#its 3am as im queuing this
yikes-ajax · 11 months
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I dont have a clever and witty sarcastic comment tonight, I just think she's cute
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jupitercl0uds · 1 year
does anyone else do this
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good-beans · 1 year
That comic of the person getting all swirly then slamming their laptop shut -- IM GOING TO BED
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shockinglysubmissive · 11 months
You know those posts where it's like "be the person 8 year old you wanted to be. You have to protect them." Nah that ain't me. 8 year old me was a bad bitch. No fears. 24 year old me needs to be protected by 8 year old me.
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realjem-art · 2 years
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meant to sleep but had oc ideas instead
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sonicrainbooms · 2 years
sorry if you've answered this before or its written somewhere obvious i missed, i was just wondering why you always hashtag this, Im pretty new to tumblr so im not really sure the things.
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hello! Tumblr has a 'queue post' function, meaning you can schedule posts/reblogs (as many as you want, for as long as you want, as often as you want) that will post even when you're not online.
i tag it like that so people will know that I'm not actually online, it's just my automated posts going up for me. it also helps me keep track of things lmao
in the old days of tumblr, it was just fun to make a queue tag personal. my tag, "what my queuetiemark is telling me" is a play on one of my favourite My Little Pony Songs, What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me
i arranged it so i have a queued reblog post every 3 hours (midnight, 3am, 6am, so on).
hope this helped!
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(@Dawn-Talks) Snow@The Final Guardian The Alolan Vulpix walks up to the final guardian, "I wish not to fight, I just wish to get to know you, personalities are baffling to me, but also a very fun thing to learn, as every personality is unique," The Alolan Vulpix said very calmly
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"Oh... uh. Oops. I mean, Hello there tiny one. I wish not to fight a child... thing." He looked away trying to pretend that never happened.
"Go on little one. Go back home, my personality's very one note I assure you. You'll find nothing of interest, I'm not sure why a little Pokémon like you is all the way out here. Don't you have a show to be at?" He shooed the little Vulpix away, not wishing for them to get hurt.
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catboytb · 3 years
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ghostprinceiii · 3 years
2 in the morning time for some headcanons
So (atleast) every version of Link in the games I've played so far (Ocarina of Time, Triforce Heroes, Breath of the Wild, Skyward Sword, Spirit Tracks), I've headcanoned as being autistic and nonverbal in some way because 1. It's obvious. 2. Mood. 3. It's my imagination and I can think whatever I want to relate to characters more ✌️
While I stand by that the first 4 use sign language (although I am partial to the idea of BOTW Link using the Sheikah slate as an AAC device 👀), I don't get quite that same vibe from Spirit Tracks Link.
So here's what I'm thinking:
He uses a mixture of vague gestures and pre-written notecards, and, based on the dialogue I've observed so far, they're all meant to be as over-the top as possible. Shit like "ZZZ" and "Do I Ever!" could be for a few reasons (ie, just cuz he thought they'd be funny to have on hand rather than the standard No/Yes, etc), but I like the idea that it's a mix between 'the opportunity to use them for dramatic sarcasm' (because, again, it's funny), and because he really just does feel emotions that strongly and has learned to display them as ostentatiously as possible so that people Get It (no I'm not projecting why do you ask 😳).
That 'fade to black' stuff where the game doesn't make you sit through exposition every time you meet someone new? That's when Link puts down his "Well..." card and pulls out a notebook, has to spend forever writing in it cuz he keeps losing both the page where he wrote all this last time and his train of thought (haha, train), and then wait while the other person reads it before they can get back to short answers.
Anyways I like that little dude's vibes and feel for his lack of talent with a wind instrument.
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scicraft · 4 years
WAIT... yall... the kitakis are gangsters yeah? what if.... THEYRE the la gangs who threatened markiplier...
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I'm doing the bad story ends for Zen, and it's just breaking my heart how cruel MC has to be, kicking Zen while he's down about everything. Could I get a really fluffy and sweet head cannon for Zen to mend my breaking heart? Maybe something along the lines of a date night staying at home? Thank you for all your hard work!
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My apologies, headcanons aren’t my forte... although hopefully this helps you feel a little better? I understand the bad endings are rough...
For a date night staying at home... singing under the stars with your loved one is quite fun. 🌌 🎶
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kyukun · 5 years
Underlined (OumaSai)
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heyo anon! thank you for the request <33 i hope i did good on this prompt. dysphoria can go eat a dick and rot in a hole and im sorry to all of my trans peeps who have to deal with this. but know that youre amazing and i love you all so, so much! youre so strong and keep on fighting, i believe in you! ❤
title: Underlined
summary: What can you do when dysphoria won’t leave you alone? Distract yourself in the weirdest way possible with the help of your boyfriend.
word count: 1080
~~ prompt starts after cut! ~~
Kokichi awoke to feeling something weird in between his legs. He didn’t know what, but it felt wet. He assumed it was just sweat. Swinging his legs off the bed, throwing the sheets off of him, he waddled off to the bathroom to do his business. The bed felt a bit cold, Shuichi must’ve already went downstairs.
Pulling down his boxers he realized the source of the wetness he had previously felt earlier. Great. It’s that time of the month.
He could feel himself already dread the beginning of the day. 
He reached out from under the sink and did what he could for himself before going downstairs with his head hung low. Shuichi greeted his boyfriend with a smile, “Morning.”
He incoherently mumbled back, which caused Shuichi to raise an eyebrow. Kokichi flopped down on the couch beside his boyfriend and cuddled close to him. “Can I wear one of your hoodies today?”
“Sure, but why? It’s not cold. Plus, they’re really baggy on you.”
“That’s the point.” He groaned. Shuichi put two and two together and figured it must’ve been his period. He frowned, remembering how bad Kokichi’s dysphoria usually got during his periods. Shuichi placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and rubbed it in a soothing motion. 
Kokichi felt awful. Adding onto the cramps, his growing dysphoria just made things that much worse. He didn’t want to be like this. It felt as if a part of him was missing. Not even just physically. Shuichi had been aware of him being trans since they started dating, and thankfully, he was more than accepting about it. He’s been more than helpful with helping him cope during times were dysphoria seemed to have just swallowed him whole.
“Did you put on your binder?”
“It was the first thing I did after I got out of the bathroom.”
“Okay, good.” He could feel his body tense up like a clam. Shuichi let him borrow his hoodies whenever he wanted, but he wore them more often during his period. “Hey, my uncle isn’t here and won’t be for a while. You can relax." 
He didn’t even realize he was tense until Shuichi had brought it up. While he was sure his uncle wouldn’t mind the fact that he’s trans, he still hadn’t fully came out to him yet. Shuichi never pressured him to do it, but he just wanted to. He wasn’t quite ready yet, but he definitely wanted to.
"How are you feeling right now?”
“Like shit.”
“Well then, let’s try and change that. Even if it’s for a bit.” He sat up, Kokichi shifting backwards a bit to allow Shuichi to get up from the couch. “Where’s my notebook?" 
"Shumai—Shumai, are we really doing this again?” He questioned, an eyebrow raised and a slight groan in his sentence. Shuichi had a habit of doing the cheesiest things to cheer Kokichi up, and this one just happened to be by far the corniest, most dumbest yet effective one he’s ever done. Yet, he never stops him.
“Yes, we are. Ah! Found it.” Shuichi held a familiar little black spiral notebook in between his fingers and two ballpoint pens in the other while he flashed a toothy grin. Kokichi scooted over, allowing for Shuichi to sit beside him once more.
“Remember how this goes?”
“Yeah. Describe the person in front of you and underline your favorite things about them—Of course I remember how this goes, we do it every month.” Kokichi giggled as his boyfriend scooped him up and planted a sweet kiss on his cheek. “Right.” He ripped a sheet of paper from the notebook and handed Kokichi the spiraled book while keeping the flimsy paper to himself. 
“Here you go. Now, ready?”
He nodded. Shuichi smiled once more and had begun writing, as did Kokichi. They sat in silence for a bit, focusing on the papers in front of them as the sound of pen against paper filled the room. He glanced up at Shuichi through his eyelashes with a blush spread across his face. He looked so focused. It was cute.
He was really lucky to have found someone like him. He was really a needle in a haystack. Kokichi smiled to himself and finished writing. Towards the end of the game, they exchange papers and give explanations for each of their favorites. It was weird, but it definitely helped Kokichi. 
“Done?” Shuichi asked, moving his paper in front of Kokichi, waiting for him to take it as a way of confirmation, to which, he did. Kokichi read his list which was cliché from the beginning. He tried to conceal his smile, but to no avail.
He noticed all the things on the list were underlined (which he expected from Shuichi,) but he made note of a certain oddity. The last point was double underlined.
It read, “Your strength.”
Well that was somewhat vague.
“Shumai, what do you mean by "your strength?” That could literally mean anything.“ 
"Do you want me to explain already? I haven’t even finished reading yours.” He faked a pout playfully before realizing he was being serious. So much for trying to make him laugh. Though, he did deserve an explanation for that one.
“Well, I meant what I wrote. Your strength. It’s one of my many favorite things about you.”
“But it’s double underlined.”
God he could be so confusing sometimes. “Out of all of my favorite things about you, that one is definitely on the top of the list. You go through and have been through so much, and it amazes me how unbelievably strong you are. Seriously, how do you do it? How do you manage to be that amazing?”
Kokichi could feel himself tear up. Maybe it was because he was more sensitive during this time but Shuichi really did have a way to tug at his heartstrings so easily. He allowed him to continue as he listened in silence. “Your strength just… It inspires me to keep trying, y'know? Kokichi, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Dysphoria doesn’t define you, and you shouldn’t let it. You’re the perfect boyfriend for me and I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Cue the waterworks. 
He set down the papers on the coffee table and hugged Shuichi tightly, sobbing into his chest as arms slowly eased themselves onto his back. “I love you… I love you so much.”
“I know, Kichi. I love you too." 
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aethesisim · 5 years
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U KNOW WHAT GOES WITH BAD LIGHTING? bad boys soft bad boys that r actually really friendly and blush a lot but u cant laugh at them or u get punched in the nose u know? this is Noah ok dont worry about his scar he just got in a bad fight hes very smiley
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niceneckbytheway · 5 years
good morning, much to the surprise of absolutely no one, courtney and eloise are being sickeningly cute again
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Day75 doodle, princess mononoke kagami.
Tried to colourise it but app crashed and file got corrupted. (:
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aduro-gayming · 4 years
im gonna answer the prompts i PROMISE im just procrastinating  
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