#itafushi baseball au
chiarrara · 2 months
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hypermusiced · 4 months
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hs sports au for the soul <3
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takemymoneyyy · 3 months
Jjk baseball au: post 3
Enter 2nd oldest brother of Itadori’s: Sukuna. (Choso’s remaining oldest)
But both Fushiguro and Itadori, much to their demise, asking for help from their closely-related professional football athletes in baseball. Basically Itafushi trying to get better for the other so they can play more games together (and for Megumi, confess after the championship win). For the team too tho of course.
I’d like to think that Itadori would play every seasonal sport, football, basketball, and baseball.
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About Me: Sya (see-uh) | 26 | she/her | lover of the moon and the stars and many, many anime characters 🤭
About the Blog: Lots of anime with a focus on JJK (NOT spoiler free) and also a lot of NSFW so please be aware of that before you follow! I also make a lot of personal posts. I like to yap lol so if you don't wanna see that then block the following tags:
sya simps -> diabolical horny posting. Will NOT be used for fics, drabbles, or NSFW AU ideas, but WILL be used for my NSFW personal posting (i.e. if the POV is reader or a character, that will not be tagged; but if the POV is me then it will be)
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Writing Requests: OPEN
For more information about submitting a request, you can see my About page. You can also see everything I've written here (I tag everything with "my writing") or see below for a character/ship specific Masterlist. Currently I am only taking requests for JJK and Aventurine and Jing Yuan from Honkai Star Rail!
Jujutsu Kaisen:
JJK Students
Toji (baseballer!Toji)
Geto (fwb!Suguru)
Honkai Star Rail:
Jing Yuan
I also post my works on AO3 which you can find here.
✨Happy Blogging✨
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hellothirteenhere · 3 years
Jujutsu Kaisen x Harry Potter
I feel as though every fandom has that obligatory multichapter Harry Potter!AU. Of course, that’s not to say that our amazing writers hadn’t been writing fic within this universe. (For example, check out seadawnn’s ‘Conquest of Hearts’ - Wholesome™ Itafushi that makes me smile every time I read it.) But I’m interested in seeing how a full-blown Jujutsu Kaisen universe would be like in an alternate Harry Potter-setting. So! I’ve been thinking long and hard about how it would play out and here are my headcanons for our very own Golden Trio! Couldn’t quite place them definitively in their Hogwarts Houses, so I would love to hear your opinions on where each of them should go, as well as your own personal headcanons.
Yuuji Itadori | Gryffindor/Hufflepuff (5th Year)
Ok, so here's the thing: typical shonen protagonist conventions tells me to put Yuuji Itadori in Gryffindor. And it makes complete sense! We see that he's brave - fucking demon possesses you and all you say is "What are you doing with my body?"?. But he's also willing to admit when he gets scared, like when he first faced a Special Grade. GryffindorJock!Itadori who is the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team is a mental image I'm not willing to let go of anytime soon. However, Yuuji is also an incredibly kind individual who just wants to save other people. Hufflepuff!Yuuji is that guy who is popular with everyone at Hogwarts, he cooks meatballs in the kitchens at midnight as he talks to the house elves as though they were close friends, and he would definitely take a curse or two in order to save his friends if the situation calls for it.
Yuuji grew up as a mostly normal kid. Sure, there had been strange (almost magical, somehow) instances here or there but he was an energetic enough child that it never really occurred to him to dwell on them for too long. 
As long as he could remember, it was just him and his grandfather. Supposedly, Yuuji had an older brother. But for some reasons that his grandfather refuse to tell him; he had to go away when Yuuji had been very young. He doesn’t even remember what his older brother looked like. But then again, Yuuji can’t even remember what their parents had been like - so he doesn’t really feel as though there was anything lacking in his upbringing. After all, how can you miss something you never had? 
On his eleventh birthday, his grandfather solemnly sits Yuuji down and tells him that he was a wizard.  He was a “Pureblood” - and potentially very powerful - wizard. His grandfather had been born a squib but he had known enough to explain to Yuuji the basics of the world that his parents had once belonged to. 
Imagine: “Yer a wizard, Yuuji.” “….Sweet.”   
His grandfather then hands him two things: 
First, a letter from some Hog-Wash-Hagwarts?? Warthog? School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that he was to attend. His parents had gone there as well to learn magic. 
Second, a long, sturdy piece of polished wood. When grandfather had taken it out of its box, Yuuji had looked at the wand skeptically - almost a hundred percent sure that the entire thing was one huge joke. But his grandfather was no prankster, after all, because as soon as his fingertips touched its surface, he felt a warm glow rush into his fingertips. 
According to his grandfather, the wand had been his mother’s, passed on to his grandfather for safekeeping after she had died all those years ago. 
When asked about the whereabouts of his father’s wand, his grandfather’s face turned dark. It was with Yuuji’s older brother, he said. His older brother who had also been attending the same school that he would be. 
Itadori is one of the best Defense Against the Dark Arts students of their year. He also gets great grades for Charms and, much to everyone’s surprise, Potions. A Chaotic Good™ through-and-through, Itadori tends to forget to follow the very strict instructions that Potions Master Kento Nanami wrote at the blackboard, and yet despite eyeballing the ingredients, his Potion turns out great every time. HOW? No one knows.
His dorm room is filled with Muggle posters - it just feels too weird to have a magical poster of a tall woman with a big ass greeting him every time he woke up or entered his dorm room. He learned the hard way that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing when Todo gifted him a moving poster of Jennifer Lawrence.
He tries his best to collect Chocolate Frog cards, bless his heart - but he always tend to lose them in the journey between Hogwarts and his home every summer. Little does he know that Kugisaki and Toge pilfer the ultra-rare ones that he somehow manages to pull in a semi-regular basis. 
Megumi Fushiguro | Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw (5th Year)
Primarily, I want Ravenclaw!Megumi Fushiguro as an aesthetic. We already know that he likes to read non-fiction books in his spare time (babes, i love you but that is nerd behavior), and he's shown that he's very sharp and intuitive when it comes to battles. He is also very knowledgeable about the Jujutsu World. Also, pretty boy looks damn good in blue. I can just imagine Megumi as the quiet, brooding Ravenclaw who is somehow friends with every insane person in Hogwarts. However, Hufflepuff!Megumi embodies who he is as a character. He's loyal to his friends and family, selfless when it comes to protecting the others, and he's willing to work hard behind the scenes even if he doesn't get recognition for it. We also saw how Megumi was willing to be the sacrifice bunt if it meant that Kugisaki had the chance to move forward during the baseball scene.
Megumi came from an aristocratic Pureblood family, the Ancient and Most Noble House of Zenin. An extremely powerful wizarding family rumored to be distant relatives of Salazar Slytherin himself. Only - his father Toji had been born a Squib who married his mother just to spite his conservative family. Much to his surprise, however, Megumi was born not only an incredibly talented wizard but also the first parseltongue of the Zenin family in years.
Professor Gojo - back when he was still an Auror and not the DADA instructor at Hogwarts - came to the Fushiguro family household after he had apprehended Fushiguro Toji or, as the wizarding world commonly knows him as: the Sorcerer Killer. Much to his surprise, he doesn't find Toji's wife nor his stepdaughter - instead, he finds tiny Megumi talking to his pet garden snake, Orochi. He ended up taking Megumi under his wing, letting him live at the Gojo family’s home and later taking him to Diagon Alley a week before he started in Hogwarts. 
Gojo buying Megumi his pet owl, Nue. 
No, YOU’RE crying. 
Of course, the Zenin family kick up a fuss about custody. It's only Gojo's status as the strongest wizard alive - as well as his well-placed threat to make the knowledge that the notorious Sorcerer Killer had once been a Zenin known to the wizarding world - that keeps them quiet.
Megumi's best subject is Care of Magical Creatures - though he’s also great at Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration. Students are, by school regulations, only really allowed one (1) pet (an owl/cat/toad). And legally, Megumi has his horned owl, Nue. It is, however, an open secret within the Hogwarts community that Megumi Fushiguro walks around the castle with his pet snake Orochi wrapped around his wrist under his cloak. No one questions that Megumi arrives at Hogsmeade, conveniently trailed by the same black and white dogs every weekend. His roommates learn to turn their heads the other way when the bunnies under Megumi’s bed escape their cage.
He used the expansion charm in order to house his ever-growing collection of pets. Imagine Newt Scamander’s suitcase but, instead of a large sprawling space, it’s a cozy room filled with books and pets and pet paraphernalia.   
He’s not competitive enough to play Quidditch, but he attends every game to support his friends. He also attends their practices sometimes but just sits at the pitch to read his book, do homework, or take a nap. 
Half-Veela!Megumi make brain go brrrrr
Kugisaki Nobara| Slytherin/Gryffindor (5th Year)
Out of everyone, I had the hardest time placing the Kugisaki. I feel as though Slytherin!Kugisaki is the girl who dropped everything in order to go live in the city - the girl who was willing to do anything, even join a career with a high possibility of dying, just to follow her dreams. She is unapologetic about being herself, highly resourceful, and is one luxurious queen. But Kugisaki is also incredibly brave - unafraid to stand up for the girl who was being ostracized by everyone in their part of the countryside. I implore you to imagine Gryffindor!Kugisaki pulling the Sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat in order to save other people. 
Kugisaki is a Muggleborn who used to live in the quiet countryside. She’s an incredibly talented witch who started showing signs of magic at an early age - something that had frightened her, especially because it was clear that it also frightened her parents. She tried to suppress her abilities, trying to fit into society for a while - that is, until a girl named Saori moved in from the city.
Saori had been a Pureblood witch who had grown up in the Wizarding World. She had been the first person told Kugisaki that her magic was a blessing instead of a freak of nature or something that she had to hide. Saori talked to Kugisaki about the wonders of their world that she would one day get to take part in. She told Kugisaki about Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and all these wonderful places that she would get to go to. 
However, because they were a Pureblood family, Saori and her family did not know how to integrate within the Muggle community. Not too long after their arrival, horrible rumors about their family started spreading - that they were cultists, satan worshippers, etc. Eventually, they decided to move away from the country. Before leaving, Saori made Kugisaki promise to find each other one day and to never turn back on who she truly is.
When Kugisaki first received her letter from Professor Shoko Ieiri who mysteriously appeared in their doorstop the night of her eleventh birthday, the professor explained to her parents about magic and the wizarding - only, Kugisaki was only half listening. 
Unlike her parents, she wasn’t surprised one bit - it was only a matter of time, after all, and she was finally going to get to go to Hogwarts. Surely, Saori had already graduated by the time she entered but it was definitely one step closer to finding her childhood friend. 
Kugisaki has pretty good grades all around - but she is definitely known as the best in their year at Charms. She also has great grades at Defense Against the Dark Arts. She and Yuuji definitely almost failed History of Magic, though. They have too much energy to just sit quietly and take notes in class - especially one taught by a ghost. 
Every store owner in Hogsmeade knows Kugisaki by name - and by extention, they know Yuuji and Megumi too. She has long since mastered the art of dragging her friends all around the shops and still not paying a single Knut by the end of their Hogsmeade visit. At the end of every visit, Yuuji and Megumi swears that it would be the last time and yet, every visit, she still manages to wrangle both of them into coming with her 
In Potions, Kugisaki is a force to be reckoned with. Her cauldron always appeared to be on the verge of exploding and yet, somehow, a supernatural force (or by the sheer strength of her own willpower) seem to keep her from completely fucking up every time. 
Slytherin!Sukuna Ryoumen
Slytherin!Maki Zenin
Ravenclaw!Inumaki Toge
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chiarrara · 2 months
Both for the baseball and the basketball au:
From what I know about sports, everyone seems to have their own strategy or way of playing. So how do you think the characters act on field compared to their usual selves? How do you think their personalities would translate into their play ?
eeeeee, I got so giddy when I saw you asked me about this :):):)
Baseball AU: So I already kind of went into Megumi & Yuuji but I'll expand a bit and talk about some other players. And I'll try to make it comprehensible to a non-baseball watcher...
Megumi: I already talked about how he stands in the path of the ball when he's batting so he gets hit by pitches a lot, and make sacrifices to advance a runner on base. Baseball is a huge strategy game, it's basically like a board game with real people as the pieces, and Megumi is a great strategist. He's a great team leader, but not a hype man at all. He's not the guy to turn to for morale on the bench. When he's pitching, his style is to try and psych out the batter and get into their heads. He figures out what their strategy is so he knows when they're going to swing and when they're not and uses that against them. He'll fake out so it seems like he's going to throw an easy to hit pitch then change it up throwing off the batters rhythm or aim and making them swing at an impossible pitch. During a difficult at-bat, he gets scary, like dude has crazy eyes. He has psyched out batters so bad that he gets a reputation as a demon pitcher. Dudes have said they saw his eyes go black before he struck them out. So, people are always thrown off when they meet him outside a game and he's the most apathetic guy you've ever met.
Yuuji: Our boy is always swinging for the fences. Everything he does he does at 100% and he's not usually going to be super cunning about it, he's just going to overpower you and somehow do the impossible. So those sneaky pitches Megumi throws, Yuuji is somehow going to hit them. His at-bat's are really long (because he's hitting lots of foul balls, don't worry about it) so pitchers think they can wear him down, but his stamina is crazy and he stays sharp even after 10 or 15 pitches. He's not strategic like Megumi, but he has great instincts. He knows what he can do and he knows how to do it. This means he knows when he can make it to second or third base off a big hit instead of stopping at first. Also, he's absolutely the hype man, he's always boosting morale in the dugout. He's the most classic athlete type, he's a super positive ball of sunshine, but when it's time to get down to it he goes into that flow state focus. He's also the most determined. He doesn't always know they can win, but he'll do absolutely everything he can either way.
Toge: Look, this screencap of Inumaki on base with his little peace sign lives rent free in my head.
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he's what my dad called a "slap hitter" ??? basically, he gets hits and gets to first base a lot. He's really athletic in a different way than Yuuji, he's quick and flexible. He's great at stealing bases, and he does a little swimming motion when he slides in to avoid getting tagged. The infield is always on high alert when he's on base. He can play a few positions in the infield--shortstop, third base, second--and gets moved around a lot. Toge he's really good at encouraging his teammates in subtle ways, and he's super reliable on the field and off.
Yuuta: I think Yuuta can play a lot of positions like, way more masterfully than someone who isn't specializing in that position should be able to. He's a closing pitcher with a wicked fastball. He's on first base pulling a full split to make a catch while keeping his foot on the base. He's in the outfield making a catch all the way at the wall and throwing guys out at home, or picking up a line drive in the right field corner and throwing a guy out at third on the opposite side of the field. He just picks things up really easily. He made friends through joining sports so he is crazy loyal to his team and loves his teammates, but he kinda sucks at giving motivational speeches and things like that. However, when the game is on the line and it's up to him to get his team the win, he's gonna go out there and absolutely destroy the other team. It has been said that he won a game single-handedly once which is...not a thing you can do in baseball, but when he's getting the hits, making key outs, and then striking batters out in the 9th inning, he's kind of doing the impossible. He's always super friendly to his opponents after the game.
Gojo: He's lauded as a great coach and he was a superstar player, but if you ask his players... he's useless, he just recruits well.
Todo: I don't think he's on their team, and I wasn't going to include him in this post, but I was talking with my dad and I had an idea for him. He is the type of player who will legitimately injure people. He will barrel into the catcher at home plate to prevent them from making the catch and tagging him out. He tackles the second baseman to break up a double play. He slides into players with his cleats up intentionally. He's actually the scariest player on the field and not in a good way.
(I'm going to do the basketball au in another post & tag u <3)
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chiarrara · 3 months
should i spend $22-$66 on jujustu kaisen baseball standees or should i try and maintain the facade that I'm normal
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chiarrara · 2 months
You know for the baseball and basketball au’s I almost considered a football one as well simply because I am a bit more familiar with it plus because of how homoerotic it can get (esp when celebrating a goal) but since you’re more familiar with those sports what do questionably gay moments look like there
haha I literally grew up playing soccer, but for some reason I can't get my head around an au about it?? I think it would be good, I just don't know how to talk about it I guess. If you do a football au let me know!
In basketball, there's a lot of ass slapping, like so so much. Which I think would create some tense situations after the integration. Like when Yuuji thoughtlessly slaps Nobara on the ass one day at practice after she makes a good shot. She nearly bites his head off. A lot of 'touch me like that again and you're dead'. Then half an hour later, Maki does the same thing and she's all heart eyes (Yuuji: what the fuck). And there's always the classic tension of a one-on-one.
(Love & Basketball is such a classic)
In baseball, there's not a lot of contact, everyone's pretty spread out, but winning a championship you'll get those celebrations like in soccer. Lots of jumping on each other, outpouring of emotion, all that. Could be good for a climactic momentttt...
I think the most homoerotic stuff happens in the dugout though. Baseball games take a lot of time, and for half of it you're just hanging out in your own little fort with your best buddies, chewing gum, spitting out sunflower seeds, goofing off, cheering on your team, and celebrating runs.
just to get a feel for the vibes
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chiarrara · 2 months
Remember how I said Megumi is Pete the cat
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Well there’s even one for the baseball au
AHHHHHHDHJDJDKDN hell yes lmao tytyty for this gift lol
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