#its abt the missile attack
expressionless-fr · 6 months
میدونم نباید این حسو داشته باشم، ولی داشتنشم بد نیست. نباید لبخند بزنم، نباید با دیدن اون ویدیوها بخندم، اونام بیگناه بینشون هست، ولی نمیشه.
سخته، اینهمه سال ظلم کنن و بخندن و ما اشک بریزیم، و الان اونا ترسیدن و فرار میکنن. و ینی من میتونم بخدنم.
نه. ولی من انسان نیستم انسانیت داشته باشم، جواب موشکو با موشک میدن.
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3luejam · 1 year
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lei hua / Cinder
pls dont say anything weird abt him hes just a kid
雷花 ( thunder flower )
aroace / he / him )
Cinder was born a lightning demon but blind so he of course had trouble walking or knowing where he was so the bull family was always there to help him get back on his foot.
though the bull family had big expectations for Cinder to maybe one day cause some havoc he never did. Cinder thought it was strange to end anothers life when they could've have a bright future he just felt it was weird.
while Cinder was out with Red son he ended up getting lost and stumbled on a village but he didnt really see due to his blindness. he also managed to make a friend when they offered to help but then Cinder accidentally shocked them taking they're lives infront of the village then the people stabbed and kicked around him multiple times but he never attacked back because he never meant harm and felt very embarrassed because hes a demon and celestial
when Cinder had told red son on his own thoughts and perspective on the families ways of a demon it ended up causing a huge arguement making red son think hes judging everything and be blinded by his own rage and burning up Cinders body to a crisp on accident putting up such regret and guilt to the whole bull family.
after Cinders death red son had decided he could put him back together by making Cinders body a whole robotic suit just for him and a visor just for cinder to finally see the world.
years passing and Cinder had finally stucked to the demons ways. he just wanted to make his loved ones proud but he didnt mean any harm.( hes a walking killer machine )
cinder cant really eat or drink normal food so he can only drink oil as long as its sweet and gunpowder
ever since Cinders own family looked down on him he kept on enhancing his powers until it ascended to becoming the al huan thunder. when he wanted to test his enhanced powers he accidentally struck down the al huan thunder all the way to a whole forest including himself since he was quite close. but the bull family didnt know so he still kept it till the present time
electrokinesis / al huan thunder ( Cinder learned to enhance his lighting powers way higher to becoming the al huan thunder but its not as strong as the samadhi fire. the al huan thunder is of course not like any heavenly thunder or ordinary its 4x more powerful than that. and as for electrokinesis gives him strength instead of being wasted because it charges him up but too much thunder can literally burn his system
vision visor ( a visor gifted from his brother red son who knows what he installed into his system. it can work as a night vision visor and see through walls )
blasters ( he can form a gun from his hand or any miniature object. they can either operate as a taser a flamethrower or a laser depending on if he wants it to be deadly or not.
missile launch ( can launch out 4 small missiles from his back.the missile can both be powered when he uses his powers or eat gunpowder )
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elysianslove · 4 years
i'm so tempted to write for genshin now but like,,, i'm too lazy to keep up with the entire lore?? not to mention the characters’ individual storylines smh
ANYWAYS here’s the thing from my notes since 2 years ago,,, i’ll tell u abt her more on a seperate post because this is really, really long.
Breath of the Bird;
1. The Swallow: Acute Trajectory — The swordsman is able to make very sharp turns while moving forward at high velocity by swinging their scythe in the same direction where their feet moves. This technique can be used to decapitate a bunch of demons placed close to one another, and solves the problem if they are placed randomly.
2. The Falcon: Mirrored Air Missile — The swordsman jumps from the ground to a nearby vertical surface with extra force, skillfully pivoting their body to make sure its their feet that comes into contact first, then launches themselves back to behead the enemy. The positioning of the arms and legs while doing so should be tight at the sides to minimize drag, only moving right at the moment before attacking. The power and speed of the attack increases the more the swordsman bounces off as they build up momentum.
3. The Albatross: Sky Guillotine — The swordsman swings their scythe in an horizontal arc with the weapon as far from the body as possible for optimum range. The force of the slice also generates a gust of wind able to cut through most things with a similar shape which fans out throughout the area.
4. The Woodpecker: Advancing Lance — Multiple straightforward piercing thrusts.
5. The Pigeon: Sensory Overload — Used to greatly enhance the user's hearing, so much that they can hear sounds below the normal human frequency.
5. The Swallow: Ring of Saturn — The swordsman leaps over the enemy—using the help of their scythe if they're particularly tall, then unleashes a perfectly circular horizontal or diagonal slice midair.
6. The Gannet: Dropping Dead — A concentrated vertical slash. As the user’s height increases, so does the damage.
7. The Owl: Prowler's Glide — The swordsman moves as if they're stepping on piles of feathers; while this attack lacks in speed, it completely silences any noise the user makes.
8. The Hummingbird: Blades of a Thousand Feathers — The fastest form, the user moves erratically, creating illusions of feathers and themselves in order to throw off the enemy, delivering a flurry of attacks at the same time by rapidly twirling their scythe with a pace similar to the beating of a hummingbird's wings.
[nzhejejzjsb this is so lame why am i like this 🤧]
— 💤 anon
i stg u can’t convince me that’s not a legit character in kny i wanna see all of these animated 
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imaginefe · 4 years
ok so ive hadnt had an ares in a while and i summoned him again this morning and it reminded me that i love him a lot 🥺 so soft ares hc um i have a small yellow cat plush named “missie” either for missile launcher or mystletainn you decide but i think that ares thinks its cute. also i’ve decided modern ares is good at cooking and talking a lot,, blah blah anything besides training is a waste of time and then he’s sitting in a kitchen and the summoner is abt to feed him a pastry pt1
also yknow that cat meme where its a “cool” looking cat and its like asshole to the world, but sweetheart to his girl (s/o) ares but him gives you small smooches when outside n around ppl. ares who really like cuddling like a lot and he has u in his lap while ur both playing animal crossing 🥺 ares whose clothes are too big for u but u wear them anyways and he thinks hes gonna have a heart attack bc u look so cute n tiny ares who keeps u in his lap while the both of u are doing anything 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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pelicantowne-blog · 5 years
VERY good teams... if youre feeling up to it id love to see the reasoning :0
thank you!! and of COURSE i feel up to it i always love talking abt dumb aus
i have no idea how to do a read more on mobile so i’m sorry in advance
ninten’s team;
pidove - it’s like the canary from the very beginning of the game!! a little bird with nowhere to go that he took in as his first pokémon. also, he definitely needs something better than snail mail to send letters to his friends!
herdier - i wanted to give each protag a dog since each has one in canon and i just...idk. i felt like herdier was fitting for ninten. look at it. they match. kind of.
togepi - ninten’s a very non-physical character (seeing as he has no psychic attacks, only effects and shields), so i felt that a togepi, especially one with metronome similar moves, would suit his play style from mother 1!! especially if its only sure-to-hit physical move is pound.
ana’s team;
swinub - you meet ana in game by finding her lost item, so why not give her a pokémon that can search out lost items for her? swinub is not only adorable but also very capable for the job, and also native to places like her hometown of snowman!
cinccino - i often look at ana’s outfit (and the other characters) and think about how they’re really not...suited for cold climates like where she lived. so i wanted to pick a neat little pokémon she could have grown up with that would be comfortable in her hometown! also it’s really cute and i think she would appreciate it!
jigglypuff - in 3/4ths of my playthroughs, ana has always been the one landing the final singing blow on gigue. to sort of immortalise that in her team i added jigglypuff who’s known for its singing! i also often associate ana with singing, seeing as she lives or at least spends a lot of time in a church where it’s commonplace to have a choir.
lloyd’s team;
mareep - sheep tend to be shown as cowardly and needing someone to guide them, similar to how lloyd was when he first joined the party. they florish in herds, similar to how he found his confidence with encouragement from his friends! also, he needs some kind of electricity to power the stuff he tinkers with!
eevee - eevee is a pokemon with endless potential and tricks it can pull, which i associated w/ the vast array of weapons he can use in game if he’s supplied with them. it benefits from support and friendship, similar to himself!!
klang - you have to go through not one, but two factories for lloyd; first to befriend him, then to continue the game. that and with his talent with machinery (the missiles, the boat, etc.), i thought klang would be a good party fit because it’s associated with machines/inventions/etc!!
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What the fuck was Y2K
ah yes
there was a programming issue inherent to like, all computer systems ever, which is that they all stored calendar data with the year recorded as two digits. the anticipated Year 2000 / Y2K / Millenium Bug problem was that most systems would now not be able to distinguish 21st century dates from 20th century dates (aka b/c 2000 stored as 00 is indistinguishable from 1900) and this would lead to failures in real time event ordering and compatibility issues
this was all due to the fact that back in the olden days of computers, info was stored on punch cards that used that “last two digit” year storage system, and this program was just carried over (next stored on magnetic tape and so on) because originally, data/storage efficiency was so important and also nobody was exactly thinking the punch card based program was going to be still in use decades down the line
basically it was this technical problem w how the date is stored in All Computer Systems that made everybody worry that All Computer Systems might start having all kinds of errors or failures when the rollover from 1999 to 2000 occurred. like, there was a real concern that EVERYTHING affected by a computer system (like, for example the whole power / communication infrastructures) could completely break down and that there could even be this Survival type situation, or some kind of even worse apocalyptic shit from this collapse of all linked computer systems all across the world. it was a big deal and there was like, natl govt responses all over the place and a lot of different industries and institutions and people Bracing for the potential impact of y2k. like, the us govt having this program w the russian govt specifically for communication in the event of y2k causing a false incoming missile detection on either end and inadvertently triggering say, a real retaliatory nuclear attack
(total tangent: i forget that sometimes this like sorta low level russian dude once absolutely did that. held back on what turned out to be a false incoming missile detection and possibly averted nuclear war.)
y2k is sort of Obscure now (i lived through it but have no awareness of it from at the time & only learned abt it years later) cuz by and large its sort of now looked at as like, an Overreaction to some minor problem where everyone was working themselves up into a panic for a totally anticlimactic Nonissue. but actually it’s just thanks to the fact that a lot of programmers worked hard to patch and mod programs so that the calendar systems could distinguish the centuries from each other. so it MIGHT have really had the potential to be a real problem, we don’t know one way or the other b/c ppl worked to fix it in advance.
there WERE some reported errors and fallout due to y2k but it definitely was not a worldwide catastrophe. its just that everyone thought there was a possibility of one
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marianhalcombes · 7 years
ok here’s what happened because i’m seeing misleading posts:
what happened? 
tonight (4/6) the united states navy launched 59 tomahawk missiles from the mediterranean at a syrian air base. the strike was approved by trump, but was not approved by congress (we don’t know whether or not congress was notified prior to the strike or not). 
the us launched this strike as a response to syrian president assad’s chemical warfare on his own people that killed approx 70. the strike was aimed at the air base we believe carried out the chemical warfare. so far, no casualties are reported. in 2013, a similar chemical attack happened. i believe approx 1400 died then and syria was forced to hand over its chemical weapons, though obviously they didn’t hand over all of them. 
it is also important to note that in 2013 obama asked congress to approve a similar strike, but congress ignored him. this week, hillary condoned such a strike. the strike is being described by military experts as a “proportional response.” 
what does this mean?
the strike is intended to show us power on the world stage and to further force assad from attacking his own people. 
with concern about russia--assad’s closest ally--it is notable that the russian military was given advanced notice of the strike and it doesn’t appear that any russians were killed. the death of russians, obviously, would have other implications due to our precarious relationship with them atm. 
the strike could potentially put american troops in danger of syrian military retaliation. 
we don’t know if further strikes will ensue. i wouldn’t necessarily bet on it, but it’s possible.
is this constitutional? 
not sure. the legal situation is unsure. usually, a president would go through congress for this, but if the administration can spin it to say that they were concerned abt the welfare of american troops, it could be constitutional. as i’ve said, though this sounds like a huge deal, it’s actually the most minor proportional response to assad, according to experts.
democrats are already voicing concern about trump and the administration’s flip on syria (earlier this week, trump said it was up to the syrian people if assad remains president and he has a history of tweeting that he wouldn’t interfere in syria while obama was president).
it’s notable that michael flynn was replaced by mccaster as national security advisor and steve bannon no longer holds a position on the national security council.
it’s also extremely that important that while the trump admin says it won’t tolerate assad’s abuse of his people, he also doesn’t want to let refugees in.
here’s a washington post article on the strike: [x]
here’s some places to help syria out: doctors w/o borders and SAMS
all of this is intended to clarify the situation without personal opinions attached
updated on 4/7 at 12:15AM
i just wanted to make a post bc last time i saw that post about what happened the other day has over 18k notes and i’ve gotten a couple of messages about it.
1. i don’t plan on doing ~news posts regularly or like... ever really. i’m barely on here tbh.
2. i of course don’t endorse the president or the bombings. i did make clear in the tags that all of that info just came from the news and that i’m obv not an expert as i said. i was seeing a lot of “world war iii” posts and things vaguely saying we bombed syria, so i thought it would be helpful to make a post. and, as i said at the bottom of the post, i left my personal opinions out of it, i was only reiterating what was being said on us media. i should have preempted it saying that i was just condensing what was being reported on.
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errorwave · 7 years
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me and @transmerle were talking abt fakemon au taz ultra beast things so i whipped up a design for a taako one.
bonus stats and pokedex entry underneath, if ur into that kind of stuff?
No name for the thing. no proper name sorry
BST: 570 HP: 85 Atk: 35 Def: 63 Sp. Atk: 165 Sp. Def: 127 Speed: 95
Ability: Beast Boost. Special Move: Magic Missile. Base Power is 95, and PP is 5. Special, fire type. Power is increased to 125 if the user is hit with a special move that doesn’t make contact in the same turn.
Pokedex Entry: (Sun) One of the Ultra Beasts. It wields devastating power in the “umbrella” it swings around, reported to have launched fireballs that leveled entire islands.
Pokedex Entry: (Moon) An eccentric Ultra Beast that appeared from the Ultra Wormhole. Protective of its “umbrella”, it has been seen using it to mimic attacks.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 12
lets do itttt
I love nick roches art...he draws rodimus so twinky, its a delight
ohhh I forgot abt the non-linear storytelling this issue. bangin
rewinds feet don't even touch the ground hhhhhh tiny
i fuckgin love that panel of skids talking abt briefing vs debriefing, everything both he and rodimus say is just golden
I love hearing tailgate tell completely made up stories from his primal vanguard days, that slaps storytelling-wise
HHHHHH and the fact that tailgate’s happiest memory is movie night at rewinds ;_; gosh
lmao I love whirl kicking down the door 
OOOOH and then the time skip!!!!!!!!! I fucking love non-linear stories
jesus, swerves whole face being gone is still disturbing
magnus rlly is a grade A badass. I forgot he has missile shoulders
rodimus saying ‘wham, bam, in the van!’ is my fuckgin favorite hvbsdhhfbhdjkf that's my son right there
cd saying that rewind is allergic to ultraviolet light [eyes emoji] remember how UV light is the only way to see mnemosurgery marks? that little detail must be in there for that ‘cd did mnemosurgery on rewind’ plotline that jro didn't end up doing (thankfully) 
I love how mtmte came up with a name for cybertronian marriage :) that's the kind of lore I want baybe!
also rewind and cd hhhhhh they....the og canon gays...confirmed outright in issue 12, which is so early on, considering!...its a beautiful thing. I will talk about the representation in mtmte Extensively throughout my reread since this is, yknow, Just The Beginning when it comes to canon gays - which, again, what a beautiful thing!
actually I'm not done. thinking abt the fact that this issue came out in 2012 and also this is freaking TRANSFORMERS of all things - a long-running franchise whose primary audience is adolescent boys - is extra amazing. augh, the representation! it gets me man.
ok, so, the story! jesus poor cyclonus
chromedome riding on the trex guy hbhsjkfbjshdf dude. I choose to believe that that’s his go-to tactic here bc he’s probably pretty terrible at fighting. idk how canon that is but I just see cd as the type of dude who cant fight well at all, regardless of how many fights he’s actually been in
minibot squad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm really interested in the little we see of general cybertronian attitude towards organics - obvs the decepticons think very little of them, and the autobots generally believe all life is important, but the post-war attitude seems a little more grey and I like that 
tailgate!!!!!!!!!!!! I love tailgate SO much. the way he volunteers to defuse a bomb that he has NO idea how to defuse, and the way he lies so quickly and casually? fucking love it 
and then he takes all of his bomb disarming cues from rewind, who ALSO isn't a bomb disposal expert by any means - like, tailgate risks both his own life and everyone else’s, just because he wont come clean about his real job - that's some [chefs kiss] characterization right there, I love it
augh I love how he prompts rewind, who of COURSE would have some idea about this as an archivist, for help, and rewind doesn't have any idea that tailgate’s even more clueless than him
but tg, being a generally good person, still tells rewind he should proooooobably stand clear - just in case!!!!! 
and then rewind whips out some marriage issues and tg is like ooookay then lol
cyclonus just stabbing people w/his hands....icon
whirl quoting the raw ass line ‘you, who are without mercy, now plead for it?’ nice
swerve. WHY would you point a gun AT YOUR OWN FACE. especially a gun made by BRAINSTORM. why did anybody let swerve handle firearms if this is how he does it. actually, why did anyone give swerve a gun after the thing w/rung. jesus yall. so not only are hipaa laws basically non-existent on cybertron, but gun safety is a rarely-taught thing as well. no wonder yall have issues
so cd must not like cyclonus bc cyclonus was the one who attacked kimia, where cd worked. right?? am I remembering tfwiki correctly? lmao 
OOOOF cd saying he was born w/out innermost....I cant remember, is it canon or just extrapolation that that isn't true, and rather it was that cd gave all his innermost energon away w/his previous husbands and whatnot, but he doesn't remember since he forgot about them? either way, oof
all the functionist history stuff is so INTERESTING...I could read an entire comic about just like, pre-war when the functionists were just taking over
tg saying he hates dominus - is that that tweet from jro where somebody asked him why tg said that, and jro basically said ‘he’s petty and jealous’ lol I fucking love it. I love how a character like tailgate, who is very ‘pure’/innocent, has flaws as well
cd has a good point - its hard to kill tfs. so, that makes it extra fucking depressing that cd was seeking out death to that extent
gahhhh the whole rewind-dominus thing is so INTERESTING - I love how vague things are...we only hear about dominus from other people’s perspectives; mainly rewind who clearly thought highly of him, but he’s obviously biased, so it’s hard to tell what dominus was REALLY like, especially with the unavoidable power gap between rewind and dominus...UGH its so interesting
oof, the whole dynamic of cd thinking that rewind cares more about dominus - dominus the ghost, and finding out what happened to him in general - than chromedome himself, is just so Ouch
and the fact that cd thinks that the SOLE reason that rewind is going into battle is so he can look for dominus, but tg makes a good point - rewind is likely also worried abt cd’s safety, especially after dominus disappeared how he did - rewind is probably terrified that the same thing will happen w/cd, bc rewind cares about cd just as much as he cared/cares about dominus, but cd cant see that. AUGHHHH the Complexity!! mannnn
HHHH and like I adore that this first gay couple we get isn't perfect, and that's OKAY bc they’re not The Gay Rep, we get plenty of other gays with their own 3-dimensional relationships....augh bruh it Gets me ok
who was that talking to cd?? I don't remember....it must've been drift, I think? or maybe brainstorm...
whirl :’) I mean, we find out later that its kinda his fault that rewind was blown up, but still, him putting his own life at risk to save rewind...aww
cyclonus be nice to tg, he’s trying to give you his cool baja blast innermost energon
we gotta have our slowburn, tho....OOOOUGH
hhhh and then cyclonus like, realizes how much of a dick he’s being and goes back to help tg.... ;_; 
cyclonus my man u are lucky that tailgate is so forgiving
and then we have whirl and cyclonus, which is another relationship i LOVE. their development is just...[chefs kiss]
cyc just grabbing tg by the head and YEETING him out the door...lmao
cyclonus’s extremely detailed threat to whirl came at like, the WORST possible time lmao 
alternatively, rewind unfortunately asked the worst two people for help at the worst time
also alternatively, tg defusing his first bomb ever based on instructions from another amateur was maybe not the best move
and of course whirl just deciding to lock cyclonus (and rewind whoops) in with a bomb lmao
the requisite to joining the lost light is that you have to be a complete disaster of a person, on some level 
cyclonus shielding rewind ;_; 
fucking love how they managed to have a cliffhanger w/the bomb going off, despite us seeing exactly what the outcome of that was earlier in this very issue. brilliant
ah, issue 12, the issue that officially canonized the gays and introduced us to a whole bunch of worldbuilding on cybertronian relationships. i love it! plus we have some fascinating backstory and some cool character stuff, and relationship development for tg and cyclonus. awesome stuff!
up next: humansona business! oh fuck yeah
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im dumb and bored and I Want NieR:Automata In Smash OKAY
ok so. 2b for smash
i cant decide if 9s/a2 should be echo fighters since their moves are mostly different ingame but like. what would 9s's hacking do other than maybe affect rob. i havent thought abt a2 other than her b-mode being her final smash and doing one of those where she takes a single/multiple opponents and Cuts Them Up
(this is an edit from future me but me and the dude from school joked abt a2 just being a recolor for 2b bc. Theyre Basically Twins Whatever)
the dashes can be a recovery/speed boost but a2 can dodge attacks since hers is like. teleporting or whatever she can just Dodge Real Good
ok wait the pods can be like. side b distance attack whatever idk the options but 2b gets the gatler 9s gets the laser a2 gets missiles bc i say so. or just random btwn all idk if that can happen like pacmans taunt? the missles can just target one person not all I GUESS IDK
2b/9s final smash is a squad(or a single unit that they can jump in?) of flight units and its kinda like pit's/snake's or like rob? idk target multiple enemies with bullets WAIT make it a squad so its like team star fox except its 2b's yorha squadron from the beginning of the game. fucka yeah.
im just thinking of. a stage in Pascal's village like how ssbu switches btwn two stages one can be the lower level w big sis and lil sis and it switches on top to like. jean-paul and the weird kid and hhhhh i just love this idea
pascal as an assist bc Im Love Him
IM THINKING ABT NIER MUSIC IN SMASH THAT WOULD FUCK ME UP SO BAD i wouldnt play id jusr run around i lov the nier ost so much,,,
or a stage in the desert. where you fight adam and eve WAIT IN THE DESERT AND A GOLIATH CAN COME AND DO THE THING WHERE ITS LIKE THE SHARK WHERE IT CAN EAT/TAKE YOU like those snake enemies
emil as an assist too idk what he would do but He Is Important
i was talking with a dude in school actually abt this and what if the androids had a self destruct move and. a bunker stage. debunked ending becomes real as the entirr stge explodes and the commander flies off ingo space
my typing is getting worse buT HEAR ME OUT. a tahnt where the androids pet their pod and it does damage like weegee and ninja frog. or maybe a random pod program move like uuuh game n watch i guess? idk how he works but i think its something ljke that. anyways a move where your pod can eqhip a program like laser and it fires a sideways laser or wave where everyone on ur level gets hit. actually mirage would be pretty cool to see as a move
adam and eve. oh adam and eve, what are you two. its been 15 minutes ive been typing this out and idk what to do with these bastards. its just pit and dark pit. eve just crawled out of adams gaping stomach stab wound so im gonna say theyre echo fighters. fuck nintendo fuck square enix fuck platinum games fuck yoko taro im gonna stare at the ceiling for 4 hours straight good night everybody
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daedricsheep · 7 years
A friend of mine asked what I thought about the last few weeks abt North Korea
Here’s what I wrote:
First, basic understanding of North Korea Kim Jong Un inherited his power from his father, and his father from his. He is a classic dictator where everything revolves around ensuring the longevity of his reign via himself or his progeny. What he wants, for that to happen best, is for his country to remain entirely under his control. For a country to remain under one party's control for a long time they must monopolize political control and resources. North Korea has perfected the former domestically, but not externally, but i'll get to that.
Resource-wise, North Korea is very very poor. It has mining, but no energy. This means it can't efficiently process what it does have. What it can't process often winds up being traded to China, it's largest, and really only important trade partner for these kinds of conversations. So it's got domestic political control and a normalization of its control among the populous, and it's got control over it's resources. Its only real threat is external ideas getting root in its citizenry. Hence, it's isolationism. 
you know all about its hate of america and the large amount of propaganda its put out, its even used clips from call of duty lmao
and the people believe this, or they're unable to voice their doubts.
South Korea is seen as a threat, but vulnerable due to political instability in the last decade.
China seen as a partner, but here is where the in is. President Trump actually wasn't too far off the money when he said China needs to start the intervening process. Like we know, china is NK's most important trade partner, any influence China exerts economically is HUGE for NK, while remaining infinitesimally small for China. Due to that being NK's largest contact with the outside world, that's where it's most politically vulnerable.
so then we have the last few weeks
North Korea does more missile tests under a new administration, while 45 has no idea how to respond, because he hasn't payed attention to these things before. He overreacts actually threatening retribution for any actions taken. He takes the bait, which is what North Korea has been looking for since Kim Jong Il was in power. Now their force has credence. Now they've frightened the almighty American Imperialists.
They say they're not afraid to attack [insert only vaguely significant American target that they can actually reach]
45 ramps up the rhetoric again, and now everyone's worried. We have a pattern now. Everyone's in uncharted waters so now we think strategically.
Does North Korea have the capability to enact enough damage on america, that actually inviting total destruction is worthwhile?
This is where the discussion comes in.
I say no. Kim Jong Un knows he cannot beat america, so he just needs to critically wound it and keep America off it's back and off china's back. He's seen us startled and actually fearful of NKs arsenal now. Does that keep us away? There's really nowhere left to go now other than actually launching an attack at or near america, which will lead to the death of himself or his regime, which are essentially the same thing.
Now the whole world is watching, including China. 45 calls for China to do something and on the 14th (i saw the news while out with my dad for his bday) China imposed rather important sactions on NK, saying they will not purchase iron ore. That's not its only or even really its most important ore, but now NK has these resources it can't do anything with.
this looks incredibly bad and they lose money
with dictatorships, like mafia's it's usually innocuous things that bring down a family. For China it was the internet and a person standing in front of a tank. For North Korea, it could be a miner's revolt.
i doubt it'll happen soon, but everything is a threat and it got NK to settle down, and even ask america to chill tf out.
Even an isolated country can't avoid the court of public opinion, and the world leaders may be able to do something eventually, but think of it like a MOBA 
NK is close to having its ult, yea? it's a weak ult, but it can have good teamfight impact. They overextended without vision into enemy territory trying to gain map control. It got jumped by enemy jungler and damaged by a neutral camp. damaged enough, that now they're returning to base to regroup
control is control is control whether it's a map, a political field, or nuclear war.i could still be wrong
i'm no expert, and i don't know the diplomatic nuances between China and most other countries, but i've got a surface level understanding i think. Enough to be confidant in what i’m saying is based on a solid context.
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