#its a surpise tool to help us later!
Summer Rose
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Race: Silver Eyed Warrior Human
Nationality: Between Kingdoms, Eastern Sanus
Ethnicity: Valish(?)
Weapon: Alraune (A set of two wrist mounted and two ankle mounted vine whips that are covered in thorny barbs that shoot out of and retract back into their containers.)
Gender: Woman
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
Starting Age: dead (30 at time of death)
Aura Color: Silver
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Complexion: Pale
Eye color: Silver
Semblance: Mandrágora (A Domination type semblance that uses Aura to manipulate flora around the user such as growing, moving, and wilting. Normally, semblances cannot permenantly change matter, but this one can do so like magic...)
Former Occupation: Huntress
'Tis the last rose of summer,
    Left blooming alone;
All her lovely companions
    Are faded and gone;
No flower of her kindred,
    No rose-bud is nigh,
To reflect back her blushes
    Or give sigh for sigh!
I'll not leave thee, thou lone one.
    To pine on the stem;
Since the lovely are sleeping,
    Go, sleep thou with them;
Thus kindly I scatter
    Thy leaves o'er the bed,
Where thy mates of the garden
    Lie scentless and dead.
So soon may I follow,
    When friendships decay,
And from love's shining circle
    The gems drop away!
When true hearts lie withered,
    And fond ones are flown,
Oh! who would inhabit
    This bleak world alone?
... then reap the seed. Reap the seed.
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alienbwrites · 4 years
Scintilla (a spark or trace of something)
CHAPTER 2  Woebegone (Sorrowful, downcast)
Hayami was running late to class again, people would think that after six years of attending the ninja academy that she would have the capability of turning up to class on time. Running on top of the civilian houses Hayami raced against time to get to class. The thought of Iruka sensei scolding her for being late again made her legs push that little bit harder. A familiar giggle came from around the village, looking for the blond perpetrator she saw that he had painting the Hokage monument again.
She was secretly glad that the mischievous blond had decided to act up this morning it saved her from the scolding that he would no doubt get.
Reaching the academy she didn’t hear Iruka yelling so she still had some time. Scaling the wall she located one of the windows that led to her class. As carefully as she could she stood on the sill of the window and knocked on it hoping to gain anyone’s attention. When she saw Shikamaru look over at her she watched as he sighed before getting up and helping her climb through the window. It didn’t come to any of the students surprise that the young girl had come through the window. Over these past six years She had been late a lot.
Smiling a good morning to her saviour of the day, Shikamaru gave her another sigh before complaining that she was a troublesome girl. She ignored the statement and sat beside him. Hayami had just managed to sit down before a flash of blond, green and orange was thrown into the room tied up by rope.
Hayami started to zone out her teacher’s yelling opting for day dreaming instead. Her mind often got lost in itself dragging her into unknown locations with unknown people. She started to dream of a forest with mystical trees with falling flowers the pink and purple hues mixed with a glittering silver. A nudge from her side quickly drew her back.
“We have to re-do our transformation Jutsu” Hayami felt the annoyance fill her system. With a look at Shikamaru he sighed and motioned to Naruto answering her unasked question. Standing in line after Shikamaru she watched as Sakura completed the task before vying for Sasuke’s attention. She held an inwardly cringe as the boy ignored her and completed the test himself, huffing before walking to his own.
“Naruto Uzumaki” Hayami let out a soft groan whilst Shikamaru and Ino had complained outwardly. Everyone knew that he would do something stupid. Everyone in class watched as he transformed. The puff of smoke cleared and a naked grown up version of Naruto stood in his place making Iruka Sensei fall back from the blood rushing out of his nose. Hayami scoffed as she watched Naruto giggle already wishing for this day to end.
 Kaori had managed to arrive at the young girls home before she did he let himself into her home with the spare key she had given him. After six years of looking after Hayami he looked at her like a younger sibling. Someone he could help guide and nurture, both having similar back stories it was easy to relate to the young girl and help her in ways that he had never got. Making his way to the kitchen he set down his tools and shrugged off his vest leaving him in a black long sleeve and pants. He re-tied his hair back and got to work cooking himself and the girl dinner.
 Nearly done with the food The door burst open and Hayami came toppling in, seeming exhausted from her day. Hayami looked to the man in the kitchen and with a new burst of energy wrapped her arms around him. With a soft pat to her head she let go and set down her book bag by her front door,
“How was your day Hayami?” Kaori asked as Hayami set the dishes.
“It wasn’t too bad. We had to re-do our transformation Jutsu again because of Naruto” Out of the corner of the young girl’s eye she watched the older man grimace at the name of her classmate. “Which I passed again, then the rest of the day went by boringly. Then I decided to throw knives for a while and do some extra training after our lessons had finished” Hayami sat and watched the food be served before thanking Kaori for the food and digging in. Her after school training had been hard as she tried to up her physical side. She had good theory which was something that Kaori and Iruka had praised her for but putting that theory into practice was a bit of a challenge for her.
“Are you ready for your exam tomorrow?” Kaori asked watching the girl’s reaction for any faults. He could see uncertainty in her eyes before she shrugged. “How about I help you practise then?” The girl lit up and hurriedly finished her dinner.
 Hayami sat in class early for once which surpised some of her friends, she sat next to Choji tapping her foot against the ground as her nervousness sky rocketed. She saw Choji offer her some of his chips which she gladly took a couple wanting something to take her mind of the graduation test. Not even day dreaming was helping her, the thought of her failing kept coming to mind which only made her more nervous. She went to bed last night confident after Kaori and her had gone over everything possible. But her confidence came crashing down once she set her foot into the classroom.
“We are now going to begin the graduation test” Hayami could feel her stomache in her throat as Iruka Sensei spoke. “When your name is called make your way to the next class room. The test is on clone jutsu” A small speck of confidence made its way back into Hayami. At least she knew she could do this though she didn’t know how she would do under pressure. Hayami watched as some of her friends went before her, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Hinata and didn’t come back to the class. As her name was called she felt her self start to sweat, she had a constant loop of ‘you can do this’ going through her head trying to calm her self down in any slight way.
 Opening the door to the other class room she stood in front of Iruka Sensei and Mizuki Sensei. Hayami tok a deep breath before putting her hands in the correct position and calling out the Jutsu. Three clones poofed behind her and a breath had forced itself out of her lungs. Both sensei’s offered her a warm smile and offered her a leaf headband.
 Racing outside of the academy all Hayami felt was happiness seep deep into her bones she caught glimpses of her friends with their parents and she slowed down. Now a dark sadness started to move through her body. She looked at the leaf head band that she held onto not yet finding a place to tie it yet. She looked back at the other students and felt her eyes water a tad. The smiling faces of the children with their parents made a stabbing feeling start in her chest. Breathing had started to become difficult. Slowly and quietly she made her way past the crowd.
“Im so proud of you”
“Look ma I did it”
“Come on we will have a celebratory dinner, what would you like tonight?”
“You’ve done well, finally a ninja my boy”
Hayami felt so unbelievably alone, she refused to let her sobs escape her body. She didn’t have parents any more, she was alone. She made her way home and opened the door. It was quiet inside which only served to make her down mood deepen. She looked at the photo she had of her parents. Kaori had gone a couple of days after the attack to grab anything that might have made the girl happy. A couple of photos were untouched by the flames as well as a few weapons. Hayami stroked the image of her fathers face softly and sending a little prayer to him, hoping that she made him proud and that he was resting in peace.
 Hayami was a little disappointed that Kaori hadn’t made his way over by dinner time. She felt more alone then ever. Hayami decided that she would treat herself to some ramen as a reward for graduation, if no one else was going to be there for Hayami, Hayami was going to be there for herself. It was a little later then usual already dark out by the time she set off, she didn’t want to be out too late but she was a ninja now she had to have confidence in herself. The owner of the establishment did look at the young girl funny when she walked in on her own as her usual pair wasn’t with her but took her in anyway to eat.
It was very late by the time Hayami left the store deciding to help out the restaurant in anyway she could before she left. The owners were getting old and needed any help they could get. Walking home she could feel the heavy tension in the air as multiple ninja made their way around the place. Knowing it was better for her to stay out of it she dashed her way home.
 Sleeping well never came to Hayami not after the night of the attack. She cant remember the last time she had a full nights sleep though she was only a small child back then so who knows if she ever had a full nights sleep. The sounds coming from her kitchen woke her up, she assumed Kaori was in there making her breakfast. Hurt seeped back into her heart, ‘he would have a good reason for missing my graduation right?’ Hayami’s heart pounded as she got dressed for the day rubbing away the sleep from her eyes, making her way out of her room she saw what she had assumed, Kaori making her breakfast. He met her eyes and a thousand apologise left his mouth.
“I am so deeply sorry I missed your graduation Hayami, I got called for a minor mission that I wasn’t able to refuse, and it went for longer then I expected. I would have come to see you later, but we ran into some trouble last night” Hayami gave him a small smile and muttered a forgiveness, she knew these types of things would happen it was the life of a shinobi after all. “So did you graduate?” Hayami saw the excited sparkle in Kaori’s eyes and her hurt was replaced by giddiness and excitement as she shoved her upper left arm into his face. The head peace was tightly wrapped around it so that most of the material was used up. Kaori picked the small girl up and swung her around.
“I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!” Kaori stopped swinging the girl around and rested the palm of his hand on top of her head and gave her a warm smile.
Part 1
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fatecaster · 7 years
Jathakam: the amazing story of Vedic Astrology no one told you - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2sIrUWW
Jathakam: the amazing story of Vedic Astrology no one told you
So what is Jathakam?
Jathakam is the Vedic astrology chart of a person or a chart created for one specific question at the time of asking. It’s an ancient tradition in Hindu families to make the newborn’s chart, the Jathakam.
Those who live in the western countries and are interested in astrology, usually meet western astrology. However, there is an ancient astrologic system, the Hindu, a.k.a. Vedic astrology. It is based on the Vedas, the Hindu sacred script.
What tells your Jathakam?
The basic intention of Jatakham is, on the one hand very simple, but on the other hand is very complex. Its aim is to help you get to know yourself better, to be able to evolve, getting to know your talents and also your limits. Used properly it can contribute to being happy and successful in your life.
It shows and teaches acceptance; to accept your situation, your family, spouse, work, financial condition etc. However, it’s important to emphasize that acceptance doesn’t mean approval let alone resignation. It doesn’t mean that you have to live forever with conditions that are bad for you.
Acceptance is a tool that gives you inner peace and a stable base for any change coming from your free will. I often say we all have boundaries. But what we do within those boundaries is a choice.
For example, if you don’t have artistic skills but you practice a lot, you can get better and better. Yes, you probably won’t ever be the next Picasso but you’ll be able to enjoy art.
Jathakam helps you find the way to change your life if you want to, but as astrology says, no real change can happen without acceptance and self-knowledge. There’s a huge difference between change that you consciously initiate and unexpected bad changes that make you suffer. The first one is active, the latter is passive.
Astrology, or in our case Jatakham, can support you to activate the real yourself. The real yourself, without fears and dependencies. It shows you how to rule and lead your life the best way you can, without causing harm for your surroundings.
Jatakham is a guide, a chance to have a better, more outstanding life.
Knowing ourselves is an important goal: actually, it’s one of our most important weapons that can help us reach the state of happiness. It’s a tough fight though, but if you are strong enough – and strength is something that we have more of than we’d think – it can make us evolve and achieve our goals.
History of Vedic astrology and Jathakam
Once upon a time, the story began in the 3rd millenium B.C. The cradle of the ancient form of astrology was Mesopotamia, Sumer. 
The Sumerians used astrology mostly to avoid the punishment of gods. They thought gods showed their presence in celestial images and believed that through these images they sent messages.
Then astrological signs were used for agricultural predictions; to foretell the welfare of the nation and the king. In those days astrology was closer to divination than science.
The Sumerians were pioneers in using the numeral system we know today. Also, they were the first who divided the year into 12 months, the day into 24 hours, the hour into 60 minutes and the circle into 360 degrees. They also observed and named the astrological, zodiac signs.
After the Sumerian period, Mesopotamia was conquered and ruled by the Persians. They founded the Persian Empire that inherited the knowledge of the Sumerians.
The next landmark is Alexander the Great, the Macedon (Greek) king, who conquered Persia and West-India in the 4th century BC. He encountered with astrology during the conquest and it’s not surpising at all that he didn’t only seize the enemy’s land but their knowledge as well. That is how the ancient Sumerian wisdom, including astrology, found its way as far as India.
Astrology, however, was not totally new to Indian people, since they had already known the ancient form of Hindu (Vedic) astrology.  Surprisingly back in the 2nd millennium BC, their ancestors had already tracked the movements of the Sun and Moon.
When Alexander the Great introduced them to the Sumerian form of astrology, they combined their Vedic faith and Vedic astrology with the new science. They took over the Sumerian numeral system as well, that have become the base of Jathakam. The 12 houses of the chart, as we’ll see later, refer to certain life areas.
The structure of Jathakam
Jathakam has 3 main parts
zodiac signs
1.  Zodiac signs (rasi)
The Vedic astrology uses 12 zodiacs that are named after the signs in the sky. Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics that together with their position and their arrangement compared to the planets and the houses can reveal a person’s personality and fate.
2.  Planets (grahas)
In this section, we review the main attributions of the planets.
The 9 planets are situated in the 12 signs. Each planet symbolizes qualities, attributions, elements, and organs. In addition to the planets, there are two so-called Nodes, the North or ascending Node and the South or descending Node. These two latter are counted by the movement of the Moon, showing karmic tasks in the Jathakam.
3.  Houses (bhavas)
Jathakam consists of 12 houses, representing certain areas of our lives.
There are two main types of Jathakam: the North and the South Indian style. The most significant difference between them is the arrangement of the houses.
North Indian Jathakam is a house-based chart, which means the place of the houses is fixed. The numbers always refer to the signs, not the houses.
The 1st, the 4th, the 7th and the 10th houses are diamond-shaped, the other houses are triangles.  Each house has a number that refers to the zodiacs. 1 is for Aeries, 2 is for Taurus, 3 is for Gemini and so on.
South Indian is a sign-based chart that means the signs always have a fixed place. The chart always starts with Aeries in the second box at the top. Then other signs follow it clockwise.
Each house is equally divided into 30 degrees, but unlike the North-Indian one, the houses here aren’t fixed. The 1st house is defined by the position of the ascendant.
( And in case you’re wondering what ascendant is….it’s the zodiac sign which is ascending on the eastern horizon at a certain time, for example at a birth of a child. )
Let’s see what the 12 houses represent.
So, as you can see, Jathakam is the astrology chart based on Vedic astrology, consisting of zodiac signs, planets, and houses.
Analyzing the arrangement of the altering elements compared to the fixed ones creates a chart for a given date. By examining its elements a professional astrologer is able to get information about the questioner’s personality. This way he or she can have a deeper understanding of the ongoing processes of the questioner’s life and/or anticipate the future of certain situations.
The difference between the western astrologic chart and the Jathakam
The intention of the western chart comparing to the Jathakam is the same.
As you have seen, Jathakam consists of zodiac signs, planets, and houses. The zodiac signs, the numbers and the meanings of houses are the same in both systems.
However, the western form uses 3 more planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The explanation behind this might be surprising but actually, it’s quite logical: these planets were only discovered in the 18th, 19th and 20th century. Since western astrology dates back way earlier than the 18th century, “ancient star-experts” used the same planets as the Vedic system.
The biggest difference between the two systems was the appearance of the charts.
As you could see Jathakam has two types the Southern and the Northern chart, both of which resemble a square-like form.
The western chart, however, is a circle, divided into 12 parts, the houses, one outer circle, and one inner circle. The outer circle is divided by the 12 zodiac signs. The inner one also cut into 12 parts, has the 10 planets plus the Ascending and Descending Node, just like with the Vedic form.
Types of Jathakam
Jathakam has 3 types, each serving different purposes.
Birth (natal) Jathakam
Transit Jathakam
Horary (prashna) Jathakam
1.  Birth (Natal) Jathakam
Birth Jathakam depicts the positions of the planets and the houses at the moment of your birth. For making it, astrologers need accurate information about the time and place of birth. This chart gives you answers about your personality, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and possible threats of your life.
2.  Transit Jathakam
Transit Jathakam looks like the same as the birth one, but it shows the planetary position of a chosen moment.
Combined with your birth Jathakam it can reveal the ongoing processes and influences. Also, it can give you advice when it comes to managing challenges. This can help you to find the best option and make the most out of difficult situations.  Moreover, it reveals positive constellations as well that you can use to live a happier and more balanced life.
3.  Horary (prashna) Jathakam
This chart focuses on one question at the time of asking it. The question can be anything: will I get the new job, where did I leave my keys, should I start a new enterprise?
For horary, the astrologer doesn’t need to know the time and place of birth of the questioner. The only thing that counts is the positions of the planets at the exact time of asking.
As a practitioner astrologist, I experienced that the most frequent questions are related to health, love, and work (career).
Jathakam and health
As for health, the traditional Vedic astrology can add more tips and advises using Ayurveda, the Indian medical science.
Ayurveda differs 3 main body types or as they call it dosha.
These are: 
Each has 4 zodiac signs belonging to it.
Each dosha has its own features and characteristics. However, our zodiac only shows the main attributions. It’s common to have mixed or dual types.
Our dosha could be the key to our personal health. It should be imagined as a “health guide”.
For example, if you’re mostly a Vata, it means you’re likely to be thin and you’re not prone to putting on weight. In that case, if you want to live a healthy life, you should choose a sport that is suitable for your body type, for example, ballet.
However, if you happen to be a Kapha with a stronger, more robust body type, you should take that into consideration when it comes to choosing a sport. Also, as a Kapha, you’re suggested to eat spicy food more often since it speeds up your naturally slower metabolism.
Jathakam has 3 houses related to health and disease.
These are:
the 6th house that shows our bodies’ strengths and weaknesses
the 8th house that reveals possible accident and death
the 12th house that could open up a long-term hospital stay.
However, what Jathakam shows is just a possible option. We are all able to avoid illness or diminish effects with proper prevention.
As I’ve mentioned earlier, we all have our boundaries, but it’s up to us if we cross them or stay behind them and satisfy with less. The same goes for your health. You have many options to live healthier but you’ve got to take the effort.
Jathakam and love
There are many forms of love we experience in our lifetime. As your focus can change from time to time, you are able to love differently as you grow older.
If you are familiar with your Jathakam, then you have your map of your personality, soul, intentions, desires, hopes, goals.
You have your own personal key not only to discover your uniqueness but what’s more important, to accept, embrace it and finally love it. You will never be able to truly love anybody unless you learn to love yourself.
However, it’s important to note one thing. Loving yourself doesn’t mean that you always make the right decisions or you always act the perfect way. You will have failures as well for sure. And as controversial it may seem, that’s actually good for you. Why? Becasue that’s when you can meet your shadow self.
Your shadow self, though you might call it an enemy at first, is indeed your friend. You should shake hands; you should embrace it and accept it. That’s the key to a peaceful state of mind where your soul can start its journey to more conscious life.
I’m not saying it’s always easy. I know it’s not. But if you want to find your soul-mate, you should make the effort. And I promise; as days pass, it’ll get easier and easier.
Jathakam has its love related houses which are the following:
5th house reveals shorter relationships, lovers, flame, passion and also information whether you will have a child or not.
7th house shows a companion, a spouse, or, if there is, the chance of divorce
Jathakam and work (career)
Jathakam rarely says actual things about your career. It won’t tell you that you should be a teacher, a doctor or an accountant.
However, house 6 and 10 can reveal your talents, abilities that lead you closer to your dream job.
It also suggests whether, according to your personality, you should work in a team or alone. As a leader or as an employee. At your own company or led by someone else.
Jathakam may also tell you if it’s time for a change in your career. It’ll suggest you find a new place or apply for a new position so that you’ll never have to encounter with that “Oh, no, Monday” feeling again.
– Patrícia Párvy, astrologyst, body and mind coach –
The post Jathakam: the amazing story of Vedic Astrology no one told you appeared first on Free Online Predictions.
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