#it'z different
itzymidzy · 3 months
[BREAKING NEWS] IT'z DIFFERENT has been marked and selected as a Masterpiece/Classic Album on MelOn and now joining with (G)I-DLE, IZ*ONE and TXT as only 4th gen groups to be selected
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Group: Itzy 
Album: It’z Different 
Release Date: February 12, 2019 
Label: JYP - Dreamus 
Average Age of Members: 18 
Track List
Dalla Dalla - Want It?
Total Number of Words: 562 
 Average words per Member: 150.6
Standard Deviation: 46.4
Margin of Error: 20.7
298 (53%) in Korean vs. 264 (47%) in English 
193 (34.3%) Sung by All vs. 369 (65.7%) by Individual
Member with the Highest Number of Words: Ryujin - 195 (34.7%)
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Member with the Lowest Number of Words: Chaeryeong - 87 (15.5%)
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Ryujin - 195 Words (34.7%) 
Yeji - 191 Words (34%) 
Lia - 178 Words (31.7%) 
Yuna - 102 Words (18.1%) 
Chaeryeong - 87 Words (15.5%) 
Points: 1,910.5
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Itzy masterlist
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voidzphere · 4 months
Do you have any art tips or advice for beginner artists?
i have a bunch !
be sure to take a lot of breakz, and do hand exercisez. move your wrist around, get up, stretch, drink some water, or do something else !
dont beat yourself up over your art. you're improving and learning new thingz every day, just because it doezn't look the best right now doezn't mean it'z going to stay that way. prevent comparing yourzelf to other peoplez' art as well. sure, theirz might look a little better, but be patient with yourself, you'll get there too. practice makez perfect <3
find inspiration and study other peoplez' art ! especially artistz you look up to and inspire you. finding inspiration can be as simple as creating a pinterest board ^_^
don't draw to impress otherz or your audience. draw what YOU want, what makez YOU happy. whether that be a corny ship, your obscure hyperfixation, a silly character, whatever x]
explore different art stylez, colorz, conceptz, etc. ! you might find something you like if you're not quite sure what your process is. and itz fine if you don't have a consistent one, either !
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While I was making concepts for a project and seeing that the mod took a different path than I thought, I decided to use those concepts to show you what I have planned for Addendum: Funkin' Island.
This will be a mod based in all the Official and Unofficial FNATI Media:
FNATI 2020 Remake/6.5
Oblitus Casa (2.0 btw)
Abandoned by Disney
The Lost Ones 1: Treasure Island
Suicide Mouse
FNATI: Anniversary Edition
A Spanish Parodie from It'z Santy
At the moment i made 2 of 11 Characters but in a future, will be more of them
(p.s: The FNATI Media from ABD to the Parodie, is for the Freeplay lol)
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radkyudolph · 2 months
oh lord. have you uh. seen identifism yet. because it sure is something we
can people stop recoining xenosatanism to try and make it "better". i feel like looking at an ideology saying "rape should be legalized" and your initial reaction being "i agree with this but without the rape!" instead of "holy shit rape is bad" makez you. idk what exactly but it just makez you Highly Suspicious
"Ability to consent is determined on a case-by-case basis, not in a generalized way. Arguments of "[group] cannot consent" are invalid, because ability to consent is based on the whole individual, not specific characteristics."
baby: googoo gaga
identifism coiner: as we can see, this individual clearly does not have the capacity to consent
other baby: gaga googoo
identifism coiner: now this individual has shown exquisite capability and we should allow them to have sex with 40 year olds
anyways "haha pro-cs are stupid" aside i feel like the "viewing all crime as neutral" specifically including violent crime iz... unrealistically optimistic? everyone should be given a second chance but there'z a difference between someone stealing from another person then feeling guilty about it and apologizing, and someone literally fucking killing people. idk maybe it'z just me
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fun fact f0r th0ze wh0 d0nt kn0w:
there waz a amateur surge0n rip0ff game called "crazy doctor" where y0u played az a d0ct0r named "Kevin" wh0 perf0rmez all kindz 0f surgeriez 0n different patientz with a b0x cutter [i d0nt really kn0w the game btw and I'm juzt n0w l00king int0 it but yeah. l0l]
alz0 the reaz0n why i can inztantly tell it'z a rip0ff 0f AS iz the hella 0bvi0uz similaritiez the game haz 2 it like the artztyle 0f it 4 example
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like idk if thiz iz juzt me but yeah y0u can clearly zee the similaritiez here. l0l and hell even my b0i Kevin iz c0pying alanz p0ze here like it'z n0t even trying t0 hide the fact it'z a rip0ff 💀
alz0 adding thiz in here the dial0gue f0r crazy d0ct0r iz shit and lezz entertaining then the 0ne in AS cuz hey at leazt AS triez t0 have z0me hum0r in it [like h0w the game breakz the 4th wall at z0me p0intz which iz my fav gag 0f AS next 2 bleed g0ing "I'm not your nurse Alan!". l0l]
but anywayz adding thiz in here even the t00lz n h0w the sugeriez play 0ut have simularitez t0 AS specifically AS4 and/0r 3 [0r any verzi0n 0f AS i think cuz idk] like here are z0me m0re imagez f0r example
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except f0r the fact the t00lz are different in CD and there'z different surgery f0rmatz n different characterz but again there are the similaritiez.
alz0 adding thiz in here cuz yeah: i shid y0u n0t bertha c0tt0n [CD character btw] iz literally the rip0ff verzi0n 0f 0ur girl Starla.
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I'm n0t even kidding cuz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wju2hX5fno&list=PLdUyIANuJTeNlAE2yw2FQUXUz_nY4JvLB&index=11 specifically at the start 0f it but yeah.
alz0 that remindz me here'z a playlizt 0f the game i f0und after i remembered z0mething menti0ning it fr0m a p0zt 0n DA n deciding t0 l00k it up. l0l
but anywayz that'z all imma zay f0r n0w cuz again idk much ab0ut the game due t0 juzt l00king int0 it but yeah, I'll let y0u guyz kn0w if i find anything elze 0n it [alz0 feel free t0 make y0ur 0wn little rant 0n it cuz y0u'll pr0bably d0 a better j0b at explaining it then h0w i did]. l0l
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giaanasworld · 2 months
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It'z Different! ITZY (있지) is a female music group made by JYP Entertainment with 5 members.
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emiensr · 5 months
(Soundz of door being broken off it'z hibgez) Hi silver‼️‼️‼️‼️I saw the ask game and decided it waz time for angst >:]
✂️ for anyone you want :3
oh shit hi ok . worst memories
hehe. im gonna do everyone ive posted here + lyn (hes still in drafts IM SORRYY)
For Noel , his worst memory would be something to do with Madi , like seeing Madi go through something bad . nothing bad really happened to Noel before going to nrc other than having no friends bc hes a loser !!!!!!
For Madi, his worst memory is his parents destroying a record that he bought himself (at around 10/11 years old). Madi and Noel's parents are very strict on what they consider "real music" , and Madi's love for jazz doesnt fit their idea . Madi had bought a record at a charity shop, and Noel helped him use the record player at home to listen to it, when their father overheard and got angry, eventually breaking the record into pieces.
Stian's worst memory.. hooo boy . He's always felt excluded because of not looking like a beastman, like his mother. When he was young (around 6/7 years old) he found a kids cat ear headband thing, and bought it with his pocket money. He went home to show his mother that he was "just like her now", but ermm.. she didnt take it very well!
Asken's worst memory would be after he moved to the shaftlands and started at primary school there, just.. the entire primary school experience was not great for him . at least he had stian i guess 💞
Lyn's worst memory err. his mothers death. that he had to watch. i wont say any more about that i think its self explanatory
bonus Aeris my son . bc ive posted about him a few times before ?? just no intro yet . soon . his worst memory was being rejected from rsa . his entire life crumbled and he feels so seperated and different from his family now . hes got cool friends (lie. theyre losers.) at nrc so . all good 👍👍
thank u for the ask i hope the angst lives up to ur expectations
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aggressivelyelegant · 5 months
more zcamz in my azkz
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ive literally gotten thiz exact zame zcam with a different name but the exact zame profile picture and ztory
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it'z once again very obviouz, but theze are zcamz. Do NOT zend money, az it'll juzt end up in zome basement dweller'z pocketz.
@sparklyphilosopherharmony and @jovialtrashfestival will be added to the lizt of zcammerz i know of.
but, on a pozitive note, caztiel everyone :3
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rotom-anon · 6 months
[Video ID: A rather Shaky Video Of a VR headset Lying on a bed, turned on. A rather low audio quality voice, similar to the previous (audio) recording, Is heard (once again singing) but… clearly it’s been started part way through… lyrics:
🎵—ace to face again🎵
🎵And through the camera lenz we azzcend🎵
🎵You're a minor part🎵
🎵I'm the major ztar🎵
🎵The creditz arе more than juzzt the end…!🎵
🎵'Cauzze the truth iz🎵
🎵I dezpizze you.🎵
🎵I will tear apart🎵
🎵All thezze workz of art🎵
🎵That dizguize you…🎵
🎵I'm makin' the final cut🎵
🎵It'z down to the wire🎵
🎵So you'll be the zzpy and—🎵
[Despite the singing stopping a different voice, presumably from the game or whatever they’re in itself, continues singing, but… just look up the rest of the lyrics]
It Sounds g-good!… S-sorry…
Oh… it… doezz?…
…Ok. Just… end the r-
End of Video ID]
I’m not alone they sound good right??
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itzymidzy · 8 months
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starznsprinklez · 6 months
Hai!!! It's Sprinklez :D
I know I've been gone for FOREVER but I thought I'd update my frenz here!
I'm nearly TWENTY!!! GASP!!!!!!
I'm also bigender/genderqueer! My gender is as funky as my kandi >:0 (Also guess who'z a lesbian! took me sooo long to get that figured out teehee) they/any pronounz plz :)
Uni hasn't left me lotz of time 2 make Kandi but if I make any I'll share it! I've been getting super duper better since I last updated here! I've been dxd with tism adhd and a bunch of other stuff, which meanz i can finally get help yippee!! Besides that, Uni has been going fairly well!! Good gradez, good frenz, good food! It took me 5ever 2 get me 2 this place but its SOOOOO worth it! It'z ok to ask for help and accept it my frenz!!
I do want to say as a more serious note, without my type speak, thank you to everyone who's followed this blog. I made this blog to escape my shitty homelife and it obviously served it's purpose. I dreamed of being a scene queen and having all these alt friends and I'm honestly at this point, without the scene queen part! Just gotta work on that. I'm trying out a bunch of different styles and finding myself. I was never allowed to be just me as a teen, so Sprinklez was an escape. Now, Sprinklez is a dream to work towards and I honestly couldn't have done it without this blog and community.
Getting better and reaching out to others for help or just general friendship is so worth it. Don't be afraid to. You're so loved and you don't even know it. Find that love.
Back to da fun stuffz!
I'm not super scene anymore but I finally have the money if I wanna! I'm looking into some stuffz cuz it sounds like fun :D Any ideaz frenz?
Gimme ur ideaz >:) I'll see u guyz soon! :D
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favorjtecrime · 2 years
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girl group member, Jia Y/N, became increasingly popular due to her self written song ‘RUN2U’ and blew up for months due to the addicting song that hit overseas and nationally. By the time she felt her song’s popularity decrease, she awoke to her name being trended on twitter with a familiar name next to hers. 𖦹꙳࡛࣪⋕ ˚.✦ ⵢ₊˚. 𖦹꙳࡛࣪⋕ ˚.✦ ⵢ₊˚.
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Itzy is a South Korean girl group formed by JYP Entertainment and consisting of members Yeji, Lia, Ryujin, Chaeryeong, Y/N and Yuna. They debuted on February 12, 2019, with the release of their single album It'z Different.
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CHOI JISU ( 리아 )
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JIA Y/N ( 贾YN )
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SHIN YUNA ( 유나 )
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candyredappledragon · 8 months
Oh, I didn’t know other Kierans were here! How is Blueberry Academy running for you?
Im not a Kieran from a different universe, just in case you get confused.
' It'z been going alright for uz! Hiz clazzez are different than before but it haz gotten better! Unfortunately, Kieran here iz not az rezponzive as he was before. I'm zorry! >_<;; ' - Rotom
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crossover-enthusiast · 9 months
1,3,6 for skid (and or pump)
Both :>
1: I love their designs so much!!! They're simple but very memorable! And I love the little differences between the two aside from their costumes
3: Oh this is so tough, there are so many moments - I feel like my favorites are "IT'Z THE SPOOKY BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!!" joke, the scene with Skid meeting Eyes, "Let's burn it to see if it screams", and the "What an eerie spooky night" song
6: I really, really don't like the idea of them suffering a plot-mandated friendship failure towards the end of the show, that's my one "please don't happen"
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lizt 0f the patientz in my AS au cuz I'm lazy az hell n d0nt wanna draw them all
imma juzt keep thiz simple f0r myzelf n d0 the lizt by making sperate partz 0f it cuz h0ly shit there'z a l0t 0f patientz, z0 imma juzt ztart with the firzt game cuz yeah. l0l
[alz0 zide n0te z0me characterz will be the zame since... yeah i cant think 0f shit and/0r are fr0m different AS gamez cuz, well r0le swap type ztuff. l0l]
act 1 patientz in my au:
Dr. Alan pr0be
tammy gracefulz
r0adkill Claude
Insurance Fraud Cletus
junkyard Trent
lumbar jack
Jimmy the Spider
Meatsack Pete
Penny D'Obscene [aka swap!aure0la if ya zeen her ref sheet. l0l]
act 2 patientz:
0fficer brutality
Valerie bl0wnapart
The Shame-Rock
Miss Distress
Ted w0rm [j0e iz the tapew0rm n0w btw. l0l]
Swap!Caruthers n Swap!Peter [there swapped with each 0ther btw z0 m0re 0r lezz peter iz a k0m0d0 drag0n n carutherz iz human0id in thiz au. l0l]
Swap!Dwayne [yeah z0me0ne gave me the idea 2 put em in karlz r0le]
Jimmy the spider [again]
act 3 patientz:
swap!gus and swap!carutherz n peter [again]
swap!b0zz n swap!Ivan [0ther 2 characterz swapped with each 0ther. l0l]
junkyard trent [again]
Karl puccin0
Dr. Alan pr0be [again]
and Penny D'Obscene. [again. l0l]
alz0 uhh b0nuz being the secret file patientz:
Bio-Utility Mechanoid 2.0 [basically BUM but with z0me partz 0f it'z dezign being fr0m the delirium]
and juzt z0 yk stup0rman iz swapped with 2 characterz b0th being named "funky b0y" n "girl-b0t", which btw r juzt referencez t0 bf n gf fr0m fnf except in the AS art ztyle. l0l
the delirium
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