. We're a family. You're my husband and the father of our daughter"
A lot of notable things happened in this episode obviously but this is the one thing I can comprehend at this very moment
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climbdraws · 27 days
the cats have learned a new skill which is pretend vomiting before breakfast to get me out of bed
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sprinklethetangerine · 4 months
Hey, I just watched Dead Poets Society for the first time ever! Now, if you guys don't mind, I'm gonna go sit in the corner of my room and scream!
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damnstrawhats · 3 months
Oh, don’t mind me… just thinking about how Ace is the only character with whom both parents are confirmed to have the will of D- something we know to be major though we still don't know why for exact, & Ace used his own will to care. To try to look out for those disenfranchised like he was growing up. To treat its ethos as an unimpeachable code when he finally found a place that finally wanted to protect him. To put every effort into being a good brother.
He set out trying to define himself, for himself, and yet became increasingly littered by nods to the people he loves- his public surname, the tattoos, the necklace, etc.
He wanted to live to the fullest, with no regrets. To give meaning to the man he was without the imposition of legacy. And, at the end of the day, that looked like making the choice, the active & fought for choice, to be loving. Then he died giving thanks for the ways in which that love was returned.
If that’s not beautiful, then I’m not quite sure what is.
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oifaaa · 8 months
No clue on ur policy on cursing but if you do not like it pls delete this ask and I’m sorry I cursed but the concept was so funny.
Batfam au where Damian accidentally ends in the past (by himself or if any of his siblings join is optional) and needs to quickly stop himself before calling Bruce, Father.
So on a slip up, he accidentally calls him Fuckboy instead, and has to continually use it.
I see this going one of two ways depending on how old Bruce is - if it's teenage angsty Bruce then there will be a fight which will result in Bruce getting his ass kicked bc teenage Bruce was just constantly looking for a fight but couldn't hope to win against Damian - if its Bruce post training/ early batman Bruce then he will recognise that Damian looks a mini talia and realise this kid is his son or maybe a younger sibling of talias either way calling him a fuckboy is definitely deserved
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dylanconrique · 3 months
pop funko would make so much bank if they released a polin set complete with a carriage and everything.
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funkyplantguy · 3 months
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what did uh....what did.....what did bdubs leave on.....on the sheets....?
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lil-vibes · 1 year
need me a fem! skk ballet and/or figure skater au so bad yall dont understand
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I'm not a writer but i had this thought so- bear with me, yeah?
For months Eddie hears all about how cool and badass Steve Harrington is, yeah, but you know what he also hears about? How Steve and Robin are made for each other and how cool and pretty Robin is and how stupid it is that they're not a couple for some dumb reason, like Steve not wanting to be with a band geek and still clinging to high school hierarchy. And in all of the things Dustin says about Steeeve Harrington, that last part is the only thing that fits into the Munson Doctrine, so obviously everything else Henderson is saying is what's skewed in his little shrimp world view.
Steve Harrington thinks he's better than a band geek and that's why we won't look twice at a girl that would be perfect for him (according to Dustin Henderson, so... still questionably trustworthy information). Eddie probably assumes Dustin is talking up how close Steve and Robin actually are, just how he's exaggerating how close Dustin himself is to Harrington (like that would impress Eddie and the rest of Hellfire??? He really doesn't know how to get through to the little sheep that his worship of Hawkins' most notorious square is a detriment to his character and not something Eddie would find impressive. If it was real. Which it obviously isn't. Anyway-)
Turns out? Steve Harrington? Actually a cool dude. Not cool as in popular but cool as in "holy shit did he just bite that thing's head off???? Oh and he's not even gonna brag about that, it's just nbd, yeah sure, cool cool cool be fucking cool Eddie, oh god he's talking to me why is he talking to me" and just, chill to hang out with. After the whole shit show went down. Who would have fucking thought, huh? (except for Dustin Henderson, yeah yeah yeah, shut up)
So now Eddie has to reevaluate some other assumptions he made. Maybe Dustin was right and Steve actually is cool and badass, and he and Buckley actually are as close as he had said (and they really fucking are! He has seen them give Keith eerily matching bitchy looks for trying to schedule them on opposing shifts and basically bully the guy into changing the schedule around so they can spend as much time as possible in each other's presence. It's enough to make a guy question his own friendships when sometimes a few hours of band practice are enough to make him want to never see any of those chucklefucks again. Of course, that feeling abates but seriously, how are those two never sick of each other??)
So if they're as close as advertised but not a couple (and after meeting everyone Steve cares about and they're basically all nerds so the "Harrington thinks he's too good for a band geek" thing can't actually hold true-) what is the hold-up? Why aren't they a couple? And somehow, somehow Eddie comes to the conclusion that Steve is in love with Robin. Steve is a serial romantic (emphasis on romantic) and while his love life isn't the talk of the town post-earthquakes as it would have been before, people do still talk about the fact that he hasn't taken out a girl since it happened.
Which brings us to a day in summer, maybe fall, after Eddie has seen Steve look wistfully at a young couple with a baby, that he shows up at Robin's door step.
"Eddie? Hey what's up?"
"Good, good, how are you? Uhh can I... can I come in?" There's a nervous energy around him that is immediately infectious and she leads him to the living room where he immediately starts walking back and forth in front of the couch. She watches him for a moment, hands fluttering through different motions trying to find one that might calm him down before giving up on that. Instead Robin swerves around him, clambering onto the couch and wrapping her arms around her right leg, putting her head on her knee. She follows Eddie's path with her eyes and decides to wait before quickly realizing that she can't, actually.
"As riveting as it is watching you walk a groove into my parents' rug, do you maybe want to say something? I mean I can definitely talk enough for the both if us if that's what you want it's just that I have the slight suspicion you've got something you need to get off your chest" Eddie stopped walking halfway through her monologue and starts nodding.
"Yeah. Yeah yeah yes you're right it's just- I haven't a hundred percent made up my mind about saying something", Eddie has one arm wrapped around himself and uses the other to alternately play with his hair and gesticulate at her, "because on the one hand it's a little bit driving me crazy, maybe, but on the other hand this is none of my fucking business" And Robin who was worried at first just because Eddie is nervous, then for a second because she was scared he was going to confess to a very ill-advised crush on her, is stumped. What the fuck is this about and why did it bring him to her of all people?
"Just say it you weirdo", is what decides to comes out of her mouth but it doesn't even matter because half of her sentence is layered with his "Are you aware Steve is in love with you?"
[here we're facing the issue of me not actually being a writer and pretty much running out of steam but we also haven't reached the part that sparked this whole thing yet, which is wild - let's just pretend I wrote a very funny dialogue between those two in which Eddie confronts Robin for stringing poor Steve along ]
There's a moment when they're both silent and there's a moment when they're both talking and then there are steps coming down the stairs. They make a smirk grow on Robin's face that is starting to worry Eddie when not a parental figure but Steve Harrington steps through the doorway. He's wearing sweatpants and a shirt that might be Robin's and there's a headband pushing his hair away from his face.
"Don't yell at me for coming downstairs, you took forever and the first layer... is... dry....", he stops in his tracks the moment he looks up from his bare toes and sees Eddie. Then he very quickly rips off the headband and slings it somewhere to his right into the unknown of the hallway.
"Hi Eddie. What's... up" Eddie is going to sink into the floor and never come up for air again.
In the meantime Robin stood up on the couch to sit cross-legged on the back of it for a better vantage point and is steepling her fingers in front of her face. Eddie is getting the distinct impression he's missing some crucial information here.
"Stevie, babe, platonic love of my life-", Steve nods for her to go on, "you know how we decided I get a veto on your romantic life because we realized droves of suboptimal dates actually make you miserable so we're going for quality over quanity for the first time in your small-town Casanova life?" Steve has that cute little crease between his eyebrows while he's looking back and forth between Eddie and Robin, trying to figure out what's going on but he rolls his eyes at the end of her sentence, back in familiar territory. "Yes, Robin-"
She interrupts: "And you know how I also reserved the right to give a shovel slash molotov cocktail talk to anyone we deemed worthy of being a potential future partner?" Steve's face somehow shows an emotion that can only be encapsulated by "?!" as he glances to Eddie before shifting back to Robin with just the "?" remaining.
"First I have to say I'm personally very pro, I loved this experience; Eddie here really made a fool of himself, very worried for your delicate sensibilities and how I'm breaking your sweet little heart." "...what...?"
"So: what's the verdict on a potential future partner giving me the shovel talk?"
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