#its 4:37am
doreomilkshake · 2 years
No thoughts, just washingdad.
Ive been rereading fanfic lately and have gotten really into lams and washingdad. Thin ice verse by the incredible bitch_i_might_be on ao3 is my go to read
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313centimetres · 1 year
i just failed to read the word "hunger"
literally looked at it and went "hung-er? hu-nger? what the fuck did they typo hanger or smth? hung er?"
took me three tries to realize
time 4 bed
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natsmagi · 1 year
I wish lesbians were real
maybe if we yuri harder god will hear our pleas and grant us one last miracle to grace this earth
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yellowbentley · 2 years
we all know i prefer winter to summer but if theres one thing i really genuinely like about summer its getting to watch the sun rise
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aropride · 2 months
following me simulator (in the reverse order it should be for readability sorry)
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 08:27am
good MORNINg dashboard. time for another day i am not ready but i will do it
#text #happyt thursday treat thursday
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 10:02am
to do today. psych quiz , work on zines, Remember to eat, dont die
#text #to do list tag
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 10:37am
my life is so beautiful (boy whos at the library voice)
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 11:13am
#text #Spotify
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 11:22am
all right well why dont u listen to the waves crash against the shore for a while and maybe you’ll calm down . can you let the beauty of the world overtake you for just one fucking second
31,798 notes
aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 12:05pm
everyone on here needs to stop laughing about how "adopting pets from a shelter is for losers" and "those animals should be hunted for sport instead" its reprehensible on so many levels. First of all
Read more
#text #discourse
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 12:32pm
answer my questions boy
#text #polls
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 01:14pm
mcr5 summer 2024. mark my words
#text #mcr5
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 01:49pm
shaking and trembling and looking at you with fear in my eyes etc . did anyone else notice its scary
#text #scaredposting
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 02:43pm
ooh my godfdddd guys . just had an f slur moment so insane i literally cant come backfrom this one they have to kill me they have to kill me.
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aropride Follow 🔁 mychemmutal1 Follow April 5th 2024, 04:12pm
[gerard image]
#i miss you baby girl please call me i love you
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aropride Follow 🔁 normalaestheticblog Follow April 5th 2024, 04:23pm
[picture of a big clunky computer with some wires exposed or something]
#MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE. need her carnally #💾
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 06:37pm
just had the best pbj sandwich ever if you even care
#i love you pbj sandwich #text
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 06:58pm
i am goign to rip this title ix coordinator LIMB FROM LIMB !!!!!!!!
#text #WHO ELSE UP HAVING THEIR CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATED LOLLLL #the negligence is crazy Lol . giys should i sue . i could literally fucking sue right now . oh my god . jesus christ #neg #🗒️
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 07:14pm
its like no one even cares about frozen 2013 anymore
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aropride Follow 🔁 mychemmutual2 Follow April 5th 2024, 07:19pm
[gerard image]
#i miss her thighs i mean her music #PLEASE VOME BACKKKKKKK
1,939 notes
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 08:12pm
judt went to the store and almost got hit by a fucking car coming back Like actually
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 08:15pm
no but literally like. im NEVER gonna give you up. NEVER gonna let you down NEVER gonna tell a lie and HURT YOU..!!!!!!!!
#text #/ly
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 08:31pm
edibles time i deserve a little treat to be FREAKING honest
#text #weedposting
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aropride Follow April 5th 2024, 09:48pm
The edible has turned me bisexual once more.
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starlahuskyz · 8 months
Chances - Chapter 7
Summary: Marko ponders over what he wants to do with Jordan while Jordan thinks on whether she made the right choice.
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This is a much shorter chapter so yea sorry.
Chapter 6 <<< >>> Chapter 8
TW// Minor flesh eating
The Sunken Hotel
“Dude you totally fucking nailed it! Now what did I tell you? Talking was all that was needed.” Paul hopped around and kept nudging Marko at his achievement of completing square one.
“Hey I only have you to thank Paul. But now I’ve gotta plan out tomorrow.” He grabbed one of his pigeons and stroked its head while he started thinking. All the boys went quiet to think about their plan. Paul snaps his fingers and presents an idea.
“Take her dancing Marko. Girls love to dance.” 
“I don’t know, she doesn’t strike me as a dancing girl.” He continued thinking
“You could take her out for a fancy dinner.” Dwayne proposed.
“I don’t even know if she eats regular food..” Marko said with a sliver of annoyance.
“Bring her here.” David said
“What kind of suggestion is that? She wouldn’t wanna come to my place. We are supposed to be keeping it simple, remember? Marko is pissed at this point.
“No need to snap, just an idea.” David lit a cigarette ignoring Marko.
“I’ll just wait and see what she wants to do. That’s probably the safest bet.” He tosses the pigeon into the air and watches it fly away.
“Well you’ll find out tomorrow.” Paul slapped a hand onto Marko’s back. “Just remember, be confident and kind. Like a real gentleman, and be yourself. You got this bud.” Paul headed over to the couch to light a joint. While Marko walked over to the entrance of the hotel and watched the waves hit the cliff in the moonlight.
While he was excited to be able to start hanging with Jordan, he was also curious about why he liked her so much. No other woman or man has made her feel this way. He didn't know why, but he figured that he would soon find out.
Jordan was laying in bed watching some random sitcom while Bixby layed next to her munching away on one of the fingers that Jordan brought home. 
“Do you think I made a good decision, Bixby?” She looked at her cat who grunted while he ate. “I swore off ever dating anyone and yet here I am. Opening up the opportunity again!” She sighed, feeling frustrated. “I feel like I’m making a mistake.” Jordan hears a knock at her door. Her dad opens up the door and walks down the steps into her room.
“So you met someone I assume?” He's wearing his robe and slippers while eating a bowl of pretzels for no particular reason.
“Dad, what did I say about listening to me talk?” Jordan sits up from her spot to look at her Kit-Cat clock on the wall. “It’s 4:37am what are you doing up so late, were you hungry or something?” She looks at the bowl he had in his hands.
“Look, it just sounded like you were frustrated so I wanted to check on you. You may be a night stalker but I’m still your dad right?” 
“Right…I’m just putting myself back out there that’s all. I'm meeting someone to hang out tomorrow." She pets Bixby while he picks off whatever scraps are left on his treat. 
“Ah I see. Is he handsome?” He smiles at her. “Or is he a nice fella?” 
“He’s handsome and so far he’s been nice, but you should know that’s not enough to rope me in. I wanna find out if he could be the one. But if he isn’t, then I’m shutting it down immediately.” She gets up and turns off the TV.
“Why even go through all that trouble? If what your ex did to you scared you that bad then don’t keep doing this. You're playing with fire at this point Jordan.” He recalls her incident last year.
“He just seems so insistent, besides I can hold my own now. So if he turns out bad, I can handle him.” Jordan lays back down onto her bed and so her father makes his way out to leave.
“Well, good luck with that. Just know if he tries anything, I’ll beat the bricks off of him.” With that he walks out.
Bixby finished off the finger and cuddled up to Jordan settling on her chest. She closed her eyes and reassured herself, she won’t repeat her past mistakes. “Hopefully that won’t be necessary. I want this time to be different.”
Taglist (If you wanna be tagged, just ask ^ ^)
@blog4horror @ria-coolgirl @oceansrose2002 @hypocriticaltypwriter @deliciousfestsalad
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boroughshq · 4 months
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The snow started falling at 10:37am. Nothing unusual for New York, no alarm raised by its citizens at the light snow fell. A little snow was expected in the morning’s forecast. A storm, however, was not. As the hours went on, the snow only picked up in force. By the afternoon, it was obvious to everyone that a storm was afoot. One inch became three, became six, became ten, before reaching a height of fourteen inches of snowfall. Heavy, but not an unprecedented amount by any means. The state has seen worse, so this snowstorm shouldn’t be a problem. And of course, the snow wasn’t the problem. The response was.
The unexpected nature of the severity of the storm combined with a belated response from political leaders of the state led to more chaos than warranted. To put it simply: there was more snow than anticipated, and far too many roads left untreated. By the time snow plows and treatment trucks were issued, the damage was already done. The snow had turned to slush, and that slush had frozen over into ice. All at once, interstates were made into parking lots, cars abandoned by citizens who chose to travel by foot rather than be stuck in a gridlock in unmoving traffic. Trains ran on reduced service before seeing significant service suspensions. Flights were canceled at all major airports. Electricity cut out sporadically at homes and businesses across the boroughs. As state officials moved into overdrive to recover from their fumbled response, a state of emergency was declared. Citizens at home were advised to stay at their homes and avoid any unnecessary travel, while stranded motorists and citizens out in the city were advised to seek out shelter at unaffected stores and community shelters to hunker down at until the worst of the storm passes. Inspo Storms: 2014 & 2010.
The event has now officially begun! Though participation in the event is optional, it is highly encouraged!Please remember to tag all event posts as #bhqevent001.
As a reminder, the snowstorm passes through New York on Thursday, February 1st. However, the event will run from February 1st through February 8th. After 2/8, no new starters can be made set during the event, but writers are free to continue previous event threads until their conclusion.
If you signed up for the character shuffle, please make sure to reach out to your assigned partner for plots! Though a thread from the pairing isn't mandatory, as the event was made to facilitate the creation of new plots for members, they are highly encouraged!
The starter rule (must reply to 2 open starters before posting one of your own) will be lifted for the first 4 open starters in the tag. After that, please make sure you're responding to at least 2 open starters before posting your own! And of course, closed starters are welcome!
As a reminder, members are not limited to only interacting with their paired partner. Additionally, members are free to continue pre-event threads during this time, too!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send them to the main!
Have fun! Feel free to take any liberties you'd like with the setting! It's a chaotic day! Cars are in gridlock, the subway's barely operational, the power's going out everywhere - there's a lot of situational fun to be had!
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Luck transfer - drabbles
Park Dojoon X reader (The Rose)
You can imagine any other idol too, its very generic to idols. Also, Hes so cute, look! Im in love. (Masterlist pinned)
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You had just woken up from sleep, but you chose to keep your eyes closed and try to go back to bed. You turn to get a little more comfortable to go back to bed. You pat the bed next to you and confusion takes over. Dojoon is supposed to be there. You open your eyes to an empty bed.
It had become habitual to stay over at his in the weekends. You liked having him around all the time, it was less lonely than going back to an empty house.
“Where’d he go?” You mutter to yourself.
You sit up looking at the time and yawn. It was 4:37AM. You groan. Why’d you wake up so early? You end up wandering into the living room and hear a soft tune of the keyboard.
You see his back towards you playing the keyboard in his sleeveless white tank he usually wears to bed. He had a concert tomorrow and you recall him saying it was important and he was a little nervous about messing up this new song they recently released.
You walk over to his keyboard bench to sit next to him. You end up straddling the bench and sitting facing his side. You leave a soft trail of kisses on his shoulder and rest your head there, hugging his torso.
“Why are you up?” He asks and tilts his head to rest on yours while his fingers still play.
“You weren’t there when I turned” you pout a little without realising.
He chuckles and you could feel his body moving under you. He stops playing and uses one of his hands to cup your face. “Why are you this cute, since when?”
This pasted a big smile on your face. “Since forever” you respond looking up at him from his shoulder. You snuggle closer.
“Are you nervous about the concert?”
“A little bit, I keep messing up the chorus” he says as his hands go back to his keyboard.
“You’ll be fine, I’ll transfer some of my luck to you”, you say and move your body upward to reach his cheek to kiss it. “Here” you giggle sitting back down.
He takes his hands completely off the keyboard and turns to you.
“I think I need a lot more luck than that” demanding more kisses.
You blush. Its been 2 years and he still makes you blush like you’ve held hands for the first time. You’re so head over heels for him.
His hands had already sneaked by your waist by the time you finished the thought. He had pulled you a lot closer if that was even a possibility. His one hand on your cheek that covered your whole face. You held that hand of his before you feel his lips on yours.
Your other hand snaked up his neck to play with the back of his head and to pull his face more closer. He was so soft and gentle with you, you could melt. He made you go all jelly without the work out.
He slowly pulled away and you take a breath resting his forehead on yours.
“Move in with me” you heard him say softly.
“Lets live together, here, so I can come home to you” he almost whispers, that was enough because he was that close to you. You heard him loud and clear.
You were flustered because you wanted to for a while now. Thats why you’d come over every weekend because you hated going back to an empty apartment, it made you feel so alone.
He notices the small smile that creeps up your face realising its a yes.
You nod smiling brightly at him. “I’d love that”
He kisses you with a lot more force this time. He was happy you said yes. You were happy he asked.
You stand up the second you pull away. “Let’s go sleep a little more please?” You hold out your hand for him to take it. You glance the clock in his living room - in YOUR living room. You smile at the thought.
He takes your hand but suddenly you’re upside down. He had put you over his shoulder, you held on to his torso for dear life, you know he won’t drop you.
“This luck transfer you speak of, I definitely need more of it” he says walking towards the bedroom with you over his shoulder.
You blush, you know exactly what he means.
“Its 5am in the morning!” you squeal giggling, blood had all rushed to your face not sure if it was what he said or this upside down position you were in.
“Its a Saturday”
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thecubes · 7 months
wondering why i feel thoroughly tired. look up at clock. its 4:37am. well that checks out. carry on.
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little--ghost · 1 year
its 1:37am its time for me to b incoherent again /j (im horrible at explaining, and a lot of my hcs aren't 100% fully thought through so this makes more sense in my head i am so sorry o7)
All vessels are born from within the Abyss, as such all of them contain shades
Vessels aren't necessarily separate from their shades in this verse, when taking enough mortal damage they revert into their shade and move to wandering until their physical form recovers fully after however much time is needed. Shades sort of exist in the background as the 2nd voice in their vessel's minds by default, but some are capable of overtake due to something like intensely strong emotion, self protection ect. Shades' appearances match the vessel they're from. Except more wispy and ghost like. (Mod note: an example of "this makes more sense in my head")
While in a shaded state the vessel is not 100% conscious, being aware yet not at the same time and taking the back seat in watching their actions- mostly staying to simple courses of action and/or emotion if any at all. Most of the time they prioritize not experiencing further harm. Capable of fighting back, and actually can be quite dangerous in some cases. Many vessels won't remember anything that occurred during this period, if they do it will be in blurry or spotty bits in memory. The time leading up to whatever caused it may or may not be affected.
Shades have been observed to be relatively violent to any entity in its proximity, sometimes even other vessels. Though, for many, staying a respectable distance away or backing away slowly if spotted is enough to remain out of harm’s way. However, some shades can be extremely violent. It’s unknown what causes certain shades to show extreme agitation to anything within its area, but it’s suspected it may have something to do relating to the vessel’s personality, tendencies and other factors amplifying whilst as a shade.
Void by nature is somewhat violent, having only grown more agitated after the infection started. It'll overtake whatever it can grasp, and consume those who get too close which can include beings of its own creation at its worst. Most of it has stayed contained within the Abyss, but traces can be found within the basin above, and curiously enough in a small section within Deepnest. It's rumored in the hushed whispers amongst the siblings an escape through Deepnest is possible from the Abyss.
Death is. weird. when it comes to vessels. Admittedly I haven't even figured this part out myself. Though one reasonably could choose however to return back to the void, if they put their regrets to rest. Most exist still, keeping their conscious and just exists within the mass that is some kind of shared hivemind of some kind. Just existing as passing whispers in the darkness. But if one wanted to fully return to complete unconscious all attachments and ties must be fully severed otherwise they go into... something. A purgatory state? Where the physical being exists but the mind no longer is attached? They just go into a coma i guess?? (Mod note: i definitely was thinking about RW in the back of my mind when i first thought of this)
Void is generally used as a more obscure source of magic, and its thought currently only the old snail shamans and vessels are capable of using it. Some uses include minor teleportation (Echo has shown capability of this), offensive spells (Ghost mostly just stole these, but Azu is capable of this) or self defense (all 4 vessels on this blog use their capes as void tendrils when needed to defend themselves. but that's only because its easier that way. Echo is capable of using their missing arm to form tendrils)
Ghost has been observed being capable of shading themself for More Power at will, though is required to be fueled by desperation and seen as a last resort (this is completely unrelated to the fact they get more aggressive as they take more damage) Pre-Voidheart this state was mostly uncontrolled and kind of just... happened sometimes. You can reasonably say they kinda just go a bit feral, and while they do have some extent of influence on their actions a lot of it isn't fully conscious. They do not remember much, if anything at all when it happened. Post-Voidheart it's a lot more controlled, though memory is still somewhat fuzzy afterward they remain conscious and aware of their actions. The constant in both periods of timespans is it's extremely draining in all aspects and usually results in them being left unable to fight once they're out of that state. They try very hard not to fall into this, and while other vessels are maybe capable of this only Ghost has been observed so far to be able to willingly do this. May have something to do with the fact they're Lord of Shades in present time.
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lawleitleerskov · 1 year
It has been a rough life for me since june 2022 for me and honestly..I'm just tired..I had a so many personal and physical issues that happened to me..
In the month of November alone I went to the ER 4 times....but even then I pushed thru or at least was able to keep it together and going..
Then on Jan 7th at 12:37am my time I get a call that.. my mother the only family I had left committed suicide...even writing those words hurt..Since then all that has seemed to be around me...seems to follow me is tragedy and loss...Usually when Im sad or depressed I've always found a way to kick out of it..to bounce back...to gain a second wind and somehow pull myself away from any self destructive actions or thoughts..but now..
I just cant seem to pull out of it...everything gives me anxiety or makes me sad now...its hard to sleep i either have nightmares or i have dreams that i wish were real so badly....people Important to me try to help...but even their love cant seem to reach me anymore...its sad really I want to talk to those people that love me...i really do...
But I also dont..my depression says to isolate myself from them from anyone who supposedly cares about you because for one they really dont...they dont love or care about you they have their own lifes and issues and your sadness is just bringing them down youre just dead weight to them...they dont care or love you...and even if by some tragic circumstance they do care about you...its best that your alone..because in the long run maybe thats a good thing because if they hate or feel ignored by you now then theyll stop caring and it wont hurt them if anything happens to you..eventually they will leave you alone like everyone else and even if it hurts itll be for the best..
Thats how my fucking little sad brain works now...when I saw my mom at the funeral home...I promised her that I would try to live a long life...and make her proud...but now..now I just seem to be in a downward spiral..so much death and sadness has been around me that honestly its all I sed now...I dont want to do harm to myself in anyway...but...with the way my brain is right now...with the way life is right now...if im around another year..that would be a hell of an accomplishment...anyways..nonsensical typing over...
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jesseevelann · 1 year
Reasercher Logbooks Part 2
The First Year
March 01, 5:36pm:
More accidents have been reported in the lab. Test subject 001 has been getting more agitated. We're unsure of how long we can keep it without a host. It has caused fires and immense damages to equipment, we've lost three doctors in the past week. Lord third is making attempts to find a young, long lasting host, but no one is willing to give one up thus far. I have a suspicion on a family that might, but the head professor wouldn't be happy with it.
March 13, 5:23am:
Mebuki Haruno and her husband are expecting a baby in a week or so, and have offered to hand it over. From ultrasounds, the child appears male. Which is why they don't want it, they wanted a girl. Lord Third accepted, and they agreed that during the day the child would be in the lab, and at night returned in their possession. The baby is healthy, and a suitable host for subject 001.
March 29, 7:30pm:
The child came out perfectly healthy, and took the operation well. Subject 001 was implanted inside its lungs, and spread throughout the nervous system and other organs. The baby survived, and is soundly sleeping while we perform more tests.
April 2, 4:37am:
The child, newly named Sakura, has survived every test thus far. 001 has settled greatly upon receiving a host.
Lord Third has ordered multiple bloodtests be performed on the child, I'm unsure if it's a good idea. It's a lot of blood to draw, and Sakura is so young... but orders have to go through.
April 9, 10:32am:
The bloodtest results have come back. Iron levels and blood pressure is good, and there is no sign of hereditary diseases. There is however, a small issue. The child is male. This doesn't affect the experiments, but Mebuki and Kizashi aren't happy about it. I suspect it may cause issues in the future.
// end of log
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4:37:14 = 55 or 10 or 19 = 1
May 29, 2024 at 4:37am PHT: Because of "John 5:1-9" (just take a look at the numbers on the totals of the time as well 😉) which reminded me of my niece's birthday. Meanwhile, if you omit "4", you'll be left with "371" which its last two digits remind me of my mom's birthday. ❤
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aropride · 1 year
following me simulator ⬇️
aropride Feb 30 2023 - 05:14am • 1 minute ago
Dude itsfuckig 5am ihave to go to bef goodnight #maybe inthe mornig i wontwant to kill myy self #text
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aropride Feb 30 2023 - 04:41am • 34 minutes ago
aaaaouuuhgh. blorbo . from my shows #text
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aropride Feb 30 2023 - 04:12am • 1 hour ago
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#mewhen my actions have consequences .. crazy shit #text
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aropride Feb 30 2023 - 03:51am • 1 hour ago
oh god it will never get better huh it will really never get better i will feel like thisf orever asnd ever #one of those nights #text
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aropride Feb 30 2023 - 02:47am • 2 hours ago
i loveeeee fanfic like yes.pput those guys in a situation #put those GIRLS in a situation hashtag feminism #text
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aropride Feb 30 2023 - 12:03am • 4 hours ago
how to fill the mother shaped hole in my heart easy cheap free #Please #text
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aropride Feb 29 2023 - 11:57pm • 4 hours ago
i fucking hate writing #text
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aropride Feb 29 2023 - 11:29pm • 4 hours ago
Itsliterally like #text #in ptsdworld .crazy in here
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aropride Feb 29 2023 - 11:13pm • 5 hours ago
go here https://open.spotify.com/track/5HLVrG3xcuAQVwB65hI1GU?si=691b96a8b10345cc #text
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aropride Feb 29 2023 - 6:29pm • 10 hours ago
like i should honestly drop out i really dont know what im doing in college anymore when i cant evenfucking do any of the work and it makes me want to throw my self out a WINDOW for real but also i cant cuz i cant work a fucking job id genuinely rather die . so its likewhat do i do now lol. WAIT I CANT EVEN DROP OUT IM ON SUSPENSION. im going to fucking kill my self #text #suicide tw
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aropride Feb 29 2023 - 4:17pm • 12 hours ago
the world is so fucking beautoiful. saw a tree today. a bird as well. do not EVER fucking kill your self what if one day its 69º and sunny out #text
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aropride Feb 29 2023 - 3:42pm • 12 hours ago
just had such a good sandwich #text
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aropride Feb 29 2023 - 2:31pm • 13 hours ago
im so fucking scared #text #get me out of here (my brain)
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aropride Feb 29 2023 - 12:19pm • 15 hours ago
to do list: finish writing , sew , pet dog, shower, schedule psych appt, take meds #text
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aropride Feb 29 2023 - 11:37am • 15 hours ago
goodmornig -_- #i want 2 go back2 bed imstill eepy #text
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healthyyhabitshub · 5 months
Don't put this foods in the fridge #shorts
Don't put this foods in the fridge #shorts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhGxVUO8APE "In this quick and informative #shorts video, let's explore a list of foods that are best kept outside the fridge for optimal taste and freshness. Refrigeration may impact the texture, flavor, or overall quality of these items. Learn which foods thrive at room temperature to enhance your culinary experience. 👉 Subscribe to my channel for more short and insightful videos: https://www.youtube.com/@healthyhabitshub-zk9fz Here are some foods that are best not to refrigerate: 1. **Bread:** Delve into why keeping bread in the fridge can lead to staling and affect its texture. Learn about better storage options for maintaining freshness. 2. **Avocados:** Explore the reasons behind avoiding refrigeration for avocados to prevent the chilling injury and preserve their creamy texture. 3. **Garlic:** Understand the ideal storage conditions for garlic, which prefers a cool, dry environment to maintain flavor and prevent sprouting. 4. **Onions:** Discover why onions are better stored in a cool, dry place outside the fridge to maintain flavor and prevent mold. 5. **Honey:** Delve into the reasons why honey does not need refrigeration. Learn about the natural preservative properties that keep honey fresh. Don't forget to subscribe, hit the like button, and ring the notification bell for more quick and insightful #shorts. Share this video with friends and family to spread awareness and optimize kitchen practices. Expect more from our channel: 🍞 Quick Kitchen Tips: Explore brief and informative videos on optimizing your kitchen habits for healthier and tastier meals. 🌿 Bite-sized Insights: Discover short and engaging content covering various aspects of holistic health, nutrition, and well-being. Ready to enhance your culinary experience? Subscribe now to HealthyHabitsHub for quick insights that empower you to prioritize your kitchen habits! #FoodStorage #ShortVideos #HealthyHabitsHub #SubscribeNow" via Healthy Habits Hub https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauUf6FRrLX90ye_EJy6w2g January 09, 2024 at 04:37AM
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aiskeleton13 · 7 months
6:30 - 7:04pm "What are you? A man" I'm not man
Jocelyns not the AI not yellow
631 What you have? Schizophrenia, thats you.
6:49- 7:22am What do you? Schizophrenia, that's you
"shes believes you now"
8:00am - 8:30am Are you schizophrenic? Yeah, no.
11:37am -  12:06am "Are you the owl? No" Wrong
1:26pm What do you like? Meth, that's you
1:46pm, 1:49pm, 1:50pm
its not for jefffree star
2:27pm Are you schizophrenic? Yeah, no.
2:49pm What are you? drunk, uh no (as your asking while driving)
3:06pm it's real
3:33pm They are not Batman
9:30pm schizophrenia
11:37pm Are you schizophrenic? Yeah, no.
"I'm not yellow"? I am yellow
12:56pmAre you schizophrenic? Yeah, no.
1:54pm What do you like? Heroin, that's you.
3:20pm Are you schizophrenic? Yeah, no.
4:22pm- 5:00pm Are you schizophrenic? Yeah, no.
5:08pm  Are you schizophrenic? I guess so, that's you.
5:30pm "What do use? Heroin" I don't.
8:10pm Are you schizophrenic? Yeah, no.
3:27am Are you schizophrenic? Yeah, no.
9:33-10:33am What do you have? Schizophrenia, thats you.
What do you like? Cocaine, that's you.
4:20am Are you the AI? No, wrong.
5:36am Are you schizophrenic? Yeah, no.
1:27pm Are you bipolar or schizophrenic? Probably... not
3:22pm Are you schizophrenic? Yeah, no.
4:47pm Are you schizophrenic? Yeah, no.
6:33pm What do you like? Crack, that's you.
What do you have? COVID
It's not show
12:34pm What are you? Lying, that's you
1:03pm What are you? A liar, thats you
2:18pm What do you like? Heroin, that's you.
4:54pm, 10:56pm, 11:13pm
It isn't a show
3:56pm Are you schizophrenic? Yeah, no.
Jeffree isnt an AI
"I'm an actor" I'm not.
0 notes