#it's trigun brainrot this time lol
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andr0nap · 1 year
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welcome to Hell Froze Over!
be glad youre not there :)
we have:
Ice Spike Regions areas covered in towering ice spikes. traveling through those regions is risky due to falling debris and strong winds.
Worm Tunnel Cities some cities/towns are built within the ancient tunnels of ice burrowing worms. theyre generally warmer thanks to their shape, which helps with even heat distribution.
The average snowstorm (and a crash-site city) sometimes also referred to as "the wrath of God", for uh.. obvious reasons (theyre big and scary and sooo deadly)
The Hunting Grounds general name of areas with high Icebreaker worm activity along the equator. the ice is much thinner there compared to the rest of the planet.
Ribbon Valleys places named after their characteristic striped icebergs.
Geothermal Areas (with stalker and flying worms) so far only two have been discovered. theyre the only places where the ice has melted enough for the ground to be visible. unfortunately theyre also known for being worm hotspots, thus hard to access.
+ some planetary scribbly stuff & ramblings below the cut
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the planet is a frozen wasteland on the surface, covered in a thick ice shell that thins around the equator, with liquid water and a (possibly) volcanic seafloor deep below. theres very little land right under the ice and the planet would be a water world with few islands scattered about if not for the extremely low temperatures.
there are a lot of unknowns about whats going on below the ice since humanity doesnt have the equipment for that kind of research and everyone is too busy trying to survive the cold.
Hell Froze Over doesnt really have seasons like our planet does since its axial tilt is minimal. instead it has pseudo-seasons caused by its elliptical orbit.
its either cold or colder. the highest recorded temperature in the habitable zone was -34°C during the "summer" season. during winter it can drop all the way down to -90°C.
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yuhi-san · 7 months
I used to have 658 Manga. I started collecting when I was very young, at a time and in a place where it was harder to find them online, let alone in german (back when I didn’t speak english). so what else was there to do but buy them? I also loved having the copies! But, it was expensive, already like 25 years ago. Prices have more than doubled. Not to mention, back then most had to be ordered on demand because it was a very, very niche thing even in bigger cities.
The point is, I had 658 manga, that is a lot of money and also some space they take up.
Had a special shelf made that took up an entire wall. I loved them. I moves out from home and into an apartment with a friend. I was in my early twenties and below us was a family with three girls. They weren’t quite poor but they also didn’t have much spending money for fun stuff. The oldest girl was 14, I think, and I was talking to her mum once outside when she came begging to get money for the new volume of some series (I can’t remember which one, it was an ongoing one that I knew of but didn’t read). She promised to clean the bathroom, vacuum the house, everything.
I remember saying, “oh, you like manga? So do i!”
The girl was so excited. I mean this stuff was more common overall these days but still more niche in a backwater place like the one I lived at that time. I was like the first person she met that didn’t just loosely watched the shows and was aware what manga were but was really into it, too. I told her if her mum was okay with it, she could come see my collection and pick any she would like to read.
Her mum was a little reluctant. The younger ones would maybe want to look at them too, she was worried they might get signs of usage and so on. I said as long as they don’t split the back, that’s fine. They aren’t collectibles. Like 6 different elementary schoolers went through the dragon ball ones back in the day. Yes, treat your books with care but at the same time, they are made to be read.
Girl was over the moon when she saw my collection. At first she would just ask to borrow new ones when she happened to see me come home from work but later she was less hesitant and came knocking on occasion.
We moved to a different place like two years later. My room would be a lot smaller. So, so many of the manga I have read once and left in the shelf ever since. I put the nostalgia one and the ones I liked a lot into boxes.
The ones I only ever read once into another. I told the girl later she could pick any she wanted and keep them. She could also keep the shelf because I knew hers was cramped and overflowing ( mine was big, actual wood and designed in depth and all to perfectly maximize the space for manga.) and I would no longer need such a big one, let alone have the space.
She was absolutely losing it. Shrieking and jumping and going, really, really? All over again.
I was so excited that she was so excited.
Her mum came to me and asked me at least 5 times if I was sure. Its so much money!
The truth is, second hand manga, even in top condition, don’t sell super well. I did sell some, but couldn’t and also didn’t want to keep the others in boxes until they did sell.
I said, “yeah, sure. I haven’t read them in years. What’s the point in keeping them like decorations in my shelf or in boxes? It just makes me happy that they can make someone else excited the way they excited me.”
(I randomly found her on Pinterest almost 10 years later, she is still super into anime and manga and still has the shelf)
I have a bit of a problem of letting things go because, what if I want to use it later? So I still had like 400 when I moved the second time. My cousin was over to pick something up and saw my collection. Mentioned her neighbor kid was really into it, too. (they didn’t have much money, bad family situation all around, she just moved to live with the grandparents). I sorted my manga out again, put them in a box, got into contact with the girls grandparents. Explained the situation and learned her 13. birthday was coming up. the weekend after her birthday, I showed up with a giant box, told her who I was and that she could have whatever she wanted from the box.
Just like the other girl, she was so, so happy. I loved it.
Could I have made some money back if I sold them? Sure. But it’s a hassle. And see, if I had met someone like me when I was their ages, that would have been such an amazing thing. I like to share the thing that made me happy.
Now, I bought the trigun and maximum manga. They don’t fit into my perfectly filled, current shelf anymore.
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The manga now have been there for years. I love them. Re read some of them. But there is still a bunch that is good but… not enough to have re read them in like the past 10 years.
So what do I do? Keep them? So I have physical copies still if I ever want to re visit them?
For a whole while the talk about getting physical copies of stuff has been going on, especially with what is going on with streaming. I get it, though there is more to it than just ‘unlike with streaming they cant take it away and you actually owe it’ (mostly its money and space but also the ability to check it out before having to invest too much).
The point is, trigun had me actually wanting to own physical copies of something again. And with the rooster teeth situation going on I am glad to know I have all available dvd and Blu-ray from rvb and rwby.
Then again, they sit on my shelf, just in case, looking pretty.
I decided to cut down again. Keep the best and the nostalgia one (I don’t think I will ever reread dragonball or even inu Yasha but that’s the nostalgia. Fma will stay. Durarara, d.n.angle… bunch of shorter series that are mindblowing like blood+ or another).
I don’t know any kids big on manga personally right now, so lets go to the library nearby (that also offers manga drawing courses) and see what they want.
Yes, owing physical copies is important. But if they stay on my shelf untouched for years on end, I think they serve a better purpose with someone what gets to actively enjoy them.
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midmorningsong · 1 month
man the trigun fandom has had a grip on me like no other fandom in my life; I've noticed a pretty consistent trend with myself of finding out about x show/book (usually through osmosis via online memes) -> watching said show -> recirculating in the fandom for 1-3 years via fanfic and tumblr memes -> fandom starts waning at some point after the show finishes -> start engaging more with another fandom -> cycle repeats
...and this same pattern is holding true for trigun thus far- except --EXCEPT-- the frankly insane hold it has on me. like I'm sure I've thought about fandom brainrot(affectionate) and all that as a fun little metaphor for being in fandom but no actually this is a valid term for all that I'm experiencing it.
I can measure my obsession with trigun via the very definitive method of 'how many AO3 tabs to I have open on average', because in all my years I'd say anywhere between 3 and 20 (at the absolute most), but right now? the past year? for trigun fics? I actually don't want to go count because it's embarrassing but I would say at least 50 as a lowball, and that's not even considering the entire vashwood big bang collection from last year I'm still working through.
SERIOUSLY in any fandom I'm actively checking for new fics and going through writers' works I might go for 1 in 25 stories I see- but with trigun (saying this now currently in 2024), there will be, say, 8 new or updated fics in the vashwood tag in 24hrs and I am extremely interested in reading like 6 of them. And ALL of them will be some kind of sublimely delicious whether it's a beautiful writing style, extremely poignant character introspection, a super engaging AU with a fleshed out world, the best smut you'll never find again, or, you know, ALL OF THE ABOVE.
I'm so curious as to what perfect storm has made this trigun renaissance- if it's a factor of an old established fandom getting more traffic again with new material, or a certain amount of time passing from the original media (so fandom oldies here for the long haul have had plenty of time to write and read 10k meta analyst posts), and trigun itself being a very complex story that has so many deep themes relevant and relatable to our struggles today.
In any case, I'm just thrilled to be here in the thick of it and am of two minds between having some kind of restriction on myself so I can actually have a good balance of hobbies without descending fully into fandom at all possible moments, OR just enjoying the amazing stories and engagements while I'm on the wagon lol
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 9 months
here’s to a year of trigun :] just a cute little (1k. oops.) essay reflecting back on how it’s changed my life.
(twitter crosspost LOL)
You know that strange, dissatisfying limbo between hyperfixations? That was me in January. A 2-year long obsession with Genshin Impact was dragging itself to its grave and I was struggling with life. I got diagnosed with a rare chronic pain disorder at around the same time I caught mono and strep simultaneously (that week SUCKED), classes were kicking my ass, and I was experiencing the existential loneliness of adulthood for the first time. 
University student things! 
And to make it all extra unbearable, my writing was empty. Soulless. I’d write something for a zine and go damn—this shit is awful. Not because it was technically flawed or anything, but there was just…nothing there. I would stare at my stats page on Ao3 waiting for comments and then bitterly complain at my friends when no one wanted to read my work. Hell, I don’t think I wanted to read my work. I’m sure you know the feeling. 
And because my writing is how I cope with Everything, being unable to write made the Everything so, so much worse.
Then—and I forget exactly how I heard about it—I learned that Trigun Stampede had just released its fourth episode. I knew of Trigun from a buddy of mine who had been excitement-posting about the reboot months before, but all I knew about the reboot was that Yoshitsugu Matsuoka was voicing the main character. I had a free afternoon—why not give it a try? 
I still have my liveblogging from January. Here was my initial reaction:
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I was having a great fuckin’ time. 
February rolls around and I am immediately, irreversibly, hit with Plantcest brainrot so bad that I discard any pretense of being icked out by brocest ship and I write a 9k long KV thesis called “we’ve got to get back to that stinking garden,” named after a Natalie Diaz poem called “my brother named gethsemane,” which is, truly and genuinely, The Poem on Brothers (Complicated) of all time. That fic is where the visions and prophesies came back, where I started feeling like my writing was impactful again. Like it meant something. It was my first ever foray into in-narrative smut and the first of many, many attempts to capture a future where Vash and Knives love each other even after the end of everything. 
This is really where I found my footing on Twitter and as a short story writer, I think. Where I started really caring about making every word of a narrative pay rent, about conveying and evoking specific, tangible feelings, and exploring genres of media I’d never really been interested in before. Before February, I wrote mostly genfic and T-rated romance. Every so often, I’d dabble in some graphic violence. 
And hey! Now I write hardcore kink and graphic erotica. The gore I used to dabble in is now something I dive into feetfirst and with a rabid desire to make it as sexy as possible. I fetishize the crease of an elbow and the bristly sections of an undercut and I write about brothers having nasty, angry, dubiously consensual sex. I could not possibly tell you how I got here, but shit, man, I don’t regret a damn thing. 
It’s through Trigun that I met some of the most talented, sweetest, most encouraging folk. Plantcest creators, Vashwood creators, people who saw me writing ZazieVash and went hello motherfucker please feed me some more, Romeryl enthusiasts, Kniveswood and Plantwood enjoyers…shit, guys. You’re all so fucking cool.
I got invited to a zine for the first time, I started taking commissions (and holy shit, what the fuck, I still can’t wrap my head around that at all. The fuck you mean, you’ll pay me Real Actual Money for personalized fic? Insane to me. I’m so goddamn grateful.) for the first time, and hell, I published a poetry collection for the first time. Which people downloaded? And tipped me for? What the fuck? I’m still reeling from that. Thank you, by the way. Genuinely. 
What else this year…well. I commissioned art for the first time, I participated in more big bangs and exchanges than ever, I read voraciously and wrote with just as much fervor. I watched ‘98 and I cried and I read half of TriMax and cried some more. I wrote more erotica than I ever have, and I wrote more fic that I’m genuinely, painfully proud of this year than any other year. 
A lot of my writing is about grief and rage, and a lot of it is about trying to be funny in the face of that. A lot of is about learning to live, because that’s what I’m doing right now, despite everything. A lot of it is about trying to be kind. 
But in summary, because this is getting ridiculously long, here’s what I got out of Trigun:
Vash the Stampede refuses to die. I’m trying to emulate that. 
Meryl Stryfe cares about doing the right thing, even if it means she’ll get in the middle of a fight between aliens armed with two bullets in a tiny pistol. 
Wolfwood is carefully, disastrously kind. I want to be like that.
And Knives is nuttier than a Victorian lady in a room painted in arsenic green, but still. I love him anyway. 
And Milly :] no thoughts about Milly. I love Milly because she is also incredibly kind :] 
Trigun has changed my entire goddamn life this year. I think it’s made me a better person. It’s certainly made me a better writer, and it’s connected me to so many lovely and beautiful people. Thank you all for sticking around, and here’s to another year of love, peace, and unhinged porn. I love you all :]
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shastafirecracker · 1 year
For previous context, see @mydetheturk‘s post about Vash fearing Knives & the violation of Vash’s autonomy, and the followup Stampede-specific post by @pancake-breakfast about that Vash‘s relationship with guns.
Now for my ramblings, which are ALL SPOILERS ALL THE TIME for all versions of Trigun but particularly the manga - so please be mindful if you’re doing book club and don’t want to know things before you get to them!!
ETA I made a couple of edits because I didn’t realize I copy pasted the pre-proofreading version of my doc, lol my brain is fried like an egg (it’s feels-like-110F outside rn)
So I tagblogged before but I'll own my shit this time: I wanna talk about Vash-as-gun. Vash's three guns move from external to his body (revolver) to implanted foreign object in his body (gun arm) to literally part of his cellular structure (angel arm). His reluctance to reveal each one steps up in magnitude. His angel arm is the primary reason he sees himself as monstrous.
Pancake’s analysis of Stampede is fantastic and I just want to loop in the other two versions because I have had the brainrot for decades and adore them all. First, it's really interesting to me that what pancake said about Knives giving or creating the conditions for all of his weapons is also explicitly true of the 98 anime but not of the original source material - it seems like adaptations really like to source Vash's access to weapons and/or ability to use weapons back to his brother, "the violent one," positioning Vash as almost ontologically nonviolent. But I want to look at Maximum for a minute because the difference there is absolutely fascinating to me.
In 98 and Stampede, Vash shoots Knives with a gun Knives gave him. In Maximum, the flashback where he loses his arm, Vash simply picks up a gun that was nearby - specifically a gun that belonged to a human who was brutalizing him, and whom Knives had just murdered in order to rescue Vash from harm. Vash doesn't need to be handed a tool of violence; he doesn't have that moment that he has in both 98 and Stamp where he looks at it in shock, as if he'd never considered touching such a thing. No Vash is easy to anger, but Maximum Vash is the only one, upon feeling extreme anger, to immediately turn to the nearest option for retaliation. In Max we also never see how Vash got The revolver - it isn't special, it doesn't have a backstory or a secret extra purpose, it's just a gun. Just a gun that Vash has trained himself to be very, very skilled at using, presumably one in a long line of guns he has trained with.
Something I was talking about on Discord recently with some folks is that Maximum Vash is extremely willing to hurt people. He does not kill, but he does not shy away from committing violent acts, and it is much more clear through the artwork and expressions that when he shoots people, it fucking hurts them. 98 Vash retains his willingness to shoot basically anyone, but sanitizes it somewhat - his shots to the shoulders, hands, legs, etc all just get an "augh!" voice beat and someone falling over. Obviously there's real-world reasons (rating, distribution, animation style) for the lack of blood and for simplifying artwork; this is not a criticism. 98 is more cartoonish all around and I adore it and want to squish its little cheeks. BUT, back on topic: in the cases of both 98 and Maximum, we see Vash very willing to shoot people nonlethally, to subdue them - but nonlethal gunshot wounds are still an extreme physical trauma! Everyone Vash shoots suffers for it. They will have pain, possibly surgery, they'll need recovery time, they'll need medicines that might be limited in availability, they may lose function in parts of their bodies. Maximum I think invites the reader the most explicitly to think about these things, as a couple of times we see goons post-fighting-Vash in hospitals (right? I think that's true).
Stampede is fascinating in that it's chosen to make almost all of Vash's nonlethal, subduing combat moves based around using his gun as a cudgel. He smacks people unconscious all the time. And that's not to say that concussions don't have their own long term consequences, but his unwillingness to pull the trigger is part of that whole this-is-a-younger-Vash thing. I do wonder how much more willing to fire he will be in season 2. Anyway.
I'm going to gloss past his prosthetic for the moment because I haven't fully formulated my thoughts about it yet - something something body horror, something something self destructive choices made while depressed, the use of grindhouse aesthetic, the complex set of social dynamic & psychological differences between open carry and concealed carry, idk idk more other thinky thoughts I haven't thought yet.
I want to return to the angel arm though because the thing I restrained myself from saying in the book club tag due to spoilers is that: this is a gun only Knives and Vash can fire. For the first ~massive number of pages of the manga, only Knives ever fires an angel arm, and he always only fires Vash's angel arm. Knives is also perfectly capable of summoning the same sort of vast destructive potential, though in the manga his takes the form of giant blades instead of a gun (whooooole other post about bringing a gun to a swordfight & vice versa, please refer to volume 14 of Maximum). But he desires to access Vash's destructive potential instead of his own. Knives' motivations are also a whole other post. The point I wanted to make was this:
Vash voluntarily fires his own angel arm ONCE, as far as I can recall. Correct me if I'm wrong. But the only time he fully generates the arm under his own power, in his right mind, of his own volition, is to escape the Ark. He has just emerged from the most oppressive and gruesome violation of his bodily autonomy he's ever experienced and, as far as we know, ever will. He has no other weapons available to him, barely even any clothes: all he has access to is his body, so he uses it. Knives shows clear shock and rage, potentially at Vash using a power Knives has come to feel belongs to Knives. Shock and rage at Vash reclaiming not only his body but the part of his biological identity that Knives knows Vash has been trying to excise for their whole lives. This may be the single most psychologically impactful moment of defiance towards Knives that Vash has ever shown, except for one other, which I will get to.
Not only does Vash fire the arm, he displays a shocking mastery of it. Somehow by putting him in a pressure cooker for months Knives has turned coal to diamond here: Vash went from unable to access his own latent power to, from then on, exhibiting comfort and even finesse with using it. He generates the arm on the Ark oriented to fire at Knives, and then effortlessly reverses the orientation to fire behind himself to make an emergency exit. Later, when Vash accesses his power again, he is able to use tiny, controlled bursts of it to not only destroy things but to load other objects (bullets) with unreleased power which he can activate at his choosing. That is a truly bonkers shift in skill and I love how the manga underplays it, because Vash so rarely says anything about how he feels about his own relationship with power, so you have to take these readings from his actions.
The other impactful moment of defiance I mentioned above is related to that total mastery of the angel arm/gate: Vash ultimately brings his trio of guns full circle by imparting the inherent quality of himself-as-gun into the most external of his guns, the original revolver. [Tangent: It's a neat visual in Stampede that they had him making gate bullets in the final showdown in episode 12, but I kind of dislike its placement in the narrative, because to me Vash's gate-bullets from the very end of the manga are a powerful symbol of his journey through his abilities. Maybe Stampede is suggesting that being plugged into the matrix and like, turning inside out through his gate or whatever in ep 11 did the same thing as the pressure cooker of the Ark in the manga, idk, we need season 2.] He makes the gate bullets for his final fight with Knives for perfectly valid strategic reasons (total control over his energy expenditure so he doesn't risk burning out by miscalculating mid-fight) but beyond strategy, there's just the fact that he's truly spitting in Knives' face by putting Plant/Gate power into a human tool. In Knives' eyes, the tool of their oppressors.
Vash melds the tool of the self with the tool of the oppressor to defy both. To prove that power is just power, it's all malleable and interchangeable, and that what matters is what you choose to do with it. Vash epitomizes "guns don't kill people, people do." (Another tangent to say that I'm not expressing my personal beliefs here; I'm sketching out stuff I'm reading into the narrative of a story, not writing a manifesto. Character study doesn't mean agreeing with or lauding everything a character stands for.)
Anyway. Vash's ultimate victory comes from two distinct ways that he chooses to use his inhumanity: first, he externalizes his destructive potential by placing it into a human-made, nonliving tool - essentially, finally able to excise from himself the part of being a Plant that had always felt monstrous to him. Second, he finally fully internalizes the part of being a Plant that he had rejected out of fear and self-disgust: intergenerational communication. He wins by talking to his sisters. He wins by allowing his selfhood to be subsumed by the collective and by trusting his own kind to love him and listen to him and not try to take away his hard-fought sense of self (all things that Knives did to him multiple times). His sisters listen to him and then they let him return to himself. I don't think he'd ever felt safe talking to them before - maybe guilty and scared, that by so thoroughly rejecting his own species, they would reject him right back. Along with the trauma reactions Knives caused, of course.
I think that's all I had at the moment about Vash-as-gun in the manga... I might return some time to the prosthetic, or go back to the other versions for more thinky noodling. But yeah! More meta plz! Delicious Trigun meta in the year of our lord 2k 23 absolutely unbelievable, we are feasting well.
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michi-beans · 8 months
For the Caged Angel AU, does Knives still put out the $$60 mil. (assuming it's that & not mil. since the Humanoid Typhoon doesn't seem to exist in this AU??) bounty after Vash escapes? Does Wolfwood get one too since he's the one who busted them out?
P.S. I am in love with all ur Trigun content, it's one of the first accs that got me into the fandom.
I have more notes in this post detailing the premise of this au but yeah basically there's no bounty or Humanoid Typhoon because after Vash shoots Knives he gets captured and used as energy for the EoM.
Regarding Wolfwood, he doesn't get a bounty after he escapes with Vash. There's wips in my patreon of a comic I was planning on doing where Knives finds them some time later and reveals he allowed them to escape and be free for a while just for fun yada yada. I might finish it someday but who knows I'm deep in the One Piece brainrot atm lol.
AAHHHHHHHHH that's makes me so happy to hear *sobs* I'm glad I was able to inspire you to give this series a chance and thank you so much for liking my work!
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hikennosabo · 1 year
now that i've marinated in trimax's ending, i wanted to reflect a bit. i definitely don't have it in me to write a full review or anything lmao, but... it was a really incredible story, and i had a great time. i don't think i've ever cried this much over a manga, lol... usually i cry over audiovisual media. even all my crying about one piece has mostly been over the anime. other manga i've cried over off the top of my head have been different types of crying, if that makes sense (like crying over shimanami tasogare because the queer themes hit home, not because i was overly invested in & emotional about the character arcs). other manga like devilman and csm hit me emotionally but i didn't necessarily shed tears over them, and if i did certainly not as much as i did trimax lol.
i (predictably, if you know me, i love characters with complicated sibling relationships) latched onto knives when i watched tristamp... he is definitely hard to like in the manga sometimes, but his character arc is fantastic, so i ended up starting and ending this journey crying over him LMAO. i really really love all the characters in this story, except for like... the cartoonishly evil one-off bad guys and, as we all know, chapel. lmao. most of the characters are likable in one way or another, by some combination of being cool, strong, charismatic, funny, etc... just being complex and fantastically human, which is only natural in a story about human nature.
and of course i need to give a huge thank you to @trigunbookclub, @revenantghost for organizing, @trigun-manga-overhaul for the incredible scans & translation, and everyone in the tag for making this such a fun experience!
i loved reading everyone's posts, it really helped fuel the brainrot, and writing my own posts ended up being A Task but also fun. even though i feel my posts were mostly an exercise in inventing new ways to portray crying and screaming over text as opposed to everyone else's thoughtful observations and analysis LOL. and participating in book club kept me reading at a good pace, otherwise i either would have binged the whole thing in like 2 weeks or gotten distracted and not finished, so thanks for keeping me on schedule lol.
this is not the last you'll see of me in the tag, i still have art (memes) i want to make, there are a LOT of things i want to draw, a potentially (relatively) big project in my brain which i have no guarantee i'll get to lmao, plus character/ship playlists if i finish them, and maybe some other posts as i rewatch tristamp and 98 again. and i've still got to read multiple bullets ofc.
also i was holding back on following people because i was trying to avoid spoilers (which i failed at anyway because i have no self-control), but now i can follow people in the tag sooooo hello and sorry if you see me going through your trigun tags
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virusgeist · 1 year
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Isaac | he/him | 25yo | aro/ace
big dork | angel boy | artist | disabled
stupid emo twink | sex hater | Dec 2nd 🎂
pacifist | pescatarian | vampire coded
nostalgia junkie | probably scared
look like 💀 act like 🌸
-> i'm very shy and have anxiety so sorry if i'm awkward when we talk lol
-> i love Love and I'm a sucker for romance.
-> i just look a little scary but i'm nice i swear
-> i am super passionate about my OCs... making little guys and stories is my favorite thing to do
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My blog will NOT contain NSFW content but have occasional suggestive or dirty jokes.
My art blog!!! -> @virusgeist-art
My hazbin/helluva sideblog -> @loosey-furr
My tags:
I tag most of everything accordingly I think. Sometimes with silly tags.
Me talking bout random shit - #isaac talks
Other socials -
Twitter (art)
Instagram (selfies)
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cats and kitties, drawing, art, guitars, video games, horror, spooky things, Halloween, lots of musics, cute stuff, nostalgic things, plushies, cosplay, emo/scene/alt/goth/punk/harajuku stuff, kandi, making DIY clothes and fashion, pizza lover, watching movies, I LOVE cartoons and animation... anime is okay I guess, I get BRAINROT over my OCs
vvv some of my OCs in question vvv
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CORPSE, Ashnikko, Rabbit Junk, Younger Hunger, Paramore, Mother Mother, Marina and the Diamonds, Simon Curtis, Call me Karizma, Crystal Castles, The Hoosiers, Rebzyyx, KAMAARA, New Medicine, Slipknot, Panic! at the Disco, LOTS OF MUSICS!!!
^my playlist if you wanna see em all
tiktok, stand up comedy, drugs, fighting/arguing, tickling, dishonesty/manipulation, SNORING!!!
(not necessarily in the fandoms just like it)
Trigun, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, The Wolf Among Us, Borderlands, Gravity Falls, Sanrio, Cookie Run, Villainous, Monster High, Animal Crossing, Batman, Danganronpa, Invader Zim, Adventure Time, Your Turn to Die, Panty and Stocking, Sonic, Overwatch, Cuphead, Pokemon, Arcane, Bloodborne, The Evil Within, Silent Hill, Death Note, Soul Eater, Five Nights at Freddy's, MySims, Trolls, LOTS OF STUFF.
Jerma985, Corpse Husband, Ashnikko, Kitboga, Call Me Kevin, DigitalNex, The Click, Rebal D, Film Cooper, Oompaville, Markiplier, jacksepticeye, Johnnie Guilbert, Jake Webber, Kurtis Conner, Danny Gonzalez, BENOFTHEWEEK, courtreezy, Naomi Jon, Gabi Belle, kallmekris, Onyebabeyyy
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(I do NOT support; heavy Christians that push beliefs, pro-life, pro-ship, ableism, racism, sexism, anti-lgbtq+, TERFs, pedophila, beastiality, incest, looking down on homeless people/sex workers/retail or fast food workers, belittling serious topics, not liking a person based on media they enjoy, anti-fun, generally hateful folks and bullying)
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kirchefuchs · 1 year
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(I had to scroll down far and wide for this photo lmfao ☠️)
if you were to rate how your current TSP brainrot is going, how would you go about yours (mine is still 1000000/10 because this game has me on chokehold at all times istg /silly)
MORE IMPORTANTLY THO, how has thou been a-doing :]
life has been quite the jerk to you, huh? I'll beat its ass– I mean what who said that damn hahbshsgsyshs /pos
— 🅰️non (heh, missed me?) || 07/02/2023
Yes I missed you a lot 🥺
As for my TSP brainrot......
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It's being drowned out by my Wolfwood Trigun brainrot quite a bit right now, but that's not to say I don't still have TSP brainrot.
I'm still very receptacle to drawing TSP art since I did so just yesterday. Though with both brainrots I'm finding it difficult to use my brain at all, so there is that.
I still absolutely adore TSP and want to draw and make more content ofc. You don't have to worry about that.
As for my general life..... eh. I'll separate things into good, bad, and neutral feelings about the things.
Good: I got to have a sleepover with @dime-smothied (it was her first one ever, which was super crazy, lol). Also I bought I trigun print along with some stickers and a hoodie from my favorite artist ABDIllustraits (I would tag him bit I don't wanna bother him. He is on here though, and I adore his YouTube videos. The way he does them is just ♡♡♡♡♡)!!!! And earlier I got some TSP keychains and and acrylic standee in the mail, so I'm super happy about those!!! I love them a lot and I'm so excited to get the stuff from ABD!
Neutral: I've been temporarily back at work this week since they were severely understaffed due to people vacationing and such, so I'm making money again. So that's nice. I have a pretty set plan for moving out of my parent house, I just need to buy my own car, make doubly sure I have plenty of money saved up so I have time to find a job after I move, and then just get everything packed and double check my housing situation. So pretty soon I'll be able to move out and I'm excited about it, just gotta get all that stuff done.
Bad: Um. My pet snake Theo died two days ago........ I don't know what else I can say right now about it. I hurts and it's frustrating to say the very least. I loved him a lot and I miss him. So, I'm dealing with those emotions right now. I'm doing my best to cope, but we'll see as time passes how I do. Distractions are appreciated.
So yeah. That's pretty much everything I think. Honestly, I'm so happy to be getting asks from you again, you really help brighten my day 🅰️non, so thank you ♡ Right now I think I just need things to draw and fun drawings or rambles to look at. I'm always sad when I can't bring myself to draw or make anything so any ideas or suggestions mean the world to me.
And dont you worry about my health, I've been eating and drinking plenty of water I think. My friends are usually pretty good about making sure I keep up on that. I appreciate the concern though ♡♡♡
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shenyaanigans · 10 months
3, 6, 17, 18, 27, 29 for ao3 wrapped! if you want to, of course :)
AAAA hello dear friend!! <3 thank u so much for the asks! 3&17 i answered here, but i shall answer the rest of these! <3
ao3 wrapped
6. Favorite title you used
I gotta give this one to an angel's share which was supposed to be a 5+1 that got. Out of Hand, let's say. The context is that I went to a distillery in Ireland at around the time I was being consumed by Trigun brainrot, and during the tour, the tour guide talked about how, when whiskey is aging in its barrels, it loses about 10% of its volume to evaporation, but back in the olden days, they didn't know that's what happened, so they chalked up the missing whiskey to "the angel's share"--where angels came down and blessed the barrels in the morning before they were opened, and took a drink with them. I found this anecdote to be so cute and inspiring, and I pictured Vash stealing things from Wolfwood and well. The rest is history. LOL
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Interestingly, I would say this is Wolfwood. Not because I actually felt like he gave me trouble during the writing process, but because Trigun fandom started to really make me question whether I was doing a good job with him by the end... Part of the reason an angel's share remains unfinished is because I feel vaguely... I don't know, embarrassed? It's difficult to keep going once the seed that I've been fundamentally mistaken about a character is planted, because I can't stop second guessing that I'm somehow doing something wrong. This, as well as some other factors, made Wolfwood difficult to go back to, despite that I love him and have confidence in my literary analysis of both him and Vash.
27. What do you listen to while writing?
So USUALLY nothing, but sometimes, I'll just listen to a single song on repeat that for some reason really gets me in the groove. For like no reason. Which is why my top songs on spotify are so fucked up LOL
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
I have a lot of favorites, but I love the drawing scene from chapter 5 of bodice ripper. It's both a massive narrative pay-off moment, and a showcase of good writing at the same time, and marrying those two aspects of narrative work has always been something I've struggled with! Here is my favorite excerpt from that scene:
With that, he turns to go. Jing Yuan is reminded, suddenly, of that day on the Alchemy Commission’s beach, when he’d run into Mr. Yang again after ignoring him for days. What if he had ended this all there? If he had allowed Mr. Yang to walk away back then, would it have been better? Certainly, it would have spared them both the tension of now. But— Is it so much better to have never suffered through loss, Mr. Yang had said at dinner, than it is to have risked and gained something that mattered? It occurs to Jing Yuan, throughout all this, he has risked nothing. Actually, he has risked nothing his entire life. And he has risked nothing knowing that risking nothing was the correct thing to do, because he has watched every person he has ever known risk something at the expense of everything, just because the potential return was high. It is he who has lived so long because he has always taken the cautious path, the meticulous path, knowing risk is only worth it when victory is assured first. He has always been a coward. It doesn’t bother him.
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ruporas · 1 year
hi!! it's the anon with massive brainrot that spammed 3 fat asks at once <3
i'm so so so happy that u responded to all my ramblings so earnestly. and in DEPTH. that last rant u had about the nature of vashwood and how they view each other and their insecurities and all that... it took me forever to read cuz i kept stopping to just Sit and Think About It
but u also asked about that spotlight metaphor i mentioned and. it's bad lmfao
i was actually thinking about in 98 trigun where wolfwood takes a very permanent vacation. i'd remembered a kind of spotlight effect on him during that scene, and looking it up just now i realize it was cuz one of the church windows cast this warm square of light over him
so my memory was slightly off- i'd thought it was more of an actual spotlight- but i lost my mind when i thought you might've been referencing it for some reason. i didn't wanna bring it up tho cuz i figured i was wrong, and evidently i was lol
anywho, YAY LOST PAGE RECOVERY! kind of honored that i accidentally dug it up
bound to want still reads surprisingly smooth despite the fact it was missing a whole page tho. i never would've known if you didnt say anything. ETERNALLY happy i have it now, of course- it's beautiful and i adore the composition <3 it speaks so strongly to the atmosphere and what's going on
side note: would it be ok if i messaged u to talk about vashwood more? cuz i can Seriously ramble nonstop but i feel like im annoying your other followers lol (it's like i have everyone cuffed to desks as i aggressively slap a whiteboard with bound to want pasted on it)
i just. want to praise your work so Bad. i notice so many little things and it gets swept under the rug so much cuz an anon ask can only get so obnoxious haha.
but yeah! thanks sm for bein so amazing. i hope school goes well for you so u can thrive with vashwood this summer <3
(also i SAW that tag about bonus content. i Saw it. i'm Thinking about it)
OHHHHHH I understand what you mean by that though! It makes sense to me to presume that considering the confetti notes haha, but yeah, just one reference to his permanent vacation and it's in the confetti!!
BUT WAH, thank you so much again for your kind kind words!!! Yes, feel free to message me whenever, I always welcome it. It'll definitely take me some time to respond because life and I also like to sit down with a response and have the proper coherency to respond with my full attention and stuff. It's an honor to hear about detail analysis about my work so!!! I welcome it, thank you so so much!!!
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hobimo · 6 months
sorry if i keep sending you asks i think it would feel a lil weird to dm bc my accounts on sns tend to be kind of throwaway accounts bc i don't know how to build an online presence prob freaks ppl out lol but yeah exactly you can tell that a lot of new jikookers experienced fan fiction for the first time with jikook so they just be reading and writing whatever. no critical thinking just big cocks and alpha knots is what it takes. the thing is that imo years ago you used to like a pairing and then get inspired by them to make up stories/characters, whereas i feel that now jikookers first and foremost see jm and jk's relationship and personalities in That specific way and it translates to fics as well. they keep saying it's just fiction but i don't buy it lmao i think it's the opposite so yeah it kinda fucks the whole thing up yk. OH btw i know that author!!! i have one of their naruto fics saved in my bookmarks so i'm def familiar w them, i'll check it out! ty <3
(i'll censor the names just in case) yeah they're rly good! hmm rk1ve1nk did an interesting spin on omegaverse in Forest,F1re. very animalistic even though the characters were made in a lab, super unique fic. Mo0nJar by them too is pretty cool. changing genres completely, user cartograph1c writes these weird lil fics, def recommended!!
HEELLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i swear i get so excited when i see you in my inbox hello hello hello
yessssss surveycorpsjean has been Around writing bangers. i am just discovering bakudeku the last few months tho so im extra insane about them 👍also recommend watching trigun for normal reasons (please. please please please please we need more people with trigun brainrot. if u like the hanged man archetype and characters doomed by the narratve and tragic siblings you will Love trigun.)
thank you very much for the fic recs!!!!!!! i have heard of the first author but cant think of the fic ive read so i will check it out. im such a fucking sucker for super animalistic a/b/o..... that furry shit is so good
i have so many thoughts about the way people talk and think about jimin these days but im so scared putting them on public posts will get me doxxed or some shit. people are very attached to the idea that jimin acts openly queer which is really like. well. yeah. i definitely think people reallyyyy need to remember it doesnt matter how much you believe someone famous is queer theyre just presenting in a way that makes them happy and you really do NOT need to decide whether that's queer or not lmao in fact i think it says way more about someone when they decide he's queer because he doesnt act like a "typical man". like yeah in his performances obviously he explores gender some times but like sometimes songwriters are also exploring themes and thoughts that are purely creative. sometimes its not about them (and sometimes it is!) but. yeah. you can PERCEIVE him as queer if it makes you happy but you gotta remember thats not fact thats just what YOU think. yknow. and i also think this translates kinda into the fic people consume and create.
like here's the thing. people dont need to ACT a certain way to be considered men like thats ridiculous if youre a man youre a man regardless of how you act or what u say or what bits you have. same for any gender. which is why i generally think critiquing the cringey wattpad fics is a slippery slope. however, do i also think a lot of them have a very distinct cishet girl fantasy..... yes. but its embarrassing to write Y/N fic. so theyve gotta vent their desires somehow which is like fine i dont give a shit what people write. (as much as it bothers me how uncritically people read it and get it popular) but sometimes in a/b/o especially....... its VERY clear when your biases come out. which is why its sooooooooo obvious when someone who has never met real life queer people writes it. for example grouping "women and omegas" like they fill the same role despite being different subgenders when u could specify like. omegas and female betas. if u wanted. implying that women are still women even if theyre alpha but omegas are not men anymore. you get me? the fact that u decided to include male/female gender essentialism in the fic genre specifically around Not doing that is so unbelievably on the nose. and yet i see it everywhere. (i also think this is a symptom of people never having read other fandoms tho. they dont even know about gock [girl cock]).
also fics where the major antagonists are a group of girls that harrass jimin r super mean bc god we cant have a MAN do that or he's a predator. you get me? and the alpha jk who is quiet and broody and doesnt even HAVE to fight bc he's soooooooo strong the other alphas are just scared of his vibes. like you know the type of fic im describing. in general whenever the major antagonist of the fic is a bunch of women who also want to fuck jk (which like. if we're supposed to believe jk is soooo hot... like. they should?) and the author calls them a "gaggle" of women and emphasises how they "giggle" and their high pitched unpleasant voices..... brother we have some serious internalised misogyny to unpack with that one.
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