#it's too long to bother orz
arcademyth · 5 months
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something doesn't feel quite right
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snickerdoodlles · 5 months
regarding posting extra fic content that is not fic, but being worried about notifications... i have no idea how user subscriptions for pseuds work on AO3, but would it be a viable option to post those extra things under a pseud and then you can make it a related work to the fic in question?
it doesn't work! :( anyone who's subscribed to my main 'snickerdoodlles' username will get notifications for everything i post on AO3 that isn't anonymous because the pseuds still tie back to it. which is actually really convenient for me in every other case, but ajkfdjh.
right now i'm mostly considering building up a queue of tumblr posts that i'd want to copy over to AO3, then making a specific story post that's in my anon collection as i move stuff over. i can link all the story stuff together in the fics themselves, then take them out of the anon collection after i've finished uploading everything so that it's just one email notification at the end. my only hesitation rn is that moving a bunch of stuff over sounds very boring and i'm procrastinating it lol, but that's the only method i can think of atm that won't drive me completely nuts? i also don't really want anyone getting AO3 notifications from me to become associated with "not fic" either oof, i will cry if that happens 😂
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crowdsourcedloner · 1 year
14 Associations - Nailah
tagged by @foxlin-fantasia - thank you!
animal - wolves, funnily enough. she leans into the idea of being a lone wolf who doesn't need anyone else, but the truth is she very much needs others and works best with a small group of trusted friends (much like actual wolves, she needs a pack).
color - pale blue, pale purple, or silver. she's quiet and tries to be understated, but there's shades of herself that shine through.
song - this remix of the abyss watchers theme from dark souls 3. there's a sorrow to it that just fits her, and while she will absolutely fight and take lives should the situation call for it she isn't nearly as unaffected as she seems.
number - 0. it... feels right? i guess?
day or night - dusk into night. sunsets fit her, especially with how often she says goodbye.
plant - heather, representing solitude, beauty, or protection. lavender is a close second, with devotion and distrust being associated with it.
smell - smoke and pine, sometimes petrichor.
gemstone - pearls. something unwanted that turned into something beautiful, something more? of course its her. obsidian also fits, seeing as it's historically been used in weapons.
season - late fall, when there's a good amount of frost on the fallen leaves.
place - abandoned stone buildings, partially reclaimed by nature. think places like the sildihn subterenne or delubrum reginae or parts of amdapor. they're quiet and easy for her to relax in, for better or worse.
food - warm sourdough bread. or cold sourdough bread. just... bread. versatile, occasionally foundational, rarely the centerpiece.
eorzean deity - currently Nymeia, but arguments could be made for Nald'Thal or Halone. i enjoy the thought that someone so adverse to the idea of fate would have the fate goddess as her patron, and her mercenary death dealing fits the other two very well.
eorzean element - ice or lightning. she's outwardly cold and calculating the majority of the time, keeping a distance from those around her and rebuffing attempts to know her. once you get past the frost, you see a bright mind and a compassionate heart, even if she isn't very good at expressing either.
drink - warm mulled apple cider. probably non-alcoholic. a good, cozy drink that warms you from the inside, though it's not the most commonly reached for.
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merakiui · 7 months
Riddle - he spent all week learning how to make aphrodisiac chocolates, but unfortunately he made them a little too strong. You're in for a very fun, very long night. :)
Trey - Both. Why pick just one when both are equally wonderful?
Cater - He doesn't need either when he can use Split Card!! <3
Ace - Aphrodisiac. Arguably one of the few potions Ace masters fairly quickly and it's for nefarious purposes. T_T
Deuce - Flowers and chocolates (cum-free). That's for later in the evening after he's taken you out on the best date of your life!
Leona - Neither. You'll get it straight from the source.
Jack - He gives you actual chocolates. If you want filling (or to be filled), he's more than happy to oblige.
Ruggie - It's purely coincidence you happen to feel hot and bothered after eating the chocolate Ruggie gave you, just as it's purely coincidence you touch yourself according to his every movement.
Azul - He overdoes it every year for Valentine's and this is no different. You're getting an entire spread of sweets, and after you've had your fill he'll spread your legs and indulge in his treat.
Jade - Aphrodisiac. <3 he has all the time in the world to make sure you remember the taste of him on your tongue.
Floyd - Neither. You'll get it straight from the source.
Kalim - Definitely aphrodisiac chocolates. He can't stop feeding them to you. Kalim knows exactly what he's doing when he insists you have just one more. He'll take care of you!!
Jamil - I like to think he'd use both, but then for more dubious purposes perhaps he doesn't need either and resorts to hypnosis...
Vil - Aphrodisiac!!!!!!! Vil is a master of mixing and making poisons. You can be sure he'll have whipped up the most potent aphrodisiac solely for some Valentine's Day fun.
Rook - Both. This is Rook Hunt. He's weird. T_T also, every day is Valentine's Day if you're Rook Hunt.
Epel - Neither. You'll get it straight from the source.
Idia - Both. He definitely gifts you a skimpy cosplay as well. Please grant his wish and wear it just this once. orz
Malleus - Neither. He will get you lots of gifts: flowers or cute plushies. Anything that reminds him of you, really. Plus, he has two dicks. You will be very well-filled by the end of the night, more so than any chocolate or candy ever could be.
Lilia - THAT'S chocolate?????? T_T Lilia cooked...something. You think you'll settle for kisses from him instead. ;;;;; and a bruising round of sex. That's good, too.
Silver - So romantic!!!!! While there isn't any dubious ingredients added to your chocolates, Silver goes out of his way to make sure you feel appreciated and loved. The birds sing for you, draping a flower crown over your head, and guide you to where he's waiting in hopes of asking you on a date.
Sebek - He would never give you a gift! As if! >:( the gift of viewing waka-sama should be enough for you and him! Be grateful to be in his lord's presence!!!!! (Sebek won't admit it, but he wants you to give him head,,, >_<)
Rollo - Very traditional for Valentine's Day. Flower bouquet, a lovely date, holding hands, chaste kisses to your cheek or knuckles....... and then the most sheet-gripping sex you've ever had that night.
Neige - He suffocates you in love omg,,, but if you start feeling a little too hot halfway through your date, don't worry!!! He'll take good care of you. <3
Che'nya - Rather than that, he can just go invisible and toy with you until you're begging him to properly fuck you.
Fellow - He's not extravagant or expensive with it, but he does mean well with his gifts (mostly). Some may come with strings attached, so be forewarned. He's sneaky! However, he's certain he can help you out of that. There are plenty of ways to mitigate an aphrodisiac...
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fanofthelamb · 3 months
As an update to the kissing booth for anyone keeping track:
Asks are closed! They have been for a hot minute but just a gentle reminder! (They have been as of Jun 3 anything past that date is not being answered.)
21 submissions have been done. 6 submissions + 1 comic related ask are left (if i counted correctly.)
You're always free to ask about where you are in the queue or if you're even in it! It doesn't bother me and know if you didn't make the queue it's nothing personal and I wasn't annoyed or anything when I saw your submission come in. I love seeing everyone's designs!!
If you really, really, REALLY want to kiss my nari... You can send in an ask. Just dont make it kissing booth related or I'll delete it.
Also asks in general (BUT NOT FOR THE BOOTH) are still open too! Even though I'm not accepting asks about the booth anymore, you're always free to drop in my inbox!!
If you already have been in my inbox and been answered... Just know. I am thinking about you all. Once I free myself up of these projects a little bit. I will come for you all via inbox. (/affectionate)
Sorry it's taken so long to answer everyone!! orz I did not think this would blow up the way it did. I am so happy you all love it all so much!! After I finish the asks I'll make the comic wrapping this all up!!
Asks I am not answering HAVE been deleted, so if you find out you're not in the queue and still wanna kiss, please resubmitt. orz thank u,,,
Hell you don't even need to send a kissing ask. if you wanna just show off ur designs or anything to me, send me an ask or a message or even just tag me in ur posts. I don't think it'll get to that point but if you're ever finding yourself having a hankering for fanart of ur lil guys... I'm here. As long as you're 18+ and not a proshipper/support em. that's kinda like, my only 2 rules?
Anyway, back to the grind stone. I have comics, ask submissions, unfinished paintings, comics, headcannons, and a little side project called Beyond the Grove I need to be working on...
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Fic Writer Q&A
Got tagged by @jgydidnothingwrong :D
How many wips do you have currently?
Oooooh boy, way too many ^^;. Gonna list them in order from most to least likely to see the light of day orz
Ruoyao fake dating sugar daddy AU - currently ongoing
Omegaverse modern sangcheng - currently ongoing
Nieyao reconnecting by taking care of drunk LXC - for nieyao week
Xiyao endgame Mamma mia AU - planned for when the sc one ends
MY helping xusang by distracting WRH after accidentally getting betrothed to WX - I just think it's hilarious
Modern chengyao giving JL a puppy - a whole chapter long already
WRH trapped in a loop until he convices MY not to kill him - two whole chapters long already
A weird ass modern chengyao shared custody that can either be sangcheng&3zun or actual chengyao endgame - structure done and a few chapters
JZX is Madam Jin's bastard - one long chapter almost done
JGY as surrogate for xuanli - half chapter done
Post-nieyao revenge dating sangyao - got two chapters done
I have ideas for other fics too, but those don't have a sole word written yet, and this list is long enough lol
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish?
Everyone has their own reasons why they are still WIPs :'). But rn the omegaverse shangcheng one bc it's almost done but my brain is fixated on the ruoyao one bc it's HUGE, so it won't focus on the other one and let me finish it already.
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
It looks like me either forcing myself to work on something and finding my mojo along the way so I actually get a good chunk done... or opening yet another new file to pour down all my sudden ideas and feels for a new WIP :P
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
Not really. I used to, but unless the mood of a song matches the story perfectly, I normally don't bother anymore or just put background jazz to cancel outside noises. If I'm very into a song at that moment, then I just play it and somehow my brain will manage to make it match what I'm writing XD
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
Normally I just roll with it. I have a general idea of where is it going and how I want it to go and let Jesus take the wheel :'D. Only when I have WAY too many ideas for a fic that is going to be LONG I get organized with a proper structure and timeline, like the ruoyao one and the possibly two endings one.
I tag @wishthefish, @thebiscuiteternal and @hereticcryptid
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direwombat · 28 days
Hi again! (I’m sorry if I’m bothering you 😅)
I wanted to ask what you think the seeds + Sybille’s bad habits are (aside from the obvious brainwashing/killing/multilating from the seeds)
Lie, personally, I think Jacob and Joseph grind their teeth/tense their jaw and they both get headaches from this, with Jacob doing it more often than joseph. I also see John developing mild OCD in after everything with the duncan’s/ he got clean and didn’t have drugs to prevent his anxieties being at the forefront of his mind. Specifically doing things in threes, doing certain tasks in a certain order, and knocking on the wall before he enters a room. I see faith as a chronic nail biter (no i’m not projecting shhhhh)
I’m just curious if you had any headcanons like that for them and what Sybille’s would be
HELLO IT'S NEVER A BOTHER!!!!!! i'm so sorry this took so long (again). i have family visiting and have been busy but wanted to give you a well thought out answer so it took longer than i had wanted orz
as far as syb's bad habits go, the most prominent one is her chain smoking. she is sucking down cancer sticks like an industrial smokestack and she smells like it too. would not recommend sitting next to her on the city bus 0/10. she also doesn't take her meds, rarely sleeps, and is prone to binge drinking when she feels like she's losing control.
i do love the idea of jacob being a jaw grinder. man is so tense he couldn't relax his jaw even if he tried. i like to think that he probably has crowns on his molars (paid for by john) because he wore down the enamel until he was agitating the nerve endings. get that man a bite splint. but i also headcanon him as a smoker as well. perhaps not to the extent that syb is, but he definitely keeps a pack of cigarettes in his breast pocket. also that he's a reckless driver and bully on the road :/
and i actually headcanon joseph as a nail biter! i imagine it's a nervous habit he's had since he was a kid and that mama seed tried the lemon juice deterrent to no avail (and how joseph developed a liking for lemons). i think he also does it when he's deep in thought - kind of how some men will stroke their beards, he chews on his thumb nail. he strikes me as the type who has restless hands and uses his prayer beads as a fidget
oooh the idea of john developing ocd as a result of the trauma he endured at the hands of the duncans is a super interesting one! it reminds me of jennette mccurdy's story of developing ocd along with her own religious trauma!
and i'm perhaps projecting a bit onto faith here on this one too, but i like to think she's a skin/hair picker and will fixate on textures (especially when she's high) and needs things to feel smooth and uniform, and will pick at anything that interrupts that sensation (ie, a pimple/blackhead/bump on her skin, a hair she can't smooth the right direction, or feathers sticking out of a goose down pillow). and i agree with her also being a nail biter/picker! (also projecting flakjdfasdf)
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trainingdummyrabbit · 4 months
18, 7, 2 and 25 (ahehehe ohohoho)
18. Who is your least favorite OC?
ouhhgggh ok this one is hard bc . if i dont like an oc they dont become an oc dkfjgndkf;; so on some level i like all of them a lil too much t call em a least favorite.. orz.. at best i just kinda cycle em around until they become something else i Do like. if i had to pick Least Liked th closest ihave is This Motherfucker solely bc hes giving me a hard time re: writing >:// (he shrimply hasnt had th time to Be yet.)
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7. What things in real life make you think of an OC?
so so many things but most frequently. i have this lotion ive been using lately that smells really nice but its labelled Radiant Cocoa and every time i pass by it i just have to go. :] hehe.
2. Who was the first OC you made?
OHH OK SO. NOT A PM OC (obvi) BUT. when i was little my favorite pkmn ever was riolu, to like. an Absurd amount. so when i was little i would always imagine little stories around a riolu doing things whenever i went to bed; called her The World's Cleverest Riolu, and it became this super long Thing that i loved to death. it kinda grew n morphed over time but i still love her dearly. her name is aura she makes me happy :]
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shes significantly chilled out and is now just kinda baby. shes been through a lot of iterations but th core stays th same. ^_^ though she might be getting another iteration soon, imnot quite sure though.. /shrugs
25. Are there any two characters that are like a dynamic duo/group?
lilli and inigo!!! i havent talked abt them very much bc theyre still in the exposition process but mannnnn. MANNNNN. augh. i dont know if id define them as a Dynamic Duo but they sure are Two Of Them and you Should Not Separate Them they will get SEPARATION ANXIETY.... a lot of the cast has it, but they are the very peak of If Only They Met When They Were Kids.
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by all means they should be enabling each other into being worse (and maybe they kind of are) but they also happen to be fixing each other inadvertently bc ":( wait if i do that itll make them sad nooooo". they r like the glass cannons of character dynamics. theyre trying their best.
. also because they mean the world to me and ill cry if i dont talk about them they COUNT in my HEART nobody look at me ok. these dorkasses.
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YES theyre my silly swap au guys YES ive pretty much shaken them around till theyre new characters dont LOOK at me ok. everything 2 me. literally their entire thing is "im super not supposed to be a relevant character i Cannot fucking handle this" mixed with "this death flag is starting to look like a death quilt" mixed with "why are you bothering me i dont like you." mixed with "if you die im going to fucking kill you."
a bunch of stupid motherfuckers miraculously avoiding death solely because they keep tugging each other along because youre not letting me deal with this shit alone fucking get it together. trainwrecks, the lot of them. haunted me for like a fucking year straight. No I Still Havent Expanded On The Amount Of Bullshit They Have Going On bc im SHY. if yall KNEW. grabs and SHAKES U ALL
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fellpyrean · 2 years
So we all agree the ‘personal pet’ line messed us up, yeah? 
So here’s some King in Yellow/Arthur. CWs for uh. Gore, torture, mindbreak??, eldritch horny.  This is not nice. Dare I say, dead dove do not eat. (Edit: BODY HORROR ALSO! I forgot orz) 
Slice of an AU where ep20 went badly below the cut. ~1400 words. 
Humans can adapt to anything. 
It probably wasn't the thought Arthur should have had. He probably wasn't in a state to still have any thoughts at all, if he was being honest, but he didn't have much else to do. Not anymore. 
John was gone. Had been for… well. Probably quite a long time. 
The King had taken him back - pried him from Arthur's flesh, with clever words and cruel fingers that had driven him to such bright, piercing agonies that he could almost still hear John pleading through them. Defiant to horrified to begging until the King hadn't even needed to pull very hard for John to dive back into him; as long as the King didn't kill him. 
Well, haha. He didn't. It would have been a mercy. 
The King stayed true to his promise. 
Arthur had been far, far too bloodied and weak to fight the tentacle that oozed between his lips and began to spill something thick and vile down his throat before he lost consciousness. His last delirious, relatively peaceful rest before he awoke - still blind, but his body feeling oddly whole - before he heard the muffled singing and learned his new reality.
He was the King's pet. 
After that first… visit. He had wanted nothing more than to die. The King had dismantled him. Slowly, methodically. Narrating as he sliced skin from muscle, as his claws and tentacles slipped across bare, bloody muscle and dug down between his sinews, sliced into his stomach and examined him inside and out, pawing at his organs like fruits at a market. The dreadful sounds above his screams as the god cracked open his chest, all so he could more easily stroke and squeeze at his heart. 
And all, vividly, viscerally described in his low, purring voice as the King made sure he understood every word, every action, and kept him conscious until Arthur was sure he no more resembled a human than a lump of hideous flesh. How he did not die, he did not know. He tried to die. Tried to bite off his tongue in a stage of delirium, but all he got for it was choking on his own blood as the King tutted.
Then the tentacle came back, stuffing its way back through the ruins of his body, and Arthur fell back into blissful darkness. 
So it began. 
The King's special pet, locked away in a tower far and above the city, whose screams would rain down entwined in the King's beautiful song. 
The King's special pet, who slowly learned each and every way a god could take a mortal man apart. He thought the King would tire of it. Began to pray beneath his hideously cruel touch that it would end. That one day, he wouldn't bother to feed him his essence. That the King would hum and pet his bloodied hair and let him fall at last into the abyss. But he never did. 
He began to know when he entered, where his touch first fell, what he might expect. Whether he would be flayed or slowly ripped apart, whether the King would grab his hands with his tentacles and force Arthur to pry open himself. Whether their hands would be tangled as he was vivisected, what songs the King might hum as he inserted strands of himself into Arthur's spine and hijacked his nerves, his mind, and allowed him to experience such pure, inhuman agonies he could almost feel his soul shatter. 
Without the King to speak, he could describe what was happening to him. And oh, he liked that. Arthur remembered the way the monster had shuddered with unspoken delight when first he ordered him to narrate his own skinning. 
The tentacles had been eager that day. Eager to tangle in his muscles, eager to plunge into his mouth and feed him as he blankly drank it down. 
He belonged to the King now. 
Every bit of him by this point he knew was more formed of the King than anything human. 
Everything except the eyes. One of them at least. Never once had the King taken those. Arthur had taken one of them, once. But he'd only managed to gouge out one before the King had caught him and chained him in soft, unbreakable silk and. Fixed him. 
That had been new. Unique. He'd never felt tentacles swarming his eye socket before. Plunging into his skull and oozing about against the inside of him, wrapping in barely repressed rage about his brain as Arthur screamed and thrashed and begged until more tentacles stuffed his throat. 
It had been a brief incident. 
When he'd woken up, still shaking on the floor, he felt silk bound about his eyes. 
He couldn't remove it. It was… affixed to his skin. 
Perhaps… that was when Arthur accepted it. This was his existence now; his tiny room, the faint sounds of the city below, the cycles of light and dark that warmed and froze his skin, and the King. No others ever entered the tower. He doubted even if the Dancers approached it. Certainly, the King's only herald was the click of a so normal sounding door latch. 
The only other voice, the only other presence in his life became the King. His everything. 
How far gone was he, he would laugh to himself, that he was almost relieved when he heard that latch click? That it was a relief that the King still came, that his tormentor still traced so meticulously over his skin every time before he began to peel? That his breath came, hot and cold and close above his nape as the King laughed and sighed and sang and narrated his red, red blood spattering on to shining gold? 
There was a collar now. 
Arthur knew it was gold, just as he knew the silk around his eyes was. The King had slipped it around his throat with a hum, had choked him and purred out Arthur's struggles until he'd gone limp. And when next he had awoken, the collar still rested against his skin. 
Whatever it was, it was soft and supple, embossed with some twisting, coiling pattern, and a cold, metal pendant hung from its front. 
It made part of him pleased. God he hated that. But the broken, twisted part of him - larger far than Arthur wanted to admit - nearly preened at the damn thing. 
He blamed that part of himself when the King yanked him by the collar, and he couldn't stop the moan that tore from his choked throat as he hung in the god's grasp. Breaths fast, body oddly warm, fingers clammy as he clutched at the King's in that eternity long moment. 
And oh. 
Oh how the King had laughed.
Genuine, like hundreds of bells tolling at once in his mind, and then. Then, something new. 
Almost tenderly, the King pulled him close. So close. He felt the robes part, felt his skin prickle in danger he could not name, and then. Felt the tentacles pull him in. 
Into what, he could not… dare imagine to say. Into the King, though the words did so little to capture it. 
He had been torn apart on a level he couldn't comprehend. And he had clung to the King as he did it; as his body devoured him, as Arthur clutched at him, as Arthur's screams mingled with the god's slow, steady breaths and heady laughter. As his too long, too sharp fingers stroked his hair, urged his tear-streaked face to nestle on his shoulder. 
Idly, Arthur thought he could picture it. From the outside, it probably looked tender. Wrapped up in his cloak, none would have been any the wiser as to the shattering agony/ecstasy Arthur experienced as the King did… something horrible to him. As the King entangled them. 
Did he plead for him to stop, or beg for more? 
He didn't know. 
But the King. When. When he finished. When he deposited the remains of Arthur's body on the floor, when he felt the god begin to piece enough of him back together that the tentacles would have something to feed, he stayed. He stayed and he pet Arthur's head and. Praised him. 
Good pet.
And fuck. Fuck.
Arthur remembered it. It was seared into his fucking mind like a beacon; how he'd whimpered and sucked so obediently when that dripping tentacle slithered into his mouth and he fed on the god's slick like it was ambrosia.
How had it ever tasted vile, when it was so honey sweet? 
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b00m-b0mb · 26 days
do u have lore/a storyline in ur head for wandering karate perchance? i love them a lot :')
AHHH... Wandering Karate, my truest beloved!!!! I do!! But I am rewriting my canon :3c so this is kind of messy and due for a little bit of changing maybe?! Orz !!!!!!!!
UH.. WEOW... cringe...
The basis for a lot of this is a really old fic I wrote for myself that doesn't exist anymore waaa qwqq sorry if this doesn't make sense!
• Joe's family lives in one of the villages Ronin (Wandering Samurai) has rescued.
• Specefically I imagine the one in "Super Samurai Slice", since he leaves unnoticed.. However, Joe saw the whole thing! (Imagine this is some like, 3rd incident lol)
• I like to think Joe would attempt to jump into action and help out (foolishly brave!), but due to being a teensy bit of a clutz he ends up being carried most of the way.
• But he still helped out you know, and like, real danger! Ronin is impressed. And gave compliments where it was due
• Samurai is invited for a drink / some steak and rice. They hang out!! They just chat. I think both of them are a little lonely, and it was just easy to talk. And they did, for hours.
• Joe's inspired by Ronin's skill. Ronin thinks Joe is inspiring for jumping into the situation despite his misteps. Like the desire, but weak energy for skill (Joe, who i project chronic fatigue onto lol), in contrast to the unstopping precise performance, that could fear nothing more than a mistep.
• To me, Joe is a guy who's embarrassed a lot, but he keeps trekking! But hes also frozen still into his current situation, unable to free his wings. While Ronin has light feet when it comes to his embarrassments. And, ofc, cannot let himself stay too long, anywhere! I think due to his nature, he's lonesome and is locked into a endless cycle of self reflection/percieved redemption (over critical)
• Anyways the family comes home. And Ronin's like, ah, I shall go. (Not wanting to be a disturbance) and heads out the door.
• BUT Senior is like "Joe, I need you to pick up my epic gi from -inserts convenient far away comical temple post office-" and Joe, somehow not irritated, and now given a journey, is like 💡‼️ and chases after Ronin.
• He really wants to tag along for just a while. He helped after all! Whats some more time together..? Ronin briefly attempts to decline, before deciding the company wouldn't be a bother... letting Joe come along- call this a ROADTRIP!
• Anyway, the idea was they had two nights of travel / chitchat, with a bit of shenanigans to themselves. Learn about one another. Kind of can see a glimpse into the others perception. And like.. yah... Dudes who want to be friends so bad, everytime they talk there's a silent spark inside both of them bc they're so lonely and a!!!!
• My oc, Karate Maccie, played into my fic uhmm,,, she became the unwanted child tagalong. She's the comic relief pretty much lol!!! but she also is like really trying to set them up as friends you know? She sees these two introverts trying to make it happen. She thinks Joe could use the friend :] She's also just nosey. I know what you are (lonely.)
• More shenanigans & silly adventure for Senior's mail... In the end, Joe and Ronin would have to part ways, but, they would keep touch in letters!!!! Joe being given a post office to write to, and Ronin promising to be there in time to recieve it!
Also I think Maccie + Ronin would have a mini rivalry arc, but it's mostly one sided from Maccie's end lol, and by the end it's somewhat resolved, and Ronin actually offers to train with her or something some time! They all had fun okay! Ugh!!!
I think from there their relationship is just you know, they get each other I guess? They share their thoughts in letters, and are honest and discuss anything and yeahaha... Sometimes a letter is just. "I saw a bird :)" -drawing-, and they get it...!!! they repeatedly will express in their letters how much they truly treasure the others company. Idk man!!! Queer platon guys okay!!!!!
Ronin would definitely make time to come around and visit the village, and Joe would up and leave the house w/o anouncing for mini trips to travel and meet the wandering samurai when hes close to the area!! Skipping practice?! For the samurai he holds dear?! It's serious, you know!!!
But I think the tension takes forever to boil over into melting their boundaries with one another. These dudes need to embrace. So bad. I think. But it's so hard, when you know the lack of it can hurt???? But one day.. I will feel confident enough in both of us, to hold you...??? And know that even when we part, ill see, and hold you again? Wails???
Uhgrhrbrbmammamaaammama 👍👍👍 normal about burnt out souls that are maybe a little mentally ill <33333333 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH ugh,h,m,m,,,,,,
Also they both have a somewhat similar family life in my hcs. Dead mothers, somewhat strained relationship with father, tradition, a clash in how they want to live? Something. They can't be together, but they treasure and hold their shared time dearly, and hold their long distance relationship with nurture :) I lovegh. Them.
Also, food for thought- Bon Odori is also in the village Joe lives in. (And I hc the toss boys are kids in this village, so fourth) maybe Samurai Slice Endless (DS) is there too :] I think he'd do that anywhere needed, but I like the idea of him going from not well known anywhere aside from few legends, to becoming apart of this community because of Joe? Or something? Sobs...??? Sorry idk...
Also I imagine a mini plotline of their relationship regarding the fact Ronin doesn't have a true name + Joe's rise to doing things outside the house ??? Things.. !!!
and and UHHHGGGGGGG rhythm heaven head canon world I missed you.....
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dxy-drxxm · 8 months
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SYNOPSIS: The lunar year is upon Oletus Manor, and yet the embalmer couldn't ask the novelist for one thing and one thing only.
CW/s: angst, ferrylady is a bit of a dumbass, abstract, drabble focused (less dialogue, more narrative), kinda bitter of an ending
NOTE: Reference for the season essence with Entomologist, its event, and Lady 13 in the past seasons, coming from the prompt/challenge by @i23kazu. I also did a small experiment since I felt unmotivated to write more stuff than usual. Hope this will suffice orz (IDV AU)
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It wasn't strange to have a few festivals being hosted in the manor. For the residents, they felt that it was the only way to 'bring life' to their everyday schedule: get matched up, win or lose, go back... And repeat.
And for the duo, the lunar festival is one they both like and prepare. The reason behind it? It differs between them.
For the embalmer, it was her way of getting back to her original occupation: a ferrylady. She often spoke about doing her job for once, and to be hired in that occasion felt nice. It could be because, in some way, she was reminded of her home.
It was a place she's forgotten for so long, and for a good reason. After all, her job was tied into death; that in itself deserves some form of scrutiny.
Although, what is ironic is that she is in charge of the festival. And especially when she saw who else will be participating to help make the festival a success.
Being donned in new outfits, the ferrylady looked over at her own. Not as flashy, but comfortable and closely tied to her memories of home... Yes, that's what she wants. And clearly, they held no qualms in having her wear it, too.
Looking at the others, the director had a sleek appearance. Black coat, gold embroidery, and even a veil that covers half of his face from the nose down. The design behind his coat was of a long dragon, it's scales and color of it mix of gold and amber.
The one that's speaking (read: bothering) him is the undertaker, Hu Tao. Although she wasn't dressed as conservatively nor elegant as Zhongli, she was still stylish. Her hat has been replaced with that of her occupation, and instead of her trusty 'ghost repeller' (her words, not of the ferrylady), she had to wield a big and long brush.
Comically speaking, it reminded her of what a witch would have. Alas, she had to bite the comment back if she didn't want to be bothered.
And lastly, her eyes drifted towards the novelist. Unlike the two, the novelist was given a different attire to wear: one that is fitting for the more... Lively aspects of the lunar festival. Red and white adorned them as they adjusted the fur hanging on their shoulders, the slim dress doing no good for anyone who would look.
She had expected them to be happy for this, but they looked a bit displeased. They even asked the shopkeeper if they can change, but they couldn't. They are the ones taking care of the teashop, so they need to 'look the part'.
How annoying.
Still, the ferrylady had nothing to say. It wasn't because of how nice they looked, but it was simply due to the fact that the Gods weren't so kind.
Lunar Festivals are no joke. And for her, she had a lot to deal with.
At the start of the festival, the four were busy. Sure, there were mishaps, but the lady was able to deal with them. Zhongli and Hu Tao made quite a pair, and even the novelist has managed to deal with most of the workload.
It's when the time came for the main attraction that she was informed of something... Surprising.
"Lantern making?"
"Yes. It's says that sending wish up on the sky makes them come true. Why don't you give it a try?"
It was a foreign concept, though she didn't disagree and sought out for the novelist. Although, the irony is that... Well, she couldn't find them.
It was almost surprising at how long she took in searching for the novelist. Some said it was easy to find them, but others attest that they are a massive feat to look for.
It wasn't long until she had to stop searching, and the night ended without any incidents. Though, she still felt bitter with how she couldn't find that elusive novelist.
Maybe they're busy, she thought, but it was almost like she was trying to reassure herself.
Maybe, just maybe, she should've asked them sooner than later.
And just like that, the Lunar Festival ended in a bitter note.
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@.dxy-drxxm | do not republish, repost, or copy my works anywhere | 2024
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f2e5b1 · 2 months
Hello! First of all, I'm sorry if my question is bothering you in any way. I found your blog back in 2023 from the hashtag Tim Drake, out of boredom, I started to read your "Dear Robin" fan fiction and guess what? I'm instantly in love to your writing! It's very beautiful and nostalgic in some kind of way, and I really love the way you wrote the characters.
But the thing that made me really attached with your writing is the fact that I first discovered it when I was studying for my entrance exam. Reading your story gave me a really great boost during that period of time because everytime I read it it always give a sense of comfort to me. Long story short, back in March I got the acceptance letter to my dream school! And even though it's weird, everytime I think about my new school I always get a reminiscence of the story you made, and for that, I just want to say thank you. You writing is amazing.
Anyway, I'm going to my school's dorm soon (much like the main character from your story I guess), and I'm just wondering if you will ever drop the next chapter of your story, because if so, then I would gladly wait for it! Thank you for reading this, and once again, sorry if this question is bothering you. Have a good night!
hi hello! first of all, congrats on getting accepted into your dream school, and thank you so much for your kind words. sorry for the late reply... i've admittedly been going back and forth to your message ever since i received, but i didn't really know how to respond to it, which is nothing against you btw - and i wasn't bothered at all! it's just that... i guess you could say i was surprised? that someone managed to find me even when i've changed my usernames so many times and deleted the fanfic itself from my blog - but i'm glad you did! thank you for finding me, for taking a chance on dear robin, and for loving my writing. it means the world to me to see this as someone who's always had extreme second thoughts on my stories/writing - but what writer doesn't? haha. i'm thankful that dear robin gave you the comfort you needed during your studies, which is honestly such an honor, knowing that my work offered someone comfort even though it wasn't exactly on purpose.
(sorry i kind of went under a long tangent orz...)
admittedly, i don't really remember now what compelled me to start writing a tim drake fanfiction since i've always been a dick grayson girl (which sort of bled into the story i guess haha), but i knew that i wanted to at least showcase my liking for tim at the time dc was still my hyperfixation - and maybe try out a new writing/story telling style that delved much more into the complexities of relationships (tim & reader, or the reader & her mother) and of growing up. i was scared of mischaracterizing tim, or any other batman characters as i never really grew up on the comics - and the most i've done is watch teen titans when i was a kid. but seeing the attention dear robin got on both tumblr on ao3 gave me the boost to continue writing! i know dear robin isn't the most perfect dc fanfiction, and maybe ive mischaracterized some of the characters to the point where the dc tumblr meta community might crucify me for doing so (biggest fear of mine ngl), but writing it was both a learning lesson and also a sense of comfort to me; i even remember being so excited to show my friend the first chapter last year, and the compliment he gave to my writing motivated me to share it with everyone else.
but over time, i started getting... tired? of writing it? but i still liked tim, i still liked reading the comics and finding out about him - but the inevitability of feeling self-conscious about my writing eventually crept up until all i did was repeatedly go back to my documents and edit the chapters. but i knew that these little changes wasn't what i wanted - i wanted to make so big of a change to the story and the way i've written it and i've considered it too many times over the course of the year (maybe even deleting the whole thing itself), but thanks to all the comments and messages like these... i decided to just keep it. i won't say i've found peace with it, per se, but rather i wouldn't want to leave you guys hanging after we've been through so much together - i spent too much of my time writing it instead of studying haha! honestly, the 7th chapter is somewhere in my drafts, but it's nowhere near finished. when i open the document, i find myself cringing just to read it, and i hate to feel that way about something i've worked so long on. but i don't want to give up on dear robin because i love that story - i wouldn't want to do it dirty by leaving it behind the dust.
the next chapter is far from finished - and tim and the reader's relationship is still so far from what i've promised since the very first chapter, but i do still want to continue dear robin until it reaches that point. i will keep writing, and post the next chapter some time soon. i realize that i'll never be satisfied with how i do or write my stories, but somewhere down along the road i just have to accept the fact that even if i don't, others will - and you are proof of that, anon. thank you so much, and if you still can, please continue supporting dear robin.
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kiu-k · 2 years
😄Hello again! I’m sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you had any fic recommendations? I so often feel like your artwork tells a story and I always want more of it. Especially your sexy times/NSFW artwork🤤. So I’m dying to know if you have any favorites that inspire you or ones you just enjoy reading? Thank you! ☺️❤️
Ah you're not bothering me at all! Just feel free to send me messages!
If you talking about fic recs, I've recommended some in a previous ask! Here
Well, tbh I haven't been reading many fics lately. Not that I'm not interested, I LOVE reading fics. I just don't have much time for it, and sometimes I read fics in languages other than English too, so my fic recs probably won't be a long one orz...
Some of them are smut some of them are just some fics that I like:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2586431 (I particularly love fics that Sarah or Becca or the Barnes are mentioned 😭)
Here are some of them, hope you find it useful! Anyways, fic recs are always welcomed XD.
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spinchip · 2 years
can you write something with meri perhaps I know they're my oc but like :autism stare:
aaaaaaaa (dats me yellin) I hope this is okay ORZ
“I have a question.” Meri says, swirling the whiskey they’d poured from Broden Voss’s crystal decanter. They wouldn’t drink it, Broden knows- they hated the taste. Couldn’t stand to kiss him after he’d had a sip. It was more for something to hold, he presumes.
“What now?” He’s sitting at his desk in his chair- authentic leather, the best money could buy. He’d given up on any work, shelving his email response to Stella for a time where Meri wasn’t bothering him. He used to find these meetings amusing... The novelty had worn off. His voice is clipped, annoyed, but Meri either doesn’t notice or foolishly still believes they’re safe.
“Do you know… who I am?” Meri stops swirling the drink, resting it in their lap. They’re perched on the edge of his desk and they’re tense and uncomfortable. They are staring at the wall, expression steely, waiting.
Broden leans back, threading his fingers together and scrutinizing them. He sighs, reaches towards his desk and opens the drawer- Meri doesn’t flinch, but turns to watch him like a hawk- and pulls out a slim box. He pops the golden clasp to reveal… a plain box of cigars. (plain isn’t the right word. They were imported, expensive, exclusive.) Meri deflates, staring down at the cup. They're upset, but not at Broden. He lights one up and savors the taste, “No.” He answers finally, “I don’t.”
Meri jerks in surprise, spinning to face him, “Are you being serious?”
“I never saw the need.” His words are characterized by a smoke trail from his lips.
Too relieved to pick up on the thinly veiled insult, Meri visibly relaxes, “Whew!” They fiddle with the cup again, frowning, “Y’know, Cyrus does. He looked me up.”
Broden goes very, very still. “Is that so?”
“Yeah! He vetted me, the jerk.” Meri scowls, “He said he couldn’t let me get too close without making sure I wasn’t dangerous. Isn’t that messed up? Just when I thought maybe...”
Meri had always overshared when it came to Cyrus Borg- they’d learned it riled Voss up, and a pissy Voss was funny. They hadn’t considered how Voss might act once he was finished playing their game. They keep talking- too long, too clueless of the way the chessboard changed.
He interrupts them during another tangent about Borg that Broden didn’t care to listen to, “I could, if i wanted to.” He says softly, traces of venom in his tone.
“Could what?”
“I could find out who you are, where you work when you’re not stealing from me- even where you live.” He leans forward, reaching over to wrap his hands around the cup. Meri face is a menagerie of emotions. “I never did because I have never seen you as a threat. You’re in my building, Meri. If i wished you dead, you would be.”
There’s a look in Meris eyes- the refusal to believe. A rat caught in the trap that can’t allow itself to comprehend that.
He takes the cup- no use wasting good whisky. “Meri, Meri, Meri…” He sighs, sitting back, “I’m bored.”
There- there it is. Voss doesn’t call the security drones in right away- he was waiting for this. Meris face crumples, dawning horror- the realization, the shock, the fear, the awe- all of it for him. Because of him. Finally Meri realized their place in the hierarchy. They knew exactly what they meant to him- what their very life represents in his-
Absolutely nothing.
Their eyes are wet, and it's the closest to tears Broden knows he’ll get. He doesn’t waste another breath, bringing the cup to his lips as Meri scrambles off his desk, backing away in fear. Their hands shake, and their eyes look wildly around the room- waiting.
He taps a button on his wristwatch, and activates the security drones.
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merakiui · 8 months
virgin octotrio 👁👁👁👁👁👁
👁 👁 virgin Jade, but he's a loser like plus boy Len. Just,,,, very hormonal eel. The classic, cliché anime nosebleed trope with him. He's so gross and sweaty around you because you have his heart racing and he's just so overwhelmed. In his mind, he's picturing all the ways he can pound you stupid, but then when he's actually in front of you and you're sliding his jacket from his person he's cumming in his pants. T_T he ends up producing way too many eggs during breeding season because his body chemistry is working overtime at the thought of you packed full of his eggs. orz he can't think about it too much, or else lust will get the better of him.
Virgin Floyd who acts like he fucks, but he's so clumsy in bed. Aims to be sleazy and cool, but fails miserably and he ends up looking like a touch-starved, desperate virgin (which he is). He rushes through the foreplay and practically slams himself inside in one go because he's so impatient. He doesn't last very long during that first round, but he fucks through the orgasm and keeps going because you're so soft and sweet beneath him and he's drunk off of everything. The sex, the sounds, the smells, the sensations... (he breaks the bed in his excitement.) Floyd doesn't bother with condoms because he thinks it'll be a pain to have to remove one and swap for a fresh one every time he fills it up. You'll just have to forgive him; he'll make it up to you later in his own special way.
Virgin Azul........ he's so self-conscious of his body, so foreplay takes an abnormally long time. He spends most of it dry-humping you, and he's already cum three times in the span of fifteen minutes. Sloppy kisses that are more saliva than tongue; it's so messy. He tries to be suave, but you're giving him the most lustful bedroom eyes and dear Neptune he's gone. orz his technique is nonexistent, but he fucks like he means it. Definitely cries when he's finally inside you because he was not expecting it to feel so good. He's so overstimulated and sensitive, but he keeps fucking even though you're already stuffed full. His nervous excitement fuels his stamina, so even when you're tired and half-conscious he's still rutting into you like he's a mindless animal in heat.
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wri0thesley · 2 years
Hi Nat!! I hope you’re well babes. I have a question to ask about genshin if that’s okay? If not I understand! It’s just that I’m still fairly new and learning the ropes orz so I am clueless
Is it true a featured five star character is guaranteed on the 90th wish? Because I think I’ve put in about 100 and still no Haitham :( I saved primos for so, so long, too!!! Do you have any advice? Tysm in advance and I hope I’m not bothering you!
ofc anon! at ninety wishes since your last five star, you are guaranteed A five star!! if your last five star was not the featured one and was instead a standard banner five star (jean, tighnari, diluc, qiqi, keqing, mona), you are guaranteed the featured five star on the banner - if you got the featured one last time, there is a fifty fifty chance you will get a standard banner character instead of the featured one! it’s also super rare you go all the way to ninety, your chances go up exponentially the minute you hit soft pity (80!).
this only counts for event banners; standard banners you can get any standard five star (including weapons!) at any time, although the eighty soft pity ninety hard pity still is in play!
weapon banners you are winning 75:25 instead; you are only guaranteed the particular five star you set your course for after acquiring two fate points/losing two of the weapons you wanted to something else (although of course you can still get lucky and win the one you want first!). weapon banner pity is also slightly lower; soft pity starts at seventy and is guaranteed at eighty!
I hope this helps anon!
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