#its a terrible day for rain
sirianasims · 6 months
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Chapter 29
Just Like Fire
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The year I turned 42 was also the year we lost my mother. My father soon followed her, just as he always had in life.
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They had been inseparable through everything – demanding careers, the loss of my brother, all of my problems – for almost 45 years. And now, not even death could keep them apart for long.
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I was shattered. I wouldn’t have gotten through it without Cecilia. I could only hope to get 45 years by her side as well.
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I tried to keep it together for the girls who were also grieving.
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Freya took it the hardest, of course.
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She had known them for much longer than Grace, and had always been close with her grandparents. And she was already dealing with a lot.
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At least something good came out of it. Samuel came over to comfort her, although things were a little awkward between them at first.
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But their life-long friendship won in the end, and it actually seemed like they finally made up.
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I don’t know if they ever discussed that fateful evening a few years ago, when he revealed his true feelings, but I was glad that she at least had the comfort of a friend.
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Samuel always had a gift for cheering Freya up. It didn’t take long before he dramatically pretended to lose his balance, pushed her over and fell to the floor, flailing wildly, as they both laughed.
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He would always do whatever it took to see her smile again.
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I was happy that she had Samuel in her life. He was a good kid.
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Very different from his older brother, Charlie. Whenever I felt challenged by my girls, I reminded myself that it could be much worse.
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Charlie had been getting into all sorts of trouble for years, but it all came to a head a few months ago. He had been arrested at a rave while playing a gig with his band, and they found drugs on him.
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Colten and Kailani had done their best, bailing him out and begging him to change before it was too late. But it was no use, Charlie had walked out in anger and they hadn’t heard from him since.
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He hadn’t always been like that. Although he’d never exactly been the teacher’s pet, Charlie had still been a good big brother to Samuel, and he had often included Freya as well. Charlie and one of his band mates had even accompanied her to get her first tattoo when she turned 18, for moral support.
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I was secretly relieved that Charlie wasn’t around anymore. I knew Freya had always found his odd-coloured eyes and rebellious attitude fascinating and I didn’t want her to get involved in whatever he was doing.
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So compared to Colten and Kailani, I had it easy as a parent. But even though Freya was ridiculously talented, she still struggled with her self-worth. Confidence, she had. She knew exactly what she was capable of. But she was insecure when it came to other things, as if she couldn’t quite believe that people really liked her. She was popular among her team mates, but her only true friend seemed to be Samuel.
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No matter what I did, Freya felt like the odd one out in the family. I tried to treat the girls the same, obviously allowing for the fact that Grace was only 9 and Freya had just turned 19, but it often felt like I couldn’t quite reach her.
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She was, of course, under a lot of pressure. She had applied for several sports-related scholarships, and was constantly either training or studying.
Other parents with teenage girls mostly worried about stuff like drinking or going out with boys. Freya was extremely anti-alcohol – which was understandable, considering my past and the effect it had on her childhood. She also had some rather severe opinions on dating, it seemed.
beginning / previous / next
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sparky-owl · 4 months
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A sketch in honor of Akira Toriyama. While I wasn't the biggest DB fan, I did watch the shows from time to time as a kid, and recently. Without this series, however, one of my favorite pieces of media, aka Sonic, wouldn't have gotten its inspiration from DB.
Thank you, Akira Toriyama, for inspiring and entertaining millions. May you rest in peace.
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thepalestrose · 4 months
Sad news about RT. Not surprising, but sad. Hoping RWBY gets sold to another company, who keeps the writers, cast, and crew.
Who knows what the future holds.
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dunkinbublin · 8 months
the way i’d describe your art is the feeling of eating a lovingly-made peanut butter and jelly sandwich from a friend or family member
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oohh ohhh thankdss...
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A funny story about my introduction to FMA:B.
So I watched the first few episodes, and decided I really liked this ‘Roy’ guy. I’ve always had a bit of a thing for fire users (Zuko, Pyro from X-men), and Roy was just... mmm. Perfect.
So I told my friends on discord how I liked the realism of the whole ‘he’s useless in the rain’ thing, and it made me laugh. And several of them responded with, “It’s a terrible day for rain.”
And I laughed. Because it was funny, right? Haha, Roy’s useless in rain.
And THEN... That episode rolled around. And suddenly, I realize that this is not. funny. at. all.
So I jump on discord, @ my friends, and say, you guys are all dicks. WTF.
And one of my friends responds back with, “HA! She finally got there! It took a week, but best thing ever!”
All I could think to say was... “Well played, sir. Well played.”
So after I finished the show, I got my teenager watching it with me. And he too likes Mustang, so after the showdown with Scar the first time, my son says, “That’s pretty cool, ma. I like the fire guy not being able to make fire in the rain.”
And I couldn’t resist. I told him, “It’s a terrible day for rain.” And we laughed.
And then we got to that episode, and he just stared at me for a minute, before saying, “That was uncalled for, ma.”
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mooneytried · 6 months
These two are voiced by the same person btw
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yaoicoreren · 10 days
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Raeda on game night 
(Rats below the cut)
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A core memory for everyone involved
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blorbologist · 1 year
Cat’s Cradle - Chapter 9
Ch 1 … Ch 8
[Hey y’all!! A heads up - in this chapter there’s the aftermath of a car strike.
The animal survives and will experience a full recovery, but if this is distressing to you, you can jump to the vet office at “Mr. de Rolo?”. The AU resumes its more fluffy nature after this brief two-chapter dip into trauma for Percy and the animal - I promise you no animals die in this fic.]
Percy’s going over his schematics one more time before casting when the doorbell rings. 
Frowning, he double checks on the kittens - sleeping soundly after their last feed - before turning down the hall. Time enough for two more rings. It better not be a delivery, or -
“Hey - oy! You’re one of Scanlan’s buddies,” says the short woman at the door. Percy has to wrack his brain to put a name to the face - mostly because he sees a lot of his friend in the eyes and broad mouth. Kaylie - Scanlan’s daughter. He hadn’t known she lived close by. 
Percy opens his mouth to greet her, but Kaylie immediately sobers, stuffing her hands in her pockets. “Well, this sucks. Do you have a cat?”
He furrows his brows. “In an auxiliary capacity, you could say. Why?”
Kaylie sighs more heavily than someone her size should. “Right. So.” She runs a hand over her face. “Fuck, just - come with me? I think - I think it got hit by a car.”
Percy’s stomach drops. He does not think to put on his jacket or shoes, striding out after her in his shop slippers. The puddles soak through them before he’s halfway to the lot, before he sees the shape Kaylie points out. Carefully pulled to the side of the road. 
“Fuck,” Percy breathes, when he can. The exhale hurts because he’s running and he needs that air, but fuck, fuck, fuck - 
It’s Curio. 
“Bastard hit her, stopped and kept on goin’-” he thinks it’s Kaylie huffing behind him. Distant.
The gravel chews at his knees through his pants as he kneels. Percy hesitates to touch her, hands shaky and hovering closer than they've ever been. 
Curio purrs - a desperate attempt at self-soothing. The damp head lifts, blue eyes blown wide and whiskers trembling. Her face is black, but for the rust brown on one cheek.
She looks almost as he remembers, but the hints of what lays hidden on her other flank. One hind leg has an angle fit only for wrought metal. The weeds are red in spots, space between the rocks shiny with worse than rain.
Her chest heaves - stuttering and uneven and huge for her little body. She's so small - not skinny, just small. Lanky in the limbs. No more than a kitten herself, he realizes. 
“You poor dear,” Percy rasps. On a hunch, he tries, “Tsk tsk tsk.”
Her purring picks up its pace.
“Help me get her to my truck - we’ll use my jacket.” It’s bitterly cold - half soaked, laying on the side of the road for gods know how long, the poor cat has likely had it worse. Kaylie hovers, saying something about finding the address of the nearest vet.
Curio damn near screams when Percy touches her back to move her. He flinches, hard. His hand comes away rust red. “I’m sorry - be brave, please be brave.”
The rain lapping at his eyes and cheeks make it difficult to see what he's doing as he eases her onto the makeshift stretcher.
He'll manage. He's seen worse. 
(It stopped raining hours ago.)
“Mr. de Rolo?”
It’s forty-eight minutes after he’d handed Curio off to a vet when someone takes him aside. Or tries to - Percy can’t quite stop pacing, and flinches away from the hand on his shoulder to continue his trek. Back and forth through his personal hell. 
The too-clean scent of the emergency vet is not helping. 
He can’t make a call. He can’t make another phone call. Not like last time. Gods, not like last time.
“She should make it,” she says first, no-nonsense. Percy half expects it to fly in one ear, out the other - instead it rattles around almost painfully sharp, splintering into a tension headache. “It seems the car grazed her back end.” She crosses her arms, giving up on offering comfort when Percy keeps pacing. “A lot of what you saw was road burn. Looked worse than it was, though it’s unclear if they can save her leg.”
“Good - good.” Percy finally stops when he feels he needs to, to have enough breath for a response. He can guess why they might have sent someone to talk to him, and this is - this is good, good, better. “Don’t worry about the cost - whatever it takes, just do whatever it takes to save her.”
The woman - she has curly hair, resisting the bun it’s pulled into - nods, letting out a sigh he was not supposed to hear. She hands him a sheet of paper - initial cost analysis, his eyes glaze over familiar expenses in new context. “This is the best we can estimate so far, though with surgery-”
“I know,” says Percy. 
Another nod. “Thank you, sir. We did want to make sure you are capable of bottlefeeding her litter while she recovers. A crash course can be offered, no charge, but the sutures will be delicate, and -”
“Wait.” Percy lifts a hand. The headache is almost twisting, digging in deeper, interlocking with buried hurts to churn and curl. A storm, or turning cogs. “We have her kittens - she’s a stray, she had abandoned them in my workshop. I’ve been feeding them for a week and a half, now.”
Furrowed eyebrows are never a good sign. 
“Are you sure?” The technician, or vet, or intern, or whoever this person in white smelling of blood and antiseptic (mortician, mortician, mortician) presses. Presses, like fingers into the wounds. 
Because she says: “There are clear signs she’s nursing at least one kitten. Dirty areola, missing belly fur.”
“Fuck,” Percy breathes. 
He calls Vex outside the emergency vet, as far as he can get from the clinical white and buzzing lights and everything he had meant to leave behind. Under a tree, with the gasoline stench of cars masking the worst of what clings to his clothes. There was wherewithal to leave his credit card, just to assure them he was still here, he wasn’t running, please don’t stop working on her, please don’t think he abandoned her.
Ringtone is different. Sights are different. Smells are different. Percy takes off his glasses and rubs at his eyes - everything itches with unshed, panicky tears.
“Hi, Vex,” he says, before she can even breathe a hello. “I’m sorry - I know you’re at work-”
“Percy.” Somehow the firmness is soothing. Grounding. “Percy - what’s wrong?”
“At the emergency vet, on Cloudtop Av.” Her inhale makes him spin - she must think the kittens, clear up quick - “Curio was hit by a car. They think she had another kitten, hidden somewhere.”
“Darling, breathe.” Vex’s voice drifts away for a moment - hard to be certain if it’s a trick or her moving the phone away for a moment. “Breathe with me, alright Percy?”
“Time is-”
“Not that desperate, not yet.” And, because she knows him so well: “You won’t think clearly like this, Percy. Just try it, for me, alright?”
He tries.
He’s no good at it.
He gets very good at it.
In, hold to Vex’s silence, exhale long and low with her. A cycle that repeats until it’s the only thing turning, not his head or the world and there’s some semblance of control over him. The shaking won’t stop. That’s fine, it rarely does. Just gets worse, like now.
“I’ll handle it,” Vex says. “You stay there - I don’t want you driving like this, Percy. When did you last feed the little ones?”
He counts. “Hour and a half, two hours ago.”
The shifting of cloth and hair speaks for her nod. “Alright, alright - not perfect, but doable. I’ll be by to pick up your spare key soon, darling. The kittens will be okay. Focus on Curio, and yourself.”
“But the -”
“Kittens,” Vex repeats, with emphasis. She grows quiet, though the phone tattles on the racket around her - a door slamming, things being shoved into a purse, her shoes on laminate. “I’ll find her.”
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grabbing the ichi plush by the neck and death gripping it like 'good things are to come its all going to be ok good things are to come' like its a lucky amulet
#snap chats#i didnt even pre order the ichi plush but spiritually i did. good luck charm.#anyway rant time look away from here. Im At My Limit <- i say this every week#I DONT EVEN KNOW WHATS WRONG <- lying. my moms home#i just feel terrible again. i feel so awful i gave myself a headache from being upset#do you know how upset you have to be to give yourself a headache just sitting and thinking#that happened when i was taking a spanish test once but i think i was just so stupid my brain actually started to hurt trying to think#i also remember being sad as hell that day tho so....... maybe it was both#everyday it feels like im sad thats so fucked up and theres nothing i can do about it#ALSO IT'S RAINING AGAIN rain never promises anything good unless you're a plant#im working but i should have this done in. idk a few hours#and then its the weekend right.... there's no limitations for sadness though brother doesn't run on a schedule#unless we're talking about seasonal depression but we know what i mean#ew im supposed to go to that con tomorrow i dont even know if i want to go anymore#i just don't want to do anything anymore ig is the vibe#idk i have a journal to whine bout all this in ╮(╯-╰)╭ squeezing ichi plush is a mood tho so im still posting#maybe if i play a lil y7 ill remember theres good things to wake up for..#also i gave myself another headache OWOWOWOW STOP when will it end#wait let me be sad again because my dad said we'd hang out today or tomorrow#but i just know that's not happening and now im even more sad WEHHH no one loves me etc etc die#sometimes you just need a melodramatic teenager moment i think we're all due that right like once a month#ok i have to stop my head really hurts ☠️☠️☠️
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simpingforsatan · 1 year
doodoodoo goin to the shop to get some things so i can bake an apple crumble 💃🕺💃🕺
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keingleichgewicht · 1 year
thinking today about the particular returned-upon poetic horrors of seasons that don't turn. relief that never comes. "the rain didn't come for one calendar year" vs. "i come from a place where it does not snow" vs. "wer jetzt kein haus hat / baut sich keines mehr" vs "it's been february / for months in both directions"
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
wtei can fix me
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bread--quest · 1 year
hi sonder im giving u enrichment to fill ur social bar....my day wasn't great tbh i had a lot of work to do and it was hard and not fun and theres no cannoli tarts at the store and i feel really bad about my writing and about other things like nawball rp but i am trying so hard to stay silly. im glad ur having a good day
hi rain i'm so sorry to hear about your bad day :( you are so brave for trying to stay silly...i hope that the day can be over now and you can get a good night's sleep! and i hope that tomorrow you will find something fun at your work and a cannoli tart at the store and things will be better :)
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oars · 1 year
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gokartkid · 1 year
wtf liquor store ran out of park lane lime g&ts and my headphones just died
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